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Table of Contents

Pregnancy Over 40 Risks

Best Time to Get Pregnant

Fertility Cost

Get Pregnant Naturally

Getting Pregnant Naturally

How to Get Pregnant Naturally

How to Get Pregnant After 35

Infertility Message Boards

Infertility Stories

Natural Fertility Solutions

Progesterone and Fertility

Smoking and Infertility

Strong Fertility

Yoga for Infertility

There is More than One Fertility Hormone

Unexaplained Infertility

Infertility Treatment

Chinese Infertility Treatment

My Story
Pregnancy Over 40 Risks
Pregnancy is somewhat risky at any age. Pregnancy over 40 risks are much
higher. Not only is it much harder to get pregnant over 40 it’s also much harder
to stay pregnant. Miscarriage rates in a 40-year-old woman are about 25%. They
are only 10% - 15% for a woman under 30. Other pregnancy over 40 risks in-
clude preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and a higher risk
of giving birth to a baby with Down Syndrome.

An embryo that isn’t dividing properly usually causes miscarriage. The body
recognizes that the embryo isn’t viable and takes care of it by inducing period
like bleeding. In other words the walls of the uterus shed just like they do dur-
ing a period. The reason this is more common in an over 40 woman is that her
eggs are aged. When a woman is young most of her eggs are good and her
chance of pregnancy is high if she has intercourse during the fertile window. As
a woman ages so does her eggs. In the 5 to 10 years before menopause almost all
of the eggs ovulated will not be viable. This is why miscarriage and infertility
are common pregnancy over 40 risks.

Preeclampsia is a fairly common complication of pregnancy. It can happen to

pregnant women at any age but is more common in older mothers and women
who are obese. It causes a sharp rise in blood pressure and a large amount of
water retention. Its symptoms include excess protein in the urine, abdominal
pain and sudden weight gain from the fluid retention. These symptoms are seri-
ous pregnancy over 40 risks for both the mother and baby.

Down Syndrome is pretty rare overall. In a woman under 30 the risk is about 1
in 1,000. By the time a woman is 40 that risk is more like 1 in 35. Again, this is
due to egg quality. The egg that produces the Down Syndrome baby is chromo-
somally abnormal. Most doctors encourage pregnant women who are over 35 to
be screened for Down Syndrome. This is one of the pregnancy over 40 risks that
can have serious and lifelong consequences for both parents and baby. Screening
can help the parents prepare in the event of a child with Down Syndrome being

Pregnancy Miracle
Best Time To Get Pregnant
One of the most frequently asked questions about pregnancy is the best time to get pregnant. It is
neither the Christmas time nor the Valentine’s Day. One needs to be good in mathematics if one is
serious about getting pregnant as it totally depends on the ovulating days. Now the question arises
that how should one calculate this crucial time? For people who are good in mathematics need not
worry but others should get hold of an Ovulation Calculator.

It is important to have some knowledge about one’s own body and its functioning in order to find
out the probable dates of ovulation. The ‘post ovulation time’ or the ‘Luteal Phase’ is the period
between ovulation and the first day of the menstrual cycle. This period consists of fourteen days
and is the same for most women. After fourteen days of the ovulation the period starts. Now what
one needs to know is the date due for the next period. By counting back twelve to sixteen days
from this date, one is likely to get the days of ovulation. Generally, women who have a cycle of
twenty eight days, ovulate on the fourteenth day. Since this is so important to know in order to
get pregnant, the ovulation date can also be checked through the BBT technique or the Basal Body
Temperature. This is a method that involves the recording of vaginal temperature every morning
by a BBT thermometer (with a fine calibration). The thermometer displays a higher temperature on
the day of ovulation that the other days.

To explain this fact in a simpler way, the egg starts developing from the end of the menstrual cycle
and between the 8th to 12th days it is at its maximum. So the chance to get pregnant is the most if
one has intercourse on the 8th, the 10th and the 12th day. This is the most effective time to get preg-
nant. One shocking fact related to getting pregnant is that the egg lives only for a period of 12 to 16
hours in a cycle! Many gynecologists are of the opinion that the life span of the egg ranges from 12
to 24 hours. But the fertility experts say that it is likely to wither away within 15 to 16 hours. So it is
important to hit it at the correct time!
Now its time to shift the focus from the Woman to the Man! If a couple has intercourse on regular
basis, it is likely that the strength of the sperms may lack the desired force and the sperm count
may also be less than it is required for the fertility level. In addition, the rate of sperm motility may
also be hampered. Again, if the sexual union is not so frequent, there are chances that the sperms
may become stale and old, making it lack its desired vitality. According to the opinion of the fertil-
ity experts, coitus should take place twice weekly for the best result.

It is surprising that tough the female ovum dies within such a short period, the male sperm sur-
vives and moves about from 2 to 5 days within the vaginal canal. Keeping this fact in mind, it may
be fruitful to have intercourse a couple of days earlier than the date of ovulation, so that the sperm
gets plenty of opportunities to hit the egg.

It is important here to point out that following all the above mentioned guidelines may not be
enough for getting pregnant. For further assistance, one may turn to holistic remedies that helps
find out the actual cause of a problem if there is any and then suggests a remedy that is accurate.
These remedies are of a wide range that includes Chinese medications to acupuncture, from exer-
cise to helpful herbs, from lifestyle changes to a healthy and balances diet. Unlike the age-old, con-
ventional therapies which mostly fail, the holistic remedies almost always give the desired results.

Pregnancy Miracle
Fertility cost
How much does your fertility cost? If you are young, ovulate and have open fal-
lopian tubes the cost is typically nothing. Young women from age 17 to 30 get preg-
nant easily. After age 30 there is a slow decline in female fertility. After age 35 the
decline is typically rapid. These are averages. Some women stay fertile till they are
50 and others till they are 35. Some of these differences are genetic. Mostly they are
due to lifestyle.

After age 35 the fertility cost can be very great. Infertility is defined as the inability
to get pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse. Women over 35 are much
more likely to experience this. Typically this is due to aging eggs. Other times fallo-
pian tubes are blocked or the man has a poor sperm count. A woman with old eggs
will have to resort to Invitro Fertilization (IVF) with donor eggs. This fertility cost
can be astronomical and completely out of reach for the average person. Insurance
doesn’t typically cover these types of procedures. IVF alone costs in the neighbor-
hood of $12,000. Adding the cost of donor eggs can bring this up closer to $20,000.

Many consider this fertility cost worth it and will go to great length to come up with
the money for the IVF procedure. Financing is typically available. A couples credit
score can typically mean the difference between having children and not. Couples
can become so desperate to conceive that they end of losing everything in the pro-
cess. Since it can take multiple tries to conceive the fertility cost can easily add up.

Pregnancy Miracle
Get Pregnant Naturally
Most women can get pregnant naturally. In fact 90% of all couples conceive within a year. The
10% that don’t are considered medically infertile. Roughly half the time the problem is lies with the
woman and the other half lies with the man. Of the 10% of couples that don’t conceive the first year
many will go to conceive by 18 months.

Usually the first thing a couple that has trouble conceiving will do is go to the doctor and get a
thorough infertility workup. This usually consists of blood tests to check female hormone levels, an
HSG to check tubal patency and a sperm analysis. Based on the results of these tests most causes of
infertility can be identified. Still, 30% of the time there is still no explanation for why a couple has
not conceived. This results in a diagnosis of “unexplained infertility”.

This is where many couples take steps to get pregnant naturally. Often subtle hormone imbalances
exist that can be corrected through dietary changes or eliminating toxic chemicals from the house-
hold. Many common cleaners and even cosmetics contain substances that are proven fertility dis-
rupto Getting pregnant naturally

Getting pregnant naturally is the obvious goal for all couples. Only single women or women in les-
bian relationships start out their quest for pregnancy with something other than natural conception
in mind. The vast majority of couples do achieve this goal. Something like 90% of couples have no
problem getting pregnant naturally. Part of the remaining 10% does eventually conceive in a natural
way. Only about 5% of all couples resort to high tech fertility treatment such as Intrauterine Insemi-
nation or Invitro Fertilization.

First, if getting pregnant naturally is taking longer than expected some basic knowledge of the men-
strual cycle is in order. There is only one window of opportunity per cycle. Usually this is about a
5-day period in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Using an Ovulation Predictor Kit is the easiest
method for identifying this window. Checking cervical mucus every day is another way. Right be-
fore ovulation cervical mucus becomes very plentiful, clear and stretchy like egg white.

Taking a multi-vitamin every day has proven to increase fertility. Most doctors tell women to start
taking prenatal vitamins right away when the decision to conceive is made. Vitamin c, vitamin e
and folic acid in particular have proven to be helpful in getting pregnant naturally. Men can raise
their sperm counts with vitamins. Male smokers in particular benefit from vitamin c as this vitamin
is depleted in smokers.

The herb vitex has proven to correct minor hormone imbalances in women. It works like a mild
form of Clomid. Many women with irregular cycles are getting pregnant naturally after using vitex.

Holistic practices such as meditation, hypnosis and acupuncture are gaining respect for their ability
to increase pregnancy rates. Getting pregnant naturally is a strong goal for many couples and using
these practices as an adjunct to better nutrition and supplements is smart.

Pregnancy Miracle
Getting Pregnant Naturally
Getting pregnant naturally is the obvious goal for all couples. Only single women
or women in lesbian relationships start out their quest for pregnancy with something
other than natural conception in mind. The vast majority of couples do achieve this
goal. Something like 90% of couples have no problem getting pregnant naturally.
Part of the remaining 10% does eventually conceive in a natural way. Only about 5%
of all couples resort to high tech fertility treatment such as Intrauterine Insemination
or Invitro Fertilization.

First, if getting pregnant naturally is taking longer than expected some basic knowl-
edge of the menstrual cycle is in order. There is only one window of opportunity
per cycle. Usually this is about a 5-day period in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
Using an Ovulation Predictor Kit is the easiest method for identifying this window.
Checking cervical mucus every day is another way. Right before ovulation cervical
mucus becomes very plentiful, clear and stretchy like egg white.

Taking a multi-vitamin every day has proven to increase fertility. Most doctors tell
women to start taking prenatal vitamins right away when the decision to conceive is
made. Vitamin c, vitamin e and folic acid in particular have proven to be helpful in
getting pregnant naturally. Men can raise their sperm counts with vitamins. Male
smokers in particular benefit from vitamin c as this vitamin is depleted in smokers.

The herb vitex has proven to correct minor hormone imbalances in women. It works
like a mild form of Clomid. Many women with irregular cycles are getting pregnant
naturally after using vitex.

Holistic practices such as meditation, hypnosis and acupuncture are gaining respect
for their ability to increase pregnancy rates. Getting pregnant naturally is a strong
goal for many couples and using these practices as an adjunct to better nutrition and
supplements is smart.

Pregnancy Miracle
How to Get Pregnant Naturally
Many couples ask how to get pregnant naturally. Modern fertility treatments,
while often effective pose some serious health risks. Natural ways to get pregnant
have also proven to be effective for many couples. A variety of supplements and
practices have shown through official clinical trials to improve pregnancy rates.
These results are especially apparent for the over 35 female who is trying to con-

First and foremost having a thorough knowledge of the menstrual cycle can be very
helpful. Consistently having intercourse at the wrong times of a woman’s cycle can
lead to false assumptions of infertility. While this may seem obvious to some it isn’t
for everybody. Doctors often ask specific questions about timing of intercourse just
to rule this out. Generally a woman is fertile for a few days before and the day of
ovulation. Knowing the signs that this is happening can greatly decrease the time
to pregnancy. There are several methods to chart the menstrual cycle. Some wom-
en take their temperature every day. There is a slight change of temperature just
after ovulation. This is great for showing that ovulation occurred but not for timing
sex. Using Ovulation Predictor Kits and charting cervical mucus is a better method
as these give notice of ovulation ahead of time.

Many supplements have shown in clinical trials to dramatically raise pregnancy

rates. These can be purchased separately or in combined formulas specifically for
improving fertility. Vitamin c and e for example show benefit to both men and
women. In women these make for stronger ovulation and better egg quality. In
men they raise sperm counts and motility. The amounts present in a typical prena-
tal or multi-vitamin seem to be sufficient. Folic acid was once thought important
simply to prevent certain birth defects. It has been shown in recent trials to also
improve fertility. The herb vitex has been beneficial to women with short luteal
phases or irregular cycles. It acts like an herbal Clomid.

Pregnancy Miracle
How to Get Pregnant After 35
Most women already know how to get pregnant after 35. Simply having inter-
course still works for the vast majority of women between the ages of 35-40. Some
women need to extra help getting pregnant in this age group. There are natural and
medical options to explore. Unfortunately time is not on the over 35 woman’s side.
Most physicians agree that is pregnancy has not occurred after 6 months of trying,
it’s time to seek help.

The average age of menopause is 51. Some women go through menopause much
later and some much earlier. Premature ovarian failure is defined as cessation of
menstruation before the age of 40. This condition is relatively rare. Only about 1%
of women go through menopause before age 40. Many women who ask how to get
pregnant after age 35 are worried about premature menopause. Ruling this out in
the infertility workup is essential.

There is a general movement in our society toward holistic treatments for medical
conditions. The fertility arena is no exception. Things like meditation, acupuncture,
vitamins, and herbs are all gaining serious consideration as treatments for infertility
in women of all ages. There are many studies proving the validity of these treat-
ments. Anecdotal evidence is also plentiful. Once considered quackery, acupunc-
ture has consistently shown good results in pregnancy rates. Meditation is thought
to relax the infertility sufferer and improve blood flow to the pelvic organs. Blood
flow is compromised to the ovaries after 35. There is a long list of herbs that have
also been studied and proven beneficial to some women.

Asking how to get pregnant over 35 will yield many answers. Ultimately the vast
majority of women will conceive with a natural or medical method if they just keep

Pregnancy Miracle
Infertility Message Boards
Infertility message boards have given infertile couples a place to commiserate.
Prior to the invention of the Internet people who needed specific help, such as a
support group had to go someplace and find these things in their community. In
the case of infertility, which is relatively rare this could be quite a hassle or even
impossible. A small community often doesn’t have services or groups like this,
which forces people to travel out of town. The Internet and infertility message
boards solve this problem.

While staring at a screen isn’t exactly like sitting face to face with a group of people
dealing with the same issues, it is certainly better than nothing. Infertility message
boards offer a diverse sampling of the infertility crowd. Everyone from couples
just starting to try to people who have been trying for a decade are represented.
Most of the members are women. This probably reflects the fast that women tend
to socialize in a more personal way than men do. There are special topics just for
men who are dealing with infertility issues.

Seasoned members of infertility message boards offer the new member support,
knowledge and advice. This is something that people dealing with infertility need
as the emotions experienced can be intense. The stress and depression associated
with infertility have been measured as being equal to the stress of dealing with
Cancer or Aids. The sense of loss and grief can be profound. This is especially
true for women. The maternal instinct is strong and not conceiving for years in
a row can be devastating. Sufferers report avoiding social functions that involve
kids. Baby showers can be especially devastating. Infertility message boards offer
a place to turn when nobody else seems to understand.

Pregnancy Miracle
Infertility Stories
There are countless infertility stories on the Internet. Prior to the Internet infertile
couples that wanted support actually had to seek out a group of people and get
there. This was hard enough for couples living in cities. For couples living in rural
areas this was often impossible to do. Groups where people shared their infertility
stories often only got together in large urban areas.

The sense of isolation that infertile couples face is overwhelming even in today’s
world. With only 10% of the population ever experiencing infertility finding rela-
tivity can seem a lonely task. Everywhere one looks there are babies and children.
This is unavoidable. For the infertile couple this serves as a regular, if not daily, re-
minder of their inability to conceive and craving for a baby. This feeling hits women
especially hard as women have a very strong instinct to nurture an infant and child.
Invitations to baby showers are the most painful social reminder of a couple’s in-
fertility. Usually infertile women to the bafflement of the pregnant friend or family
member avoid these events. Many infertility stories refer to feeling the same feel-
ings and the same triggers for those feelings.

Infertility stories are found in a number of places on the Internet. There are small
and large websites devoted to infertility sufferers. These sites have message boards
with lists of topics devoted entirely to infertility. A woman with endometriosis, for
example, can commiserate with countless other women who are dealing with the
same thing. Likewise, couples going through IUI or IVF can get support during a
stressful time and share their infertility stories.

Infertility stories are plentiful on the Internet and help infertile couples to find sup-
port. The feelings associated with infertility can be hard hitting. Having real peo-
ple who share the same feelings can lighten the stress and loneliness associated with

Pregnancy Miracle
Natural Fertility Solutions
There are many natural fertility solutions available nowadays. These run the gam-
ut from simple vitamin supplements to things like acupuncture. Holistic treatments
in general are becoming increasingly popular and accepted by the general public.
Fertility treatment is no exception. People are getting results and these results are
being backed up by research.

Taking a simple multi-vitamin has been shown to slightly increase pregnancy rates.
In this day and age most women already do this. The ones that don’t should be in-
structed to do so by their physicians. Specific natural fertility solutions like vitamin
e, vitamin c and folic acid have all shown improved pregnancy rates when taken
individually. These results were experienced when both men and women took the

For women, herbs such as Vitex can dramatically improve fertility. It’s one of the
natural fertility solutions that have solid evidence to back it up. Vitex has the effect
of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone
function. This is basically the same effect as Clomid.

Acupuncture is gaining respect not only among followers of natural health but doc-
tors as well. Clinical research shows that it gets real results. Nobody is quite sure
why this is but it’s hard to argue with true documented success. Some have postu-
lated the placebo affect is at work. Others feel that if a natural fertility solution has
positive results then the cause doesn’t need to be figured out.

Many people feel that removing harmful chemicals from the living environment can
be helpful. Common chemicals found in cleaning products and even cosmetics are
proven fertility disruptors in the laboratory. Some people go on a complete detox
from these things as part of their natural fertility solution.

Meditation and self-hypnosis are also gaining respect as legitimate natural fertility
solutions. Most likely the positive benefit is caused by the relaxation effect.

Pregnancy Miracle
Progesterone and Fertility
Progesterone and fertility go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other.
Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries that maintains the uterine lin-
ing during the second half of the menstrual cycle. Without it the fertilized egg has
no place to implant and develop.

The menstrual cycle is regular and predictable for most women. In the first half of
the cycle a woman is estrogen dominant. This is when the lining of the uterus is
growing and the egg is getting ready to be released. During this time most women
report feeling very well due to the high level of estrogen. Progesterone and fertility
are not a dominant factor at this time.

There are multiple “follicles” that come to the surface of the ovary at the beginning
of each cycle. Estrogen starts to cause them to mature. Around the 14th day of the
menstrual cycle one the follicles becomes dominant. The mature egg pops through
and starts to descend down the fallopian tube. This is called ovulation. Typically
sperm is already waiting in the fallopian tube for conception to take place.

Right after ovulation progesterone and fertility come into play. Progesterone
causes the lining of the uterus to stay stable. If conception and then implantation
take place then progesterone levels stay high to prevent the embryo from being
shed. If conception doesn’t take place then the progesterone level drops causing
the lining of the uterus to be shed. Progesterone and fertility are highly critical at
this time. The shedding of the uterus is called a period and means that the woman
is not pregnant.

Pregnancy Miracle
Smoking and Infertility
The relationship between smoking and infertility is becoming increasingly clear.
Smoking not only eventually impairs fertility but also has dire consequences on
many pregnancies. Up until the early 80’s many women smoked through concep-
tion and pregnancy and thought nothing of it. I personally am a product of a moth-
er who smoked during pregnancy. She claims that she didn’t know it was bad for
the health of her baby. This was in 1973. I have a photo album full of family pictures
from that era. Everyone, including pregnant women, had cigarettes in their hands. I
was born too small and developed severe asthma as a child. This was a result of my
smoking mother.

Doctors have been trying to get the word out about smoking and infertility for some
time now. The toxins that ravage the entire body of a smoking mother do damage
to the ovaries and eggs over time. By the time a smoking woman reaches the age
of 30 her eggs are more like a 35 year old. By the time she is 35 they are more like a
40 year old. Considering the number of women who are trying for their first baby
after 30, this damage can be devastating. If a woman who smokes does conceive and
keeps smoking the damage to the baby can also be devastating. Low birth weights
and lower IQ scores for life are two of the major problems related to smoking during

Quitting smoking actually reduces some of the damage done by smoking. This does
in fact improve pregnancy rates. Smoking and infertility do go hand in hand in
many women but doesn’t have to be permanent. The reason fertility improves when
smoking stops is due to the increased blood flow to the ovaries. This causes the egg
that matures each month to develop in an oxygen and nutrient rich environment.
The resulting egg has a much higher chance of being viable, thereby not only im-
proving the chance for pregnancy but the health of the future child as well.

Pregnancy Miracle
Strong Fertility
Strong Fertility is associated with youth. This is especially true with women.
Women start to lose their fertility when they are only in their 30’s. Men on the other
hand remain fertile for life. Sperm counts do decline in old age but nonetheless 80-
year-old men have been known to impregnate women.

Women go through menopause at an average age of 50. Prior to that there is a pe-
riod of not very strong fertility. This means that there is a chance for conception all
the way up till the last ovulated egg. Most of the eggs that are ovulated past about
the age of 40 are not viable. Typically there is the occasional viable egg ovulated
but this is an exception. Most of the women who try to get pregnant in their 40’s ei-
ther never conceive or have to conceive with medical help. Strong fertility is highly
desired in this age group but unfortunately has passed.

Procedures such as Intrauterine Insemination and Invitro Fertilization offer hope to

older women whose eggs have reached their shelf life. Taking eggs from a younger
woman with strong fertility and using them to impregnate the older woman is be-
coming common. This way the woman who would have had no hope of pregnancy
is able to carry a child, nurse and raise it as her own.

Men typically retain fertility for life. Sperm counts do decline somewhat and more
of the sperm that an older man makes are defective. Still, there are usually plenty
of good viable sperm to get a woman pregnant. Men do often experience impoten-
cy in their old age and can’t get an erection to complete a sexual act. Drugs such as
Viagra have helped this condition.

Pregnancy Miracle
Yoga For Infertility
Many women are turning to yoga for infertility problems. As infertility rates rise
with modern day stress levels, it makes sense to consider finding ways to reduce
this stress. Stress has been implicated in a variety of health problems. Many al-
ternative practitioners believe it is the origin of all disease. Physicians are starting
to look to stress reduction as a legitimate adjunct to traditional medical treatment.
Even health insurance companies are jumping on this bandwagon. Things like acu-
puncture and meditation classes are now being covered as their benefits have been
proven over time. The stress of infertility in itself can increase the infertility condi-
tion. It has been shown that this stress is comparable to being diagnoses with Can-
cer or Aids.

Yoga has been around for a few thousand years. The early days of yoga were about
escaping from reality with your mind and body. Over time this philosophy evolved
into finding peace with reality at the moment. It was believed that all disease both
medical and mental could be cured with meditation and yoga. Buddha made this
belief widespread and Buddhism to this day teaches this. This belief is making a
comeback and many people are experiencing a much higher quality of life due to
the benefits of holistic medicine.

Yoga for infertility has also been practiced for a very long time. There are a variety
of poses that are specific to treating infertility. These poses are designed specifically
to open up the pelvis and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. The in-
creased blood flow, along with the whole body stress reduction has quite an impact.
When the pelvic organs receive their proper blood supply then they are well nour-
ished and simply function better. Hormone imbalances even out and toxins are re-
leased from the body. Overall health improves both mentally and physically. Yoga
for infertility has proven to increase pregnancy rates for this reason.

Pregnancy Miracle
There is More than One Fertility Hormone

There is no one fertility hormone that that makes a woman fertile. Estrogen, pro-
gesterone and testosterone are considered to be the main sex hormones. Other hor-
mones such as luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are important
as well.

Estrogen is the most plentiful female fertility hormone. It brings on female changes
in puberty such as breasts and remains dominant throughout a woman’s reproduc-
tive years. Estrogen is responsible for building up the uterine lining at the beginning
of the menstrual cycle and for keeping the skin supple.

Progesterone is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining once it is grown so that
an embryo has a good place to implant. Without it the uterine ling would simply
slough off and no pregnancy would result. A small minority of women don’t make
enough of this fertility hormone and have a form of infertility called luteal phase de-
fect. The treatment for this is typically progesterone supplements. Sometimes Clo-
mid is used for this as well.

Luteinizing hormone is what surges to cause the egg to be released from the ovary.
About 24 hours before the egg is released this surge is detectable on an ovulation
predictor. This fertility hormone is crucial and any disorder that causes it to not be
produced will result in menstrual irregularities and infertility.

Follicle stimulating hormone is responsible for causing the follicles to mature once
they have come to the surface of the ovary. Synthetic follicle stimulating hormone is
what is used in fertility treatments to cause the growth of more than one follicle and
therefore egg.

Pregnancy Miracle
Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained infertility translates to mean there is no medical reason the doctors

can apply within the realm of modern scientific understanding to explain why con-
ception isn't occurring. Chinese medicine is particularly effective in treating this
otherwise devastating diagnosis. Acupuncture and unexplained infertility go hand
in hand. This is because unexplained infertility has the highest response rate to acu-
puncture and other alternative therapies.

In natural medicine it is thought that the underlying problem in unexplained infer-

tility is accumulated stress. Over time, this stress reduces blood flow to the pelvic
organs and changes the hormone balance. Acupuncture performed by a skilled prac-
titioner can restore the proper blood flow and hormone balance. This is thought to
occur partly because of its stress relieving properties and partly because of the tar-
geted healing energy being sent to the reproductive organs.

Adrenalin is a hormone which is released by the adrenal glands during conditions of

stress. Although it helps us to escape from danger, it also inhibits our ability to uti-
lize progesterone, a very important consideration for fertility.

Prolactin, a hormone which is released by the pituitary gland, is usually discharged

in order to stimulate lactation in preparation for nursing. However, also under times
of stress, the pituitary gland emits more prolactin - in order to impair fertility.

Our bodies know that we should not be pregnant when we are under tremendous
stress. Its first priority is keeping us out of danger. Taking care of a fetus when we
are experiencing a precarious or tense situation is not an optimum physiological
response. The optimum physiological response, as far as our bodies' preservation
instinct is concerned, is to flood the skeletal muscles, dilate the pupils, and remain
acutely aware of our surroundings. Our bodies' know that we shouldn't be tired and
nauseous and accommodating a pregnancy. Yet, when the stressor is only one of per-
ception, or when we are responding inappropriately to stress with nervous tension,
we must retrain our bodies and let them know that we are not in immediate danger,
regardless of our environmental situation.

Pregnancy Miracle
Infertility Treatment
It’s important for both the sexes to undergo treatment for this complicated issue. Various known
and unknown factors cause infertility in women. These include diseases like endometriosis, dimin-
ished ovarian reserve, ovulation disorders, and low progesterone level. Low sperm count and low
sperm motility, STD, injury or chronic diseases, sperm blockage and ageing are some of the reasons
men for, which suffer.

Scheduled drugs and systematic treatment can cure most of the above mentioned infertility prob-
lems except ageing and chronic diseases, although these treatments are quite expensive and may
have harmful side effects. Additional treatment may be required to cure the side effects. Treatments
conducted through IVF or In Vitro Fertilization and ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is
best among the other methods of infertility treatment. In this technique, the egg cells outside the
womb are fertilized by the sperm and then transferred inside. This treatment is suggested when
other techniques fail to give results. This technique is a hormonally controlled ovulation progres-
sion. In this treatment involves, the ova is removed from the female’s ovaries and helps the sperm
to fertilize in a fluid medium. But this is not a normal process at all and involves excavation of the
eggs from the ovary, fertilizing them in an outside laboratory and putting them back in the uterus.
In the normal process, the human decides to pick the healthiest sperm for reproducing the egg but
in the artificial process, the embryologist takes this decision. However, when he fails to pick the
healthiest sperm and egg, it may cause the ill health of the child during birth and even later in life.

The acupuncture method, for example, especially ear acupuncture or Auricular is very effective in
cases where female infertility has been caused by some kind of malfunction of the ovary. The hor-
monal message that is transferred from brain to ovary is the most beneficial result received from
this technique. In accordance to the investigative trials, those women who have received acupunc-
ture treatment for about 30 times within a time period of 3 months have shown good results. Those
female who underwent hormonal therapy along with it suffered from side effects.

In the alternative treatment techniques, diet and lifestyle changes are given a lot of importance.
Regular intake of such things that contain caffeine like coffee, chocolate, cocoa, green tea (contain-
ing caffeine), black tea and colored soft drinks which has harmful effects on conception is discour-
aged. According to a study, one and a half cup of coffee for a woman who is trying for pregnancy is
sure to delay her conception. Thus coffee is a strictly a no-no for patients suffering from infertility.

Diets that include fish contaminated with PCB or Polychlorinated Biphenyls are also believed to be
a cause for substantial reduction in the ability to become pregnant. According to one study, women
who had more than one meal containing fish contaminated with PCBs (procured from Lake On-
tario), developed reduced fecundity within a month.

The best result for the treatment of infertility has been reported through the Chinese medicines,
acupuncture and of course, the holistic approach. The holistic approach reaches to the depth of the
problem and only then delivers physical, spiritual as well as emotional treatment, rather than only
investigating the organs. On the other side, the conventional approach to the problem of infertility
fails to successfully detect and remove the real causes and moreover, causes side effects. The holis-
tic approach suggests a natural remedy and a way of life that can really solve the problem as soon
as the real cause is determined.

Pregnancy Miracle
Chinese Infertility Treatment
Chinese infertility treatment has a long and proven track record for treating infertility. 70% of infertile
couples get pregnant when prescribed Chinese herbs. Most doctors and hospitals in China use herbal treat-
ments as either the sole treatment or as an adjunct to pharmaceuticals. Included in these statistics are cases of
infertility involving obstruction of the fallopian tubes, amenorrhea, absent ovulation, endometriosis, uterine
fibroids, low sperm count, nonliquification of semen, and other causes.

In Chinese clinical studies, daily use of herbs resulted in restored fertility within three to six months. Many
Chinese doctors feel that if pregnancy is not achieved within about eight to nine months, then it is unlikely
that Chinese infertility treatment will be successful with continued attempts. One advantage of the Chinese
approach is that even if pregnancy does not occur, benefits to health can be attained because the herbs address
imbalances that affect other aspects of health besides infertility.

The traditional Chinese views are that infertility tends to arise from one or more of three prominent causes:

1. A "deficiency" syndrome prevents the hormonal system from properly influencing the sexual and repro-
ductive functions. This is said to be a weakness of the "kidney and liver" which may influence various body
functions producing symptoms such as frequent urination, weakness and aching of the back and legs, impo-
tence, irregular menstruation, and difficulties with regulation of body temperature. Deficiency syndromes are
given Chinese infertility treatment with tonic herbs that are said to nourish qi, yin or yang and are selected
according to the overall evaluation of symptoms.

2. A "stagnancy" syndrome prevents the sexual and reproductive organs from functioning despite normal
hormone levels and normal ability to respond to hormones. This is said to involve a stagnancy of "qi and
blood," which has the impact of restricting circulation to the tissues involved. Qi stagnation is often noted by
tense muscles, restrained anger, and digestive disorders. Other symptoms that might arise include abdominal
pain or bloating, chronic inflammation, and formation of lumps (including cysts and tumors). Blood stagna-
tion often occurs following childbirth, surgery, injury, or severe infection and is typically noted when there is
severe pain (such as dysmenorrhea), or hard swellings and obstructions; abnormal cell growth, including dys-
plasia and cancer, are thought to involve blood stagnation. Chinese infertility treatment involves herbs such as
salvia, red peony, persica, and carthamus may be used.

3. A "heat" syndrome, which causes the affected organs to function abnormally. Heat syndromes may be
associated with an infection or inflammatory process. This type of syndrome can produce abnormal semen
quality leading to male infertility, while gynecologic infections can maintain female infertility by blocking the
passages, altering the mucous membrane conditions, or influencing the local temperature. Herbs that inhibit
infections and reduce inflammation are used in Chinese infertility treatment, including gardenia, phelloden-
dron, patrinia, and lonicera.

The hormonal effects of Chinese infertility treatment have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments.
They were administered to senile mice for four months. Estradiol and dihydrotestosterone receptors in the
nucleus of thymic cells were decreased to levels found in young mice; cytosol estradiol receptors increased.

Pregnancy Miracle
My Story
I had a baby when I was 18 years old. It wasn't hard to get pregnant then! I missed exactly 4 pills...
once. Blam. Pregnant. I went on to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy son who is now 17
years old.

Many years later, at the age of 32 I met my husband. We fell deeply in love. He was 34 at the time.
We started trying to conceive within months of getting together. We were certain we were destined
to be together for the rest of our lives. We still are. Those first few months of trying were glorious as
I was certain that at any moment I would be pregnant.

6 months into trying I really started to worry. My cycle was a regular 31 days and I was clearly
ovulating. I had started charting our second month trying. Everything seemed to be working great.
Why were we not conceiving? I became obsessed. I read for countless hours on the Internet about
fertility. It was all I thought about. My husband grew weary of my obsession. I became depressed.

At one year of trying it hit me that we were officially "infertile". I plummeted into clinical depres-
sion. It took another 8 months before I was willing to go to the doctor.

The doctor agreed that we needed to investigate. We did the entire battery of infertility testing.
HSG, blood tests, sperm analysis, and I even had a laparoscopy. NOTHING was wrong!

Now I felt even worse. I felt convinced that I was now too old to conceive. My self-esteem plum-
meted. My depression deepened. I felt emotionally estranged from my husband and actually
encouraged him to find another woman so he could have children! He told me that I was crazy...
he wasn't going anywhere...we could adopt. We did 4 cycles of Clomid. 2 of those with IUI. Noth-
ing. My doctor referred us to an RE. She said that at "my age" we should move straight to IVF. She
quoted a price of $12,000. Not going to happen.

Then one day I was on a popular infertility message board and read about one woman's experience
with a book called Pregnancy Miracle. She became pregnant at the age of 41 after years of trying us-
ing this book. I was intrigued. There were a few posts by other women who were currently using it.
I decided to order it.

There are testimonials on the website that can be verified by email. These are real women who got
pregnant. I was skeptical of this at first so I decided to write one of them. I picked one who's story
was similar to mine. I was 35 and had been trying for 3 years. She was also in her late 30's and tried
for several years before succeeding with the book. She responded promptly and was more than
happy to tell me about her experience with the book and her pregnancy.

It's an ebook, so there is no waiting around for something that may or may not show up in the mail.
I've purchased things on the Internet that have never shown up so this isn't an unrealistic fear. Once
you pay for it it's available for download immediately.

I was first very impressed by the length of it. This is no 15 page shottily put together download. It's
a full 250 page professionally written book by a woman named Lisa Olsen. She is a certified nutri-
tionist, health consultant and practitioner of Chinese medicine.
I've literally spent hundreds of hours reading about infertility and still managed to learn a ton from
reading this book. It's written in a clear and concise way but isn't overly simple. There is a heavy
focus on Chinese medicine and removing toxins from the environment. Chinese medicine is pretty
darn complicated. In this book, it's still pretty complicated but not incomprehensible. I've never
felt comfortable using Chinese herbs because they are touted as being potent medicine that require
knowledge to use properly. Precise schedules and amounts to treat various types of infertility are
recommended in this book.

Removing toxins from our environment is another big topic. Most of the soaps and cosmetics we
use contain chemicals that disrupt our hormones. She gives exact ingredients to stay away from and
advises what is ok to use.

This program is easy to grasp but requires a lot of hard work. I personally had a hard time following
all the suggestions as my time and energy are limited. It's totally worth it however. As I got stron-
ger my motivation and energy for following the program increased. This is no gimmick. It's serious
business and requires a major life overhaul.

In the end I too got pregnant! I had been trying for 3 years and had been diagnosed with unex-
plained infertility. I managed to lose a little weight, get better skin and just generally feel better in the
process. I highly recommend this book if you are serious about getting pregnant. It does work! I'd
love to hear about how it works for you. Feel free to contact me anytime. For more information click
on the link.

Pregnancy Miracle
Copyright 2009 by Rachael Towne

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