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Free psychic development

Learning to Focus
By Medium Laura Evans Learning to focus. To focus, means to make a mental effort to be aware. Here are a few exercises that will allow you to become more aware of psychic experiences around you. Paying attention. Messages from your psychic intuition are very faint. They are a whisper, rather than a shout. You must practice focusing on these quiet messages, or you won't perceive them. A first, you will find it difficult distinguishing between your thoughts and your psychic intuition. You will think that you are making it up. Here is one way to tell the difference. Psychic intuition makes you feel peaceful, balanced, confident and positive. Your psychic intuition speaks to you in a calm, soft, soothing way. Here are some exercises. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Next time you go for a walk, try and predict the color of the first car coming towards you. Next time your are about to be introduced to someone, try and predict their first name. If you about to ask someone their starsign, try and predict it first. When you are facing multiple elevators, try and predict which one is going to arrive first. You can also try and predict hom many people are going to step out of the elevator. Next time you are at the supermarket or a large department store, glance quickly at the checkout operator. Don't look at their name tag. Try and predict the checkout operator's name. The next time your telephone rings, don't look at the caller ID. Try and name who is calling you. You can also try the same thing when someone knocks on your door. Try and predict the weather in a few days time. Don't try and predict it for tomorrow, as weather patterns change slowly. Try and predict the weather in 3 days time. Write your prediction in a diary. (we will cover psychic diaries in a later article). Try and predict the general theme of the main newspaper headline in a few days time. If there is a dominant current event occuring at the time (election, sporting event, etc), then try and predict the 2nd or 3rd newspaper headline. (The current event will dominate the headline). Write your prediction in a diary. If you practice these exercise often, your ability to focus on psychic experiences around you will increase considerably in as little as a few months.


Affirmation Work
How do Affirmations Work. When you set an affirmation you are trying to adjust your thought processes to reflect a more positive you. Affirmations work to bring good energy - experiences into your life. They are based off the Law of Attraction - we attract what we send out. There are three parts of an Affirmation ~ The most important part of the Affirmation is the very beginning and it is very simply stated as . I Affirm

When you say the words I affirm out loud you are telling your own subconscious mind that you will only accept the following words as truth. The second part of the Affirmation is the MEAT. This is what you are trying to bring into your life. This can be everything and anything. If you wake up and you are not feeling well, you can write something like I affirm, that I am feeling healthy and strong. I am filled with energy and stamina Negative words such as the following should not be placed within an affirmation. No, not, dont, cant, wontetc. Remember the Universe gives us what we affirm, (what we say is true) and if you are adding negative words to your affirmation the Universe just may pick them up. So you DO NOT want to say the following: I affirm that I am not sick, my body is strong so I know that it cannot attract the flu! The universe may just pick up. NOT SICK CANNOT FLU So keep all negative words out of your affirmations. Part 3 - And it is so OR And so it is This is the seal to the affirmation. You are telling the Universe that you are sealing this affirmation as a statement of truth that already exists in your life. Remember LIKE attracts LIKE so if you are saying AND IT IS SOyou are telling the Universe : I already have this, send me MORE. When should you do affirmations and how many can you have at one time? Any time and as many as you need! I like to do one every single morning to help lift my mood throughout the day. If I wake up with a worry on my mind, I quickly write an affirmation to set off that worry and then sit back and just allow experience throughout the day to take over. If I start feeling low again, I revert back to my affirmation and I repeat it. Affirmations work to bring in a more positive attitude, a healthier frame of mind, to help you complete goals, to bring in luck with money and love, friendships and relationships, and diets and exercise too! If I am on a diet, instead of placing a picture of the OLD me on the fridge or a reminder of how many pounds I HAVE to lose, I simply put an affirmation on the refrigerator that says: I affirm, that I am at a very healthy weight. I love the way I look and the way I feel. And it is so. If I am dealing with a mean boss at work, I would place affirmations at my work station that read I affirm, that I am a valuable employee, my relationships at work are great and I am surrounded with pink energy of love that manifests out into the world and the people in itand it is so If I am feeling lonely or unlucky in love

I affirm, that I love myself and take pride in who I amAnd it is so (remember we attract what we send out, so the more love we give ourselves - the more love we will receive) Here are three to SUPERCHARGE your affirmations and make them especially powerful. 1. HANDWRITE THE AFFIRMATIONS. The chakras in your fingers lead straight to the heart chakra which leads directly to the crown chakra. Handwriting the affirmations brings energy into the flow of the letters as you write them. 2. CREATE YOUR OWN AFFIRMATIONS. Yes, you can find powerful affirmations on the world wide web, but the most powerful affirmation will come from your own mind - why? Because you have a vested interest in it. 3. STATE YOUR AFFIRMATIONS OUTLOUD IN THE MIRROR. Stare directly into your eyes in the reflection - the windows of the soul and as you say the affirmation SMILE. The image you see will be smiling back at youhealing and love begins with a smile.

10 ways to contact your spirit guides

By Medium Laura Evans 10 easy ways to contact your spirit guardians

Angels, guides, totem animals and even ghosts are becoming mainstream in the media. Often I am asked How do I contact my guides? We all have them and they are available to us at all times, but few of us know how to get them to help us. There really is no set way to do this. I will give you a few easy steps so that you too are receiving answers to questions in your life from those that know you best. Our guides are always uplifting, encouraging and positive. They know us, almost better than we know ourselves. Guides will warn us of dangers, shady situations or people, traffic accidents, job decisions and so much more. You can call on your guardians for answers to even the simplest questions. Should I wear the green top or the pink one today? They dont mind answering you at all. Their position is to help you so that you can live a more happy and fulfilled life.

What a guide will not do Ask you to harm yourself or others. They will not direct you against your free will. You always have a choice. Guides will not warn you of your own death unless it can be prevented They will never give you dark thoughts or cause you any mental pain Guides will never be upset with you or angry with you (they dont have those emotions)

A guide is like a good friend. They are there for you, but will never tell you things that will cause you harm or go against your free thinking. If you decide not to listen to their advice, thats fine with them. They support you in any decision; even if it doesnt always match their suggestions.

1. The most important suggestion I can offer is to take time every day to simply sit quietly for about 10 minutes. Quiet the thoughts running through your head about the laundry, the kids, a bill you forgot to pay. Push the thoughts away if they begin to intrude. 2. Once you have practiced the first one for a few days, you are now ready to begin to listen. So many times people believe that our guides will use a male voice if they are male or have a different sound than our own thoughts. While this can happen after years of working with guides, generally, your guide will use your own thoughts voice to communicate. Start by asking your guide basic questions. Are you male or female? What is your name? Did we have 1 past life together or more? 3. Keep practicing the stillness and the questions. It may take some time before you begin to hear the answers. You may think Oh, Im just making this all up! while that can be true, there is one way I have learned to know the difference. When you ask the question, be relaxed. A guide will pop the answer into your head. When you are thinking you wont have that. Your brain actually feels differently when you are thinking about making up an answer. Try it now and youll see what I mean. Think about a red truck. See how your mind must work to form the image? 4. Do not get frustrated. If the images or words are not coming. Dont sweat it. Try again another day. Some people will have immediate results and some will not. Dont beat yourself up if everyone you know has heard from their guides and you havent. It could be that you are stressed or trying too hard. Relaxing and just allowing is the key. 5. If you cant seem to get anywhere with the above, you may also try using auto -writing. This is where you hold a pen to paper, clear your mind again and start asking questions. Sometimes your guide will direct your hand or even lift your hand to write. For me, my guide will again, pop words in my head and I write them. Sort of like spiritual dictation. Allow anything to come through and dont try to read the messages as you are writing. Just write. Let the pen flow and the words come. You can read it later and see if the answers make sense. 6. Guided meditations are all over the internet, on CDs and printed in books. You tube and podcasts have special meditations for meeting your guides. You can use these as a tool if you are having difficulty with the others. The speaker will walk you to various places and relax you. Giving you instructions so that you can easily visualize and communicate with your guides. 7. Another way I have taught to talk to your guides is through your pendulum. If you do not know how these work, it is a tool that simply works with your own energy and accesses your Higher Self or Over-soul. Get into a comfortable position, with no distractions and build a working communication with your pendulum. If you need to learn how to use one, simply google How to use a pendulum. This technique will help you to find their names, their reasons for being with you. You can ask if they are a life long guide or whether they are with you for a certain lesson. 8. If none of these seem to appeal to you, you may also ask your guardians to come to you in your dreams. Just before laying down to bed, simply ask I would like to meet my spirit guides in my dreams. It may take a few times, but it does work. I was teaching a student over the phone how to ask. I said the above out loud to her. Wouldnt you know, my guides all came in my dream that night and we had so much fun! 9. Walking in nature and listening to the wildlife can also help you to better connect with your guides. Talk to them. Either out loud or in your mind and pause after your questions. See if something in nature is a sign, or maybe a song will pop into your head. Often our guides will be cryptic. Using quotes or songs to bring their

messages through to us. Pay attention to the small things. Give it time, your guides will make themselves known to you. 10. Last but not least, even if you have tried everything and still cannot hear/see/find your guides, you can ask a medium/psychic to help you. Please try to find them for yourself first; they are more apt to come to you than to an outside source. Turning to a third party should be your last resort. You may have some fears or past beliefs that are blocking your communications. This psychic/medium may be able to assist you to clear them, give you their name and establish the connection for you.

Remember to have fun! Your guides are with you always, whether you know them by face or name or not. They always hear you and they will find ways to answer you. Be aware, be alert and knowyou are Divinely protected. Blessings, Medium Laura Evans

Grounding and protecting

By Medium Laura Evans How to ground - and protect

Lesson I - Part I - Grounding yourself and your surroundings

I am going to first cover grounding and centering, then psychic protection. On the outline this was farther down but I do realize that in order to contact, we must first protect ourselves Let me first explain what grounding is. Grounding provides a vehicle through which your body can focus and release its excess electrical energy. It works best with your feet touching the ground outside, but you can do this exercise inside any structure as well. There are a variety of ways to ground. Electricity always seeks grounding to complete its circuit; it seeks the shortest route possible to the source with the least amount of resistance. We protect our homes and ourselves from being electrocuted by lightning, by having a grounding stake attached to our electrical box. It channels the extraneous electricity such as lightning, into the earth rather than into your outlets where it would seek you as the source to ground through. We will be visualizing ourselves with a grounding cord which will serve to be our stake into the earth so that the foreign energy goes down the cords instead of bouncing around inside our bodies. Since gravity works with our grounding cords, it forms a vacuum effect, by grounding the building we are essentially giving it its own vacuum hose and this lessens the possibility of our own getting clogged or congested. Ok lets start by grounding our room first. You may want to read this into a tape recorder so you don't have to keep looking back here. Grounding the Room You want to sit in a comfortable position with your feet touching the floor. Turn your palms up and rest them on your thighs. You will now ground the room by imagining a huge beam running from the center of the ceiling deep into the core of the planet. Imagine this beam with various metals in it, such as copper, iron, silver and gold. The beam should be about half the width of the entire room but round like a column. You can also now visualize beams running from each corner of the room from ceiling down into the earth. You can add beams outside of the house or wherever you are. Imagine now that an intense white light is pouring into these columns and washing

away any negative energies, sucking them into the tubes and down into the earth where they burn away and return to the earth to be cleansed.

Grounding Yourself For those that may be familiar with Chakras, you are going to create your grounding cord from your base chakra. This is also where your tailbone is. I want you to now imagine this cord as anything you wish it to be. Debra Katz suggests that you use a redwood tree trunk, a cruise ship anchor, a heavy column of pure gold, a crystal, etc. It is best to imagine this object as wide as your hips. Some people ground with cords like vines but it doesnt really seem very sturdy to me! Those people that picture a thin cord probably are really in need of grounding and therefore it appears thin. Dont worry, as you keep performing this it will grow stronger. Now imagine your object to be hollow with a slippery center inside. (keep your minds out of that gutter LOL) You are going to give your grounding cord two jobs. The first thing to tell your cord is that it is going to absorb anything that comes your way that you would not want to stick to you, and then tell it that it is going to operate as the vehicle by which you will release any pain, emotions and thoughts that no longer serve you. Start to imagine now that gravity is pulling all of these unwanted things down this cord and into the molten core of the earth. You can also imagine that the earth is a mouth and your cord is the straw, it is drawing out all of these things from your body. (excerpts from Debra Lynne Katz) Now once you are grounded, imagine you pull your core object up and back into your center. Breathe out and you are now grounded Shielding or psychic protection This can be done a number of ways. The way that works best for me, may not feel right to you. I will give you both here today. Imagine first that you have a very stretchy suit. Like the ones that surfers wear This suit however is full of reflective mirrors. The suit even has a face mask (yes you can still breathe!) and this is covered in tiny mirrors as well, so are the soles of your feet and palms of your hands. From now on, you will wear this suit when you are working with spirit. Heck I even wear it at the store! These mirrors will reflect any energies that do not belong in your aura. You can sense them, feel them and communicate with them, but you do not absorb them at all. The 2nd way to shield is imagine a pure white light surrounding you like a bubble. With the same concept as the mirror suit. This is a very strong bubble of white light of pure love and pure peace. Nothing can get into it. So chose which ever works best for you.

Spirit guide 411

By Medium Laura Evans Contacting your spirit guides Today we are going to learn how to contact our spirit guides. I have done about 10 years of study on this subject and there are so many ways to do this its unreal. When I was a small child, an older sister of my best friend took me through a guided meditation. At that time, I didnt know what that meant. It was a slumber par ty and she made us lay down and close our eyes. She took us down some stairs to an old wooden door. At this door we were to knock three times. When it opened, we would be in front of our main spirit guide. The one who we would have till the day of our death. I think I was 7 years old. It was the most enlightening experience I have ever had.

Let me first explain that we have many different guides that help us in our lives. Here are a few of the categories that I have studied. Some people even say that they have an alien being as a guide. This is not uncommon, so be open to this experience and let the images come, without judgement. Gate guides or personal guides. Some believe that this guide is with us more than most others. They know all our secrets, our inner workings and help us deal with our everyday matters. Because they are so close to us, they serve as a link to all of the other beings and energies in the spiritual realm. They keep the gates between the two worlds by helping us to balance the activities of our higher selves with those of our earthly selves. Joy guides These guides help us to keep the joy in our lives, to remember to play, to laugh and to keep our inner child alive. We feel the presence of this guide most strongly in the moments when our spirits are unfettered and our souls are alight. They may also nudge us in times of great sorrow, to get us to smile. This has happened at somber funerals, you may see someone just start laughing and no one understands why. They feel maybe this person is crazy or delirious through their grief. I believe it is their joy guide, telling them death is just another voyage and may be helping them to remember a silly joke or fun event with the deceased. Doctor and Teacher guides These beings are our spiritual physicians and teachers. They are often of a higher vibration and highly evolved. They work with us to develop our talents and to maintain our emotional, mental and physical health. They assist us in balancing our hormonal and chemical makeup; they guide us to wisdom or inspire us to create or help us make the right choices to heal ourselves. Unlike our protectors and joy guides, whose presence is lifelong, doctors and teachers may come and go throughout our lives, depending on the lessons and achievements at hand. Ascended and Universal Masters These beings often have famous names, many of us recognize them as figures from history. Usually they, themselves were great spiritual teachers when they existed on the physical plane and they continue to guide and influence masses of people from their positions now in the spiritual realm. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, St. Germain, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary - all of these are ascended masters. All of them are available to us if we choose to work with them. The idea of working with these masters I'm sure makes you a little nervous. You may think "Why would Buddha talk to me!? He's way too busy!" Let me assure you, we are all loved beyond measure no matter what. The ascended masters are compassionate and understanding, and nothing pleases them more than to have us call on them for assistance. Universal Masters Master guides are usually pretty easy to recognize, because their energy is much different from the other guides' energies that are around us. They bring to us a sense of calm contentment, and sometimes it is hard to disengage from their energies simply because they are so beautiful and peaceful to experience. Master guides concern themselves with teaching and guiding us on our path to enlightenment. Most of the time our master guide corresponds to the path that feels most comfortable to us on our spiritual journey. For instance, a person who follows Christianity and feels comfortable in that religion might have the disciple Peter or another saint like Theresa Avila, as their Master guide. Master guide energies can be confusing to some people. When I tell people that Merlin is my master guide they usually respond with doubt. I believe that "Merlin" was actually an office held by wise spiritual leaders, most likely a Druid. There were many "Merlin's" that came and went during those times. My Merlin was one of those great leaders. These guides understand that our lives on earth are filled with mundane events and they support us in everything we do. They send love and help whenever we need it most. However these guides do not give messages to us about our day to day lives. If you need advice on which job to choose or need more energy for the day ahead, you call your doctor teacher and/or joy guide to your aid. Master guides usually come to you in meditations and give messages when they have a vital piece of wisdom to impart. They never waste their words on trivial things.

It is now time for each of you to find your main guide. Your Gatekeeper if you will. If you find in your meditations that you contact one of the other above mentioned guides, that is okay too. Keep doing these meditations and ask either out loud or in your mind to contact your gatekeeper. The one who will work with you connecting with spirits who have passed over. Each of your guides should have a position. My main guide stands directly in front of me about, his feet appear in my mind about 3 feet from our earth. He faces me and tends to be quite serious My joy guide, Smiling Fawn, I have asked her to stand at my left. My teacher guide Sir Henry, stands on my right side. My large Norse Viking, also a protector guide for me, stands behind me at my back and keeps me safe. My doctor guide is a monk/druid, Arwen and he stands diagonally to me on my right. I have 2 masters. One is Isis and the other is Merlin. I have another that Im not sure where he fits in, Rashesh, all of these are way above me, as where you would picture your crown chakra, above my head. Choose a position once you have met your guide and tell them you would like them to stand there when they come to you. It helps with identifying their vibrations until you start to clearly see them in your mind. Some of this is from books I have read in my years and some from what I found to be comforting for me. Again, you may want to put each of these on a tape recorder or even your computer, so that you can relax and just listen to them. Guide Meditation Begin by getting comfortable and closing your eyes. Start your meditation by relaxing, grounding and protecting as you do in all meditations. Surround yourself with the white light energy of Universal Love, knowing that this protects you in all you do in the ethereal planes. Nothing but love can come to you and nothing but love can go from you. Now imagine in your mind's eye a beautiful grand staircase that rises up in front of you. There are 10 steps on this staircase and you are eager to journey upward to see what awaits you at the top. So go ahead and step up - one and continue up - two - moving up - three- continuing up the next step - four - climbing higher and higher - five continuing up and up - six - moving up the stairs - seven - climbing higher and beginning to see the top - eightcontinuing on up - nine - and as you take the last step - ten- you stand there and look around, relaxed and at peace. Now see that this staircase has led you directly to your very special and sacred place; your garden, your cottage in the woods or your cave, your beach. Wherever your special place is, this staircase has brought you to it once again and you are delighted to be here. Take a few steps forward into the space, admiring all of your favorite things. As you explore, realize that there is something different today about your special place. Across from you, there stands a door, or a gate that is closed and locked. You realize as you look at this new door that you hold a silver key in your hand. This key unlocks this new door in your special place. Know that this door is the gateway to the Other Side and that your key can unlock the door at anytime. You have control over when the door is opened and over who or what comes through this door. Nothing can come through that you don't wish to see or experience. Know that you have the power to control everything that you encounter in the spirit world. Now move toward this special door, realizing as you walk toward it that your (protector guide, joy guide, doctor chemist guide) is waiting on the other side of the door, hoping for admittance. If you are ready to meet your guide, go ahead and use your key to unlock this door. Open it and allow your guide to enter your space. Greet your guide in whatever way feels appropriate to you. Take a few moments to notice what sensations you are experiencing in your guides presence. Do you feel hot or cold? Do you feel tingly or energized? Do you see anything like a particular color? Can you see your guides face or clothing? What is he/she wearing? What color is his/her hair or eyes? Can you hear anything that he/she is saying? Ask your guide for their name. Take a few minutes now and commune with your guide and enjoy their presence with you in your life. (pause here on your tape for approximately 5 minutes - 10 minutes)

And now it is time for you to come back to this time and place and for your guide to return to the world of Spirit. Escort your guide to the door, unlock it with your key, and allow your guide to pass back through the door and into the spirit realm. As you say goodbye, know that your guide will see you again and that you can call on him/her to meet with you in your special place anytime your heart desires. Your guide will always heed your call. Now count yourself backward from ten to one, when you reach one, you will be wide awake, at peace and relaxed. You can find all my audio meditations on this here (free)

Personal boundaries - are yours weak??

By Medium Laura Evans These work for the living AND the dead...

Do you have a hard time standing up for yourself? Do you keep agreeing to do things that you really don't want to do? Do you tolerate rude comments or pushy people because you can't handle conflict? Do you take things personally? Life coach Cheryl Richardson says that creating stronger boundaries is the number one way for most women to improve their lives. Here she shows you how to stand up for yourself! Set personal boundaries and free yourself from the "disease to please" with these three steps! Step 1: Self-Awareness The first step in learning to set boundaries is self-awareness. Complete the following sentences.

Step 2: Setting Your Boundaries Learn to set boundaries with others. Find support and using specific language.

Step 3: Strengthen Your Internal Boundaries Too often, women neglect to stand up for themselves by avoiding confrontation. When someone offends you, stop and ask these three questions.

Guilt in Setting Boundaries Learn how to overcome guilt. Get rid of the obstacles that could be blocking your way to setting boundaries in your life.

The first step in learning to set boundaries is self-awareness. For example, pay close attention to the situations when you lose energy, feel a knot in your stomach, or want to cry. Identifying where you need more space, selfrespect, energy or personal power is the first step.

Another way to identify your boundaries is by completing these three sentences with at least 10 examples. 1. People may not ___________. (examples)

Go though my personal belongings Criticize me Make comments about my weight Take their anger out on me Humiliate me in front of others Tell off-color jokes in my company Invade my personal space

2. I have a right to ask for ____________. (examples)

Privacy A new hairstyle from an old stylist Peace and quiet while getting a massage Help around the house More information before making a purchase Quiet time to myself

3. To protect my time and energy, it's OK to _________________. (examples)

Turn the ringer off on the phone Take my time returning calls or e-mails Change my mind Bow out of a volunteer activity Cancel a commitment when I'm not feeling well Reserve a place in my home that is off-limits to others. (spirits too!!)

Start setting simple but firm boundaries with a graceful or neutral tone. This will feel uncomfortable at first, but as you take care of yourself, the personal power you gain will make it easier.

20. Be sure to have support in place before and after each conversation. If you can't find support from a friend or family member, you may be successful finding a friend online.


Vent any strong emotions with your partner before having your boundary conversation.


Use simple, direct language.

To set a boundary with an angry person:

"You may not yell at me. If you continue, I'll have to leave the room."

To set a boundary with personal phone calls at work:

"I've decided to take all personal calls in the evening in order to get my work done. I will need to call you later."

To say no to extra commitments:

"Although this organization is important to me, I need to decline your request for volunteer help in order to honor my family's needs."

To set a boundary with someone who is critical:

"It's not okay with me that you comment on my weight. I'd like to ask you to stop."

To buy yourself time when making tough decisions:

"I'll have to sleep on it, I have a policy of not making decisions right away."

To back out of a commitment:

"I know I agreed to head up our fundraising efforts, but after reviewing my schedule, I now realize that I won't be able to give it my best attention. I'd like to help find a replacement by the end of next week.

To set a boundary with an adult child who borrows money:

"I won't be lending you money anymore. I love you and you need to take responsibility for yourself." 23. When setting boundaries, there is no need to defend, debate, or over-explain your feelings. Be firm, gracious and direct. When faced with resistance, repeat your statement or request.


Back up your boundary with action. Stay strong. If you give in, you invite people to ignore your needs

One of the reasons that women take things personally is because they have weak "internal boundaries." An internal boundary is like an invisible shield that prevents you from taking in a comment without checking it out first. For example, when someone accuses you of being arrogant, stop and consider the statement before taking it in. When you use this internal shield, especially with difficult people like an ex-spouse or critical parent, it gives you time to ask yourself the following three questions:

How much of this is true about me? How much of this is about the other person? What do I need to do (if anything) to regain my personal power or stand up for myself?

This last question is very important. Too often women neglect to stand up for themselves by avoiding confrontation and end up weakening their internal shield, making it harder to set boundaries at all. So, if someone offends you, it may be necessary to let them know in order to protect and strengthen your internal boundaries. ************************************************************* Is guilt standing in your way of saying no to the things you don't want to do? Learn how to overcome guilt and other obstacles that could be blocking your way to setting boundaries in your life.

Overcoming Guilt You have to be ready to make tough choices to change your lifestyle. Cheryl Richardson says guilt is the most common obstacle to taking care of yourself. You will feel guilty by making yourself a priority. To overcome guilt, face it head on. See it as a sign that you are on the right track.

Overcoming Resistance Tell people your priorities have changed and that you are taking care of your needs. If you feel your own resistance to focusing on yourself, remember, when you put yourself first, you are then fully available to others without resentment or anger.

Find Support When you start making yourself a priority, you may feel uncomfortable and uncaring. Stay with it and find support from other women doing the same. More on curing the disease to please:

Don't be a doormat Set personal boundaries Your absolute yes list Learning to say no to others (BIG ONE!!)

Health problems? It's spiritual!!

By Medium Laura Evans The primary focus is to present spiritually, unconscious messages that our body is communicating through our physical maladies. In general, the body is letting us know when we are off and on track all the time. Our complicated lives distract us from these communications informing us when to get back on board. Clarity and transformation is possible when we tune in. The notes below will be helpful to your hearing your 'body talk'. The brief explanations are intuitive and have repeatedly been found to sustain. Of course, we can always add more info and there may be other explanations. In fact, I encourage dialog. Let me know what you intuit by leaving a note below with your link so I can include with your credit. A special thanks can be given to Louise Hay for providing this well respected work (A-B) Spirit Meaning-Diseases & Affirmations ACNE: Not Accepting or disliking self AFFIRMATION:The love and acceptance I have for myself is reflected in my outer appearance ADDICTIONS: Running away from self, Not facing the fear. Not knowing how to love the self. AFFIRMATION: It is safe to look within for the answers I seek. AIDS: Feeling defenseless and hopeless. Denial of the true inner being, or sexual guilt AFFIRMATION: I love and appreciate all of myself for the unique, powerful and capable person I am. ALCOHOLISM / ABUSE : Futility, guilt, inadequacy, self-rejection AFFIRMATION: I live in the now. Each moment is new. I choose to see my self-worth.I love and approve of myself. ALLERGY & HAYFEVER: You are allergic to someone who or yourself denies your power AFFIRMATION:The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life. ALZHEIMER'S: Refusal to deal with the world as it is. AFFIRMATION: There is always a new and better way for me to experience life. I forgive and release the past. I move into joy.

ANKLE PROBLEMS: Inflexibility and guilt Inability to receive pleasure. AFFIRMATION: I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.

ANOREXIA: Denying the self and life. Extreme fear of rejection. AFFIRMATION: It is safe for me. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose joy and self-acceptance. ANXIETY / NERVOUSNESS: Distrust the natural flow of life. AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself and I trust in the process of life. I am safe. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: Hardened narrow-mindedness. AFFIRMATION: I am completely open to life and to joy. I choose to see with love. D ARM PROBLEMS: Can't hold on to lifes experiences. AFFIRMATION: I lovingly hold and embrace my experiences with love and joy ARTHRITIS: Feeling unloved, criticism, resentment AFFIRMATION: I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love. BACK (upper): Lack of emotional support, or feeling unloved. AFFIRMATION: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.

BACK (middle): Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there or Get off my back. AFFIRMATION: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart. BACK (lower): Financial woes and concerns. AFFIRMATION: I trust the process of life. All I need is taken care of. I am safe. BALDNESS: Fear, tension. Trying to control everything and not trusting in the process of life. AFFIRMATION: I am safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life. BLACKHEADS (pimples): Small outbursts of anger. AFFIRMATION: I calm my thoughts and I am serene

Find the rest here -

11 steps to a more positive you

By Medium Laura Evans

Our attitude has a profound effect on the quality of our life. Optimism and pessimism create two completely different realities. By taking a few simple steps to adopt a more positive attitude, you can enjoy both immediate and long term benefits.

Our attitude toward life determines lifes attitude towards us. ~Earl Nightingale
Increased happiness is one of the immediate positive effects of a more optimistic attitude. The fact is, optimistic people tend to experience much greater personal joy on a day-to-day basis than their pessimistic counterparts.

Guide signs?
By Medium Laura Evans Guide Signs There are many ways in which our guides and angels contact us. We don't always hear them calling our names or talking to us like our friends do. This is mainly because of the vibrational energy of the spirits. They have much higher vibrations than we do. So it becomes really hard at times to hear when our guides are talking to us. Meditation is one of the best ways to increase your vibrational frequency. When we raise our vibrations and open wholeheartedly to our guides, we can begin sensing some "weird" things happening. Hearing a song or a word over and over, seeing the same number sequence everywhere and every time, hearing some unclear voices, seeing different things in bits n pieces that don't really make sense first and having weird dreams are some of the common experiences when we choose to raise our frequency level. It is very important to remember that Spirits guides like to show their presence by touch. A pressure on top of your head. A sensation on the left side of the body or face. These are some of the hints they give us that they're there. They try very hard to reach us and make us "listen" to them...but we don't really usually hear them. So how do they contact us?

Every time we ask a question we do receive an answer. It might not be a real quick answer but we do get answers. Spirits usually talk to us telepathically or answer us through Clairvoyance. (but there are countless other ways as well.) But if they feel we aren't yet ready for a telepathic or Clairvoyant answer or haven't been to cooperative that way, they might choose to answer us in many other ways- give us hints about what to expect what do do not to do and answer our situations. The first song you get up to in the morning could be talking about your current situation...the question you asked and maybe telling you what to do and not do.

You might see a number or a number sequence every time and everywhere.

You could overhear friends talking about a certain situation that is almost exactly like yours or answers your questions. You turn on the TV and a show or a song or even anything else "accidentally" is just like what you're going through and answers your questions.

You might also see the answer in a dream. You might not see yourself but someone else going through the problem and uses certain techniques to get out of it. You read the newspaper or a book and something answers your questions.

Animals also help our guides reach us and answer our questions. You might be so very unsure about your partner's faithfulness in a relationship and see a dog in your dream.. Guides also use various methods to show you omens like lets say you're very unsure if you want to visit your friend on her birthday who lives out of the city or stay with your mom who isn't really feeling well. And after thinking a LOT you decide you'll join your friend but as you drive home that night all the lights are red..and seem to stay red forever. This could be a sign of watch out what you're doing. Or, also could say slow down and think carefully. There are almost countless ways guides reach us. I was just providing some basic methods above. My guides mainly like the songs and the dreams or clairvoyance/telepathy ..they know I cant ignore those. Not every thing you hear or see will be a sign but being open and accepting without "expecting the answer you want" will certainly help you build a strong communication with your guides. In time these signs will become more clearer to you. Just be open and accept the answers you get! May the light protect you and guide you.

My ears are buzzing/ringing! Why!?

By Medium Laura Evans The vibrations and sounds that we may spontaneously hear are the inner sound current... nonphysical / spiritual sounds from the oneness. They don't carry messages or images, but when we simply listen to them as a

meditative practice they transform us in subtle ways. After I began this inner listening some years ago my spiritual growth sped up and deepened. THE INNER SOUND CURRENT

The knower of the mystery of the Sound knows the mystery of the whole Universe.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan

Sound is the most primal expression of energy in all forms and in all dimensions. The universe consists of energy waves or currents or vibrations which we may perceive as sound frequencies. These move from the highest spiritual creative planes, to the lower mental planes, down to the densest material planes. Just as sound vibrations descend in creation and manifestation of the lower worlds, we may also follow them upward into the higher spiritual dimensions of consciousness. In spiritual practices - called Shabda or Nada-Yoga or Listening to the Inner Sound Current - one focuses their attention on these non-physical sounds which have spiritually transforming power. Our disturbed and distorted human energies and perceptions gradually become harmonized, aligned and balanced and our consciousness expands. These non-physical sounds sometimes occur spontaneously during early stages of out-of-body experiences, along with feeling vibrations or seeing light visions. In addition one may listen to the sounds as a meditation practice. Hearing non-physical sounds is related to the Third Eye, which can see non-physical light and color, and has intuitive sensing beyond the reasoning mind. Most often we begin by hearing these non-physical sounds in the right ear, so paying attention there assists us in noticing them. They may sound like ringing or buzzing tones, or sounds of nature, or bells, or violins, flutes or horns, or wind, ocean waves or thunder, or rarely the "Om". At advanced levels various sounds and ranges may be heard simultaneously.

Just relax and listen...

An excellent, clearly written book on the subject is "The Ringing Sound" by Erik Gustafson.

Angel? or Spirit guide? What's the difference?

By Medium Laura Evans Angel or Spirit guide? What are the differences? This is an age old question. Is it my guide coming to visit me or is it an angel?

Angels and guides have similar roles in our lives; both of them are protective forces that come to us when we are in need. The difference is that one has lived lives on earth and one has not. Angels are messengers of God. Those of you who study religion know that even before Jesus Christ, angels have been written about, drawn and called upon for help in a crisis. These beings show up to us typically in human form, with or without wings and usually male or female, but this is not their true form. When angels come to us, they do not want to appear as they are, pure light and enormous because it would probably frighten the wits out of us and we would not hear their message. While angels do not have a gender, they can appear as male or female, solid or transparent, surrounded in light or not, but one thing that is constant, when you feel an angels presenceyou know it! There is such a loving energy accompanied by their visit that sometimes people just weep with emotion. Commonly they come to warn us, comfort us, heal us and give us uplifting messages. Guides are very much the same except for they have lived many, many lives on earth. They are known to us in some way; even if you do not know their physical form in this life, they are most assuredly part of your soul group on the Other Side. While angels are appointed to us, guides are chosen by us. Yes, chosen. Before we were born we sat around and chose who would help us along our arduous journey through life. You may have even asked your physical father in this life to guide you once he returned home to the Other Side. Guides have a degree of sorts. They have a protocol that is established on the Other Side, just as a University teacher must have a degree. You wouldnt want someone without any life experience trying to help you through difficult times. Angels can intervene and trump free will. Guides cannot.

Guides support us, help us, send us messages, encourage us, heal us and generally look out for us on our way through life. They can communicate with us in many, many ways; just as angels can. Guides can come to us as animals, humans, aliens and so much more. From my understanding, a guide will also appear to you in a form that makes you comfortable. Though they have had many lives with you, they may pick one of those bodies that is more appealing than another. Lets say you have a fear of clowns. Your guide knows this and would never appear to you in this form. In closing, we all have divine helpers, angels and spirit guides alike, who only want us to succeed in this classroom called life. In other articles, I will help you to learn to connect to them in different ways. Medium Laura Evans Author of A Bridge to the Other Side Professional Spirit Medium/Spiritual Teacher/Ordained Minister

How do you muscle test? (similar to using a pendulum)

By Medium Laura Evans Kinesiology human kinetics is the scientific study of human movement. There are several different types used today. The most mainstream is physical therapy; rehabilitation after surgery. Muscle testing works along those same lines. The energy in your body is connected to your higher self (spirit or soul) and by using some of the techniques below, you can find out, much the same as the pendulum swings, just what you need to know for your highest good.

Some holistic practitioners can test for allergies much in this same way. The doctor tells you to stick out your arm and resist his pressure. It feels like he is trying to push your arm down after he has told you not to let him do it. If everything is healthy and balanced in your body, your arm remains rigid. If you are having some sort of illness within the body or the mind, you will resist but then your arm will slowly be unable to hold that rigidity. That is kinesiology testing. Within the body and around it is an electrical grid. If something impacts this system that isnt good for you (body or soul) your muscles (when pressure is applied) will have difficulty resisting this pressure; this electrical/muscular relationship is a natural part of the human system. It is not mystical or magical. Kinesiology is the established method for reading the bodys balance through the balance of the electrical system at any given moment. How do you muscle test on your own? Very simply.

Knowing your truth

By Medium Laura Evans

The final article for my pendulum series is upon us. If youve followed the past two months you should have a solid working relationship with your pendulum and I hope you are enjoying all the wonderful things that it can help you with in your daily lives. One of the greatest things about your pendulum is that it connects to your soul within you. It cannot lie, but it can give false readings depending on how you are asking the question. Every morning, establish your factors Yes, No, Need more information. Note your swings before you begin your questioning. Daily practice and work with it can also help you live a more worry-free life. As I covered in my last two articles, there are various ways that our pendulum can help us make choices, truthtest our decisions that seem difficult and find out why we arent feeling the greatest, but did you know that your pendulum has many more uses for an easier, smoother daily life? I cannot possibly cover all the ways available but I will give you some more things to think about. Did you know.. Your pendulum can help you decide the best possible place to have your next holiday or vacation?

It can help you choose which books to read that will help you in your field of work, spiritual journey or even your university/college tests. It can help you decide if a babysitter or new dance/music teacher is the right fit for your child.

It can help you determine the timing of events in the future that you already know will happen. ie: your friend just got engaged, you can help her with your pendulum to find the best time to say her nuptials. Your pendulum can even help you determine the timing to ask for a raise or a promotion. It can help you find the best compatible roommate or potential love interest; for your highest good.

Your pendulum can help you choose houses if you are looking to move. You can simply write each address on a separate piece of paper, fold them up tight and shuffle them around. Set them about a hands width apart from each other and ask your pendulum which is for your highest good. Wait for it to swing yes over one of them. If you dont get a yes, keep looking for that perfect home!

Asking your pendulum about your partners job, raise, travel delays is also great to do, just remember that your pendulum is connected to your higher self. Working on questions for others may give you conflicting answers. The better the connection you have with your pendulum, the better it will answer for others as well as yourself. Your pendulum can aid you with what type of pet is best for your child or yourself. When to plant a fairy garden or a butterfly garden and where! It can assist you in finding out the best week to go out and photograph fall leaves and even where to go.

It can help you determine if a business venture is in your best interest, or if the person offering you a great deal is legitimate. The pendulum will assist you in the best course of action in legal matters. Is it a good time to get married? Divorced? Take someone to court to win? Find the name of your spirit guides and the roles they play in your life. Using your pendulum you can ask if they are male or female and even determine what century right down to the exact year. All things considered is it optimal that my protector guides name starts with A? B? etc. Do this for the years as well. All things considered, is it optimal that my guide Lucy had a past life with me in the 1700s? 1800s? I recently looked into a past life of mine where I was trying to determine the reason I have such a phobia of water. Deep water mostly. The pendulum was able to tell me that I was a male named Bernard who lived in Bresse France in 1736. One of the reasons I had problems with water was because in that lifetime I had worked on ships that did exports. Asking several questions about my life and my job on the ship, I discovered that while trying to help someone in a storm, I was tossed overboard into the sea and drown. You can even truth test your own dreams and the analysis of them. What if you had a dream about something that seemed very real and you want to know if this was the memory of a past life. I recall a vivid dream of being a Native American woman who was being pulled behind a horse and led into a valley of strangers. Through the working of my pendulum I was able to determine that it was in the 1500s, I was 17 years old and I had been captured by a band of raiding Natives and taken to their camp to be a slave. My pendulum confirmed that my dream wasnt just something I had seen on television, but was one of my past lives. You can truth test all the details that you recall to be sure it wasnt just a random dream, but indeed a memory. You may even be able to learn why you were shown this particular life, it could be hinting to a lesson that you are going through again in this one. The possibilities are endless. If you have a decision or a dilemma, your pendulum can save you hours and days of over-thinking and worry; helping you to lead a more carefree lifestyle. Practice daily with your pendulum, you can do the card practice as well as the others that I have covered in the past articles. If you would like to see how I work with a pendulum, you can go to my free youtube videos that Ive made to show you how it works. Just search for MsVideotutorials and youll find me! Remember that our pendulum does not predict events or outcomes; it can only access your spirit within and the connection you have with the Universe. Work on wording your questions; dont ask the same question over and over hoping for the answer you would like to hear. You will only be fooling yourself, literally! Brightest Blessings,

Laura Evans

Author of A Bridge to the Other Side

Magickal Baths - ritual bath ideas from Samantha Stevens :)

Magickal Baths

By Samantha Stevens

Taking a Magickal Bath doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as running to your local drug or beauty supply and buying a product that is appropriately scented or contains an herb or essential oil. The important thing about taking one of these baths, no matter how humble or expensive the ingredients are, is to meditate on your intention while you are sitting in the tub. You can get a little fancier, by making an infusion from flowers, herbs or other elements. Brewing the herbs as you would brew a cup of herbal tea and then pouring the strained infusion into your bath water is the easiest way to make an infusion. You can also put the ingredients in a cheesecloth bag that hangs over the bathtub faucet and have the hot water run through the ingredients. In some cases you can actually buy tea bags and just toss them in the water. I'm a purist so personally I love to throw the entire herb, flower or vegetable in the bath. It makes me feel like I am Cleopatra having a bath in ancient Egypt or like some kind of wicked harlot getting ready for her Roman Soldier. However if you do decide to get really into the food aspect of this make sure you have some kind of strainer on your drain so that stuff doesn't flow down your pipes. What can I say? Some miracles can be quite "messy." Below are a couple of "quick fixes" for aspiring witches on the run. ALL PURPOSE AURA CLEANER: Half a cup of sea or Epsom salts plus half a cup of baking soda dumped in the tub is the potion used to purify the aura and clear it of all negative attachments so that you are surrounded by a rainbow of opportunities again. BARLEY WATER BATH: This is for protection and to dispel evil with a capital E. This is definitely the one to do if you are feeling haunted by something that seems unseemly and of supernatural origin. Boil whole barley until it is soft in a pot. Drain and save the water. Pour into the bath. Bad spirits will run like hell. CHAMOMILE: Chamomile not only relaxes you, but you can use it as a magical bath to draw money to you. Many preparations are available commercially but you can also make an infusion out of the buds or even throw the buds directly into the bath. I do not advise this if you are allergic to ragweed. CHOCOLATE CHERRY BATH: Ok this one is completely decadent and is designed to bring more erotic pleasure into your life. First of all you should know that there are commercial chocolate bubble bath preparations out there on the market, but they can be somewhat hard to find in some areas. So what you need to do first, is mix yourself up a little glass of chocolate milk. The milk is good for your skin and the chocolate raises your serotonin levels - the pleasure chemicals in your brain. It also makes the water a very nice loving looking pink. You dump this into the tub as the hot water is pouring into the tub and then you pop nine whole cherries into the bath with you. Then you are supposed to sit there and eat each cherry, while imagining what a good time you are going to have with your lover. The little bobbing cherries are like all your "little ducks" lined up in a row when it comes to your romantic intentions. Rinse off good after this. You'll need it. FAME AND GLORY BATH: This one is from Lexa Rosean (author of The Supermarket Sorceress series of books). I tried it and I LOVED it. Cut an apple in nine pieces, or alternately throw nine whole shiny apples into the tub. Use green and golden apples if you want your fame to come with some money attached. Then add nine bay leaves. Get in the tub and immerse yourself for exactly nine minutes, and then get out. It is supposed to be a good one for artists and writers.

GINGER-LIME BATH: You can buy this commercially (made by Ombra). Which is way easier than grating the ginger, peeling the lime and making a "bath tea" out of it, or you can cut up some ginger and lime and make an infusion of it a pot. The ginger is to relax and focus you and the lime is for self-control, discipline and a clear head. This is a great bath for those who need to "get down to business fast." FRUIT BLOSSOM BATHS: Once again these are available commercially which will do, but it is really really nice to take a handful of blossoms from a tree and dump them in your bath. Apple Blossoms, Apricot Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms and Orange Blossoms all correspond to the planet Venus and are ideal for attracting love, fidelity and marriage proposals. HONEYSUCKLE: You can buy this as a bubble bath or once again, just throw the flowers into the tub. Honeysuckle attracts wealth, riches, honours, marriage proposals and treasures. This is one way to draw the bird to the blossom. It also honours Chuparosa - the Divine Hummingbird of Love. HOPS: You can buy hops in a commercially prepared bubble bath (OMBRA) or you can pour half a cup of beer in the bath for spiritual cleansing (and also a peaceful sleep.) David from Psychic Realm suggests combining a half a cup of sea salt, the juice of a lemon and a half of cup of beer for spiritual purification and protection from astral attack. LAVENDER: Lavender corresponds to the planet Mercury and is used to improve communication, attract happiness and achieve piece of mind. It is also a very seductive flower that was used by prostitutes as a magic charm to attract customers many years ago. Many commercial preparations are available, but throwing in a few of the live buds might bring you a wealthy and generous lover. OAT BEAUTY BATH: OK, most of us don't live near a field, but if you gather your own oats and throw the sheaves into the bathtub with you, you are performing a significant act of magical transformation. Oats are very feminine and appeal to the Goddess energies. They soften the skin, make the eyes glow and give you a youthful appearance. You can throw a cup of raw, uncooked oats into the bath if you're in hurry or you can buy a commercial preparation. Aveeno makes a good one. ORANGE AND MINT LEAVES: This is a bath to make yourself more attractive and your skin smell really nice. Take nine mint leaves and nine orange segments and dump them in the bath with you. You don't have to eat the mint and orange leaves this time (thank God) but you can if you get hungry.) When you get out of the bath, you are not supposed to rinse off, just towel yourself off lightly so that the scent lingers. You could also try mixing an orange bath gel with a mint one. PINEAPPLE: Pineapple juice is used to bring luck, money and wealth, and if you are a savage purist, you can throw nine chunks of the raw stuff right in your bath. However I warn you, that it is pretty messy. Some people prefer to throw in the dried rinds. Just adding a spoonful of the juice or making an infusion from the dried rinds and immersing yourself from head to toe in it for a couple of minutes should make you luckier than a leprechaun. ROSE: Roses correspond to Venus and attract love, luck and protection. There are tons of rose-scented products on the market, including essential oils - though David from Psychic Realm points out that Essential Rose Oil is incredibly expensive and you may want to stick with fragrance oils used in perfumes and baths. If you want to go all out and make yourself a powerful love attracting bath, tint the scented water pink with a touch of food colouring and cast a pinch or two some multicoloured glitter (from a craft store) in there to strengthen your magical intentions. ROSEMARY: Rosemary is a powerful "wish granting" herb. Ombra makes an excellent commercial bath, but you can make an infusion of this from the spice jar in your cupboard or put a bit of the essential oil in your bath (but make it just one drop - rosemary is strong and can irritate the skin - so I mean it, use one drop!) A bath in rosemary uplifts the spirits and is used to create lust, attract love and improve communication skills. It is also

corresponds to the Virgin Mary, so if you are in need of a lucky break, a bath in this may enable you to be shown some mercy. SAFFRON BATH: Saffron was sacred to the Moon and Fertility Goddess, Ashtoreth. Saffron is a very expensive spice and you need to only add a couple of strands to your bath water to turn it a yellow colour. Don't add too much or you will turn yellow. You'll be a jaundiced colour. So either make an infusion from it first or just add one strand. Saffron was used to purify oneself before healing rituals, increase psychic powers and also attract love, happiness, lust, and strength. SAGE BATH: Sage is an herb of wisdom. Make a brew of the herb and pour it into your bath. Some companies (like Ombra and Kniepp) make a sage bath, but you can also just buy the tea bags. This is a good bath to take just before studying for a test or if you are trying to find a solution to a problem. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here You can meet Samantha Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at

By Medium Laura Evans Excerpt from my workbook:

Lesson 6: Energy: ESP/Telepathy While we are on the subject of energy, lets dive into some of the more fascinating aspects of psychic work. Did you know that everyone is psychic? Yes! Everyone! Cant wrap your head around that eh? Okay, you go to call a friend of yours and just as you reach for the phone it rings and its that exact friend on the line.

Coincidence? I dont believe so. Since being psychic is being able to detect and interpret energy signals, why wouldnt you, an energy being, be capable of this? Heres another one. You write out a list of things you need from the store and your partner walks in 20 minutes later with those exact items. Telepathy is energy, thought energy. When you are thinking, you are transmitting. Can anyone pick up your thoughts? Actually, yes! Makes you consider what youre thinking about someone you dont like right now doesnt it? Your mind is a powerful tool where your thoughts are energy; transmitting and receiving all the time. Understanding those energy signals is a language. The word telepathy comes from the Greek and it basically means far feeling. This is a very valuable psychic skill that every human and even animals possesses! Try taking Fido to the vet, the moment you think of Vet, Fido is nowhere to be found! Telepathy and ESP usually work strongest in times of emotional crisis. If youre a parent, you know exactly what Im talking about. You may be happily washing the dishes when you get sudden urge to see what your son is doing. This is when you find him climbing up the dresser which is about to fall over from his body weight. Your son may not have sensed danger, but your emotional connection to your child warned you; which is another reason family members who live hundreds of miles apart suddenly know when their relative is in some sort of danger or distress. The key to being able to understand this is all about learning this new language. Which we will cover in the next few chapters. Lesson 6:1 Energy: The 6 Clairs Claircognizance means clear knowing This is the ability we just discussed above with telepathy and extra sensory perception (ESP). Its more like an electric impulse that sometimes startles you with a knowing thought or image in your minds eye. Clairvoyance means clear seeing This ability is seeing images, like flashes or even short movies in your minds eye, like a memory or a daydream.

Most people that are visual learners, who have to see something done first hand, are clairvoyant. It is a common misconception that spirit is seen with our physical eyes. While this can happen, most of the mediums and psychics already doing this work, see within their mind. Clairaudience means clear hearing This is when you hear words, sounds or even music in your own voice in your mind. Sometimes people who are clairaudient can hear spirit with their physical ears as well. You may also have that ringing in your ears quite often, with no medical explanation for it. People, who can listen to instructions and follow them, are more likely to have this ability the strongest. You may even notice people who are clairaudient have physical ears that face more forward from their head than most. Clairsentience means clear feeling Empaths have this ability in full force. You may also feel tingles when a spirit or energy is near, chills, or a sensation of cold. Feeling good or bad energies in an empty room is another sign of being a clairsentient. While these last two clairs are less common, many of us still have them happen on occasion. Clairalience means clear smelling People with this natural ability will get phantom smells out of thin air. Perfume and tobacco are the most common. Yet there is no source for these in the room. This happens many times with spirits that are visiting us; our grandmother who wore lavender oil or our father who smoked a pipe. Clairgustance means clear tasting The rarest of all is clairgustance. If you have this ability, you will suddenly taste something but you have not eaten it or been around it recently. Lemon, cinnamon, honey, beer and fruits are the most common tastes for clairgustients. Now that you know about them, lets work on making them stronger! Lesson 6:2 Clairvoyance Exercise Go back in time now and close your eyes. Think of a birthday party you had when you were very small. A happy time. In your mind, try to bring to your memories forward. See yourself at the party.

Look at the decorations. What colours were they? Can you picture your cake? How about the people at your party, can you see them as they were then? Focus on the presents you received. Bring all the details up to your mind in full colour now. Did you see it? The flashes of the memories? That is how a clairvoyant sees from spirit. Now that you understand what you will be seeing when you connect.


By Olga Koleshchuk Controllers can really get our hackles up, because they can make us feel like helpless children who are always being told what to do. Interestingly, childhood conflicts might be what caused those controllers to become the way they are. Four Controlling Styles Not all controllers exercise power and control in the same ways. Some are very forthright about their desire to dictate what happens, who does what, and when and how they do it. Others are much more subtle even covert. Control can also be achieved through duplicity, even seeming passive. The Volatile Controller Volatile controllers get others to do what they want by holding a threat like a sword over their head. The threat is simple: if what they want to happen doesnt happen they will lose their temper. The good news, such as it is, about volatile controllers, is that although their blow-ups can be fierce and frightening, they are usually relatively short-lived. In fact, controllers dont especially like losing their temper because doing so gives them a fleeting feeling of being out of control. They would rather intimidate by threatening what might happen, rather than actually losing their cool. The Smarter-Than-You Controller The smarter-than-you controller wants everyone to accept their authority because their knowledge, expertise, and logic are infallible. Theyve got an answeryes, often a smart onefor every objection you could possibly make. To get a handle on smarter-than-you controllers in your life, remember this: They draw their power not from their smarts but from your insecurities. If you want to get this type of controller to accept your ideas, you have to believe in those ideas, and in yourself. Put your self-doubt on a shelf. Then you will be able to employ strategies that can gently and effectively get a smarter-than-you controller to redirect their attention from their idea to yours. The Deceptive Controller Deceptive controllers crave control so badly that, for them, the end justifies the means. Theyll bad -mouth others, start and spread rumors, mislead, set one person against another, omit crucial facts, and sometimes lie outright.

Precisely because they are so good at what they do, it might take a while to realize how events are being orchestrated behind-the-scenes by deceptive controllers at work, in personal relationships, and elsewhere. Moreover, theyre slippery when confronted, and they are very good at protestingwith some degree of believabilityWho me? If you cant always expose a deceptive controllers shady tactics, you can at least keep yourself from being a primary target by not painting a bulls-eye on your chest. Dont share secrets with deceptive controllersthey wont be secrets for longand never discuss your self-doubts or fears with them. If you do, theyll just use them against you. The Passive-Aggressive Controller Perhaps you know someone who displays several of the seven signs of passive aggression. This type of person

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Repeatedly promises to do things and then forgets. Continually finds seemingly plausible excuses to delay taking action. Says they wish they could do what you ask, but claims they are just not capable. Withholds important information (or sometimes money or other resources) so that you are unable to take necessary actions when you need to. Evades direct questions by offering vague or ambiguous responses. Sometimes sulks and plays poor me. Expends extreme effort to maintain a friendly, cooperative persona.

You are dealing with a person who controls by saying yes when they mean no, by stonewalling, or by playing the victim. If it makes you feel better, you are hardly alone in your frustrations. Passive aggression is a very common style. Like any controlling style, passive aggression masks a great deal of anxiety. But the passive-aggressive persons anxiety is of a particular nature. This type of person, although determined to get what they want, dreads confrontation and conflict. If they say what they want, that would put them at risk of being questioned or challenged. Instead they devise diversionary tactics. Understanding the passive-aggressives motivation doesnt make their behavior any more excusable or any less hurtful. But it does give you a clue as to why they so often leave you feeling baffled, insecure, and perhaps even guilty. Theyre exceptionally adept at making you feel as though youre the problem. If you buy their spin, youll end up apologizing to them. Consider Why You Comply If you feel as though your strings are being pulled, think about whos pulling them and how theyre doing it. Now look at any possible role you may be playing in perpetuating the situation:

of least resistance.

Maybe youre doing their bidding because youve gotten a bit lazytoo used to taking the path Maybe you were eager to let them be in charge because you really didnt want to take responsibility. Maybe you buried your head in the sand while a covert, controlling type repeatedly gave you clues about their agendaperhaps because you dont like thinking critically about anyone, or youre afraid of seeming paranoid.

If you discover that youve been, to some extent, colluding with a controller, dont beat yourself up over it. Simply acknowledge your role. Doing so will help you unravel the situation. Believe in Your Abilities Controlling types are only too happy to help undermine your confidence. People who lack self-confidence rarely feel entitled to question the authority of those who claim it. You dont have to become a public braggart, but you do need to remind yourself of your accomplishments and your strengths:

Remember the times your decisions have proved correct. Remember the times you beat the odds and triumphed over adversity. Think of the positive feedback youve gotten from others in the past and in the present.

If you feel you lack some skill that you consider crucial, dont throw up your hands. Make it your business to work on attaining it. That will give you not only new skills, but also a better self-image. The more you feel you deserve to be heard, the more you will find a way to make this happen. Dont Be a Blabbermouth Knowledge is power. Be careful what you tell controlling types about your desires and your plans. If what you want doesnt dovetail with what they want, theyll begin to make your life difficult. Be especially careful what you reveal to covert controllers. And because we all reveal things both verbally and nonverbally, practice your poker face. Control Is an IllusionBe an Illusionist No one can control everything all the time. Even controlling types know this deep down. They just dont want to be reminded of it. They want to maintain the illusion of control. If you can help them to hang on to this illusion, you can often get things to go your way. The skill in doing this lies in convincing controllers that one of these things is true:

They gave you the inspiration for your idea or plan, so its really their baby. The idea or plan was really theirs; youre just adding some finishing flourishes that they just hadnt thought of yet. Your plan, your idea will actually give them more power and control in the long run (at work, for example, by you handling the budget requests for your department, you can get your boss more funds).

Maybe you can convince them of all three! Be diplomatic when preserving an illusion. Use nonthreatening language to make your points. Say we instead of I whenever possible. And try phrasing your idea in question form, as in, What do you think would happen if we tried ? Use Last Resorts Last Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. When all else fails, how do you out-control a controller? One way, of course, is to go ahead and do what you want in spite of them. After all, unless someone is holding a gun to your head, they cant really force you to do anything, can they? But if defiance is what you choose, you must always ask yourself what the fallout will be and if you are willing to pay the price. A second way is to appropriate their style. You can attempt to out-deceive a deceiver or be more passiveaggressive than a passive-aggressive type. But beware here, too, for these folks have had lots of practice. Since this is the only way they know how to do things, theyre playing for keeps. A novice might have trouble beating them at their own game, and if youre not exceptionally skillful, you might just dig yourself into a deeper hole. Sometimes a viable way to out-control a controller is to invoke the power of numbers. It is sometimes easier to stand up to a controller as part of a group, the members of which can unite and press for change. As always, use your psychological smarts where you can. Before you deploy fire, consider whether less drastic measures will serve you just as well, if not better. Get control of yourself, and you will be well along your way to preventing others from controlling you. From The Complete Idiots Guide to Coping with Difficult People by Arlene Matthews Uhl

Vetting all non-physical entities/energies. Not rude but necessary.

By Medium Laura Evans Written and shared with permission by a friend named Mattie -

We have the ability & right to quiz any spirit/energy attempting to make contact w/ us (even in our sleep state) if they are: OF the light, are IN the light, & are working for the Best Highest Purpose of the Universe or source/god/prime creator. If they aren't we can tell them to scram & not come back. They have to obey. ALL positive entities will be delighted you are energetically savvy & won't mind being quizzed about this at all. We ALL have the ability to order any unwanted energies to scram. Dont let this negative energy pollute or intrude on your personal energy field. Be proactive & deliberately edit what energies you allow to contact you. We don't have to put up w/ stalled 4D jokers wasting our time. The lowest level of 4D is inhabited by stalled troubled entities that are stalled because they refuse to move on. These entities have nothing to offer us. They are of very low frequency. Take a minute to savor the vibes of the most troubled players on planet earth. Yucko. Dont stay there too long!! These stalled lower 4D entities can be just as troubled as when they were on earth. As they have not chosen to resolve themselves in a higher D & avail themselves of abundant assistance that is continually available, they may actually be more troubled than when they were as earthly malcontents. This same vetting can also be used to protect all energy gifts & keep invitations for First Contact to ETs*from being misused. Susan Carrolls extensive very well written site, provides much more information about t hese subjects. Carroll states, FOURTH DIMENSIONAL SUB-PLANES There are seven sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Each sub-plane resonates to a different frequency. The higher sub-planes resonate to higher frequencies and the lower sub-planes resonate to lower frequencies. The 4D realities overlap w/ the lowest levels being present on earth at a higher vibration than 3D. The lower astral plane is filled w/ the negativities of fear, anger, sorrow, guilt & pain. This is the etheric realm that our old religion texts call hell. The lowest subplane of 4D is NOT evil in & of itself, but it resonates & reflects the negativity of those in it. As we release our fears the vibration of the lower 4D rises. The uppermost subplane of 4D is our HS. The lowest 4D subplanes are a holding place for those not sufficiently resolved to proceed onwards & are stalled. The inhabitants of the lower 4D see the earth as we do, but have the advantage of familiarity w/ the astral realms & nonphysical world. They have an increased ability to reach us even though they are NOT more spiritually evolved just because they are now in spirit form. Many who are on earth who have made an effort to raise their awareness are MUCH more advanced than these stalled jokers. In this lower 4D subplane these bored troubled souls have nothing but time on their hands (eternity) & are delighted to scare for others if they allow them access. They seek to derail LWs as they want other low-frequency playmates to share their boring stalled existence. They aren't powerful & only gain power when we are scared of them & don't know we can tell them to scram. Channeled messages generating FEAR & DOUBT have a VERY high likelihood of being from these stalled 4D jokers. With channeling, opening up your self up to these entities w/o using proactive vetting to determine whether the channel is from the light or the higher 4D or higher dimensions, is to eagerly invite the energy of these troubled players into the sanctity of your sacred energy field. If you are a channel, dont give these 4D

jokers an opportunity, a voice & your credibility as well as the opportunity to discredit the entity they are impersonating. Channelers can easily protect themselves but DO NOT assume protection automatically occurs just because youve opened up to the higher dimensions & can receive a message. Experienced channels NEVER make themselves available to be used by these lower 4D entities for negative messages. To protect their personal energy field & the integrity of their message, all channelers can routinely vet all contacts when channeling.

Build Self-Esteem
By Medium Laura Evans Use Affirmations to Build Self-Esteem Most of us carry on a running internal dialogue at all times. It is as if our lives are a sporting event on television and there is a panel of psychic sports commentators hunched over their microphones doing a play-by-play of the action. Too often, the person at the "negative commentary" microphone hogs the show! The unseen producer has the volume on that mike turned up, and the other microphones are muted or turned off entirely. What comes through in this ongoing psychic play-by-play is often quite negative, harsh, critical -- as if someone is screaming: "You idiot! You should have known not to get in this lane. Of course it's going to be the slowest!" Or: "You always do it wrong. Everybody else knows how to do this, but YOU..." Imagine how a real-life football game would unfold if the quarterback had these voices echoing in his head while he is on the field, calling and executing plays under intense pressure. It's safe to say his performance would be less than optimal. The same is true for us, as we listen to negative or doubting or critical or pessimistic voices in our heads. "This speech probably won't go well." "I'm always unlucky -- good things never happen to me." It can take tremendous focus and extraordinary expenditure of energy to function at our best when we are distracted by this chorus of silent negativity echoing within our minds. These negative and critical voices are likely to be the loudest when one is tired, hungry, lonely, sad, sick -- or in some kind of emotional or physical pain. When one's strength or resistance is lowered, it seems the negative voices only gain in strength and intensity. The conscious and intentional use of positive affirmations is a powerful way to counter these voices of negativity within. It is important to emphasize that what we are suggesting here is not self-hypnosis or an attempt to "psych" yourself into believing something which at the moment you don't believe. No, the use of positive affirmations is simply to rebalance the internal dialogue, to add more positive voices to the mix. To return to our sports commentary analogy, using positive affirmations is akin to "producing your own show" -- unmuting the microphones before the commentators who are inclined to view the game in a more positive and compassionate light, thus giving these voices more air time in the internal dialogue. In fact, as I tell my clients, it is not important that they believe the affirmations as they are speaking or reading them. The benefit occurs through simply adding positive and affirmative statements into the ongoing dialogue

within. This slowly begins to shift the balance toward a more optimistic, compassionate and self-accepting way of relating to oneself. Try an experiment. Make a list of five simple affirmative statements about yourself. Go through the list and edit out any negative, ambivalent or pessimistic language until the statements are unequivocally positive. Examples: "I try hard to do my best." "I am a good and loving person." "When I am angry or upset, I am only responding out of my hurt and my confusion." "I am learning more each day about how to make the most of my life." "I am loved and accepted by those who truly know me." Read through your list four or five times a day -- for a week. Let yourself hear the words without trying to analyze them or debate about whether they are true. Don't worry if you don't feel anything immediately -- there's no magic here. But there is a kind of magic, over time, in practicing self- compassion -- acts of kindness and generosity directed towards oneself. The world can be a hard place -- do we really need to make things more difficult for ourselves? Imagine yourself as a friend -- to yourself! Positive affirmations are a way of rebalancing the too-often negative internal dialogue, by adding in some consciously chosen words of kindness, compassion and optimism. I dare you to try it! ----------------------------David Yarian, Ph.D.

The energy download explained.

By Medium Laura Evans For the past few years we have experienced relentless energy downloads that we respond to with physical symptoms which range from extreme fatigue to nausea to physical illness. These downloads occur with increasing frequency and intensity and we wonder why, with such high energy, we can feel so bad. There are a couple of misconceptions about energy that cause us to underestimate its effects and overestimate its potential. No matter how high the frequency of these downloads, we are limited in our ability to integrate them until we clear our energetic body of its density. The downloads will continue to increase in vibration and frequency, so our energetic response will too, until we are clear enough to connect with them more seamlessly. Energy downloads are occurring in response to the need for higher frequencies to empower the ascension process. We need to integrate and align with these frequencies as part of our own ascension path. But how can we do that when we feel more disempowered by them? They bring up issues and challenges, physical, emotional and spiritual, that seem to stop us in our tracks. And that is part of their purpose, to show us where we are aligned with more dense frequencies, which are hidden from our understanding, so we can clear them. Higher frequencies shed light on our darkness so we can enlighten it. They also bring up the density associated with karma and that can be a powerful awakening, as I experienced this week. After hurting my back a week ago, which meant I couldnt walk for three days, another one of my life

lessons as I was paralyzed as a child and couldnt walk for nearly 5 years. In this pre-Egyptian lifetime I was a newly crowned, beautiful and powerful queen, killed by a jealous trusted friend and confidante who slit my throat. In that moment I realized how a fear of being my true self, being in my power, of speaking and stepping forward and moving ahead, something I have battled for decades, was born. Every time I try to move forward in my life, I create a paralyzing experience and this has been repeated many times. Now I understand it and its powe r over me is finished. What do these energy downloads bring up for you? The end of a relationship, a betrayal, having to face a fear or the realization of a karmic incident that has been a powerful force in your life? A physical manifestation of energy you have been carrying (and perhaps ignoring) for a long time? That is the higher frequencies uncovering your more dense energies so you can release them. Once you do you are open to integrating these new frequencies and aligning yourself with them. This also means that anything in your life that vibrates at a lower frequency will disappear or have an invitation to shift its energy. Our lessons in acceptance and accepting others choices, no matter what they are, come into play here. These are not easy times but they are new opportunities for us to release lifetimes of fear and misalignment with the higher energy of unconditional love which has blocked us from being able to create heaven on earth for ourselves and the planet. Its time for us to complete this aspect of our individual and collective life purpose, the ascension cycle. So as you are struggling with this energetic integration, pay attention to what arises for you. Whether its something physical, emotional or spiritual, it is an energy whose time has come to leave your energetic body. And when you release it, you create a new place of alignment with higher frequencies that can help you create the love, joy, peace and abundance your heart and spirit desire for you as part of your heaven on earth.

Dispel fear
By Medium Laura Evans how to overcome fear and live bold: 10 tips a guest post by tess marshall of the bold life Ill bet youve already promised yourself that this year will be diff erent. This time you will reach your goal, skydive, learn Mandarin Chinese, find the love of your life, lose the weight or become self-employed. If you have thats fantastic! Who doesnt want to change, to grow, and to live life their way? There is only one thing that is standing between you and the promise youve made. Fear. Fear can be a trap, a prison, a story, or an illusion that torments and paralyzes you. It keeps you awake at night, and your happiness and dreams completely out of reach. One of the worst things we can do is dare to dream big and then hold ourselves hostage by clinging to our same old routine doubts, anxieties, and fears. Its a wicked cycle that will keep you crazy-dizzy and spinning out of control like a rickety old Tilt-a-Whirl at the State Fair. Whats real about fear? The only real aspects of fear are your annoying and uneasy feelings that escort your terror the worry, anxiety, and irrational thinking. The unpleasant physical symptoms of fear drain your energy a sudden grab, a racing heart, your sweaty palms, shortness of breath and sleepless nights. These feelings and symptoms are unbearable yet until the pain of staying stuck is greater than the pain it takes to grow forward, we suffer. Our subconscious beliefs, our addiction to safety, and our past experience prevents up from taking the action needed to move out of our fear and into our greatness. Read on for 10 tips for a bold and fearless life. Tip #1: Dont believe your thoughts

Drop your negative thinking and lack of faith in yourself or it will continue to snowball. Train your mind to create positive expectations. Learn to expect the best. Tip #2: View life as a creative and wild adventure Life can be brimming with easy times of beauty and light or overflowing with hard times of dark and difficulty. Choose to stay present through it all. Appreciate the varied landscape and enjoy the ride. Tip #3: Consider the love of others Who else in your life is missing out because of your fear of moving forward? Make a list of the people who will benefit from your success. Stay strong for them. Imagine telling them the good news in advance I got the job, I made a difference, I wrote my book, were going on vacation! Tip #4: Let go of the outcome We often think we know what is best for us. We forget we cant see the whole picture. Do what is yours to do and do it well. Like blowing a dandelion in the wind, let the rest go and remain open to infinite possibilities. Tip #5: Be authentic. In a world where everyone is trying to be someone else, be brave enough to be you. Nobody else has your thumb print, heart print, or soul print. Nobody else can do your part. Revel in your uniqueness. Transparency is magnetic. Tip #6: Create space for gratitude Begin your day by filling your mind with appreciation. Focus on the love you have to give and the love you can receive. Become aware of open hearts, open minds, and an unlimited life. This is energy well spent. Tip #7: Build positive images Increase your faith and courage by remembering all of your past successes. Take note of your strengths and determination. Apply the same traits to your present dream. Build positive pictures of future success in your mind. Tip #8: Argue for a positive outcome Make a list of your fears. Next, prove each fear wrong. If you think you cant, write down all of the reasons why you actually can. Remind yourself of your written proof when youre heart is pounding and your palms are sweating. Tip #9: Be comfortable with the uncomfortable I dont know anyone who enjoys being afraid. We want to deny it, run from it, and ignore it. As a professional speaker, Im nervous for the first several minutes. To get through it, I memorize the first ten minutes of the speech. Learn to get through the things you fear. Tip #10: Dont take it personally What someone else does is about them. How you react is about you. This is perhaps the most difficult step to learn. When your request is ignored or turned down, move on. Rejection isnt an excuse for failure. As you face your fears and increase your freedom and happiness by allowing your dreams to become a reality, the good life is inevitable.

Tess Marshall is the founder of The Bold Life,

Earthbound spirits by Mandi

By Medium Laura Evans When a spirit gets "stuck" on this earth plane, they are referred to as Earthbound. However, they are not really "bound" at all. Each of them can choose to move on at any time. Some of them choose not to, as described above. But others are truly lost, and do not know that they are dead. Spirits of this type usually get attached to a certain place (like the house they lived in at the time of their death) and refuse to leave. If you have the misfortune to move into the house, the spirit will likely not take kindly to you being there! Remember that they think it is still THEIR house. How would you feel if some strangers suddenly moved into YOUR house? I bet you wouldn't be too pleased!

Spirits will often try getting your attention by speaking to you, tapping you on the shoulder, or even throwing things. This does not mean that you have an "evil" spirit on your hands. Truly evil spirits are very, very rare. (I will

talk more about those momentarily.) Rather, you have the spirit of an unhappy person on your hands. They feel you are invading their territory, and of course they will try to let you know that they are unhappy about it. Sometimes though, they aren't even unhappy about you being there, they just try to let you know they are there, period. They may cause certain physical phenomena to occur (moving objects, voices, apparitions, flashes or trails of light, shadows, footsteps, doors opening and closing, etc). Remember that it can get quite lonely being a ghost. Imagine spending years without anyone knowing you are there. Most people can't see or hear you. Then one day someone comes along that senses your presence, and you know it. Of course you'd try to let them know that you are really there.Taken from VoV main forum

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