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A FREE Pu,lication of t-e A.

iation Association of Santa Fe /// (ol0 2 Edition 1 /// 1an#$ar 2012

#A aircraft to travel to destinations within a 0140 min$te fli"ht ,+ air&lane, that wo$ld have otherwise involved several ho$rs travelin" ,+ car( .erha&s most im&ortantl+, these e2c$rsions also offered val$a,le learnin" o&&ort$nities for all &artici&ants( For e2am&le, the ina$"$ral fl+1o$t of 201 on Fe,r$ar+ 14 to #rants, N% (#N3) incl$ded a tri& to the *estern New %e2ico Aviation 5erita"e %$se$m detailin" the histor+ of the transcontinental airwa+ s+stem, &art of which was ,ased on fl+in" from one 6F7 landmark to the ne2t, da+ or ni"ht( 8ess than two months later, mem,ers and their friends and famil+ flew $& to 7aton, N% (73N) for an FAA Safet+ 3eam (FAAS3eam) seminar entitled )Aviation *eather 9 Briefin"s 1 *hat Yo$ Never 8earned in #ro$nd School() 3he final fl+1o$t of the +ear saw AASF mem,ers make the short ho& down to Do$,le :a"le // (A:#) west of Al,$;$er;$e for the 8and of :nchantment Fl+1/n on Sat$rda+, Se&tem,er <( /n addition to hostin" over =0 aircraft flown ,+ local ,$sinesses, law enforcement divisions and &rivate &ilots, the event also incl$ded two aviation safet+ ,riefin"s( %aintainin" safe fl+in" o&erations was a dominant theme thro$"ho$t the +ear for the AASF( Followin" a controversial decision ,+ the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to halt f$ndin" to nearl+ 1=0 contract air traffic control facilities across the co$ntr+ 1 incl$din" Santa Fe!s tower 1 the AASF develo&ed a &resentation re"ardin" safe o&erational &ractices at $ntowered
'See R()* opposite page+

AASF Treasurer and CFI Marc Coan presents a safety seminar about aviation weather and briefing information at Raton, NM one of many simi!ar events he!d in "#$%&

Association Promoted GA Safety, Awareness and Flying Fun in 2013

As the first month of the New Year draws to a close, the Board of Directors of the Aviation Association of Santa Fe (AASF) took a moment to reflect on 201 and the AASF!s "rowin" voice in matters concernin" "eneral aviation (#A) $se of the Santa Fe %$nici&al Air&ort ('SAF)( )*e!ve alwa+s ,een a "ro$& of aviation enth$siasts who, a,ove all, en-o+ed meetin" to talk a,o$t air&lanes and their role in histor+,) said AASF .resident *illiam Aneshensel( )/n 201 , however, we o&ted to take a more &rominent role in s&eakin" on ,ehalf of #A o&erators fl+in" o$t of Santa Fe a,o$t the &olitical and safet+ iss$es of "reatest concern to them( *e aren!t merel+ enth$siasts0 we are stakeholders in the contin$ed develo&ment and &romotion of this air&ort() #reater mem,er en"a"ement was a cr$cial "oal for the Board in 201 , and one of the earliest efforts towards that end was the introd$ction of a ,imonthl+ Association newsletter( Availa,le to AASF mem,ers 1 as well as air&ort ,$sinesses, &ilots across the re"ion, and airline travelers fl+in" o$t of Santa Fe 1 )Santa Fe Air&ort News) hi"hli"hts si"nificant news and events of im&ortance to the northern New %e2ico fl+in" comm$nit+, and has ,een e2tremel+ well received ,+ the air&ort comm$nit+(

Upcoming Events
FEBR AR! 1" 1 FAAS3eam .resentation, )As the *orld 3$rns) 1 a
seminar a,o$t the effects from s&atial disorientation and the im&ortance of &ro&er aerona$tical decision makin" (AD%) skills( 10>00 am at the ?ivil Air .atrol han"ar, for re"istration info and directions visit htt&>@@tin+$rl(com@A3*3Seminar(

FEBR AR! 22 # An"el Fli"ht New %e2ico *in" Fl+1/n, A> 0 am 1

12> 0 &m at the As&en Avionics han"ar at Do$,le :a"le // ('A:#)( Feat$rin" A(,A ,i!ot senior editor Dave 5irschman0 A&ollo 1< astrona$t and former N% Senator 5arrison )Back) Schmitt0 and An"el Fli"ht &ilot Berr+ 6an Slam,rook( /ncl$des a safet+ seminar on handlin" emer"encies( Breakfast and l$nch &rovided(

$AR%& ' # AASF ,reakfast and &resentation ,+ B(.( 5eld on )Fl+in"

Small .lanes to :$ro&e and Be+ond,) ,ased on his e2&eriences fl+in"

3he +ear 201 also saw the reintrod$ction of mem,er fl+1o$ts( !across the &ond(! C> 0 am at 3he Air&ort #rille( 3hese events &rovided not onl+ the val$a,le o&&ort$nit+ for active E(ER! SA) R*A! + Boin o$r *eekl+ DSk+?hatE ,reakfast, C1 &ilot mem,ers to hone their skills, ,$t also a means for the entire 11> 0 am at the Air&ort #rilleF mem,ershi& to share in the e2citement and e2&erience of $sin"

R()* 'continued+

Around the Airfield

An e8citing new ,usiness .enture at 5SAF offers c$stomiGed fli"ht1seein" to$rs, aerial &hoto"ra&h+, and fli"ht instr$ction( A3.@?F/ and former Alaskan ,$sh &ilot 7o+al Drews (left) e2&lains his com&an+!s name, 7o+al Nik$saidie Aviation 88? was ins&ired ,+ his work as a h$manitarian &ilot in the ?on"o( (Nik$saidie means )let me hel& +o$E in Swahili() KtiliGin" a 1A01h& 1C<A ?essna ?1<2 Sk+hawk, Drews offers aerial to$rs of man+ local sites 1 incl$din" the San"re de ?risto and BemeG %o$ntains, 8os Alamos, *hite 7ock #or"e and the 7io #rande valle+ 1 from a new and more vis$all+ e2citin" &ers&ective than "ro$nd1level( 3o$rs ma+ also ,e e2tended to incl$de a com&rehensive view of the 6alles ?aldera( Drews ma+ ,e reached thro$"h www(learntofl+nm(com or ,+ callin" (=0=) 4CC1A<1 ( 9$ S4ort A.iation started o$t over two +ears a"o ,+ offerin" a sin"le 7emos #L li"ht1s&ort aircraft for rental and instr$ction0 in late Decem,er, N%SA added a second 7emos #L (,elow) to its fleet( Feat$rin" d$al D+non "lass dis&la+s, a #armin #.SIC4 to assist with navi"ation, and a two1a2is a$to&ilot, the new aircraft s$&&lements the com&an+!s e2istin" 7emos, ?essna 1=0 Aero,at, and a soon1to1,e1 availa,le, s$,stantiall+ overha$led 1CI< :rco$&e I1=1?D( 8earn more at www(nms&ortaviation(com or ,+ callin" (=0=) IC014222(

air&orts ran"in" from dirt airstri&s, to smaller #A fields, to air&orts even lar"er than Santa Fe witho$t a control tower, or at ni"ht when the tower is closed( Altho$"h ?on"ress later com&elled the FAA to maintain f$ndin" to those facilities, the B$ne A &resentation &rovided val$a,le information a,o$t sit$ations &ilots face when fl+in" to $ntowered airfields( /n addition to this seminar, additional fli"ht safet+ &resentations hosted ,+ AASF mem,ers and local ,$siness owners 1 incl$din" FAAS3eam re&resentative ?liff ?hetwin, ?F/ and AASF 3reas$rer %arc ?oan, ?F/ Bason 5e+man, AASF Secretar+ 7o, Finfrock, and N% S&ort Aviation owner %ichael SGcGe&anski 1 were offered, free of char"e, thro$"ho$t the +ear( Policies Affecting 34erators at 5SAF Altho$"h the Association is not a lo,,+in" or"aniGation 1 meanin" AASF doesn!t s&end over 20H of its ,$d"et on lo,,+in" activities 1 mem,ers did make their voices heard on a variet+ of iss$es affectin" &ilots o&eratin" in and aro$nd Santa Fe( As one e2am&le of this en"a"ement, AASF ,oard mem,ers re&resented mem,er concerns at monthl+ meetin"s of the Air&ort Advisor+ Board, which determines recommendations a,o$t air&ort "rowth and develo&ment to &resent to cit+ leaders( Association mem,ers also &la+ed a role in &resentin" the le"al and &ractical reasons to not im&ose $ser fees on o&erators of #A aircraft at Santa Fe when the iss$e ,riefl+ arose towards the end of 201 0 thanks in &art to these voices and others, the Advisor+ Board formall+ declared its o&&osition to $ser fees in earl+ 201I( AASF mem,ers also voted to s$&&ort le"islation to e2em&t aircraft &arts, re&airs, maintenance and $&"rades from New %e2ico!s "ross recei&ts ta2, or #73( ?olorado, 3e2as and AriGona all have laws e2em&tin" some or all aircraft re&air e2&enses from sales ta2( )All of o$r nei"h,orin" states alread+ have a Fl+ Awa+ :2em&tion,) noted ?oan( )3he fact that New %e2ico does not res$lts in o$r facilities losin" man+ tho$sands of dollars in lost ,$siness each +ear when N% &ilots fl+ o$t of state to "et their maintenance and $&"rades done in order to save on #73() A ,ill that wo$ld have created s$ch an e2em&tion in New %e2ico $nanimo$sl+ &assed ,oth the state 5o$se of 7e&resentatives and the Senate Finance ?ommittee in the 201 le"islative session, ,$t was not taken $& ,+ the f$ll Senate( 5owever, im&roved le"islation 1 e2tendin" the #73 e2em&tion not onl+ to FAA .art 1I=1a&&roved re&air stations, ,$t also to sho&s em&lo+in" FAA1certified mechanics ,$t not 1I=1 certified J was reintrod$ced for the 201I le"islative session as 5(B( 1I( 3he AASF will contin$e its work to &romote this effort in the New Year(

2012 AASF Board $em,ers

President6 *illiam Aneshensel (ice#President6 .at Dolin )reasurer> %arc ?oan Secretary6 7o, Finfrock Santa Fe Air4ort $anager Francey 1esson is see:ing .olunteers to &artici&ate in a f$ll1scale air&ort emer"enc+ readiness drill, to ,e cond$cted sometime in late A&ril1earl+ %a+( /f +o$ are interested in vol$nteerin" to assist with this effort, &lease email France+ at fm-essonMci(santa1fe(nm($s(

2012 AASF 3,

%ake fl+in" FKN, with additional mem,er fl+1o$ts to destination air&orts ?ontin$ation and e2&ansion of the mem,er newsletter 7edesi"n of the AASF we,site (www(santafeaviation(or") to make it more contem&orar+, and serve mem,ers ,etter

Words to Fly By
;)-e Guide says t-ere is an art to flying 000 or rat-er a :nac:0 )-e :nac: lies in learning -ow to t-row yourself at t-e ground and miss0; - Douglas Adams, "Life, the Universe and Everything"

?ontin$ed ,oard mem,er attendance at all Air&ort Advisor+ Board meetin"s, as well as le"islative meetin"s re"ardin" 5(B( 1I and other "KSAF Airport News" is a free bi-monthly publication by the Aviation Association of Santa Fe, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, aviation1related le"islation :2&lore $&datin" the air&ort histor+, incl$din" the o$tside terminal organization serves as an informal liaison between local pilots, the nonflying public, and airport management" For more information, visit dis&la+ and &lans for dis&la+s in terminal e2&ansion &lans
www&santafeaviation&org or email us at info.santafeaviation&org"

encouraging and supporting aviation in Santa Fe, New

e!ico" #ur

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