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Time is an inevitable and competent force which dictates all beings: the poet is able to overcome its power

by embedding his eternal loves youth in poetry. In Sonnet 63, the poet expresses how Time wields a knife, which evokes its power through a series of literary devices like personifications and paradoxes. In Sonnet 63, the poet confronts Time as it is about use its ravishing powers to age his lover, hence making her beauty fade away:Against ages cruel knife,/ That he shall never cut from my memory/ My sweet loves beauty, though my lovers life. The personification of Times injurious hand carving the wrinkles onto people displays the fierce power that time has and that Time is being portrayed as a human instead of an object that we revolve around. However, the poet builds the courage to confront Time and tell it that he cannot take his lovers beauty so easily. As the saying goes, The pen is mightier than the sword or the knife in this case, exemplifies how the poet overcomes Times oppressive power through the poems he writes to preserve his lovers beauty. The personification of Times knife creates a negative connotation towards Time since it is being portrayed as the antagonist in this sonnet since it is trying to take the poets lovers beauty away from her. The poet shifts gear very suddenly through the couplet as it demonstrates how the poet finds his solution to end Times creed through a paradox. The poet uses the paradox to contradict how his lover will age physically and her beauty will eventually vanish, but her youth and her beauty will be engrained in the poets writings:His beauty shall in these black lines be seen, and he in them still green. This paradox explains how Time will be defeated even though the poet appears to feel defeated by Times ravishing strength as it severed the poets youth; the poet outwitted Time as he keeps his lovers beauty young for the generations of people to read his poems about her. The use of the paradox connects to how Times force dictates all being, however people are able to overcome the overbearing powers it unleashes through poetry since writing becomes more profound and admirable as it ages like how poets poems become more beautiful as time passed by.. The poet encompasses the true meaning of his passion for his lover through this paradox since he went out of his way to save her, and saved her beauty in the essence of his poems in which times power reverses, and makes his lovers beauty and elegance more profound over the years. In conclusion, the poets severe love for his lover and his fight to preserve his lovers grace subjugates the oppressive forces of Time through his ability to sustain his lover s beauty through poetry.

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