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05. November 2013.

Exercise 1. Match the correct answer to the question

a. Where are you from? b. When do you wake up? c. Do you have a brother? d. Have you got a blue pen? e. What is the time? f. Do you speak English? g. How is Cathy? h. Does your mother cook? i. Why do you go home? j. Who is Claire to you? 1. At 8 oclock. 2. She is fine. 3. Yes, here you are. 4. Yes, I do. 5. Because I am sick. 6. I am from Bulgaria. 7. She is my aunt. 8. Yes, his name is Tom. 9. Its 3:25. 10. Yes, she does.


Exercise 2. Fill in the sentences with the correct family word.

e.g.: My mothers husband is my ____father____.


Exercise 3. Create present simple questions and short answers.



05. November 2013.

Exercise 4. Write down the time from the clocks.


Exercise 5. Read the texts and fill in the chart.


Exercise 6. Write about yourself. Where do you live? Introduce your family. Write about a typical day of yours. /11 Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences! Write the numbers with letters!
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Anyunak van 13 tskja. Ott van 21 toll az asztalon. Szp az a hz. A focista nem jr olaszrra. Hogy vagy? Ksznm, nagyon jl. Ez egy rgi MP3 lejtsz. Hol lakik Tom? A Szezm utca 45-ben.


TEST A NAME h. Sarah szombaton pizzt eszik. i. A kirlyi csald a Windsor kastlyban l. j. Kate nem okos.

05. November 2013.

Exercise 8. Match the photos to the words.


Exercise 9. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.





05. November 2013.

Exercise 1. Write down the time from the clocks.


Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.


Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences! Write the numbers with letters!
a. b. c. d. e. f. Hol lakik Tom? A Papr tr 12-ben. Hogy vagy? Ksznm, nem jl. Nincs ott 12 toll az asztalon. A focista jr olaszrra. Ez egy j CD lejtsz. Anyunak nincs 52 tskja.


TEST B NAME g. h. i. j. Nem szp az a hz. Kate okos. Sarah szombaton nem eszik pizzt. A kirlyi csald a Buckingham palotban l.

05. November 2013.

Exercise 4. Match the correct answer to the question

a. Where are you from? b. When do you wake up? c. Do you have a brother? d. Have you got a blue pen? e. What is the time? f. Do you speak English? g. How is Cathy? h. Does your mother cook? i. Why do you go home? j. Who is Claire to you? 1. . Yes, she does. 2. She is fine. 3. She is my aunt. 4. I am from Bulgaria. 5. Because I am sick. 6. Yes, his name is Tom. 7. Yes, here you are. 8. At 8 oclock. 9. Its 3:25. 10. Yes, I do.


Exercise 5. Match the photos to the words.


Exercise 6. Fill in the sentences with the correct family word.

e.g.: My mothers husband is my ____father____.



05. November 2013.

Exercise 7. Read the texts and fill in the chart.


Exercise 8. Create present simple questions and short answers.


Exercise 9. Write about yourself. Where do you live? Introduce your family. Write about a typical day of yours. /11



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