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10 March 2014 - Madrid, Spain X European Day on Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism Place: Paseo de la Castellana 46, 28046 Madrid European Commission Representation Office 19:00-20:30
Intervention by the European Commission

Stefano Manservisi, Director-General of DG Home Affairs

Moment of Silence on Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism

Francisco Fonseca Morillo, Head of the EC Representation in Spain

Testimony from a victim from the Atocha bombing The role of Victims in the Radicalization Awareness Network (RAN)

AFVT (French Association): Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc AIVITER (Italian Association): Luca Guglielminetti

Presentation of projects financed by the Commission to raise victims' voice against radicalisation "Counter-narrative for counter-terrorism (C4C)"

Marinella Principiano: head of the school "Albe Steiner" in Turin Luca Toselli: teacher and educational project manager Luca Guglielminetti: advisor and project manager

"The voice of the survivors against radicalisation"

Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc

The floor to victims Close Drink offered by the European Commission

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