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,. #hich of the follo-ing pairs of structure and function is correct$ Structure of %unction ear A Auditor! Controls the bod!.s nerve balance B /ssicles Amplif! sound vibrations C 'ustachian Converts vibrations to tube nerve impulses D Cochlea Balances the air pressure in both ears 0. 1ive the correct se2uence of the path taken b! a sound -ave. A. cochlea ossicles ear drum auditor! nerve B. ear drum cochlea ossicles auditor! nerve C. ear drum ossicles cochlea auditor! nerve D. ossicles ear drum auditor! nerve cochlea 3. #hich of the follo-ing are the functions of the skin$ I. cover the internal organs. II. keep the bod! temperature constant. III. release -aste and to4ins from the bod!. I5. detect chemical stimulus. A. I 6 III onl! B. II 6 III onl! C I II 6 III D. I II III 6 I5

1. The part of the tongue that is the most sensitive to bitter taste is labelled as A B C D

2. Sensitive skin has I. a thinner epidermis II. more receptors III. more fats under the dermis A B C D I II III I and II onl! II and III onl! I onl!

". #hich sensor! organ is involved in the sense of smell$ A. %ace B. &ostril C. &ose D. 'ar (. %ood is less tast! if a person A. is constipated. B. catches a cold. C. has beri)beri. D. has anaemia. *. #hich sensor! organs detect chemical stimuli$ A. The e!es and the ears B. The nose and the tongue C. The e!es and the tongue D. The ears and the nose +. #hich part of the e!e does not help focus Clight on the retina$

17. #hich of the follo-ing is correctl! match$ Defect A B C D Astigmatism Short sightedness 8ong sightedness Short sightedness #a! to overcome the defect Concave lens C!lindrical lens Conve4 lens Conve4 lens

PART B 1. Diagram 1 belo- sho-s an e4periment carried out b! a student.

Diagram 1 a9 #rite !our observations for the e4periment: Situation 'lectric bell is s-itched on Both the electric bell and vacuum pump are s-itched on b9 #hat is the conclusion of this activit!$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. c9 #h! sound cannot travel through vacuum$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2. /bservation

Diagram 2 Diagram 2 sho-s the vision of a human. a9 &ame the t!pe of vision sho-n in the above diagram. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; b9 State the advantage of this t!pe of vision. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. c9 State three characteristics of the vision. i. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;....... ii. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; iii. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. d9 &ame t-o e4amples of animals -ith this vision. i. ................................................... ii. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Chapter 2 : Nutrition 1. #hich of the follo-ing carboh!drates can onl! be found in plants$ B gl!cogen C cellulose D glucose 2. The list belo- sho-s some information about a substance present in food. To prevent skin from dr!ing To prevent night)blindness %ound in tomatoes and carrots (. Diagram above sho-s the human digestive s!stem. #hich of the follo-ing classes of food are digested in the organs M N and P$ Organ M Organ N Organ P Carboh!drate %at A =rotein =rotein %at B Carboh!drate %at =rotein C Carboh!drate =rotein Carboh!drate D %at *. #hich of the follo-ing is not an end product of digestion in human$ A cellulose B fatt! acids C amino acids D glucose A starch

The information refers to ;; A vitamin C B vitamin B C vitamin A D vitamin D ".

A certain food has the composition sho-n in the diagram. The food is probabl! ;; A <utton B Apple C 5egetables D =otatoes

+. An e4periment is carried out as sho-n in the above diagram. After "7 minutes the distilled -ater -as heated -ith a fe- drops of Benedict.s solution.A brick)red precipitate -as formed. #hat can !ou conclude from the e4periment$ A Starch molecule are blocked b! the glucose molecules B 1lucose molecules are larger than starch molecules. C Starch has changed to glucose and diffused through the 5isking tube. D 1lucose has diffuse through the 5isking tube. ,. #here the absorption of digested food take place$ A The rectum B The stomach C The small intestine D The large intestine

0. #hich of the follo-ing are the functions of the large intestine$ I to store faeces II to absorb -ater III to digest cellulose A I and II onl! B I and III onl! C II and III onl! D I II and III 3. 5itamins are reabsorbed b! the;. > ) large intestine ? B stomach @onl! ) liver > > and ? onl! ? and @ onl! > ? and @


17. #hich of the follo-ing does not give rise to constipation$ A 'ating too little fibre B Drinking too little -ater C 'ating at regular eating hours D Aegular defecation

PART B 1. The diagram belo- sho-s a s!stem in human bod!.

a9 &ame the parts labelled = : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. A: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. b9 &ame the s!stem in the diagram above. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. c9 <atch the follo-ing structures -ith their functions. C To produce bile To absorb digested food minerals and vitamins A To produce pancreatic Duice S To absorb -ater C : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. S : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.

Marking scheme.

=art A 1. A +. D =art B 1. a9 The sound of the bell is heard The sound of the bell become fainter b9 sound needs medium to travel c9 because there is no particles in the vacuum 2. a9 stereoscopic vision b9 helps to estimate distances accuratel! c9 i. both e!es at the front of the head ii. obDects can be seen in three dimensions. iii. narro-er field of vision d9 i. tiger e9 pre! MODUL 2 =art A 1. A +. D =art B 1. a9 = : /esophagus C : 8iver A : =ancreas S : small intestine b9 Euman digestive s!stem c9 C : to produce bile A : to produce pancreatic Duice S : to absorb digested food minerals and vitamins. 2. C ,. C ". A 0. A (. B 3. B *. A 17. A ii. Cat 2. B ,. B ". C 0. C (. B 3. A *. B 17. C

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