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AVINASH YADAV DOKKARA +91-8801138829 avinashyadav1912@gmail !"m O#$%!

To obtain a position as a SA' (ASIS )ONS*+,AN, which will combine my business acumen & experience with my technology background and allow me to directly contribute to the growth and success of an organization.

'-".%ssi"nal S/mma-y
(ASIS )"ns/l&an& with an experience of over 2 y%a- and 0 m"n&hs and well versed in ins&alla&i"n1 !"n.ig/-a&i"n and main&%nan!% ". R23 s%-v%-s Having g""d %34"s/-% on R23 (/..%-s and m%m"-i%s &/ning, a44lying s/44"-& 4a!5s1 /4g-ad% 5%-n%l1 /s%- adminis&-a&i"ns and handling error resolving. S/!!%ss./lly handl%d 4-"$%!&s on !" #! $ upport.

!n analy&i!al mind with the ability to think clearly and logically and pay attention to details. 63!%ll%n& s4"5%n 7 8-i&&%n !"mm/ni!a&i"n s5ills, problem solving skills. %illing to %3&%nd 293: s/44"-&.

)a-%%- 4a&h

Y%a&''(-&')' &''1-&''( &''3-&''1

'-"g-amm% #.Tech.*$T+ $ntermediate th )' , 2

Ins&i&/&i"n ,-T.-/!/$-!0! -arayana ,r. 2ollege "ragyna 4rammar chool.

,%!hni!al S5ills

$nstallation and configuration of SA' R23 9 :1 6 ) ) 0 01 S"l/&i"n ;anag%- 9 0 "roficient in 5racle 0atabase administration activities like ,a#l%s4a!% adminis&-a&i"n "erformance monitoring after troubleshooting at !" 673 ystem level. $dentifying system problems by analy<ing sys&%m l"g1 ="-5 4-"!%ss%s s&a&/s1 ="-5 4-"!%ss l"gs1 and D( l"gs "roficient in monitoring (a!5g-"/nd $"#s and s!h%d/ling $"#s 2onfiguration of ,-ans4"-& ;anag%m%n& Sys&%m >,;S? "roficient in 5%-n%l /4g-ad%1 a44lying S/44"-& 4a!5ag%s1 /s%- adminis&-a&i"n and has excellent troubleshooting skills. 2lient !dministration including n%8 !li%n& !-%a&i"n1 l"!al !li%n& !"4y1 -%m"&% !li%n& !"4y1 !li%n& d%l%&i"n1 and assigning !li%n& &" a l"gi!al sys&%m "erformed *s%- Adminis&-a&i"n in!l/ding !-%a&ing /s%-s1 !-%a&ing 4-".il%s1 !-%a&ing -"l%s1 assigning 4-".il%s1 assigning -"l%s1 assigning a/&h"-i<a&i"n "#$%!&s &" -"l%s /sing 4-".il% g%n%-a&"2onfiguring and monitoring of O4%-a&i"n ;"d%s1 R@) )"nn%!&i"ns1 and sys&%m 4-".il%s

'-"$%!& S5ills
NO;A) A/g 2011 &" &ill da&%

;Y,%! S".&8a-% 'v& +&d 1 Hyd%-a#ad )li%n& D%s!-i4&i"nA

-58!2 is the leading independent operations and maintenance services provider for the energy and water desalinization industry in the audi !rabian peninsula. $t is important to note that -58!2 is to continuously striving for excellence in the operation and maintenance of the water and power generation plants and that our Total 9uality ystem is certified under the $ 5 :'');&''<, $ 5 )1'');&''1 and 5 H!)<'');&''= standards.

;y R"l%s and R%s4"nsi#ili&i%s

2reated users, roles as per the re>uirement of the ?unctional "eople and assigned re>uired privileges for the database access. .sed "rofile 4enerator for creation, modifying roles, composite roles, and derived roles. 8anual generation and modification of profiles. 4enerated authorizations using profile 4enerator and assigned to authorization profiles and assigned to activity groups. !ctivity groups are assigned to user master records. "erform user administration *creating, changing, maintaining, deleting user accounts and assigning roles+. 8anaged user login parameters and password parameters. @ffectively analyzed trace files and tracked missed authorizations for userAs access problems and inserted missing authorizations manually. 2lient !dministration including creation7deletion and locking on "60 clients.

#ackground ,obs 8onitoring and 6escheduling. ;a8ana S/ga-s +&d >N%8 D%lhi1 India? N"v 2010 &" B/n% 2011

;Y,%! S".&8a-% 'v& +&d 1 Hyd%-a#ad )li%n& D%s!-i4&i"nA

8awana ugars harness renewable natural resources effectively that produces products from annually renewable natural resources, its established core competence to make and distribute >uality products needed by society, using evolving goals and techni>ues to create sustainable value.The 2ompany uses the best plants, processes and practices to create enduring value. This 2ompany strives to strike a chord with the inner self of every associate.

;y R"l%s and R%s4"nsi#ili&i%s

0aily ystem Health 2hecks and troubleshoot day-to-day problems. cheduling, Balidating, monitoring #ackground ,obs. 2onfiguration of printers at !" level. 8onitoring the status of work process, application servers, system logs etc., %orking with ystem "rofiles and Barious "arameters to ensure the servers are up and running properly. $mplement kernel upgrades, application of support packages for #! $ , !#!", H6 and !pplication. 2lient !dministration as per the re>uirement. 2onfiguring of T8 to ensure that the obCects move smoothly across the landscape. 8onitor the 0atabase daily growth and periodic trend analysis. !dd new data files, extending table spaces, reorganizing table spaces, data files. 2onfiguring of !"4.$ for end users.


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