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The Achangel!
A Defense Against the Ruy Lopez
International Grandmaster RON HENLEY
Correspondence Chess Master PAUL HODGES
ll Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp)
Copyright 1 93. H D Publishing. All Rights Resered.
I SBN 1-883358.1-9
No par of this publication may O reprouce, store in a retrieval system, or
transmite in any form, or by any means: electronic, el ectrostatic, magnetic tapes,
mechanical photoopying, recording, or otherise, without prior and current writen
permission from the publisher.
H D Publishing
A Division of 4M Data Systems
Box 133
Hagerstown, MD 21 741
(800) 524-3527 (Orders only)
Cover Ar: Gar Ferster
Cover Lyout: Dawn Maddox
Typesetlng: JM Prouctions
u Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp)
The moern amateur chessplayer has
been bombarded with thousands of
examples of chess literature aimed at
I nstruct i ng t he stude nt in ways to
conduct the opening and middlegame in
chess. How many of us have not rushed
to the bookstore to purchase the latest
"System against the . . . " or "Encyclopeia
of . . . " or "Complete Reperoire against. . . "
in our quest to improve our knowledge
and (hopefully) our results, only to find
that we must wade through a mass of
vari ati ons and compl ete games, a
ti me- consu mi ng and i nti mi dat i ng
method of study that often defeats its
own purpose. While we at ChessBase
University acknowledge the imporance
of the traditional literature, we hope to
tackle the two most fundamental and
important probl ems that the chess
amateur faces when he reaches the
critical transition between the "opening"
and the "middlegame" . . .
How do I get there??
Wat do I do after I'm there??
The concept of "Power Play! " is that
chess openings and the middl egames
derived from them can be broken down
into a number of critical positions, and
that study of these posi ti ons in an
i nteractive pl ayi ng envi ronment wi l l
confer on students a deeper, more
resilient understanding of the problems
that confront them on the chessboard.
These " Power Pl ay! " positi ons have
been carefully selected from thousands
of master games and are the key element
of this book's structure. As in ice hockey
where "Power Play" implies a man or
more superiority on the ice, "Power
Play! " adds a serious weapon to the
chess arsenal of the prepared student.
This "Power Play! " book was originally
developed In electronic format to be
used wi t h Ch essBase USA' s
master-st r engt h pl ayi ng pr ogr am
KnightStalker (or Frit), and that still
remains the most convenient, efficient
way to apply the Power Play! metho.
But "Power Play!" can be used effectively
by anyone who want s t o real l y
understand chess, whether you have
access to any one of a number of
chessplaying programs and dedicate
machines, to an avid sparring parner at
t he l ocal cl ub, or t he si mpl e,
ol d-fashi oned expedi ent of pi ece
shuffl i ng i n the convenience of your
study. Either way, "Power Play! " will
make you a stronger, better informed
If you own an MS-DOS compati bl e
computer, you might want to consid6r
the additional investment in ChessBase
Uni versi ty and t he " Power Pl ay! "
books-on-disk series. In addition to the
wealth of useful information provided to
you in this book, the disk provides a set
of computer-specific tools to make your
study task even easier. "Power Play! "
disks include:
1 . Document files which contain material
that can be viewed in Hyperex. The
Hyperex will present an overiew of
each of the "Power Play! " positions from
the openi ng under study, discussing
Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp) lV
White's and Black's plans and allowing
access to the critical position i n the game
files. Additionally, you will find references
to "Key Games" in the game file, also
accessible from Hyperext.
2. A Chess Base games file (.cbf) typically
containing an Index, 30-50 "Power Play!"
positions and 40-80 "Key Games" lightly
annotated with study material relate to
the critical positions.
3. Comprehensive "Opening Book(s) "
(. fbk) which when utilized by Fritz or
Kni ghtStal ker, al l ow the st udent to
practi ce usi ng his new knowl edge
agai nst a wel l -armed and al ways
available adversary. We warn you that we
have DELI BERATELY i ncorporated
some inferior l ines and blunders Into
these "Openi ng Books". By allowing
Kni ghtStal ker the opti on of playing
"weakly" we have provided an additional
test for your tactical alert ness and
opporunism. Some of the forhcoming
"Power Play! " books will require the use
of more than one "Opening Book" - on
such occasions, you will be provided
with instructions on how to engage the
necessary "book" before doing battle.
4. A rudimentar "Opening Key" that will
speed the process of searchi ng for
specific entries i n the games fil e when
viewing material from within Access or
If you're Interested i n "Power Play! "
computer products, contact:
ChessBase USA
P. . Box 1 33
Hagerstown, MD 21 741 USA
Tel: 301 -733-7541
(800-524-3527 - Orders only)
Fax: 301 -797-6269
V Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
After revi ewi ng t he " Power Pl ay! "
instructional material on each position
and and examining some of the relevant
"Key Games", you should try out what
you have learned against any available
sparring parner - computers are ideal for
the intricate trial-and-error of training
games, but people make good training
parners too. The imporant thing is to go
over your games once they're finished,
check them against the principles you've
studied in the book, and keep a record
of what you've learned. This is the key
ingredient of the "Power Pl ay! " learning
experience. This way you will build a
private log of your progress and amass
a wealth of new material unique to you,
event ual l y devel opi ng your own
reperoire of critical positions.
Under test conditions, one member of
the "Power Play!" eitorial board has
played over 200 games(!) against Fritz
using the "Power Play! " metho. During
Nov-Dec 1 992, IGM Ran Henley teste
the prototype of CBU250pp and as a
result discovered a considerable number
of theoretical novelties. This technique is
now a cornerstone in Henley's training
Naturally, you should play these critical
positions with both white and black to
deepen your understandi ng of t he
openi ng. As new titles i n thi s series
appear, you will be able to assemble an
opening!middlegame reperoire that has
been t horoughl y tested - and has
thoroughly tested you! - before you risk it
i n live combat.
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
About the Authors
by Don Maddox
Ron Henley
Bor: 1 2/5/1 956 Houston, Texas
Grandmaster: 1 982
The most imporant thing to remember is
that Ron Henley is a Texan. I' m almost
tempted to leave it at that. lt explains a
But Ron Henley is also an accomplished
businessman, a member of the American
Stock Exchange, and one of America's
finest chessplayers, the only American
ever selected to sere as second to a
Sovi et pl ayer du ri ng a Worl d
Championship match, assisting former
World Champion Anatoly Karpov during
his 1 990 title bout with Garry Kasparov.
Ron earned his Grandmaster title i n
Su r akart a- Denpasar 1 982, an
I ndonesi an super - Gr andmast er
tournament i n which he scored 1 7. 5 of 25
to tie with International Grandmaster
Waiter Browne for a surprise first place
f i ni sh. Wi t h such recogn ized
i nt ernat i onal superstars as Larry
Christiansen, Tony Miles, Vlastimil Hor
and Zoltan Ribli slated to play, little
attention was directed to an unheralded
I nternational Master from Texas before
the tournament.
"Confidence is the key, " he told me years
later. "Confidence and preparation. I
knew I had a chance. I had done my
homework, and I was ready. Everyone
was sur pri sed when I won t he
tournament except me. Of course, you
can' t know you' re goi ng to win a
tournament, but it's imporant to believe
you have a chance."
Today, Ron is one of fewer than 40
I nternational Grandmasters living i n the
U.S. He stared playing chess i n 1 972,
one of a generation of talented young
players to emerge i n America during the
decade fol l owi ng Bobby Fi scher' s
spectacular world championship bid. He
was 16 at the time. Ten years later he was
a Grandmaster himself.
Paul Hodges
Bor: 1 2/6/1 957 Cardiff, Wales (UK)
National Postal Master: 1 984 (USCF
Postal Master 1 993)
World lrMaster Sections: 1 992-
Paul Hoges was coming off a seven
year hiatus as a chessplayer when I met
him in 1 991 . I n the i nteri m he had
completed a Doctorate at the University
of Wales and his Post-Doctoral work at
the University of Montreal in Canada, and
establ ished himself as a Senior Research
Chemist for Merck Labs i n New Jersey.
A brutal perectionist as a postal player
and a veritable caveman over the board,
Paul quickly earned a spot on a small
ChessBase USA team - as a friend, as a
sparring parner, and as a test bed for
new ChessBase University ideas and
Ron and Paul hit it off immediately.
I mpressed by Paul's analytical skil l s
away from the board, Ron was equally
amazed by hi s sparri ng part ner ' s
reckless style across the board.
"Paul's in trouble now," he would joke,
rol l i ng hi s eyes when the posi ti on
became blocked. "There are no pawns
l eft to sacrifice. "
Vll Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
A very successf ul i nt e rnat i onal
correspondence player before entering
graduate school In 1 984, Paul has
become one of Ameri ca' s l eadi ng
correspondence players and i s one of
t he worl d' s most exper i enced
ChessBase users.
Hi s years as a schol ar and a
correspondence chessplayer make him
uniquely qual ifie to teach chess to new
and experienced players. He knows how
to put his finger on the critical position
that makes a variation "tick" and how to
prepare for it over the board or through
the mail; he knows how to explain what's
going on in clear, simple English; and he
knows how to make sure that loose ends
are tied up before you risk a line in l ive
You're In goo hands with Heges or
Henl ey - wi th Henl ey and Hedges
t oget her , you're g uara nt eed a
rip-roaring-roller -coaster -of -a-ride! (And
you'll learn something, too.)

Te Archangel ( CBU 250pp)

The idea for "Power Play! " emerged from
a ser i es of meet i ngs between
I nternational Grandmaster Ron Henley,
Correspondence Masters Jon Edwards
and Paul Hoges, and myself. Our goal
was to combine Ran's experience as a
player and world-class trainer with the
research and analytical skills of top level
correspondence players and my years
as a chess coach and teacher to produce
a new kind of training material.
Al l of us, f r om Grand mast er t o
Grandpatzer, agreed that traditional
opening manuals are fine as reference
books, but do l ittl e to hel p players
actually understand an opening. We sat
down to compare notes.
What we f ound was a startl i ng
commonality, at different levels, i n the
way we each approached our own study
of openings. In his own preparation, Ron
focused on critical positions, maki ng
sure he thoroughly understood a variety
of plans and ideas before adding a line
to his reperoire. I n postal chess, Jon and
Paul made a point of identifying target
positions and thoroughly preparing for
the kind of unresolved tension necessary
to create winning chances in the test
t u be at mos phere of t op-f l i ght
correspondence chess. As a teacher
working with new students and high
school kids, I had always found that
concentrati ng on a few key ideas and
pl ans from key posi ti ons was the
quickest way to break my kids of the bad
habit of trying to play good chess by rote.
The most amazing thing of all is that what
| wanted for my kids - a well-efined
reperoire of carefully selected critical
positions in an opening - was exactly
what Ron wanted for his own training. We
were just finishing work on a repertoire
" book- on-d i sk" f or ChessBase
Un i versi t y, " Mu rder on t he Long
Diagonal: The Archangel Variation of the
Ruy Lopez. "
"What I 'd like, " said Ron, "i s a convenient
way to use KnightStalker as a training
too to practice my openings. The most
imporant thing a writer can do for a
player, in my opinion, is to point out
what's imporant and help cut through
the maze of material that's available."
We sat down that very eveni ng and
cared out the prototype for this first
"Power Play! " project, and Ron and Paul
set out to test the idea. More than two
hundred games later, Henley declared
the experiment a roaring success:
"This is the way chess should be studied.
The point is not to smother yourself in
reams of analysis and variations, but to
build up experience position by position
until you thoroughly understand what's
going on at the board. The computer
makes it even easi er and mor e
convenient, but | wish someone had
done this for me 20 years ago, even i n
book form. lt would have saved me 1 0
years hard labor."
In the interim, |tested this new approach
on my students. To my del i ght and
amazement, | found t hat the same
material Ron was finding useful at the
GM-level helped cut the learning cure in
half for my beginners. In fact, at an
intermediate level, | found the same
material useful in my own study. The
difference between one student and
another l i es si mpl y i n the l evel of
guidance required to direct their study. A
grandmaster's not much interested i n
explanations, a begi nner wants hel p
understanding why a move i s interesting
t Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp)
and what to thi nk about in a given
No matter how you study- at home with
your computer or at the club with your
friends - you're going to find "Power
Play! " the ultimate tool for i mproving
your chess.
The Archangel Variation of the Ruy
Lopez lends itself beautifully to "Power
Pl ay!" treatment, with clear, forceful
tactical lines and strategic ideas. Littl e
known and even less understood at the
cl ub level, this variation draws a great
deal of the venom from the dreaded
"Spanish Torture."
We hope you enjoy this book as much as
we enjoyed putting it together. As a team,
we take pride in the launch of a series of
chess books designed to be USED by
chessplayers of all levels.
Goo l uck - and goo chess!
Don Maddox
Manasquan 1 993
No project like this is ever executed in a
vacuum. Power Pl ay! i s especi al l y
dependent on the suppor and good will
of Paul's wife Josee Audet. Thanks is also
due t he ChessBase USA staff i n
Marland - Sharon Richmond, Steve
Lopez and Ran Maddox. But perhaps the
most imporant thank you of all goes to
our mothers - Muriel Hedges and Belva
Maddox - without whom Power Play!
might still be a shimmering light dancing
at night on a moonlit pond i n Wales. And
we don't want to forget Sister Syra who
quieted a restless Welsh boy by sending
him to a corner with a chessboard almost
30 years ago.
at IS ower ay 4 . . ................... . .. . .. . . 111
Training Tips . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 .. 4 . 4 4 .... 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 v
About the Authors 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 .. = 4 . 4 4 4 4 . = 4 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 vi
Forard 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 w 4 4 4 4 4 vtn
1 Introduction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Variations with 7.Re1 ............................ 3
3 Variations without 7.Re1 ........................ 21
4 Grandmaster Gymnasium ........................ 40
5 Archangel Quiz 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .. 4 . 4 4 4 = 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 46
Chess Informant Symbol Guide 4 4 4 4 4 = 4 4 4 4 4 4 = 4 . 4 4 4 . .. 49
Index of Players and Opponents . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 = .. 4 4 . 50
Index of Power Play! Positions . 4 4 4 4 4 4 = 4 . . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 w 52
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 1
The basic position of the Archangel
Variation of the Ruy Lopez arises after the
sequence of moves:
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7
The Archangel Variation is one of Black's
sharpest responses to 1 . e4, leading to a
vari et y of strat eg i cal l y compl ex
conti nuati ons largely dependent on
Whit e' s choi ce of 7th move. The
Archangel i s a firm favorite of such
uncompromising players such as Alexei
Shirov, Alexander Belyavsky, Vladimir
Malani uk and Adrian Mi khal chi si n -
studying these player's games is a
worhwhile exercise in its own right.
This book examines the Archangel on a
position- by-position basis in all of the
main continuations from White's 7th
move, and is aimed at giving the student
a thorough grounding in the positional
and tactical motifs found in this opening
system from both the Black and White
sides of the chessboard. Ultimately, the
student shoul d be able to make an
informed and confident decision as to
whether the Archangel Variation should
become a par of his everday opening
This book contains 48 critical "Power
Play! " positions from the Archangel
Variation, illustrated by 62 Key Games or
Game Fragments, many of whi ch
cont ai n anal yti cal comment s and
sub-variations. You can also enroll i n GM
Ron Henl ey' s " Grand mast er
Gymnasium" where Henley explains his
trai ni ng techni que, illustrated with 4
annotated games played against Fritz in
the same sub-l i ne. As a bonus, we
i ncl ude 7 addi ti onal games pl ayed
between Fritz and Henley (annotated)
from various l i nes in the Archangel .
These latter games were played during
the Nov-Dec 1 92 test of the CBU250pp
Power Pl ay! prototype.
Is it possible to distill a complex system
such as the Archangel into 48 critical
positions and obtain a complete and
exhaustive survey? Consi dering the
wealth of material available to draw on,
probabl y not. But an encycl opedi c
coverage of this fascinating opening is
not our objective in this book - rather we
seek to equip you with enough basic
knowledge and understandi ng of the
strategical and tactical nuances of the
Archangel t hat you can confidently
tackle the opening from either sid.eover.
the board.
An overiew is provided of each "Power
Play! " position, introducing the student
to the basic concepts underlying each
position. After this convenient review, we
provide one or more practical examples
in the il l ustrative games to prepare you
for live play.
2 1heArchangel (CBU250pp)
For conveni ence the "Power Play!


positions are divided into two group.:

those derived from continuations where
Chess I nformants 1-55
White plays 7. Re1 ; and those derived
from continuations where White plays
other 7th moves.
ChessBase Magazine 1-31
Encyclopedia of Chess Openings (ECO)
Voi .C
Ruy Lopez, Archangel sk Variati on -
N Mu rder on The Long Di agonal !
Archangel Variation" CBU402o
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 3
7.Re1/1 0.Qd3
CBU250pp #1
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1
With 7. Re1 white defends his e-pawn
from the possibil ity of . . . Nxe4, which
results in the immediate opening of the
cent er . Whi t e's most popul ar
continuation i s 7. Re1 .
7 . . . Bc5
Black develops his bishop to the g1 -a7
diagonal. He plans counterplay against
the white king with his B-pair controll ing
the g1-a7 and h1 -a8 diagonals.
Preparing 9.d4.
8 . . . d6
Shoring up the e5-strongpoint.
9.d4 Bb6
We have reached the standard position
of the Archangel with 7 . Re1 . Black has a
lead in development but white has an
imposing pawn- center.
10.0d3 - DIAGRAM
This development delays a decision on
the Bc1 and the Nb1 , suppors e4 and
challenges b5.
(1) Szalanczy - Mi khalchishin,A
Budapest, 1 990
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 s.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Qd31?N h6 1 1 . Nbd2 0-0
12.d5 ( 1 2.Nf1 exd4 1 3. cxd4 Nb1 4 . 0c3
c5!i] 1 2 ... Ne7 1 3.Nf1 c6 1 4.dxc6 Bxc6
1 5.Ng3 Qc7 1 6.Be3 Rad; Henley]
7Re1/1 0.Be3
CBU250pp #2 ,
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 s.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Be3
Devel oping the bishop first so that it wil l
not be locked i n afer Nb2. White also
challenges black's strong Bb.
10 . . . 0-0 1 1 .d5 - DIAGRAM
4 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
White closes the center and envisions an Ne2 + 52. Kb2 Rd2 +] Be4 [Malaniuk]
exchange of dark-square bishops. 0-1
(2) Velimirovie - Malaniuk
Vrnjaeka Banja, 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Be5 S.e3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 O. Be3 0-0 1 1 . d5 Ne7
1 2. Bxb6 exb6 1 3. Nbd2 Nd7 1 4.Be2 N
[1 4. Nf1 ] 1 4 . . . h6 1 5. Nh41 ? Nxd50
1 6. Nf5 Ne7 1 7. Nxd6 Be6 1 S. Nf51?
[ 1 8. Nf 1 Nf6 1 9. Ng3 g6!?] 1 S . . . Nf6
[ 1 8 . . . Nxt5?! 1 9. exf5t [Xe4]] 1 9.Nf3 Ng6
20.N3h4 Nxh4 21 .QxdSI ? (21 .Nxh4 =]
21 Rfxds 22. Nxh4? [22. Ne7 + Kta
23. Nxc6 Rd2 24. Rac1 Ng4 25. Rf1 !!]
22 ... Rd2+ 23. Rae1 ReS 24.Nf3 Rd6
25.Re2 KfS 26.Ne1 RedS 27.f3 [27.f4?!
Rd2] 27 . . . Ke7 2S. Kf2 as 29.b4?1 [Xc4]
29 . . . NeSI 30.Ke3 Ne7 31 .Nd3 [31 . Bd3
f5!=] 31 ... 16 32.g3 BeSI 33.Rd2 [33.14
exf4 + 34. gxf4 Bf7] 33 ## Bf7 34.Bb1
axb41 35. exb4 Be4= 36. Red1 Ne&
37.Nb2 Nd4 3S.Bd3? Bxa2- + 39.Ra1
Bb3 [39 . . . Be6!] 40.Ra7 + KfS [40 . . . R8d7
41 . Rxd7 + Rxd7 [Ra7]] 41 .Rb7 Be6
42.f4 ReS! 43.fxe5 fxe5 44. Rd1 Re3
45. Ra 1 ? Rxd3 + 1 46. Nxd3 Ne2 +
47. Kd2 Nxa1 4S.Ke3 Nb3 49.Nxe5
Nd41 50. Ng6+ KgS 51 . Nf4 [51 . e5
(3) Fritz - Henley
(BONUS #4), 1 993
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 S.e3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 O. Be3 0-0 1 1 . d5 Ne7
1 2.Bxb6 exb6 1 3. Nbd2 Nd7 1 4.Nf1 Ne5
1 5. Ng3 g6 1 6.a3 Kg7 1 7. Ba2 h6 1 S.b4
Na4?1 [1 8 . . . Nd7 1 9.c4 bxc4 20. Bxc4 t5+
(20 . . . b5 21 .Bd3 Nb 22.Nd2 Rea 23. Nb3
Qd7 24.Na5 Rc3)] 1 9.Qe2 Res 20.e41
[XNa4] 20 ... Qd7 21 . Bb3 bxc41? [21 . . . f5
22. Bxa4 bxa4 23. Qd3a] 22.Bxa4 b5
23.Nd21 e31? [23 ... bxa4 24. Nxc4 Qc7
25.Rac1 ] 24. Nb1 1 bxa4 25.Nxe3 f5
26.Qxa4 QdS 27.Rae1 f4 28.Nge2 Ngs
[28 . . . f3!] 29.b5 [29.f3 Ob6 + 30. Kh1 a]
29 . . . a5 30.Re2 Qb6 31. Ree1 f31 32.Ng3
fxg2 33.Kxg2 Nf6 34.f3 Nd7 35.Nge2
Rf7 36. Rb 1 ? 1 [36.0b3!] 36 . . . RcfS
37.Rf1 BcS 3S. Ree1 Qd8 39.Qc2 Nc5
40.Ng1 Qg5 + 41 . Kh1 Qe3 42.Rfe1
Qg 5 43. Na4 [43.Rf1 a] 43 . . . Nxa4
44.Qxa4 Rxf31 - 45.Nxf3 Rxf3 [XKg1 ]
46.RxcS [46. Rg1 Qf4 47.b6 Bh3 48. b7??
Rf2 49. Rg3 Qxc1 + 50. Rg1 Qxg1 +
5 1 . Kxg 1 Rf 1 #] 46 . . . Rf2 47. Rg 1
Qf41- + [Idea 48 . . . Qh2# or 48 . . . Qf3 + . ]
48. Rg3 Rf1 + 49.Kg2 Qf2 + 50. Kh3
Rh1 5 1 . Re7 + Kf6 52. Rg2 Qf3 +
53.Rg3 Qh5 + 54.Kg2 Qxh2 + 55.Kf3
Rf1 + 56.Ke3 Qxg3+ 57.Kd2 Qe1 + I
[ 57 . . . Rf2 + 58. Kc 1 Qg1 + 59. Qd 1
Rf1- +] 5S. Kd3 Rf3 + 59. Ke2 Rf2 +
60.Kb3 Qb1 + 61 .Ke3 Qb2 + 62.Kd3
Qd2 + 63.Ke4 Qd4 + 64.Kb3 Rb2# 0-1
CBU250pp #3
1 . e4 e5 2. Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Be5 S.e3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0.Be3 0-0 1 1 . Nbd2
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 5
Development. White may continue with (5) ljubojevic - Gulko
Nd2-f1 -g3 to aim thi s kni ght at the Reggio Emilia, 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
1 1 . . . h6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 S.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Be3 0-0 1 1 .Nbd2 h6 1 2. h3
ReS 1 3.d5 Ne7 N ( 1 3 . . . Na5 1 4. Bxb6
Rul ing out the possibility of a pin with
cxbS lS. Bc2 Nc41 1 4. Bxb6 cxb6
1 5.Bc21 [ Bd3, a41 1 5 . . . Ng6 1 6. Bd3
1 2. h3- DIAGRAM
RcSI? [ . . . Nd7-c51 [ 1 6 . . . Nf4 1 7. Bf1 Bc8
1 8. Kh2 [ g3]] 1 7. Rc1 Nd7 1 S.b4
Oe7? [ 1 8 . . . f5! 1 9. exf5 Nf4 20. Ne4
Preventing an incursion with . . . Nf6-g4
(20. Be4 NfS+) . . . NfS 2 1 . Nxf6 + Qxf6
hitting the Be3.
22_8e4 Qf? =1 1 9. g31 L 1 9 . . . Rc7
(4) Renet - Shirov
Correze (m/6), 1 991
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 B.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Be3 0-0 1 1 . Nbd2 h6 1 2.h3
exd4 1 3.cxd4 Nb4 1 4.0b1 c5 1 5.d5 c4
1 6.Bc2 Nd7 1 7.a3 Nxc2 1 8.0xc2 fS
1 9.Bxb6 Qxb6 20. exf5 BxdS 21. Re7
QdS 22.Re3 Ncs 23.g4 Od7 24.Qc3
Rae8 25. Qd4 Bxf3 26. Nxf3 Rxe3
27.fe3 Oc6 2S.Rf1 Nd3 29. Nh4 Oc5
30.0e4 Oes 31. 0xe5 dxes 32.Ng6 Res
33.f6 Kf7 34.fxg7 + Kxg7 35.Nh4 Nxb2
36.Nf5 + Kh7 37.Nd6 RdS 3S.Ne4 Kg7
39. Rf6 ReS 40.Rd6 c3 41 .Rd7 + Kf8
[41 . . . Kf8 42.Ra7 c2!- + Schussler1 0-1
20.Nf1 Nf6 21 .Ne3 Bc8 22.Kh2 Bd7
23.Re2 Recs 24.Rec2 Ode 25.Nd2 Nee
26. 0e2 KhS? I [26 . . . Ne7? 27. f4 + - ;
a26 . . . Ra81 27. Nb1 1 KgS 28.841 bxa4
29.Bxa6 Ras 30.Na3 Ne7 31 .Bb51 +
[Xb6, b5, c61 3 1 . . .15 32.Bxd7 Qxd7
33.Nb5 Rb7 34.exf5 Nxf5 35.Nxf5 Oxf5
36. c4 Rf7 37. 0e31 Qf3?1 [37 . . . Ra6
38.Kg2 +-1 38. Qxb6 Ob31 [38 . . . a3
39.Qc6 + -1 39.Nxd6 Nxd6 40.0xd6 a3
41 . Qxe5 a2 42. Rb21 0 [42.Qa1 Ra3!
( . . . Rf2) 43. Rc3 Rxf2 + 44.Kg1 Rb2!
45. Rxb3 Raxb3 = 1 42 ... 0d3 [42 . . . a1 Q
43. Rxa1 Rxa1 44.Qe8 +! Kh7 45. Qe4 +
Kg8 46. Rxb3 +-] 43.Ra1 1 Qxc4 44.0e2
Oxd5 45. Raxa2 RafS 46.0e3 Kh8
47.Rd2 Qc4 4S.Rab2 Rf3 49.0e1 ObS
50.Rd4 Ob6 51 .Rbd2 Rb3 52.0e4 Rbf3
53.Kg1 Kg8 54.Rd6 Qa7 [54 . . . Rxg3 +?
55. Kh2 Rxf2 + 56. Kxg3 +-1 55.Qd5+
Kh8 56. Qd4 Oxd4 57. R6xd4 Rb3
58.Rd8 Kg8 59.Rxf8 + Kxf8 60.Rd4 g5
61 . h4 Kg7 62.h5 Kf6 63. Rd6+ KfS
64.Rxh6 Rxb4 65.Kg2 Rb8 66.Rh7 RaS
67.Kh3 [Gulko1 1 -0
1 0. a4 0-0
CBU250pp #4
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 S.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.84
6 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
This queenside thrust has to aims: 1 )
To implement the exchange of a-pawns
giving white a target on b5, and 2) to
exchange rooks (this is positionally well
motivated as black's Ra8 is closer to
central development than white's Ra1 ) .
1 0o0 - DIAGRAM
(6) Kotronias - Dorfman
Lvov, 1 988
1 . e4 es 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.8b5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 bS 6.8b3 Bb7 7. Re1 BcS 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 o-o 1 1 . Bg5 h6 1 2.axb5
axbS 1 3. Rxas Bxas 1 4. Bh4 exd4
1 5.cxd4 gs 1 6.Bg3 Res 1 7.Nc3 [ 1 7.e5
Henley. dxe5! ? 1 8. Nxe5 {1 8.dxe5 Qxd1
1 9. Rxd1 Nh5f) . . . Nxe5 1 9. Bxe5 {1 9.dxe5
Qxd1 20.Rxd1 Ne4 21 . Rd7 Rf8o) . . . c5!?
20. Bx6 Rxe1 + 21 . 0xe1 Qxf6 22.Qe8 +
Kg7 23. Qxa8 c4 24.Bc2 (24. Bxc4 bxc4+)
... Qxd4 25. Qf3 Qxb2 26.Qc3 + {26.Na3
Bc5; 26. Qd1 b4 27.Nd2 b3 28. Nxb3 cxb3
29. Bxb3 Qxf2 + 30. KhH) . . . Bd4!
{26 . . . Qxc3?! 27. Nxc3 b4 28. Ne4! b3
29. Bd 1 ! Ba5 30. Nd6 b2 3 1 . Bc2 c3
32. Kf1 ) 27.Qxb2 Bxb2 28. Nd2 Kf6
2 9. Be4 (29. Ne4 + Ke5&) . . . Ke6
{29 . . . Ke5? 30. Bc6 c3 31 . Nf3 + Kd6
32. Be4 Kc5 33. Kf 1 ) 30. Bc6 Bc1
{30 . . . Bc3? 31. Ne4 + -) 31 . Ne4 (31 . Nf3
b44) (31 . Bxb5 Bxd2 32. Bxc4 + = )
. . . b4&] [ 1 7. e5 NhS A) 1 8. d5: A1 )
1 8 . . . Na5?! A1 1 ) 1 9. e6?! Nxg3 20. ex7 +
(20. hxg3 fxe6 21 . dxe6 Nxb3 22. Qxb3
Of64) . . . Kxf7 21 . hxg3 Nxb3 22.Qxb3
(22.Rxe8 Qxe8 23. Qxb3 Qe2- +) . . . g4!+;
A1 2) 1 9. Bc2! Nxg3 20. Qd3! dxe5
21 .Qh7 + (21 . hxg3 Qf6 22. Qxb5 Rb8)
. . . Kf8 A1 2 1 ) 22. Nxe5? Bxf2 + !D
(22 . . . Qxd5?? 23.Nd7 + Qxd7 24. Qh8#;
22 . . . 0f 6?? 23. Nd 7#; 22 . . . Rxe5?
23 . Qxh6 + Ke7 24. Rxe5 + Kd7
25. hxg3 + -) 23. Kxf2 Qf6 + 24. Bf5D
(24. Kxg3? Qf4 + 25. Kh3 Qh4#; 24.Kg1
Rxe5 25. Rxe5 Qf1 #; 24. Nf3 Rxe1
25. Kxe1 Nh5- + ) . . . Rxe5 (24 . . . Qxf5 +
25. 0xf5 Nxf5 26. Nd7 + Kg7 27. Rxe8
Bxd5 28. Nc5 ) 25. Rxe5 Qxe5
26. Qxh6 + (26. hxg3 Qxb2 + 27. Kg1
Qg7- +) . . . Qg7 27. Qxg7 + Kxg7 28. Kxg3
Bxd5+; A1 22) 22. Qxh6 + ! Ke7
23. Qxg5 + (23. Nxe5? Qxd5!o) . . . Kd6
24. Qxg3 + -; A2) 1 8 . . . Nxg3 1 9. dxc6
(1 9. hxg3 Nxe5+) . . . Nh5 20.Nd4; A21 )
20 . . . Rxe5? 21 . Rxe5 dxe5 22. Qxh5 Qf6
(22 . . . exd4 23.Qg6 + Kh8 24.Qxh6 + Kg8
25.0g6 + Kh8 26. Bxf7 + -) 23. Qf3! +-;
A22) 20 . . . Nf4 2 1 . e6 ( 21 . Nf5 dxe5
22.Nxh6 + Kg7 23.Qxd8 Rxd8 24. Nxf7
Rd3 25. Ba2 Bd4 ) . . . fxe6 22. Nxe6
(22. g3 Qf64) . . . Nxe6 23. Rxe6 Rxe6
24. Bxe6 + Kg7 = ; B) 1 8. e6 fxe6
1 9. Bxe6 + Kg7 20.d5 Nxg3 21.dxc6 Qf6
22. Bd5 Rxe1 + 23. Qxe1 Nf5 24. Qe8?
Ne7D (24 . . . Qxb2?? 25. 0gB + Kf6
26. Qf7#) 25. Be4 {25.Nc3 b4 26. Ne4
Qf8- + ; 25. Qxa8 Nxd5 26. 0a2 Qf5
27. Nc3 Nb4 28. Qb3 Nd3 29. Nd1 g4
30. Qc3 + Kh7 31 . Nd4 Qe4 32. Nc2
Nf4- +) . . . d5 26. Bxd5 Nxd5 27. Qxa8
Qxb2+) 17 . . . Na5 1 8.e5 Nxb3 1 9.Qxb3
Bxf3 20.gxf3 Bxd4 21 .e6 fxe6 22.Nxb5
Bb6 23. Rxe6 Rxe6 24.Qxe6 + Kg7
25.f4 Qes 26.Qxe8 Nxes 27.fxg5 hxgS
28.Kg2 Kg6 29.h4 gxh4 30.Bxh4 c6
31. Nc3 Bd4 32. Kf3 Kf5 33. Bg3 dS
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 7
34.Ke2 Ng7 35.Kd3 Ne6 36.f3 Bg7
1 O.a4 h6 1 1 . Na3
37.b4 Nd4 38.Bb8 Nxf3 39.b5 Ne1 +
CBU250pp #6
40.Kd2 Bxc3 + 41 .Kxc3 cxb5 42.Ba7
Nf3 43.Kb4 d4 44.Kxb5 d3 45.Be3 Ke4
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 NcS 3.Bb5 aS 4.Ba4 NfS
46. Bh6 Ne5 47. Kc5 Ng4 48. Bd2
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 dS
[Henley] [48.Bg5?? Ne3- + ; 48.Bd2! Kf3
9.d4 Bb6 1 o.a4 hS
49. Kd4 Ke2 50.Ba5 =] -
1 0.a4 Ce7
CBU250pp #5
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 s.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 dS
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 Qe7 DIAGRAM
Avoiding a potential exchange of queens
and presering the option of kingside or
queenside castl ing.
(7) Vukcevic- Bisguier
USA, 1 969
1 . e4 es 2. Nf3 NcS 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
s.o-o b5 s.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 Qe7 ( 1 0 . . . h6! ] 1 1 .axb5
axb5 1 2. Rxa8 + Bxa8 1 3. Na3 Na7
1 4. Bg51 0-0 1 5. Nh4 Bb7 ( 1 5 . . . g6]
1 S. Nf5 Qd8D ( 1 6 . . . Qd7?? 17. Bxf6 + -]
1 7.dxe5 dxe5 1 8.0f3 Bc5 1 9.Rd1 BdS
20. Nh6 + I Kh8 (20 . . . gxh6 21 . Bxf6 + -]
21 . Nxf7 + Rxf7 22. Bxf7 Qa8 23.Qxf61
(Hoges.] (23. 0xf6! gxf6 24.Bxf6#) 1-0
Thi s i s bl ack' s most exact move,
preventing a pin with Bc1 -g5.
1 1 .Na3 - DIAGRAM
With 1 1 .Na3 white puts pressure on the
b5-pawn, but runs the positional risk of
ultimately having misplaced this piece at
the edge of the board.
(8) Klovan - Malaniuk
Riga, 1 982
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 h61 1 1 .Na3 0-0 12.d5
Ne7 13.Be3 Bxe3 1 4.Rxe3 Ng4 1 5. Re1
bxa41? [Once black i s guaranteed play
against the white center ( .. .f5), he is
willing to accept a weakened queenside
structure to gain a tempo.] 1 S.Ba2 f5
1 7.Nh4 Nf6 1 8. Nxf5 Nxf5 1 9.exf5 Qd7
20.Nc2 (20.g4 g6t) Qxf5 [Henley)
8 Te Archangel (CBU250pp)
1 O.a4 h6 1 1 .Qd3
Bd4+] 22 ... 0h4 23. Re2?? Rxf71 -+
CBU250pp #7
24.Qxf7 Og4 [Henley) 0-1
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.BbS as 4.Ba4 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BeS 8.e3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 O.a4 h6 1 1 .0d3 - DIAGRAM
An atempt at fexibil ity. White has not
decided on posts for the Nb1 and Bc1
and atacks the b5-pawn. Black must O
wary of a vei l ed possi bl e diagonal
barrage should white eventually play
Bb3-c2 and open the center.
(9) Rumens - Flear, G
London, 1 982
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.BbS as 4.Ba4 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BcS 8.e3 d6
9. d4 Bb& 1 o. a4 h61 1 1 . 0d3 o-o
1 2. Nbd2 [12.Nh4!?N Henley.] 1 2 ... Re8
1 3.dS Ne7 1 4.Nf1 NexdSI 1 S.axbS Nf4
1 6. Bxf4 exf4 17.eS Ng41 1 8.Bxf7 + Kh8
1 9.Re2 Nxes 20.Nxes dxes 21 .Qg6?
[21 . 0xd8 Rexd8 22. Rxe5 axb5: A)
23. Rxa8 Rxa8; A1) 24. Rxb5? Ra1
25. Bc4? (25. c4 Be4) . . . Ba6 26.Rb4
c5! - + ; A2) 24.Re8 + Rxea 25. Bxea C+,
B) 23. Rae1 Bc6o] 21 ... Rf8 22.Rxes?
[22. bxa6 Rxa6 23. Rxa6 Bxa6 24.
Qf6! ? 25. Qxf6 gxf6 26. Bd5 f5 27.c4
(1 0) Diakonov - Ventura
eorr., 1 977
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bbs as 4.Ba4 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BeS 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb& 1 o.a4 h6 1 1 .0d3 0-0 1 2. Nbd2
[1 2.ab5 axb5 1 3. Rxa8 Qxaa 14.d5 Na5
15. Qxb5? Ba6 1 6. Qa4 Nxb3 17. 0xb3
Bd3 1 8. Nbd2 Ng4- + ) 1 2 . . . exd4
1 3.cxd4 Nb4 1 4.Qe3 cS 1 5.eS NfdS
1 6.Bxd5 Nxd5 1 7.0d3 Nf4 1 B.Of5 dxes
1 9.Rxe5 Ng6 20. Re1 Rea 21 .axbs axbS
22.b4 exb4 23.QxbS Bxd4 24. Nxd4
Qxd4 2S. Rb1 Bxg2 26. Kxg2 Res
27.0xb4 RgS + 28.Kf1 Qd3 + 29.Re2
Oh3+ [Henl ey) 0-1
1 O.a4 h6 1 1 .axb5
CBU250pp #8
1 . e4 es 2. Nf3 Ne& 3.Bbs a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BeS 8.e3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 o.a4 h6 1 1 .axb5
White exchanges his inactive Ra1 .
1 1 wA . axbS 1 2.Rxa8 Qxa8 - DIAGRAM
Black captures thi s way in order to
increase pressure against the e4-pawn.
Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp) 9
(1 1 ) Bade - Gorbulyeva
corr., 1 978
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 o.a4 h61 1 1 . axb5 axb5
1 2. Rxaa Qxaa 1 3. Na3 o-o 1 4.Nxb5
exd4 1 5. cxd4 [15.Nbxd4) 1 5 . . . Na5
1 6.d5 Nxb3 1 7.Qxb3 Nxe41? [17 .. . Re8!?
18. Qc2 Ng4 19. Be3 (19.Nbd4 Bxd5!
20.exd5 Rxe1 + 21.Nxe1 Bxd4+) . . . Nxe3
20.fe3 t5s) 1 8.Rxe4 Bxd5 1 9. Rc4 Rea
20. Qd3 [20. Na3 Re2 21. Ra4 Oe8!
22. Qd1 Bb3! - +) 20 . . . Qa51 21 .Rc3 Bxf3
22.gxf3 ReS 23.Nxd61 [23.Na3? Re1 +
24. Kg2 Rxc1 25. Rxc1 Qg5 + -+]
23 . . . Re1 + ?? [Now this combination
does not work: 23 ... Rd5! 24.Nc4 Rxd3
25. Nxa5 Rd 1 + ! (25 . . . Rxc3 26. bxc3 Bxa5
27. Bf4 c6 28. Be5 ) 26.Kg2 Bxa5 27.Rc2
Rd3 28. Be3 Rb3:q 24. Kg2 Rxc 1
25.Nf51 1 +- [The litle sting on the end,
whi ch was overl ooked by bl ack. ]
25 . . . Re1 [ 25 . . . Rxc3 26. Ne7 + KhB
(26 . . . Kf8 27. Qd8#) 27. Qd8 + Kh7
28.0gB#] 26.Ne7 +I Rxe7 27.Cd8 +
Kh7 28.Qxe7 [Henley] 1 -0
(12) Wachtel - Nickoloff
Toronto, 1 975
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.8a4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.8b3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 o. a4 h6 1 1 . axb5 axb5
1 2. Rxa8 Qxa8 1 3. Na3 0-0 1 4. Nxb5
exd4 1 5. cxd 4 Na5 1 6. Bc2 Bxe4
1 7.Bxe4 Nxe4 1 8.Qd3 Nf6f [Black has
regained his pawn with some positional
advantages - a) black has the better
bishop; b) white has three pawn islands
to black's two pawn Islands; c) black has
control of the d5-square for his queen
knight pair.] 1 9.Nc3 Re8?1 [19 . .. Nc6!
With the idea 20 . . . Nb4 21 . .. Nbd5.
20.Qc4 Rea 21.Rxea + Qxea 22.d5?!
Nd4 23. Nxd4 Qe1 + 24. Qf1 Qxf1 +
25. Kxf1 Bxd4 26.Nb5 Bb 27.Nc3 Ba5+,
and the d-pawn falls i n the ending.]
20. Rxe8 + Qxea 2 1 . h3 [21.d5
(Suggested by Konikowski, with the idea
of limiting the scope of the knight on a5.
However t hi s does open the b6-f2
diagonal.) ... Ng4t 22. Nd1 Qa4 23. h3
Qa1 24. hxg4 Qxc1 + (White has not lost
any material yet, but his position has a
loose feel to it.) 25.Kh2] 21 . . . Nc6 22.Be3
[ 22. d5? ! Ne7 23. Be3 Ba5 (The
overexended d-pawn i s on the "menu". )
24.Bd4] 22 . . . Nb4?1 [22 . . . Qa8! The
correct Idea, pointe out by Konikowski.
Now after either 23 . . . Nb4, or 23 . . . Ne7
Black will gain control of d5.) 23.Qb5?
Tradi ng queens makes it easy for
bl ack to real i ze hi s advantage.
[23. Qc4! As Karpov once said, "The
queen is the glue holding the position
together! ". ] 23 . . . Qxb5 24.Nxb5 Nd3
25.b3 Ne4 26.Kf1 c6 27.Na3 g5 28.Ke2
Nb4 29. Nc4 Bc7 30.g4 f6 31 . Nfd2
(31. h4! ? When defending an Inferior
ending, it is generally a good idea to
exchange as many pawns as possible.]
31 ... Nc3 + + 32. Kf3 (32.Kf1 !?] 32 ... Nd31
33.Nf1?? (33.Kg20 Kf7+] 33 ... Ne1 +I
34.Kg3 d5 +-+ 35.14 Ne4+ 1 36.Kh2
dxc4 37.bxc4 gxf4 38.Bc1 f3 + 39.Kg1
f2+ 40. Kh 1 Ng3+ 41 . Nxg3 Bxg3
[Henl ey] o-1
1 0. Bg5/1 1 ... Qd7
CBU250pp #9
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.8a4 Nf6
S.Q0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 Qd7
Unpinning. Black is inviting Bg5x6 as
white would be opening the g-file to his
own ki ng and surrender i ng t he
bishop-pair for no valid reason.
1 2.a4
10 TeArchangel (CBU250pp)
White wants to exchange the a-fil e rooks,
1 O.Bg5/1 1 Qd7
so bl ack must castle queenside now 4he
CBU250pp #1 0
wishes to do so.
1 2 0-0-0 1 3. axb5 axb5 1 4. Na3 -
Hitting b5.
( 1 3) Marjanovic - Chandler
Mi nsk, 1 982
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ncs 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
5.0-0 b5 S.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 BbS 1 0.Bg5 hS 1 1 . Bh4 Od7 1 2.a4
0-0-0 1 3.axb5 axb5 1 4.Na3 g5 1 5.Bg3
h5 1 S.h4 gxh4 1 7.Bxh4 RhS 1 8.Nxb5
Rg8 1 9.Qd3 [19.Ng5 Rhg6 20.Bxf7 Rxg5
21.Bxg8 RxgB 22. Bx6 Qh3 23.g3 RfB!
(23... Rxg3 + 24.fxg3 Qxg3 + 25. Kf1
Qf4 + 26.Ke2 Qxf6 27.d5;) 24.Bh4 exd4
25. cxd4 Ne5 26.f4 Rxf4! 27.gxf4 Nf3 +
28.Kf2 Nxe1 29.Qxe1 Qxh4 + 30.Ke3
Qh3 + 31 . Kd2 Qb3) 1 9 ... exd4 20.cxd4
Nb4 21. 0c4 Nxe4 22. Qxf7 [22. Qxb4
Qg4! ) 22 . . . 0xf7 23. Bxf7 Rg7
[23 . . . Rg4! Henl ey) 24. d51 Rxf7
25. Rxe4 Nxd5 2S.Re8+ Kd7 27.Rd8+
KcS 28.Nbd4+ Bxd4 29.Nxd4+ KbS
30.Rg8 [Henl ey] -
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Ncs 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
5.0-0 b5 S.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 dS
9.d4 BbS 1 0. Bg5 hS 1 1 .Bh4 Od7 12.a4
0-0-0 1 3. axb5 axb5 1 4. Bxfs -
14. Bxf6weakens black's pawn structure,
but bl ack recei ves danger ous
compensation with the half-open g-file.
( 14) Rogers - Flear, G
Szirak, 1 98S
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ncs 3. Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
5.0-0 b5 s.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 dS
9.d4 BbS 1 O.Bg5 hS 1 1 . Bh4 Od7 1 2.a4
0-0-0 1 3. axb5 axb5 1 4. Bxfs gxfS
1 5.Bd5 f5 1 S.Od3 exd4 1 7.0xb5 fxe4
1 8.Nxd4 Nb8 1 9.Bxb7 + Kxb7 20.Rxe4
Qxb5 21 . Nxb5 Rhe8 22. Nd2 Rxe4
23.Nxe4 Kcs 24.Na3 Rea 25. Ng3 Nd7
2S.Nc4 Bc5 27.Kf1 d5 28.Nd2 Rb8
29.b4 Be7 30.Nb3 BfS 31 .Rd1 Nbs
32.Rd3 Na4 33.Ne2 KdS 34.Rf3 Ke7
35.Ned4 Bxd4 36.Nxd4 RbS 37.g4 c5
38. Nf5+ Ke8 39. Rf4 d4 40.Re4+ Res
Te Archagel! (CBU 250pp) 11
1 O.BgS/1 1 ... 0-0
(24.h4 Bg4 25. Bxf6 Qd7! - +] 24 ... Kxg5
CBU250pp #1 1
25. Cg 3 + (25. h4 + Rxh4 26. Nxh4
Kxh4! ? 27. Qg3 + Kh5 28. Bd1 + Bg4
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 o-o
Thi s is t he pri nci pal al ternative to
1 1 . . . Qe7, and is a great favorlte of
Russian GM Alexander Belyavsky.
1 2.Qd3 - DIAGRAM
( 1 5) Huebner - Belyavsky
Munich, 1 990
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 s.c3 o-o
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 d6 1 1 .Qd3 h6 1 2. Bh4
Na5 1 3.Bc2 c5 1 4.d5 (1 4.dxe5 dxe5
1 5. Nxe5 Qxd3 1 6. Bxd3 g5 1 7. Bg3 RadB
1 8. Bc2 Rfe8&) 1 4 . . . c4 1 5.Qe2 g5?1N
(1 5 . . . g6; 1 5 . . . Rc8 1 6. b4 cxb3 1 7. axb3
[Nfd2, b4t] 1 6.Nxg51? [1 6.Bg3! ? Nh5
1 7. b cxb3 1 8. ab3 Nxg3 1 9. hxg3 f5
20. exf5 Bxd5 21 . Nb2 Rea 22.0d3-]
1 6 ... hxg5 1 7. Bxg5 Kg7 1 8.Qf3 Rh8
[ 1 8 . . . Qe7! ? [ . . . Bd8]] 1 9. Nd2 Bc8
20. Nf1? [ 20. b4! cxb3 21 . axb3 Nb7
22. b4] 20 . . . Nb7 21 .a4? [21 . b4! ? cxb3
22. axb3 Nc5 23. Ng3o] 2 1 . . . Rb8l =
22.axb5 axb5 23. Ng3 Kg6! 1 24. Nf5
29. 0h3 + Kg5- +] 25 . . . Ng4 26. h4+
Kf61 - + (26 . . . Kh5? 27.Qxg4 + ! ! Kxg4
28. Bd1 + Kf4 29. g3#] 27.Qxg4 Qg8
28.Qf3 Bxf5 29.Qxf5 + Ke7 30.Qh3
Qg6 31 .g3 Nc5 32.Kf1 Qf6 (Belyavsky]
1 O.BgS/1 1 . . . 0-0
CBU250pp #12
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 0-0 1 2.a4
Obviously there is risk entailed with this
continuation as the light squares around
black's king are severely weakene, but
sooner or later black must break the pin.
(1 6) Janetschek - Belyavsky
Baden, 1 980
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.oo b5 s. Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 s.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 0-0 1 1 .Bg5 h6 1 2.Bh4
g5 1 3.Bg3 NaSI? N 1 4.Bc2 [1 4.dxe5?
Nxb3 1 5. Qxb3 Nxe4t) 1 4 . . . Nh51?
1 5. b4?1 [1 5. Nxe5? Nxg3- +; 1 5.axb5! ?
12 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
ab5 1 6.b4? Nxg31 (1 6 . . . Nc4 1 7. Rxa8
BxaB 1 8. Nxe5 ! Nxg3 1 9. Nxc4 + -)
1 7. bxa5 (1 7. hxg3 Nc4;) . . . Nh5 1 8. Nxe5
dxe5 1 9.Qxh5 Qts;; 1 5. axb5! ? axb5
1 6. dxe5 Nxg3 1 7. hxg3 dxe5 1 8. Qxd8
RaxdB (1 8 . . . Rfxd8 1 9. Nxe5) 1 9. Nxe5
RfeB 20. Ng4 Kg7 21 . Ne3! Nc4: A)
22. Nf5 + Kg6 23.e5 Rxe5 24. Rxe5 Nxe5
25. Nd6 + Kg7 26.Nxb7 RbB 27.Na5 Ng4
28. Nd2 Nxf2o 29. Nc6 (29.Kh2 Ng4 +
30. Kh1 Nf2 + ) . . . ReS 30. Nd4 Bxd4
31 . cxd4 Re2l; B) 22.Nxc4 bxc4 23. Ra4
f5 24.e5 Rd5 25. Rxc4 Rexe5 26. Rxe5
Rxe5l [ 27 . . . Re1 ]] 1 5 . . . Nc4
1 6. Nxe5?1 [ 1 6. Nbd2 Nxd2 1 7. Qxd2
ReB =] 1 6 . . . dxe5 [ 1 6 . . . Nxg3?
1 7. Nxc4 +-] 1 7. Qxh5 exd4 1 8. 0xh6
Real; [ 1 8 . . . d3? 1 9. Bxd3 Qxd3
20. Qxg5 + =] 1 9.cxd4 [ 1 9. e5? d3- +]
1 9 ... Re61 [ 1 9 . .. Bxd4? 20. e5 + -] 20.0h5
Bxd4 21 .Ra2 Qf6 22.Bd3 Nb2 23.0e2
Rae8 24.Nd2 Nxa4 25.Qg4 Qg6 26.Nf3
Bc3 27. Re3 Bxe4 28. Bxe4 Rxe4
29.Qxg5 [29. Rxe4 Rxe4 30.0c8 + Kg7
31 . Qxc7 Rc4- + ] 29 Qxg5 30. Nxg5
Rxe3 31 .fxe3 Rxe3-+ 32.Bxc7 Bxb4
33.g3 Be7 34.Bf4 Rd3 35.Kg2 Nc5
36. Nf3 b4 37. Ne5 Ra3 38. Re2 b3
39.Nc6 Bf6 40.Re8 + Kh7 [Henley) o-1
1 O. BgS/1 1 ... 0-0
CBU250pp #1 3
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 o-o 1 2.a4
This standard probe of black's kingside
is aimed at exchanging material on the
a-file and making the black b- pawn a
1 2 ... Re8 - DIAGRAM
1 2 . . . Re8 is a sl ow pl an ai med at
solidifying e5.
(17) Zagorovsky - Morrison
corr., 1 982
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs s.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.a4 0-0 1 1 . Bg5 h6 1 2.Bh4
Re8 1 3.axb5 axb5 1 4.Rxaa Bxa8 1 5.d5
g5 1 6.dxc6 gxh4 1 7.Nxh4 Bxc6 1 8.0f3
Bd7 1 9.Nf5 Bxf5 20.Qxf5 Kg7 21. Na3
c6 22.Rd1 Oca 23.Rxd6 Qxf5 24.exf5
Bxf2 + 25. Kf 1 Res 26. Rxf6 Kxf6
27.Kxf2 Rb8 28.Nc2 Kxf5 29. Bxf7 Rf8
30.Bb3 Kg5+ 31. Ke2 c5 32.Bd5 Rb8
33. g3 h5 34. h4 + Kf6 35. Ne3 b4
36.cxb4 Rxb4 37.b3 Rd4 38.Kf3 Rd3
39.Bc4 Rd4 40.Nd5+ Kf5 41 .Nc3 Rd2
42.Ne4 Rc2 43.Bd3 Rc1 44.Nxc5 + Kf6
45.b4 Ke7 46.Ne4 Ke6 47.Ke3 Re1 +
48.Kd2 Rg1 49.b5 Kf5 50.b6 1 -0
1 0. BgS/1 1 . . . 0-0
CBU250pp #1 4
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o bs 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs a.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 0-0 1 2.a4
exd4 1 3.cxd4 - DIAGRAM
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 13
This continuation is very risky for black.
White has a mobile pawn-center and
black has not dealt with the pin on the
d8-h4 diagonal. Should black now try a
. . . g7-g5 pin-breaking push, he invites a
dangerous scrifice on gS.
( 1 8) Arnlind- Zgorovsky
cor., 1 987
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4Bb6 1 0.841? 0-0 1 1 .Bg5 h6 12. Bh4
exd4 1 3. cxd4 Rea 1 4. Nc3 g5?
[ 1 4 . . . Na5] 1 5. Bxg51 hxg5 1 6.Nxg5 Re7
[ 1 6 . . . Nxd4? 1 7. Nx7 Qe7 1 8. Nxd6 + +-]
1 7. Nd51 Bxd4 [ 1 7 . . . NxdS? 1 8.Qh5! +-]
1 8.Re31 1 Nxd5 [ 1 8 . . . 8xe3 1 9. Nxf6 + Kg7
20.Qg4! +-] 1 9. Rg31 Bg7 [ 1 9 . . . Kf8
20. 8xd5 Bg7 21 . Nh7 + Kg8 22.Qg4 +-]
20.Bxd5 Qc8 (20 . . . Na5 21 .Qh5 BxdS
22. Qh7 + KfB 23. exdS (h4-h5-h6)
23 . . . Qe8?? 24. Qh8 + BxhB 25. Nh7#]
21 .Qh5 Nd8 22.Nh71 [ 23. Nf6 + Kf8
24.Qh8 + ! ] 22 . . . Rd7 23. Nf6 + Kf8
24. Rxg71 [Arnlind] (24. Rxg7! Kxg7
25.Qg5 + KfB 26.Nh7 + KeB 27.0gB+
Ke7 28. Qf8#] 1-0
1 O.BgS/1 1 . . . 0-0
CBU250pp #1 5
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 0-0 1 2.a4
exd4 1 3.axb5 - DIAGRAM
As i n CBU2SOpp #1 4, black is under
severe pressure i n this line as he has
given up too much of the center.
(1 9) Heemsoth - Vukcevic
corr., 1 985
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 0-0 1 2.84
exd4 1 3. 8xb5 8Xb5 1 4. Rx88 Bxaa
1 5.cxd4 Rea 1 6.Qd3 Na5 1 7. Bxf6 Qxf6
1 8. Bc2 g51 ? ( 1 8 . . . Kf8! ] 1 9. e51 Bxf3
20.gxf3 (20. Nd2! ? dxeS 21 . Nx3 Nc6
22. QxbS g4! 23. Be4 gxf3 24. Bxc6 Re]
20 . . . dxe5 21 . Nc31 Nc4?1 [21 . . . c6! ?
22. 0h7 + KfB 23.dxes Axes 24. Rxes
QxeS 25.0xh6 + Ke7 26. Ne4c] 22.Nd5
Qg7 23.Qf51 Re6 [23 . . . Rd8 24. Nf6 +
KhB 2S. dxeS Qg6 26. 0h3! Og7
27. Rd1 ! +-] 24. R8 1 885 [24 . . . NaS?
2S.b4!] 25. Nxc71 Rf6 [2S . . . Re7
26. NxbS + - (27. Qc8; or 27. b3) ;
2S . . . Rd6 26.0c8 + QfB 27.Bh7 + Kg7
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
28.Ne8 + + -] 26.Qd71 [26.0cB + Ofe
1 O. Bg5/11 ... g5
27. 0xfB + Ke 28.dxe5 Rxf3 29. Nxb5
CBU250pp #16
Bb6o] 26 . . . Rd6 [26 . . . Qf8 27. Nd5 Rd6
28. Ne7 + KhB 29. 0f5 Qg7 30. Rxa5!
Nxa5 3 1 . Qc8 + + - ; 26 . . . Rxf3
27.Qxb5 +-] 27.Qc8+ Qf8 28.Qf51 Rg6
[28 . . . Qd8 29.Nxb5! Rb (29 . . . Re6 30. b!
Bxb4 31 .Ra8! ! ) 30.Bd3! Rxb5 31 . Qh7 +
Kf832. Qxh6 + Ke8 33. Bxc4 +-] 29.Nxb5
Bb6 30.Be4 Kg7 [30 . . . exd4 31 . Ra8 Bd8
32. Qd7] 31.b31 [31 . Ra8 Ob4 32. Qc8
Qe1 + 33. Kg2 Ne3 + 34.fxe3 Oe2 +
35. Kg3 Qe1 + 36. Kg4 Qh4 + 37. Kf5
BdB! ] 31 . . . Na5 32.Qd71 Rf& 33.dxe5
Re& [33 . . . Rf4 34.Nd6 OdB 35. Qxd8 Bxde
36. b4 Nb3 37. Ra8 Be7 38. Ne8 + + -]
34. Nd6 Axes 35. b41 [Heemsoth]
[35.b4! Nb3 36. Ra8 + -] 1-0
(20) Penrose - Vukcevic
corr., 1 983
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bbs 86 4.Ba4 Nf&
5.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BcS 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 0-0 1 2.a4
exd4 1 3. axb5 axbs 1 4. Rxa8 Bxa8
1 5.cxd4 Rea 1 6.Nc3 gs 1 7.Qd21 1 Nas
[ 1 7 . . . gxh4? 1 8. Qxh6 Nh7 (1 8 ... Nxd4
1 9. Bxf7 + ! K7 20.Ng5 + +-) 1 9. Bxf7 +
Kxf7 20.Qxh7 + KfB 21 . Nd5 + -] 1 8.Bc2
b4 1 9. Nxg5 1 bxc3 [ 1 9 . . . hxg5?
20. Qxg5 + KfB 2 1 . Qh6 + KgB
22. Bxf6 +-] 20. Qf4 Bxd4 21 .Nh71 1 BeS
[21 . . . Kxh7 + Kge 23. Bxf6 Bxes
24.Qg4 + + -; 21 . . . Nxh7 22. Bxd8 RxdB
23.e5! Bxes 24.Bxh7 + Kxh7 25. Qxf7 +
KhB 26. Rxe5 dxes 27. Qf6 + + -] 22.Qxh6
Re6 23.Nxf6+ Rxf6 [23 . . . Bxf6?? 24.e5! !
Bxh4 25. Bh7 + KhB 26. Bg6 + Kg8
27.Qh7 + KfB 28. 0xf7#] 24. Bxf6 Bxf6
[24 . . . Qxf6 25. Qxf6 Bxf6 26. Ra1 ! + -]
25.Re3 Bes 26. Rh3 Qe7 27.Rh5 f5
28.0g6 + Qg7 29.Qe6 + Qf7 30.Qc8 +
Of8 [30 . . . Kg7 31 .0h8 + Kg6 32.0h6#]
31 .0xc7 Bg7 32. Rxf5 Qe8 33.Rg51 Of8
34.Rxa5 cxb2 35.R87 [Goldemberg]
1 -0
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7. Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 g5 1 2. Bg3
Play here is similar to that in CBU250pp
#1 2. Black accepts a weakening of his
kingside in order to break the d8-h4 pin.
The student is referred to a number of
thematic games by GM A.Belyavsky - an
exper in thi s system.
(21) Dolmatov - Belyavsky
Moscow GMA, 1 990
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 g5 12.Bg3
0-0 1 3. Qd3N 1 3Nh51 1 4. Nbd2 Qf6
[ 1 4 . . . Nxg3] 1 5.Bd5D RaeB [ 1 5 . . . Nf4?!
1 6. Bxf4 gxf4 [. . . . Kh8, . . . RgB] 1 7.a4]
1 6.a4 [1 6. Nb3 Kh8! ? (.Rg8, Nf4Xg2)]
1 6 ... Nxg3 1 7. hxg3 [ 1 7. axb5 axb5
1 8. Qxb5 exd4 1 9. Bxc6 Bxc6 20.Qxc6
dxc3 21 . bxc3 Nh5 [. . . . g4t]] 17 ... exd4
1 8.axb5 axb5 1 9.Bxc6 [ 1 9. Qxb5 dxc3
20. bxc3 Na7 21 . Rxa7 Bxd5 22. Raa1
BaBo] 1 9 ... Bxc6 20.Nxd4 [20. cxd4? g4
2 1 . e5 Qg6+] 20 . . . Bd7 2 1 . N2f3?
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 15
(21 . Re2! ] 21 b41; 22.Nf5 (22.cxb?
g4- +) 22 . . . Bxf5 23.exf5 bxc3 24.bxc3
Rxe1 + 25.Rxe1 Kg7 26.Nh2 [26.g4!?]
26 ... h5 27.g4 h4 28.Nf3 Ra8 29.Qd2
Ra4 30.Nh2? (30.Qxg5 + Qxg5 31 . Nxg5
Rxg4 32. Ne4 Rf4l) 30 . . . Rc4 31 . Rc1 Ba5
32.Qe3 d51 33.Qe8 Bxc3 34.Qd7 Be5
35.Rd1 [35. Rxc4 dxc4 36. Nf3 c3- +]
35 . . . Bxh2+ 36. Kxh2 c6-+ 37. Re1
Rxg4 38. g3 hxg3 + 39. fxg3 Rb4
40.Kg2 Rb2+ 41. Kh3 Rb4 [Belyavsky)
(22) G8rcia, Gild. - Bely8vsky
Novi Sad 01., 1 990
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 g5 1 2. Bg3
0-0 1 3. dxe5 Nxe5 1 4. Nxe5 dxe5
1 5.Nd2N 1 5Qe7 1 6.Qe2 Rad8 1 7.a4
Rd6 1 8.axb5 axb5 19. Nf1 Bc61 ( 1 9 . . . h5
20. Qxb5 Rea 2 1 . h4! Ng4 22. hxg5;
1 9 . . . Nxe4 20. Qxb5 Nxg3 21 . Nxg3]
20.Bc2 Rfd8 21 .Rac1 [21 . Ne3? Rd2
22. Qf3 Bxe3- + ] 21 h51 22. h3 h4
23.Bh2 Qe6; (6g4) 24.Ne3 Rd2 25.Qf3
[ 25. Rcd 1 Rxd 1 26. Rxd 1 Rxd 1 +
27.Nxd1 D g4 28. hxg4 Nxg4;)
25 . . . Rxc21 26.Nxc2 [26.Rxc2 Bxe4;)
26 . . . Rd2 27.Kh1 [27.Re2 Bxe4 28. Rxe4
Rxt2;) 27 . . . g41 2B.hxg4 Rxf2 29.Qh3
Nxe4 30. Ne3 [ 30. Qxh4 Rf6!;)
30 . . . Rxg21 -+ 3 1 . Qxg2 h3 32. Qc2
Nd2 + 33. Kg 1 Qxg4 + [Belyavsky]
[33 . . . Qxg4 + 34. Kf2 Qg2#] 0-1
1 O. Bg5/1 1 Qe7
CBU250pp #1 7
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4. Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
Presering options for castl ing, .
12. Nbd2- DIAGRAM
Shamkovi ch' s move - compl et i ng
minor-piece development.
{23) Bl umenfeld - Henley
MHCC Rapids, 1 992
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
1 2. Nbd2 [Shamkovich.] 12 . . . g5 1 3.Bg3
h51? 1 4.h4 g4 1 5. Ng5 Nd81 1 6.a4 Nd7
1 7.8xb5 8xb5 1 8.Rxa8 Bxae 1 9.d5 f6
20.Ne6 Nxe6 21 .dxe6 Nc5 22.Bd5 c6
23.Ba2 Nxe6 24.Nf1 Kf8 25.Ne3 Bxe31
26.Rxe3 Kg7 27.f3 gxf3 28.Rxf3 c5
29.Bd5 c41 30.Kh1 Bxd5 31 .exd5 Nc5
32.Bh2 Qf7 33.Rg3 + KfB 34. Bg1 Nd3
35. Rf3 Ke7 36. Rf5 [36. Qa1 ! RdB;]
36 . . . Qxd5 37.Rxh5 Nf2+ [Henley) 0-1
(24) Frit - Henley
(BONUS #2), 1 993
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 B.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
1 2. Nbd2 g 5 1 3. dxe5?1 dxes
[ 1 3 . . . Nxe5! ? 1 4. Bg3 Nd3?! ( 1 4 . . . 0-0-0
1 5. Nd4 Nd3e) 1 5. e5! t] 1 4. Bg3 h51 ?
[14 . . . 0-0-!?t] 1 5. Bd5?1 [ 1 5. h4 g4
1 6. Ng5 Nd8 1 7. Nf1 Nd7 1 8. Ne3 f6 1 9. Nf5
Qfe 20. Ne6 Nxe6 2 1 . Bxe6 Nc5]
1 5 . . . 0-0-0 1 6. c4? [ 1 6. Bxc6 Bxc6
16 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
1 7. Nxe5 Bxe4t (1 7 . . . Bb7s)] 1 6 ... h41=
1 7. Bxc6 hxg 31 1 8. Bxb7 + Kxb7
1 9. hxg3 Ng4 20.Re2 Bxf2 +1 - +
2 1 . Rxf2 Rh 1 + 1 22. Kx h 1 Nxf2 +
[Henley] 01
1 O.Bg5/1 1 N Qe7
CBU250pp #1 8
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
1 2.dxe5 - DIAGRAM
This harmless continuation favors black
somewhat because of hi s l ead i n
(25) Mukh8medzi8nov - Zavernayev
Gorki, 1 973
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
1 2.dxe5 Nxe5 1 3. Nxe5 dxe5 1 4.Nd2
[ 1 4. Na3 g5 1 5. Bg3 Nxe4 1 6. Bd5 Rd8=]
1 4 ... 0-0-0 1 5.0e2 g5 1 6. Bg3 Rxd21
1 7. Qxd2 Nxe4 1 8.0e2 f55 [ 1 8 . . . f55
1 9. Kh1 h5 20.f3 Nxg3 + 21 . hxg3 g4! -
22.f4- +]
(26) Fritz - Henley
(BONUS #1), 1 993
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9. d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7
1 2.dxe51? Nxe51 1 3.Nxe5 dxe5 1 4.Qf3
0-0-0 1 5. a4 Kb8 1 6. axb5 axb5
1 7.Bxf6?1 [ 1 7.Na3 gS 1 8.Bg3 hS! 1 9. h4
Ng4!t] 1 7 ... gxf6 1 8.Na3 Rd2: 1 9.Re2
Rhd8 20.Nxb5 [20.Rae1 !?] 20 ... 151-
21 .Bc2 Rxc21 + 22.Rxc2 Bxe4 23.0e2D
Bd3 24. Qd 1 [24. 0f3 e4] 24 . . . Bxb5
25.Qf3 e4 26.Qxf5 Bd3 27.Rd2 e31 1- +
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 17
28.0131 0 [ 28. Rxd3 exf2 + 29. Kf1
(29.Kh1 Qe1 +- +) . . . Rea 30.g3 (30.Rdd1
Qe2#; 30. Qf3 Qe1 + 31 .Rxe1 fe1 0#)
. . . Oe2 + 31 . Kg2 f1 0#] 2e . . . exl2+
[28 . . . exd2?? 29.Ra8#] 29.Rxl2 [29.Kh1
Oe1 +- +] 29 ## Be4 30.014 15 31 .Raf1
Og51 32.0xg5 hxg5 33.b4 Rd2 34.c4
Be3 35.h3 14 36.c5 Bd3 [Henley) o-1
1 1 ... Qe7 1 2.a4 ~
CBU250pp #1 9
1 . e4 e5 2.NI3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nl6
s.oo b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs e.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 Qe7 1 2.84
If black wishes to castle queenslde, then
1 2.a4 is a goo way for white to force
black to play his hand, as an I mmediate
exchange of rooks is threatened. Black
can pl ay 1 2 . . . 0-0-0 or i nsert t he
tempo-gaining 1 2 . . . g5.
12 oo-o - DIAGRAM
(27) Sax - Har8ndi
Rio de Janeiro lz, 1 979
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 NI&
s.o-o bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs e.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 Oe7 1 2.84
o-o-o 1 3.0d3 gs 1 4.Bg3 exd4 1 5.axb5
8Xb5 1 6.0xb5 N87 1 7.015+ Kb8 1 8.e5
Nh5 1 9. cxd4 Nxg3 20. hxg3 dxes
21 .Nc3 Ob4 22.Bxf7 exd4 23. Nd5 Ob5
24.Re5 d3 25.Nxb6 Oxb6 26.Rea5 Nee
27.Ne5 d2 2e.Nd7 + Rxd7 29.0xd7 Rfe
30.R5a3 Nd6 31 .Rb3 Od4 32.Rd1 Qe4
33.Kf1 Oxg2 + 34.Ke2 Rxf7 35.Qde +
Nee 36.Rxd2 Rxf2+ 37.Kd1 Of1 +
3e.Kc2 Oc4 + 39.Rc3 Oa4 + 40.Rb3
Qe4+ 41 . Kc1 Rf1 + 42.Rd1 Oc4+
43.Rc3 Rxd1 + 44.0xd1 Qd5 45.Rd3
Oe5 46.Rb3 Nd6 47.013 Oe1 + o-1
1 2 ... g5/1 3 . . . 0-0-0
CBU250pp #20
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o bs 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Oe7 1 2.84
gS 1 3.Bg3 o-o-o - DIAGRAM
An aggressive course by black. The
advance of the klngsi de pawns will
produce attacki ng chances agai nst
white's king.
(28) Lepeshkin - Kosterin
Moscow, 1 963
1 .e4 es 2.NI3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 NI&
s.o-o b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bcs 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Oe7 1 2.84
18 Te Archagel (CBU 250pp)
g5 1 3. 8g3 o-o-o [ 1 3 . . . h5! ] 1 4.axb5 axb5
1 5.Qe2 h5 [ 1 5 . . . Nxe4 1 6. Qxe4 Nxd41 ?]
1 8. dxe5?1 [ 1 6. h4 g4 1 7. Nfd2 exd4
1 8. Qxb5t Koni kowskl ] 1 6 . . . Nxe5
1 7.Nxg5 Rdg8 1 8. 8xe5 dxe5 1 9.Nf3
[ 1 9. h4 Rxg5 20. hxg5 Nxe4 21 . Rf 1
Qxg5t] 19 . . . Nxe4 20. Rf1 Rxg2 + 1
21. 1xg2 Rg8+ 22. Kh1 Qg51 [Henley]
[ 22 . . . Qg5! 23. Nxg5 Nxf2 + 24. Kg1
Nh3#] o-1
1 3 . . . h5/1 6.h3
CBU250pp #21
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8b5 a6 4.8a4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.8b3 8b7 7.Re1 8c5 a.c3 d6
9.d4 8b6 1 0. 8g5 h6 1 1 . 8h4 Qe7 1 2.a4
g5 1 3.8g3 h5
A sharp and dangerous thrust. Black
foregoes castl i ng. GM Ron Henl ey
exami nes t hi s l i ne i n dept h i n hi s
Book-on-Disk " Murder on The Long
Di agonal ! Ar changel Vari at i on , "
CBU402o. White has no time for Nf3xg5.
1 4.axb5 axb5 1 5.Rxa8 + 8xa8 1 6.h3 -
1 6.h3 is too passive a way of meeting the
threatened ... h5-h4.
(29) Petersen - Moe
Copenhagen, 1 968
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8b5 a6 4.8a4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.8b3 Bb7 7.Re1 8c5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 8b6 1 0.8g5 h6 1 1 . 8h4 Qe7 1 2.84
g5 1 3.8g3 h5 1 4.axb5 axb5 1 5.Rxa8 +
8xa8 1 6. h3?1 [Too passive.] 1 6 ... h4
1 7.8h2g4 1 8.Ng5 gxh31 1 9. 8xf7 + Kd8
20.Be6 Qg7 21 .Qd2 [21 . Nxh3! ? exd4
22.Bf5o dxc3 23. Nf4 ReS 24. bxc3
(24. Ne + Rxe6 25. Bxe c2 26. Qxc2
Nd4l; 24. Nxc3 Nd4+ 25. Nh5? Nxh5
26. Qxh5 Nxf5 27. Qxf5 RfB- +) . . . Ne5
25.Nd2 (25. Ne6 + Rxe6 26. Bxe6 Nxe4
27.Rf1 Nxc3- +) . . . Neg4 26.Rf1 Nxh2
27. Kxh2 Nxe4! 28. Nxe4 (28. Ne6 + ?
Rxe6 29. Bxe6 Nxc3- +) . . . Bxe4 29. Bxe4
(29. Ne6 +? Rxe6- + ) . . . Rxe4 30. Nd5
Bc5l Henl ey] 2 1 . . . Rh5 22. Nxh3
Nxd41 1- + [22 . . . Nxd4! ! 23. cxd4 Nxe4
24. Rxe4 Bxe4 25.f3 Bxb1 - + Henley]
1 3 . . . h5/1 6.h4
CBU250pp #22
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8b5 a6 4.8a4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.8b3 8b7 7.Re1 8c5 a.c3 d6
9.d4 8b6 1 0.8g5 h6 1 1 . 8h4 Qe7 1 2.a4
g5 1 3.8g3 h5
Henl ey call s t hi s l i ne t he " Shi rov
Counterattack" In reference to the
br ill i ant young Latvi an GM who
successfully reintroduced the line into
tournament play.
1 4.axb5 axb5 1 5.Rxa8 + 8xa8 1 6.h4 -
We have arrived at the most critical and
unclear position of the 7.Re1 variation of
the Archangel.
Te Archangel! (CBU250pp) 19
(30) Ernst - Shirov
Gausdal, 1 990
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.oo b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 a.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 .Bh4 Qe7 1 2.a4
g5 1 N [ 1 2 . . . 0-0; 1 2 . . . 0-0-0] 1 3. Bg3
[ 1 3. axb5: A) 1 3 . . . Nxd4? ! 1 4. Nxd4
(1 4. cxd4 gh4o) . . . exd4 1 5. bxa6 Rxa6
1 6. Rxa6 Bxa6 1 7. Bg3t; B) 1 3 . . . axb51 ]
13 ... h51 1 4.axb5 8Xb5 1 5. Rx88+ Bxa8
1 6. h4 [ 1 6. h3 h4 1 7. Bh2 g41 1 8. Ng5
(1 8. hxg4 Nxg4+) . . . NdB 1 9. hxg4 Rg8+]
16 g4 1 7.Ng5 Nd81 Nd7, f6 1 8.Na3
[1 8.dxe5] 18 ... Nd7 1 9.Nc21 f6 20.Ne3
fxg5 21. Nf5 Oh71 [21 . . . Qf6?! 22. hxg5
Qxg5 23. Bh4 Og6 24.Qd3! -] 22.0d31
[ 22. hxg5? ! Bxe4! 23. Nh4 Bg6! +]
[22.dxe5] 22 Rf8 23. hxg5 Bxe4D
[23 . . . Nm 24.Bh4] 24.Nxd6+ cxd6
25.Rxe4 Qf5D 26.g61 1 [26.Bd5 Qxg5
27. Qxb5 Rf5! 28. dxe5 (28. Bc6 Nxc6
29. Qxc6 h4- +) . . . dxe5 29. Bc6 Nxc6
30. Qxc6 Qf61 +] 26 ... Qxg6 27.dxe5 d5D
28.Bxd5 Ne6 29. Bc6 [29.Qxb5! Qf5
30.Re2: A) 30 . . . Nc7 31 . Qc6 h4 32.e6! 1
Qb1 + 33. Kh2 hxg3 + 34.Kxg3 Bxf2 + D
(34 . . . Qd3 + 35.f3 Qxd5 36.exd7 + Kd8
37. Re8 + ! + -) 35. Rxf2 Qd3 + 36.Rf3!
Rx3 + 37. gxf3 Qxd5 38.Qxd7 + Qxd7
39.exd7 + Kxd7 40.fg4; B) 30 . . . h4! D
3 1 . Bxe6 (31 . Bxh4? g3! - + ) . . . Qxe6
32. Bxh4 Rh8 33.g3 Kf7L t +] 29 ... Rf7
30.0xb5 Kf81D 31 .Bxd7 Qxe4 32.Qxb6
[32. Bxe6 Rxf2! 33. Bxf2 Qe1 + 34. Kh2
Qxf2 35. Bxg4 ! (35. 0b4 + ? Bc5
36.Qb8 + Ke7- +) . . . hxg4 (35 . . . Qg1 + =)
36.Qb4 + Oc5 =] 32 h4!D 33.0d6+
Kg7 34. Bxh4?? [34.Bxe6 hxg3 35.fxg3
Qb1 + 36. Kh2 Qh7 + = ] 34 . . . Nf4-+
35. Bf6 + [35.f3 Qc2 36. Bf6 + Kh7
37. Bf5 + Qxf5- + ] 35 Kh7 36. Qc6
Ob1 + 37.Kh2 Ne2 38. Bf5 + Qxf5
[Shlrov] 0-1
(31) Ernst - Shirov
Gausdal, 1 991
1 .e4 es 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0. Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7 12.84
g5 1 3.8xb5 axb5 1 4. Rxa8 + Bxaa
1 5. Bg3 h5 1 6. h4 g4 1 7. Nh2 exd4
1 8.Nf1 0-0 1 9.Bf4 Nxe4 20.Ng3 Nxf2
21 .Kxf2 Qf6 22.Nxh5 Qxh4+ 23.Ng3
Ne5 24.cxd4 Qf6 25.Nh5 Qh4 + 26.Ng3
Qf6 27.Nh5 g3+ 28.Kf1 Oh4 29.dxe5
Oh1 + 30.Ke2 Qxh5+ 31 .Kd2 Qh4
32.Be3 dxe5 33.Kc1 Bxg2 34.Bxb6
cxb6 35.Qe2 Bc6 36.Nc3 g2 37.Rg1
Qf4+ 38. Kb 1 Rd8 39. Nd5 Bxd5
40.Bxd5 Kf8 41. Qxg2 Rd7 42.0g7+
Ke8 43.Bc6 Ke7 44.Re1 Rd2 45.Rxe5 +
Kd6 46. Re4 Qf 1 + 47. Ka2 Kxc6
48.0c3 + Kd5 49.Re5 + Kd6 50.Re8
1 -0
(32) Prokofiev - Zavernayev
corr., 1 971
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5 h6 1 1 . Bh4 Qe7 12.84
g5 1 3.Bg3 h5 1 4.axb5 8xb5 1 5.Rxa8+
Bxaa 1 6.h4 g4 1 7.Ng5 0-0 [1 7 . . . Nd8! ]
1 8.0d31 b4 [ 1 8 . .. exd4? 1 9.e5! Nxe5
20. Bxe5 dxe5 21 . Qg6 + Kh8 22. Bxf7- +)
1 9.Nd2 Na5 [ 1 9 . . . bxc3!? 20. bxc3 Nh7
21 . Nc4 Ba7o Henl ey) 20.Ba2 Nh7?
[ 20 . . . bxc3 2 1 . bxc3 Bc6 22. Nf H
20 Te Archgel (CBU 250pp)
Konlkowskl] 21. Nxf71 Rxf7 22.exb4 Ne&
23. Qa&l Qda 24. Ra 1 1 [Domination,
XBaB.] 24 . . . Na7 25. Bxf7 + Kxf7
2&.dxe5 +- [Henley]
(33) Frit - Henley
(BONUS #3), 1 993
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf&
5.0-0 b5 &.Bb3 Bb7 7.Re1 BeS 8.e3 d6
9.d4 Bb& 1 O.BgS h& 1 1 .Bh4 Qe7 1 2.a4
gS 1 3.Bg3 h5 1 4.axb5 axb5 1 5.Rxa8 +
Bxaa 1 6.h4 g4 1 7.Ng5 Nda 1 8.dxe5
dxes 1 9.Ba2?1 [ 1 9. Nd2 Nd7 20.Nf1 f
21 . Ne3 fg5 22.Nf5o; 1 9. Bxe5? Qxe5!
20.0xd8+ Kd8 21 . Nx7 + Kc8 22. Nxe5
g3! 23. Be6 + KbB 24.Rf1 ReB 25.Nd7 +
Nxd7 26. Bxd7 Rxe4 27. b3 Re2 28.Kh1
Bxf2 29. Bh3 Re4 30. Rd1 Bc6! 31 . b4
Rxh4 32. Rd8 + Kb7 33. Nd2 Rxh3#
Fritz-Henley, CBU250pp #22 Training
game.] 1 9 . . . Nd7 20. Qb3 f& 21 . Ne6
Nxe6 22. Qxe6 Qxe6 23. Bxe6 Nes
24.Bf5?1 [24.8d5 Bxd5 25. exd5 Kd7
26.Na3 RaB! 27. Nxb5 Ra2t 28. Re2 Nd3]
24 . . . Kf71; XBf5, Bg3 25.Na3 Be6 26.b4
Nd3 27.Rd1 Ra81? 28.Ne2?1 [28. Rxd3
Rxa3 29. Kf 1 Ra1 + 30. Ke2 Rea]
28 . . . Nb2 29. Rd2 Ne4 30. Re2 Ra2
31 .Kf1 Nd6+ 32.Bh2 [32.f3 Nxf5 33. exf5
gxf3 34. gxf3 Bxf3- + ; 32. Bh7 Bxe4]
32 ... Bxe41 33.Bxe4 [33. Rxe4 Rxc2- +
(33 . . . Nxf5- + )] 33 . . . Nxe4 34. Rxe4
Rxe2- + 35. Bg3 Rxe3 36. Ke2 Bd4
37. Kf 1 Ke6 38.Re1 Kd5 39. Rb1 f5
[XBg3.] 40.Bh2 f4 41 .Rd1 Rb3 42.Re1
e6 43.g3 f3 44.Ke1 Rxb4 [Henley] 01
Te Archgel (CBU 250p) 21
7 .c3 Nxe4 8.Re1 d5
CBU250pp #23
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8bS 86 4.884 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.8b3 8b7 7.c3
White prepares 8. d4 and al l ows the
opening up of the canter by leaving the
e-pawn unguarded.
7 . . . Nxe4
A thematic response - removing white's
central pawn and opening the imporant
h1 -a8 diagonal. On the other hand, white
secures counterplay along the e-file.
8.Re1 dS - DIAGRAM
Black's only real alternative to 8 . . . Nc.
1 S. Kh1 NgS 1 6.f6 gxf6 1 7. RfS ReS
1 8.Qf1 ReS 1 9.8xgS RxfS 20. 0xfS fxgS
21 .d4 Qe7 22. Nd2 8d6 23. Nf3 ReS
24.Rf1 f6 2S.8xdS + 8xdS 26.0xdS +
Qe6 27.0xe6+ Rxe6 28.Re1 Kf7 29.h3
Bg3 30.Rxe6 Kxe6 31 . Kg1 KdS 32.Kf1
Ke4 33.Ke2 Bf4 34.Ne1 hS 3S.Nd3 Bd6
36. Nf2 + Kf4 37. b3 fS 38. c4 bxc4
39.bxc4 g4 40.cS 8e7 41. hxg4 fxg4
42.84 8h4 43.Nd3 + Ke4 44.Nb4 Kxd4
4S.Nx86 8g3 46.c6 Kc4 47.Ke3 8d6
48. Nb8 Kb4 49. Nd7 h4 SO. Nf6 g3
S1 .Nd7 Kx84 S2.Kf3 KbS S3.Nb8 8cS
S4.Kg4 887 SS.Nd7 Kxc6 S6.Nf8 KdS
S7.Kxh4 8cS S8.Nd7 8d6 S9.Kg4 Ke6
60.Nb8 cS 61 .Nc6 KdS 62.N8S 8c7
63.Nb3 c4 64. Nc1 Ke4 6S.N82 8eS
66.Nb4 Bd6 67.Nc2 Kd3 68.Ne1 + Ke2
69.Nc2 Bcs 01
7.c3 Nxe4 8.Re1 Nc5
CBU250pp #24
1 . e4 es 2. Nf3 Ne& 3.8bS 86 4.884 Nf6
S.0-0 bS 6.8b3 8b7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.Re1
Hiting the dangerous Bb3.
A menaci ng conti nuati on. Bl ack i s
threatened on f7 and the e-file.
9 . . . Nxes 1 0. RxeS + Ne6
(34) 88rcenill8 - Ye Ronggu8ng
Meeting both of the aforementioned
88colo, 1 991 threats.
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8bS 86 4.884 Nf6
1 1 .d4
S.0-0 bS 6.8b3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8. Re1 dS
9.d3 Ncs 1 o.Nxes Nxes 1 1 . Rxes + 8e7
1 2.0e2 Ne& 1 3.f4 o-o 1 4.fS 8cS +
22 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
This advance frees the queenside minor and e-file firmly under his control, blac
pieces for duty, but now black obtains a has a clear advantage. Henley +]
lead I n devel opment by hiting the ReS |
with tempo.
(36) Jorgensen - Mikhalchishin, A
1 1 . . . Bd6 - DIAGRAM
Black prepares kingside castling and has
a dangerously aligned B-pair. Black's
counterplay has some resemblance to
the Marshal! Counteratack - but black
has not even needed to sacrifice a pawn!
(35) Trabatoni - Mikhalchisin, A
Rome, 1 978
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.Re1
Ncs 9. Nxes Nxes 1 o.Rxes + Nee 1 1 .d4
Bd6 1 2. Re3?1 [ Probabl y fearing
12 . . . Qh4. White hopes to use the rook to
bol ster hi s klngside, or possibl y to
develop his own atack.] 1 2 ... 0-0 1 3.Rh3
Qf6 1 4.d5 Nf4 1 5.Bxf4 Qxf4+ [Already
black has the B-pair and prepares to take
the e-file. ] 1 6. Nd2 R8e8 1 7. Nf1 g61
[Preparing l u and taking h5 away from
white's pieces.] 1 8.84 BcS 1 9. Rf3 Qd6
20.8xb5 8Xb5 21 .Qd3 Res 22.Qxb5
BxdS 23.Bxd5 QxdS 24.084 d6 25.Rd1
Qe6+ [With the beauiful a7-g1 diagonal
Copenhagen op, 1 991
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o-o b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.Re1
Nc5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 1 0.Rxe5 + Ne6 1 1 .d4
Bd6 1 2. Rh5 0-0 1 3.d5 Nf4 1 4. Rf5 Ng6
1 5.Bg5 f6 1 6.Be3 Nes 1 7. Rh5 Qe8
1 8. Nd2 f5 1 9. Bd4 Nd3 20. Rg5 g6
21 .Nf3 Nf4 22.Qd2 Qe2 23.Qxf4 Bxf4
24.d6 + Rf7 25. Re1 Qxe1 + 26.Nxe1
Bxg5 27.Nf3 Bxf3 o-1
7 & & & Nxe4 8.d4/9. Bc2
CBU250pp #25
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6.
s.o-o b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.d4
Probably superior to 8. Re1 . Note that the
i mmediate 8.d4 takes the c5-square
away from the Ne4.
8 . . . Na5
Black suppors his Ne4 and hits the Bb3.
Henley is of the opinion that black can
ofen solve an initial opening dilemma In
the Archangel by harassing white's Bb3.
White must now choose between 9.Bc2
or 9. Nxe5.
9.Bc2 exd4 1 O. b4 Nc4 1 1 . Bxe4 Bxe4 -
This is the most imporant sequence after
Te Archagel (CBU250pp) 23
(37) Dvoirys - Bely8vsky
USSR Ch., 1 990
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.d4 Na5
9. Bc2 exd4 1 0.b4 Nc4 1 1 .Bxe4 Bxe4
1 2.Re1 d5 1 3.Nxd4 c51 1 4.bxc5 Bxc5
1 5.f3 0-0 1 6.fxe4 dxe4! 1 7. Rxe4 Od5
1 8.Rh4N 1 8 ... Rad8D 6b4 1 9.Qd3 f5
20.Bg5 Rde8 [20 ... Rd6! ?] 21 .Nd2 Ne5
22.Qf1 f4 23. Kh1 [23.Rx4 Rxf4 24.0xf4
(24. Bxf4 Bxd4 + 25. cxd4 Qxd4 + 26.Kh1
Rf8 27. g3 g5+) . . . Ng6 25. Qg4 h5
26.Qxh5 Bxd4 + 27.Kh1 Bxc3 28. Rf1
Re6+) 23 . . . Ng6 24.Rh5 Bxd4 25.cxd4
h6 26.Qd3 Of5 27.0b3 + Rf7 28.Nf3
Re3 29.Bxf4 Qxf4 6Rf3 30.0d5 Ne7
31 .0b7 Nf51 ? 32.0xa6 Qe4 6 Rf3
33.Rf1 Od3 34.Qc8 + Rf8 35.Qc1 g6
36.Rh3 g5 37. Rd1 Oe4 38.Nd2 Qd5
39. Rf3 g4 40. Rf4 h5 [40 . . . Ng3 + !
41 . hxg3 Rxf4 42.Qc8 + D (42. gxf4 Rh3 +
43. Kg1 Qxd4 + 44.Kf1 Qd3 + 45.Ke1
Rh1 + 46. Kf2 g3#) . . . Rf8 43. Qxg4 + Qg5
44. Qxg5 + hxg5+] 41 . 0c5 Qxc5
42.dxc5 Rd3 43.c6 Ne7 44. Rxf8 + KxfB
45.c7 Rd7 46.Rf1 + Kg7 47.Nb3 Rxc7
48.Nd4 Rb7 49.83 b4 50.axb4 Rxb4
51 . Ne6 + Kg6 52. Nf4 + Kh6 53.g3
[Dvoirs] -
(38) Frit- Henley
(BONUS #5), 1 993
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 8.d4 N85
9.Bc2 exd4 1 0.b4 Nc4 1 1 .Bxe4 Bxe4
1 2. Re1 d5 1 3. Nxd4 c5 1 4. bxc5 Bxc5
1 5.f3 0-0 1 6.fxe4 dxe4 1 7.Rxe4 Od5
1 8.0d3 R8d8D 1 9. Rh4 g6D 20.Nd2
Ne5 21 . Qg3 b4+t 22. N2b3 bxc31 ?
[22 . . . Ba7!?] 23.Qxc3 Bb6 24. Rb1 851 !
25. 84 RfeB 26. Be3 ReSi t 27. 08 1
[27.Qd2? Nc4- + ; 27.Qe1 Nc4 28.Rh3
Nxe3 29. Rxe3 Bxd4- + ] 27 ... Nf3 + I +
28.gxf3 Rxe3 29. Kg2 [29. Kh1 Rxf3
30. Nxf3 Qxf3#; 29.Re4 Rxb3- + ; 29.Kf1
Rxf3 + 30. Nxf3 Qxf3 +- + 31 . Ke1 Bf2 +
32. Kd2 (32. Kf1 Be3 + 33. Ke1 Qf2 +
34.Kd1 Qf1 #) . . . Qe3 + 33.Kd1 Oe1 #)
29 . . . Rc2 + 1 !- +
30.Nxc2 Qxf3 + 31 . Kg1 Re1# [Henley]
8.d4/9. Nxe5/1 O ... Nd6
CBU250pp #26
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 B.d4 N85
9.Nxe5 Nxb3 1 0.Qxb3
Ataaklng Ml6
9... Ndl lM
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp)
8.d4/9. Nxe5/1 O . . . Qf6
CBU250pp #27
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf&
Defening 7 an preparing . . . Be7 and
s.o-o b5 &.Bb3 Bb7 7.e3 Nxe4 B.d4 Na5
... ,competing his development. This
9.Nxe5 Nxb3 1 0. Qxb3 Of& - DIAGRAM
|8black's solid continuation.
(39) Young - Henley
MHCC Super Rapids, 1 992
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf&
s.o-o b5 &.Bb3 Bb7 7 .e3 Nxe4 B.d4 Na5
9. Nxe5 Nxb3 1 0.Qxb3 Nd&l ?[l had
planne to play 1 0 . . . Qf 1 1 .f3 Nc5, bu
minutes before the Manhatan Chess
Club Super Rapids was to star, GM
Benj ami n shared t he story about
Chrlstiansen refuting Wolf's analysis
(see Haii-Conllnson, Oakham 1 992).)
1 1 . Re1 Be7 12.Bg5? [Leading to an
unsound piece sacrifice. After 1 2. Bf4
0-0a white has more rapid and freer
development, but black does have the
bishop-pair.) 12 16 1 3. Bh4 g5 1 4.Bg3
[ 1 4. Ng4 gxh4 1 5. Nxf6 + KfB- + ]
1 4 fxe5 1 5. Bxe5 [ 1 5. dxe5 Nc4)
15 ##Rf8 1 6.Qd1 [ 1 6. Bxd6! ? cxd6 1 7.d5
Rf7 1 8. Nd2 KfBl) 16 ... Kf71 1 7.Qh5 +
[ 1 7. Qb3 + Nc4 1 8. Nd2 Bd5- +] 1 7 ... Kg8
1 8.Qh6 Nf5 1 9.Qh5 d& 20.Bg3 Qe8
21 .Qd1 h5- + 0-1 [50 moves) [Henley)
Thi s move l eads t o t he sharpest
continuations after 7.c3. A close scrutiny
of Wolff-Tal and Hai i - Conl i nson i s
advised before you take on this line from
either side of the board.
(40) Jvanehuk - Belyavsky
Linares, 1992
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf&
s.o-o b5 &.Bb3 Bb7 7.e3 Nxe4 B.d4 Na5
9.Nxe5 Nxb3 1 0.Qxb3 Qf6 1 1 .f3 Ne5
1 2.Ng4 Nxb3 1 3. Nxf6+ Ke71 [Novelty.
Stronger than 1 3 . . . gxf6. ] 1 4.axb3 Kxf&
1 5.e4 bxe4 [ 1 5 . . . Bb4! ? 1 6. Bd2 Bxd2
1 7. Nxd2 RhbB! ?; 1 5 . . . d6! ?: A) 1 6.d5
, B) 1 6.Nc3: 81 ) 16 . . . Ke7 1 7.cxb5
axb5 (1 7 . . . Kd7!? 1 8. bxa6 Rxa6 1 9. Rxa6
Bxa6 20.Re1 Be7 21 . Nd5 Bh4 22.g3 Bb7
23. Nxc7 Bf6 24. Nb5 Bxf3!) 1 8. Rxa8
Bxae 1 9. Nxb5 Kd7!; B2) 1 6 . . . b4
1 7. Ne4 + Ke7 1 8. ReH; C) 1 6. Be3 Ke7
1 7. Nc3 bxc4 (1 7 . . . Kd7 1 8. cxb5 axb5
1 9. Nxb5 Be7 a) 1 8. bxc4 Kd7 = I dea
20 . . . Be7, 2 1 . . . h6, foll owed by either
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 25
. . . RhbB, or . . . f7-f5 . . . Be7-f6.] 1 6.bxc4
Bb4 17.Bd2 as 1 8.Bxb4 axb4 1 9.Nd2
d6 20.Kf2 Rhe8 (20 ... Ke7 21 . Rfe1 + Kd7
22. d5 c6 23. dxc6 + Bxc6 24. Nb3i;
20 . . . c5 2 1 . dxc5 dxc5 22. Nb3 Ba6
23.Rfc1 RhcB 24. Ra5 +- Bb7 25. Rxa8
BxaB 26. Ra1 Bc6 27.Ra5! ] 21 .dS cS
22.dxc6 Bxca 23. Nb3 Bd7 24.Nd4
Reca 2S.Rxaa Rxaa 26.Ke3 Ra2 27.Rf2
RaS 28.Rd2 ReS 29.b3 ReS + 30.Kf2
RaS 31 .Nc2 Ra2 32.Ke1 Rb2 33.Nxb4
Rxb3 34.Rxd6+ Be6 3S. Rb6 Rb1 +
36.Kf2 Rc1 37.NdS + KeS 38.Ne3 Rc3
39.h4 hS 40.RbS + Kd4 41 .NfS + Kxc4
42.Nd6 + Kd4 43.RxhS Rc2 + 44.Kg3
g6 4S.Rh7 fS 46.Re7 Bb3 47.Rg7 Rc6
48 . Nb7 ( 48. Rxg6 Kd5 ( 48 . . . Kc5
49. Nb7 + Kb6 50. Rxc6 + Kxc6
51 . Na5 + + - ; 48 . . . Ke5 49. Nf7 + + -)
49. Kf4 (49. Nxf5? Rxg6 + ) . . . Rxd6
(49 ... Bc2? 50.Nxf5 + -) 50.Rxd6 + Kd6
51 . Kx5t] 48 B B KeS 49.NaS Rb6 SO.Rb7
[50.f4 + Kf6 51 . Rb7 Rxb7 52. Nxb7)
50 f4+ S1 .Kg4 Rxb7 S2.Nxb7 Bc4
53.KgS Bf1 S4.Nc5 Bxg2 5S.Nd3 + Kd4
56. Ne1 Bf 1 57. Kxf4 [57. Kxg6: A)
57 . . . Bb5 58.h5 Bee + (5B . . . Ke3 59.h6
Bf1 ) 59.Kg5 Bf7 6.Ng2; B) 57 ... Bc4
5B. h5 Ke3 59. h6 BgB 60.Kg7 + -; C)
57 ... Ke3! 58.h5 Kf2 59.h6 Kxe1 60.h7
Bd3 + 61 . Kg5 =] S7 ... Bb5 SS.KgS Be8
59.Ng2 Bc6 60. Kf4 KdS 61 .Ne3 + Ke6
62.Ng4 [Henley] -
(41} Wolff - Tal
San Francisco, 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.BbS a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.oo bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.c3 Nxe4 a.d4 Nas
9.NxeS [9.Bc2] 9 ... Nxb3 1 0.Qxb3 Qf6
1 1 . f 3 NcS 1 2. Ng4l ?N [ 1 2.Qd1 ]
1 2 . . . Nxb30 1 3. Nxf6+ gxf6 [ 1 3 ... Ke7:
A) 1 4. Bg5 Nxa1 (1 4 . . . Bxf3? 1 5. axb3 gxf6
1 6. Re1 + Kd6 1 7. Bf4 + + -; 1 4 . . . Ke6)
1 5. Re1 + Kd6 1 6. Bf4 + Kc6 1 7.d5 + : A1 )
1 7 . . . Kb6? 1 8. Nxd7 + Ka5 (1 8 . . . Ka7
1 9. Be3 + +-) 1 9. Bxc7 + Ka4 20. Nb6+
Ka5 2 1 . Nc4 + Ka4 22. b3 + Nxb3
23. Nb2#; A) 1 7 . . . Kc5! - + Wolff (but see
Haii-Conl inson, Oakham 1 992! ! ) ; B)
1 4. axb3 Kxf6 = ) 1 4. Re1 + Be7
1 5.axb3t d6 1 6. Bf41 [ 1 6. b4 c5! a]
[ 1 6. Nd2 Mi khal chl shl n, A] 1 6 . . . Kd7
1 7. Nd2 [ 1 7. c4?! RhbB 1 8. Nc3 f5! +)
1 7 . . . aSI 1 8. Nf 1 BdSI 1 9. c4 Bc6
[ 1 9 . . . bxc4 20.Ne3] 20.Ne3 a4 21.dS
Bb7 22.Ra3? [22. bxa4 bxc4 23.Rec1
Ba6! (23 ... Ra5 24. Rxc4 Bxd5 25.Rxc7 + !
Kxc7 26.b4 Be60 27. bxa5;) 24.Nxc4
Rhb8!; 22. Nf5! Rhe8 23. Ra3 (23. Nd4
axb3! 24. Nxb5 fS! +: 625. Bd2 Bf6
26.Rae Rae 27. Bc3 Bc3 28. Nc3 Ra5
6 . . . Ba6; 25.c5 dxcs 26. Nxc7 Rxa1
27.Rxa1 Ace 28.Nb5 Bxd5 29. Ra7 + Kc6
30. Nc3 BdB 31 .Nxd5 Kxd5 32.Rxf7 c4)
. .. Bfe 24. Rxee Rxee 25. Kf2 (25. Ne3 Rae
26.cxb5 axb3 27. Rxb3 Ra4 28.g3 Rd4
29. b6 c6 30. dxc6 + Kxc6 =) . . . Rae
26.Ke3;] 22 . . . Rhb81 23.cxbS axb3
24.Rxb3 Ra4 25.g3 Ba6 26.NfS BdBI
27.Re4 Ra1 + 28.Kf2 Rxb5 29.RxbS
BxbS 30.Rb4 Bd3 31 .Nd4 RaS 32.Ke3
Bb1 1? [32 . . . Rxd5 33. Kxd3 c5 34.Rb7 +
Bc7 35. Ke41 ? (35. Be3;)) 33. Nb5 fS
34.Nc3 Ba20 [34 . . . Bc2? 35. Kd2 + -;
34 . . . Ra1 ? 35. Rd4 Bf6 36. Rd1 Bxc3
37. bxc3 + -] 3S.b3 Bf6? [35 ... Ra3! 6
36.Kd3 Rb3! : A) 36.Kd2 Bxb3 (36 . . . Rxb3
37. Nxa2) 37.Kc1 Ba2! 638. Kb2 Rxc3+;
B) 36. Nxa2 =] 36.Kd3 Bxc3 37.Kxc3
Bb1 [37 . . . Rxd5 38. Kb2 Ra5 39.Rd4!
6Rd1 -a1 ] 38.Rd4 Ra2 39. Rd1 Rc2 +
40.Kb4 Rb2 41 . Rc1 1 + Ba2 42.Ka3
Rxh2 43. Ra 1 Bxb3 44. Kxb3 Rf2
[ 44 . . . h5! ? 6 . . . h4] 4S. Rh 1 Rxf3 +
46.Kc4 Ke7 47.Rxh7 Kf6 48.Rh8 Rf2
49. Rc8 Rc2 + SO. Kd3 ReS S1 . Kd4
Ke70 52.Bg5 + f6 S3.Bf4 Rc2 S4.Rh8
Kf7 SS.Rh1 [Wolf] 1-0
26 Te Arhagel/ (CBU 250pp)
Hill Conllnton 10 ... e5 - DIAGRAM
Okhm, 1998
t,l II I,Ntl Nal 3.1bl ae 4.Ba4 Nte
I,M 111.113 Bb7 7 .c3 Nxe4 8.d4 Na5
1.N111 Nxb3 10.Qxb3 Qte 1 1 .f3 Ne5
11,Ng41 Nxb3 1 3. Nxf8+ Ke7 1 4.Bg5
Nx11 1 1. Re1 + Kd8 1 6. Bf4 + Ke6
1 7.dl + Ke5 [Given by GM Wolf In
InlOIm0nI 2 as - + . However, I n
InIOIm8BI 3 GM Larry Christlansen
analyzed a forced mate for white! I wish
to thank GM J. Benjamin, editor of Chess
Chow, for bringing this whole episoe to
my atention.] 1 8.b4+ Ke4 [1 8 . . . Kb
1 9. Nxd7 + Ka7 20. Be3 + c 21 .dxc6#]
1 9.Na3 + 1 Kxe3 [ 1 9 . . . Kd3 20. Rd1 + Ke2
2 1 . Rd2 + Ke1 22. Ne4 Bd6 23. Be3
Bxh2 + 24. Kxh2 Raea 25. Bf2 + Kf1
26. Ng3#] 20. Ne4 + Kxb4 [20 ... Kd3
2 1 . Rd 1 + Ke2 22. Nc3 #; 20 . . . Kb2
21 . Rb1 + Kxa2 22. Nc3 + Kxa3 23. Bc1 #]
21 .Rb1 + Kxa3 [21 . . . Ka4 22. Nc3 + KS
23. Bxc7#; 2 1 . . . Ka5 22. Bxc7 + Ka4
23. Nc3 + Kxa3 24. Bf4 + -] 22. Ne3
[22.Nc3 BcS + 23.Kf1 Be3 24. Bxe3 Bxd5
25.Bc1 #] 1 -0

7 .d4/8.Bx7 /1 O B B . cS
CBU250pp #28
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4
The eary d4-thrust provokes immediate
compl ications after the following small
combination . . .
7 . . . Nxd4 8. Bxf7 + Kxf7 9. Nxe5 + Kg&
1 0. Qxd4
Regai ni ng the piece. l t appears that
black's king is horribly misplaced - but In
compe nsat i on he wi l l secure
counterplay against e4 and has a nice
(43) Browne - Harandi
Skopje O., 1972
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8. Bxf7 +
Kxf7 9.Nxe5 + Kg8 1 0.Qxd4 e5 1 1 .Qd1
d6 1 2.Ng4 Nxe4 1 3.13 Ng5 1 4. Ne3 d5
1 5. Qe1 Nf7 1 6. Bf4 h5 1 7. Ne5 Qf6
1 8.Nxf7 Qxf7 1 9.Qd2 h4 20.Rae1 Rh5
21 .Ne2 Be7 22. Ne1 Rf5 23.Nd3 g5
24.Be5 h3 25.Bg3 hxg2 26.Qxg2 d4
27.Ne5 Qh7 28.Ng4 Raf8 29.Re6 Bf6
30.Bd6 Bg7 31 . Bxf8 Rxf8 32.b3 e4
33.bxe4 bxe4 34.Re7 d3 35.Ne5 Qf5
36.Rxb7 Qxe5 37.exd3 exd3 38.Kh1
Qf4 39.Rd7 Qf5 40.Rd6 Rb8 41 .Qg4
Qe5 42. Qe4 + Kf8 43. Rd5 Qe2
44.Rf5 + 1-0
(44) Frolov - Huzman
USSR, 1 990
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8. Bxf7 +
Kf7 9.Nxe5 + Kg& 1 o.Qxd4 c5 1 1 .Qd 1
Qe8 1 2.Nf3 [ 1 2. Ng4?! N Nxg4 1 3.Qxg4
Qxe4 1 4. 0xe4 Bxe4; 1 Hocges-Gerler,
US Amateur Team East 1 993) 12 ... Qxe4
1 3. Bg51 N [1 3. Nc3; 1 3. Re1 ] 1 3 . . . Qf5
[ 1 3 . . . d5? 1 1 4. Nc3 Qf5 1 5. Bxf6 gxf6
(1 5 . . . Qxf6 1 6. Nxd5 Qxb2 1 7. c3) 1 6. Nh4
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 27
Qg5 1 7.g3 d4 1 8.0e2! ] 1 4. Bxf6 Qxf6
[ 1 4 . . . gxf? 1 5.Nh4 +-; 1 4 . . . Bx3 1 5. Qx
Oxf3 1 6. gxf3 gxf6 1 7. Nc3) 1 5. Nc3
[ 1 5. Qxd7 Bxf3 1 6. gxf3 AdS 1 7. Qh3
b4! !] 1 5 Rd8 1 6. Re1 d5 1 7.Qe2; Bd6
1 8. Rad1 Kml [ 1 8 . . . b? 1 9. Nxd5! Bxds
20.Rxd5 Bxh2 + 21 . Kxh2! RxdS 22. 0c4
Qf7 23.Ng5 Qd7 24.Qxd5 + + -; 1 8 . . . h6;)
1 9.Ng5 + I Qxg5 [ 1 9 . . . Kg6? 20. Ne6 +-]
20.Qe6+ Kf8 21 . Rd3 Qf6D [21 . . . d4
22. Ne4 Bxe4 23. Rxe4 Qc1 + 24. Re1
Bxh2 + 25. Kf1 + -; 21 . . . Bxh2 + 22.Kxh2
Qh6 + 23. Qxh6 gxh6 24. Rf3 + Kg8
25.Re7 + -] 22.Rf3 Qxf3 23.gxf3 Bc81
24.Qe2 Kf7 25. Nxd5 Rhe8 26.Qf1 1
Rxe1 27.Qxe1 Bxh2 + 28.Kxh2 Rxd5
29.Qe4 Rh5 + 30.Kg2 c4 31 .Qa8 Bf5
32.Qa7 + Kf8 33.c3 Rg5 + 34.Kh2 Be6
[34 . . . Rh5 + 35. Kg3] 35. Qxa6 Kf7
36. Qb7 + Kf6 37. Qc6? 1 [37.f4)
37 Rh5 + 38. Kg3 Rg5 + 39. Kh4?
[39.Kh2 RhS + 40.Kg1 RgS + 41 . Kf1
42.b4;] 39 . . . Rg 1 [L. g5- +;
Frol ov/Gurevi ch, V; 39 . . . Rg1 40. f40
Rg4 + 41 . Kh3 Rxf4 + 42. Kg3 Rf5 =] -
1.d4/8. Bxf7 /1 . . . Qe7
CBU250pp #29
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7 .d4 Nxd4 8. Bxf7 +
Kxf7 9. Nxe5 + Kg& 1 0. Qxd4 Qe7 -
A fexible continuation - black delays or
omits the weakening advance ... c.
(45) Neukirch - Radulov
Orebro, 1 966
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.00 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8. Bxf7 +
Kxf7 9.Nxe5 + Kg& 1 0.Qxd4 Qe71? An
I nteresting alternative to 1 0. .. c5.
1 1 . Nf3 [ 1 1 . Bg51 This pin i s worth
Investigating.) 1 1 B B Qxe4 1 2.Bg5 Qxd4
1 3. Nxd4 Bc5 1 4.c3 Kf7 1 5. Nd2 Rhea+
1 [ 1 5 . . . Bxd4 1 6.cxd4 Ne4 1 7. Nxe4
Bxe4+ Henley)
7 .d4/8.Nxd4/9.c3
CBU250pp #30
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.00 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
A more conserative and positionally
sounder approach than 8. Bxf7 + .
8 . . . exd4 9.c3 - DIAGRAM
Thi s rare l i ne i s the subject of GM
Henley's "Grandmaster Gymnasium."
28 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
(48) 208 Sakovlch
Rlga, 1 970
1 .14 a5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
axd4 9.c3 Nxe4 1 O.Re1 Be7 1 1 . Qg4 0-0
1 2. Rxe4 Bxe4 1 3.Qxe4 Bf6 1 4. Bd2 Rea
1 5.0f3 Qe7 1 6.g3 c6 1 7.cxd4 Bxd4
1 8.Nc3 d5 1 9.Bc2 Qf6 20.Qxf6 Bxf6
21 . Rd1 Bd4 [21 . . . g6!?] 22. Bf4 887
23.Bf5 Re7 24.Bd6 Rb7 [Henley] =
Henley takes a detailed look at this
position In his Chapter 4 "Grandmaster
Gymnasium. "
7 .d4/8. Nxd4/9.e5
CBU250pp #31
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5
White's main continuation.
9 . . . Ne4 1 0.Qf3 - DIAGRAM
This premature atack was effectively
dealt with In Pel itov-Radulov.
(47) Pelitov - Radulov
Sofia, 1 969
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 S.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.Qf3 Qe7 1 1 . Re1 Nc5
1 2.Bd5 c6 1 3. Bb3 [ 1 3. b4! ?; 1 3. Be4?
0-0-0 1 4. Bf5 g6 1 5. Bh3 f5! +] 1 3 . . . Nxb3
1 4.8xb3 0-0-0? [ 1 4 ... d5! +] 1 5.Bd21 d6
1 6.exd6 Qd7 1 7.Ba5 Res 1 S. RxeS +
QxeS 1 9.Nd2 Bxd6 20.Ne4 BfS 21 .Re1 t
[Henley] !
9.e5 Ne4 1 O.c3 d3
CBU250pp #32
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 S.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 d3 - DIAGRAM
With 1 0e . . d3, black avoids a premature
opening up ofthe position with 1 O . . . dxc3.
If white plays 1 1 .Qxd3, then black has
1 1 . . . Nc5, with an excellent game.
(4S) Zaitsev, I - Stern
corr., 1 970
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 S.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 d3 1 1 .013 Qe7
1 2.Nd2 Nc5 1 3.Bd5 Bxd51? [ 1 3 . . . c6
1 4. Ne4! o] 1 4. 0xd5 c6 1 5. Qd4 d6
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 29
1 6. Re1 oo01 [ 16 . . . dxe5 1 7.Rxe5 Ne
1 8. Qxd3 Qd6= ] 1 7. b4 [ 1 7. Nf3 dxe5
1 8.Rxe5 Ne6 1 9.Qg4 Qdn:] 1 7 . . . Na4
1 8.e61? fe6 1 9.Nf3 es 20.Qxd3 h6
21 .c4 g5 22.cxb5 axb5 23.Bd2 Qh71
24.Qe2 Kb7 [Black barricades the light
squares and capitalizes on his exra
pawn. ] 25.Rec1 ? [o25.Rac1 ] 25 B a Rc8
26.Be3 Bg7 27.Nd2 e41 28.Rxc6 [A
desperate atempt to tactically sve a
strategically l ost position. ] 28 . . . Kxc6
29.Rc1 + Nc3 30.Nb3 [Henl ey) [30. Nb1
Kd7 31 . Nxc3 Bxc3 32.Qxb5 + Ke- +]
KdSI 0-1
(49) Berrios - Bi sguier
San Juan, 1 969
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 d3 1 1 .Qxd3 Ncs
1 2. Qg3 Nxb3 1 3.axb3 h51 ? 1 4. Rd1
[ 1 4. h4!? Qe7 1 S.BgS Qe1 6.Nd2 Qg4+;
1 4. BgS?! Be7 1 S. Bxe7 Qxe7 1 6. Qxg7?
0-0- 1 7. Qf6 RdgB 1 8. Qxe7? Rxg2 +
1 9.Kh1 Rg1 + ! I 20. Kxg1 Rg8 + 21 .QgS
RxgS#; 1 4. BgS?! h4! (Henley) 1 S. Bxd8?
(1 S.Og4 Be71 1 6. Bxe7 Oxen) . . . hxg3
1 6. Bxc7 Rxh2! 1 7.f3 Bc5 +- +] 1 4 . . . h4
1 5. Qg4 Qe7 1 6. Bg5 Qe6 1 7. Qd4?
[ 1 7. Qxe6 + fxe6+ 1 8. Nd2 RhS 1 9.f4
Bc5 + 20. Kf1 (20. Kh1 h3=) d6 21 . b4
Bb; ( . . . Kd7, . . . RfB) ) 1 7 . . . h31
[ Openi ng a t hemat i c "Ar changel
diagonal".) 1 8.Nd2 Qc6 1 9.Ne4 Rh51
20.f4?1 [Weakening another thematic
"Archangel diagonal" (cS-g1 ): 20. Be3 fS!
21 . ex6 Bc5! 22.fg7 (22.Qxd7 + Qxd7
23.Rxd7 Bxe4! 24.Rxg7 Bxe3 25.Re7 +
KfB 26.Rxe4 Bb6=) 0-0-! t; 20. Bf4 BcS!
21 . Qxc5 Qxe4- + ) 20 d51 + 21 .exd6
Bxd6 22.Re1 [22.Nxd6 + cxd6 23.Rd2
f6 24. Re1 + KfB- +) 22 a Kf81 23.Re2
Rea 24.R8e1 Rxe41 25.Rxe4 [2S. Oxe4
Qxe4 26. Rxe4 Bxe4 27. Rxe4 f6- + ]
25 . . . f61 [2S . . . BcS? 26.Rea + + -] 26.Bxf6
Be 51 [Henley) [26 . . . BcS! 27. Re8 +
(27.Be7 + Bxe7- +) . .. Qxea 28. Rxe8+
Ke8- + ) 0-1
(50) Vitolin- Tener
Riga, 1 970
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 d3 1 1 . Be3 cs
[ 1 1 . . . Nc5! ? Securing the B-pair at no risk
t o bl ack, demands ser i ous
consideration] 1 2. c4 d5 1 3. Qxd31 ?
dxc4 1 4. Qxd8+ Rxd8 1 5. Bc2 Be7
1 6.84 b4 1 7.Bd1 AdS? [1 7 ... f6!? 1 8. exf6
(1 8.f4 feS 1 9.fxeS AdS 20.e6 ReS! +;
1 8.f3 NgS 1 9. BxgS fgS 20.Be2 Rd4! +)
. . . Bxf6 1 9.f3 Bxb2 20.Ra2 Nc3f) 1 8.f3
Rd3 1 9. Bc1 Ng5 20.Be2 Rd4 21 .Be3
Ne6 22.Rc1 Nf4 23.Bxc4 Nd3 24.Bxd41
Nxc1 25.Be3 0-0 26.Nd21 [Henley) 1-0
9.e5 Ne4 1 O.c3 dxc3
CBU250pp #33
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 dxc3 - DIAGRAM
Black exchanges off his potentially weak
d-pawn. This opening of the position by
black before completing development is
r i ski er t han 1 O + . 4 d3 ( Henl ey' s
recommendation I n CBU402o) .
30 Te Archagel (CBU 250pp)
(51) Tseshkovsky - Bely8vsky 1 8. h3 g51 1 9. Bd2 Kh8 20.Nh2 g4-
Lvov, 1 978 [Henley)
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 dxc3 1 1 .Qf3 dS
7. d3 Bc5 8.Nc3
CBU250pp #35
1 2.exd6 Of6 1 3. Re1 o-o-o 1 4.dxc7 Rd7
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
1 5.Qxf6 Nxf6 1 6. Nxc3 Bd6
1 7. Bg5
s.o-0 b5
Bb7 7.d3
Kxc7 1 8. R8c1 Kb6 1 9.Be3 + K85 20.h3
Rea 21 .83 b4 22.N84 Rxc1 23.Rxc1
Whi te chooses a sl ow posi t i onal
Bd5 24. Bd1 Re7 25. 8xb4 + Bxb4
26.Nc3 Bxc3 27.bxc3 Bb7 28.Rb1 1-0
9.e5 Ne4 1 O.c3 Nc5
CBU250pp #34
7 ... Bc5
Devel opment of the bi shop to the
thematic g1 -a7 diagonal.
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 0.c3 Nc5 - DIAGRAM
Simple development and control ling the
A sound positional approach, harrassing
d5-square - i nhi biting black's freei ng
white's Bb3.
. . . d7-5 advance.
(52) Boik8 - Stupin8
P8nonij8, 1 981
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
s.o-o b5 s.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 a.Nxd4
exd4 9.e5 Ne4 1 o.c3 Nc5 1 1 .cxd4 Nxb3
1 2.Qxb3 Qh41 1 3.0d3 [ 1 3. Be3! ?; 1 3.d5
Qe4 1 4. Nc3 Qxe5:) 13 ... Be7 1 4.Nd2
[ 1 4. d5 0-0o) 1 4 0-0 1 5. Nf3 OhS
1 6.Bf4 [1 6.d5 f6! t) 1 6 ##Bd5 1 7.b3 f5
(53) Mokr - Br8g8
Reggio Emili8 I l l , 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
s.o-o b5 s.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bcs a.Nc3
0-0I ?N [8 ... d6) 9. 84 Nd41 ? [9 ... b4!?
1 0 . N d 5 N a 5 ( 1 0 . . . h 6;) 1 1 . B g 5 !
( 1 1 . Nxe5? Nxb3 1 2. Nxf6 + Qxf6D
1 3. Ng4 Qg6 1 4. cxb3 f5o) . . . Bxd5
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 31
(1 1 . . . Nxb3 1 2. Bxf6 gxf6 1 3. cxb3 (b
7.d3 Bc5 8.c3
Nh4); 1 1 . . . Be7 1 2. Bxf6 Bxf6 1 3. Nxb)
CBU250pp #36
1 2. Bxd5 c6 1 3. Ba2;] 1 0. Nxe5 Nxb3
1 1 .cxb3 d5 [ 1 1 . . . b 1 2.Ne2 d5 1 3.d4
6ed5t] 1 2. Bg51 Be7 1 [ 1 2 . . . dxe4
1 3.dxe4! b4 1 4. Nd5; 1 2 . . . b4 1 3. Nxd5;
1 2 . . . ReB 1 3. Bxf6] 1 3. axb5D axb5
1 4.Rxas Bxas [ 1 4 . . . 0xaB: A) 1 5. Bxf6?!
Bxf6 1 6.Nd7 Bxc3 1 7. bxc3 (1 7. Nxf8?
Bd4 1 B. Nd7 OdB 1 9.0g4 h5! 20.Qxh5
Qxdn:) . . . Rda 1 a. Nc5 dxe4 1 9.d4;; B)
1 5. Ng4! ; 81 ) 1 5 . . . Nxg4 1 6. Bxe7 Rea
1 7. Qxg4 Rxe7 1 a.exd5 + -; 82) 1 5 . . . dxe4
1 6. Nxf6 + Bxf6 (1 6 . . . gxf6 1 7. Bh6 + )
1 7. Bxf6 gxf6 1 a.Og4 + Kha 1 9. Nxe4 +-;
83) 1 5 . . . Qda] 1 5. Nxb5 Nxe4?
[ 1 5 . . . dxe4 1 6. dxe4 Bxe4;] 1 6. Bxe7
Qxe7 1 7.Nf31 Nf6 1 8.Qc1 1 [XBaB]
1 8 . . . Rc8 [ 1 B . . . c5 1 9. Re1 Qb7 20.Qxc5
Rea 21 . 0b4 d4 (21 . . . RbB 22. Nfd4 + -)
22. Qa4 + -] 1 9. Re 1 Qb4 [ 1 9 . . . 0d7
20.Qc5] 20.Nbd4 KfB [20 . . . c5 21 . Nf5
[ 6 Qg5 +-]] 21 .Qf4 [6 Ne6; 21 .Qc3!?
Oxc3 22. bxc3 c5] 21 Kg8 [21 . ..c5
22. Qd6 + +-] 22.0es h6 23.Nf5 ReaD
24.Qc3 Rxe1 + 25.Nxe1 Qf4 26.Nd4
Kh7 27.Nef3 Bb7 28.b4+- Nd7 29.g3
Od 6 30. Nf5 d4 [30 . . . Qg6 31 . N3h4
[6Qc7]) 31. Qxd4 Qg6 32.0xd7 Bxf3
33.Nh4 Qg4 34.Qxg4 Bxg4 35.f3 Bh3
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bc5 8.c3 -
Another slow positional build-up. White
Is sving a d3-d4 advance for later, afer
he compl et es hi s devel opment .
Naturally, such slow plans offer black an
easi er game t han when whi t e
immeiately contests black with a d2-d4
36. Kf2 Be6 [36 . . . g5 37.Ng2 Kg6 3B.g4]
(54) Kholmov - Lin Weiguo
37.Ke3 g5 38.Ng2 Bd5 39.Ne1 Kg6
Frunze, 1 989
40.Kd4 Bb7 41 .Ke5 41 ... Bc8 42.d4
Kg7 43.d5 f6 + 44.Kd4 Kf7 45.Kc5 Ke7
46.Kc6 Kd8 47.d6 Bd7 + 48.Kc5 BcB
49.Nc2 Kd7 50.dxc7 Bb7 51 .Nd4 Kxc7
52.f4 gxf4 53.gxf4 Be4 54. Nb5+ Kd7
55. Nd4 h5 56. h4 Bg2 57. Nf5 Bf3
58.Nd4 Bh1 59.b3 Be4 60.Ne2 Bh1
61 . b5 [Mokr] 1-0
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bc5 8.c3 d6
9.a4 h6 1 0.Na3 0-0 1 1 .Bd2 b4 1 2.Nc4
bxc3 1 3. bxc3 Ba7 1 4.a5 Bc8 1 5.h3 Be6
1 6.0c2 Nh5 1 7.Be3 Qf6 1 B.Bxa7 Rxa7
1 9.Nh2 Nf4 20.Ne3 Rb7 21. Bxe6 Qxe6
22.Kh1 Ob3 23.0d2 Qb2 24.0d1 Ne7
25. Rc1 Qb5 26.Nc4 f5 27.exf5 Nxf5
28.0f3 Nh4 29.0g3 Nhxg2 30.Rg1 Rf5
31 .h4 Rf6 32.Rxg2 Rg6 33.Qxg6 Nxg6
34.Rxg6 Qd5 + 35.Rg2 Qxd3 36.Ne3
Rb1 37. Rxb1 Qxb1 + 38. Nhf1 d5
39.Rg4 Qd3 40.Kg2 d4 41 .cxd4 exd4
42.Nd5 Qc4 43.Ne7 + Kf7 44. Ne3 Qe2
32 Te Archagel (CBU 250p)
41.Fxd4 Ke7 41.Ndl + Kt7 47 .Nxc7
7 .d3 Bd6 8.c3
Qel 41.Fd7 + Kgl 41.Nd5 Kh7 50.f3
CBU250pp #38
Qel + 11.Kg3 011 + 52. Kf4 Qxh4+
II.Kti Ohl + 14.Kt4 Qg8+ 55.Ke5 h5
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ncs 3.8b5 as 4.Ba4 NfS
ll.t4 h4 17.t5 Qe8 + 58.Kd6 Of8 +
5.0-0 b5 6.8b3 Bb7 7.d3 8d6
II.KII h3 80.f8 h2 61 .fxg7 Qe& +
II.Fe7 Qce + 83.Ke5 Qxd5 + 0-1
7 .c3 Bc5 8.a4
CBU250pp #37
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.8b5 as 4.8a4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.8b3 8b7 7.d3 8c5 8.a4
This bizarre looking move championed
by Bel yavsky and Mal ani uk has the
subtle point of overprotecting e5. Thus
black is threatening 8 ... Na5, securing the
bishop-pair. Black plans to continue with
s s . 0-0, + + . ReS, . . . Bf8 and . . . d7-d5, with
go play.
Thi s move i nitiates whi te' s familiar
a.c3 - DIAGRAM
exchanging theme along the a-file.
(55) Romanishln - Malanluk
Simferopol, 1 988
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nee 3.8b5 as 4.8a4 Nfs
5.0-0 b5 8.8b3 8b7 7.d3 8c5 8.a4 0
9. Nc3 b4 1 0. Ne2 Na5 1 1 . 8a2 h8
1 2.Ng3 Rea 1 3.Nh4 8f8 1 4.Nhf5 d5
1 5.Qf3 b3 1 6.cxb3 Nc8 1 7.8d2 Rb8
1 8. b4 Nxb4 1 9. 8xb4 8xb4 20.exd5
8xd5 21 . Ne4 Nxe4 22. dxe4 8xa2
23.Rxa2 8c5 24.b3 Bd4 25. Rd2 c5
2S.Rd3 ReS 27.Qe2 Kh7 28.Rf3 Rb7
29.g3 -
(56) Sax - Korschnoi
Wijk aan Zee (m/4), 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ncs 3.8b5 as 4.8a4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.8b3 8b7 7.d3 Bd6 8.c3 0-0
9.Re1 Na5 1 0.Bc2 Re8 1 1 . b4 Nc6 1 2.a4
Bf& 1 3. axb5 axb5 1 4. Rxa8 Qxa8
1 5.Bb3 Nd& 1 6.Na3 8c6 1 7. 8b2 d8
1 8.Nc2 gs 1 9.Ne3 8g7 20.Qa1 Nes
21 .Qxa8 RxaB 22.g3 Kf8 23.Nd5 Nd7
24.Ra1 -
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 33
7.d3 Bd6 8.84
37.Kxg1 Rd1 + 38.Kf2 Bd4 + 39. Ke2
CBU250pp #39
Rc1 - + ; Henl ey) o1
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf&
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bd6 8.a4
White's choice is similar to what he has
against 7 . . . Bc5.
(57) Young - Henley
MHCC Super Rapids, 1 992
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bd6 8.a4 00
9.Nc3 b4 1 0.Ne2 [ 1 0.Nd5] Na5 1 1 .Ba2
b3 1 2.cxb3 c5 1 3.Ng3 Rea 1 4.Nf5 Bf8
1 5. b4?1 cxb4 1 6. Bg5 [ 1 6. Ng5 d5;]
1 & h& 1 7. Be3 ds; 1 8.exd5 Bxd5
1 9.Bxd5 Qxd51 20.d4 exd4 21 .N5xd4
Nc4 22.Qb3? [22.Bc1 RadB:) 22 . . . Nxe3
23.fe3 Qxb3 24.Nxb3 Rxe3: 25.Nbd4
Bc5 26.Rac1 Ne4 27.Kh1 Rd3 28.Rce1
Nd21 [28 ... Re8] 29. Nxd2 Rxd2?
[29 . . . Bxd4! 30.Nc4 ReS- +] 30.Nb31 Rd5
31 . Rc1? [31 . Nxc5 AxeS 32.Re7 Rf8:)
31 Be7 32.Rc7 Bf6 33.Nc5 Rad81- +
34.b3 [34. Nxa6 b3 35.Rb7 Rd1 36.Rg1
R8d2 1 37. h3 (37. Rxb3? Bd4! - + )
. . . Rxg1 + 38. Kxg1 Rxb2- + ] 34 . . . Rd1
[34 ... Rd1 35. Rg1 Be51 36.Rc6D Rxg1 +
(58) Matulovic - Malaniuk
Vrnjacka Banja, 1 991
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.8a4 Nf6
5.00 b5 6. Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bd6 8.a4 oo
9.axb5 axb5 1 O.Rxaa Bxaa 1 1 .Nc3 b4
1 2.Ne2 h6 [Prevents Bc1 -g5, but does
weaken the l i ght squares g6 15. ]
1 3. Ng3 ReS 1 4. Re1 Na5 1 5.Ba2 c5
[1S . . . b3! ? (Henley) 1 6. cxb3 Bb4 1 7. Bd2
Qb8 1 8. Bc3 cS 1 9. Nf5 Nc6o] 1 6.Nd2U;
[Control of the l ight squares (fS,d5, c4)
offers white a positional plus.) 1 6 . . . Bf8
1 7. Nh5 Nxh5 1 8.Qxh5 Re7 1 9.Nf3 b3
20.cxb3 Qb6 21 .b4 Qxb4 22.Bd2 Qxb2
23.Bxf7 + Rxf7 24.Bxa5 d6 25.Qg4 Be&
26.Qe6 Qa3 27.Bc7 Bd7 28.Qd5 Qa6
29. Rb1 Be& 30. Qb3 c4 31 .Qb8 c3
32.Bxd6 Qxd3 33.Nxe5 Qxd6 34.Qxd6
Bxd6 35.Nxf7 Kxf7 36.Rc1 Be5 37.f3
Bd4 + 38. Kf1 Bb5 + 39. Ke1 Bd3
40.Rd1 c2 41 .Rc1 Be3 42.Rxc2 Bxc2
43. Ke2 Bg1 44. h3 Bh2 45.Ke3 g5
[Henley] o-1
(59) Fri Henley
(BONUS #7), 1 993
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bd6 8.a4 0-0
9.axb5 axb5 1 0.Rxa8 Bxa8 1 1 . Re1 Rea
1 2. Nc3 b4 1 3. Ne2 h6 1 4. Ng3 Na5
1 5. Ba2 b31?i 1 6.cxb3 Bb4 1 7. Bd2
Ne& 1 8.Bc3 Qb8 1 9. Nf5 d51 ? 20.exd5
Nxd5+ 21 .Qc2 Nf4t 22.Re3 Bc5 23. Re1
Nb4 24.Bxb4 Qxb4 25. Rc1 [25. Rxe5
AxeS 26. NxeS Qe1 #) 25 ... Bxf31 26.gxf3
[26. Qxc5 Ne2 + 27. Kf1 Bxg2 + 28.Kxg2
(28. Kxe2 Qg4 + 29.Ke1 QxS:) . . . Qg4 +
29.Ng3 Nf4 +: A) 30.Kg1 Qf3! 31 .Qc6
(3 1 . Kf 1 Qg2 + 32. Ke1 Nxd3 + - + )
. . . Nh3 + 32. Kf1 Qxf2#; B) 30.Kh1 Qf3 +
31 .Kg1 Qg2#; C) 30.Kf1 Qh3 + 31 . Ke1
(31 . Kg1 Qg2#) .. . Nxd3 + - +] 26 . . . Bb6:
Xf3,f2, Ba2,d3. 27. Kh1 Kh7 28.Qc6
34 Te Archagel! (CBU 250pp)
Re8 2t. Oc2 g8 30. Ne3 h5 31 . Ng2
Nh3Xf2. 32. Rf 1 Rf6 33. Ne3 Rxf3
34.Kg2 35. Nc4 [35. Kxh3 Bxe3
38.Qc4 Qd2- +] 35 ... Nf4+ 36.Kh1 Bd4
37.Bb1 Rf5 3a.Nd2 Qe7 XKg1 . 39.Ne4
Nh3 40.Ba2 Oh4 41 .0cS Nxf2 +- +
42. Rxf2 Rxf2 43.Nxf2 Oxf2 44.0g2
Q81 + [Henley] [44 . . . Qe1 + 45. Qg1
Qxg1 #] 0-1
7 .d3 Bd6 8. Nc3
CBU250pp #40
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 BdS a.Nc3
This allows e . . NaS!
(60) Kamsky - Henley
MHCC Super Rapids, 1 992
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 Bd6 8.Nc3
0-0?1 [8 . . . Na5! =] 9.Bg5 Na5 1 0. Nd5
Bxds 1 1 .Bxd5 c6 1 2.Bb3 Rea 1 3.Nh4
h6 1 4.Nf51 Bfa 1 5.Be3 d5 1 S.Qf3; Kh7
1 7. Rad1 gS 1 a.Ng3 Bg7 1 9.c3 Nxb3
27. Bxfa Rxfa 2a.R1d2 Raea 29.Ra7
b4 = 30. Rxa6 bxc3 3 1 . bxc3 Re6
32.Ra5 Kg7 33.Rd7 RfS 34.0e3 Rea
35.Rc5 ObS 36.g3 RfeS 37.Kg2 Rda
3a.Rxda Qxda 39.h4 hS = 40.Ra5 OdS
41 .Ra7 Re7 42.RaS ReS 43.Ra7 Re7
44.Rxe7 Qxe7 45.c4 Od6 46.c5 Qd7
47.0c3 fS 4a.aas Kf7 49.0bs aes
SO.Oc7+ Kfa 51 .0da + Kf7 [Black lost
on time. Henley] 1 -0
(S1 ) Fritz - Henley
(BONUS #S), 1 993
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ncs 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 NfS
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d3 BdS a.Nc3 0-0
9.a4 b4 1 O.Nd5 Na5 1 1 .NxfS + QxfS
1 2.Bg5 QgS 1 3.Ba2 b31? 1 4.cxb3 Kha
1 5.0d2 NcS 1 S. Nh4 OhS 1 7.Nf5 Bb4
1 8.0c1 dS 1 9.Bd2 Bxd2 20.Qxd2 as
[XBa2.] 21 .f4 g6 22.Ne3 [22.Ng3 Qg4
23. f5 Nd4 (23 . . . Nb4 24. Bb1 cS! ?)]
22 . . . Nd4 23.fxe5?1 dxe5 24. Rf2 f5
25.exf5 gxf5 2S.Nc4 f41 27.Nxa5 Rxa51
2a.axas Ne2 + 29.Kf1 [29. Kh1 f3! 30.g3
( 30. gxf3 Qxf3 + 3 1 . Rxf3 Bxf3 + )
. . . Nxg3 + 31 . Kg1 Rg8 32. b4 Ne2 +
33.Kh1 Rg2- +] 29 . . . Bxg2 + 1 1
20.axb3 Od7 21 .Bc5 Oes 22.h3 dxe4
30.Rxg2 [30. Kxg2 Rg8 + 31 . Kh1 {31 . Kf1
23. Nxe4 Nxe4 24. dxe4 Oxb3 Rg1 #) . . . Ng3 + 32. Kg1 Ne4 + 33.Rg2
[24 . . . Re8!] 25.Rd7 Kga 2S. Rfd1 Bfa
Rxg2 + 34.Kxg2 f3 + ! : A) 35.Kh1 Nf2 +
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 35
36.Kg1 Qg4 + 37. K2 (37. Kf1 Qg2 +
38.Ke1 Nxd3 + 39.Kd1 Qe2#) . . . Qg2 +
38. Ke3 Qe2#; B) 35. Kf1 Qxh2 36.Qa8 +
Kg7 37.Qxe4 Qg2 + 38.Ke1 f + 39.Kd2
(39. Kd1 f1 0+ 40.Qe1 Qge2 + 41 . Kc1
Qfxe1 #) ... f1 0+ 40.Qxg2 + Qxg2 +- +]
30 . . . f3 31 . Rf2 Rg8 32. Ke1 Rg1 +
33.Rf1 Oh4 + 34.Kd2 Of4 + 35.Kc2
Nd4 + 36. Kc3 Rg21 - + [Threat
37 . . . Rc2# or 37 . . . Qd2 + .) 37.088 + Kg7
38.Kb4 Nc2 + 39.Kb5 Ob4 + 40.Kc6
Rg6 + 41 . Kd7 Od6 + 42. Kc8 Kh61
43.Qa5 Rg8 + 44.Kb7 c51 45.Qc7 Rg7
46. Qxg7 + Kxg7 47 . R8d 1 Ne3
48. Rg 1 + Kh6 49. Rc1 NdS I dea
so 4 Ob6+ 51 K88 Nc7#. 50.85 Oc7 +
51 .K86 Qc6 + 52.K87 Qb5 53.b4 Nxb4
54.Bc4 Nc6 + 55.K88 Ob&# [Henley)
7 .Ng5/9.Re1
CBU250pp #41
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5
A barbaric atempt by white aimed at
black's sensitive spot on f7. Black's
counter with 7 . . . d5, however, Is more
than sufficient to equalize.
7 BBd5 8.exd5 Nd4
Now black can exchange off the Bb3 at
his leisure.
(62) Sideifade - Bely8vsky
USSR, 1 980
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5 d5 8.exd5
Nd4 9.Re1 Bd6 1 0.d3 0-0 1 1.Ne4 NxdS
1 2. Nbc3 Nb4 1 3.Be3?1 [ 1 3. Nxd6 Qxd6
(1 3 . . . cxd6 1 4.f4a) 1 4. Ne4 Qg6+)
13 ... Be71 [Presering the bishop. Not
1 4.Bxd4?! giving black the bishop-pair
and more space In the canter.] 1 4 exd4
1 5.Ne2 cS 1 6.83 NdS 1 7. N2g3 g6;
(Restricting the Ng3, and preparing to
launch a klngslde initiative with .. .f7-f5. )
1 8.Qc1 ReS [1 8 . . . Kg7!?] 1 9.c4 dxc3
20.Nxc3 BgSi t 21 .Qb1 Nf4 22.Nce4
Bh6 23.Rd1 Kh8 [Finally unpinning the
f-pawn.] 24. f3 Bg7 25. Qc2 Qd4 +
26. Kf 1 ? ( 26. Kh1 Qxb2- + ] fS I
(26 . . . Qxb2- +) 27.Nc3 Rfe8 28.Rd2 Qe3
.29 ... Bd4+ 29.Nce2 Nxg21 30.Kxg2
[30. Ng1 Nf4- + ] Qxf3 + 31 .Kg1 Qg2#
[Henley] 01
CBU250pp #42
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 bS 6. Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5 d5 8.exd5
Nd4 9.d3 - DIAGRAM
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
9.d3 frees the Bc1 for duty, but white has
cede the centerto black. All in all, 7.Ng5
posl tl onal l y I s white's most suspect
anti-Archangel system.
(63) Ciemniak - Konikowski
Bydgoszcz, 1 968
1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5 d5 8.exd5
Nd4 9.d3 Nxb3 1 0.axb3 Qxd5 1 1 .Nf3
Bc51 ? 1 2. Nc3 Qc6 1 3. Re1 [ 13. Ne4
Nxe4 1 4. dxe4 (1 4. Nxe5? Nx2 1 5. Nxc6
Nxd1 + 1 6. d4! Bxc6 1 7. dxc5 0-0-0
1 8. Bf4 Nxb2 1 9. Be5 Nd3 20. cxd3
Rxd3+) . . . f6+] 1 3 . . . 0-0-0 1 4. Rxe5?1
[ 1 4. Be3 e4! t; o 1 4. 0e2 Rde8!? 1 5. Bg5
e4 1 6. Nxe4 Nxe4 1 7.dxe4 Rxe4 1 8. Qxe4
Qxe4 1 9. Rxe4 Bxe4 20. Rxa6 Kb7 21 .Ra1
f 22.Bd2 Rd8] 14 Bxf2 + I 1 5.Kh1
[1 5. Kxf Ng4 +- +] 15 Bd4 1 6.Rg5?
[1 6. Re2 Qxf3! ? 1 7. gx3 Bxf3 + 1 8.Rg2
Bxd1 1 9. Nxd1 Rhe8 20.Bd2 Kb721 .Rxg7
Ne4 22.Rg2 Nxd2 23. Rxd2 Re1 +- +]
1 6 Bxc3 1 7. bxc3 Ne41- + [Henley]
[ 1 7 . . . Ne4! 1 8. Nd4 (1 8. Ne5 Qe6! - +)
. . . Rxd4! - + ]
CBU250pp #43
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.00 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5 d5 8.exd5
Nd4 9.d6 - DIAGRAM
This move is a tactical atempt to justify
7. Ng5 which falls shor as shown by
(6) Kucharskl - Konikowski
Poland, 1 968
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ng5 d5 8.exd5
Nd4 9.d6 Qxd6 1 0. Bxf7 +1 [ 1 0. Nx7??
Qc6 1 1 . f3 Nxb3- +] 1 0 . . . Kd7 1 1 . Bb3
Nxb3 1 2. axb3 h6 1 3. Nf3 [ 1 3. Nf7??
Qd5- +] 1 3 . . . c5 1 4.d3 Rea 1 5. Re1 Kc7
1 6. Nc3 Qc6 1 7. Ne4 Nxe4 1 8.dxe4
[ 1 8. Rxe4 Qf6t] 1 8 . . . g5 1 9. 0e2 Qf6
20.Bd2 g4 21 .Ba5 + Kb8 22.Nd2 h5
23.Nf1t [Henley]
7 . Nc3 Be7 8.Nd5
CBU250pp #44
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Nc3
Te Archagel (CBU 250pp) 37
Simple development, but white crosses
his plan of central build-up with c2-c3
and d2-d4.
7 8e7 8.Nd5 - DIAGRAM
(65) Franzen - Cvetkovie
Star Smokovee, 1981
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.8b5 a& 4.8a4 Nf&
5.0-0 b5 6.8b3 Bb7 7.Ne3 8e7 8.Nd5
Nxe41? 9.d4 [9.Re1 Nf6! 1 0. Nxe5 (1 0.d4
d6 =) . . . Nxe5 1 1 .Rxe5 Bxd5 1 2. Bxd5
Nxd5 1 3. Rxd5 0-i] 9 . . . d6 1 O.Qd3 Nf6
1 1 . Ng5?1 Nxd5 1 2. Nxf7? Kxf7
1 3. Bxd5 + Kea 14.Qe4 [ 1 4. Qf3 Qd7
1 5. Qf7 + Kd8 1 6. Qxg7 Rf8 1 7. Qxh7
exd4+] 14 . . . Qd7 1 5.dxe5 dxe5 1 6.8e3
Rd8 1 7. Rad 1 [ 1 7. Bb3 g6 1 8. Rad1
Qf5- +] 1 7 Nd41 1 8. 8xb7 [ 1 8. Rxd4
Bxd5 1 9.Qxe5 Qd6 20. Qxg7 Bf6- + ]
1 8 . . . Ne2+ 1 9.Kh1 Qxd1 20.8e6+ Kf7
21 .Qf5 + 8f6 [Henley] 01
1.Nc3 Be7 8.d3
CBU250pp #45
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.8b5 a& 4.8a4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Ne3 8e7 8.d3 -
A ver slow conserative line by white.
Black's counterchances are superbly
ill ustrated i n Salov-Malaniuk, one of the
most beautiful games ever played with
the Archangel.
(66) Salo - Malaniuk
Tallinn, 1981
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.8b5 a& 4.8a4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 8b7 7.Ne3 8e7 8.d3 0-0
9.Nd5 Na5 1 0.Nxe7 + Qxe7 1 1 . 8g5
Nxb3 1 2.axb3 h6 1 3.8d2 [ 13. Bh4 g5
1 4. Bg3 (1 4. Nxg5 hxg5 1 5. Bxg5 Kg7
1 6. 0f3 Rh8+) . . . d6; 1 3. Bxf6 Qxf6i]
13 Nh7 1 4. 8e3 d6 1 5.d4 f61 1 6.Re1
[ 1 6. dxe5 fxe5t] 1 6 f 51 t 1 7. dxe5
[1 7. exf5: A) 1 7 . . . Rxf5 1 8.dxe5o Bx3?!
1 9. gxf3 Rata 20.exd6 Oh4 (20 . . . 0g5 +
21 . Kh 1 ) 21 . Re7 Rg5 + 22. Kh1 Qh3
23. Qd5 + ! ! Rxd5 24. Rxg7 + Kh8
25.Rg3 + Nf6 26. Rxh3 +-; B) 1 7 . . . e4! t
1 8. g4 h5 1 9. h3 hxg4 20. hxg4 Ng5
21 .Nxg5 (21 . Nh4? Nh3 +- +) . . . Qxg5
22.d5 Rxf5 23. Rxe4 Bxd5-] 17 ... fxe4
1 8.exd6 exd& 1 9.Nd2 Qh4 20.Bd4 Ng5
21 . Nf 1 e31 1 22. Nxe3 [22. Bxe3: A)
22 . . . Nh3 + ! ? 23. gxh3 (23. Kh1 Rxf2!
24. Bxf2 Qxf2 25. Ne3 Qg1 + 26.Rxg1
Nf2#) ... Bf3 (23 ... Qxh3 24.f3 Rxf3 25. Re2
Raf8-) 24.Qd4 (24.Qxd6 Rf6 25.Qg3
Qh5 26. Nd2 Bc6- + ) . . . Qxh3- + ; B)
38 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
22 . . . Qh31 1 23.f3 Rxf31 ! 24. Re2 (24.gxh3
Nxh3 + 25. Kg2 Rxe3 + 26. Qd5 +
Bxd5#; 24. Bxg5 Rxf1 + 25. Kxf1 Qxg2#;
24. gxf3 Nxf3 + 25. Kf2 Rf8-) . . . Raf8
25 . Qxd6 Rxf 1 + 26. Rxf 1 Qxg2 +
27.Rxg2 Nh3 + 28.Kh1 Rxf1 + 29. Bg1
Nf2#; 22. Rxe3 Oxf2 + 23. Kh1 Qxg2#)
22 Rxf21 (Henley/Hoges) (22 . . . Rx2
23.Re2 Nf3 + ! 24.gxf3 Qxh2#) o1
CBU250pp #46
1 .e4 es 2. Nf3 Ncs 3.Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
5.0-0 bS S.Bb3 Bb7 7.c4 - DIAGRAM
A rarely played continuation. Black has
promising continuations in both 7 . . . Bc5
or 7 . . . bxc4 see 7.c4 Analysis, Henley
7.c4 Analysis
(7. c4: A) 7 . . . Bc5! ?; A1 ) 8. cxb5 axb5
9. Nxe5 (9.d3 de;) . . . Nxe5 1 0.d4 Nxe4;
A1 1 ) 1 1 .dxe5 Qh4; A1 1 1 ) 1 2.g3 Nxf2!
1 3. Bxf7 + (1 3. gxh4 Nh3#) . . . Ke7- + ;
A1 1 2) 1 2.0 0-01 -; A12) 1 1 . dxc5 0-0a
1 2. Bd5 Nxc5 1 3. Bxb7 Nxb7 1 4.0d5 Nc6
1 5. 0xb5 Nd6a; A) 8.Nxe5 NxeS 9.d4
Nxe4 (9 . . . bxc4! ? 1 0.dxe5 Nxe4 1 1 . Bxc4
Oh4 1 2. 0f3 Nxf2 1 3. Qxf7 + Kd8 1 4. Rxf2
Bxf2 + 1 5. Qxf2 Qxc4 1 6. Bg5 + Kc8
1 7.Nd2 Qd5+) 1 0.dxc5 bxc4 1 1 . Bc2 0+
1 2.Bxe4 Bxe4 1 3. Qd4 Bxb1 1 4. Rxb1
Qf 6; A2 1 ) 1 5 . Rd 1 ? Nf3 + ? 1
(1 5 . . . 0g6! - + ) 1 6. gxf3 Qg6 + 1 7. Kh1
Qxb1 1 8. Rg1 f6 1 9. Bh6 Qxg1 + 20.Kxg1
gxh6 21 .Qxd7 Rf7 22.0d5 Rb8 23. Qxc4
Rxb2 24.0xa6!; A22) 1 5. Be3 Rab8l; B)
7 ... bxc4! ? 8. Bxc4 Bc5 9. Nc3 (9.Qb3 0-0
1 0. Qxb 7 Na5 1 1 . Qxa6 Rxa6 1 2. Bxa6
Nxe4- + ; 9. Bxf7 +? Kxf7 1 0. 0b3 + Ke7
1 1 . Qxb7 Na5- +) . . . 0-0 1 O.d3 h6 1 1 . Nh4
Nd4;) +
CBU250pp #47
1 . e4 es 2.Nf3 Nee 3. Bb5 as 4.Ba4 Nfs
s. o-o bs s.Bb3 Bb7 7.a4
A practically untested idea - accelerating
the plan of exchanging rooks on the
a-file. After 7 . . . Nxe4 (the most critical
test), positions similar to those arising
after 7.c3 may occur - see 7.a4 Analysis,
Henley Hedges.
Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp) 39
7.a4 Analysis
(7.a4 Nxe4! : A) a.Oe2 Nc5 9. Nxe5 Nxes
1 0. Qxe5 + Ne6 1 1 .d4 Bd6; B) 8.d4
NaS! 9.Ba2 (9. Nxe5 Nxb3 1 0. cxb3 d61
1 1 . Nf3 Be?+) . . . exd4+; C) 8.axb5 axb5
9. Rxaa QxaB! 1 O. Re1 (1 O. Qe2 NcS
1 1 . Nxe5 Nxes 1 2. Qxe5 + Ne6 1 3.d4
Bd6! 1 4. 0xb5 0-Ql) . . . Nc5 1 1 . Nxe5 Nxe5
1 2. Rxe5 + Ne1 3.d4 Bd6! 1 4. Rxb5 0-Ql
(1 4 . . . Bxg2? 1 5. d5 + -) ; D) 8. Re1 NcS
9. Nxes Nxes 1 O. Rxes + Ne6 1 1 . axb5
(1 1 .d4 Bd6 1 2. Rh5 0-0+) . . . axb5 1 2. RxaB
Oxaa 1 3. 0g4 (13. Rxb5?! Bxg2) . . . Bd6!
1 4. Rxb5 0-l]
CBU250pp #48
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Qe2
A rare line against the Archangel, but
white's Idea is similar to that in the Worrall
Atack (1 .e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4.Ba4
Nf6 5.0-Q Be7 6. Qe2) - white defends his
e-pawn and prepares Rd1 , c2-c3 and
d2-4. Black now plays
7 . . . Bc51 - DIAGRAM
(67) Kostinger - Kobler
Switzerland, 1 981
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.Qe2 Bc5 s.c3
Qe71? [8 . . . 0-0?1 9. Nxe5! Nxe5 1 0.d4 Bd6
1 1 .f4! -; 8 . . . d6! ? 9.Rd1 Qe7 1 0.d4 Bbo]
9. a4 [9.Rd1 ! ?] 9 0-0 1 O. Bc2?1
[ 1 O. d3 ! ? ; 1 O. Rd1 d6 1 1 . d4 Bb6o]
10 ... d51 [A thematic pawn sacrifice to
sei ze the i niative. ] 1 1 . axb5 axb5
1 2. Rxa8 Bxa8 1 3.exd5 Nxd5 1 4.Qxb5
[ 1 4. Bxh7 + ?? Kxh7 1 5. Qe4 + Kg8
1 6. Qxd5 Nd4! - + ] 1 4 . . . Nf6 1 5. d3
[ 1 5. Re1 Od6 1 6. b4 Bb6 1 7. Nxe5 Nxe5?!
1 8. Rxe5 (1 8.0xe5? Bxf2 +- +) . . . Ng4! -
(1 8 . . . Bxf2 + ! ?)] 1 5 . . . Na7 1 6. Qa4 e41
1 7.dxe4 Bc6 1 8. 0a2 Nxe4 1 9. Nbd2
Nxd2 20. Bxd2 ( 20. Nxd2 Rd8l]
20 . . . 0e2 21 . b4 Bb5 22. Re1 Qxf2 +
23.Kh1 Bf1 24.Bxh7 + Kh81 [Henley]
[24 . . . Kxh7?? 25.0b1 + Kg8 26.Rxf1 + -;
24 . . . Kh8! 25. Nh4 (25. Rxf1 Qxf1 +
26. Ng1 Qxg1 #) . . . Og1 #] 0-1
40 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
by International Grandmaster RON HENLEY
Over the years I have had many human
Grandmaster and I nternational Master
training opponents but the beauty of
usi ng Fri tz or Knl ghtStal ker as a
"sparri ng parner" is that I have an
opponent of compar abl e pl ayi ng
strength at my beck and call t o play any
position that I wish to "discuss".
The fol l owi ng four game sel ecti on
Ill ustrates the Power Play! technique,
employing the CBU250pp #30 Power
Play! Position. I chose a position that had
ver few examples from Grandmaster
prais. As a di rect result of these games,
I became familiar with the tactical and
strategical nuances for both sides. With
Fritz's help I unearhed many resorces
for both si des Ul ti matel y I became
convinced of the correctness of the
counteratack with 10 . . . Qh4.
{68) Fri Henley
Dec 1 992
the book Murder on the Long Diagonal!
Archangel Variaton, CBU402o.
1 1 .Qxd4
Other imporant alternatives are 1 1 .f3,
1 1 . g3 and 1 1 . Nd2.
1 1 . . 0-o-0
I unpin my Ne4 and threaten 1 2 . . . Bc5.
1 2.Nd2
White develops a piece and opposes my
1 2 . . . f5
Saving the f7 -pawn and securing my Ne4
{1 2 ... Bc5? 1 3. Rxe4! Bxe4 1 4. Qxc5).
1 3. Nf3
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf6
Drivi ng the bl ack queen away, and
s.o0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
preparing to develop his Bc1 .
exd4 9.c3
This game was played at 5 seconds per
move, which Is the weakest playing level
for the program.
9 Nxe4 1 0.Re1 Qh4
A ni ce sharp counterattack whereby
1 3 ... Qh5 1 4.Bd5?
Bl ack is sti l l better after 1 4. Be3 f4!
1 5. Bxf4 Bc5- + . Better was 1 4. 0d1 ! Bc5
1 5.Be3.
1 4 Bc5- +
black "allows" white to win the Ne4. I n
Black secures control of the decisive
return black mobil izes his forces and
c5-f2 diagonal.
obtains atacking chances against the
white king. For a detailed discussion of
1 5 Bxb7 + Kxb7 1 6. Qxg7?
the more positionai 1 0 . . . Be7 1 1 .0g4 0-0
1 2. Rxe4 Bxe4 1 3. 0xe4 Bf6, please see
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 41
The open g-file will be far more useful
than the g7 -pawn white grabbed.
1 6 . . . Rhg8 1 7.0h6 Oxf3 1 8. Bg5
Tring to block the g-file.
1 8 aaQxf2+ 1 9. Kh1 Qg1 + 1 1
A nice queen sacrifice to administer a
smothered mate.
20.Rxg1 Nf2# 0-1
(69) Henley Frit
Dec 1 992
1 2 . . . 0h3 1 3. Bd51
Continuing logically to undermine the
black Ne4 and exchange the val uable
Archangel Bb7.
1 3 . . . f5
Black secures the Ne4 and renews the
. . . Bf8-c5 threat.
1 4.Bxb7 + Kxb7 1 5.b41
This prevents ... Bf8-c5, and combined
with a2-a4, will expose the black king.
1 5 . . . d5
Overprotecting the Ne4.
1 6.a41
Trying to open the a-file.
1 6 4 . bxa4 17. Rxa4 Qg4 1 8. Be3
Preparing 1 9. 0a7 +.
1 8 . . . Ra8
After 1 8 ... c5, white can open the b-file to
atack the black king. There could follow
1 9. bxc5 Bxc5 20.Qd3.
1 .e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
1 9.Qxd5 + Kb8 20.b51
5.0-0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.c3
lt is imporant to use the litle pawn l evers
to pr open the black king's position.
Here I set the time limit at 1 0 seconds per
move in order to I mprove the quality and
20 . . . 85
value of the training games.
Black tries to keep the files around his
9 . . . Nxe4 1 0.Re1 Qh4 1 1 .0xd4 0-0-0
king closed.
1 2.g3
Here I improve white's play by driing the
black queen away from the Ne4.
21 .b61
42 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
I persist, and black can no longer prevent (70) Fritz Henley
the opening of a-file to be used against Dec 1 992
his king.
21 ... Bd6 22.Nd2 Ra6
I f 22 . . . Nxc3 23. bxc7 + ! + -. Thi s
intermezzo will allow white to save his
queen with check and then capture the
black queen (Ra4xg4) .
White uses the pin on the rank to win a
valuable center pawn.
23 . . . fe4 24. Rxe4 Qd7 25.bxc7 +
At last, pring open the black king.
25 Kc8
Black hopes to hide his king behind the
white c7-pawn (25 ... Kc7 26.Rc4 + -).
Pinning the Bd6.
26 . . . Rf8 27.Rb1
Threatens 28.Qb7#.
27 Qc6 28.Qe6+ Kxc7
28 . . . Qd7 29.Rb8 + Kxc7 30.Rb7 + ! +
Winning the black queen by defecting
the black king.
29.Rc4 1-0
A decisive pin on the black royal family
(king queen).
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf6
5. 0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.c3
This game was played at 1 0 seconds per
9 . . . Nxe4 1 o.Re1 Qh4 1 1 .Qxd4 0-0-0
1 2.g3 Qh3 1 3. Bd5 fS 1 4. Bxb7 + Kxb7
1 5.b4 hSI
lt is imporant for black to always strive
for active counterplay. Here the plan is
the simple but powerul threat to play
. . . h5-h4 and open the h-file.
1 6. Be3
Threatens 1 7.Qa7 + , but this is a one
move threat as opposed to a long term
strategical plan.
1 6 . . . Ra8
Safety first, as I willingly return my exra
pawn to promote my kingside ambitions.
1 7.0d5 + Kb8 1 8.0xd7 Bd61
Here I offer a second pawn to mobilize
my bishop and the Ra8.
Afer 1 8 . . . h4 1 9.0d8 + Kb7 20.Qd5 + g
we have a draw by perpetual check.
1 9. 0xg7?
Again, we will see the open g-file will be
far more significant than the g7 -pawn.
1 9 . . . Kb71
Connecting the rooks, and preparing
20 . . . Rag8 with all systems go.
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp) 43
At last white continues his development
and tri es to rel i eve t he mounti ng
pressure by exchanging some pieces.
However, it is too late.
20 . . . Nxd2 21 .Bxd2 h4 22.Re2
White tries to use the "lateral defense"
technique, but black just has too many
open lines converging on the white K.
A queen sacr i f i ce t o d efl ect t he
overorked Rf2.
29. Rxf3 Rxh2# 0-1
(71) Frit- Henley
Dec 1 992
1 . e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 86 4.884 Nf6
5.0-0 b5 6.Bb3 Bb7 7.d4 Nxd4 8.Nxd4
exd4 9.c3 Nxe4 1 0. Re1 Qh4 1 1 .Qxd4
0-0-0 1 2. g3 Qh3 1 3.Bd5 1 3.Rxe4 f5- +
The Re4 is pinned due to the threat of
22 u4R8g8 23.Qf7 hxg3 24.Qd5 + c61
. a a Og2#.
25.Qf7 +
25. Qxd6 Qxh2 + 26. Kf1 Qh1 #.
25 . . . K88 26.fxg3 Rxg3 + 27. Kh1
27. hxg3 Qh1 + 28. Kf2 Rh2 + 29. Ke3
27 ... Rgg81
1 3 . . . f5 1 4. Bxb7 + Kxb7 1 5. b4 h5
1 6. Be3 Ras 1 7.84
Here | "recommended" this move to
Fritz, as I felt it was logical for white to
attempt to open the a-file.
1 7 . . . h4 1 8. Re2
Lateral defence combi ned with the
A nice rank-clearance theme preparing
possibility of Rea2 doubling on the a-file.
28 . . . 0f3 + . Note that the white pieces
have trouble preventing this threat.
18 . . . hxg3 1 9.fxg3 Qg4 20.Rg2
28. Rf2D Of3 + 11 - DIAGRAM
No better is 20. Rea2 bxa4! ? 21 . Rxa4 Qe2
22. R4a2 Qe1 + 23. Kg2 Rxh2 + 24. Kh2
Qxg3 + 25.Kh1 Bd6- (with a decisive
threat of 26 . . . Ra8 + ) 26. Bg1 RhB +
27.Rh2 Of3#.
20 . . . bxa41
Keeping the a-file close for a few more
critical moves, and deflecting the white
rook from his back rank.
21 .Qd5+
Fritz interpolates the check, decreasing
the coordination of the black forces.
21 . . . Kb8 22.Rxa4 Rh51
44 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
Frit found this continuation as I flipped
the board to see how he would continue
with black. This was not a candidate
move I had considered, but as the game
conti nue, I began to appreciate the
strength of the move.
A bit too direct as I take the initiative
thanks to the preparatory 22 . . . Rh5! . If
23.Qxd7 Bd6- cuting the white queen
from protecting against . . . Qd1 + ; black
sti l l has the edge with 23. Ra5! ? f4!
24.Qd3 24. 0xe4 Qd1 + 25. Kf2 fxe3 +
26. Kxe3 BcS + 27. Kf4 Bd6 + 28. Ke3
ReS- + .
23 f4 24.Qd3 NcSI
Forcing white to surrender a bishop for a
25.Bxcs Bxc5 +
Again we see black has assumed total
control of the a7-g1 diagonal.
26.Kh1 Re51
Threatens a form of back rank mate with
27 . . . Re1 + .
27. Rxf4 Oxf4! 28. gxf4 Re1 + 29. Rg1
Rxg1 #.
27 Qf31 1 - DIAGRAM
This queen sacrifice based on the weak
back rank allows me to force a favorable
28. Rxf4
28. Qxf3 Re1 + 29.Qf1 Rxf1 + 30.Rg1
Rxg1 #.
28 . . . Qxf1 + 29.Rxf1 axbS+
With an exra pawn, a 3 to 1 queenside
majority and a long range bishop versus
a shor range knight the endgame is
close to winning for black.
30.Rb2 RaS 31 .Nd2 Re21
The pin on the second rank prevents Fritz
from developing any counterplay.
32.Rfb1 c6 33. Nb3 Rxb2 34.Rxb2 Ba31
A crucial counter. Otherise I lose the
35.Rf2 Ra71
Preparing a lateral defence of my pawns
on the second rank.
36. Rf7 d5 37.Rf3 Bb2
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
Zeroi ng i n on whit e' s vul nerabl e
38. Nd4
White tries to activate his knight, but the
plan I s just too slow. As the Russians
would say, "The horse travels on shor
legs In the endgame."
38 . . . Ra61
Protecti ng the val uabl e queensi de
pawns and threatening 39 . . . b! .
,'9.Ne6 Ra3- +
By securing the downfall of the c3-pawn,
I clear the path for my queenside pawns.
40.Nxg7 Rxc3 41. Rf7
Frlt rightfully avoids the exchange of
rooks, as his knight would be no contest
for my long range bishop.
41 ... Rc21
Confining the white king to the first rank,
and opening the long diagonal for my
The pawn race is on.
42 ... b4 43.h5 Bxg71
By surrendering my bishop for his knight,
I gain the decisive vital tempo.
44.Rxg7 b3 45.h6 b2 01
46 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
Power Play! Quiz
Grandmaster Henley has selected a set of thematic tactical problems from his
training games against Fritz. If you've reviewed the key games in the book carefully,
these positions should feel familiar to you. Set them up on your board and computer
and see if you can solve them. The answers are embedded i n Henley's analysis of
his games - you are referred by game and move number to his original notes.
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #1
Black to move and mate
(Game 68, 1 9 . . . ??) .
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #2
Black to move with counterplay
(Game 70, 1 5 . . o??).
White: Fritz
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #3
Black to move and mate
(Game 70, 28 . . . ??).
White: Frit
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #4
Black to move and force a favorable
endgame (Game 71 , 27 ... ??).
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #5
Black to move and win a pawn
(Game 26, 21 . . .??).
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #6
Black to move and win
(Game 26, 27 ... ??).
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #7
Black to move and win
(Game 24, 20 ??).
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #8
Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp)
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #9
Black to move with attack
(Game 3, 44 o o o ??) .
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #1 0
Black to move with advantage
(Game 33, 31 . ??).
Black to move with advantage
(Game 3b, 27 o o o ??) .
Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp) 49
White: Fritz
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #1 1
Black to move with advantage
(Game 61 , 29 . a ??).
White: Frit
Black: Henley
Archangel Quiz #1 2
Black to move with advantage
(Game 59, 25 + e e ??).

(+) white (black) has a small ege
(l) white (black) has a clear advantage
+- (- +) white (black) is winning
= with equal ity
t with the initiative
with an attack
t with counterplay
/ diagonal
E center
1 endgame
X weak point
o better is
L more space
L with the idea queenside
e unclear
s with compensation
# mate
l two bishops
[ bishops of opposite calor
bishops of the same col or
Lforced move
50 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
Velimirovic-Malanl uk
Index of Players and Opponents
Dol matov-Belyavsky
Garcia, Gild-Belyavsky
Huebner -Belyavsky
Ljubojevic-Gul ko
Young-Henley (2)
Fritz-Henley (1 1 )
Kostinger -Kobler
Kholmov-Lin Weiguo
Ernst-Shirov (2)
Zaitsev, I -Stern
Vitol ins-T ener
Barcenilla-Ye Rongguang
Barcenilla-Ye Rongguang
Dol matov-Belyavsky
Ernst-Shirov (2)
Fritz-Henley (1 O)
Garcia, G ild-Belyavsky
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
Hen |ey-F ritz
Kholmov-Lin Weiguo
Lepeshki n-Kosterin
Pel itov-Radulov
Vitolins-T ener
Young-Henley (2)
Zaitsev , 1 -Stern
52 Te Archangel! (CBU 250pp)
1 1 .Qd3 - CBU250pp #7) . . . axb5 1 2. Rxa8
Oxaa - CBU250pp #8)
1 .e4 es 2.Nf3 Ne& 3.Bb5 a& 4.Ba4 Nf6
s.o0 bS 6.Bb3 Bb7
Ruy Lopez (Spanish) Archangel
7 ... Bc5 8.c3 d6 9.d4 Bb6 1 0.Bg5
[ 1 O.Od3 - CBU250pp #1 ; 1 O. Be3 0-0
1 1 . Nb2 (1 1 .d5 - CBU250pp #2) . . . h6
1 2. h3 - CBU250pp #3; 1 0.a4 h6 (10 . . . 0-0
- CBU250pp #4; 1 0 . . . Qe7 - CBU250pp
#5) 1 1 .axb5 (1 1 . Na3 - CBU250pp #6;
10 eeh6 1 1 . Bh4 Oe7
[ 1 1 . . . Qd7 1 2.a4 0-0-0 1 3. axb5 axb5
1 4. Na3 - CBU250pp #9 (1 4. Bxf6 -
CBU250pp #1 0) ; 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2.a4 (1 2.0d3
- CBU250pp # 1 1 ) . . . exd4 (1 2 . . . g5 -
CBU250pp #1 2; 1 2 . . . Re8 - CBU250pp
#1 3) 1 3. cxd4 - CBU250pp #1 4 (1 3. axb5
- CBU250pp #1 5) ; 1 1 . . . g5 1 2. Bg3 0-0 -
CBU250pp # 1 6]
1 2.84
[1 2. Nbd2 - CBU250pp #1 7; 1 2.dxe5 -
CBU250pp #1 8)
1 2 . .. g5
[ 12 . . . 0-0-0 - CBU250pp #1 9)
1 3.Bg3 h5
[ 1 3 . . . 0-0-0 - CBU250pp #20)
1 4.axb5 axb5 1 5.Rxa8 + Bxaa 1 6. h4 -
CBU250pp #22
[ 16. h3 - CBU250pp #21 )
Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
7 . . . Nxe4 8.d4 1 0 . . . d3 - CBU250pp #32
[8. Re1 Nc5 (B ... d5 - CBU250pp #23) [ 1 0 . . . dxc3 - CBU250pp #33)
9. Nxe5 Nxe5 1 0. Rxe5 + Ne6 1 1 .d4 Bd6
- CBU250pp #24) [ 1 0 ... Nc5 - CBU250pp #34)
8 . . . Na5 9. Nxe5
[9.Bc2 exd4 1 0.b4 Nc4 1 1 . Bxe4 Bxe4 -
CBU250pp #25)
9 . . . Nxb3 1 0.Qxb3 Nd6 - CBU250pp
[ 1 0 ... Qf6 - CBU250pp #27)
7 a 8d6
[7 . . . Bc5 8. Nc3 - CBU250pp #35 (B.c3 -
CBU250pp #36; 8.a4 - CBU250pp #37))
7 . . . Nxd4 8. Nxd4
[8. Bxf7 + Kxf7 9. Nxe5 + Kg8 1 O. Qxd4 c5
- CBU250pp #28 (10 . . . Qe7 - CBU250pp
8 . . . exd4 9.e5
[9.c3 - CBU250pp #30)
9 . . . Ne4 1 0.c3
[1 0. Qf3 - CBU250pp #31 )
8.c3 - CBU250pp #38
[ 8 . a4 - CBU250pp #39; 8 . Nc3 -
CBU250pp #40)
7. Ng5
54 Te Archangel (CBU 250pp)
7 B d5 8.exd5 Nd4 9.Re1 - CBU250pp
[ 9. d3 - CBU250pp #42; 9. d6 -
CBU250pp #43)
7 . . . Be7 8.Nd5 - CBU250pp #44
[8.d3 - CBU250pp #45)
7.c4 - CBU250pp #46
7.a4 - CBU250pp #47
7.Qe2 - CBU250pp #48
Please note the following nomenclat1
that will become standard in all fut1
Power Play! publ ications:
CBU250pp #34 indicates a Power PI
Posi t i on i n ChessBase Univers
publication CBU250pp.
CBU250pp/86 refers to Game no. 8
te .cbf file in ChessBase University d
rlication CBU250pp.
becbangelis a brutally di rect tactical
answer to white's dreaded Ruy Lopez. Play
organizes itself around a classic 'Murder on
the Long Diagonal' theme, and the reader shares i n
the personal preparation of international
grandmaster Ron Henley.
P6werPIuy|is a complete training system
designed to help you understand an opening.
Instead of leaving the reader floundering through
endless lines of analysis tryi ng to figure out what's
important and remember it later, P6werPIuy|
identifies the critical positions and helps you
understand them the old-fashioned way, 'one
position at a time. '
Study the 70 key games i n this book and learn
the 48 carefully selected P6werPIuy| positions and
you'll find yourself an instant expert i n this
effective, little-known answer to the Ruy Lopez.
!GM Ron Henley is one of America's strongest
players and a born teacher. In I 990 he served as
Anatoly Karpov's second i n his bid to regain the
title from Garry Kasparov. Paul Hodges, a
correspondence master both in Britain and the
United States, has made a career out of isolating
key positions for definitive testing in postal

Bu M00@B5
The BlueBook Guide to Winning with the
King's Indian Attack!
Benko Gambit! ( Power Play! )
by !GM Ron Henley and Don Maddox
The Sicilian! ( Power Play! )
by Senior Postal Master )on Edwards
The Dragon! : A Sicilian Counterttack
( Power Play! )
by Paul Hodges and !GM Ron Henley
by Senior Postal Master )on Edwards
The Winawer! : A Main line French Varation
( Power Play! )
by Senior Postal Master )on Edwards
and !GM Ron Henley
The King's Indian Attack! ( Power Play! )
by !GM Ron Henley and Paul Hodges
( CBU 2 5 0P P )
P Division of 4M Data Systems
Box 1 33
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