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Spoken Libyan Arabic Eerik Dickinson 2004 Dunwoody Press Spoken Libyan Arabic Copyright © 2004 by McNeil Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of McNeil Technologies, Inc. Al inquiries should be directed to: Dunwoody Press 6564 Loisdale Ct, Suite 800 Springfield, VA 22150, USA ISBN: 1-931546-05-3 Library of Congress Control Number: 2004113155 Printed and bound in the United States of America Table of Contents Acknowledgments ..... Introduction... Abbreviations... Bibliography. The Transcription System.. Map of Libya... Selection 1 Jaddeet sabaf huutaat.. Gye dea ous | Caught Seven Fish.. Selection 2 kalifoonyaa zayy liibyaa bi-zzabt beall Lod 55 Lis yils. California Is Exactly Like Libya. Selection 3 hassilt marra tlaata ma‘ baSdhum... pedey ge UE Bye celine Once | Got Three Together Selection 4 issyaaha... Bra Syne. An Old Lady.... Selection 6 Selection 7 Imanaatiq ljabaliyya oball GLLL... The Mountainous Regions. Selection 8 laswaaq. Ghul, The Markets... Selection 9 issfinz Hushpuppies.. Selection 10 nitxammim b-nidzawwaj aren poe I'm Thinking of Getting Married .. Selection 11 ittafaasiil maa ndrii Saleehum. atele p55 be Joli | Don’t Know the Detail: Selection 12 Ihadaayaa lag! Presents. Selection 13 aljamiila tatazawwaj qabl ilmutadayyina .. Tayo! Lod ¢ 9555 Uneall The Beautiful Woman Gets Married before the Pious One.. Selection 14 ittwaarag.. Golsbl.. The Tuareg Selection 15 likwuff ligdiima ... Jan! BSI... The Old-Fashioned Bakeries Selection 16 izzayy lil eel cH! Libyan Clothes Selection 17 Tak1 Iiibii etal USYI Libyan Cuisine Selection 18 ssinafaat ttaqliidiyya. Qos Gell! Handicrafts... Selection 19 Sumar ilmuxtaar... Selection 20 PilSiid likbiira sels The Feast of Sacrifice . Selection 21 gasseet fii lahmar eed) (ob cul, I Ran a Red Light... Selection 22 Ifiikoonii .. Selection 23 ?anee maa nhabbiJ nug*ud f-hooteelaat. bse pb ds Ge LG | Don't Like to Stay in Hotels .... Selection 24 baSd iktifaaf Ipitrool Jog pall GLASS! say, After the Discovery of Oil. Selection 25 liibiyyiin yaxdimuu fi-Imataafam! .. 'eelbtl se Vgoscu Libyans Waiting Table: Selection 26 ljaamifaat... oleoLall. The “Universities” Selection 27 SJaahii yaaxid tlat saSaat?.. Solels S96 280 ala. Drinking Tea Takes Three Hours’... Selection 28 Piglib jjara ... + Ball lil Like Father .. Selection 29 limraa diimaa Imadluum: Ze gE Ladts sit The Woman Is Always the One Who Gets Oppressed Selection 30 kulla kaanuu nnaas iixaafuu minna de Nyala Gull 15S as. All of the People Used to Be Afraid of Him... £28 Glossary ... Acknowledgments This book would not have been possible without the aid of Dr. Elizabeth Bergman and Aziza Baaba. Others who contributed are Aung Kyaw Oo, Tom Creamer, Jack Jones, Cybil Harris, Alan Downing, Mark Jeon and Katherine Baker. Introduction The aim of this program (book and cassette tapes) is to aid students possessing a background in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) in comprehending the spoken Libyan dialect.’ Although a survey of all of the Libyan dialects would be extremely desirable and will, it is hoped, someday be carried out, it remains beyond the scope of the current project. Early on it was decided that it would be more congruent with our practical aim to focus on the two main urban dialects, that of Tripoli in the west and Benghazi in the east. Therefore, two speakers, A from Tripoli and B from the countryside surrounding Benghazi, are heard in all of the selections. The key element of this program is a series of thirty taped selections drawn from over twenty hours of unscripted conversation. These are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. All of the other materials supplied should be regarded as subordinate to the spoken versions of the selections. The most peculiar aspects of the selections are that they are the spontaneous speech of ordinary informants and that they have been edited only for the sake of length. For this reason, all of the false starts, mispronunciations, deviations from standard dialectal usage and other infelicities common in human speech are preserved intact. This certainly makes understanding the selections more challenging, but also presents the dialect in a form closer to what students are likely to encounter in practice. The transcriptions of these selections into a modified version of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) attempt to reproduce what is spoken on the tape as accurately as is feasible. On the other hand, the versions of the selections in the Arabic script were prepared for the purely practical purpose of creating a bridge between the spoken selections and the student's presupposed knowledge of MSA. ‘They represent an admittedly arbitrary hybrid wherein the words found in MSA are represented in their more or less familiar form alongside the items specific to the spoken dialect. It is hoped that by consulting the Arabic transcriptions students will be able to recognize more readily the elements of MSA they are Prof. Margaret Nydell's From Modern Standard Arabic to the Maghrebi Dialects: Libyan and Tunisian, 2 vols (Arlington, 1993) is recommended as an introduction to the grammar of the dialect. A pair of technical linguistic descriptions are Jonathan Owen, A Short Reference Grammar of Eastern Libyan Arabic (Wiesbaden, 1984) and Hans-Rudolph Singer, Grammatik des Arabischen von Tunis (Berlin, 1984). already familiar with, which may differ in pronunciation in the spoken dialect. It is by no means implied that the Arabic script versions of the selections qualify as either accurate phonetic transcriptions or proper written Arabic, although our procedure does find something of an analog in the stage plays published in the Egyptian dialect. Along with each selection there is a list of the glossary items introduced in the selection, grouped into the broad categories of "Verbs," "Nouns and Adjectives," and "Other Words & Phrases." Generally these are either items that are not commonly used in MSA or items present in MSA that in the Libyan dialect differ, either phonologically or semantically, to such a degree that it is believed that glossing them will be helpful for the learner. They are collected in a global glossary at the end of the book which is arranged in the conventional order of the Arabic dictionaries which the students are already familiar with. There is also an English translation of each selection which should be consulted only as a last resort. > ‘There are no agreed-upon rules for representing the dialects in Arabic script, although those laid out by Khalid Sanadiqi in al-Mathal wa-'l-kalam fi hadith ahl al-Sham (Damascus, 1998) pp: 19-20, are similar to those used by a number of scholars. Abbreviations interrog intrans Ttal lit m MSA n os: pl prep s so sth trans Turk adjective adverb collective conjunction English feminine German interrogative intransitive Italian literally masculine Modern Standard Arabic noun oneself plural preposition singular someone something transitive Turkish verb with Bibliography Abdu, Hussein Ramadan. Italian Loanwords in Colloquial Libyan as Spoken in the Tripoli Region. Ph.D. Georgetown University, 1988. Abumdas, Abdul Hamid Ali. Libyan Arabic Phonology. Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1985. Badawi, al-Said and Hinds, Martin. A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic. Beirut, 1986. Beaussier, Marcelin. Dictionnaire pratique arabe-francais: contenant tous les mots employés dans l'arabe parlé en Algérie et en Tunisie, ainsi que dans le style épistolaire, les pieces usuelles et les actes judiciaires. Algiers, 1958. Boris, Gilbert. Lexique du parler arabe des Mazarig. Paris, 1958. Curotti, Torquato. // Dialetto Libico. Tripoli, n.d. Elfitoury, Abubakar Abdalla. A Descriptive Grammar of Libyan Arabic. Ph.D. Georgetown University, 1976. Griffini, Eugenio. L’Arabo Parlato dell Libia. Milan, 1913. Iannotta, Elpidio. L’Arabo Parlato in Cirenaica. Benghazi, 1933. Lentin, Albert. Supplément au dictionnaire practique arabe-francais de Marcelin Beaussier. Algiers, 1959. Mitchell, T.F. “The Active participle in an Arabic dialect of Cyrenaica.” Bulletin’ of the School of Oriental and African Studies 14 (1952):11-33. —. "The Language of Buying and Selling in Cyrenaica: A situational statement.” Hespéris 44 (1957): 31-72. Nydell, Margaret. From Modern Standard Arabic to the Maghrebi Dialects: Libyan and Tunisian. 2 vols. Arlington, 1993. Owen, Jonathan. “/mala in Eastern Libyan Arabic.” Zeitschrift fiir arabische Linguistik 25 (1993): 251-59. —. “Libyan Arabic Dialects.” Orbis 32 (1987): 97-117. —. A Short Reference Grammar of Eastern Libyan Arabic. Wiesbaden, 1984. vi —. “The Syllable as Prosody: A re-analysis of syllabification in Eastern Libyan Arabic.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 43 (1980): 277-87. Pannetta, Ester. L’Arabo Parlato in Bengasi. 2 vols. Rome, 1943. Sanadiqi, Khalid. al-Mathal wa-'l-kalam fi hadith ahl al-Sham. Damascus, 1998. Shalabi, Salim Salim. Albisa ala mishjab al-turath. Misratah, 1990 Singer, Hans-Rudolph. Grammatik des Arabischen von Tunis. Berlin, 1984. Sulayman, Mahmud. al-Usul al-Arabiya al-fasiha li-alfaz al-lahja al-Libiya. Benghazi, 1990. Trombetti, Alfredo. Manuale dell’ Arabo Parlato a Tripoli. Bologna, 1912. Wright, William. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1967. vii The Transcription System A modified form of the International Phonetic Alphabet is used to represent the sounds of spoken Libyan Arabic. Symbol Description English Approximation a Low central unrounded short vowel. ain “rat” It is longer than the English schwa, although in final position it comes close to it. It becomes more retracted in the vicinity of a velarized consonant. aa Low front unrounded long vowel, ain “sad” produced farther front in the mouth than the English a in “father.” It becomes more retracted in the vicinity of a velarized consonant. b Bilabial stop, usually voiced. b in “beat” d Voiced dental stop. din “deep” 4 Velarized counterpart of /d/. The No equivalent in English tongue touches the front area of the .. alveolar ridge. The center of the tongue is depressed while the back is raised. 3 Voiced interdental fricative. It is thin “then” produced with the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth while the vocal cords vibrate. It is uncommon in Libyan. viii 3 Velarized counterpart of /3/. No equivalent in English e Mid-front unrounded vowel. It is ay in “day” longer than the English ai in “laid,” but without any diphthongization. f Voiceless labiodental fricative. f in “fat” g Voiced velar stop. It becomes palatal gin “go” before front vowels and velar before back vowels. Y Voiced uvular fricative. It is produced No equivalent in English almost like the r in the French pronunciation of “Paris,” but with the back of the tongue touching the border area between the velum and the uvula, forming a channel through which air flows, while the vocal bands vibrate. h Voiceless glottal fricative. It may be h in “hope” voiced intervocalically or before a voiced obstruent. h Voiceless pharyngeal fricative. It is heard No equivalent in English when the pharyngeal walls shrink together forming a channel through which the air passes with power. i High front unrounded short vowel. iin “sit” ii High front unrounded long vowel. ea in “seat” Voiced alveopalatal fricative. It is produced with the blade of the tongue almost touching the area on the borders of the alveolar ridge and the palate, forming a channel through which air flows, while the vocal cords vibrate. Voiceless velar stop. It tends to be palatal before front vowels and velar before back vowels. Voiced dental lateral. It may be voiceless before voiceless obstruents. Voiced bilabial nasal. It becomes labiodental when it occurs before f. Voiced dental nasal. It may vary in articulation according to the consonant following it, but remains dental prevocalically or in final position. Mid-back rounded vowel, longer and with more lip rounding than the English vowel o in “go.” . lvular plosive, pronounced further back than /k/. It is restricted in its use to a few proper names and words of religious connotation. Voiced dental flap. It is produced when the tongue taps quickly against the area behind the upper teeth. When doubled or in final position, it becomes a trill because it involves more than one tap by the tongue against the upper teeth. sin “pleasure” k in “kit” 1 in “late” m in “team” nin “nap” Close to the o in “go” No equivalent in English rin “bright” uu Voiceless dental fricative. Velarized counterpart of /s/. It is produced with the tongue a little farther back than s. Voiceless alveopalatal fricative. Voiceless dental stop. Velarized counterpart of /t/. It is produced with the tip of the tongue touching the beginning of the alveolar ridge. Voiceless interdental fricative. It is produced with the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth. It is not very common in the speech of Libyans. High back rounded short vowel. High back rounded long vowel. Voiced counterpart of /f/. It exists only in foreign words used by urban speakers. High back rounded semivowel. Voiceless uvular fricative. It is produced with the back of the tongue almost touching the area between the velum and the beginning of the uvula, leaving a channel through which air flows creating audible noise. xi sin “see” No equivalent in English sh in “ship” tin “trim” No equivalent in English th in “thin” u in “put” 00 in “boot” vin “van” win “wing” No equivalent in English, but the final sound of the Scottish pronunciation of loch is very close to it High front unrounded semivowel. y in “yeast” Voiced dental fricative. z in “zoo” Velarized counterpart of /z/, although —_No equivalent in English it is produced a little farther back. Voiced pharyngeal fricative. It is the No equivalent in English voiced counterpart of /h/ with less audible noise when the air flows through the channel. Voiceless glottal stop. It is produced No equivalent in English by a complete closure of the vocal cords followed by a sudden release of the air. Libyan tends to drop it when it occurs in initial or final position, but retains it in medial position. xii Selections Selection 1 | Caught Seven Fish Vocabulary Verbs x8ee irregular conjugation (xdee) /imperf yaaxid/ v a. to take alaaf Salaas Sfaahii yaaxid tlaat saYaat How, how can drinking tea take three hours? b. to get w-natlaf diimaa raabah l-anna Ibeeraat b-iikallfuunii Safra SaJriin duulaaraat naaxid fiihum bi-blaaJ I always go out a winner because the beers [would otherwise] cost me ten or twenty dollars and I get them for free. {cf. MSA ?axada} hawwat /imperf yhawwut/ v to fish Jadd /imperf yfidd/ v a. to catch, grab, hold Jaddhaa waahad fii mantqa xaalya wu-ytasabhaa Someone grabbed her in a deserted area and raped her. b. to arrest kassad /imperf ykassid/ v a. /intrans/ to relax, rest bad liydee diimaa -nkassduu -halba After lunch we always rest for a long time. b. /trans/ to cause to stagnate mfee /imperf yimfi/ v a. to go to (usually with li-) A. ?aamas mJeet li-lbhar gutlii? B. ?aha mJeet libhar aamis A. Yesterday, you went to the ocean? B. Yes, I went to the ocean. b. to leave, go away, disappear if -sseef maa- yugfuduuJ yimfuuu In the summer they don’t stay. They leave; imJii Scram! maa -nbbuukJ bookkul imfii We don't like you at all! Beat it! ¢. to be in effect, apply, work properly taww maa -SaatS yamfii Imatal Now the proverb no longer applies; maafii -Ihaal I’m well (in response to a polite enquiry about one’s state). d. /as auxillary with following imperfect/ to up and ..., go and... ?inna yimfii -yJidd nnsaawiin haaduu that he would go and arrest those women; timJii timiskaa You go and grab him. Nouns & Adjectives anee pronoun 1 baahii (baah) 1. adj good kaant rrahla baahyaa The trip was good. 2. adv well mfee miaanaa waahad ya‘nii ya‘rif new york baahii Someone who knows New York well came with us. bhar 7 ocean, sea harr adj hot /{cf. MSA haarr}/ Selection 1 huuta /pl huutaat, coll huut/ n fish sabaf adj and n seven sinaara n pole, rod tuim /pl tfuum/ n bait kwayyis 1. adj good 2. adv /and kwayysa/ well mtaa$ usually invariable (btaa$) 1. n a. /analytic possessive device which in construct indicates a relationship, often specifically ownership/ taarga mtaa§ ssiyyaara license plate b. thing finuu ISabt lewrag wallaa -ISabt mtaa{ almaakiina What did you play? Cards? Or did you play the [slot] machine thing? 2. adv about Ifarg mtaaf Safriin digiiga The difference is about twenty minutes. {cf. MSA mataa‘} waahad (hadd, waahid) 1. pronoun someone, a person, anyone gaallak bii-juu haawaalii malyuun waahid They told you that about a million people are coming. 2. n thing bi-lwahdaat bi-lmuzallajaat yistafamluu fiihum with the things, with the skis which they use 3. adj a. same talgaa -lijhaad zayy lwaahad You find that having an abortion [and not having an abortion are] the same thing. b. some, certain waahad duktoor some doctor; wahda suSuudiyya a certain Saudi woman; shaabii -waahdiin some of my friends 4. adj and n one wagd (wagit, wugt, wagut) 7 time (temps, Zeit, tiempo) {cf. MSA waqt} Other Words & Phrases ?aa (?iih, eeh) adv yes A. laakin humma hnee rrijjaala bi-ddaat lammaa -yaaxduu -hammamaat matlan w-yeeraa yikuunuu Saraayaa kullhum. B. Yaa sahiih A. But here they, the men especially, when they take a bath, etc., they're all naked. B. Yes, true. w-allaahii (w-allaah) adv really [lit. by God] aams (?aamis, ?aamas) adv yesterday {cf. MSA ?amsi} aahuu occasionally invariable (raahuu, haahuu) particle a. /to attract attention/ ~ look! xuff raahuu -l-computer giddaamuk uu -diir imtihaan Come in! See the computer in front of you! Take the test! wi-yiyriik yguullik haahuu haahuu -hutt miiteen hutt miiteen He eggs you on, saying to you, “Look! Look! Put two hundred! Put two hundred!” b. /to anticipate an expected result/ ~ so it's no surprise aahuu taSaflaguu minnii taww So they now became angry with me. mjarrad (mujarrad) adv merely, only mujarrad tadfaf duulaareen tlaata You merely pay two or three dollars. diima (daayman, daa?iman, diiman) adv a. always waahad w-Sijriin diimaa -raabah Twenty-one always wins [in blackjack]. b. continuously Selection 1 zayy 1. prep like, such as fii wilaayaat ttaanya zayy colorado in other states, such as Colorado 2. conj zeyy maa as yimfii -yaadii yinkah hattaa zeyy maa yibbii He goes there and gets laid as much as he wants. 3. phrase zeyy ma -dguul ~ how shall I say?; as they say (usually used to disassociate the speaker from an unpleasant word or notion) taa keef titzawwuj wahda yaa raajil w zayy maa -tguul massuuhaa Really, how can anyone marry a girl, my man, who, as they say, they touched? kaana invariable or conjugated (kaan) 1. conj if, when; whenever Ixutuura kaanak ttiih The danger is if you fall; kaanak rbaht ?aktar min ?alf w-miyya maSnaataa -yguulik haadii mitfallga bi-ddaraayb If you win more than eleven hundred, it means, they tell you, it's taxable. 2. phrase hattaa -kaana even if kwayysa interjection how nice li- prep a. to b. /time expression/ liih yuumeen huwwa It’s been going on for two days; maa lhaaJ SaJr dgaayig xusrut haawaalii laa yaqill {an ?arbfa xams aalaaf In the space of less than ten minutes, she lost about, not less than four or five thousand [dollars]. {cf. MSA ?ilaa} laa (la?) adv a. yes (beginning a statement in a conversation) A. bass laww kwayyis fi -ttalij B. laa kwayyis A. The weather’s nice in the snow. B. Yes, nice. b. no ¢. /emphatic negation/ maa kaanitJ laa nabbii nalab laa Jeyy I didn’t want to play anything. ?aamta 1. conj when; whenever fin dirt inta aamtaa hsull Saleek fi -ttiriig What did you do when it caught you on the road?; maa -fiff ?ayy insaan yaSraf ?aamtaa -bi-muut No one knows when he'll die. 2. interrog when guulilnaa bi-zzabt aamtaa Tell us exactly when. {cf. MSA mataa} hikkii (heekkii) 1. adv a. in this/that way; like that b. /postpositive particle of attenuation, after n/ a kind of; /after adj/ somewhat; /after number, etc./ approximately w-fuufuu majmuufa -rba$ anfaar xamsa sitta hikkii Look for a group, four, five, or six people or so. 2. phrase min hikkii because of this {cf. MSA haakadaa} Selection 1 Jaddeet saba§ huutaat Here A describes a relaxing and enviably successful day of angling, shedding light on his personality and approach to life. A. mfeet li'-bharr ams ii. mJeet n .. B. thawwut? A. mfeet nhawwut’ ii Jaddeet® huut fa .... B. ?aa. A. Jaddeet sabaS* huutaat. B. w-allaahii kwayysa. A. yeah dayyaSt fii° -aams jaww kaan kwayyis kaan harr. diima nimfii® biharr anee. ?aamta ykuun jjaww hikkii naaxé issinaara wi-ttSuum mtaa‘ii’ w-nimJii. wu-nkassid, kaana® faddeet baahii maa faddeet{? mjarrad aahuu'® waahad. gaddaa wagd zayy maa dguul. B. laa kwayysa w-allaah. A. laa,diima nimJii nhawwut anee. B. kwayyis. Notes: 1. In most of the dialects, Ji- replaces MSA 7ilaa. 2. Note the form of the first-person imperfect characteristic of the Maghribi dialects; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:336. 3. In MSA the correct form is fadadtu. This conjugation of the geminate verbs is common in most of the dialects; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:326. Selection 1 4, Inthe dialects, there is a tendency to use the long form of the numeral when the counted objects are not mentioned and the short form when they are. This is in contrast to MSA, where the gender of the counted object determines which form is employed. 5. For some remarks on the rather frequent pleonastic use of fii, see J. Owens, Eastern Libyan Arabic, 133-34. 6. Inthe dialects, there is a tendency for the a of the MSA inflectional prefixes to be pronounced as i (cf. MSA ?am/Jii). 7. See J. Owens, Eastern Libyan Arabic, 84-85. For the conditional in Libyan, see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:312-20. 9. For negation of verbs in Libyan, see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:378-81. 10. See M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:212-13. oo Selection 1 ob gated ceed Sete al gael pe cute Sagas wa ge Std Gl oye Coe -el poli ge do ood dawns ally AGI pad peas Latha pe LS Gua yS GIS go Quel pt cree yeah fay sptiady peli pyablly SjLial! LSU Sa gall G4 ae I sHS Le 55 Sey Ged csaly gl sya BOE Le aly ood UIs” MAU y Lugs ¥ GI gas pts Lethe Y us Selection 1 >» PDP wp wD | Caught Seven Fish I went to the sea yesterday, yes. I went, ah .... Do you fish? I went fishing. Yes, I caught fish, ah .... Yes. I caught seven fish. How nice! Yeah, I wasted yesterday. The weather was nice and it was hot. I always go to the sea. Whenever the weather's like that, I take my fishing pole and bait and go. I relax. if I catch [something], fine; if I don't catch [anything], it's the same. One has just passed time, as they say. Yes, really nice. Yes, I, myself, always go fishing. Fine. Selection 2 California Is Exactly Like Libya Vocabulary Verb Igee /imperf yalgi, yalga/ v a. to encounter b. to discover, learn rfahhaa -yaadii Igaahaa -raajil He picked her up there and discovered that she was aman. ¢. to see lammaa -timJii -fi -[Jaaraf talqii -raajil yibuus fii fii mraa When you walk in the street, you see a man kissing a woman. Nouns & Adjectives illii_ invariable pronoun a. /relative/ the one who, the one which, the thing that b. who, whom, whose, which, that Ibahr Imutawassit n /proper/ Mediterranean Sea {Also referred to as Ibahr labyad)} tamar (tamur) n /coll/ dates jbal /pl jiibaal/ n mountain haaja 1. n a./pl haajaat/ thing b. /pl hawaayij/ article of clothing 2. adv /with negative constructions/ wa-laa haaja at all wa-laa t?attrmu wa-laa haaja They weren't fazed at all. Jay (fii) /pl ?aJyaa/ n thing, something {cf. MSA Jai?} msgga‘ adj cold; frozen (cf. MSA saqqa‘} masyaf /pl masaayif/ n resort {amaliyya n a. matter, question, issue laa mif Samaliyyat taajiir ssiyyaara qasdii No, it’s not a question of renting a car. I meant .... b. operation karmuus collective n figs liibyaa' ni /proper/ Libya abnee pronoun we hiya (hiyya) pronoun she Other Words & Phrases bafdeen adv a. afterwards, later on, then b. anyway w-baSdeen kull Jey munadgim Anyway, everything is organized. ¢. also, too w-baSdeen Sandum ssafiina They also have the ship. hattaa adv a. even hattaa -adawaat maa tarfafaJ You don’t even need to bring utensils. b. also, too wa-hatta -daaruu diraasa They also did a Selection 2 study. ¢. haata haaja /in negative construction/ anything, anyone bass maa fiihaaJ hatta haaja But there isn’t anything at all in it; leel limkaan maa fiif hattaa waahad At night there wasn’t anyone in the place. bi-zzabt adv a. exactly b. right jaayyaa -fa -libhar bi-zzabt [The small hotels] come right up to the sea. {cf. MSA bi-ddabt} w-yeera usually invariable phrase et cetera fiih (fii) particle there is/are {cf. MSA hunaaka} lanna usually invariable (lan, lanhaa, li?anna) conj because haadii mujkla tSaanii minhaa jamiif Iblaad ISarabiyya lanna kull ssaytara asbahat saytara huukuumiyya This is a problem which all of the Arab nations suffer from because all power has become government power. {cf. MSA li-anna} matlan (ma6lan) adv for example {cf. MSA maéalan} mif (mu) particle not ssuhaaqiyyiin wi -ssuhaaqiyyaat miJ issuhaaqiyyiin wi-lluutiyyiin the male lesbians and the female lesbians, not the male lesbians, and the gays fa-I-haadaa adv so, therefore, for that reason halba adv /intensifier/ saar Sajbaatik halba, ah So, did you like it a lot? haadaa Imuwduuf mutiir halba This subject is very interesting; -haalaat halba iytisaab many cases of rape; kaan fii zahma halba fii -ttriig -uu Was there a lot of traffic on the road?; mfeetuu -l-mahallaat ISarabiyya halba Did you go to many Arab places? ?aw (wa, wi, w, uu) conj and yguulik maadaam ?intum xalleetuu -limraa ?aw rraajil yibuusuu bafadhum SalaaJ maa -txalluunaaf hnee nafsi [Jeyy They say, so long as you let a man and a woman kiss each other, why can’t you allow us the same thing? {cf. MSA wa-} Selection 2 kalifoonyaa zayy liibyaa bi-zzabt Nostalgia is a universal human trait. Here we encounter some idle musings over the similarities between Libya and California. A. kalifoonyaa hiya Iwahiida Ili’ Ilii Ibii?a mtaSathaa zayy liibyaa bi-zzabt. B. ?ah. A. zayy liibyaa bi-zzabt. B. California? A. ?aha. kalifoonyaa jawwhaa w ... w-bii?ithaa w-tabiifithaa kullhaa Iwahiida hiyya w-baSdhaa Florida. hiya lwahiida Ili llii bii?ithaa tfaabah bii?at ilbahr lab ... Imutawassit. B. ?aha. A. fa-I-haadaa hattaa kull lhaajaat ill maa tilgahaas* ahnee tilgaahaa maéalan kalifoonyaa, fiihaa karmuus, fihaa tamar. kullhaa muujuuda. B. ?aahaa. A. muujuuda. kullhaa. lanhaa nafs ilbii?a Imuujuuda fil ... [inaudible utterance] Ibahr Imitawassit u-nafs ilharaara matlan tilgiihaa diima fil ... fi-sseef talgaahaa® haarra laakin mif miJ rutuuba ?aw .... B. ?aha. A. wi-fi-{ftee* maa tilgahaaJ msagga halba, matalan talgaa | .... ljaww muStadil zayy maa dguul. B. m. 10 Selection 2 A. wu-masaayif w-yeera® w-bafdeen nafs iffayy jiibaal, nafs iltamaliyya zayynaa hnee mablan fiih® masaayif w-fiih jiibaal fii nafs ilwagd. B. m. A. kalifoonyaa jamiila jiddan. Notes: 1. The invariable relative pronoun illii replaces the different permutations of the MSA alladii. 2. For the negation of verbs, see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:378-81. 3. tilgiihaa ... talgaahaa: Notice the non-semantic variation in the vocalization of the verb. 4. Note that in Libyan, word-final -aa is normally pronounced -ee. Compare Libyan ftee with MSA Jitaa?. When a pronominal suffix is attached (or, in the case of perfect verbs, the negative suffix -/), the -ee reverts to -aa; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:173, 379. 5. w-yeera: This expression is normally invariable, although w-yeerhaa is also occasionally found. 6. The invariable particle fiih (or fii) indicates existence, e.g., "there is/are ..... 11 Selection 2 dat Lad (55 Las 5 gl ell Lad (55 ele Cd GUI GUI Bae gl! ga 35 als vol bed bod ss $ California Unser y pt Basa gl LS Yaerabs Lpitnny.. 9 Lage Lis silS cal wT pal Ch GLAS ats GUI UI Basal! pe Florida a sll val Upad Ld gis oie LAS Lae BLA Le gL! ola Lall JS jae Lgl Boga se GUS nll Lead ye S 4ai incomprehensible] ... J! gi Sagas! Gd! is YY US dagays vel ga LaSls LALA LAs 8 jl pall Gutsy bugil! oul! [utterance og pbs hs Ge GSI Ble UGG Giseel gi -4al (55 Joes gall A GS he al Laine BLAU Le LLAII gy wJg35 La Selection 2 oo 8 Gy Cabanas (phd Gud Gateyy Landy less cab gl add pd Ulam Coby Cinbine od he eae Vp Unee Lip gilS i 13 Selection 2 California Is Exactly Like Libya A. California is the single [state] which, which its environment is exactly like Libya. B. Ah. A. Exactly like Libya. B. California? A. Aha. California, its weather ... and environment and nature, everything. This is the single one and after it Florida. It's the single one which, which its environment resembles the environment of the Mediterranean. B. Aha. A. Therefore, even all of the things which you don't find here [in Maryland], you find them for instance [in] California. It has figs and it has dates. All of these are there. B. Aha. A. They're there. Everything. Because it has the same environment present in ... the Mediterranean Sea. The same temperature. For example, you always find [Libya] in ... in summer, you find it hot, but not, not humidity and .... B. Aha. A. In winter, you don't find that it's very cold. For example, you find the .. the weather is temperate, as they say. B. Mmm. A. And resorts, etc. So it's the same thing. Mountains, the same thing. Like us, we, for example, there are resorts and there are mountains at the same time. B. Mmm. A. California is very beautiful. 14 Selection 3 Once | Got Three Together Vocabulary Verbs yibbi invariable or conjugated (yabbi) v a. /usually only in imperf/ to want b. to need tibbiilik yoom yoomeen baaJ tittawwud Saleehum You need a day or two to become accustomed to them; haadaa -yabbii klaam That needs to be discussed. jee irregular conjugation /imperf yji/ v a. to come b. to cost ttadkira tjiik b-Sifriin duulaar biss The ticket costs you only twenty dollars. ¢. to fit nhutt fiihaa Yafra hdaaJ llii yjuu I put in [the cooler] the ten or eleven [beers] which fit. d. to turn out to be hatt /imperf yhutt, yihitt/ v to put, place Sandhum baar kwayyis thuttlii fii sitta sabaf beeraat ba-hdaay, nuusil yaadii ... mnaSniJ zayy maa -nguuluu -fi -lliibii They have a nice bar [on the train]; you put six or seven beers in front of me and I'll arrive there “refreshed” [i.e., drunk], as we say in Libyan. xbat /imperf yuxbut/ v /trans/ to strike xalla /imperf yxalli/ v a. to let (so) do (sth) yxalluuk tuhdur hattaa wahda mi -ljalsaat They even let you attend one of the sessions. b. to leave (sth), leave (sth) behind warra /imperf ywarri/ tuwree v to show w-idaa kaan waahad minhum arab ilmaraa yaSnii maa -SadJ iiwarrii wijhaa ?amaam irrijaal haaduu If one of them hits his wife, you know, he can no longer show his face in front of these men. {cf. MSA ?ar?aa} waswis /imperf ywaswis/ v to be obsessed Nouns & Adjectives ?inta pronoun you (ms) tisaStaaJ adj and n nineteen {cf. MSA tisSata Safara} tlaata (tlaa@) adj and n three {cf. MSA @alaae} tilt adj three {cf. MSA ealaae} tamuntaaj adj and n eighteen {cf. MSA @amaaniyata Safara} Selection 3 taanii (@aanii) 1. adjandn tfattah fii yoom w-taxtafii f -taanii yoom [The cherry blossoms] open one day and disappear the next. b. second ¢. other, another, different mif masiif xaass zayy Imasaayif ttaanya not a private resort like the other resorts; nnaas ttanyiin other people 2. ady else w-ween taanii and where else? wi-finuu taanii what else? {cf. MSA éaanin} hadd n luck {cf. MSA hazz} raas /pl ruus/ n head {cf. MSA ra?s} arbaS adj and n four raqum (raqm) /pl arqaam/ n number sabaftaaJ adj and n seventeen {cf. MSA sab{ata YaJara} sitta adj and n six sittaas adj and n sixteen {cf. MSA sittata aJara} siyyaara (sayyaara) n automobile Jinuu (Sinii, Jin) 1. interrog a. what wi-limraa finuu -llibaas ttaqliidii -mtahhaa bi-zzabt And for women, what exactly is the traditional dress for them? b. why maa yalfabuuJ laakin fin yijuu They don’t play, but why do they come? 2. pronoun /relative/ what sahh invariable adj correct, true {cf. MSA sahiih} taarga Ital (targa) n license plate Sifriin adj and n twenty {cf. MSA Sifruuna} kbiir /pl kbaar/ adj old; large haadii (haadii) pronoun /demonstrative/ this (fs) huwwa (huu) pronoun he humma pronoun they wiswaas /pl wsaawiis/ n obsession Other Words & Phrases bass (biss) 1. conj but 2. adv only nibbii nitfarrij Saleehum biss_ I only want to watch them; zmaan talgaa daayraa -ma?a mraa baaJ yjiib wuld biss Long ago, you find he did it with a woman only to produce children. 3. phrase w-bass and no more baalk Turk (belki) (baalik, baalek, baalak) adv perhaps, maybe baalk bi-nridd fluus Ilii Ilii xsarthum Perhaps I'll win back the money I lost. been (biin) prep a. /with pronoun suffix or n beenaat/ between, among b. maa -been among b-iidiiruu maraasiim Saqd jwaa w-yeeraa maa -been Huutiyyiin w-maa -been ssuhaagiyyaat They’re making ceremonies, a contract of marriage, among gays and the lesbians. {cf. MSA baina} 16 Selection 3 tawwa (taww) 1. adv now gaal taww maéalan zzaaniya tujlid He said that now the adultress is scourged. 2. particle /analytic particle marking the future/ tawwaa -nziiduu -nitkallmuuu fiih We'll discuss it further. {cf. MSA tawwan} traa invariable (taraa) v what's your opinion ...? I wonder ...? /frequently used with imperative/ giddaJ taraa @laa@ aalaaf How much, do you think? Three thousand? wi-ljaww Jfinuu yaadii? traa wsoofilnaa -ljaww yaadii Sandik How is the weather there? Can you describe for us then the weather you have there? {cf. MSA yaa turaa} saar 1. adv so, then, in that case 2. v happen illi saar saar The past is dead (proverb). b. to be saar grayybaa It’s near (Note: not conjugated); saar mamnuuf It’s forbidden; simha saar haadii It’s pretty? (Note: not conjugated) maa -fiif 1. particle a. /negation of fiih/ there isn't/ aren't b. /absolute negation/ maa -fiiJ hadd hattaa -waahad qaanuuniyya hnee Not one [beer], not even one [may be consumed] legally here. 2. interjection [at end of statement/ absolutely, completely nafs ifJeyy nafs ijjaww maa fiif The same thing, exactly the same weather. giddaaJ (gaddaaJ, giddeeJ) 1. conj how much maSruufaa giddaaf taaxid It is known how much [the slot machines] take in. 2. interrog a. how many, how much gideeJ marra yguullii fikknaa -minnik nta maa -nbbuukJ bookkul imfii How many times did he say to me, get us away from you! We don't like you at all! Beat it! b. how long giddaaf tugSud mhannya How long does she stay decorated with henna? 3. phrase wallaa [or 2aw] giddaaf or so Sandhum qanaa haawaalii ndinn Iganaa sitta w-tlaatiin wallaa giddaaJ They have a channel around, I think, about channel thirty-six or so. {cf. MSA qadd} marta adv a. once b. sometime baalak natlaaguuu marra marra nimjuu ma bafaénaa What say you that we get together sometime and go together? ¢. mMarraat sometimes maf baSd (maf ba%8) phrase /usually with pronoun suffix/ together w-jaab minhaa -syaar, laakin muttafqiin ma baadhum ?innaa hiyyaa suhaaqiyya w-huwaa luutii He produced a child with her, but together they agree that she's a lesbian and he's gay. mi- prep /contraction of min before a definite article/ from, of Selection 3 wallaa (willaa) 1. conj or gult Jinuu -anee yabiyy wallaa -finuu I said, “What? Am I stupid or what?” mJeet bi-ssiyyaara wallaa -fi -Iqitaar? Did you go by car or train? 2. phrase wallaa kiif or what? maa Sat yaSraf | ... Sabab Iharab wallaa -kiif wallaa -?eeJ Do they no longer know the cause of the war, or what? Or what? 3. particle /absolute negation/ wallaa Sandhaa damb She has no sin; wallaa haaja nothing 4. interrog isn’t it, etc. laakin haadii -ddarba diima b-xamsiin w-sittiin duulaar biss willaa But this jackpot is always only fifty or sixty dollars, isn’t it? {cf. MSA wa- laa} 18 Selection 3 hassilt marra tlaata maf baidhum In this selection, the speakers breathlessly discuss an instance when one of them came agonizingly close to picking the lucky numbers in the Maryland State Lottery. A. Jin talSab? fii tlit’ arqaam wallaa rbaf arqaam wallaa [inaudible utterance]? B. sit alarqaam’. A. ?aa likbiir® saar tara? B. kbiir aah. A. ma... giddaaf ?aax ... ?aktar ?aktar arqaam giddaaJ hassilt? B. hassilt tlaa@a marra. A. tlaata maS baSdhum*? B. hassilt, tsawwur, marra tlaata maf baSdhum wirra ... wi-ttlaa@ arqaam ittaaniyaat.> A. ?aha. B. warreethum hattaa 1 li-ssikriteera llii hnee ttlaaé larqaam ittaaniyaat ?alfarig beenii w-beenhum raqim waahad bass, zayy maa dguul . A. [inaudible utterance]. B. Sifriin.° A. ?aha. B. waahd u-Sifriin, tisataaJ tamuntaaJ, saba‘taaJ sittaal.” 19 Selection 3 A. yeah, B. ittlaa® arqaam mutaabaqaat wi-ttlaada Ifarig beenaathum® waahad waahad. A. taxtaar fii larqaam a ... Safwaa?iyyan wallaa txallii fii 1-computer yixtarhumlik? B. laa nixtaar fiihum anee SaJwaa?iyyan. A. lanna hattaa® |-computer yigdir yixtarhumlik zayy maa tabbii nta. B. m. A. tixtaar Jin? B. maa fiiJ'° farag huwwa zayy maa taxtaar inta zayy maa yixtaar I-computer maa fiif ayy farg. la?inna | ... ?ihtimaal huwwa Samaliit maa fihaas fanniyyaat.'' A. yeah laa maa fiihaaJ la?. B. hiyya Samaliit hadd. A. laa fii naas'* Iii laa yaqtintuu yguullik’? inna 1 yaaxduu mil- computer'* ?ahsan iiguullik lanna yiguullik ilarqgaam haadii haattiinaa humma fil-computer. w-maa juuf tawwa baalk’® iijuu marra taanya. Kull waahad Sanda f ... hiyya zayy dguul zayy Iwiswaas. B. ?aha. A. kull waahad iiwaswis f-haaja fii ll-yixtaar fii Siid miilaadaa maéalan. B. ?aha. 20 Selection 3 A. fii llii yixtaar matalan fii ... fii Ilii fii Ilii yixtaar fii raqm ? ... ttaarga’® mtaaf ssiyyaara. B. ?aha. A. hikkii tuxbut fii raasa dguul haadii ttaarga mtaaf ssiyyaara. B. sahh. Notes: 1. In Libyan, tilt (three) is occasionally used in place of tlaat (or tlaaé), when the counted noun is mentioned; see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:278. 2. The use of the definite article with numbers and counted nouns is inconsistent in Libyan, pace J. Owens, Eastern Libyan Arabic, 78. 3. The common word for "lottery" in Arabic is yaanasiib. 4. A) It will be observed throughout these selections that inanimate plural agreement varies in a seemingly free and unpredictable fashion between feminine singular (as in MSA) and plural (masculine or feminine, usually in accordance with the gender of the noun). Thus we encounter expressions like Iwilayaat haadu -ttaanya (those other states). B) Unlike MSA, the pronominal suffix -hum never occurs as -him. 5. There is nothing that this author has read in the literature on the Libyan dialects that explains the feminine plural agreement taken by the masculine inanimate plural counted nouns in some of these selections. 6. In the dialects, the sound masculine plural ending usually only appears in the oblique (i.e., common accusative and genitive) form (e.g., Si/riin instead of MSA Sifruuna). 7. tisaStaaf tamuntaaf sabaStaaJ sittaaf: Velarization in the numbers eleven through nineteen is a feature common to most of the dialects. The form beenaat- (cf. MSA baina) is often used with pronoun suffixes. 9. The nominalizing conjunctions which in MSA must be followed by a noun or pronoun (e.g., anna, 7inna) may be followed by any class of word in Libyan. In the case of pronouns, the independent form is found much more commonly that the suffixed form. = 21 Selection 3 10. maa fiif (there is/are not ... ) is the negation of the existential fiih. 11. Samaliit maa fihaaJ fanniyyaat: Note that Samaliit is in construct (idaafa) with the succeeding clause. 12. In Libyan, naas (people) takes either plural or feminine singular agreement. 13. yguullik (they tell you); Notice that here the sense of gaal is plural, although the verb is singular in form. This frozen construction is rather common in Libyan, e.g., maa yalfabuu/ laakin Jin yijuu? yiquullik ... (They don’t play, but why do they come? They tell you ...). 14. Note the abbreviation of min before the definite article. 15. Baalk (cf. Turkish belki, i.e., perhaps) is an example of the Turkish words which infiltrated the Libyan lexicon during the period of Ottoman domination, which began in the sixteenth century. 16. Italy began the formalities of the annexation of Libya in 1912, although significant commercial relations preceded this date. Italian control of Libya was not officially terminated until 1947. In this period many words like taarga (cf. Italian targa, i., license plate) entered the Libyan lexicon. In general, see Hussein Ramadan Abdu, /talian Loanwords in colloquial Libyan as Spoken in the Tripoli Region, PhD, Georgetown University, 1988. 22 Selection 3 pans oe U0 Be le incomprehensible] ¥5 pLaj! Lass! Ys plLaj! Usb pa Sebo i $ [utterance Lh $655 gle pas oi a sol gas Scubeas Gilad plas! SSI ASI... AT Bled. Bye Ub ches 1G Sppedas ae Ub A AU SLU! ALAS Ey ly peda Ge WE Bye speed cubes 0G 4al A LSE! ola YI GI! Ga UI 325 Sea ved de eet vere Sg Le 55 coe aly Bo pens hs Goll! [incomprehensible utterance] i Onsen ali vie Ue phe Lea pte TLS phe Tu a peg daly 23 Selection 3 -yeah cooly sally pees Gill Golly wligLes play! GI! pads yee gd AS Vy Lith ge play! go jas sal Sl ytie Gl aged a5 ¥ wl 5 Le 55 ol pa GAS jabs Sy ree Ge oY e Sob 485 Atle gee GAG L 55 oil G85 Le 65 8 Gd AL volyhd Stlad Ls Tbee g@ JLaal II oY Goal LY alga Le ¥ yeah Ba ibe gs wee yt We UN gh pe YU ls Ca cok pd table ode ALA, Yl oll Jody GY oll yy Qual Spee pads BAly JS UU bys Iygaes UL 155 Gigile Ley Spree oles iss Js 65 A sal ie osdhlae sae opt SERS Ul pa Tale gt Gu guage tally US cal 24 Selection 3 ve Deby gh SLY UI ga GU pt. gt ae JL UI A sBolaud! ple U5 LAI! al Bylaw pie UG Lad! ode U9i5 dul, pt bods Sa Al wee 25 Selection 3 Once | Got Three Together > What do you play? The three numbers or the four numbers or [inaudible utterance]? The six numbers. Ahi, so the big one then? Big one, yes. How many, ahh ... the most, most numbers, how many did you get? Once I got three. Three together? I got, imagine, once three together and ... and the other three numbers. Aha. Teven showed them to ... to ... to the secretary who was here. The three other numbers, the difference between me and them was only a single digit, as they say .... [inaudible utterance] DP ere > D> w Twenty. Aha. Twenty-one; and nineteen, eighteen; and seventeen, sixteen. Yeah. Three matching numbers and three, the difference between which was one, one. o> D> D> > . Do you choose the numbers, ah ... randomly or do you let the computer pick them for you? No, I, myself, pick them randomly. Because the computer can also pick them the way you want. Mmm. What do you pick? There is no difference. Your picking and the picking of the computer are the same. There's no difference at all, because the ... probability isn't a matter of technique. Yeah, yes, none, yes. we > o> Dw > B. It's a question of luck. 26 Selection 3 . Right. There are people who aren't convinced. They tell you the ... the ... that for them to take from the computer is better. Because, they tell you, that these numbers they put them in the computer. They didn't appear now, they may come another time. Everyone has ... it's, as they say, like an obsession. Aha. Everyone obsesses about something. Some of them pick their birthday, for example. Aha. There are those who pick, for example ... there are those, there are those who pick the number of, ah ... the license plate of their car. Aha. So it enters his head. You say this is the license plate of the car. Right. 27 Selection 4 Tourism Vocabulary Verbs xaJJ /imperf yxuJf/ v to enter daar (dirt) /imperf ydiir/ v a. to do, make; /euphem/ to have sex miJ ma?naa -annaa luutii laakin yigdar ydiiraa -ma?a mraa zayy maa -tguul It doesn’t mean that he’s gay, but he can do it [i.e., have sex] with a woman, as they say. b. to put, place c. to cause (so) to do (sth) w-iidiirlik Saleehaa marraat yquullik haa hii fuuft anee yeer nbbiik tarbaah They try to get you to do it. Sometimes he says, “Here it is. I only want you to win.” Jaaf (Suft) /imperf yJuuf/ v to see tallaS /imperf ytallaS/ v a. to issue, publish b. to produce wu-bi-tallaf fii {ilaaj He produces a cure. Nouns & Adjectives taajiir /pl taaJiiraat/ n visa (cf. MSA ta?Jiir} blaad n (pl) counties; country (cf. MSA bilaad(s balad)} Ijabal I?axdar n /prop/ Green Mountain region in eastern Libya hilw adj sweet; nice, good irruumaan n /prop/ the Romans; Rome madhar /pl madaahar/ n sight, view qasd n intention, meaning finuu qasdik bi-zzabt What exactly do you mean? mayya n water; liquid {cf. MSA maa?) mandar /pi manaadar/ n sight, view haadaa (haadaa) pronoun /demonstrative/ this (ms) ilyuunaan n /prop/ the Greeks; Greece Other Words & Phrases aslan ( ?aslaa) adv a. totally, completely b. originally; primarily la?inna huwwaa -?aslan mi -llawwil inta daxalt Ixataa Because it, originally, from the beginning you entered into error. ha- particle future marker used with imperf v 28 Selection 4 bahdaa (bahdaa) prep opposite, in the face of w-bass hnee munaddmiin kull xiima talgaa?iyyan talgaa ba-hdaahaa giddaamhaa taawla But here they are organized. You automatically find a table in front of every tent, before it. {cf. MSA bi-hidaa?i} zimaan 1. adv /also min zmaan/ long ago, a while ago 2. 7 a.time (temps, Zeit, tiempo) b. olden days, bygone times talgii -naas Ilii ybiifuu Sa-luutaa ybiifuu -fi -Ixudra zayy zmaan fii liibya You find people selling on the ground, selling vegetables like the olden days in Libya. mazbuut 1. adv exactly right, correct 2. adj exact {cf. MSA madbuut} yanii invariable interjection that is ... (Note: speakers often use this expression as a more or less neutral placeholder in much the same way as English speakers use the phrase "you know.") Saadatan (Saada) adj usually, normally yariiba invariable interjection How strange! lamma_ conj when; whenever lamma tgaatil naas bi-duun haqq w-bi-duun kadaa when you fight people without justification and without such and such law (loo) conj if (Note: not limited to contrary-to-fact statements) 29 Selection 4 issyaaha Paradise closed? Despite all that Libya has to offer the soul yearning for natural beauty and historical grandeur, here we learn that our hopes for a Libyan get-away will, for the moment, be disappointed. A. baahii baahii wi-lqitaa? issyaahii Jinuu? fii maa fiih fiih ihtimaam b- issyaaha wallaa maa fiiJ? qasdii maa fiiJ suwwaah halba yjuu I-blaad? ?aa? B. issiyaaha slan mamnuufa. A. mamnuufa? B. mamnuufa liibyaa tabSan maSruufa. A. yariiba haadii kiif kiif issyaaha mamnuufa? B. liibyaa yxuJfilhaa Ilaa taafiiraat' Samal. laakin maa fiif taafiiraat siyaaha leehaa. A. saa .... B. min zimaan huwwa qaanuun mtall{a haadaa ?iih. laakin li-kawnaa ?amaakin siyaahiyya lamaakin ssyaahiyya mitwaffra fii liibyaa. min ?ahsin, min ?arwaf | ... mantagat mantagqat ljabal I?axdar haadii fiih waahad kaatib” mif Saarif® maSruuf kaatib Saleehaa min ?ahsin ilmanaatiq fii Jamaal ?afriiqyaa. A. mazbuut laa mazbuut. B. haadii lammaa tfuufhaa wi-dzuurhaa Imantaqa mtaaf Ijabal laxdar. 30 Selection 4 . Paha. . fiflan rawfa. tfuuf ilaataar haadii* mtaaS fahhaat haadii Ili baniihum miJ Saaruf | ... lyuunaan wallaa | .... . Paha. . ?irruumaan w-miJ Saarif haajaat ?ah ya%nii hadaaraat qadiima laakin hilwa mumtaaza jiddan fil .... . Wi-Ixumis maa tansaa/J ilxums hattaa hiyya fiih aataar mumtaaza. . fi-lxumus? . w-bafdeen . ?uu-fin ismahaa subraata. . Wi-ttilmuuta yaSnii ?aJyaa haajaat li ... fiflan w-mun yeer il?aataar haadii Iqadiima ttabiifa mtaS Ijabal I?axdar. . ?aa wil... yeah .... . haa@ii mantagat suusa Ilii tajmai madaahar ttabiifa kullaa> talgaa fiihaa tuuf ilbahar wi-tfuuf | ... ijjball® wi-tfuuf | ... yaSnii haajaat maa twaffarf fii fii ? ... fii 7ayy mantaqa yaSnii talgaa Saadatan haadii haajaat naadra nna tfuuf Ibaharr wi-jjball u-mif Saaraf wi-rrimaal wi-lhaajaat kullhaa talgaa maf bafadhaa fii mandar waahad. wil .... . ziidilaa’ Saamil ijjaw. . W-ijjaw eeh ?u-yabaat ya‘nii fiflan ? ... 7amaakin siyaahiyya ?anee fufit yaSnii bad dduwil issyaahiyya Ilii hiyya mafhuura w-maruufa fi-ssyaaha 31 Selection 4 zayy taww yuyuzlafyaa ?aw zayy .... A. tuunis? B. ?uu-zayy hattaa tuunis aa .... A. ?agrab miitaal tuunis Ili bahdaanaa® hnee. B. ?uu-masar w ... w ... lyunaan fal ... mantagt iljabal I?axdar haadii. A. ?aha. B. law inna ydiiruu law inna yaSnii yxa ... yaStuuhaa nafs idruuf illii {atoohum li-dduwil haadii ssyaahiyya. A. ?aha. B. mif ha ... mif ha-yjiibuu? mfaahaa haaja. A. mazbuut. B. mif ha-yjiibuu mSaahaa haaja. A. yeer wa wa .... B. |-anna fiflan hattaa 1 ... mmayya haadii wi-tfuuf noof min hiyya zayy 1 .. ffallaal haadaa mtaf darna w-Jallaalaat uxraa syiira ya‘nii f ... fiflan qimmat 1 A. ljamaal? B. qimmat iljamaal haadii. 32 Selection 4 Notes: 1. There is a tendency in most of the dialects for internal and final hamzas to be omitted or changed into yaazs (the latter especially in the cases of broken plurals and the active participles of hollow verbs of Form I) cf. MSA taariix (history). 2. waahad kaatib: The dialects tend to use a circumlocution such as this, whereas in MSA kaatib by itself would be sufficient. 3. In situations where the subject is unidentified, like here, it is frequently the speaker. 4. In most of the dialects the demonstrative is placed after a defined noun. This is contrary to MSA, where haadihii ‘l-?aaéaar would be the more common sequence. 5. Note that -aa sometimes serves as the feminine singular suffix pronoun, although kullhaa is not uncommon. iim is often treated like a "sun" letter with the definite article. 7. ziidilaa: Note that in Libyan, as in many of the dialects, the middle vowel of hollow verbs is not shortened in the imperative (cf. MSA zid lahuu). 8. There is a tendency in some situations for Sayn to transform into haa?. 9. The ha- prefix on an imperfect verb emphasizes futurity; see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:376-78. This construction is, as here, negated by the particle mif. 33 Selection 4 dal! dally pladal bal ab 854 ala! pUballs pals al Soi SOLU Mga Cole Clypw had Ls ceed Shs Vy vie gine Sua! dali! $e pine Lag yas Leak Lined Le gine She gine Lalu! GS GS oda Lad Ud als lt Gta le GS lee lis YIU ia Ll vl SLAY) alien GSU US SI GS GI Nia dale 6559 ga G5 Ge Vide WN gl ye ueel Ge a 58 Baste all! US Gg yee Gy le Ghee GIS ually Coa ode 57! asl Gib, a Lai pal Ja (pa GEL Gua! ye Ugalde vb garde Yb pads ee uall pies iil Lay 9559 pigs U ode -4al Ble tes ply pl ods laut pis ode UY) G55 dey) a we WY, GU gall. 34 Selection 4 -4al Ail Byles Byle GS dqsd ol lide piss ol clale jle Ges Glog II ve Jab lan “Bilas GI ob oe in Sued! tla Le Guadlly J poesia) ee Aas | ees (greed oearape al Taal oda GUY! 2 Gey ed Solele Lidl pi Gaalby epee Luall ¢ is toys! vee Yeah nw Hy ot iS Cpa HLS GIS Te abl als Goes UI Lunges Vibe oda aA Le LaLa pits nN phy eal. NI yt pa Ol BjuG aL gle oka Le GAG pias Libs gl a | gi AG US Slabs JL ly Gjbe Gey Leal po 5 vaaly phe ci day Onda ‘ji coli 4 sgall bole ag oak hy GE LI Gale SLI Db gi LL GI sally Ns pb Talend! pb Lay pany Boy ptis gm Gl Gall! Jal coos Bg! LabDLead ge 35 Selection 4 Sous oo ha Bldg GU) ad 5 Js O53! veda ped ¥I ual Gibie SLs GL gall. gee y peony tal el a5 BU Guts Logs sla... a wae oF st Nye ol ot alu! oda yall pa shel «al Aa Ugrs Npapee Ghee Ge Aras Eales Iynnene Ue wg gone LEN NN gs ot Oe G58 yy oda ola... NI aa he oY coord Lab hed ob ping Byadee GyAl oYDLby Gysglis baa § Jleall vob Slat Ua 36 Selection 4 > 2 > m > PP ep > wpe > w opm Tourism Right, right. The tourism sector, what about it? Is there interest tourism or no? I mean, aren't there many tourists who go to the country? Right? Tourism is totally prohibited. Prohibited? Prohibited, Libya, of course, is well known. That's something strange! How, how can tourism be prohibited? Only [people with] work visas can enter Libya. As I said, there are no tourist visas for it. Corr .... For a long time, this is a law he came out with, yes. But as tourist places. Tourist places are numerous in Libya. Among the best, among the most splendid of .... This area, the area of the Green Mountain. There's a writer, I don't remember his name, he's well known. He wrote about it that it's one of the best areas in North Africa. Exactly, yes, exactly. This, when you see it and visit it, the area of the Green Mountain. Aha. Really, it's wonderful, you see the ruins of Cyrene (Shahhat) the builder of which, [I] don't know ... the Greeks or the .... Aha. ... Romans, I don't know, things, ahh, you know, ancient cultures, but [they're] sweet, really very excellent. Alkhums. Don't forget Alkhums. It also has excellent ruins. In Alkhums? And what's its name? Sabratah. And Ptolemais (Tolmetha), you know, things, things. Yes, really and [even] without these ancient ruins, there is the natural splendor of the Green Mountain. Yes, and the ... yeah .... This is the area of Susah (Apollonia), which brings together all of the natural sights. You find them. You can see the sea and you can see the ... the mountain and you can see the ... you know, things which aren't 37 Selection 4 available in, in, in any [other] area, you know. You usually find, these are rare things, that you can see the sea and mountains and I don't know, and the sand and all of these things. You find them together in a single scene and Furthermore .... A. B. And the A. Add to it the factor of the weather? B. And the weather, yes, and the forests, you know, really, ahh ... tourist places. I saw, you know, some tourist nations which are now famous and well-known for tourism, like Yugoslavia [!] now or like .... A. Tunisia? B. Or even like Tunisia here, ah .... A. Yes, the closest parallel is Tunisia, which is right by us. B. And Egypt and ... and ... Greece, so the ... this region of the Green Mountain. A. Yes. B. If they do, if, you know, they ... they [i.e., the Libyan government] would give it the same circumstances which [other governments] gave to these tourist nations. A. Aha. B. They won't ... they won't bring with them anything. A. Exactly. B. They won't bring with them anything. A. Except .... B. Really because even the ... this water and you can see a type of it, like the ... this waterfall of Darah and other small waterfalls, you know ... really the'pinnacle of .... A. Beauty? B. This pinnacle of beauty. 38 Selection 5 An Old Lady Vocabulary Verbs jaab (jibt) /imperf yjiib/ v a. to bring, carry b. to produce maa tabbiiS djiib tuful She doesn’t want to produce children; zmaan talgaa daayraa -ma?a mraa baaJ yjiib wuld biss Long ago, you find him doing it with a woman only to produce children. ¢. to pay taa tjiib b-sittiin sabSiin duulaar Of course, you pay sixty or seventy dollars. {cf. MSA idiom jaa?a bi-} ree /imperf yra/ v to see {cf. MSA ra?aa} rawwah /imperf yrawwah/ v a. /intrans/ to go (home), return b. /trans/ to send (so) home tla /imperf yitlaS/ v a. to come out, go out, appear b. to take after, come out like taflat Ibint lummhaa A daughter takes after her mother (proverb). Stee /imperf yaSti/ v to give {cf. MSA aStaa} itfarraj /imperf yitfarraj/ v to watch (Sal sth) faat (futt) imperf yfuut/ v to elapse issana illii faatit last year gree /imperf yagra/ v a. to read b. to be educated ¢, to study loo taSraf talib yagraa -f -georgetown If you know a student who studies at Georgetown gaimiz /imperf yga‘miz/ v to sit aahsin ngaYmiz fi -lhoof nkassid w-nitfarrjlii {a -ttalfizyoon My favorite thing is to sit at home, relax, and watch television. nakkat /imperf ynakkit, ynakkat/ v to make jokes yiJruu fii tmaataamaat w-meerendaa jjmaa?a ynakktuu Saleehum [The Egyptian workers] used to buy tomatoes and a Mirinda [an orange-flavored carbonated soft drink]. The people used to make fun of them. habbal /imperf yhabbil/ v to act or talk like a crazy person ittafad (ie@afad) /imperf yittafad/ v to take (sth) as a lesson {cf. MSA ittafaza} Nouns & Adjectives ?uutuubiis French (uttuubiis) /pl ?uutuubiisaat/ n bus inti pronoun you (fs) tisal_ adj and n nine tafbaan adj ill, sick; tired 39 Selection 5 talfizyoon n television jaayy adj /active participle of jee/ coming hoof /pl ahyaaf/ n house, home {cf. MSA hawS} raadyuu Eng 1 radio raay /pl ?aaraa/ n opinion, view {cf. MSA ra?y} ruuh- pronoun a. /with suffix pronoun/ him, her, etc.]-self b. b- ruuh ... /with suffix pronoun/ by (him, her, etc.]-self Juyul /pl aSyaal/ n a. work, employment, job lannak inta iddawwar fii Sfuyul mif idduur iffuyul iidawwur fiik Because you have to look for a job; a job will not look for you. b. place of employment mfJall adj lame, crippled {cf. MSA muJall} ?aSzuuza (?aSzuuz) n old woman {cf. MSA Sajuuz} muyrub n evening (cf. MSA mayrib} mraa (maraa, ?imra?a) /pl nsaawiin/ n woman {cf. MSA ?imra?a} miskiin /pl msakiin/ adj unfortunate, poor hiyya miskiina laa tibbiif laa lwuld w-laa -Ibint haadii, waahad iytasabhaa, fhamit? She's unfortunate. She doesn't want a son or daughter. This one, someone raped her, understand? nafra_n news broadcast (on radio or televsion) haadaaka (haadaaka) pronoun /demonstrative/ that (ms) haaduu (haaduu) pronoun /demonstrative/ those (pl) hadiika (hadiika) pronoun /demonstrative/ that (fs) mahbuul /pl mhaabiil / adj and n crazy bnawiit yimfuu -zeyy Imhaabiil Saraayaa fi -{Jwaara® girls walking like crazy people, naked, in the streets muuduuS (muuduut) /pl muwadiiS/ n subject, topic {cf. MSA mawduuS} yoom /pl ayyaam, iyyaam/ n day {cf. MSA yawm} Other, Words & Phrases xalaas invariable interjection /and w-xalaas/ that's it rabbii_ interjection my Lord Sa prep /with following definite article/ on, above (cf. MSA Salaa} Saadii adv as usual, ordinarily maa -faadJ invariable or conjugated (ma SaatJ, ma SaaJ) v no longer, not any longer, not again {cf, MSA idiom maa Saada} mafruud invariable (mufruud3) adv should wa-laakin gaal mafruud ?inna hiyya maa tujludJ giddam nnaas “But,” he said, “she shouldn’t be flogged in front of people.” 40 Selection 5 bookkul adv a. very, thoroughly mandar jamiil bookkul a very beautiful sight b. /with negation/ at all maa -fiif farag bookkul There's no difference at all. {cf. MSA bi-kullin} mumkun_ invariable (mumkin) adv perhaps, maybe; it's possible (Note: unlike MSA and some other dialects, it may be used with any tense of verb.) w-mumkun ha-ylawwhuu mumkun ha-yugutluu They may throw it away. They may kill it. Imuhumm invariable adv anyway Imuhumm ahamm Jeyy thaawil lammaa tjii wi-tga‘miz yaa -hbayyib mif ha-talgaa -hattaa -haaja Anyway, the most important thing is that you try. When you go and sit, you won't find anything at all. 41 Selection 5 Sazuuza kbiira jis is a continuation of the third text, "Once I Got Three Together." Wonderment over the oddity of the occurrence described leavens A's regret over missing the chance to cash in on millions. A. ?anee saaratlii haadita, haadii maa nnsahaajJ fi-ttariix fi-Ifamaliyya haadii. ssana llii faatit' kunt raakub fii lutubiis, kwayyis? mrawwah il-hooJ. w-kaant fii mraa hikkii n ... Sazuuza” kbiira bass kaant zayy maa dguul miskiina haalithaa tafbaana bokkul hwayijaa m ... mJallta whaw ... w-faSarhaa zayy maa dguul mif mnaddim u ... zayy maa dguul ahnee nsammuu fiihum zayy maa dguul {al ... fii ... mumkun? mahbuula mumkun mriiéa mumkun ... Imuhumm taSbaana haalathaa miskiina. kunt mga‘miz Saadii nagraa f-jariida w-nasma‘ fi-rraadyuu mtaa‘ii fil ... fii lutubiis Sindii rraadyuu mtaaf Ilii nhitt Salii raasii haadaa w-nisma’. kaant dguul dguul fii raqum thabbil tkallim fii ruuhhaa, laakin kaant dguul tisfa tlaaéa ?arbSa, tis'a @laaga ? ... dguul hikkii. wi-nnaas maa fiiJ walaa waahad ihtamm matalan Jinuu maa thabbil haadii tisYa tlaata ?arbSa. ?idguul tista @laaba ?arb{a tisfa ... tkallim fii ruuhhaa, tkallim fii, aubhaa wu-mJee Imuuduut. ittaanii yoom* rawwa ... rawwa ... lammaa jaayy li-ffuyul, jaayy li-fJuyul. xdeet jariida, greethaa® w-yeera mif Saarif Jinuu walaa htammeet wallaa haaja. rawwaht I-hoof fi-lmuyrub nafs haadaa taanii yoom tawwaa, nitfarrij {a-ttalfizyoon kammilt talfizyoon® jit innafra ba‘deen j ... jaabuu larqaam mtaf | ... Ilatrii” haadii. rraqm Ilii dguul fii limraa haadaaka tla{ raabih. B. fi... f ... [tongue clicks] 42 Selection 5 . fin raayik? . fiSlan haadii ... . _ka-?annhaa kaanat zayy maa dguullii rabbii hikkii gaalilhaa, yaa m ... ?intii yaa mraa ?im/Jii nibbii naStiik riisaala li-nnaas haaduu baalk waahad minhum yittafid bihaa. walaa waahad ittafad. . fiflan w-allaahii. haaja maa haaja miJ miS Saadiyya. . haadii hattaa tnakkit marra marra nee nnakkit {a-ssikirteera hnee Sandii fi-SJuyul gatlii® haadii gallii maa gatlii maa jit/ ilSazuuz marra taanya gutlaa w-ma‘a min haadaaka lyoom w-alla maa Saad reethaa. [laughs] . maa SaadJ m ... xalaas maa lgiithaa maa fiif walaa yoom ree ... reethaa fii luttubiis. mumkun rabbii jit hadaaka lyoom biss. law mafruud anee Sarafthaa lanna Janna lanna nee narkub fii lutubiis kull yoom, laa hadiika Wazuuz maa djiiJ bokkul. jit illaa Imarra hadiik. . Yariiba fiflan w-allah. . haadii maa ninsahaaJ. . Yariiba mazbuut haadii. . 2a [inaudible utterance]. . la?inna gutlik ilfamaliyya hiyya Samaliit hadd. Samaliyya, hadd ya‘nii. 43 Selection 5 Notes: 1. ssana Ilii faatit. This circumlocution, with slight variations, is the way "{the] last year" is commonly expressed in the Arabic dialects (cf. MSA al-sana al-maadiya). 2. It will become clear that Libyan ignores the rather complex set of rules supposedly governing the use of the feminine suffix on adjectives of the faSuul pattern in Classical Arabic (see, for example, W. Wright, A Grammar of the Arabic Language, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1967), 1:185). 3. In cases such as this in Libyan, it is safest to regard mumkun (cf. MSA mumkin) purely as an adverb (perhaps, maybe, etc.), and not as a "preverb" or adjective. 4. ittaanii yoom (the next day): See S. Badawi and M. Hinds, A Dictionary of Egyptian Arabic (Beirut, 1986), 140, sv éaanii, no. 3. In this instance, the definite article appears to be a pleonasm. The construction taanii yoom used a few lines later is more common. 5. Note the Libyan conjugation of verbs which in MSA have a final hamza; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:330-31. 6. {a-ttalfizyoon: Notice the abbreviation of the preposition falaa before the definite article. 7. Le., “lottery.” 8. gatlii (also see gutlik later in the selection): Notice the omission of the Jaam from the basic verb form of qaal (cf. MSA qaalat lii). 44 Selection 5 Boo yee woke abel! 63 AL a BAL Le od le lt He C52 Some S sgt! ga OSI) GAS eSLG UI Gul! p85 Le (55 AS Guy BAS Syme 3 Sa Biya! i ailSy (3 Byatg i gay Gib e oalge JS Gls Galle TS S985 Ls (65 peed ped Gad J yH Le 55 gy pe te Jy TLS pel San Lads ype San Up agn See Geb e SI de ok ts Be gd 1 gle jee oS Es Galle Baas lll ple gual dl sake Guang gT pd dl pt pele gual II eB SS Le els pb SBS Up BS LS gaesy Ia pal gle yds 1 SS Das Las! Ed Cos J gid Gils OS yay, Haas oe Jags Le pit he pal saly Py had lLe Lilly Sa PISS lpn gph ISS oo aad | OD Gas Jy Ly! Wee gy 9a poe AGI! gregh pte y Leas s gt IS Leas Gt sek Giles ody USI pF Baye OAS) JEAU ole RAUL foe gol Na ads Gal ga ya cay, dale Vy crctal Ys vee Gate BAAN Sele G52 HG GLS O52 5A! gle Gd NS Bi ab Sys GU AB cok gpl... I pis PLAS YI Iya eels ebb alia [tongue clicks]... a... pd Sabi Qs A 45 Selection 5 + 03d Mad Bi pal Ly Sd a La Lg LLG Sm gy gd pd Le 55 culls Yl Up beats pgs sally UL oF 5e LU Ubu, chieas as pire! Bas! sally Y 9 ule Ghee Ge QL LL Wy Sha ob otic Ga 325 Sud! ple SGI LI 8 8s SG Li ode GAG bys jy eel! ela Ls J I Ld JUG oad ot JI Ugai yale Ls Uy @ gal Sle oe Qo Yd cal [laughs] web STS Ts pe hg hag Le GS Le old os tule Le Upaaye GI a5 pie st cus pga Hida cele poy OSes es! La by pet data Yess JS Gases 9¥l pt S53 GI OY OY OY volta BAY ely JS hint Uy heb Le woblaluas Le oka veda byude Lyd [incomprehensible utterance] oi vty Ba alee ba Clee gt Cabal cl oY 46 Selection 5 >> es An Old Lady I, an event happened to me. This, I'll never in history forget it, this matter. Last year I was riding the bus, right? I was returning home. There was some kind of woman ... a very old woman. But she was, as they say, unfortunate. Her state was very sorry. Her clothes ... lame and ... her hair was, as they say, disordered and ... as they say, we call them, as they say ... maybe "crazy," maybe "sick," maybe .... Anyway, sick, her state was unfortunate. I was sitting as usual, reading the newspaper and listening to my radio on the ... on the bus. I have a radio which, which I put on my head. I was listening. She was saying, saying a number. She was babbling like a crazy person, talking to herself. But she was saying, "Nine, three, four, nine, three, ah She was saying that, while none of the people, not one of them, paid attention to, for example, what she was babbling, this "nine, three, four." She was saying, "Nine three, four, nine ...” she was talking to herself, talking to herself. I forgot about it. The next day when I was going to work, going to work, I took the newspaper and read it, etc. I don't know what, and I wasn't paying attention or anything. In the evening I returned home, the same thing. The next day, now I was watching television. I finished [what I was watching on] television. The news came on. Later on ... they brought the lottery numbers. The number which that woman said, that one came out the winner. Re ... re ... [tongue clicks] . What do you think? Really this .... It's as if she were saying to me, lord, in this way He said to her ..., "You, wo ..., You, woman, go forth. I want to give you a message to these people. Perhaps one of them will take advice her." No one took the advice. Really, by God. Something, something not, not very normal. This one, you can even make a joke of it. Once, once I was joking with the secretary here, near me at work. She said to me, this one, [s]he said to me, “Didn't ..." she said to me, “Didn't the old lady come again?" I told her, "By God, I no longer saw her.” [laughs] 47 Selection 5 A. "No longer,” mmm ... that's all. I didn't encounter her even one [more] day. I ... I [didn't] see her on the bus [before]. Probably, by God, she came that day alone. Now, I should have known her because, because, because I ride the bus everyday. No, that woman doesn't come at all. She did [not] come except that time. That's really odd, by God. This [event], I can't forget it. How very odd that is! Ah [inaudible utterance]. DP we > w Because I told you, this matter is a question of luck. A question of luck, you know. 48 Selection 6 The Climate Vocabulary Verbs bdee /imperf yabda/ v a. to begin b. /as auxilliary/ to begin to daff /imperf ydiff/ v to push saal /imperf yasal/ v to ask {cf. MSA sa?ala} Sann_ irregular conjugation fimperf y@innii/ v to believe, think iftabar /imperf yaStabir / v a. /intrans/ to be considered (sth, etc.) b. /trans/ to think, believe, consider (sth to be sth, etc.) yaStibruu ?innum xusruu They think that they lost. Nouns & Adjectives ?ihdaas adj and n eleven ween pronoun a. /interrog/ where b. /relative/ w-f -mantiqa ween fii Imataahaf haadii And in the area where those museums are; miJ fii ween fii Iharak Not where the action is; ween maa wherever ween maa -talgoohm ugutluuhum Wherever you find them, Kill them. « when haadaaka ween yabduu yafthuu humma That is when they begin to open; ween tuhrub when you evade {cf. MSA ?ayna} eef (?eeJ, aaJ, ii) interrog what min eeJ ydiiruu fiihaa What do they make it from? (cf. MSA ?ayyu Jayyi?} basiit adj a. brief, short, small; insignificant b. simple, basic lhayaa zimaan kaanat basiita In the olden days, life was simple. c. /of a person/ simple, idiotic, moronic barnaamaj (birnaamyj) /pl baraamuj, baraamij/ 7 a. thing; plan b. program (television, computer, etc.) Juufthaa fii fii barnaamij Ilii yrammuu haadaa sittuuna daqiiga sixty minutes I saw it on, on the program that they call Sixty Minutes. turban soil, dirt itneen adj and n two (cf. MSA ?ienaani} xatt listiwaa n /prop/ Equator xamas adj and n five dinyaa n a. weather b. world, earth {cf. MSA dunyaa} 49 Selection 6 kadaa (kadaa) 1. pronoun a. this, that b. such and such ?asbaanyaa lammaa tamfiihaa talgaa fiihaa Iqusuur ISarabiyya w-talgaa fiihaa kadaa w-talgaa fiihaa I?afyaa haadii kullhaa Spain, when you go there, you find Arab castles and you find such and such, and you find there all of these things; kadaa -w-kadaa such and such wi-yguul anee kadaa -w-kadaa And he says, “I'm such and such.” 2. adj certain, such-and-such ?ahyaanan iidiiruuh fii mantaga kadaa yantinzil limtar fii mantaqa @aanya Sometimes they do [cloud-seeding] in a certain region and the rain falls in a different area. 3. phrase w-kadaa and so on, et cetera rbiif n spring {cf. MSA rabiit} suwaal (su?aal) /pl asyila/ n question Stee /pl aJyitee/ n winter {cf. MSA Jitaa?} Sahar /pl Shuur/ n month Jwayya 1. n small amount or quantity Jwayyit rutuuba a little humidity; bad Jwayya after a while 2. phrase bi-fwayya slowly 3. adv somewhat hadaaka xaatiir Jwayya That's somewhat dangerous; Imasiif bSiidaa [sic] San Imadiina fwayya The resort is kind of far from the city. seef /pl asyaaf/ n summer {cf. MSA sayf} tiyyaara n airplane {cf. MSA tayyaara} yaaz Eng (gas) n gas (as opposed to solid or liquid) farag (farg) /pl furuugaat/ n difference {cf. MSA farq} gdiim 1. adv long ago 2. adj old, ancient {cf. MSA qadiim} naagas adj scarce, lacking jiiha (jiha) n a. area b. direction {cf. MSA jiha} Other Words & Phrases ?idan adv therefore illii huwwa agrees in gender and number phrase that is, namely yaadii'(Yaadyuu) adv there bi-ttab? interjection Naturally! Of course! Salaaf (Slaaf, 2aSlaaf) 1. interrog why Salaaf nal%b lanna yij bi-blaaf’ Why do I play? Because it gets me drinks for free. 2. conj because Sa -Sumuum phrase in general (cf. MSA Sala ‘I-Sumuum} foog (fuug) 1. adv up, above 2. prep over, on top of {cf. MSA fawqu} 50 Selection 6 maaf (baaJ, naaf) conj a. in order to mihtaajaat li-fluus ?aw li-Jayy maaf iiSiiJuu They needed money, etc., to live; yadffuu -?ayy haaja baaJ yalguu tifil 2aw tifla They'll pay anything in order to find a little boy or girl. b. yeer baaJ merely to nnaas yijuu suwwaah min jamiif | .... jihaat amriikaa kullhaa yeer maaf yjuu li-Washington fi -Iwaahad fi -Imantiqa haadii People come as tourists from every corner of America merely to come to Washington in the thing, in this area. fii wast prep among, in the midst of (cf. MSA fii wasti} b-siifa Yaamma (b-sifa Saamma) phrase in general wi-nnaas b-sifa {aamma yaakluu diimaa fii lahyaaf In general, people always eat in their home. 51 Selection 6 itfags A general description of the Libyan climate which also touches upon the ongoing efforts to produce rain in parched areas. A. Sa-Ifumuum huwwa nee b-nasalik' suwaal al ... finuu | ... tags b-siifa Saamma f-liibyaa? ?aStiinaa wasf hikkii basiit li-ttaqs f-liibyaa. B. mi gitlii Saayif* fii California? inta mJeet |-California? A. ?aha. B. nafs iffayy nafs ijjaww xuda maa fii [incomprehensible utterance] .... A. taraa Stiinaa® wasf lii? B. maa fiif farag talgaa fi-sseef [incomprehensible utterance] dinyaa saaxna w-fi-{Jtee sagaS u-mtarr w ... wu-rrbiif talgaahaa dinyaa mnuwwra w ... nafs ilbarnaamaj maa fiiJ a ... maa fiif farg yanii beenaathum bokkul. A. ?aha. B. haadaa | ... jjaww mtaf liibyaa yaadi. maa yixtiliff halba. yixtalif sahh min mantiga I-mantiga matalan fi-Ijinuub li-{famaal, wa-laakin Saammatan yafnii yuhkum Saleeh bil ... bi-lbahar Imutawasst. A. lharaara ween murtafia ?aktar? B. fii jiiht jinuub tabSan talgaa diimaa ddinyaa yaadii saaxna. A. SalaaJ? fin lasbaab? B. w-allaahii maanii* Saaraf laakin baalik Iii .... 52 Selection 6 . mantiga sahrawiyya mumkun | ...? . sahrawiyya sahiih hiya ... sahrawiyya. w-baSdeen maa fiihaaf haaja bi-tlattif darjit lharaara ya‘nii Ibahar wallaa Jayy maa fiiJ. . ?aa Paha . baahii? wi-ffayy e¢aanii giriiba hattaa yaStbir I... |... jiht jnuub taStabir giriiba min 1 ... xatt listiwaa haadaa wallaa -J iisimmuu fii. . Paha, . fa... diimaa saaxna jjiiha hadiika. baah aamtaa tabdaa Ifusuul bi-zzabt matalan fasl isseef aamtaa yabdaa bi-zzabt? . sseef n ... yabdaa min Jahar xamsa sitta.® . Paha. . xamsa sitta. . baah. . bi-zzabit 2aah. . ?aha wil ... wi-lamta .... . tlaata Shuur. . wWi-l?amtaar? . taabdaa min Jahar § ... ?ihdaaf ... li-Jahar itneen hikkii. . Paha fii... 53 Selection 6 B. tlaaga. A. fiih amtaar halba wallaa maa fiiJ? B. laa baahii fa-w-allaahii Sal ... ssanawaat fii sanawaat djii mtaar w-fii sanawaat maa jjiiJ. A. ?aha. B. bass taitbir naagsa yaSnii limtarr. Am... B. tuStabir naagsa la?inna hyaanan talgaahum iidiiruu hattaa fii ziraaSat ssuhub u-baraamuj zayy haadii. A. ziraafat suhub? B. m. A. finuu haadaa Ima ... maJruu$ ibduu daruu yaadii wallaa Jinuu? B. fii mafruut gdiim tabSan huwwa .... A. taraa Stiinaa Salee fikra w-allaahi maa Sandii Salee fikra, finuu Iga ... bi-zzaby? B. haadaa fibaara fan a ... fiih noo min ismaah noof min a ... 1 ... w-allaahii manii Saaraf huwwa mif ... mif yaaz mif a ... Imuhumm min ha-Imawaadd haadii. A. Sunsur? guul nsammuu Sunsur. B. waahad min ha-Ianaasir® h A. maadda maadda ?aha maadda ?aha. 54 Selection 6 . mif Saarafhaa Imuhumm fiihaa Ikey w ... laakin ... fa-ydiiruu fiihaa |... yistahalbuu fi-ssuhub yaSnii. . aha. . talgaah iifajjruu fiihaa fii wast ssuub. . baah. . tatlaf tiyyaara foog zayy rrsaasaat humma w-iifajjruu fiihum f-wast ssuhub. . Paha. - maaJ ii ... ?andinnii miJ maaJ ijjammSuuhum yaSnii maf ?ida ... yaSnii yistahalbuu fi-ssuhub yaSnii laakin tafaasiila ImafruuS mif Saarfa bi-zzabit. . baahii w-baSdeen kiif a ... tmattur? . tmattir tabfan. ?ijamm{oohaa ssuhub tijjammaf li-bafadhaa bil ... Ihaaja haadii zayy ISunsur haadaa ydiffuu fi . aha. . biinaathum rsaasaat iitilguu fiihum. . ?ah w-haadii ?aamt .... . tmattir ah. . ?aamtaa daruuhaa haadii? . gidiim Swayya wallah. . om, . Xamsa sitt siniin heekkii. 55 Selection 6 A. ?aa w-allaahii daaruu {laa manaatiq muSayyna mafnaata. B. ?eeh. A. wallaa fii mantiga Ilii ybbuu y ... tinzil fiihaa limtarr. B. huwwa tabfan I-control maa ygdruff ii... yaSnii ahyaanan idiiruuh fii mantaga kaéaa yan ... tinzil limtaar fii mantaqa taanya. A. ?aha. B. bass iihaawluu nna humma tabSan y ... yaSnii 2addaa nataayij kwayysa tigdar dguul. A. ?aa, ?addaa nataayij? B. ?aah, daar nataayij kwayysa. A. saar fii manaatiq ziraaSiyya istafaadit mil ... JJayy haadaa? B. fiih ?aah, huwwa Sibaara San suhub iij ... taqriiban lammaa tkuun xa ... n... fiih anwaaf min issuhub yigdruu yistahalbuuhaa yafnii bi-ttariiga haadii mif 2ayy suhub ?aw ?ayy haaja. A. ?aha. B. fa-ydiirun fihaa yaSnii. A. kwayyis w-allaahii. B. m, fa-I?amtaar naagsa yaSnii ?ahyaanan djii naagsa maa fiiJ amtaar. A. ?aha. B. w-?ahyaanan talgaahaa marr w .... A. in hiyya ?aynaa .... 56 Selection 6 . tikfii. . fin hiyya ?aynaa manaatiq mta$ mtaar matalan ?aynaa ma ... ?aynaa manaatiq Ilii ssubb fiihaa limtaar 2aktar ma@alan? . w-allaahii daa?iman Imantaga JJarqiyya taqriiban ?ah, farg liibyaa yaStabir. . aha Ilii hiyyaa mantaqt iljabal laxgar w-yeerah. . ?aah. . m. . haadii ?akear mantaga [incomprehensible utterance]. . ?aha, ?ian haadii taftabir mantiga zira ... ziraaiyya muhimma? . bi-ttabY aa. . Paha. . mantaqa hayya w-mantaga a ... mumtaaza jiddan a ... fiihaa ?amtaar w-fiihaa kull ya‘nii lhaajaat mitwaffra fiihaa mta{ zziraafa w-fiihaa turba kwayysa w-fiihaa kull Jayy. . aha. . ?ahsin mantaga taStabir ziraaSiyya fii liibyaa. ._kwayyis. . llii hiyya mantiqat iljabal l?axdar haadii. 57 Selection 6 Notes: 1. b-nasalik: Unlike some other dialects, e.g., Egyptian, the bi- prefix in Libyan does affect the meaning of imperfect verbs; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:373. 2. For the active participle in the sense of the perfect verb, see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:146-48. 3. It will be noticed that, in the imperative, the final vowel of verbs ending in waaw or yaa? is often not shortened; cf. M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:382. 4. M. Nydell notes that, when this construction is used without the suffix -/ (ie., in contrast to the more ordinary form maaniif), it is emphatic (1:308). 5. fahar xamsa sitta (the month of five [or] six, ie., May or June): This form of reference to the months is based on the Wester calendar. 6. ha-Ifanaasir. According to M. Nydell, the invariable demonstrative ha[a]- preceding a noun indicates impatience; Libyan and Tunisian, 1:222. 58 Selection 6 wih! Rls ud SY gh I ge UI pau eM LI ga pgentl le I shag pi Gui boas SO cinoy Lie! Sid pi Lobe $Califomia I cutie 25! California s le woli te -4al A incomprehensible utterance] iad Le 03d gall uid tpl! Gud SU dey libeligs i ghey glint py Gb Lis inal i oli Gp BL La I pe Le gal pall Gud oy Bugs Lats LEG Qa ly. SS pee le God td ali Oe ee A be Le gl Le pls gall NI Habe Say ping Lae GU y SLAW Gyigll go is Tibi Tibi anny pally. Ly § ASI 4ai5 ye Gul B5I yall J HGsbe golt Gaul LeSls Gi Lab Gytall Ge gi Slaw gad Fhe A vo UML SI GE LIL ly 59 Selection 6 Sie Ml See Ley! paue Libis GbE Ge tlt Gases -“slpae. a ee byline _- dL Vy pall pias Ball ia 5s al oi costal tps do tee ae Ded SLI aly sya ad Nps Ceol Vy Mm ol ye LS I pe Gag yd aes al velsta dgall Abu Lethe... Vang Ge peel! fee es balls Jy eet 145 gi aly Shae wR Leek gh ope bags. 3 deal tal gala 60 oi bul ws Une ly... dy cal sgseds Tod $ Weal oS SI ppl athe ual I ge oe 18 60 Selection 6 Gb Shed le Vy le bebe i ges hal gh oly gi lye WI ple Wy a Gal YG wt bb oly ali vob! pies Lee pe gus Wes 5 pi ge Wyss pal Gla! oY Getl pies 2048 655 eels Somuielsy si Ssh Vy gale oy sls osisy gy pte. Miia gu vo gM abet se ype Gh 1 vee EID gus 3 Sa Cle (guie Ls Uly 85a Cite Ebel G5 A Shaall ol srrrhr™—™Lrrr——“i*FestltLLLlLlL od Sl gLI La Sys pg... | Gtke SLE Gtke Ge yp iy spuade opeums JG Spore 61 Selection 6 veo ealial LA ye aly 4a! babe al Buble due Vgpbe nus WI Ugad y sated OSI... 5 key Upad ght Lea jle Gino sagt mall gd tal von day ood Lad Iy pady ols cals cep boy ot pgad ype pd obele SI 65 gsi 3 Lb lbs 4al Vyaba ens pins. ol te pias payee tle ts bl. tle heal, Le he gy tll eels GU pies all gi 6 plead os FHS ats egal (55 058 Zabel... SL Ueda poe od! Layenes Leak phat vee Cab yds 13a peo al ceded Igilbs obole, agin vo che olay ol vol yb Soda lay jls ie 62 Selection 6 Uy pba pS Opies cee ue vole Grae GhLis gle oy slo Wyoi oi ol vb Upad L585 a yay Gl dias gay GH Vibes pb oy ny Ghal pay. 3 Shy sais L control ti ab ya HG Gibis ft hall JG. 1s seal A p83 5385 Lana gS GSS (53) git Lab a Ol Isles ee spits sleet lass 8S sleet 1 S138 Cpt. Al pe coclbeal Snel 5 Ghlas gi lei 4b SB 9S U LS. as Ye Bude peel (gh hs ob Tis bly pins Lage a Ny jay aaa ye gt gle gl gl aes any) = wt Ub ls wal y uuagS od 63 Selection 6 Uae! Gad Le Lendl opoh lal pias Leeds UL oe al wg phe WG Lal, as (glll GhLae gael... e hI We Ube! pie GbLin iil pa Gt Soe ASI Ube! Ugad ues vows Goad Gy ol Gg 3s Ga A GA Ladle ly Seay AST Saal Giais oh lll cal si ¢ [incomprehensible utterance] ibis ,3S! oie CHage Gaels 5. 155 Uibade pated oka [il col vol gabtly cal ete SS Upniy gla! Upad... I laa 3 5liee ... | 4Gbiey dun Uibia iets JS Ung dena gS U5 Yay Lol 5 jl ele Yad 3 pays SLI! 64 Selection 6 -4al fll Ged pf Gel pei Tibas Gel oss vohk Bl Jail Gide pe Ul 65 Selection 6 The Climate A. In general, it, I'll ask you a question about .... What is the ... climate in general of Libya? Give us some kind of brief description of the climate in Libya. B. Didn't you say that you lived in California? You went to California? A. Aha. B. The same thing, the same weather, take it, no [incomprehensible utterance] ‘A. I wonder whether you can give us a description of it? B. There's no difference. In the summer [incomprehensible utterance] you find that the weather is hot and in the winter [it's] cold and rainy .... In the spring, you find that it's blossoming. And ... the same thing, there isn't, ah ... there's no difference, you know, between them at all. A. Aha. B. This ... Libyan weather there. It doesn't differ much. Sure it differs from region to region, for example, the south to the north. But in general, you know, it is controlled by ... by the Mediterranean Sea. A. The heat, where is it the highest? B. In the south, of course, you find it, the weather there is always hot. A. Why? What are the reasons? B. Really, I don't know, but perhaps the .... A. A desert region, perhaps the ...? B. Desert, right. It's ... desert. Then there isn't anything to moderate the temperature. You know, the sea or anything else, nothing. A. Yes, aha. B. Right? The second thing, [it's] close. It's also considered the ... the ... the southern region is considered close to the ... the Equator, or whatever they call it. A. Aha. B. So... it's always hot, that region. A. Right, when exactly do the seasons begin? For example, the summer season, when exactly does it begin? B. Summer, ... it starts from May or June. 66 Selection 6 » ep m> z > DP OP DP OPO rP DD pw > > pp ep Aha. May or June. Right. Exactly, ah. Aha, and the ... and the rai Three months. And the rains? They start in the month of ... November until about February. Aha, in .... Three. Is there much rain or no? Yes, right. Really, on ... years, there are years the rain comes and years it doesn't. Aha. But it's considered scarce, you know, the rain. M.... It's considered less, because sometimes you find them doing. There's even seeding of clouds and programs like that. Seeding clouds. M.... What is this, the ... project they began, they did it there or what? There's an old project, of course, it .... I wonder whether you can give me an idea. Really, I don't have an idea. What ... exactly? This consists of, ah ... there's a type of, it's called, a type of, ah ... the ... really, I don't know, it's not, not a gas. It's not ... anyway it's made of these materials. An element? Say, we call it an element. One of those darn elements .... Material, material, aha, material, aha. I don't know what it is. Anyway, it has the key ... but they do it to them. The ... they milk the clouds, you know. Aha. You find it, they explode them in the middle of the clouds. 67 Selection 6 A. Right. B. An airplane goes up. Like bullets, they explode them in the middle of the clouds. A. Aha. B. In order to ... I think not in order to collect them, you know. Not, you know, they milk the clouds, you know, but the details of it, the project, I don't exactly know them. A. Right, anyway, how do these make rain? B. Of course, they make rain. They gather them, the clouds. They are gathered together with ... this thing is like this element. They push .... A. Aha. B. Among them pellets. They shoot them. A. Ah, and this is when B. It makes rain, ah. A. When did they do it, this? B. A while back, by God. A.M... B. Roughly five or six years. A. Aha, really they did it over specific regions, it means. B. Yes. A. Or ina region which they want ... rain to fall in. B. It is, of course, control. They can't ... you know, sometimes they do it in a certain region. It ... the rains fall in another area. A. Aha. B. But they try to, of course ... you know, it produced good results, you can say. A. Aha, it produced results? B. Aha, it made good results. A. So in the agricultural regions, they benefitted from ... this thing? B. There is, ah. It consists of clouds, which ... almost when they are ... there are types of clouds which they can milk. You know, by this method. Not just any cloud or anything. A. Aha. B. So they do them, you know. 68 Selection 6 => >> TPO PD > wD wD wpe > Great, by God. M.... so the rain is scarce, you know. Sometimes it is lacking. There's no rain. . Aha. And sometimes you find rain there and .... . What are the richest rainy regions? For example, the richest ... the richest areas which rain falls in them the most, for example? Really, nearly always the eastern region, ah. Eastern Libya is considered. Aha, it's the region of the Green Mountain, etc. Yes. M.... That's the greatest area [incomprehensible utterance]. Aha, then this is considered an ... important agricultural region? Naturally, yes. Aha. A vital area and a very excellent ... area, ah .... It has rain and it has ... every, you know, agriculture-related things are abundant in it. It has good soil and it has everything. Aha. The best region, it's considered, in terms of agriculture in Libya. Fine. That is this Green Mountain region. 69 Selection 7 The Mountainous Regions Vocabulary Verb itfakkar /imperf yitfakkur/ v to remember; to think about, ponder Nouns & Adjectives Ibahar labyad n /proper/ Mediterranean Sea {Also referred to as Ibahr Imutawassit } buuba Ital (poppa) n breeze aabit (taabit) adj fixed, stable tufbaan (taSbaan) n snake (cf. MSA euSbaan} jmaafa n a. people, group of people b. /in construct/ people connected with jmaafat ttandiifaat the clean-up crews jmal /pl jmaal/ n camel haadir adj present {cf. MSA haadir} rajl (raajil, rajul) /p! rijaal, rijaala/ man zetuun collective (zituun) n /coll/ olives taaza invariable Persian (faazza) adj fresh, tender (cf. MSA taaza or faazaj} mafquul ,adj reasonable mafnaa (/often in constr/ mafnaat) n meaning haaduu b-xamsiin sittiin jneeh, manaah haawaalii SiJriin tlaatiin duulaar They cost fifty or sixty [Libyan] pounds; that is about twenty or thirty dollars. qabiila /pl qabaayil, qabaayal/ n tribe kitra 2 numerousness, great number (of) {cf. MSA kaéra} ksaad n a, stagnation, slackness, slump A. Jin ttambla yaqsud minhaa? B. ?a ttambla ksaad wallaa -1 .... A. ?aa | .... Ifiikoonii qasdik? B. ?allaa w «. Zayyhaa bi-zzabut A. What is "laziness," meant by it? B. Yea, "laziness" is "stagnation." A. Yea ... “sluggishness,” you mean? B. Right, and ... it's exactly the same thing. b. /as a response to "How are you?" etc./ = the same as always mkassid adj a.slack, stagnating (of sales, the economy, etc.) b. dull, unchanging mitir Ital (metro) (miitr, miitruu ) n meter (basic metric unit of length) 70 Selection 7 Other Words & Phrases Jiiwaa (?aywa, ?ayywa, 2aaywa, aywaa) adv yes barraa 1. adv outside 2. interjection Get out! Go! barraa -imJii jiibilham ssfinz Go out! Go get them hushpuppies! 3. phrase w-barraa and so, etc. taa (tii, tee) adv a. /indicating that the statement is obvious/ A. Sindum fi -Ihoof wallaa -kiif wallaa ween iidiiruu B. tab{an fi -lhooJ talgii taa ?aylab innaas talgaa Sandaa tannuur barraa A. Do they have the house, or how? Or where do they make it? B. Of course, you find it in the house. You find, naturally, that the majority of people, you find that they have an oven outside. b. /indicating impatience/ wi-b-surfa yguullii haat taa Stiinii -fluus b-surfa He quickly says to me, “Give! Hurry up and give me money!” hawaalii prep about, approximately {cf. MSA hawaalaa} -f interrog /suffix indicating a rhetorically negative question/ Safwan interjection pardon yeer (yiir) 1. conj nevertheless, but 2. adv only, just, merely mif yeer fi -lislaam fii kull Ikutub ssamaawiyya not only in Islam, in all of the heavenly books; yeer xué I-union station Just take Union Station. yaa conj /correlative/ either ... or zz00z wi-jjawza llii Sindum Saqam yaa min izzooz yaa min ijjawza the husband and wife who had barreness, either from the husband or the wife 71 Selection 7 A succeeds in coaxing some vague remarks from B about the mountainous region around Benghazi where he grew up. A. w-inta min ween, min ?ayy mantiqa? B. ween? A. ?inta fii ?a ... fii liibyaa min 2ayy mantiqa? B. ?ee mi-' jjibal* anee. A. ?aa min Imanaatiq ljabaliyya. finuu Imanaatiq ljabaliyya? fiihaa ziraa‘a halba? B. w-allaahii kwayysa. A. finuu ?anwaaf ?a ... 2a ... fin? ahamm Imahaasiil zziraaSiyya Imuujuuda? B. w-allaahii fiihaa zetuun ... fihaa karmuus fiihaa. A. ?aha. B. Ihaajaat kull haadii fiihaa maa ? .... A. baahii w .... B. [incomprehensible utterance] ak@ar haaja yaSnii zetuun wi-lkarmuus wil A. haadii Imahaasiil rra?iisiyya* qasdik? B. ?aah. 72 Selection 7 2aha, fiif® baSd is jinaaSaat yaadii? . Jwayya, mif halba. sinaSaat xafiifa? . Swayya taa liibyaa kullhaa mkassda yaa raj ?aah? liibyaa kullhaa ksaad laa sinaafaat laa waahad. ?aa guulnaa baalik fii sinafaat yaadii. laa laa hajaat kullhaa basiita jiddan jiddan. ?aha. fiif haajaat ya‘nii. saar ?aylab nn ... 2aylab 1... ?aylab assukkaan yaadii fi-Imantiga Iii fiihaa nta diimaa. m. qasdii 2aylibhum yaStimduu Sa-ISaamil zziiraaii zayy maa dguul. kull annaas. u-yeera w ... bass kwayyis wi-ljaww Jinuu yaadii? traa wsufilnaa Ijaww yaadii Sandik. ljaww mtaS ilbahar labyad tfuufa. 73 Selection 7 A. ?aha finuu? B. fi-{Jtee hoonaa talgaa msaggaf u-fi-sseef talgaa ... ddinyaa saaxna. A. ?aha. B. bass kwayyas yaSnii maSquul ? ... jaww jjbaal diimaa mumtaaz yafnii xeer min .... A. saar .... B. rrutuuba naagsa maa talgaa/J fiih rutuuba. A. jibaal Saalya murtafifa fi-Imantiqa hadiika wallaa .... B. baahii .... A. JSinuu? B. hawaalii sittmiyat mitir taqriiban. A. ?iiwaa. B. sittmiyya xamsmiyya hikkii. A. m'!.. maSnaata fii diimaa ljaww iikuun fiihaa fiihaa baarid jayyid maéalan miJ miJ miJ sagah halba w-miJ ... mulattaf zayy maa dguul. B. ?eeh. xaalii mi-rrutuuba w-kwayyas yaSnii jaww haquul” jiddan. A. aha, yeer nnaas nnaas diimaa matalan diimaa ygaTamzuu barraa. B. talgaahaa diimaa barraa nnaas sahiih. A. ?aha. B. diimaa barraa. 74 Selection 7 . maSnaata Ibuu ... ilbuuba djii tabiitiyya? . djii Saadiyya ?ah, ._kwayyis w-allaa. . taza. . kwayyis. ?aha kwayyis saar ... wi-nnaas kiif iiqadduu f-yoomhum yaadii? . a... Gaadii talgaa yoom ... kulla -aylabiithum Samaluu w-kadaa w .... . aha. . ?uw noomuu. . Paha . maa maa fiiJ baraamij éaabta ?aw haaja. . ?aylabhum fi-lhuquul ?aha kwayyis w-allaahii kwayyis, ?uw ... baahii w-Jinuu fiih mudn griiba yaadii ra?iisiyya maéalan Imantiga haadii ? ... ?akbar madiina rafiisiyya fi-lmantiqa hadiika finuu? . fiihaa a ... fiihaa yiryaan.® . ?aa yiryaan haadii haadii Imadiina rra?iisiyya? . m.... fiihaa yiryaan [incomprehensible utterance]. . jamiila yiryaan haadii | ... ttabiifa Ilii f-yiryaan jamiila jiddan? . fabfan hilwa w ... madiina Saalya w-kwayysa. . Paha. . kbiira. 75 Selection 7 A. wu-tawwaa tturug sallhuuhaa walla wallaa -Igaahaa zayy zmaan lanna nee zmaan haadir iyyaam ?ittariiq j ... Iman ... Imanaadir kaant jamiila jiddan laakn ittariiq kaant® sa%ba xatiira kant zayy maa dguul zayy | ... zayy ittufbaan, min kitrit Iminhadaraat Ili fihaa, wil ... Imu ... Imunarajaat u-yeera, taww sallhuu ttriig daaruu trugg rafiisiyya wallaa gaafda ...? B. sallhuuhaa tirg jdiida wi-kwayysa kullhaa. A. liiwa ... § ... saar taww maa Sat{ fii mufkla waahad yantiqil min a ... min 1... 1... min Iqabaayal |-manaatq issyiira Ilii fi-ljabal haadii. B. ?aha. A. linna hnee zmaan nitfakkar fiih fii mantiqa syiira mni jjbal. maa fiif jjmaafa matalan yaa tamfii Slaa rijleek yaa yaa taaxid wa... 1... 1... zayy maa dguul | ... jjmall wallaa lahsaan. B. ?aha. A. zm... zmaan. B. [tongue clicks] laa sallhoohum ttrug kullum.'° A. saar rabtuuhaa? B. kullaa fiihaa trugg u-kullhaa kwayysa. laa mumtaaza jiddan. A. ?aha. 76 Selection 7 Notes: 1. This is a common dialectal contraction of the preposition min; E. Badawi and M. Hinds, Egyptian Arabic, 809, sv mi-. 2. This is a reference to the region of the Green Mountain (Jebal Akhdar) in eastern Libya. 3. finuu ... fin: Notice the two variants of the interrogative pronoun in this utterance. 4. haadii Imahaasiil rra?iisiyya (these are the main products): Because the demonstrative pronoun normally follows the noun it modifies in the dialects, such constructions are common (cf. MSA haadii hiya ‘I-mahaasiilu rratiisiyya). 5. -Sindicates a rhetorically negative question, ie., "Aren't there some industries there?" (cf. J. Owens, Eastern Libyan, 102.) 6. yaa rajil: A familiar form of address to a man. 7. Le., maSquul. 8. Ghariyan (or sometimes Garian) is a city about fifty miles south of Tripoli. 9. Notice the gender of iffariig. 10. Notice the gender agreement here. 77 Selection 7 Laleall GOLLI Unde ool oe coal Ge cally Soul Saabs 6h oe Ld a. Vaosl ASH aa Cpe al Seaba del 5 ad SEaball GLU gid DLall SLUM Go of Langs ls Baga ghl Geel Hl Lacolall pal ad ba Petal pak Usd age S Yat. G5 a -4al cee PEs gad oa JS olaLII oo ogg ly Gage Sly Ggia5 pits Uale 5,45! [incomprehensible utterance] ord val Scgilé sleLiwel! poay iad cal 78 Selection 7 dag G bade YS Lad oily Sei A wdaly Yolen ¥ sLuS YISLa Syed ollie GUL Loi I Noe Nog Tha YS clea YY -4al J ea Ge Cpt UN HRA 5 (gold GlSead | led... A lel... A lel slo a -L.Sla al foe S98 Le 55 gel 5H Lael le Nysaing pgalél gina’ i ee ele eal ei soLIS GLE gal GI cine 595 Sigolé gid sally uryS wer sonny ORES 79 Selection 7 48S GAY! pall plas gall S$ gid cal ASL Ll. Gi asad py pines ols Lea Ll! 8 cal coos Ont gah cpt jae LASls Slat gai | sine pits us yS a o glee Osby Gs AG be Lei Usb II ve Vy che GRA p6 eid ype Gl Js ga Skt Lr pBS he Obs ca pgm sogal 1 GL pod Ube cus fae he he hs tae sl Yad led G5 gall Latha p oline ... @ J 585 Le (55 abe... Stray ole pire hag Jsiee 92 pity a sSy Gs boll Ge JG! clyg Vg jends Ladle Ui Lathes Gull Gull ae cal sepee ull 1 Lab ls LAGS 80 Selection 7 Spee pte se ood lets GS Guill yn lee Ga sS al us og WS y dae panel US. egy ol pole a -4al J esl oe al a r,rr™LC_CUr Lr Oke ab shy pals. gua gS Uy Gus gS cal Ugdall pt pgalel i 5) Ugde SI... Foe ULM Go Whe Cyeety gl Lyd geist lace Tbe! volsé Gab Mo Steet HI Mayall oda oda gle oi .[incomprehensible utterance] jl52 Yab..-2 1G 81 Selection 7 S Vay Une Ghee opi pl! Ges pbl ... It ode GL 52 Uses eng gSy Lille Tigae 1. 5 Ryle Leak tal 3S pl paola Glog LI GY gles cb LAL! Ys Ys Layalis Jbl! Iyiy SSLS Go pb GS log Unease GGL 4bLU Ue Gu pbll BBS pe GLa tll 55 ss Up Le gb Al 3 LS Lane Ngaio Ns5 roped y ole pal Mh Sly pad ll lysed! Sie Ball Vy Duss Grb lyst Gepb! AUIS Sena Sy Bate Gpb Layolo Sl pe eee Ve Jaa daly USie pb Sule Le 155 jlo te gad vot Saal! opi gli Butea GLU LOLI! Seo. NI al ld Le Seal G2 By pine Libis gi Cad Si OlLe5 Gs OY rrrrrlrhrrrr™L—Ct—lrLl_lrLlLleer- one sgluaadl ¥y deal... SI yas al ley. 5 HS GpbI! pasate ¥ [tongue clicks] Slagbs, jle 82 Selection 7 slag B3ae Y Lass US Gob LEYS tal J 83 Selection 7 The Mountainous Regions ‘A. Where are you from? From which region? B. Where? A. You, in, ah ... in Libya, from which region? B. In... I'm from the Mountain. A. Ah, from the mountain region? What are the mountain regions? Do they have much agriculture? B. Really great. A. What kinds? Ah, ah, what kinds? What are the most important agricultural products present? B. Really, there are olives ... there are figs, there are. A. Aha. B. These things, all of them, there are. Not, ah .... A. Right and .... B. [incomprehensible utterance] The most common things, you know, are olives and figs and .... A. These are the main products, you mean? B. Ah. A. Aha, aren't there some industries there? B. Some, not a lot. A. Light industries? B. A dittle. You know full well that all of Libya is stagnation, my man. A. Ah? B. All of Libya is stagnation. There are no industries, not a single one. A. Ah, tell us, perhaps there are industries there. B. No, no. Everything is very, very minor. A. Aha. B. There isn't anything, you know. A. So, the majority ... the majority of ... the majority of the inhabitants there in the region where you [were], are always. B. Mmm .... 84 Selection 7 a> e => pep e> PR >P PPD > a> Pe Pepe pape I mean, the majority of them rely on the agricultural factor, as they say. Right. Aha, crops .... All of the people. Etcetera and ... but, fine. What's the weather there? I wonder whether you can describe for us the weather you have there. The weather of the Mediterranean Sea, do you think? Aha, what? In the winter, here you find that it's icy cold and in the summer you find ... that the weather is hot. Aha. But, [it's] good, you know, reasonable, ah ... the weather in the mountains which is always excellent, you know, better than .... So .... The humidity is low. You don't find that there's humidity. High, elevated mountains in that region or .... Good .... What? About six hundred meters almost. Yes. About six hundred or five hundred. Mmm ... it means that there's always, the weather there, there is nicely chilly. For example, it's not, not, not very icy and not ... mild, as they say. Yes, free of humidity and nice, you know, very reasonable weather. Aha, however the people, the people always, for example, always sit outside. You always find them outside, those people, true. Aha. Always outside. That means the ... the breeze blows naturally? It usually blows, ah. Fine, by God. Fresh. Right. Aha, right. So ... and the people, how do they spend their day there? 85 Selection 7 B, Ah... ordinarily you find the day ... all of it, the majority of them work, etc. And .... Aha. ...and sleep. Aha. There aren't, there aren't fixed programs or anything. The most of them are in the fields. Aha, right, by God, right. And, ah ... fine, what are the main nearby cities, for example, this region? Ah .... What is the main city in this region? There's, ah ... there's Ghariyan. . Ah, Ghariyan. This, this is the main city? Mmm... there's Ghariyan [incomprehensible utterance]. > wpe > > epee Is this Ghariyan beautiful? The ... is the nature which is at Ghariyan very beautiful? Of course, sweet and ... a high city and nice. Aha. [It's] big. Now, the roads, have they fixed them or, or do [you] find them, like the olden days? Because I long ago was present for some days at the road ... the ... the views were very beautiful, but the road was difficult, dangerous. It was, as they say, like the ... like the snakes from the numerous dips in it, and the ... and the ... curves, etc. Have they now fixed the road? Have they done some major roads or do they remain ...? B. They fixed them. The roads are new and good. . So, now there is no longer a problem. One can go from, ah ... «+. [the area of] the tribes to these small areas which are in the mountain. Aha. Because we, long ago, were thinking of, of a small area of the mountain. There isn't a group, for example. You either go on foot, or, or you take, and the ... the ... as they say, a ... camel or horse. Aha. Long ... long ago. [tongue clicks] Yes, they fixed all of the roads. So they connected them. Everything has roads and everything is good. Yes, very excellent. Aha. wpm > >» > wpe > w 86 Selection 8 The Markets Vocabulary Verbs xdam /imperf yixdim/ v a. to work (as a job) zmaan kaanuu ydahhkuu Sa-llii yaxdim fi -ImataaSam, lhamdu -llaa fii liibiyyiin haa huu tawwaa -yaxdmuu fi -Imataafam In the olden days, they used to laugh at those who worked in restaurants. God be praised, there are Libyans who now work in restaurants. b. to serve dawwar /imperf ydawwut/ v to look for, search for Sree /imperf yifri/ v to buy {cf. MSA iftaraa} infahar /imperf yinJahur/ v to become famous {cf. MSA iJtahara} all /imperf ydall/ v to continue, keep on farraJ /imperf yfarraJ/ v to lay out, spread out (sth, e.g., merchandise, bedding, a tablecloth) gaSd /imperf yugfud/ v a. /with imperfect verb/ to keep on (doing sth) b. to remain, stay maazaal gaaSad zeyy IgifJ It still remained like straw; to remain the same, unchanged c. to sit Nouns & Adjectives bgaafa n /coll/ goods, merchandise bigar (bgar) /unit n bugra/ n /coll/ kine tlaat n Tuesday {cf. MSA @ulaaeaa?} xaruuf /pl xirfaan/ n lamb dbaf n /coll/ furniture dukkaan /pl dkaakiin/ n store arbha n Wednesday {cf. MSA arbaa‘aa?} zahma n crowd saSii n herd, flock (of animals) suug usually takes m agreement [pl aswaag, aswaaq/ n market (cf. MSA suuq} Yyanam (ynamm) n /coll/ sheep naahya /pl nawaahi/ n a. respect, aspect b. direction {cf. MSA naahiya} oota n ground, floor; earth {cf. MSA wataa?} 87 Selection 8 Other Words & Phrases §- aasaas (Sla -asaas) conj on the basis {cf. MSA idiom alaa ?asaasi ... } bi-ttaakiid adv certainly {cf. MSA bi-'t-ta?kiid} Yooh interjection wow maa zaal invariable or conjugated adv a. still l?atfaal haaduu muxxhum maazaal jdiid w-yanmuu Those children, their brain is still new and they're growing. b. /with negative/ not yet hal muwjuud tawwaa fi -Imadaaras Iliibya wallaa maazaal Is that present in Libyan schools now or not yet? {cf. MSA maa zaala} saaSaat adv sometimes yaa siidii (yaa sii, yaa s) phrase /form of address to a man (frequently used to add emphasis to a statement)/~ my man {cf. MSA yaa saiyidii} lyaalib n it is probable that... {cf. MSA idiom al-yaalibu an ... } laazim invariable modal must fi -sseef lammaa -timfiilhaa laazim ddiir hajz mtaa{ isbuuS In the summer when you go there, you must make a reservation a week in advance. {cf. MSA idiom min al-laazimi an ... } 88 Selection 8 laswaaq As any visitor to the Middle East will attest, the traditional markets form one of the most picturesque aspects of the daily life of the natives. As usual A does his best to draw out some solid information, but B resists with all of his might. A, maa zaal fii | ... mtaaf zmaan hoonii fii mi@il zayy maa dguul isma -{f ?aswaaq mafhuura bil ... bi-l?ayyaam mtahhaa? zayy maa dguul suug' ijjumSa w-suug ittlaat w-suug laahadd walla mif Saaruf finuu wallaa suug issabt. muujuud, maa zaal* muujuuda laswaaq haadii? B. maa zaalat ?aah. gaa‘da bass thawwul matlan zayy suug ittlaata hoonaa zmaan yijii fii ? .. mtaS ddbafJ w-xudra w-mif Saaraf ee! A. w-allaah nafarfa ywaa gdiim ?aha. B. hawwlooh tawwaa. A. ?aha B. hawwul yaadii talgaa fi-jjiha hadiika. laswaag addaanya gaafda zayy maa hiyya. ‘A. wu-finuu ImaSruugaat Iii fiih matalan? B. Jin? hiyya nafs iffayy. mxallat kulla talgaa jjmaafa° Il-iifarrfuu haadua lootaa talgaa xudra talgaa -yy haaja f-wista. AL mo. B. mxallat yaSnii bjaaSta mxallta kullhaa. 89 Selection 8 A. baahii, w ... zmaan nitfakkar fiif suug ljumSa haadaa mitxassis fil ... zayy maa dguul fi-lfaakiha wi-Ixudra biss? maa fiiJ naas tfarraf lootaa tbiif fiihaa ?ayy haaja w-yeera. haadaa mitxassis zmaan nitfakkar Imazaara$. kull waahad iijiib intaaja wiy ... wiy ... w-iidalla ybiiS fii b-maahaasiil kbiira matalan. B. gaafad nafsi Ibarnaamij haadaa. A. gaa‘ad aa? B. ?ee laakin zaadat fiih haajaat uxraa gutlik talgaa fiih ? .. bdaafa taanya ybiifuu fiihaa laakin gaafad §-aasaas inna yjiibuu fii lxudra_ wi ibuu ... tilgaa yjiibuu fii hwaayij uu fii ha ... ?ayy haaja tilgaa yjiibuu yaSarduu fiihaa yaadii. A. ?aha. B. lanna nnaas tab{an ittajhat li-ttijaara w-taxdam fii ?ayy Jayy. A. ?aha. B. ?ayy haaja yilguuhaa yaxadmuuhaa. A. kwayyis. baahii, w-suug w-fin ismaah haadaa llii zmaan iisammauu fiih suug | ... suug ssa‘ii. B. ?aah? A. suug ssaSii? B. maa niSirfaaJ. 90 Selection 8 . haadaa ynamm haadaa ybiiSuu fiihaa fi-lha ... fi-lyanam biss. qasdii ybiifuu fii fi-jjmaal, wi-lbigarr wil ... wi-lxirfaan. Siid lajhaa haadaa kulla yimfuula nnaas zmaan. zmaan yiSruu fiih hattaa suug ttlaat huwwa kaan mxallat yibiiSuu f-hajaat zayy haadii. laakin fii zmaan suug issaSii ysimmuu fiih .... {incomprehensible utterance]. . mitxassis. . hummaa laswaag haadii mawjuuda ... laakin mtaaSiin ssaSii* wi-lwaahad laakin ... mif waahad taqriiban fiih suugeen® aw tlaata. . aha. . PibiiSuu fi-lxirfaan w-bigarr w-?ayy haaja talgaa fiih. . Paha. . fa-mawjuuda haadii ?aah. . sar haadaa fii Sid likbiira® ykuun zahma. . ?aa tabSan bi-ttaakiid. . baahii, w-Jinuu laswaag haadii? Jinuu? hal hiyya taxtalaf falaa | ... ?asfaarhaa {laa | ... Yalaa | ... ddkaakiin Ili barraa matalan wallaa kiif? walaa fin fin ...? . maa fiiJ dkaakiin hiyya haadii ddkaakiin mtaaf ssaSii talgaahum illaa f-laswaag haabii. . baahii, haadaa ssa‘ii haadaa ssa‘ii laakin ttaanii Ifaakiha wi-lxudra. . ?aa? 91 Selection 8 A. fin iimayyizhaa matlan? Jin af ... fin aftaahaa ttaabaf haadaa? suug ijjumSa? suug ittlaat? suug lixmiis? Sataahaa ?isim maSruuf matalan? B. ?ooh! haadii yaa sii msammya min zimaan haadii w-taqriiban ittifquu Saleeh innaas lyoom iidiiruu w-iihallduu.” A. ?aha. B. yinfhur® bi-yooma maaJ nnaas yijtimfuu fiih w-iijuu lyoom haadaa mafruuf inna suug ijjimSa maSruuf inna jjimSa b-yaftah, suug laahadd maSnaahaa? yoom laahad. A. ?aha B. suug ittneen maSnaahaa yoom ittneen maSnaahaa layyaam haadii nnaas bi-diiruula ?isim maJ yjuuhaa ... yaYnii Jaariyiin w-tujjaar w-kulla yjuuh yaSnii yaSarfuu. A. ?aha B. inna fiih ... min ?isma yaSarfuuh inna fii lyoom haadaa. la?inna Yaadatan fiih laswaag maéalan suug lixmiis maa talgaff idjiih yoom larbha maa talgaa fiih hadd,'° laazim djii yoom Ixamiis. A. ?aa mazbuut yeah mazbuut. B. fa-ma‘ruuf inna bii ... lyoom huwwa iii ... li-ttadkiir li-tadkiir nnaas bil A. baahii w-finuu asfaara hal hiyya ?arxas matalan min barraa ?aw fayy? ?aw mujarrad aahuu zayy maa gult inta? haahuu suug mhaddiin yuum mufayyin w-yeera? 92 Selection 8 B. w-allaahii huwwa lyaalib yaSnii talgaa Imuhumm mutwaffra fiih Ihaaja w ... w-talgaa fiih talgaa fiih farag sahh ?ahyaanan ... A. sahh ?aa. B. saaSaat talgaa fii haajaat rxiisa saaaat talgaa haajaat yaalya,"! A. ?aha. B. laakin ahamm min haadaa nna talgaa Ihaaja taaza talgaa fiih xudra w-haaja jdiida yaSnii. talgaa fiih maéalan Ihaaja Ilii tibbiihaa ?aw Iii ddawwirhaa liganna Saruu ... aa ... yaSnii maSruud fiih kull fay A. ?aha. B. ?ii haadaa huwwa mi-nnaahya haadii ya‘nii, laakin nisba li-ssafr talgaa fii yaYnii fiih farig ... laakin ahyaanan Ifarig haadaa mi taabit yaSnii hyaanan zaayid ahyaanan naagis. Notes: 1. It will be noticed that suug (cf. MSA suug) is typically construed as masculine in the Libyan dialect. 2. maa zaal: As here, this verbal phrase is often not conjugated for gender or number. 3. It will be noticed that in this sentence a morphologically feminine word takes natural plural agreement. 4, The noun following mtaaf, mtaafa, etc. is best understood as being the second term of an idaafa construction (cf. Ixubza mtaafat furun from Selection 17). mtaafiin ssaSii (rather than the hypothetical mtaafii ssaSii) occurs because in Libyan a construction with a pronoun or a following noun does not cause either the sound plural or dual to drop the final nuun (e.g., daayriinhaa in Selection 25). 93 Selection 8 5. The dual is not particularly common in Libyan. Generally it is restricted to units of measure (e.g., mitreen, duulaareen), especially of time (e.g., sanateen, yuumeen, dagiigteen) and parts of the body (e.g., gadameen). However, as we see here, it is occasionally used on other classes of words. 6. iid is frequently feminine in Libyan. Apparently for yhaddiduuh. 8. _yinfhur. In the dialects, Form VI is frequently used as the passive of Form I verbs (cf. MSA Jahara, to make famous), here doing the duty of the very common MSA Form VIII verb i/tahara. 9. maSnaahaa: The use of the grammatically feminine pronoun suffix -haa in 7 reference to a masculine antecedent appears to have been necessitated by the long vowel at the end of mafnaa. With equal frequency, we find maSnaataa in exactly the same sense. maSnaathaa, of course, may occur with reference to a feminine antecedent. 10. In cases of categorical negation (also see below, maa fiih hadd), the suffix Sis normally omitted; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:310. hadd is a common alternate pronunciation for waahid (or ?ahad, etc.); see above, glossary for Selection 1. 11. This sentence very clearly demonstrates the optional nature of the pleonastic pronoun fii in conjunction with what would otherwise be a direct object. 94 Selection 8 Gly! SS rrlrrlr—r——-—r—“‘#$r--©=©h6h6h6hsih Lasall Gpee pH Le gb Teele LIL... SL By gps Gl pul econ Gye Vy gi Gabe Ghee Vy sed! Gyuny LEU Gyiny SoAd Gly! Bsyag0 Ij Ls sya ge cape Oke) aa LSI! Gps he Jpeg Boel si alge ipthggl Gyle hog bpd y yall ple | gd al pssd egal dyes ally i Ny oglye we tal dJ gf Le (55 bacld GGL! Gl ypu) elaia Yall go oli ld Iya Se dab UI obey yall gids Al OY 5a Ng yiy UI Cele iG US bbe tpt Guid Ge So they pt Male ool 05 3 as 85 Lbs! a Ih ane 1B Leal Gye had SES OL geal al ced lb sais Gul nd Le Sus Bb atally GSU! ga JL 95 Selection 8 daly US og sll Saas Gls 5 Garedie Jia oo sty dole ol at ha BS rela pt ey bag ag ey I Gee Aha gal yall suis wel Soi sel wt ae Pa ab I ol GA! oe G4 5 OSG! dt Nye Ol Gull ple selG OSI Ug ad Iya Cb tela, She et bynes ale of pees GG... Ipnney 8s gold Ug Nye pee Ip dG GE -4al iets! pf P45 s BLAS gas! Leak Ll GY 4al La yesdy Legis gle ol SN Spee ak gens hey gl Nid Casal Gay Gomes ple Gus sS steel Gee Soi Stall Gee staph a Le SB Nye cane a A! pb all ga Ug Hynes |i gd Jn Ngties US 13a poue¥) sae Gla yally... Sly pally JLeall 3 datas GS gm LEE! Gye ae ably Gs gles gles uh! 96 Selection 8 SB Nps peel Gye Shes 8 OS 04d 55 SLs 3 lpr -[incomprehensible utterance]. wgoueaie J he GSI salglly geal! palin GU. Bagage ode Glyn pe GIG 5! page od Li aly -4al él tas oly sdry Gla aly tal A) so] Ad Bagaged hee 5 09S SII sual gb Hae gle A WSL Lobel 1G La sland. AI ple GES pa Jb Syd Soba Geel dy gals i Ch oh Vg GAS Vy ia yy GU SIS ST he I phe Sigel gh YI pals peel! plan ASS] 0d pd WSIS tnd -oha SB pec y USL SN GSI pal Na geal Hae gals Sol ww Stansell Gye ba olbI! Lalbe! bel gt DUE jee 97 Selection 8 SM Gy pee peal Lala $ gael gee ToL Gye ALT Upabe Iii Lg Sy 0d Sle 5 Ge Lemme ct LG oda Na! sNgssaas Igsese psa! 4al Nim est Nyspeay ob bpnetas LI! the tle aga pes Laine sad! Gye cides Leeall Gl iy jee Lenall Gye Gl Gy yee saad! eye tal Ug poscas ull oa ply! Laine G59) Gpus ALi GSI! Ggpue eee Weds USy shady Gps pins Layne Us pel UY! so gh 4al Glye tl Cab Bole GY ILA pall gd Gl ost yay Canal Ge Gab! cel Cb GALS Le elas Yl 6 gy Chee GALLS Le Guna! Gps Ube sonal psa eget 657 rd coe Ly Gol SG SIS dg pal oe Gl Gye sees al Stet gl Nye Ge he Gedy! pt Lt So slau gids poly So pady nae Oye Gritas Gow gal Foal ali Le og) sal ab ag. 4g Lge a8 8 pay te pel! HG pins ILI ga ily 98 Selection 8 vee Gal que God Gb iS ool wae J AWG ob (26 chs tas ebb wi ibokls -4al di Bagae Uglay bad Cod fl 35Lb LoL! Gb 6) laa Ge pal ow Fee ge GY Lay 925 Ul gles pl Talal ie oa il pias itt JS a Gas pte pias ald ge Sb AG pe Cae OS egy ods La! ne gn Nha al ~ Glral sly Ghat piss oo sie Mia G5il!l Ghal gS... GAs syed 99 Selection 8 The Markets A. Are there still the ... like the olden days here? Are there, for example, like, as they say -- what's it called -- markets famous for the ... the days of them? As they say, the Friday Market, the Tuesday Market and the Sunday Market, or I don't know what, or the Saturday Market. Extant, are they still extant, these markets? B. Still, ah, they're there. They remain but they're changing, for example, like the Tuesday Market or long ago. It comes in, ah ... the one of furniture and vegetables and I don't know what. I know it, yes, old. Aha. They changed it now. Aha. It changed there, you find in that area. The other markets are still there, as they were. ppp > What are the things displayed there, for instance? B. What? They are the same thing. [They're] mixed. Everything, you find that those people who spread out on the ground. Vegetables, you can find anything in the midst of it. A. Mmm. [It's] mixed, you know, the merchandise. Everything's mixed. A. Right, and ... a while ago I was thinking about, isn't there a Friday market designated only for ... as they say, fruits and vegetables? There were no people spreading out on the ground and selling everything, etc. This one specializes. A while ago, I was thinking about some farms; each one brings his produce and ... and ... and he keeps selling there big crops, for instance. a B. It's still the same story there. > It remains, ah? B. Ah, but other things were added there. I told you, you find in it, ah .... They bring some other goods to sell, but it remains based on the fact that they bring vegetables and they bring ... you find clothes which they bring ... anything, you find, they bring and put it on sale there. A. Aha. Because people, of course, turn toward commerce and work in anything. A. Aha. ” 100 Selection 8 >s w > SP >> wD > ep we > D> Anything you can find, they work in it. Good. Right, a market and what's its name. What they long ago used to call the market ... the Herd Market. Aha. The Herd Market? I don't know it. This one is sheep. This one they sell there ... only sheep. I mean that they sell there camels, cows and ... and lambs. On the Feast of Sacrifice, everyone, the people used to go there. They used to buy it, also the Tuesday market. It was mixed. They sold things like these, but long ago the Herd Market, they called it... [incomprehensible utterance] Specialized. These markets still exist ... but the traders at the Herd Market and something. But ... not one; there's about two or three markets. Aha. They sell lambs, cows and anything you can find. Aha. So this still exists, ah. So this, on the Great Festival, there's a crowd. Yes, of course, certainly. Right, and what are these markets? What? Do they differ ... their prices from ... from ... the shops which are outside, for instance, or how? Or what, what ...? There are no shops. These shops for the Herd [Market], you [don't] find them except in these markets. Right, this is the Herd, this is the Herd, but the other is fruit and vegetables. Ah? What distinguishes them, for example? What, ah ... what gave them this character? The Friday Market? The Tuesday Market? The Thursday Market? It gave them a well-known name, for instance? Wow! These, my friend ... were named long ago. These, and the people almost agreed upon it, the day, they do it and decide. Aha. 101 Selection 8 B. It's famous for its day in order for the people to meet in it. They come on this day. It's known that the Friday Market, that on Friday it opens. The Sunday market, it means Sunday. A. Aha. B. The Monday market, it means Monday. It means those days. The people made for it a name for them to go to it, that is the buyers and sellers. Everyone comes to it, you know, they know it. A. Aha. B. That there is ... on the basis of its name, they know that it is on this day. Because usually there are markets, for example, the Thursday Market, you don't find that you come on Wednesday, you don't find anyone there. You have to go Thursday. A. Ah, exactly, yeah, exactly. B, So it's well known that ... the day is to ... to remind, to remind the people of... A. Right, and what are its prices? Are they cheaper, for example, than outside, or something? Or just as you said? Is it a market with an appointed day, etc.? B. By God, it's likely, you know, you find, anyway, the thing is abundant there and ... and you find there's a difference, right, sometimes .... A. Right, ah. B. Sometimes you find that there are cheap things and sometimes you find that things are expensive. A. Aha. B. But more important than that is that you find that the thing is fresh. You find there are vegetables and something new, you know. For example, the thirig’ which you want or which you're looking for, because ... ah, you know, everything is on display there. Aha. B. Yes, this is from this point of view, you know, but in relation to price, you find there is, you know, there is a difference. But sometimes this difference is not stable. You know, sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less. > 102 Selection 9 Hushpuppies Vocabulary Verbs Klee irregular conjugation fimperf yaakil/ v to eat {cf. MSA ?akala} baJmat /imperf ybafmit/ v to cook (sth) like a biscuit Jwee /imperf yiwi/ v to grill taal (tult) /imperf ytuul/ v /trans/ to take, pick up taab (tubt) /imperf ytiib/ v to be cooked {jan /imperf yaSjin/ v to knead (dough, etc.) yammis /imperf yyammus/ v to dunk (bread into sauce or seasoning) nfad /imperf yinJad/ v to ask Nouns & Adjectives heet /pl htaan/ n wall {cf. MSA haa?it} xamistaaS adj and n fifteen {cf. MSA xamsata SaJara} durja (darja) n a. step; /pl druuj/ staircase b. degree mdaarii (daayir) n /active participle of daar/ making, doing ilyarad inna lajnit lyaa nasiib mdaaryiin ittifaaq m%a Jfaxs lammaa -yarbah The purpose is that the committee of the lottery makes an agreement with the person when he wins; has made, done sidda /pl sdaad/ n attic, room above the main floor sukkur n sugar sinfaaz /pl sinfaaza, sanfaaziyya/ n one who makes sinfz sinfz (sfinz) n /coll/ deep-fried globs of dough syayyir (syiir) /pl syaar/ 1. adj small 2. n child (cf. MSA sayiir} suuniyya /pl swaanii/ n plate, pan, tray (cf. MSA siiniiya} taawla Ital (tavolo or tavola) n table tajiin /pl twaajiin/ n casserole dish; casserole taawa n frying pan {sal n honey afra adj and n ten {cf. MSA ?aJara} milih 1. n salt 2. adj good, fine 103 Selection 9 Other Words & Phrases ammaalaa (immaalaa, ammaal, ummal, ummaalaa) conj /used to introduce a remark arising from the previous statement/ ammaal Jinuu tahsaab In that case, what do you think? ammaala madiina kbiira hiyyaa Then is it a big city? daaxil adv inside {cf. MSA daaxilan} {laa tuul adv a. right away b. continuously, all of the time c. straight ahead maa particle intensifier /with pronoun or pronoun suffix/ maa hum b-iiJajjfuu They really encourage it; maa huu miJ saahla It's not really easy. 104 Selection 9 issfinz Further proof, if any more were needed, that the appetite for fried foods is a universal human trait. A. waahad infadnii, gallii gallii finuu gallii gallii ni ... ?issinfa ... ssinfaaza,’ mazaal fiih sinfaaza? B. fiih ?aah. A. maa yafraff hattaa ssinf ... fin maYnaata [incomprehensible utterance] tawwaa matalan kaan nibbii nguulla Jin maSnaa ssinfaaz, Jin nguul? Jin huwwa ssinfaaz bi-zzabt? B. llii ydiir fii ssfinz haadaa. A. maa huu haadii hii Imujkla, baSdeen Jinuu ssfinz dguulla? B. haah. A. maéal, ma@al lammaa [incomprehensible utterance] waahad s?annii” yguullii Ixubbaaz nguulla ndiir Ixubza, yguullii fin lxubza? Ixubza maSruufa. zayy maa dguul zayy maa dguul maSruufa Saalamiyyan, fhamit? fi-ltaalam kulla Ixubza maSruufa fin hiyya. laakin lammaa tguulla ssinfaaz w-baSdeen nguulla ydiir fi-ssfinz iiguullii Jinuu ssfinz? B. ssfinz Sajiina w ... fi-zzeet hiyya ndinnii min J ... min eef ydiiruu fiihaa? hiyya mi-lgamah wallaa Jciir ndinnii waahad minhum. A. ?aha, wallaa ddgiig mumkun. B. digiig iidiiruuhaa fi-zzeet. 105 Selection 9 A. baah. B. haadaa Ifarag yaSnii zzeet bass yaSnii. A. ?aha. B. miz? zayy Ixubza taSjinhaa bi-mmayya wi-ddiirhaa w ... haadaa haadaa ‘(jin tuul u-hutt fi-zzeet yaSnii. A. ?aha. B. fhamit? A. baah. B. tatla¥ sfinza. haadaa hasib ... 7anee maa dirtaaJ laakin haadaa huwwa | A. baahii w ... mumkun taSraf tuusif* ddukkaan mtaa‘a? kiif Jakl ssinfaaz? kiif? kiif mahal mtaaSa matalan? hal huwwa zayy Imaxbaz? zayy Jinuu? kif? B. mahalla zayy llii jjmaafa li yiJwuu haaduu mtafiin Iaha ... Ihamm illii yifwou. A. ?aaha. B. talgee giddaama ttajiin. A. ?aha. B. wi-laSjiin w-iihutt fi-zzeet. A. ?aha. B. Saadatan illhamm ijjmaa%a Iii yifwuu talgaahum tajiin w-iihuttuu fi- 106 Selection 9 Ikabaab wallaa yhuttuu fi-llhamma. . Paha. laakin haadaa yhutt fii Sajiin u-xalaas. ?anee zmaan Jufthum min aay ... yasnaS huwwa saanSiin li-nafsa nafsa saana$ zayy maa dguul sidda kbiira. . Paa. . ?u-huwwa ygaimiz. ygaSmiz foog, foog yarkib foog. Sibaara fan ?arbia xamsa durjaat w-iigaSmiz. w-giddaamah, giddaamah | ... masnuuS huwwa baanii. im. mibnii mibnii min | ... mini 1 ... noot mini Ifuxxaar, Iii maa ynahrugf bokkul, fhamit? _m . tlaawa maéalan mumkun tarfaf laa yaqill ma@alan Yan Safra 2aw xamistaaf sfinza fii nafs ilwagt, wil ... wi-ISijna giddaamah zayy maa huwwa. yhutthaa laa tuul min yaadii, wi-zzeet mtaaa ykuun sxuun bii-darjit haraara maa fiiJ maSnaatah ssfinza maa tugiudJ maa tugfudJ ?aktar min digiiga fil ... fi-zzeet haadiika. . Paha. fa-bi-ttariiqa haadii, lanna Slaaf? ljawaanib biss, ljawaanib hiyya Iii taaxid Jwayya baaJ ittiib wi-lwast iikuun kaant Sindum xibra nna kiif yjiik Iwast, bi-tariiga inna maa yitkassirif laakin yijii gaafad zayy maa 107 Selection 9 huwwa zayy maa dguul iibaJmit. B. ?aha. A. gaa%ada ssuura haadii wallaa maa Sat)? B. qasdii laa w-allaa .... A. hikkii zmaan anee nfuuf fiihum wa .... B. laa mmaalaa ttawwruu haaduu. A. w-hoonii tawwaa lammaa txuJf u-baSdeen lammaa txuJf inta kaa-zabuun ?a ... fiih ssinfaaz illii mgaSmiz loota ?u-waagif giddaamah waahad taanii Ilii zeyy maa dguul huwwa Il-yixdim fi-nnaas, giddaaf tabbii sfinza giddaaJ tibbii miJ Saarf Jinuu, Yasra Sifriin tlaatiin, ?uu-bafdeen daaxil, mdaaryiin zayy maa dguul a ... taawlaat laasgaat fi-lheet zayy maa huwwa. B. ?aha. A. ?akil xafiif, bi-suria, 2uu-kull taawla talgaa fleehaa suuniyya syayyra fiihaa mili, wallaa sukkur, wallaa Ssal zayy maa tibbii nta, wu-taaxid sfinztik u-yaStiihaalik wu-tyammus u-taakil. Notes: 1. CvCCaaCa is a common plural in Libyan for singulars of the pattern CvCCaaC (which are generally nouns and adjectives referring to a profession or iterated activity); J. Owens, Eastern Libyan Arabic, 60. 2. Here the Jaam of the verb s7al is assimilated to the nuun of the pronominal suffix -nii. 3. Le., mif. 4. tuusif: See M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:340. 108 ad UG gd LG gk LG gd JUG atl sally 83 jh dad JIG Le jl soi ab 153 [incomprehensible utterance] oliae G44... Gud! ie ia pas le PP TUB ok sll pies od Uy ga OLS as Shall jl! NSk Sika pd sate coll SU SHS patel 54 Gates USE pm ode yt Le Sola sLasll (ol siz gilts aly [incomprehensible utterance] U fie «Jie La pss Aas pre Bad RRA Od I Usd BS 2a Jy BSA ds atl ga Sorag¢d Lille Lay jae JgGile iss Jot gob ete 5S Gases slid gd U OSI gt Gt Lay pe 6 jilted gah ot gis jada! Vg rese Get gl Ot oe Ob! pt sa gay Gps Sibel ene gals Gb) pu Ys welll Ge ge Slab See Ged Y yal sea! pt Wy s22 Sats 109 Selection 9 al ne ee ed te God Ia veal ne SH gh bag. 9 a jtty UL pines 355 5) ie ual Scanel +g vedi ga ba gS Aus 3 GI... ue a 3 jkdes lbs 6 jUbkull Sub GAS Salas ISI! nes Ga GSae ny gals SAS 85h 55 TA 55 pam Shs delas Jae dS SiS ell pall oo al pele V5 Ly patty gL LeLeall Gl og5 Lae ls geieg al Vy GUSH ga Igbaay opal pala Ny gts GL! TeLea!! pall Bole pall pi pbas 110 Selection 9 on walhy nee gh bas lag La g5 Giles Gadd ud Curis gf Gieay al oe ped GL LI ot a ypS Baus JIS iow eed Cay! Ge Bylie Gob S52 Gob God Gerd jer say tl 58 § pisos. SI alae dolady. jardny ole 5s foo A pay Le UN UI Soe Bg Ne Ne phe pte Sung JS toy Bphdes Bee ued gl pe ye Wis is Y G25 YSoo We 4) glo! A Spb ple pba pa be gh alsd Gaal. dy ceil! gui i clans nd Le 8 yl pa Le yty QALY 9S dele Silly qgulé Ge co ab I gt Gangs Ge ASI ed Le Gied Ls bjt! alow BSG UI 8 Gil gall uy Gilgall S Gide GY oda Gi, IL J etna HS 45) Bad paste GUIS 59S baw glly obs GL yd Us 55 yh Le 55 del epee OSI Sh pS Le GI Ti jy aay! Selection 9 -4al ShdsLe Le Vy oa By gual! ucla vee HUN g ¥ gua eed Seth yt LI gles Sa 1e¥58 Igy gh5 YLIY eH Sled Cab | 95S es! GEES UL Gane GHA UL Ig Lay GU 9 S95 Le 55 gpl OF aly Clad Gl yy cLbyll janie pike gh Glee go Bled aja 9 tad Ll gt ads et gle Fg Les 55 Opals LEIS Gotan SG Ga pte wh Leg) bibl 4 lined -4al eqhe Last Byptee Dine Lgale (iG U gl SS 5 de puns ddd JS! U Upubary Ajai SS y ctl 25 Le gy ne Vy Ss Vy JSG y ued y 112 Selection 9 > » a > mw > wD ppp > w> D> wm > Hushpuppies Someone asked me, he said to me, he said to me, what did he say to me? He said to me, sinfz ... sinfz-makers, are there still sinfz-makers? There is, ah. He does not know even sinfz ... what it means, [incomprehensible utterance]. Now, for example, if I want to tell him what a sinfz-maker is, what should I say? What exactly is a sinfz-maker? The one that makes this sinfz. This is really the problem. Then, what would you tell him sinfz is? Aha. Like the one that, like when [incomprehensible utterance] someone asks me, he says to me, "Baker," so I tell him, "I make bread." He would say to me, “What is bread?" Bread is well known. As they say, as they say, it is known worldwide, understand? In the whole world, it is known what bread is. But when you tell him about the sinfz-maker. Then I tell him, "He makes sinfz," he would ask me, "What is sinfz?" Sinfz is a piece of dough and ... it is in the oil, I believe from, ah .... What do they make it from? From wheat or barley. I believe from one of them. Aha, or maybe flour. Flour, they make it in oil. Right. This is the only difference, you know, the oil and no more, you know. Aha. Not like a piece of bread. You knead it with water and make it and ... and put it in oil, you know. Aha. Understand? Right. It comes out sinfz. This is according .... I have not made it, but, this is the Right, and .... Perhaps you know how to describe the shop for it? How does a sinfz shop look? How? For example, how does its place look? Is it like a bakery? Like what? How? 113 Selection 9 B. Its shop is like those who, the people who grill, those involved with mea ... meat which they grill. A. Aha. B, In front of him, you find a casserole dish. A. Aha. B. Dough, and he puts it in oil. A. Aha. B. Usually, meat, the people who grill, you find them [with] a casserole dish. They place kabobs and they place meat or .... A. Aha. B. But this one puts some dough, and that's all. A. Long ago, I saw them from any ... he makes, he, they make for himself [sic], he made, as they say, a large raised platform. B. Ah. A. He sits. He sits above, above. He mounts above. [It] consists of four or five steps. He sits. In front of him, in front of him is ... the thing made. He builds. B. Mmm. A. A thing made, a thing made of ... of ... a type of clay which doesn't burn at all. Understand? B. Ah. A. A frying pan, for example, which can hold not fewer than ten or fifteen sinfz at the same time. The ... the dough is in front of him, the way it was. Straight away he puts it from there, while his oil is hot at a temperature that isn't, it means that a sinfz doesn't need to stay, doesn't need to stay morg¢ than a minute in the ... in that oil. B. Aha. So in that way, because why? Only the sides. The sides are what take a little [time] in order to be cooked, while the center is, if they have experience of how it comes in the center so that it doesn't break, but remains the way it was, as they say, it becomes cooked like a biscuit [i.e., crispy]. Aha. Is it still that way or no longer? I mean, yes, by God .... That's how in the olden days I used to see them and .... No, so then these developed. > Bp >y 114 Selection 9 Here now when you go in, and so when you, yourself as a customer, go in, ah ... there's a sinfz-maker who sits on the ground and someone else stands in front who, as they say, he's the one who serves the people. Sinfz, how many do you want, I don't know what? Ten? Twenty? Thirty? Then, inside they made, as they say, ah ... tables attached to the wall, just like that. Aha. A meal, light and fast. Every table, you find it has a small plate containing salt or sugar or honey, as you wish. You take the sinfz, -- and he gives it to you -- and you dip and eat. 115 Selection 10 I'm Thinking of Getting Married Vocabulary Verbs ajaad /imperf yujiid/ v to do (sth) well itxammum /imperf yitxammum/ v to think, ponder, consider A. yeah mtaaS jaww latiif inta maa -tfakkaraJ timJii -jjaamiSa tawwaa -hnee B. nitxammum nimJii wallaah A. Yeah, [the Libyan university] has a nice atmosphere. Aren't you now thinking about attending the university here? B. I'm really thinking about going. itzawwaz (itzawwaj) /imperf yitzawwuz / v to marry {cf. MSA tazawwaja} mall /imperf ymill/ v to be bored Nouns & Adjectives nasiib n fate muujuud (mawjuud) adj present, existent {cf. MSA mawjuud} Other Words & Phrases haqiiga (haqiiqatan) adv in fact, in actuality (cf. MSA haqiiqatan} §aad invariable particle therefore, then, in that case leef interrog why lammaa -tuqaam ?ahsin min ?allaa tuqaam lee li?anna ... It is better when it’s undertaken than when it isn’t. Why? Because .... {cf. MSA li-aiyi fai?in} 116 Selection 10 nitxammim b-nidzawwaj Who will become Mrs B? Bachelors will find much prudent advice here. In particular, the pros -- and the cons -- of marrying an educated woman are weighed. B. m.., nitxammim b-nidzawwaj.' A. txamm? ittzawwuj? B. m. A. ?aamtaa? B. mif Saaraf w-allaahii nfakkir gaaSad. A. [incomprehensible utterance] ttzawwuj min a ... mn ahnee mn amriikaa B. nitxammum fi amriikiyya saaSaat. A. ?aa? B. saafaat nitxammum nitzawwuj amriikiyya. A. ?aSlaaJ? B. hikkii w-xalaas. A. f -raayik bi-tsaaSdak lamriikiyya? B. maaniif® Saaraf Saad. Imuhumm nidzawwuj wu-xlaas tsaafad maa tsaafadiJ. hadiika bafdeen nJuufuuhaa. 117 Selection 10 B. Iwaahad iiyaamir yidzawwuj wu-xlaas. A. baahii w-SalaaJ maa tbii maa maa tbiiJ tizawwuz* liibiyya? wallaa maa SandikJ? B. laa miJ maa nabbiiJ wa-laakin, haadii naStabirhaa nee yaSnii n ... fikra ?aw raay ?aw a ... 2aw nasiib aw haaja miéil haadii laakin laa yuftarat ?aw laa yuftarad inhaa® tkuun liibiyya. A. laah? B. ?uw laa yuftirit w-laa yuftirid inhaa tkuun amriikiyya. A. ?aha B. dakiyya hiyya tastatii? an tafham irrajil maadaa yuriid. A. ?aa bi-zzabt huwwa huwwa hattaa .... B. tnaffid awaamra lammaa huwwa jaalis iiguullaa Pugiud® tugiud tatlat” tatla$ laakin huwwa loo miJ muujuud iddiir 2ayy Siyy tibbii ddiiraa. A. yeah w-mumkun timfii tna ... mumkun hattaa tanharif. B. ?aa, fa-haadaa laa yuSnii ?inna hiya ssaytara lammaa tJuuf izzooj inna yguullhaa, wa-laakin issaytara hiya issaytara {al Sagal Imar?a miJ Sal tasqrrufaathaa | ... i9aahiriyya 2aw Ihaaja zayy haadii. A. ?aha B. ?uw fii nafs ilwagat a ... yixtalaf haadaa min mar?a muéaq¢fa ilaa mar?a ... yaSnii tasfab 1 ... issaytra w-tasfab? il?iqnaat w-yasfab iffayy. A. ?aha 118 Selection 10 . min mar?a® ilmuéaqgfa 1-ilmar?a ljaahila. fa-fiih naas'° iifa$dil inna yidzawwuj wahda jaahila, leef? linnaa ha-yguullik inna anee n ... hasib ?afkaarii naStiihaalhaa w-hasab iffayy fiflan huwwa m ... mazbuut, yaSnii nna hiyya Imar?a ljaahila. . Paha . 2... yafnii bi-tbarmij fiihaa ?ayy Jayy la?innaa hiya laa laa tujiid ittafkiir awwalan, w-laa taSraf fayy yaSnii San ilhayaa wa-hattaa ?in {arafat haajaat qaliila. . aha . fa-?inta tistatiit innik tsayyirhaa fii tariiqtik ilxaassa ?aw zayy maa tabbii wa-laakin haadaa, tawjiihik haadaa. . Paha. . laa yuSnii nna huwa ha ... ha-yaSsimaa min linhiraaf ?aw min 1 ... . tii laa. . ilyalat ?aw min aJfayy, la?inn ilhayaa fii yaSnii f ... fi-douruuf iltaadiyya ‘?aw fii stiqraar ilhayaa ddarf ilSaadii fa-hiyya b-tistamirr Saadii wa-laakin fi-O9iruuf iittaariya ?aw lafyaa llii bi-tsiir. fa-haadii maa tistitiiSf innik inta ... yafnii, hiya tastatiifif ?innik tittamman Saleehaa la?innaa haadii daa?iman timfii bi-ttawjiih. . Paha. 119 Selection 10 B. wu-daa?iman timfii bi-?afkaarak, ?uw daa?iman timJii bi-llii dguulilhaa fiih, wi-daa?iman, fa-lammaa tajid magalan a ... 2a ... 2ugsid yaSnii m ... Maa tilgaaJ ittawjiih haadaa w-maa talgaaJ ifJayy haadaa, fa-hiyya ha-tinharif w-maa ykuunJ inhiraafhaa basiit ?aw ha-taxtaa. A. ?aha. B. maa tigdirJ tsahhah ilxataa mtaahhaa ?aw ... fa-haadii yaSnii m ... naStabirhaa nee zayy waahad y ... ywajjah fii rajil ?aalii ?aw fii haaja mi@il ha-JJayy haadaa, ?uw maa titmattafaJ biihaa ya%nii hattaa ... la?inna |... izzawja hiyya mif maSnaahaa nnaa tinjib 2atfaal ?aw inna hiya 1... lii ... li-lyariiza 1... Ijinsiyya 2aw hiyya fiih hattaa mutSa ruuhiyya'’ lammaa tkuun taqaafathaa Saalya ?aw Jayy. tkuun fiih fiyy min il?ulfa w-iikuun fii fiyy min 1 ... maa fiiJ tajaayaq min ilbeet la?inna fiih tabaadil ?afkaar la?inna fii nsaan fii mustawaa Saqlak w- tafkiirak. A. ?aha. B. laakin lammaa tkuun inta I-daayman Ilii taStii daayiman ?inta | ... Imutakallim wi-ttaraf attaanii mustamiS fa-bi-tmill haadii mif yoom ?aw yoomeen ?aw @laaéa 2aw 2arbaSa. A. mazbuut yeah. B. haadii Sumur yaSnii, fa-ttaqaafa muhimma haqiiqa. A. baahii, w-tawwaa lIgeet inta mraa kwayysa fiihaa lhajaat zayy haadii wallaa kiif? B. w-allaahii maa zaal laakin a ... yaSnii lwaahad yiqarrar w-yabhaé (laughs). 120 Selection 10 Notes: 1. This particular utterance clearly displays the pleonastic character of the bi- prefix in Libyan; its use here appears to be wholly stylistic. In Egyptian, for example, this construction is impermissible. 2. Le., txammim. There is a tendency to shorten Forms II and V of geminate verbs. 3. See M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:306-8. 4. An alternate form of tizawwuj. 5. In MSA, one would expect that a nominalizing conjunction of this type would be followed by a verb (usually in the subjunctive). 6. Here the masculine form of the imperative is employed in apostrophizing a (wholly imaginary) woman. The indiscriminate use of the masculine imperative is a notable feature of the Tunisian dialect, but its occurrence in Libyan seems to be less documented. 7. One would expect to see some form of imperative verb here, but of course one does not. 8. This would appear to be an instance of misspeaking: w-yasfab would be preferable. 9. The definite article is missing here. 10. Masculine singular agreement with the word naas is anomalous. As stated above, it more commonly takes plural or feminine singular agreement. 11. We must assume that this remark was offered in a jocular vein. 121 Selection 10 goptts pabis (Gap ehs PASE Fes pe ¢ Tighe wael S3 Ly a jLe Give cep Vg Sa pal ye Lam Spe... | 2 ¢ 9555 [incomprehensible utterance] vbelen USS pal pi pe si OSs yal 69555 pe OL $ shdle suatlay Sa SES oY! daclads obi gt chia hacks Le telus Goldy 69555 pH! ule Gjle Gi Le ashy Gases 122 Selection 10 wey Gay pls sald SASsie be Vy SH CyB BLL SL ley th Val gis 9! BSa So pins LI La is oda Sy ta Le he YO 9S Ul Ga ais Y gl bts Y GSI oda Joe Gale 4h ores ol. sy FS pal 69S Ul Ua is Vy byt Yl 4a! A aa gg Vile Jol agi OF gabe POSS vee gle yf yt bulb i a 99 OSS pbs pallel ands (cael Ul sity ule 58 U opal bb OSS 58 Uo og! p2t5 spe ge Gite BRS pin GSee 5 pthes YSa0y yeah J Aly lel Sots Ol Go! Gye U Bball ga ol pie Ngai ve SU GSLG yes gle tke Bil Jie gle pbs! pa Byes! vod og) Ug Lal 5) 4 ales! al A oe Bal A) age Biel Ge ae A Fig Gu Ga gh itil anes SG eae y bps. SI anes gies 123 Selection 10 -4al Baaly Gaps Gl dds Qu Codd Uebel! oie GAN i Ge Up Cpa gISH Gwe SL SIU gta GY Sop ogy Lal AMAL BL gt 5! pit be puede ae yt Mad Utd sey dal Vg gl pSAI! sae YY pe Un Gt ol Gad ees pi! AG olale aa ye IS oI ging thal! Ge pi yh tal OSs gad Le og 5 gl Leela oa yb pd La as oS) bs cols Ad Agee 95 Ie -4al el pe gh GN a5 Spe penange oe gf Ol pia ws 9! Led Gy AN pb pin gb Blea OY cpt pe gh La get OSs sole pete ppt gol GBI Baal ol pal gt eI abs Le kg pats A Lach gl U5 Ubd! Gy ple! gtest Labla oda gad Upale Ghabs Ail eb ias eptag ny ceil esl 4al Lab Latta y ad Lgl JS UL pts Ladd gl vel SIL) pts Letty 124 Selection 10 AGG Lay Nh ae I BGG Le a pity eel Pe tad Undte gl dius Upal nal is Ss Ley Gpaita gh da dl tal J (55 GI La ysis... egies og gl Upelae Teall paves Gijuitle 1s Le gl Vie etl La he ale gi gl li day Gb dase gals Ups! lie she pt Lag Wn SY he i Us dak ph gl Gata. WBA a dg Ul gl Jib) as 8 tp Ga Og tpt gl UL: Yaalat 9565 U ay, Ge oe eb OY See See Gus Ghd Le I oe Ek Gt 9S THY! A pSG5 y ellie gg iewe (of Gul ad GY jISal Jobs al A eS. Shoal Lathe ples UI Lathe Ul el GSU GSI 3! G95 5! Cross gl yg Ghee ode Jota pots LI! i bly ay! wyeah Le yuuo J igia Lage GUL gis pee ode SHAS Vy 0b 655 Slab! Lynd Gags Bi po! tl dl Lys yal el [laughs] teases yy82 daly pie IGS IZ Le My Selection 10 I'm Thinking of Getting Married B. Mmm... I'm thinking of getting married. A. You're thinking of getting married? B. Mmm A. When? B. I really don't know. I'm still thinking. A. [incomprehensible utterance] You want to get married from, ah ... from here, from America or will you ... will you get a Libyan woman? B. Sometimes I think about an American woman. A. Ah? B. Sometimes I think about marrying an American woman. A. Why? B. That's just the way it is. A. In your opinion, an American woman will be able to help you? B. I really don't know. The important thing is for me to get married, and that’s that. She helps; she doesn't help. That I'll see later. A. Mmm. B. One takes a chance. He marries, and that’s that. A. Right. Why don’t you want, don’t, don’t you want to marry a Libyan woman? Or you don’t have [one]? B, No. Not that I do not want to. But I consider this, I, you know, ah ... an idea or opinion, or ah ... or fate, or a thing like this. But it is not necessary nor required that she be Libyan. No? And it is not necessary nor required that she be American. Aha. [If she's] smart, she can understand what a man wants. Ah, exactly. It is, it is, even .... She carries out his orders. When he sits, he tells her, "Sit", she sits. [He tells her,] "Go out", she goes. But when he is not there, she does whatever she wants to. D> wD D> A. Yeah, and she may go ast ... she may even go astray. 126 Selection 10 > Yes. This does not mean that this is control, when you see the husband telling her. But control is control over the intellect of the woman, not [just] ver ... her outward, ah ... behavior or anything like that. Aha. At the same time, ah ... this differs from an educated woman to a ... woman. It means controlling becomes hard. Satisfying becomes hard. The thing becomes hard. Aha. From an educated woman to an uneducated one. So there are people who prefer to marry an ignorant one. Why? Because he'll tell that I... I'll give them [i.e., my orders] to her according to my thinking, and according to something. Really he, ah ... exactly he means she is an uneducated woman. Aha. Aha .... It means that you can program anything in her, because she doesn't, doesn't think well in the first place and she doesn't know anything, you know, about life. Even if she knows a few things. Aha. So you can make her go along in your own special way, or as you like. But this is your directing. Aha. It does not mean that he will ... will prevent her from going astray, or from Of course not. ... committing a fault or something, because life in, you know, in ... in regular circumstances or in stable life, the ordinary circumstance, so she will continue normally. But in emergency circumstances, or things that could happen. So this woman, you cannot, you ... you know, are able to be at peace about her, because she always goes with directing. Aha. She always goes according to your thinking, or she always goes with what you tell her. Always ... so when you find, for example, ah ... ah, I mean, you know, ah ... she does not find this directing, she doesn't find this thing, so she will go astray. Her straying will not be a small thing or she'll make a mistake. Aha. Selection 10 B. You will not be able to correct her mistake, or .... So this means, ah . consider her, I, like one who ... directs a robot or something like that thing. You will not enjoy her, you know, even ... because the ... the wife, it doesn't mean that she produces children or that is for ... for ... for nature the ... sexual ... impulse. There is also spiritual pleasure, when she is highly educated, or something. To have in [the marriage] some harmony and to have some .... There is no aggravation from the home, because there is an exchange of views, because there is a person at the level of your intellect and thinking. A. Aha. B. But when you are always the one who gives [the orders], you're always the one who ... speaks, while the other side does the listening, you'll be bored. This isn't a day, or two days, or three or four. A. Yeah, correct. B. This is [for] a lifetime, you know, so education is important, in truth. A. Right. Now, have you found a good woman who has things like these, or what? B. By God, not yet. But, ah ... you know, it means one should make up his mind and search [laughs]. 128 Selection 11 | Don’t Know the Details Vocabulary Verbs ?ajjar /imperf y?ajjir/ v a. to rent, hire b. to let out for rent, hire hkee /imperf yihki/ v to say, tell, talk hanna /imperf yhanni/ v to apply henna {cf. MSA hanna?a} addil /imperf yfaddil/ v to focus on (Salaa) Nouns & Adjectives maakla n food {cf. MSA ma?kal} baaziin n barley dough {cf. Algerian 2abaaziin} hinnaa 7 henna {cf. MSA hinnaa?} sahra /pl saharaat/ n evening party Sirs (Giris) /pl aSraas/ n wedding party firga /pl firaq/ n band kuskusii ( kuskii, kseeksii) n couscous (steamed granular semolina) makruun Ital (maccherone) (makaruuna) n macaroni Other Words & Phrases bi-ddaat adv especially, in particular {cf. MSA bi-l-éaat} uu interrog /particle appearing at the end of a sentence to indicate a question or emphasis/ kaan fiii zahma halba fii -ttriig - uu Was the traffic very heavy on the road? wugfit {a -ttlaa® aalaaf -uu You stopped at three thousand? 129 Selection 11 ittafaasiil maa ndrii Saleehum Two grown men discuss the most special day of a girl's life. Is ignorance or indifference the prevailing attitude? We leave it to the listener to decide. A. w-guulilnaa haaja ?a ... guul ayy haaja muhimma, fiif haaja jdiida saarat? mif aams mfeet I-Sirs inta? ?ahkiilnaa hkiilnaa bi-zzabt bi-zzabit kiif kiif kiif daar ilwaahad w-kiif | ... bi-ddaat. B. nafs ilfirqga w-nafs ilbarnaamij jaaboohum firqa Saas Jufthaa nta llubnaaniyya haadii. A. baah. B. w-bamaamij tabfan tlaaé ayyaam daara Saris. A. baa. B. fii fii funduq, maajjir funduq. A. ?aha. B. woul ... issaharaat li-ssaafa tneen issaaSa tlaada.' A. Taha, B. wi-lxamiis tab{an bidee min yoom ittneen. A. baahii finuu hkiilnaa bi-zzabt fin dirt nhaar litneen wi-nhaar ittlaat wi- larbha’ wi-lxamiis. Selection 11 ittafaasiil {aad maa ndrii Saleehum iidiiruu fiihaa nnsaawiin laakin anee nimfii kull yoom, nilgaahaa Siris, firqa nitfarrjuu yoom ittneen w-yoom ittlaat w-maakla tabfan. jamiit anwaa‘ ilmaakla talgaa yoom kus .... laakin laazim Sandik fikra Ya-llii saayir fin iisiir? fin iidiiruu? ittafa .... . fin iidiiruu bi-zzabt? ittafaasiil w-allaahii maa ndrii Saleehum anee bi-zzabit. ?aa? hinnaa w-mif Saarif eef, w-haajaat zayy haadii | .... . finuu Thannaa bi-zzabt haadii? yihannuu fi-ISruus. yhannuu fiihaa? ms . ween iihannuu fiihaa? [laughs] fii raashaa. [laughs] baah. . Uaughs] w-ween taanii? ?aa? [laughs] 131 Selection 11 B. ?aktar Jayy raashaa yaa s. A. [laughs] bah. B. kullaa ysibbuu fii faa raashaa. A. ?aa. B. baahii? A. giddaaf tugSud mhanniya? B. w-allaahii Saad anee maa dzawwajtJ. A. ?aa. B. maa nadrii Saleehaa, maa nasalf Saleehaa ttafaasiil haadii yaStibruu fiihaa zayy issirriyya. A. ?aa [laughs]. B. maa yguluuJ Saleehaa. A. baah. B. baahy -uu°? wil ... ?anee kunt mSaddil Sa-Imaakla ktar Jayy ya‘nii maakla yoom kuskusii yoom baaziin w-yoom xubza w-yoom miJ Saarif eef. A. haadii Saada hikkii ydiiruu fiihaa kull yoom yaxtalaf? B. tabSan ?aah, tabSan kull yoom. A. saar kull yoom .... B. lhamm wa .... 132 Selection 11 . laazim tkuun a ... noof yaxtalaf . wi-lhamm xarfaan tabfan kull yoom tabfan ech. . baah. » Puw .... . wehal iiqaddmuu fi-I?akil Salee, kull waahad tabaq b-ruuhaa wallaa majmuufaat? . laa laa laa majmuuSaat daaraa gittlik Siris liibii maa fiif. suuniyya w-iigafamzuu bi-ttlaa@ anfaar wi-larb$ anfaar w-xalaas. . ?aa ygafamzuu. . fhamt keef? §a-I?ard wa- laa? . a-larad §a-larid laa Sa-lard. . baah. . mgafamziin lootaa mfarrfilhum yafnii b ... barnaamij kwayyis saraaha daaraa. . ?aha saar haadii Saada mittabafa laazim kull yoom bi ... ?a ... tabaq yaxtalaf? . Paaywa. . w-huwwa yaaliban inta guult finuu guult kuskusii w .... . baaziin aah. . w-baaziin w-fin wi-finuu taanii w-rizz wallaa makruun a@innii? 133 Selection 11 B. ?uw rizz aah. A. kwayyis baah. B. fa-baraamij kaan kwayyas yaSnii, tlaad ayyaam kaanuu hilwaat* w- allaahii. A. baahii wi-nnsaawi B. dzawwuj mayarbiyya tabfan huwwa, ?aah? A. ?aa kwayyis wi-nnsaawiin kaanuu b ... munfasliin wallaa maf ba‘d mxalltiin? B. laa munfasliin innsaawiin bi-rwaahhum ah. A. ?aa kwayyis. B. fa-Sirsa kwayyas kaan yafnii jamiil jiddan w-allaahii. Notes: 1. In MSA, this would of course be as-saafa a6-éaaniya, etc. 2. For this form, see M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:293. 3. -uujs,used at the end of an utterance to indicate interrogation (or emphasis); M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:310. 4. See above, p. 21, n. 5. [Selection 3] 134 Selection 11 pple yg ya Le analilI he Ger jle dsrse dole hod Dope Lale ool UD... Fiala Ll ay eer i eed ese 1 sles eee scepter ' SIL... SI aS y salyll jlo GS GS TAU ost Gab she Capa pagal el pall jay UG pal! Gis ode wal suze oyls ell Ur Lob gal py “ga 1 Gad poe Ghd gh gt al AIG Ged GS Gea ol pga dy .4al ORS 05 Oe Lay Le Gunes PEG Slay SY) GU es G4 bd GI ola gat gal wgusaally slag s¥ly SS teed LI SI clint Lp Ny pots ppae ga Le se Javolial USisy LELEII pyey UEY! ye ge yds Lapa wpe LULL eye 135 Selection 11 oe ote pga GALS USUN ¢ 1y5 gees Loe Tg stde Gah Spams Guth slee GUI gle 3 SH clude 6 5¥ OSI ceed Shall Ny pase Oot da adlly Ul agate g y45 Le Uy Jusolil! si cove ll 9B og5 Gglag tpt gl Gale hay eLin Soka bulls cLiall gut sumgoedl gb Lyte gad Iypaias ¢ Sl gad Nytas Sul . Uji 5 pi [laughs] «ga [laughs] laughs] slat galy si [laughs] 136 Selection 11 ssn eel it ASI veil [laughs] i pushy ple dod Ngan US Al A Sy we Sites we hl (Mage LG dy oo a ‘i 65 Lend Ny pps ode JaolG I Lgale lini Le gale Gyles i jul a Uale Gigli le gals poe USL: pie td ASI USUI gle Jars eS GI dy Soh gal th gl Bole Gee ppg BS poss G2 poe psu SHES os US Lpad ly sty (Sa dale ode A pee Sabi lab wo cn eae JS gle i 137 Selection 11 a Peale est Mess ey +4! Lob eye JS Lob G5 ply gal wl Sle gene Vy dass Gob daly JS ple SY! pi Lpoais Jay yjaatiy tonne table pid ye ell eli ole legen YY suedldy QUA! Ga oYly ls! ELL, lea SS cong SY y a oYl gle sod tl le Y Uo 7! gle Gey! le wal ve ghs Gal jue Guns wali ye oo pits atl Gipie cLb sll G2 janie SLRs Gab. 1. ayy US bY dante Bale oda jlo cal so gal se 9 pte eld gk ol iI ILE gay 6h G5 138 Selection 11 Sobl G56 Vy 555 LSE sed ody cribs lg gh we le uns AU g col gba LgilS pls! 295 «pies ays US eal ad vo eluilly gals i Sol gm leak Lysis 5H Spblae pans ge Vy pbrabie .. MylS clay Quays i i vol agal sys cla! pbeiieY os esi AUN 5 Nae Jame pitas OS ua sS Gnd 139 Selection 11 1 Don’t Know the Details A. Tell us something, ah .... Say something important. Isn't there anything new which happened? Didn't you go to a wedding yesterday? Tell us, tell us exactly, exactly how, how, how did they do the thing. How is the ... in particular. » The same band and the same program. They got them. They're a band. Then, you've seen them. They're Lebanese. . Right. The [same old] program, of course. He did it, the wedding, in three days. Right. In, in a hotel. [He] rented [a hall in] a hotel. Aha. And the ... the evening festivities lasted until two o'clock, three o'clock. Aha. Thursday, of course. It began on Monday. Fine, what, tell us exactly what did you do on Monday and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The details, so how would I know them? The women do them. But I go every day, I find it, a wedding, a band. We watch Monday, Tuesday. Food of course, all kinds of food. You find one day cous .... POP wpe > wD - > But you must have an idea about what happens. What happens? What do they do? The det What do they exactly do? The details, I really personally don't know them exactly. Ah? Henna, and I don't know what. Things like this and .... What exactly is this henna? They apply henna to the bride. They apply henna to her? Mmm. PRP P ED E> Where do they apply the henna to her? 140 Selection 11 PP PP Ur> er erp wp ep a> m> D> > D> WD wD [laughs] On her head. [laughs] Right. [laughs] And where else? Ah? [laughs] Mostly her head, friend. [laughs] Right. Everything, they pour [it] in, on her head. Ah, Right? How long does she stay decorated with henna? By God, I haven't married yet. Ah. I don't know them. I don't ask about them, these details. [The women] consider them like secrets. Ah [laughs]. They don't talk about them. Right. Right? And the ... I was focused mostly on the food, you know. One day, couscous; one day bazeen; one day bread [with meat and sauce]; and one day I don't know what. That's a custom? That's how they do it? Every day is different? Of course, ah. Of course, every day. So every day .... Meat and .... It must be, ah ... a kind which differs. And lamb, of course. Every day, of course, ah. Right. And... Do they serve the food to everyone a plate for himself or as groups? No, no, no. Groups. He did it, I told you, a completely Libyan wedding. A platter: they sit with three or four people, and that's it. 141 Selection 11 A. Ah, they sit. B. Get it? A. On the ground, or no? B. On the ground, on the ground, yes, on the ground. A. Right. B. Sitting on the ground. He gave them pillows, you know ... frankly a nice program which he made. A. Aha, so this is a custom that is observed. Every day must be with ... ah ... a different dish? B. Yes. A. Itis for the most part. You said, what you said, couscous and .... B. Bazeen, ah. A. And bazeen and what, and what else, and rice or macaroni, I think? B. And rice, ah. A. Fine, right. B. So the program was nice, you know. Three days were really sweet. A. Right and the women .... B. He married a Moroccan woman, ah? A. Ah, right and the women were ... segregated or together, mixed? B. Yes, segregated. The women are by themselves, ah. A. Ah, fine. B. So his wedding was nice. It was, you know, very beautiful. 142 Selection 12 Presents Vocabulary Verbs azz /imperf ySizz/ v to cherish, like, love (cf. MSA ?aSazza} karr /imperf ykurt / v to drag Nouns & Adjectives buu (abuu) /pl ubbaat, ubbaawaat/ n father {cf. MSA abuu ... } aataat n furniture, furnishings {cf. MSA aéaae} xuu /pl xuut/ n brother ?uxt /pl uxwaat/ n sister takim /pl twaakum, twaakim/ n set (of china, etc.) tarwa n wealth, riches (cf. MSA éarwa} jnee invariable Eng (guinea) (jneeh, jnii) /pl jneehaat/ n_ pound (unit of currency) 2002. (z00)) n a. pair, two (with pl n) b. married couple ¢. husband {cf. MSA zawj} smiid n semolina siyyaarat naqal n pickup truck Jaahii n tea {cf. MSA Jaay} Jurba_n beverage Jkaara /pl Jkaayir/ n sack Suklaata Ital (cioccolata) n chocolate Saruusa (faruus) 7 a. bride b. doll (cf. MSA Saruus} ma{azza n adoration; love, affection Saayla (Seela) n family {cf. MSA Saa?ila} Yeeb /pl Suyuub, Siyuub/ n shameful act, faux-pas; shame fluus 7 /pl/ -rom money looz n /coll/ almonds murfa /pl muriJ / n glass hadiyya /pl hadaayaa/ n gift, present 143 Selection 12 Skuun pronoun a. /interrogative/ who Skuun iitayyib fi aayla Miibiyya bi-zzabt limraa diimaa -ttayyib wallaa hattaa -rraajil iiJaarik fii Who exactly cooks in the Libyan family? The woman always cooks? Or the man also participates in it? b. /relative/ fkuun Ilii yuxsur miyat duulaar maSquula hal b-iibiif siyyaartaa Someone who loses a hundred dollars, is it reasonable that he sell his car? Other Words & Phrases maa Jaa Ilaah interjection /exclamation of admiration/ How marvelous! {cf. MSA maa Jaa?a ‘llaah} min fadlik variable pronoun suffix phrase please {cf. MSA min fadlika} 144 Selection 12 Ihadaayaa Have you ever wondered what gift to bring to a Libyan wedding? Our speakers cover the spectrum from the homely, but generous, habits of their country cousins to the modern ways of the sophisticated Libyan. Whatever you do, don't give cash! A. w-finuu lhadaayaa Ilii maa zaal uu fiihaa nnaas fii lafraas taww mabalan? ?anee zmaan haadir a ... ?anee mif Saarf anee haadir Ijiil mtaaf a ... zayy maa tguul, innaas iijiibuu, yjiibuu fii, tarwa hayywaniyya. [laughs] ntfakkar fiih aanee waahad min xuutii zzawwuja jaanaa waahad mi-jjbal wi-jaayib mfaah a ... siyyaarat naqal, fhamt -uu? B. m. A. fiihaa SaJriin xruuf. B. [laughs] A. wa ... wa ... haadii min yeer mubaalaya Safriin Sifriin raas. B. m. A. kaan iifizz zayy maa dguul finda mafazza f-buuy w-yeera w ... wii ... buuy kaan maSruuf fi-lmantiga Ijabaliyya w-iihill f-ilmaJaakil kaana fii mujkla, wi-hallaa waahad mn ilmafaakil mtaafa rraajil jaayb ii ... jaayb iikurrla f-Safriin xruuf. ntfakkar fii haadaaka nnhaar ha ... himaa hattaa kiif ndiiruulum. hirnaa ween bi-nhuttuuhum min mkaan? taSraf buuy kallim waahad mi-nnaas llii Sindhum maazaaraf gaalla min fadlik, txalliihum Sindik 1-Jahar hikkii Jahreen l-aamtah ndiiruu. 145 Selection 12 B. ?ee. A. fa-l-haadaa qasdii waahad taanii jaab zayy maa nguuluu SaJra Skaayir sukkur w-SaJra Jkaayir looz w ... w-ruzz wi-smiid ?a ... maa zaaluu nnaas yjiibuu f-haajaat zayy haadii wallaa bdit taxtalaf? B. taa maa zaal nafs iffiyy .... A. matalan zmaan maa ya‘tuvJ fi-fluus, fhamit? yaStibruuhaa feeb. B. ?aha. A. maa yaStiikJ mak ... maa ygullikf aahuu haahuu miiteen wallaa miyat du ... jnii. nsaa‘dik biihum laa laa?. iijiiblik ilmaakla Ilii nta tisrufhaa w-yeeraa yjiib Jaahii, yijiiblik a ... xirfaan a... yijiiblik a ... smiid haadii. tawwaa maa zaal annaas wallaa xalaas bduu yjiibuu f-haajaat zayy maa dguul haaja xfiifa zayy Jiklaata wallaa mumkun yifruulk aataat aw haaja? B. laa maa zaal nafs ilbarnaamj uv-fiih llii yifrii fii ?ataat w-fii laakin yafnii .... A. Jin axdeet fin axdeetla nta? B. xédeetla nee sma taa hikkii zooz Ilii sma haaéaa | ... ttwaakum haaduu likbaar mtaa¥ murJ matbax. A. ?aa saar baahii yaa sii. B. ?ee waahad mtaf ilfuxxaar haadaa w-waahad .... A. ?aha saar maa xéeet xirfaan wallaa haaja mSaak? 146 Selection 12 . laa ween b-iihutthum hadaaya.' . [laughs] - maa fiif. ._kwayyis. . loo kaana yaadii raahuu Jreetla xruuf wallaa haaja laakin.? . Paha. . xOeetla Ihaajaat haadii Ibasiita hnee. . baahii, baahii, wi-Jkuun yifruf alee fa ... kuun Imas?uul irra?iisii Slaa tartiib | ... INiris haadaa w-yeera? Ibuu willaa I?umm? . fabSan .... . wallaa ma baS9? . xuu Ifaayla kullaa ?uxuuta finda w-maa Jaa Jlaah iijuu xamsa wallaa giddaaJ. . baah, . tabfan I?isra kullaa Ixuu wil ... 2abb wi-l?umm wi-luxwaat wi-laqaarib kullhum tabfan yaStibruu nfushum mufrifiin. . Paha. bass Ilii yadfaS fkuun aktar? . laa Ilii yadfat tabSan 1 .. Wariis huwwa w-musaaSadaat min xuuta w-nafs iffiyy tigdir tguul li-Sifriin li-elaagiin fi-lmiyya buuh w .. . Paha. 147 Selection 12 B. hasb ilhaala ya‘nii | ... Imaadiyya. A. baahii, wi-laSruusa maa tadfaSJ ayy haaja? B. laa laa maa tidfaf fiyy. A. Saaylit ilfaruusa yadfafuu haaja? B. laa maa ydifaSuuJ Jiyy. Notes: 1. This appears to be an anomalous form of the femine singular demonstrative. 2. loo kaana ... raa perfect verb ...: This is the typical construction for contrary-to-fact conditional statements; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:316-18, 148 Selection 12 Glog Se Ng Gul ge pb ul Lead bynes 5 Le GUI Gag! pats i La 5 ee elie Saal! pole GI Gjbe Ge LI... | pale gles LI SiG [laughs] 2s) gas 3555 pd bynes lgaees oll Ji ve Pde Giles Loall Ge tally Gele 7555 9d! Ge saly Gl a $ gl cag « eo; 58 Sapte [laughs]. souls Ga pte Go pthc Ullae jad Ge odd ge gy ad too NS pth ge 9 Oates col pb Bj es ote SpE Ls 55 Se IS dl Jay Stee ph GIS ISLAM pa Joy Cala GLA G9 Gy pre Cartes 68 US tle ee ttle Jo pl! delie JSLEM Yo sally etl good GS ae Gye SU ida gi Sd iy 8 GA LAN pe tals IS pal p28 GISe pe pt yes ul pe Carte Se ppd dake ages ella’ Spe U Slag 5lps paste -gogsd a al 149 Selection 12 pny Sen SE pte gl Gs Le oo Ole old aly pane High get ee Se ul Nyt Le pens Sage 9 Sgt AIRS $4ihas Sis Vy oda 5 oa cove ytd Gad JIG Le cal wane agate Seep gl gt pbs Le Gla 5 ie cal edad. 93 Le Vy StL gal gal GES) Ugly Le... Se GES Le cases coats Ub peed cl pL USN ee age doelons Wee ee Pel ee SL Fe oe alt Ng oda ogy lala ably pts (See Gray Sw Goes Ges Hable Js Le 55 Shale pi Ny nses Ny5ay Gods Vy LI JIG SEQ La gh BUSI GU Ny pty (San Vy GY SH og 5 Gadd ee OS pty SEI og gps UI Cay A a ws JIG LY Ale Sons Uda ot di Gt eV 5a ASI SU. A Nie Cau gl ¢ 55 Sa cl Coad GI asi fetes tye ple USI! gt G gal she i ve daly Wie LAG! gle sally Gl Seles dale Vy Gla5d i548) Le jlo wal 150 Selection 12 oe [laughs] i tntle ess STL Vy 958 A hl gals gl IS sal J Ga thw oda lel dois) che ed Up teall G gS I gle ps SS tl gal i SPY Vy OY! So jad Ie Gu gall ds 5 bob Suse dy i Hla Vg ned Nygney UU La Ley onde S58! YS UL ogdl sal A Las pS GIy SIGs PY y GYI Hy SAY US BVI Lb Cp ne pquus | y ine SASH y9Sb piss A gu eal i pA! pe Slacliney yf Gur pel Mh SI Leb ise QUI og gH UN 5b OE Sa peed 9H jas Lad! uty ali 151 Selection 12 Qs... SI ee UG Sue Sale gh BAAS Le uy pally als ip Gb LY S¥abs Lyadas spall Uke spat Gb yada Le ¥ 152 Selection 12 > wpe > w Presents What are the gifts which people still bring to weddings, now for example? Long ago, I was present, ah ... I don't know, I was attending, the generation of, ah ... as they say, the people bring, they bring animal wealth. [laughs] I remember it, one of my brothers got married. One guy was came to us from the mountain, bringing with him, ah ... a truck. Understand? Mmm Containing twenty sheep. [laughs] And ... and ... this is not an exaggeration, twenty, twenty head. Mmm. He used to love, as they say, he had affection for my father, etc. And... and ... my father was weil known in the mountain region and used to solve problems. If there was a problem, he solved it. One of the problems of the man who brought, ah ... brought, dragging with him twenty sheep. I remember that day. We ... we became confused: what do we do with them? We were confused. Where do we put them, which place? You know my father spoke to some people who have farms. He told him, Please keep them with you for a month or two until when we can do [something]. Yes. Therefore, I mean someone else brought, as we say, ten sacks of sugar and ten sacks of almonds and ... and rice and semolina, ah ... the people, kind of, still bring things like these or has it begun to change? No, it's still the same .... For example, long ago they didn't use to give money, understand? They used to consider it a faux-pas. Aha. He doesn't give you. He doesn't ... he doesn't tell you, “Here's two hundred or a hundred doll ... pounds. I'll help you with them," no, no. He'll bring you food which you can give out, etc. He brings tea. He brings you, ah ... sheep; ah ... he brings you, ah ... semolina; he brings you flour; he brings you sugar; perhaps he brings you drinks, things like these. Now the people still [do the same thing] or that's it? Do they start bringing things, as they say, something light, like chocolate or maybe they'll buy you furniture or something? 153 Selection 12 B. Yes, it's still the same deal. There are those who buy furniture and there's, but, you know .... What did you take? What did you take him? I took him, I, it's called. Really, they're a kind of pair, which are called, this is the ... those big sets of kitchen glasses. => . Ah, good then, my man. One made out of this kind of ceramic and one .... Aha, so you didn't then take sheep or anything [like that] with you? No, where would I put them? [laughs] There's no [place]. Right. If he had been there [i.e., in Libya], I would have bought him a sheep or something, but .... Aha. Here I took him these simple things. Right, right. Who is in charge, ah ... who is the main one responsible for arranging the ... the wedding, etc? The father or the mother? Of course .... Or all together? B. His brother, the family, all of it, his brothers. How nice! They turn out to be five, or however many. Right. B. Of course, the family, all of it, the brother and the ... the father, the mother, the sisters and all of the relatives. Of course, they consider themselves to be in cHarge. Aha. But who is the one who pays the most? No, the one who pays is, of course, the ... the ... the groom. He with help from his brothers. The same thing, you can say, up to twenty, up to thirty percent is to his father. Aha. According to his material, you know ... condition. Right, and the bride doesn't pay anything? No, no, she doesn't pay anything. The bride's family, do they pay anything? No, they don't pay anything. BPD Pw > E> pe > > 7 > p> D> w>w> 154 Selection 13 The Beautiful Woman Gets Married before the Pious One Vocabulary Verbs Jattab /imperf yfattib/ v to cross off (sth from a list, etc.) ataab /imperf yutiib/ v to cook (sth), prepare (sth) to eat or drink tiaarak /imperf yitfaarak/ v to quarrel; to fight maxmax /imperf ymaxmax/ v to gobble up, gulp down (food, etc.) Nouns & Adjectives timbaal Turk (tembel) adj lazy daxl n interest, concern, involvement duu (Suu) possessor of ..., owner of ... {cf. MSA Suu} naw‘iyya n type, kind muwaasafa n criterion, trait, characteristic kadaa w-kadaa (kadaa w-kadaa ) 1. n such and such; so much deen kadaa w-kadaa a debt of so much [money] 2. adj such-and-such yaa reet would that ...; I wish that ... yaa -xii yaa reet iifakkruu Marab bi-ttariiqa haadii Brother, I wish that the Arabs would think this way. (cf. MSA laita, yaa laita ... } Other Words & Phrases taal maa conj so long as marraat adv sometimes maaJi interjection ok, right, fine 155 Selection 13 aljamiila tatazawwaj qabl ilmutadayyina The more seasoned -- and divorced -- A gently attempts to advise the youthful B in his choice of a wife. The topic of female wrath is also broached. The circumstantiality of A's remarks may indicate that he has some firsthand experience in this area. A. baahii -fin maa zaal Imuwaasafaat Ilii -nta ddawwur fiihaa f -ilmaraa zayy maa guulnaa, zayy maa guutlii -nt aahuu guult | ... | ... ttaYliim ddiinii w .... B. maa zaal anee maa hattitlaff maa hattitlaaJ muwaasafaat laakin nahkiilik anee Saammatan ... A. b-sifa Saamma. B. uw Salaa -ha-Imuwaasafaat haadii baalik Sandik hadd yaSnii. A. ?aha ?aha kwayyis. B. [laughs] maafii? A. laa kwayyis, saar maa SandikJ qasdi miJ mhaddid mwaasafaat mufayyna matalan fii naas Ili yguullik b-saraaha -nee maa naaxidaaf lannaa ... zayy maa -dguul maa -taSraff ittiib. B. ?aa fiih waahad haatt muwaasafaat baahii? A. ?aha. B. li-zawjit ilmustagbil hattilhaa muwaasafaat. A. ?aha 156 Selection 13 . haat innhaa tkuun jamiila w-inhaa tkuun kadaa w-innaa tkuun yaniyya w-?innaa tkuun .... . fiih naas yeah Ilii muhimm. . daata Jfatar kadaa wa-daata miJ Saaraf eef wa-daata wa-daata w-mhumm haatt qaa?ima min ilmuwaasafaat. . aha . baahii? . Paha baah. . wo-f -illaxiir kullhaa yaSnii ?untaa. . Paha . Imuhumm gSad iifattib fi -Imuwaasafaat haadii bi-Jwayya kull marra yatnaazal falaa farat yatnaazal falaa -fart linn ?aaxar Jarat gYad illii huwwaa ?unéaa bass. . ?aah [laughs] kwayysa. . gafadlaa ?unéaa bass. . Paha. . yaSnii m -muwaasafaataa -llii hutthaa -kullhaa. ?aaxir Jayy giad Imuhumm innaa takuun 7untaa w-xlaas. . aa laa fii Ilii ha ... yahtamm bi-lmuwaasafaat haadii ddaagiiga fii Ilii ljamaal Sandaa huwwaa yaatii fil ... zayy maa -dguul Imartaba I?uulaa. fiih fa-haasb iffaxis. 157 Selection 13 B, Ijamaal huwwaa -muhimm Ihaqiiga ya‘nii. A. ?aha yeah bass qasdii fii Ilii yhutt fii f -ilmartaba I?uulaa. yihuttaa -gabl ilSilim. B. w-allaahii .... A. fi Iki -yhutt fii Iii gabl ilSilim .... B. walla .... A. iiguullik taal maa hiyya jamiila, mif daxlii taSraf tagraa -w maa -taSraff tagraa -nee. B. w-allaahii ?ahyaanan anee m ... ?anee hattaa -nee min annawSiyyaat haadii mumkun. A. ?aha. B. ahyaanan lammaa ... been ljamaal w-been ISilim mumkun naxtaar |... jamaalhaa. A. ?aa w-allaahii muJkila haadii b-saraaha saSba. B. haqiiga hikkii yaSnii 2anee hikkii. ITilim mus maSnaahaa hiyaa ?innhaa tkuun a ... jaahila ?aw ?inna yaa -tkuun mtaaft ? ... filim mtaaf mif Saaruf ?eeJ. A. ?aha, B. fa-hiyya mutawassitt ilSilim aw Jayy laakin, ?ahyaanan anee n ... naxtaar nfaddal, miJ ?ahyaanan yaSnii mumkun yaaliban. A. ?aha. 158 Selection 13 . bass yaSnii | ... lammaa -tfuuf inta haaliyyan. haadii gutlik hnee Imujtamat muJkilitnaa. lammaa -tfuuf. . aha. . talgaa -Imar?a almutafallima wu-Imar?a ljamiila, fa-tajid mi@il 1 ... 1 ... ?aljamiila tatazawwaj qabl almitYallima. . Mmazbuut. . jii |-ilmaraa Imutadayyina w-ilmar?a ljamiila tajid aljamiila tatazawwaj gabl ilmutadayyina. . Paha. . ?a...1.,.. mutadayyina muf yaSnii mutadayyina w-mutamaska bi-?axlaaq w-bi-kull fayy talgaa -ljamiila Ilii hiyya naagsa ?axlaaq' w-naagsa kull Jayy tatzawwaj qabil. . mafnaataa saar iljamiila hiya -Imusaytra {a -ISamaliyya hiya -llii hiya -llii maafya -fi -ssuug. w-hal limraa nafshaa ddawwur fii Imuwaasafaat mtaaf rraajil? marraat anee zmaan yitfaarkuu dguullaa za ... tsibb fiih dguullaa guullah tguullaa yaa reetnii maa -xdeetik. . Paha. . dgullaah bint 1 ... bint 1 ... Ibint ttaanyaa haadiikaa Sandhaa waahad ?atwul minnik. - Paha. 159 Selection 13 A. waahad ?aynaa minnik waahad a ... yixdim ?aktar, ?uw haadaakaa Sandaa siyyaara wallaa -miJ Saarf finuu dguullaa ?inta timbaal, haajaat zayy haadii maSnaataa ma‘naathaa Sa -kull tabiifa ... B. m. A. ?insaaniyya huwwaa -$ .... B. sahh. A. rraajil Sindaa -mwaasafaatu. bass mumkun ilfarg lwahiid inna xaasstan f -mujtamaSnaa ?anna ?anna limraa maa -tigdirf maa -tigdirf titkallim bi-saraaha {a -Ilmuwaasafaat haadii, fhamit? B. sahh. A. rraajil mumkun yimJii I-buu w-iiguullaa -b-saraaha nabbiihaa kadaa w- kadaa. laakin m -innaadir talgaa -Ibint yaadii timJii wi-dguullii tiguullaa b-saraaha nabbiih twiil wa-Sriig w wi-nhiif w w-mis smiin w w-maa -yakilf halba w w-maa -ymaxmaxJ miJ kull lhaajaat zayy haadii kullhaa. Notes: 1. naagsa 7axlaag w-naagsa kull fayy: One would expect this to be pronounced naagsat ?axlaaq, etc. 160 Selection 13 Lis sL Jd g 4535 ULnaal MALL og Bi gp ad jy ol UI olka JIG gal i coos gph pale NT A cals go La tl gt li Le gg Uy Sas OS clielps YI tabbed abba bbl Jig Jule LI weal yeah Gale tines i ait daly date cL 23a clisal sll La gle yl comp gScalaal i S$ p8L [laughs] pbs Care clined pe ties ihe steed GS ute Le gle uuyS Yi Le Jp Le 55 OY HLASAG Le LI Ga pees Uys QUI ls Spal olivalye be sly Gai -4al A volival pe Ud oe Jaiiull day ali + OSS Ul y Gre 59S Upsly 13S G9 Ugly User GS Yl be eee gill yeah ul ad 161 Selection 13 LSU ban ppg Oly Ids Led gl isle hs Silky HAS Jad ls wcslical gl oye -4al Spal sgl al Al pie US 3289) pay -4al pele J5Uiay Bye JS Tat oda Sliced yl pb bts Lad pg son A git GUI sad byt SI GY eh gle gL byt -4ius 9S [laughs] oi come Al and -4al 955 USI pall ed ad GST US Upba plll Lyslinal ys pe pins yay Ail eae Jleall Ul ab Tid) oe olial gL pigs. GU aby | oR Sud Cad Sy T LG gi Le og dad gst gt sgghty Lindl age ye JLoall Seb eas gH) GS gh ad a ll gd pte Guns yeah a spb! 162 Selection 13 wy vos ld a UI a da GL gh ve My AGT 85 Gh 25 Leg 155 ya ls Gs Anes pe UL I J sty J Soe oda cle sl ge Gl se Gh GI GLal Wy .G tal Al Allee AI GS See all ney Jlaall ny UG! viaase dal pees odd US iyi i ve g83 Ul gt Wins ote ald! Sa bl gins Sa linia sept gg! Gye ha gli ple. Hels 5955 L Lgl gl Waly ali ha ais G83. SLI GLa oS tet yl pb thay Ged ALLE See pies Llaa! al Al qeball ga5 HU old ode Lbs ol Gy BU Gia $85 UL Galste 4al JA Uwe. WW te sat all sly Gale it GG Label! Jud @9535 163 Selection 13 ob gaede Uneoll sa5 Useall si ply Gs! si pall ge -4al Let Sg GUSL imatioy Gytie pine ie Lsis tI... | ed 69555 ES Lnliy GS! Ged (pa pl Uses! ab cell eh Gl pt Cle! ple Spent pe Urol! lie cline gas clive sll gi 5535 Lge BAI ay Gye pt Ctl 985 tp ed 5 Uy SUL Gla GI ol Sa I wb Le Gt Gd Jy Usd al Usb! salty Lasse cata GG) al. Sot Not Uy cal ie Vy Bolas oats ida yl ASI esas... Foals lie 32! sols US ple Liline cline oda cc) olabe us oil U 9H git GiLe get LS Gl eel! Gyall See ay Lined ype ote Jol 164 Selection 13 phe Thi ees AIS Gs Le 6 5 Le Bip I Gp! Gains Scuegé odd Lino! oll we Oe OS) NAS 1S Yas Gal eee pas a pte Seeded as Gs Cal poy U gi U yi pte (gull gl LIT ea ade Ley 5 cole GIS Ley y rans Gioy drat 9 arses US ot oss cLalall JS ye 165 Selection 13 The Beautiful Woman Gets Married before the Pious One A. So fine, what are still the criteria which you're looking for in a woman, as we said, as you told me. You said ... religious education and .... B. I haven't yet set, I haven't set any criteria, but I'll tell you in general .... In general. > B. On the basis of these criteria, perhaps you have someone [in mind], you know. A. Aha, aha, fine. B. [laughs] Right? A. Yes, fine. So, you don't have. I mean, you haven't delineated specific criteria, for example. There are people who tell you frankly, I won't take her because ... as they say, she doesn't know how to cook. B. Ah, are there people who set criteria, right? A. Aha. B. Fora future wife, he sets down some criteria. A. Aha. B. He's decided that she be beautiful, that she be such, that she be rich, and that she be .... A. There are people, yeah, [for] whom it's important. B. The one with such hair ... and with I do not know what, and so on and so on. And ... the important thing is that he sets down a list of criteria. A. Aha. B. Right. A. Aha, right. B. In the end, she is all, you know, female. A. Aha. B. The important thing is that he kept slowly deleting these criteria. Each time he gives up a characteristic; he gives up a characteristic, until the last remaining characteristic is that she is a female and that’s it. A. Aha [laughs], that's good. B. The only one that was left for him is that she’s a female, you know. A. Aha. 166 Selection 13 It means, out of all the criteria he decided on. At the end of all of them, one thing remains. The important thing is that she is a female, and that's all. . Ah, yes, there is one that will ... he is concerned with these precise criteria. There is someone for whom beauty, in his opinion, comes at the ... as they say, the first thing. There is, so, it is according to the individual. The truth is that beauty is important, you know. . Aha, yeah, But what I mean is that there are those that put it in the first position. They put [beauty] ahead of education. Really .... . They tell you, So long as she is beautiful, I do not care whether she is educated or not educated. I. . Really, sometimes I am, ah ... I, even I, may be one of this kind. . Aha. Sometimes when ... between beauty and education, I would possibly choose ... her beauty. . Yes, frankly this really is a difficult problem. Truthfully, this way, you know, I am like this. Education, it does not mean that she has to be, ah ... ignorant, or that she be someone with, ah ... an education, with I don’t know what. . Aha. That she would have some education, or something, but sometimes I would ... choose, I would prefer ... not sometimes, you know, perhaps most of the time. . Aha. But, you know, the ... currently, when you look around, I told you, we, society, our problem, when you look .... . Aha. You'll find an educated woman and a beautiful woman. So you'll find like the ... the beautiful one will marry before the educated one. . Exactly. Come to the religious woman and the beautiful woman. You'll find that the beautiful one will get married before the religious one. . Aha. Ah ... the ... religious one is not, you know, religious and morally punctilious and everything. You find that the beautiful one who is less moral and less in everything will get married first. 167 Selection 13 A. This means that the beautiful one takes precedent in this matter. She's the one, she's the one who'll move in the market. Does a woman herself look for a man’s criteria? A few times before I heard a couple fighting, she was saying to him, she was insulting him, saying to him, saying to him, saying to him, "I wish I hadn't taken you.” B. Aha. A. She was telling him, "The daughter of ... the daughter of ... this other girl has someone who is taller than you.” B. Aha. A. "This one is richer than you. This one, ah ... works harder,” or, "That one has a car," or I do not know what. She tells him, "You are lazy, [and] things like that." In all, it means, it means a nature .... B. Mmm. A. Human [nature] is, ah .... B. Correct. A. The man has his criteria, but probably the single difference is that especially in our society that, that the woman cannot, cannot talk frankly about these criteria. Understand? Correct. A. The man could go to his father and tell him, "Frankly, I want her to be such and such." But rarely do you find a woman there [i.e., in Libya] who can go and tell him, tell him, "Frankly, I want him to be tall, broad [shouldered] and slender, and, and not fat, does not eat a lot and does not chow down [on everything], [who is] not all of the things like all of these." 168 Selection 14 The Tuareg Vocabulary Verbs itrajja /imperf yitrajja/ v to ask a favor rfa /imperf yarfa‘/ v a. to take, bring badeen timJii timiskaa w-tarfafaa la-SJurta Then you go and arrest him and take him to the police. b. to pick up (a woman) rfahhaa -yaadii Igaahaa -raajil He picked her up there and discovered that she was a man. drab /imperf yidrub/ v to strike, beat (cf. MSA daraba} tayyib /imperf ytayyib/ v to cook (sth), prepare (sth) to eat or drink naad (nudq) /imperf ynuud/ nooda v /intrans/ to arise, stand up; to wake up; get up, arise (from bed, the ground, etc.) fi -ssubah bakrii ynuud yimfii libhar Early in the moming he gets up and goes to the sea. Nouns & Adjectives baduu n /prop/ Bedouins Tajaa n favor, request zaayd adj /active participle of MSA zaada/ additional, extra {cf. MSA zaarid} Seex /pl Jyuux/ n a. sheikh, tribal chief b. old man twaarag n /prop/ Tuaregs Susma_n right to divorce yadee (yadaa) /pl yadawaat/ n lunch (cf. MSA yadaa?} gahwa n coffee Other Words & Phrases li-hadd il?aan phrase until now Yan (Sin) prep at, by; in the opinion of {cf. MSA Sinda} 169 Selection 14 ithwaarag Some cautionary remarks for those who may be considering taking a Tuareg bride. A. hal fii rayak limraa llimraa ? ... fii li ... fii Ibilaad ifJarqiyya w-naaxdu liblaad ilfarabiyya b-sifa {aamma matalan .... B. kwayys. A. ?aw liibyaa hal hal waslat li ... li-jamiiS huquughaa? hal asbaht huquughaa msaawya li-rraajil walla laa? B. w-allaahi hiyya .... A. bi-saraaha suwaal zayy haadaa saab I-anna haadaa muhimm jiddan. B. la? maa huu tawwaa 1 ... maa hii Ihuquuq yixtalaf ya‘nii. A. ?aha. B. lammaa n ... nguullik wuslat ilaa kull huquughaa ?anaa laa ?aSraf maa hiya kull huquuq ilmaraa. A. maa huu limraa hiyya Ilii dguullik lamraa law taaxd ummuk lamraa dguullik | ... bi-nnisba | ... Imaraa tawwaa b-sifa faamma dguullik anee nibbii huquugii zayy huquug irrajil maa fiiJ farg maa beenii w-beena. B. maa huu taa gutlik .... A. qasdii fii kull fayy fi-rrawaatib fi-ImaSaaJaat fii Hujuur fil ... fi-Lhurriyyit ilkalaam' mif Saaraf finuu fi-Itamal. 170 Selection 14 1 ... li-Tilmak bass ?inna hiya ?ak@ar ?imraa li-hadd il?aan fi-lfaalam waaxda hurriyyithaa ?uu waaxda huquuqhaa’ w-tataqaasam fiihaa Jaxsiyyan maf irrajil, ?illii hiya mif ilmar?a lyarbiyya wallaa Imar?a lamriikiyya walaa ayy maraa. . tii laa. . ?illii hiya maraa SaayJa fi-ssahraa, 7illii humma qabaayil ittwaarag haadii tasma’ biihum? . Paha baduu b-sifa Saamma. . haaduu jaaybiin Saleehum fii fraansaa kitaab, w-jaaybiin Saleehum barnaamij talfizyoonii, haaduu tafraf ilmar?a lammaa tatzawwuj fiihum. . Paha. . lammaa timfii titzawwuj immar?a zzawaaj il?uwwu ... zzawaaj iltawwal liihaa ysaaSadhaa buuhaa w ... w-ummhaa ya?nii fii ma‘rafat ifJaxis haadaa. . Raaywa. . ?ammaa zzawaaj iééaanii fa-hiya Ilii taquum wi-tattaxid raayhaa fiih, haadaa fayy, ?i/Jayy lawwal, Sinda maa turiid ittalaaq, tarfaf ?ayy rajileen w-timfii fila 1... Zilaa feex ilgabiila mtahhum. . 2aaywa. . w-tittallag Saadii jiddan ?itfalaag Iusma fii yaddhaa w-fii yadda Ilii ybbii ytallag yittallag. . Paha. 171 Selection 14 B. ?iffayy ittaali¢. irrajil 2aw zoojhaa lammaa yjii li-lbeet, maa -ygdirf iiguulilhaa nuudii tayybiilii lyadee ?aw tayybiilii gahwa ?aw Sayy. A. ?aha. B. yaSnii yitrajjaahaa rajaa yaSnii law tismahii 2u-yaStibra fadil minha ?u-musaafada bass. A. m.... B. ya‘nii m‘aahaa iffukur wu-mSaahaa kull fayy la .... A. haadii ttwaarag gult aah? B. haadii ttwaarag. A. ?aha. B. li-?anna zzooj hiya ?izzooj yiJtiyil barra tab‘an fi-ttijaara. A. ?aha. B. w-hiyya taJtyal fi-lfilaah. A. ?aha. B. hiya taftyal fi-lfilaaha w-Sandhaa haywaanaat w-fandhaa kull fay yaSnii mitqaasmiin iddoor. A. ?aha. B. fa-lwaajibaat izzaayda haadii Ilii tquum bihaa lih li huwwa, hiya taStabar min alSamal ?izzaayd w-mamnuuS ?ayy rajil yidrub Sindhum Saar ?uu- fadiiha ?inna rrajil iimidd yadda Sa-Imar?a. A. ?aha. 172 Selection 14 B. w-idaa kaan waahad minhum @arab ilmaraa, yafnii maa faJJ iiwarrii wijhaa 2amaam irrijaal haaduu w-hayidxul ya‘nii talgaah iixuff issahraa ?aw iixufJ ?ayy makaan humma Saayfiin f-sahraa, muhumm maa SaJJ iiw .» iijii li-lqabiila haadii ?abadan. fa-haadii Ihurriyya Ilii muujuuda San? immar?a haadii miJ mawjuuda ?ilaa Sin ... 2ayy ?imraa fi-l?aalam la-hadd ilaan ma? inna humma laa Sandhum laa groo walaa haaja bass 2axaduuhaa hikkii min ittabiifa. Notes: 1. This appears to be a speaking error for an ordinary idaafa construction, viz hurriyyit ilkalaam. 2. Here again we encounter the rather odd construction where the feminine active participle does not take its object as the second term of an idaafa (i.e., we would be much more comfortable if the speaker had said, waaxdat hurriyyithaa, etc.); also see above, p. 162. 3. Cf. MSA Sinda. 173 Selection 14 Golsbd! gisiny GSU OL! a ba Fai ait bi, pa La vor Wie Lobe Tires Go yall Lull se S Upasda cane! Ja Slyigia greed... doles Jada lias 5 SY Vy asl Gyline co gh ly Hae age ILA GY ane 138 55 Jl gee tal pee qe GGAS Gyiall ale SIs yay -4al Gots SS ga be Gyel YL! gasie US HI oho UW Js. SU Bik vee Dell S55 Bi Al bel 3805 J Si LIU J yi5 AU! ga Bill ga 55 gistie 8 GI Jy Le ies 15 BI I CL Cs ne Goya Hat Jal! Sgt vee CU cli ot! ga le pb dc oT pb SLEL (ph Gly dl gb LE US (gt ated veal pb gd gle She PII a 174 Selection 14 gl UpSe ye B38) ILI 48 GY! asl Biel JAS ga Gl Guy cheb I Bi AN ke pt GI Le ll ge Lae Upad puly Lpigde 344i Bi pal gl Vy Go! BLY 5 Gal YS al tod Golgbl! LG a Ul vel panel! (pb UatLe Biel pe QUI Sage qamd ale Une gar cal i eG pp ale optles OLS Lust pt pp ale Ql ga ceded 79555 UL Bi LI Gyn 58 5 AG al Unga! Laceby Ud Uo¥l gly oY Clad i gy aU Nia Ge B Sl Layee gb ina galls. y oi dl Cet pk Ne ed Ui y GAS 0g UI pet SUI EIgWIL feed ll ee MN A peadig ope y cg! Qa 55 «GUA! a5 Leake «Jy! wpgelie Ud! ol di Glas pe Gill oss pig Lass gb Lesead! GUI! Lae ule Gilby al A 175 Selection 14 Ud ste tty Le oe epee U Ugass gl Dol SL Cd i sl Bs ot otk 5) elatll t pek pays ved Ut US Urey SAU Une gin Sol old Glyph! ose Gol ghd! oie 4a BL gi Leak Is Ja G5! gt Gol OF -4al dasa! 64 JAE pay al pe tet SS Late oLilyae Laiey Caslill pi JAS pe 1g gall cpeulicie cal 176 Selection 14 Lae ope pans oh gt gy py gl ode 5815 laa glLa og tay Dall Ol Cais ole paste Gedy day gl ggieay stl5lI Bi yLl gle al pal dpas oe ctole Le pins BIL pee pps daly OlS lily lS gl GR gl el panel! Gude oll pins Josaay ¥5a dle yl! agh ode TRU gee gu stole Le ag cel paee opt onttiLe pa i ate lI Bigeye che ode Bit sic Bigeye lll Gall oaga ey Lala Hy Nyy YT pte Yt SI ge OY! sal IL! a Bil Ma gsb I Ge Sa Lagi! 177 Selection 14 The Tuareg A. Is, in your view, the woman, the woman, ah ... the in ... in the eastern countries, We'll take the Arab countries, in general, as an example .... » Fine. Libya, did, did [the woman] arrive at ... at all of her rights? Have her rights become equal to that of a man, or no? By God, she's .... Frankly, a question like this is difficult, because this is very important. > Yes, really now the ... rights, it differs. Aha. When ... I tell you that he has arrived to all of her rights, I don't know what all of the rights of women are. wpe > w > The woman is the one who tells you. When you take your mother, a woman says to you ... in relation to ... now, in general, "I want my rights to be like the rights of a man. There's no difference between him and me." B. That's what I told you .... A. I mean, in everything, in salaries, in incomes, in wages, in ... in freedom of speech. I don't know what, in jobs. B. Ah... to your knowledge, but that she is the woman in the world greatest until now in taking her freedom and taking her rights, sharing them personally with men. She isn't the Western woman or the American woman or any [other] woman. A. Right .... B. She's the woman living in the desert, that is those Tuareg tribes. Have you heard of them? A. Aha, Bedouins in general. B. These, they've brought out a book about them in France and they've brought out a television program about them. These, you know the woman when she marries among them. A. Aha. B. When a woman goes to get married the first time ... her first marriage. Her father helps her and ... and her mother, you know, in getting acquainted with this person. 178 Selection 14 2 > a> PP UP Dre he > Yes. As for the second marriage, she is the one who undertakes and exercises her opinion in it, this thing. The first thing, when she wants to divorce. She takes any two men and she goes to ... to the sheik of their tribe. Yes. Divorce is very common. Divorce, the power of divorce is in her hands, and in his hand. Whoever wants to divorce, can divorce. Aha. The third thing: A man or her husband, when he comes home, he can't say to her, "Get up and cook lunch,” or, "Make me coffee, or something.” Aha. You know, he has to ask her as a favor, "If you don't mind," and he considers it a favor from her or an act of assistance only. Mmn .... You know, she gets thanks and everything. Yes .... These are the Tuareg, you said, right? These are the Tuareg. Aha. Because the husband, she, the husband works outside, of course, in trade. Aha. While she works in agriculture. Aha. She works in agriculture and she has animals and she has everything. You know, they split up the roles. Aha. So these additional duties which she undertakes for him, for. They are considered one of the extra jobs. It's forbidden that any man hit [his wife]. In their view, it is a dishonor and a scandal that a man raise his hand against a woman. Aha. If one of them hits a woman, you know, he can no longer show his face in front of these men. He'll enter, you know, you find that he goes into the desert or he goes anywhere. They live in the desert. Anyway he no longer ... comes to the tribe [again] ever. The freedom existing for this woman doesn't exist at, ah ... any woman in the world up until now, despite that they don't have, they aren't educated or anything. But they only took it that way from nature. 179 Selection 15 The Old-Fashioned Bakeries Vocabulary Verbs jbad /imperf yijbid/ v to grab, grasp {cf. MSA jaeaba} tSaflig /imperf yatfafilg/ v to become angry, upset haadum mtCafilgiin minii lammaa -nmfJuu fi Iqitaar yguuluu -fin haadaa They became angry with me when I got on the train [with a cooler full of beers] saying, “What's this!” maja /imperf ymaJfi/ v to make (so, sth) go Nouns & Adjectives ?arud n earth, ground {cf. MSA ?ard} baklaawa Turk (baklava) (baqlaawaa) n baklava (pastry made of filo dough, nuts, and honey or treacle) {cf. MSA baqlaawa} halawiyya n sweets, pastries xubza (xubiz) n bread; bread dough duulaar Eng /p! duulaaraat/ n dollar ramzi adj token, symbolic sxun adj warm, hot sufra Persian /pl sfuur/ n tray yrayyba n pastry made of semolina, butter, and sugar gir) Germ (Grédschen) (giriJ, gars) /pl gruuf/ n_ piastre (one hundred piastres make a Libyan pound) magruud (magruud) n pastry with a date filling fum /plafraan/ n oven kaafiik /pl kwufiik/ n a. peel (wooden shovel for removing baked goods from an oven) b. kiosk ka%k (kafak) n /coll/ cookies kahrabaa n electricity kuufa /pl kwuff/ n oven; kiln kuwwaaj /pl kuwwaaJa/ n baker (cf. MSA farraan} malliim French (milliéme) /p| mlaliim/ n millime (one tenth of a piastre) 180 Selection 15 likwulf liga More mouthwatering musings about the good old days. On the original tape, these reveries immediately followed Selection 9, "Hushpuppies.” B. hattaa Ixubza zmaan fihaa haaja yaSnii kwayysa Ixubza hattaa | ... Ixubza zmaan ytayybuu fihaa bi-nnaar bi-htabb mif zayy tawwaa bil ... A. ?aha. B. Ikahrabaa wi-ttasxiin w ... tilgaa htabb naar waalSa fa-Ixubza kaant fiihaa faim zmaan. taxudhaa sxuna ? ... tmaJfiihaa bi-?ayy haaja. A. ?aha. B. laakin Ixubza mtaa{ tawwaa haadii maa nnaas maa SatJ m ... mif maa yaaxéuuJ fihaa ya‘nii nafs ifJayy laakin yifaddluu fi-Ixubza lawlaa yaSnii [incomprehensible utterance] .... A. lanna zma ... zmaan kaan fii likwuff ligdiima? B. ?aaywa Ikuuf ligdiima yahkuu faleehaa nnaas .... A. ?aha Ilii .... B. [incomprehensible utterance]. A. llii masnuufa m-ittuub. B. bi-zzabat. A. haadii lootaa talgaah, talgaahaa mahfuura hiyya. B: ?aha. 181 Selection 15 ‘A. uu ... w-kullhaa min daaxal mabniyya min ittuub, ittuub Ijayyid haadaa llii maa .... B. ?ayywa. A. ynahrugf ?uw fiihaa darjit haraara muSayyna w-buruuda mufayyna w-yaaxid Ixubza wi-yhutthaa daaxil, w-findah, w-Sinda zayy maa dguul kwufiik kbaar twaal masnuufaat mi-Ilooh. B. m.. A. w-Sariidaat llii tikfii Ixubza, w-iihutt ilkafiik daaxil w-yijbid IkaJiik wil .. [incomprehensible utterance] wii ... w-Sinda fatra muSayyna yaSrafhaa giddaaJ, hattaa Ixubza maa taxidJ mif zayy laf ... Ifa ... lafraan haadii maa taxidJ hattaa mtaa‘a xamsa dgaayig, fhamit? wi-ttiib. mun quwwitaa wi-ftiib mazbuut. w-hataa Ihalawiyyaat zmaan fii liibyaa kulla ydiiruu fiihum fii ttariiqa haadii Ihalawiyyaat nitfakkar fii fil ... fi-ISiid likbiira wi-lSiid ssyiira. narfatuu hnee hwaalii afra Sifriin suf ... sufra kbaar. nirfafuu fiihum Ilii sufrit katak sufrit baklaawa sufrit a ... yrayyba sufrit magruut. narfafuu fiihum haa@ii nhitt li-lkuwwaaJ. B. ?aha. A. nfees maa tafrafJ nfees -uu? waahad maSruuf haadaa, zmaan fi-Imadiina Iqadiima, kull kull | ... Imadiina Iqadiima taSraf nfees, isma nfees huwwa. B. ?aha. A. wi-tilgaa huwwa naazil taht lootaa mdaarii mdaarii li-nafsah zayy haaja hufra fi-I2arud bass titnaasib mSa jisma w-wijha ykuun mSaadil Ikuufa llii mgablaatah, fhamtuu? 182 Selection 15 . Paha. . w .. W-diimaa maskiin talgaah mgaSmiz yaadyuu, w-diimaa nee kunt mistayrab kiif yaa xii yithammil 1... 1... ?a ... illahab w-quwwit Iharaara Imujuuda yaadii. . ?aha. . w-talgaa tabiiSii Yaadii. ?izmaan fii waahd isma nfees, 2aswid huwwa. . Paha. . kaanuu nnaas diimaa yitSafilkuu minna yguulla' yguulla hragtaa zayy maa ha ... zayy maa nafsik hragtaa yaa inta yaa nfees, ma ... yguulla w-tiltat mahruuga zayyik yaa nfees. [incomprehensible utterance]. . yadhak huwwa kaan yadhak lina huwwa ?aswid. . Me. . ygulla hragthaa zayy maa h ... zayy zayy maa ru ... maa ruuhak mahruuga. Meee . yadhak. . fa-saar huwwa b-rooha kaan iitayyib w-iibiit w-iidiir. . kull fay aha kull Jay, laa laa Ixubza yjiibuuhaa nnaas zmaan, . ?aa. . laa laa taa kiif? 183 Selection 15 B. mtaaf ttwaajiin haaduu. A. yeah inta iddiir Ixubza fi-lhoof. B. aa. A. zayy Sandhum a ... huwwa Sandum Ixubza Ilii ybiifuu fiihaa humma IkuwwaajJa haadii. B. ?aa. ttweejiin, Ixubza ddiirhaa fi-lhoof inta llii tibbiihaa inta. B. ?aha. A. w-tarfahhaa nta li-Ikuufa. kaant aahla Ikuufa inta zmaan w-kaan hattaa ssifir mtahhaa kaan zayy maa dguul asfaar ramziyya, ttajiin kaan bii-xamsa malliim, giriJ, sfuur Ika‘ak natfakkar fii kaant | gruuJ, faJra gruuJ, hasb il ... hasb il ... ssufra kaanaa kaYak nitfakkar fiih kaan bi-girfeen. kaanaa sufrit magruud wallaa ku ... sufrit a... sufrit fin . ssufra bii-xamsa ismaahaa baklaawa djiik matalan bi-hawaalii {ara duulaaraat SaJr a ... ssifra magalan .... B. m. A. Safra gruuJ. B. ?aha. A. SaJra gruuJ. laa hasb ilmiqdaar laakin t ... Ixubza nafsaa nitfakkur fiih diimaa, kaant Yaada hnee laazim tarfaS Ixubza waahad mi-l?adwaar Ili ydiiruu fiihaa li-ssyaar. 184 Selection 15 B. ?aha. A. kull waahad finda door m-ladwaar Ili fiihaa nna nna mahammad yarfat Ixubza li-IkuuJa. B. ?aha. B. kwayysa wallah. A. ?aa? id tii fikra kwayysa. Notes: 1. yguulla: In the sense of "They say to ...," this is a frozen form, e.g., maa yalfabuu/ laakin fin yijuu? yiquullik .... "They don’t play, but why do they come? They tell you ...." 185 Selection 15 Lapa! Gb ySII Bull... A) he Bj aaI Lua gS pies Dale Uyad ghey ual Se coos Ls 195 5 tes Gabel SLUG Ugad Lynas SLO cal Uped ils bpadILa Lally GG lee Als. y aay Le yg! ale oly Gated PEL LAA Le pa aal BGR Le Gis ns GSLs Le aL Ls ode 155 pls BSI! OSI ge ls GU gg phe OS LA Gas Ga LG ..-. [incomprehensible utterance] TassHll Gh SUI dad GIS Glr5 05 SY oe Gul gabe IpSay Legal Gb 9SII 0 gal ot — hl «al [incomprehensible utterance] wpb pe Le ghee lll eal vy Bygdas LAL oli Lb gl! oda al 186 Selection 15 eee Le UT Na sag ghd ghd ge Gtne Jl oe USS vogal Ball Sty Cipes Bag pes Tres Bole Taos ad yl Ghia Jlyb sLas slits s J 5H Le (55 othe y conte 9 SSls Lgbaay CUI ype Sle pines Let Giang als Letts bay Bp a8ll GiSS UI las pes Lyd pay Uses 344 otic ... 45 [incomprehensible utterance] ... 5 Ce oka a. UI. Yl og5 Ge GAA Le Baa oe thd bas asd oe abs y Scag Gals Gued ele Se Gk wet ted ope dS Led (pt les Slslell pins by nde daly eS Sad pb dl pb ob S455 SLi glall oka Ui, yb Ses LS 3 pits tee Ga pte pute lige Gad yaa -pisall Uap pbe 3 pie Lise... B phe Bydlds 3 pine aS Biro GUI pga Obl sSU bas oie aga’ gad 5 aal Tags (pa Glos Iba ig pae sally 85! Gants ed Le Gans BA Gand Coal ends 0d Las GU... I JS US Lal tal 187 Selection 15 eb Borde Ta 655 nd ole ole elb J! cra5 J5L 4a olay gpl LabySI Jolae S9Ss Ceagy Comme Ge ul Gus G27 Seung etlilie cal BS Spies GAS LI Lab lay oegolé janie oli ySiue Lidloy ne Bapege GUI Bol pall By dy HU Dd HI dee SIG gilt al 9B Syed yeni danl daly pd GLe5 pole rssh oli val vem Le gy Gaya U yds Splits he I gilinty LaSls Guladl | yils Vay yas coal y U pds ne pent el Ly Yd ye eben Le og soegds by be 5 [incomprehensible utterance] wa guul gf OY claude GIS yo claus Migjas dag len 545 gd Lg) Yiye I Jot vlan 188 Selection 15 roses Ges be IS Gay 58 sled 1 cles Gull Laguna BRI Y ee Saal dS Plees SS clay y J eVGA Galgbll ps Shall (oo Bj aS 345 cul yeah al vl ws -0hd LEI 9SII pa Ugg lyases oll Bj nd! pdsce ga... | pmaic 55 all Oo Vgaaee ol GLEN GS as (Al Geol jad ote GHG I el a GUI cl gall GLa 35 858) Gal sb foals ee te IS 9 Oleg cH LASSI lal Gls LE SU I aay i Tamed GIS opal daze y shal JgG Le 55 UNS Upelie pruull Qos Bybee... I ols Crd Sais aS! pies hd pale ela S StS Syd eee os lee sg yd Bytes chy yd vee LB phe S Vy Gay pde Bybee GIS uh ds GIS cad Sas ve Ppl oe gV gs Bye ll gay Me albaes By 9iy ase! Go Bye sess Mee B pina 189 Selection 15 (hyd 3 pe veal ob S855 Ups BRAM GSI SIad Gu Y iy yd bp Ny sgag Hl slg) pe aaly 35 a8 G50 A SY Gas Bale Gils Letts «lina Usd cal Bj aS ayy see Ol SI ad GU! sl sel pe 5 ys cate aaly JS Hd SL wal veka Udy phJlyy Suid Gey gle Lal Uy Lana gS vol engsS 35 5 190 Selection 15 » POPU > E> BE > D> The Old-Fashioned Bakeries Even the bread long ago had something, you know, good. The bread, even the ... the bread, they used to bake it with a wood-fire, not like today with Aha. Electricity and [artificial] heating and ... you find wood, a burning fire, so the bread long ago used to have a certain taste. You used to take it hot, ah ... you could make it go with anything. . Aha. But this bread of today, the people don't, no longer ... not that they don't take it. You know, the same thing, but they prefer the earlier bread, you know .... . Because long ... long ago there were the old ovens? Yes, the old ovens. People talk about them .... Aha, the ones .... [incomprehensible utterance]. Which are made of brick. Exactly. This is the ground. You find, you find that's it's dug out. Aha. And all of the inside is built of brick. This good brick which doesn't .... Yes. . burn. It has a certain temperature and a specific coldness. One takes the read and puts it inside. He has, he has, as they say, long, big peels made of boards. Mmn .... 191 Selection 15 A. And they're wide enough for the bread. One puts his peel inside and pulls out the peel [when the bread is ready] and ... [incomprehensible utterance] and ... and it has a specific period of time, which he knew how much it was. Even the bread doesn't take not like the ... these ovens. It doesn't, don't even take roughly five minutes, understand? It cooks from the strength [of the oven's fire]. It cooks exactly. Also the sweets in the olden days in all of Libya they do them this way. The sweets, I remember the, the ... the Great Feast and the Little Feast. We took about ten, twenty ... big trays. We took them. One was the tray of cake, tray of baklava, a tray of ah ... pastry, a tray of date pastry. We used to take them. These I used to give to the baker. B. Aha. A. Nafis, you don't know Nafis, do you? This was a well-known man long ago in the Old City. Everyone, all of ... the Old City knows Nafis. His name was Nafis. B. Aha. A. You used to find him going under the ground, making, making for himself something like a hole in the earth which barely fit his body while his face is at the same height as the oven which was in front of him, understand? B. Aha. A. And ... and he was always unfortunate. You used to find him sitting there. I was always astonished how, brother, he put up with the ... the ... ah ... the flames and the strength of the heat present there. B. Aha. A. You would find him natural and usual. Long ago there was one whose name was Nafis. He was black. B. Aha. A. There were people who were always angry with him. They used to say to him, they used to say to him, "You burt it, as ... as you, yourself, you burnt it, you, Nafis." They'd tell him, "It came out burnt like you, Nafis." B. [incomprehensible utterance] A. He used to laugh. He used to laugh, because he was black. B. Mmm .... A. They used to say to him, "You burned it, as ..., like, as ... as [you], yourself, are burnt." B. Mmm.... A. He used to laugh. B. So he used to cook, sell and do [it all] by himself. 192 > >o >» > Rp w> es >e>pw Dp > wD Selection 15 Everything, aha. Everything. Yes, yes, long ago the people used to bring bread [dough]. Aha. Yes, yes, how? The one with the casseroles. Yeah, do you make bread [dough] at home? Ah. This one, they have, ah .... He, they have bread which they sell, those bakers. Ah. You find that he has his own special bread which he sells. But the majority of people bring casseroles. Bread you make at home. You are the one who wants it, you. Aha. You take it to the oven. In the olden days, the ovens were better. Its cost also was, as they say, token prices. Casseroles cost five millimes, for a piastre. A tray of cookies, I remember ... that a tray was five millimes, ten millimes, according to ... according to ... the tray. If it was cookies, I remember that it was for two piastres. If it was a tray of date pastry or ... a tray of ... what's it called? Baklava, it costs you, for instance, about ten dollars, ten, ah ... a tray, for instance .... Mmm. . For ten piastres. Aha. . Ten piastres. Yes, according to the amount. But ... the bread, itself, I remember there was always a custom. We, you need to take the bread [to the bakery], one of the roles which the children used to perform. Aha. . Everyone has a role which, among them, that, that Muhammad takes the bread dough to the oven. Aha. But Salim brings the sinfz, and so forth. Really fine. Aha. A nice thought. 193 Selection 16 Libyan Clothes Vocabulary Nouns & Adjectives badla /pl bidil/ n costume, outfit toob /pl twaab/ n robe, cloak {cf. MSA @awb} jarad (jard) baracan (another name for the hoolii) hoolii /pl hwaali/ 1» baracan (seamless gown characteristic of traditional Libyan men's dress) dhab n gold (jewelry) rdee (rdii) /pl rdaawaat/ n woman's gown {cf. MSA ridaa?} zayy /pl 2azyaa?/ n garb, clothing, costume {cf. MSA ziyy} tagiyya /pl twaagi/ n skullcap {cf. MSA taaqiiya} traablis n /prop/ Tripoli §adda (fidda) 7n kit, equipment, set-up maSarga (mafarga, marfaga) /pl mSaarig/ n traditional skullcap {cf. Egyptian {arraagiiya} {gaal n headband yliid adj thick {cf. MSA yaliiz} farmla (farmala) /pl fraamil/ n traditional Libyan vest kabbuus /pl kbabiis/ n skullcap 194 Selection 16 izzayy lliibii A brief and largely uninformative discussion of traditional Libyan garb, featuring more evidence of B's strange ignorance of things pertaining to women. B. yimfii li -jiiht ijjbal yaadii yilgaahum yasnifuu fi-lhoolii haadaa lliibii. A. Ihoolii haadaa Skuun yalbsa rraajil willaa Imaraa? B. yalbsa rraajil tabSan hattaa limaraa talbis laakin maa ysammuuf fii hoolii yasammuu .... A. fin [incomprehensible utterance]? B. fiih ... mif Saarf fii ysammuu fii jarad walla haaja hikkii. A. ?aa maf rdee? B. huwwa nafs nafs 1... 1 ... laa mn issuuff Ilii yalbsuu fii haadaa. A. ?aha. B. mif Saarf fii ysammuu fii mtaaS Imar?a haadii Ilii talbis fii. A. huwwa zzayy ttaqliidii lliibii ma@alan bi-zzabt mn aaf yitkawwan? ?aamtaa waahad yibbii yalbis labsa liibiyya mazbuut matalan qasdii maa yalbiss" ayy haaja yarbiyya zayy maa dguul, mn aaf yatkawwan izzayy lliibii? B. maSruufa Ibadla Warbiyya haadii Ibeedaa wil ... Ifarmla. A. ?aha. B. wi-jjarad. A. wi-jjarad. 195 Selection 16 B. lkabbuus. A. ?aha. B. tatlaf a ... ?aslii. A. ?alkabbuus Ilii huwwa ttagiyya qasdak? B. ?aah. A. ?aw ?aw Imarfaga? B. haah. A. aw ImaSarga wallaa marabga. ?aha kawyys wa baahii haadaa haadaa li-rraajil wallaa laa? B. ?aah. A. baahii w-limaraa finuu llibaas ttaqliidii mtahhaa bi-zzabt? B. limraa talbis tabSan dhabb wi-rdee w-miJ Saarf Sindaa haadiikaa Sadda b-roohhaa maa na‘rifJ nsammiihaa. A. ?aha. B. laakin naSrif anna rrdee wi-lhaajaat haadii. A. sar haadii haadii Imalaabis ttaqliidiyya mtaa Imaraa? B. ?aah. A. mm kwayyis. B. fa... 7uu-bafdeen nafs iffayy hata zzayy fii liibyaa. A. ?aha. 196 Selection 16 . yaxtalaf nafs ifJayy mif yaSnii miJ ... fiih bidil u-fii haajaat yalbsuu fiihaa fii sabhaa w-fii kadaa maa yalbsuuJ fiihaa fii traablis maa yalbsuuf fiihaa fii jabal lyarbii maa yalbsuuJ fiihaa .... . Paha. . manaatiq halba. . zayy lhoolii ddinnii maa yal ... maa ylabsuuJ fii halba yeah fii traablis yalbsuu fiih aaktar matalan fi-lmantiqa lyarbiyya [incomprehensible utterance]. . aa, Ihoolii fi-Imantiga lyarbiyya kaa@ir laakin yalbsuu fii hattaa fi- Imantiga Sfarqiyya wa-laakin .... . Paha. . mif mif .... . bass miz zayy* mtaaf fraablis lana traablis adinnii 2abyad hoonee diimaa yalbsuu fiih .... . ?aa. . anee buuy nitfakkir fii yalbis f-I?abyad, Imantiga SJarqiyya ayalbaa yalbsuu fiih ma@alan zayy maa ... mumkun mumkun lharaara liihaa ta?tiir ?a ... linna fii buruuda Jwayya ?aktar talgaah alhoolii 2aylad Jwayya. . sabiih. . Piyliid talgaah mn issuuf matalan. . sahiih. . talgaah min assuuf. 197 Selection 16 B. ?aha. A. w-tawwaa haadaa llibaas ttaqlidii yalbsuu fii hattaa fii ?a{maal wallaa mujarrad fii munaasabaat zayy maa dguul ISiris. w ... ?uu-laakin fiih naas tamfii matalan fi-sstuudiyya muutabbaq mazbuut qasdii sstuudiyya ?aylabhum hoonee a ... kullum laabsiin llibs mtahhum issSuudii Ilii huwwa | ... ttoob w ... wi-lafgaal w-yeerah. B. m. A. ?aylabhum laakin huwwa f-liibyaa hal huwwa yalbsuu fii nnaas b-sifa Saamma fi-{fuyul wallaa yeer yeer fi-lmunaasabaat zayy maa dguul imtaa .... B. w-allaahii .... A. irrasmiyya? B. w-allaahii fii Ilii yalbsuu fiih hattaa fi-fJuyul. A. ?aha. B. fii llii haattaa fi-{fuyul yalbas fii. Notes: | 1. Le., maa yalbisf. 2. Le., mif zayy. 198 Selection 16 gets eg ll etal Hh gl gall ga Lyaiees paliily (glé Jali dgal pies SAY Jel teas GS Ham glgall oT celal at Figen Le GSI Gal BIL! ae Le Jo I mals ies) $[incomprehensible utterance] (4 J wpb Cale Vy ye Gi pees pd isle Ge Go Selay tee | A Wm ab Ngeuals GUT a gael Se Yo Nee WI gud Guid ga -4al A ad pal UI 0a Bll pe ad pens ep ole he et SSS et gl Oe Beall as pl sal gl ga (5! Fal Le (gtned Wis b peed God Ged Guols pas sally Stel oH 95S eet esl Ge si Le 55 Gd GLE VAL add. Ny Lea ode Gy all Us lige -4al a vagally 199 Selection 16 sayally ug! sual spleen Vlas Sane GGL gi GUI a gS! val Sdde yLI gl gl vole SY Vy Jel Nia Nia palsy ua gS al Gia LI Ys die sll oi Sd aetdly Ugelie (rit! ull! git Bi tly pals Uprsog Bae elie Laie ile hay clay 9 ad Lab Ga ail Uprenas ind p25 Le al vod olabally elo GI G05 gS S81 Ml plas Gauls! UI oda oda jlo oi snes 6 200 Selection 16 Lage ged gill pha tpl Guid Goan gd -4al a Nyewals clale dois Jad! ad .. Ge pies Gis Gas Ge sal pb pi Ueda Le NS ping [Teas or] pase pt Gt eee Up Gt geal Le ge yl sell ga Und ti gens al auleghln 1G elk ot yeah Cle dt bp Le LL SBI sales incomprehensible] U4) -i/) TELA gs Whe FES) Cob bps [utterance TRL gb a Gh Nye OSI SIS Cy SI GN Iya co SSg Had pl -4al A Vga Ledls La Qdoa! bl gull pb GY Gabel pe plas iss he us I Vyaualy Gold) 25 AN) EA a 8 uh a SE IL Bag yy Geb SY one | ats Ul Bl yall Saw GSae Le gj a ag LEI A gall oli ASI yt 201 Selection 16 dal bse Vy UL! gb ie a Ips cli Gul Nha 15g pet ie ped ul ab OS gg Gu pd Jy Le 55 Sl ple PS Lie pg ald! Gye! gored byeede Links Gayeuull Laat y Sp A gt GU gay d! ppelin Gull ees semis a get Rabe Cites al a peels gm La Lad 5 gy OS) pele! vee Ge JH Le gy SLL (gb pad jad Vy Jacl ely ve Stew RE ph he ad Ngee gl gd AL dal ob ls JAS pt ie Ul 202 Selection 16 => » Bp we > D> POPU > WP D> E> es Libyan Clothes One goes to the mountain region. There he finds them making this Libyan hooli. This hooli, who wears it, men or women? Men, of course, wear it. Women also wear [it], but they don't call it a hooli. They call it .... What [incomprehensible utterance]? There's ... I don't know, something they call [it] "jarad" or something. Aha, not a dress? It's the same, same ... the ... not of wool which they wear, this thing. Aha. I don't know what they call it. [It's] for women. This thing which she wears. It's a traditional Libyan garment, for example. From exactly what is it made? When one wants to wear Libyan garb exactly, for example, I mean one doesn't wear anything Western, as they say. What does the Libyan garb consist of? It's well known, the white Arab suit and ... vest. Aha. And the jarad. And the jarad. The kabbuus. Aha. You come out, ah ... original. The kabbuus, that is the skull-cap, you mean? Aha. Or, or the maraga. Ah. And the "maraga.” or "“mahraga.” Aha, fine and good. This, this is for men or no? Aha. 203 Selection 16 A. Right, and women, what exactly is the traditional dress for them? B. Women wear, of course, gold and a gown, and I don't know. She has her own set-up. I don't know what to call it. A. Aha. B. But I, myself, know the gown and these things. A. So, these, these are the traditional clothes for women? B. Ah. A. Mmm, fine. B. So ... and then the same thing is also the costume in Libya. A. Aha. B. It differs. The same thing, not, you know, not ... there are costumes and things which they wear in Sabha, and such. They don't wear it in Tripoli; they don't wear it in the Western Mountain. They don't wear it .... A. Aha. B. Many regions. A. Like the hooli. I think that they don't ... they don't wear it much, yeah, in Tripoli. They wear it more, for example, in the western region {incomprehensible utterance]. B. Aha. The hooli is common in the western region, but they also wear it in the eastern region. But .... A. Aha. B. Not, not .... A. But it's not like the one in Tripoli, because Tripoli, I think, is white. Here they always wear it .... B. Ah. A. I, my father, I remember that he used to wear a white one. The eastern region, in the majority of it, they wear it, for example, as ... perhaps, perhaps the heat has an effect, ah ... because there's some coldness. Most often you find the hooli is a little thicker. B. Right. A. Heavy, you find [it's] made of wool, for instance. B. Right. A. You find that it's wool. B. Aha. 204 Selection 16 w > wp pe> Now this traditional garb, do they wear [it] even at work or merely on [special] occasions, as they say, a wedding party. And ... and but there are people who go around, for instance, in Saudi Arabia, and it is really applied. I mean that Saudi Arabians, most of them here, ah ... all of them wear their Saudi costume, which is the ... the robe and ... and the headband, etc. Mmm. The majority of them. But it's in Libya. Does he wear it among the people in general at work or only, only on occasions, as they say, of .... Really .... Official? Really, and there are those who even wear it at work. Aha. There are those who even wear it at work. 205 Selection 17 Libyan Cuisine Vocabulary Verbs bram /imperf yibirm/ v to twist (sth) bawwax /pl ybawwix/ tubwiix v to steam (rice, couscous, etc.) daxxal /imperf ydaxxal/ v a. to cause to enter Sindum daliil ydaxxlik lumam Imuttahida They have a guide who brings you in the United Nations. b. to accost, interfere with bi-sseef marraat iijibduuk bi-sseef ydaaxxluuk bi-sseef Violently, sometimes [the prostitutes] grab you violently. They accost you violently. taggag /imperf yraggig/ v to make (sth) thin (cf. MSA raqqaqa} gass /imperf ygass/ v a. to cut b. to move across, cross, traverse kaskis /pl ykasiks/ v to roll the semolina mixture to make couscous Nouns & Adjectives tannuur /pl tnaniir/ 7 oven dahii /pl dahyaat; unit noun dahya/ dahyaat (pl) x /coll/ eggs fii! adj mashed reayyig adj thin (cf. MSA raqiiq) tbiixa /pl tbaayix, tbaayax/ n cooked main dish tanjra Turk (tencere) /pl tnaajir/ n casserole dish ftaat n /coll/ cut-up pieces of bread naJawi 1. adj starchy, carbohydrate-laden 2. n naJawiyyaat starchy foods 206 Selection 17 Tak lliibii One would quite naturally expect that a discussion of Libyan food would focus on the unique local ingredients, dishes and preparation techniques. Instead, we find an exposition on the starchy building blocks, which represent the mainstream of mankind's universal culinary heritage. A. Jin huwwa bi-zzabt I?akl Iliibii b-sifa {aamma yitkawwan matalan? aahuu ?aStiinaa wasf kwayyis li-lakl illiibii! fii [incomprehensible utterance] .... Ikuskusii haadaa maa SandiiJ Saleehaa' -yy fikra nee. fii kuskusii w-fii baziin w-makroona w-ruzz dfiifa’. ?aha. haaéaa kulla -kil liibii. baah. xubza, xubza jayya mtaf Ifurun haadii. ?aha xubza ydiiruu fiihaa fi-lhoof? B. ?aa fi-lfurun ?ah A. [incomprehensible utterance]. fi-lhoof. baahii w .... ruzz. 207 Selection 17 A. ?aha. B. kull haadii ?aklaat liibiyya. A. wi-lmakroona fii hattaa huwwa wallaa maa fiiJ? B. Imakroona kullaa tabfan, ?aylab fayy talgaahaa Imakruuna ya‘nii. A. ?aha baahii w-Jinuu f ... ?afhar ?akla ?ak ... ?ashar ?akla mafruufa matalan yaakluu fiihaa ktar innaas? B. ruzz.... A. matalan fiihaa .... B. ?irruzz wi-lkuskusii w :.. yaSnii haadii hattaa fi-Imunaasabaat wi-lxubza mtaf Ifurun haadii. A. ?aha. B. ?uu-yaSnii wi-lbaziin ugsid. A. ?aha. B. haadii ?aktar Jayy fi-lmunaasabaat w- ?a ... yafnii w-taStabir,® mi-I?aklaat irra?iisiyya yaSnii rruzz talgaah fi-lmantiga yaadii JJarqiyya ktar haaja, kuskusii haadaa fii, fi-ljinuub u-fii traablis u-fii ... Ixubza mta¥ Ifurun talgaa haadii f-mantaqat ljabal lyarbii kullhaa. A. ?aha. B. ?aylabiyyithum yaSnii yfaddluu | ... ysammuu fiihaa haadaa Ifataat. A. ?aha. B. fa ... I?aklaat illiibiyya kullhaa mrakkza talgaahaa fal ... nnaJawiyyaat. 208 Selection 17 . saar fin fin 1... ?.... sar finuu huwwa liftaat bi-zzabt matalan? + Xubzit furun. . baah. . ydiiruu Saleehaa | ... ttbiixa haadii wi-lhamm. . aha . tabfan anwaaS ittbaayax mtahhaa mif Saaraf iidiiruu fiihaa. w-lahamm talgaahaa Imuhumm hiyya Ixubza mtaa“at furun. . Paha. . W-iigassuuhaa truuf truuf. . baah. . w-iisibbuu Saleehaa | ... ittbiixa haadii w ... w-Saadatan laazim tkuun bi-lhamm tabfan. . Paha. . w-kaan fii dahy ahyaanan matbuux tabax. . Paha. . haadii ysammuu fiihaa fataat yaSnii mawjuuda. . wa-haadii haadii haadii muujuuda fi-lmantiga ljabaliyya biss wallaa hattaa fi-Imadiina talgaahaa? . w-allaahi fii hattaa fi-lmadiina laakin Jwayya laakin aktar Jay fi-Imantiqa ljabaliyya foog. 209 Selection 17 A. B. m, baahii wil ... Ixubza ween ytayybuu fiihaa ttannuur Sa ... Ilii fil ...? tannuur aah. Sindum fi-lhoof wallaa kiif wallaa ween iidiiruu? . tabfan fi-lhoof talgii* taa ?aylab innaas talgaa Sandhaa tannuur. baahii gult 1... 1... 1... w-ba ... baahii Ikuskusii Jinuu Jinuu lisim haadaa bi-zzabt? Jin huwwa Ikuskusii? I mean Jin Jin innoof min fin huwwa? hal huwwa makroona? hal huwwa naJawiyyaat? finuu? w-allaa nafawiyyaat huwwa taqriiban mn issmiid idiiruu fii tabVan issmiid ween yaStabir naJawii. aha. . issmiid tabfan w ... miJ Saarif Saad tariiqit tahdiira keef Imuhumm issmiid haadaa ... fin iisammuu fiihaa? huwwa y ... yibirmuu wallaa fin iiguuluula? yibirmuu ?aha. baahii? baah. ysammuu fii humma ykaskisuu yaSnii ykaskisa yaSnii yxalliih. ykassiihi. . Pee yxallii. ?aha yee .... . yxalluu zayy idda ... hbuub hikkii. 210 Selection 17 . yragguu. l-inna rgayyig huwwa ?ah. ?aha yziiduu mmayya wallaa mif Saaraf u-baSdeen ii ... yismaa y ... youwwxuu tubwiix finda Sadda xaassa tanjra w ... w-lanjra -xraa mnaggba tingiib iddaxxal fi-Ibuxaar bass. . Paha. . ytiib San tariiq ilbuxaar. . haadii fin? miJ haadii llii ysammuuhaa Ikiskaas wall -laa? yeah haadii kaskas. baah. . haadaa yaSnii keef? hii tariigt ilkuskusii yaSnii. . Paha. . hattaa rruzz huwwa ytayybuu fii nafs ittariiqa mta{ irruzz yaSnii mta{ ittubwiix haadii. ?aha. nafs ittariiga wahda. . ?aha baahii saar yhattuu kiif gutt tinjirteen y ... yhittuu wahda taht w-wahda fooghaa? ?aaywa wahda fiihaa ttbiixa tabfan wi-ttaanya foog bi-Ibuxaar mta illawwlaa ttiib ittaanya. 211 Selection 17 A. baah. B. w-iihuttuu Ikuskusii fooga tabfan. A. ?aha. B. yitbawwax yaSnii w ... ysubbuu falee ittbaayax bafdeen haadii Ilii dayriinhaalaa. fa-yatlaS kuskusii, ysammuu fii kuskusii. A. kwayyis. Notes: 1. See above, p. 95, n. 9. 2. It is unclear why the adjective dfiifa is feminine. 3. It will be noticed that the sense here is clearly passive, although the mood is not morphologically marked. 4. It will be noticed that yalgii and yalgaa are both valid imperfect forms of this verb in Libyan. Selection 17 getalllSY! Libel gal Sots GySdy Lele Laney Goll! SY ball ga gah I ‘pan USSU Gua gS cine y .... [incomprehensible utterance] «48 AGN 3 Sa gl dale Ghgaie Le 1a peu I Ahads 5 oly Gy Sey Sabb ay pS GH al ol vl STIS ha atl 038 Goll (Gs Ge ps BR Sotyall pela ly seal i sol Salt et oi owe [incomprehensible utterance] i tall aga A 3h owe -4al al 213 Selection 17 Lanal cusIS oda US SL Vy pk he Gd Ly SU agit Gy SUI LAGS Cpt GLE Le YS Gy IgISty hs Lay sae USi sgl... SUSI spl. § sity pals oa Sul SSI gaa we jal pin pally SLL ga pie be pha y pill y 5591 .038 6 pill -4al steal Ga jldly pry al OUST Ge ads pina Ig Lid gb Up DAS! oda eagle ASI SAI! ole GLAU 8 ol 5 YI pies Cas II Ooi elie By aSI iy Gabel pb iy Spall gb gh ie peu UES Gayl! Saal Giaie (pb ode Gli -4al LMI a ad [peas I Ngleiy pies agile cal Selection 17 wba phll ... T pbe LALLLS 355 y2 YS. Sos bat La! ga gh le I I ut a Glee A pols od MaabIl Sule ly LAG palsy Lynd I yprtey Hole Gis cls AHLbII plik soph Lele B55 gt pel! -4al JA grb Gy rb layeiny fears Leck pals 5955 p5¥ bole yg ode ALI. Wi Ugule pau al A feeb Zope hal pas iy 4a J Bose ge pity GLE Yad Iyauny 9A8 Gags ph he Vy uy Lilaal! GALL p56 Ba yege ola cia cing i sLalis 215 Selection 17 Tabeall Gib! ated ASI gS gt GSI Gall ga ce ga ly Gai So Noh UN ne pA Ug ad Ngee Sol BZ aM My pal oe woh 933 So grass Gul Vy GS Vy gall pb paste pete Ng 85 Wess HS aL Gl 25) LG St yall ga Lb Nye Ghgall ge a yale Wt peel gi gt pI pals ge He Mh SI el gay LES 58 ob eg gtlll Gb Gab mean S puSuSII ga Gh Swat SF gah Solr ghd ga Ja Lr 5 So 5 Oh teed Leak Coa Ig jase seen Ge Ld 58 ol gts ly Sos pees cal seul! ppl GAS 0 puedes Udy yb ole Gye he... y Lea sell Tad Ngl gle eb Vy ope pas. gt Uyak Igeus ad. Mae al ogo yas gals wal LR py SS (pit ops od pee 216 Selection 17 eal on al = bog 5 gl -0 985 ys A vol gh Fad GY an = fl HS oS tg Cal Quay yb Ste Vy els oye of B55 2s Lads 6 5! Boiss. 5 Bpeih Uck Sie ore soe LT al DL Gaob Ge abs SY Vy lS Legon Ul oda he Sydeoia i wguSusS oda yeah 1G «lh al Shee pee! Gb pm ES ie Nia — ali clas pie 5 oY! plas Cay hI juts pa op a abs ga 557! ie 2048 Gall 217 Selection 17 cal sBaaly iy phd) us isd Saaly Iybeae g Cyeth old SAS [pha sls gal cal Sass sal yy Atl els LAG B58 GAL y Lak CAsbI! Lpad daly ogi! OSU Cabs gal SLagh Cigd puSuSIl Iphary cal AO gags Goll 9d Spey BLL Cale Nyaa on 9 eit Coals suas 218 Selection 17 > w > w s PRP USO PE > D> D> E> wD > Dw Libyan Cuisine What exactly is Libyan cuisine, in general, it's made up of, for example? Give us a good description of Libyan food! There's [incomprehensible utterance] This couscous, I don't have any idea about it. There's couscous and there's bazeen, pasta, and mashed rice. Aha. All of this is Libyan food. Right. Bread, this bread coming, from the oven. Aha, bread which they make at home? Ah, at the oven, ah. [incomprehensible utterance]. At the house. Right and .... Rice. Aha. All of these are Libyan dishes. There's also pasta, or no? Pasta, all of it, of course. The main thing you find is pasta, you know. . Aha, fine. What in ... the most famous dish, ah ... most famous well-known food which most of the people eat? Rice .... . For example, it has .... Rice and couscous and ... you know, this is also for [special] occasions and this oven-baked bread. Aha. You know, and bazeen, I mean. Aha. 219 Selection 17 B. This is the most popular thing for [special] occasions and, ah ... you know, it's considered one on the main dishes, you know. Rice, you find it in the area there, in the east, [it's] the most common thing. Couscous, this is in the south, in Tripoli, and in .... Oven-baked bread, you find it in all of the western Mountain region. A. Aha. B. The majority of them, you know, they prefer ... they call it “bread pieces.” A. Aha. B. Soall of the Libyan dishes concentrate, you find, on ... carbohydrates. A. So, what, ah ... so what are “bread pieces” exactly, for example? B. Oven-baked bread. A. Right. B. They make it ... this dish and some meat. A. Aha. B. Of course, [there are different] types of foods in it, I don't know how they make them. Kinds of meat; you find the important thing is oven-baked bread. A. Aha. B. They cut it into many pieces. A. Right. B. They pour it on them ... this dish and ... and usually there of course has to be meat. A. Aha. B. If thgre are eggs, sometimes it's cooked as an entree. A. Aha. B. Or they call it “bread pieces,” you know, which is there. A. Is this, this, this found only in the mountain region, or do you also find it in the city? B. Really, it's also in the city, but only a little, but [it's] most common in the mountain region up there. A. Mmm, right. The ... bread, where do they bake it? An oven, ah ... which is in the ...? B. Anoven, ah. A. They have [it] in the home or how? Where do they do it? 220 Selection 17 w wpm > BP wd D> wD DPW > D> wD Of course in the house, you find most people, you find that they have an oven outside. Right, I said the ... the ... the ... aha ... right, the couscous, what, what is this name exactly? What is couscous? I mean, what, what, a kind of what is it? Is it pasta? Is it carbohydrates? What? Really, carbohydrates. It's kind of from semolina. They, of course, make it with semolina, which is considered a carbohydrate. Aha. Semolina, of course and ... I still don't know how it is prepared. Anyway, this semolina .... What do they call it? It ... they roll it, or what do they term it? They roll it, aha, Right? Right. They call it. They cook it like couscous, you know, cooking like couscous, you know. He makes it. They cook it like couscous. Ah, he makes it. Aha, they .... They make it, ah ... kind of like granules. They make it thin. Because it is thin, ah. Aha. They add water to it, or I don't know. Furthermore, ah ... its name ... they steam it thoroughly with a special apparatus, a casserole dish and ... and another casserole dish pierced with a lot of holes. You put it into the steam, and that's it. Aha. It's cooked by means of the steam. This is what? Not this thing which they call the couscous-maker or no? Yeah, this is the couscous-maker. Right. This, you know, is the way of couscous, you know. Aha. Also rice. They cook it the same way as rice, you know, steaming this way. 221 Selection 17 A. Aha. B. The very same way. A. Aha, right. So they put it how? You said that [there are] two casserole dishes ... they put one under and one above it? B. Yes, one containing the food of course, and another above in the steam of the first which cooks the other. A. Right. B. They put the couscous above it, of course. A. Aha. B. They boil, you know, and ... they pour the foods over it. Later on, this which they do. It comes out couscous. They call it "couscous." A. Fine. 222 Handicrafts Vocabulary Nouns & Adjectives xass /imperf yxuss/ 7 to pertain to sfaf n /coll/ palm fronds Janta /pl Jnaatii/ n suitcase; sack, bag gazdaar /pl gazdaara/ n tinsmith kaatir adj numerous, many {cf. MSA kaéiir} masir n /prop/ Egypt {cf. MSA misr} nahat n statue nhaas n copper nawwaal /pl nawwaala/ n weaver haawi /pl hiwaat/ n enthusiast, amateur 223 Selection 18 ssinafaat ttagliidiyya If tourism in Libya were not outlawed (see above, Selection 4), what kind of dust-collecting tchotchkes, bric-a-brac and knickknacks would you bring home? It becomes clear that no one would go to Libya for the shopping. A. kunt nagraa fi-ktaab Salaa | ... ssinafaat ttaqliidiyya fi-lSaalm ilfarabii w-yeera w-mafhuura biihaa matalan zayy masir gallik' bi-ddaat fiihaa sinaSaat taqliidiyya halba w ... w-Tindum aswaaq zayy xaan ilxaliilii* w-yeerah. Sinnaa? hnee? aStiin ...! Sinnaa fikra Salaa 1 ... laswaaq ttaqliidiyya Sannaa f-libyaa matalan? Sinnaa sinaSaat taqliidiyya f- liibyaa? Ili hiyya sinaYaat yadawiyya mtaf lyadd matalan zaxrafa w-mif Saarf Jinuu w-lafyaa zayy haadii. | ... rrusumaat wi-nniquuf wil ... jjluud hoonee Ilii yisbiyuu fiihum w-bafdeen idiiruu Saleehum fii rausuumaat. Sinnaa sinaafaat taqliidiyya halba f-libyaa? B. mawjuuda w-allaah. muujuuda laakin anee miJ min hiwaathaa tabSan laakin fiihaa 2anwaaS halba yaSnii fiihaa nnasiij matalan yaStabruu min issinaafaat a ... ttagliidiyya naftabir. A. aha. B. llii hiya 1 ... nnawwaal ligdiim haadaa. A. mazbuut ?iih. B. wi-fiih a ... fiih fiih .... A. baahii [inaudible utterance] .... B. haajaat yaSnii mhaafdiin Saleehaa. 224 Selection 18 . ?aha, baah matalan waahad saayah bi ... ?aamtaa yxuff lil ... li-ssuug ttaqliidii fin yalgii fiih bi-zzabt? matalan Jinuu? 1 ... fin laJyaa 1-bi- yalgaahaa? . yalgaa fiih a ... ?annahat mta innhaas haadaa. . Paha. . ysamm .., maa ysammuuJ fiih nahat huwwa miJ Saaraf | ... Imuhumm Igazdaara haaduu Ilii ydiiruu fi-nnhaas. . Paha. . w-ifakkluu fii f-tafkiilaat kwayysa. . nnagf qasdak? ?aha. . hoof huwwa noof m-innuquus ?aah. . aha baah. . yalgaa fii nnawwaala haaduu, . Paha. . 2a... haadaa ?aylab yaSnii Zaktar |... . Jin huwwa nnuwwaal bi-zzabt? fin fii fii .... . llii yignaS fi-rrdawaat haaduu. . ?aa . mtaf labriir wi-mtaf .... . aa. 225 Selection 18 B. lwaahad. A. baah baahii kwayyis, Jin yalgii haa ... fin fin taanii yalgii? B. yalgaa fii 1 ... Ixayyatiin mta‘iin lil ... Ibidil haadii Iliibiyya wa-lkadaa wal .... A. m... B. Ihaajaat haadii. A. ?aha. B. ya%nii haadii lIhaajaat llii taftabir sinaSaat taqliidiyya w A. ?aha. B. ?uu-mintifra ya%nii fii taraablis w-iéaa kaan b-yamfii lil ... ydaamis aw Ijihaat hadiika b-yalgaa | ... ssinaa‘a mtaf 1 ... taSrifhum, ?if isammuu fii? w-allaahi maanii Saaraf haaéaa Ilii zayy | ... zayy ttbagg haadaa Ili yasna{uu fiih min issYaff mta{ nnxal. A. ?uw huwwa ttibag huwwa ysammuuh tibag. B. ?aa [inaudible utterance] .... A. Ilii yyattii fi-lmaakla hoonee w-yeera. B. ?ee yasnafuu fii min sfaff. A. ?aha. B. w-mn ilhaajaat haadii. A. ?aha tbagg ?iih. B. hasb ilmantaga llii yamJiilhaa yalgaa fiihaa 1 ... Ihaaja haadii. 226 Selection 18 A. ?aha. B. lammaa yamfii matalan lii-jiht a ... ?iljinuub yilgaahum a ... maa Sandhumf sinaSaat laakin a ... mif taqliidiyya laakin yilgaahum yaSnii yahtammuu b-ayy haaja txuss 1 ... ttamar wi-lhaajaat haadii la?inna Sandhum 1 ... famir yaadii kaatir fii jiht iljinuub. A. ?aha. B. fa-yalguu yasna‘uu f-haajaat hikkii zayy | ... sswaanii syaar zayy Ihaajaat haadii yaSnii. A. ?aha. B. ?a ... fa-kull mantaga Sindhaa ha ... baf9 1 ... fii sabhaa w-fi-lhaajaat fii yasnSuu fii ... mif Saarif eef isammuu fihaa Ili zayy JJnaatii haadii yasnafuu fiihum m-ijjild jild w .... A. ?aha. B. yas ... yaSnii kull mantaqa Sandhum haajaat yaSnii mta‘ .... A. ?aha. B. mtaf a ... hasb ilmantaga yafnii maa fiif haaja Ilii hiyya mu‘amma fii liibyaa kullhaa. Notes: 1. Cf. yguullik (they tell you), p. 22, n. 13. 2. The Khan al-Khalili is a dreadful market in Cairo selling pharonically-themed junk. 3. Cf. MSA Sindanaa. 227 Selection 18 Qosale! cleLinal ql JL pt Gal! belied... NI gle GS (pi 1d eas belive Yad SILL GU LG joes (55 he Ley Bp ptnny oad y Gare 0 pady lal LS (55 Gly! pasties oy Cole Gals get Gade Gai! Glpul II gle BSG Gade 1 bel $ye5 olelie pt AU SLi pb ols lel Laie Se Lona IN coke g5 LAB y gb Gye ng U5 5 he wall CLs Hoga psa eed Nydas GUI Lat aghall ny yd y Sle ged... Slane pt be Hal lela Lake legen i pple Nye EN SI Uged GSI Lenk USI ge ope he LI SI Baye ge Lily Bega Ral. | obeLnall ye oy pees he pal Gad aes Gala © pda al aa sill Sigal. dt ga gl Peal eta --» [incomprehensible utterance] al. Upale phils prey olla Co gta G geal oo GARG pie og giles daly ie gals eal 228 Selection 18 Sally Ul Lat td! Sythe Sh a ily Sm Gala pls el. 1a il ali Blo! pg... A) Gole Gis ya oe Cad Gogo le sala pi Ny jads gl eV pa fone al hana S OSES 4 a IylSty al Sued ha i soi Ash Se ey BES val cal V5 Ul ob Gh tal A ve dT ASI pias GLEN bad a eV Tl gt ees i al vee glbey gayall gle 1 229 Selection 18 valli aL ob aS eal tly vee Wy 13S y Gea oda Jal. U Quelie blll... da gal 03d ola! al vee § Mtg belive pein lll SLalall oka gies aal olga 4g gaebad oo Upto GUS Il y Gubal pb pb pias Bde Shak ganas eet och ped yes nd gL Celina. WI gil oh dab Ngee UI Ibe Gab 55 AN s5 Gill ha GUL LIL Wy oF, Sb opaues gH Fob! gy ... [incomprehensible utterance] »i voyaéy La USUI (58 pls lll has Oe Cab Iya Gl seal soha Slabs! G25 Gl jab cal 230 Selection 18 code Lal. SI Gad ily I pes I Ti ee 4a A WSU clelive esate Le. Ipalil stall. | igah the pte ll sed A je 8S Fale ob pete ie pal OSI Gals Ue... gael Ue gi AIS cil all... Sl pmsie GY oda olaballs otal J gL 55 se gal pall dg) (Sa oleae Ga lye dG vty oa al A db lela cay Ups pt SI day... o Latte Gide JSQ I oka LAB 655 GUI pad pees opt gl Gyles. pd patina coos g tly shall ye aged lysines otal Fl os gle pins lala pate Tbis IS eee cal J Lonel pi Lanne po GUI tals ad Le pie GE Gane pls Us Selection 18 Handicrafts A. I was reading a book about the .., the traditional crafts in the Arab world, etc. and [the countries] famous for them. They say, for example, like Egypt, in particular it has many traditional crafts, and ... and they have markets like Khan al-Khalili and others. Do we have? Give Do we have an idea about the ... traditional markets we have in Libya, for example? Do we have traditional markets in Libya? That is handicrafts, manual, for example, decoration, and I don't know what, and things like these .... Drawings and carvings and ... leather things here which they dye and then put drawings on. Do we have many traditional crafts in Libya? B. There really are. They are there, but I'm not an enthusiast of them, of course. But there are there many different kinds, you know. Among them, there's weaving, for example. They consider it one of ... the traditional crafts, I think Aha. That is the ... this old-fashioned weaver. Exactly, yes. There is, ah ... there is, there is Right [incomprehensible utterance] .... Some things, you know, they preserve them. >p pep mp Aha, so for example a tourist ... when he enters the ... the traditional market. What exactly does he find there? For example what? The .... What are the things which he finds? He finds it, ah ... this copper statue. Aha. They call ... don't they call it a statue, I don't know. Anyway those tinsmiths who work in copper. Aha. They form [the copper] into nice shapes. You mean carving? Ah. a> we A type, it's a type of carving, ah. Aha. Right. You find that there are these weavers. o> o> w > 232 Selection 18 PPP PRP RPDS ep D> D> oper Pre >eD> Aha. Ah ... this predominates. That is the most common .... What exactly is a weaver? What is there, there ...? Someone who makes those gowns. Ah. Made of silk and of .... Ah. The thing. Right, right. Fine. What does one find? . One finds ... tailors of ... those Libyan suits and this thing and the .... . What, what else does one find? Mmn .... These things. Aha. You know, these things which are considered traditional crafts and .... Aha. And are widespread, you know, in Tripoli. If someone goes to ... Ghadamis and those places, he finds the ... craft of .... Do you know them? What do they call it? By God, I don't know this thing which is like the ... like that plate which they make from palm leaves. It's a plate. It, they call it a plate. Ah [incomprehensible utterance]. With which one covers food here, etc. Yes, they make it from palm fronds. Aha. From those things. Aha, a plate, yes. According to the region one goes to. One finds there .. Aha. When one goes, for example, to, ah ... the southern area, one finds them, ah .... They don't have crafts, but, ah ... not traditional, but one finds them, you know, they're concerned with anything pertaining to ... dates and these things, because they have ... dates there, a lot in the southern region. Aha. this thing. 233 Selection 18 B. A. » D> D> So they find, they make things that way, like ... small plates, like these things, you know. Aha. Ah ... so every region has ... some of .... In Sabha and in things. There they make ... I don't know what they call it. The thing like these bags. They make them [out of] leather, leather and .... Aha. Ah ... you know, every region has things, you know, for .... Aha. For, ah ... according to the region, you know. There's nothing which is generally found in all of Libya. 234 Selection 19 Omar Mukhtar Vocabulary Verb ayra /imperf yayri/ v to seduce, persuade Nouns & Adjectives ?iitaali /pl tilyaan, ?iitaaliyyiin, talyaan/ n /prop/ Italian bitrool French (pétrole) n petroleum bundugiyya n rifle jutta /pl jutut, jutat/ n corpse {cf. MSA jueea} mujaahid n freedom fighter rayiif /pl 2aryifa/ n loaf (of bread) sluug n /prop/ Sulug (town about sixty kilometers south of Benghazi) klaam n words; statement; speech Other Words & Phrases b-illaah adv please 2aStii about it. i -Sleehaa fikra b-illaahii Please give me an idea Selection 19 {umar ilmuxtaar The 1980 film starring Anthony Quinn (as the Bedouin freedom fighter Omar Mukhtar) and Oliver Reed (as the Italian villain General Rodolfo Graziani) has been described as Braveheart meets Lawrence of Arabia. Although the film was bankrolled by Col. Ghaddafi, the cast and crew were almost entirely non-Libyan. bd tfarrajt Salaa filim’ mta$ 1 ... Sumar ilmuxtaar? jaaboo hattaa hnee. A. ?aha, Jinuu B. lammaa tJuuf .... A. Ifilim haaéaa maa JiftaaJ anee b-illaah ihkiilnaa Slee! B. lamaa tfuuf iffeex haadaa, Sumra fil ... ssabfiin sana -w giddaaf. A. ?aha. B. laakin leef ijaahad wi-ykaafah wi-yhaarab u-kull Jayy? haadaa kaan Sinda haaja yariiziyya Sinda nara li-I?ajyaal li-Imustaqbal. maa huu .... A. ?aStiinaa bi-llaahi fikra Sa-Ifiilm basiit! B. fiilm 1 ... ljihaad mtaf Sumar ilmuxtaar didd 1 ... ittilyaan haaduu. A. ?aha. B. w-mattil faxsiita Anthony Quinn w ... w-?axraja smaa mustafaa Maqqaada. A. ?ahaa, baah. B.. bass fiilm kwayyas yaSnii b-yahkii f-maraahal ljihaad Miibii. A. ?aha. 236 Selection 19 B. fa-Sumar ilmuxtaar lammaa tfuufa w-yitfarrjuu Salee Maalam kulla wi- nnaas anee Jufta fii yuyuzlaafyaa wagithaa. A. ?aha. B. lammaa tfuufa Ibatal haadaa, yaSnii b-iwarriilik inna Juuf haff ... ffeex haadaa! fuuf | ... fuuf Imabaadii Ilii mayruusa fiih inna huwwa yibnii Lilmustaqbal ma$ inna maa maa baqaala hattaa haaja fil ... fii! w-yayruu fii liitaaliyyiin bi-fluus w-bi-Imanaasib w-bi-kull Jayy. la?! ?abaa n ... ?an yatanaazil fa-lmabaadii haadii wi-lqiyam haadii. w-fiflan Sallim Tajyaal Iii tfarrjun tawwaa wi-llii Sindum yaSnii fayy min alwataniyya ?inna yaSarfuu ?inna fiflan Ihayaa ... ?inna lhurriyya hiya matlab. w-inna 1 ttariiq lahaa laazim ikuun ddamm wi-I?ajsaad waa-ljutut waa waa waa, wu-lwatan haadaa Jayy yaSnii ... yaStibar Jayy muqaddas. wi-ljihaad u-kulla Sibaada, fa-Sallamhum ?afyaa mabaadii maa y ... ma ... yaSnii min hayaata min siirta d3atiyya ma‘ inna ?insaan huwwa kaan ... laa ?aflam maa fin maa Jin mustawaah | ... ttaSliimii maa huwwa llaa w-daaras qur?aan® u-haajaat zayy haadii A. laa laa haadii maa lhaaf Salaaqa huwwa linsaan lamma ykuun Sanda mabaadii mif daruurii | .... B. ?aa, fa-yarass Ihaajaat haadii f ... b-yixtilif been I?ajyaal | ... lammaa kaan huwwa ydaafaf San sahraa w-iidaafat San Jayy mujaahidiin w-abtaal w-muj Saarf eef u-yimfuu, uw w-yitqaasmuu fil ... ttamra w-fii rayiif Ixubuz w-iijaahduu w-kull feyy maf baYaghum w-yahmuu fii duhuur baSadum, lammaa djibhum lii ... li ... li ... l-Ihukumaatnaa tawwaa li-qiyaadaatnaa w-illii hiya na‘tibruu fiihaa hnee qudwa w-kull fayy. A. ?aa? 237 Selection 19 B. talgaahum haaduu yitqaasmuu fi-lmalayiin barraa, wi-mjawwSiin Jufuubhum fi-ddaaxal. A. ?aha. B. talgaahum a ... yahmuu haaduu | ... Imujaahidiin lawwliin yahmuu fii Ohuur bafadum haaduu ya ... yahmuu fii yahmuu fii nfushum min bafadum. A. ?aha. B. w-yahmuu fii ?a ... fii bafadum kullhum min yadab iffafab, talgaahum maa tilgaaJ minhum waahad yigdir yimfii 2aw yigdir anna ya@iq fi-f{Ja%b mtaafa. A. ?aha. B. fa-saar .... A. haadaa, haadaa jaab miitaal kwayyis fufta haada jaab miitaal fa-liklaam lawwil Ilii gulnaa giadd Sumar Imuxtaar gfadd fi-ddaaxil | ... u-maat w-istufhid® laakin Juufa giddaaf gfadd muuxallad I-tawwaa! haadaa Jin nugsud anee nna fii naas Iii mumkun tugfud fi-ddaaxil laakin taStii magal ?aktar min innaas Ili mujarrad gaaSda fi-Ixaarij titkal ... titkallim fii B. maa‘huu .... A. klaam w-xalaas. 238 Selection 19 . maa huu gutlik anee ?il ... 7anwaa® Ijihaad tixtilif. Sumar Imuxtaar kaan ijaahad giddaam ?isti‘maar ?istaimamaa w-yazaanaa w-daxall Saleenaa fii ?aridnaa. laakin haadaa law inta bi-tjaahad wi-tqaatil. haadaa Ilii | ... Ixalal fii faTbak. ?alxalal fii wist {fa%b inta maa tigdirf taaxud bundugiyya w-tigtil 2ayy waahad. . msiiba, ?aah mazbuut. . Ixalal fii wast Jfafb yafnii | ... Ixalal inta ?ahyaanan lammaa bi-tjaahad |-daaxal tsabbab muJkila ?aktar maa tsabbib ?islaah. . haadaa stifmaar watanii. . haadaa stifmaar min addaaxal min nafsa min aJJatab maa ykuunf ayy ... . stil ... istiimaarik yeah ?aha. yafnii haaja xalal ?aw llii saayar saayar bass yixtalif {an Yumar Imuxtaar llii huwwa kaan iijaahad fii fii stifmaar w-daxaluu Saleenaa fi-lwatan. . Paha. . yafnii ljihaad yixtalif. Faa ... faal ... 1 ... Ihaajaat haadii lammaa tqaarin gutlik been I?ajyaal Ilii kaanat. . Paha. . ?u-been I?ajyaal Iii muujuuda laa Jayy, haaduu maatuu .... . kiif? . istafhaduu w-maatuu w-kull fayy min ?ajil mabaadii w-maa buuf* yarkaTuu w-maa buuf kull Jayy. . kiif intahee Ifiilm? 239 Selection 19 B. A. Ifiilm intahee bi-litdaam tabSan. Sidmuu huwwa ?ah? Sadmuuh. ween ween? fa-stafhad u-kull Jayy, ?aa? . ween Sidmuu? . fii sluug tabSan. ?aa. . huwwa sla muuluud fii sluug w-Sidmuu yaadii fi-Imantaga JJarqiyya. ?aha . faa-ljihaad, ljihaad mtaafa .... Jinguuh wall laa? wallaa rmuu bi-rsaas? . Jang. ?aa Jingu aywa -aha. faa-I?ajyaal haadii taxtalif Jammaa tqaaranhaa bi-{Jayy haadii kaanuu gutlik iijaahduu wiyha ... wi-yhaarbuu n .., laa laa fii bitrool wa-laa fiih haaja titmahhum wa-laa fiih riyaasa wa-laa fii ?ayy Jayy, yijaahduu min ?ajil Sindum Saqiida jihad w-iihaarbuu w-xalaas. laakin zayy |... Ilii gaa‘diin tawwaa haaduu yatanaazluu alaa kull mabadiihum w-Salaa kull a ... maJ yabquu fi-Ihukum. 240 .. karaamuthum u-Slaa rujuuluthum u-Slaa kull fayy min ?ajil Selection 19 Notes: 1. The definite article would seem appropriate here. 2. Learning the Qur’an was the first stage of a traditional education in the Muslim world. The notion here is that his education did not extend beyond learning to read and write. 3. Note this passive construction. 4. Cf. baaf or maa. 241 Selection 19 UAL! pwc Lia Se ogile § LU poe. I plas lad gle coe iS Si. gaa cal coer rey(l Nabe LA aha UL Gl bat Le Na lad! Had gl Ce Ope eal oN gh pee le feel G gt UL cal Tale sate GIS lia SU 8 Sy Glass cilSay salar 3 6 OS vee gi Le JoGiuel JlrasU 3b one G ja 52 Piss plaid! gle 3S UL: Libel SeF pa Glabbll... St aus SU jae plas algal... SI pla al valid) ibis dow! do aly... 9 Anthony Quinn ied fis 5 gil 4a sets algal Jal gt Sac tts aS pled Ga al AB GRE LI Lilly US AILS! Cle Ny pity Cats UL Lal yond 242 Selection 19 Gaby Larlud ys oles) Waa feat. BU Le Gl gps pies Nba eI yt UG ce abl) pins 98 Gl ab Leng pte ol gull id. I i Ole 24 lyptey td SI @ele ad SLL ol oN phe J3 Ss Gh TNF ek JS cells Gu yhity pBske Gly 155 Lye id lll Last! ple Lady coha pally oa eh Goll ol. Baal shea ol Nga peg ot Gb sll Ge Ge ee 699 9 tally slene tly pall S9So 0 5Y UL Gopbll SI oly lee eBolve US 5 slgally . guste (ob patas gins Ld Nia Ghyll MSI pat pe las ye pty a Le gle Lal pple peeled AV ol ghee at Le ub Le pel Yo. GIS ga glial il ge ook Gg} lglg Gi sill Gujlay YI gals ( the (gtlne ose 53S U GlusY! ya Lire tl) Le oda YY A ell yf GUS U.N laa os Ga bode La Quy tbe 1G (sl gle Give Ubaly Gpstlas (6% be gilary lao Ge gil Sel hey ty BU MI pa lps 5 I ptiory (ot pees U apedes oot ot Ipeasy peter 0c Ut USS Iysalory 6 Leet gs gt lly GL 155 Gibbs Sa dd od tpt IS B yal i Al 243 Selection 19 cet pe epee ye CDW pb Lyell 5a pals Jalal al HE pb Lp Only Suaalall SI eee Lye | als ee Coe pepe Cod pens pb pen a Ne epee -4al EG Le pl eke Spe pl ppedns gin | pd Iyeany dele Gall ga FG! ois gl gteny gay sally pie -4al + glad gel Jol PUSH gle UUs Gls Noe id a S Je Gly ia tia Ahab SI sphily ley. UI Jol gi aad LAL joe and Lil BARS Seo UI Gul 8 GIGI aunts Gk Naa yi alee aad hla gob Belg apes UI GI! Ge JAS! Jie phat GSI USI gt soos gph ASS. 15 g SLI vee gle sary US sales GIS JBL poe aS olga ¢ Iyal... SIG! Ul oli ya Hla gS Lie si pb Gale Joay LUIZ ty G poet Losi! glad fanny ph UI haat pb ULI. I UI He SLs y sales cal cdaly gl UiSy Gadsy 386 G5 ai Le ot al! 244 Selection 19 Eeaeaes (olf dears JS la sales U GLaa! ol UII. SI pie Gat day pd JL! Crna! wt Le AS) US ed vagy shania Ia von gb gS Le a Spe al Spe JEN ge slant Na dal yeah oJ jLassuul... acl gel LSU oe Ge Saas Gur pile sale pill y ld tole pias vob sl ga Lisle Iglday jloriaal pa pi sales GIS ya -4al elsr plas) waa cal mel eles a ea ee geal SIS GUI laa Yl oy ol al coos LySle 5a ph Base ge lll Ja ony sis ig Ley NgaS go Shy Ley sols Jal G2 Gt Sg Nyala | yagi! tb JS Sela! (gas! LS Laub plac YLy gil plail! Sol 58 oyescl 245 Selection 19 oyesel Seal Sel tpt US y spc Segesel Sul Lenk Gyles gt vol AB AU LAL ga (gale oyesely Gyles pb sgl ye dhol ga al vee Cele gall algal Solio ys open Vy SY Vy a gta vegal ghia i Vgadleg GU cule 1y3lS oe ptJls Gs lis U GLa oda JUayl 4b Ty ppeebs Ge Gis Joe GAY. GIy slang aa Nyy ology sles Sande pasic Jal ps lyrtlear int sl pi Vy GL, JS (be Ig jlats e¥ 5a 1g3 GgaelLi ,UI ve ts OS perlay orrrrlrrlrrtrt—rt—C“#=EPEsssesCcs Cs -pSall 6 Nydas Gs Jal 246 Selection 19 > o> o> D> o> m> PP mp Omar Mukhtar Have you seen the movie about the ... Omar Mukhtar. They even brought it here. Aha, what When you see .... This movie, I personally haven't seen it. Please tell us about it! When you see this old man, his age is ... seventy years or so. Aha. But why was he fighting, struggling, going to war and everything? This was something natural with him. He had a view toward the future generations. He wasn't .... Please give us the basic idea of the movie! A film about ... the struggle of Omar Mukhtar against the ... those Italians. Aha. Anthony Quinn acted his character and ... and he produced it, his name is Moustapha Akkad. Aha, right. But a good film, you know. It discusses the stages of the Libyan struggle. Aha. So Omar Mukhtar, when you see him and the entire world, and people, watch him. I saw it in Yugoslavia at the time. Aha. 247 Selection 19 B. When you see him, this hero. You know, he shows you that, see this ... this old man! See the ... see the principles implanted in him that he is building the future, despite that nothing at all remained for the ... for! The Italians tempted him with money and positions, and with everything. No! He refused to ... to renounce these principles and values. In reality, he taught the generations which now watched and which have, you know, some patriotism that they know that in real life ... that freedom is something desired and that the ... the path to it must be blood, bodies and corpses and, and, and, and the homeland is something, you know, considered something holy and the struggle and everything are a form of worship. So he taught them things, principles. Ah ... ah ... you know, from his life, from his personal life story. Although he was a person who was ... I don't know what was, what his educational level was, but he only studied the Qur’an and things like these. A. Yeah, this has nothing to do with it. It's the person when he has principles. It's not necessary .... B. Ah, so inculcating these things ... differs between generations, ah ... when he was defending a desert and defending something. Freedom fighters and heroes and I don't know what. They go and, divvying up a... a date and a loaf of bread. They fight and [do] everything together. They protect one another's back. When you bring them to ... to ... to our government now, to our leadership, which we consider a model and everything. A. Ah? B. You find them dividing millions outside and starving their people inside [of the country]. A. Aha. B. You find them, ah ... these protect the ... the first freedom fighters were protecting one another's back. These ... they protect, they protect themselves from one another. A. Aha. B. They protect, ah, one another, all of them, from the anger of the people. You find them, you can't find one of them who can walk and, ah ... trust his own people. A. Aha. B. So, therefore 248 Selection 19 p> w > wD > D> D> D> This one, this one produced a good model. Have you seen? This one produced a model about what we said first. He stayed. Omar Mukhtar stayed inside, ah ... and he died and was martyred. But see him, how much he remained immortalized until now! This is what I mean. There are those who stay inside, but they give a greater example than the people who merely remain abroad, talking ... talking about .... Isn't it .... Talk, and that's all. Didn't I tell you ... the types of struggle differ. Omar Mukhtar was struggling in the face of colonialism which colonized us and invaded us on our land. But this, if you struggle and fight, this is what ... a flaw among your people, a flaw amidst the people. You can't take a rifle and kill someone. A catastrophe. Ah, exactly. A flaw amidst the people. You know ... a flaw. You sometimes, when you struggle internally, you cause a worse problem, you don't cause improvement. This is a case of national imperialism. This is a case of imperialism from the inside, from itself, from the people. It isn't .... Imp ... your imperialism, yeah, ah. You know, something, a defect. That which happens, happens only it differs from Omar Mukhtar who was struggling against, against imperialism. They invaded us in our homeland. Aha. You know, the struggle differs. So ... so the ... the ... these things, when you compare, [as] I said, between the generations which passed. Aha. And between the present generations. Nothing. They have died .... How They were martyred and died, and everything, for the sake of some principles. They didn't want to bow down, and they didn't want everything. How did the film end? The film, of course, ended with the execution. They executed him, ah? They executed him. ‘Where? Where? He was martyred and everything, ah? 249 Selection 19 A. Where did they execute him? B. In Sulug, of course. A. Ah, B. He was originally born in Suluq and they executed him there in the eastern region. A. Aha. B. In the struggle, the struggle for .... A. They hanged him or no? Or did they shoot him with bullets? B. Hanging. A. Ah, they hanged him, yes. B. So these generations differ. When you compare them with something, these. They used to tell you. They used to struggle and ... and fight. No, there wasn't oil. No, there wasn't anything which you covet. There wasn't high office and there wasn't anything. They struggled because they had a creed: struggle. They fought, and that's all. But like ... those who now remain here are giving up all of their principles and all of, ah ... ah ... their honor and manhood and everything in order to stay in power. 250 Selection 20 The Feast of Sacrifice Vocabulary Verbs salx /imperf yislax/ v to skin (an animal) Jarrah /imperf ySarrah/ v to slice (sth) into strips Sayyid /imperf ySayyid/ v a. to wish (so) a happy holiday b. to celebrate a holiday watta /imperf ywatti/ v to prepare, make ready walla /imperf yiwilli/ tuwlee v a. /intrans/ to return, go back b. /trans/ to recover, get back baaJ twallii l-binthaaa in order to get her daughter back ¢. to become yijii rreyy waahad taanii ywallii -arbata w-SaJriin Another king comes, which makes twenty-four (a discussion of a card game); li?annaa jaab wuld min mraa wu-limraa wallit hiyyaa suhaagiyya w-huwwa Iluutii because he produced children from the woman and she became a lesbian and he, gay Nouns & Adjectives zarda /pl zraadi/ n picnic tarf /pl truuf/ n bag (cf. MSA zarf} add n size, extent {cf. MSA qadd} giddiid n /coll/ strips of dried meat {cf. MSA qadiid} maakiina Ital (macchina) /p| maakiinaat, mwaakiin/ n machine naayluu /pl naayluuwaat/ n plastic bag Other Words & Phrases Jin lumuur phrase How are you? How's everything? qaanuuniyyan adv legally Selection 20 PilSiid likbiira Our friends discuss some of the challenges of celebrating the Id al-Adha properly in a non-Muslim country. A. ?aaywa? B. ?ahlan. A. ?ahlan. B. fin lumuur? A. ?aamtaa bi-llaahii fin ismaa? ?ilSiid, tii Siid likbiira'? B. w-allaahii, ndinnii mazaal fahar taqriiba A. Sahar aa? B. hasib maa ?aStaqad yaSnii bi-zzabit Jahar taqriib aah. A. kiifa ... tahtafil biihaa hnee? htifaal zayy liibyaa wallaa yaxtalaf? B. maa hdartaff gabil hnee w-allah. A. ?aa baahii, f-liibyaa mmaalaa bi-zzabt kiif? traa wsoofinnaa Iiid likbiira! Jin iidiirau nnaas bi-zzabit? B. taa Siid finuu? Saad a ... maSruuf tlaa@ ayyaam dabah. A. baah. B. yadabahuu xaruuf wallaa haaja. A. ?aha ... xruuf .... 252 Selection 20 - Peef...? . waahad walla hasb ilfadd ilfeela’? . weallaahi hasb ilfaayilaat yaSnii w-hasib ... fii Ilii yadibhuu fii tneen w-fii Ilii yadibhuu fii tlaaéa w-fii Il-yadbah f-waahad hasb ilfaayila yaSnii w-hasib ilSadadu. . Paha. . w-talgaahum yifruu tabSan, 1-?atfaal malaabis tee kullhaa talgaahaa yaSnii h ... malaabis jdiida. . baah. . tlaa@ ayyaam raaha w-maakla w-xalaas nnaas tYayyid Salaa bafadhaa tsallam. . baah. . lit haadii hiyya iid w-allah. . saar yadibhuu fiihaa x ... yadibhuu fiihaa xirfaan wallaa fii ll-yadbah bgarr bugra? . fiih -aa, fii llii yadibhuu bgurr, laakin laylabiyya xirfaan yaSnii. . bugra mmaalaa hasb | ... ?iéaa kaant ISaayla kbiira halba. . ?eeh. . Jaywaa. . kaa-mi@il ?ee ydiiruu fiihaa Yaadatan hikkii, zeyy zzarda zayy haaja hikkii yatlafuu maf baSd kullhum. 253 Selection 20 A. m, baahii w-fin ismaah? haadaa Jin iisimmuu fii lgiddiid? fin huwwa Igiddiid haadaa bi-zzabt? B. haadaa lhamm iijaffuu fii tabfam mtaf Ifiid. ?iijaffifuuh iiwillii giddiid tabfan iihittuu fi-ssams.? A. ?aha. B. yJarrhuu w-iihittuu fi-ssams. A. saar haadaa huwwa Igiddiid? B. ?aah. A. haadaa haadaa haadaa Saada ma?luufa kulla ydiiruu fiihaa? wallaa wallaa? B. kullhum .... A. [incomprehensible utterance] B. aah. A. w-mazaal iidiiruu fiihaa? B. laamaazaalat wallahii gaaSda. baahii kiif | ... Sayyitt hnee nta? A. Sayyitt hnee ?aa. B. Sa?yaad tabfan. maa fiif a ... fifJ yatnii maa tifSaraJ bii taqriib* ISiid hnee. A. yeah tadbah djaaja. B. m. A. willaa haaja. 254 Selection 20 B. Waayilaat taqriiban yadibhuu yaSnii. A. yadibhuu ?ii Waayilaat yeah timJii -mazrafa hnee fii mazaara‘ timfii, w-tadbah matlan. tibbii tadbahhaa b-ruuhuk yaadii tibbii djiibhaa maa bass laazim tadbahhaa yaadii mamnuuf djiibhaa hnee. miz zayy he .... maa tigdirf djiib tkurrhaa matalan tadbahhaa Sandik fi-IhuuJ. B. ?aha. A. zayy f-liibyaa la?. laazim tadbahhaa f-mazraa qaanuuniyyan laazim m-ilganuun, laazim ammaa djii tif ... tislaxxaa b-ruuhuk fi-lhuuJ w-yeera la?. B. ?aha. A. laazim tadbahhaa. yaadii fi-lmazra{a timfJii li-nnaas fi-lmazrafa w-tifrii lixruuf w ... w-tadbihah inta w-huwwa y ... ?inta tadbiha w-kaan tibbii yaslaxxuulik huwwa yaslaxxuulik, yassxa w-iigussa zayy maa huwwa gassaan bi-Imaakiina wattii kull Jayy. w-hattaa yhittuulik fii truuf taaxda fi-truuf fii naayliwwaat. Notes: In Libyan, Siid (feast, holiday) often takes feminine agreement. This would appear to be a misspeaking for Sadad ilfeela. 1 2 3. Cf. MSA fi -fams. 4. Le, taqriiban. 255 Selection 20 soeSl lage Segal i wal al A Soto Sa sae Sse Coal GUL eT La ped UG Sky Sel get fl vol HS ye ally gies sel ls we $s Ys Ladd 55 lida! Shales Ji Iasi Ug lea La ty peel Hyphae ie ols SSS be LI ald Shelly LI Ny ote Gd ed ALI GG Gy jae. Fale Syd re cil 1S gl A ee ee ve Gg cal 256 Selection 20 Se tegh SALLI sae Gua Vy aaly i cis SI gf Nye ads SU gi, Cumey pies SILI! Cue ally ~~ gehts ULI ee sels pk ede pl pay G9 pb Lye ods Gil vasat | uum y al all ve GEG GS 95 Gules JLo ab 1) ks pals on Base Quad oe pled Lpetins gle dae Gull Gedldy USiey Gal, PLN sya Al Uy sad po ode UI he aks lll pt Ys Ol Gad yee Ue lye gle SB yiy wpe GUA THLE SS os yas GU gael vale 8 yasS UL ols 13h uu YL By “al ww Peel 257 Selection 20 tee Ngallag Se Cale 655 B45 SII 55 «Sa Bale Lead Ny sss Gl SEAS Vm sya ga Sk Says a yee Gd Iie Seal ey pale oe Show Lap s1sG gigs opdder sell plas Leak cra lydia pal Iie sowed! pb oghas al vowed! (pi ogbaoy oye pts Sasa! ya ia jlo vol CY 5g Vg gad ly ss US y Ca glic Sule Ia Mia Nia «pals [incomprehensible utterance] vol tUyad lyase Ig eg Ses Ga ase. SIGS gals Buel Why og LY oi Ga sane ela sal 535 G Gbytes hab ha Ls Lea lie! sAgles Qs yeah 258 Selection 20 foe Ja dy vy Wye Lay ol PSS ep 6 ole pb a Le sgh pts yeah SSL Gl Iya gold a5 OY Ge Le Ups gd gol ea gy Ga te Dae WA jS5 es sd Le. gy Ge La Las ¢ pie shgall (pb dade pas al «OSSUU! Spe 954 Li gil Le ype pelea e5Y Yad gigs i Vo yady tga gi clay ys Upkbed tS ogad Lel 0 5Y alow Bobs Ley 5A pb LU pts Le jl gb al La 657 A Malas IS y Ca cl yy St dy. y Gy Al Leb US Sly GASUL Lead ga Leg) Contin Blin el CALs 9 SLL pi iy pb 79 0k Gy b pool ches Gin 5 259 Selection 20 The Feast of Sacrifice A. Yes? B. Hi. A. Hi. B. How's everything? A. When is, by God, what’ name? The feast, the great feast? B. Really, I think that there is still nearly a month. A. A month, ah? B. As far as I know, you know, exactly, about a month, ah. A. How, ah ... do you celebrate it here? A celebration like [in] Libya, or does it differ? B. I've really never attended it here before. A. Ah, right. In Libya, then, how is it exactly? Describe for us then the great feast! What exactly do people do? B. Of course, a feast is what? Still, ah ... [It's] well known. Three days of sacrificing. A. Right. B. They sacrifice a sheep or something. A. Aha... a sheep .... B. What ...? A. A single one or according to the size of the family? B. Really, according to families, you know, and according to .... There are some who sacrifice two; there are some who sacrifice three; and there are some who sacrifice one. According to the family, you know, according to the size? A. Aha. B. You find them, buying, of course, clothes for the children. Naturally, all of these, you find, you know, ah ... new clothes. A. Right. B. Three days and relaxation and food, and that's that. People make holiday visits to one another, exchanging greetings. A. Right. 260 Selection 20 > > » p> SP erp rw > w> o> e> > ppp This is really the feast. So what occurs is that they sacrifice in it, ah .... Do they sacrifice a sheep or .... Are there some who sacrifice cows, a cow? There are, ah. There are some who sacrifice cows. But the majority, sheep, you know. . A cow, therefore, according to the ... if the family is very large. Yes. Yes. ‘As an example, yes. They do it usually like this. Like a picnic, like something like this. They all go out together. Mmm, right. This is what's its name? This, what do they call the qadiid? What exactly is this qadiid? This is meat which they dry out, of course, at the feast. They dry it and it becomes qadiid. They, of course, put it in the sun. Aha. They slice it up and they put in the sun. Then, it's gadiid? Ah. This, this, this is a popular custom. All of them do it? Or, or? All of them .... [incomprehensible utterance] Ah. Do they still do it? Yeah. It is still really the same. Right. How is the ...? Have you celebrated the feast here? I celebrated it here, yes. Of course, the feasts. There isn't, ah ... there isn't, you know, you almost do not feel the feast here. Yeah, you sacrifice a chicken. Ah. Or something. Almost [exclusively] the families sacrifice, you know. Selection 20 B. They sacrifice. Yes, the families, yeah. You go to a farm here. There are farms. You go and sacrifice, for example. You want to sacrifice it by yourself there. You want to bring it [home], but you have to sacrifice it there. It's against the law for you to bring it here. Not like .... You can't bring, take it with you, to sacrifice it at your house, for example. A. Aha. B, Like in Libya, No. You have to sacrifice it at a farm. Legally, it must be under the law. You must, when you come, and ... skin it yourself at home or somewhere else, no. A. Aha. B. You must sacrifice it there, at the farm. You go to the people at the farm, and buy the sheep. And ... and you and he ..., you sacrifice it. Ah ... you sacrifice it. If you want [the farmer] to skin it for you, he'll skin it for you and slice it, as it was, slicing with a machine, handling everything. He would even put it in bags for you. You take it away in bags, in plastic bags. 262 Selection 21 I Ran a Red Light Vocabulary Verbs darras /imperf ydarris/ v to park (a car, etc.) fa-fii sweesraa huquug I?insaan w-naas muhtarama b-iidarris sayyaartaa -fi -Ifunduq maa -ysakkarhaaJ maa -fiif hadd yisrig minhaa In Switzerland, human rights are respected. Someone parks his car at a hotel and he doesn't lock it. No one steals [anything] from it. rass /imperf yruss/ v to list, enumerate; to enter (e.g., information in a computer) Nouns & Adjectives bitaaga n identity card; driver's license; business card itnaaJ adj and n twelve {cf. 1@naa Safara} muuxaalfa n ticket; infraction, violation rasiid n record (¢.g., one’s police record) swaaga n driving (e.g., a car) giddaaf axdit minnik | ... sswaaga How long did it take you to drive? {cf. MSA siyaaqa} Jurtii Eng (shorts) (Jirtii) n policeman Jirta (firta) n /coll/ police klaaks French (klaxon) n car hom madanii adj civilian (as opposed to military or official); urban Other Words & Phrases hamdu Ilaah interjection a. Praise be to God! b. /in response to an enquiry about one's health, etc./ fine, ok, all right bi-ISaanii adv a. intentionally b. relentlessly, ceaselessly, all of the time yaximbuu kullaa bil‘aanii They steal everything all of the time. wree prep behind {cf. MSA waraa?a} 263 Selection 21 gasseet fii lahmar "Do you know why I pulled you over?" the most dreaded phrase in the English language. Although caught dead to rights, B shows that honesty is the best policy and gets off with a warning. A. aaywa? B. ?ahlan. A. kiif haalak? B. fin lumuur? A. ?aa kwayyis, kiif haalk inta? B. hamdu Ilaah. A. fiif ixbaar jdiida? B. laa laa ksaad. A. fin sar? gult a ... gult a ... ?aamis Jurtii daarlak muuxaalfa wallaa maa daarlakf muuxaalfa? B. laa maa daarliif wallah. A. kiif kiif ilgissa haadii? kiif bdat? B. ?amaas? A. ?eeh. B. gasseet fii lahmar tla‘t fi-lahmar. A. ?aha. 264 Selection 21 . wi-huwwa wraaya tabfan sayyaarta m ... madaniyya mif min fo ... muf fooghaa | ... lwaahad haadaa mta‘ iffirta lazargu. . Paha. . fabYan anee flaft fi-lahmar waadah lyalat yafnii waadah b-saraaha. . baah. . daarlii klaaks wi-tlat wraay. . Paha. . tlaY wraay darras. talla‘ irruxsa fallaf | ... ttafjiil haadii mtat ssayyaara {teethumla. . baah. . Imuhumm kallamnii fhamit minna nee looytii mazaalat fhamit minna llaa ... gallii Yaraft fin dirit? gutla Saaraf ee, wi-fhimt minna nna myat dulaar, gallii mwaafuq? gutla mwaafq. . baah. . mfee li-ssiyyaara w-baSd Jwayya radd |... gladd iijii afr dgaayig hikkii sab?a dgaayig u-raddlii rruxsa wi-lwaahad, gallii maa Saatf tiawidhaa. . lammaa yamfii li-ssayyaara y ... yJuuf fil ... yJuuf | ... iifuuf irrasiid mtaafak. . mumkun ?ah. . Sindhum lanna fan tariiq l-kumbyuutir Sanda kumbyuutar syiir fi-ssayyaara. . sahiih yeah. Selection 21 A. mujarrad iiruss | ... raqm ilbitaaqa mtaSeek w-iifuuf kaan lgaak maéalan Sindik hawaadié halba w-inta faxs matluub, Sala tuul yaaxdik matalan 1 yiSi B. m. A. b... bi-lfaanii humma ?ayy ruxsa hattaa nfaa Ila yax ... diimaa qanuun lammaa yjiik taStii rruxsa w ... w-huwwa yaaxidhaa baaf iifuuf rasii ... ?iifuuf | ... ?iifuuf zayy maa dguul malaffik. B. ?aha. A. malaffik mtaf sswaaga kullah min aamtaa ... fa-l-haadaa maa liikS halba inta laakin law liik maéalan sitta sabia sanawaat b-iiguul haadaa laazim Sandah, maa SandaJJ hattaa nuq ... niigaat mumkun axduuhum kullum. B. ?aha. A. haadaa kwayysa haadii saa‘adaatak innak maa SandakJ haaja haadii ?aaxtar haaja maSnaata law iidiirlik muuxaalfa tawwaa w-iiJidduuk marra taanya maSnaata ? ... tnaafin nuqta” yaaxOuu minnak rruxsa. B. laa laa maa daarlii walaa haaja ?u-maa Staanii hattaa Jayy. A. ?aha. B. maSnaahaa tawwaa llaa daa kaan daar tahdiir. A. ?aha. B. maa yaStiinii fii wurga. 266 Selection 21 A. yaStiik warga laakin maa yaaxud mi ... laakin maa maa yxisruuf maa ynaggsuuJ minnik hattaa haaja. B. tabdiir hattaa huwwa ya‘tii fii wurga? A. yaStiik warga ?aha baaJ yugfud zayy maa dguul tanbiih liik inta. B. baahii, tawwaa ma‘naahaa maa daar Jayy bokkul tawaa? A. taww maa StaakJ hattaa haaja laa mafnaata saamhak u-kull Jayy. B. hattaa Imalaff maa da ... hattaa fi-lkambyuutar maa daarJ ayy mulaahda tawwaa? A. walaa haaja walaa haaja maa fiih qa ... maa liif ha ... hattaa ttahdiir maa fiif hattaa hattaa lammaa yaftiik tahdiir maa yhuttuufa fi-l- kumbyuutar. B. 700. A. tahdiir mafnaata liik inta Jaxsiyyan maSnaata B. m. A. kaan ... yifiddik huwwa marra taanya yguullik tfakkurtnii? tii Steetik tahdiiru. Notes: This would seem to be an instance of misspeaking for yisjinik. 2. tmaafin jaamifa: the suffix -in is added to the numbers eleven through nineteen when they are followed by the counted noun; M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:280. 267 Selection 21 eet paced Sosy ual Salle as Sy geTl ot Sess Us GS «us i aU seal SBasse WLAl fod saluS YY ola Le Vy Vile Ula pb pk Guna Pedi Pela $ jlee Gut $ilas BSI Uy hat slo ‘ Solas GS Soda Uoill GS LS Seal al cpa) gical yaad! gi cmd al 268 Selection 21 SIGS ee ge tes atte Gola Lab By gay G51) Ub Al pis Lim sal ll tal J al yoy Gaal pity Lil! qualy peal GocwlbLiLab De sestlag hey WSIS I ola cal Jj Bole! gis Ie Joe. NI bdr WN elb uye sly glb od pepe nga A gt JG TI ke gps I Le hd LG) as cong pial pg JUG 5 ¥ 53 Le GI es enginy al Sle Sel $s Gb ad pe Gale Ucld SGalye ol gl A Ran Sa GoLGs pe cpa dad Woy Gy say Bole pe SLas gl ale Le gt SU sal ylly Lead Il gl 359 Golis see NI gt SN gt Ub it BL eh UT welelie ee 269 Selection 21 “Bolaul pa pate i yreeS othe Fyre! Gapb Ge OF pari -yeah passe ade Ws Lad) IS Gyr y elie TALL! aay SI Gee ape velanns the HIRE pb le gle Gadd coils GLa tulsa ¢ errr CS pty ey ages Stl LASS gay. y Ged bes aes elie J yi5 Le og) Gigs «.. d sual UI gd GSU cas abs GES Le High. he pe US Tal pul pie elie ABS he hake Le Wh vote 057 Nha Usd ol pts Tes Gis -ptlS pBybdi GSe0 bLis ... 4a! oline Ugls LS) oda dale GiSaie Le oil eiselus oda Gus S 1a Byte LAS... | olin LGU Bye Ayaday 1y5 las WI as ued sll elie 13 this tipi gia pilbel by Gl Yy J Ly 4a! vggdes ols GIS Ii ¥1 155 alias al 270 Selection 21 sy pt Gobel i gsedis bs Gy pede be be OS. BG Ls 5S Gay bbe Aglaia oh 4G by pt ches yt fe i wot ol as JpHt Le og 5 aed Gh dal day chbay i $1g5 Se ted gle Wins Is gals tpt Sg chal olin Y dale gis tSlbel Lys Shy Ubadte ool Bole Spee gi ae LU ie Bails pisill jee I GIL Gbyebbyy i (ogee pb tga Le phat clabes U gia wgl ws we blies Led il oW oline gates kel 5 935 SH AU yd, CG 3B ga dats... a ols dl 271 Selection 21 | Ran a Red Light A. Yes? B. Hello. A. How are you? B. What's up? A. Ah, fine. How are you? B. Fine. A. Is there anything new? B. No, no, the same old stuff. A. What happened? You said, ah ... you said, ah ... yesterday a policeman gave you a traffic ticket, or didn't he give you a ticket? B. No, he didn't give me [one], by God. A. What, what is this story? How did it start? B. Yesterday? A. Ah. B. Irana red [light]. I went through the red. A. Aha. B. He was behind me. Of course, his car was ... unmarked, not on, not on top of it the ... there wasn't the blue police thing. A. Aha. B. Of course, I went through the red. The mistake was obvious, you know, frankly obvious. A. Right. B. He tooted his horn at me and came up behind me. A. Aha. B. He went behind me and parked. [He said,] "Take out [your driver's] license. Take out [your vehicle] registration." I gave them to him. A. Right. B. Anyway, he talked to me. I understood him. My language skills are still [weak]; I understood him .... He said to me, "Do you know what you did?" I told him, "I know, yes." I understood from him that [the ticket] was one hundred dollars. He said, "[Do you] agree?" I said, "[I] agree." 272 Selection 21 > > » pe pepe Right. He went to [his] car and after a while he returned the .... He kept going about ten minutes, seven minutes. He returned the license and the other thing. He said to me, "You won't do it again?" When he walks to the car. He ... he looks at the ... he looks at the ... he looks at your record. Maybe, ah. They possess, because by way of the computer, he has a small computer in the car. True, yeah. He merely enters the ... the number of your license, and sees whether he finds you, for example, do you have many accidents and whether you're a wanted person. Straightaway he'll arrest you, for example, and put you in prison. Mmm. Intent ... Intentionally they, any license, even, God willing, brother, the law always when it comes to you, you give your license and ... he takes it in order to see [your] reco ... to see ... to see, as they say, your file. Aha. Your entire driving record, from when ... therefore, you haven't been [here] long, you, but if you had [been in this country], for instance, six or seven years. He says, "This one must have. Perhaps, he doesn't even have a poi ... points. Maybe they took all of them.” Aha. This is good. It helped you that you don't have anything. This is the biggest thing. It means, if he now gives you a ticket and catches you another time. It means, ah .... Twelve points, they take [your] license away from you. No, no. He didn't do anything to me. He didn't give me anything at all. Aha. It means, now if he had given you a warning. Aha. He didn't give me a piece of paper. He gives you a paper, but he doesn't take ... but, they don't, don't lose [sic], they don't reduce anything at all for you A warning, even then he gives a piece of paper? 273 Selection 21 A. > >>» He gives you a piece of paper, aha, in order that it remain, as they say, a warning to you. Right, now it means that he didn't do anything at all, now? Now, he didn't give you anything at all. No, it means he forgave you and everything. Even the file. It doesn't ... even in the computer. He didn't make any notice at all now? Nothing, nothing. There isn't ... I don't have even a warning. There isn't even, even, when he gives you a warning, he doesn't put it on the computer. Ooh. A warning, it means that it's personally for you. It means .... Mmm. If he ... catches you, he himself, a second time, he'd say to you, "Do you remember me? I gave you a warning.” 274 Selection 22 “Sluggishness” Vocabulary Verbs rgad /imperf yurgud/ v to sleep rayyah /imperf yrayyah/ v to relax (so), make (so) feel comfortable Jbah /imperf yifbah/ v to see A. maa -fbaht{ I?aala mtaa‘ miyya_B. laa maa -fufthaaf anee A. Didn’t you see the hundred dollar [slot] machine? B. No, I didn’t see it. Nouns & Adjectives biitza Eng n pizza tambla Turk (tembel) n laziness sandawitf Eng n sandwich subah n moming {cf. MSA subh} fiikoonii Ital (fiaccone) adj lazy Other Words & Phrases badil maa conj instead of yguullik law inta miJ raadii {a-nnidaam mif raadii Salaa -siyaasit ddawla w-yeeraa -mafruuduu gafadt yaadii w-haarabthaa, badil maa -tuhrub barraa They tell you that if you're not satisfied with the regime and not happy with the policy of the country, etc., you're supposed to stay there and fight it, instead of fleeing abroad. bafad maa conj after foog illaazim phrase more than necessary 275 Selection 22 IGikoonii Our laidback friends offer their reflections on the fast pace of life here. B. ?ayy waahad talgaah daayman iiguullak maa Sannii{' wagut w-maa w-hiyya haqiiga m ... hattaa ttambla gaa‘da fiinaa. A. Jin ittambla? yaqsud minhaa? B. a... ttambla Iksaad wallaa | .... A. ?aa 1... Ifiikoonii qasdik? B. ?allaa w ... zayyhaa bi-zzabit aah, yaSnii waahad maa, maa maa maa y .. maa y ... maa yigdirJ iidaawm Ihaaja ?aw yixdim lhaaja ?aw iidiir lhaaja. A. aha. B. daayman iimiil li-raaha. A. ?aha. B. Sraft? daayman iimiil li-ween Ihaaja Ilii trayyha. trayyha miJ trayyha nafsii trayyha jasadiyyan ?akéar fayya. haadii ll-iidawwruu fiihaa. A. haadii tlawwudnaa Sleehaa. ?aslan zmaan hoonee min bafad maa nityadduu w-yeera diimaa nkassduu. B. ?aha. A. ‘Sawwudnaa Sleehaa, tawwaa hnee Slaaf talgaa marraat ndahkuu Saleehum nguuluu yaakil fi-lydaa mtaaSa waaguf. 276 Selection 22 . sahiih. . tawwaa hnee talgaa muudiir fariika, w-talgaa jaayib mfaa sandawit) ... fii fii Janta haadaa yguullik taww kaayin® ?inta muudiir yaa raajil u-jaayib sandawitJ SlaaJ maa trawwabJ |-hoof taakillik | ... kseeksii willaa taakillik ...? fa-haadaa m ... dii ... ?ahnee diimaa nnaaqJuu fi-ImuuduuS haadaa bi-ttariiga haadii. . sabiih. . zmaan iiguullik kiif? ?a ... {fawwudnaa Saleehaa laakin ahnee talgaa hnee talgaah matalan Sanda Juyul w-Salaa tuul, nitfakkur fiihaa hnee haaja xfiifa yjiib biitza yjiib Jayy. laakin 2ahsin y ... iifaddil ?inna badil maa yguullik maa yrawwah Imuwaddafiin ntimm [Samal xeer. - Sahiih sahh. ?aha, baahii w-haadii kiif bi-ttxallas minhaa ImuJkila zayy haadii madalan? . haadii lwaahad yadyat ‘a-rruuha daayman. daayman, b-yilgaa mugaawma min nafsa laakin iihaarabhaa zayy nnooda mtaa{ ssubah. . baah. . lammaa talgaa | ... nnoom iifidd fiik w-inta kadaa ttyallab wi-tgawwii Sazmik wi-tnuud. . Paha. . nafs iffayy ya%nii ttyallab Sa-Iksaad bi-ttariiqa haadii zayy maa ttyallab {a-nnoom. 277 Selection 22 A. ?aha, haadii wahda mi-Ihasanaat Iii mafruud Iwaahad yaxidhaa min ilmujtamaS haadaa ytSallim minnaa qasdii kiif kiif Sinnhum ruuh 1... Ihubb li-fJuyul u-yeera. B. m. A. ?u-mumkun humma m ... ?ibaalyuu fiihaa ?aktar min illaazim laakin Iwaahad law dakii, yatraf huwwa kiif ystayill ISamaliyya yastafiid min ilhasanaat ll-iidiiruu fiihaa humma. ?uu-zayy maa dguul maa maa maa yattarrafff foog illaazim maéalan. linna humma hnee yhibbuu. lana fii minhum naas hanee Ilii Jaaddiin ?arb‘a xamsa wadaayif. B. sahiih. A. taa nee gutlik fii waahad marra nalgii fiih diimaa haadaa haadaa stayrabt. w-waadah Sale, yurgud fii littubiis w-fi-Iqitaar biss. haadaa ween yurgud. yurgud biss hnaa y ... yaaxid |... ?a ... Jf... min mka ... min mkaana la-JJuyul saafa, yurgud fii ssaafa haadiika w-aamtaa mwallii yurgud saa‘a, gutla gaddeef turgud fi-nnhaar? gaallii saa‘teen, gutla ween? gallii haahuu fa ... tifbah fiyya ween nirgud, wi-lbaagii kulla Juyul yaa rrajil. haadaa hnee lammaa yfuufuu waahad zayy haadaa yguullik kadaa mahbuul haaéaa Jinuu? B. yariiba w-allaahi fiSlan. A. ?aa? B. tistayrabhaa fiflan. 278 Selection 22 A. ?aa bass huwwa gallii gallii bi-lfaaks gallii bil ... gallii gallii nfaddil nkuun taSbaan xeer maa nkuun muhtaaj fii nihaayt Jf ... {fahar gaallii. maa nbbiif gallii naas iitaarduu fiyya w-iiguullii ?inta Sleek deen kadaa w-kadaa w-haadaa kadaa gallii nfaddal ?innii nkuun taSbaan jasadiyyan, laakin nafsaniyyin iiguullii mirtaah lanna maa fiif naas ttaard fiyya dguullii nibbii minnik haadaa w-nibbii minnik hadiika, haadaa gaallii haadaa baaf naxdim haadaa gallii w ... w ... w-raaya kaan sahiih raaya nna gallii gallii maa fiiJ waahad, maa fiif waahad gallii yaxdim Ixidma haadii law huwwa ya‘raf inna mif muhtaaj. B. sahh. A. gaallii lammaa ykuun Sandii dyuun halba wi-tkuun Sandii daraayab w-iikuun Sandii ?aSyaa, gallii nfaddal | ... rr ... nfa ... nfaddal ttafab | ... ljasdii. muhimm jiddan gallii ... B. sahiih. Notes: 1. Le., maa fandiif. 2. Le., kif. 279 Selection 22 eisSuill Pa Haptic Lay cdg pac Le A J 5s Ladle oll sally ol sliaa Bcd Wa fe. e Uie SUgie sea, SU Cb vee LY 5 slew ALI... Sead pi 9Sail... SHI Le le Le Ls Le ss aly pin col BI Ug. gy Ul BglII joss gl Egle pady gl Tab! pylay St ju cal viel U Jam Lesh eal a he a a UI aL a Ja Lats Sea pee : Upad Ny s gy lll 0d tat 3S) Gaus Ca 5 pend LaSls o pads gshS5 Le tay pe Li gley Steal Lpule Lisyes oda ganas cal Ste sly pele Saeed oye lS Gbple Lea 15 gale Gages aly Celie eat ga 280 Selection 22 Comer cet gi ky gtin Coe ily olds AS 8 joe oli Lia 155 A bd gates Gtley Jay yee cl aS 15 GU J yds Moa Tha So eM JSG Vy pSaeeS Mal JSG aga shag 5 Le Ubdle coke Gis pbJLy ia ¢ gogll po phd LaSls Gas a Lgl com Seis oli Loa oli La GS ule Lagan 7 SUS Uggs Gar Cole (lass U lye Gas ad S455 yb ley Jit aie Hi ee Ne ee Tas Ge ee ete pt: all. I PE nb Ll Cage Le UI Jp Le Ja go! aki. 2 Gal OS vogh Jal cette Sie oba 55 USE Ye palais ES ohay pals cal i aud ye Le glie Gils Latls Ladle day, le buds sal pll oda Oo squall plas Ga gill (55 Lyles GS atl wasaty che de cs yf y 1G 1S oily ohed ads pg. I EGU al el cole GGG Le og 5 oka Lis yh IL sLuSI le SLRS pins ud sega 281 Selection 22 Qeetell ope Lk sal yl! Gay sie A oLssall ye Baal oda cal RU Gall. I ogy pbte GES GAS goed Lye pls Nae tones t G83 od Sa OSU 9 5SUI pe ASI Up Lp a at Sa 5! Cast Ny rote lll oLinwall So spb Colest! Jains HS 58 i pen Lia pa oY he e539 Got Aa bis a IgGl ss 5 ow) VHSB y Led Lea! old GUI a Gul pgs pt OY cLyaes ese wee ybl (a a Letts ab GL Bye daly gd ol GI ol bye Sg Nk ny ULE gig Ga oYl pd ade ale aly 5 Pl AesenL SL Seg yee Score ae lel lea orate a he) AE ld Lela ya ye iy clade Lela gb si ys Lele vb BO ILE Sal eli op telen I JUG SLI ga a5 NyGp ds U Gas Iba Jas G Jie US iL sa Gal gp 6 gid Ia gage Him oll gl gis Ia os sal ' ed Uy Got si Shab Yay hl 282 Selection 22 hai JUG I JG SG I JG SIG I IG I J gay Le ot UG et... Els gb cle 9S Le pd Gb Gy W3S5 13S gas chabe cl J odes (pi Ly slbs ul J JG as pte Liles GSI tens Gad 6555 3! Lads g! JlG 13S Nias gets Hm ele gt ol Us pb LS ul a Le GY CU ps 9 ggl SUG Ne ps AL He gt JUG Ha ela ol diss SU daly oad Le vals had Le gl JUG ol JUG SI G1 pease lS cline he Gl Gas ga gl odie Uesdll pads te erie 5955 5I ps gate G59 ha Gyrs sate GIG U IG qed oe A eT aS BH tT as Od SUG ell coos gl SUG La pe cee 283 Selection 22 “Sluggishness” B, Everyone, you find him always saying to you, I don't have time; I don't have .... It's a fact. M .... Even the laziness remains in us. What is "laziness"? [What is] meant by it? Ah ... laziness is lassitude or .... Ah .... You mean "sluggishness"? p>pp> Really, and ... exactly like it, ah. You know, one isn't, isn't, isn't, isn't ... isn't ... isn't able to persevere in something or to work on something or to do something. Aha. [A person] always inclines toward rest. Aha. Don't you know? He always inclines to the place of the thing which relaxes him, not relaxing him mentally, relaxes him physically is the greatest thing. This is what he looks for. A. These things we've become accustomed to. Originally, long ago here [i.e., in Libya], after we ate lunch, etc., we always rested. B. Aha. ‘A. We've become used to it. Now, here, because you find we sometimes laugh at them. We say, "He eats lunch standing up.” B. Right. A. Now, here you find the director of a company. You find him bringing a sandwich ... in, in a bag. This one tells you, "Now how, you, friend, a director, and [you] bring a sandwich, because you don't return home to feed yourself ... couscous or feed yourself ...," therefore ... this ... we always discuss this subject in that way. B, Right. A. Long ago, they were telling you, "How?" Ah, we've become used to that. Here you find, here you find, for example, that he always has work. I remember: we sometimes, when we work a lot here ... the director goes to make, he brings something light, he brings pizza, he brings something. But the best ... he prefers that instead of saying to you, he won't send the employees home, it's better that the work is completed. B. Correct, right. > w > 284 Selection 22 > Aha. Fine. This [problem], how can you get rid of it, a problem like this, for example? This one always pressures himself. Always, he finds some resistance in himself, but he fights it like getting up in the morning. Right. When you find ... sleep catching you while you overcome that way and strengthen your resolve and get up. Aha. The same thing, you know, you overcome laziness in this fashion, as you overcome sleep. Aha. This is one of the good things which it is necessary for one to take from this society, to learn from it. I mean ... how, how, you have the spirit of ... of love for work, etc. Ah... . They may, ah ... go overboard in them more than is necessary, but someone, if he is smart, knows how to exploit the matter, benefits from the good things which they do. As they say, he doesn't, doesn't, doesn't go to extremes more than necessary, for example. Because they, here, love [to work]. Because there are some people here who hold four or five jobs. Right. As I told you, there's someone, once I was running in to him always. This one, this one, I was astonished. It was clear to me, he sleeps only in the bus and in the train. This is where he sleeps. But here ... he takes ... ah ... from ... from his place to work an hour. He sleeps that way for an hour and, when he returns, he sleeps for an hour. I said to him, "How long do you sleep during the day?" He said to me, "Two hours." I said to him, "Where?" He said to me, "There's .... You see me where I sleep. All of the rest is work, friend.” This, we, when they see someone like this, they tell you, "This one is crazy, what?" Really odd, really. Ah? I was really amazed by it. 285 Selection 22 A. Ah, but he said to me, he said to me, "On the contrary." He said to me ... he said to me, he said to me, "I prefer to be tired; it's better than being in need [of money] at the end of ... the month," he told me. "I don't want," he told me, "people chase me and say to me, 'You, you have a debt of such and such, etc."" He told me, "I prefer to be physically exhausted, but mentally" -- he tells me -- "[I'm] relaxed, because there are no people who chase me, telling me, I want from you this and I want from you that. This,” he told me, "this in order that I do that." He told me, and ... and ... and his opinion was correct. His opinion is that, he told me, told me, "None, no one, no one," he told me, "works this way does this thing, if he knows that he doesn't need to." B. Right. A. He told me, "When I have many debts and I have taxes and I have [other] things." He told me, "I prefer the ... ah... ah ... I prefer bodily ... fatigue. It's very important," he told me .... B. Right. 286 Selection 23 1 Don't Like to Stay in Hotels Vocabulary Verbs takkam /imperf ytakkim/ v a. to prepare, put in order, arrange b. to put on cosmetics yalbis w-yitakkam w-yeeraa [The transvestite] dresses, puts on make-up, etc. habb /imperf yhabb/ v to like, love {cf. MSA ahabba} xayyim /imperf yxayyim/ v to pitch a tent; to camp daax (duxt) /imperf yduux/ v to become dizzy (with delight) itsakkar /imperf yitsakkar/ v /intrans/ to close sgah (sga) /imperf yasgah/ v to be cold {cf. Egyptian dialect suqu‘} Nouns & Adjectives barrii_ adj wild (as opposed to domesticated) traab n soil, dirt {cf. MSA turaab} taSlab n fox {cf. MSA @aSlab} hatba n piece of firewood muhtaat adj cautious, wary xiima /pl xiyam/ n tent diib n wolf {cf. MSA di?b} Juwwaaya n grill, barbecue masiif /pl masaayif/ n resort Saqrab /pl Saqaarib/ n scorpion yzaal n deer; gazelle faraaJ /pl faraafaat/ n bedding, rug hooteel Eng /pl hooteelaat/ n hotel, motel wsax n dirt (cf. MSA wasax} iid /pl ayaadi/ n hand {cf. MSA yad} 287 Selection 23 Other Words & Phrases bakrii adv a. early yim{ii fi -ssubah bakrii He goes early in the morning. b. earlier SalaaJ kunnaa nitkallmuu bakrii Why were we talking earlier? ¢. min bakrii previously, before haadii -nnugta Ili jibthaa m -bakrii this point, which I brought up before talqaa?iyyan adv automatically 288 Selection 23 ?anee maa nhabbiS nugiud f-hooteelaat In the beginning, A makes a persuasive case for camping in the great outdoors. However, he goes on to mention the bugs and "washing" his plates with dirt. At this point, for us, it's back to the InterContinental. A. aw-fiih llii mxayymiin zayy maa dguul f-sayyaaraathum, kwayyis? wu-fiih llii mxayyim fi-lxiima. jaayib sayyaarta laakin maa ybbiif iixayyim fil + 8S... maa ybbiiJ yurgud fi-ssiyyaara. yibbii yxayyim lootaa. B. ?aha. A. Sa-I?ard. B. ?aha. A. w-Sandum ahnee talgaa Ilii ... fa-li-haadaa w-haadaa jamiil anee taSjibnii haadii ?aktar. talgaah matalan majmuu{a ?arbafa xamsa, yunusbuu Ixiima haadiika nasba kwaayysa. yinisbuuhaa ytakkmuuhaa w-iihittua Saadaa dawa ... ?u ... w-bass hnee munaddmiin kull xiima talqaa?iyyan talgaa ba-hdaahaa giddaamhaa taawla. B. ?aha A. wi-fJuwwaaya wi-kull fayy. fa-li-haadaa ytakkmuu bdaaSathum uu-yaaxduu bdaafathum iihuttuuhaa kullhaa Sa-tfaawla w-iifarrfuu Ixiima mtaafathum kwayysa w-iijiibuu Ifaraafaat mtahhum Ilii humma hnee ysammuu fiihum a... sleeping bags. B. ?ah A. kiis innoom zayy maa dguul. 289 Selection 23 B. m A. haadii’ Sibaara San itxuJf fiihaa wi-tsakkarhaa zayy maa hiyya w-turgud. ydiiruu fiihum kwayysaat lanna mubtaatiin iiguullik hattaa kaana fiih magalan tafbaan aw Saqrab miS ha-yuusilnii,” lannaa myattiya kullhaa. B. ?aha. A. Sibaara San fiihaa silsila w-lammaa txuJJ fiihaa titsakkar Salaa jismik kullaa w-turgud. fa-li-haadaa yfarrfuu w-fi-fJtee -y ... ?... kaana sagah hawnii bokkul Imangar jamiil bokkul ii... yhuttuu innaar. yhuttuuluk {iJriin tlaatiin hatba w-iiwallfuu nnaar w ... dirthaa nee issana illii faatt w-allaahii mandar jamiil bokkul. w-gaSatt li-lleel nifwii, Jweenaa lham w-mif Saarif finuu, dirtaa nee w-bintii biss b-ruuhii. B. hilwa haadii w-allaah. A. fa-li-haadaa hnee hnee maa thiiriJ inta hnee idduux Jin bi-ddiir. mif ilfamaliyya haadii laa iddawwxuk ahnee. B. hilwa 1... Ifikra haadii w-allaahii. A. kull ayy munaddim. haa haadaa Imuuxayyim jamiil mfeeta nee ssana llii faatit mandar jamiil bokkul w-baSdeen fi-ssubah bakrii yijii liyzaal ba-hdaak. tfuuf liyzaal wi-tfuuf hattaa baSd ilhayawaanaat ilbarriyya. B. 2ooh, A. w-allaahii Juft ittaflab anee w-Juft iddiib jee. B. fa-Sa-libhar haadii wallaa fii a .... A. laa .... 290 Selection 23 . iljibaal? . laa haadii dirthaa fi-ljibaal anee. fii Sa-libhar wu-fii nafs iffeyy ‘a-libhar. . wo-fiih yaSnii xiyim halba mxayymiin b-jambik ah? . nafs iffee txayyim aha. Pil, . Sa-lb ... Sa-libhar bi-zzabt Sa-Imasiif. fa-li-haadaa ?inta Slee hasb .... . Saar fiih manaatiq mtaa‘ ... xiyim tibbii timfii txayyim fiihaa? . ?aa kullaa .... » (ae |. mawjuuda. . a-libhar mawjuuda haadii? . Sa-libhar muujuuda maa haa txayyim fii xiyim zayy maa hiya? wi-lbhar b-jambak bi-zzabt. maa huu guutlik kull feyy muujuud? Saleek inta .... . yaSnii ?aslan haadii Imantaqa muxassasa muxayyim? . muxayyim. . Raa. 291 Selection 23 A. fii naas Il-iiguullik b-saraaha haadaa maa ... fii naas Ilii maa yhabbif haajaat zayy haadii maa yabbiiJ matalan zayy maa dguul | ... | ... maa yibbiiJ zayy maa dguul dibbaana tugursaah wallaa wallaa nahla djii, fhamit qasdii? B. sahh A. yiguullik ilamaakin haadii b-saraaha fiihaa nahal uu-fiihaa mif Saarif Jinuu w-fiihaa wsax w-nibbii nuysil b-iidayya w-miJ Saarif finuu. laakin fii naas Ili yhabb | ... 2anee nhabb ilhaajaat zayy haadii ?anee maa nhabbiJ nugfud f-hooteelaat maéalan. ?anee laa nmill min ilhooteel. ?anee kaan maa nkuuniJ mafa ttabiifa win ... wi-nuysil issiiniyya mtaa‘ii marraat bil ... bi-ttraab maa maa y ... maa tsaaYadniiJ. Notes: 1. Note that kiis takes feminine agreement here. 2. ha-yuusilnii: See M. Nydell, Libyan and Tunisian, 1:340. Selection 23 IS yt pl dads Gta le LI ell aby Sass cp gal las 58 J 5G Le 65 panda pill aay Wee A gl pad thts Le GSI Glas ile aS gd pd velo gl! pode pee Boluall 98 sae a Le tal +S! le al BSI obs phen Ll Joes Hay Ligh... Gl ib Lis paatey aces ate Teg AM Mp ueets ued tes yl Lege ee hs Lal Ga pee ey iy eked ee La pec [alee aes VU glb Upolad Lalas 25 L5G Gud JS quake 4a apicldy sists ppiclias Ipc, agli LA US 5 Llydy Nyapeny Gua gS pgiclie Gordll Lyd ping U slbl! ple YIS Lashar sleeping bags .. | pgad yous La pa Gl pgelie GLE! ill vel S385 Le (55 esl Gus ap 293 Selection 23 peed Nysasy sy pt Le gh Susy pad GLAS Ge Sjlac oda oe gl Glad Whe Cad GUS Ge ol Uyts pblns 4 clus 9S (YAS Upbde GY pilose se -4al 3855 GUS clare gle Suis Yad YASS Uy Ube ad Ge Bulee eae pill JSS Lid pice GUS. 1. LG pag Lyk pas Jagla Vgatigs 9 Taba iti Qope W Igbas LI! Ipbas US JS Jee phe Wy otha UI Gud GELS ys. y SLI ee GI gs gh be ies pal Lay sgt La curds Re Aly oda Bgl ha Clea he uty Gb fy Ga ol Gb pet Ls La Li Iigla Ga ld 35 Y AU ly oda 8 Sas! ... So gle phe Ls GIN SI pte one pull 1a La plate tpt JS BS Abas JIU eee ISG ceeell Gi Geteey JS eee tl Ll yasl Gane ae psy JIG weg! ely SU sity GI bY oad ll, FL wd 294 Selection 23 sJlall cole [pl judd Cady pol le Ga LI Jaa! pi Uys day i saul Sol claiany Cpesme lb erd pry 1m al eS tell ads wow rey ree (RY Peel) ply fw SRN) Se NI) ly = =) Sled pa pd oad pad... Ele Glia Gad le . GIs | a pres = dl Sods Basase pall gle chains polls Spt be 55 pad ob pd WL Basaye pal le i weilebbe Syaye ed US eel yal bull Spade Lowede bit! oie hel gies oe i 295 Selection 23 Bo Ge UI ul a Le Ha ta pe el pte ol a Le 655 tint Len We AN gH Le og Wha nes Ls od og) lala Spied congd dined Uas Vy Vy ee i LS Uy we Uy git Bybee Lgaty Lo Gent Lal pee odds GSLAYI ell Uy See UT al a OSI gk ge ney Coty Lents gay sy De SOLS ph pb weds hoes Le LI oda gs Slab Gas LI... end g ay eb oe gS Le GIS GI ai sgl Ge J Y LI wtipitelug Le ple be GIG. IG lye gels Lael! 296 Selection 23 > » > Ppp > pre 1 Don't Like to Stay in Hotels There are those who camp, as they say, in their vehicles, right? There are those who camp in a tent. He brought his car, but one doesn't want to camp in the ... the ... doesn't want to sleep in his vehicle. He wants to camp on the ground. Aha. On the ground. Aha. Here they have, you find those .... Therefore, and this is beautiful. I, I like this more. You find, for instance, a group, four or five, erect this tent really well. They erect it and set it up. They normally put, ah ... and ... and here they are very organized. You automatically find a table in front of every tent, before it. Aha. And a grill, everything. Therefore, they arrange their possessions and they take their possessions, and they put all of them on the table. They furnish their tent well. They bring their beds, which here they call, ah ... "sleeping bags.” Ah. A bag for sleeping, as they say. Mmm. This consists of, you go in it and close it, just like that, and you sleep. They make them good, because they are cautious. They tell you, "Even if there's, for example, a snake or a scorpion, it won't reach me because everything is covered.” Aha. . It consists of, it has a chain. When you get in it, it closes around your entire body and you sleep. Therefore, they furnish, and in winter ... ah ... ah . If it is cold here, the view is very, very beautiful. They set up a fire. They set up twenty or thirty pieces of firewood. They light the fire and .... I did it last year, really a beautiful sight. I stayed at night, grilling. We grilled meat and I don't know what. I did it alone, with only my daughter. That's really nice. 297 Selection 23 A. Therefore, here, here you don't get confused. Here you get dizzy [with delight]. What will you do [in this country where you can do anything you want]? Not this business [then something else]. Yes, it makes you dizzy here. B. Sweet, the ... this idea, by God. Everything is organized. This campground is beautiful. I went to it last year. It was a very beautiful sight. Then, early in the morning, a deer comes in front of you. You see the deer and you also see some [other] wild animals. Ooh. Indeed, I saw a fox. I saw a wolf, it came. > So this is on the ocean or in .... No. ... the mountains? >> w> wD No, I did it in the mountains. It's at the ocean, and there's the same thing on the ocean. Are there, you know, many tents pitched next to you? The same thing. Camping, aha. Yes. On the ... right on the ocean, at the resort. Therefore, you are according to > p> ep So, are there areas for ... tents where you'll want to camp? Ah, everything Ah... They're there. They're there on the ocean? >> me > wD They're there on the ocean. Don't you pitch tents, just like that, while the ocean is right next to you? Haven't I told you, everything is present? You have to .... You know, basically this is an area designated for camping? A. Acamp. B. Ah. 298 Selection 23 A. There are people who frankly tell you this. They don't ... there are people who don't like things like these. They don't like, for instance, as they say, the ... the .... They don't like, as they say, a fly which will sting them or, or an ant which appears. Do you understand what I mean? B. Right. A. They tell you that these places, frankly, have bees and have, I don't know what, and have dirt. I want to wash my hands, and I don't know what. But there are people who like the ... I like things like these. I don't like to stay in hotels, for example. I, no, I'm bored by hotels. If I'm not with nature and ... and wash my plate sometimes in the ... in the dirt, it doesn't, doesn't it, ah ... it doesn't make me happy. 299 Selection 24 After the Discovery of Oil Vocabulary Verbs bdax /imperf yibdax/ v to expend (sth, e.g., money) lavishly {cf. MSA baddaxa} itbadar /imperf yitbadar/ v to be scattered, dispersed {cf. MSA inbadara} xnab /imperf yixnib/ v to steal iddahwar /imperf yiddahwur/ v to wander around, loaf about, have a good time Nouns & Adjectives binyaazii n /prop/ Benghazi (largest city in eastern Libya) tarii /pl ?atriyaa/ adj rich (cf. MSA earii} tatqiif (taeqiif) n education {cf. MSA taéqiif} hukm n authority, power; government dawwaama n whirlpool Jabaab n /coll/ young people (especially young men) JaaraS /pl JwaaraS/ n street daahar adj clear, obvious {cf. MSA zaahir} fazzaan n /prop/ Fezzan (region in southwest Libya) kiifaah n battle, strife (cf. MSA kifaah} malyoon Eng /pl mlayiin/ n million niSma /pl nifam/ n blessing naqma /pl niqam/ rn trial, blow Other Words & Phrases huriyyit Ikalima phrase freedom of speech {cf. MSA hurriiyat ‘I-kalaam} min saalah phrase for the sake of {cf. MSA fii (or li-) saalih ... } tabiiSiyyan adv naturally faajatan adv suddenly (cf. MSA faj?atan} laa naaqa fii- w-laa jamal phrase we (I, he, etc.] have no interest in (the matter] (lit. No she-camel nor he-camel in it.) 300 Selection 24 bad iktifaaf Ipitrool Some reflections on the current state of affairs in Libya. Even very large amounts of money can't buy happiness, at least according to our speakers. A. halba naas yiguuluu matalan marraat yguullik I?i ... yiguullik ImujtamaS nafsa lliibii tiyayyar baSd iktiJaaf Ipitrool. diimaa mrakkziin falaa Samaliyyt iktifaaf Ibitrool haadii ‘l-aasaas ?anna Ibitrool yayyar halba fii mafaahiim lliibiyyiin bi-sifa {aamma ka-mujtamaf. Sal-aasaas anna b- iiguuluu nna hnee ka ... ka-JaSab liibii sayiir zayy maa gult inta tlaata mlayiin hnee ?aw zooz malyoon u-nufus, kaant qiyamnaa kaant ?aqwaa w-kaanat ?ahsan. zmaan gaaluu lammaa nagruu Ijariida matalan lammaa waahad yixnib wallaa wallaa ydiir haaja tismaf biihaa fil ... liibyaa kullhaa, min traablis |-binyaazii 1-fazzaan kullhaa. ?a ... gaallik tawwaa faajatan tyayyart. bi-guuluu nna ktiJaaf Ibitrool nafsa haadaa kaan zeyy maa dguul, kaan naqma zeyy maa dguul Slee mafahiimnaa ?aktar min a .. nitma zayy maa dguul Sal ... Salee Ihajaat Ili daarhaalnaa. kaana daar haajaat. Jin raayk inta? hal taStabir inna ktiJaaf Ibitrool kaan fiih nuqtit tahawwul matalan, fi-lmujtamaS Iliibii? hasana aw jayyida 2aw laa matalan? B. w-allaahii huwwa li-kawna na‘ma Ibitrool |-an hii fiflan ?inna Ihaaja haadii maa fiif hadd yinkurhaa. wa-laakin li?ee? likawna nna ?asuu istiylaalhaa. I?istiylaal mtahhaa maa kaanJ hasan yafnii nnijaam wi- I?idaara w-kulla llii naddmuu fi-ddawla maa maa maa staYamluuJ haadii @earwa ?u-maa nufigat) fii biinaa Ifarad. A. ?aha. 301 Selection 24 B. wi-laakin nufigat aylabiyyithaa fii biinaa haajaat. ?uw fii bi ... ?alyaa maa hiiJ maa hiif a... maa hiif min salah alwatan wa-laa min saalah lajyaal walaa min saalah haadaa Jfayy. A. ?aha. B. yaSnii nufigat fii 2asliha w-nufigat fii miJ Saaruf ?eeJ w-nufigat fii huruub laa laa naagqa fiihaa yguuluu w-laa jamal, u-nufigat fii 2aaxir fayy fii nahar' w-maa saaraf minna yaSnii kullhaa ... law innaa nufigat haadii fil .. fi-ttadriis w-fii biinaa Ifarad u-fii taSliima. A. ?aha. B. w-fii tatqiif 1 .... A. txayyal .... B. Sfafab. A. w-allaahii txayyal lafyaa zayy haadii .... B. ?ech, ?uw fii taéqiif fatab 2uw fii a ... badal maa nta zayy maa guullik badil maa taftiinii samaka kull yoom Sallimnii keef nistaad biss! A. ?aha. B. Sallimnii yoom keef nistaad! maa SaaJ nibbii taStiinii samaka madaa ISumur kull yoom. A. mazbuut. B. fhamit kif? fa-linsaan haaduu law inna banoo nafshum badal maa yiffruu lislaah w-yifruu mif Saarf eef, law inna ttaqgfuu bi-ha-6¢arwa haadii Ilii hudirat. 302 Selection 24 . Paha. . Imuhumm yanjah ttaalab u-yatlaS taalab naajah ?u-muhandis w-tabiib u-kadaa, kulla yaSnii yi... yi... yaSnii 1... fil ... fi-lmajalaat u-fii taxassusaathum w-fii kull Jeyy. . Paha. . wlaa ... fa-laakin haadii maa sta@maratf fii haaja. zayy I?abb ittarii talgaah ... fiih 2abb yaaxud mutawassit daxal laakin yusurfa Salaa ta‘liim ?abnaah u-tatgiifhum waa waa fa-yxarraj jiil min il?atfaal nnaajihiin u-mn iffabaab nnaajah li-Iwatan u-kull fayy. . Paha. . w-zayy labb ittarii Iii yaStii fluus u-yibdaxxum Salaa ?awlaada w-yamfuu w-yaskruu w-iidiiruu, w-iddahwur waahad fii nnihaaya laa Jayy Sibaara San fibih naas Sindhum fluus wa-xalaas laa fayy. . Paha. . mujarradiin m-ilqiyam mujarradiin mn ilSilim mujarradiin min 2ayy haaja, xallaalum ha-ttarwa haadii w-iimuut w-ha-ttbadar u-ha-yabquu ... laa Jayy fi-{Jwaara’. fa-haadii nafs iffayy yaSnii nafs iffayy li-Imujtamaaat. . Paha. . Mujtamaf lammaa yastayill ie@arwa mtaafa taftabur naima, laakin law maa ystayallaaf u-yihdirhaa w-kull fay taStabur nagma. 303 Selection 24 A. ?aha, laa nee nugsid taa haaja taanya muuhimma ttaanya nee f-raayii ?inna Ibitrool nafsa ktifaafa qasdii xallaa majmuu{a halba min innaas tabaga kbiiraa, ?anna zeyy maa dguul yansuu qadaayaa rraviisiyya” mtaf Iwatan u-miJ Saarf finuu wu-lkiifaah w ... wu-lwih ... |... listiqraar wu-lhuriyyit® Ikalima w-mif Saarf finuu. bduu maa $a ... yhimmhum{ ilaJyaa zayy haadii, ?7ahamm Jayy kaan iihimmhum inna huwwa jam Imaadda wi-lwisuul ilaa mansib Iaalii. fa-li-haadaa zayy maa dguul fii SiJriin tlatiin sana kaanuu fii dawwaama ?ahamm dawwaama wahda Ili hiyya jam{ ilmaal. ?insuu laaJyaa zayy haadii. laakin gabl Ibitrool, kaan iffJa%b liibii zayy maa dguul mutraabit, fhamit? kunnaa mutraabtiin kaanuu Sinnaa kaan fii sta‘maar iitaalii hoonee zmaan kulla kaant Sannaa | ... Ihadaf rra?iisii huwwa ttaxallus min listaimaar haadii,* bafdeen jat 1... kaant fii Igawaafad lamriikiyya w-tabiitiyyan kunnaa kullnaa matalan maa mif inn ma n ... maa nhabbuuf | ... Ihukm Imalakii wa-laa haaja, laakin kaa ... kaant Sinaa zayy maa dguul | ... Sfufuur bi-ssiyaada w-?inna ?ardnaa laazim tkuun ?ardnaa w-miJ Saarf Jinuu. baideen a ... ?aamtaa baSd ilbitrool ddaahar inna nnaas bdit tansaa lhaajaat zayy haadii. B._ hiya, hiya sahiih, hiya Iqgiyam wu-lmabaadii haadii kullhaa tyayyarat. Notes: 1. This is apparently a reference to the Great Artificial [or Manmade] River Project. 2. Apparently what is meant here is al-qadaayaa rra?iisiyya. 3. It would seem that the use of the definite article here is a mistake. 4, The reason that a feminine pronoun is used here is unclear. 304 Selection 24 Jy tel GLAsston fends Cadell oll Igl gig. WOW Mg giy lye eis Ilse GL le LEAS! Cale gle a 5S p0 LAS! Jy! GUESS! say jk aa! Cpesell putlie ph Cale pad Jy ptt! SI) Gulal gle oda Jy ul! eS Sad Sl Nglgdas Gl golel gle pateeS Gale Lines Oossle 695 3! Ga Cpls GdG Sl old Ls gg pete pa 95983 UL NGG Glo pues SAIS y gg GOS Lina AS Windy ve dT ga Ups Gand Hale ja Ys Yy Giks sally Us Bay! Slag 155 GU JL US Sia psa Gull pb Ge LS Lad MNS J 985 Le (55 SUS Nim dans Jy I GLAST OI Id pi ote J pHi Le ogg Gand. |e ASI Gagalie dle Jgi Le gg Seabebiy gab clale jlo Gls LIL yl Ul lal ge. J gee g§ ls p05 Uhds ad IS Jy A! GLAGS! GI 2585 Ja Soe Y gl Base gl Tue Saal heb Le okt Cabell 5! ed 8 OY Uy pill Laas Gy ga ls Jesu! eau My glusl Gl yS! SY QSly LajSu aaly cet Ngpebity pL US 8 lols PLE! pies Gum LOLS Le Lgelin voy olay ga ESE Ley By Ul ode Gi ghee Le Le U yall al 305 Selection 24 Le hat Le cL a gd y lle La pa Gd dls Gy Clee Ge Yg Sle! ellen Ge Vy rb sl ellie Ge Gia Le... | te vipa Ha al get bay Uo gl Gy Le Ghee odidy Lalu pb is pi Lag 8 Ue AI gh cbs ee Vy Ip p Yt GL YY ype eggs ge Wg oe ks Ul gd GIS ae ae tle daghes chiy sill Las pty ual oo WI Gas yy vad vob og) eLa¥! Jaks aUlly Say Sg Ls 655 St Ls Jae I gh gl ed ETS ga gh al Noung dUaed GS piale @ 53 JS Bow pirbas le -4al all poe Kae piabes cos Giule Le tobias GS @ ys pele ‘tz JS vb yuee 306 Selection 24 Vg pcntg Le Say pends byte Ol gl Vga gluse SUS age ohm By AN Lge 1gRESS Gl gt ceed gl Goble chs ly ayy Cole jad lll -4al all dS iS 5 robs tigey cal GILb elhay GILLI! cats adh eles ws lal ga eee eel eee eb EG OY p> Ugle Ga BS atu Le od Sy MES GLI ab gle Ges GSI Jas buys UG! bs eet! SLA Sey peel JLAbY! Gs Joe GrAad ss tet Sy al Igataesy os gh ole pp Sdoay lb ghee GU gO 53 4S Ge Bole GAY GU! pa sally sy tstng lysates by Sey seth Y Geddy Geld asic Gul cali et AB hale ol oe Gates pl Oe Gates pall Oe Gp Sg olytll QoL SY... Mpdauey pistiny pars oda dy lla cobeada all ppl uk gine tpl Gud 4a! Bi 307 Selection 24 ilps Le gl SI aad aed Celie By AU! Jes U pein A 35 U4 US 5 Lajas JosAH! ol ely ga GI 5G tage BH QL il weds LY al Ob ya Gab Gull Spe la Le gene LS cued ALES! Cds pad Gobe Ghey Ghyll elie Geet II LLARI! Npwds Jy Le g5 Gye hey LAS Gye y gIGRuY! NI ally y CLUS Ol pate SUS Tek al oda cy LAbY! Ghagegs ne Le Nygay yd get JB Le og Wigs Je Cats I! Jpeosllly Ball cae ga Ae A lll Bly Gel gs pal Lolgs gd 1gilS Dae Sd Go phe RU att GIS J pad ed GSI 0b ogy Ld! Lye JUL get LS Gate Igils Mbit jie US Soegd eal ie Jyt be 55 SP ged Gal. SI Gade culs US gles La lbs! basins! sel A pb GALS WI Seb Gytee Iba sland! pe Gala! ved hg ees Le 3 ge Ol she Le hs LUIS US Laney LS p21 aged Wg Le 55 Wake ils. WS GSI Egle ¥y SLL pSal ve Ppt ph gle Shey Lae yi 59S 957 Lee yt Sly Bol 0B (55 SLL puts Sia ul! | URN Jy ial aay ge ya US ot Coal y pa pt ene oh gt 308 Selection 24 » After the Discovery of Oil Often people say, for example, sometimes they tell you, ah ... they tell you that Libyan society itself changed after the discovery of oil. They always focus on the question of this discovery of oil, because oil greatly changed the conceptions of Libyans in general as a society. Because they say that we are, as ... as a Libyan people, small [in number], as you said: three million, we are or two million people. Our values were, they were stronger and were better. In olden days, they said, we read the newspaper, for example, when someone steals or, or does something; you hear about it in ... all of Libya, from Tripoli to Benghazi, Fezzan, all of them. Ah ... they tell you now suddenly it changed. They say that this discovery of oil itself was, as they say, was a curse, as they say, on our notions more than, ah ... a blessing, as they say, ah ... according to the things which it did to us. [Even] if did some [good?] things. What's your opinion? Do you consider that the discovery of oil was a turning point in Libyan society? It improved it or made it better, or no, for example? Really, it's, because it's being a blessing, the oil, because really, that this thing, there's no one who can deny it, but why? Because they spoiled the exploitation of it. The exploitation of it was not good. You know, the organization and direction and everything which they arranged in the country. They didn't, didn't, didn't use this wealth [for good] and it wasn't spent in building up the individual. Aha. But the majority of it was spent in building things. And in, for ... things which weren't, which weren't, ah ... which weren't for the sake of the country and not for the sake of the [coming] generations or for the sake of this thing. Aha. You know, it was expended on weapons and expended on, I don't know what. It was expended on wars which, [as] they say, we have no truck with. It was spent on the most pointless thing, a River from which nothing has come. You know, everything .... If this had been spent on ... on education and building the individual, in educating him. Aha. For instructing the .... Imagine .... 309 Selection 24 B. The people. > By God, imagine things like these .... B. Yes, and for instructing the people and for, ah ... instead of, as they tell you, "Don't give me a fish every day, rather teach me how to fish!" Aha. B. "One day teach me how to fish. I no longer want you to give me a fish every day so long as I live.” > > Exactly. B. Understand? A person, if they had built themselves, instead of buying weapons and buying I don't know what. If they had educated [people] with this fortune which was squandered. Aha. B. Anyway, the student succeeds and comes out a successful student and an engineer and doctor, everything, you know, ah ... ah ... you know, the ... in ... in areas and in their specialties, and everything. A. Aha. B. Or... so, but this [wealth] was not invested in anything. Like a rich father, you find ... there is a father who takes a moderate income, but he expends it on the education of his sons and instructing them; and, and he produces a generation of successful children and the successful young people for the country, and everything. A. Aha. B. Like a rich father who gives money and lavishes it on his children and they go and get drunk and do [bad things]. One loafs about. In the end, nothing. [They] consist of semi people. They only have money, and nothing [else]. A. Aha. B. [They are] devoid of values, devoid of knowledge, devoid of everything. He leftthis fortune to them and dies. [The fortune] will be strewn about and they'll become nothing in the streets. So this is the same thing, you know, the same thing for societies. Aha. B. A society, when it exploits it's wealth it's considered a blessing. But if he hadn't exploited it and squandered it, and everything, it's considered a curse. > > 310 Selection 24 Aha, no, I mean, of course, something else, another important thing. I, in my view, that oil itself, its discovery, I mean, made a very large number of people, a large class, that, as they say, forget some major issues of the nation, and I don't know what: the struggle and ... and the ... the ... settlement and freedom of speech, and I don't know what. They began, ah ... things like these did not concern them. The most important thing that used to concem them is material acquisition and reaching a high position. Therefore, as they say, for twenty or thirty years they were in a whirlpool, the most important single whirlpool which was the accumulation of wealth. They have forgotten the things like these. But before oil the Libyan people were, as they say, closely knit, understand? We were closely knit. We had, there was the Italian colonization here. Long ago everything was from us, ah ... the main goal was getting rid of this imperialism. Then came the ... there were American [military] bases and naturally all of us were, for example, not, not, although I didn't like the ... monarchical rule or anything. But if it was, as they say ... feelings of sovereignty and that our land has to be our land, and I don't know what. Then, ah ... when after the oil, it became clear that the people began to forget things like these. They, they, right, they are the values and principles. They've all changed. Selection 25 Libyans Waiting Tables! Vocabulary Verbs bfat /imperf yabSit/ v to send {cf. MSA baSaéa} sakkar /imperf ysakkir/ v a. /trans/ to close b. /intrans/ to be closed Ikazziinuuhaat nafsaa -tsakkir ssaa‘a sitta The casinos themselves close at six. itfarrad /imperf yitfarrad/ v to live like a vagabond lahham /imperf ylahhim/ v a. to purchase meat b. to weld waffar /imperf ywaffar/ v to save Nouns & Adjectives wudin /pl uudaan/ n ear buxul 7 stinginess, avarice daSwa_n curse tarkiina /pl traakiin/ n place kull waahad ynaddif fi -ttirkiina mtaaaa kull ynad4if fi -Ihoof mtaaTaa Everyone cleans up his place; everyone cleans up his own house. tmaatim Spanish (tomate) n /coll/ tomatoes gaaz /pl gaazaat/ n gasoline meerendaa n /prop/ Mirinda orange soda masrii /pl masriyya, masriyyiin/ n /prop/ Egyptian {cf. MSA misrii} mitmadérit adj downtrodden nhaar n a. day (in the sense of MSA yawm) b. daytime 312 Selection 25 Other Words & Phrases yoom mi-liyyaam phrase one day w-barraa phrase et cetera, and so on maa saaraJ._ conjugated for gender and number phrase /intensifier/ ~ incredible, wonderful matalan Sinnaa haalaat iytisaab maa saarat{ For example, there are an unbelievable number of rape cases; {an new york tfuuf rriif Iii maa saarif bookkul From New York you can see a truly amazing amount of countryside. gaal particle /indicates incredulity/ ~ Imagine! miin interrog who {cf. MSA man} 313 Selection 25 liibiyyiin yaxdimuu fi-lmataafam! As distressing as it may be to contemplate, Libyans must now undertake ordinary jobs to support themselves. What is this world coming to? A. giddaas? Skuun kaan yihlim b-anna lliibiyyiin yoom mi-liyyaam yitfarraduu zayy Imihaabiil hikkii? mitJarradiin fii kull mkaan. Ili m ... Iii mahruum min bintah, Hii mahruum min buuh, w-illii mahruum min ummaa. taSraf finnuu? llii yibbii yrawwah yimfii yrawwah, llii llii yibbii ysakkir udaana wa w-yardii §-allii fiih yimfii, w-iidallu haakida. fkuun gaal? fuuf int inta yaa raajil Juuf fi-lliibiyyiin mitmadritiin fi-Ifaalam! kull waahad f-tarkiina mitmadrit fi-ddaxil mitmadrit wi-lmitmadrit taa hnee. bass hiyya haadaa ?a ... huwwa lammaa tfuufaa w-allaahii b-saraaha. rabbii hikkii, zayy maa dguul, rabbii zayy maa dguul, jatnaa daSwa f-nafsi Iwagt yimkin jatnaa zayy natma rahma hikkii, |-innaa tfallamnaa fiihaa druus maa saaratJ. miin gaal illiibiyyiin tawwaa zmaan kaanuu ydahkuu {-allii yaxdim fi-IlmataaSam? lhamdu llaa fii liibiyyiin haahuu tawwaa yaxdimuu fi-lmataafam. B. sahh. A. Ilii yaxdim fi-matSom Ili yaxdim fii miJ Saaruf Jinnuu fii gaaz mahatta,’ ?almitfa ... llii yifrub fi-zzeet fahren @laaea. B. [laughs] A. w-barraa. zmaan iigahkuu Salee nna fii waahad iiguul zmaan nitfakkar fii 1... Imasriyya msaakiin nhaar jjuma, yifruu fii, yifruu fii, fartteen xubza ?u-yifruu fii tmaatmaat, w-meerendaa. jjmaafa ynakktuu Sleehum. 314 Selection 25 wi-nhaar jjum{a Sandum haaja kbiira yiJruu f-lha ... fi-lham, Itumaal mtaaf Ibinaa Imasriyyiin, B. ?ee. A. ?iinakktuu Saleehum Imasriyya mlahhmiin, Imasriyya mlahhmiin daayriinhaa kaannaa nukta w-yagahkuu Sleehum msaakiin. tawwaa Surfuu liibiyyiin finuu maSnaata zmaan Imasriyya lammaa ylahhmuu. B. sahh. A. ya... maa kaanuuJ yfakkruu nna Imasrii Imiskiin hadaakaa ?iilahham marra fii lisbuut I-anna ywaffar fi-fluus baaf yibfathum lii-martaah w-lii- buuh w-?umma. B. sabh. A. maa yfakkruuJ inna ydiir fiihaa Slaa x ... yahsabuu ydiiruu fiihaa b ... ya ... ya... yahsabuu ydiiruu fiihaa li-Ibuxul. B. ?aah. A. tawwaa bduu yifahmuu fi-dduruus haadii. B. mazbuut sahh. A. fa-I-haadaa huwwa Igoo zeyy maa dguul |... | ... n ... naqma b-saraaha laakin fi-nafsi Iwugt. ?iddruus muhimma jiddan. lammaa waahad maa yafraff ddruus illaa lammaa y ... y‘fiiJ fiihaa. Notes: 1. gaaz mahatta: This is a very odd expression, perhaps a calque from English, cf. the Egyptian mahaptit banziin. 315 Selection 25 Vella! pal posda naal 5 Ney ALT Se pss Ge OL plas olS osS f yal Ce ae Ue UT GIS US opt Sot pin 9 Sa Lal gll Sg ped al Ge py pee hilly asl Ge pyres Gl eal cet 39 CI Sees cote gl LU Cs the Cae ett gl! Jas clas) Ge 8 LG So ySh iSa Jb g pte da oll gle GAS 3 pb sly US pL go bees eel ga Vie ph yay Lae ctl b peal beets Jalal gt bee Ce Sd ota SR Le 55 SO ey tal pees Wy Gg ts U ga. fgid Lass Land og) LSele Say bl ads gd Byes Lele gS I g3lS gle 3 155 VLG ye GG glee Le Gu g gs Up ad Lobe LY 133 gl nea ph AU seal Spell pi pada All gle IySauay pele ph Lyesdy we Tame 5LE gb ph ska She gb pak ll pas a pads lll : EG Sayed Sa gd dy Gl... a [laughs] ve dN ogi S53 GLA5 Jydy sally Ga SI le Saas Ls clay Baad Mak gb Nyt ph ys Heel Us pSLive ns peal! Tasall Udy ppabe [pS dela! Ns pny pblab gi ly tty eld! gle Lead opal (pin al gi Lyte By aaS Tale paste 316 Selection 25 Cnt nol! “alow USS YSIS abla Gueabe Cy pall pele Cty peel pgabe LyaSi Obes cline gb aad Igbo Ly -cySline pple IpSaudry cl goods U gaa punk we ow ebb pals le Sul! geal SI Ny Sty ESL aly Gay Glad apie BG asl gi piss Gg seel cto OS sp Ud Nyt op 3 le Get a GI ty SLI DAU Upad Ny pate ogame ae iow 2258 wg sll ct lyagi Hosa ly ele et SI ps Ae We I gi Le gy Il ge ga UT jug ll kbps Le aly UL toe Lage Gag yl) ceil Gad 317 Selection 25 Libyans Waiting Tables! A. How much? Who'd have dreamt that one day Libyans would roam around like some kind of madmen? They are everywhere living like homeless people. One is ... one is deprived of his daughter; one is deprived of his father; one is deprived of his mother. Do you know what? Whoever wants to return, he ups and returns ... is the one who, is the one who wants to close his ears and, and accept what's going on there and continuing that way. Who said? Man, look how Libyans are oppressed in the world! Each one in a place is oppressed. He is oppressed inside [of Libya] and that one is oppressed here [in America]. But this is the way it is, ah ... when you really look at it clearly. My Lord, that's the way it is, as they say, my Lord, as they say. A curse befell, at the same time, something like a blessing, a kind of kindness, could have come to us. Because we have learned from it unbelievable lessons. Who said that Libyans, now, before, Libyans used to laugh at those who worked in restaurants? Praise be to God! So now there are Libyans who work in restaurants. B. Right. A. Some work in a restaurant. Some work at I don't what. Some work at a gas station. The ... that one swills oil for two, three months. B. [laughs]. A. And so on. .... In earlier times, [Libyans] used to laugh at, one who would say before, I remember ... the Egyptians, the unfortunates, on Fridays, they would buy, would buy a couple of loaves of bread, and would buy some tomatoes and a Mirinda [orange soda]. Some people used to make fun of them. Friday was a big thing to them. They used to buy some ... meat, the Egyptian constructions workers. B. Yes. A. They used to make fun of them: "The Egyptians are buying meat. The Egyptians are buying meat." They did it, as if it were a joke. They used to laugh at them, the unfortunates. Now Libyans have learned what it meant when the Egyptians bought meat in earlier times. B. Correct. A. Ah.... They had not thought that that poor Egyptian bought meat once a week in order to save the money to send it to his wife, to his father and his mother. B. Correct. 318 Selection 25 > wm > ® They didn't not know that he was doing this for .... They thought that [the Egyptians] were doing this, ah ... ah ... ah .... They believed that they were doing this on account of stinginess. Ah. Now they have just started to understand these lessons. Correct, right. Therefore it, they found, as they say, ah ... ah ... ah ... a curse frankly, but at the same time. The lessons are very important. When one does not understand lessons except when ... he experiences them. 319 Selection 26 The “Universities” Vocabulary Verb lahwit /imperf ylahwit/ v to talk nonsense Nouns & Adjectives Ibeeda (Ibeeda) n /prop/ Al Bayda (major city in northeast Libya) jaamifa n university raaji adj /active participle/ wanting, seeking {cf. MSA raajin} zzaawiya n [prop/ Az Zawiyah (city to the west of Tripoli) Sadiid 1. n large number 2. adj numerous gaaryuunus nn /prop/ Qar Yunis (district in southwest Benghazi) kulliya n college liisaans French (licence) n masters degree {cf. MSA liisaans} Other Words & Phrases maa been prep between, among yufsul maa been libhar wi-I?amaakin [The boardwalk] separates the sea from the places. {cf. MSA bayna} ahyaan adv sometimes {cf. MSA ahyaanan} wa-haakadaa (wa-haakadaa) phrase et cetera, and so on 320 Selection 26 Ijaamifaat Oil wealth led to a great expansion in the number of institutions of higher learning in Libya. The speakers decry the attendant pretentiousness that has rendered even the most limited "college" a “university.” A. kunt nagraa f-maqaal adinnii f-jariida liibiyya yguul fiih. yitkallim Salaa ljaamiSaat ga ... fii h ... sabiih inna fii tnaafin jaamiSa tawwaa yaadii hawaalii? B. taqriiban aah. A. finuu nee, traa sammiilii? ?anee naSraf raajii nguullik anee .... B. w-allaahii .... A. naSraf jaamifat gaaryuunus, Ilii f-binyaazii I-hiyya. w-naSraf jaamiSat Ifaatah, llii f-traablis. ?a ... ?u-mumkun naSraf wahda gaaluu fii fi-lbeedaa ?aw fizzaan. haaduu humma ween? traa sammii? B. w-allaahii humm a ... fi ... mif hiyya kulliyaat kull madiina ftah faahaa kulliyya w-sammuuhaa jaamifa wi-xlaas. A. ?aa. B. kulliyyaat kulliyyaat. kulliyyit ilhuquuq kulliyyit il?adaab kulliyyit mif Saaruf .. A. ?aa. B. kull wahda ftahhaa fii madiina w-sammaahaa jaami‘a w-xalaas. A. saar iljaamiSaat muujuuda ?illaa f-traablis u-binyaazii? 321 Selection 26 B. ee f-taraablis u-binyaazii w-fi-zzaawiya. zzaawiya fiihaa qasm kulliiteen yaSnii zooz kulliyyaat sammaah jaamifa. A. [incomprehensible utterance] la? gasdii Sa-ljaamifa nugsud anee biss. B. [tounge clicks] A. fii jaamiSat ilfaatah maSruufa. B. jaamiSat Ifaatah. A. w-jaamifat garyuunus. B. aah wi-ttaanya syaar jaamiSaat syi ... maa fiihaaJ yaSnii ljaamifa .. A. ii yeah. B. talgaahaa yaaliban tajmaf Iadiid mi-lkulliyyaat laakin haadii kull kulliyyiteen ?aw kulliyya hyaan isammuuhaa jaamifa. A. ?aha. B. fa-kull kulliyya tneen isammiihum jaami$a w-xalaas haadaa huu. A. aa saar saar saahab | ... ktaab ilwaahad iilahwit maSnaata. B. ?aaywa. A. ?anna yguul inna tnaafin jaamifa matlan u-yeera fii farg .... B. tabfan humma msammiinaa jaamiaat qaadii msammiinhum jaami‘aat. ‘A. mafruud huwwa ysammiihaa zayy maa hiyya kulliyya maa yguulij jaam‘a. ljaamifa taJmil kull Jay. ljaamifa lammaa dguul jaam{a taJmil kull ttaxassusaat. SalaaJ? gutlik jaamifat garyuunus matlan mitxassa kullhaa fil ... ttaaj ... fi-ttaxassusaat I?adabiyya. 322 Selection 26 B. sahh. A. ?u-jaamifat traablis mitxassa ma@alan fi-taxassaat Salmiyya ylabhaa. w-tangasim Ijaamia tangasim li-kulliyyaat. kulliit tarbiya kulliit huquuq kulliit iItuluum kulliit ilhandasa wa-haakadaa. ?ahnee diimaa nhabbuu I?asmaa?. tawwaa hnee Sandhum Sindum, Sindum aalaaf malayiin qasdii b-sifa {aamma ljaamifaat laakin Sandum | ... Ikulliyyaat b-ruuhhaa ysammuu fiihaa kulliyya matalan maa yguluu jaamiSa [tounge clicks] yfarrguu maa been Ijaamifa llii hii university Ikuliyya yguuluu college. B. ?aha. A. yfarrguu biinaathum maéalan maSnaata lammaa dguul kulliyya maSnaata fiihaa txassusaat syiira, ?u-muJ halba w-maa taStiikJ matalan Ikulliyya yaaliban maa taStiikf kull | ... ddarajaat ISilmiyya. tilgaahaa mitxassa yaa fil ... fi-lliisaans aw taftiikf dar ... maa Stiiks? matalan dirasaat Sulyaa zayy maa dguul. B. ?aha laa haadaa Ilii saar msammiinhaa jaamiSaat u-xlaas. Notes: 1. Le., maa taStiik/. 323 Selection 26 bub! ote AS 4a Uo Cd Bae Gt GH! Ls 4 1 os (gold Ip3 Lele Bphe LSI ad GI pane gd lal! Sollge vol Gaya ve GI si ely G3 LI Sood pew sod LI gh vee Uy Teak Grd yt lll oobi ooh GU gud ga ld Leake Gs oe gh NLS Bly Gp Saag | Gull be pt Gl! gli! Spee sod Saal at eVGA -gl54 gl Las! Lagos GIS pad pad Lyte JS LIS pa te at Ian ally wads tule vei we gle Ghee GUIS GI GS Gy GUS Wolds SLs ool oats eale Lalas Uyte yi Gadd baal y JS Sj gale! pb gh YI Bagags clealall jlo 324 Selection 26 CS peed Lp rd Gl! Lash pay eileen hl b Gia! daly claw ols C35 voy GI aeads Lrolall ple ssced ¥ [incomprehensible utterance] A [tongue clicks]. Mays BWlinke Gai Ane sot slG delay vos Maal! pias Gilad Le. ee Glaale slice LOLI y 97 vyeah ali QUIS 5! AUIS JS ode GSU SLUSH Gs wall pees ILE OS inal W gees Slal al a + 9B NAR Gadd y Crale gros iS! GIS ISH volias eoygly wal gl OLS dN) Gale jie le ei i ates ge cee GB Gb oyad'y Whe Taal Bye LI GI Ugh GI] volaaly pppaues gli clue Yoouep@lob 325 Selection 26 Sats deol! deole tl yf be GIS Ga Le 55 pres 58 Udy pds lb Sf tdle oleae SII JS Jaks Goals Jy U Lola tet US ob ALI! SI a UGS Veeredie Whe Qu gs LG Coole Shas sleds we Ugpald! ooke Slioweds pi Wie Leredie Gull pb dealey poled GS Goda GUS G3 LAS LAS) peas Leola! pus, cpBrie pate Lin 155 claw! Gas Lads Gas 18a s Losigl! Ls ce WI ptske GSI ole alall Lile Lines gases GI! pate [tongue dasla isl pi Le tis TAS God lpens Yag se SLISII Nyse CALI! university (pa (pL! LaaLall ony Le ly pis clicks] -college -4al 3 yadee Sliaweds psi oline GIS Ji U cline Wis agins Iy5 is ve TES Soba Le Gulé TSU Lis GaSabas Ley cola ey ol utlan a ga NI gt temas ALG Eel ole 5a! 9B be g5 Loe Lal ja ae 2S ahd Lens yt tS aa suadlig bela Yaeues she lll Lia Y cal 326 @ > p> i D> > D> Selection 26 The “Universities” I was reading an article -- I think in a Libyan newspaper -- which says, it talks about the universities, ah ... in, ah ... is it true that there are twelve universities there now, approximately? Approximately, yes. What I, why don't you name [them] for me? I know, I want to tell you, I Really .... I know the University of Garyunus, which is in Benghazi which is [...]. I know Al Fatah University, which is in Tripoli. Ah ... and perhaps I know one, they said there is in, in Al Beyda and Fezzan. Where are the rest? Would you name them? By God, they're ah ... ah .... They're not [universities]. Colleges. Every city, [Ghaddafi] opened a college in it and they called it a university, and that's it. Yes. Colleges, colleges. College of law, college of liberal arts, a college of I don't know what. Ah. Every one, he opened it in a city. He called it a university, and that's it. Then, are there universities, other than in Tripoli and Benghazi? Yes, in Tripoli and Benghazi and in Zawiya. Zawiya has a department of two colleges, you know, a pair of colleges which he called a university. [incomprehensible utterance] No, I mean, I mean only a [real] university. [tongue clicks] There's the Al Fatah University. It's well known. Al Fatah University . And the University of Garyunus. Yes, and the others are small, universities, ah ... they don't have a [real] university .... Yes, yeah. You find they usually comprises a number of colleges, but these are all one or two colleges which they sometimes call a university. 327 Selection 26 A. Aha. B. So each college is two. He calls it a university, and that's it. This is how it is. A. Ah, so, so the author of the ... book is the one who is talking nonsense, is what it means. B. Yes. A. Because he says that twelve universities, for example, etc. There's a difference B. Of course, they call them universities there. They call them universities. A. It's supposed, they should call it, as it is: a college. They shouldn't call it a university. A university includes everything. A university, when you say university, it includes every specialty. Why? I told you that the University of Garyunus, for example, is devoted, all of it, to ... ah ... to the liberal arts specializations. B. Right. A. And the University of Tripoli is devoted, for example, to the scientific specialties, for the most part. A university is divided, divided into colleges: college of education, college of law, college of sciences, college of engineering and so on. We always like names. Now here they have, they have, they have thousands, millions -- I mean in general -- of the universities, but they have the ... the colleges themselves, they call them a college, for example, they don't say university [tongue clicks]. They distinguish between the university which is a university . A college, they call it a college. B. Aha. A. They distinguish between them, for example. It means when you say “college,” it means it has minor specializations, or not a lot. A college doesn't give you ... for example, for the most part doesn't give you all of ... the scientific degrees. You find that it specializes, either in ... in a masters degree and it doesn't give you degr ... it doesn't give you, for example, higher studies, as they say. B. Aha, yes, this is what happened. They call them "universities," and that's it. 328 Selection 27 Drinking Tea Takes Three Hours? Vocabulary Verbs dawwax /imperf ydawwux/ to make (so) dizzy (with delight) daar (durt) /imperf yduur/ v to move in circles raxxa /imperf yraxxi/ v to relax, weaken yfee /imperf yiyfi/ v to nap nawwid /imperf ynawwud/ v to wake up (so) Nouns & Adjectives hammaam n shower; bath yafta nap mitkaasil adj lazy 329 Selection 27 Sfaahii yaaxid tlat saSaat? Margaritaville on the Mediterranean? Brigadoon in Benghazi? Cockaigne in Cyrenica? Maybe not. But this description of life in Libya has the present author wondering whether he was born in the wrong country. A. ?uu-Jin raayak fiihaa? Ihayaa sa%ba hnee wallaa sahla? B. thayaa sa%ba hnee. A. m... min naabyit finuu? B. Ihayaa safba bi-nnisba li-waahad mitkaasil jaay mi-I{aalam ttaalit u-min nafs a ... ?a ... yaSnii yalgaa fiihaa sSuuba fi-Ibidaaya fiflan. A. ?aha. B. sa{ba. Stimaad Sa-nnafs. kull waahad yaStamid ‘al-rooha. A. wu-xudma? B. tixdim tabfan aStamid Sal-roohak maa .... A. hnee.nkassduu halba yaadii yaa hbayyib bokkul. B. maa fiiJ hnee .... A. [incomprehensible utterance]. B. tixdim taaxud maa taxdimiJ, tugfud homeless dduur fi-[Jwaaraf. A. hnee nhabbuu hattaa bafd liydee diimaa nkassduu halba. B. ?eeh. A. diimaa mta§ saaSteen tlaata. 330 Selection 27 ?arbaS saSaat noom haaduu talgaahum Saadii.' . Juftaa yeah hnee hnee yistayrab kiif dgulla turgud [incomprehensible utterance] arbaS saSaat noom fi-dduhur? yistayrab. sahh yistayarbuu humma haadii ?arbaf safaat huwwa yaaxud fiihum filarbaa w-Sifriin saa‘a kullhum ahyaanan, kullah kullah. fiflan. hnee mistayarbiin 2anee lammaa marraat nahkii li-ttalaba. nahkiilum Salee Saadaatnaa w-taqaliidnaa. kiif ngafmazuu hoonee ba‘d liydee w-yeera win ... naaxduu yaftaat wi-ffaahii yimfii wia ... marraat yasaluu fiyya yguullii, Salaaf SalaaJ Jf ... {faahii yaaxid tlat saSaat? sabh {Jaahii huwwa tlat saSaat taqriiban. . tlaata dawraat 7ii diimaa nee nitfakkar anee had ... haadirhaa nitfakkar fii latzuuz tnawwud fiyya kull s ... kull saaSa t ... kull saafa tnawwud fiyya w-naaxid naaxd lyafwa ttaanya. nnuud naaxid lawwlaa w-baSdeen niyfii, nnuud Yalee ttaanya w-hadaaka bafd ttaalta xalaas, nnuud naaxid hammaam w-nafla’. xatma. yeah bfad ttaalta naaxid hammaam u-natlaf. nkuun bi-natlat tkuun hawaalii ssaafa arbaf xamsa. . fiflan sabh. faa .... Selection 27 A. hnee hnee [incomprehensible utterance] nhabbuu Ihajaat zayy haadii. humma hnee maa fiif .... B. fii’ aah. ‘A. hnee hattaa maaklitnaa hnee kseeksii lammaa taakla hadaaka yraxxiik B. ?idawwxuk. A. ?aa yraxxiik rxaaya mliiha, B. tigdirf® ttharrak baSdhaa. Notes: 1. {aadii: this should apparently be understood as an adverb here (i.e., usually, ordinarily), see S. Badawi and M. Hinds, Egyptian Arabic, 608, sv Sadi. 2. One normally expects the use of -f without a preceding maa to indicate a negative rhetorical question. This line and the one indicated below appear to be ordinary negative statements. 3. See previous footnote. 332 Selection 27 Solela td iat pelt! Spe Vy Ld darre Blas! Spades uty | (Ga iane dll 1G Greer di Vuh pny SUL GILAD ye ely JoulSe sal yd aauitls Geaee Leal web Glad! pb Gye ad GG a al al) 4a gy gle satay tals US adil! Gle clade! ies S4esd sy al vo La clagy gle aetel ob p4d5 JS hae Le gli la gs Ges ee Gage [incomprehensible utterance] -Colgdull pb 5525 homeless 4035 esas le AG pads sdb gtuSs Ladls elacdl aay coe gaat Gas J alow SG nteclin sie Ladle J 333 Selection 27 wgole pals 6F 5a 6 y3 lela as 5! incomprehensible] 4355 U Js GS — si La Loa yeah Waid se dtaws Sg gt og lel ay 5! [utterance Satie oT! opt peed BSL ga lel aaj! oda ed Ip ytis eee cLLaal pglS HeLa oS lS. hed UsliLe le pg) Sas Eb Sa ole UG! ny eis La gids. Sy opudy lal sau Ga yheads GAS Lilib,y BILE gl gd (pb Npfins olp ney pts ally olbié Solely B15 Udy paladl... all ole why 985 lel B95 ya alll gee gb S253 La ale. sabe GI Sis GI Lathe Gl ol gs ea SAL Gb 955 Lele JS... 5 Leben JS. a US pa G2 byl te S55 ph Goes J gY) LAG Gass GUI 34d! a -glbsy plea 386 (a5) Qed GUL as Siaay GK! Lela! gliga S955 plats ys glbsy ples SAG GIL! ey yeah RoweS ewe] | 334 Selection 27 .038 5 Glalall 5 [incomprehensible utterance] iss Gai ges i 9 SLL! gras wee ve tnd Le Ga pa el tah hd 2 Sida USE U uSauS Gat LISis ie Gad Al 335 Selection 27 Drinking Tea Takes Three Hours? A. What's your opinion of it? Is life here difficult or easy? B. Life here is difficult. A. In... in what respect? B. Life is difficult for the lazy person who came from the Third World, from the same, ah ... ah .... You know, he really encounters difficulty in it in the beginning. A. Aha. B. Difficult. Self-reliance. Everyone relies on himself. A. And work? B. You work, of course. Rely on yourself, ma[n] .... A. We relax there [ie., in Libya], sweetie, a lot. B. None, here [i.e., in America]. A. [incomprehensible utterance] B. You work and you get [paid]. If you don't work, you stay homeless, wandering in the streets. A. We like, also after lunch, we always rest a lot. B. Yes. ‘A. Always, about two or three hours. B. Those four hours of sleep, you ordinarily find them. A. I've seen it, yeah. Here, here it's considered strange. How do you tell him that you lie down [incomprehensible utterance] for four hours of sleep in the afternoon? He's surprised. B. Correct. They think it's odd. These are four hours. He takes [only] them in all of twenty-four hours sometimes. A. Everyone, everyone. Certainly. ” A. Here they regard it as strange. I, when, sometimes I tell the students. I tell them about our customs and traditions. How we sit there after lunch, etc., and .... We take naps and tea starts and ... sometimes they ask me, they say to me, Why, why ... does tea take three hours? B. Right, tea is almost three hours. 336 Selection 27 >e Bp we > wD Three rounds, yes. I always think about, I was there ... I was there. I remember the old lady waking me up every ... every hour .... Every hour she used to wake me up; and I took, I took another nap. I used to get up and take the first [round of tea] and then nap. I get up for the second and so on. After the third, that's it. I get up and take a shower and go out. An end. Yeah, after the third one, I take a shower and go out. I used to go out at about four or five o'clock. Indeed, correct. So .... We, we [incomprehensible utterance] like things like that. They, here, nothing. Nothing, yes. . We, even our food, we, couscous. When you eat it, it relaxes you .... It makes you dizzy [with happiness]. Yes, it relaxes you in a sweet way. After it, you can't even move. 337 Selection 28 Like Father ... Vocabulary Verbs attar /imperf yaattir/ v to affect, influence {cf. MSA ?a@eara} taajar /imperf ytaajar/ v to engage in trade rabba /imperf yrabbi/ to raise, rear, educate (a child) ree /imperf yrfa/ v to herd, tend, take out to graze (eg., animals) intabaq /imperf yintibuq, yantabaq/ v to apply, be true Nouns & Adjectives ibrahiim n /prop/ Abraham ?adiir n /prop/ Aazar (in the Islamic tradition, this is generally accepted as the name of Abraham's father) ismaa‘iil /prop/ Ishmael jara n jug jaahil adj uneducated, ignorant xeerik phrase What's wrong with you? raadif adj restrictive, deterring siluuk /pl suluukiyyaat/ n behavior sulb 7 loins Suquuba n punishment Saks n opposite fumm n a.mouth b. opening mulhad adj heretic; apostate {cf. MSA mulhid} munaaqaé adj contradictory, incompatible {cf. MSA munaaqid} nooh n /prop/ Noah wiraatii (wiraa@ii) adj hereditary {cf. MSA wiraabii} wafii n consciousness wuld /pl wlaad/ n son; child yuusif n /prop/ Joseph 338 Selection 28 Other Words & Phrases lin conj until (cf. MSA ?ilaa an} fi -Imiyya phrase percent miyya fi -Imiyya one hundred percent yaa xii interjection /genial reference to male interlocutor [lit. o' my brother]/ 339 Selection 28 Piglib jjara ... This interesting discussion contrasts old social mores with new ways of thinking. The continued vitality of the prevailing religious tradition is demonstrated by the fact that the speakers employ ancient precedents to support a modern point of view. B. yaSnii | ... Igaanuun wi-lhajaat rraadifa llii hiyya mta{ iddawla wi-lhajaat haadii, yafnii m ... mahtarama mun kull waahad ?uu-fii nafs ilwagat kull insaan hnaa yaaxid Suquubta. | ... ii fa-Ixataa Ilii yaaxda yaaxd Iuquuba wi-Ifuquuba haadii maa taJmilf laa ... hattaa ?ijtimaaSiyyan hattaa been annaas yaSnii. yaSnii | ... lyalat Ili b-tartikba I?umm maa tithammlaaJ Ibint wi-lyalat llii b-tartikba | ... yartikba I?axx maa yaattirS fi-I?axx ittaanii hattaa jtimafiyyan been nnaas. A. mazbuut yeah. B. fa-haadaa daliil Salaa nna wafii Imijtama’ yaSnii yafarfuu ?inna ssiluuk Vinsaanii, maa huuf marbuut b-baSda ya‘nii. A. laa. B. maa huuf ?u-maa huvJ wiraatii fii nafs ilwagit. yaTnii tawwaa hattaa f ... hattaa fil ... hattaa I?islaam iiguul Iklaam haadaa. A. ?aha. B. yiguullik inna ssuluuk I?insaanii maa huuJ wiraaéii lammaa tfuuf hattaa I?ambiyaa yaSnii. kaan nooh Saleeh ssalaam kaan a ... nabiyy u-mursil’ min allaah subhaana w-ta‘aalaa ?u-wilda .... A. ?aha. 340 Selection 28 . wilda ? ... mulhad. wi ... wi-ttaanii smaa{iil kaan il'aks matalan. . faa w-sayyidnaa s ... s ... llii huwwa brahiim Salee ssalaam ?ubuuh ?adiir kaan mulhad wa-?ibna ?ibrahiim rasuul nabiyy. . Paha. . haadii haadii maa hiiS haadii . yaSnii ?ibna min sulba kaan nabiyy w-abuuh kaan mulhad. . yeah w-yuusif yuusif ixwaata xeerik a ... llixwa mtaafa kullum hoonee kaanuu yigtluu yhaawluu ygitluuh u-yeera. . bi-zzabat fa ... fal ... ?issiluuk I?insaanii mif maSnaahaa lammaa I?abb yisrig laazim Ilibin yatlaS yasrig la?. . haadii mujkila yaa xii Sannaa hnee haadii mazbuut .... . haadii [incomprehensible utterance]. . haadii tixtilif tawwaa hnaa lammaa kunnaa zimaan, fiSlan tigdir dguul inna 1... fiih amtaal Sandinaa yguullik a ... Ziglib jjara Salaauu fummhaa miJ Saarauf. . Paha. . tafla® Ibint lLummhaa. . Paha. . yaSnii haadaa zamaan yintibiq sahiih. 7i0aa kaan mif miyya fi-lmiyya tmaniin fi-Imiyya, leeS? 341 Selection 28 A. hattaa tawwaa xii mujkila gaaSdiin yindruu li-ISaa?ila. B. laa?. A. fi-Waa?ila .... B. gabal gabal yafnii gabal Sifriin sana mazbuut, ?aw tla@iin sana, lees? la?inna Ibint zimaan kaant trabbii fiihaa ?ummhaa bass. ?u-gaafda mat ?ummhaa ?u-maa titlafaf lin timfii ddzawwuj. kull ?axlaaq ummhaa w-kull ?intibafaat ?ummhaa ha-taxudhaa. A. aha. B. fa-li-haadaa tilaf Imatil haadaa. laakin taww maa ymfiiJ Imatal haadaa, leeJ? la?inna Ibint min ssitt sniin timfii l-madrisa. ?afkaarhaa maa Saff afkaar ?ummbhaa Ilii ? ... yainii taaxud fiihum kaant madrisithaa ?ummhaa kaanat tarbiyithaa ?ummhaa kaan ... laakin laa. tawwaa ?asbahat tie@aqqaf u-tagraa w-kull fayy fa-munaaq@a li-?ummhaa talgaa ?ummhaa jaahla wi-lbint mitafallima. fa-muf mafnaahaa ?innaa nafs il ... xalaas taww maa aff yamfii Imatal mtaa$ ?iglib jjarra Salaa ummbhaa tatla$ |-ummhaa mif Saarf. A. ?aha. B. haadaa maa yintabag/ tawwaa. A. yeah aha. B. la?inna ... fa-nafs ifJayy kaan hattaa I?ibin zimaan. Ilibin kaan yar‘aa fil .. mfa buuh u-yimfii mYa buuh wi-ytaajir m{a buu u-yarhal mfa buuh w-iijii ma buu. fa-nafs iffaxssiyya mtaaS buu maa fill. A. maa huu haadaa Imuuduut .... 342 Selection 28 B. wi-yfallam fiih buu. A. haadaa muuduuf muutiir halba w-muhimm b-saraaha. Notes: 1. The words mursil and mulhad, occurring two lines later, further illustrate the arbitrariness of the pronunciation of short vowels in the Libyan dialect. Here a passive participle is pronounced like an active one (cf. MSA mursal “messenger [sent by God]") and an active participle pronounced like a passive (cf. MSA mulhid "apostate"). The fact that mursil seems almost blasphemous is apparently insignificant. For an apposite case, compare the Syrian tawaffa (cf. MSA tuwuffiya) in the sense of "he died," which is regularly decried by linguistic and religious purists alike. 343 Selection 28 + Byall otal labels Usa! pe pe Ul Leal I Slabs GG... SI ae La glass! JS coi gl! gud (phy aly JS pe Le pine ne pins vod Qopdell Bau ob QUI iball le QUI. UI eaygde al saga WL on ie Lclatal ie. Y Gilad Le oda Ui sgially All aL y etd ig Le A SS ys Gl LIT. IT pa Lelosal joe OU EY ga BALL EY OS. NOS ay eal os -yeah b gsude Lee pila el glial SI Lyd jay pins gata poy SI be Jal Wig nee CHa by tye av Sad fe IS seed gl juts pa Gly y Giga ley tga la Nim ISU! Syd pray! pie. SI ga -4al ela! cae GU Sly y hye le ils! A glad! G) UU yiy Mala I pe Lape pad one HLS prbeal Cale Cyd OLS ies weal gy lass cal 344 Selection 28 vtabe... Daaly ia guSel GIS uel! Gilly OLS 5] opel ped Cake pala 58 GUT en ae ay 0 sagt Ugg pale! Gals sale cal stabs IS ogaly gas GIS Cahe Ge Gal pie VySls Lam pglS delie Bg89I Fad oo gS) Cie ys Giusy y yeah royaby oglils Igljlas Ita, P54 Gong YIU Lins gts SLs A glad. SUG a dally OY Spang glleg Qui! voor da gande oa Lua Gate AI Ly US oa + 04a hus Ls oda oda . [inaudible utterance] »ia Sol daa. NI ol UBS 5485 ded ley LS U a5 155 LG aS oda wb yle ae od gle dyall Gal... Fel U gis Gate dal ped cot lls cal 345 Selection 28 et LS UN 2 Ls Ghee GIS 13) pues Gabis gles Ma is Stab g¥ UI UGH | 5 bis Cosel USds 31 155 ae aa Seth gt Hae EE gl ob pane Liew Sa pee Jad ies Jad Lag Lee! Go Bselag uy Leal Lend 8 Als Oley oad OY Upal oles! Ss Lye! GLa! US 25555 GS ol tl helbs Laisa cal OF Sted oY ka JAM kay Le gs OSI He JEU gL gla U pel ISB) ASuLe Le La ISH Zan yell pits pte cel gs coi! US Upal Ups 5 lS Upal Lien ye CdS ppd SSG aes | LU 135 ath... I judd Gil Laine Ghed Lalete oil! aly Gul wd gle hae Lp plas Ugal le 3 yall GLa! ple JEU pate stale Le -4al NsS bos Le Ihe «al yeah 346 Selection 28 co gt cee IS HY gles Gul he OLS La Qu GG eget el ce dass oe! Ge vals on! ce pty ol vod Le egal pls Ge Gud vo gal we Egeagll ia gale i eg balay Lr -rC—r—C“‘eEesesstC 347 Selection 28 Like Father ... B. You know the ... the law and the preventative thing of the state, and these things. You know, ah ... are respected by everyone. At the same time, each person here [i.e., in America] takes his punishment. The ... that is the fault he takes, he takes the punishment. This punishment does not encompass, ah ... even in terms of society, even among the people, you know. You know, the ... the fault which the mother commits; the daughter does not bear it. The fault which she commits, the ... one brother commits, does not affect the other brother, even in terms of society among people. A. Correct, yeah. B. So, this is an indication of, ah ... the consciousness of society. You know, they know that human behavior is not connected together [between different people], you know. A. No. B. It is not, and at the same time it is not hereditary. You know, now even in ... even in the ... even Islam says the same thing. A. Aha. B: [Islam] tells you that human behavior, it's not hereditary. Even when you see the prophets, you know. Noah (Peace be upon him) was a, ah ... a prophet, and sent by God (Be He praised and exalted) and [Noah's] son [Ham] A. Aha. B. His son, ah ... was an apostate. A. And ... and the other one, Ishmael. He was the opposite, for example. B. Ah, and our master, ah ... ah ... who is Abraham (Peace be upon him). His father Azar was an apostate, while [Azar's] son Abraham was a messenger, a prophet. A. Aha. B. You know, the son of his loins was a prophet and [Abraham's] father was an apostate. A. Yeah. Joseph, Joseph, his brothers, "What’s wrong with you?" Ah ... all of his brothers here were killing, trying to kill him, etc. 348 Selection 28 w ep ep Pe D> w> D> wm > P>Pw> Exactly. So ... so ... human behavior, it doesn't mean that, when the father steals, the son must turn out to steal. No. This is a problem, brother. Here this is correct .... This, this is not, this .... This [incomprehensible utterance]. This differs. Now when we were in the olden days. You really could say that the ... we have proverbs. They tell you, ah .... "Flip the jug on its mouth," I don't know. Aha. "The daughter turns out to be like her mother.” Aha. You know, this used to apply in the old days, right. If it were not one hundred percent, then eighty percent. Why? Even now, brother, a problem. They continue to look to the family. No. . Within the family .... Before, before, you know, twenty years ago, [it was] correct, or thirty years. Why? Because the girl in the olden days, only her mother raised her. She stayed with her mother and did not go out until she left to marry. She would take all of her mother’s manners and her mother’s impressions. Ah, That is why this proverb came into existence. But now this phrase does not work. Why? Because the girl, from the age of six, goes to school. Her thoughts are no longer the thoughts of her mother, which, ah ... you know, she takes up. Her "school" was her mother. Her "up bringing" was her mother. It was .... But no. She now has become educated and literate, and everything. So, she differs from her mother. You find that her mother is ignorant and the girl is educated. It does not mean that the same, ah ... not at all any more now. The proverb, "Flip a jar on its mother [sic], she turns out like her mother," and I don't know. Aha. It does not now apply. Yeah. Aha. This does not apply now. 349 Selection 28 A. Yeah. Aha. B. Because ... so, the same thing was, even, the son in the old days. The son used to herd [the animals] in the ... with his father. He used to go with his father. He used to trade with his father. He used to travel away with his father and he used to come back with his father. So, [he had] completely the same character of his father. A. This is the subject .... And his father teaches him. A. This subject is frankly very exciting and important. @ 350 Selection 29 The Woman Is Always the One Who Gets Oppressed Vocabulary Verbs dass /imperf ydiss/ v to conceal, hide daa‘ (diSt) (SaaS) /imperf ydiiS/ v to become lost {cf. MSA daafa} iytasab /imperf yiytasab/ v to rape itmanyik /imperf yitmanyik/ v to mock, joke about nbad /imperf yinbid/ v to abandon, disown, renounce {cf. MSA nadada} naggaz /imperf ynaggiz/ v to jump Nouns & Adjectives ?aaya /pl Paayaat/ n verse (of the Qur'an) hadiit /pl aahaadiit/ n saying (often specifically an account of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad) {cf. MSA hadiié} gahba /pl ghaab/ n whore niyya n a. /invariable in regard to gender/ naive, gullible person b. intention 351 Selection 29 Another discussion of the changing social attitudes in the Arab world. A. limraa diimaa diimaa Imadluuma, fhamit? matlan Sinnaa haalaat iytisaab maa saaratf ? ... maa nsimSuuJ Saleehaa nta w-anee matlan ay ... lanna haadaa min tabiiSat mujtamaSnaa. finnaa haalaat halba ytisaab saarat min gabil u-tawwaa w-maa zaalt tsiir, laakin diimaa ndissuu Saleehaa, fhamit? hya miskiina ddiif fiihaa diimaa limraa. yaa tungtil yaa timb ... yaa yimbiduuhaa bokkul. kaana kaana kaana Sandhaa hadd, kaana Sandhaa B. m... A. ytimanyikuu Salee yguuluu haadaa niyya yguuluu finuu. kaana Sandhaa hadd iijii raajil iiguul Iii saarilhaa saarilhaa b-nidzawwujhaa. hnee haadaa yaaliban iisammuuh niyya wallaa yguuluu haadaa mahbuul wu- Imujtamat iidalla ynakkit Salee hwa dzawwuz a ... mis ... hiya min ?afraf Ibanaat talgaahaa ytusbuuhaa miskiina, yguuluu haadaa dzawwuz ... gahba haadaa dzawwuj mi Saarf Jinuu. fa-I-haadaa muujuuda raahuu maa tansaaJ maa ta .... B. sahh. A. maa tinkurJ Ilwaaqa$ Sannaa haalaat iytisaab fi-Ifaalm Iarabii maa saaratf. B. mazbuut. 352 Selection 29 . laakin Imuytasaba bint maajya fi-{faaraS fi-lleel iijithaa waahad iinaggiz §leehaa. walaa {andhaa damb bint Jariifa, miJ fi-lleel yaa siidii fi-dduhur. Sahiih. . Jaddhaa waahad fii mantika xaalya wu-ytasabhaa, taww haa®ii finuu? haadii Saafat fi-lmujtamaf mfJit. daafat yaa yugutluuhaa yaa yiy ... yaa yimbiduuhaa gutlik kaana Sandhaa ha3d kaana Sandhaa had0 iijiihaa raajil. wu-rraajil haadaaka fi-ImujtamaS yaStabruuh niyya. . sabh. . ?anta nafsik Jaxsiyyan dguul maa gdirf nidzawwij wahda zayy maa dguul, masshaa waahad zayy maa dguul. maa tundurf li-ISaamil haadaa hal iytisbuuhaa w-maa ytisbuuhaaf maa tindirlaaf. ?inta 1... law 1 ... fa-I-nafrid ?inta kutt' mumtaaz w-axdeethaa, Maayla mtaafak wi- ImujtamaS mtaafak wu-nnaas Ilii hawluk kulla yimbiduuk. taa keef titzawwuz wahda yaa raajil w ... wza ... zayy maa dguul massuuhaa zayy maa dguul. [incomprehensible utterance] . fa-li-haadaa haadii Imujkila matalan. fa-l-haadaa fii halba ?afkaar maa nwaajhuuJ fiihaa hnee bin ... bi-tariiqa Silmiyya. hattaa hattaa ddiin huwwa bi-Itaks huwwa ddiin ahnee maa nSarfuuJi bi-zzabit. . sah. 353 Selection 29 A. B. A. mujarrad naaxduu naxun ... nihkmuu fii ?7ahkaam wi-njiibuu fii ?aayaat bi-lkidib I?ayaat miJ muujuuda bokkul hiyya. qasdii yjiibuu fii ?aaya hikkii maa tintabagJ bokkul. yguuluu qaal allaah w-yeera, hiyya la?. huwwa hattaa kamm marra giddaaJ marra laahaadiit haadii wil ... I?aayaat njiibuu fiihum maa tantabagJ bokkul fal-liklaam Ilii yguuluu fii humma. bi-lfaks huwwa | ... | ... lafyaa Imuujuuda fi-ddiin ?ajmal min liklaam yguuluu fiih. ?aha. Imuytasaba [incomprehensible utterance] miskiina fii kull Saalm ilSarabii. Notes: 1. Cf. MSA kunta. 354 Selection 29 Le gE UILat last yl Le Glos sibs Laie he Sagd egMBU Lasts Ladle sill i Oe Waa OY. 2) Mae Gly ctl Lg ile Gh gens Le | kG le Log Ny5y Lad ye jlo GLiedél la ole Lite Laaias Gab Cpad qe Se pm Screg gale Ipass Ladle GSI eed oll 5 Lasse OLS glS GIS JSG Logi... ag b as sit Lebls Lad 05 oges Gasy taly des cgay Be laste lS ba cypee Ba Laake IS 5b Ig pds U5 Ihe gl yds Cle [Sa al ogame Lille Nia Gad Lge sjiis Ul slo Ud jlo Ul Jyis Jes ve F953 ph le Sis LBs petals Usage Nha Iylgd V5 Gs Via Ugly Ai Sewe Legon AUS SLI kl pe gk os te Aly Baga ge Wigli gi Gyle Ghee C535 be Gad. I ey fe ee ns Ue cto Aa glee Le pi yall ILI gi Glad! Sle Gate iI BSL bode 355 Selection 29 Sends tally Grnes Jal pig LAI 98 Getle oats Let OS AN ph gts Ly SAU gd tee edi a ook 5 Lae Vy Lpalle roreer cel oda S5ib oka 15 Upeeetely GL Uibis yb uals Lead OS el ol Lagat Ge ay agli Gy cele cate qt (gi getall pt Ida Ja ily Jas ptaey be laste OLS ba Lose OS ogee we Cane «S95 Le e535 Bualy G9555 Hal Le Js Geet chads cl Lng gna idl Ja ha ULL Gb bi Le Jy Le 55 saly eS oil Ga ail. UI gd Sal iG es Le lay el AS el ge UI ull clelie Qatally wlelie ULI gsasiy jas JsB5 Le 55 559 9 daa Gb Braly G95 GS ol yi ts J gis Le og gene [incomprehensible utterance] a pak Hopalss Le ISGI cle ga gl athe USE ode Lyla Ge 3 Goll ym Sly 98 Gall ie pie aale Lis pbs .. vl Cbg’ ya c 356 Selection 29 cpiSlly clad gd peceedy (lSal of peSed Dds ities I Ce Sm Gi opt Nye Greed pt JS pa he OLY SAD Bye pS ha gh OY ph coeds MUG Nylgdy SS) Ghd abs (le So MES Le ppd pases SLY! ly oka Sula pe Basel LET WT ga Sally pw Cd Mbp lll pals ob Nglsdy QIU us Lasl Gaga og al seta pJLAII JS (54 USuue [incomprehensible utterance] Hast i 357 Selection 29 The Woman Is Always the One Who Gets Oppressed A. The woman is always, is always the one who gets oppressed, understand? For example, we have a tremendous number of rapes. Ah ... we don't hear about them. You and I, for example, ah ... because, due to the nature of our society. Really, many instances of rape among us occurred in the past, and now; and they still occur. But we always cover it up, understand? She's an unfortunate who always gets lost in them, the woman. Either she is killed, either she ..., either she is completely repudiated. If, if, if she has luck, if she has luck, [at best] a single man will come. And we call him "gullible" here. B. Ah.... A. They make fun of him. They say that he's gullible; they say whatever. If she has luck, a man comes and says, "What happened to her is past. Tl marry her." We, most of the time they call him gullible or they say, "This one is stupid." Society continues to ridicule him. He married, ah . she is one of the most honorable girls you can find. They raped | her, at an unfortunate girl. They say, "This one married, ah ... ah ... a whore. This one married I don't know what." For that reason, it's current. Don't forget, don't .... B. Correct. A. Don't deny the fact that cases of rape in the Arab world are numerous. B. Exactly. A. But the raped woman, a girl walking in the street at night. A fellow comes to her and jumps on her on her. She has no fault, a respectable girl. [This is] not at night, my man, in broad daylight. B. Correct. A. Someone caught her in a desolate spot and raped her. Now what is she? She is lost in the society. She's gone. She is lost, whether they kill her or, ah .. whether they kill her ... or whether they repudiate her. As I said: if she has luck, if she has luck, a man comes to her. That man, in the society, they consider him gullible. B. Correct. 358 Selection 29 You, yourself, personally say, "I cannot marry a woman whom, as they say, someone touched," as they say. You do not look at this factor: Did they rape her or didn't they rape her? You do not pay attention to it. You, ah ... if, ah .... So let's assume that you were an excellent person and took her. Your family and your society and the people around you, all would abandon you. "You, how can you marry a woman, my man, and, ah ..." as they say, “they touched her,” as they say? [incomprehensible utterance] Therefore, this is a problem, for example. That is why there are many thoughts that we do not confront in ... in a scientific fashion. Even, even religion, on the contrary, we do not know religion exactly right. Correct. We simply take, take, ah ... we make regulations. We falsely cite Quranic verses. The verses themselves do not exist at all. I mean, they cite a verse in such a way which does not apply at all. They say, "God said, etc." It, no, it is even, how many times, how many times, these sayings and the .... The verses we cite do not apply at all to the words they say about them. On the contrary, the ... the ... the things found in religion are better than the words that they say. Aha. . The raped woman [incomprehensible utterance] is a victim in the entire Arab world. 359 Selection 30 All of the People Used to Be Afraid of Him Vocabulary Verbs xtee /imperf yaxta/ v to take a step rsab /imperf yirsub/ v to flunk, fail (e.g., an examination) Jawwat /imperf yJawwut/ v to bum, scorch, singe {cf. MSA Jayyata} taah (tiht) /imperf ytiih/ v a. to fall; to expire (e.g., a license, passport) b. taah fiihaa to have sex with a woman Szam /imperf yitzim/ v to invite njah /imperf yinjah/ v a. /intrans/ to succeed b. /trans/ to pass (a test, etc.) Nouns & Adjectives baab /pl abwaab/ n door, gate baal n mind; attention ridd baalik Pay attention! Be careful! ahraf adj unlucky mxadda n pillow sabb /imperf ysibb/ v to insult (so), curse (so or at so) miskiin haadaa -ssweedii gutlik huwwa w-martaa hiyya tsibb fii w-huu ysibb fiihaa An unlucky one, this Swede, as I said, he and his wife, she cursed him and he cursed her. Jiibaanii_n old man with gray hair (often one's own father) (cf. MSA Saib} Safee n dinner {cf. MSA Safaa?} yuul /pl ywaal/ n ghoul faadii adj empty (cf. MSA faadin} kalma /pl kalmaat/ n word {cf. MSA kalima} Other Words & Phrases bat interjection wow! 360 Selection 30 kulla kaanuu nnaas iixaafuu minna In many cultures, simpletons and the mentally ill are seen as enjoying a special relationship with the divine. A. ?anee gutlik zmaan kaan fii waahd f-liibyaa haadaa, haadaa kaan gaal kalma xalaas. kulla kaanuu nnaas iixaafuu minna. Ilii yifzim fiih Safee llii yifzim fii ydee kaan gaal ka ... w-daarhaa maa fiiJ giddaa ... ?anee nee nafsii haadir. B. aha. A. kaana (Saflig minnik [incomprehensible utterance] lhoof mahruug. giddaamii mif marra tneen tlaata. kaan gallak ittiih bi-ttiih ittiih. B. saar laazim minhaa. A. zmaan Salaa tuul ayy waahad ¢ ... 2u-yaSraf fi-ssyaar issyayyriin maa y . Maa y ... maa y ... maa y ... maa ydurrhumJ zayy maa dguul. issyaar matalan marra marra ydahkuu Salee yaa mahbuul yaa mif Saarf finuu yaa niyya yaa ... huwwa ka-raajil miskiin kaan basiit. maa yaattirif fi-ssyaar laakin kaan galhaa |- waahad kbiir, Salaa tuul anee hdartaa bi-Seenii maa fiif. ygulla rijlik ttkassar tayyha mi-lwaahad, walaa ymissa walaa haaja. B. ?ooh. A. ?u-huwwa taalaY w-huwwa taalaS min ilbaab. B. ?aha. A. w-huwwa taalat huwwa taalaf mi-lbaab w-gaallum a ... taww innaar 361 Selection 30 _ bi-tlawwut fi-lhoof haada. maa xtaaJ hattaa xatuuteen wi-nnaar aahuu twallfat fi-lhoof. [laughs] yixaafuu minna zmaan innaas. kaan kaan yariiba rabbii Saatii haajaat w-allaahii bihaa haaja yariiba bokkul, haaja yariiba maa saaratf. 2anee ?anee zm ... ?anee mi-nnoo‘ Ilii maa ysaddigf fi-lhajaat zayy haaduu zmaan. B. ?aha. A. maa nsaddigf fiihum anee hikkii tabiiStii mumkun lanna nagraa w ... w-aaxid isluub Silmii w-yeera laakin laakin lammaa Juft linsaan haadaa stayrabt b-saraaha. gult baS! Janna Juftaa giddaamii mif mtaS klaam naas. B. ?aha sahiih haadii tsiir. A. yiguullik barraa ? ... nitfakkar fiih iiguullii yguullii ? ... kaana gallak barraa w. xeer, yijiik xeer. kaan gaallak barraa w-sabbak w-alla B. [laughs] A. zmaan nitfakkar fii yjiibuu fii hattaa nnaas y ... ygullum Salaa ddarajaat mtaaf iss ... latfaal fii limtihaanaat, w-allaahii. ygulhum kaan b-yinjah wallaa b-yirsub. hikkii. kaan iixawwuf haadaa rraajil. B. yariiba fiflan. A. ?aa w-baSdeen mif Saaraf kaan kaan y ... huwwa yguul kaan maSruuf lammaa yimfii yzuur ilfaaylaat w-yeera w-yaStuu gahwa, diimaa yguu .» yaStuu f-zo0z, ygullum nibbii zooz huwwa ygullum. SalaaJ? ygullum mga‘miz ahnee f-jambii huwwa. 362 Selection 30 . Pooh. ygullumf fkuun? ?uu-lammaa ygaSmiz fi-ljalsa fii ?aamtaa b-yaakluu, maa yga‘miz hadd fii jamba {l-aasaas inna huwwa ygullum hawwluu! xalluu yigaSmiz! yguuluula Jkuun? huwwa yguu ... maa yguulf aax .. innaas kaanuu yxaafuu [laughs]. . mikaan faadii diimaa? . diimaa mkaan faadii wil ... wil ... 2ayy haaja tqaddimhaala laazm tkuun itneen. » ah, . taStii mxadda ygullik laa tneen. taStii a ... dahya ygullik laa tneen. taStii Jaahii ygullik la? itneen. w-barraa bi-ttariiqa haadii. . Paha. . gulla bil ... yijii Sinnaa zmaan iffiibaanii bii ... baaf baaJ yurgud iifarrafla w-yeera ygulla hutt fraafeen! . [laughs] ?a ... kunnaa kunnaa nxaafuu nitfakkar fii [laughs] hnee syaar kunnaa nxaafuu. lammaa yjii nuhurbuu. nxaafuu nguuluu yaa raajil haadaa rkabilnaa fi-lyuul wallaa miJ Saarif Jinuu. laakin huwwa kaan a ... zayy maa dguul saalih w-yeera mif mi-nnooS 1 .... . Paha. . kaan haaja yariiba yaa xii. . Yariiba fiflan. 363 Selection 30 A. ?aa fa-l-haadaa mumkun mumkun rabbii ba‘ad innaas aStaahum 1... 1 ... muujuuda madkuura fi-lqur?aan huwwa nna baa innaas a‘taahum rabbii bad Iqudraat | ... Ilii zaayda San innaas ittaanyiin matalan. B. ?aha. A. talgaahum wi-nnaas humma n ... ?uu-aylabhum nawfiyyittum hoonee nnaas llii maa, maa yaSarfuuf ilmaadda w-maa yaSarfuuJ talgaahum ahnee f-mujtamaSnaa nsammuu fiihm inniyya willaa mif Saaraf finuu talgaa Slee haalaata miskiin iisallii. maa yaSrafJ ilmaadda talgaah laa yaxdim laa Jayy mujarrad aahuu. fa-haadaa nafs iffayy haadaa kaan zmaan. kull a ... kull a ... nnaas maa yxalluuJ fiih kull marra find waahad zayy maa dguul. B. ?aha. A. kull marra Sand waahad. B. Ah. A. w-?ayy waahad maa fiif laazim ii ... yxaafuu nnaas ayy waahad yixuffla laazim ?ii ... ykarrima w-laazim yitbajjil bith u-laazim yi{aamla muSaamla kwayysa. ridd baalik hattaa tfafilga wallaa dguul ayy haaja! B. ?aha. A. illii yibbiih. Hii yibbiih yiguul. B. yariiba haadii w-alla. A. ?aa? B. yariiba fiflan. 364 Selection 30 da gals Gull! [gals als TUS JUG LS Ha de Gd pi aly a lS gly Wd I Pte lll elke ad pa GU he Lyi aL! LpslS US esl vowole pi GIGI... 1d had Le La gla. S JU GIS clad Ga al etlad .Gs.24 otysall [incomprehensible utterance] elie jlins oIS A ees eabss pabs AU JUG GIS 98 QA GAhI 3 Ge gis e5¥ gle ale Se pated) slice gt Gang ee daly! Jpb ek i Wie sliced! Joi Le gj ed pe he gh ah. SB GL 9h Gi she ke Gs png Le dale I ySads Bs Be sald UG GIS GSI sliced! pi A Le eens GIS Sue Jo S JSS lle 5 pty tnt Le pias US pda LI J pb le «aS Male Vy nes Vg csaligll ue daub wegh we LI ope gil gay all yay i alo wo Selection 30 cet by ky UNS I pet UL GLI oe Lb 5a Alb gay sobgall pi calys ga Le SLIly a ybs Ge BULA Ls Iie yall Las elec! gay Lange GUS GIS Gull GLe5 Gas 1 ,aLQ, [laughs] Gl... a5 GIG! bsjleb ing GE JS i ab le Wy voles VR 5 Sala pa Ribsey Le Allg gal ue asl coghal Sig. 9 158 GY See Gia eek Sa LI aged el Le el Lal peg cag kal Ms GLAST a UL GSI OSI oad y gale vould PIS ps Ghee els GE OY HG sual old puss dl Nog A SUG GIS Fd Dot ol Usd ad SG I alge Uy cleans Io el fla GIS 28 ras p25 chiary wdyal [laughs] ote pel od Gel ae Cn’ Iya es Ca Si bles ONS pt! Sys Uy oles! go JLALY! ... wall pL ole yall de dl Nae ida GIS Sa ue Vy eee Shab Lage 366 Selection 30 gets UL Gy pre IS pe gn GIS GIS jks Ge Guster et EID gb ogee. shy Latls 3545 egbary ores GUL 5555 pet Ga jorde pel Jods Stole pel Udy 98 755 et ed Joie Ae sogh ws Sends Le NglSlag che opt Gulell ga jest Uy Sy sSd Graglyts I Vendy esl pe pel Jods oe OF Gull gle Cute pa sal VyGl ey 1yilS ull BI Gig Le. gis gm SG gS OI Mgt gi [laughs] LaSla gala GISs HORSE 5 gSS AY A Ugesds Uqle ofl. ys dy Gala Gla Lats vl YoU Jods Gass. eb tly Jods bak cobs J veda Gia hIL Iyay SN Y el Jie pale bas isl al Sie AG AG «a Ole Gate eae SU st fopal yb oe U Josie ent U tie laughs}. 367 Selection 30 U os 4Las LS Lice 405 [laughs] 14 Sica galas LS LS. | ie Vy gill pa LI OS, 1a Joy gl yi gH ee eee ES pe tee pad y ellen Jp Bi Le gb |S yp GS ged Gile call cal «Al Gt 2 GL Os heb Le Bagge oe Wa AI pallase! Goll Gees pty See See Liga of htt! Gk ey pallned Gull Gees SI yf OT pill pb By ySba ae SLE wld ye BaS15 GUI... «al Le ca UF ul Lak apne gs pally ak uly pals Peed pond Lianinns (pt as alll Goya prs ley BU tsi, Lag splens Sure GYLe ole lH sib jbo he Vy LU! Vm cyt us Naga ye La yan Cod Y pads ¥ LG BLL! ba pe aly sie 32 US dob style Le ull... FS. FUS ghey ols J 983 Le (55 sal daly sic 30 JS 368 Selection 30 wl pd Lika sels ol oll plas a ed de sally i he IL ay Lang yS Usles holes 6575 G Lad e579 GIG... Vals ol Usi5 V5 cilia al Jats Gos GU cs UT lisiscaeet so si J 369 Selection 30 All of the People Used to Be Afraid of Him ‘A. As I said to you, some time ago there was someone in Libya, this one, this one if he said a word, that was it. All of the people were afraid of him. This one invites him for dinner; this one invites him for lunch. If he said a wo ... and did it, there is no .... I, 1, myself, was there. B. Aha. A. If he got angry with you, [incomprehensible utterance] house is burnt down. In front of my eyes, not once, twice, three .... If he said to you, "You will fall down,” you would fall down, you would fall down. B. Then, it was a must. A. Before, right away, anyone, ah ... and he knows the children, children, he does not ..., does not ..., does not ..., does not ..., does not harm them, as they say. The children, for example, once, once were making fun of him. [They were saying,] "O' stupid, O" I do not know what, "O' simpleton, O' ..." He, as an unfortunate man, was a simple one. He didn't not affect children. But if he said this to an adult, right away, I saw it with my own eyes, right away. If he said to someone, "Your leg will break," he would make him fall from the thing, without touching him or anything. Wow. While he was stepping out, while he was stepping out the door. Aha. While he was stepping out the door and he told them, "Ah ... now fire scorches the house." Before he even takes two steps and here the fire has set alight the house. [laughs] People used to fear him. It was, it was something strange. God gave him things, by God, something completely strange, something extremely strange. I, I, ah ... I am one of the type who do not believe in things like these. B. Aha. A. I didn't use believe in them. My nature is that way, maybe because I'm educated and I follow a scientific way, and so on. But, but when I saw this person, I was frankly surprised. I said, "Wow!" because I saw in front of me something supernatural. >Re >pe B. Aha, correct. These things happen. A. He would say to you, "Go!" ah ... I remember him telling me, telling me, ah .... If he said to you, "Go and something good will come to you," something good would come to you. If he said to you, "Get out," and he 370 Selection 30 > cursed you; by God, your day would be unlucky. [laughs] I remember in the old days, even people bring him, ah ... he'd tell them about the grades of, ah ... children on tests. By God, he would tell them whether [the student] was going to pass or fail. Just like that! This man was scary. Strange indeed. Yes, and on the other hand, I do not know, he was, he was, ah ... he says .... It was well known, when he goes to visit families and so on and they give him coffee, he always says .... They give him two. He tells them, "I want two," he tells them. Why? “He tells them, [He's] sitting here beside me." Wow. Would he tell them who? When he sits during the time they want to eat, no one sits beside him, because he tells them. "Move over! Let him sit down!" They'd say to him, "Who?" He, ah, he does not say, ah ... people used to be afraid of him [laughs]. Always an empty seat? Always an empty seat. And the must be in twos. Ah. You give him a pillow. He tells you, "No, two." You give him, ah ... an egg. He tells you, "No, two." You give him a glass of tea, he tells you, "No, two," and so on in this manner. Aha. He says to him ... he comes to us long ago, and dad, ah ... in order, in order for him to lie down my father puts out a cushion, and so on. He tells [my father], "Put out two cushions!" [laughs]. Ah, we used to, we used to fear him. I think of him [laughs]. We, the children, we were scared of him. When he came, we used to run away. We were scared. We used to say, O' man, he became like a monster to us, or I don't know what. But he was, ah ... as they say, good one, a ..., as they say, good man and so on. Not one of the kind that .... Aha. But he was something strange, brother. Strange indeed. and the ... anything you present to him 371 Selection 30 A. Yes. For this, probably, probably God gave some people the ... the .... It exists; it is mentioned in the Quran. That God gave some people some powers which ... which exceed [those of] other people, for example. B. Aha. ‘A. You find them. And the people themselves, ah .... The majority of them, their character here are people who do not, do not know material things, and they do not know [anything else]. You find them, us, in our society. We call them gullible, or I do not know what. You find him as he is. An unfortunate person who prays. He does not know material things. You find that he does not work at all, just like this. So, this is the same thing, as years before. All, ah ... all, ah ... all the people do not leave him [on his own]. Each time at someone's house, as they say. B. Aha. A. Each time at someone's house. B. Ah. A. Any one, there isn't, he must .... People are afraid of him. Anyone he goes to must, ah ... must honor him and must show him respect and must treat him well. Be careful even not to upset him, or say anything [offensive to him]! B. Aha. A. [Only] what he likes; [only] what he likes is what one must say. B. This is strange, by God. A. Yes? B. Strange indeed. 372 Glossary Glossary faa (?iih, eeh) adv yes A. laakin humma hnee rrijjaala bi-ddaat lammaa -yaaxduu -hammamaat matlan w-yeeraa yikuunuu {araayaa kullhum. B. ?aa sahiih A. But here they, the men especially, when they take a bath, etc., they're all naked. B. Yes, true. ?ibrahiim n /prop/ Abraham buu (abuu) /pl ubbaat, ubbaawaat/ n father {cf. MSA abuu ... } ?uutuubiis French (uttuubiis) /pl Puutuubiisaat/ n bus aataat n furniture, furnishings {cf. MSA a@aaé} attar /imperf yaattir/ v_ to affect, influence {cf. MSA ?a@@ara} Yajjar /imperf y?ajjir/ v a. to rent, hire b. to let out for rent, hire ?ihdaaS adj and n eleven xdee irregular conjugation (xdee) /imperf yaaxid/ v a. to take alaaf SalaaJ SJaahii yaaxid tlaat saSaat How, how can drinking tea take three hours? b. to get w-natlaf diimaa raabah l-anna lbeeraat b- iikallfuunii SaJra Vafriin duulaaraat naaxid fiihum bi-blaaJ I always go cout a winner because the beers [would otherwise] cost me ten or twenty dollars and I get them for free. {cf. MSA ?axada} xuu /pl xuut/ 1 brother uxt /pl uxwaat/ n sister ?idan adv therefore wudin /pl uudaan/ 7 ear 375 ?arud n earth, ground {cf. MSA ?ard} ?adiir n /prop/ Aazar (in the Islamic tradition, this is generally accepted as the name of Abraham's father) {- aasaas (fla -asaas) conj on the basis {cf. MSA idiom Salaa ?asaasi wd ismaaSiil n /prop/ Ishmael taafiir /pl taafiiraat/ n visa (cf. MSA taPfiir} aslan (?aslaa) adv a. totally, completely b. originally; primarily la?inna huwwaa -?aslan mi -llawwil inta daxalt Ixataa Because it, originally, from the beginning you entered into error. bi-ttaakiid adv certainly {cf. MSA -ta?kiid } Klee irregular conjugation /imperf yaakil/ v to eat {cf. MSA ?akala} maakla n food {cf. MSA ma?kal} illii_ invariable pronoun a. /relative/ the one who, the one which, the thing that b. who, whom, whose, which, that illii huwwa agrees in gender and number phrase that is, namely b-illaah adv please ?aStiinii -Sleehaa fikra b-illaahii Please give me an idea about it. w-allaahii (w-allaah) adv really [lit. by God] aams (?aamis, 2aamas) adv yesterday {cf. MSA ?amsi} ammaalaa (immaalaa, ammaal, Glossary ummal, ummaalaa) conj /used to introduce a remark arising from the previous statement/ ammaal finuu tahsaab In that case, what do you think? ammaala madiina kbiira hiyyaa Then is it a big city? anee pronoun | Pinta pronoun you (ms) Pintii_ pronoun you (fs) aahuu occasionally invariable (raahuu, haahuu) particle a. /to attract attention/ ~ look! xuff raahuu -l-computer giddaamuk uu -diir imtihaan Come in! See the computer in front of you! Take the test! wi-yiyriik yguullik haahuu haahuu -hutt miiteen hutt miiteen He eggs you on, saying to you, “Look! Look! Put two hundred! Put two hundred!” b. /to anticipate an expected result/ ~ so it's no surprise aahuu tafaflaguu minnii taww So they now became angry with me. 2ooh interjection wow ?aaya /pl ?aayaat/ n_ verse (of the Qur'an) Vitali /pl tilyaan, ?iitaaliyyiin, talyaan/ n /prop/ Italian ween pronoun a. /interrog/ where b. /relative/ w-f -mantigqa ween fii Imataahaf haadii And in the area where those museums are; mif fii ween fii Iharak Not where the action is; ween maa wherever ween maa -talgoohm ugutluuhum Wherever you find them, kill them. ¢. when haadaaka ween yabduu 376 yafthuu humma That is when they begin to open; ween tuhrub when you evade {cf. MSA ?ayna} ?iiwaa (?aywa, ?ayywa, Paaywa, aywaa) adv yes ee (?eef, aa, iif) interrog what min eef ydiiruu fiihaa What do they make it from? {cf. MSA ?ayyu Sayyi?} baahii (baah) 1. adj good kaant rrahla baahyaa The trip was good. 2. adv well mfee mSaanaa waahad yaSnii yaSrif new york baahii Someone who knows New York well came with us. bitrool French (pétrole) n petroleum biitza Eng n pizza baduu n /prop/ Bedouins bhar 7 ocean, sea Ibahar labyad n __[proper/ Mediterranean Sea { Also referred to as Ibahr Imutawassit} Ibahr Imutawassit 1 — /proper/ Mediterranean Sea {Also referred to as Ibahr labyad} buxul 1 stinginess, avarice bdee /imperf yabda/ v a. to begin b. /as auxilliary/ to begin to bdax /imperf yibdax/ v to expend (sth, e.g., money) lavishly {cf. MSA baddaxa} badil maa conj instead of yguullik law inta mif radii Sa-nnijaam mif raadii Yalaa -siyaasit ddawla w- yeeraa -mafruuduu gafadt yaadii w-haarabthaa, badil maa -tuhrub Glossary barraa They tell you that if you're not satisfied with the regime and not happy with the policy of the country, etc., you're supposed to stay there and fight it, instead of fleeing abroad. badla /pl bidil/ n costume, outfit itbadar /imperf yitbadar/ scattered, dispersed cf. inbadara } barrii adj domesticated) v to be MSA wild (as opposed to barraa 1. adv outside 2. interjection Get out! Go! barra -imfii jiibilhum ssfinz Go out! Go get them hushpuppies! 3. phrase w-barraa and so, etc. w-barraa phrase et cetera, and so on bram /imperf yibirm/ v to twist (sth) baaziin n barley dough {cf. Algerian ?abaaziin} bass (biss) 1. conj but 2. adv only nibbii nitfarrij Saleehum biss I only want to watch them; zmaan talgaa daayraa -ma?a mraa baal yjiib wuld biss Long ago, you find he did it with a woman only to produce children. 3. phrase w-bass and no more basiit adj a. brief, short, small; insignificant simple, basic Ihayaa zimaan kaanat basiita In the olden days, life was simple. ¢ /of a person/ simple, idiotic, moronic baJmat /imperf ybaJmit/ v to cook (sth) like a biscuit 377 béaafa n /coll/ goods, merchandise bitaagan identity card; driver's license; business card baf_ interjection wow! bfat /imperf yabSit/ v to send {cf. MSA bafaea} bafad maa conj after bafdeen adv a. afterwards, later on, then b. anyway w-badeen kull Jeyy munadgim Anyway, everything is organized. c. also, too w-bafdeen Sandum ssafiina They also have the ship. bigar (bgar) /unit n bugra/ n /coll/ kine baklaawa Turk (baklava) (baqlaawaa) n baklava (pastry made of filo dough, nuts, and honey or treacle) (cf. MSA baqlaawa} bakrii adv a. early yimfii fi -ssubah bakrii He goes early in the morning. b. earlier Salaaf kunnaa nitkallmuu bakrii Why were we talking earlier? ¢. min bakrii previously, before haadii -nnuqta Ilii jibthaa m -bakrii this point, which I brought up before blaad n (pl) counties; country {cf. MSA bilaad(s balad)} baalk Turk (belki) (baalik, baalek, baalak) adv perhaps, maybe baalk bi-nridd fluus Iii Iii xsarthum Perhaps I’ll win back the money I lost. bundugiyya n rifle binyaazii n /prop/ Benghazi (largest city in eastern Libya) Glossary barnaamaj (bimaamuj) /pl baraamuj, baraamij/ na. thing; plan b. program (television, computer, etc.) fuufthaa fii fii barnaamij Il ysammuu haadaa sittuuna daqiiqa sixty minutes I saw it on, on the program that they call Sixty Minutes. baab /pl abwaab/ n door, gate buuba Ital (poppa) n breeze bawwax /pl ybawwix/ tubwiix v to steam (rice, couscous, etc.) baal n mind; attention ridd baalik Pay attention! Be careful! yibbi invariable or conjugated (yabbi) v a. /usually only in imperf/ to want b, to need tibbiilik yoom yoomeen baaJ tittawwud Saleehum You need a day or two to become accustomed to them; haadaa -yabbii klaam That needs to be discussed. Ibeeda (Ibeeda) n /prop/ Al Bayda (major city in northeast Libya) been (biin) prep a. /with pronoun suffix orn beenaat/ between, among b. maa -been among b-iidiiruu maraasiim Saqd jwaa w-yeeraa maa -been Iluutiyyiin w-maa -been ssuhaaqiyyaat | They’re making ceremonies, a contract of marriage, among gays and the lesbians. {cf. MSA baina} maa been prep between, among yufsul maa been libhar wi- I?amaakin [The boardwalk] separates the sea from the places. {cf. MSA bayna} taa (tii, tee) adv a. /indicating that 378 the statement is obvious/ A. Sindum fi -Ihoof wallaa -kiif wallaa ween iidiirua B. tabSan fi -lhoof talgii taa ?aylab innaas talgaa Sandaa tannuur barraa A. Do they have it in the house, or how? Or where do they make it? B. Of course, you find it in the house. You find, naturally, that the majority of people, you find that they have an oven outside. b. /indicating impatience/ wi-b-surfa yguullii haat taa Stiinii -fluus b-suria He quickly says to me, “Give! Hurry up and give me money!” taajar /imperf ytaajar/ v to engage in trade traab n soil, dirt {cf. MSA turaab} turba n soil, dirt tisal adj and n nine tisaftaaf adj and n nineteen (cf. MSA tisfata Safara} tafbaan adj ill, sick; tired takkam /imperf ytakkim/ v a. to prepare, put in order, arrange b. to put on cosmetics yalbis w-yitakkam w-yeeraa [The transvestite] dresses, puts on make-up, etc. takim /pl twaakum, twaakim/ n set (of china, etc.) talfizyoon n television tamar (tamur) n /coll/ dates tambla Turk (tembel) n laziness timbaal Turk (tembel) adj lazy tannuur /pl tnaniir/ n oven Glossary tawwa (taww) 1. adv now gaal taww maéalan zzaaniya tujlid He said that now the adultress is scourged. 2. particle /analytic particle marking the future/ tawwaa -nziiduu -nitkallmuuu fiih We'll discuss it further. {cf. MSA tawwan} Gaabit (taabit) adj fixed, stable tarii /pl ?atriyaa/ adj rich {cf. MSA @arii} tarwa n wealth, riches {cf. MSA @arwa} tufbaan (tafbaan) n snake {cf. MSA eutbaan} taflab n fox {cf. MSA @aSlab} tatqiif (taeqiif) n education (cf. MSA taeqiif} tlaata (tlaa@) adj and n three {cf. MSA éalaae} tilt adj three (cf. MSA ealaae} tlaat n Tuesday (cf. MSA 6ulaagaa?} tamuntaaJ adj and n eighteen {cf. MSA éamaaniyata SaJara} itneen adj and n two {cf. MSA ?ienaani} taanii (@aanii) 1. adjandn a. next tfattah fii yoom w-taxtafii f -taanii yoom [The cherry blossoms] open one day and disappear the next. b. second ¢. other, another, different mif masiif xaass zayy Imasaayif ttaanya not a private resort like the other resorts; nnaas ttanyiin other people 2. adv else w-ween taanii and where else? wi-Jinuu taanii what else? (cf. MSA @aanin} itnaaf adj and n twelve {cf. 16naa aJara} toob /pl twaab/ n robe, cloak {cf. MSA 6awb} jbad /imperf yijbid/ v to grab, grasp {cf. MSA jaéaba} jbal /pl jiibaal/ n mountain Ijabal I?axdar on /prop/ Green Mountain region in eastern Libya jutta /pl jutut, jutat/ n corpse {cf. MSA jueea} mjarrad (mujarrad) adv merely, only mujarrad tadfa§ duulaareen tlaata You merely pay two or three dollars. jarad (jard) baracan (another name for the hoolii) Jara n jug jmaafa n a. people, group of people b. /in construct/ people connected with jmaafat ttandiifaat the clean- up crews jaamifa_n university jmal /pl jmaal/ n camel jnee invariable Eng (guinea) (jneeh, jnii) /pl jneehaat/ n pound (unit of currency) mujaahid n freedom fighter jaahil adj uneducated, ignorant ajaad /imperf yujiid/ v to do (sth) well jee irregular conjugation fimperf yji/ v a.tocome b. to cost ttadkira tik b-Sifriin duulaar biss The ticket costs you only twenty dollars. ¢. to 379 Glossary fit nhutt fiihaa Sara hdaaf Mii yjuu I put in [the cooler] the ten or eleven [beers] which fit. d. to turn out to be jaayy adj /active participle of jee/ coming jaab (jibt) imperf yjiib/ v a. to bring, camy b. to produce maa tabbiif djiib tuful She doesn’t want to produce children; zmaan talgaa daayraa -ma?a mraa baaS wuld biss Long ago, you find him doing it with a woman only to produce children. ¢.to pay taa tjiib b-sittiin sabSiin duulaar Of course, you pay sixty or seventy dollars. {cf. MSA idiom jaa?a bi-} ha- particle future marker used with imperf v habb /imperf yhabb/ v to like, love {cf. MSA ahabba} hattaa adv a. even hattaa -adawaat maa tarfafaJ You don’t even need to bring utensils. b. also, too wa-hatta -daaruu diraasa They also did a study. c. haata haaja /in negative construction/ anything, anyone bass maa fiihaaJ hatta haaja But there isn’t anything at all in it; leel limkaan maa fiif hattaa waahad At night there wasn’t anyone in the place. hadiit /pl aahaadiit/ n saying (often specifically an account of the words and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad) {cf. MSA hadiie} li-hadd il?aan phrase until now bahdaa (bahdaa) prep opposite, in the face of w-bass hnee munaddmiin kull xiima talqaa?iyyan talgaa ba-hdaahaa giddaamhaa taawla But here they are organized. You automatically find a table in front of every tent, before it. {cf. MSA bi-hidaa7i} harr adj hot /{cf. MSA haarr}/ huriyyit Ikalima phrase freedom of speech {cf. MSA hurriiyat ‘I- kalaam} ahraf adj unlucky haadir adj present {cf. MSA haadir} hatba n piece of firewood hatt /imperf yhutt, yi v to put, place Sandhum baar kwayyis thuttlii fii sitta sabaf beeraat ba-hdaay, nuusil yaadii .... mnaSnif zayy maa -nguuluu -fi -Iliibii They have a nice bar [on the train]; you put six or seven beers in front of me and I'll arrive there “refreshed” [i.e., drunk], as we say in Libyan. hadd n luck {cf. MSA hazz} haqiiga (haqiiqatan) adv in fact, in actuality {cf. MSA haqiiqatan} hukm n authority, power; government hkee /imperf yihki/ v to say, tell, talk hilw adj sweet; nice, good halawiyya n sweets, pastries hamdu Ilaah interjection a. Praise be to God! b. /in response to an enquiry about one's health, etc./ fine, ok, all right 380 Glossary hammaam n shower; bath hanna /imperf yhanni/ v to apply henna {cf. MSA hanna?a} hinnaa n henna {cf. MSA hinnaa?} hawwat /imperf yhawwut/ v to fish huuta /pl huutaat, coll huut/ 7 fish haaja 1. n a. /pl haajaat/ thing b. /pl hawaayij/ article of clothing 2. adv /with negative constructions/ wa-laa haaja at all wa-laa t?attruu wa-laa haaja They weren't fazed at all. hoof /pl ahyaal/ n house, home {cf. MSA haw/} muhtaat adj cautious, wary hawaalii prep about, approximately {cf. MSA hawaalaa} hoolii /p! hwaali/ n baracan (seamless gown characteristic of traditional Libyan men's dress) heet /pl htaan/ n wall {cf. MSA haa?it} ahyaan adv sometimes {cf. MSA ahyaanan} xubza (xubiz) 7 bread; bread dough xbat /imperf yuxbut/ v /trans/ to strike mxadda n pillow xdam /imperf yixdim/ v a. to work (as a job) zmaan kaanuu yéahhkuu Sa-llii yaxdim fi -lmataaSam, Ihamdu -llaa fii liibiyyiin haa huu tawwaa -yaxdmuu fi -Imataatam In the olden days, they used to laugh at those who worked in restaurants. 381 God be praised, there are Libyans who now work in restaurants. b. to serve xaruuf /pl xirfaan/ n lamb xaff /imperf yxuff/ v to enter xass /imperf yxuss/ n to pertain to xatt listiwaa_n /prop/ Equator xtee /imperf yaxta/ v to take a step xalaas invariable interjection and w-xataas/ that's it muuxaalfa ticket; infraction, violation n xalla /imperf yxalli/ v a. to let (so) do (sth) yxalluuk tuhdur hattaa wahda mi -ljalsaat_ They even let you attend one of the sessions. b. to leave (sth), leave (sth) behind xamas adj and n five xamistaaJ adj and n fifteen {cf. MSA xamsata Safara} itxammum /imperf yitxammum/ v to think, ponder, consider A. yeah mtaa¥ jaww latiif inta maa - tfakkaraJ timJii -jjaami‘a tawwaa -hnee B. nitxammum nimfii wallaah A. Yeah, [the Libyan university] has a nice atmosphere. Aren't you now thinking about attending the university here? B. I'm really thinking about going. xnab /imperf yixnib/ v to steal xeerik phrase What's wrong with you? xayyim /imperf yxayyim/ v to pitch a tent; to camp Glossary xiima /pl xiyam/ 7 tent dbaf n /coll/ furniture dabii /pl dahyaat; unit noun dahya/ dahyaat (pl) n /coll/ eggs daxxal /imperf ydaxxal/ v a. to cause to enter ‘indum daliil ydaxxlik lumam Imuttahida They have a guide who brings you in the United Nations. b. to accost, interfere with bi-sseef marraat luuk bi-sseef ydaaxxluuk bi-sseef Violently, sometimes [the prostitutes] grab you violently. They accost you violently. daxl n interest, concern, involvement daaxil adv inside {cf. MSA daaxilan} durja (darja) n a. step; /pl druuj/ staircase b. degree darras /imperf ydarris/ v to park (a car, etc.) fa-fii sweesraa huquuq l?insaan w-naas muhtarama b- iidarris sayyaartaa -fi -Ifunduq maa -ysakkarhaaJ maa -fiif hadd yisrig minhaa In Switzerland, human rights are respected. Someone parks his car at a hotel and he doesn't lock it. No one steals [anything] from it. dafwa n curse dass /imperf ydiss/ v to conceal, hide dfiif adj mashed daff /imperf ydiff/ v to push dukkaan /pl dkaakiin/ n store dinyaa n a. weather b. world, earth {cf. MSA dunyaa} iddahwar /imperf yiddahwur/ v to 382 wander around, loaf about, have a good time daax (duxt) /imperf yduux/ become dizzy (with delight) v to dawwax /imperf ydawwux/ to make (so) dizzy (with delight) daar (dirt) /imperf ydiir/ va. to do, make; /euphem/ to have sex mif ma?naa -annaa luutii laakin yigdar ydiiraa -ma?a mraa zayy maa -tguul It doesn’t mean that he’s gay, but he can do it [i.e., have sex] with a woman, as they say. b. to put, place ¢. to cause (so) to do (sth) w-iidiirlik faleehaa marraat yquullik haa hii Suuft anee yeer nbbiik tarbaah They try to get you to do it. Sometimes he says, “Here it is. I only want you to win.” daar (durt) /imperf yduur/ v to move in circles dawwar /imperf ydawwur/ v to look for, search for mdaarii (daayir) n /active participle of daar/ making, doing ilyarad inna lajnit lyaa nasiib mdaaryiin ittifaaq m{a Jfaxs lammaa -yarbah The purpose is that the committee of the lottery makes an agreement with the person when he wins; has made, done duulaar Eng /pl duulaaraat/ 7 dollar diima (daayman, daa?iman, diiman) adv a. always waahad w-Sifriin diimaa -raabah Twenty-one always wins [in blackjack]. b. continuously dawwaama n whirlpool Glossary diib n wolf {cf. MSA ai?b} dhab n gold (jewelry) duu (Suu) possessor of ..., owner of (of. MSA 8uu} bi-ddaat adv especially, in particular (cf. MSA bi-I-daat} kadaa (kaaa) 1. pronoun a. this, that b. such and such ?asbaanyaa lammaa tamfiihaa talgaa fiihaa Iqusuur Iarabiyya w-talgaa fiihaa kadaa w-talgaa fiihaa I?afyaa haa@ii kullhaa Spain, when you go there, you find Arab castles and you find such and such, and you find there all of these things; kadaa -w-kaaa such and such wi-yguul anee kadaa -w-kadaa And he says, “T'm such and such.” 2. adj certain, such-and-such ?ahyaanan iidiiruuh fii mantaga kadaa yantinzil limtar fii mantaqa @aanya Sometimes they do [cloud-seeding] in a certain region and the rain falls in a different area. 3. phrase w-kadaa and so on, et cetera kadaa w-kadaa (kadaa w-kadaa ) 1. n such and such; so much deen kadaa w-kadaa a debt of so much [money] 2. adj such-and-such raadyuu Eng n radio raas /pl ruus/ n head {cf. MSA ra?s} ree /imperf yra/ v to see {cf. MSA ra?aa} warra /imperf ywarri/ tuwree v to show w-idaa kaan waahad minhum Sarab ilmaraa yaSnii maa -Sadf iiwarrii wijhaa ?amaam irrijaal 383 haaduu If one of them hits his wife, you know, he can no longer show his face in front of these men. {cf. MSA ?ar?aa} traa invariable (taraa) v what’s your opinion ...? I wonder ...? /frequently used with imperative/ giddaf taraa 6laaé aalaaf How much, do you think? Three thousand? wi-ljaww Jinuu yaadii? traa wsoofilnaa - ljaww yaadii Sandik How is the weather there? Can you describe for us then the weather you have there? {cf. MSA yaa turaa} raay /pl ?aaraa/ n opinion, view {cf. MSA ra?y} rabbii_ interjection my Lord arbaS adj and n four arbha n Wednesday (cf. MSA arbaa‘aa?} rbiiS n spring {cf. MSA rabii} rabba /imperf yrabbi/ to raise, rear, educate (a child) rajl (raajil, rajul) /pl rijaal, rijaala/ man itrajja /imperf yitrajja/ v to ask a favor rajaa n favor, request raaji adj /active participle/ wanting, seeking (cf. MSA raajin} raxxa /imperf yraxxi/ v to relax, weaken raadif adj restrictive, deterring tdee (rdii) /pl rdaawaat/ n woman's gown {cf. MSA ridaa?} Glossary yaadii (yaadyuu) adv there sab /imperf yirsub/ v to flunk, fail (e.g., an examination) rasiid n_ record (e.g., one’s police record) rass /imperf yruss/_ v_ to list, enumerate; to enter (e.g., information in a computer) riee /imperf yria/ v to herd, tend, take out to graze (eg., animals) rayiif /pl ?aryifa/ n loaf (of bread) rfaS /imperf yarfaS/ v a. to take, bring baSdeen timJii timiskaa w-tarfafaa la-ffurta. Then you go and arrest him and take him to the police. b. to pick up (a woman) rfahhaa -yaadii Igaahaa -raajil He picked her up there and discovered that she was a man. rgad /imperf yurgud/ v to sleep raggag /imperf yraggig/ v to make (sth) thin {cf. MSA raqqaqa} rgayyig adj thin {cf. MSA raqiiq} raqum (raqm) /pl arqaam/ n number tarkiina /pl traakiin/ n place kull waahad ynaddif fi -ttirkiina mtaaaa kull ynaddif fi -lhoof mtaaSaa Everyone cleans up his place; everyone cleans up his own house. ramzi adj token, symbolic rawwah /imperf yrawwah/ v a. /intrans/ to go (home), return b. /trans/ to send (so) home ruuh- pronoun a. /with suffix pronoun/ [him, her, etc.]-self b. b- ruub ... /with suffix pronoun/ by {him, her, etc.]-self imruumaan n /prop/ the Romans; Rome yaa reet would that ...; I wish that ... Yaa -xii yaa reet iifakkruu arab bi-ttariiqa haadii Brother, I wish that the Arabs would think this way. {ef. MSA laita, yaa laita ... } rayyah /imperf yrayyah/ v to relax (so), make (so) feel comfortable zahma_n crowd zarda /pl zraadi/ n picnic zimaan 1, adv /also min zmaan/ long ago, a while ago 2. n a. time (temps, Zeit, tiempo) b. olden days, bygone times talgii -naas Ilii ybiiSuu Sa-luutaa ybiiSuu -fi -Ixudra zayy zmaan fii liibya You find people selling on the ground, selling vegetables like the olden days in Libya. itzawwaz (itzawwaj) /imperf yitzawwuz / v to marry {cf. MSA tazawwaja} zooz (z00j) n a. pair, two (with pl n) b. married couple ¢, husband {cf. MSA zawj} maa zaal invariable or conjugated adv a. still l?atfaal haaduu muxxhum maazaal jdiid w-yanmuu Those children, their brain is still new and they're growing. b. /with negative/ not yet hal muwjuud tawwaa fi -Imadaaras lliibya wallaa maazaal Is that present in Libyan Glossary schools now or not yet? (cf. MSA maa zaala} zzaawiya n /prop/ Az Zawiyah (city to the west of Tripoli) zetuun collective (zituun) n_/coll/ olives zaayd adj /active participle of MSA zaada/ additional, extra {cf. MSA zaarid} zayy 1. prep like, such as fii wilaayaat ttaanya zayy colorado in other states, such as Colorado 2. conj zeyy maa as yimfii -yaadii yinkah hattaa zeyy maa yibbii He goes there and gets laid as much as he wants. 3. phrase zeyy ma -dguul ~ how shall I say?; as they say (usually used to disassociate the speaker from an unpleasant word or notion) taa keef titzawwuj wahda yaa raajil w zayy maa -tguul massuuhaa Really, how can anyone marry a girl, my man, who, as they say, they touched? zayy /pl ?azyaa?/ n garb, clothing, costume {cf. MSA ziyy} saal /imperf yasal/ MSA sa?ala} suwaal (su?aal) /pl asyila/ n question v to ask {cf. sabb /imperf ysibb/ v to insult (so), curse (so or at so) miskiin haadaa -ssweedii gutlik huwwa w-martaa hiyya tsibb fii w-huu ysibb fiihaa An unlucky one, this Swede, as I said, he and his wife, she cursed him and he cursed her. sabaf adj and n seven sabaStaaJ adj and n_ seventeen {cf. MSA sabSata Safara} sxun adj warm, hot sidda /pl sdaad/ n attic, room above the main floor sitta adj and n six sittaaJ adj and n sixteen {cf. MSA sittata SaJara} SSaf n /coll/ palm fronds safii n herd, flock (of animals) sakkar /imperf ysakkir/ v a. /trans/ to close b. /intrans/ to be closed Ikazziinuuhaat nafsaa -tsakkir ssaafa sitta The casinos themselves close at six. itsakkar /imperf yitsakkar/ v /intrans/ to close sukkur n sugar salx /imperf yislax/ v to skin (an animal) sluug 7 /prop/ Sulug (town about sixty kilometers south of Benghazi) siluuk /p! suluukiyyaat/ n behavior smiid n semolina sandawit{ Eng n sandwich sinfz (sfinz) n_/coll/ deep-fried globs of dough sinfaaz /pl sinfaaza, sanfaaziyya/ n one who makes sinfz sahra /pl saharaat/ n evening party saafaat adv sometimes suug usually takes m agreement /pl aswaag, aswaaq/n market {cf. MSA 385 Glossary suuq} swaaga n driving (e.g.,acar) giddaaf axdit minnik | ... sswaaga How long did it take you to drive? {cf. MSA siyaaqa} yaa siidii (yaa sii, yaa s) phrase [form of address to a man (frequently used to add emphasis to a statement)/ ~ my man {cf. MSA yaa saiyidii} siyyaara (sayyaara) n automobile siyyaarat naqal n pickup truck J interrog suffix indicating a thetorically negative question/ Jaahii n tea (cf. MSA Jaay} Jabaab n /coll/ young people (especially young men) Joah /imperf yifoah/ v to see A. maa -Sbaht I?aala mtaaS miyya B. laa maa -fufthaaJ anee A. Didn't you see the hundred dollar [slot] machine? B. No, I didn’t see it. Stee /pl afyitee/ n winter {cf. MSA fitaa?} Jadd /imperf yfidd/ v a. to catch, grab, hold faddhaa waahad fii mantqa xaalya wu-ytasabhaa Someone grabbed her in a deserted area and raped her. b. to arrest furba n beverage Jarrah /imperf yfarrah/ v to slice (sth) into strips itJarrad /imperf yitfarrad/ v to live like a vagabond Jirta (firta) n /coll/ police JurtiiEng (shorts) (firtii) n policeman JaaraS /pl fwaara$/ n street Sree /imperf yifri/ v to buy {cf. MSA iftaraa} Jattab /imperf yJattib/ v to cross off (sth from a list, etc.) SJuyul /pl afyaal/ on a. work, employment, job lannak inta iddawwar fii Jfuyul mif idduur iffuyul iidawwur fiik Because you have to look for a job; a job will not look for you. b. place of employment Jkaara /pl Jkaayir/ n sack Suklaata Ital (cioccolata) n chocolate JSkuun pronoun a. /interrogative/ who Skuun iitayyib fi Iaayla lliibiyya bi-zzabt limraa diimaa -ttayyib wallaa hattaa -rraajil iifaarik fii Who exactly cooks in the Libyan family? The woman always cooks? Or the man also participates in it? b. /relative/ Jkuun llii yuxsur miyat duulaar maSquula hal b-iibiif siyyaartaa Someone who loses a hundred dollars, is it reasonable that he sell his car? mfJall adj lame, crippled {cf. MSA mufall} Janta /pl Jnaatii/ n suitcase; sack, bag finuu (finii, fin) 1. interrog a. what wi-limraa finuu -llibaas ttaqliidii -mtahhaa bi-zzabt And for women, what exactly is the traditional dress for them? b. why maa yalSabuuf laakin fin yijuu They don’t play, but why do they come? 2. pronoun Glossary /relative/ what fin lumuur phrase How are you? How's everything? infahar /imperf yinfahur/ v to become famous {cf. MSA iftahara} Jahar /pl Jhuur/ n month Jawwat /imperf yfawwut/ v to burn, scorch, singe {cf. MSA fayyata} Jaaf (fuft) /imperf yfuuf/ v to see Jwee /imperf yiJwi/ v to grill Juwwaaya n grill, barbecue Jwayya 1. n small amount or quantity Swayyit rutuuba a little humidity; baSd fwayya after a while 2. phrase bi-Jwayya slowly 3. adv somewhat hadaaka xaatiir fwayya That's somewhat dangerous; Imasiif bSiidaa [sic] {an Imadiina Jwayya The resort is kind of far from the city. maa faa Jlaah _ interjection /exclamation of admiration/ How marvelous! {cf. MSA maa Jaa?a ‘Ilaah} Jayy (fii) /pl ?aJyaa/ on something {cf. MSA fai?} fiibaanii_n old man with gray hair (often one's own father) {cf. MSA Saib) Jeex /pl Syuux/ na. sheikh, tribal chief b. old man subah n morning {cf. MSA subh} sahh invariable adj correct, true {cf. MSA sahiih} syayyir (syiir) /pl syaar/ 1. adj small thing, 387 2. child {cf. MSA sayiir} sufra Persian /pl sfuur/ n tray sgah (sga) /imperf yasgah/ v to be cold {cf. Egyptian dialect suqu’} msggaf adj cold; frozen (cf. MSA saqqas } sulb n loins min saalah phrase for the sake of {cf. MSA fii (or li-) saalih ... } sinaara n pole, rod saar 1. adv so, then, in that case 2. v happen illi saar saar The past is dead (proverb). b. to be saar grayybaa It’s near (Note: not conjugated); saar mamnuuf It’s forbidden; simha saar haadii It’s pretty? (Note: not conjugated) maa saaraJ conjugated for gender and number phrase [intensifier/~ incredible, wonderful matalan Sinnaa haalaat iytisaab maa saaratS For example, there are an unbelievable number of rape cases; §an new york tfuuf rriif Iii maa saarif bookkul From New York you can see a truly amazing amount of countryside. seef /pl asyaaf/ n summer {cf. MSA sayf} masyaf /pl masaayif/ n resort masiif /pl masaayif/ n resort suuniyya /pl swaanii/ n plate, pan, tray (cf. MSA siiniiya} rab /imperf yidrub/ v to strike, beat {cf. MSA daraba } Glossary daa‘ (dist) (SaaS) /imperf ydiiS/ v to become lost {cf. MSA daafa} tagiyya /pl twaagi/ n_ skullcap {cf. MSA taagqiiya} taawla Ital (tavolo or tavola) n table thiixa /pl tbaayix, thaayax/n cooked main dish bi-ttab? interjection Naturally! Of course! tabiiiyyan adv naturally intabaq /imperf yintibuq, yantabaq/ v to apply, be true tajiin /pl twaajiin/ n casserole dish; casserole traablis n /prop/ Tripoli tarf /pl truuf/ n bag {cf. MSA zarf} taarga Ital (targa) n license plate twaarag n /prop/ Tuaregs taaza invariable Persian (taazza) adj fresh, tender {cf. MSA taaza or taazaj} tutm /pl t{uum/ 7 bait tlat /imperf yitlaf/ v a. to come out, go out, appear b. to take after, come out like tatlat Ibint lummhaa A daughter takes after her mother (proverb). tallaS /imperf ytalla‘/ v a. to issue, publish b. to produce wu-bi-tallat fii Silaaj He produces a cure. tmaatim Spanish (tomate) n /coll/ tomatoes tanjra Turk (rencere) /pl tnaajir/ n casserole dish 388 taawa n frying pan taah (tiht) /imperf ytiih/ v a. to fall; to expire (e.g., a license, passport) b. taah fiihaa to have sex with a woman taal (tult) /imperf ytuul/ v /trans/ to take, pick up taal maa conj so long as Slaa tuul adv a. right away b. continuously, all of the time «. straight ahead taab (tubt) /imperf ytiib/ v cooked tayyib /imperf ytayyib/ v to cook (sth), prepare (sth) to eat or drink ataab /imperf yutiib/ v to cook (sth), prepare (sth) to eat or drink to be tiyyaara on airplane (cf. MSA fayyaara} bi-zzabt adv a. exactly b. right jaayyaa -Sa -libhar bi-zzabt [The small hotels] come right up to the sea. {cf. MSA bi-ddabt} mazbuut 1. adv exactly right, correct 2. adj exact (cf. MSA madbuut} all /imperf ydall/ v to continue, keep on ann. irregular conjugation /imperf y@innii/ v to believe, think daahar adj clear, obvious {cf. MSA zaahir} madhar /p| madaahar/ n sight, view iftabar /imperf yaStabir / v a. /intrans/ to be considered (sth, etc.) b. /trans/ to think, believe, consider (sth to be Glossary sth, etc.) yaStibruu ?innum xusruu They think that they lost. ?afzuuza (?aizuuz) n old woman {cf. MSA Sajuuz} {jan /imperf yaSjin/v to knead (dough, etc.) Sadd n size, extent {cf. MSA gadd} Sadda (Sidda) n kit, equipment, set-up Sadiid 1. n large number 2. adj numerous Saddil /imperf ySaddil/ v to focus on (falaa) Sirs (iris) /pl aSraas/ n wedding party Saruusa (Saruus) na. bride b. doll (cf. MSA Saruus} mafarga (maSarga, marfaga) /pl mSaarig/ n traditional skullcap (cf. Egyptian Sarraaqiiya} tfaarak /imperf yitfaarak/ v to quarrel; to fight Sazz /imperf y%izz/ v to cherish, like, love {cf. MSA ?afazza } maazza _n adoration; love, affection {zam /imperf yifzim/ v to invite sal n honey Safra adj and n ten {cf. MSA ?afara} Sifriin adj and n twenty (cf. MSA ‘fifruuna } SaJee n dinner {cf. MSA SaJaa?} {usma n right to divorce Safwan interjection pardon Suquuba 7 punishment Saqrab /pl Saqaarib/ n scorpion maSquul adj reasonable Sgaal n headband {aks n opposite tSaflig /imperf yatSafilg/ v to become angry, upset haadum mtafilgiin minii lammaa -nmfJuu fi Iqitaar yguuluu -fin haadaa They became angry with me when I got on the train [with a cooler full of beers] saying, “What's this!” Sa prep |with following definite article/ on, above {cf. MSA Salaa} Salaaf (Slaaf, 2aSlaaf) 1. interrog why Salaaf nalfb lanna yijiinii Sfurb bi-blaaf- Why do I play? Because it gets me drinks for free. 2. conj because Samaliyya n a, matter, question, issue laa miJ Samaliyyat taajiir ssiyyaara qasdii No, it’s not a question of renting a car. I meant .... b. operation §a -ISumuum phrase in general {cf. MSA Sala ‘l-Sumuum} fan (Sin) prep at, by; in the opinion of (cf. MSA Sinda} yaSnii invariable interjection that is ... (Note: speakers often use this expression as a more or less neutral placeholder in much the same way as English speakers use the phrase "you know.") mafnaa (/often in constr/ mafnaat) n meaning haaduu b-xamsiin sittiin jneeh, mafnaah haawaalii Sifriin tlaatiin duulaar They cost fifty or sixty [Libyan] pounds; that is about 389 Glossary twenty or thirty dollars. bi-lfaanii adv a. intentionally b. relentlessly, ceaselessly, all of the time yaximbuu kullaa bilSaanii They steal everything all of the time. Saad invariable particle therefore, then, in that case maa Saad invariable or conjugated (ma SaatJ, ma SaaJ) v no longer, not any longer, not again {cf. MSA idiom maa Saada} Saadii adv as usual, ordinarily Saadatan ({aada) adj normally Saayla (Seela) n family {cf. MSA Saa?ila} Seeb /pl Suyuub, Siyuub/ n shameful act, faux-pas; shame usually, Sayyid /imperf yfayyid/ v a. to wish (so) a happy holiday b. to celebrate a holiday yaaz Eng (gas) n gas (as opposed to solid or liquid) gaaz /pl gaazaat/ n gasoline yadee (yadaa) /pl yadawaat/n lunch {cf. MSA yadaa?} yariiba invariable interjection How strange! yrayyba n pastry made of semolina, butter, and sugar muyrub n evening {cf. MSA mayrib} girJ Germ (Gréschen) (giriJ, garJ) /pl gruuJ/ n piastre (one hundred piastres make a Libyan pound) magruud (magruud) n pastry with a date filling yzaal n deer, gazelle ayra /imperf yayri/ persuade iytasab /imperf yiytasab/ v to rape v_ to seduce, Stee /imperf yaSti/ v to give {cf. MSA aStaa} yafta nap yfee /imperf yiyfi/ v to nap lyaalib n it is probable that... {cf. MSA idiom al-yaalibu an yliid adj thick {cf. MSA yaliiz} yammis /imperf yyammus/ v to dunk (bread into sauce or seasoning) yanam (ynamm) n /coll/ sheep yuul /pl ywaal/ n ghoul yeer (yiir) 1. conj nevertheless, but 2. adv only, just, merely mif yeer fi -lislaam fii kull Ikutub ssamaawiyya not only in Islam, in all of the heavenly books; yeer xud L-union station Just take Union Station. w-yeera usually invariable phrase et cetera ftaat n /coll/ cut-up pieces of bread faajatan adv suddenly {cf. MSA fajtatan} itfarraj /imperf yitfarraj/ v to watch Gal sth) farraJ /imperf yfarraf/ v to lay out, spread out (sth, e.g., merchandise, bedding, a tablecloth) faraaJ /pl faraafaat/ n bedding, rug 390 Glossary mafruud invariable (mufruud) adv should wa-laakin gal mafruud ?inna hiyya maa tujlud giddam nnaas “But,” he said, “she shouldn’t be flogged in front of people.” farag (farg) /p! furuuqaat/ n difference (cf. MSA farq) firga /pl firaq/ n band farmla (farmala) /pl fraamil/ traditional Libyan vest fun /pl afraan/ n oven fazzaan n /prop/ Fezzan (region in southwest Libya) n min faglik variable pronoun suffix phrase please {cf. MSA min fadlika} faadii adj empty (cf. MSA faadin} itfakkar /imperf yitfakkur/ v remember; to think about, ponder to fiikoonii Ital (fiaccone) adj lazy fluus n /pl/ -rom money fumm n a.mouth b. opening faat (futt) /imperf yfuut/ v to elapse issana illii faatit last year foog (fuug) 1. adv up, above 2. prep cover, on top of {cf. MSA fawqu} foog illaazim phrase more than necessary fiih (fii) particle there is/are {cf. MSA hunaaka} maa -fiif 1. particle a. /negation of fiih/ there isn't/ aren't b. /absolute negation/ maa -fiif hadd hattaa - waahad qaanuuniyya hnee Not one 391 [beer], not even one [may be consumed] legally here. 2. interjection Jat end of statement/ absolutely, completely nafs ifJeyy nafs ijjaww maa fiif The same thing, exactly the same weather. qaanuuniyyan adv legally qabiila /pl qabaayil, qabaayal/ n tribe gahba /pl ghaab/ n whore giddaaJ (gaddaaJ, giddeef) 1. conj how much mafruufaa giddaaJ taaxid It is known how much [the slot machines] take in. 2. interrog a. how many, how much _ gideef marra yguullii fikknaa -minnik nta maa -nbbuukJ bookkul imJii How many times did he say to me, get us away from you! We don't like you at all! Beat it! b. how long giddaaS tugiud mhannya How long does she stay decorated with henna? 3. phrase wallaa [or ?aw] giddaaf or so Sandhum qanaa haawaalii nginn Iganaa sitta w-tlaatiin wallaa giddaaJ They have a channel around, I think, about channel thirty-six or so. {cf. MSA gadd)} giddiid n /coll/ strips of dried meat (cf. MSA qadiid} gdiim 1. adv long ago 2. adj old, ancient {cf. MSA qadiim} gree /imperf yagra/ v a. to read b. to be educated c. to study loo tafraf taalib yagraa -f -georgetown If you know a student who studies at Georgetown Glossary gazdaar /pl gazdaara/ n tinsmith qasd_n_ intention, meaning finuu qasdik bi-zzabt What exactly do you mean? gass /imperf ygass/ v a. to cut b. to move across, cross, traverse gad /imperf yugtud/ v a. /with imperfect verb/ to keep on (doing sth) b. to remain, stay maazaal gaaSad zeyy Igiff It still remained like straw; to remain the same, unchanged ¢. to sit gaimiz /imperf ygatmiz/ v to sit aahsin nga‘miz fi -lhoof nkassid w-nitfarrjlii Sa -ttalfizyoon My favorite thing is to sit at home, relax, and watch television. gahwa n coffee gaaryuunus 7 /prop/ Qar Yunis (district in southwest Benghazi) gaal particle [indicates incredulity/ ~ Imagine! kbiir /pl kbaar/ adj old; large kabbuus /pl kbabiis/ n skullcap kitra_n numerousness, great number (of) {cf. MSA kaéra} kaatir adj numerous, many (cf. MSA kaéiir} karr /imperf ykurr / v to drag karmuus collective n figs ksaad na. stagnation, slackness, slump A. fin ttambla yaqsud minhaa? B. ?a ttambla ksaad wallaa -1.... A. ?aa 1 Ifiikoonii qasdik? B. ?allaa w .... zayyhaa 392 bi-zzabut A. What is "laziness," meant by it? B. Yea, "laziness" is "stagnation." A. Yea “sluggishness,” you mean? B. Right, and ... it's exactly the same thing. b. /as a response to "How are you?" etc./ = the same as always mkassid adj a. slack, stagnating (of sales, the economy, etc.) b. dull, unchanging kassad /imperf ykassid/ v a. /intrans/ to relax, rest ba‘d liydee diimaa -nkassduu -halba After lunch we always rest for a long time. b. /trans/ to cause to stagnate kaskis /pl ykasiks/ v to roll the semolina mixture to make couscous kuskusii ( kuskii, kseeksii) 1 couscous (steamed granular semolina) mitkaasil adj lazy kaafiik /pl kwuJiik/ n a. peel (wooden shovel for removing baked goods from an oven) b. kiosk kafk (kafak) n /coll/ cookies kiifaah n_ battle, strife {cf. MSA kifaah} klaaks French (k/axon) n car hom bookkul adv a. very, thoroughly man@ar jamiil bookkul a very beautiful sight b. /with negation/ at all maa -fiif farag bookkul There's no difference at all. {cf. MSA bi- kullin} kulliya n college kalma /pl kalmaat/ n word {cf. MSA Glossary kalima} klaam n words; statement; speech kahrabaa n electricity kuufa /pl kwuff/ n oven; kiln kuwwaaf /pl kuwwaafa/ n baker (cf. MSA farraan} kaana_ invariable or conjugated (kaan) 1. conj if, when; whenever Ixutuura kaanak The danger is if you fall; kaanak rbaht ?aktar min ?alf w-miyya maSnaataa - yguulik haadii mitfallga bi-ddaraayb If you win more than eleven hundred, it means, they tell you, it's taxable. 2. phrase hattaa -kaana even if kwayyis 1. adj good 2. adv /and kwayysa/ well kwayysa_ interjection how nice li- prep a. to b. /time expression/ lith yuumeen huwwa It’s been going on for two days; maa IhaaJ SaJr dgaayig xusrut haawaalii laa yaqill San ?arbfa xams aalaaf In the space of less than ten minutes, she lost about, not less than four or five thousand [dollars]. {cf. MSA ?ilaa} in conj until {cf. MSA ?ilaa an} lanna_— usually invariable (lan, lanhaa, li?anna) conj because haadii mufkla tYaanii minhaa jamii® Iblaad Sarabiyya lanna Kull ssaytara asbahat saytara huukuumiyya This is a problem which all of the Arab nations suffer from because all power has become 393 government power. {cf. MSA li- anna} leeJ interrog why lammaa -tuqaam ?ahsin min ?allaa tuqaam leef li?anna .... It is better when it’s undertaken than when it isn’t. Why? Because .... {cf. MSA li-aiyi Jai?in } laa (la?) adv a. yes (beginning a statement in a conversation) A. bass laww kwayyis fi -ttalij B. laa kwayyis A. The weather’s nice in the snow. B. Yes, nice. b. no c. /emphatic negation/ maa kaanitf laa nabbii nalfab laa Jeyy I didn’t want to play anything. mulhad adj heretic; apostate {cf. MSA mulhid} lahham /imperf ylahhim/ v a. to purchase meat b. to weld laazim invariable modal must fi -sseef lammaa -timfiilhaa laazim ddiir hajz mtaat isbuut In the summer when you go there, you must make a reservation a week in advance. {cf. MSA idiom min al- laazimi an ... } Igee /imperf yalgi, yalga/ v a. to encounter b. to discover, learn rfahhaa -yaadii lgaahaa -raajil He picked her up there and discovered that she was a man. c to see lammaa -timfii -fi -JJaarat talqii -raajil yibuus fii fii mraa When you walk in the street, you see a man kissing a woman. talqaa?iyyan adv automatically lamma conj when; whenever lamma Glossary tgaatil naas bi-duun haqq w-bi-duun kadaa when you fight people without justification and without such and such lahwit /imperf ylahwit/ v to talk nonsense law (loo) conj if (Note: not limited to contrary-to-fact statements) looz n /coll/ almonds liibyaa n /proper/ Libya liigaang French (licence) n_ masters degree {cf. MSA liisaans) maa_ particle intensifier /with pronoun or pronoun suffix/ maa hum b-iifajjiuu They really encourage it; maa huu miJ saahla_ It's not really easy. fi -Imiyya phrase percent miyya fi -Imiyya one hundred percent maajJ (baaJ, naaJ) conj a. in order to mihtaajaat li-fluus ?aw li-Jayy maaf iitiifuu They needed money, etc., to live; yadfiuu -?ayy haaja baaJ yalguu tifil 2aw tifla They'll pay anything in order to find a little boy or girl. b. yer baaJ merely to nnaas yijuu suwwaah min jamii$ | .... jihaat amriikaa kullhaa yeer maaf yjuu li-Washington fi -lwaahad fi -Imantiga haadii_ People come as tourists from every comer of America merely to come to Washington in the thing, in this area. maakiina Ital (macchina) /pl maakiinaat, mwaakiin/ n machine mitir Ital (metro) (miitr, miitruu ) 1 meter (basic metric unit of length) mtaa‘_ usually invariable (btaa‘) 1. na [analytic possessive device which in construct indicates a relationship, often specifically ownership/ targa mtaaf ssiyyaara license plate b. thing finuu Wabt lewrag wallaa -ISabt mtaa$ almaakiina What did you play? Cards? Or did you play the [slot] machine thing? 2. adv about Ifarg mtaaf SaJriin digiiga The difference is about twenty minutes. {cf. MSA mataa‘} ?aamta 1. conj when; whenever fin dirt inta aamtaa hsull Saleek fi -ttiriig What did you do when it caught you on the road?; maa -fiff ayy insaan ya‘raf ?aamtaa -bi- muut No one knows when he'll die. 2 interrog when guulilnaa bi-zzabt aamtaa Tell us exactly when. {cf. MSA mataa} matlan (maélan) adv for example {cf. MSA maéalan} maxmax /imperf ymaxmax/ v to gobble up, gulp down (food, etc.) madanii adj civilian (as opposed to military or official); urban mraa (maraa, ?imra?a) /p! nsaawiin/ n woman {cf. MSA ?imra?a} marra adv a. once b, sometime baalak natlaaguuu marra marra nimfuu ma bafadnaa What say you that we get together sometime and go together? c. marraat sometimes marraat adv sometimes murJa /pl muriJ / 7 glass meerendaa n /prop/ Mirinda orange 394 Glossary soda miskiin /pl msakiin/ adj unfortunate, poor hiyya miskiina laa tibbiif laa Iwuld w-laa -Ibint haadii, waahad iytasabhaa, fhamit? She's unfortunate. She doesn't want a son or daughter. This one, someone raped her, understand? miJ (muJ) particle not ssuhaaqiyyiin wi -ssuhaaqiyyaat miJ issuhaaqiyyiin wi-lluutiyyiin the male lesbians and the female lesbians, not the male lesbians, and the gays mJee /imperf yimfi/ v a. to go to (usually with li-) A. ?aamas mfeet li-lbhar gutlii? B. ?aha mJeet libhar aamis A. Yesterday, you went to the ocean? B. Yes, I went to the ocean. b. to leave, go away, disappear if -sseef maa- yugTuduuf yimJuuu In the summer they don’t stay. They leave; imJii Scram! maa -nbbuukJ bookkul imJii We don't like you at all! Beat it! c. to be in effect, apply, work properly taww maa -Saat/ yamfii lmatal Now the proverb no longer applies; maaJii -Ihaal I’m well (in response to a polite enquiry about one’s state). d. Jas auxillary with following imperfect/ to up and ..., go and ?inna yimfii -ySidd nnsaawiin haaduu that he would go and arrest those women; timJii timiskaa You go and grab him. majfa /imperf ymaJfi/ v to make (so, sth) go maaji interjection ok, right, fine masir n /prop/ Egypt (cf. MSA misr} masrii /pl masriyya, masriyyiin/ n /prop/ Egyptian {cf. MSA misrii} mitmadérit adj downtrodden maf bad (maf bai) phrase /usually with pronoun suffix/ together w-jaab minhaa -syaar, laakin muttafqiin maf bafadhum ?innaa hiyyaa suhaagiyya w-huwaa luutii He produced a child with her, but together they agree that she's a lesbian and he's gay. makruun Ital (maccherone) (makaruuna) 7 macaroni mumkun invariable (mumkin) adv perhaps, maybe; it's possible (Note: unlike MSA and some other dialects, it may be used with any tense of verb.) w-mumkun ha-ylawwhuu mumkun ha-yugutluu They may throw it away. They may kill it. milih 1. 7 salt 2. adj good, fine mall /imperf ymill/ v to be bored malliim French (milliéme) /pl mlaliim/ n millime (one tenth of a piastre) malyoon Eng /pl mlayiin/ n mil ion miin interrog who {cf. MSA man} mi- prep [contraction of min before a definite article/ from, of itmanyik /imperf yitmanyik/ v to mock, joke about mayya n water; liquid (cf. MSA maa?} 395 Glossary nbad /imperf yinbid/ v to abandon, disown, renounce (cf. MSA nadada} njah /imperf yinjah/ v a. /intrans/ to succeed b. /trans/ to pass (a test, etc.) nahat n statue nhaas n copper ahnee pronoun we naahya /pl nawaahi/ n a. respect, aspect b. direction {cf. MSA naahiya} nfad /imperf yinfad/ v to ask nafra_n news broadcast (on radio or televsion) nafawi 1. adj starchy, carbohydrate- laden 2.n naJawiyyaat starchy foods nasiib n fate man@ar /pl manaadar/ n sight, view nifma /pl nifam/ n blessing naggaz /imperf ynaggiz/ v to jump naagas adj scarce, lacking munaaqad adj _contradictory, incompatible (cf. MSA munaaqid} naqma /pl nigam/ n trial, blow nakkat /imperf ynakkit, ynakkat/ v to make jokes yifruu fii tmaataamaat w-meerendaa jjmaa?a ynakktuu Saleehum [The Egyptian workers] used to buy tomatoes and a Mirinda [an orange- flavored carbonated soft drink]. The people used to make fun of them. nhaar n a. day (in the sense of MSA yawm) b. daytime 396 nooh 1 /prop/ Noah naad (nudd) /imperf ynuud/ nooda v /intrans/ to arise, stand up; to wake up; get up, arise (from bed, the ground, etc.) fi -ssubah bakrii ynuud yimfJii libhar Early in the morning he gets up and goes to the sea. nawwid /imperf ynawwud/ v to wake up (so) naw‘iyya n type, kind laa naaga fii- w-laa jamal phrase we [I, he, etc.] have no interest in [the matter] (lit. No she-camel nor he-camel in it.) nawwaal /pl nawwaala/ n weaver naayluu /pl naayluuwaat/ n plastic bag niyya na. /invariable in regard to gender/ naive, gullible person b. intention haadaa (haadaa) /demonstrative/ this (ms) Pronoun haadaaka (haadaaka) pronoun /demonstrative/ that (ms) haadii (haadii) pronoun /demonstrative/ this (fs) hadiika (hadiika) pronoun /demonstrative/ that (fs) haaduu (haaduu) pronoun /demonstrative/ those (pl) wa-haakadaa (wa-haakadaa) phrase et cetera, and so on fa-l-haadaa adv so, therefore, for that reason hikkii (heekkii) 1. adv a. in this/that Glossary way; like that b. /postpositive particle of attenuation, after n/ a kind of; /after adj/ somewhat; /after number, etc./ approximately w- Juufuu majmuuSa -rbaf anfaar xamsa sitta hikkii Look for a group, four, five, or six people or so. 2. Phrase min hikkii because of this (cf. MSA haakadaa} habbal /imperf yhabbil/ v to act or talk like a crazy person mahbuul /pl mhaabiil / adj and n crazy bnawiit yimfuu -zeyy Imhaabiil Saraayaa fi -{Jwaara’ girls walking like crazy people, naked, in the streets hooteel Eng /pl hooteelaat/ n hotel, motel hadiyya /pl hadaayaa/ n gift, present halba adv /intensifier/ saar Sajbaatik halba, ah So, did you like it a lot? haadaa ImuwduuS mutiir halba This subject is very interesting; -haalaat halba iytisaab many cases of rape; kaan fii zahma halba fii -ttriig -uu Was there a lot of traffic on the road?; mJeetuu -I-mahallaat ISarabiyya halba Did you go to many Arab places? Imuhumm invariable adv anyway Imuhumm ahamm Jeyy thaawil lammaa tjii wi-tgatmiz yaa -hbayyib mif ha-talgaa -hattaa -haaja Anyway, the most important thing is that you try. When you go and sit, you won't find anything at all. huwwa (huu) pronoun he hiya (hiyya) pronoun she humma pronoun they haawi /pl hiwaat/ enthusiast, amateur 2aw (wa, wi, w, uu) conj and yguulik maadaam ?intum xalleetuu -limraa ?aw rraajil yibuusuu bavadhum {alaaJ maa -txalluunaaJ hnee nafsi Sfeyy They say, so long as you let a man and a woman kiss each other, why can’t you allow us the same thing? {cf. MSA wa-} uu interrog /particle appearing at the end of a sentence to indicate a question or emphasis/ kaan fiii zahma halba fii -ttriig - uu Was the traffic very heavy on the road? wugfit Sa -ttlaae aalaaf -uu You stopped at three thousand? watta /imperf ywatti/ v to prepare, make ready muujuud (mawjuud) adj_ present, existent {cf. MSA mawjuud} jiiha (jiha) n a. area b. direction {cf. MSA jiha} waahad (hadd, waahid) 1. pronoun someone, a person, anyone gaallak bii-juu haawaalii malyuun waahid They told you that about a million people are coming. 2. n thing bi- Iwahdaat bi-Imuzallajaat yistavamluu fiihum with the things, with the skis which they use 3. adj a. same talgaa -lijhaad zayy Iwaahad You find that having an abortion [and not having an abortion 397 Glossary are] the same thing. b. some, certain waahad duktoor some doctor; wahda sufuudiyya a certain Saudi woman; shaabii -waahdiin some of my friends 4. adj and n one wiraatii (wiraa@ii) adj hereditary {cf. MSA wiraaéii} wree prep behind (cf. MSA waraa?a} wsax n dirt {cf. MSA wasax} fii wast prep among, in the midst of {cf. MSA fii wasti} waswis /imperf ywaswis/ v to be obsessed wiswaas /pl wsaawiis/ n obsession b-siifa Saamma (b-sifa Saamma) phrase in general wi-nnaas b-sifa Saamma yaakluu diimaa fii lahyaaf In general, people always eat in their home. muwaasafa characteristic n criterion, trait, muuduuS (muuduut) /pl muwadiis/ nsubject, topic {cf. MSA mawduuS} oota n ground, floor; earth {cf. MSA wataa?} ittaad (ie¢afad) /imperf yittatad/ v to take (sth) as a lesson {cf. MSA ittafaza} wafii n consciousness waffar /imperf ywaffar/ v to save wagd (wagit, wugt, wagut) n time (temps, Zeit, tiempo) {cf. MSA waqt} wallaa (willaa) 1. conj or gult Jinuu -anee yabiyy wallaa -finuu I said, 398 “What? Am I stupid or what?” mfeet bi-ssiyyaara wallaa -fi -Igitaar? Did you go by car or train? 2. phrase wallaa kiif or what? maa Sat) ya‘raf 1... sabab Iharab wallaa -kiif wallaa -?eeJ Do they no longer know the cause of the war, or what? Or what? 3. particle /absolute negation/ wallaa Sandhaa damb She has no sin; wallaa haaja nothing 4. interrog isn’t it, etc. laakin haadii -ddarba diima b-xamsiin w- sittiin duulaar biss willaa But this jackpot is always only fifty or sixty dollars, isn’t it? {cf. MSA wa- laa } wuld /pl wlaad/ n son; child walla /imperf yiwilli/ tuwlee v a. /intrans/ to return, go back b, /trans/ to recover, get back baaJ twallii 1- binthaaa in order to get her daughter back ¢ to become yijii reyy waahad taanii ywallii -arbafa w-Safriin Another king comes, which makes twenty-four (a discussion of a card game); li?annaa jaab wuld min mraa wu-limraa_ wallit hiyyaa suhaaqiyya w-huwwa Iluutii because he produced children from the woman and she became a lesbian and he, gay yaa conj /correlative/ either ... or zz002 wi-jjawza Ili Sindum Saqam yaa min izzooz yaa min ijjawza the husband and wife who had barreness, either from the husband or the wife yaa xii interjection /genial reference to male interlocutor [lit. o' my brother]/ Glossary iid /pl ayaadi/ n hand (cf. MSA yad} yuusif n /prop/ Joseph yoom /pl ayyaam, iyyaam/ n day {cf. MSA yawm} yoom mi-liyyaam phrase one day ilyuunaan n /prop/ the Greeks; Greece 399

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