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Pentru foi: 500g faina 125g unt(in reteta originala 100g untura) 150g zahar 1ou 1/2lingurita bicarbonat de Na(in reteta originala"un virf de cutit de bicarbonat da Na" stins cu zeama de lamiie) 180ml lapte(in reteta originala"lapte cit cuprinde pentru un aluat destul moale") Toate se framinta si se face un aluat"destul de moale" care se imparte in cinci. Se coc, pe rind,cinci foi pe dosul tavii unse si infainate.Foile se inteapa cu furculita.Se scot calde de pe tava si se pun sa se raceasca,pe un gratar. Pentru crema: 600ml lapte 4 linguri zahar 4 linguri faina Se amesteca faina cu zaharul,se adauga laptele si se amesteca bine pina devine omogen. Se puna pe foc si se fierbe amestecind continu,pina se ingroasa. Intr-o cratita se pun 3 linguri de zahar care se caramelizeaza,se adauga o lingura de apa si se face un sirop. In crema de faina cu lapte se adauga 100g unt se amesteca bine,apoi se adauga siropul si 2-3 linguri de cafea neagra;se amesteca bine. Se pune prima foaie si se intinde crema ; se continua pina la ultima foaie. Se aseaza deasupra,peste foile cu crema,o greutate si se lasa pina a doua zi(se tine cel putin o zi sau chiar doua pina se inmoaie foile!) Glazura: 3linguripline de zahar pudra 3linguri de unt topit 4linguri sirop de maple Ingredients: For Sheet Layers: 500g flour 125g unsalted butter (the original recipe called for pig lard -100g lard) 150g sugar 1egg tsp baking soda (the original recipe called for a pinch of baking soda dissolved in lemon juice) 180ml milk (the original recipe called for milk how much is needed for a soft dough) Mix all together until you have a soft dough. Cut the dough in 5egal parts. Roll each part of dough and bake on back of a baking pan (oil and dust with flour the back of baking pan).Prick the dough sheets with a fork. Preheat the oven at 180C.Bake for 5-6 minute (you want the dough to be cooked, but not coloured!) When the dough sheet is baked, remove it from oven, slide it off the baking sheet on a cooling rack. Repeat this process with the remaining dough. For the caramel cream (filling): 600ml milk 4 tbsp sugar 4 tbsp flour 100g unsalted butter 2-3tbsp black coffee Mix flour with sugar, add milk and mix until everything is smooth and don't get any lumps .Cook this mixture until has thickened into a paste( like a pudding) and slightly bubbly at edges (whisk constantly or else it started to stick and clump at the bottom! dont boil!) In a sauce pan, over moderate heat caramelize the sugar until an amber caramel forms (swirling occasionally, dont s stir!) Carefully add 1-2 tbsp water (be careful when put the water in sugar!) and let boil to make a syrup with a nice amber color. Remove from heat immediately, and let it cool down until is a


Se amesteca foarte bine toate.Daca este prea consistenta se poate adauga sirop de maple iar daca este prea lichida se poate adauga zahar pudra. Pofta buna!Enjoy!Bon Apptit!

little bit warm! Add the butter, caramel syrup and 2-3 tbsp black coffee to milk and flour mixture. Mix everything well. Spread first sheet cake layer with one portion caramel cream (filling).Add the second sheet cake and spread the caramel cream. Repeat this process with the remaining cake layers and caramel cream. For best results you should keep the cake 2 days before serving. For glaze: 3 heaped tbsp powdered sugar 3 tbsp melted butter 4 tbsp maple syrup Mix all together and glaze the cake (if the glaze is to consistent add more maple syrup; if the glaze is too runny (fluid) add more powdered sugar!). Let the glaze dry completely and cut the cake into serving pieces of your choice, arrange them on a platter and Enjoy!


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