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Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian

Course Outline and Synopsis

Course Title Course Code Credit Contact ours

ELT Methodology
Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris TSL3103 3(3 + 0) 45 hours Nil Two One/Two 1. Demonstrate an understandin o! the theories o! lan ua e learnin and a"#uisition and the di!!erent a$$roa"hes in lan ua e tea"hin . (1.%) %. &'aluate the !eatures o! the di!!erent a$$roa"hes in lan ua e tea"hin . ((.1) (.4) 3. Dis"uss issues and im$li"ations o! se"ond lan ua e learnin in the $rimar* "lassroom. ((.3) +.3) 4. Desi n a"ti'ities ,ased on the $rin"i$les o! di!!erent a$$roa"hes in the $rimar* &LT "lassroom ((.1) +.5)

Pre!re"uisite #ear Semester Learning Outcomes


This "ourse !o"uses on lan ua e learnin and a"#uisition - .e* "on"e$ts and issues) theories o! lan ua e learnin ) se"ond lan ua e learnin theories) o'er'iew/ a$$roa"hes) methods and te"hni#ues)s*lla,us desi n0 1ala*sian $rimar* s"hool &n lish Lan ua e "urri"ulum and se"ond lan ua e learnin in the "lassroom. Kursus ini memberi fokus kepada pembelajaran dan penguasaan bahasa konsep utama dan isu, teori pembelajaran bahasa, teori pembelajaran bahasa dan bahasa kedua, pendekatan, kaedah dan teknik, rekabentuk sukatan pelajaran-Kurikulum bahasa Inggeris sekolah rendah dan pembelajaran bahasa kedua.


Content Language ac"uisition and learning % &ey concepts and issues Nature o! lan ua e Lan ua e learnin $ro"ess Lan ua e learner 2"#uisition 'ersus learnin
Theories o' Language Learning 3eha'iourism 4o niti'ism So"ial 4onstru"ti'ism 5umanism Second Language Learning Theories (I) 6rashen7s 1onitor 1odel a"#uisition0learnin h*$othesis monitor h*$othesis natural order h*$othesis in$ut h*$othesis a!!e"ti'e !ilter h*$othesis 8m$li"ations !or tea"hin Second Language Learning Theories (II) 9ni'ersal :rammar ;h* a 9ni'ersal :rammar ;hat does a 9ni'ersal :rammar "onsist o! 9ni'ersal :rammar and !irst lan ua e a"#uisition 9ni'ersal :rammar and se"ond lan ua e a"#uisition 8m$li"ations !or tea"hin


4 O*er*ie+, -pproaches. Methods and Techni"ues ELT Methods :rammar0Translation 1ethod Dire"t 1ethod 2udio0Lin ual 1ethod Silent ;a* Su esto$edia 4ommunit* Lan ua e Learnin Total <h*si"al =es$onse 4ommuni"ati'e 2$$roa"h Tas.0,ased Learnin Le>i"al 2$$roa"h 1

% 3 %

&"le"ti" 2$$roa"h

<rin"i$les Te"hni#ues Stren ths /Limitations =ole o! tea"her) learners and resour"es 8m$li"ations !or s*lla,us desi n <lannin a"ti'ities !or ea"h a$$roa"h/method Sylla/us Design ! Malaysian Primary School English Language Curriculum <rin"i$les Te"hni#ues Stren ths /Limitations =ole o! tea"her) learners and resour"es S"heme o! wor. - wee.l*) semester Second Language Learning in the Classroom 8ssues <resentation) <ra"ti"e and <rodu"tion 2lternati'es to <resentation) <ra"ti"e and <rodu"tion Tea"hin im$li"ations in the $rimar* &LT "lassroom TOT-L Main 2e'erences,

01 3owerman) 4. (%000). Language A !uisition and "e#elopment. 4am,rid e/ 4am,rid e 9ni'ersit* <ress. 3rown) 5.D. (%00?). $ea hing b% prin iples& An intera ti#e approa h to language pedagog% (3rd ed.). ;hite <lains. N@/ <earson &du"ation. Larsen0Areeman) D. (%000). $e hni!ues and Prin iples in Language $ea hing (%nd ed). '(ford )eading. 4am,rid e/ 4am,rid e 9ni'ersit* <ress. Li ht,own) <. B S$ada) N. (%00(). *o+ Languages are Learned. O>!ord/ O>!ord 9ni'ersit* <ress. 1oon) C. (%000). ,hildren Learning Languages. London/ 1a"millan 5einemann =i"hards. C.4. B =od ers) T.S. (%001) Approa hes and Methods in Language $ea hing (%nd. ed). 4am,rid e/ 4am,rid e 9ni'ersit* <ress.

-dditional 2e'erences,

3iehler) =.A. B Snowman) C. (1DD0). Ps% holog% Applied to $ea hing. 3oston/ 5ou hton 1i!!lin 4om$an* 3rown) 5.D. (%00(). Prin iples of language learning and tea hing -5th ed). ;hite <lains. N@/ <earson &du"ation. ;hite <lains. N@/ <earson &du"ation.

5armer) C. (%00?) $he Pra ti e of .nglish language $ea hing. (4th ed). 5allow/ Lon man Li ht,own) <. (%00() *o+ Languages Are Learned. (3rd &dition). 9S2/ O>!ord 9ni'ersit* <ress 1it"hell) =. B 1iles) A. (%004) /e ond Language Learning $heories. (%nd &dition). 9S2 / 2rnold <u,li"ation <i$er) T. (%003). Language Learning& $he *ome and / hool 0ears. (3rd ed). New Cerse*/ <earson &du"ation 8n".

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