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There are certain factors that influence the process of communication, which are described briefly here.

6.1. Attitude
Attitude is referred to the internal predisposition of a person to act in a certain way toward a situation. The attitude of a person toward the given situation is influenced by the peers, parents, environment, life experiences, perception, and intellectual processes. A person may have the attitude of accepting, prejudiced, judgmental, negative, open and close, etc. A person with negative attitude may respond with Im sure it is of no use, it will not work ultimately. On the other hand, a person with positive attitude will reply come on guys, let us try it, we have nothing to lose.

6.2. Sociocultural Background

Various cultures and ethnic groups display different communication patterns. For example, people of French or Italian heritage often are gregarious and talkative and willing to share thoughts and feelings. People from Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand or Laos are quiet and reserved. They appear stoic and reluctant to discuss personal feelings with persons outside their families.

6.3. Past Experiences

Previous positive or negative experiences influence one's ability to communicate. For example, teenagers who have been criticized by parents whenever attempting to express any feelings may develop a poor self-image and feel that their opinions are not worthwhile. As a result, they may avoid interacting with others, become indecisive when asked to give an opinion, or agree with others to avoid what they perceive to be criticism or confrontation (nonassertive).

6.4. Knowledge of Subject Matter

A person who is well-educated or knowledgeable about certain topics may communicate with others at a high level of understanding. The receiver who is relatively less knowledgeable of the topic under discussion may be unable to comprehend the message or consider the sender to be an expert. As a result of this misperception, the receiver may neglect to ask questions and may not receive the correct information. For example, nurses are required to communicate with the patient in a language that is understandable to the patient (patient's native language). She is also required not to use jargons while delivering health education or some other useful information to the patient. The educational status of the patient must be taken into consideration while communicating with the patient.

6.5. Ability to Relate with Others

Some people are natural-born talkers who claim to have never met a stranger. Others may possess an intuitive trait that enables them to say the right thing at the right time and relate well to people. I feel so comfortable talking with her, She is so easy to relate to, and I could t alk to him for hours are just a few comments made about people who have the ability to relate well with others. These persons are considered as good communicators.

6.6. Interpersonal Perception

Interpersonal perceptions are mental processes by which intellectual, sensory, and emotional data are re-organized logically and meaningfully, which determine how we perceive others. Inattentiveness, disinterest, or lack of use of one's senses during communication can result in distorted perceptions of others. Satir (1995) warns of looking without seeing, listening without hearing, touching without feeling, moving without awareness, and speaking without meaning. The following passage

reinforces the importance of perceptions: I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but Im not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I said.

6.7. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as time, place, number of people present, and noise level can influence communication between people in that particular surrounding. Timing is important during a conversation; a very well-timed response catches the attention of others. The place in which communication occurs, as well as the number of people present and noise level, has a definite influence on interactions among people )Figure 1.8).

Figure 1.8 Factors Influencing Communication

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