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Jain Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Program
1. Arrival of the Jan (groom's party) 2. Ponkhna Ceremony 3. Ganesh Pu a an! "angal#haran $. Antarpata (#urtain %et&een the %ri!e an! groom) '. (anya Agamana (arrival of the %ri!e) ). "anglastak (message of goo!ness as #urtain is remove! an! garlan!s e*#hange!) +. "angal ,ilak -. .ishi "antra /. A%hisheka 10. (anya 1aan (giving a&ay of the %ri!e) 11. Chhe!a%an!han (tying of the knot) 12. 2asta "elap ( oining of the han!s) 13. "angalphera 1$. 3aptapa!i (seven sa#re! steps &alke! together) 1'. "angalsutra4 .ings4 an! 3in!oor (&e!!ing ne#kla#e4 rings4 an! holy re! po&!er) 1). (ansar Ceremony (holy foo! offering) 1+. 3hanti "antra (pea#e #hant) 1-. Akhan! 3au%hagyavati 5hava (&hispere! %lessings for the %ri!e) 1/. Ashir&a! (final %lessings) 20. 5i!!ai (fare&ell to the %ri!e)

Wedding Ceremony
"arriage is the sa#re! union of t&o in!ivi!uals #oming together an! marks entry into the househol!er stage of life. ,he marriage sa#rament impresses upon a person that the earthly life shoul! %e #ons#iously an! fully a##epte! an! elevate! to the level of spiritual e*perien#e4 gro&th4 an! #on6uest of ego an! self. 7t is a fello&ship %et&een a man an! &oman &ho seek to love un#on!itionally4 live #reatively4 an! gro& pea#efully in a loving an! lasting partnership as they move through the four stages of life. 7n the presen#e of auspi#ious %eings4 past4 present4 an! future4 sa#re! vo&s of marriage &ill %e e*#hange! to signify the harmonious merging of t&o %o!ies an! t&o souls. 8e &el#ome you to the &e!!ing #eremony of (%ri!e name) an! (groom name).

Arrival of the Groom's Party

Groom an! his party arrive at the venue of the marriage in a pro#ession. ,hey are re#eive! %y %ri!e's family an! groom is le! to an ar#h&ay imme!iately outsi!e the &e!!ing hall. 2e is aske! to stan! on a lo& platform #alle! a %a oth. ,he 9avkar "antra (Jain prayer) is re#ite! to mark the %eginning of the auspi#ious o##asion. ,he 9avkar "antra is the most sa#re! an! primary of Jain verses4 invoking the pan#ha (five) Parmeshtis : the Arihant (enlightene!4 perfe#t souls)4 the 3i!!ha (the li%erate! souls; those free of all karma)4 the <#h=rya (the hea!s of #ongregations)4 the >p=!hy=y (the as#eti# tea#hers)4 an! the 3a!hus (the as#eti# aspirants).

navakra mantra namo arihanta namo siddha namo yariya namo uvajjhya namo lo savva sha so pacha namukkro savva pvappasao magala cha savvsi pahama hava magala
2. Ponkhna Ceremony
Assiste! %y the priest4 %ri!e's mom performs the Ponkhna4 or the &el#oming #eremony in &hi#h %a! omens are !ispelle! %efore groom?s enters the &e!!ing hall. At the en! of this #eremony4 the priest asks the groom to step on t&o earthen&are sau#ers an! to #rush them. ,he groom is then le! insi!e the &e!!ing hall to the man!apah %y his %est men. ,hey take a seat4 follo&e! %y the %ri!e's parents.

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r saraya vivstra nirajana nirmama ni!kalaka sa va "hagavna ntim karotu t#!$im karotu pu!$im karotu #ddhim karotu v#ddhim karotu sukham karotu saukhyam karotu riyam karotu lak!mm karotu om arhama
3. Ganesh Puja and Mangal haran
,he &e!!ing Ceremony %egins &ith a prayer invo#ating the lor! Ganesh4 &hose !ivine gra#e !ispels all evil an! promotes the su##essful an! pea#eful #ompletion of to!ay's o##asion.

5lessings for the %ri!e4 groom4 an! all present are aske! for. @or! Ganesh is a sym%ol of pea#e4 truth4 frien!ship4 an! happiness. 7n a!!ition to asking lor! Ganesh for %lessings4 the 9avkar "antra is re#ite! again %efore the priest asks the %ri!e to enter the man!apah.

namo arihanta namo siddha namo yariya namo uvajjhya namo lo savva sha so pacha namukkro savva pvappasao magala cha savvsi pahama hava magala

arhanto "hagavanta indramahit siddhcha siddhisthit cry jinasanonnatikar pjy updhyyak% r siddhnta&sup$hak munivar ratnatrayrdhak pachait param!$hina pratidina kurvuntu vo magalam%

'( hr arham r gautamasvmin nama '( hr arham r gautamasvmin nama '( hr arham r gautamasvmin nama
". Antar#ata $Curtain %et&een the %ride and groom'
5efore the %ri!e enters the &e!!ing hall4 her %rothers raise a &hite #urtain in front of the groom so that the groom #an see her enter the man!ap. 3ome say this #reates suspense for the groom4 %ut the tra!itional reason is that the %ri!e an! groom are still separate at this point4 an! &hen the #urtain is remove! they %egin to oin as one.

(. )anya Agamana $arrival of the %ride'

,he priest #alls for the %ri!e an! her atten!ants to enter the &e!!ing hall an! the man!ap (stage). ,he %ri!e is le! to the man!ap %y her maternal un#le &ho %lesses the #ouple. 3he is also greete! %y the mother of the groom. 7n!ian %ri!es tra!itionally &ear a re! an! &hite sari as the &hite signifies purity an! re! signifies a%un!an#e an! fertility. >pon her arrival4 the groom is aske! to stan! an! to fa#e the %ri!e &hile still %ehin! the #urtain separating them.

*. Mangalashtaks $ urtain removal + garland e, hange'

3eparate! %y the &hite #urtain4 the %ri!e an! groom are aske! to fa#e ea#h other hol!ing garlan!s. ,he priest re#ites "angalashtaks (spe#ial prayers) to invite the !ivine to &itness the marriage an! to %less the %ri!e an! groom. ,he &hite #urtain %et&een the %ri!e an! groom is remove!4 sym%oli#ally removing all feelings of separateness. ,his moment marks the oining of t&o as one. ,he %ri!e an! groom pla#e garlan!s aroun! ea#h other as this sym%oliAes their a##eptan#e an! love for ea#h other.

! ,

'( param!$hinamaskra sdara navapadtmaka% tmarak!kara vajra&pajar"ha smarmyaha %%)%% '( namo arihanta iraska irasi sthita% '( namo siddha mukh mukhapa$a vara %%*%%
, ,

'( namo yariya agarak!tiyin% '( namo uvajjhya yudha hastaryord#ha %%+%%
, ,

'( namo lo savvasha mochak pdayo u"h% so pacha namukkro il vajramay tal %%,%%
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savvapvappasao vapro vajramayo "ahi% magala cha savvsi khdirgra khtik %%-%% svhnta cha pada jya pahama hava magala% vapropari vajramaya pidhna dharak!a %%.%%
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mahpra"hv rak!ya rudropadravanin% param!$hipadod"ht kathitprvasri"hi %%/%%

yavva karut rak! param!$hipadai sad% tasya na syd "haya vydhi&rdhi vpi kadchana %%0%%
-. Mangal .ilak
,he priest makes a saffron4 san!al&oo!4 or kanku mark on the forehea!s of the %ri!e4 groom4 an! the %ri!e's parents an! on himself. A .akshapotli (sa#re! re! threa! spe#ially prepare! an! %lesse! prior to the &e!!ing !ay for prote#tion) is tie! aroun! the &rists of the %ri!e4 groom4 an! their parents as an offering of pea#eful &ishes.

, / , .

magala "hagavna vro magala gautama pra"hu1 magala sthla"hadrdy jaina dharmostu magala%
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n"h dy jin sarv "haratdycha chakria% karvantu magala sarv vi!uva prativi!ava %% mardv trialdy vikhyta jinamtar% trijagat janit nand magalya "havantu m %%
, !

chakrvar siddhyik mukhy sanadvat% samyadar vighnahar rachayantu jayariyam %% "rhmchandana"ldy mahsatyo mahattar% akhaala&lly yacchantu mama magalam %%
0. 1ishi Mantra $Prayer to enlightened souls'
,he %ri!e an! groom make an offering of laving (#loves) ea#h time a verse of this prayer is re#ite! to honor the enlightene! souls in the universe. A total of 1' #love offerings are ma!e. (1) : the great %orn

2)3 '( satyajtya nama% 2*3 '( arhajjtya nama%

(2) - Arihantas (enlightened ones) (3) - those without material ties

2+3 '( nirgranthya nama% 2,3 '( vtargya nama%

(4) - those with no attachments (5) : those who have taken vows

(6) - those with control of body mind and s!eech

2-3 '( mahvratya nama%

2.3 '( triguptya nama%

(") - those who are yogis

2/3 '( mahyogya nama%

(#) - those who meditate

203 '( vividhayogya nama%

($) - those who make offerings

243 '( vividharddhay nama% 2)53 '( agadharya nama% 2))3 '( prvadharya nama% 2)*3 '( gaadharya nama%
(%3) - sages

(%&) - those !ossessing knowledge of anga scri!tures (%%) - those !ossessing knowledge of !urva scri!tures (%2) - disci!les of Arihantas

2)+3 '( paramar!i"hyo namonama% 2),3 '( anupama jtya namonama%

(%4) - those born in a virtuous family

(1') : those &ho have %een enlightene! %y the faith.

2)-3 '( samyagad#!$ samyag d#!$ "hpat "hpat

2. A%hisheka $%lessing from #riest'
,he priest takes holy &ater in the pointe! part of a %eetle leaf an! anoints the hea!s of the %ri!e an! groom. ,his offering sym%oliAes pea#e an! happiness. ,he prayer offere! %in!s the %ri!e an! groom together in an eternal %on!.

'( arham 6 idam sanam adhysno svadhysno sthitau susthitau tadastu v santana sagama% '( arham '( namorhat siddhcryopdhyya sarva sdhu"hya%
34. )anya 5aan $giving a&ay of the %ride'
,he %ri!e's parents perform the ritual of giving their !aughter to the #are of the groom through a sym%oli# gesture of holy &ater flo&ing from their han!s through the %ri!e's han!s an! into the groom's han!s. ,he %ri!e's parents ask the groom to treat their !aughter as a loving an! e6ual partner an! formally give their !aughter in marriage to the groom. ,he groom promises to love an! respe#t the %ri!e throughout their life. ,he %ri!e's parents pla#e the varmala (han!:&oven #or!)

aroun! the #ouple4 uniting them an! prote#ting them from all evil influen#es. ,he priest opens the %lesse! invitation an! s#roll an! rea!s the #ontentsB C,o!ay4 on the 20th !ay of D#to%er4 20014 **** (%ri!e name)4 !aughter of **** an! **** (%ri!e?s parent name)4 of **** (to&n name)4 **** (state name); an! **** (groom?s name)4 son of **** an! **** **** (groom?s parent names)4 of **** (to&n name)4 **** (state name) are oining in holy matrimony. "ay **** (%ri!e name) an! **** (groom name) %e grante! pea#e4 #ontentment4 prosperity4 an! &is!om throughout their lives together. Dm ArhumC

33. Chheda 6andhan $.ying of the knot'

,he %ri!e's sister ties one en! of the groom's s#arf to one #orner of the %ri!e's sari signifying eternal togetherness. ,he &hite #loth is a sym%ol of purity an! unity. ,he threa!s of the &hite #loth are %elieve! to %in! the #ouple as eternal partners. 8hile a single threa! of ra& #otton is easily torn4 inter&oven stran!s of #otton form a strong %on!. 3imilarly4 the a%ilities an! virtues of the %ri!e an! groom are mu#h stronger &hen #om%ine! than separate!.

asmin janmay!a "andhoddhyorv km dharm v g#hasthatva "hji% yogo jta pacha dvgni sk! jy patyorachala granthi "andht%
32. 7asta Mela# $joining of the hands'
,his #eremony is the union of the t&o palms. 2ol!ing ea#h other's right han!4 the %ri!e an! groom vo& to &alk han! in han! throughout their life. ,his signifies that %ri!e an! groom are unite! as one an! &ill live as one in %o!y4 min!4 an! spirit. ,his is #onsi!ere! the most important part of the &e!!ing #eremony. ,he #ouple is remin!e! to remem%er the !ivine4 to look upon others &ith sympathy4 love4 an! #ompassion4 to %e strong an! to sho& goo! &ill an! affe#tion to&ar!s others.

, , ,

hridra pakamavalipya suvsin"hi% datta dvayo janakayo khalu tau g#htv %% dak!ikara nijasut "havamagrapim% limpd varasya cha karadvaya yojanrtha %% tadva lagna sudina tadva tr "alachandra "ala datva vidy"ala dva"ala tadva trthakarn smaraa u"hantu%

namo arihanta namo siddha namo yariya namo uvajjhya namo lo savvasham so pacha namukkro savvapvappasao magala cha savvsi pahama hava magala
8 , , , , , , , , , , , .

'( arham7 tmsi jvo8si samaklo8si samacitto8si samaryo8si samadho8si samasnho8si sama sama pramodo8si sama gamo8si samaviharo8si sama mok!o8si tadhi katva idnya% arham '( '( nti nti nti '( k!v k!v hasa svh% om arham
33. Mangal#hera
,his #eremony is a remin!er of the four stages of life &hi#h are 5rahma#harya (from %irth to the !ate of marriage)4 Gruhastha (marrie! life stage)4 E=naprasthya (learning4 self:stu!y an! preparation for the four stage)4 an! 3any=sa (renoun#ement of materialism to serve mankin!). 5oun! %y the knot 5ri!e an! Groom &alk aroun! the agni (fire) hol!ing han!s four times to remin! themselves of the %asi# prin#iples that shoul! govern their !aily a#tivities an! thought pro#esses. Groom lea!s the first three roun!s4 signifying his #ontri%ution in helping ea#h other attain !harma4 artha4 an! k=ma. ,he last roun! is le! %y 5ri!e signifying li%eration from this life. Fa#h &alk aroun! the Agni (fire) is initiate! %y the %ri!e's %rother filling the %ri!e's palms &ith ri#e signifying the follo&ing %lessings; goo! health4 happiness4 &ealth4 an! prosperity. ,he ri#e is then offere! %y the %ri!e to the fire. ,he four %asi# prin#iples areB

(1) 1harma : trust4 sin#erity4 honesty4 an! !is#ipline (philosophi#al or religious pursuits) (2) Artha : earning a livelihoo! %y truthful an! honest means (&ealth) (3) (=ma : happiness in family life (family an! #hil!ren) ($) "oksha : eternal %liss &hen one leaves all material thoughts4 %eliefs4 an! atta#hments %ehin! (rein#arnation or nirvana)

, , , , , , , . 8 8 8 8 8 8

agnisthpanno mantra '( hr namo agnay namo ananta tjas namo havyanya atra ku gaccha gaccha avatara avatara ti!$ha ti!$ha svh% '( arham7 andi viva7 andirtm7 andi kla7 andi karma7 andi sam"andha7 arham '(
33. Mangal#hera $ ontinued'

prathama magala sajjti sad g#hasthatva privrjya surndrat% smrjya paramrhantya nirva cti saptakam %%

"ju maga9a sajjti sadg#hasthatva privrjya surndrat% smrjya paramrhantya nirva cti saptakam %%
, , ,

trju maga9a sajjti sadg#hasthatva privrjya surndrat% smrjya paramrhantya nirva cti saptakam %% '( arham% sahajo8sti sva"hvo8sti sam"andho8sti prati"addho8sti tadasti ssarika sam"andha% arham '( sajjti sadg#hasthatna parivrjya surndrat %% smrjya paramrhantaya nirva cti saptakam %%

cothu maga9a nirva paramasthna jina"h!itamuttamam% pjyat saptavargi svargamok!asukhkaram %% '( hr nirva parama sthnya nama svh
3". 9a#ta#adi $seven sa red ste#s &alked together'
7t is sai! in 7n!ian philosophy that if t&o people &alk seven steps together4 then they &ill %e lifelong frien!s. ,he %ri!e an! groom take seven steps together an! &ith ea#h step they a##ept the vo&s re#ite! %y the priest. At the en! of ea#h stepG&alk4 the open palms of the %ri!e are fille! to overflo&ing &ith puffe! ri#e %y her %rother4 signifying a%un!an#e of &ealth an! prosperity. 8e shall al&ays remain together in happiness an! sorro&. 8e shall em%ra#e ea#h other's families as our o&n. 8e shall remain life partners H serve ea#h other &ith happiness an! love. 8e shall assist ea#h other in all #ir#umstan#es. 8e shall share our min!s4 hearts4 an! spirits. 8e strive to gro& our love an! spiritual an! philosophi#al 6uests. 8e agree to a life of e6ual rights an! &ill perform our !uties &ith mutual #ooperation an! respe#t. After taking the seven steps4 the #ouple takes the follo&ing vo&sB 8e have taken the first seven steps as life partners4 let us %e frien!s an! partners forever. @et us have a oint purpose an! !etermination. @et us love ea#h other an! shine together. @et us gro& together &hen possi%le an! to un!erstan! the other's gro&th &hen separate from our o&n. @et us not s&erve from the path of our love4 !evotion4 #ommitment4 an! frien!ship &ith ea#h other. @et us %e #omplimentary an! pea#eful in our thoughts4 spee#h4 a#tions4 an! feelings. ,he #ouple is no& offi#ially marrie! an! e*#hange rings an! the &e!!ing ne#kla#e.

3(. Mangalsutra, 1ings, and 9indoor $&edding ne kla e, rings, and holy red #o&der'
Groom pla#es sin!oor on 5ri!e's forehea! an! &el#omes her into his life as his eternal partner. 2e also pla#es a sa#re! ne#kla#e ma!e of %la#k %ea!s aroun! her ne#k as a sym%ol of his love4 integrity4 an! !evotion to&ar!s her. Iinally4 5ri!e an! Groom e*#hange &e!!ing %an!s to sho& that they are no& marrie!. ,he priest re6uests the au!ien#e to say the follo&ing &or!s alou! B

'( puyha puyha priyanta priyantam

(may there %e meritorious an! goo! !ee!s) At this time4 &itnesses of the &e!!ing sho&er ri#e on the #ouple to #onvey their %lessings for longevity an! prosperity.

3*. )ansar Ceremony $holy food offering'

9ourishing the relationship through holy foo! offerings4 the %ri!e's mother %rings the #ouple some 7n!ian s&eets. ,he %ri!e an! groom fee! ea#h other four mouthfuls of s&eets for the nourishment of the %one4 the mus#le4 the skin4 an! the soul. ,his signifies that she is his &ife an! that he is her hus%an! an! together they &ill provi!e for one another an! their families. ,he sharing of s&eets also signifies the ri#h an! s&eet life that a&aits them.

3-. 9hanti Mantra $#ea e #rayer'

As the en! of the #eremony approa#hes4 the priest re#eites a pea#e #hant asking for universal pea#e for all %eings. ,he priest also sprinkles v=saksepa (orange holy po&!er) on the hea!s of the #ouple an! gives them further goo! &ishes an! %lessings.

'( hr arha asi sya nama sarvanti kuru kuru svh

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'( supratig#htstu ntirastu tu!$irastu pu!$irastu #ddhirastu v#ddhirastu ivamastu kalyamastu karmasiddhirastu drdhyurastu puya vardhat dharmo vardhat kulagautravardhatm svasti "hadra astu%

'( nti nti nti '( k!v k!v hasa svh%

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sarva magala mgalya sarva kalya kraa pradhna sarva dharm jaina jayati sanam%

namo arihanta namo siddha namo yariya namo uvajjhya namo lo savvasha so pacha namukkro savvapvappasao magala cha savvsi pahama hava magala

30. Akhand 9au%hagyavati 6hava $&his#ered %lessings for the %ride'

A pre:arrange! num%er of female relatives from %oth si!es of the family are invite! to the man!ap (stage) to give their %lessings to the %ri!e an! groom. ,he female relatives &hisper se#rets into the %ri!e's ear to help her keep herself an! her hus%an! happy throughout their life. ,he &omen pla#e a re! !ot an! some ri#e on %oth the %ri!e an! groom's forehea!s. ,his sym%oliAes their &ishes to the #ouple for a long4 happy4 prosperous4 an! pea#eful life together.

32. Ashir&ad $%lessing %y the #riest and #arents'

,he priest an! family offer their final %lessings to the ne&ly marrie! #ouple an! sho&er them &ith ri#e an! flo&ers.

24. 6iddai $fare&ell to the 6ride'

Fither follo&ing the !inner re#eption or on the ne*t !ay4 there is a tou#hing an! emotional fare&ell %et&een the !aughter an! her parents an! e*ten!e! family as she leaves her life as a !aughter an! enters the role of &ife to her hus%an!.

Some Popular Mantras

Dm %hoor %huvah svah; tat savitur varaynyam; %hargo !ayvasya !heemahi; !hiyo yonah pra#ho!a:yat; Dm. (.ig Ee!a 3.)2.10 an! Ju ur Ee!a 3).3) Gurur 5rahma gurur Eishnuh4 gurur !evo "aheshvarah; gurussakshat param 5rahma4 tasmai shri gurave namah. (Guru Gita) Akhan!a:man!ala:karam4 uyaptam yena#hara:#haram; tat pa!am !arshitam yena4 tasmai shri gurave namah. (Guru Gita) 3arva:!harman paritya: aya4 maam ekam sharanam vra a. Aham tvaa sarva:paape%hyo4 moksha:yisyaami maa su#hah. (5G 1-.))) 3arva mangala mangalye4 shive sarva artha sa!hike. 3haranye trayam%ake gauri4 9arayani namostute. (1urgasaptasati or Chan!i 11.10) ,&ameva mata #ha pita t&ameva4 ,&ameva %an!hus#ha skha t&ameva. ,&ameva vi!ya !ravinam t&ameva4 t&ameva sarvam mama !eva:!eva. Dm sarve %havantu sukhinah4 sarve santu nira:maya:ah;

sarve %ha!rani pashyantu4 ma:kas#hit !ukha:%hak %havet. Dm shantih4 shantih4 shantih. Dm poornam:a!ah poornam:i!am4 Poor:nath poornam:u!a#hyate; Poor:nasya poornam:a!aya4 poornam:eva:vasishyate. (7savasya >panisha!) Dm sahanaav:avatu4 sahanaav %hunaktu. 3aha veeryam karavaa:vahai. ,e as&inaa:va!heetam:astu4 ma vi!vishavahai. Dm shantih4 shantih4 shantih. (,aittiriya >panisha! 77.1) Asato ma sa!:gamaya; tamaso ma yotir:gamaya; mrtyor:ma amrutam gamaya. Dm.shantih4 shantih4 shantih. (5riha!aranyaka >panisha! 1.3.2-)

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