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64- Yoginis Sixty and four are the instruments of enjoyments that tempt the individual soul (jiva).

Sixty and four are the divisions (kalas) within jiva; Sixty and four are the chambers of jivas chakras; Sixty and four; where Shiva-Shakti are. hirumandiram !. "#"$. %n very ancient days& ei'ht 'reat (emale )oddesses Shaktis emer'ed from the cosmic soul of the *rinciple +ieties and formed ,ali +ur'a& the -niversal Shakti *ower& hese were the 'rand .others (/shta .atrikas) of all subse0uent 1o'inis. /ccordin' to ,aula antra& these ei'ht manifested each in turn into ei'ht +ivine Shaktis& thus resultin' in the 2# antric 1o'inis. 3i'ht )reat .others (/shta .atrikas)& 4alebid& ,arnataka /n examination of the ancient antric tradition reveals a particular sanctity assi'ned to the number ei'ht. he ei'ht mother faculties (tatvas) of the manifested universe& the ei'ht directions with four cardinal and four intermediate points (di'bandahs)& the ei'ht miraculous yo'ic powers (siddhis)& ei'ht 5limbs5 of 1o'a (astan'a) ei'ht forms of the +ivine .other (matrikas) and ei'ht primary mystic symbols (mudras) are just a few e.'. he s0uare of ei'ht& or sixty-four& occupies an even more profound position in the field of antra which& from the point of view of the practitioner& first and foremost identifies the sixty-four antric 1o'inis. he .atrikas are found in inscriptions uncovered from the %ndus !alley 6ivili7ation of 8999 years a'o. : )reat :nes& if % am known& what need is there for pil'rima'e& austerities and even sadhana itself; %f % am revealed& of what use is puja& tantra& kriya& yo'a and the revealed texts; .y mystery is 'rand and broad and expansive beyond the consciousness of humanity& yet % am ever accessible as the cosmic lover beyond the thinkin' mind and it is % who is the source of the *eace& <i'ht& <ove& and *ower that are all the hallmarks of my essence. % am the polarities and the forces of creation& the +ivine feminine in union with her <ord. .anifestin' in both celestial and terrestrial planes& pretendin' to be limited as a human incarnation& % become intoxicated with all aspects of life& in order to know Shiva as my intimate lover& with whom % always seek oneness. % take on human incarnation in order that all of his less conscious manifestations mi'ht discover their divinity thou'h relationship with me. %n doin' so % provide an avenue for humanity to taste the nectar of immortality throu'h my ,aula antra. 3ven 'iven this& my true nature still remains secret. % live hidden in the bodies of human lovers& promotin' the elevation of consciousness for those who seek it throu'h me. 6hatuhsasthi 1o'ini .antra.

2# ,ali 1o'ini =amavali. >ecitation of the followin' sacred mantras will brin' about transformation of consciousness and a closer personal relationship with the aspects of .aha ,ali. 3ach .antra is preceeded by 5:m5 and is concluded with 5Svahaa5. ". ,ali =itya Siddhamata ?. ,apalini =a'alakshmi @. ,ula +evi Svarnadeha #. ,urukulla >asanatha 8. !irodhini !ilasini 2. !ipracitta >akta *riya B. -'ra >akta Cho'a >upa $. -'raprabha Sukranatha D. +ipa .uktih >akta +eha "9. =ila Chukti >akta Sparsha "". )hana .ahaEa'adamba "?. Calaka ,ama Sevita "@. .atra +evi /tma !idya "#. .udra *oorna >ajatkripa "8. .ita antra ,aula +iksha "2. .aha ,ali Siddhesvari "B. ,ameshvari Sarvashakti "$. Cha'amalini arini "D. =ityaklinna antraprita ?9. Cherunda atva -ttama ?". !ahnivasini Sasini ??. .ahavajreshvari >akta +evi ?@. Shivaduti /di Shakti ?#. varita -rdvaretada ?8. ,ulasundari ,amini ?2. =itya Enana Svarupini ?B. =ilapataka Siddhida ?$. !ijaya +evi !asuda ?D. Sarvaman'ala antrada @9. Evalamalini =a'ini @". 6hitra +evi >akta *uja @?. <alita ,anya Sukrada @@. +akini .adasalini @#. >akini *apa >asini

.other of the Siddhas <akshmi of =a'a :f 'olden body >uler of physical pleasure >esidin' within Self Aho loves passion 3njoyer of passion in the form >uler of the seminal essence <iberation throu'h the body of passion Aho receives pleasure from the touch of passion )reat .other of the world /ttended by the )od of <ove he )oddess with knowled'e of Self Aho completely radiates compassion %nitiatress of the antric ,aula *ath Fueen of the Siddhas Shakti of /ll Aho delivers from calamity (ond of antra 3ssence of Sexual (luid >adiance of the moon Senuous )oddess :ri'ional (eminie 3ner'y )iver of the -pward 3cstasy +esire %tself he )reat form of Aisdom )iver of perfection )oddess who is )iver of wealth Aho Cestows antra Snake )oddess )oddess who is worshipped with passion *ure .aiden Shinin' with rapture +estroyer of sin

@8. <akini Sarvatantresi @2. ,akini =a'anartaki @B. Sakini .itrarupini @$. 4akini .anoharini @D. ara 1o'a >akta *oorna #9. Shodashi <atika +evi #". Chuvaneshwari .antrini #?. 6hinamasta 1oni !e'a #@. Chairavi Satya Sukrini ##. +humavati ,undalini #8. Ca'la .uki )uru .oorthi #2. .atan'i ,anta 1uvati #B. ,amala Sukla Samsthita #$. *rakriti Crahmandri +evi #D. )ayatri =itya 6hitrini 89. .ohini .atta 1o'ini 8". Saraswathi Svar'a +evi 8?. /nnapoorni Shiva Sam'i 8@. =arasimhi !amadevi 8#. )an'a 1oni Svarupini 88. /prajita Samaptida 82. 6amunda *arian'anatha 8B. !arahi Satya 3kakini 8$. ,aumari ,riya Shaktini 8D. %ndrani .ukti =iyantri 29. Crahmani /nanda .oorthi 2". !aishnavi Satya >upini 2?. .ahesvari *ara Shakti 2@. <akshmi .onoramayoni 2#. +ur'a Satchitananda

>uler of all tantras Aho dances with =a'araj (riend .ind Stealer Aho in union bestows complete passion 6reeper )oddess 3ner'y of all mantras Aith drippin' yoni Supreme *urity *rimordial ener'y of self (orm of the 'uru 1outhful beauty enhanced by <ove >esidin' in the Semen )oddess residin' in the crown 3ternal core of the ener'y of Self %ntoxicated )oddess of 4eaven Aith Shiva Celoved )oddess 3ner'y of the 1oni Aho Cestows :r'asm >uler of sacred erection :neness of ruth 3ner'y of dedicated action )uide to bliss %ma'e of bliss (orm of truth ranscendental ener'y Aith beautiful yoni ruth consciousness and bliss

,ali is to the ,aula antric the +ivine .other& Sister& (riend and <over. he ,ali above rei'ns over the 1o'ini /shram 2# 1o'ini emple. he 2# 1o'inis reside in the 4irapur emple& :rissa after more than a millennia.
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