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1.Complete the adjectives using the comparative form 1. Its too noisy here. Can we go to a . (quiet) place? 2.

The hotel was .. (big) than that in which we stayed last year. 3. Your work is .. (good) than mine. 4. The accident could have been (bad) than it was. 5. I was .. (nervous) in my exam yesterday than Mark. 6. Id like to have a .. (fast) car. The one I have now is really old. 7. Last week it was really hot. Today is .. (cold) than then. 2.Which is correct? 1. We have an older / more old brother who lives in Miami. 2. Her illness is more serious / most serious than what the doctors expected. 3. I like warm weather. If the weather is more cold / colder, I feel ill. 4. This dress is more beautiful / the most beautiful than that. 5. He is richest / richer than Arthur. 6. This road is farther / further than the motorway. 7. Was the TV programme bad /worse than the film?

6. We should buy him a beautiful present. Last year we gave him gift of all in his birthday. 4. Write the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in the sentences 1. She was a very intelligent student. She was. girl in her class. 2. Its a very old castle. Experts argued it is . in Britain. 3. Im going to sleep on the sofa. The floor is (uncomfortable) than it. 4. This new job is .. (important) for me than the last I had. 5. Living in the countryside is (healthy) than leaving in town. 6. These instructions were . (difficult) I have ever read.

Complete with comparative or superlative. 1. A car is______________than (expensive) a bicycle. 2. Tokyo is______________ (large) city in the world. 3. An elephant is______________ than (heavy)a horse. 4. Spain is______________ than (big) England. 5. My car is ______________than (bad)your car. 6. Helen was the ______________ (beautiful) woman in Greece. 7.An aeroplane is ______________ (fast) than a plane. 8. This exam is the ______________ (difficult) of all 9. Old people are______________ than (intelligent) young people. 10. Winter is ______________ than (cold) autumn. 11. The______________ (hot) dessert of all is the Shara and it's in Africa. 12. Germany is ______________ (far) from home than France. 13. My health is______________ (good) now than 5 years ago 8. Traduce: 1. The Prado is the most famous museum in Madrid. 2. Emilio is the biggest teenager in the school.

5Complete with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets 1. Paul is the _______ (tall) student in the school. 2. Jane is as ______ (smart) as her brother. 3. Harry thinks playing computer games is ________ (exciting) than watching TV. 4. My dad is ______ (old) than my mum.

3. This house is the nicest of them all. 4. Mr. Gmez is the most important man of the town. 5. Maria is the nicest girl of all. 6. Mate is the most popular drink in Argentina. 7. Cervantes is the most famous Spanish author 8.He speaks also good as he writes. 1. He is younger than he looks.

3.Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives 1. Its a very nice house. Its house in the street. 2. This is a cheap restaurant. Its . Ive ever been. 3. It was a very valuable painting. Im sure it was painting in the gallery. 4. Shes a very good tennis player. Her trainer says she is 5. Hes a very dangerous criminal. The police say he is . in the country.

5. Fruit is _______ (good) for you than sweets. 6. This is the ______ (bad) film I haver ever seen. 7. Lucy is not as ________ (pretty) as Mary. 8. I am the _______ (intelligent) in my classroom. 9. Barranquilla is the _______ (nice) we have ever visited. 10. Chile is one of the ________ (beautiful) countries in the world.

9.Write the comparative form of the following adjectives beautiful handsome ugly clever soft hard loud nasty dirty wide lazy serious funny good heavy short expensive exciting

5. Dogs are .. (friendly / unfriendly) cats. 6. Chinese is . (easy / difficult) English or a Spanish speaker. 12.Write the superlative form of the following adjectives thin nice fat confident quite pretty clean popular bad nasty far old happy narrow good intelligent hard interesting

14Complete the sentences with superiority comparative or superlative 1. We went to .. (cheap) hotel in the city. 2. The United States are very large but Canada is .. (large). 3. Whats . (long) river in the world? 4. Everest is . mountain in the world. It is .. (high) than any other mountain. 5. I prefer this chair to the other one. It is .. (comfortable). 6. Whats .(quick) way of going to the train station? 7. I had a terrible day. It was . (bad) day of my life. 8. Tom was sad yesterday but he is . (happy) today. 15. Traduce 1. Paul es ms alto que Steve. 2. Mary es tan alta como Sarah. 3. Richard es el chico ms inteligente de la clase. 4. Steve no es tan simptico como t. 5. Alice es ms guapa que Mary. 6. James es ms interesante que Tom. 7. Peter es el chico ms guapo de la clase. 8. Este ordenador es ms bonito que el tuyo. 9. Yo soy mejor que t. 10. Esa casa es ms grande que la tuya.

10.Complete the sentences using the superiority comparative cheap noisy large hot healthy good 1. The weather in Italy last summer was .. than in Spain. 2. My exams results were very bad last year. I hope this time are 3. These shoes are a bit expensive. I want .......................................ones. 4. Our house is big, but my aunts apartment is 5. The music in this room is . than at the disco. 6. The doctor says I have to eat

13.Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets 1. Hes a very good footballer. He is .. footballer in Europe at the moment. 2. Shes a pretty girl. Shes . girl in my class. 3. January is a cold month in Spain. Its usually . month of the year. 4. I was very happy when I got married. My wedding day was . day of my life. 5. This is a really bad film. It is film Ive ever seen. 6. We saw an ugly dog last night. It was dog weve seen. 7. I think this is an expensive restaurant. It must be .. restaurant in town.

11.Complete with the correct adjective and using the superiority comparative + than) 1. In my opinion, boys are .. (noisy / quiet) girls. 2. Spanish people are .. (funny / serious) German people. 3. A Ferrari is . (fast / slow) a Mercedes. 4. Sweets and candies are (healthy / unhealthy) fruit and vegetables.

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