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Ps.-Theophilus of Alexandria, Sermon on the Cross and the Good Thief (CPG 2622; cla is coptica !

Posted on February 1, 2014by Alin Suciu

This translation of Ps.-Theophilus of Alexandrias sermon on the Cross and the Good Thief (CPG 2622; clavis coptica 03 !"# $hi%h is preser&ed onl' in the (ahidi% diale%t of Copti%# appeared in A. (u%iu# )Ps.-Theophili Alexandrini Sermo de Cruce et Latrone (CPG 2622"* +dition of ,! ! $ith Parallels and Translation#- Zeitschrift fr Antikes Christentum Journal of Ancient Christianity .6 (20.2" ./.-22!. 0or details %on%ernin1 the text# please refer to this arti%le. The homil' attri2uted to Theophilus of Alexandria %ontains a lon1 h'mn of the Cross (%f. par. 34" $hi%h is deri&ed from the pseudo-%hr'sostomi% $or5 In venerabilem crucem sermo (CPG 6!2!".

An exegesis of Apa Theophilus, the archbishop of Alexandria, which he pronounced concerning the Cross and the thief. In the peace of God, Amen! 7. Proemium Christolo!ical hymn The sun of ri1hteousness has appeared from out of the +astern pla%es# 8i1htenin1 those $ho are in the dar5ness and the shado$ of death. The 5in1 of 9usti%e has 2orne the %ro$n of the 5in1dom (And" all his enemies ha&e 2een &an:uished under his feet. The 1ood odor has spread out on the altar of sal&ation (And" has dissipated the sten%h $ith the perfume of its ointment. The po$erful lion has risen from the forests (And" the 2easts ha&e hidden in their dar5 lair. The hol' ph'si%ian has %ome to us $ith his medi%ines of life (And" e&er'one $ho is affli%ted has re%ei&ed the %ure for free. The 9o' of the $hole %reation $as re&ealed* The' re9oi%e $ith him; 77. "he Parable of the t#o kin!s 0or# 9ust as if a hostile 5in1 en%ir%les a %it' and 2esie1es it# then all those $ho are inside it are in su29u1ation# tormented# 1rie&in1 (and" 1roanin1. <ut $hen the 5in1 that has authorit' o&er it hears a2out the 1reat effronter'# 9ust as he &entures to 5ill his troops# then he 1athers his entire host and their $ar e:uipment. After he instru%ted his host to fi1ht $ith his enemies# he mar%hes in front of them $ith 9o'# 5no$in1 that he $ill &an:uish his opponents $ith 1reat po$er. This is also the manner of our 8ord =esus Christ $hen he sees the enem' of the entire man5ind# this 2ein1 the >e&il. ?e surrounded the entire inha2ited

$orld# affli%ted e&er'one $ith his fetters full of sin# s%attered them 2' his man' pla1ues# these 2ein1 the idolatr'# the ro22er'# the o2s%enit'# the theft# the murder# the denun%iation# the en&'# the hate# the $rath# the an1er# the drun5enness# the $it%h%raft# the pollution# the 1uile# the tri%5er'# the arro1an%e# the false oaths# the a2ominations# the forni%ations# the %roo5edness and those of the same 5ind# resem2lin1 them. These are the snares 2' $hi%h the >e&il entraps humans until he leads them astra' and 2rin1s them to nau1ht. Come no$ to see in $hat $a' Christ# our @in1# fi1hts $ith him until he ta5es a$a' from him our souls and ma5es them free. 777. "he Je#s re$ect Christ Ahen it pleased him# God the Almi1ht' sent his 2elo&ed (on to the $orld throu1h his 1reat lo&e $ith $hi%h he lo&ed us. ?e $ent to the defiled people (and" prea%hed to them* )Bepent# for the 5in1dom of the hea&ens has dra$n near;- <ut the' did not pa' attention to his hol' ad&i%es. After these# he performed in their midst all the mira%les $hi%h are num2erless* he made the 2lind to see# made the deaf to hear# made the %ripples to $al5# %leansed the leprous# raised the dead# %ast forth the demons# straitened the $ithered hands# satisfied the poor $ith 2read# purified the depra&ed# for1a&e their sins throu1h his Godhead (and" made them li5e &ir1ins. 0or that $oman $as $orth' of a 1reat honor C$henD her hands anointed the feet of the one $ho %reated her. Ahen she partoo5 in the purit' of his Godhead# then the &oi%e of God rea%hed her* )Eour faith has sa&ed 'ou# 1o in pea%e.After all these that he has done# the' did not 2elie&e in him# 2ut %aptured him# handed him o&er (and" %ru%ified him. Ahen he entered into the pala%e of the ?i1h Priest# the' 1a&e him 2lo$s instead of praise. Then the $ord that $as $ritten $as fulfilled* )The' ha&e done to me e&il instead of 1ood# and hate instead of m' lo&e.- Ahi%h are the e&ils that these murderers ha&e done to their 8ord $hen the' arrested himF Come and let us 5no$ them# for the' are fearful to express. ,' ton1ue suffers# m' e'es $eep# m' spirit 1roans# m' soul is trou2led to express them. 7t is God that the' seiGed# it is the 8ord that the' 2ound# it is the @in1 that the' %ru%ified# it is =esus Christ that the' fettered; The' nailed him in his hol' hands# slapped the fa%e of the one $ho %reated them# stru%5 the head of their 8ord# put a %ro$n of thorns on him# %lothed him $ith a s%arlet ro2e (and" 1a&e him &ine1ar and 1all. All these thin1s $ere done to him.

74. "he t#o thieves on the cross The' ha&e %ru%ified him $ith t$o other thie&es. And one of them# $ho $as not $orth' for the 1lor' of God# said to the 8ord mo%5in1 at him* )7f 'ou are the Christ# sa&e 'ourself and sa&e us too;- The other one re2u5ed him $ith fur'* )>ont 'ou fear GodF 0or $e are re%ei&in1 a%%ordin1 to the merit of the sins that $e ha&e done 2ut this one has not done an'thin1 2ad.- And he said* )Bemem2er me to the 8ord $hen 'ou enter into 'our 5in1dom.- =esus said to him $ith 1reat 9o'* )Toda' 'ou $ill 2e $ith me in m' Paradise. The 1ate of Paradise is %losed sin%e the moment $hen Adam trans1ressed 2ut 7 $ill open it to 'ou and re%ei&e 'ou inside. Eou ha&e re%o1niGed the hi1hness of m' Godhead 2ein1 on the %ross# 'ou $ill 2e m' %ompanion in the 9o' of m' 5in1dom. Eou ha&e 1lorified me in the midst of the sinners# 7 $ill 1lorif' 'ou in m' turn in the midst of m' an1eli% host. (ti%5 to me on the Cross# 2ein1 s$eet to$ards me 2' 'our hearts desire (and" 7 $ill lo&e 'ou in m' turn and m' an1els $ill ser&e 'ou at the feast of the saints; Eou used to 2e in the %ompan' of murderers# 2ehold# 7 ha&e made 'ou m' %ompanion. 7 am the life of e&er'one. 0or 'ou $ere $al5in1 in the ni1hts $ith the sons of dar5ness (and" 2ehold# 7 ha&e made 'ou $al5in1 $ith me. 7 am the li1ht of the $orld. 0irst 'ou $ere ta5in1 %ounsel $ith the murderers (and" 7 ha&e made 'ou m' %ompanion. 7 am the (a&ior. 7 $ill 1rant 'ou all these 2e%ause 'ou ha&e %onfessed m' di&init' in the presen%e of those $ho ha&e denied me. The' ha&e seen all the mira%les that 7 ha&e done (and" the' did not 2elie&e in me. <ut 'ou# althou1h 'ou are a thief# murderer# ro22er# impetuous# 2ri2er and 'et 'ou ha&e %onfessed that 7 am God. <e%ause of this# 'our numerous sins are for1i&en for 'ou ha&e %onfessed me. 7 $ill ma5e 'ou to 2e%ome inha2itant of Paradise#

7 $ill ma5e 'our 2od' to 2e perfe%t until 7 raise 'ou up. <ut this one $ho has denied me $ill see 'ou $rapped in 1lor' $hile he is $rapped in shame and sufferan%e. ?e $ill see 'ou $rapped in the li1ht $hile he endures the dar5ness. ?e $ill see 'ou $rapped in 1ladness and 9o' $hile he endures the sorro$ and the 1roan. ?e $ill see 'ou in dilation and 9o'# $hereas he is in miser' and %urse. ?e $ill see 'ou $hile the an1els are en%oura1in1 'ou# $hereas he is in the Tartar. Hot onl' that he has not %onfessed me# 2ut he has denied me and m' di&init'. ?e 5ept mo%5in1 and deridin1 me. <e%ause of this e&er'one re%ei&es a%%ordin1 to his deeds. 0or 7 ha&e alread' told them in the midst of e&er'2od'* IThe one $ho $ill %onfess me in the front of men# 7 $ill %onfess him in front of m' 0ather $ho is in hea&ens.4. Paraenesis (o 'ou see# J 2rothers# ho$ is the sufferan%e that $ill 2efall on the man $ho $ill den' his 8ord. Therefore# let us 1uard oursel&es so that the' ma' not de%ei&e us and estran1e from the one $ho has %reated us# 2' reason of the affairs of this $orld. There are some $ho den' God for possessions. 0or the %upidit' %loses the e'es of the one $ho has desired. ?e ta5es in his turn =udas part for he has also sold his 8ord for thirt' sil&er %oins. 47. "he Cross% &od's endurance and lon!(sufferin! Ho$# it is 1ood for us to %ast our attention to the 8ord# 2e%ause he is the one $ho $ill ta5e %are of us a%%ordin1 to the $ord of our father Peter. 8et us turn no$ to the exposition a2out the Cross of our 8ord =esus Christ and the thief 2e%ause a life 1i&in1 $ood is the $ood of the Cross. The an1els as%end to the 0ather and des%end to the (on on the Cross# loo5in1 for$ard to his $ill. <ehold Gods %ompassion and his for2earan%e* $at%hin1 from the hei1ht he sees his onl'-2e1otten (on nailed on the Cross endurin1 in

his 1oodness. As for him# our 8ord =esus Christ# the' are nailin1 his hands and the' are slappin1 his fa%e# the' are stri5in1 on his head# the' are 1i&in1 him to drin5 &ine1ar and 1all# the' are di&idin1 his 1arments amon1 them# the' are %astin1 lots for them and the' are stri5in1 his head $ith a reed; durin1 all these he did not 1et an1r' nor had he 1uile in his heart a1ainst them. >o 'ou $ant to 5no$F 8isten and 7 $ill inform 'ou. ?ear him de%larin1* ),' 0ather# for1i&e them 2e%ause the' do not 5no$ $hat the' are doin1.- Eou ha&e seen no$ the 1reat enduran%e of the 0ather and of his (on to$ard us. 477. "he crucified Christ purifies the creation ?e as%ended on the Cross sa&in1 the entire %reation. 7n the moment $hen he $as han1ed on the Cross he purified the entire %reation# those of the hea&en and those of the earth. ?e has %leaned the entire air purif'in1 it $ith Gods 2od'. 8i5e$ise# his hol' 2lood that $as shed has %leaned the earth from the pollution $hi%h $as on it. ,oreo&er# he des%ended into Amente (and" spoiled it. ?e freed the souls that $ere imprisoned in the %ham2ers of dar5ness (and" released them. 0or he promised us $ith his mouth of truth# from $hi%h no lie e&er %ame out* )Ahen 7 $ill 2e lifted up from the earth# 7 $ill dra$ e&er'one to me 2' the 2ond of m' lo&e.4777. Christ sacrificed himself #illin!ly for our sake Ho$ $hat lo&e is as 1reat as this 2' $hi%h he mounted on the $ood of the Cross and 2onded himself aloneF 0or if it had not 2een his $ish# $ho $ould ha&e 2een a2le to seiGe himF <e%ause $ho %ould seiGe the li&in1 GodF 7n the moment $hen the 1odless =e$s %aptured him# he :uestioned them $ith 1reat enduran%e* )Ahom are 'ou see5in1 $ith these s$ords and rodsF- The' ans$ered him in their i1noran%e# their arro1an%e and their insolen%e# sa'in1* )Ae are loo5in1 for =esus the HaGarene;- ?e replied sa'in1* )7t is me.- The 2eams of li1ht of his di&init' stro5e their fa%e (and" the' fell do$n. 8i5e$ise a1ain# he raised them up in his 1reat mer%' 2e%ause perhaps the' $ill repent (2ut instead" the' ha&e seiGed his dis%iples in i1noran%e. 73. "he punishment of sinners Ho$ God has performed all these $antin1 sal&ation for e&er' man. 4eril' in that hour he $ill ma5e the earth to open its mouth and s$allo$ them in the a2'ss and ma5e them 1o do$n to the pla%e of their 2rother Hine&e and also of their other 2rothers $ho ha&e 2een s$allo$ed $hen the earth opened its

mouth# >athan and A2iram and the sons of @orah# the ones $ho rose up a1ainst ,oses in the desert. 3. An )ld "estament prophecy about the Cross Ho$ let us return a1ain to the 1reatness of the in&isi2le Cross and dis%uss a2out it and to 5no$ the prophe%ies that the prophets ha&e said a2out it sin%e the 2e1innin1 until the end. Eou in 'our turn# J hearers# spread forth 'our senses and listen :uietl'. Come to open the 1reat hol' treasure and 2rin1 out the spiritual ornaments to adorn the souls of the 8o1os-lo&in1 people. (ummon $ith me the God-lo&er# the 8o1os-lo&er and the one $ho is $ith the an1els# this 2ein1 A2raham# Gods friend. 8et him %ome and tea%h us %on%ernin1 the t'pe of this tree# (a2e5# that has %au1ht the ram in it. 0or the interpretation of (a2e5 is )the restin1-pla%e of the (a&ior#- this 2ein1 the $ood of the Cross on $hi%h the lam2 of God has mounted in a 1reat splendor in order to fulfill the oikonomia full of sal&ation. ?e reposed on it li5e a man that has %ome from the field $here he $or5ed# thre$ himself upon the 2ed and rested from his toil. This is ho$ the (a&ior has done $hen he rested on his 2ed# this 2ein1 the Cross of truth. ?e suffered on it until he sa&ed the entire human 5ind. 37. Christ's mercy% "he persecutors did not kno# #ho he #as ?e has not 2een disheartened nor has he 2een trou2led nor furious $hen the' nailed him nor irritated ($hen" the' put a %ro$n of thorns upon him nor has he %ursed $hen the' hit him in his fa%e nor has he 2een %o$ard $hen the' 1a&e him to drin5 &ine1ar mixed $ith 1all. 0or he has not opposed to those $ho mo%5ed him nor has he 2een furious $hen the' di&ided his 1arments and %ast lots for them. >o 'ou $ant to 5no$ $hi%h is the truthF 7 am tellin1 it# listen and 7 $ill inform 'ou. 7n the moment $hen the' ha&e done all these to him# he raised his e'es to$ard his 0ather (and" 2e11ed him* ),' 0ather# for1i&e them for the' do not 5no$ $hat the' are doin1.- 7n this $a' 'ou $ill 5no$ $hat the 0ather is doin1 and has done at that time# for his mer%ies to us are 1reat# or else he $ould ha&e sent upon them the in%ura2le fur'. Thus the &oi%e of his onl'-2e1otten rea%hed him and summoned his mer%' to turn 2a%5 his fur' and $rath. And he sent a po$erful an1el (and" he %ut in t$o the %urtain of the temple. The earth mo&ed# the ro%5s split# the sun 1re$ dar5. This 1reat luminar' has

dar5ened the entire earth in order to o&ershado$ his hol' 2od' on the Cross 2e%ause the' ha&e stripped off his %lothes (and" di&ided them amon1 them. 8oo5# J m' friends# and see Gods enduran%e. The' ha&e stripped off his 1arments on the Cross# the one $ho has %lothed the entire %reation# 2ut the sun %o&ered his 8ord in dar5ness. This has happened 2e%ause the' $ere not $orth' for the 1reat m'ster' $hi%h $as on the Cross. <ut the one $ho $as $orth' has %ontemplated the entire perfe%tion of his di&init' in that moment. 377. "he vision of the &ood "hief after his confession Ho$ $ho $as $orth' for this 1reat honorF 8et us 5no$ him. 7t is the thief mounted on the hei1ht of the %ross. ?e has seen e&er'thin1 that happened and re9oi%ed 2e%ause he has seen them. Ahat has he seen if not the arm' of an1els surroundin1 the Cross (and" sin1in1 h'mns to itF The 0ather loo5s from hea&en %ontemplatin1 his Jnl'-2e1otten (on and 1lorif'in1 him. The entire air sin1s# the $hole earth is shoutin1 aloud 2e%ause its 5in1 shed his 2lood on it. All the trees 2lossom 2e%ause the 8ord has mounted on the $ood of the Cross. 3777. "he hymn of the #ood of the Cross The $ood of in%orrupti2ilit'# The $ood of for1i&eness of sin# The $ood of the healer# The $ood of the life-1i&er# The $ood of the fruit-1i&er# The $ood of relief# The $ood of 1ladness# The $ood of 9o'# The $ood of sal&ation# The $ood of 2lessin1#

The $ood of life# The $ood of the 1ra%e of our 8ord =esus Christ# the one $hi%h has 2een han1ed on the $ood of the Cross. 374. "he confession of the &ood "hief after the vision )7 ha&e seen the entire %reation esta2lished and arran1ed in the ima1e of the Cross.34. "he hymn of the Cross (The Cross" is the one $ho ma5es man 'oun1 a1ain after he 1ro$s old# si1ns him throu1h the hol' 2aptism 2' ma5in1 him $ith the oil and Christs seal. The Cross purifies the man that pursues the ener1ies %ast forth from it. The Cross is the hol' m'ster'. 0or $hen the' seal the 2read and the %hali%e on the hol' ta2le and the' a%%omplish them# it is not an'more 2read nor $ine 2ut it is hol' 2od' and 2lood. The Cross is the %onsolation of those $ho are in distress 2e%ause of their sins. The Cross is the strai1ht $a'# not leadin1 astra' those $ho $al5 on it $hen the' are estran1ed. The Cross is the hi1h to$er $hi%h re%ei&es those $ho are runnin1 to it. The Cross is the ladder $hi%h raises man to the s5'. The Cross is the 1arment $hi%h the Christians are $earin1. The Cross is the helper of the poor and the help for those $ho are distressed. The Cross is the one $ho has destro'ed the temple of the =e$s# opened the Chur%h and has %ro$ned it. The Cross destro'ed the demons (and" %ast them a$a' in fear. The Cross is the sta2ilit' of the ships that are sailin1 in 2eaut'.

The Cross is the esta2lishment of the priests that are in the house of God $ith $isdom. The Cross is the immuta2le 9ud1e of the apostles. The Cross is the lamp of 1old $hose hol' flame is shinin1. The Cross is the father of the orphans# ta5in1 %are of them. The Cross is the 9ud1e of the $ido$s# $ipin1 out the tears from their e'es. The Cross is the %onsolation of the so9ourners. The Cross is the %ompanion of those $ho are in the desert. The Cross is the ornament of the hol' altars. The Cross is the s$eetness of those $ho $ere 2itter. The Cross is the help of man in the moment of his ne%essit'# $hen he 1oes out from the 2od'. The Cross is the 1o&ernor of the %ompassionates. The Cross is the administrator of those $ho ha&e put their %are in it. The Cross is the %hastit' of the &ir1ins. The Cross is the fortified $all. The Cross is the ph'si%ian $ho %ures e&er' si%5ness. Come# all tri2es of the earth# re9oi%e and 9u2ilate 2e%ause the 8ord has rei1ned from the $ood of the Cross; <e 1lad all those $ho are mo&in1 in the $aters 2e%ause 2lood and $ater ha&e flo$n from him. (pread 'our $in1s $ith 1ladness# all 2irds of the s5'# 2e%ause he has spread his arms on the Cross. <e 1lad and re9oi%e# 2easts that are in the desert# 2e%ause his prea%hin1 $as 1ood ne$s for 'ou.

Eou ha&e seen of $hat sort is the 1reatness of the Cross and its 1reat help for the entire %reation. 347. *+hortation to prayer 0or in the moment $hen man $ill spread his arms on the ima1e of the Cross and $ill pra' $ith faith# the an1els entreat God until he fulfills his demand. Ke%hariah pra'ed (and" Ga2riel %ame to him (and" fulfilled his demand# this 2ein1 =ohn. Peter pra'ed (and" the an1el %ame to him (and" made the %hains of iron to loosen and the 1ate of iron Cto open aloneD. 8i5e$ise a1ain# he pra'ed (and" resurre%ted Ta2itha. Cornelius pra'ed (and" the an1el %ame to him. Paul and (ilas pra'ed and the an1el %ame to them (and" the foundations of the prison ha&e mo&ed. ,oses pra'ed (and" he defeated the Amale5. To2ias pra'ed and Baphael %ame to him (and" healed him. Therefore# let us pra' %ontinuall' $ith e&er' o%%asion. The apostle said* )Pra' %ontinuall'.- The pra'er %ures those possessed 2' demons. 0or this reason 7 ha&e esta2lished toda' for us to fast and pra' in the hol' pla%e. 8et the pra'er 2e 'our %ompanion e&er'$here 'ou are. Pra' $hen 'ou la' do$n and 'ou $ill 2e safe in the trial. Pra' $hile 'ou are in the tri2unal and God $ill fi1ht for 'ou. Pra' $hen 'ou em2ar5 on $aters and 'ou $ill 2e safe from su2mer1in1. 7f the' in&ite 'ou to a feast pra'# do not eat# and God $ill 2less 'our 2read and e&er'thin1 that 'ou $ill prepare. Ahether 'ou eat# $hether 'ou drin5# $hether 'ou do somethin1 else# do e&er'thin1 so as to 1lorif' God. 3477. ,o+olo!y 7n all these# let us 1lorif' his hol' name 2' e&er' 1ood thin1# our 8ord =esus Christ# the one $hom 2efits the 1lor' and the honor and the 2lessin1 until all the 1enerations and until all the eternities of eternities# Amen.

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