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(A new technique to hide information within image file)

(A new technique to hide information within image file)


Under the Guidance of 'r. D.(OO')NA*+ '.,.A.- '.Phil.A Project report ubmitted to DEPAR*'EN* O. ,O'P/*ER S,)EN,E !n partia" fu"fi""ment of the re#uirement for the a$ard of the de%ree of 'AS*ER O. )N.OR'A*)ON *E,+NO0OG1 !&

'AR,+2%0$$ RA*+)NA' ,O00EGE O. AR*S AND S,)EN,E (Affiliated to (harathiar /ni3er4it5 - Accredited with (66 grade 75 NAA,- A88ro3ed 75 A),*E and )SO 00$9%00: ,ertified )n4titution)Rathinam *ech;one ,am8u4- Pollachi 'ain RoadEachanari- ,oim7atore2"<$0%$.

Thi i to certify that the project $or( entit"ed =S*EGANOGRAP+1> ubmitted to Bharathiar Uni)er ity in partia" fu"fi""ment of the re#uirement for the a$ard of the de%ree of 'AS*ER O. )N.OR'A*)ON *E,+NO0OG1 i a record of ori%ina" $or( done by uper)i ion and %uidance and that thi project $or( ha not formed the ba i for the a$ard of any de%ree or imi"ar tit"e to any candidate of our co""e%e*


+ead of the De8artment


Submitted for the uni)er ity e+amination he"d on




! here by dec"are that thi bonafied project $or( entit"ed the tudy on =S*EGANOGRAP+1. ubmitted to the Rathinam co""e%e of Art and Science/ in partia" fu"fi""ment of the re#uirement for the a$ard of the 0e%ree of 'AS*ER O. )N.OR'A*)ON *E,+NO0OG1 i the ori%ina" $or( done by me durin% '1123'111 under the uper)i ion of 'r.D.(OO')NA*+ '.,.A.-'.Phil.- 4ecturer in 0epartment of computer Science/ Rathinam co""e%e of Art and Science/ Coimbatore*

Signature of the candidate


9 S.PRADEEP 9 0 !"#O$%& 9 '.S, ()N.OR'A*)ON *E,+NO0OG1) 9 Rathinam ,ollege of Art4 @ Science 9 ,oim7atore 9

! than( God for hi %race and b"e in% that ha)e been ho$ered upon me to brin% ucce for thi project*

! e+tend my than( to our chairman DR. 'ADAN A SEND+)0 '.S.- Ph.D.- for ha)in% %i)en hi concern to do my project in hi or%ani6ation* ! than( my re pected admini trati)e officer 'r. R. 'AN),AA' '.,.A.- '. Phil.for ha)in% faci"itated permi ion for thi project* ! am %ratefu" to our Principa" Dr.P.'/R/GESAN '.A.- '.Phil.- Ph.D.- for a""o$in% me to underta(e thi project* ! am indebted to my interna" %uide 'r. D.(OO')NA*+ '.,.A.- '.Phil.- 7ead of the department of computer cience my than( are due to him for her )a"uab"e and time"y he"p not on"y durin% the project chedu"e but durin% my career a her tudent for the pa t three year * She i a" o my %uide* ! e+tend my than( to my c"a tutor* 'r.P.(OOPA*+1 ',A.- '.Phil.- Be ide

mentionin% a fe$ name my than( are due to a"" my taff for their %uidance and upport* ! than( my parent / friend / and e)er"a tin% a"mi%hty for %i)in% me the nece ary coura%e and for hi in)i ib"e %uidance to comp"ete thi project*

Ste%ano%raphy i the art of hidin% the fact that communication i ta(in% p"ace/ by hidin% information in other information* 9any different carrier fi"e format can be u ed/ but di%ita" ima%e are the mo t popu"ar becau e of their fre#uency on the internet* :or hidin% ecret information in ima%e / there e+i t a "ar%e )ariety of te%ano%raphy techni#ue ome are more comp"e+ than other and a"" of them ha)e re pecti)e tron% and $ea( point * 0ifferent app"ication may re#uire ab o"ute in)i ibi"ity of the ecret information/ $hi"e other re#uire a "ar%e ecret me a%e to be hidden* Thi project report intend to %i)e an o)er)ie$ of ima%e te%ano%raphy/ it u e and techni#ue * !t a" o attempt to identify the re#uirement of a %ood te%ano%raphy a"%orithm and brief"y ref"ect on $hich te%ano%raphic techni#ue are more uitab"e for $hich app"ication *

,+AP*ER ). )N*ROD/,*)ON

The $ord te%ano%raphy come from the Gree( <Se%ano ./ $hich mean co)ered or ecret and = <%raphy. mean $ritin% or dra$in%* Therefore/ te%ano%raphy mean/ "itera""y/ co)ered $ritin%* !t i the art and cience of hidin% information uch it pre ence cannot be detected and a communication i happenin%* A ecrete information i encodin% in a manner uch that the )ery e+i tence of the information i concea"ed* Paired $ith e+i tin% communication method / te%ano%raphy can be u ed to carry out hidden e+chan%e * The main %oa" of thi project it to communicate ecure"y in a comp"ete"y undetectab"e manner and to a)oid dra$in% u picion to the tran mi ion of a hider data* There ha been a rapid %ro$th of intere t in te%ano%raphy for t$o rea on > The pub"i hin% and broadca tin% indu trie ha)e become intere ted in techni#ue for hidin% encrypted copyri%ht mar( and eria" number in di%ita" fi"m / audio recordin% / boo( and mu"timedia product * 9o)e by )ariou %o)ernment to re trict the a)ai"abi"ity of encryption er)ice ha)e moti)ated peop"e to tudy method by $hich pri)ate me a%e can be embedded in eemin%"y innocuou co)er me a%e * The ba ic mode" of te%ano%raphy con i t of Carrier/ 9e a%e and pa $ord* Carrier i a" o (no$n a co)er3object/ $hich the me a%e i embedded and er)e to hide the pre ence of the me a%e*

Ba ica""y/ the mode" for te%ano%raphy i

ho$n on fo""o$in% fi%ure>

Coverobject, C Message, M Stego Object, Z

F(X, M, K)

Stego-key, K

9e a%e i the data that the ender $i he to remain it confidentia"* !t can be p"ain te+t/ cipher te+t/ other ima%e/ or anythin% that can be embedded in a bit tream uch a a copyri%ht mar(/ a co)ert communication/ or a eria" number* Pa $ord i (no$n a te%o3(ey/ $hich en ure that on"y recipient $ho (no$ the corre pondin% decodin% (ey $i"" be ab"e to e+tract the me a%e from a co)er3object* The co)er3object $ith the ecret"y embedded me a%e i then ca""ed the Ste%o3object* Reco)erin% me a%e from a te%o3object re#uire the co)er3object it e"f and a corre pondin% decodin% (ey if a te%o3(ey $a u ed durin% the encodin% proce * The ori%ina" ima%e may or may not be re#uired in mo t app"ication to e+tract the me a%e* There are e)era" uitab"e carrier be"o$ to be the co)er3object> @ @ @ @ &et$or( protoco" uch a TCP/ !P and U0P :i"e and 0i ( that can hide and append fi"e by u in% the "ac( pace Te+t uch a nu"" character / ju t a"i(e 9or e code inc"udin% htm" and ja)a !ma%e fi"e uch a bmp/ %if and jp%/ $here they can be both co"or and %ray3 ca"e* !n %enera"/ the information hidin% proce The proce con i t of t$o tep > e+tract redundant bit from co)er3object*

!dentification of redundant bit in a co)er3object* Redundant bit are tho e bit

that can be modified $ithout corruptin% the #ua"ity or de troyin% the inte%rity of the co)er3object* @ Embeddin% proce then e"ect the ub et of the redundant bit to be rep"aced $ith data from a ecret me a%e* The te%o3object i created by rep"acin% the e"ected redundant bit $ith me a%e bit

,+AP*ER )). SE0E,*)ON O. *+E ORGAN)DA*)ON

'),RO'A*E ,O'P/*ERS run on a uni#ue combination of ad)anced oft$are and hard$are* The heart of our oft$are i $eb ite de)e"opment a"on% $ith cu tomi6ed oft$are pac(a%e / project de)e"opment and imp"ementation * Peop"e are our a et3Thi tatement i more than a "o%an at '),RO'A*E mode"* So carin% for nurturin%

,O'P/*ERS/ it i our bu ine * Be ha)e the be t of !ndian ta"ent for de"i)erin% an internationa" #ua"ity er)ice in a co t effecti)e bu ine peop"e i a yner%i tic combination of phi"o ophy and bu ine * '),RO'A*E ,O'P/*ERS i ha)in% tren%th of 2 oft$are and ' hard$are en%ineer $or(in% $ith reputed project in hand and ha)in% committed emp"oyee ba e/ it $i"" p"ay a prominent ro"e in the comin% net$or(ed era* Soft$are So"ution = 7ere/ $e bui"d up from initia" tudy u in% our indu try (no$"ed%e and after a c"ient need ana"y i / a comp"ete bu ine cu tomer* Be ha)e tron% (i"" and e+perience in bui"din% cu tom app"ication in the indu tryCtechno"o%y of our focu * Our project mana%er ha)e been part of "ar%e enterpri e app"ication de)e"opment and dep"oyment project * Typica""y/ then they can be%in $ith a throu%h need ana"y i o a to prepare a y tem app"ication for the

re#uirement document* Then they can mana%e the entire de)e"opment cyc"e and en ure a mooth and effecti)e imp"ementation* They a" o ha)e the abi"ity to train peop"e on the y tem u a%e*


Be de)e"op/ @ @ @ @ &e$ !nternet app"ication &e$ !ntranet app"ication U er friend"y app"ication / and &e$ app"ication in the retai" ban(in%/ credit card mana%ement etc*

EE8erti4e9 Beb enab"in% bu ine app"ication i thru t area* !n the !nternet era/ $eb3enab"in% propo ition a $e""* !t ha the app"ication are not ju t a techno"o%y i ue but a bu ine

e+perti e to imp"ement turn(ey commercia" app"ication de)e"opment project co)erin% the entire oft$are 0e)e"opment "ife cyc"e from initia" y tem tudy/ y tem de i%n/ code de)e"opment/ te tin%/ imp"ementation/ maintenance to trainin% u er on the app"ication*


,+AP*ER ))). PRO(0E' .OR'/0A*)ON

!.$ PRO(0E' )DEN*).),A*)ON The former con i t of "in%ui tic or "an%ua%e form of hidden $ritin%* The "ater/ uch a in)i ib"e in(/ try of hide me a%e phy ica""y* One di ad)anta%e of "in%ui tic te%ano%raphy i that u er mu t e#uip them e")e to ha)e a %ood (no$"ed%e of "in%ui try* !n recent year / e)erythin% i trendin% to$ard di%iti6ation* And $ith the de)e"opment of the internet techno"o%y/ di%ita" media can be tran mitted con)enient"y o)er the net$or(* Therefore/ me a%e can be ecret"y carried by di%ita" media by u in% the te%ano%raphy techni#ue / and then be tran mitted throu%h the internet rapid"y Ste%ano%raphy i the art of hidin% the fact that communication i ta(in% p"ace/ by hidin% information in other information* 9any different carrier fi"e format can be u ed/ but di%ita" ima%e are the mo t popu"ar becau e of their fre#uency on the internet* :or hidin% ecret information in ima%e / there e+i t a "ar%e )ariety of te%ano%raphy techni#ue ome are more comp"e+ than other and a"" of them ha)e re pecti)e tron% and $ea( point * So $e prepare thi app"ication/ to ma(e the information hidin% imp"er and u er friend"y*


!.% E?)S*)NG S1S*E' The e+i tin% y tem u e hide the ima%e in an ima%e/ in both the method there are number of "oopho"e throu%h $hich the hac(er can attac( the me a%e* The hac(er may chan%e or dama%e the entire me a%e* So there i no afety in tran ferrin% the data )ia ima%e* !t i po ib"e to combine the techni#ue by encryptin% me a%e u in% crypto%raphy and then hidin% the encrypted me a%e u in% te%ano%raphy* The re u"tin% te%o3ima%e can be tran mitted $ithout re)ea"in% that ecret information i bein% e+chan%ed* Ste%ano%raphy pay attention to the de%ree of !n)i ibi"ity $hi"e $atermar(in% pay mo t of it attribute to the robu tne remo)a"/ re pecti)e"y* DRAB(A,AS !t pro)ide "e ecurity/ becau e the ecret me a%e are hac(ed by the hac(er and competiti)e companie * !t doe not ha)e proper re"iabi"ity* There i no proper ac(no$"ed%ement* The authority i not proper"y maintained* !.! PROPOSED S1S*E' To o)ercome the "imitation of the e+i tin% y tem a ne$ y tem ha been propo ed u in% CF *&et* !n thi y tem $e u ed t$o method to add ecurity to the fi"e* The fir t method/ crypto%raphy i a techni#ue of hidin% the me a%e in the te+t fi"e* So that the authori6ed u er canGt %et the ori%ina" information* On the recei)in% end/ on"y by (no$in% the pri)ate (ey Di*e*/ pa $ordE the u er can decrypt the me a%e* 1uch a ima%e of the me a%e and it abi"ity to $ith tand attac( of operation Drotation/ croppin%/ fi"terin%E/ audio

operation Drerecordin%/ fi"terin%Ein the ca e of ima%e and audio fi"e bein% $atermar(ed

The method/ Ste%ano%raphy i a computer techni#ue Dor an artE* !t i encryption* But the me a%e can be hidden in the picture in the pi+e" format* To pro)ide hi%h de%ree of correctne pro)ide the hi%h accuracy in it output* and effecti)ene

ame a te+t

and to reduce the $or("oad it

i )ery important to computeri6e the y tem* Sy tem computeri6ed i ea y to hand"e and Since the oft$are i de)e"oped for mu"ti3u er En)ironment the pa $ord protection i pro)ided to protect it from unauthori6ed u er* AN*),)PA*ED ADCAN*AGES !t pro)ide hi%h ecurity and re"iabi"ity occur * The authori6ation i hi%h"y pro)ided* !t %i)e a urance for the ecurity of data* There i no chance for hac(in%* Becau e the data i in the form of Encrypted te+t* !.< S1S*E' O(#E,*)CES The %oa" of te%ano%raphy i to co)ert communication* So/ a fundamenta" re#uirement of thi te%ano%raphy y tem i that the hidden me a%e carried by te%o3media hou"d not be en ib"e to human bein% * The other %oa" of te%ano%raphy i to a)oid dra$in% u picion to the e+i tence of a hidden me a%e* Thi approach of information hidin% techni#ue ha recent"y became important in a number of app"ication area Thi project ha fo""o$in% objecti)e > To product ecurity too" ba ed on te%ano%raphy techni#ue * To e+p"ore techni#ue of hidin% data u in% encryption modu"e of thi To e+tract techni#ue of %ettin% ecret data u in% decryption modu"e* 15 project

Ste%ano%raphy ometime i u ed $hen encryption i not permitted* Or/ more common"y/ te%ano%raphy i u ed to upp"ement encryption* An encrypted fi"e may ti"" hide information u in% te%ano%raphy/ o e)en if the encrypted fi"e i deciphered/ the hidden me a%e i not een SPE,).), O(#E,*)CE The objecti)e of <Ste%ano%raphy. i to increa e the efficiency of the y tem to reduce the manua" $or( time* !t i more effecti)e and efficient $ay to tran fer the fi"e to the recei)in% end* Ea y method to mana%e the information o that the hac(er canGt under tand the

me a%e* !.F +ARDBARE SPE,).),A*)ON Proce or 9emory Si6e 7ard di c :"oppy di ( dri)e C0RO9 dri)e 9onitor Ieyboard 9ou e > > > > > > > > !nte" P5 '*AA G76 1 GB 1;1 GB 1*55 9B 8'H -' C0RO9 dri)e 18. Co"or 7C4 11? ' Button 9ou e

!." SO.*BARE SPE,).),A*)ON Operatin% y tem :ront3End > > Bindo$ HP *&ET :rame$or( -*8

!.& APP0),A*)ON SPE,).),A*)ON


B)NDOBS ?P Bindo$ HP i an operatin% y tem that $a produced by 9icro oft for u e on per ona" computer / inc"udin% home and bu ine de (top / "aptop / and media center * !t hort for $a fir t re"ea ed to computer manufacturer on Au%u t '5/ '111/ and i the mo t popu"ar )er ion of Bindo$ / ba ed on in ta""ed u er ba e* The name JHPJ i JeHPerience* Bindo$ HP $a the ucce or to both Bindo$ '111 and Bindo$ 9e/ and $a the fir t con umer3oriented operatin% y tem produced by 9icro oft to be bui"t on the Bindo$ &T (erne" and architecture* Bindo$ HP $a re"ea ed for retai" a"e on October '8/ '111/ and o)er 511 mi""ion copie $ere in u e in January '11;/ accordin% to an e timate in that month by an !0C ana"y t* !t $a %enera" pub"ic on January -1/ '11?* 0irect OE9 and retai" a"e of Bindo$ HP cea ed on June -1/ '11A* 9icro oft continued to e"" Bindo$ HP throu%h their Sy tem Bui"der D ma""er OE9 $ho e"" a emb"ed computer E pro%ram unti" January -1/ '112* HP may continue to be a)ai"ab"e a the e ource run throu%h their in)entory or by purcha in% Bindo$ ? U"timate/ Bindo$ ? Pro/ Bindo$ Ki ta U"timate or Bindo$ Ki ta Bu ine / and then do$n%radin% to Bindo$ HP* ucceeded by Bindo$ Ki ta/ $hich $a re"ea ed to )o"ume "icen e cu tomer on &o)ember A/ '11;/ and $or"d$ide to the



(uilt on the new Bindow4 engine Bindo$ HP Profe iona" i bui"t on the pro)en code ba e of Bindo$ &T and Bindo$ '111/ $hich feature a -'3bit computin% architecture and a fu""y protected memory mode"* Bindo$ e+perience for a"" bu ine HP Profe iona" $i"" pro)ide a dependab"e computin% u er *

Enhanced de3ice dri3er 3erifier Bui"din% on the de)ice dri)er )erifier found in Bindo$ '111/ the Bindo$ HP Profe iona" $i"" pro)ide e)en %reater tre Dramaticall5 reduced re7oot 4cenario4 The dramatica""y reduced reboot cenario e"iminate mo t cenario that force end u er to reboot in Bindo$ &T 5*1 and Bindo$ 28C2AC9e* A" o/ many oft$are in ta""ation $i"" not re#uire reboot * )m8ro3ed code 8rotection Critica" (erne" data tructure are read3on"y/ o that dri)er and app"ication cannot corrupt them* A"" de)ice dri)er code i read3on"y and pa%e protected* Ro%ue app"ication cannot ad)er e"y affect core operatin% y tem area * Side27524ide D00 4u88ort Pro)ide a mechani m for mu"tip"e )er ion of indi)idua" Bindo$ component to be in ta""ed and run J ide by ideJ* Thi he"p to addre the J044 he""J prob"em by a""o$in% an app"ication $ritten and te ted $ith one )er ion of a y tem component to continue to u e that )er ion e)en if an app"ication that u e a ne$er )er ion of the ame component i in ta""ed* te t for de)ice dri)er *

Bindow4 .ile Protection


Bindo$ fi"e protection protect core y tem fi"e from bein% o)er $ritten by app"ication in ta""ation * !f a fi"e i o)er$ritten/ Bindo$ :i"e Protection $i"" re tore the correct )er ion* .NE* .RA'EBORA The 9icro oft *&ET :rame$or( i an inte%rated and mana%ed en)ironment for the de)e"opment and e+ecution of your code* The *&ET :rame$or( i a mana%ed/ type afe en)ironment for app"ication de)e"opment and e+ecution* The frame$or( mana%e a"" a pect of the e+ecution of your pro%ram> it a""ocate memory for the tora%e of data and in truction / %rant or denie the appropriate permi ion to your app"ication/ initiate and mana%e app"ication e+ecution/ and mana%e the rea""ocation of memory for re ource that are no "on%er needed* The *&ET :rame$or( con i t of t$o main component > the common "an%ua%e runtime and the *&ET :rame$or( c"a "ibrary*

The *&ET :rame$or( i a oft$are frame$or( for 9icro oft Bindo$ operatin% y tem * !t inc"ude a "ar%e "ibrary/ and it upport e)era" pro%rammin% "an%ua%e $hich a""o$ "an%ua%e interoperabi"ity Deach "an%ua%e can u e code $ritten in other "an%ua%e E* The *&ET "ibrary i a)ai"ab"e to a"" the pro%rammin% "an%ua%e that *&ET upport * The frame$or(L Ba e C"a net$or( communication * The c"a 4ibrary pro)ide u er interface/ data acce / databa e "ibrary i u ed by pro%rammer / $ho combine it $ith

connecti)ity/ crypto%raphy/ $eb app"ication de)e"opment/ numeric a"%orithm / and their o$n code to produce app"ication * Pro%ram $ritten for the *&ET :rame$or( e+ecute in a oft$are Da contra ted to hard$areE en)ironment/ (no$n a the Common 4an%ua%e Runtime DC4RE* The C4R i an app"ication )irtua" machine o that pro%rammer need not con ider the capabi"itie of the pecific CPU that $i"" e+ecute the pro%ram* The C4R a" o pro)ide other important er)ice uch a ecurity/ memory mana%ement/ and e+ception hand"in%* The c"a "ibrary and the C4R to%ether con titute the *&ET :rame$or(*


.EA*/RES O. .NE* .RA'EBORA Bith it "an%ua%e enhancement and it ti%ht inte%ration into the *&ET :rame$or(/ Ki ua" Ba ic i a thorou%h"y moderni6ed "an%ua%e that $i"" "i(e"y become the premier de)e"opment too" for creatin% a $ide ran%e of *&ET app"ication * !n the pa t/ Ki ua" Ba ic $a often een a a J"i%ht$ei%htJ "an%ua%e that cou"d be u ed for particu"ar (ind of ta ( / but $a $ho""y un uitab"e for other * Object Orientation* Common Type Sy tem* Acce to Sy tem Ser)ice > The :rame$or( C"a 4ibrary*

A Common Runtime En)ironment* *&ET :RA9EBORI ha a number of feature hat he"p it retain bac($ard compatibi"ity $ith Ki ua" Ba ic ;DKB;E* Other feature ha)e been added pecifica""y to adapt Ki ua" Ba ic to object3oriented pro%rammin% and to the *&ET p"atform* *&ET :RA9EBORI pro)ide are more re"iab"e* *+E .NE* P0A*.OR' !n Ju"y '111/ 9icro oft announced the *&ET p"atform/ a de)e"opment frame$or( that pro)ide a ne$ $ay to create Bindo$ app"ication * 7o$e)er/ *&ET %oe beyond traditiona" Bindo$ pro%rammin% to faci"itate creatin% $eb app"ication #uic("y and ea i"y* And *&ET :RA9EBORI i one of the premier "an%ua%e that 9icro oft upport for de)e"opment in thi ne$ and e+citin% *&ET pace* Report are that 9icro oft i de)otin% A1M of it re earch and de)e"opment bud%et to *&ET and it a ociated techno"o%ie * The re u"t of thi commitment are impre i)e* 12 upport in the "an%ua%e to find bu% ear"y in the

de)e"opment proce * Thi ma(e for code that i ea ier to maintain and pro%ram that

The *&ET :RA9EBORI "an%ua%e can be u ed to de)e"op t$o type of app"ication that can be run on $indo$ > Con o"e app"ication di p"ay no %raphic * Bindo$ app"ication u e the tandard Bindo$ interface* ,O''ON 0ANG/AGE R/N*)'E The C4R i the heart of the *&ET frame$or(* !t i the en%ine that dri)e (ey functiona"ity* <Runtime. i a component that a computer proce e in order to e+ecute pro%ram $ritten in a particu"ar pro%rammin% "an%ua%e* 7ere i ho$ the C4R $or( * :ir t of a""/ the ource code $ritten in a *&ET "an%ua%e %et compi"ed to the !ntermediate 4an%ua%e D!4E and at the ame time metadata information i created by u in% the 9eta data en%ine* The e are optima""y "in(ed $ith other code compi"ed by different compi"er and the re u"t i an EHE or 044 containin% the !4 code/ $hich i a)ed to di (*

Then/ on e+ecution/ the !4 code and any functiona"ity from the *&ET ba e c"a "ibrarie i brou%ht to%ether by u in% the c"a "oader* Then/ the combined code i optima""y te ted for type afety by u in% the )erifier before the Ju t3!n3Time DJ!TE compi"er come to p"ay* The J!T compi"er proce e the !4/ creatin% mana%ed nati)e code* Then/ the mana%ed nati)e code i pa e on to the *&ET runtime mana%er*

,+AP*ER $C. S1S*E' ANA01S)S


Ste%ano%raphy y tem re#uire any type of ima%e fi"e and the information or me a%e that i to be hidden* !t ha t$o modu"e encrypt and decrypt* 9icro oft *&et frame$or( prepare a hu%e amount of too" and option for pro%rammer that they imp"e pro%rammin%* One of *&et too" for picture and ima%e i auto3con)ertin% mo t type of picture to B9P format* ! u ed thi too" in thi ca""ed <Ste%ano%raphy. that i $ritten in CF*&et "an%ua%e and you can u e thi B9P D oft$are con)ert in ide itE* The a"%orithm u ed for Encryption and 0ecryption in thi app"ication pro)ide u in% e)era" "ayer "ieu of u in% on"y 4SB "ayer of ima%e* Britin% data tart from "a t "ayer DAth or 4SB "ayerEN becau e i%nificant of thi "ayer i "ea t and e)ery upper "ayer ha doub"ed i%nificant from it do$n "ayer* So e)ery tep $e %o to upper "ayer ima%e #ua"ity decrea e and ima%e retouchin% tran pire * The encrypt modu"e i u ed to hide information into the ima%eN no one can ee that information or fi"e* Thi modu"e re#uire any type of ima%e and me a%e and %i)e the on"y one ima%e fi"e in de tination* The decrypt modu"e i u ed to %et the hidden information in an ima%e fi"e* !t ta(e the ima%e fi"e a an output/ and %i)e t$o fi"e at de tination fo"der/ one i the ame ima%e fi"e and another i the me a%e fi"e that i hidden it that* Before encryptin% fi"e in ide ima%e $e mu t a)e name and i6e of fi"e in a definite p"ace of ima%e* Be cou"d a)e fi"e name before fi"e information in 4SB "ayer and a)e fi"e i6e and fi"e name i6e in mo t ri%ht3do$n pi+e" of ima%e* Britin% thi information i needed to retrie)e fi"e from encrypted ima%e in decryption tate* <.$ EN,R1P*)ON PRO,ESS oft$are oft$are

to hide your information in any type of picture $ithout any con)ertin% it format to


)'AGE .)0E

)N.OR'A*)ON .)0E

('P .)0E



('P .)0E

)N.OR'A*)ON .)0E

)'AGE .)0E





F.$.$ )NP/* DES)GN

The input de i%n i the proce

of enterin% data to the y tem* The input de i%n %oa" i

to enter to the computer a accurate a po ib"e* 7ere input are de i%ned effecti)e"y o that error made by the operation are minimi6ed* The input to the y tem ha)e been de i%ned in uch a $ay that manua" form and the input are coordinated $here the data e"ement are common to the ource document and to the input* The input i acceptab"e and under tandab"e by the u er $ho are u in% it* The #ua"ity of the y tem input determine the #ua"ity for y tem output* !nput pecification de cribe the manner in $hich data entered the y tem proce in%* !nput de i%n i the proce of con)ertin% u er3ori%inated input to a computer3ba ed

format input data are co""ected and or%ani6ed into %roup of imi"ar data* Once identified/ appropriate input media are e"ected for proce in%* The input de i%n a" o determine the u er to interact efficient"y $ith the y tem* !nput de i%n i a part of o)era"" y tem de i%n that re#uire entry ea y and free from error * :i)e objecti)e of the input de i%n are> Effecti)ene Accuracy Ea e to u e Con i tency Attracti)ene 0ata are co""ected from the ource Tran fer of data to an input form i done '5 pecia" attention becau e it i the common ource for data proce in% error* The %oa" of de i%nin% input data i to ma(e

The main objecti)e that are done durin% the input de i%n are>

0ata i con)erted to a computer acceptab"e form The con)erted data are )erified* 0ata are chec(ed for it accuracy* Ka"idation of input data are done 0ata co""ection are done to e"iminate the error

F.$.% O/*P/* DES)GN The output de i%n $a done o that re u"t of proce in% cou"d be communicated to the u er * The )ariou output ha)e been de i%ned in uch a $ay that they repre ent the ame format that the office and mana%ement u ed to* Computer output i the mo t important and direct ource of information to the u er* Efficient/ inte""i%ib"e output de i%n hou"d impro)e the y tem re"ation hip $ith the u er and he"p in deci ion ma(in%* A major form of output i the hardcopy from the printer* Output re#uirement are de i%ned durin% y tem ana"y i * A %ood tartin% point for the output de i%n i the 0ata :"o$ 0ia%ram D0:0E* 7uman factor educe i ue for de i%n in)o")e addre in% interna" contro" to en ure readabi"ity* 0e i%n i concerned $ith identifyin% oft$are component document pha e* 9odu"arity i one the de irab"e propertie of "ar%e y tem * !t imp"ie that the y tem i di)ided into e)era" part * !n uch a manner/ the interaction bet$een part i minima" c"ear"y pecified* 0e i%n $i"" e+p"ain oft$are component in detai"* Thi $i"" he"p the imp"ementation of the y tem* 9oreo)er/ thi $i"" %uide the further chan%e in the y tem to ati fy the future re#uirement * pecifyin% Re"ation hip

amon% component * Specifyin% oft$are tructure and pro)idin% b"ue print for the


Sy tem de i%n i de cribed a a proce

of p"annin% a ne$ bu ine

y tem or more to

rep"ace or to comp"ement an e+i tin% y tem* The y tem de i%n tate ho$ a y tem $i"" meet the re#uirement identified durin% the y tem ana"y i * !t de cribe a o"ution of approachin% to the creation of ne$ y tem* Sy tem de i%n i a tran mi ion from a u er3oriented document to a document oriented to pro%rammer * !t %oe throu%h a "o%ica" and phy ica" de i%n* The (ey point fo""o$ed at the time of de i%nin% are> Preparin% input and output pecification 0ata f"o$ and tore Preparin% ecurity and contro" pecification Temporary and permanent co""ection of data A $a"( throu%h before imp"ementation Proce Re)ie$in% the tudy pha e acti)itie and ma(in% deci ion about $hich function are to be performed by the hard$are/ oft$are/ and human $are tarted in the de i%n pha e* The output/ input and fi"e de i%n for each of the pro%ram $a done* :ina""y/ the %enera"i6ed y tem $ere e+p"ained to the mana%ement for appro)a"* The tep in)o")ed in de i%nin% pha e $ere> aE The function to be performed i identified bE The input/ output and fi"e de i%n i performed cE The y tem and component co t re#uirement i dE The de i%n pha e report i %enerated* pecified

,+AP*ER C). *ES*)NG AND )'P0E'EN*A*)ON


".$ S1S*E' *ES*)NG Sy tem te tin% i the proce app"ication / becau e $eb3ba ed of e+erci in% oft$are $ith the intent of findin% and y tem and app"ication re ide on a net$or( and

u"timate"y correctin% error * Thi fundamenta" phi"o ophy doe not chan%e for $eb interoperate $ith many different operatin% y tem / bro$ er / hard$are p"atform / and communication protoco" / the earch for error repre ent a i%nificant cha""en%e for $eb app"ication * The di tributed nature of c"ient3 er)er en)ironment / the performance i ue a ociated $ith tran action proce in%/ the potentia" pre ence of number of different hard$are p"atform/ the comp"e+itie of net$or( communication / the need to er)e mu"tip"e c"ient from a centra"i6ed databa e and the re#uirement impo ed on the er)er a"" combine to ma(e te tin% of c"ient3 er)er architecture * *ES*)NG )SS/ES C"ient GU! con ideration Tar%et en)ironment and p"atform di)er ity con ideration 0i tributed proce in% con ideration ".% *ES*)NG 'E*+ODO0OG)ES U er need to run the app"ication* The u er ha t$o tab option = encrypt and decrypt* !f u er e"ect encrypt/ app"ication %i)e the creen to e"ect ima%e fi"e/ information fi"e and option to a)e the ima%e fi"e* !f u er e"ect decrypt/ app"ication %i)e the creen to e"ect on"y ima%e fi"e and a ( path $here u er $ant to a)e the ecrete fi"e*

Thi project ha t$o method = Encr58t and Decr58t.


!n Encr58tion the ecrete information i hidin% in $ith any type of ima%e fi"e* Decr58tion i %ettin% the ecrete information from ima%e fi"e* The objecti)e of the te tin% i to di co)er error * To fu"fi"" thi objecti)e a erie of te t tep unit/ inte%ration/ )a"idation and y tem te t $ere p"anned and e+ecuted* The te t tep are> ".%.$ /N)* *ES*)NG Unit i the te tin% chan%e made in an e+i tin% or ne$ pro%ram* Thi te t i carried out durin% the pro%rammin% and each modu"e i found to be $or(in% ati factory* !n the re%i tration form u er detai" are tored in databa e $ithout any chan%e* ".%.% )N*EGRA*)ON *ES*)NG A comprehen i)e inte%ration te tin% i carried out u in% inte%rated te t p"an in the de i%n pha e of the de)e"opment a %uide to en ure the beha)ior of function $ith "i)e data* The admini trator modu"e can inte%rate $ith u er modu"e* ".%.! CA0)DA*)ON *ES*)NG Soft$are )a"idation i achie)ed throu%h the erie of te t that demon trate confirmati)e $ith re#uirement* Thu the propo ed y tem and con ideration ha been te ted by )a"idation and found to be $or(in% ati factori"y* ".%.< O/*P/* *ES*)NG A (in% the u er about the format re#uired by them to te t the output %enerated by the y tem under con ideration * !t can be con idered in t$o $ay / one on the creen and the other i printed format* The output format on the creen i found to be correct a the format de i%ned in the y tem de i%n*



A"" te t

hou"d be traceab"e to cu tomer re#uirement * The focu of te tin% $i"" hift

pro%re i)e"y from pro%ram * E+hau ti)e te tin% i not po ib"e* To be more effecti)e/ te tin% hou"d be one/ $hich ha probabi"ity of findin% error * The fo""o$in% are the attribute of %ood te t> A %ood te t ha a hi%h probabi"ity of findin% an error* A %ood te t i not redundant* A %ood te t hou"d be <be t of breed .* A %ood te t hou"d neither too imp"e nor too comp"e+* ".! G/A0)*1 ASS/RAN,E Oua"ity a urance con i t of auditin% and reportin% function of mana%ement* The %oa" of #ua"ity a urance i to pro)ide mana%ement $ith the data nece ary to be informed about product #ua"ity/ thereby %ainin% in i%ht and confidence that product #ua"ity i meetin% it %oa"* G/A0)*1 ASS/RAN,E GOA0S ,ORRE,*NESS 2 The e+tent to $hich the pro%ram meet u er objecti)e * RE0)A()0)*1 3 The de%ree to $hich the y tem perform !ntended function o)ertime* E..),)EN,1 3 The amount of computer re ource re#uired by a pro%ram to perform a function* /SA()0)*1 3 The effort re#uired "earnin% and operatin% a y tem* 'A)N*A)NA()0)*1 2 To u e $ith $hich pro%ram error are "ocated and corrected* y tem pecification and


*ES*A()0)*1 2 The effort re#uired te tin% a pro%ram to en ure it performance*


POR*A()0)*1 2 The ea e of tran portin% a pro%ram from one hard$are confi%uration to another* A,,/RA,1 2 The re#uired portion in input editin%/ computation and output* ".! S1S*E' )'P0E'EN*A*)ON !mp"ementation i the ta%e in the project $here the theoretica" de i%n i turned a $or(in% y tem* The mo t crucia" ta%e i achie)in% a ucce fu" ne$ y tem and %i)in% the u er confidence in that the ne$ y tem $i"" $or( efficient"y and effecti)e"y in the imp"ementation ta%e* The ta%e con i t of Te tin% the de)e"oped pro%ram $ith imp"e data* 0etection and correction * Creatin% $hether the y tem i meet u er re#uirement * Te tin% $hether the y tem* 9a(in% nece ary chan%e a de ired by the u er* Trainin% u er per onne"*



The imp"ementation pha e i "e $hen it %oe to the de i%n pha e*

creati)e than y tem de i%n a y tem project

may be dropped at any time prior to imp"ementation a"thou%h it become more difficu"t

The fina" report to the imp"ementation pha e inc"ude procedura" f"o$ chart / record "ayout/ report "ayout and a $or(ab"e p"an for imp"ementin% the candidate y tem inc"ude an operationa" one* Con)er ion i one a pect of imp"ementation* Se)era" procedure of document are uni#ue to the con)er ion pha e* They inc"ude the fo""o$in% The con)er ion portion of the imp"ementation p"an i fina"i6ed and appro)ed* :i"e are con)erted* Para""e" proce in% bet$een the e+i tin% and the ne$ y tem of "o%%ed on the pecia" form* A umin% no prob"em / no para""e" proce in% i di continued* !mp"ementation re u"t for documented for reference* Con)er ion i comp"eted* P"an for the po t imp"ementation re)ie$ are prepared* :o""o$in% the re)ie$ the ne$ y tem i officia""y operationa"*

/SER *RA)N)NG U er trainin% i de i%ned to prepare the u er for te tin% and con)ertin% the y tem* There are e)era" $ay to train the u er they are> U er manua" 7e"p creen Trainin% demon tration *RA)N)NG DE'ONS*RA*)ON


Another u er trainin% e"ement i a trainin% demon tration* 4i)e demon tration $ith per ona" contact i e+treme"y effecti)e for trainin% u er * ".F S1S*E' 'A)N*ENAN,E 9aintenance i actua""y the imp"ementation of the re)ie$ p"an* A important a it i / many pro%rammer and ana"y t are to perform are identify them e")e $ith the maintenance effort* There are p ycho"o%i t/ per ona"ity and profe iona" rea on / for thi * Ana"y t and pro%rammer pend far more time to maintain the pro%ram* Then they do

$ritin% them* 9aintenance account for 813A1M of tota" y tem de)e"opment* 9aintenance i e+pen i)e* One $ay to reduce maintenance co t i throu%h

maintenance mana%ement and oft$are modification audit * 9aintenance i not a re$ardin% a e+citin% a de)e"opin% y tem* !t i percei)ed a re#uired neither (i"" not e+perience* U er are not fu""y co%ni6ant of the maintenance prob"em are it hi%h co t* :e$ too" and techni#ue are a)ai"ab"e for maintenance* A %ood te t p"an i "ac(in%* Standard/ procedure and %uide"ine are poor"y defined and efforted* Pro%ram are often maintained $ithout care for tructure and documentation* There are minima" tandard for maintenance*


The project entit"ed =S*EGANOGRAP+1> i de)e"oped in *&et at <9!CRO9ATE CO9PUTERS.* The project i te ted ucce fu""y* After ucce fu" comp"etion of thi it ha been te ted $ith te t data and found the re u"t in a ati factory manner* The proce of encryption and decryption are maintained more imp"e and ea y* The

y tem i hi%h"y ca"ab"e/ )i ib"e and u er friend"y* !t i imp"emented and %one throu%h a"" )a"idation* A"" pha e of de)e"opment $ere concei)ed u in% methodo"o%ie and no$ the oft$are e+ecute ucce fu""y by fu"fi""in% the objecti)e of the project*

A"" the objecti)e of the y tem ha been met* The y tem minimi6e the prob"em ari in% in the e+i tin% manua" y tem* !t e"iminate the human error to 6ero "e)e"* :urther e+ten ion to thi y tem can be made a re#uirement i ati fie by the propo ed y tem*


,+AP*ER C)). S,OPE O. *+E ./*/RE DECE0OP'EN*

Thi project i de)e"oped for hidin% information in any ima%e fi"e* The cope of the project i imp"ementation of te%ano%raphy too" for hidin% information inc"ude any type of information fi"e and ima%e fi"e and the path $here the u er $ant to a)e !ma%e and e+truded fi"e* 9odification and enhancement can be made affectin% any other part of the pro%ram becau e of the u er friend"ine and under tandabi"ity of the project*

The data creen can be up%raded and menu can be ea i"y added $hen re#uired* !tem can be added to the form $hen there come nece ity of ne$ data* The y tem ha much cope in the future an it can be de)e"oped to add more feature to ati fy the u erP re#ue t and companyG re#ue t*


,+AP*ER C))). ()(0)OGRAP+1

BE(S)*ES :o""o$in% $eb ite are referrin% to create thi project report * @ @ @ @ @ http>CC$$$*%oo%"e*com http>CC$$$*codeproject*com http>CC$$$*a p*net http>CC$$$*a p1'-*com http>CC$$$*$i(ipedia*or%

(OOAS :o""o$in% boo( and eboo( are u ed to comp"ete thi project report * @ @ @ @ *&ET B"ac( Boo( DPaperbac(E Profe iona" ASP*&ET DPaperbac(E 9CA0C9CS0 Se"f3Paced Trainin% Iit> 0e)e"opin% Beb App"ication $ith 9CA0C9CSEC9C0BA Se"f3Paced Trainin% Iit> 9icro oft SO4 Ser)er '111

9icro oftQ Ki ua" Ba icQ *&ET and 9icro oft Ki ua" CFQ *&ET/ Second Edition 0ataba e 0e i%n and !mp"ementation/ E+am ?13''2/ Second Edition



Start Application




Message f file

Image file

M! image file


(. DA*A .0OB D)AGRA' (D.D)9


'ain .orm


,hoice Selectio n


0oad )mage @ .ile

Encr58ted .ile

EN,R1P *

DE,R1P *

Encr58ted .ile

Decr58ted )mage @ .ile


.inal Re4ult



















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