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Friday, September 10, 2010 Satori, Atma-Vyapti and Shiv-Vyapti - Part-1 (Seven levels of T rya!

(Please note that this "hapter is ploaded only for those friends #ho had e$perien"es of T rya% & t, '() the reader, if yo have no e$perien"e of T rya and if yo read this "hapter, it #ill not ma*e sense+ (n the "ontrary, it "an "reate mis nderstandin, d e to the #ords sed%%% as intelle"t "an mis nderstand these #ords+ So, be "aref l #hile readin, this and don-t . mp to "on"l sions+ /f yo do not nderstand, please as*% / am available% Shivoham, Prem! 6amaste+ The topi" of the evenin, is Satori, Atma Vyapti and Shiv Vyapti% /n the first part #e #ill dis" ss seven levels of t rya% & t, before that let me tal* abo t the ba"*,ro nd as to #hy this pro,ram #as anno n"ed% /n the last "o ple of years be"a se of this #onderf l "ombination of *riya yo,a and 7ashmir Shaivism so many people in TA( had life transformin, e$perien"es% 8any of yo had these e$perien"es d rin, *arma*shalan "amp, almost everybody had these e$perien"es in A#areness 4evelopment Pro,ram and everybody had these e$perien"es in the Trip ra 9ahasya :amp, seven days lon, residential "amp% 8any people dis" ssed those e$perien"es #ith me, lot of feedba"* arrived and #e have thi"* file, #hi"h is a "ompilations of all these e$perien"es% For a see*er any e$perien"e of this *ind ,ives a ,ood .olt to the system% /t-s a bi, sho"* to the mind, so yo en.oy% &e"a se the entire s"ien"e of Atma Vyapti and Shiv Vyapti is n*no#n to the see*er in the be,innin, yo do not *no# #hat *ind of e$perien"e that #as% Any life transformin, e$perien"e for that matter is a fantasti" event in yo r bein, and yo "an-t des"ribe s "h e$perien"es in #ords% /f yo try to des"ribe in #ords, yo #ill find that #hatever yo tal* is no#here near to

El viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010 Satori, Atma-Vyapti y Shiv-Vyapti - la Parte 1 (Siete niveles de T rya! (Por favor note 0 e este "ap1t lo s2lo es "ar,ado para a0 ellos ami,os 0 e ten1an e$perien"ias de T rya% 3Pero, )STE4 el le"tor, si sted no tiene nin, na e$perien"ia de T rya y si sted lee este "ap1t lo, no tendr5 sentido+ 3Al "ontrario, esto p ede "rear el malentendido debido a las palabras sadas%%% ya 0 e la intele"to p ede entender mal estas palabras+ 4e este modo, 3ten,a " idado leyendo esto y no sa"a "on"l siones pre"ipitadas+ Si sted no entiende, por favor pre, nte% Estoy disponible% Shivoham, Prem!

El tema de la tarde es Satori, Atma Vyapti y Shiv Vyapti% En la primera parte hablaremos de siete niveles de t rya% Pero, antes de 0 e esto me de.ara hablar del fondo en " anto a por 0 ; este pro,rama f e an n"iado% En los dos <ltimos a=os debido a esta maravillosa "ombina"i2n de yo,a *riya y :a"hemira Shaivism tantas personas en TA( ten1an e$perien"ias de transforma"i2n de vida% 8 "hos de stedes ten1an estas e$perien"ias d rante el "ampo *arma*shalan, "asi "ada no ten1a estas e$perien"ias en el Pro,rama de desarrollo de :on"ien"ia y "ada no ten1a estas e$perien"ias en Trip ra 9ahasya :amp, "ampo residen"ial de siete d1as de lar,o% 8 "has personas hablaron de a0 ellas e$perien"ias "onmi,o, la parte de la rea""i2n lle,2 y tenemos el ar"hivo ,r eso, 0 e es nas "ompila"iones de todas estas e$perien"ias% Para n b s"ador " al0 ier e$perien"ia de esta "lase da na sa" dida b ena al sistema% Es n "ho0 e ,rande a la mente, enton"es sted disfr ta% :omo la "ien"ia entera de Atma Vyapti y Shiv Vyapti es des"ono"ida al b s"ador al prin"ipio 0 e sted no sabe 0 e tipo de e$perien"ia 0 e era% : al0 ier e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida en realidad es n a"onte"imiento fant5sti"o en el 0 e es y sted no p ede des"ribir tales e$perien"ias en palabras% Si sted trata de

yo r e$perien"e, so yo fail to des"ribe% That is the reason #e don-t *no# #hat that e$perien"e #as, #here #e stand on the path, #hether that is the final e$perien"e or there is somethin, more than that, all this "onf sion starts%

des"ribir en palabras, sted en"ontrar5 0 e todo lo 0 e sted hable no est5 en nin, na parte "er"a de s e$perien"ia, enton"es sted de.a de des"ribir% Es la ra>2n no sabemos " al a0 ella e$perien"ia era, donde estamos de pie en el "amino, si es la e$perien"ia final o hay al,o m5s 0 e 0 e, toda esta "onf si2n "omien>a% Antes de " al0 ier e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida sted no tiene nin, nas "onf siones por0 e la i,noran"ia es la feli"idad% A lo m5s sted tiene al, nos "on"eptos, n po"o de ima,ina"i2n de la e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida "omo Satori o Atma Vyapti% A"lara"i2n, 81 9eali>a"i2n, todos ;stos son palabras y "on"eptos para sted al prin"ipio y sted es feli> por0 e sted los sabe intele"t almente, sted ha le1do y sted ha o1do pero sted no lo ten1a en s propio "ono"imiento as1 no hay nin, na "onf si2n% @a verdadera "onf si2n "omien>a " ando sted realmente tiene las e$perien"ias y l e,o sted se pre, nta " al a0 ella e$perien"ia era% A: al0 ier e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida es n ,ran evento, "2mo entender " al era? Esto es el fondo% En 1B a=os pasados de TA( m5s de 100 personas ten1an la e$perien"ia de a"lara"i2n a0 1 mismo% 4ire"tamente de mi primer o se, ndo taller ,ente "omen>2 a tener estas e$perien"ias, tantos de ellos% Enton"es yo "re1a 0 e el tiempo ha venido ahora para hablar en na manera m y sistem5ti"a lo 0 e es los diferentes tipos de e$perien"ias 0 e sted p ede tener " ando sted ha"e sadhana en na manera m y sin"era% 6 estra metodolo,1a de yo,a *riya y :a"hemira Shaivism realmente prod "e res ltados% 3Al prin"ipio " 5ndo habl5bamos de C& ddhas por hornadasD todos a"ost mbrados para la risa+ Pero hoy & ddhas por hornadas es na realidad% En "ada hornada, m "hos parti"ipantes "onsi, en e$perien"ias de a"lara"i2n% Se ha he"ho ya na realidad y no es n as nto ris e=o% 3Es n as nto para divertirse, ale,rarse+ Esto pas2 en los tiempos de & da tambi;n, 2E00 a=os atr5s% : ando tantas personas alrededor de & da

Prior to any life transformin, e$perien"e yo have no "onf sions be"a se i,noran"e is bliss% At the most yo have some "on"epts, some ima,ination of life transformin, e$perien"e li*e Satori or Atma Vyapti% Enli,htenment, Self 9eali>ation, all these are #ords and "on"epts for yo in the be,innin, and yo are happy be"a se yo *no# them intelle"t ally, yo have read and yo have heard b t yo did not have it in yo r o#n "ons"io sness so there is no "onf sion% 9eal "onf sion be,ins #hen yo a"t ally have the e$perien"es and then yo #onder #hat that e$perien"e #as% Any life transformin, e$perien"e is a bi, event, ho# to nderstand #hat that #as? This is the ba"*,ro nd%

/n last 1B years of TA( more than 100 people had enli,htenment e$perien"e ri,ht here% 9i,ht from my first or se"ond #or*shop people started havin, these e$perien"es, so many of them% So / tho ,ht that time has no# "ome to dis" ss in a very systemati" manner #hat are the different *inds of e$perien"es yo "an have #hen yo do sadhana in a very sin"ere manner% ( r methodolo,y of *riya yo,a and 7ashmir Shaivism is really prod "in, res lts% /nitially #hen #e #ere tal*in, abo t C& ddhas by bat"hesD all of sed to la ,h+ & t today & ddhas by bat"hes is a reality% /n every bat"h, many parti"ipants ,et enli,htenment e$perien"es% /t has already be"ome a reality and it is not a la ,hin, matter% /t is a matter to "elebrate, to re.oi"e+ This happened in the times of & ddha also, 2E00 years ba"*% Fhen so many people aro nd & ddha started ,ettin, enli,htened other people #ho had no idea of spirit al e$perien"es they #ere #onderin, and many

people started "riti"i>in, & ddha that may be yo r &hi*h s are hall "inatin,, ho# "an these many people ,et enli,htened% & ddha-s ans#er to that in Pali #as G/hi Pasi*o-% G/hi Pasi*o- means yo "ome and see% 'o loo* into the eyes of those dis"iples and see, they also attained to & ddhahood% 8y ans#er also to all those people #ho are #onderin, is the same G/hi Pasi*o-% :ome and see so many Enli,htened &ein,s are there% /t is an ama>in, happenin, on this Planet Earth%

"omen>aron a ser a"laradas otra ,ente 0 e no t vo ni idea de e$perien"ias espirit ales ellos se pre, ntaban y m "has personas "omen>aron a "riti"ar a & da 0 e p ede ser s &hi*h s tienen al "ina"iones, "omo p ede esta m "ha ,ente ser a"larada% @a resp esta de & da a la " al en Pali era G/hi Pasi*o-% G/hi Pasi*o- s pone 0 e sted viene y ve% )sted e$amina los o.os de a0 ellos dis"1p los y ve, ellos tambi;n lle,aron a & ddhahood% 8i resp esta tambi;n a toda a0 ella ,ente 0 e se pre, nta es mismo G/hi Pasi*o-% Ven,a y ver 0 e tantos Seres : ltos est5n all1% Es n asombroso 0 e se en" entra "on este Planeta tierra% Pero mis ami,os a0 1 debemos entender lo 0 e los diferentes tipos de e$perien"ias est5n all1 y 0 e tipo de e$perien"ia sted ten1a de modo 0 e sted entienda y no se atas0 e all1% :omo la transforma"i2n de vida es na sa" dida tan ,rande, sted p ede 0 edarse en esto d rante m y lar,o tiempo y sted no p ede andar adelante% )sted no p ede a"t ali>ar s poten"ial m5s lleno y esto p ede pasar y pasa a m "hos y es la ra>2n an n"iamos esta tarde el pro,rama para todo n estro & ddhas en "iernes de modo 0 e sted no se atas0 e "on a0 ella na e$perien"ia% Hay n lar,o "amino por re"orrer% Es n via.e eterno y no hay nada "omo la e$perien"ia final% Por s p esto hay na espe"ie de "ar5"ter definitivo en la espirit alidad, pero por lo 0 e el via.e est5 preo" pado 0 e sea n via.e eterno% 6adie deber1a atas"arse en " al0 ier e$perien"ia parti" lar y es la ra>2n de la " al tenemos 0 e hablar% :omo hablamos de varios aspe"tos sted "omien>a a refle$ionar en s propio 0 e es y sted entender5 lo 0 e pas2 a sted y sted entender5 0 e bastantes "osas pasaron a sted% 8i metodolo,1a de la ,ente dire"tora sistem5ti"amente a la a"lara"i2n es tan perfe""ionada ahora 0 e m "hos de stedes reali>ar5n 0 e sted ten1a la serie de e$perien"ias% :omo hablamos, sted "omien>a a meditar, sted "omien>a a refle$ionar, y sted "omien>a a rela"ionarse "on las palabras 0 e di,o% A todos mis ami,os

& t my friends here #e m st nderstand #hat different *inds of e$perien"es are there and #hat *ind of e$perien"e yo had so that yo nderstand and don-t ,et st "* there% &e"a se the life transformation is s "h a bi, .olt, yo may stay into that for a very lon, time and yo may not #al* f rther% 'o may not a"t ali>e yo r f llest potential and this "an happen and it is happenin, to many and that is the reason #e anno n"ed this evenin, pro,ram for all o r b ddin, & ddhas so that yo do not ,et st "* #ith that one e$perien"e% There is a lon, #ay to ,o% /t-s an eternal .o rney and there is nothin, li*e final e$perien"e% (f "o rse there is a *ind of finality in spirit ality b t as far as the .o rney is "on"erned it is an eternal .o rney% 6obody sho ld ,et st "* at any parti" lar e$perien"e and that is the reason #e need to dis" ss%

As #e dis" ss vario s aspe"ts yo start ponderin, in yo r o#n bein, and yo #ill nderstand #hat happened to yo and yo #ill nderstand that 0 ite a fe# thin,s happened to yo % 8y methodolo,y of , idin, people systemati"ally to enli,htenment is no# so perfe"ted that many of yo #ill reali>e that yo had series of e$perien"es% As #e dis" ss, yo start meditatin,, yo start ponderin,, and yo start relatin, to the #ords that / spea*% To all my friends #here these e$perien"es happened, yo #ill nderstand

and those #ho did not have any e$perien"e #ill not nderstand ab"I of #hat / am tal*in,, so please e$" se me% There are 0 ite a fe# ne# people here% & t #e #anted this pro,ram to happen before 4#arahat Shibir% /n this shibir #e #ill ,o to very hi,h level pea*s in o r .o rney and if yo are not #ell versed #ith the basi"s yo may not feel "omfortable in 4#arahat Shibir% That is #hy all those people #ho are "omin, to 8ahavatar &aba.i-s "ave on 2nd ("tober 2010 / #anted all of them to attend this pro,ram be"a se this pro,ram #ill prepare yo for somethin, #hi"h is m "h hi,her% There is no end to this .o rney% Ho# far #e "an ,o? /t-s an infinite .o rney% This evenin, pro,ram #ill also prepare yo for 4#arahat Shibir% 6o# let-s start #ith the first e$perien"e that everybody ,ets, #hen / say everybody it means even those #ho are not on the path, they also ,et% (nly thin, is that it is n*no#n to the #orld that it is also Samadhi b t it is not "alled Samadhi, it is "alled Satori% All of s, everybody ,ets Satori e$perien"e nder "ertain "onditions% Fhat are these "onditions? Fe have many friends #ho ,o for tre**in, re, larly% For e$ample yo prepare yo rself and yo start tre**in, and yo ,o phill% /t is a diffi" lt tas* and yo mana,e to tre* for fo r to five ho rs "ontin o sly at a stret"h and #hen yo "ome a"ross a diffi" lt terrain, yo r attention also is very hi,h, yo are very vi,ilant be"a se if yo r feet slip yo may ,o do#n in the valley or river% So yo r attention ,oes very hi,h #hen yo are tre**in, and yo are not #orried abo t #hat is there in the f t re, yo have to see yo r ne$t step%

donde estas e$perien"ias pasaron, sted entender5 y a0 ellos 0 e no ten1an nin, na e$perien"ia no entender5 el abe"; I de lo 0 e hablo, tan por favor perd2neme% Hay bastantes n evas personas a0 1% Pero 0 isimos 0 e este pro,rama pasara antes 4#arahat Shibir% En este shibir iremos a pi"os m y de alto nivel en n estro via.e y si sted no est5 bien versado "on los f ndamentos sted no p ede sentirse "2modo en 4#arahat Shibir% Por eso toda a0 ella ,ente 0 e viene a la " eva de 8ahavatar &aba.i el 2 de o"t bre de 2010 0 ise 0 e todos ellos asistieran a este pro,rama por0 e este pro,rama le preparar5 para al,o 0 e es m "ho m5s alto% 6o hay nin,<n final a este via.e% AA 0 ; distan"ia podemos ir? Es n via.e infinito% Esta tarde el pro,rama tambi;n le preparar5 para 4#arahat Shibir% Ahora vaya al prin"ipio "on la primera e$perien"ia 0 e "ada no "onsi, e, " ando di,o a "ada no esto si,nifi"a hasta a0 ellos 0 e no est5n en el "amino, ellos tambi;n se ponen% S2lo la "osa "onsiste en 0 e es des"ono"ido al m ndo 0 e tambi;n es Samadhi pero no es llamado Samadhi, es llamado Satori% Todos nosotros, "ada no "onsi, e la e$perien"ia de Satori en "iertas "ondi"iones% A: 5les son estas "ondi"iones? Tenemos m "hos ami,os 0 e van para el senderismo "on re, laridad% Por e.emplo sted se prepara y sted "omien>a el senderismo y sted va " esta arriba% Es na tarea dif1"il y sted p ede al via.e difi" ltoso d rante " atro a "in"o horas "ontin amente se, idas y " ando sted se en" entra "on n terreno dif1"il, s aten"i2n tambi;n es m y alta, sted es m y vi,ilante por0 e si s resbal2n de pies sted p ede en el valle o r1o% Enton"es s aten"i2n va m y alto " ando sted es el senderismo y sted no est5 preo" pado de lo 0 e est5 all1 en el f t ro, sted tiene 0 e ver s si, iente paso% Esta ve> f imos a *edartal, sol1amos ver s2lo el si, iente paso, olvidando donde t vimos 0 e ir% :ada paso t vimos 0 e ser vi,ilantes por0 e si s si, iente paso sted no le pone "orre"tamente entrar5 en Jan,es% Enton"es el senderismo a tom5ti"amente a menta s

This time #e #ent to *edartal, #e sed to . st see the ne$t step, for,ettin, #here #e had to ,o% Every step #e had to be vi,ilant be"a se if yo r ne$t step yo do not p t properly yo #ill ,o into Jan,es% So tre**in, a tomati"ally in"reases yo r a#areness of the moment% /t

is a m st and it is an phill tas* #hen yo ,o p in the mo ntains% After five to si$ ho rs #hen yo rea"h the pea* of the mo ntain s ddenly yo #ill see that panorami" vie# and yo #ill ,et that -aha- feelin,% /n that feelin, there is an e$perien"e% That e$perien"e is "alled satori% /t stays for fe# se"onds only, five to ten se"onds and it is lost and then yo are ba"* to normal%

"on"ien"ia del momento% Es deber y es na tarea as"endente " ando sted s be en las monta=as% 4esp ;s de "in"o a seis horas " ando sted al"an>a el pi"o de la monta=a de repente sted ver5 0 e el panorama y sted "onse, ir5n esto Ka.5K sentimiento% En a0 el sentimiento hay na e$perien"ia% A0 ella e$perien"ia es llamada satori% Se 0 eda d rante po"os se, ndos s2lo, "in"o a die> se, ndos y es perdido y l e,o sted est5 de v elta al normal% 8isma e$perien"ia de Satori p ede pasar " ando sted tiene m "ha hambre% : ando sted "onsi, e na "omida b ena y si la "omida es sabrosa sted realmente se siente "ontento y al final de ella a n p nto parti" lar sted tiene esto Ka.5K sentimiento% Es "omo si sted "onsi, i2 la feli"idad en s " erpo lleno% A0 ellos 0 e son amantes de "omida ellos lo "onsi, en% Es la e$perien"ia de Satori% )sted s2lo ser "on la nat rale>a, medite, de repente sted viene a a0 el sentimiento e f2ri"o, sted "onsi, e la e$perien"ia de satori% Si sted ama a la belle>a y si sted "apt ra na es"ena b enaL hasta la foto,raf1a p ede darle la e$perien"ia de Satori% Si sted es n meditator y n fot2,rafo sted p ede "onse, ir la e$perien"ia de Satori ha"iendo la foto,raf1a% Si sted e$amina los o.os ino"entes de n ni=o y sted es absorbido en la es"ena, Ka.5K, 0 e es la e$perien"ia de Satori% )sted mira na "ara hermosa y sted "onsi, e esto Ka.5K sentimiento, 0 e es la e$perien"ia de satori, todo 0 e le da la visl mbre donde la ob.etividad es perdida por0 e sted es totalmente absorbido en a0 ella es"ena es la e$perien"ia de Satori, pero esto pasa in"ons"ientemente% )sted no es totalmente "ons"iente de s s b.etividadL s2lo la ob.etividad es perdida por0 e sted es absorbido en la es"ena% Por eso estas e$perien"ias no se ha"en e$perien"ias de transforma"i2n de vida% Ellos son . sto "omo el to0 e y van% )sted "onsi, e al,o por eso estos tre**ers ellos van repetidamente, ellos no saben lo 0 e ellos "onsi, en% Pero ellos "onsi, en la e$perien"ia de Satori por eso ellos son atra1dos para ir repetidamente para el via.e difi" ltoso% 4 rante a0 ellos "in"o a die> se, ndos sted traba.a tan "on f er>a%

Same Satori e$perien"e "an happen #hen yo are very h n,ry% Fhen yo ,et a ,ood meal and if the food is tasty yo really feel "ontented and at the end of it at one parti" lar point yo have that Gaha- feelin,% /t is as if yo ,ot bliss on yo r f ll body% Those #ho are food lovers they ,et it% That is Satori e$perien"e% 'o . st be #ith the nat re, meditate, s ddenly yo "ome to that e phori" feelin,, yo ,et satori e$perien"e% /f yo love bea ty and if yo "apt re a ,ood s"eneL even photo,raphy "an ,ive yo Satori e$perien"e% /f yo are a meditator and a photo,rapher yo "an ,et Satori e$perien"e #hile doin, photo,raphy% /f yo loo* into the inno"ent eyes of a "hild and yo ,et absorbed into the s"ene, Gaha-, that is Satori e$perien"e% 'o loo* at a bea tif l fa"e and yo ,et that Gahafeelin,, that is satori e$perien"e, all that ,ives yo the ,limpse #here ob.e"tivity is lost be"a se yo are f lly absorbed into that s"ene is Satori e$perien"e, b t this happens n*no#in,ly% 'o are not f lly a#are of yo r s b.e"tivityL only ob.e"tivity is lost be"a se yo are absorbed into the s"ene% That is #hy these e$perien"es do not be"ome life transformin, e$perien"es% They are . st li*e to "h and ,o% 'o ,et somethin, that is #hy these tre**ers they ,o repeatedly, they don-t *no# #hat they ,et% & t they ,et the Satori e$perien"e that is #hy they are attra"ted to repeatedly ,o for tre*% For those five to ten se"onds yo #or* so hard% & t that is the bea ty%

Pero es la belle>a% & t these e$perien"es do not stay #ith yo for lon,, they are fleetin, moments, they are for fe# se"onds at the most% 'o ,o to the same pla"e a,ainL yo may or may not ,et these e$perien"es% 'o had a #onderf l e$perien"e on"e and yo ta*e yo r friends and yo #ant to ,o to same pla"e a,ain% 'o may not ,et the same e$perien"e be"a se it does not "reate the satori e$perien"e the se"ond time% First time everythin, is n*no#n so yo are en.oyin,% Se"ond time it is *no#n so yo relate to the s"ene from the memory and that does not ,ive yo satori e$perien"e% /t means that it is not meditative a#areness% Pero estas e$perien"ias no se 0 edan "on sted m "ho tiempo, ellos son momentos breves, ellos son d rante po"os se, ndos a lo m5s% )sted va al mismo l ,ar otra ve>L sted p ede o no p ede "onse, ir estas e$perien"ias% )sted ten1a na maravillosa e$perien"ia na ve> y sted toma a s s ami,os y sted 0 iere ir a mismo l ,ar otra ve>% )sted no p ede "onse, ir la misma e$perien"ia por0 e no "rea la e$perien"ia de satori la se, nda ve>% @a primera ve> todo es des"ono"ido enton"es sted disfr ta% Se, nda ve> es "ono"ido enton"es sted est5 rela"ionado "on la es"ena de la memoria y esto no le da la e$perien"ia de satori% Esto si,nifi"a 0 e no es la "on"ien"ia meditativa% A0 1 no hablamos de e$perien"ias de Satori "omo e$perien"ias espirit ales por0 e t;"ni"amente la e$perien"ia de Satori es na visl mbre de Samadhi% Esto pare"e a n nivel temprano de Samadhi donde la mente para d rante po"os se, ndos nat ralmente debido a esto Ka.5K el sentimiento% Pero sin embar,o se,<n la defini"i2n, es la visl mbre de Samadhi y es llamado "omo Satori% 8 "has personas 0 e asisten al Pro,rama Vipasana, ellos si, en mirando s aliento d rante 10 d1as y en n momento ellos tienen esto Ka.5K sentimiento% )sted e$perimenta al,o y es sin mente, 0 e es la e$perien"ia de Satori% Tan meditators tambi;n "onsi, en la e$perien"ia de Satori% Pero tenemos 0 e entender " al na e$perien"ia espirit al empl mada llena es% Satori es s2lo na visl mbre no es na e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida empl mada llena% Todos a0 ellos 0 e ha"1an Satori e$perimentar, sted no los ver5 transformar% )sted tendr5 s2lo na memoria feli> de a0 el via.e difi" ltoso, o a0 ella belle>a o a0 ella foto,raf1a% )sted 0 iere volver a vivir ese momento viendo a0 ella foto,raf1a otra ve>% )sted "onsi, e a0 ella ale,r1a, pero " ando sted lo ve repetidamente hasta 0 e la ale,r1a es perdida% A0 ellos 0 e tienen demasiadas foto,raf1as de demasiados difi" ltosos 0 e ellos no se molestan hasta en ver% AM ; debe ver all1? Esto es por0 e la misma "osa no da la ale,r1a

Here #e are not dis" ssin, Satori e$perien"es as spirit al e$perien"es be"a se te"hni"ally Satori e$perien"e is a ,limpse of Samadhi% /t is li*e an early level of Samadhi #here the mind stops for fe# se"onds nat rally be"a se of that Gaha- feelin,% & t nevertheless a""ordin, to the definition, it is the ,limpse of Samadhi and is "alled as Satori% 8any people #ho attend Vipasana Pro,ram, they *eep #at"hin, their breath for 10 days and at one moment they have that Gaha- feelin,% 'o e$perien"e somethin, and that is no-mind, #hi"h is Satori e$perien"e% So meditators also ,et Satori e$perien"e% & t #e need to nderstand #hat a f ll fled,ed spirit al e$perien"e is% Satori is . st a ,limpse it is not a f ll fled,ed life transformin, e$perien"e% All those #ho had Satori e$perien"e, yo #ill not see them transformin,% 'o #ill have . st a happy memory of that tre*, or that bea ty or that photo,raph% 'o #ant to relive that moment by seein, that photo,raph a,ain% 'o ,et that .oy b t #hen yo see it repeatedly even that .oy is lost% Those #ho have too many photo,raphs of too many tre*s they don-t even bother to see% Fhat is there to see? This is be"a se the same thin, does not ,ive .oy se"ond time% That is #hy Satori e$perien"es are not lastin, e$perien"es and they "annot be labeled as Self 9eali>ation or Enli,htenment e$perien"e% That is somethin,

different% So let-s move f rther%

se, nda ve>% Por eso las e$perien"ias de Satori no d ran e$perien"ias y ellos no p eden ser mar"ados "omo 81 e$perien"ia de A"lara"i2n o 9eali>a"i2n% Es al,o diferente% Enton"es vaya a moverse adelante% @a verdadera e$perien"ia pasa " ando sted "apt ra el p nto de ni2n, desp ;s de 0 e sted d erme " ando el s e=o de"lara : ando sted d erme, s desvelo se mar"haL sted entra en el estado de hyno,o,i", desp ;s hyno,o,i" estado de "in"o a die> min tos sted entra en el s e=o, 0 e es el s e=o m5s o menos prof ndo% 4esp ;s de apro$imadamente N0 min tos y tanto sted "onsi, e el primer s e=o% : ando sted debe "onse, ir apro$imadamente el s e=o hay n p nto de ni2n entre estado de s e=o y s e=o prof ndo% Si sted se da " enta de a0 el estado, a0 el p nto de ni2n, 0 e sandhi*al es llamado el primer nivel de la feli"idad% Tambi;n es el primer nivel de t rya% Hay " atro estados del "ono"imiento y en la :a"hemira Shaivism all1 son "in"o% El primer estado es llamado .a,rat avastha% )sted es normal, "ons"iente y despierta ahora mismo% )sted est5 en Oa,rat avastha% El se, ndo nivel es " ando sted s e=a, s#apna avastha y s e=a menos s e=o, s e=o prof ndo 0 e es s sh pti avastha - donde sted es totalmente i,norante, sted ha olvidado todo in"l so s nombre% Esto es el estado de s e=o prof ndo% Si s "on"ien"ia s be y si sted "omien>a a so=ar y sted sabe 0 e s e=a si,nifi"a 0 e sted es "ons"iente% Por otra parte d rante el s e=o de"laran 0 e sted no es "ons"iente 0 e s e=a% El s e=o es verdadero para sted, pero si sted ha"e *riya, si sted es ini"iado en *riya "orre"tamente, sted ha"e *riya "on re, laridad y sted ha"e la medita"i2n de :ha*rodaya - mirada de s aliento y "apt ra del p nto de"isivo 0 e es el mayor se"reto de la espirit alidad% Si sted ha"e la medita"i2n de :ha*rodaya m y pronto sted desarrolla la "on"ien"ia de la ni2n entre el s e=o prof ndo y s e=os% : ando el s e=o le para otra ve> entran en el s e=o prof ndo y hay na ni2n% : ando sted se despierta del estado de s e=o

The real e$perien"e happens #hen yo "apt re the . n"tion point, after yo sleep #hen the dream state starts% Fhen yo sleep, yo r #a*ef lness ,oes a#ayL yo ,et in the hyno,o,i" state, after hyno,o,i" state of five to ten min tes yo ,et into sleep, #hi"h is more or less deep sleep% After abo t N0 min tes or so yo ,et the first dream% Fhen yo are . st abo t to ,et the dream there is a . n"tion point bet#een deep sleep and dream state% /f yo be"ome a#are of that state, that . n"tion point, that sandhi*al it is "alled first level of bliss% That is also the first level of t rya% There are fo r states of "ons"io sness and in 7ashmir Shaivism there are five% The first state is "alled .a,rat avastha% 'o are normal, "ons"io s and a#a*e ri,ht no#% 'o are in Oa,rat avastha% Se"ond level is #hen yo are dreamin,, s#apna avastha and dream less sleep, deep sleep that is s sh pti avastha - #here yo are totally i,norant, yo have for,otten everythin, in"l din, yo r name% This is deep sleep state% /f yo r a#areness ,oes p and if yo start dreamin, and yo *no# yo are dreamin, means yo are a#are% (ther#ise d rin, the dream state yo are not a#are that yo are dreamin,% The dream is real for yo b t if yo do *riya, if yo are initiated into *riya properly, yo do *riya re, larly and yo do :ha*rodaya meditation - #at"hin, yo r breath and "apt rin, the t rnin, point that is the ,reatest se"ret of spirit ality%

/f yo do :ha*rodaya meditation very soon yo develop the a#areness of the . n"tion bet#een the deep sleep and dreams% Fhen the dream stops yo a,ain ,et into deep sleep and there is a . n"tion% Fhen yo #a*e p from deep sleep state to #a*ef l state

there is a . n"tion% Fhen yo ,et into sleep from #a*ef l state to deep sleep state there is a . n"tion point% /f yo be"ome a#are of every . n"tion, in that . n"tion point, in that sandhi, in that t rnin, point, in that threshold point, in that "onne"tin, point yo ,et bliss that is the bliss of T rya, that bliss #hi"h all of yo have e$perien"ed, anybody #ho attended A4P this is , aranteed% 4 rin, A4P yo r a#areness ,oes to that e$tent and 100P everybody e$perien"es% That is te"hni"ally *no#n as first level of T rya%

prof ndo al estado desvelado hay na ni2n% : ando sted entra en el s e=o del estado desvelado al s e=o prof ndo de"laran 0 e hay n p nto de ni2n% Si sted se da " enta de "ada ni2n, en a0 el p nto de ni2n, en esto sandhi, en a0 el p nto de"isivo, en a0 el p nto de mbral, en a0 ella ni2n indi"an 0 e sted "onsi, e la feli"idad 0 e es la feli"idad de T rya, a0 ella feli"idad 0 e todos stedes han e$perimentado, al, ien 0 e asistiera a A4P esto es ,aranti>ado% 4 rante A4P s "on"ien"ia va a a0 el ,rado y el 100 P 0 e "ada no e$perimenta% Esto es t;"ni"amente "ono"ido "omo el primer nivel de T rya% T rya tiene siete niveles% T rya no est5 s2lo m5s all5 de Oa,rat, s#apna y s sh pti "omo es entendido normalmente por el sadha*as% T rya, ya 0 e sted va m5s prof ndo tiene m "has "apas y por eso s s e$perien"ias se diferen"ian% Enton"es esto es el primer nivel de T rya, el primer nivel de la feli"idad% T;"ni"amente en la :a"hemira Shaivism ellos lo llaman 6i.ananda% S ananda, feli"idad, mar"ada "omo 6i.ananda% Es la feli"idad del m1% G6i.a- 0 iere de"ir m1% Es ananda del m1% En el t rya de"laran 0 e sted e$perimenta s propio m1 y es llamado 6i.ananda% /n"l so no p ede "onsiderarse "omo la e$perien"ia de A"lara"i2n% Trato s2lo de e$pli"arle lo 0 e e$a"tamente el sentido de la a"lara"i2n de palabra, m1 la reali>a"i2n "onsiste en por0 e hay tantas etapas y en 0 e estado e$a"tamente esto pasa% Qstos son las etapas 0 e pasan, es"alones, sin d da sted e$perimenta la feli"idad pero a0 ella feli"idad es de la "lase diferente y los yo, is "onsi, en la feli"idad de la "lase diferente, la feli"idad de Shiva es de la "lase diferente y hay tantos niveles diferentes de la feli"idad% )sted tiene 0 e entender 0 e es n via.e eterno y hay tantos tipos diferentes de e$perien"ias% )sted "omien>a a re,istrar en s diario personal s s propias e$perien"ias sted entender5 las diferen"ias% 8ientras 0 e sted pro,resa en el "amino y sted pra"ti"a medita"iones de :a"hemira Shaivism, sted pra"ti"a A.apa Jayatri y sted va prof ndamente en elloL la pr5"ti"a 0 e hi"imos en A4P shibir, la mayor parte del

T rya has seven levels% T rya is . st not beyond Oa,rat, s#apna and s sh pti as it is nderstood normally by the sadha*as% T rya, as yo ,o deeper has many layers and that is #hy yo r e$perien"es differ% So this is the first level of T rya, first level of bliss% Te"hni"ally in 7ashmir Shaivism they "all it 6i.ananda% /ts ananda, bliss, labeled as 6i.ananda% /t is bliss of the self% G6i.a- means self% /t is ananda of the self% /n the t rya state yo e$perien"e yo r o#n self and that is "alled 6i.ananda% Even that "annot be "onsidered as Enli,htenment e$perien"e% / am . st tryin, to e$plain to yo #hat e$a"tly the meanin, of the #ord enli,htenment, self reali>ation is be"a se there are so many sta,es and at #hat state e$a"tly it happens% These are the passin, sta,es, steppin, stones, no do bt yo e$perien"e bliss b t that bliss is of different *ind and yo,is ,et bliss of different *ind, Shiva-s bliss is of different *ind and there are so many different levels of bliss% 'o have to nderstand that it is an eternal .o rney and there are so many different types of e$perien"es% 'o start re"ordin, in yo r personal diary yo r o#n e$perien"es yo #ill nderstand the differen"es%

As yo pro,ress on the path and yo pra"ti"e meditations of 7ashmir Shaivism, yo pra"ti"e A.apa Jayatri and yo ,o deep into itL the pra"ti"e #hi"h #e did in A4P shibir, most of the time #e #ere doin, A.apa

Jayatri% Fhen yo do A.apa Jayatri meditation yo r breathin, #ill slo# do#n nat rally and yo ,et more and more into sandhi*al the . n"tion points% At one point yo r a#areness in"reases to s "h an e$tent that yo start feelin, ,iddy% 'o r body is not a"" stomed to handle that hi,h volta,e po#er of a#areness% /f yo are a non ve,etarian eater or if yo r eatin, habits are not proper or if yo are not doin, yo r *riya re, larlyL yo r prani" levels are lo#% The moment yo ,et to that hei,ht of a#areness #hi"h is "reated be"a se of the pra"ti"e of A.apa Jayatri meditation of 7ashmir Shaivism yo start feelin, ,iddy very early% /n that ,iddiness if yo maintain that a#areness even that ,iddiness #ill pass a#ay b t d rin, that ,iddiness phase also yo are in T rya avastha% & t it is hi,her level of T rya, a little deeper level of T rya, yo are ,iddy b t yo are still en.oyin, the breath, yo are still ,ettin, into the t rnin, point% There is bliss% The ,iddiness is of the body b t yo r bein, is en.oyin, that bliss b t be"a se of ,iddiness #e "all it as nirananda - devoid of infinite bliss% &liss is there b t be"a se yo are feelin, ,iddy yo are not able to brea*thro ,h that phase it is "alled 6irananda - devoid of infinite bliss% This is se"ond level of T rya%

tiempo ha"1amos A.apa Jayatri% : ando sted ha"e A.apa Jayatri medita"i2n s respira"i2n red "ir5 la velo"idad nat ralmente y sted "onsi, e "ada ve> m5s en sandhi*al los p ntos de ni2n% En "ierta o"asi2n s "on"ien"ia a menta hasta tal p nto 0 e sted "omien>a a sentirse verti,inoso% S " erpo no es a"ost mbrado a a0 el poder de alta tensi2n de la "on"ien"ia% Si sted es n no "omedor ve,etariano o si s s h5bitos de "omida no son apropiados o si sted no ha"e s *riya "on re, laridadL s s niveles prani" son ba.os% El momento 0 e sted "onsi, e a a0 ella alt ra de la "on"ien"ia 0 e es "reada debido a la pr5"ti"a de A.apa Jayatri medita"i2n de :a"hemira Shaivism sted "omien>a a sentirse verti,inoso m y temprano% En a0 el v;rti,o si sted mantiene a0 ella "on"ien"ia hasta 0 e el v;rti,o falle"er5, pero d rante a0 ella fase de v;rti,o tambi;n sted est5 en T rya avastha% Pero es el nivel m5s alto de T rya, el nivel n po"o m5s prof ndo de T rya, sted es verti,inoso pero sted todav1a disfr ta del aliento, sted todav1a entra en el p nto de"isivo% Hay feli"idad% El v;rti,o es del " erpo pero s ser disfr ta de a0 ella feli"idad pero debido al v;rti,o lo llamamos "omo nirananda - "arente de la feli"idad infinita% @a feli"idad est5 all1, pero por0 e sted se siente verti,inoso sted no es "apa> a la bre"ha 0 e fase es llamado 6irananda - "arente de la feli"idad infinita% Esto es el se, ndo nivel de T rya% Todos a0 ellos 0 e meditan saben 0 e en "ierta o"asi2n sted se siente in"2modo en la medita"i2n y desde all1 sted sale% @a mayor parte del tiempo a0 ella >ona de in"omodidad es de"idida por s vitalidad "el lar% A0 ellos 0 e ha"en el yo,a *riya debido al poder de yo,a s sistema "el lar est5n bastante bien y est5n preparados, enton"es sted pasa este se, ndo nivel de t rya sin m "ha difi" ltad% Pero a0 ellos 0 e no ha"en el yo,a *riya, en" entro miles del m ndo meditators, m "hos meditators han des"rito 0 e a n nivel parti" lar ellos se sienten sat rados, ellos sienten 0 e han tenido bastante y l e,o ellos salen de ello% Est5 normalmente al nivel de 6irananda% :omo sted no ha he"ho *riya, s s niveles prani" son ba.os enton"es s

All those #ho meditate *no# that at one point yo feel n"omfortable in meditation and from there yo "ome o t% 8ost of the time that dis"omfort >one is de"ided by yo r "ell lar vibran"y% Those #ho do *riya yo,a be"a se of the po#er of yo,a yo r "ell lar system is pretty ,ood and is prepared, so yo pass this se"ond level of t rya #itho t m "h diffi" lty% & t those #ho are not doin, *riya yo,a, / meet tho sands of meditators #orld over, many meditators have des"ribed that at a parti" lar level they feel sat rated, they feel they have had eno ,h and then they "ome o t of it% That is normally at the level of 6irananda% &e"a se yo have not done *riya, yo r prani" levels are lo# then yo r physi"al body is not prepared for that hi,her level, so

yo t rn ba"* from there and f rther sadhana is not possible% That is the reason anybody #ho "ame to TA( the first thin, that / do is in"rease their "ell lar fre0 en"y #hi"h is not possible by doin, ima,ination meditations, vis ali>ations% 'o "an-t%

" erpo f1si"o no est5 preparado para a0 el nivel m5s alto, enton"es sted se v elve atr5s desde all1 y adelante el sadhana no es posible% Es la ra>2n al, ien 0 e viniera a TA( la primera "osa 0 e ha,o es a mentar s fre" en"ia "el lar 0 e no es posible ha"iendo medita"iones de ima,ina"i2n, vis ali>a"iones% )sted no p ede% )sted tiene 0 e tener la o$i,ena"i2n del " erpo% : ando sted o$i,ena s " erpo, s s s bidas de fre" en"ia "el lares% Tan *riya yo,a es la metodolo,1a absol tamente fant5sti"a% @o 0 e sted "onsi, e antes de BE min tos de *apalbhati o Pranayama bhastri*a, sted "onse, ir5 "on tres min tos de *riya% Es el poder del yo,a *riya% Por eso insisto 0 e antes de 0 e sted seriamente vaya prof ndamente en espirit almente preparen s " erpo% Es deber% Por eso en el yo,a ashtan, dan tanto de la importan"ia a yama, niyama y asan, pranayam% Todos estos " atro primeros miembros del yo,a ashtan, - yama y niyama 0 e pone b5si"amente s estilo de vida y "rea a0 ella a"tit d y asan y pranayam deben ha"er b5si"amente s " erpo fle$ible y a mentar la vitalidad "el lar% Pranayam debe o$i,enar b5si"amente s sistema% : ando el nivel de sat ra"i2n de o$1,eno de la san,re va alto sted se ha"e "apa> del mane.o de a0 ella "on"ien"ia m5s alta% Si s sistema no es totalmente o$i,enado s " erpo no p ede la "on"ien"ia m5s alta y a0 el v;rti,o vendr5 m y temprano% Hay otra "osa a esto% Si s " erpo no es o$i,enado hasta ,yan no vendr5 a sted esto f5"ilmente% @o 0 e hablo ahora, "ada no se pone diferentemente% Todo esto depende a s nivel% S pon,a 0 e s s niveles de o$i,ena"i2n son ba.os sted se sentir5 so=oliento% Estos temas de T rya p eden ponerle en T rya avastha o en el s e=o prof ndo% Ser5 de"idido por s propia fre" en"ia "el lar% Por eso "on el yo,a *riya la bre"ha se hi>o tan r5pida% :ada "ampo prod "e po"os & ddhas, po"os 8aestros " ltos por0 e es na verdadera te"nolo,1a% Si sted ha"e *riya s fre" en"ia "el lar s be . nto "on esto sted ha"e la "lase "orre"ta de medita"iones% Ten,o 0 e sar esta "lase de

'o have to have o$y,enation of the body% Fhen yo o$y,enate yo r body, yo r "ell lar fre0 en"y rises% So *riya yo,a is absol tely fantasti" methodolo,y% Fhat yo a"hieve by BE min tes of *apalbhati or bhastri*a Pranayama, yo #ill a"hieve #ith three min tes of *riya% That is the po#er of *riya yo,a% That is #hy / insist that before yo serio sly ,o deep into spirit ally prepare yo r body% That is a m st% That is #hy in ashtan, yo,a so m "h of importan"e is ,iven to yama, niyama and asan, pranayam% All these first fo r limbs of ashtan, yo,a - yama and niyama #hi"h is basi"ally settin, yo r lifestyle and "reatin, that attit de and asan and pranayam is basi"ally to ma*e yo r body s pple and in"rease the "ell lar vibran"y% Pranayam is basi"ally to o$y,enate yo r system% Fhen the o$y,en sat ration level of the blood ,oes hi,h yo be"ome "apable of handlin, that hi,her a#areness% /f yo r system is not f lly o$y,enated yo r body "annot handle hi,her a#areness and that ,iddiness #ill "ome very early% There is another thin, to this% /f yo r body is not o$y,enated even ,yan #ill not "ome to yo that easily% Fhat / am tal*in, no#, everyone is ,ettin, differently% /t all depends on yo r level% S ppose yo r o$y,enation levels are lo# yo #ill feel sleepy% These topi"s of T rya "an p t yo into T rya avastha or into deep sleep% /t #ill be de"ided by yo r o#n "ell lar fre0 en"y% That is #hy #ith *riya yo,a the brea*thro ,h be"ame so rapid% Every "amp prod "es fe# & ddhas, fe# enli,htened 8asters be"a se it is a real te"hnolo,y% /f yo do *riya yo r "ell lar fre0 en"y ,oes p alon, #ith that yo do ri,ht *ind of meditations% / have to se this #ord ri,ht *ind of meditation be"a se in the

#orld there are tho sand different types of meditations and o t of that N00 meditations are of ima,ination% So / have to really ma*e it a point abo t doin, ri,ht *ind of meditation% 8editation m st in"rease yo r a#arenessL any meditation that in"reases yo r a#areness is the ri,ht *ind of meditation% Any meditation that enhan"es yo r mind ,ames is a #ron, *ind of meditation% All ima,inations and vis ali>ations sho ld ne"essarily be avoided if yo #ant to #al* the path of enli,htenment%

dere"ho de palabra de la medita"i2n por0 e en el m ndo hay mil de tipos diferentes de medita"iones y de a0 ellos N00 las medita"iones son de la ima,ina"i2n% Enton"es realmente ten,o 0 e ha"erlo n p nto sobre ha"er la "lase "orre"ta de la medita"i2n% @a medita"i2n debe a mentar s "on"ien"iaL " al0 ier medita"i2n 0 e a mente s "on"ien"ia es la "lase "orre"ta de la medita"i2n% : al0 ier medita"i2n 0 e real"e s s . e,os de mente es na "lase in"orre"ta de la medita"i2n% Todas las ima,ina"iones y las vis ali>a"iones deber1an ser ne"esariamente evitadas si sted 0 iere andar el "amino de a"lara"i2n% Por favor no me entienda mal, no estoy "ontra vis ali>a"iones% @a vis ali>a"i2n est5 bien para preparar s d1a, prioriti>in, s d1a, planeando s d1a, es na te"nolo,1a 0 e se manifiesta% @a manifesta"i2n est5 bien si sted 0 iere "onse, ir s ob.etivo de ventas, ob.etivo "omer"ial, es absol tamente fino, y no estoy "ontra esto% Pero vis ali>a"iones, ima,ina"iones, "onstr ""iones mentales, los . e,os de mente no son nin,<n "amino prove"hoso en el "amino a la a"lara"i2n% Ten,a m "ho " idado por0 e en los 6 evos "1r" los de Edad la mayor parte de la ,ente prom eve esto, a0 ellos tipos de medita"iones son absol tamente in<tiles por lo 0 e s andar del "amino de m1 reali>a"i2n est5 referido% 3Ellos son m y <tiles para el "re"imiento "omer"ial, los s yos as1 "omo los s yos, m5s s yos y menos s yos+ Enton"es est; m y " idadoso mis 0 eridos ami,os% Si sted pra"ti"a :ha*rodaya sted "omen>ar5 a darse " enta en n verdadero sentido% El m5s "ons"iente 0 e sted se ha"e y sted "ontin<a a me.orar s "on"ien"ia sted "apt rar5 nat ralmente los p ntos de"isivos del aliento% )sted "ontin<a a inhalar, inhalar, e inhalar, en "ierta o"asi2n s s paradas de inhala"i2n y las de espira"i2n% A0 el p nto es llamado "omo sandhi*al% Es el sandhi, el p nto 0 e se ne, el p nto de ni2n, el p nto de mbral% )sted debe darse " enta de esto% Enton"es sted "ontin<a a e$halar y en "ierta o"asi2n la espira"i2n es terminada y s s de

Please don-t mis nderstand me, / am not a,ainst vis ali>ations% Vis ali>ation is ,ood for preparin, yo r day, prioriti>in, yo r day, plannin, yo r day, it is a manifestin, te"hnolo,y% 8anifestin, is ,ood if yo #ant to a"hieve yo r sales tar,et, b siness tar,et, it is absol tely fine, and / am not a,ainst that% & t vis ali>ations, ima,inations, mental "onstr "ts, mind ,ames are no #ay helpf l on the path to enli,htenment% &e very "aref l be"a se in the 6e# A,e "ir"les most of the people are promotin, this, those types of meditations are absol tely seless as far as yo r #al*in, the path of self reali>ation is "on"erned% They are very sef l for b siness ,ro#th, theirs as #ell as yo rs, more of theirs and less of yo rs+ So be very "aref l my dear friends%

/f yo pra"ti"e :ha*rodaya yo #ill start be"omin, a#are in a real sense% The more a#are yo be"ome and yo ,o on p,radin, yo r a#areness yo #ill nat rally "apt re the t rnin, points of the breath% 'o ,o on inhalin,, inhalin,, and inhalin,, at one point yo r inhalation stops and the e$halation starts% That point is "alled as sandhi*al% That is the sandhi, the .oinin, point, the . n"tion point, the threshold point% 'o m st be"ome a#are of that% Then yo ,o on e$halin, and at one point e$halation is over and yo r inhalation starts% That is the t rnin, point, sandhi*al% 'o ,o on pdatin, yo r

a#areness .oyo sly and a,ain "apt re the t rnin, point% This meditation is *no#n as :ha*rodaya dhyana% Fe #ill ,o into ,reater details of ea"h te"hni0 e of 7ashmir Shaivism by a"t ally pra"ti"in, it in 4#arahat Shibhir% Every meditation #e #ill pra"ti"e for lon,er d rations so that yo be"ome absol tely thoro ,h #ith the basi"s%

inhala"i2n% Es el p nto de"isivo, sandhi*al% )sted "ontin<a a a"t ali>ar s "on"ien"ia ale,remente y otra ve> "apt ra el p nto de"isivo% Esta medita"i2n es "ono"ida "omo :ha*rodaya dhyana% Entraremos en mayores detalles de "ada t;"ni"a de :a"hemira Shaivism pra"ti"5ndolo realmente en 4#arahat Shibhir% :ada medita"i2n 0 e pra"ti"aremos para d ra"iones m5s lar,as de modo 0 e sted se ha,a absol tamente " idadoso "on los f ndamentos% Si sted ha"e as1 diariamente, "on re, laridad s "on"ien"ia "ontin ar5 a a mentar% Enton"es de a0 1 sted "ontin ar5 al si, iente nivel de la pr5"ti"a 0 e es "ono"ida "omo A.apa Jayatri medita"i2n% En A.apa Jayatri medita"i2n misma "osa pasa pero s aliento se ha"e m5s lento, sted se ha"e m5s rela.ado, sted se ha"e m5s s til y sted "ontin<a a entrar en esto ale,remente "ada nanose, ndo " ando sted inhala, en todas partes% )sted "apt ra el p nto de"isivo "on el ,ran ent siasmo totalmente "ons"iente% 8ientras 0 e sted "ontin<a a e$halar sted es totalmente ent si5sti"o, refres"amiento, renovando s "on"ien"ia y l e,o viene al p nto de"isivo y ale,remente lo "apt ra% Hay na ,ran ale,r1a% Si sted ha"e esta "lase "orre"ta de la medita"i2n sted ser5 "apa> de "apt rar el p nto de ni2n en s s e=o% En el d1a sted no ha"e esta medita"i2n enton"es sted va al s e=o, s2lo por la ma=ana " ando sted se despierta sted reali>ar5 0 e hab1a dormido% S2lo teniendo s t; sted entender5 0 e no "apt2 la idea de ni2n% S2lo a0 ellos 0 e meditan a lo lar,o del d1a, s2lo a0 ella ,ente p eden "apt rar el p nto de ni2n d rante el s e=o, no por otra parte% 6o es f5"il% Este ne,o"io de feli"idad no es f5"il% )sted tiene 0 e para ello% :omo sted va m5s prof ndo, hay m "hos niveles% Esto es llamado la "on"ien"ia de s e=o% Ha,a estas pr5"ti"as en el d1a y tambi;n d rmiendo y sted entra en el s e=o% )sted "omen>ar5 a entender los p ntos de ni2n en el s e=o% Esto si,nifi"a 0 e s "on"ien"ia es refor>ada ahora y la "on"ien"ia m5s f erte s2lo p ede "apt rar el p nto de ni2n% Es llamado T rya% :omo sted va m5s

/f yo do so daily, re, larly yo r a#areness #ill ,o on in"reasin,% Then from here yo #ill ,o on to the ne$t level of pra"ti"e #hi"h is *no#n as A.apa Jayatri meditation% /n A.apa Jayatri meditation same thin, happens b t yo r breath be"omes slo#er, yo be"ome more rela$ed, yo be"ome more s btle and yo ,o on ,ettin, into that .oyo sly every nanose"ond as yo inhale, thro ,ho t% 'o "apt re the t rnin, point #ith ,reat enth siasm f lly a#are% As yo ,o on e$halin, yo are f lly enth siasti", refreshin,, renovatin, yo r a#areness and then "ome to the t rnin, point and .oyo sly "apt re it% There is a ,reat .oy% /f yo do this ri,ht *ind of meditation yo #ill be able to "apt re the . n"tion point in yo r sleep% /n the day time yo don-t do this meditation then yo ,o to sleep, only in the mornin, #hen yo #a*e p yo #ill reali>e yo had slept% (nly #hile havin, yo r tea yo #ill nderstand that yo missed the . n"tion point% (nly those #ho meditate thro ,ho t the day, only those people "an "apt re the . n"tion point d rin, sleep, not other#ise% /t-s not easy% This bliss b siness is not easy% 'o have to #or* for it%

As yo ,o deeper, there are many levels% This is "alled sleep a#areness% 4o these pra"ti"es in daytime and also #hile sleepin, and yo enter the sleep% 'o #ill start nderstandin, the . n"tion points in the sleep% This means that yo r a#areness is no# stren,thened and the stron,er a#areness only "an "apt re the . n"tion point% That is "alled T rya% As yo ,o deeper

#ith this A.apa Jayatri pra"ti"e yo r a#areness #ill be"ome so deep that at one point of time in yo r sleep yo start ,ettin, ni,htmares% /t is part of the pro"ess% As yo ,o deeper into the third level of t rya yo #ill feel as if yo are not able to move yo r body% This happens #hen normally yo r astral body moves o t% 'o r physi"al body be"omes very heavy and even if yo try yo "an-t move yo r limbs and yo start #onderin, #hat has happened% The feelin, maybe as if the "eilin, has "ollapsed on yo % 'o feel s ffo"ated, yo feel "ho*ed p% /f yo r ri,ht nostril is f n"tionin, at that moment yo feel that yo r ho se is on fire% 'o listen to some horrible so nds, yo have some horrible vis als%

prof ndo "on este A.apa Jayatri pra"ti"an s "on"ien"ia se har5 tan prof nda 0 e en "ierta o"asi2n del tiempo en s s e=o sted "omien>a a "onse, ir pesadillas% Es la parte del pro"eso% :omo sted va m5s prof ndo en el ter"er nivel de t rya sted sentir5 "omo si sted no es "apa> de mover s " erpo% Esto pasa " ando normalmente s " erpo astral se m da% S " erpo f1si"o se ha"e m y pesado y a n si sted le pro"esa no p ede mover s s miembros y sted "omien>a a pre, ntarse lo 0 e ha pasado% El sentimiento tal ve> "omo si el te"ho ha "a1do en sted% )sted se siente asfi$iado, sted se siente aho,ado% Si s fosa nasal dere"ha f n"iona en a0 el momento sted siente 0 e s "asa arde% )sted es" "ha al, nos sonidos horribles, sted tiene al,<n vis als horrible% Todo s pasado sams*aras s be por0 e sted ha "omen>ado a ver de la dimensi2n m5s alta% ' esto es na fase ne"esaria% :omo s "on"ien"ia de s e=o a menta en n "aso sted pasar5 por estos sonidos horribles y e$perien"ias de formas horribles "omo "omo si la "asa haya "a1do o la "asa est5 por el f e,o% Todas estas e$perien"ias pasan se, ro% A0 ellos 0 e han ido m5s prof ndos en la medita"i2n estas "osas pasan% A0 1 sted viene a estas formas horribles y sonidos horribles pero sted si, e% A:2mo se, ir? )sted tiene 0 e d rar% @a palabra en S5ns"rito para d ra es titi*sha% A0 1 viene titi*sha% El . eves pasado le e$pli0 ; la "alidad b5si"a de n b s"ador% Pasar; s2lo por ello r5pidamente% Primero es la a"tit d del aprendi>a.e% A0 ellos 0 e no tienen la a"tit d de aprendi>a.e, enfo0 e sistem5ti"o al aprendi>a.e ellos no son ade" ados para ser mis est diantes% M iero a s2lo a0 ellos est diantes 0 e 0 ieren y aprender sistem5ti"amente% Es el <ni"o "amino, no hay nin,<n otro "amino% Es na "alidad ha"erse n est diante% Enton"es sted tiene 0 e ha"erse n dis"1p lo% Hay na diferen"ia entre n est diante y n dis"1p lo% El dis"1p lo s pone 0 e s vive*a tiene 0 e flore"er "omo na flor% Vive*a s pone 0 e el sentido de la

All yo r past sams*aras are "omin, p be"a se yo have started seein, from the hi,her dimension% And this is a ne"essary phase% As yo r sleep a#areness in"reases at one instan"e yo #ill ,o thro ,h these horrible so nds and horrible forms e$perien"es li*e as tho ,h the ho se has "ollapsed or the ho se is on the fire% All these e$perien"es happen for s re% Those #ho have ,one deeper into meditation these thin,s happen% Here yo "ome to these horrible forms and horrible so nds b t yo "ontin e% Ho# to "ontin e? 'o have to end re% The #ord in Sans*rit for end re is titi*sha% Here "omes titi*sha% @ast Th rsday / e$plained to yo the basi" 0 ality of a see*er% / #ill . st ,o thro ,h it rapidly% First is attit de of learnin,% Those #ho do not have attit de of learnin,, systemati" approa"h to learnin, they are not fit to be my st dents% / #ant only those st dents #ho are #illin, to #or* and learn systemati"ally% That is the only #ay, there is no other #ay% That is a 0 ality to be"ome a st dent% Then yo have to be"ome a dis"iple% There is a differen"e bet#een a st dent and a dis"iple% 4is"iple means yo r vive*a has to bloom li*e a flo#er% Vive*a means sense of dis"rimination sho ld start f n"tionin,% 'o m st be able to differentiate bet#een #hat is

tr th and #hat is ntr th, #hat is permanent and #hat is temporary, that aspe"t yo have to nderstand%

dis"rimina"i2n deber1a "omen>ar a f n"ionar% )sted debe ser "apa> de distin, ir entre lo 0 e es la verdad y lo 0 e es la falsedad, lo 0 e es permanente y lo 0 e es temporal, a0 el aspe"to 0 e sted tiene 0 e entender% El se, ndo p nto desp ;s vive*a es vaira,ya% Vaira,ya no piensa tomar sanyas, es"ap5ndose de s "asa% Esto si,nifi"a separarse de la fr ta de la *arma% El ter"er aspe"to hablamos era sobre la seis ri0 e>a% @a primera ri0 e>a es llamada sama, e0 ipoise, e0 ilibr2 la mente, no ser llevado, stithapra,nya% @a se, nda "alidad es dama "ontrol de los sentidos 0 e no entran en las tenta"iones% @as tenta"iones estar5n all1 pero sted es "apa> de la espera a s s sentidos y el no piso de al0 iler va y "ayendo v1"tima de las tenta"iones% 'ama, niyama, asan, pranayam% Pratyahar% El aspe"to de Pratyahar har5 esto% Pratyaahar piensa mover s s sentidos ha"ia atr5s de modo 0 e sted no se ha,a perdido en las tenta"iones% Pratyahar tiene 0 e pasar para esto% @a ter"era ri0 e>a es llamada titi*sha% : ando el yendo "onsi, e t ff sted tiene 0 e d rar, este aspe"to viene desp ;s de 6i.ananda y 6irananda% El ter"er nivel de T rya es "ono"ido "omo parananda% A0 1 el titi*sha se ha"e m y importante% )sted no ser5 "apa> de soportar este estadoL sted saldr5, a ve"es ,ritando y ,ritando, lleno de la transpira"i2n sted p ede #a*e p de s s e=o% Esta fase es na fase dif1"il% @a mayor parte de b s"adores si ellos no son diri,idos "orre"tamente p eden volver atr5s de esta etapa y sted olvida s e$perimenta"i2n de entrar en la "on"ien"ia alta d rante el estado de s e=o% A0 1 viene la importan"ia de titi*sha, 0 e d ra sin la e$pe"tativa y si, e adelante "on ent siasmo lleno, parte de amor y ,ratit d% Todo esto re nido en na palabra es titi*sha% )sted tiene 0 e d rar "on la parte del ent siasmo sin la e$pe"tativa% Es lo 0 e sted tiene 0 e pasar por esto% @a " arta ri0 e>a es llamada )parati% )parati viene de n modo t;"ni"amente "orre"to s2lo " ando sted mantiene este alto nivel del entendimiento% Es parati se,<n m1% Hay

Se"ond point after vive*a is vaira,ya% Vaira,ya does not mean ta*in, sanyas, r nnin, a#ay from yo r home% /t means deta"hin, yo rself from the fr it of the *arma% The third aspe"t #e tal*ed #as abo t the si$ #ealth% The first #ealth is "alled sama,e0 ipoise, balan"ed mind, not ,ettin, "arried a#ay, stithapra,nya% Se"ond 0 ality is dama - "ontrollin, the senses not ,ettin, into the temptations% Temptations #ill be there b t yo are "apable of holdin, on to yo r senses and not lettin, ,o and fallin, prey to the temptations% 'ama, niyama, asan, pranayam% Pratyahar% Pratyahar aspe"t #ill do this% Pratyaahar means movin, yo r senses ba"* so that yo don-t ,et lost into the temptations% Pratyahar has to happen for this% The third #ealth is "alled titi*sha% Fhen the ,oin, ,ets t ff yo have to end re, this aspe"t "omes after 6i.ananda and 6irananda% The third level of T rya is *no#n as parananda% Here titi*sha be"omes very important% 'o #ill not be able to end re this stateL yo #ill "ome o t, sometimes s"reamin, and sho tin,, f ll of perspiration yo may #a*e p from yo r sleep% This phase is a diffi" lt phase% 8ost see*ers if they are not , ided properly "an ret rn ba"* from this sta,e and yo for,et yo r e$perimentin, of ,ettin, into hi,h a#areness d rin, sleep state% Here "omes the importan"e of titi*sha, end rin, #itho t e$pe"tation and ,oin, ahead #ith f ll enth siasm, lot of love and ,ratit de% All this p t to,ether in one #ord is titi*sha% 'o have to end re #ith lot of enth siasm #itho t e$pe"tation% That is #hat yo need to pass thro ,h this% Fo rth #ealth is "alled )parati% )parati "omes in a te"hni"ally "orre"t #ay only #hen yo maintain this hi,h level of nderstandin,% That is parati a""ordin, to me% There are

many e$planations b t in 7ashmir Shaivism terminolo,y #hen #e are tal*in,, yo have to maintain that hi,h level of nderstandin,% Fhen that hi,h level of nderstandin, is "omin,, yo ,o to sleep yo "an-t have the #ealth of parati% 'o have to learn, nderstand, only meditation is not eno ,h, my dear friends, yo #ill miss the point% Fith only meditation yo #ill be"ome pon,a pandit% 'o #ill not be"ome a 8aster% 4hyana and Jyan both ,o hand in hand% For that Jyan aspe"t yo have to have that parati, hi,her nderstandin, and yo sho ld be able to s stain that hi,her nderstandin,% That aspe"t is very important% That is the fo rth #ealth% Fifth #ealth is that of shraddha% 'o are no# ,ettin, into the n*no#n #orld, if yo don-t have shraddha, yo "an-t #al* into the n*no#n% From here on#ards it is n*no#n yo don-t *no# #hat #ill happen and yo "an-t *no# be"a se yo are e$plorin, the n*no#n% There is no #ay to *no#% The only thin, #ith #hi"h yo "an #al* f rther is shraddha% The si$th #ealth is "alled samadhan% Fhatever happens and "omes to yo in a ,iven session yo sho ld be happy #ith that% 'o don-t have to "ompare #hat happened to yo and #hat happened to others, if yo have that "omparison aspe"t, "riti"ism aspe"t, . d,mental aspe"t yo #ill miss the point% So samadhan - #hatever "ame to yo , #hatever e$perien"e happened is prabh -prasad% 'o have to have that attit de and have samadhan, "ontented #ith #hatever happened b t that divine dis"ontent "ontin es so that yo #al* the path% 4on-t be"ome alpa s *hi that is not samadhan+

m "has e$pli"a"iones, pero en la :a"hemira terminolo,1a de Shaivism " ando hablamos, sted tiene 0 e mantener a0 el alto nivel del entendimiento% : ando a0 el alto nivel del entendimiento viene, sted va para dormir sted no p ede tener la ri0 e>a de parati% )sted tiene 0 e aprender, entender, s2lo la medita"i2n no es bastante, mis 0 eridos ami,os, sted no "aptar5 la idea% :on s2lo la medita"i2n sted se har5 pon,a pandit% )sted no se har5 n 8aestro% 4hyana y Jyan ambos van de la mano% Para 0 e aspe"to de Jyan sted tiene 0 e tener esto parati, m5s alto "omprensivo y sted deber1a ser "apa> de sostener a0 el entendimiento m5s alto% A0 el aspe"to es m y importante% Es la " arta ri0 e>a% @a 0 inta ri0 e>a es la de shraddha% )sted entra ahora en el m ndo des"ono"ido, si sted no tiene shraddha, sted no p ede andar en el des"ono"ido% 4e a0 1 adelante es des"ono"ido sted no sabe lo 0 e pasar5 y sted no p ede saber por0 e sted e$plora el des"ono"ido% 6o hay nin, na manera de saber% @a <ni"a "osa "on la " al sted p ede andar adelante es shraddha% @a se$ta ri0 e>a es llamada samadhan% /ndependientemente de lo 0 e pasa y viene a sted en na sesi2n dada sted deber1a ser "ontento "on esto% )sted no tiene 0 e "omparar lo 0 e pas2 a sted y lo 0 e pas2 a otros, si sted tiene a0 el aspe"to de "ompara"i2n, aspe"to de "r1ti"a, aspe"to "r1ti"o sted no "aptar5 la idea% Tan samadhan - independientemente de lo 0 e vino a sted, todo lo 0 e la e$perien"ia pas2 es prabh -prasad% )sted tiene 0 e tener a0 ella a"tit d y tener samadhan, "ontentado por lo 0 e pas2, pero 0 e el des"ontento divino si, e de modo 0 e sted ande el "amino% 36o se ha,a alpa s *hi 0 e no es samadhan+ @o 0 e pasa "on m "has personas en 8 mbai, menos en 8 mbai, m5s de 8 mbai es 0 e hay alpa s *hi la ,ente% S2lo na pe0 e=a visl mbre 0 e ellos "onsi, en y ellos son m y feli"es y ellos no andan el "amino adelante% )sted tiene el poten"ial enorme, sted tiene 0 e aprender, y sted tiene 0 e andar adelante% )sted tiene 0 e a"t ali>ar s

Fhat is happenin, #ith many people in 8 mbai, less in 8 mbai, more o t of 8 mbai is that there are alpa s *hi people% O st a little ,limpse they ,et and they are very happy and they don-t #al* the path f rther% 'o have tremendo s potential, yo have to learn, and yo have to #al* f rther% 'o have to a"t ali>e yo r f llest potential, #hi"h is far

off% 4on-t be"ome alpa s *hi% Samadhan means bein, happy #ith #hatever happened no# b t yo are #illin, to #al* the path #ith more enth siasm% That is samadhan aspe"t% These are "alled si$ #ealth and third pillar% The fo rth pillar is that of bein, a 8 m *shatva% 6ot . st a .i,yash % Oi,yash means " rio s or little in0 isitive% @i*e, let-s see #hat is happenin, in TA( attit de% Oi,yash "annot ,o very far off% @ittle bit of in0 isitiveness, little bit of " riosity #ill not ta*e yo far off% 'o have to be"ome 8 m *sh #hi"h means absol tely sin"ere, honest see*er, #al*in, the path of mo*sha, havin, that divine dis"ontent, movin, f rther% /t-s an eternal .o rney that is "alled 8 m *sh % These are the fo r pillars, fo r basi" 0 alities of see*er% So at the level after 6irananda yo r titi*sha is really "he"*ed% /f yo have not learnt the basi"s and yo move f rther yo have to "ome ba"*% /f yo don-t have systemati" learnin, approa"h, yo ta*e short" ts b t as yo move f rther yo #ill have to "ome ba"* be"a se yo r basi"s are not "lear% 'o have not done @evel / properly #hi"h means yo have not nderstood titi*sha% 'o #ill have to "ome ba"* from @evel /V to @evel /% yo "an-t pro,ress that #ay% /t-s "alled :hippiya#ala baba, he ma*es a so nd #ith the for* #hi"h he "arries, #al*s three step f rther and t#o steps ba"*#ards% Sometimes t#o steps for#ard and three steps ba"*#ards and yo #onder #hether he is movin, from there or not% He *eeps #al*in, b t more or less in the same re,ion% 8any spirit al see*ers are li*e that% They ,o t#o steps f rther and three steps ba"*#ards, sometimes three steps f rther and t#o steps ba"*#ards% 'o #onder #hether yo are a"t ally #al*in, the path% 8ore or less yo remain there% That is #hy systemati" learnin, approa"h, learnin, in a proper manner is very important%

poten"ial m5s lleno, 0 e es distante% 6o se ha,a alpa s *hi% Samadhan piensa ser "ontento "on lo 0 e pas2 ahora pero sted 0 iere andar el "amino "on m5s ent siasmo% Es el aspe"to samadhan% Qstos son llamados seis ri0 e>a y ter"er pilar% El " arto pilar es el de ser 8 m *shatva% 6o s2lo n .i,yash % Oi,yash 0 iere de"ir " rioso o po"o in0 isitivo% :omo, vaya a ver lo 0 e pasa en la a"tit d TA(% Oi,yash no p ede ir m y m y le.os% )n po"o de la " riosidad, n po"o de la " riosidad no le tomar5 m y le.os% )sted tiene 0 e ha"erse 8 m *sh el 0 e si,nifi"a el b s"ador absol tamente sin"ero, honesto, andando el "amino de mo*sha, teniendo a0 el des"ontento divino, movi;ndose adelante% Es n via.e eterno 0 e es llamado 8 m *sh % Qstos son los " atro pilares, " atro "alidades b5si"as del b s"ador% Tan al nivel desp ;s de 6irananda s titi*sha realmente es "omprobado% Si sted no ha aprendido los f ndamentos y sted se m eve adelante sted tiene 0 e volver% Si sted no tiene el enfo0 e de aprendi>a.e sistem5ti"o, sted toma ata.os, pero ya 0 e sted se m eve adelante sted tendr5 0 e volver por0 e s s f ndamentos no est5n "laros% )sted no ha he"ho el 6ivel / "orre"tamente el 0 e si,nifi"a 0 e sted no ha entendido titi*sha% )sted tendr5 0 e volver del 6ivel /V al 6ivel /% sted no p ede pro,resar as1% Esto ha llamado :hippiya#ala baba, ;l ha"e n sonido "on el tenedor 0 e ;l lleva, los paseos tres andan adelante y dos pasos ha"ia atr5s% A ve"es dos pasos adelante y tres pasos ha"ia atr5s y sted se pre, nta si ;l se m eve desde all1 o no% Ql si, e andando, pero m5s o menos en la misma re,i2n% 8 "hos b s"adores espirit ales pare"en a esto% Ellos van dos pasos adelante y tres pasos ha"ia atr5s, a ve"es tres pasos adelante y dos pasos ha"ia atr5s% )sted se pre, nta si sted realmente anda el "amino% 85s o menos sted permane"e all1% El enfo0 e de aprendi>a.e por eso sistem5ti"o, aprendiendo en na manera apropiada es m y importante% Tan " ando sted entiende el verdadero sentido de titi*sha y sted soporta estas formas horribles y los sonidos terribles y las

So #hen yo nderstand the real meanin, of titi*sha and yo end re these horrible forms and the terrible so nds and the ni,htmarish

e$perien"es, yo r a#areness #ill no# be"ome more po#erf l and yo #ill really e$perien"e the bliss of breath and that bliss, the third level is *no#n as Parananda, it-s the bliss of breathin,% Parananda means yo have ,one beyond the normal early levels% 'o have no# "rossed yo r bhooth lo*a, pretalo*a, pitr lo*a% 6o# yo r astral travel #ill ,o to m "h hi,her lo*a% 4on-t thin* that this is yo r ima,ination% 'o r s btle bodies are a"t ally e$perien"in, in different dimensions and this is the pla"e #here yo r sams*aras "ome into pi"t re% All yo r past sams*aras #hi"h also in"l des yo r fears, deep rooted fears, fear of n*no#n, yo r "hildhood fears all these #ill "ome p% 'o have to fa"e them and as yo fa"e them they #ill disappear and then yo #ill ,et into tremendo s e"stasy% That e"stasy is "alled as Parananda% /t-s a diffi" lt phase and titi*sha "omes into pi"t re% /f yo don-t *no# #hat titi*sha is, it #ill be a very diffi" lt phase for yo % This is "alled third level of t rya%

e$perien"ias de pesadilla, s "on"ien"ia se har5 ahora m5s potente y sted realmente e$perimentar5 la feli"idad de aliento y a0 ella feli"idad, el ter"er nivel es "ono"ido "omo Parananda, es la feli"idad de respira"i2n% Parananda s pone 0 e sted ha ido m5s all5 de los niveles tempranos normales% )sted ha "r >ado ahora s bhooth lo*a, pretalo*a, pitr lo*a% Ahora s s astrales ir5n a m "ho m5s alto lo*a% 6o "rea 0 e esto sea s ima,ina"i2n% S s " erpos s tiles realmente e$perimentan en dimensiones diferentes y esto es el l ,ar donde s s sams*aras entran en el " adro% Todo s pasado sams*aras 0 e tambi;n in"l ye s s miedos, miedos prof ndamente arrai,ados, miedo del des"ono"ido, s infan"ia teme todos 0 e ;stos s bir5n% )sted tiene 0 e afrontarlos y "omo sted los afronta ellos desapare"er5n y l e,o sted entrar5 en el ;$tasis enorme% A0 el ;$tasis es llamado "omo Parananda% Es na fase dif1"il y titi*sha entra en el " adro% Si sted no sabe " al titi*sha es, ser5 na fase m y dif1"il para sted% Esto es llamado el ter"er nivel de t rya% El " arto nivel de t rya ya 0 e sted se m eve adelante de a0 1, hasta d rante el estado desvelado o d rante el s e=o de"lara 0 e sted ver5 ya 0 e sted se m eve adelante 0 e en "ierta o"asi2n del tiempo s aliento es atas"ado, "omo si sted no es nin, na m5s respira"i2n% 3: 5ndo s aliento es atas"ado lo 0 e la medita"i2n le va ha"er, por0 e el aliento no est5 all1 y se ha"e m y temeroso y el e,o v elve+ AEnton"es 0 ; ha"er? Esto es el nivel donde s ini"ia"i2n entra en el " adro% : ando sted es ini"iado en na manera sistem5ti"a hay na transmisi2n viva del mantra y al,o m5s 0 e sted no p ede entender " ando sted es ini"iado% Pero " al0 ier 8aestro 0 e ini"ie, sabe el se"reto de T rya% Si sted es ini"iado en na "ierta manera esto es el nivel al " al la ini"ia"i2n "omen>ar5 a f n"ionar% S aliento no est5 all1 pero s sin"roni>a"i2n del mantra "on s aliento permane"e% A n si s aliento es ido s mantra permane"e y a0 el mantra le salvar5 de los miedos adi"ionales del des"ono"ido% 8ananat trayati iti mantraha% Por eso el mantra tiene 0 e ver "on el aliento en la

The fo rth level of t rya as yo move f rther from here, even d rin, the #a*ef l state or d rin, the sleep state yo #ill see as yo move f rther that at one point of time yo r breath ,ets "ho*ed p, as if yo are no more breathin,% Fhen yo r breath ,ets "ho*ed p #hat meditation #ill yo do, be"a se the breath is not there and that be"omes very fearf l and the e,o "omes ba"*+ Then #hat to do? This is the level #here yo r initiation "omes into pi"t re% Fhen yo are initiated in a systemati" manner there is a live transmission of mantra and somethin, more #hi"h yo may not nderstand #hen yo are initiated% & t any 8aster #ho initiates, *no#s the se"ret of T rya% /f yo are initiated in a "ertain manner this is the level at #hi"h the initiation #ill start f n"tionin,% 'o r breath is not there b t yo r syn"hroni>ation of the mantra #ith yo r breath remains% Even if yo r breath is ,one yo r mantra remains and that mantra #ill save yo from the f rther fears of the n*no#n% 8ananat trayati iti mantraha% That is #hy the mantra is asso"iated #ith the breath in the initiation and it #ill prote"t yo at

that level% /f yo "ontin e #ith the mantra, breath is not there, yo #ill ,et into different *ind of e"stasy, that e"stasy is *no#n as &rahmananda% Fhat is happenin, here? Fhy the "ho*in, p is happenin,? /t is a very bea tif l phase% Ho# the e,o annihilation happens yo #ill nderstand #ith the seven levels of t rya% At one parti" lar point #here the "ho*in, p happens, it-s li*e a death sit ation for yo % /n fa"t it is more than the death be"a se yo r individ ality ,ets lost and yo be"ome niversal bein,% & t #hen yo r individ ality is lost it is li*e death, in fa"t more than death% At this level the breath starts #hirlin, at l mbi*a sthan, it is the pit #here the fo r holes meet behind the soft palate% There the #hirlin, of the breath ta*es pla"e and yo may ya#n and at that moment, yo feel as if yo are ,ettin, stro*e% 'o r fa"e "an be"ome "roo*ed and yo may e$perien"e death% /n fa"t it is not death, it is more than death% Fith the death of body e,o does not die% Here the death is not of the body b t is the death of the e,o% /f yo "ontin e #ith a#areness, at that level of a#areness yo r e,o #ill die% /t is as ,ood as fa"in, the death% Fhat yo have fa"ed earlier is m "h more than death% 'o fa"e yo r death% Sometimes a"t ally the fa"e be"omes "roo*ed d rin, these moments #hi"h other person "an see and yo feel as if yo are leavin, yo r body% That is a real death e$perien"e% A"t ally yo are not leavin, yo r body b t in the pro"ess of meditation this is the point #here the e,o feels absol tely s ffo"ated and annihilation of e,o happens and individ ality is lost% 'o be"ome niversal bein,% That is #hy &rahmananda% 'o r be"ome part of &rahmanda% 'o r individ ality is lost and yo be"ome the niversal bein,% This level "an be labeled as enli,htenment, not the prior levels% All are life transformin, e$perien"es, all are blissf l e$perien"es b t this is the level #here the annihilation of e,o happens% This "an be "onsidered as enli,htenment%

ini"ia"i2n y esto le prote,er5 a a0 el nivel% Si sted si, e "on el mantra, el aliento no est5 all1, sted entrar5 en la "lase diferente del ;$tasis, a0 el ;$tasis es "ono"ido "omo &rahmananda% AM ; pasa a0 1? APor 0 ; el aho,amiento pasa? Es na fase m y hermosa% :omo la ani0 ila"i2n de e,o pasa sted entender5 "on los siete niveles de t rya% A n p nto parti" lar donde el aho,amiento pasa, pare"e a na sit a"i2n de m erte para sted% 4e he"ho es m5s 0 e la m erte por0 e s individ alidad es perdida y sted se ha"e el ser niversal% Pero " ando s individ alidad es perdida pare"e a la m erte, de he"ho m5s 0 e la m erte% A este nivel el aliento "omien>a a ,irar en l mbi*a sthan, es el hoyo donde los " atro a, .eros se en" entran detr5s del velo del paladar% All1 el ,iro del aliento o" rre y sted p ede boste>ar y en a0 el momento, sted siente "omo si sted "onsi, e el ,olpe% S "ara p ede ha"erse tor"ida y sted p ede e$perimentar la m erte% 4e he"ho no es la m erte, es m5s 0 e la m erte% :on la m erte de " erpo el e,o no m ere% A0 1 la m erte no es del " erpo, pero es la m erte del e,o% Si sted si, e "on la "on"ien"ia, a a0 el nivel de la "on"ien"ia s e,o morir5% Est5 tan bien "omo el forro de la m erte% 4e 0 ; sted ha afrontado antes es m "ho m5s 0 e la m erte% )sted afronta s m erte% A ve"es realmente la "ara se ha"e tor"ida d rante estos momentos 0 e otra persona p ede ver y sted siente "omo si sted de.a s " erpo% Es na verdadera e$perien"ia de m erte% 9ealmente sted no de.a s " erpo pero en el pro"eso de medita"i2n esto es el p nto donde el e,o se siente absol tamente asfi$iado y la ani0 ila"i2n del e,o pasa y la individ alidad es perdida% )sted se ha"e el ser niversal% Por eso &rahmananda% S parte he"ha de &rahmanda% S individ alidad es perdida y sted se ha"e el ser niversal% Este nivel p ede ser mar"ado "omo la a"lara"i2n, no los niveles previos% Todos son e$perien"ias de transforma"i2n de vida, todos son e$perien"ias di"hosas pero esto es el nivel donde la ani0 ila"i2n de e,o pasa% Esto p ede "onsiderarse "omo la a"lara"i2n%

&rahmananda is the minim m level yo have to "ome to #here annihilation of e,o ta*es pla"e% &eyond that the #hirlin, breath s ddenly ,ets into the 8 ladhara and the f ll body be"omes vibrant and absol tely .oyo s, that point is *no#n as 8ahananda - the ,reat bliss% From here on#ards the 7 ndalini Sha*ti a tomati"ally moves from the 8 ladhara in many different #ays and it "omes to third eye and yo start nderstandin, everythin, and it is a real e$perien"e% These are not ima,inary e$perien"es% /f yo do :ha*rodaya dhyana, if yo do the pra"ti"e of A.apa Jayatri and there are 0 ite a fe# asso"iated pra"ti"es #hi"h yo #ill learn in 4#arahat Shibir, yo a"t ally ,et these e$perien"es% Almost everybody ,oes thro ,h similar *ind of e$perien"es% Some phases may be lon,er, some phases may be shorter b t nevertheless yo #ill pass thro ,h all these phases and yo "ome to the a tomated pro"ess #here the ,ra"e ta*es over, yo don-t need to do anythin,% )p to this yo have to "ontin e #ith yo r pra"ti"es% &eyond this it is the ,ra"e of e$isten"e, 8aster, /sh#ara, life #hatever% /t is ,ra"e #hi"h is not in yo r "ontrol% These are the levels of T rya% /nitially yo #ent #ith the breath and at one moment yo r breath stopped b t yo "ontin ed #ith the mantra% At one moment yo r mantra ,ets dropped be"a se the mind is not there, if there is no mind #here is the mantra% 8ind be"omes s btle and "onverts itself into "ons"io sness, a#areness% Fhen the mind is ,one "ompletely definitely the e,o annihilation happens% &efore the mind ,oes yo have to pass thro ,h the tro bles that are of the e,o% (n"e yo "ontin e and "ome to the sta,e #here the mind is not there, breath may start be"a se that is the need of the body, "ho*in, p is ,one and yo start e$perien"in, the bliss of "ons"io sness, that is :hidananda% That is the e$perien"e of Samadhi "alled :hidananda% This is the si$th level of t rya% /f yo t rn ba"* before that it means yo are not a"t ali>in, yo r f ll potential, yo have to ,o ahead% 'o have to ,o deeper and deeper into t rya and yo #ill "ome to these different levels% 'o have to ,o

&rahmananda es el nivel m1nimo sted tiene 0 e venir a donde la ani0 ila"i2n del e,o o" rre% Adem5s el aliento 0 e ,ira de repente entra en 8 ladhara y el " erpo lleno se ha"e vibrante y absol tamente ale,re, a0 el p nto es "ono"ido "omo 8ahananda - la ,ran feli"idad% 4e a0 1 adelante el 7 ndalini Sha*ti a tom5ti"amente se m eve de 8 ladhara de m "hos modos diferentes y esto viene al ter"er o.o y sted "omien>a a entender todo y es na verdadera e$perien"ia% Qstos no son e$perien"ias ima,inarias% Si sted ha"e :ha*rodaya dhyana, si sted ha"e la pr5"ti"a de A.apa Jayatri y hay bastantes pr5"ti"as aso"iadas 0 e sted aprender5 en 4#arahat Shibir, sted realmente "onsi, e estas e$perien"ias% :asi "ada no pasa por la "lase similar de e$perien"ias% Al, nas fases p eden ser m5s lar,as, al, nas fases p eden ser m5s "ortas pero sin embar,o sted pasar5 por todas estas fases y sted viene al pro"eso a tomati>ado donde la ,ra"ia as me, sted no tiene 0 e ha"er nada% Hasta esto sted tiene 0 e se, ir "on s s pr5"ti"as% 85s all5 de esto es la ,ra"ia de e$isten"ia, 8aestro, /sh#ara, vida en absol to% Es la ,ra"ia 0 e no est5 en s "ontrol% Qstos son los niveles de T rya% Al prin"ipio sted f e "on el aliento y en n momento s aliento se par2 pero sted si, i2 "on el mantra% En n momento s mantra es de.ado "aer por0 e la mente no est5 all1, si no hay nin, na mente donde est5 el mantra% @a mente se ha"e s til y se "onvierte en el "ono"imiento, "on"ien"ia% : ando la mente es ida "ompletamente definitivamente la ani0 ila"i2n de e,o pasa% Antes de 0 e la mente vaya sted tiene 0 e pasar por los problemas 0 e son del e,o% )na ve> 0 e sted si, e y viene a la etapa donde la mente no est5 all1, el aliento p ede "omen>ar por0 e es la ne"esidad del " erpo, aho,5ndose es ido y sted "omien>a a e$perimentar la feli"idad de "ono"imiento, 0 e es :hidananda% Es la e$perien"ia de Samadhi llamado :hidananda% Esto es el se$to nivel de t rya% Si sted se v elve atr5s antes 0 e esto si,nifi"a sted no a"t ali>a s poten"ial lleno, sted tiene 0 e se, ir adelante% )sted tiene 0 e ir m5s prof ndo y m5s prof ndo en t rya y sted

to the level of :hidananda% From here on#ards yo "an-t fall% 'o have to ,o the level of Sadashiva and yo #ill not fall%

vendr5 a estos niveles diferentes% )sted tiene 0 e ir al nivel de :hidananda% 4e a0 1 adelante sted no p ede "aerse% )sted tiene 0 e ir el nivel de Sadashiva y sted no se "aer5% El a=o pasado m5s de na do"ena de es"5ndalos pas2 en /ndia% Todos los "anales de TV y los peri2di"os estaban llenos de es"5ndalos de todo &abas% A8 "has personas me hi"ieron esta pre, nta, p ede n 8aestro : lto ha"er esta "lase de la "osa? A6o, el 8aestro : lto no p ede ha"er esto, pero enton"es " 5l es la a"lara"i2n? Si sted ha "r >ado el nivel de :hidananda sted no p ede "aerse% Pero si sted a"aba de entrar en el t rya y sted es di"hoso, pero a0 ella feli"idad no es la verdadera feli"idad, no es prof ndo% 4el se$to nivel de t rya 0 e es el nivel se,<n el tatt#as sted "r >a Sadashiva% Si sted "r >a esto, desde all1 adelante sted no p ede retro"eder% Hasta enton"es retro"ediendo el peli,ro es absol tamente alto y d;.eme de"irle 0 e de 100 personas 0 e se ha"en " ltas NE personas se "aen% )sted realmente siente 0 e el despertamiento est5 all1, la feli"idad est5 all1 pero a0 ella feli"idad no sostiene por el per1odo del tiempo, esto se mar"ha y l e,o sted se pre, nta lo 0 e pas2 a sted% Esto si,nifi"a 0 e sted se ha "a1do y esto realmente pasa y el ries,o es m y alto% Por eso esta prepara"i2n es ne"esaria% )sted tiene 0 e entender a 0 e nivel de t rya sted ha ido, de " al nivel sted p ede retro"eder, de " al nivel sted no p ede retro"eder% El nivel de donde sted no p ede retro"eder es llamado el nivel de :hidananda, el se$to nivel de t rya% Si sted se ha a"er"ado 0 into sted p ede retro"eder% S a"lara"i2n ser5 perdida% Entienda esto% Esto pas2 a m "hos% Tan si sted "ree 0 e esto ha pasado y sted no anda adelante, sted p ede retro"eder% )sted tiene 0 e "r >ar el nivel de :hidananda, la feli"idad de "ono"imiento% Si sted e$perimenta esto na ve> 0 e este "ono"imiento se har5 la parte de s sistema, y el entendimiento no permitir5 0 e sted se "ai,a% 4e este modo, todos a0 ellos 8aestros 0 e hi"ieron todo lo 0 e las tonter1as no eran verdaderos 8aestros% Ellos

@ast year more than a do>en s"andals happened in /ndia% All the TV "hannels and ne#spapers #ere f ll of s"andals of all the &abas% 8any people as*ed me this 0 estion, "an an Enli,htened 8aster do this *ind of thin,? 6o, Enli,htened 8aster "annot do this, b t then #hat is enli,htenment? /f yo have "rossed :hidananda level yo "an-t fall% & t if yo have . st entered the t rya and yo are blissf l, b t that bliss is not the real bliss, it is not deep% From si$th level of t rya that is the level a""ordin, to the tatt#as yo are "rossin, Sadashiva% /f yo "ross that, from there on#ards yo "an-t fall ba"*% )ntil then fallin, ba"* dan,er is absol tely hi,h and let me tell yo that o t of 100 people #ho ,et enli,htened NE people fall do#n%

'o a"t ally feel the a#a*enin, is there, the bliss is there b t that bliss does not s stain over a period of time, it ,oes a#ay and then yo #onder #hat happened to yo % /t means yo have fallen do#n and it a"t ally happens and the ris* is very hi,h% That is #hy this preparation is ne"essary% 'o have to nderstand #hat level of t rya yo have ,one to, from #hi"h level yo "an fall ba"*, from #hi"h level yo "annot fall ba"*% The level from #here yo "annot fall ba"* is "alled the level of :hidananda, the si$th level of t rya% /f yo have ,one p to fifth yo "an fall ba"*% 'o r enli,htenment #ill be lost% )nderstand this% This happened to many% So if yo thin* it has happened and yo don-t #al* f rther, yo "an fall ba"*% 'o have to "ross the level of :hidananda, the bliss of "ons"io sness% /f yo e$perien"e that on"e this *no#led,e #ill be"ome part of yo r system, and the nderstandin, #ill not allo# yo to fall do#n% So, all those 8asters #ho did all that nonsense #ere not real 8asters% They had e$perien"ed the bliss to "ertain levelsL they had not ,one beyond :hidananda level%

hab1an e$perimentado la feli"idad a "iertos nivelesL ellos no hab1an ido m5s all5 del nivel de :hidananda% Anybody #ho has ,one beyond :hidananda #ill not do soL there is no fallin, ba"* from there% Shastras say so% 7ashmir Shaivism has a very detailed des"ription of thisL yo "annot fall ba"* from that level% /f yo #ant to be"ome a stron,, ,en ine, real 8aster, not for the #orld b t for yo r o#n ,ro#th yo m st loo* into these thin,s and #al* the path, ,o beyond this% There is somethin, more than this also% )ntil this, #hatever happens, all these levels are "alled 6imilan Samadhi in 7ashmir Shaivism% These si$ levels are the part of 6imilan Samadhi% All are samadhis only% Patan.ali des"ribes Samadhi in different manner, in 7ashmir Shaivism all these levels are levels of 6imilan Samadhi% Al, ien 0 e haya ido m5s all5 de :hidananda no har5 as1L no hay retro"eder desde all1% Shastras di"e tan% @a :a"hemira Shaivism tiene na des"rip"i2n m y detallada de estoL sted no p ede retro"eder de a0 el nivel% Si sted 0 iere ha"erse n 8aestro f erte, ,en ino, verdadero, no para el m ndo pero para s propio "re"imiento sted debe e$aminar estas "osas y paseo el "amino, vaya m5s all5 de esto% Hay al,o m5s 0 e esto tambi;n% Hasta esto, pase lo 0 e pase, todos estos niveles son llamados 6imilan Samadhi en la :a"hemira Shaivism% Estos seis niveles son la parte de 6imilan Samadhi% Todos son samadhis s2lo% Patan.ali des"ribe a Samadhi en la manera diferente, en la :a"hemira Shaivism todos estos niveles son niveles de 6imilan Samadhi% Adem5s tambi;n hay n nivel% En el <ltimo lo 0 e pasa es sted "onsi, en la feli"idad y el aliento ha "omen>ado ahora% El aliento se obstr y2, la mente se par2, la ani0 ila"i2n del e,o pas2, todo 0 e es 6imilan Samadhi% Adem5s si sted es "apa> de sostener s "on"ien"ia, la feli"idad permane"e, ;$tasis, la ale,r1a permane"e% En lo 0 e si sted abre s s o.os sted ve 0 e todo alrededor de sted es ale,re, la ale,r1a permane"e y no se mar"ha "on o.os abiertos% Enton"es otra ve> sted "ierra s s o.os y sted e$perimenta la misma ale,r1a dentro de% Esta apert ra y "ierre a ve"es pasan "on " ando sted e$hala sted sale "on s s o.os abiertos, " ando sted inhala s s o.os "er"a sted e$perimenta s feli"idad interior% )sted e$perimenta la feli"idad interior "on o.os "errados y sted e$perimenta la feli"idad e$terna "on s s o.os abiertos y si, e pasando para al,<n d1a% 4entro f era hay misma feli"idad 0 e es llamada la *arma-m dra% 7rama alternativamente esto pasa% Este estado del interior f era de misma feli"idad, "on o.os "errados tambi;n di"hosos, "on o.os abiertos tambi;n di"hosos, este nivel de la feli"idad es "ono"ido "omo Oa,adananda, ahora sted se ampl1a% Esto es el nivel donde sted ha

&eyond that also there is a level% /n the last one #hat happens is yo ,et the bliss and the breath has started no#% The breath blo"*ed, the mind stopped, annihilation of the e,o happened, all that is 6imilan Samadhi% &eyond that if yo are able to s stain yo r a#areness, bliss remains, e"stasy, .oy remains% /n that if yo open yo r eyes yo see everythin, aro nd yo are .oyf l, the .oy remains and it does not ,o a#ay #ith open eyes% Then a,ain yo "lose yo r eyes and yo e$perien"e the same .oy #ithin% This openin, and "losin, sometimes happens #ith #hen yo e$hale yo ,o o t #ith yo r eyes open, #hen yo inhale yo r eyes "lose yo e$perien"e yo r inner bliss% 'o e$perien"e the inner bliss #ith "losed eyes and yo e$perien"e the o ter bliss #ith yo r eyes open and it *eeps happenin, for sometime% /nside o tside there is same bliss that is "alled *arma-m dra% 7rama - alternately this happens% This state of inside o tside same bliss, #ith "losed eyes also blissf l, #ith open eyes also blissf l, this level of bliss is *no#n as Oa,adananda, no# yo are e$pandin,% This is the level #here yo have e$panded a#areness be"a se yo a"t ally e$ist inside and o tside this is the e$perien"e #hi"h

happened #ith many of yo in the A4P pro,ram% That is the e$perien"e of Oa,adananda%

ampliado la "on"ien"ia por0 e sted realmente e$iste dentro y f era de esto es la e$perien"ia 0 e pas2 "on m "hos de stedes en el pro,rama A4P% Es la e$perien"ia de Oa,adananda%

(n"e this e$perien"e happens, it is permanently re,istered in yo r "ons"io snessL yo "an-t fall do#n from there% That is the reason so m "h of motivation #as ,iven to "ome to this level% (n"e yo e$perien"e Oa,adananda, yo r "ons"io sness re,isters that% /t #ill not be easy to ,o do#n from there on#ards% 8a.or "han,es start happenin, in yo r life% (n"e this nderstandin, "omes yo #ill not en.oy ,ossip, yo "annot ,o do#n to the lo#er thin,s, yo #ill any#ay not eat non ve,etarian food, many thin,s #ill . st drop off from yo r system be"a se this is s "h a po#erf l e$perien"e #hi"h ,et so deeply re,istered in yo r "ons"io sness that the real "han,es #ill start happenin, in yo r life, it #ill be felt by yo and seen by others% This is the real life transformin, e$perien"e #here the effe"ts #ill be seen by others also% 6o# the permanent "han,es #ill "ome% Anythin, before this is impermanent% 'o "an ,o ba"* and yo #ill for,et abo t everythin,% 6othin, #ill s stain% & t #ith .a,adananda e$perien"e, it is s stainable% 'o have to ,o to the level of Oa,adananda% 7arma m dra yo have to pass thro ,h% This, in 7ashmir Shaivism, is *no#n as )nmilan Samadhi% This #ay all the seven levels of t rya yo have to e$perien"e%

)na ve> 0 e esta e$perien"ia pasa, es permanentemente re,istrada en s "ono"imientoL sted no p ede "aerse desde all1% Es la ra>2n 0 e dieron a tanto de la motiva"i2n para venir a este nivel% )na ve> 0 e sted e$perimenta Oa,adananda, s s re,istros de "ono"imiento esto% 6o ser5 f5"il dismin ir desde all1 adelante% @os "ambios prin"ipales "omien>an a pasar en s vida% )na ve> 0 e este entendimiento viene sted no disfr tar5 del "hisme, sted no p ede a las "osas inferiores, sted no "omer5 de todos modos no la "omida ve,etariana, m "has "osas de.ar5n s2lo de s sistema por0 e esto es na e$perien"ia tan potente 0 e se ha"en tan prof ndamente re,istrados en s "ono"imiento 0 e los verdaderos "ambios "omen>ar5n a pasar en s vida, ser5 sentido por sted y visto por otros% Esto es la e$perien"ia de transforma"i2n de vida real donde los efe"tos ser5n vistos por otros tambi;n% Ahora los "ambios permanentes vendr5n% Al,o antes de 0 e esto sea impermanente% )sted p ede volver y sted olvidar5 de todo% 6ada sostendr5% Pero "on la e$perien"ia de .a,adananda, es sostenible% )sted tiene 0 e ir al nivel de Oa,adananda% @a *arma m dra sted tiene 0 e pasar% Esto, en la :a"hemira Shaivism, es "ono"ido "omo )nmilan Samadhi% 4e este "amino todos los siete niveles de t rya sted tiene 0 e e$perimentar% 8any people read the s"ript res and they 8 "has personas leen las es"rit ras y ellos nderstand and they dis" ss% 8any 8asters entienden y ellos hablan% 8 "hos 8aestros ,ive dis"o rses, those are re"orded, dan dis" rsos, a0 ellos son re,istrados, trans"ribed and those "hapters are dis" ssed trans"ritos y hablan de a0 ellos "ap1t los amon,st the dis"iples and the #hole lot feels entre los dis"1p los y la parte entera siente that they are #al*in, the path of spirit ality% /t 0 e ellos andan el "amino de la espirit alidad% is not so% This "an be the bi,,est pitfall on the 6o es tan% Esto p ede ser el es"ollo m5s path% 'o are not #al*in, the path #hen yo ,rande en el "amino% )sted no anda el "amino start nderstandin, these thin,s intelle"t ally% " ando sted "omien>a a entender estas 'o are #al*in, the path only #hen yo do "osas intele"t almente% )sted anda el "amino these pra"ti"es and yo pass thro ,h these s2lo " ando sted ha"e estas pr5"ti"as y e$perien"es% (ther#ise yo may be sted pasa por estas e$perien"ias% Por otra hall "inatin, #ith yo r "on"epts and the parte sted p ede tener al "ina"iones "on s s

intelle"t al nderstandin, may not allo# yo to #al* the path in reality% 'o are #al*in, the path in reality only if yo are passin, thro ,h these e$perien"es and that e$perien"e #ill ,ive yo the e$periential nderstandin, of the s"ript res% (ther#ise yo #ill ,et into the intelle"t al nderstandin, and yo may miss the point "ompletely and it #ill ,ive yo intelle"t al arro,an"e% So yo r sadhana part and yo r e$perien"in, part have to ,o hand in hand #ith nderstandin, aspe"t, both are s pportin, ea"h other% A#areness has to in"rease thro ,h meditational pra"ti"es #ith ri,ht *ind of meditations and yo have to have the nderstandin, of this so that they both are helpin, ea"h other for yo to move and yo have to "ome to a level #here yo "an-t fall ba"*% That is the #ay to e$perien"e seven levels of t rya% Fe #ill have fe# min tes of meditation no# so that yo allo# this *no#led,e to seep into yo r system% /n meditation yo remain a#are from inside%

"on"eptos y el entendimiento intele"t al p ede no permitir 0 e sted ande el "amino en realidad% )sted anda el "amino en realidad s2lo si sted pasa por estas e$perien"ias y a0 ella e$perien"ia le dar5 el entendimiento emp1ri"o de las es"rit ras% Por otra parte sted entrar5 en el entendimiento intele"t al y sted p ede no "aptar la idea "ompletamente y esto le dar5 la arro,an"ia intele"t al% Enton"es s parte sadhana y s parte de e$perimenta"i2n tienen 0 e ir de la mano "on el entendimiento del aspe"to, ambos apoyan el no al otro% @a "on"ien"ia tiene 0 e a mentar a trav;s de pr5"ti"as medita"ional "on la "lase "orre"ta de medita"iones y sted tiene 0 e tener el entendimiento de esto de modo 0 e ellos ambos ay den el no al otro para sted para moverse y sted tiene 0 e venir a n nivel donde sted no p ede retro"eder% Es la manera de e$perimentar siete niveles de t rya% Tendremos po"os min tos de la medita"i2n ahora de modo 0 e sted permita 0 e este "ono"imiento se filtre en s sistema% En la medita"i2n sted permane"e "ons"iente de dentro% (RhttpSTTpremnirmal%blo,spot%inT2010T0NTsatoriatma-vyapti-and-shiv-vyapti-part%htmlU!

(RhttpSTTpremnirmal%blo,spot%inT2010T0NTsatori -atma-vyapti-and-shiv-vyapti-part%htmlU!

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