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A NVLTUC ~sc tranz. 1) A face s se nvltuceasc; a nfura; a ncolci. 2) A nveli de jur mprejur; a nfura. PAG 25- D !"# $ % % &' (A# ! P#&) !* D+#", &' "G%&'DA CONTEN v-. 1. v. nceta. 2. v. opri. 3. a se curma. a nceta. a se opri. a se potoli. a se sf/ri. a sta. a se termina. PAG 01- P# 2 '*A# $#+3"A!A A &'* #P# *A#&%"# %+& D+#", A!+P#A !*#A'G #&& 3A&'&& (+ 4A#4A*&& &' ("3PA'&A (A#"#A #A SLV, 51) slove, s. f. 5Pop.) 1. %iter 5c6irilic). !criere; alfa-et. 2. !crisul cuiva. cu caracteristicile lui. dup care poate fi identificat. 3. tiin de carte; nvtur. PEHLIVN, pehlivani, s. m. 1. 5nv.) Personaj comic 5acro-at. jon7ler. saltim-anc. scamator etc.) n repre8entaiile de circ. la diferite ser-ri etc. 2. 5Fam.) pitet dat unui -r-at iret. arlatan. escroc. 3. 5Fam.) "m 7lume. mucalit. po8na. PESTLC, pestelci, s. f. 1. 5Pop.) ort de p/n8 sau de postav pe care-l poart femeile peste roc6ie i care. uneori. se poart i de ctre -r-ai; spec. fota dinainte; p. gener. fot. 2. 4ucat de p/n8 triun76iular prins cu o latur de ver7a unei cor-ii. care servete la pstrarea la adpost a -urii velei. c/nd aceasta este str/ns. TARTJ, tartaje, s. n. 1. 5Reg.) $iecare dintre cele dou coperi ale unei cri; scoar. 2. 5nv.) (arte scris de m/n care se folosea ca a-ecedar. 9Var.: !" #$ n.; < Cf. ngr. t e t r = d 6 i o n .


%O&2, ', boemi, -e, s. m.. s. f.. adj. 1. S. m. i f. Persoan nonconformist 5de o-icei artist sau scriitor) care duce o via de8ordonat. neconforma conventiilor sociale. 2. Adj. (are corespunde firii sau felului de via caracteristic 2 2 2 -oemilor 51). 3. S. f. 3ediu n care triesc -oemii 51); via dus de -oemi 5plin de privaiuni. de8ordonat) COCT, cocote,

s. f. $emeie de moravuri uoare; prostituat.

P(HAV, ', puhavi, -e, adj. 1. 5Despre oameni i despre pri ale corpului lor) (u carnea moale. flasc 5i umflat); umflat. -u6it. 2.Af/nat. moale; poros. spon7ios. RAJH, rajahi, s. m. 1. *itlu purtat de eful statului n &ndia antic. devenit mai t/r8iu titlu princiar. 2. Persoan care poart acest titlu. PAG10 ->momentul sireteniilor in indra8nelilor di-ace si tuturor fatarniciilor nerusinate. al fra8ei care arata c6ipuri de8-racate cu vor-e im-ricate?

5&' 4&#@A)->&' A( A!*A (+*& ' AG#A. P (A# " %+3&'A+.(A* " (%&PA.# P D .4 (+#&% D GA2 D P *#"*+A#?515)

)*+)!, f. vas de metal pentru fiertul -ucatelor: i-a gsit tingirea capacul 5prover-) atitudine incre8atoare: facea B lucru >cu o miscare fireasca? TRU-AN., trufandale, s. f. (el dint/i fruct sau rod al pm/ntului dintr-o producie anual; p. ext. produs alimentar 5mai ales fruct sau le7um) care apare pe pia mai nainte de timpul normal n care tre-uie s apar. 5intr-o 8i neasteptat de insorita si de calduroasa din timpul iernii : >...sor-ea aerul usor.mirositor. ca o trufanda de primavara? pa7 10C) +/+/*0 a. 1. umflat. rotunjit; 2. fig. eBa7erat: o minciun gogonat 10 !020345c n. 3old. trafic. fraud: s mnnce banii cu matrapazlcuri. 9*urc. 3A*#A4A2%,D. din 3A*#A4A2. acaparator de 7r/ne 5lit. care joac din -aston. maestru de scrim);. .EUCHET adj. v. aiurea, aiurit, bezmetic, corupt, deczut, depravat, desfrnat, destrblat, denat, dezmat, imoral, impudic, indecent, necuviincios, neruinat, obscen, pervertit, pornografic, scabros, scrbos, stricat, trivial, vicios, vulgar, znatic, zpcit, zurliu. PREPUILNIC, ', prepuielnici, -ce, >cu oc6iul prepuielnic?

adj. 5nv.) 4nuitor. nencre8tor. suspicios

.ECLA&IE, declamaii, s. f. 1. Art de a declama. 1) (texte, mai ales n versuri) A spune pe de rost. eBpresiv i cu intonaie adecvat; a recita. 2. )or-ire cu ton i cu 7esturi eBa7erate. teatrale. emfatice.

pa7 1C1-5$orestier.aflat in pra7ul mortii; plim-at in trasura) > ra vesel. de o veselie voita.nefireasca si sla-a. de osandit? 5fortarea minciunii si a autominciunii)
ESC.R s.f. 1. 3are unitate naval de r8-oi. care este comandat de un viceamiral. 2. 3are unitate militar de aviaie. comandat de un 7eneral. &I&6 ~, f. 1) Plant meridional. cu frun8e compuse i cu flori mici i dese. de culoare ro8. foarte sensi-ile. care se str/n7 la cea mai mic atin7ere. 2) Plant eBotic decorativ. cultivat pentru florile ei timpurii. de culoare 7al-en. PAG1C1- > l isi puse intre-area asta si -a7a de seama ca neastamparul sau era casunat de un 7and de acelea ascunse. nelamurite. tainice. pe care ni le ascundem noua insine si pe care nu le descoperim decat scormonind tocmai in fundul sufletului nostru.?

PAG1E0- cuvintele de despartire adresate d-nei 3arelle- > l rosti cu un 7las trist dar acea impovarare prefacuta cu care vestesti nenorocirile fericite: - ca ma insor? SLET2, ', sleii, -te, adj. 1. 5Despre su-stane 7rase) !olidificat prin rcire. nc6e7at. 5Despre m/ncruri 7rase) (u 7rsimea sleit 51) prin rcire. 5Pop.; 2 despre lic6ide) Fn76eat. 2. 5Reg.; despre fasole. ma8re) $recat . 2 fcluit . 3. 5Despre f/nt/ni) !ecat. 7olit de ap 5pentru curare). !coatere a apei 2 dintr-o f/nt/n 5pentru a o cura) Fig. !ectuit de puteri; sf/rit

PAG.211- G +n miros de pamant. de copaci. de musc6i. acea mireasma a padurilor stufoase. facuta din seva mu7urilor si din iar-a uscata si muce8ita din desisuri.parea ca doarme in aleea asta.?
&A7ISTRT ~) m. 1) Persoan nvestit cu dreptul de a judeca. 2) $uncionar superior sau nalt demnitar PAG 22H -incordare si cearta in mijlocul careia e o mica >pau8a?-liniste- menita sa accentue8e furia eBprimata mai departe 5 1.incordareIenervare 2. element de contrast5liniste)>4irja mer7ea acum de-a lun7ul care cerul parca isi scuturase stelele. Doua le-ede nedeslusite inotau foarte alene. a-ia 8arindu-se in intuneric.? 0. (ulminarea enervarii 5>Geor7es stri7a -irjarului: - &ntoarceJ.....ii venea s-o -ata. s-o 7atuie. sa-i smul7a parul?) .UHL v-. v. duhni, mirosi, pui. ESTR. s.f. 1. !cen. platform 5uneori improvi8at) ntr-o sal sau n aer li-er. pe care au loc repre8entaii artistice; platform ridicat deasupra solului. K oncert (spectacol, muzic) de estrad L concert. spectacol. mu8ic cu caracter uor. variat. distractiv. satiric; teatru de estrad L teatru unde au loc spectacole de estrad. 2. Parte a podelei. mai ridicat. pe care se aa8 catedra ntr-o clas. ntrun amfiteatru A A'&'A 7LE ~" 8~), ~,9 1) (despre ochi, privire, voci) (are este plin de dra7oste; dr7stos. 2) (despre persoane i despre manifestrile lor)(are vdete o stare sufleteasc apstoare; plin de melancolie; melancolic. HAN M" 8M), M,9 1) (are manifest lips de mil; ru la inim; fr mil; c/inos; crud; 6aps/n. 2) nv. (are i-a clcat le7m/ntul dat SINILU ~, 8~)9 (are este de culoarea sinelii; al-astru-palid. SCHPSIS s. n. 5Fam.) 3inte. pricepere. judecat; perspicacitate. K Loc. adj. i adv. u schepsis L cu socoteal. cu c6i-8uin; cu un anumit scop. cu o anumit intenie 5nemrturisit)

Procesul N$ran8 DafOa

VENL, ' adj. 1. 5!iv.) (are se vinde. 2. (are este lipsit de scrupule i se pretea8 la mituire.

APR., aprozi, s. m. 1. Dre7tor al curii domneti n 3oldova i ara #om/neasc. cu atri-uii 5administrative. fiscale. juridice) variate. 2. $ecior de -oier care slujea la curtea domneasc. 3. !luj-a care p8ea slile i introducea pu-licul n unele instituii. VR, ivre,

s. n. 1. (lan 5la u). 2. Fncuietoare 5la u). 8vor.

COLPORT vb. tr. a rsp/ndi tiri false. 8vonuri etc. pa71HC: >P ( $ % D A(Q&*A# D"#&*&. R&!*A *# & P"!&4&%&*A*&: ac6itare reala. ac6itare aparenta si tara7anare la infinit.? -pivtorul eBplica faptul ca >ac6itarea reala? nu eBista. e doar o le7enda . iar 5la pa7 1C1) eBplica diferenta dintre ac6itarea aparenta si tara7anarea la infinit: >ac6itarea aparenta cere un efort puternic si concentrat. iar tara7anarea la nesfarsit cere un efort sla- si continuu.? 1CH-tara7anarea la nesfarsit: > Daca nu ne7lije8i nimic. se poate spune cu destula certitudine ca procesul nu va iesi din prima fa8a. 'u se va stin7e. nici vor-a. dar acu8atul poate fi aproape la fel de si7ur ca n-o sa fie condamnat pe cat e atunci cand se afla &' %&4 #*A* ? . > necesar deci. din cand in cand. sa fie date unele dispo8itii. sa fie or7ani8ate intero7atorii. ordonate perc6e8itii etc etc?

>The ego is the source of all neurosis, because the ego is the center of all falsity, of all perversions. The
whole problem is with the ego. If you live with the ego, sooner or later you will become neurotic. You will have to become, because ego is the basic neurosis. Ego says, "I am the center of the world," which is false, mad. Only if there is a od, he can say "I". !e are only parts, we cannot say "I". The very assertion "I", is neurotic. "rop the I and all neurosis disappears. In between you and the mad people in the madhouses there is not vast difference ## only a difference of degrees, not of any $uality, $uantity. You may be ninety#eight degrees, and they have gone beyond hundred. You can go any time% the difference is not vast. In the madhouses sometimes, go and watch, because that can become your future also. !atch a madman. !hat has happened to him& That has happened to you in part. !hat happens to a madman& ## his ego becomes so real that everything else becomes false. The whole world is illusory% only his inner world, the ego and its world, is true. You may go to visit a friend in the madhouse, and he may not loo' at you% he will not even recogni(e you, but he is tal'ing to his invisible friend ## to you ## who is sitting by his side. You are not recogni(ed, but a figment of his mind is recogni(ed as the friend, and he is tal'ing and he is answering. ) madman is a man whose ego has ta'en total possession. )nd *ust the opposite is the case with an enlightened man who has dropped the ego completely. Then he is natural. !ithout ego you are natural, li'e a river flowing to the ocean, or the wind passing through the pines, or the cloud floating in the s'y. !ithout the ego you are again part of this vast nature, loose and natural. !ith the ego there is tension. !ith the ego

you are separate. !ith the ego you have cut yourself from all relationships. Even if you ma'e a move in a relationship, you ma'e it very guardedly. The ego will not allow you to move in anything totally. It is always withholding itself. If you thin' you are the center of e+istence, then you are mad. If you thin' you are *ust a wave in the ocean, part of the whole, one with the whole, then you can never get mad. If ,atan*ali was here, he will do the same that I am doing. )nd remember well that situations differ, but man is almost the same. -ow new technology is there. They were not in the days of ,atan*ali ## new houses, new gadgets. Everything has changed around man, but man remains the same. In the days of ,atan*ali also, man was the same, almost the same. -othing much has changed in man. This has to be remembered, otherwise one starts feeling that the modern man is some way condemned#no. It may be that you are mad after a car% you would li'e a sports car and you are very tense and much an+iety is created by it. Of course, there were no cars in ,atan*ali.s days, but people were mad after bulloc'#carts. Even now if you go to an Indian village, the man who has a fast bulloc'#cart is *ust li'e a man who has a /olls /oyce in 0ondon1 bulloc'#cart or /olls /oyce ma'es no difference% the ego is fulfilled the same way. In a village, the bulloc'#cart will do the same. Ob*ects don.t ma'e much difference. The mind of man, if egocentric, will find something or other always, so that is not the problem. 2odern man is not modern. Only the modern world is modern. 2an remains very ancient and old. You thin' you are modern& !hen I loo' at your faces I recogni(e ancient faces. You have been here many many lives and you have remained almost the same. You have not learned anything because you are doing again the same ## again and again the same rut. Ob*ects have changed but the man remains *ust the same. -othing much has changed. -othing much can change unless you ta'e the step to change it. 3nless transformation becomes your heart, unless transformation becomes your very throbbing of the heart and you understand the stupidity of the mind and you understand the misery of it... and then you ta'e a *ump out of it. 2ind is very old. 2ind is very, very ancient. In fact, mind can never be new, it can never be modern. Only a no#mind can be new and modern because only no#mind can be fresh every moment fresh. -o#mind never accumulates. The mirror is always clean% no dust accumulates on it. 2ind is an accumulator% it goes on accumulating. 2ind is always old% mind can never be new. 2ind is never original% only no#mind is original. That.s why even scientists feel that when a certain discovery is made, it is not made by the mind but only in the gaps where mind doesn.t e+ist ## in sleep sometimes. 4ust li'e )rchimedes who was trying and trying to solve a particular mathematical problem and couldn.t solve it ## he tried and tried, with the mind of course, but the mind can give you only answers which the mind 'nows. It cannot give you anything un'nown. It is a computer1 whatsoever you have fed to it, it can reply. You cannot as' anything new. 5ow the poor mind is e+pected to reply something new& It is simply not possible6 If I 'now your name, I can remember it, because mind is memory and remembrance. 7ut if I don.t 'now your name and I try and try, how can I remember which is not there& Then suddenly it happened. )rchimedes wor'ed and wor'ed, and hard, because the 'ing was waiting for him. )nd one morning he was ta'ing his bath, na'ed, rela+ing in the water, and suddenly it bubbled up, surfaced as if from nowhere. 5e *umped out of the bath. 5e was in a state of no#mind. 5e couldn.t even thin' that he is na'ed because that is part of the mind. 5e couldn.t thin' that going na'ed on the street people will thin' him mad. That mind which is given by the society was not there, it was not functioning. 5e was in a state of no#mind, a sort of satori. 5e ran into the street shouting "Eure'a, eure'a6" ## shouting, "I have found it6" ## and people of course thought that he has gone mad1.!hat you have found, na'ed, running into the street&" 5e was caught hold because he was trying to enter the palace of the 'ing shouting, "Eure'a6" 5e would have been imprisoned. 8riends got hold of him, brought him home and said, "!hat are you doing& Even if you have found something, then go in proper dress, otherwise you will be in trouble." 7etween two moments of mind there is always a gap of no#mind. 7etween two thoughts there is a gap, an interval of no#thought. 7etween two clouds you can see the blue s'y. Your nature is no#mind% there is no thought, nothing... vast emptiness, the blueness of the s'y. 2ind is *ust floating on the surface. )nd this has been happening to many people1 it happened to 2adame 9urie, she got the -obel ,ri(e for a moment of no#mind. :he was wor'ing, again on a mathematical problem ## wor'ed hard. -othing was coming out% months passed. Then one night, suddenly she got up in sleep, went to the table, wrote the answer went bac' to her bed, forgot everything about it. In the morning when she came to the table she could not believe1 the answer was there. !ho has written it& Then by and by she remembered, as if li'e a dream1 "It happened in the night..." :he had come and the handwriting was hers.

In deep sleep the mind drops% the no#mind functions. 2ind is always old% no#mind is always fresh, young, original. -o#mind is always li'e the dewdrop in the morning absolutely fresh, clean. 2ind is always dirty. It has to be, it collects dirt. The dirt is the memory. !hen I loo' at you, I see your mind is very ancient, many past lives collected there. 7ut I can see deeper also. There is your no#mind, which doesn.t belong to time at all, so neither it is ancient nor modern. 2an is always old, but something e+ists in man ## the consciousness ## which is neither old nor new, or, it is absolutely always new. O:5O Yoga1 The )lpha and the Omega, ;ol#<,=

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