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Founded 1967 $1.50


lybri de la pompe annexe

Habitation principale


Abri de la pompe

Habitation principale Habitation annexe

'Niveau 4

Point de stationnement pr6sum6

Chemin d'acces

French Government's "most enriching" UFQ case

(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
This issue is unusual in the sense that most of it is devoted to a
103 Oldtowne Rd. single case, one involving physical traces. However, it is significant
Seguin, Texas 78155 because it I was a reported landing case that was thoroughly
investigated by GEPAN, the French government agency charged
BOB PRATT with the scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon. GEPAN
Editor issued its report only after three years of investigation and analyses.
Although GEPAN stopped short of saying that that really was a
ANN DRUFFEL UFO that landed in Mr. Colini's backyard, it does say the physical
Contributing Editor evidence strongly supports his story.
LEN STRINGFIELD We have tried to be as faithful to the original report as possible,
Associate Editor but we may have missed a point here and there due to ignorance of
idiomatic expressions. Further, our scientific shortcomings led us to
MILDRED BIESELE leave out some of the minute scientific detail which we might have
Contributing Editor misinterpreted. (Readers interested in those details can obtain
copies of the report from MUFON.)
International Director We believe this report is unusual for both its conclusions and
what it reveals about how GEPAN goes about investigating UFO
DAVE WEBB We are indebted to James E. O'Brien of West Palm Beach,
Co-Chairmen, Florida, for his time and effort in translating the report.
Humanoid Study. Group
Promotion/Publicity In this issue
Religion and UFOs GEPAN"s most significant case 3
Books/Periodicals/History By Robert H. Bletchman
Promotion/Publicity LETTERS 19
Staff Writer
Landing Trace Cases
Medical Cases
Staff Writer
Astronomy The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
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DWIGHT CONNELLY may deduct contributions from their Federal income tax.. In addition, '
DENNIS HAUCK bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federal
RICHARD H. HALL estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of
Editor/Publishers Emeritus Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.
published by the Mutual UFO The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
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The MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200
103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and the
78155. statement "Copyright 1983 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Texas" is included.
Following is a major portion of a GEPAN report on The report, titled Technical Note No. 16, was
what it calls its "most enriching" UFO investigation since submitted to CNES by GEPAN on March 1, 1983, after
GEPAN was established in 1977. It is a case in which French three years of study and analysis. The report gives
scientist Alain Esterle, former head of GEPAN, is quoted as pseudonyms for the lone witness, his village and the nearby
saying (in F/ying Saucer Review, Vol. 29, No. 1): town. .
"For the first time we have found a combination of The witness is known to be Renato Nicolai, 55 at the
factors which conduce us to accept that something similar time of the incident. The report calls him Renato Colini. The
to what the eyewitness has described actually did take village is identified only as A1 and the nearby town of
place there." Draguignan as A2. The one identification we do not have is
GEPAN is the Groupe d'Etude des Phenomenes that of a private French UFO group that investigated the
Aerospatiaux Non-Identifies, or Group for the Study of case, called Group XYZ in the report. ,
Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena. GEPAN is a part of The 66-page report was translated for MUFON by
the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), France's James E. O'Brien, of West Palm Beach, Florida. Readers
equivalent of NASA. who are familiar with the French language and are
This particular case involves the reported landing of an interested in the various charts, graphs and other results of
unidentified object on January 8,1981, behind a rural house the scientific analyses should write to MUFON
near Trans-en-Provence, a village near the town of headquarters, which will provide copies at 20 cents a page
Draguignan, not far from Nice in the south of France. plus handling and postage.,

GEPAN's most significant case

Let us remember briefly that the
decision by GEPAN to undertake an Some of the findings in the case
investigation of this observation is • Traces were still perceptible 40 days after the event.
because the .case presented the
possibility of applying techniques of • The chlorophyll pigment in the leaf samples was weakened from
rigorous and efficient analysis. This is a 30 to 50 per cent.
case that from the outset yielded
information that could be analyzed; i.e., • The young leaves "withstood the most serious losses, evolving
it was not a fantastic type of story and toward the content and compositon more characteristic of old
there were several physical traces of leaves." ' '• '- • ' • • ' . ' • •''..• .
evidence to corroborate the witness's
story, so that we felt there'was enough • Attempts to duplicate the changes were unsuccessful: Applying
there to look at scientifically. nuclear radiation "does not seem to be analogous with the energy
source implied with the observed phenomenon."
Presentation of the case
• On the other hand, "it could be tied to the action of some type of
On Friday, January 9,1981, police electric energy field."
in the town of A2 got a telephone call
about the observation of an unidentified • Concerning the witness, the investigation clearly did not show
phenomenon and indicating the "indications of invention or exaggeration on his part or a mental
presence of traces in the soil. These deformation which would cast doubt on his testimony."
events took place in the vicinity of the
village of Al the day before. • "It was possible to qualitatively show the occurrence of an
GEPAN first became aware of the important event which brought with it deformations of the terrain
case on the morning of Monday, caused by mass, mechanics, a heating effect and perhaps certain
January 12, and learned that the police transformations and deposits of trace minerals."
had already taken samples of the soil
the day after the event. Strong rains • "We cannot give a precise and unique interpretation to this
had fallen during the ' weekend and remarkable combination of results...We can state that there is,
GEPAN, after consulting with the nonetheless, another confirmation of a very significant event
police, decided not to intervene which happened on this spot."
immediately. We asked the police to let
us know as early as possible the results • "This GEPAN investigation is the most enriching of all those
of the samples that had been taken. made up to the present."
(continued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued

A telex received on the afternoon

of January 12 confirmed the events and
led to more precise decisions on how to
approach the area in question.
We also learned that several
private groups had been notified of the
case by the local press, and they also
went to the site. One of them, Group
XYZ, also had an investigator on the
spot as of January 13, who began his
own investigation.
The police went to the site at 11:30
AM on January 9. They observed the
site, questioned the witness, took
photographs and took soil samples
according to the book of police
procedures. Several days later, the
police sent soil samples to GEPAN arid
soil samples and several vegetation
samples to the INRA laboratory.
A short time after that, additional
samples were taken at the request of
the laboratory.
oriented with windows and doors and ends up 400 meters further on on a
THE INVESTIGATION toward the valley. A number of terraces deserted farm. This property is worked
built into the hill, called restantes, allow in such a manner as to put the side of
The village of Al is three for cultivation of the soil. These the hill to the best agricultural use. The
kilometers southwest of A2. Mr. and restantes are generally constructed house is constructed on several levels
Mrs. Colini live on some property two with rock from the region and their of these restantes and is built directly the east of this locale and average height is two meters. into the hill.
route CDl, on the side of a hill which The paved entry level is 30 meters
overlooks the Valley of Rise. The valley Environment of the site from the road. A stairway on the left
runs east and west, and from it a side of the villa gives access to the living
number of fruit and vegetable groves The Colini property sits away from quarters and on the right side a rise of
are visible. the road on the north side of the valley. earth inhibits access to the big terrace.
The few houses in the area are A long path goes around their property (continued on next page)
Habitation V
^bri de La pompe annexe ~~^_^^ ^ fi <$ \V Nive.u* W
-jVI } ' ^L \i Y Ntveau 3—^ ' • y
/ 1 M > Niveau 2—* i
r 1 S 1 ' . . - . , • /

;~ 1—H 4- Plate-forme N i v e a u 1. .X^

Es'caller d'acces Point de stationnement presum<5

Habitation prin'jLpale til V f c d U 'j ^^-
du ph^nomene observe

GEPAN, Continued Abri de la pompe

Vehicular access to this portion of

Habitation principale
property is made by the previously Habitation annexe
mentioned pathway. Niveau
The terrace or platform connects veau 3
to the other restantes by a stairway
situated behind the house. However, Point de stationnement preeum£
this platform is practically never used.
On the northeast side of the hill are two I ^"^
Cnemin d' act
restantes partially raised in successive
one-meter jumps. There are two more obstacle, i.e., electric lines, telephone haven't worked since November 1979.1
constructions on these levels, a little lines, television cables, is visible on the had worked at the social security office.
shelter and an annex building for Colini property. I have a disability pension because in
horses. 1973 I had a heart attack.
Above the big platform, two Colini's Testimony Yesterday, the 8th of January,
restantes are used for grazing. These 1981, like practically every day, I was
are of average dimensions, 50 meters in (Excerpt from the verbal testimony to puttering around. I was behind the
length and 2.5 meters of width. Woods .the police) • • • /* ; ; , ' ' . house, whichisbuiltoharestante. I was
of pine trees, among which are some as building a little cement shed in which to
high as a dozen meters, surround the I have lived at Al for 14 years. I live put a water pump. Behind the house on
property, except on the side toward the alone with my wife, who is a cleaning
valley to the southwest. No particular woman at the social security office. I (continued on next page)

ECHELLE 1/250'


1 poop* r^-l 2»M RESTANQUE B ANNEXE .NIVEAU 3 . .

nafi9 . • 9
rsrir.Tpp D'u^res A ti ikr* nesTuniiK j.




A : ler point d.'observation
Maison de Monsieur COL INI vue de la trace B : 2£ point d'observatlon

GEPAN, Continued

the same level is a little flat piece of land.

You get to it by a path that comes from
the bottom of the house. It was just
about 1700 hours in the afternoon. It
was starting to cool off.
My attention was drawn to a small
noise, a kind of little whistling. I turned
around and I saw in the air a ship which
was just about at the height of a pine
tree at the edge of my property. This
ship was not turning but was
descending toward the ground. I only
heard a slight whistling. I saw no flames,
neither underneath or around the ship.
While the ship was continuing to
descend, I went closer to it, heading
toward a little cabin above the house.
When I got near the wall of the cabin, I
was able to see very well above the roof.
This cabin is also built on one of the
restantes. I found myself on the
topmost restante on my property,
about 1.20 meters from the roof. From
there I saw the ship standing on the
At that moment, the ship began to
emit another whistling, a constant,
consistent whistling. Then it took off
and once it was at the height of the there were tracks (traces?). meters high. It was the color of lead.
trees, it took off rapidly in the direction When my wife came home that The ship had a border or type of brace
of the forest of Al, which is to say night, I told her what I had seen. She around its circumference. Underneath
toward the northeast. As the ship thought I was joking. The next day, the brace I saw as it took off two kinds
began to lift off, I saw beneath it four when it was light, I showed her the of round pieces which could have been
openings from which neither smoke nor tracks in the circle and she called our landing gear or feet.
flames were emitting. The ship kicked neighbor, Urbain, and he came with his There also were two circles which
up a little dust when it left the ground. wife. I told him about it and showed him looked kind of like trap doors. The two
I was at that time about 30 meters the tracks and they told us to call the feet or landing gear extended about 20
from the landing site. I thereafter police. centimeters beneath the body of the
walked toward the spot and I noticed a The ship was in the form of two whole ship.
circle about two meters in diameter. At saucers upside down, one against the I have absolutely no problems with
certain spots on the curve of the circle other. It must have been just about 1.5 my sight or hearing.
6 (continued on next page)
COLINI'S TESTIMONY TO AN vegetation and so forth, and this led to a
INVESTIGATOR FOR GROUP session with the witness. This was a
XYZ somewhat shortened session.
The investigation took place in
The report of the investigator: three phases: The meeting with the
witness' wife, the reconstruction of the
Colini was working on a little events, a topographic study
masonry job on the terrace just above accompanied with photographs of the
his house. Night was falling and he and it took off at an increasing and surroundings and the site and
wanted to finish before night. Suddenly, surprising speed, passing precisely subsequent session with the witness,
• at the end of the platform he saw a ship between the two trees between which it description of the phenomena and the
fall from the sky just between the tops had landed, which was exactly the same trajectory.
of two trees. The ship was dark- point at which he had first seen it fall. Witness indicates he first noticed
colored. As this fall of the ship was The witness noted that the course the phenomenon in the sky above the
accompanied by no sound, Colini was of the landing and the takeoff were not trees at the end of a restante, then more
surprised and taken aback and he similar, that the trajectory of the takeoff precisely between two big pine trees
watched it with rapt attention, fixing his was different than it had been when it which stand out above the woods!
eyes on the spot where the object landed. Colini indicates this trajectory was
landed. He was about 80 meters away. At the moment the ship took off on directly in a straight line without any
The ship was immobilized against its departure trajectory, the witness deviations or zig-zag, was rapid, and
the background, which consisted of noticed four accessories underneath that there was absolutely no slowdown
loose, dry stones and loose, soft earth. the ship. He compared them to the size or stop before it hit the ground. He also
From the spot where Colini was of two masonry bricks to estimate their pointed out the point of impact, where
standing, he noticed what looked like a size, diameter and length. But. he there are still visible traces on. the soil.
big upside down bowl of a dark gray noticed that that description is The takeoff trajectory and its
color. In surprise, he headed toward the imperfect and only approximate, disappearance are considered by the
object and stopped at the end of the especially since the observation had witness as similar but not identical to
restante about 45 meters from the been brief due to the speed of the ship's the trajectory of landing. Details of this,
traces which will have been observed as takeoff and the near instantaneity of its however, will be clarified later.
haying come from the object. disappearance. The length of the observation,
Then he discovered that as he He heard no particular sound of a according to the reconstruction, the
approached he was able to discern an motor in the silence of the countryside, phase of approach of the phenomenon
oval-shaped vehicle having the general and it was later documented that there from the beginning of its touchdown
form of two half-spheres of unequal was little if any peripheral noise in the was very brief, several seconds only.
volume, cleanly separated by a flat area at that time. Then the witness left his work
border that stuck out and was about 15 He felt no heat, no vibration, no spot, went to the cabin and the
centimeters beyond the main body of illness, neither during the observation phenomenon was on the ground on the
the craft and which formed a sort of ring or after. He was simply very impressed terrace. The witness observed it for
around the metallic mass of the by the inexplicable spectacle. several seconds and then abruptly the
somewhat lead-aluminum alloy. The He was somewhat disquieted and phenomenon took off, sped above the
top part of the ship kind of spilled over surprised. He went back to his house woods, gaining altitude, and through a
the border of the restante and the ship and told his wife about it. She was both phenomenon of simply distancing its
stood about two to two and a half skeptical and mistrusting, and she told diameter began to diminish.
meters high: ' him to-watch out for further escapades As 1 a result of several points
The witness noticed no antenna, and to stay home. furnished by Colini, we can guess that
no door, no porthole, no opening. He Next.mprning, they both went out the entire length of the observation
noticed no kind of evidence of a motor to the spot where Colini had seen the would be several dozen seconds; to be
or power source or any mechanical phenomenon. That was when she saw more precise, on the order of 30 to 40
parts on the outside of the ship. The, the visible trace spots on the soil. She seconds.
whole thing seemed to be smooth and became as convinced as he and thought Concerning the observation, the
compact. He estimates the horizontal it best to get in touch with the local witness was consistently at all times
diameter of the ship was bigger than its police. during this point in a good spot to carry ,
height. out uninhibited observation. His
He did not have the time to Particulars gathered by GEPAN on position at all times gave him an
continue his observation because the February 17, 1981 unimpeded field of vision, with only
craft lifted off, kicking up a light dust three trees that could have possibly
and accompanied by a soft whistling.. The GEPAN questioning was provided any obstacles to his vision.
Then it appeared to incline lightly, principally aimed at the complementary
which allowed him to see its bottom, collection of material evidence, notable (continued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued as well as the loudness. He compares
the noise to a rather strong wind
Distance of the observation: It was blowing. He did not indicate whether
rather short from observer to SKETCHES 5A and 5B there was continuous or interrupted
phenomenon. If we consider the sound and he did not indicate if there
beginning of the approach phase, the was any discontinuation of the sound
distance the object covered from the when it landed.
first time he saw it and the landing was The brutal shock at the point of
approximately 20 meters, from initial impact he pointed out and the sound
sighting to landing. It was 17% meters that resulted from the point of impact is
from where he was working to the compared to that, in his words, of a
cabin, and he probably never got any \ rock falling on the ground.
closer to the phenomenon than 70 In the takeoff stage, the sound
meters. circles set up on perpendicular and effects were at the same amplitude or
We must also note that entire symetrical axes. level of loudness as at landing.
observation was made in a frame of Colini declares that they were Concerning the takeoff, this is where
reference well known to the witness, clearly visible and compares them to Colini is the most precise in his
which diminishes the likelihood of two masonry pails. observations, which may be explained
errors on the estimations of distances. In his testimony, Colini estimates for two reasons: First of all, that was
that the dimensions of the ship as they when he was closest to the ship, and
Form: In the descending phase, as stood against the background of the secondly, the surprise had worn off and
the object got closer, Colini really can landing site and in its relatively simple he was better able to see and react to
give very little observation about the sense there is a slight small wall that what he was observing by then.
form that he was looking at. It was only borders the restante where the ship Therefore, according to him, the
after touchdown that he got a better landed and this wall at no point is higher ship was on the ground, immobile for
grasp of what was actually sitting there than two and a half meters. several seconds, and suddenly it took
in front of him. This is also consistent So he indicates also that the off vertically a couple of meters and
with the idea that the whole landing dimensions of the ship as it stood on the climbed, angled off above the restante
took place very quickly. restante are as follows: The diameter of and continued to rise from this position
Two phases particularly captured the exterior is estimated to be about at an angle and disappeared into the
the attention of the witness: Its having two and half meters. The height is sky. ;•
been parked on the ground, and the estimated to be between 1.70 and 1.80
takeoff. meters. It'stood just above the restante, Further discussions
which, as previously mentioned, stood
PHASE A about a meter and a half to two meters Colini has been sick for several
high. years. He had myocardial infarction,
The witness does not describe The diameter of the little circles which prevents him from working. At
what he saw by way of analogy to a underneath were once again estimated the time of our visit, Colini was
recognizable form. He prefers to use to be about the same size as a masonry somewhat ill and tired. After the initial
the word ship. (Note: Colini has lived in pail. We must note that the relationship reconstruction of the facts, he had to go
France only 20 years, having come from between diameter and height is very in and lie down for a minute.
Italy, and his command of the French different from that he pointed out on his His wife told us a few minutes later
language is not perfect, so this may drawings, and also in the drawings that that he could see us again and she
account for some imprecisions in he gave to the private investigator. corroborated his story as best she
description.) could from what she knew. But she also
The witness has s p e c i f i c COLOR: Colini describes the demanded some explanations from us
observation about two points: On the color of the ship in gray tints, gray as to what was going on and she wanted
side of the ship he emphasizes the tones, a zinc-like gray, dark and flat on to know if we thought her husband was
existence" of a thick band that went the thick side, and when he saw the ship crazy.
around the entire silhouette and on the from underneath four spots appeared He saw us in the family dining room
underside of the ship two types of clearly darker than the rest of the and he took up his story, apparently in
landing gear or legs stuck out. surface but still in the same basic tone. an attempt to find an explanation that
would satisfy his own curiosity. He
PHASE B NOISE: The witness recalled that reviewed the various kinds of flying
it was a noise that first attracted his vehicles it could have been, airplanes
Sketch 5B is how Colini saw the attention, and that was when he was and especially helicopters, but in the
ship from underneath after takeoff. Its working on the water pump shed. end had to come to the conclusion that
form is circular and in the visible surface Colini had a little difficulty defining the
he indicates there were four small nature of the sound that the ship made Cconfinued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued Madame Colini accompanied her religious beliefs. She believes that she
husband to the spot and confirmed the has slowly begun to lessen her religious
it really is not possible for an aircraft to presence of several marks on the beliefs in the past several years. She has
land here. There are spots in the valley ground. She at that moment realized no precise idea about the meanings of
a lot more practical and a lot flatter for that something had in fact happened the words universe and space, but she
aircraft to land on. which she had not witnessed and began shares her husband's point of view on
Colini came back to the ship, to believe her husband wasn't telling extraterrestrial life.
particularly the technology that he her a story. Af the end of this session, she
marveled at. He kept saying over and At that very moment, she decided absolutely insists on pointing out that
over again: "It hardly made any sound that they must tell their neighbors, who no one would have bothered her
and it went up and down vertically. It occupy a certain social rank which she husband if there had not been a visible
fell like a rock and it didn't break. It's believed would enable them to advise trace on the spot, and she doesn't
without a doubt a military ship." them as to what they should do. These understand why everybody is so
There's a military base, Camp neighbors at once notified the police. interested in what her husband saw.
Jouvan, not far away from where he
lives. Evolution of beliefs SYNTHESIS OF THE
Reaction D u r i n g the course of our
conversation, Colini told us that he had As we see it, the different versions
We have emphasized during the heard the word UFO on television of Colini's testimony actually contain
testimony that Colini did not stay several times and that was the only very few differences or descrepancies
passively in one place during the course source he had for learning that word. as concerns.the basis of the matter.
of his observation. He did attempt to The family TV is in the kitchen, where There may be a few details that differ
get closer, all the while staying very he always eats his meals, and he here and there but the basis is
much on his guard, placing himself regularly spends several hours a day consistent.
behind a wall so that he could protect watching shows. All his various versions are not
himself. He also told us that he hardly ever identical, quite far from that. But the
His first idea was that it was some reads, not even newspapers, so the differences consist primarily in a choice
type of military weapon or ship that he word UFO didn't mean anything to him. of terms. For example, in one
didn't know anything about, some kind We then explained to him what it description he uses a rather neutral
of new military ship, and we must say meant. vocabulary and in another version a
that that's the .idea he fixed on and He told us he had often heard of more evocative or emotionally charged
maintained until our visit. UFOs since the sighting and members vocabulary. Naturally, we must keep in
Effectively, despite having spoken of private groups as well as journalists mind this difference in choice of words
to several different people — police, had s p o k e n to him abo.ut may be as much .due to the
journalists, private investigators — he extraterrestrials to find out if that was investigators and stenographers as to
maintained the idea that he had seen what he had seen. He frankly answered the witness.
some type of military vehicle or without any hesitation, and with a little In Colini's case, his imperfect
property that he admitted he admired smile, that he hadn't seen anything of command of French vocabulary leads
quite a bit and was particularly the sort. us to believe that these differences may,
impressed with its flight performance He then went off into a discussion in fact, be more due to the
and the precision with which it landed. of life in the universe. He doesn't even stenographers and investigators than
He excluded almost right away the know what much of this corresponds to to him himself.
presence of a helicopter because of the He confuses the word galaxy with the Therefore, in the version furnished
closeness of a wall to the restante. "The word universe. He talked about stars by the investigator for XYZ, the
ship came down almost right against and thinks that if there are stars there presentation is more literary, more
the wall." must be other life forms and thinks that emotive. He was absolutely stunned by
Once the event had ended, he took extraterrestrial life identifies itself in a this strange object...impressed by this
up his work again on the water pump fashion identical to the one we know. chimaric type spectacle, etc. and this
shed and when his wife came home As concerns his religious beliefs version refers also voluntarily to a pre-
about an hour later, he tried to explain and the evolution of his beliefs after this existing imagery of the private
to her what he had gone through that sighting, he answers that he believes in investigator's own background; i.e., the
afternoon. She absolutely did not God and that this isn't going to change private investigator's own preconceiv-
believe him, and even advised him to go one thing about his belief. ed ideas: an oval-shaped vehicle...he
rest because of his health. The next His wife, who is helping him out sees no windows, no
morning, however, he persuaded her to during this discussion, absolutely openings...unearthly speeds and all
come with him to the landing site, and insists on intervening in this discussion this.
there was still a faint outline of to answer for her husband. She kept
impressions. interrupting. She also speaks about her (continued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued

Now in detail, we must note that

version XYZ neglects to point out the
soft whistling that originally attracted
the witness' attention. However, on the
other hand, XYZ's account makes
quite a big deal of the dust the ship
kicked up when the ship left the ground,
and this is a detail that did not appear in
the GEPAN testimony.
Finally, the drawing furnished to
XYZ is substantially different from that
Colini gave to GEPAN. XYZ's drawing
seems a bit more classic, if one may
speak thus, and is drawn with a much
surer hand.
Finally, the different elements
assembled do not necessarily lead to an
unfavorable portrait of the witness.
Rather, the witness' subjectivity does
not seem to have played a big part in
what he had to say. Quite the contrary,
the difficulties Colini has expressing
himself verbally can actually lend more
credence to the possibility that it was
the investigators who may have
compromised any of the descriptions.
Analysis, therefore, becomes Cktmin </« Ftr I* r *19]r»**t Zt ?Q m.
complex, to get precise and detailed
conclusions on only one testimony or as vegetal samplings, which were later concentric circles, one 2.20 meters in
the testimony in general beyond the sent for laboratory analysis. diameter and the other 2.40 meters in
simple observation that there is a The spots marked on the surface diameter. The two circles form a sort of
general coherence to every single of the big terrace (level 1) in the general corona 10 centimeters thick on this
version that he gave. vicinity of the southeast entrance by the corona, one within the other. There are
little path are visible on a little band of two parts clearly visible, and they also
THE PHYSICAL ELEMENTS earth very close to the wall of the show black striations (see sketch).
restante, about 22 meters from a tree at Several days later, XYZ's
At the end of his observation, the left, where Colini first noticed the investigator came up with a somewhat
Colini took us to the spot where the form at the very beginning of his different description. Instead of two
thing landed. At the moment he got observation. portions diametrically opposed and
there, right after the phenomenon left, The description of all the elements clearly marked, he observed rather a
he noticed very abnormal traces or came from diverse sources: the police, horseshoe type of design with very
markings on the soil, which he saw very GEPAN, XYZ. regular striations as if someone had
clearly on the surface of the restante. As of Friday, January 9, the local used a metal press or form to make
These traces eventually became police brigade proceeded with an them. And on this striated surface, all
the s u b j e c t of e x a m i n a t i o n s , examination of the traces, and police
photographs and soil samplings as well say: "We observed the presence of two (continued on next page)


—X- —
E2 E3 E4 E7 E8 E5.E6


10 \ rCHEU.E
GEPAN, Continued Air Traffic

trace of vegetation had disappeared. After having asked civil and

On February 17, or 40 days after military authorities in the region about
Colini's sighting, you could still see the air traffic in the area, it must, be noted
traces, no doubt because there has after rigorous investigation that there
been little rain since January 8, 1981 was only one single helicopter flight, an
(there has been only one storm since Alouette 11 that flew over the region at
then) and they are also visible due to the a height of 200 meters from the ground
fact that this part of the property is not at just about 4:30 PM on January 8.
often frequented by anybody.
Visually, one could observe the Random information
presence of a zone with circled arcs.
The earth was heavily compacted with The locality of Al is situated south
a crust on the order of about a of a region which is one of the biggest
centimeter thick. The surface at certain maneuver grounds for the French
spots on this crown or corona seemed army, Camp Jouvan. We checked with
to have worn down just a little bit. military authorities to find out if there
All sorts of observations and had been any particular activity that
examinations were carried out on the day at Jouvan. The only notable activity
site: at the hour of the observation was a
• On January 9, the police took cannon shot with a blank shell with a
several samplings short trajectory shot toward a firing
• On January 23, at the request of range about 25 kilometers to the north
the biochemical analysis laboratory, the ofAl.
police took new samplings of vegetation
up to and including 20 meters from the A N A L Y S I S OF THE SOIL
site. PHOTO 15
• On February 17, GEPAN
proceeded on to a series of eight Analyses began with an overall vegetation appear.
vegetation samplings on various wild visual exam with binoculars and then At the surface, curved lines appear
plants. The distances between these more precisely with a microscope. very clearly on the photo and show that
samplings and the center of the corona This first stage took place in the this earth was subjected to a rubbing
were measured and reported on the CNES laboratory. which had the same effect a
table in Drawing 8. All of these Second stage samples were sent to sandpapering would.
samplings were put through laboratory different laboratories for physical and P h o t o g r a p h 15, shown in
analysis. chemical analysis in order: enlargement. In this photograph you
can see the presence of a flint, a piece of
Meteorological data • to determine the structure and rock that was smashed down and
composition of the e l e m e n t s ground into the soil. You can
At the moment of Colini's sighting composing the samples. distinguish here and there on this flint a
on January 8, 1981, toward 5 PM, • to analyze and interpret the fracture line that may be due both to
meteorological conditions were the eventual differences of composition, mechanical pressure as well as a
following: structure, etc...between the two heating of the ground.
temperature: 6.8 samples to attempt to bring to light the However, on the right side of
humidity: 30%, no precipitation effects of the actions (mechanical, photo number 15, it appears darker and
wind: southeast at 2 meters per thermal, radioactive, etc.) applicable. contains little vegetable traces, having
seco d no doubt actually seeded or germinated
cloudiness: 2/8 A series of photos taken were after we took the samples.
visibility good amplified by an optic microscope,
Several significant precipitations which eventually resulted in two or (continued on next page)
took place twice over the weekend, on three different enlargments.
January 10 and 11. On the other hand, Photograph number 14. There are
until February 17, the date of GEPAN's two important parts of this photograph.
investigation, there was no new rain, The earth was strongly compacted with MUFON
which contributed, no doubt, to the a thick crust 6 to 7 milimeters,
good state of preservation of the traces, predominantly composed of calcium, 103 OLDTOWNE RD.
which allowed GEPAN to take very dry, so dry and compacted that SEGUIN.TX 78155
significant samplings of the traces. only a very few traces of dessicated ^^^^•MMHrf
GEPAN, Continued presence of other fragments in the surface which is not at all the case of
negative ion column confirm the neighboring ground, which, on the
Physical and chemical analysis at existence of carbon polymer. contrary, is very soft and dusty and
the SNEAP laboratory In c o n c l u s i o n , the b l a c k crumbly.
macroscopic particles seem to be the
This lab always does GEPAN's residue of combustion. A thermal effect
preliminary analyses. The lab did two
types of anlyses, one which showed Analysis of soil samples at the The SNEAP laboratory believes
blackish deposits and the other which laboratory of the University of Pau that there was a heating that went along
made the striations to appear. In the with this mechanical rubbing because
course of the investigation, it was This laboratory specializes in the the consistency is more solid under the
possible to note there were no organic analysis of physico-chemical traces on black iron trace, or oxide iron, than
compounds identifiable that would be mineral and organic materials. CNES next to it. Moreover, the particles of
characteristic of motor combustion. has made use of its services since it CO3Ca are not active. They, therefore,
Using an electronic ultrasound made an analysis four years ago of lunar were not heated greater than 600°,
device (CAMECA), they were able to soil taken from samples furnished by which could have brought on the
detect the presence of iron. However, NASA. disassociation of CO3Ca, and then its
the degree present did not allow for a The laboratory 'uses a spectro- recombination with active fluoure-
strict identification of the elements; that meter that makes use of sparks and sence.
is to say, whether it was free oroxidous mass. Elsewhere, the University of
iron. The soil samples analyzed were set Rangueill laboratory tried without
This metallic compound is found apart from those furnished to the other success to reproduce the mono-
on several portions of the calcified rock, laboratories. This analysis reveals an chrystallization of the compounds in
in striations about the thickness of a everyday quality of soil, nothing the soil by heating it for two hours at
micron. The following elements, Cr, spectacular, made out of argi/o- 1,000.
Mn, Ni, etc., are not present. ca/caire. The results show there is little Therefore, the total of these
significant difference in other soil analyses may be summed up according
Microscopic analysis and structure witnessed in other laboratories and the to the tables which appear hereafter
of the materials done by Paul one on which the deposit is visible. The and the following remarks:
Sebatier University in Toulouse only elements q u a n t i t a t i v e l y • There was a strong mechanical
discernable are zinc and phosphate. pressure forced (probably the result of
Three compounds were found: The laboratory interprets this as a heavy weight) on the surface
BaCa (CO)3/2, (Ca)2, 8H2O) perhaps having come from a painting of • the appearance of a superficial
A bigger concentration of CaO2 basic black or primary black with a base structural modification of the soil, with
and 8H2O in crystalline form were of black carbon. both striations and erosion
found on sample Pib, which was • a thermatic heating of the soil,
different from sample P2. Synthesis of the analysis of the soil perhaps consecutive to or immediately
following the shock, the value of which
Analysis of the laboratory at the The methods of analysis and did not exceed 600°
University of Metz microscopic observation brought out • an eventual residue of material
elements that indicate that the terrain in the form of detectable traces on the
To have a double blind study, or soil where Colini claims to have samples analyzed, such as a weak
samples were sent to different labs. observed the phenomenon underwent quantity of oxidous iron on grains of
Metz got elements of the soil to allow certain specific modifications. For calcium and minute quantities of
for an identification of the compounds. example: phosphate and zinc.
This lab made an analysis of
spectrometry with ionic bombardment. A mechanical effect Biochemical analysis of the
On the coronna they found vegetable samples
negative ions and the presence of In studying photographs Hand 15,.
C 2 H 2 O...the ion 63 and 79, which are we note that clear and dark zones This part of the investigation was
typical of the phosphate ion...and correspond to the curved lines of which done entirely by Dr. Bounias of the bio-
negative traces were also present that the fairly precise outline can bring to chemical laboratory of the National
are analogous with certain types of mind the effect of a trampling down. Institute of Agronomy Research
polymers and petroleum residue. At the same time, a flint appears to (center at d'Avignon-Montfavet). He
Black particles are distinguished in be cut and to have undergone a surface himself dictated the synthesis of all the
the neighboring soil by the absence of polishing. The soil seems particularly work that he did this day and it is his
aluminum. Sodium, magnesium and compacted at this point. The earth text which constitutes the following:
titanium are there in small quantities. sample taken from this spot manifests a
Clacium was the major element. The hardness, a fairly important crusty (continued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued
1ere s e r i e

After an observation of an
" u n i d e n t i f i e d object" in the
circumstances heretofore described,
certain vegetable samples were taken
with a view toward biochemical analysis
to determine the probable
43 2ene ser ie
consequences of the "phenomenon."
Different sorts of physical-
chemical trauma can show up at several analyzed fragments are as follows: eventually have happened to the leaves
different levels: Primary effects of (a) a morphological identity, had they continued growing. In the case
radiation on peroxydases and the including color, of like samples coming of E-3 or E-5, for example, we would see
byproducts of from diverse points in the sample examples of their inherent anamolies or
well as chlorophyll pigments and region. mutations in their slight development at
carotene pigments being broken (b) a reconstitution of the elements this stage, tied in with the hazards of
down...The effect of hydraulic shocks that were retained for analysis on the their particular eco-physicological
on the peroxydases and on the glucides entire surface of the samples. environment.
and amino-acids; and an effect of Samples E-5 and E-6 encompass Two lots of five leaves each from
temperature and light on the inter- the values of the average individual the second series were dried in an oven
relations between photosynthetic weights of samples E-l. Comparison (six hours at 100° c) and the final dry
pigments and free amino-acids. The between E-5 and E-6 will as well take weight represents 28.5 + or - 1.% of the
numerical results presented here into account the effects which would cool weight.
constitute the first part of the research
undertaken. They will be followed by a ABSORBANCE
series of complementary facors in the
course of analysis. 0,2 - B

The taking of samples

The principle consists of choosing

one species, animal or vegetable, from
which it might be likely to find a series of
ecological "stations" situated on an
axis which has its origin in the center of
the "phenomenon" and from there 10 cm
distancing itself from the center. The
furthest points away can witness to the RESULTS Vx = Violaxanthine
effects just as well as intermediate and Table 1 expresses in nanomo/es by
closer points because they will give Photosynthetic pigments mg of the tissues the results of analysis
evidence of a gradual gradation of the of samples of the first series. The
consequences. Figure 2, chromatogram of coefficients of variation C=0.22 for 3
In the case of the observation of pigment extracted from the first series measures.
January 8, 1981, samples consist of a (Phase chloroform without revelation, The differences of equipment for
type of primitive or wild luzerne plants, photometer Vernon PHI-5, white light) inherent pigmentations during the
the medicago minima. Two series of D = deposit (chlorophyllides + aging (the-stripping out of chlorophyll
samples were taken successively: pheophorbides and tanins) and the augmentation of xanthophylls)
1 = Methyl chlorophylides was observed by BOUNIAS in 1972 and
• by the police in A2 on January 9 2 = Protochlorophyllides we find unequivocal evidence of them
in one of the spots 1.50 meters from the 3 = Lutein-epoxide or zeaxanthine here in the samples taken from 20
center and, on January 23, 20 meters 4 = cryptoxanthine type or meters.
from the spot carotene-epoxide Samples taken from the periphery
• by GEPAN on February 17, 5 = Oxy-chlorophylls (d = 1.5m) show a general weakening of
samples were taken consecutively from NX = neoxanthine the pigmentary colors. Whatever the
the center (using the center as a point of L = Lutein age of these leaves, chlorohylll A was
departure) and further out to the B = chlorphyll B reduced by 33%, chlorophyll B by 28%
periphery to a point 10 meters from the A = chlorophyll A and pheophytine by 31%. They were all
center. P = Pheopytenes
The two criteria of choosing the C = Beta carotene (confirmed on nexf page)
GEPAN, Continued Tableau 1 - Analyse des pigments dans les echantillons de la premiere
se'rie : jeunes feuilles (N-15=T6moin et N-8=expose'es) et feuilles age'es
(N-11 =Temoins et N-4=exposees).
weakened and stripped to a fairly
similar degree in all three cases. Each Pigments N - 15 N -8 N - 11 N -4
one has undergone the same kind of
reduction... Chlorophylle A 0.87 0.58 0.81 0.54 ;
Among the carotinoids, the most Chlorophylle B 0.62 0.45 0.51 0.37
affected is the beta carotene, which was (A * B) 1.49 1.03 1.32 0,91
reduced by 50 to 57% in the vicinity of Pheophytine A 0.73 0.44 0.29 0,20
the phenomenon, as well as the 0.20 0.10
» Carot&ne 0,21 0.09
violaxanthine (80% of this substance
Luteine 0,32 0.28 0.34 0.24
was stripped out of the young leaves).
Table 1 — Analysis of the pigments Violaxanthine 0.15 0.030 0,17 0.11
in the first series: young leaves (N-15 = teo-xanthine
«• chlorophyll ides 0,28 0.30 0.26 0,25
vicinity and N - 8 = exposed) and old
Protochlorophyl 1 ide - - 9.9 6.0
leaves (N-ll vicinity and N-4 exposed)
During this series of analyses,
diverse forms of isomers or oxides of
chlorophylls A & B appear, as well as tendency towards oxidation:
pheophytines. • from the radical CH3 into CH —
Forms A and B correspond to O for example, from CHI A to Chi B In the November 19, 1983,
a l g o r h t h y m i c derivatives l i g h t l y • perhaps the radical ethylene - issue of the newspaper France-
oxidized by increasing polarity; CH — CH2 into epoxide Soir, published in Paris, journalist
therefore the least chromatographic Jean-Yves Casgha reported on
mobility the existence of which has the Nicolai case after interviewing
been known for quite some time...The Dr. Bounias, who conducted
— CH — CH2 (instable) some of the laboratory analyses of
byproduct B can reverse itself into its \
initial structure while the passage from o the leaf samples. He quoted Dr.
form A to forms Al and A2 is Bounias as saying:
irreversible. Form A2 may well which would have little influence on
correspond to one of those described mobility, masked by their carbons, -2a "We worked on very young
by STRAIN in 1955... -2b of the molecule. leaves. They all had the anatomic
These molecular modifications can Pheophytine A is especially and physiologic characteristics of
be explained as well as by modifications characterized in the vicinity of the their age. However, they had the
.using an absorption spectrum. These "phenomenon" by a lessening of the biochemical characteristics of
molecular modifications are. of two rapport between lambda 410/lambda advanced senescence, of old age!
types: on one hand a tracing of the 675. And this does not resemble
short length of waves and on the other Let us note, finally, that the anything known to exist on our
hand an a u g m e n t a t i o n of the relations of structure to "light/ planet...
relationship between absorbances specters" are extremely difficult to "We have found differences
lambda 410 nm (Soret band) / lambda manipulate. Therefore, the electrofile sufficiently important that the
677 nm, which can be intrepreted radicals of substitution exercise a statistical significance of the
according to STRAIN et al as an bathochrome effect when it is a results is irrefutable...All we can
indication of the tendencies of question of carbons 2-6 and a say is that something certainly
oxidation. hypsochrome effect in position 3... happened. We have observed the
Forms A and B present a normal At the level of carotenoids, the effects of a phenomenon. We
chromatographic mobility and the chromatographic mobility has not been don't know its precise nature or,
positions of the maximum points of significantly affected, but the analysis of above all, its cause."
their spectrum conforms equally to that the traces or these graphs sometimes
(From the February 1984 issue of the
position of the spurs. reveals a tendency toward certain
U.F.O. Newsclipping Service, translation
Form A shows a light tracing of red modifications of molecular structure. by George Andrews)
awl from 677 to 675 nm. The The comparative analysis of the
relationship lambda 410 nm / lambda diverse samples show that these
677 nm is raised there and its color is structural modifications are more
constantly stronger in sample 1 than for marked in the samples coming from the
example in sample 4. The relations immediate vicinity of the "phenomen-
between the molecular structure and on."
the physical properties of chlorophyll
seems to once again indicate a (continued on next page)
DISCUSSION ito ft. i,u R.2.I.*
*'° H.i.1,1
The leaves conning from plants Ble
harvested in the most immediate
vicinity of the "phenomenon" show
certain particularities common to the
two series of samples, which were still
perceptible 40 days after the event. The
chlorophyll pigment and carbtenoid is 6
weakened from 30 to 50 percent of
active forms and enriched in inert or
degraded forms.
The young leaves withstood the
most serious losses on the level of beta
carotene (-57%) and of violaxanthine
(-80%). In all the samples of the second
series, chlorophylls are partially £>'
decomposed into oxidized forms but
the modifications are more pronounced A' ITO
in the immediate vicinity of the
In most cases, quantitative
400 500 600 nm
correlations exist between the
observed perturbations and the *M-<5
distance from the center of the
"phenomenon": The parameters of Pheophytine *
regression vary as a function of the et v a r i a n t e s
differences of the free enthalphy B'
associated with the transformations. 400 500 600 nn
In the case of glucides and amino-
acids, certain quantitative modifica-
tions appear also from the graph of the Chlorophyl le A VOO 500 COO nm
t\ d e r i v e s *'-*"
different components. The most Chlorophyll* B
important modifications tend to make M d e r i v e s B'-B"
the content of the very young leaves
evolve towards the contents and T i g . 3 - H e t e r o g e n e i t e des torves loleculiires des chlorophylles et pheoptiytines
composition more characteristic of old dans les e c h a n t i l l o n s de la 2e»e s e r i e (comparaison avec les piqoenls du lie) - .
R = X s o r e t / X rouge.
The observed perturbations at the
level of photosynthetic pigments can be
examined by comparison with those active mobile compound appears and therefore does not seem to be
products in the cotytedonaires leaves of the movements between this beta analogous with the energy source
the following d-Arabidopsis thaliana carotene and these pheophytines, the implied with the observed
(cruciferous) plants after exposing compound with a weaker polarity than phenomenon., on the other hand, a
seeds to g a m m a i r r a d i a t i o n the chlorophylls and the graph leaning specific intensification of the trans-
(BOUNIAS, 1973)...The following toward long waves that grow as they go formation of chlorophylls into
numerical givens show that it is along would appear to correspond pheophytines and from chlorophyllides
necessary to apply a very large dose of rather to a reduced derivative of into pheophorbides could be tied to the
these beta rays 106 rads to obtain these chlorophyll A, such as described by action of a type of electric energy field.
changes... Krasnovskii in characterized Other experiments now under way
as well by a red coloration and a band of have as an object to complete the actual
Chlorophyll A : -30% Soret...A transtient derivative giving a results and to attempt to establish a
Chlorophyll B : -46% maximum absorption of 475 nm was comparison of the modifications of
violaxanthine:-40% also extracted by ZIEGER and WITT in certain inter-relations between
Luteine : -30% 1961...during a chemical reduction of pigments and amino-acids with those
Beta carotene : -20% chloroyll A, which confirms the relation observed under the action of diverse
between the reduction and the other types of physical trauma.
It appears as well that when we bathochrome effect.
apply about 250K rads, a chemically The action of nuclear irradiation (continued on next page)
GEPAN, Continued Lea tableaux 2 et 3 priScisent les r<5sultats des analyses quantitati-
ve! effectives a partir des diffe'rentes formes moleculaires scSpardes et
identifiers d'apres leur mobilitds chromatogr aphiques et leurs spectres
CONCLUSIONS respectifs. . ' , •

Tableau ,2
The testimony given by Colini
stated an observation which took place
Pigments ' E-1 •E-2 "E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6
in broad daylight, says he, about 30
meters in distance and for a duration of i•
about 12 seconds, during the course of Chlorophylle A 0,005 0.010 0.016 ,0,017 0,021 0.0082
which the phenomenon was for the Chlorophylls A' 0,353 1.08 1,14 1.17 1.25 1.28
most part immobile. Chlorophylle A" trace 0,008 0.0088 0.0116 0,0281 0.0398
The investigation did not clearly Chlorophylle B 0,030 0.031 0,030 0.037 0.049 0,031
show in successive conversations with Chlorophylle B 1 0,13 0.23 0.22 0.15 0.18 0.14
the witness, nor in his behavior, Pheophytine A 1 • 0,174 0.21 0,16 0.12 . 0.098 0.026
indications of invention or exaggeration Ph6ophytine A 0,27 0.50 0.61 0.58 0.53 0,50
on his part or a mental deformation
which would cast doubt on his
B carotene 0,090 0.106 0.12 0.158 0.195 0.251
testimony. Even though we cannot
disprove his testimony and cannot Luteine 0,089 0,087 0,123 0.140 .0.175 0.287
prove he is deranged or is telling a lie, Violaxanthine
+ NSoxanthine 0,327 0.538 0.468 0.746 0,592 0.655
we do not consider his testimony in and + chlorophyll ides
of itself enough to constitute a proof.
Complementary approaches were Protochloroph. (4.) 0,061 0,13 0.12 0.18 0.13 0.13
undertaken with a bias towards Protochloroph: (3) 0.071 0.23 0.21 0.20 0.16 0,16
physical analyses of. visible
perturbations in the immediate vicinity. Tableau 3.
Just on a pedestrian level, the particular
conditions of the terrain hardly allowed Parametres statistiques • B cacot&ne Lut6ine
for a precise anlysis of the mass of the
pressure • and the heat. It was N = nombre de couples 6 6
nonetheless possible to qualitatively Coeff . de correl . p 0.945 0.871
show the occurrence of an event'of Probab. signif . P 0.0022 0,012
important amplitude which brought
with it deformations of the terrain Pente b 0.0130 0.0148
caused by mass, mechanics, a heating Intersections /x 0.094 0.083
effect and perhaps certain /y - 7,22 - 5.62
transformations and deposits of trace Point median Cx ; y) 0.15 / 4,51 0.15 / 4.51
These possible interpretations of moment, we cannot give a precise and proofs brought forth by these physical
shock, of scrapings, remain, however, unique interpretation to this analyses that will give the measure,of
too diverse and vague for one to remarkable combination of results. the clarity and precision of all the
consider that they furnish a definitive At very .'least, we can state that interpretations that have been made up
confirmation of the witness's account. t h e r e is n o n e t h e l e s s , a n o t h e r till now.
On the biochemical level, the confirmation of a very significant event Our intrepretations are vague at
analyses were made on the entirety of which happened at this spot. It remains this time and will remain so as long as
the factors of photosynthesis, lipids, to discover if this corresponds to the they have not been submitted to a
sugars and amino-acids. Many witness's descriptions. program of studies that are systematic
differences appeared among the In fact, there is a constant balance on the characterization of the large
samples the further they were from the between these two aspirations: to classes of p h s y i c o - c h e m i c a l
spot and those that were closer to the succeed in proving that the testimony is interactions.
spot. . "true" or that it is false, or succeed in Therefore, an investigation such as
In most cases, the amount of understanding precisely, physically, the the one we just presented raises more
mutilation or transformation in them is events that took place. But we must not questions than it answers, but this time
a function of distance from the lose from sight that these two the questions seem to be very clear and
center...Nonetheless, the actual results perspectives are not contradictory and indicate a path toward which we can
and the knowledge that we gained from can ally themselves with one another proceed, and this GEPAN investigation
the actual deformations that the plants quite closely in the very heart of the is the most enriching of all those made
underwent, still remain too scattered to scientific process. It is through gaining up to the present.
form a whole picture, so that as of this comprehension that we prove, and the
BOOK REVIEW: Clear Intent

Clear Intent: The Government Kawceriand Bdrr> J.Greenwood

Authority cannot!
Coverup of the UFO Experience by Clear Intent takes the reader on a
Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. nearly 40 year journey from Kenneth
Greenwood Prentice-Hall; publ. date, Arnold's "Flying Saucers" of 1947 to
June, 1984 sightings and landings of UFOs on five

Clear Intent draws its title

expressly from a recent Loring Air
INTENT occasions in 1980 at Kirtland AFB, New
Mexico, (top security Nuclear Base),
one landing being described by the
Force Base commander's impression
that the UFO had specific business V security guard as a "...round disk-
shaped object," vertically taking off at a
over the nuclear storage dump and "...high rate of speed."
impliedly from what the authors
J& It takes us from a 1952 Scientific
establish regarding the U.S. Intelligence memo to CIA Director
government's mishandling of the UFO Walter Smith, which provides that
experience. "...major Air Force bases have been
Up to Clear Intent, ufology lacked THE GOVERNMENT COVERUP ordered to make interceptions of
one criterion necessary to effect OF THE UFO EXPERIENCE unidentified flying objects" and urges
political change. No authority! What does the govern merit know the matter be brought to the "attention
Certainly, leading authorities, about UFOs and why won't it tell us? of the National Security Countil, to a
(people), Dr. J. Allen Hynek \\ iih .itori'word rn Dr. J. Allen ll>nck
1981 "...21-page, top secret, In-
(astronomer/astrophsicist), Dr. David Camera, affidavit" filed by an NSA
M. Jacobs (historian), Captain Edward officer in federal court to prevent
Ruppelt (Air Force Intelligence), implications." And, it is the singular disclosure to CAUS of 135 UFO
Attorney Peter A. Gersten (lawyer), to strength of this UFO book that these documents possessed by NSA. Here,
name a few, have eloquently spoken evaluations with illustrative sightings Judge Gesell ruled that release
out. But, the public was conflicted and reports derived principally from the "...could seriously jeopardize...the
immobilized by that child fear of defying U.S. Government. security of the United States."
authority. As Dr. Hynek states in the The book's appendixes provide
Science and Government is Forward: "...the CIA and NSA photocopies of official documents
authority. Hadn't Science declared the protestations of innocence and lack of cited. The authors clearly intend that
UFO subject nonsense? (The National interest in UFOs are nothing short of the book serve as a tool to foment
Academy of Science affirmed Dr. prevarication." action, encouraging readers to copy
Edward, Condon's view that nothing of It is the Government speaking reports, "...send them to your Senators
Scientific value would come from through 3,000 pages of official and Congressman" and "make your
further study). And, hadn't the U.S. documents excised by the authors and voice heard."
Government, charged with defending other researchers at great personal The " . . . r e v e a l i n g use of
our borders from Russians or alien expense, frustration and the fear of documents" as Dr. Hynek further
invaders, declared that "...UFOs show reprisal through FOIA requests and provided best summarizes the
no indication...of a direct physical lawsuits. It is the Government, remarkable content and structure of
threat to national security", and that speaking through top intelligence the book. The authors will be
science has fully explained the subject? officers in the CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA, etc. commended by history for being at the
(CIA convened Robertson Committee It is the Government speaking through very fulcrum of an important transition.
report 1953) Well, that was then! military personnel with high security As Arthur C. Clarke implied in his
Now, Clear Intent has provided clearance and their base commanders. book, when the spaceships stay, we are
incontrovertible evidence that our It is Government speaking through at our "Childhood's End."
government's true assessment of U.S. Embassies.
UFOs is that they are real, not "natural And, here's the point of the power Robert H. Bletchman, an attorney
phenomena or known types of aerial of the book. Because it is Government in Manchester, Connecticut, is
vehicles" which affect "national- agencies speaking as with one voice, it MUFON's State Director for
security" and have "serious survival is authority. Authorities can be ignored. Connecticut.
Director's Message, Continued University of Wyoming School of and trade paperback — $8.95. The
Extended Studies, Laramie, Wyoming. release date is still scheduled for June
Smith, State Director for Georgia, Ken McLean, MUFON State Director 15, 1984. Please contact your local
moved, to Florida recently, a for Wyoming, and R. Leo Sprinkle,' book stores for the exact date. State
reorganization of the state was Ph. D. will host this conference. The and State Section Directors should
.implemented. Mrs. Shirley Lynch, purpose of this conference is to provide start making plans for cooperative
living in Decatur, Georgia, has been an opportunity to UFO contactees and displays, handouts, etc. with their local .
promoted to State Section Director for UFO investigators to become book stores to not only promote the
DeKalb, Rockdale and Gwinnett acquainted and to share information book, but to, secure public recognition
counties. She has recruited her about UFO experiences. Registration for your local investigative team. 'As
..husband and two daughters to assist forms may be secure by writing to: your Director has previously predicted,
her in field investigations. Additional Conferences arid Institutes, P.O. Box the book Clear Intent has the potential
.. Georgia. appointments and reassign- 3972; University Station, Laramie, documented material to "blow the lid
ments'will be announced in the'April Wyoming 82071-3972. off" the UFO cover-up both in our U.S.
'.:'..'. Journal. ' . .;••• / . .***' , ' . Congress and the Pentagon, provided it
.Stan Gordon, State Director for .,: Massachusetts MUFON will host a receives the • proper exposure arid
Pennsylvania, selected Charles. R. one-day UFO Forum on' Sunday, acceptance by our nation's leaders.
"Chip" Decker of Stroudsburg. as August 12,1984, in Beverly, Massachu- . . - •' '' '.*** . ' :''
, State Section Director for Monroe, setts, at the local Community Center'. The Aquarian Press Limited
, Pike, and Northampton counties. Mr. Speakers presently scheduled are released two new books on March 22,
• . Decker is a professional photographer. Budd Hopkins, Dr. David M. 1984, authored by MUFON members
i Richard M. Coffman (Major, Jacobs, Barry J. Greenwood, in England. "The Evidence For Alien
... .U.S.A.F) residing in Columbia, South Lawrence Fawcett and Mrs. Abductions" by John Rimmer, Editor
•/Carolina, is, the new State Section Cynthia Hind.'The forum is tentatively of Magonia, and "The Evidence For
Director for Richland, Lexington and set for 10 AM to 4 PM. Everyone in New Bigfoot and Other Man Beasts" by
Calhoun counties. Donald B. England and Northeast States is invited Janet and Colin Bord are now
Roberts, State Director for South to attend. Mrs. Marge Christensen, available each in trade paperback, for
, ' Carolina, is moving to Atlanta, Georgia, State Director fpr Massachusetts, 2 the price of 2.50 pounds in British
leaving a vacancy. Mr. Coffman will be Cherry Road, Beverly, MA 01915, may currency from the publisher: The
' the Acting State Director. be contacted for more details. and Aquarian Press Limited, Denington
' , ' . , ' ' _' ' ***• reservations. Estate, Wellingborough, Northarits
. ' .' The National Enquirer's article NN8 2RQ, England. It is conceivable
. . titled "Four of America's Most Amazing The 21st annual National UFO that Bob Girard of the Arcturus Book
. , . UFO Encounters" in the April 10,1984, Conference will be held in Cleveland, Service, 263 N. Ballston Avenue,
issue is already producing positive Ohio, on September 21 and 22,1984, at Scotia, New York 12302 (telephone
results in the form of unreported UFO the Country Inn. Among topics to be (518) 372-2373 may stock these two
.sightings, new Journal subscriptions discussed at the Delegate and Open books.1 Please write to Bob.
., and volunteer professional leadership. Sessions are "Sasquatch and Alien ***
• The ' management of the Enquirer Hominid Hoaxes" by Ron-Schaffner,, Congratulations are in order to
' . ' fulfilled the .conditions for this "Arizona UFO Sightings" by Edward Peter Mazzola, International Director
copperative venture in good faith. M. Biebel, "Three Year UFOCOM of the S c i e n t i f i c B u r e a u of
Since this message is being written Computer Report" by Allan J. Manak, Investigations (SBI), and to James R.
on April 6th, we are unable to provide a and "Science Fiction Space Art" by Leming, the new Editor of the SBI
thorough evaluation of the article's Robert S. Easley. Gray Barker will REPORT, for the new format of their bi-
effectiveness as a public relations give the keynote address at the Open monthly magazine. Peter and Jim
. m e d i u m . The first reponses were Session on Saturday evening for the apparently have a high respect for the
written as early as March 31st, whereas public. Please contact Robert S. Easley, publications produced by the Mutual
some, of the smaller communities did 3001 Colburn Ave., Cleveland, OH UFO Network, since their new editions
not receive their "grocery .super 44109 or telephone (216) 741-9388 for are patterned directly from the
market" copies until April 5th. MUFON reservations. The United Aerial MUFON formats both in their
cannot testify to the integrity of other Phenomena Agency (UAPA) of rnagazine and UFO proceedings.
articles appearing in the National Cleveland will sponsor this year's MUFON should be flattered by this
Enquirer, however this particular four "Con." recognition as a leader in the field.
case story has been thoroughly *** Subscribers to the MUFON UFO
documented by MUFON investigators. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, JOURNAL are not only receiving the
*** NJ 07632, has announced the following finest monthly UFO magazine in the
The Fifth Rocky Mountain book prices for Clear Intent co- World today, but at half the price of a
Conference on UFO Investigation will authored by Larry Fawcett and Barry subscription to the SBI REPORT.
be held July 19-21, 1984, at the J. Greenwood: Hard cover — $14.95
18 ,
Lucius Parish

In Others' Words
Six of the best UFO cases from the the Megan Elliott abduction, which etc. All of the material relating to the
files of the West German research allegedly took place in August, 1980. case is being prepared in book form, to
group CENAP are presented in the The May issue of FATE has a good be published this summer by British
March 20 issue of NATIONAL summary of the Cash/Landrum UFO publisher Neville Spearman Ltd. The
ENQUIRER. Werner Walter, CENAP's incident, which involved apparent title of the book is SKY CRASH and the
chief investigator, states that the radiation burns and other deleterious authors are Brenda Butler, Dot Street
objects seen in these six instances are effects. John F. Schuessler, the and Jenny Randies. The price is not yet
believed to have been alien space craft. principal investigator of the case, known, but copies may be reserved by
The March 27 ENQUIRER tells of contributes the FATE article. writing to the publisher at: The Priory
a UFO sighting at the small Brazilian There is still much controversy as Gate - Friars Street - Sudbury, Suffolk,
town of Cupira on June 12, 1983. to what — if anything — of a UFO England.
Witnesses described a large disc, nature took place near Rendlesham Rumor has it that another UFO
flashing beams of vari-colored light. Forest, Suffolk, England, in late 1980. bibliography is in the works, compiled
Four UFO cases from the files of There are claims of a UFO landing, by Richard Rasmussen, and due out
MUFON are f e a t u r e d in the other UFOs being seen, an alien later this year. More details will be given
ENQUIRER'S April 10 issue. Included is meeting with U.S. Air Force officers, as they become available.

references are arranged in gullibility, one has only to read the

LETTERS chronological order. paragraph about megalithic
It would be entertaining to see a constructions, in which he promotes
Editor, review of the facts coupled with an the desirability of "taking legends at
In the kind endorsement of my argument that those UFOs were a face value."
Pasadena paper on self-starting engines natural phenomenon. One hopes that no more MUFON
(No. 189, November 1983), Bob James M. McCampbell officials subscribe to the sort of anti-
Wanderer seems to have overlooked a Belmont, Calif. scientific views expressed by ex-
few details in arguing that I have director Lewis. Mysteries such as
increased the probability of a natural Editor, UFOs are only complicated, not
explanation. My study addressed itself The resignation of Wyoming State clarified, by this sort of muck.
to 27 cases in which an engine Director Michael Lewis is hardly cause Don Berliner
a) failed when a UFO appeared, for concern, as his statement of Alexandria, VA
b) could not be restarted while the philosophy makes it clear he has lost all Editor,
UFO was present, and trace of scientific objectivity. I cannot believe that Ufologists
c) started by itself when the UFO This is best illustrated by his pro- have ignored the diatribes of the so-
flew away. nouncement that "...we must, without called critics. But it would seem that
Of 10 cases in which data exist, exception, accept all proffered these critics should provide some
four UFOs were estimated to be closer information without judgement...." A useful critiques if they are to be taken
than 60 feet. In one instance, the UFO more effective denial of the scientific seriously.
was only 12 feet away! Witnesses had method would be hard to imagine. Ideally, they should be capable of
ample opportunities to observe the He then proceeds to demonstrate separating the anomalous from either
size, shape and structural details of the this policy with his view of those who the usual or the unusual. They should
UFOs and none of them felt that they claim mental contact with extraterres- be more than what Ron Westrum might
had e n c o u n t e r e d a n a t u r a l trials: "These individuals are extremely call "low discriminators." Until some of
phenomenon. sincere in their beliefs of contact, and them come up with materials of utility in
The relevant cases can be easily there is little doubt that they are comprehending the UFO pheno-
back-tracked from Appendix A of my correct." Any experienced UFO menon, one would seem impelled to
paper in the 1983 Symposium investigator (or any mature adult, for agree with Mr. McCampbell's
Proceedings to summaries presented that matter) knows the danger of being comments.
by Mark Rodeghier in UFO Reports swayed by a witness' apparent Virgil Staff
Involving Vehicle Interference from sincerity. State Section Director
CUFOS because all cases in both If any doubt remains about Lewis' Berkeley, Calif.

The theme Extraterrestrial Scientific Study of Anomalous

Intelligence: A Public Forum is setting Phenomena), Hilary Evans (London,
the stage for the 15th annual MUFON England), will relate his perspectives
UFO Symposium scheduled for July 6, into CE III cases in his paper "The
7 and 8, 1984 at the beautiful new Entity Evidence."
Holiday Inn — San Antonio Airport, 77 The total cost of individual
N.E. Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas sessions is $35; however, a pre-
78216. An all-star group of speakers registration package ticket for all five
from around the world will share their sessions may be purchased for $27.50
specialized study to resolve the by writing and sending a check or postal
mystery behind the UFO phenomenon. money order (made payable to:
The speakers and their subjects MUFON of San Antonio, P.O. Box
are Dr. J. Allen Hynck, director of the 12434, San Antonio, TX 78212.
Center for UFO Studies (Evanston, The host committee has RICHARD D. SEIFRIED
Illinois) will discuss "Properties of the negotiated very economical lodging at phenomenon.
UFO Phenomenon." Barry J. the Holiday Inn - San Antonio Airport Arlan K. Andrews Sr. joined
Greenwood (Stoneham, Massachu- for attendees at only $35 per night for MUFON in February 1972 as a
setts), co-author of the forthcoming either single or double occupancy. Consultant in Mechanical Engineering
book Clear Intent, has titled his paper Reservations may be secured by writing (Doctor of Science). Since moving to
"UFO Secrecy 84 — Big Brother is to the "Attention of Sales Department" Indianapolis, Indiana, he has now
Watching Them." Deputy Director at the address listed, telephoning direct agreed to accept a dual responsibility of
John F. Schuessler (Houston, Texas) to (512) 349-9915, or by utilizing the State Section Director for Marion and
provides further information on the reservation services at your local Hamilton Counties and Consultant,
"Cash-Landrum Case: Speculation Holiday Inn. It is essential that you working with Charles L. Tucker,
About the Medical Effects." Marge advise the reservation personnel that State Director and Central Regional
Christensen (Beverly, Massachu- you will be attending the MUFON UFO Director.
setts), keynote speaker, will address Symposium so you will receive the Bruce S. Maccabee, State
"Public Information — Top Priority for discount and be assigned to the block of Director for Maryland, has approved
Ufologists." The Australian UFO scene rooms reserved for this purpose. the appointments of two State Section
is the theme for Paul B. Norman American Airlines has contracted to be Directors. Richard C. Niemtzow,
(Victoria, Australia) whose paper is the official carrier this year. Plan your M.D., a Consultant in Radiation and
titled "Countdown to Reality." On the vacation to visit San Antonio, one of the former State Section Director in
technical side, Alan C. Holt (Houston, four unique cities in the U.S.A. for California, has been transferred to
Texas) delves into "UFO Light Beams: tourists. Andrews AFB and is responsible for
Space-Time Projections." The author *** Prince Georges County. Dr. Niemtzow
of the book Missing Time, Budd As a volunteer organization, it is a is a Captain in the U.S.A.F. Thomas B.
Hopkins (New York, New York), will pleasure to have present and new Burch of Poolesville, Maryland,
present "The Haunting of Kitley Woods members accept leadership roles in our volunteered to serve as State Section
— An Ongoing UFO Saga." Philip J. quest to have every county and parish Director for Montgomery and
Imbrogno (Greenwich, Connecticut) in North America represented by an Frederick counties. He is currently the
will discuss the multi-witness UFO case investigative team. With the passing of coordinator of public information
in New York State with the intriguing Larry Moyers, one of our early State representatives for the Center for UFO
title of "The Boomerang Mystery." The Directors, a vacancy was created in the Studies and could be an asset to Marge
author of the book UFOs African vital state of Ohio. Richard D. Christensen's MUFON Public
Encounters, Cynthia Hind (Harare, Seifried, a State Section Director in Education Committee.
Zimbabwe), will present new cases in Dayton, Ohio, has been promoted to Mrs. Christensen appointed
her talk "Tribal Reactions to UFOs." his important post. Mr. Seifried is a high James R. Melesciuc of Reading,
Thomas R. Adams (Paris, Texas), school teacher with an M.A. degree and Massachusetts, as State Section
Editor of Sfigmafa, tackles the difficult has demonstrated his ability as a Field Director for Norfolk County replacing
subject of "Animal Mutilations: A Investigator over the years with his Arthur E. Lawless. When Dr. Willy
Decade of Mystery." One of the thorough investigations and
founders of ASSAP (Association for the conservative approach to the UFO (continued on Page 18)

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