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A Prayer of Devotion, to Make the Tears Fall

By Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa

emaho d sum sangye kn gyi tukj ter
Emaho! You are the treasure of all the buddhas compassion, past, present
and future,

kham sum mal drolw depn chok
You are our greatest guide, who liberates all three realms,

b kham drowa yong kyi nyen chikpu
You are the one and only friend of every living being in Tibet,

kadrin tsungm orgyen chenpo la
Your kindness is beyond compare, Orgyen Chenpo.

l dang longch lo nying drang sum bul
I offer you my body, my possessions, my heart and soul,

khashy ngo kok mepar solwa deb
As I pray to you, without a trace of deceit or pretence.

khor ts tokma m n dant bar
From beginningless time in samsara till now,

marik l dang nynmong wang gyur n
Dominated by ignorance, karma and destructive emotions,

kham sum gy druk n su khyampa dak
I have wandered through the three worlds and six realms of beings,

dukngal sum gyi shyakp chingpa l
Bound by the ropes of the three kinds of suffering

nyurdu tukj drol chik guru j
Quickly, with all your compassion, free me, O Guru, O lord.

di n zung t changchub matob bar
From this moment on, till I reach enlightenment,

kyiduk lekny zang ngen chi jung yang
In happiness or sorrow, comfort or danger, good or bad, whatever may occur,

jetsn chenpo pema jungn khyen
Jetsn Chenpo, Lotus-bornknow me, care for me!

solwa nying n debp gangzak la
When someone prays to you with all their heart,

tukj gynch mepar shyalshyep
Your compassion flows unceasing: this is your promise,

tdrol sung gi dn dr malpa
And since your words liberate upon hearing, then grant

ngnsum mik gi dtsir tsal du sol
Us everything you have pledged, here and now, I pray, so that I may see it with
my very eyes!

khyepar namshyik ts yi d j ts
Above all, when this life comes to an end,

bem rik dralw d la babpa na
When the moment arrives for mind and body to part,

kyechi bardo n ch dukngal trang
When I face the agony and suffering of birth, death and the bardo in between,

shintu jikpa chenp yangsa la
Then protect me from the bardos horrifying abyss,

kyob t ngensong sum duma tangwar
And hold me back from the three lower realms.

rangnang namdak zangdok palri shying
Let whatever I perceive transform into your pure land, the Copper Coloured
Mountain of Glory,

ku sum dewa chenp podrang ch
And right there, in the sublime three-kaya palace of great bliss,

gnpo khy kyi tuk dang yerm du
As I merge, Lord, one with your wisdom mind,

drenp depn dz chik maha guru
Lead me, Mah Gurube my guide.

kyabn knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all sources of refuge, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

sangye knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all buddhas, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

damch knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all Dharma, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

gendn knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all the Sagha, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

tsa sum knd orgyen chenpo khyen
You who are all gurus, devas and kins, Orgyen Chenpo, care for me.

dani d ngen nyikm ta la tuk
As we reach now the end of this degenerate dark age,

damch tsulshyin jep long ma khom
We have no time to practise the sacred Dharma correctly.

s ser tsa ten n yam mug dang
When we are oppressed by frost, hail, flood and drought, by sickness,
epidemic and famine,

trukts d kyi gp kntu nar
By violence and the decadence and decay of our time,

jungwa gang shong nch tendrel chuk
When the elements are plunged into chaos, the tendrel for the planet and its
inhabitants go wrong,

b kham semchen dukngal drakpo la
And when beings in Tibet endure the harshest of suffering,

ch ts jetsn gur tukj yi
Then, with all of your compassion, Jetsn Guru,

nekab dzokden sarp gopar ch
Immediately, fling open the door to a new kind of golden age,

tartuk sal chk podrang du
And ultimately, I pray, within the dharmakyas palace of clear light

kham sum lchen tadak ukyung n
May all living beings of the three worlds find relief,

khorwa dong n trukpar dz du sol
So that samsara is emptied, from its very depths!

Pray with such devotion that tears cascade from your eyes.

At the crystal cave of Yarlung, when offering a limitless tsok feast, and at the
urgent request of a number of friends, below the rock Draknyak Gurchok 1,
this prayer was spoken by Longchen Namkhe Naljorpa.
| Rigpa Translations, 2013
This phrase could also mean that Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa was then living in a
simple tent in a cleft in the rocks.

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