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Wesley Swift

We are in the midst of an age that considers itself rather

sophisticated. It's advanced so far into the areas in which its
technology has guided it that sometimes we are prone to evaluate the
Universe we see only as it relates to the material substances we have
been able to measure and to mold. There are a great number of
people that evaluate all the accomplishes of life by how much of the
material things men have been able to gather for themselves
personally or for their families and there are men working night and
day just for the sheer purpose of seeing how much they can
accumulate to pass down throughout the generations to come. From
the same standpoint, they may at times recognize spiritual values.
There are times when these spiritual values have not been as distinct
to their thinking as the substances which they have handled with a
particular affinity to the development of resources in the world they
live in. we are living in such a highly technical society today that
every range and every branch of Science has within it a whole field of
operation requiring a virtual college education for that individual
field. We do not today hesitate to say that there is more knowledge
being used in the world and there are more things that have been
known by the people who have discovered and who have created the
genius of modern technology that have ever been known before.
There is a greater field for discovery because we know more things to
look for than ever before and there are more horizons today before
every young person and more horizons before every industry that
ever challenged industry in the past or youth as they emerge from
college to look into the future.

We are not living in a kind of a period or the situations of time in

which everything as been explored, everything has been discovered
and there is nothing left. We are on the threshold of space and we are
in a process of a commencement of a new age whose Science and
technology are more distinct and certainly are further in range than
anything which we have previously viewed and even so, we look out
over the planet and we can well say that people are occupying more
of it, but the fact is that still one-third of all the land surface of the
earth is still unexplored, undeveloped and still in the area of raw
It isn't a matter of challenge; it's a matter, my friends, of recognizing
what's transpiring in the area we're in. We have discussed from time
to time Biblical facts about how we arrived here, who we are and
whither are we bound. The world is in turmoil and it's in upheaval
and this we also understand. There are many of us who recognize
who we are because we understand the Biblical revelations. There are
some of us who know more directly the pattern of revelation by spirit
and by record. We also have before us the continual work in which
God brings the MOSAIC together, provides the sources of material,
finds for us the manuscript and develops for us the whole MOSAIC.
Were it not for spiritual guidance, finding, producing and adding to
the tremendous curriculum of materials, we never could put together
the things God is putting together at this time. He is doing this
everywhere thru the Ministry which He has called for the task and
for His purpose. I tell you that except GOD calls a man to the
Ministry in this hour, he is merely a professional lecturer that can
accomplish little more than entertain people for a short time! '

Sometimes as I have been listening to the Ministry and I'm listening

to some of the things that some people have to listen to when they go
to Church, they might as well stay home. They know just as much
when they leave, as when they came and they are not so sure they
knew what the Minister talked about. I listened to one such
explanation the other day. A Church that's so full of people that they
have to have three services a day on the same subject on Sunday
morning in order to take care of the attendance and I asked one of
the people that attended this Church, I said, just what did the
Minister talk about today? Well, he gave a pretty good sermon. How
long did he talk? 20 minutes. What happened while you were there?
Well, they sang songs,' they took the offering, they read the
responsive reading, they made the announcements, the Minister
talked for 20 minutes, they sang some beautiful solos, we had some
fine music and we went home. It was a pretty good service and there
was another crowd waiting to come in when we went home. I said,
what did the Minister say? Well, he just kind of preached a sermon,
the fellow said. I said, what about? Well, he said, I don't really
remember, but it was about being good. Well, I said, was he for it or
against it? Well, he agreed with me that in the proposition the
Minister was for it, and so that was the issue. I saw this same man
several weeks later and I said, have you been to Church since I saw
you last? Oh, yes, he said, I've been back two Sundays in a row and I
said, what did the preacher talk about last Sunday? Oh, the same
thing, he was for being good. Well, that's all right, it's good to make
an affirmation like that.

I think it was only this past week that I ran into the Minister. I really
didn't hurt him, it wasn't with a car, we just came together in a place
of business and I said to the Minister in discussion, he had heard
about the tape Ministry and the things that we were doing and so,
generally, he was interested in getting into a conversation and I asked
this man and I said, well, what do you think of the world situation?
He said, well I think it's all right. I said, you satisfied with it? Well, he
said, he didn't know, but it's really not in my field and so I asked this
man, what is your field, I said, what do you believe? So, he started
telling me what he didn't believe. He told me before he got through
that he didn't believe in the Deity of Jesus, or course, he thought He
was a real good Man, though, but he was in a Christian Church, of
one of the largest denominations we have, but he didn't think Jesus
was Divine, therefore, I said, you really don't have much faith in His
accomplishing anything then in His crucifixion do you? Then he said,
it was an unfortunate death of a great man. I asked him then what he
thought that Christ had, by anything He had accomplished or
anything that He had said, that would set men free, where they think
or give them any great relief or give them any peace of mind. Well, he
said, he was a good philosopher. I asked him concerning what he
thought about the background of the Old Testament and its history,
what he thought about the patterns of race and the different
qualifications and he said that he didn't pay any attention to the Old
Testament. We don't have anything to do with that, I'm only
interested in the philosophies of the New Testament and so when I got
through with him and I found out that about everything that you and
I would think upon and every source of guidance and every pattern
of inspiration and he didn't believe in it. So after we got through and
he didn't believe in very much and I didn't know what range of truth
there was left and I said, now, I want to ask you a question. I said,
will you give me an affirmation, what are you for? Oh, he said, I'm
for people being good, neighbors and living peacefully with one
another and he said, well, when that's true you have just about
summed it up Well, I know now, why he could say it all in 20 minutes,
wasn't anything else to talk about, that was his affirmation. I said, do
you know what I think you should do? He said, what? I said, I think
you should join the optimist Club and go down here and go to work
in an Aircraft Plant. I said, you are going to make more money and
do more good, because there is very little left in this Bible you’re for
and there is no challenge, there is no dynamic, there is no power,
there is no spirit and there is no future in what you have to talk
about, you better let somebody guide you. Now, this is one of the
problems America faces today, for when I talked to him for a few
minutes about the vastness of God's Universe and how it was
organized and about the purposes of God and the Kingdom and what
He had people on the earth for, this man didn't know anything about
it. Never heard about it before. Did you ever read the Bible? Yes, I've
read it from one end to the other and I said, you never saw or heard
anything about these things before? No! Well, that's another
problem, it tells you we have to go through a little more instruction
when we give people the three "R's". They nave got to know what
they are reading, if they don't know what they are reading, they are
just wasting time looking at the letters and the words.

This is a big world and it's filled with a lot of activity and the activity
is not altogether on your side and that you are a very special people
and you possess a very special mission and you have a very special
capacity and that what God sent you into the world to do for the
world something the world could not do itself. It's something that no
other people outside of your race and the nations, which comprise it,
can do for the world and you are in a period in which God has
described from way back in the beginning of the time and the records
of this book we call the Bible. For if there is any one foundation of
surety, it is that there is nothing new under the sun that in the
omniscience of divine purpose there's nothing that can develop or
take place that He has not the solution for and did not know of the
course even before it developed. It is because of this that we have a
sure word of prophecy. Prophecy operates with a sure word, it comes
from two processes, either God declares this is what's going to
happen and the prophet records it or God still speaks to His
Ministers and tells them what's going to happen and if they tell you,
and it happens, you know it was true. There has never been a
cessation of the concepts of inspiration. When a movement or a
institution operating in the realm of God's Kingdom think that all
revelation end when they closed the Book of Revelations in the last
Chapter, in the last verse and do not believe that God spiritually
continues the process of illumination to those that have the capacity
to respond or to those which He has called in this relationship of a
Ministry to God's people, then they little realize that their religion
has become defunct with the closing of the last Chapter of the Book of
Revelations, that if your religion has power, it's a living religion, it's a
living faith and it wasn't consummated two thousand years ago. It's
still being produced and constructed. We tell you that you are the
people of this BOOK, that there is no climax to this BOOK, because
it's a continued record of GOD'S PEOPLE and you are living in one
of the most important periods of BIBLE TIMES. The reason we can
assure you that this is so is because predicated upon the things God
unveiled to the Prophets that the great struggle for the earth was
going to come at the climax of an age in which the technology,
developments and achievements for the earth would be at a new
peak, that an increase of knowledge and understanding would have
gone beyond any previous horizon, an area which also would become
quite dangerous because man would have learned now how to take
apart the very substance of earth which had been put together. We're
not talking about merely smelting down the metal, we're not
referring to merely sawing down the tree and making its plank, but
we would learn the very secrets of energy and power until a ripping
explosion would be a shaft of fire and smoke into the sky and
umbrella out like a mushroom. We would learn the tremendous
power of releasing the power and the energy in the Atom and in the
molecular masses. You say, that was in the Scriptures? Yes, it was in
the Prophet Joel's writings, it was in the words of Peter, taught by
Christ, who was but a fisherman until he came under the instruction
of Christ. A student of the field of Theology advanced beyond
anything known in the History of our race in the earth and Peter in
the instructions he had received talked about the day when the
elements were going to dissolve in fervent heat and when there would
be great destruction that would burn the fashion of a World Order in
the destruction that would emerge out of these mushrooms of fire,
and smoke as man discovered the key to the elements. You've arrived
at that period; it never happened, my friends, before since you have
been on the earth. I realize that when I say that, you might say,
qualify that statement.

I know there have been nuclear wars fought on this planet before. I
know there have been nuclear explosions that made isotopes out of
substances that never would have been radioactive were it not for this
before. I know out here on Easter Island the last remnant of a
civilization plunged beneath the waters of the Pacific where great
long walls of ancient civilization are still to be found on the ocean
floor where buildings and cities lay beneath the surging waters of the
Pacific I know that there are the isotopes, radioactive material fused
together by the holocaust of nuclear explosions. I know along the west
coast of Africa where one standing looking out across the waste of the
Atlantic ocean, little realize that there are lands that once were upon
the top of the waters, plunged beneath those surging waters and
along the shores of Africa, are the isotopes, fused radioactive green
sand, fused by Atomic explosion. This was not in the creation of the
world, this was not a chain reaction of something happening in our
Solar System as such, because beneath it are the sands and
underneath it are the materials and the rocks, both those that have
come in the demonstration of volcanic upheavals, those that have
gone through the processes of the metamorphic patterns of the
formation of rock and the sedimentary organization of the dispersion
of materials and of lime, of the seed time and the harvest. I'm not
talking about some natural factor, but I'm saying on top of wave after
wave and year after year of geological evidence of seed time and
harvest which planted the radioactive destruction of explosions that
had taken place upon the earth, not caused by the sun or any other
natural force, but because there was a knowledge turned loose in
earth at one time whose destruction enveloped whole areas of the
earth, even societies and civilizations of an ancient time. So you see,
there have been in a period also of earth's history great holocaust
that transpired and after those, there were mighty silences, there
were people that survived in areas around it and migrated and
moved. This reaches back, also, into the pattern of some of the most
ancient of Sumerian documents, even Dr. Budge, of the British
Museum, was able to translate out of the Assyriology room records of
the terrible catastrophes, the mighty battles and, do you know what
they talked about? They said that there were battles in the Heavens
above and there was a battle between the great God Tiamat and
Marduk. Among the peoples of ancient India, they talk about the
chaos monster, they talked about the force of the great Deities who
battled in the sky and then they told about the battle in the earth that
took place because the Serpent established His Kingdom here. In
China they referred to it as "THE DRAGON". In the Book of
Revelations, it identified the fallen Archangel by name and then says,
he was named all of these things and in the 12th Chapter of
Revelations, you might not translate here the records that Dr. Budge
translated from, the plates and the ancient tablets of the Assyrian
room or the ancient finds that came out of the City of ancient
Mesopotamia, but you will discover here that there is as much
information in one Chapter as Dr. Budge worked a third of a lifetime
to translate from the records of ancient peoples and you become
aware again of the vast inspiration of the tremendous locked up
secrets that are found in this volume, for here in the 12th Chapter of
the Book of Revelations, it tells us about a great war that was fought
in space and how Michael, the Archangel defeated Lucifer and all of
His Hosts. In the 12th Chapter of Revelations tells us that Lucifer and
those that rebelled with Him, even out of so-called Angelic Orders
defeated, were cast to earth.

When we read this record, then God Almighty unveils to you who
would be living in this period or anytime in the last two thousand
years that want a complete understanding of what this was all about
these words: The Scripture says, "and there was a war in Heaven,
Michael and His Angels fought against the Dragon and the Dragon
fought with His Angels and the Dragon prevailed not and there was
no longer any area He could hold in the Heavens and that great
Dragon was cast out, called the Serpent". He's called by some the
Devil, others Satan, He deceives now the world, but He was cast onto
the earth and all that rebelled with Him were cast out also. Now,
that's a rather terse and complete statement of something that took a
good many thousand years before it was over and something that
affected the earth and has been affecting it from that time to this
time. Someone says, you don't really believe that do you, Dr. Swift?
Yes, I believe every word of it!

If you want to tear something out of a book, don't take it out of

Revelations, there is a specific reason why you don't want to take it
out of this Book, for this Book can take care of itself, for woe unto the
person that takes out the dotting of an "I" or the crossing of a from
this Book, for if there was one book that was enveloped in the
Mystery of the Holy Spirit and its revelation and of its ability to
transport a man into the dimensions of Spirit and bring him back
again and let him write these things in a Book, it was the personal
attention that Christ gave John when He took him backwards and
forward through time and out into the dimensions in which most men
are limited by their present conscious existence, to show him the
things of yesterday and the things of tomorrow and to make it quite
clear that John was to unveil this to the Spiritual Center of God's
Kingdom, His Church and in turn, it was to go to the Nations of His
Kingdom, who were a part of this Destiny.

I realize today we can be so taken up in the processes of business and

the areas of the things that are around us and are so much a part of
the pulsing society and civilization we're in that we sometimes do not
evaluate the GREAT SPIRITUAL HERITAGES that are ours. We
sometimes find ourselves separated out of the areas of spiritual
power, power that we would call supernatural because it operates on
a higher plane of natural law than we have learned how to direct. We
have today mastered many areas of physics and of science; we are
doing miracles in observation. The lens of the modern microscope
have been superseded by electronic photography that can go many
many times beyond the squaring of the best and highest
magnification that we can secure through the natural lens. We
thought that when we reached high magnification we were using all
the emerging in our microscope, that we were reaching our highest
attainment of power that the eye could see, but now by the electronic
microscope, we can go as far into the micro sub worlds of the
microlens as we can go to the microlens of the Universe with the
electronic telescope. For the findings today of the electronic telescope
can so divorce what we have on Mt. Palamar with its 200-inch lens
that we are forced to recognize that the whole limitation of the
Universe is only the instrument in which we can probe it. For I want
you to know there is no perimeter out there on the edge of the
Universe, because we have never found an edge to it and there is a
good reason why we have never found an edge to it. This is hard for
your finite minds in a physical body to comprehend, but there has
never been a beginning. Someone says, there's a beginning in my
Bible. Right in the beginning of the Book of Genesis it says, in the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning of
the creation of this Solar System and nothing more nor less, for He
was without beginning of days or end of life was the ETERNAL ONE
who has never had a beginning and has never had to start only the
things He was making next, and nothing before it. Now, therefore, we
deal with something that is ETERNAL. In fact, among those who are
trying to work in the processes of modern Mathematics, they find
that they have to throw the world into a circle because they can not
mentally conceive or to continue to compute even with the greatest of
our calculators a limitless, endless stretch of space and so that's one
of the reasons they find it easier to set up a formula with a curve
because as long as they have got a formula with a curve, they can
make an oval and have a limitation to it and work inside and outside
the curve and always center around the curve.

I want you to know that the Universe is centered around a certain

spot and it is centered around a certain person. It's centered around a
person who holds all things together by the magnitude of the very
power of the energy of the MIND and the WILL out of which is
generated the very substance itself by which things are made.
Someone says, I can't believe that. For all energy of thought is
produced in milliamps of electricity, for the whole Universe you see is
made out of electricity too. The electrons revolving around the
nuclear with its protons, with its nuclear cement also that's found in
the multiple particles of the now known Atom and yet today
everything is solid and everything which you do see is not made from
what it does appear, but is made out of the cement, of will and of
mind and of the presence of the greatest personality that the Universe
could know for there is none greater than HIM and no one before
HIM and the thing which is important for you to know tonight,
though you were wondering in a new sphere and as the Apostle Paul
said in the Book of Hebrews, you are strangers and pilgrims in the
earth, the ONE that put this together is MY FATHER. Because He is
My Father and I am His Son, He has made certain commitments
which I can claim and which He will put into operation. He has
promised me that there is no secret in this Universe that I can knock
at that He will not open. He has assured us that nothing that would be
beneficial for us within the structure of earth that He will not give us
the power to adapt that beneficial development in the earth for us. He
has told us we can seek and it shall be opened up to us, that there is
no phase of it where we will not find the answer to which we seek.

You say, why is it that there have been on the earth peoples here ages
before us and they didn't probe the secrets of the Universe and they
didn't find it out, some looked at the stars and that's where it
stopped, others looked at the water round about them and the plants
growing and that's where it stopped. In fact, the greatest areas of
agriculture development the world ever knew, started with the
coming of your race and you can go back into the annuals of
antiquity in ancient history and the agricultural age started with the
coming of the white man. No wonder the Scripture looked out over
the men and the races, looked out over their cities and their
civilizations, their jungles and their background and said, BEHOLD,
SOIL. There isn't anybody who has a green thumb like you have.
You can talk well about how gardens are raised and how things can
be done in various parts of the world, but you taught the world what
it knows. They may have gone on in some areas of it, but let me show
you this, you are the only race on the face of the earth in which 10%
of your society can produce more than all the rest of your society can
eat and have 100% left over. Someone said, my, what a green thumb
the Japanese have, they can produce and grow flowers like nobody
else ever grew flowers, but they haven't learned how to produce all
the food they want to eat. You say, they do a pretty good job when
they come over here and plant a garden. They do when they have
around them all of the assets and all the areas of dispersion and use
that you have in your own area. There is no question about the
abilities of the oriental mind when guided by that area of vision and
development which make possible his climbing the ladder of
attainment, but I want you to know that you take the sparkplug of
the life and the vitality and the wisdom and the technology and the
initiative out of the world and the world goes retrograde.

There isn't any question that we can look over the 7,400 years of the
history of the ADAMIC RACE and you can say my, its made a lot of
progress. Well, there is progress and then there are sometimes things,
which we question as to whether they are progress. It's quite obvious
that when we arrived here we had enough to eat. It's quite obvious
when we arrived here we knew who our Father was, It's quite
obvious when we arrived here we didn't have any taxes, so we can't
altogether say its been total progress, but 11.11 tell you what we did
do. We arrived here writing a language. We arrived here with the
ability for culture. In the first generation we were here, we built
architectural wonders. By the third generation we were providing the
type of architecture that had the world agog. By the eight-generation
from Adam we were building the greatest wonders of the world and
we can look back on those generations and look upon Enoch and Job
when they went down in the land of Egypt and they built the Sphinx
and the Pyramid. We can look upon the ancient cities of On, where
upon the tracing of the High Stepps of Asia know that wherever the
Sons and Daughters of Adam went, there went with them guidance
and wisdom and vision and inspiration, but from the very hour of
your arrival, you have been in a continual struggle to survive. This is
so much a matter of survival that a doctrine was developed in one of
the probing minds of our race and out of it came the concept of the
SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. The moment someone started to
talk about the survival of the fittest, a lot of silly preachers jumped
up and down and said, we don't live in that kind of world. Who told
you you don't? You do live in that kind of world where survival of the
fittest is still the LAW. Someone said, that's the law of the jungle.
Maybe not. That's the law of life, for I tell you the man with greater
spiritual power, greater mental intellectual abilities, greater spiritual
guidance and greater adaptability to the Universe that God has
created, is the individual destined to survive. You may think at this
moment because they outbreed us by numbers because they were
more than we were when we arrived, that Asia is more fitted to
survive, but you walk in the land of walking dead.

You walk among people that are ill fed, you walk among people that
for all of their number, they haven't advanced in mental capacity as it
relates to the world they live on. They have never learned to adapt
themselves to the earth they live on and reach the standards that are
normal and natural with you. You may talk about survival of the
fittest and think the strongest Negro that walks the jungle or climbs
the hills of Kilimanjaro is a better physical specimen than we might
take the average American to be and this may be the propaganda of
the race mixers of today, but let me tell you something that what's
developed inside the capacity of your race to think, to know, and
understand will more capably provide the processes of survival for
them than all the knowledge that this walking savage may possess.

If we were going to talk about fitness for survival on the basis of

sheer muscle and might or the size of creatures that have stalked the
earth, then, my friends, the dinosaur and the Pterodactyls should
command the earth and the air and we should discover that there
would be no creatures of earth that could standup against the
strength of these people, but before we had ammunition and modern
velocities in which to cope with them, before upon the face of the
earth there was the hunter with the possession and the technology of
today, the dinosaur was almost extinct and the Pterodactyls
forgotten. Oh, there may be a few of them come back did you know
that? Reports now come out of the deep parts of the jungle of South
America. A few weeks ago somebody saw what by the description is a
dinosaur flying high-up over the Andes was described what looked
like Pterodactyls. Someone said, do you think there’re here? Well, I
don't know. There washed upon the shore the other day at the ocean
a 7,000 pound animal or creature and they haven't figured out what
it is yet or where its been all this time. So there are a lot of things that
could happen. Some of them are trying to say that possibly these
creatures were in a state of suspended animation being frozen in the
ice packs of Northern glaciers which having been broken off into the
sea, having melted and they came out of the suspended animation and
took on their life from where that was. We would not argue that
point, we'll leave that up for time to establish or whether some
portion by subterranean upheaval or by earthquake cracked open
and let out some interior abyss of the earth some of the creatures,
which may be appearing upon it.

Don't be surprised! For you are in a climatic period of prophetic

destiny. One in which strange events as they occur mark the end of
the age and the beginning of a new one, but it's self evident that one
thing is more essential to surviving in the earth than anything else
and that is KNOWLEDGE BASED ON TRUTH, for that knowledge
can adapt you not only to survival, but to victorious living in any part
of the Universe God has created. Now there is something that,
whether you know it or not, you are adapted for that a lot of people
in earth are not adapted for. Whether you know it or not, you have
capacities to live in any part of God's Universe. Oh, you say, well, we
couldn't live in this physical body in any part of God's Universe. You
may not be able to live in it as you know it now, but you have a
celestial body that's with you that can live in any part of God's
Universe and there are some things the Scriptures tell you that you
need to know and one of them is that you not only existed with the
Father in the areas of ancient eternity, but you watched vast areas of
the creation in this great Milky Way and in the Solar System in which
you are a part. I think significantly, however, that it is understood
that God established a Kingdom in the Earth when He sent your
Race into the World. When we quoted the passage in the Book of
Hebrews that you were strangers and pilgrims in the earth, it is based
on the fact that this is what God told Paul when Paul was brought
into His Presence to renew his memory. One of the most important
structures of promise in the Christian Faith is that the Holy Spirit of
God, which is the charging center of God's intellect, was going to
restore to the race of which you are a part the remembrance of things
that happened before we walked the earth. Every once in awhile
someone comes to me and says, Dr. Swift, do you believe in
reincarnation? If you’re talking about the Asiatic philosophy. No! If
you’re talking about incarnated out of celestial realms into a physical
body, I believe in it, because I'm here. You say, well, how do you
know that you ever existed before? Because my name was written in
the family record before the earth was framed and I've already been
blessed with spiritual blessings and God has already told me things
that were going to come to pass before the world was framed because
I have the record of it in this Book and that fits you, each one of you.
You say, I don't remember. No, I know you don't remember, but you
know what the Scripture tells me? It tells me here in the Book of
Hebrews if you could remember how you got here, where you came
from, you would go back. You know, God was pretty smart in not
letting you know and remember everything. We are getting pretty
close to remembering some things. You’re discovering that in your
technology you’re starting to move into the areas of the development
of craft such as man has never made before. If I told you twenty years
ago that we were going to be making space ships and flying around,
that was even before Buck Rogers was being thought about. If I told
you that men would sore around the earth and we were going to talk
about a time table to the moon and that great big Department Stores
and other publication companies were already offering prizes, a free
trip to the moon and back, you know. Oh, you say, nobody is ever
going to collect on that. Well, you can have my first ticket, I can tell
you. That's not because we don't believe somebody's going to do it,
we're just not so sure they’re going to get back. Getting out of here is
not so hard, It's getting back.

There are a lot of people that have been here only once, this is it and
they spend all their time thinking how to get out. The other day I
listened to a man, who was a clergyman, who was admonishing
Christians on why they should be good. Now you shouldn't have to
admonish people on why they should be good. What we call goodness
is just a natural response. It's the way you think and if you think
right, your mind is tuned with God, with the things of His purposes,
you should naturally do the things, which are good. You ray make
errors and mistakes, that's human, but, my friends, you give assent to
that which is true.

Now, we talk about what the man had to say. He said, you know the
Christian should become so filled with the wisdom and the mysteries
of the things which pertain to God, His beauty and all of the promises
of the Scriptures and all kinds of spiritual things which he never
defined, that we should become so apart that we just find a place to
hide out and let the world just go on and all of its course, don't
interfere with it politically, don't get involved in anything that creates
a disturbance, try to find some little cozy corner and have a little
peace and wait for God to take you out of here before it becomes too
hot to stay and I listened to this clergyman, over television, on the
radio, maybe you heard him too. What he was saying was if you can
get ready now to just believe the nice things that are peaceful, the
beautiful things about God and get ready for a deliverance that will
take you out of the world before the whole world is turned over to the
Devil. The Devil is going to conquer it, his anti-Christ armies march,
the hordes are already at work, they stem from Russia, they sweep
through China and, therefore, don't become involved in this, don't
get in any hassle or bother about it, just get over here in a corner,
hide out as long as you can, keep out of sight and get ready to go.
That's what I call an escapist religion. You say, well, isn't that true?
No! There's no instruction about how to escape. If the program of
God was to get you out of here, He wouldn't have sent you here to
start with. He didn't put you down here to crawl in a corner and wait
to escape. He put you down here to face the powers of darkness and
why we have so many rascals in politics. Too many people took an
escapist religion and the Devil wasn't working on an escapist religion,
he was working on a victory. We cite to you that this whole Book
takes on an entirely new aspect when you follow the words as it
relates to your occupying of the earth of the Most High God. You
know, I think that if a lot of people studied what God has to say from
Genesis to Revelations that talk about all the spiritual nothings that
they could never put together, they would decide God wasn't spiritual
and He needed a revival. You say, what do you mean? Because every
spiritual force that you find in this Book is translated into getting
something done in the earth. It's translated into VICTORY for men
while they live here, it's translated for LIVING and for POWER and
there are MYSTERIES in this Book. "THERE ARE GREAT

I could stand here and talk to you about documents and records that
reach back into antiquity that go back thousands of years before
Moses wrote the Pentateuch. Well, in fact from Moses back to the
time of Adam was quite a few thousand years and before Adam had
finished his own ministry was writing books about his experiences.
You know, I think Adam was better fitted to talk to most people than
most preachers, because Adam walked with God and even though
that broke off for a little while, it returned and Adam knew he had
walked with God before and Adam wrote things in a Book. The Book
that he wrote was on scrolls of parchment. The scrolls were copied.
They were used in the days of early knowledge and wisdom. They
were in the Ark. Seth wrote. The writings of Enoch, of course, were
the most numerous of all the old Patriarchs of the Scriptures that are
available to us and among these mighty writings of Enoch, we get a
little knowledge to bring back to our remembrance the order of our
Father's Universe.

This Universe has not necessarily been a place of peace because after
the establishment of this area of the Universe when an Archangel
rebelled at the birth of your race, there had been a developing
hostility among one-third of the Angels of the Milky Way. Now, they
were not mad at God because God wasn't righteous. They couldn't
say they were underpaid because there wasn't a lack of anything.
They were angry at God because an Archangel over them had said,
"We're going to take over the Universe if we can get mad enough"
and that was "MADNESS", because you can't before the beginning
and you’re never going to stop the one that made the beginning. Let
me tell you this, that we don't have to go into the complexities tonight
of a the things that happened, though I have read for hours the
conversations in space. You say, what do you mean by that? Because
I had my fingers on the manuscripts and I had my fingers on the
records and I can show you where some of these things were told to
Enoch and others were told to others and I can show you where
visitors have come to earth to tell men what went on.

The ORGANIZATION OF HEAVEN, the vastness of it, things which

you know and only need to be brought back to your remembrance.
How many Universes are there anyhow? Oh, you say, there's only
one. No, there's sub Universes, there's Island Universes, even
Astronomers are beginning to understand that and far off remote in
the empty places of the North, there are more Universes than we
thought, it's not as dark out there as we once thought it to be. We are
most concerned then with something that so many trillion years of
measure by what we use to call light years and someone says, that's
too big and long for us to think about. Suppose I tell you then that
related to this Universe of which we are a part, that in this Universe
which surrounds the Pleiades and reaches out in the Milky Way and
the far off Orion and into the far distant spaces of the Solar System
that surround your earth, and all of the great areas around it which
are set into four, that the Pleiades was the known center of the
Universe and those little seven stars up there contain within it the
THRONE-SEAT OF YAHWEH as He rules over this Universe and
He sits in the COUNCIL OF THE ELOHIM. Did it ever occur to you
that when God has a family that they are also going to be Gods?
What do you think God would have? The offspring of God are Gods
and I've got a little secret for you tonight. Every last one of you seated
in this room were called by the Father Elohim and that's why it said
in the 82nd Chapter of the Psalmist. "YE ARE ELOHIM AND ALL
that walks the earth, just the WHITE ADAMIC RACE. Oh, you say,
well, they don't act like Gods. No, they surely don't, that's why the
82nd Psalm was written. God said, "My, what's the matter with you
Elohim, here you are down here on the earth and you walk like men,
you act like men and you’re even dying like men. Now arise and act
like Sons of God". You say, I would like to. Well, what are you
waiting for? The greatest area of battle with which we were to be
faced was the battle to UPSET THE CHANNEL OF OUR
THINKING, for if we thought like the Elohim, we would apply the
power that belonged to the Elohim, we would master the earth and
that quickly. You should by now know that there is no problem in
earth that you cannot solve. There isn't one single problem that
besets your race that you’re worried about the fact that you can't
solve. The only great problem we seem unable to solve is in the areas
of Government at the present time. In the areas of Government,
we're in great upheaval. The reason is that we have men in the
positions of Government who are endued with the ideas of a world
order dedicated on your absorption and your eventual liquidation.
Oh, they, you say, don't mean to liquidate us as a race? They mean to
liquidate your Republic as it now* stands, your liberties as
guaranteed by your Constitution and Bill of Rights, your religion as it
is identified with the ETERNAL GOD, FATHER OF THE
UNIVERSE and they want to retain you as Technological slaves to
produce for them while they hold you as the Technological slaves of
the world. They do not want the LIGHT OF YOUR GOD, THE
AND HAVE NO PROCESS OF NEED. Every once in awhile
someone says, there is an intense forceful pattern to the Kingdom of
God that intends to conquer the earth and to rule with power. Yes,
my friends, the Kingdom of God has been destined to conquer the
earth, but when it's conquered by the process of God's Kingdom, it's
going to be liberated from every silly superstition and every figment
of imagination that even holds the lesser races and orders in captivity
and outside of this spiritual force from which ideas form there is no
way of LIGHT OR POWER to set the world free outside of the
Family which God has sent into the world empowered and activated

Once we were in the vastness of the Pleiades and they’re pretty large.
There, isn't one of the illuminated areas of the Pleiades that couldn't
swallow up your sun many times over and round about is invisible
are planets in their motion all of them forming a back drop for the
Pleiades. Once in awhile the patterns can be in electronic
photography established concerning the vastness of the number of
units that we see moving in areas where we do not catch the visibility
by the eye, the passage of an astronomical object blocks out a far
distant star on the photography. It's put on a side real calculator, the
two plates of the calculator are put together and suddenly a little bell
rings and they stop everything right there, a calculator comes down,
the points come over and the point of incidence is where a opaque
object you didn't see blacked out the light of a star that was even
further away, but the electronic chart because there was a variation,
it rang the bell. Modern technology has built an instrument so far
beyond your ability to see with the eye and to discern by looking at
the multitude of its speck by the electronics you’ve developed out of
the brain of a people that had wisdom and intelligence. They didn't
do this in Asia. No African did it remember that. Now we don't blame
Africans for not making computers, we wouldn't want to use one
they've made, but I'm going to tell you they didn't find out what you
couldn't see, but you found out what you can't see, in fact today you
have faith, now let me point out something to you, you have faith to
believe what you can't see because the instruments you made says so
and as long as you have got faith to believe something you can't see
because the instruments you made said so, it stands to reason that
FROM? You know everything has to have its foundation in IDEA
nothing new under the sun.

We point out to you this, that out of the panorama of antiquity and
out of the yesterdays, we know that in the vastness of the Universe
that we not only existed in the Pleiades, but we traveled across the
vast expanses of time, we moved out over whole areas of the Universe
and we went with speeds that many many times are the square of the
speed of sound, as we know it. You say, how could that be done?
Because we were not faced with the problem of friction and we were
using patterns of law and of science that related to life and to energy
that we haven't learned yet to develop to their fullest extent in the
earth. Maybe we couldn't use them here at the present time. You say,
how do you know? Because out of the records of the ancient past, the
same records which we find that discuss the things that the Book of
Revelations talks about, there we find mentioned as it relates to
personages and beings, it's told that we, the CELESTIAL
CHILDREN OF GOD, moved back and forth throughout the
Universe and beheld the works of our FATHER and we saw the great
and mighty forces which were in operation, we saw Archangels. In
our Milky Way, there's four. These Archangels governed whole areas
of the Universe.
At one time we used to think that we had to compute the speed of the
velocity of light at 186,000 miles per second and that this speed of
light could be measured by the process of instrumentation to give us
the distance to a far distant star on the rate of how fast that light
moves per second and we came out with a measure that said that if
you traveled at 186,000 miles a second for a year, that's a light year
and now we find out that that isn't even the measure of how far it is
out in some of these places because we're faced with the fact that Mr.
Einstein copied that measure to begin with and it isn't a true one, but
that's only the velocity that we're able to prove that light moves with
the density of atmosphere down here where there is some and we
don't yet have the proper squaring values of how fast light moves
when you get out beyond atmosphere, but we have already proved by
instruments which we have projected above the atmosphere that the
velocities of light are catalyzed, we have already spun the dials until
they no longer register until they break. THE INFINITY IMPACT to
the things men thought are just in the beginning of developing, but
there is a certain commission that is most significant, the ideas, which
you develop to accomplish some of your objectives, do not require the
figures that some people compute they do. They require knowledge of
the processes. When you bombarded the nucleus, you bombarded the
nucleus and the velocity which you made was artificially produced by
the speed of the cyclotron, by the intensity of the gap, by the
shortening of the drive and you sent in a velocity faster than the
speed of light, you sent particles bombarding the nucleus and blew
the Atom apart, and after you blew it apart, an unshaved, uncouth,
bewhiskered Jew said, I figured it all out for you. He couldn't do it,
He couldn't take it apart, He couldn't put it together and everybody
bowed and said "Allah Einstein". You know what we found out
tonight? We found out he was wrong. We took the nuclear elements
apart without him and I'm going to prove to you something else too.
If he knew how, to do it and those that make up the company around
him and known these secrets, they would never have had to steal an
atomic secret from America. They would have gone over to the
Country whose Economy and whose philosophy they were producing
and would have made it there without your help. Don't tell me about
the superior technology of any peoples on the face of the earth. If
Africa or Asia could produce it, if Communist Russia had the
technological abilities of their own they wouldn't send one SPY to
look over your shoulders to find out how.

Yes, but in the vastness of the Universe, great crafts swept through
your sky. When Enoch rode upon them, he told us what they looked
like. He said He saw great cylinders flying through the air at great
velocities. He talked, also, about great circular objects that went
through the air. Ezekiel nukes the same discovery, He calls them
wheels as though wheels were in wheels as concentric decks of crafts
moving through space with portholes, people looking out of it, people
riding in them, people moving faster than light and when these men
were alive, they told what they saw, they came back and told about
where they had been, they told about what they had discovered.

In a world which by all its knowledge, had little knowledge

concerning the curvature of the earth in which many were to still
teach clear on up to the beginning of the 14th or 15th century that the
world was flat and Enoch told how He sailed up over the curve of the
earth, how He looked down at the mountains, the seas and the poles
and how He left the earth and went out into space and looked back
and saw it like a BALL. Yes, before Glenn looked down on the earth,
Enoch thousands of years ago called it a BALL. It wasn't until 1492
that we had to rediscover this and men sailing to the West were to
prove that the world was round. Had to battle with Kings and Queens
to subsidize them. So, you see again the wisdom and knowledge your
race had by experience is quite well established. Isaiah wrote about
the circle of the earth and how God has a satellite moving around the
earth, it tells you in the Book of Isaiah circling the earth. He has a
watcher up there looking down on the earth at all times. People say,
how do we know? Well, the Scriptures says so and more than that,
our own radar has picked up this circling object. We have
instruments that know that there's a satellite moving around the
earth. It has been moving around it for a long time and one day a few
years ago, it left its course and went up over New York City and we
sent squadrons of planes in the air to look at it, but it was too big and
too high and we were all disturbed until it went back where it was
suppose to. It went down over Australia and hovered over Australia
high in the sky and when Mr. Dullas was alive, he flew down there to
see what it was all about for Melbourne and Sidney were all excited
about it, they could see it because it had come down that close, but
they had no craft then to reach it and after Mr. Dullas and the
Administration down in Australia decided that this wasn't the
Russians, because they didn't think the Russians were as smart as
this, and they were right, it went away again back to its spot at the
equator. So this happens in your time. Way back before there were
any instruments to measure it, before we were probing the
stratosphere and space ourselves, the Scripture contains the record
that God has a watcher going around up there. You say, what do you
need a watcher for? Well, there's a reason for that too. Just
remember that we are told like flying darts, great cone like crafts
swept through the sky and out from behind them went radiations of
light like as of fire and we are told that Lucifer traveled through the
Universe on ships of fire and we're told that Angels that formed the
great corners of His legions, when He came into the presence of the
Most High, came into the Crystal Palaces and came into the presence
of the Most High, one Sapphire glowing Palace of one solid mass of
cut stone, so high that there were clouds between the floor and the
ceiling formed by atmosphere upon that planet. Enoch describes it
and in the description of it we find the records that come even out of
ancient Samaria of the palace, the Crystal Palace that shines like a
diamond only it's called the Palace of Sapphire and Lucifer came, His
Legions and His Wife came and swaggering into the presence of .the
Most High, a Archangel before Him, He bowed before the Most High,
for in the ages of yesterday there came a time when He rebelled
against the Most High God.

Now I want to tell you this, that we don't have an exact count of how
many craft, how many technological, scientific, developed
instruments that traveled through space and their knowledge and
their laws were well perfected and as far as their celestial beings were
concerned and their relationship of this field of energy even the
bodies if they dwelt within that embodying form. We are told by the
mysteries unveiled to Enoch that they had a capacity to step up the
velocities of the waves of light of which they consisted until their
bodies become solid and could be seen and they could retract that
and pass a given point in which it's seen and their bodies became
invisible and still they were but a glow of light. You say, I don't
believe that. Well, you have got a lot to learn because I can tell you,
you have got a celestial body right now that you can't see, but
Almighty God can step up its light until it glows like an aura around
everyone of you and this is the only thing the Apostle Paul said he
really 'wanted, he wanted to be enveloped in the glory that he had, he
wanted to have this power put on so that he wouldn't die because the
body enveloped in light like that would not taste of death.

You remember the words of Jesus. You know, it was quite a unique
experience. You know God can have experience because when He
does something that He didn't do before in a Pacific time, that's an
experience for God even though He knew He was going to do it. It
wasn't, my friends, beyond the great creative initiative of God to
carry out the objective program of being born in the same race that
He had begotten in the days of Adam, to emerge as a baby and yet the
fullness of divinity dwelt within the developing child and still His full
grown spirit which was the norm behind it all, still held the Universe
together that as that child grew, adapted inside this body the body
became that of a youth and then of a young man, the spirit that
dwelled within it held the Universe together. There was an experience
that was new for God for He had enclosed Himself in a body of a man
just like His relatives. He walked the earth, He talked with men and
He drew divine power down for any necessary measure. He made
Himself Subject to feelings and the emotions that could swell against
the structure of life. He could know hunger, He could know pain for
His body was like yours, but His mind could never cease from being
the MIND OF GOD, it could never cease from drawing' all the power
He needed to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to open the eyes of the
blind and I turn tonight to the records of Rome which were not
necessarily for Him nor were they necessarily hostile against Him, the
hostility which was here formed was formed by His enemies from
Jerusalem itself, but they were observing, observing, observing, its
Governors and their reporters telling about the mystery of this MAN
of Galilee and tonight the best evidence I can produce for you of the
miracles that were performed at the command of He who could
command all the things to whom the Universe was obedient were the
records from His, so called, opposition in Rome that recorded what
happened. If I read it from Matthew, from Mark, from Luke and
from John, you would believe it, but there might be a skeptical mind
that would say, this was ghosted up by His Disciples after He was
gone, but Roman records were printed and recorded by the year and
I have looked and possess in my Library copy after copy of Roman
records still in Rome to this day that go back to Tiberius Caesar for
the records of Rome are on file in Rome today. If there is anyone
contribution that Rome has made to Western Society is the
meticulous exactness with which they kept the records of the
Emperors of Rome of all that happened in their Providences and
there is one thing that the Emperor of Rome who having their
bookkeepers keep the records have to testify to the miracles which
are related as being done by the Hands of Christ were done by the

Now, I turn again and there is only one thing that Jesus asked for,
there is only one thing that as it related to Himself, we find the Body
of Christ praying for, praying to the spirit that fills the Heavens and
the Earth AGATHOS PNEUMA, great creative FATHER, cover Me
again with the Glory that I had when I was in Thee before the world
was framed. Only thing missing was the LIGHT OF LIFE, THE
majesty of it was demonstrated upon the Mt. of Transfiguration for a
few minutes the glory came down and enveloped Him until His
clothes were effulgent with the light, the glory and the majesty of it
was so great that nor eyes of man had beheld before, for Peter, James
and John and they wanted to stay there forever. That is one of the
most beautiful spectacles in all the record of the experiences of
Christ's Disciples. Again only equal with that radiant fire and
emanating glory that stood upon the Mountain with Christ as He
with His Disciples told Him goodbye and stepped into the radiant
cloud which was hiding the great craft which was to carry Him into
the areas of space where He intended to go. You say, I don't think
there was anything in the cloud. Well, if you don't believe there was
anything in the cloud then you have to imagine that two men rode in
that cloud on a great powder puff and came out because while His
Disciples stood up there and Christ stepped into the cloud, two men
stepped out of the cloud onto the Mountain because the mist was
touching the earth and they said, now don't stand staring into this
cloud because just as Christ has gone to leave, He can come back just
like that and He will! Someone said to me, Dr. Swift, you don't
believe in this modern age the tradition of the religion of Christianity
that Christ will come back? I believe in everything that Christ said
He could do and would do because He proved that anything He
wanted to do He could do. I have the evidence of time, the records of
antiquity upon our side. I have the evidence of a vision, the
inspiration the ability. I have the evidence of a have race against the
have not society, of have nations and have not nations based on spirit,
wisdom and vision. Someone says "evolution NO! If is was evolution,
then you did all the evolving in 7,400 years and the peoples around
you haven't evolved in 75,000 or a million years. The other day I was
talking to a socialist Professor out of a modern High School and this
man said, Dr. Swift, He said, the trouble is you have a racial pride
and I said, and I hope a racial self respect. Well, he said, it's only a
matter of environment, if we put the Negroes and the Chinamen and
everybody else in the same kind of environment that you and this
race has been put in, they would be as great as we are. Well, I said,
who was making environment before we came? What environment
did we come into? We can't say we inherited this from the Chinaman
or from the Asiatic or the Negroes. We came in and they didn't know
and we came in and we did know and we started to teach and things
started to happen from that time on. There has been more history
made in the last 7,400 years as far as knowledge and wisdom in the
earth than has occurred in the last 75,000 years before it. That’s why
you’re coming to a terminal point in time and measure.

YES, I listened to the words of Enoch. I stand thrilled by the

panorama of what he saw in space and my mind strangely articulates
back to the concept of remembrances, nostalgically stirred by the
things which bring to your remembrance events, the formation again
of an idea, the remembrance of things belonged to as, a people. For
great Archangels like Gabriel and Michael, Rafael stood before the
Most High. They commanded corners of the Universe, a pulsing
Universe, no violence, no trouble, no error, just the great created
pulsing life and living in a people with knowledge, wisdom and
development beyond anything you have yet imagined and you knew it
and watched it. You were utterly apart from any process of thinking
other than in the knowledge of how these things were made and how
these things were done and I'm told that there was one, also, a most
brilliant and vital illuminary. He not only loved your Father with all
of the love He could give to your Father, but He loved you and when
you, the CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH GOD, became a part of
His Universe, He possessed a loyalty unto you, that although an
Archangel who ruled over millions, He possessed a loyalty to you and
in that hour when Lucifer made the page of history that changed the
events for awhile, rebelled against the MOST HIGH GOD and locked
a whole portion of the Universe into a tremendous holocaust and
struggle. Did you know that astronoids and planets blew up? Do you
know that we have got the debris from one planet that blew up from
interstellar war still floating around in space? That's where most of
your meteorites and things come from.

I could tell you of mysteries revealed from the patterns of the laws of
yesterday and out of the heavens and I can tell you this too, there
have been coming and going from earth throughout generations
messengers that God has sent to His own people from time to time to
not only bring things to their remembrance, but to tell them of things
that were relative to the area they live in so that they might
remember and know. God has set watchers up and Angels to guide,
to reach through to those with vision and inspiration that God calls to
guide His people and when it's important, He gets through with the

I want you to know that Michael was put in command of the craft of
God set up for the protection of His Kingdom. Now Lucifer learned a
lot of things and one thing He did learn how things were put together,
so when the day He rebelled, He thought that He could isolate and
start a process of disintegration, unbalance an explosion in God's
Universe. Did your Father really stretch and do something about this
matter or did He say this is just a small matter; I'll delegate it to
someone else. Your Father called Gabriel and He called Michael and
Rafael in and He said Lucifer hath become Satan and has turned
away from the Light. The whole areas of the Milky Way are turned
into blackness. The Solar System, which He ruled over are being told
a lie. HE HAS DECLARED HE IS GOD, so from this time on a
course of events must take place for I know what He's about to do. He
is going to try to hurl forces against this area inside of the control of
this portion of the Universe and so, therefore, thou must take the
ships at thy command and thou must add to them these processes, the
radiance of light that break and produce all things and take all things
apart. Thou must use light whose wave lengths of light and whose
vibrations are so great, that things disintegrate when they come
under its impact unless they are in harmony with it and thus we are
told and Enoch was told the command given unto Michael, was
and Michael turned unto the Most High and said, IF WE USE ALL

We may not be able to explain these words that come out of the
antiquities of yesterday, but this we do know that when Michael went
forth from before the Throne of God He commanded a thousand
times a thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand of these
great crafts of light with their streams of fire. You say, where did you
get that? Well, it's not only in the ancient records of Enoch, but it's
even recorded some of these things in the ancient Sumerian records
that Dr. Budge translated and I can turn right here in the Book of
Daniel and Daniel said, yes, there went out before the throne of God
these great streams of light and fire that went out in that hour a
thousand times a thousand times ten thousand times ten thousand
and thousands and thousands, so you see Daniel knew.

Now, what did they do? In the course of what transpired they caught
and rounded up Lucifer and His Household. They defeated Him
planet after planet, solar system after solar system and after the
millenniums that were involved, there was only one Solar System to
which the broken fleets of Lucifer was heading this Earth called
"Uranta", the Solar System it's a part of. The oldest word, you know,
for the Earth was "Urantall" and as Lucifer made the Earth as well
for a time Mars and Saturn dwelling places, they moved into the orbit
of taking over the earth and still it was not enough, Michael pursued
Him. Michael's fleets were going to defeat and destroy any power
that Lucifer had and suddenly the Father said, STOP MICHAEL!
You say, how do you know? Because God told Michael thou shalt stay
and leave Him complete His cycle of destiny in the earth. So Michael
was placed was placed in the outer space surrounding the earth and
the great legions of Michael with His fleets flew around the earth and
back and forth in this Solar System. Michael's command not only the
great circling ships around the center of the earth, He, also, the areas
known as the center of the watchers for many of these fallen and
violent forces in the millenniums that followed were bottled up in the
Nether World and the Cavern Systems and watchers were put over
them and this is the part of the record in which I haven't the time to
go into tonight.

Michael was commander of Space. Michael was an Archangel and

your servant, for if Michael were to stand on this platform in all His
glory, He would shine brighter than the sun and there is not a one of
you that is greater than Michael. Did you know that? To which of His
Angels did He ever say THOU ART MY SON, are the very words of
His Spirit in the Book of Hebrews, but Michael, the Archangel, was
made an Archangel before your family to serve the Eternal forever
and He serves you as well.

Yes, this Mighty Angel of great power. This Mighty Personage of

great knowledge and of great wisdom and who found that one of the
leading Archangels like unto Himself now had to be controlled. At the
very moment that Lucifer got out of adjustment with God, He
became inferior to every other Archangel and His power has been
waned from that day to this, but His earth power has been
accumulated. Now as His earth power was accumulating, the plan of
God for the earth advanced. God transplanted the race of His
Spiritual Children to the Physical Bodies of the Adamic Race and you
have been growing ever since. Started out one pair of people. Today
you’re one-sixth of the world’s population. Are you about to give up
the field and say we're licked? Do you think that the nuclear wars
that will be fought this time are going to wipe you from the face of the
earth. The Nuclear wars that were fought before were fought between
fallen Angels and peoples of earth for the control of the earth and
they almost destroyed the earth they lived on fighting for it in the
past and I can show you the records of that in the Scripture and
that's another subject.

Symbolic you’re the Children of the Eternal and in that day that
Michael crossed one whole portion of the Universe out for Lucifer's
entrance and started to crowd him to earth, He vanquished the
powers of Lucifer for all the Children of God in time and space. Now
over here in the Book of Daniel I can tell you what it says here. It tells
us concerning the same thing that is over here in the Book of
Revelations about how Michael overthrew Lucifer and defeated Him
and sent Him to earth. Now here in the Book of Daniel in the 12th
Chapter, at the climax of the age when the hordes that come out of
Communism and out of Russia and gather up the pagans of the earth
and have one great purpose to suddenly bring this thing to a head,
end the White Race, fold it up and destroy it and these hordes start to
come out of the direction of men like the man whose fierce
countenance who destroys many by peace that we have mentioned,
voices like Khrushchev, etc. and the eternal fifth column that moves

Let me tell you something, if there is any good news that I can add to
your present status because I'm going to tell you, if ever we had a
group of knuckleheads at the head of our Government, it's now. I
don't care whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. You say, how
do you know? This is yesterdays Los Angeles Times, but don't get
prejudice because it's the Times if you’re a Democrat because I've got
it out of several other papers too. U. S. to propose tomorrow morning
at Geneva the abolition of all National Armies, the acceptance of a
United Nations Police Force, a global police force to rule the world.
The end of National Sovereignty, the end of National Armies, the
folding into the spider web flag and the determination of the Police
Force is to be made in comparative to the numbers of people in the
Countries that are involved. Well, I guess your ratio of a Nation of
190,000,000 would give you so many policemen, but what would a
Nation like 683, 000,000 red Chinamen have? By the time the world
was governed by this kind of power,

Now the thing that makes this even more foolish, the Jews around
Mr. Kennedy that invited him to do this and sent Arthur Dean over
to tell Mr. Zoran on Friday that we wanted to talk about this on
Monday. He refused to discuss any other disarmament program. The
Russians have one, they want to do it in four years and we say this is
what we want to do and we want to do it in nine years and both of
them end up with the same thing a WORLD POLICE FORCE, but
listen, our program says this, Mr. Dean said, you just can't talk about
this, we have to get together to work it out in more detail because we
have to have a blueprint. You can't build a house without a blueprint.

So what does this call for? This calls for the destruction of all nuclear
delivery vehicles, or any vehicle including airships, planes,
submarines or rockets capable of carrying nuclear weapons. What
does this mean? Does this mean these silly fellows think we're going
back to horse and buggy? There isn't an airplane you've got in the
sky that you couldn't modify to carry a nuclear weapon in a few
hours. There isn't a vehicle that travels on high seas that couldn't
carry a rocket. There isn't a Country that couldn't throw a rocket
together small or large and start in any moment, but the program is
utter disarmament, the disbandment of Armies and the destruction of
any vehicle that could by any possibility carry modern instruments of
war to any other Country and the acceptance of a police department
armed with all kinds of potential weapons made up of people who out
number your race and your faith six to one.

Let me tell you something. America has already arrived. We are not
becoming, we have become. We are not hoping for the blessings that
come from vision, initiative and hard work, we have gained them. We
are watching in this hour the dispersion all over the world. America
is willing to show any man how to do the things necessary to provide
for him the things that they need and the things that provide for them
the desire of their heart. America will show men how to build homes,
will show them how to make clothes, will show them how to provide
agricultural necessities, will show them the Keys and the wisdom, but
America is not going to plant the field and reap the crop and give it to
them, America is not going to build the house and say you live in it,
America is not going to become the work slave of the world because
your Father has not ordained it, but Mr. Kennedy and his gang think
that's the way it's going to be run. You say, how do you know?
Because your Father has told you not to pour your blessings out upon
the world that won't bow the knee to recognize Him, that the Key to
success is to recognize and be inspired by the right God and there's
no inspiration to those' that worship the darkness and worship the
gullies and the tyranny of that darkness, but they do have a plan, they
want to either make you the slaves to produce it or they want to
conquer you and take away what you have and destroy you so that
you no longer are the power in the earth, but your Father didn't send
you down to be destroyed, He sent you down to conquer.

So, I'm going to give you this passage, I turn over to the 12th Chapter
of the Book of Daniel and "at that time shall Michael that great
Prince of God standup for all the Children of My People and in that
time of trouble such as there has never been since there were Nations
upon the earth, even at that same time shall all My People be
delivered, every last one of them whose names are found written in
the Book". You say, where are we going? We're not going, we're
going to stay. I wish I could arrange a way for everybody that wants
to go to go! I'm going to tell you something else about it, when we
finish the first part of this victory, Michael's God will arrive as well.
Now if you think the crafts of Michael were many, when you've the
tremendous escort that your Father brings and I'm going to tell you
this. Did you know that everyone of your relatives that ever left the
earth by the process of death, which is the backdoor in, did you know
that everyone of them that ever left are going to come back, they are
going to come back in that great space army of outer space. Did you
know that? Well, you say, how do we know that, that's a New
Testament doctrine? Well, it says back here in the Book of Daniel in
the Old Testament that when Michael that Great Prince comes up
and He stands for you in that battle, helps to deliver you from unseen
powers that you don't even know are here, fights against the forces of
darkness, He will not be fighting alone, your craft, your space, your
army are going to be involved in this. You are going to be battling
Armageddon and there are going to be a lot of your people that are
going to have enough in that hour of abiding needs to say, "FATHER
COME QUICKLY". You know a lot of people need to have their
backs bent a little; there are a lot of people that just need to say,
"JESUS COME QUICKLY". You say, there'll never say it. Let me
tell you something, if you see enough of these hordes coming over the
hill, there's a lot of things you’re going to say.

NOW LISTEN! It says in that hour when in the revelation of this

purpose, the hour also in which the MIGHTY GOD, we're told in the
Alexandrian Version, will accompany His Prince Michael and
everyone of the race whose bodies are sleeping in the dust of the earth
and whose spirits are in His Presence, it says, He is going to bring
with Him and they that be WISE, THEY ARE GOING TO SHINE
going to turn many to RIGHTEOUSNESS AS THE STARS IN
THEIR ILLUMINATION. Daniel looked and He beheld all this
across this river of time and He said, "OH! LORD, WHAT'S GOING
Michael is rather handy to have around. You know, Daniel was
praying for the interpretation of things He needed to know and this is
the experience of a Prophet of God that when He desires something
and when He puts His heart for it, God provides the answer, it floods
His mind or it's delivered by messenger and Daniel waited 21 days
and there came no answer. If you turn over here in the Book of
Daniel you'll discover why. The reason why He didn't get an answer
was that the Prince of the Powers of the Air over Persia. Now, that's a
devil. That's one of Lucifer's minions who controlled the area around
Persia and whose opaque forces in the air and round about used
satanic powers and in the earth used His representatives which even
dwell among you doing business and the powers of darkness drew the
circle, blocked the Divine Messenger for 21 days. The Messenger
couldn't get through. That shows you that they put some first class
opposition among the Fallen Angels there that had great power to
command. Do you know what it says here in the Book? That finally
the Messenger came to Daniel and He gave Him the picture and the
story for His people so He could write here in this Book and He said,
don't you know Daniel that God didn't turn from you that the
message came 21 days, but I got hemmed up by the power of these
forges that govern this area between where you were and where I
came from and it took Michael, Commander of the Fleets of Space to
come and set me free and drive back the forces of darkness so I could
bring you this message this day, but Michael was enough. Let me tell
you this, that you know one thing the Devil always tries to do is get a
hold of the body of a child of God, if so be it, there is some reason for
it and try to steer the people of God wrong with it, false
communications, strange materialization.

In the ascension of Moses, it was well cloaked in mystery. People

thought He died. The records were written to say that He was full of
years and He passed away, but Moses was not dead and this Lucifer
had somehow a premonition of because He looked everywhere and
even though He had many watchers, He never attended Moses'
funeral. Lucifer could not find the body of Moses and He stormed the
gates of Heaven and He said, I want the body of Moses. I'm the King
of Death and I want that body. Why hasn't that Spirit been delivered
to me? There has been no crucifixion yet. There has been no power to
break it, now why hasn't it been delivered to me? There was kind of
an annoying cry, so Michael came and took care of the situation and
if you want the story, you turn over here in the Book of Jude. Now,
there is a lot of language and a lot of artists have been using all the
languages there are and Michael, though He were a Mighty Angel,
was pretty disgusted with Lucifer and He coined a few new words in
the vocabularies of time and finally God said, now, Michael, that's
the last thing you can call the Devil because He's still an Archangel
even if He fell, now you just lay off Him, hold Him right there and
they were arguing about where was the body of Moses and Michael
wasn't even going to let Him know the answer and the Devil
demanded it on the power of death He holds in the earth and so the
Book of Jude said that Michael stood contending with Lucifer in the
earth and God said, just stay, we're going to finish Him up right there
in the earth, He's going to be defeated by My Kingdom, the POWER
OF LIGHT AND RIGHTEOUSNESS’ are going to prevail and the
day is going to core when that Archangel, that force of darkness that
sweeps the world is going to be flat on His face before everyone of
say why, because in the mysteries of the Book of Isaiah, God wants
them to know that YOU are MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS and that
I have loved thee and there is not an Angel in the Universe that shall
not acknowledge thee and from one end of the earth to the other, the
races are going to arise and they are going to be moved into the
greatest hour of their development and they are going to know that
YOU are the CHILDREN OF GOD and they are going to say that
there is no God in earth but THEE and the FATHER that sent THEE
and that's what Isaiah proclaims.

Now, of course, when one goes into the extent of talking about things
that some Churches never thought about, many people never read,
didn't even look to see what it was talking about in the Bible, never
sought any other answer. People say, well, we don't need to know
these things. No, you can go on in fear and stumbling or you can go
on with victory and vision, you can bind the darkness, you can work
for power of operation, instead of talking about retreat, withdrawing,
instead of talking about surrendering, you talk about VICTORY.
You work for it, you know it's coming, you know that all the
reinforcements are at your command and let me tell you, Angels are
subject to your command tonight. Yes, my friends, there’re changes
that are going to be made. Someone said, do you think they are going
to disarm us? No! This is one of the things we're going to talk about
next week, "Why They Will Never Disarm The Nations Of The
World Until Christ Comes". I can prove that to you. I can prove to
you why their disarmament will not take place. Why every plane and
phase of it shall fail, but I'm going to tell you this, there are a lot of
things that you need to do. There are a lot of things we've got to
stimulate people to do.

You know that every intelligent American should be wiring his

Senator tonight. Do you know what the Senate is going to talk about
tomorrow? They are going to talk about giving Mr. Kennedy the
right to loan $100,000,000 to the U. N. to pay for the fiasco that took
place down in Africa. Tomorrow morning the Senate is going to act
an $100,000,000 to Mr. Kennedy to give to this failure of the U. N. in
Africa, and the areas that received the punishment is the, best area in
Africa. You know that you have only one voice, that's your hand and
your mouth. You should let your Senator know. You say, well, our
Senators are pretty sad representatives and it won't make any
difference, but I'm going to tell you something, they tremble at the
letters that say, don't you dare! Out of a 1,000 or 5,000 letters move
in on them tomorrow, that 5,000 letters is worth 10 to 20,000 for each
letter written that didn't write a letter. Listen, most people don't
know that's going to happen. You had to get back to page 8 in the
newspaper to find it out today. Page 8. Oh, it was about this wide in a
little column like that, it wasn't nearly as important as a murder or
two or somebody being hit by an automobile, just a little column way
in the back. Let me tell you something, this Nation and all that is
within belongs to the people that made it what it is and God ordained
you to administrate it. By your sleepiness, by your lack of knowledge
as to your destiny, by your lack of reality concerning how important
it was for you and everybody else to do your part in this, this is your
business, this is God's Kingdom, your inheritance, you are its
stewards if you thought you would elect only men who understood

From every part of the Nation our tapes are going and receiving a
response from all over America, I'm getting responses of every kind.
All of them have been, except for five letters, well, we haven't gotten
the fifth one really, four letters, the fifth one was critical, four of them
were against out of all these thousands and thousands of tapes only
five actual controversial letters of attack, but I'm getting letters that
say, Dr. Swift, where can we find an organization right of the right?
Why can't we be "rightist"? Why can't we have meetings where they
tell the whole story? Why can't we be briefed every week with what's
going on all over with these things? Why can't we know? Why can't
we join together a WHITE ARISTOCRACY to guarantee our
preservation and work for our mutual benefit economically,
politically, socially and for the preservation of our Nation like our
enemies are bonded together in their B'nai B'rith to destroy us? The
time is come. You know, somebody said, well, you can't organize
farmers and you can't organize Christian Americans. The Devil has
been trying to tell us that we can't do this and we can't do that. We
can do anything were big enough to do and we've got more vision
than our enemy.

So I'm going to tell you that as we listen to these factors, we are

probing, probing, probing. It's not going to be long before there will
be greater development and there will be a bringing together of all of
the facets and the Scripture said, it's going to come together, this
great body of God's Household and His Race, BONE TO BONE,
BODY, but suddenly there is going to come roaring into this
dimension in surprise at the very hour when the enemy mounts the
attack, which they tried to tell us last week he could have launched at
any time and this morning's Harold Express said, the enemy was
poised to launch a nuclear attack at us that we were skating on thin
ice, it could happen at any time. Well, let me tell you something,
about that same time also, Michael has been poised, JUST WAITING
FOR A LONG TINE and shaking it to bits and saying, OH! GOD
HOW LONG BEFORE YOU LET ME LOOSE? I'm going to tell you
this, your earth will be bathed with LIGHT and the amazing thing is
it will be YOUR LIGHT. We will have more to say about that when
next Sunday we talk to you next Sunday afternoon:


Significally, we tell you that these are the facts of time and of History.
These are the challenges to your race; these cause you to think as. It
relates to your endless yesterdays and your unknown and endless
tomorrows, for you are the CHILDREN OF ETERNITY not just
here for a period to an unknown tomorrow, but INTO A PLANNED

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