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13 And you say, See, what a weariness it is!

and you let out your breath at it, says the Lord of armies; and you have given what has been cut about by beasts, and what is damaged in its feet and ill; this is the offering you give: will this be pleasing to me from your hands? says the Lord. 14 A curse on the false man who has a male in his flock, and takes his oath, and gives to the Lord a damaged thing: for I am a great King, says the Lord of armies, and my name is to be feared among the Gentiles. Adonai is different than Jehovah Jireh. It is different because it is in reference to the position in the relationship. It is Gods relationship with His people. The focus of the name Adonai is the absolute power and control God has because of His position as Lord. Lordship is possibly the most common problem in the Christian community today. It is the key to the power, confidence, and peace that we preach. Power because it is the source. This means that if we do not have access to the source we will not have the full strength of the power. It is like the full force of a raging river or just the stream that trickles after the water has been stopped. Confidence because when we know that God is in control, we can move forward in our life. When we understand our position we have no need to fear. In these verses the question is asked ~~ Where is my honour? Where is the fear of me? says the Lord of armies to you, O priests, who give no value to my name. And you say, How have we not given value to your name? 7 You put unclean bread on my altar. And you say, How have we made it unclean? By your saying, The table of the Lord is of no value. Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. It was a time when Israel had to make choices. They could choose to fear the Lord of Lords and God of Gods or they could choose to follow the Priests who had defiled the sanctity of the Lords table. The question was asked of me the other day. What does it mean to honor your parents? It is a good question because many parents are drunkards and worse. I think we can find the answer in this word Adonai. The Lord in his position of Lord in our life. The Adonai that we serve. In these verses the tabernacle was worship was physically done but the requirements of the sacrifice was not met. The problem was not a new one. Though Esau was the hunter he did pay attention to the requirements of the sacrifice. We do the same today. We give our worship physically. We get all emotional in our prayer and we ask the same question when god does not seem to answer. What have I done to not give value to Your name?

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