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YARN Yarn may be defined as a linear assemblage of fibers or filaments formed into a continuous strand, having textile like

characteristics (good strength and high flexibility). Yarn may be composed either of continuous filaments or staple fibers. Yarns made from staple fibers are often referred to as spun yarns. ilament yarns are composed of continuous filaments that are mostly parallel. !"o or more single yarns can be t"isted together to form ply or plied yarn. #lied yarns can be further t"isted into various multiples. $ombination yarns are piled of dissimilar components such as staple and continuous filament yarns. Natural, regenerated and synthetic fibers are processed alone and in a multitude of blend combinations on staple yarn systems. %everal combinations of continuous filament and staple fiber yarn blend are also made. !he physical properties and performance characteristics of yarn depend on the physical properties of the constituent fibers of filaments and on yarn structure. #R&'(A)#R&'*+, #redivo se mo-e definisati kao linearna monta-a vlakana ili fimalenata ko.a su neprekidno umetnuta, tekstil ima karakteristike (dobru snagu * visoku fleksiblnost) #rediva mogu biti sastavl.ena ili stalnog filamenta ili stapelnih vlakana. #rediva od sintetickih vlakana, cesto su secena * na-iva.u se dosadnim predivima. ilament prediva se sasto.i od neprekidnog flamenta ko.i .e uglavnom paralelan. 'va ili vise .ednosturkih pred.a upredan.em formira.u vecu pred.u. #ocetna pred.a mo-e biti upredena u ra-licite uvo.e. /ombinaci.a prediva od ra-licitih komponenti kao sto .e sortirano kontinuirano vlaknom prediva. #rirodna, regenerisana * sinteticka vlakna su samo obrad.ena mnostvom kombinaci.a na paralelnom sistemu prediva. / nekoliko neprekidnih vlakana sortiranih u predivo prave mesavinu. i-icke osobine * karakteristike .acine vlakna -avise od fi-icke .acine * svo.stva vlakana u filamentu strukture prediva.

!0*%! As fibers, staple or filaments, are formed into yarns, t"isted is added to hold the fibers together. !he amount of t"ist is sometimes suggested broadly by such terms as lo", medium and high it is more accurately indicated by the number of turns per inch. As the yarn becomes finer, it re1uires more t"ist. 2o"ever, beyond an optimum point additional t"ist causes yarns to kink and finally to lose strength. !he direction of t"ist is also important. Yarns can be t"isted "ith either a right hand t"ist (3)t"ist) or left)hand t"ist (%)t"ist). !he direction of the t"ist conforms to the center bar of the letter. +arious effects can be obtained by combing yarns to different t"ist directions, and durability may be increased by efficiently plying % and 3 t"ist yarns. 4+,(* +lakna kao stapelna ili filament formira.u predivo, uvo.i se doda.u da bi vlakna bila cvrsca. (acina uvo.a se odred.u.e prema uslovima niski sredn.i * vosoki, ili preci-ni.e prema bro.u uvo.a po incu. 'a bi pred.a postala fini.a to -ahteva vise uvo.a. 5ed.utim vise uvo.a i-a-vace ostecen.a na predivu * gubl.en.e snage na kra.u. %mer uvo.a .e takod.e veoma bitan, pred.a se mo-e imati desne ili (3) uvo.e, ili leve (%). smer uvo.a odgovara centralnom delu slova. Ra-liciti efekti se mogu dobiti prediva u ra-licitim pravcima, a u 3 ili % uvo.a povecava se tra.nost samog prediva.

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