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Mechanical Specification

Commercial Development at Ghubra

Sultanate of Oman

Hoehler & Partner LLC






! " # GE E$%LITIES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&' 0.1. SCOPE OF CONTRACT....................................................................6 0. . !ENERA" SPECIFICATIONS...........................................................6 "&(&1& PIPE I ST%LL%TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&) "&(&(& D*CT+O$, I ST%LL%TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&("&(&.& THE$/%L I S*L%TIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&."&(&0& OISE % D 1I2$%TIO CO T$OL&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0) 3loating 3loor&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& '" "&(&'& CO T$OLS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'1 "&(&)& TESTI G % D CO//ISSIO I G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)( 0.#. !ENERA" TEC$NICA" RE%&IREMENTS.....................................6' "&.&1& ST% D%$DS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)4 "&.&(& DESIG % D ST% D%$DIS%TIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)4 "&.&.& /% *3%CT*$E$S ST% D%$DS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5" "&.&0& G%L1% ISI G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&51 "&.&'& L%2ELS % D */2E$ PL%TES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&51 "&.&)& 3I6I GS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&51 "&.&5& 2*ILDE$S +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5( "&.&-& CLE% I G % D P%I TI G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. "&.&4& OIL % D G%S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. "&.&1"& 3I$E P$EC%*TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. "&.&11& $%DIO I TE$3E$E CE&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. "&.&1(& P%DLOC,S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5. "&.&1.& TOOLS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5. "&.&10& E6P% SIO 7OI TS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&50 "&.&1'& E8*IP/E T DOC*/E T%TIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&50 "&.&1)& CO T$%CT D$%+I GS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&50 "&.&15& D$%+I GS P$EP%$ED 29 THE CO T$%CTO$ 3O$ CO ST$*CTIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&50 "&.&1-& $ECO$D DOC*/E TS % D D$%+I GS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5' "&.&14& 3%/ILI%$IS%TIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&55 "&.&("& P$OTECTIO O3 * 3I ISHED +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&55 "&.&(1& %PP$O1%L O3 E8*IP/E T % D /%TE$I%L&&&&&&&&&&&&&55 "&.&((& P$OG$%//E O3 +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&55 "&.&(.& LI%ISI G +ITH OTHE$ P%$TIES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&5! 1 # 3I$E S%3ET9&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&54 1.1. !ENERA""(.................................................................................... )0 1&1&1& P$E%/2LES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-" 1&1&(& SCOPE O3 +O$,S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-" 1&1&.& CO TE TS O3 THE +O$,S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-" 1&1&0& $E3E$E CE DOC*/E TS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-" 1. . FIRE $OSE PROTECTION..............................................................)1 1&(&1& TECH IC%L SPECI3IC%TIO S O3 E8*IP/E T&&&&&&&&&&-( 1.#. EXTIN!&IS$ERS............................................................................. )* 1&.&1& H% D HELD PO$T%2LE E6TI G*ISHE$S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-' ! ( # %I$ CO DITIO I G & 1E TIL%TI G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-) .1. DESCRIPTION................................................................................. )+

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P*$POSE O3 SPECI3IC%TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-5 %CCEPT% CE O3 I ST%LL%TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-5 CO T$%CTO$:S G*%$% TEE&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-5 C%LC*L%TIO 2%SIS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-DESC$IPTIO O3 I ST%LL%TIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-GE E$%L SPECI3IC%TIO 3O$ %I$ CO DITIO % D 1E TIL%TIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-(&1&5& 3I$E;2%$$IE$ 3L%PS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1"(&1&-& DI33*SIO ; %I$ $ECI$C*L%TIO % D E6T$%CTIO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1"! . # PL*/2I G&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&111 #.1. PREAM,"E.................................................................................... 11 .&1&1& P$ELI/I %$9 +O$,S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11( .&1&(& CO/POSITIO O3 +O$, <S*//%$9 LISTI G=&&&&&&&11( .&1&.& +O$, I CL*DED I OTHE$ +O$,S SECTIO S&&&&&11( #. . -ATER S&PP"( .$OT / CO"D0..................................................11 .&(&1& ST%$TI G POI T 3O$ COLD +%TE$ I ST%LL%TIO S &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 11( .&(&(& COLD +%TE$ S*PPL9&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11. .&(&.& I S*L%TIO O COLD +%TE$ S9STE/S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11. .&(&0& P*/PS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11. .&(&'& CISTE$ % D T% ,S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115 Stan>ar>?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 115 Sectional Col> +ater G&$&P& Storage Tan@?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115 Pre??e> SteelACa?t Iron Tan@?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11.&(&)& +%TE$ HE%TE$S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&114 Stan1a213.......................................................................................... 11' Co44on Safet5 6ent..........................................................................1 0 Elect2ic -ate2 $eate23........................................................................1 0 #.#. SOI" AND -ASTE DRAINA!E S(STEMS..................................1 0 .&.&1& GE E$%L&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(1 .&.&(& uP1C PIPE +O$, %2O1E G$O* D&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(1 .&.&.& uP1C +%STE PIPE +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(( .&.&0& +O$,/% SHIP # %2O1E G$O* DB SOIL % D +%STE PIPE +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(( .&.&'& uP1C 2*$IED D$%I PIPE +O$,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(. .&.&)& +O$,/% SHIP ; 2*$IED D$%I PIPE +O$,&&&&&&&&&&1(. .&.&5& +C CO ECTIO S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&-& $ODDI G %CCESS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&4& 3LOO$ G*LLIES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&1"& /% HOLES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&11& I T*/ESCE T SLEE1ES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&1(& +%STE % D SE+E$ +%TE$ DISCH%$GE&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(0 .&.&1.& 3LOO$ D$%I S <S*PPL9 % D I ST%LL%TIO =&&&&&&1(' #.7. SANITAR( E%&IPMENT...............................................................1 * ! 0 # D$%+I GS&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1(7.1. DRA-IN!S.................................................................................... 1 ' 7. . !ENERA"...................................................................................... 1#1 7.#. COMP"ETION CERTIFICATE.......................................................1#1 ! ' # %PPE DICES&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1.(

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*.1. *. . *.#. *.7.

APPENDIX 8 19 SI"ENCERS:ACO&STIC TREATMENT..............1## APPENDIX 8 9 PASSI6E FIRE STOPPIN! / SEA"S.................1#) APPENDIX 8 #9 6I,RATION ATTEN&ATION...............................170 APPENDIX 8 79 SE-A!E "IFT P&MPS.......................................177 10' 10'

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Thi? contract ?hall cover the preparation of Cor@ing >raCing?B inclu>ing the >etaile> >e?ign incorporate> thereinD preparation of buil>er? Cor@ >raCing? an> >etail?D co; or>ination Cith the buil>ing? an> Cith other ?ervice?D ?upplEB >eliverEB po?itioning an> fiFing of all eGuipment an> material? eFcept Chere otherCi?e in>icate>D all labour for in?tallationB ?upervi?ion an> in?pectionD ?peciali?t labour an> all nece??arE in?trument? an> atten>ance for te?ting an> commi??ioningD provi?ion of operating an> maintenance manual? an> recor> >raCing?D ?upplE of ?pare part? an> ?pecial tool?D training of the emploEerH? ?taffD ?uch further reGuirement? a? are ?tate> in thi? ?pecification an> on the contract >raCing?B in accor>ance Cith the >etail? given in thi? ?pecification an> to achieve complete functioning ?E?tem? fullE a>Iu?te> an> rea>E for u?e bE the EmploEer& The omi??ion of >etail of anE part or component Cithin thi? SpecificationB ?hall not ab?olve the Contractor from it? provi?ion Chere it i? in>icate> on the >raCing? or implie> bE the functional reGuirement? of the ?E?tem&

0. .1. 0. .1.1. PIPE INSTA""ATIONS Application

Sub?eGuent ?ection? of the Specification >etailing particular engineering ?ervice? refer to thi? ?ection for the tEpe an> ?tan>ar> of material? to be emploEe> for pipe Cor@ in?tallation for the ?ection concerne>& Ten>er? ?ubmitte> are to inclu>e for material? to the ?tan>ar> reGuire> an> ?pecifie>& %ll pipe fitting?B valve? an> the li@e ?pecifie> to conform to a relevant 2riti?h Stan>ar> Specification ?hall bear an appropriate mar@ to in>icate that it ha? been manufacture> in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of the ?pecifie>& 0. .1. . Pipe3 8 Fitting3

The folloCing i? a ?ummarE of pipe Cor@ an> fitting? for general ?ervice?&

Se2;ice Con>en?ate >rain? Dome?tic +ater Service? <2eloC groun>=

Pipe 1ia. %ll %ll

Pipe <o2= HP uP1C HP uP1C to 2S .'"'A) Cla?? E

Fitting3 HP uP1C Solvent Cel>

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Pipe 1ia.

Pipe <o2=


%ll /ain Pipe? an> Dome?tic Col> +ater 2ranche? Copper to 2S Service? <%bove groun> to (-51B Table J6: & Cithin 2uil>ing= machine? & appliance? %ll /ain Pipe? an> Dome?tic Hot +ater 2ranche? Copper to 2S Service? <%bove groun> to (-51B Table J9: & Cithin 2uil>ing= machine? & appliance? 3oul +ater >rainage <un>ergroun>= %ll

CapillarE copper to 2S -)0

CapillarE copper to 2S -)0

uP1C to 2S 0))" Pu?h # fit uP1C to 2S 0))" Pu?h # fit

Surface Cater >rainage %ll <un>ergroun>= Soil Ca?te & vent <above groun>= +a?te & vent Surface Cater <above groun>= 3ire Cater <un>ergroun>=

)' mm an> $ubber ?eal ?olvent uP1C to 2S 0'10 above Cel> *p to '" mm %ll %ll %2S to 2S '('' uP1C to 2S 0'10 HP uP1C to 2S .'"'A) Cla?? E $ubber ?eal ?olvent Cel> $ubber ?eal ?olvent Cel> Solvent Cel> Galvani?e> heavE Ceight bea>e> malleable ?creCe> iron 2SP;+APT3E Tape; 1ictaulic Ioint Galvani?e> heavE Ceight ?creCe> flange; 2SP

3ire Cater

1';'" mm

Galvani?e> mil> ?teel 2S 1.-5A)5

3ire Cater

)' mm an> Ditto above

0. .1.#.

-el1e1 Pipe <o2=

Pipe Cor@ for Cel>ing ?hall be ?upplie> Cith plain en>? an> the bore? at the en> of a>Iacent pipe? are to be matche> on ?ite an> bevelle> to an -" >egree inclu>e> angle or bevelB eFcept for pipe ?iKe? 1( to '" mm Chich ?hall be ?Guare en>? for butt Cel>ing& %ll Cel>ing ?hall be carrie> out in accor>ance Cith current goo> practice bE operative? ?@ille> in thi? tra>e&

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%ll Cel>ing ?hall be carrie> out bE Cel>er? hol>ing a current recogni?e> certificate of competencE for each metho> of Cel>ingB Chich ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for eFamination an> approval& +el>? ma>e Cithout thi? provi?ion Cill be reIecte>& Pipe? up to oFEacetElene proce?? but for pipe? larger than 1'" mm the metal;arc proce?? ?hall be u?e>& Electrical Cel>ing bE the metal;arc proce?? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S (451L 1455 Cla?? 11 metal;arc Cel>ing of ?teel pipeline? an> pipe a??emblie? for carrEing flui>?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?B an> the recommen>ation? of the In?titute of +el>ingB u?ing covere> electro>e? to 2S ).4 145) MCovere> Electro>e? for the manual metal;arc Cel>ing of carbon an> carbon mangane?e ?teelN an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& o bac@ing ring? are to be u?e> an> Ioint? ?hall have eFternal reinforcement& Earthling clip? ?hall be of ?teel an> are to be attache> to the pipe it?elf ; earthling from pipe fiFing? Cill not be permitte>& %rrangement? ?hall be ma>e for the provi?ion of an electrical ?upplE for Cel>ingD or alternativelEB for the ?upplE of an appropriate portable generator& %nE charge? ?o incurre> ?hall be >eeme> to be inclu>e> in the Ten>er& OFEacetElene Cel>ing of cK? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 1-(1L14-( MCla?? 1 OFEacetElene Cel>ing of ferrite ?teel pipe Cor@ for carrEing flui>?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?D an> Cith the publication M+el>ing of /il> Steel Pipe? 145"M publi?he> bE the Heating & 1entilating Contractor? %??ociationB an> in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 15(0L 14'4 M2ronKe Cel>ing bE Ga?M an> Sub?eGuent amen>ment? for copper pipe?& %ll Cel>e> Ioint? are to be ?tampe> in a ?uitable po?ition a>Iacent to the Cel>B to enable the i>entitE of the Cel>er to be e?tabli?he>& The i>entification co>ing ?hall be ma>e available to the Engineer prior to the commencement of in?tallation& The Engineer ?hall have the authoritE to reGue?t that (O of all Cel>? be cut out for routine eFamination an> te?tingB ?uch te?t? Cill be applie> to anE Cel>e> Ioint at the >i?cretion of the Engineer& +here ?pecific >efect? are ?u?pecte> the (O limit Cill not applE& The Engineer or hi? repre?entative ?hall be pre?ent Chen Cel>? are to be cut out an> to Citne?? ?uch te?t? that maE be con?i>ere> nece??arE to en?ure that the full bore of the pipe i? maintaine> at each Cel>e> Ioint& 2en>ing te?t?B micro;etching te?t? an> anE other metho> of te?ting maE al?o be reGue?te> if con?i>ere> nece??arE bE the Engineer an> Cill be carrie> out in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 5"4L 14-. M/etho>? of te?ting fu?ion Cel>e> Ioint? an> Cel> metal in ?teel an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& The entire co?t of cutting out te?ting an> rein?tatement ?hall be inclu>e> in the Ten>er& %fter in?pection of anE nece??arE te?t?B all Cel>e> Ioint? ?hall be protecte> bE one coat of re> oFi>e paint& If anE ?uch Cel> i? foun> to be inferior an> not up to the ?tan>ar> reGuire>B tCo further Cel>? bE the ?ame Cel>er ?hall be ?imilarlE te?te> an> if the?e al?o are foun> to be un?ati?factorE then the Cel>er ?hall be ta@en off the pipeline an> all Cel>? ma>e bE him ?hall be cut an> rema>eL the entire co?tL of the cutting outB rein?tatementB te?ting an> painting ?hall be at the ContractorH? oCn eFpen?e&

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0. .1.7.

Flange1 an1 &nion >oint3

$emovable Ioint? ?hall be forme> on all ?teelB Pla?tic or copper pipe Cor@ at interval? of approFimatelE 1' to (" /t?& or Cherever to facilitate >i?mantling& %ll flange? for u?e Cith ?teel pipe? ?hall be manufacture> from mil> ?teel in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 0'"0 M3lange? an> bolting for pipe? valve? an> fitting?M Part 1 14)4 H3errou?H Cith ?ub?eGuent amen>ment? an> to the Table appropriate for the ?E?tem pre??ure but never le?? than Table E& 3lange? for u?e Cith copper pipe? ?hall be manufacture> from bronKe or gunmetal in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 0'"0L Part (L 1450 MCopper %lloE an> Compo?ite 3lange?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?B an> to the Table appropriate for the pre??ure ?pecifie>& 3lange? on ?creCe> Cor@ ?hall be ?creCe> an> ?ub?eGuentlE eFpan>e>& 3lange? for CeI>ing ?hall be plain face> ?lip on bac@ tEpe flange?& %ll flange> Ioint? ?hall be flu?h an> trulE aligne> an> ?hall emploE full face> corrugate> metal ring? coate> on both ?i>e? Cith an approve> Iointing compoun> on con>en?er Cater pipe?& 3lange> Ioint? ?hall be ma>e Cith 1&)mm thic@ 3lingerite Ioint I2C an> no Iointing compoun> ?hall be u?e>& 3lange? other than mating flange? for certain ?peciali?e> eGuipment ?hall be >rille> to the appropriate Table for the ?ervice concerne> an> ?ecure> Cith the nece??arE bolt?B nut? an> Ca?her?& %ll bolt? an> nut? ?hall be heFagonal hea>e> bright ?teel in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 0--(L 145. M2olting for flange? an> pre??ure containing purpo?e? an> not more than tCo threa>? ?hall proIect beEon> the nutM& 3or the purpo?e of col>;>raC for eFpan?ion compen?ator?B high ten?ile ?teel bolt? ?hall be u?e>& 0. .1.*. Pipe Slee;e3 an1 Plate3

Sleeve? ?hall be provi>e> Chere pipe? pa?? through Call?B floor?B beam?B fitting? an> Caterproof membrane?& Sleeve? ?hall not be ?plit an> ?hall be of the ?ame material a? the pipe pa??ing through or rigi> P1C Chich maE be u?e> Chen the operating temperature of the pipe? beloC 1""!C& The Internal >iameter of the ?leeve ?hall not be le?? than 1. mm an> not more than (' mm larger than the eFternal >iameter of the pipe& +here pipe ?leeve? pa?? through Call? or floor? Chich form a fire barrierB the ?leeve ?hall be of the ?ame material a? the pipe an> the ?pace betCeen the ?leeve an> the pipe pa??ing through the ?leeve ?hall be fire ?toppe> Cith a?be?to? rope pac@ing& Sleeve? through bearing Call? an> footing? ?hall be of ca?t iron pipe& The internal >iameter of the ?leeve ?hall be a minimum of 1' mm greater than the out?i>e >iameter of the pipe pa??ing through it& The ?leeve ?hall be pac@e> Cith a?be?to? cement or Eam an> the en>? ?eale> Cith bitumen&

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%ll ?leeve? ?hall protru>e not le?? than ( mm an> not more than . mm prou> of the fini?he> floor or Call ?urface& 3la?hing ?leeve? ?hall be provi>e> Chere pipe? pa?? through Caterproof membrane?& 3la?hing ?leeve? ?hall be provi>e> Cith an integral flange to Chich a fla?hing ?hiel> can be clampe> or Cel>e>& The ?hiel>? ?hall be of Kinc an> ?hall eFten> not le?? than ("" mm from the ?leeve in all >irection?& The ?hiel> ?hall be ?eale> an> the pipe Cith Caterproof material an> ma?tic compoun>& +here pipe? pa?? through floor? an> ceiling? theE ?hallB unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B be provi>e> Cith chromium plate?B rolle> ?teelB hinge> floor plate? of the ?et ?creC pattern& +here po??ibleB pipe? ?hall be ?pace> to accommo>ate the entire floor plate?B but ChereB the available ?pacing i? ina>eGuate an> nece??itate? the cutting of the plate? to prevent overlapB an> then each plate ?hall be cut bE an eGual amount to give a ?Emmetric appearance& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for en?uring that the ?leeve? are in the correct po?ition at the time theE are built in& 0. .1.6. E2ection of !ene2al Se2;ice Pipe <o2=

%ll pipe Cor@ ?hall be erecte> to pre?ent a neat an> ti>E appearance bE ?@ille> tra>e?menD arrange> to folloC the contour of Call? an> other ?tructural member? of the buil>ing& It ?hall give maFimum hea>room an> avoi> the ob?truction of Cin>oC? an> >oorCaE?& Pipe Cor@ ?hall be in?talle> Cith the con?i>eration for the location of other ?ervice? Cith Chich it? arrangement ?hall be co;or>inate>D alloCance ?houl> al?o be ma>e >uring it? erection for the thic@ne?? of in?ulation thereon& %ll a>Iacent pipe? ?hall be in?talle> mutuallE parallel an> all vertical pipe? fitte> plumb& +herever po??ible pipe Cor@ out?i>e plant room? ?hall be in?talle> in the fal?e ceiling? or purpo?e ma>e >uct?& 1ertical pipe? ?hall be fiFe> Cith (' mm clearance betCeen the fini?he> face of the Call an> the pipe or in?ulation thereonB an> the thic@ne?? of pla?ter or other Call fini?hB ?houl> be a?certaine> for thi? purpo?e& HoriKontal pipe? near floor? are to be locate> Cith at lea?t 1"" mm clearance betCeen the fini?he> floor level an> the pipe or in?ulation thereonB an> for thi? purpo?e ?@irting height? an> floor fini?he? ?hall be a?certaine>& The minimum clearance betCeen pipe? an>Aor their in?ulation ?hall be 5' mm& Pipe? ?hallB be erecte> Cith continuou? gra>ient?B ri?ing in a ?uitable >irection to clear air an> Chere a horiKontal pipe re>uce? in ?iKeB in the >irection of an air vent it ?hall be provi>e> Cith an eccentric re>ucing fitting& The gra>ient or fall to loC point? ?hall be appropriate to the ?ervice concerne> an> unle?? otherCi?e in>icate> on the >raCing? are to be a? folloC?L

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Se2;ice3 LoC Pre??ure <main?= LoC Pre??ure <branche?= Hot +ater SupplE <main?= Hot +ater ?upplE <branche?= Col> +ater SupplE

!2a1ient 1 in '"" 1 in ('" 1 in '"" 1 in ('" 1 in '""

%ll ben>? reGuire> for eFpan?ion purpo?e? an> all ?Can nec@?B off?et? an> ?pring? are to be forme> bE the u?e of a ?uitable ben>ing machine or bE heatL treatment& Heat treatment ?hall not be emploEe> for galvani?e> pipe& 2en>?B ?pring? an> off?et? for copper tube maE be forme> bE the u?e of ben>ing ?pring?& Pipe Cor@ ?hall generallE be ?et aroun> all pile? an> column?B aroun> ?tee1Cor@? an> other proIection? beEon> the face of Call? an> partition?B an> Chere Call? re>uce in thic@ne??D Chether ?o in>icate> on the >raCing? or not an> no eFtra? ?hall be of >irection ?o forme> ?hall be ma>e Cith a minimum lo?? of local pipe Call thic@ne?? an> the >iameter of the pipe ?hall be maintaine>& Crin@le> an> ?core> Cor@ Cill be reIecte>& Cutting an> ?hutting Cill not be permitte> unle?? approve> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative& %nE ?et? or pulle> ben>? on uP1CD CP1C or PP pipe Cor@ ?hall be factorE fabricate>& The centre line ra>iu? of ben>?B off?et?B ?pring? etc& ?hall not be le?? than three time? the normal bore of the pipe for pipe? up to an> inclu>ing 1)" mm >iameterB an> three an> half time? the bore larger than 1)" mm >iameter& +here tCo or more pipe? change >irection togetherB the pipe? ?hall be in?talle> at a con?tant ?pacing before an> after the ben>& %ll pipe Cor@ valve?B fitting? etc& ?hall be free from corro?ion an> internal ob?truction an> the en>? of all length?B an> cut? from ?tan>ar> length?B ?hall be trimme> ?Guare an> reame> to the full bore of the pipe to remove burr?& Pipe Cor@ ?hoCing ?ign? of corro?ion ?hall not be fitte>& 7oint? Cill not be permitte> Cithin the thic@ne?? of Call?B floor?B ceiling?D or other eGuallE inacce??ible po?ition?& %ll pipe Cor@B valve?B fitting? an> eGuipment forming the general in?tallation ?hall be erecte> in a manner that Cill permit ea?E >i?mantling an> convenient acce??ibilitE for future repair? an> replacement? for item? of plant& 3lange> or union connection? ?hall be provi>e> at valve? an> at ?uitable interval? to facilitate erection of the pipe Cor@& Particular attention i? >raCn to Cel>e> pipe Cor@ Chere ?ufficient flange> Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> to limit the length of pipe ?ection? for convenient han>ling& Connection? to eGuipment ?hall be arrange> bE flange? or union? to facilitate ea?e of removal& Connection? of up to '" mm >iameter ?hall be ma>e Cith union?& 2en>? an> tee? ?hall be of ea?E ?Ceep or pitcher pattern Cherever po??ibleB appropriateB an> convenient& The u?e of bu?he? an> heFagonal eccentric re>ucing

Hoehler & Partner LLC



nipple? for re>ucing the ?iKe of fitting? Cill not be permitte>& Long ?creC connector? Cith bac@ nut? Cill not be alloCe>& SGuare elboC? an> ?Guare tee? a? Cell a? ?traight or malleable nipple? are not to be u?e> unle?? authori?e> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative& SGuare tee? an> roun> elboC? ?hall be u?e> for thermometerB thermo?tatB gauge an> >rain connection? an> air vent?& $oun> elboC? maE be u?e> Chere pipe Cor@ i? eFpo?e> in room? an> Chere the u?e of an ea?E ?Ceep ben> Coul> throC the centre of the pipe beEon> an acceptable >i?tance from the Call& o elboC? Cill be alloCe> on fire ?ervice ?E?tem? Chere all change? of >irection ?hall be bE mean? of ?tan>ar> ben> ?pring? or long ra>iu? ben>?& 3lat ?eate> union? ?hall not be u?e>D union? ?hall have bronKe conical ?eat? groun> in& %ll pipe ?E?tem? ?hall be thoroughlE flu?he> out Chen the in?tallation ha? been complete>& %ll ?teel pipe Cor@ in ?mall channel? Chich are to be provi>e> Cith permanent floor coveringB an> pipe Cor@ Chere enca?e> or otherCi?e ma@e inacce??ible Cithin the buil>ing ?tructureB ?hall be performe> Cith Cel>e> Ioint?& %ll pipe Cor@ an> ?upport?B other than galvani?e> or copper ?hall be cleane> an> painte> one coat of re> oFi>e paint to affor> protection >uring the cour?e of erection& The paint ?hall be applie> imme>iatelE after the pipe Cor@ ha? been in?talle>& %ll pipe Cor@ in channel?B Chich are to be ?eale>B ?hall be covere> in >rE ?an> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>& Special care i? to be ob?erve> to prevent >irt an> rubbi?h entering the open en>? of pipe? >uring erectionB an> the open en>? are to be temporarilE fitte> Cith pla?tic or metal cap?B plug? or blan@ flange? >uring the progre?? of the Cor@& Improvi?e> plum? of Coo>B rag or paper ?hall not be u?e>& In the event of failure to complE Cith thi? in?tructionB the Engineer ?hall or>er pipe Cor@ to be >i?mantle> an> cleane> internallE to the eFtentB Chich he maE con?i>er nece??arED at no co?t to the Client& % valve terminating a >i?connecte> pipe i? not con?i>ere> ?ati?factorE to prevent the entrE of rubbi?h& The open en> of the valve ?hall be fitte> Cith a plug or flange a? ?tate> above& %ll ferrou? pipe Cor@ an> fitting? other than galvani?e> ?hall be protecte> bE one coat of re> oFi>e paint an> thi? paint ?hall be applie> a? the Cor@ progre??e?& %ll pipe Cor@ not in?ulate> ?hall be painte> one coat of re> oFi>e paint an> tCo coat? of glo??& 0. .1.+. S?ppo2t3 fo2 !ene2al Se2;ice Pipe <o2=

%ll nece??arE brac@et?B clip?B hanger?B an> other pipe ?upport? inclu>ing nece??arE bolt?B nut?B Ca?her?B bac@ing plate?B ?creC? an> plug? Chich ?hall be provi>e> for the fiFing an> alignment of all pipe Cor@B ?hall be approve> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%ll a>>itional ?econ>arE ?teel Cor@? nece??arE to ?upport anE mechanical ?ervice? ?hall be ?upplie> an> fitte> bE the Contractor after approval of the ?iKe an> fiFing ha? been given bE the Engineer& %ll chille> CaterB Cater ?ervice an> ho?e reel pipe Cor@ ?hall be ?upporte> at the maFimum centre? given in the ?che>ule inclu>e> in Section 21) of the CI2SE Gui>e& In the event of tCo or more pipe? being carrie> bE a ?ingle ?upport the ?pacing ?hall be ?electe> for the ?horter interval& *n>er no circum?tance? ?hall one pipe be ?upporte> from another pipe& %ll ?upport? for ?teel pipe? ?hall be of ferrou? material an> ?hall be galvani?e> ChereL u?e> Cith galvani?e> pipe& Spacing of pipe ?upport? on fire ?ervice pipe Cor@ ?hall conform to the 3OC (4th E>itor $ule?& %ll ?upport? for copper pipe? ?hall be of poli?he> bra?? Chere eFpo?e> to vieCD el?eChereB theE ?hall be rough fini?h o ferrou? ?upport? Cill be permitte> for non; ferrou? pipe?& %ll alternative pipe ?upport ?E?tem? maE be ?ubmitte> for approval& +ithin room? all Call brac@et? ?upporting pipe Cor@ ?hall be of ?chool boar> pattern $ing? Clip? for uP1CD CP1C or PP pipe? ?hall be uP1C line>& %ll ?upport? ?hall be a>eGuateB firmlE an> >ulE fiFe> an> ?hall not promote vibration& +here piping i? to be ?upporte> from concrete con?tructionB ?uitable in?ert? ?hall be provi>e> for placing in the form Cor@ before concrete i? poure>& The in?ert? ?hall be of ca?t iron or mil> ?teel an> of a tEpe to receive bolt hea>? or nut? after in?tallation& TheE ?hall permit a>Iu?tment of the bolt? in a horiKontal >irection& +here copper or ?teel piping i? normallE eFpo?e> to vieC in occupie> ?pace?B the ?upport? ?hall be ?pace> at interval? one;half of tho?e li?te> in Section 2 1) of the CI2SE Gui>eB or a? ?peciallE >etaile> el?eChere in thi? Specification or on the >raCing?& +here pipe Cor@ i? connecte> to vibrating plant the pipe ?upport? ?hall Chere nece??arE be of the ?pring or vibration i?olate> tEpe for a given >i?tance aCaE from the connection commen?urate Cith the natural >ampening effect of the pipe& The >eflection of the anti;vibration ?upport ?hall be a>eGuatelE alloCe> for ?uch that no un>ue loa> i? impo?e> on other ?upport? or connection?& %ll ?upport? ?hall be ?electe> an> fabricate> to alloC for thermal movement of their a??ociate> pipe an> Chere applicable vapour ?eale> in?ulation ?E?tem& +here the calculate> maFimum linear eFpan?ion in anE ?traight pipe eFcee>? (" mmB the pipe ?hall be ?upporte> on rigi> Cel>e> channel iron frame? Cith roller? an> chair?B an> ?emicircular flat iron hoop? to act a? pipe re?traint? an> gui>e?& Pipe Cor@ in vertical >uct? ?hall be ?upporte> from channel iron built into the >uct Call Cith P*N bolt?& Support? ?hall be provi>e> either ?i>e of heavE item? of pipeline eGuipment ?uch a? flange> valve?B ?trainer?B etc& To avoi> ?train on or >i?tortion of the eGuipment

Hoehler & Partner LLC



PIPE S&PPORTS Mil1 Steel No4. ,o2e 1'mm (";('mm .(mm 0";'"mm )';1""mm 1(';1'"mm (""mm & above Coppe2 No4. ,o2e 1';((mm (-mm .';'0mm )5;1"-mm 1'4mm & above 6e2tical Pipe3 1B-"m (B0"m .B""m .B5"m .B5"m .B5"m $o2i@ontal Pipe3 1B("m 1B'"m 1B-"m (B0"m .B""m .B5"m 6e2tical Pipe3 (B'"m .B""m .B""m .B)"m 0B'"m 'B'"m -B'"m $o2i@ontal Pipe3 1B-"m (B'"m (B5"m .B""m 0B""m 0B'"m )B""m

?P6CA CP6CA Pol5p2op5lene No4. ,o2e 1'mm (";('mm .(;0"mm '"mm )'mm -"mm 1""m 1'"mm (""mm & above 6e2tical Pipe3 Cla??e? 2 & C ; ; ; 1&"'m 1&("m 1&.'m (&'"m (&""m (&0"m $o2i@ontal Pipe3 Cla??e? D & E "&4"m 1&"'m 1&("m 1&.'m 1&'"m 1&)'m 1&-"m (&('m (&5"m

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1.).


%ll pipe fiFing? are to be locate> in ?uch a manner a? to permit complete free>om of movement of the pipe Cor@ for eFpan?ion an> contraction an> to >irect it? movement for the purpo?e? of compen?ating for eFpan?ion& +herever po??ibleB provi?ion for eFpan?ion an> contraction of piping ?hall be ma>e bE change? in >irection& In other ca?e?B a>eGuate eFpan?ion loop? or eFpan?ion fitting? ?hall be provi>e>& EFpan?ion loop? Chen reGuire> ?hall be forme> Cith Cel>e>B ban>?& The loop? ?hall be ?hop manufacture> an> anneale> after Cel>ing& Connection? to the main? ?hall be Cith flange?& Each leg of the loop ?hall be pulle> col> to approFimatelE '"O of the e?timate> eFpan?ion on each leg& +here nece??arEB further eFpan?ion compen?ation >evice? ?hall be provi>e> an> in?talle> in accor>ance Cith their manufacturer? recommen>ation?& Such >evice? ?hall inclu>eL <a= %Fial compre??ion belloC? compri?ing ?in;le;Call ?tainle?? ?teel belloC? Cith hor?e?hoe convolution? Cith flange> or ?creCe> connection? for replacement& <b= %rticulating compen?ator? of ?tainle?? ?teel ?hall be in?talle> if nece??arE& The ?election of compen?ator?B loop?B off?et? an> the li@e ?hall ta@e >ue account of the ?E?tem pre??ure?B an> their arrangement? relative to anchor point? ?hall ta@e account of the thru?t force? eFerte> bE pipe eFpan?ion an> contraction an> the effect? of ?uch force? on the anchor point? an> the ?tructure to Chich it i? fiFe>& To prevent un>ue ?tre??ing of flange? >ue to col> >raCB long flange bolt? ?hall be u?e> initiallE an> ?hall be pulle> up in pair? >iametricallE oppo?e> until the Ioint i? finallE ma>e Chen the bolt? maE be replace> one at a time bE one of the correct length& The Ten>er >raCing? >o not in>icate eFpan?ion compen?ating loop?B off?et?B >evice?B anchor?B gui>e? etc& The Contractor ?hall ma@e >ue alloCance for all the?e in hi? Ten>er an> for all calculation?B ?election >e?ign an> po?itioning of eFpan?ion facilitie? to the EngineerH? approval& 0. .1.'. Ancho23 an1 !?i1e3

%nchor? ?hall be provi>e> a? reGuire>& Their con?truction generallE ?hall camp ri?e heavE ?teel ?trap?B lug? or flange? Cel>e> to the pipe an> >rille> Chere nece??arE for the reception of bolt? for clamping to ?uitable purpo?e ma>e mil> ?teel channel or 2riti?h Stan>ar> beam& %nchor ?upport? ?uitablE an> rigi>lE ?ecure> to the buil>ing ?tructure in a manner to re?i?t anE longitu>inal movement of the pipe Cor@ Cithout >amage to the buil>ing ?tructure& %ll Cel>?B bolt? etc& at pipe anchor? ?hall be a>eGuate to re?i?t the thru?t impo?e>& EFpan?ion belloC? ?hall be of aFial pattern or a? in>icate> an> ?hall be provi>e> Cith ?creCe> or flange> en>? a? appropriate to facilitate replacementB unle?? otherCi?e approve>& TheE ?hall incorporate internal liner? if reGuire> an> ?hall be manufacture> from 1-A- ?tainle?? ?teel or other if approve> material appropriate to the >utE an> ?hall be >e?igne> to Cith?tan> the te?t pre??ure of the ?E?tem& 2elloC?

Hoehler & Partner LLC



?hall be capable of not le?? than (B""" complete cEcle? of movement over the >e?igne> Cor@ing range Cithout failure& EFpan?ion belloC? for angular movement? ?hall be arrange> a? in>icate>& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith tic ro>? or hinge? to ta@e en> thru?t& %ll belloC? eFpan?ion Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> Cith eFternal protection Chere eFpo?e> to >amage& 3or aFial belloC? thi? ?hall compri?e an eFternal ?leeve& 2elloC? ?hall be in?talle> ?o that theE are not ?ubIecte> to ?tre??e? other than tho?e for Chich theE are >e?igne>& *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> theE ?hall be in?talle> ?o that theE are in their free po?ition at a temperature mi>CaE betCeen the high an> loC limit? of normal ?ervice& Pipe Cor@ either ?i>e of the belloC? eFpan?ion Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> Cith gui>e? en?ure that all movement? are ta@en up in the ?igne> manner& The manufacturer:? recommen>ation? ?hall be clo?elE folloCe>& Gui>e? ?hall be ?ecure> rigi>lE an> ?hall provi>e free movement for eFpan?ion Cithout un>ue tolerance& /ean? of lubrication ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE& On mil> ?teel pipe Cor@B mil> ?teel anchor? capable of re?i?ting the maFimum ?tre??e? ?hall be provi>e> an> preferablE all be Cel>e> to the pipe Cor@& +here it i? impracticable to Cel> the anchor? to the pipe Cor@B ca?t iron chair? Cith at lea?t tCo Crought iron ?tirrup bolt? ?hall be u?e>B the bolt? being provi>e> Cith ?ufficient threa> to en?ure an effective grip on the pipe& 3or copper pipe Cor@ the anchor? ?hall be provi>e> bE Ci>e copper ?trap? ?ecure> to the pipe Cor@ in ?uch a manner that the pipe i? not >amage>& The Contractor ?hall ?upplEB an> fiF in po?ition rea>E for buil>ing inB al cleat?B brac@et? an> ?teelCor@ reGuire> for anchor point?& %nchor point? Chere ?ecure> to the bottom? of >ue or trenche? ?hall be ?eale> Cith hot poure> bitumen& 0. .1.10. $ea1e23

+here in>icate> on the >raCing?B hea>er? ?hall be provi>e> for variou? ?ervice?& TheE ?hall be of neat con?truction Cith Cel>e> flange> en>? an> provi>e> Cith all nece??arE Cel>e> flange> ?tool? to ?uit the ?iKe? an> po?ition? of connection?& The ?tool? ?hall be of ?ufficient length to clear the thic@ne?? of anE in?ulation thereon an> permit the in?ertion of flange bolt?& %ll ?pare outlet?B Chich maE be ?pecifie>B ?hall be provi>e> Cith valve? appropriate to the ?ervice concerne> an> ?uch ?pare valve? ?hall be blan@e> off Cith plug? or blan@ flange? a? maE be appropriate& <E&g& ?prin@ler:? hea>er= 0. .1.11. &n1e2g2o?n1 Pipe <o2=

Service? lai> in the groun> ?hall be in?talle> Cith care an> in ?uch a manner that pipe Cor@ an> fitting? ?hall not be >amage> >ue to groun> movement& Con?i>eration ?hall be givenB particularlE for non;metallic pipe?B to the >epth at Chich the pipe ?hall be lai>B >epen>ing upon the ?iKe of the pipeB the locationB Ci>th of trench an> the cla?? of be>>ing upon Chich the pipe Cill lie& Hoehler & Partner LLC



Steel pipe? ?hall receive tCo coat? of protective paintB an> all metal pipe? ?hall be Crappe> Cith Den?o tape tropical application tCo laEer? prior to bac@;filling& 2urie> col> Cater pipe? ?hall be not le?? than )"" mm for copper an> ?teel an> 1""" mm for pla?tic beloC groun> ?urface level& +here pipe? pa?? un>er roa>CaE? carrEing vehicle?B theE ?hall be locate> Cithin ?leeve? or con>uit& The interior of all pipe? ?hall be @ept free from >irt an> ?oil at all time?& Open en>? Caiting IointingB Chich cannot be cappe> off bE proper fitting? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a purpo?e ma>e cap con?tructe> from (( gauge mil> ?teel for temporarE capping& 3lange> Ioint? ?hall be ma>e Cith approve> rubber in?ertion or corrugate> bra?? Ioint ring? an> approve> ?ealing compoun>& on;ferrou? fitting? ?hall be u?e> at the Iunction betCeen ca?t iron an> ?teel pipe?& %fter Ioint? have been a??emble> an> ma>eB the trench ?hall be partiallE fille> to the centre line of each pipe to provi>e anchorageB an> all ben>?B tee? an> blan@ pipe en>ing? ?hall be a>eGuatelE ?upporte> Cith timber to prevent anE movement Chen the te?t pre??ure i? applie>& %fter the pre??ure te?tB concrete anchor an> thru?t bloc@? are to be poure> an> the ?iKe an> po?ition of all bloc@? ?hall be a>eGuate an> ?uitable to prevent pipe movement& %ll >etachable an> flange> Ioint? ?hall be protecte> Cith thic@ bitumenB ?pecial care being ta@en to applE a liberal coating to ?creCe> en>? an> eFpo?e> portion? of bolt?& EFcavation be>>ing pipe laEing an> bac@;filling to be carrie> out in accor>ance Cith Co>e of Practice .1"L 14)'B Co>e of Practice ."1L 1451B 2uil>ing Drainage an> DoE %>vi?orE Leaflet (0D MLaEing of rigi> >rain an> ?mall ?eCer pipe?M& 0. .1.1 . Sto2age of Pipe <o2=

%ll pipe? ?tore> on ?ite ?hall be @ept clear of the groun> an> ?hall be ?tore> un>er cover an> ?hiel>e> from >irect ?unlight& ScreCe> en>? of pipe? ?hall be protecte> Cith a ?oc@et or pla?tic thimble to prevent >amage to the threa>& The internal bore of all pipe? ?hall be eFamine> before an> after cutting an> anE foreign matter mu?t be remove>& Stoc@? of pipe ?tore> on ?ite for long perio>? mu?tL be perio>icallE in?pecte>B an> anE pipe foun> to be corro>e> beEon> normal H?toc@ ru?tH con>ition ?hall not be u?e>& Special precaution? ?hall be ta@en to avoi> uP1CB PolEpropElene an> G$P pipe an> fitting? coming into contact Cith ?unlight an> ultraviolet ra>iation& The total cumulative eFpo?ure to ?unlight inclu>ing offloa>ingB ?torageB erection etc&B ?hall not eFcee> '" hour?& Hoehler & Partner LLC



uP1CB PolEpropElene an> G$P pipe? ?hall be ?tore> in a Cell ventilate> ?tore on level rac@? in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer?H recommen>ation?B an> not Cith?tan>ing the?e never cri??;cro?? or in ?tac@? eFcee>ing 1""" mm in height& Secon>arE covering of ?ac@ing or other Cater ab?orbent material ?hall be lai> over the pipe Cor@ an> ho?e> Cith Cater at the ?tart of an> halfCaE through each >aE or more freGuentlE if reGuire>& Similar precaution? ?hall be ta@en Chere >rainage pipe? are lai> in trenche? prior to bac@filling& uP1CB PolEpropElene an> G$P pipeL Chere lai> at a ?halloC >epth Chere ?ome *1 ra>iation penetration ?till occur? ?hall be ?urroun>e> Cith concrete or other approve> >en?e material opaGue to *1$& %nE tube of anE tEpe Chich the Engineer con?i>er? being in poor con>itionB Chether fiFe> or notB ?hall be remove> from ?ite an> no eFtra co?t Cill be alloCe> un>er anE circum?tance? Chat?oever& uP1CB an> PolEpropElene tube an> fitting? Chich are >i?coloure> >ue to eFce??ive eFpo?ure Cill be reIecte> an> Cill be replace> at the ContractorH? eFpen?e& 0. .1.1#. D2ain Point3

%>eGuate provi?ion? ?hall be ma>e for emptEing ?ection? of all ?ervice? a? reGuire> for maintenance purpo?e? Chether in>icate> on the >raCing or not& Particular attention ?houl> be pai> to the reGuirement? of the Local +ater %uthoritE Cith re?pect to the provi?ion of >rain tap? on hot an> col> Cater ?ervice?& Particular attention ?hall be pai> to the reGuirement? of the Local 3ire %uthoritE an> the 3OC (4th E>ition rule? Cith re?pect to the provi?ion of >rain tap? on fire ?ervice pipe Cor@ ?E?tem?& %ll cElin>er?B coil? an> pump? together Cith all loC point? of pipe Cor@ Cithin plant room? ?hall be provi>e> Cith >raC off glan> coc@?& %ll other loC point? ?hall be provi>e> Cith >rain tap?& Drain tap? ?hall al?o be provi>e> on the floC an> return of all ?ub;circuit? provi>e> Cith i?olating facilitie? an> ?hall be locate> on the i?olate> ?i>e of the valve? Chether in>icate> on the >raCing? or not& Drain tap? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S (-54L 14-" MDraining Tap? <?creC >oCn pattern=M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?B TEpe % Cith loc@ ?hiel>& Scheme? involving eFternal >i?tribution main? beloC groun> level are to be provi>e> Cith ample ?iKe> >irt poc@et? to Chich the >rain coc@ ?hall be provi>e>& *n>ergroun> main? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a '0 mm glan> coc@ Cith ho?e union outlet at the loCe?t po?ition for theB purpo?e of flu?hing out& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for the >e?ign an> po?itioning of all >rain point?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1.17.

A?to4atic Ai2 A14ittance 6al;e3

%utomatic air a>mittance valve? ?hall be provi>e> Chere in>icate> on >raCing?& TheE ?hall generallE be provi>e> at the en> of a >rainage run to prevent ?iphoning of +C integral trap?& The valve ?hall be of %2S inner bo>EB an> ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S '(''L145) MPla?tic Ca?te pipe an> fitting?& uP1C outer bo>EB an> ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S 0'10L14-. MSpecification for un pla?tici?e> P1C ?oil an> ventilation pipe?B fitting? an> acce??orie?& The internal rubber ?eal >iaphragm ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S (040L145) an> a corro?ion re?i?tant ?pring to 2S '(1)L145' <14-(= an> all ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& 0. .1.1*. Ai2 6ent3

%ll pipe? ?hall be run Cith appropriate gra>ient? to en?ure the free relea?e of air an> >rainage at ?uitable point? on the ?E?tem& %ir vent? ?hall be provi>e> at all high point? in the pipe Cor@B Chether in>icate> on the >raCing? or not& %utomatic air vent? ?hall generallE be provi>e> at all primarE venting po?ition? generallE in plant room? an> ?ervice area?B at the hea> of vertical ri?er?& %ir bottle? ?hall be provi>e> at all venting point?& Heating an> cooling coil? on air han>ling unit?B fan coil? an> >uctCor@ ?E?tem?B in a>>ition to all high point? of pipe Cor@ Chich reGuire venting ?hall be provi>e> Cith ) mm >iameter air coc@? unle?? ?ome other form of venting i? ?pecifie> or ha? been in>icate> on the >raCing?& %ir bottle? ?hall be forme> from pipe of eGual bore to the pipe being vente> an> of length eGual to the bore plu? 1'" mm& Each air bottle ?hall be provi>e> Cith a )mm vent pipe Cel>e> into the top an> terminating in a convenientlE acce??ible po?itionB approFimatelE 1B)"" mm above floor levelB Cith a ) mm loc@ ?hiel> nee>le valve& The nee>le valve ?hall be provi>e> Cith a ) mm tailpiece Cith mitre> en>& %utomatic air vent? ?hall be a? ?pecifie> el?eChere& Each automatic air vent ?hall be prece>e> bE a loc@ ?hiel> pattern ?top valveB an> the >i?charge from the air vent ?hall be 1(mm copper pipe terminating Cith an open >i?charge in a po?ition to be agree> over a convenientlE locate> >rainB gullE or ?ump& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for the >e?ign an> po?itioning of all air vent?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1.16.

6al;e3 an1 Coc=3 !ene2al

1alve? an> coc@? ?hall be provi>e> Chere in>icate> on the >raCing? an> of the ?iKe? given& TheE ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the tEpe? ?pecifie> for the variou? ?ervice? in the Sche>ule of 1alve?& .a0 Do4e3tic $ot an1 Col1 -ate2 an1 Fi2e P2otection Se2;ice3 I?olating valve? on the general >ome?tic Cater an> fire ?ervice? >i?tribution ?E?tem ?hall be a? for chille> Cater ?ervice?B but the 3inal connection? to ?anitarE 3itting? or range? of ?anitarE 3itting? ?hall be provi>e> Cith gunmetal ?topcoc@? to 2S 1"1"& Stopcoc@? ?hall be chromium plate> ea?E;clean pattern Chere eFpo?e> to vieC& $egulating valve? on hot Cater circulation? ?hall be a? for chille> Cater ?ervice?& .C0 Col1 -ate2 Se2;ice3 Main3 I?olating valve? up to an> inclu>ing '0mm ?hall be gunmetal ?creCe> ?topcoc@? to 2S 1"1"B Cith crutch hea>& I?olating valve? of )5mm an> above ?hall be ca?t iron flange> CaterCor@? ?luice valve?B Cith in?i>e ?creCB non;ri?ing ?temB bronKe trimB Ce>ge >i?c an> ca?t iron han> Cheel& .c0 !a3 Se2;ice "ine3 I?olating valve? ?hall be full;bore 1A0;turn ball plug valve Cith ?tainle?? ?teel bo>EB ball an> ?pin>leB p&t&f&e& ?eatB an> ca?t iron lever han>le& 1alve? ?hall be ?creCe> for ?iKe? up to an> inclu>ing '"mm an> flange> for ?iKe? )'mm an> above& %ll valve? an> coc@? ?hall be locate> in an acce??ible po?ition for operational an> maintenance purpo?e?& 1alve? an> coc@? for u?e on hot an> col> Cater ?ervice? ?hall complE Cith the regulation? an> reGuirement? of the appropriate +ater %uthoritE concerne> an> arrangement? ?hall be ma>e Cith thatL %uthoritE an> no eFtra? ?hall be alloCe> for anE charge? for te?ting an> ?tamping of valve? an> coc@? Chich maE be reGuire>& 1alve? up to an> inclu>ing '" mmB bore ?hallB unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B be ?creCe> in accor>ance Cith 2S (1L 145. HHPipe threa>? for tube? an> fitting? Chere pre??ure tight Ioint? are ma>e on the threa>?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& 1alve? of )' mm bore an> over ?hall have flange? >rille> in accor>ance Cith 2S 0'"0 Part? 1 an> ( M3errou? an> copper alloE an> compo?ite flange?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment? to the flange table? for the operating pre??ure an> temperature for the ?ervice concerne>& %ll flange> valve? an> coc@? ?hall be provi>e> Cith the nece??arE counter flange? >rille> to ?uitB complete Cith corrugate> Iointing ring? an> bolt?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



GenerallE all principal circuit? an> ?ub;circuit? of each ?E?tem <other than open circuit ?E?tem= together Cith element? ?uch a? heating an> cooling coil? ?hall have gate valve? on the floC an> return pipingB locate> ?uch that complete i?olation i? obtainable& In certain in?tance? a? ?hoCn on >raCing? floC regulation i? reGuire>& The valve? u?e> for thi? purpo?e ?hall be a? in>icate> on the >raCing? an> ?hall inclu>e for vi?ual in>ication of ?hut off or loc@ ?hiel> tEpe Cith >u?t cover& %ll other valve? ?hall be of the han> Cheel pattern& The tEpe? of i?olating valve? are not >efine> on the >raCing?& In general hoCeverB theE ?hall alCaE? be gate valve? eFcept Chere there i? in?ufficient ?pace to accommo>ate them Chen plug valve? ?hall be u?e>& On open circuit high pre??ure ?E?tem? ?uch a? >rin@ing Cater an> irrigation Cater ?ervice? all i?olating valve? ?hall generallE be ?topcoc@?& )' mm >iameter an> over i?olating >evice? on open circuit ?E?tem? ?hall be ?luice valve?& 0. .1.1+. A?to4atic Ai2 6al;e3

%utomatic %ir 1alve? ?hall have a bronKe bo>E Cith bolte> cover an> a 4 mm top outlet& TheE ?hall each incorporate a ?uitable floatL mounte> on a ?tainle?? ?teel ?pin>le terminating in a nee>le valve for clo?ure again?t a ?tainle?? ?teel ?eating at the outlet& 3or loC pre??ure ?E?tem? the valve ?hall be provi>e> Cith a te?t coc@ an> a braKe> floatB but for me>ium an> high pre??ure ?E?tem? the float ?hall be of ?tainle?? ?teel& %utomatic air valve? for loC pre??ure ?E?tem? ?hallB if ?pecifie> for the ?ervice concerne>B incorporate an internal ball chec@ valve at the inlet to prevent air entrE to the ?E?tem& %utomatic air valve? for the col> Cater ?ervice? ?hall be to the approval of the +ater %uthoritE concerne>& 0. .1.1). !loCe 6al;e3

2ronKe globe valve? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S '1'0L14-. MCopper %lloE GlobeB Globe Stop an> Chec@B Chec@ an> Gate 1alve? for General Purpo?e?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& TheE ?hall be ?creCe> or flange>B Cith internal ?creC an> ?hall have a MCool gripM tEpe han> CheelB bronKe trim an> reneCable >i?c& Globe valve? ?hall be ?uitable for the operating pre??ure of the ?ervice concerne>& 0. .1.1'. ,alancing 6al;e3

2alancing valve? T&% bran> ?hall be of the obliGue ?creC;>oCn pattern of all gunmetal con?truction for ?iKe? up to an> inclu>ing 0" mm >iameter an> ca?t iron Cith gunmetal trim for '" an> )' mm >iameter& 3or ?iKe? larger than )' mm balancing valve? ?hall be of the rotating >i?c tEpe Cith ca?t iron bo>E an> gunmetal trim& 2alancing valve? ?hall have 2SPT ?creCe> connection? for ?iKe? up to an> inclu>ing '"mm >iameter an> flange> connection? for ?iKe? greater than '" mm

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%ll valve? ?hall have a logarithmic floC characteri?tic an> an a>Iu?table pre;?etting ?cale Cith in>icator on the valve bonnet& Each valve ?hall incorporate a ho?e noKKle pre??ure coc@ on each ?i>e of the valve an>B if availableB a combine> >rain coc@ connection& 0. .1. 0. ,all 6al;e3

2all valve? for fee> an> ?torage ci?tern? an> inclu>ing (." litre? actual capacitE ?hall be of theB MPort?mouthM tEpe Cith nElon ?eat? conforming Cith 2S 1(1( Part 1L 14'. MPi?ton tEpeM Cith amen>ment? or Part (L 145" MDiaphragm tEpe <bra?? bo>E=M& 2all valve? for ?torage ci?tern? ?hall be provi>e> Cith pla?tic float? to 2S (0') 145. an> for fee> ci?tern? float? ?hall be copper to 2S 14)-L 14'. Cla?? 2/C MPort?mouthM Hball valve? <Pi?ton tEpe= ?hall be high pre??ure Kone unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B Cith the >iameter of the ball float conforming Cith 2S1(1( Part 1& 3or fee>B ?torage tan@? an> ci?tern? eFcee>ing (." litre? actual capacitE ball valve? ?hall be of the eGuilibrium tEpe Cith bronKe bo>E an> ?creCe> connection? lipB to an> inclu>ing '"mm bore& EGuilibrium tEpe ball valve? ?hall have gunmetal face> valve an> ?eatingB Cith the valve mounte> on a forge> bronKe ?pin>le an> ?li>ing freelE in a gunmetal line> cElin>er& *nle?? >rop arm float ?u?pen?ion i? otherCi?e ?pecifie> for the ?ervice concerne>B the copper ball float ?hall be mounte> on a galvani?e> ?teel leverB of a>eGuate lengthB hinge> to the valve ?pin>le bE mean? of gunmetal lin@? an> fulcrum pin?& 0. .1. 1. ,iCDtap3

2ib coc@? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 1"1" MDraC;off tap? an> ?top valve? for Cater ?ervice?M <?creC >oCn pattern= Part (L 145. HDraC;off tap? an> above;groun> ?top valve?; an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith ho?e union no?epiece an> loc@ ?hiel> Cith loo?e @eE& 0. .1. . Chec= 6al;e3

Ca?t iron chec@ valve? <above '0 mm= ?hall be manufacture> in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S '1'.L 1450 Cith amen>ment?& TheE ?hall have ?creCe> or flange> connection? a? ?pecifie> for the pipe ?iKe concerne>& 2ronKe chec@ valve? <up inclu>ing '0 mm= ?hall be manufacture> in accor>ance Cith 2S 14'.L 14)0 Cith amen>ment?& TheE ?hall be of the horiKontal or vertical tEpe to ?uit the con>ition? of the ?ervice concerne>& %ll valve? ?hall have a pre??ure temperature rating ?uitable for the inten>e> ?ervice&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1. #.

Ca3t I2on Pl?g 6al;e3

Plug valve? ?hall be glan>le?? of the lubricate> parallel tEpe Cith limit ?top? an> Cith rectangular port?& Each valve ?hall be provi>e> Cith an in>icating plate an> Gua>rant& Plug valve? 1'"mm >iameter an> over ?hall be operate> bE mean? of a Cap?tan Cheel Corm gearing an> mitre gearing to ?uit the po?ition of the valve& %ll other plug valve? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a malleable iron ?tan>ar> Crench ?et ?creCe> to the plug ?tem& Plug valve? ?hall be ?creCe> or flange> Chichever i? ?pecifie> for the pipe ?iKe concerne>& 0. .1. 7. Do?Cle Reg?lating 6al;e3

Double regulating valve? ?hall be gunmetal of the ?creC >oCn tEpe conforming Cith the provi?ion? of 2S '1'0L 14-. MCopper alloE globe ?top an> chec@ gate valve? for general purpo?e?MB an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& The valve? ?hall be of ?traightB angle of H9H patternB Chichever i? ?uitable for the ?ervice concerne>B Cith parabolic valve >i?c an> regulating ?leeve giving proportionate regulation& The valve ?pin>le an> bonnet ?hall have bac@ ?eating to enable it to be repac@e> un>er pre??ure Chen fullE open& *nle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B regulating valve? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a han> Cheel& TCo >ouble ?eat pre??ure te?t valve? ?hall be incorporate> in the valve a??emblE on either ?i>e of the valve& 0. .1. *. P2e33?2e Diffe2ential Reg?lating 6al;e3

Pre??ure >ifferential regulator? ?hall be of the ?pring loa>e> >iaphragm tEpe Cith pi?ton plug an> >ouble;?eate> valve& The valve? ?hall have ca?t iron hou?ing an> be ?uitable for () bar maFimum pre??ureB ("""!C maFimum temperature an> a ?uitable Cor@ing ?et point range& 0. .1. 6. !ate 6al;e3

Ca?t iron flange> gate valve? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S '1'" MCa?t iron Ce>ge an> >ouble >i?c gate valve? for general purpo?e?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith bronKe trim an>B unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B ?hall have non;ri?ing ?pin>le& 1alve? ?hall be ?uitable for the Cor@ing pre??ure of the ?ervice concerne>& Gunmetal gate valve? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S 14'(L 14)0 MCopper alloE gate valve? for general purpo?e?M an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& TheE ?hall be ?creCe>B flange> or capillarE tEpe to ?uit the a??ociate> pipe Cor@ an> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B ?hall have non;ri?ing ?pin>le?& Gate valve? ?hall be ?uitable for the Cor@ing pre??ure of the ?ervice concerne>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1. +.

!lan1 coc=3

Glan> coc@? ?hall be of gunmetal Cith ?oli> taper plug an> tCo bolt oval glan>?B an> Chere u?e> for emptEing or >rain purpo?e?B theE ?hallB unle?? ?ituate> on permanent >rain or emptEing pipe?B be provi>e> Cith ?errate> ho?e union tailpiece?& 0. .1. ). Mete2ing Set3

/etering valve ?et? ?hall compri?e matche> >ouble regulating valve? an> metering ?tation orifice? Double regulating valve? ?hall be capable of full i?olation& /etering ?et? of ?iKe? up to '" mm ?hall compri?e obliGue pattern bronKe >ouble regulating valve to 2S '1'0 an> bronKe metering ?tation an> orifice& 3or ?iKe? of )' mm an> aboveB metering ?et? ?hall compri?e a ca?t iron obliGue pattern >ouble regulating valve? Cith copper alloE trim to 2S '1'( an> ca?t iron metering ?tation bo>E Cith ?tainle?? ?teel orifice /etering ?tation? ?hall be fitte> on the up?tream port of the >ouble regulating valve an> ?hall be complete Cith tapping point? on either ?i>e of the orifice plate to permit >ifferential pre??ure? to be mea?ure> bE mean? of a manometer& Double regulating valve? ?hall be capable of being loc@e> after ?etting >uring commi??ioning in ?uch a CaE that the valve maE ?till be fullE clo?e> for i?olation purpo?e? but on reopening be H?toppe>H at it? correct ?etting& 0. .1. '. Relief 6al;e3

$elief valve? ?hall be of the full bore enclo?e> ?pring loa>e> loc@ up tEpe Cith a >i?charge pipe there from turne> >oCn to floor& $elief valve? for hot Cater ?E?tem? ?hall be a>Iu?te> to lift at "&5 2ar in eFce?? of the Cor@ing pre??ure& 0. .1.#0. Sl?ice 6al;e3

Ca?t iron ?luice valve? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the provi?ion? of 2S '1). an> amen>ment?& TheE ?hall have open an> ?hut in>ication?B a bronKe non;ri?ing ?pin>leB a ?oli> Ce>ge Cith reneCable gunmetal ring? on valve an> ?eat an> lubricate> hemp glan> pac@ing& 0. .1.#1. St2aine23

Strainer? ?hall generallE be of the ca?t iron J9: tEpe flange> to 2S 1" Table J3: an> ?uitable for at lea?t 1. bar operating pre??ure& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith a me>ium gra>e ?creen of ?tainle?? ?teel me?h <"B- mm >iameter perforation? <up to '0 mm= an> 1B) mm >iameter perforation <above ' mm= an> ?hall be ?iKe> ?uch that in their clean con>ition the maFimum pre??ure >rop at the >e?ign floC rate ?hall not eFcee> )@Pa& Strainer? ?hall be complete Cith >rille> an> tappe> cap? complete Cith >rain coc@?& Strainer? on hot an> col> open circuit ?E?tem? ?hall be of bronKe Cith pho?phor bronKe ?creen?& Hoehler & Partner LLC



Strainer? up to an inclu>e '0mm ?hall be bronKe ?creCe> Cith ?creCe> Cith ?creCe> cover ?trainer? above '0 mm ?hall be ca?t iron flange> Cith bolte> cover& %ll ?trainer? ?hall have a pre??ure temperature rating ?uitable for the inten>e> ?ervice& 0. .1.# . 6al;e an1 Coc= Ee53

TCo complete ?et? of appropriate @eE? or Crenche? ?hall be provi>e> to fit each ?iKe of loc@ ?hiel> valveB air valveB >rain tapB plug coc@ etc& an> the @eE? ?hall be han>e> to the EmploEerH? repre?entative& % timber boar> Cith the nece??arE hoo@? for the @eE? ?hall be provi>e> in each plant room& 0. .1.##. Te3tingD of Pipe <o2=

%ll pipe Cor@ ?hall be te?te> hE>raulicallE after a??emblE on ?ite an> before anE in?ulation i? applie> or pipe Cor@ ma>e inacce??ible bE buil>ing cla>>ingB to a pre??ure eGual to tCice the Cor@ing pre??ure& If the Cor@ing pre??ure i? greater than ) bar the te?t pre??ure maE be one an> a half time? the Cor@ing pre??ure& The minimum te?t pre??ure for Cater pipe? ?hall be 1" bar& HE>raulic pre??ure te?t? ?hall be carrie> out bE mean? of a force pumpB Chich ?hall be loc@e> after the >e?ire> pre??ure i? obtaine>& The te?t pre??ure ?hall be regi?tere> at the loCe?t part of the ?E?tem being te?te> an> maintaine> for a perio> of tCo hour? >uring Chich time all part? mu?t remain completelE Catertight an> no pre??ure lo?? become evi>ent on the gauge& In the ca?e of 3ire /ain?B +et ri?er? an> Ho?e $eel ?upplie?B the pre??ure te?t ?hall be maintaine> for (0 hour?& %nE Lea@age mu?t at once be ma>e goo> an> the pre??ure te?t repeate> until the >e?ire> te?t con>ition? are maintaine>& During thi? perio> all Cel>? on ?teel pipe ?hall be Cell hammere>& %nE >efect? ?hall be ma>e goo> an> the relevant ?ection ?hall be re;te?te> all at the ContractorH? eFpen?e& CElin>er?B Pump? an> anE other ancillarE item? of eGuipment Chich maE be liable to >amage bE the te?t pre??ureB are toB be i?olate> or ?uitablE protecte> >uring the te?tB an> all nece??arE precaution? ?hall be ta@en& %nE >amage> eGuipment ?hall be replace>& In or>er not to >elaE the buil>ing operation? ?ection? of the pipe Cor@ ?hall be pre??ure te?te> in>epen>entlE a? the Cor@ progre??e?& %ll nece??arE plug?B cap? or blan@ flange? ?hall be provi>e> for te?ting an> the?e ?hall be remove> after the pre??ure te?t? have been approve>& % te?t certificate ?hall be i??ue> in >uplicate for each ?ection of theB pipe Cor@ ?ati?factorilE te?te>& Stan>ar> te?t certificate? ?hall be i??ue> bE the Engineer an> each certificate ?ubmitte> ?hall clearlE ?tate the information reGuire> on the certificate& Seven >aE? clear notice of anE te?t ?hall be given to the Engineer in Criting in or>er that Chere he >eem? nece??arE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative ?hall Citne?? the te?t&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1.#7.

Te3ting of Con1en3ate D2ain3

Con>en?ate >rain? ?hall be te?te> bE intro>ucing Cater into the >rip traE beneath each fan coil unit an> flu?hing the pipe Cor@ for perio> of ' minute? >uring Chich time the pipe Cor@ ?hall be in?pecte> for lea@age& 0. .1.#*. "aCel3 an1 I1entification

%ll valve? controlling main? an> ?ub;circuit? for all ?ervice? ?hall be labelle> before the Cor@? are commi??ione> in accor>ance Cith a ?che>ule of valve? Chich ?hall corre?pon> Cith valve? in>icate> upon the final a?;in?talle> >raCing? an> anE circuit control >iagram? con?i>ere> nece??arE& The label? for valve? ?hall be bra?? or Traffolite pla?tic -" mm bE 0" mm Cith a hole 1" mm from one en>& % ?hort length of bra?? chain Cith a ring at each en> ?hall be u?e> to permanentlE attach the label? to each valve& The label? ?hall be ?tampe> or engrave> Cith letter? an> number? not ?maller than 1" mm high& Each label ?hall in>icate the tEpe of ?ervice an> the valve reference numberB Chich ?hall agree Cith a ?che>ule of valve? ChichB ?hall be prepare> for each ?ervice& The ?che>ule ?hall compri?e the valve reference numberB the function of the valve an> it? location& In a>>ition to the ?che>ule a ?chematic >iagram of each ?ervice ?hall be prepare> in>icating the po?ition an> reference number of each valve& The ?chematic >iagram ?hall clearlE in>icate the location of each valve in the buil>ing& The ?che>ule? an> ?chematic >iagram? ?hall be frame> an> glaKe> an> hung in the relevant plant room?D an alternative metho> maE be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for approval& Duplicate copie? of the ?che>ule? an> ?chematic >iagram? ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for approval& /otor?B ?tarter? an> ?Citchgear ?hall have label? of MTraffoliteM Cith Chite lettering on blac@ bac@groun>& The label? are to be ?creCe> to the front of ?tarter? an> i?olator? an> ?hall in>icate the ?ervice& Similar label? ?hall be affiFe> beloC each in?trument on the in?trument panel an> ?hall in>icate the purpo?e of the in?trument an> the re?pective boilerB tan@ or other appliance to Chich it? recor>ing? are applicable& Each fanB pump or anE item of plant ?hall bear a metal label giving the ma@erH? nameB >ate of manufacture an> ?erial numberB te?t an> Cor@ing pre??ure?B >utEB hor?epoCerB pha?ingB number of cEcle? per ?econ>B ?pee>?B 2S number for the ?tan>ar> to Chich the item of plant conform?B an> all relevant performance >ata a? appropriate to the item of plant to enable ea?E i>entification at a later >ate& %n engrave> label ?hall be fiFe> to each filter ?tating the maFimum permi??ible pre??ure >ropB In a>>ition to the ma@erH? label each item of plant ?hall be fitte> Cith a further label i>entifEing the eGuipment in relation to the Sche>ule? of Plant in the Operating an> /aintenance In?truction?B %ll label? ?hall be engrave> both %rabic an> Engli?h&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .1.#6.

Te3t Point3

The Contractor ?hall ?upplE univer?al te?t point? on all chille> Cater an> LPH+ heating connection? to an> from plant an> eGuipmentB all ?E?tem branch connection? an> el?eChere to facilitate the balancing te?ting an> commi??ioning of the ?E?tem?& The univer?al te?t point? ?hall be of the ?elf;?ealing bra??;bo>ie> tEpe capable of receiving pu?h;in;?tem tEpe thermometer? an> pre??ure gauge? an> complete Cith the number an> location of the te?t point? on hi? Cor@ing >raCing? prior to ?ubmi??ion to the Engineer for approval& 0. .1.#+. Ref2ige2ant S53te43

The24o4ete23 an1 Altit?1e !a?ge3 Thermometer? ?hall be vapour pre??ure tEpe Cith 1""mm& >ia& >ialB chrome beKelB clear acrElic Cin>oC an> blac@ in>icating pointer& +ater thermometer? ?hall be provi>e> Cith ?eparate poc@et an> air thermometer? ?hall be bac@ flange mounting& The operating range ?hall be ?uch that the normal operating temperature 1' approFimatelE halfCaE roun> the ?cale& $emote rea>ing thermometer? ?hall be provi>e> Chere in>icate>B an> ?hall be bac@; flange mounte> onto a poli?he> har>Coo> gauge boar>& %ltitu>e gauge? ?hall be of the 2our>on tube tEpe Cith 1""mm& >ia >ial chrome beKelB clear acrElic Cin>oCB blac@ in>icating pointer an> re> a>Iu?table pointer& The operating range ?hall he ?uch that the normal operating pre??ure i? approFimatelE halfCaE roun> the ?cale& Each gauge ?hall be fitte> Cith lever han>le control coc@B an> ?hall be calibrate> in @Pa an> bar& Ref2ige2ant S53te43 Pipe Cor@ for refrigerant ?E?tem? ?hall be of refrigeration GualitE copper& 7oint? ?hall be flange>B braKe>B Cel>e> or ma>e Cith ?ol>ere> capillarE fitting?B Pipeline? ?hall be firmlE ?ecure> an> mea?ure? ?hall be ta@en to prevent vibration Cea@ening Ioint? an> connection?& Pipe Cor@ ?hall be >e?igne> an> run ?o that anE oil in the compre??or >i?charge refrigerant Chich pa??e? through the oil ?eparator <Chere fitte>= i? carrie> through the ?E?tem an> returne>& %t anE point Chere a large GuantitE of oil maE accumulate an oil ?eparator an> mean? of returning the oil to the compre??or ?hall be provi>e>& 1alve? reGuire> for compre??or?B liGui> receiver? etc& ?hall be of either >iaphragm or belloC? tEpe or be pac@e> valve? complete Cith a bac@ ?eating an> a ?eal cap& Compre??or? ?hall not be connecte> to run in parallel <i&e&B Cith common >i?charge an>Aor ?uction line?=& +hereB to increa?e availabilitEB it i? reGuire> that anE compre??or ?hall be capable of Cor@ing Cith anE con>en?er or evaporatorB cro?? connection? ?hall be provi>e> an> all maIor plant item? ?hall be valve> for i?olation&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%fter erection the Chole of the refrigeration pipe Cor@ ?hall be pre??uriKe> an> te?te> for lea@?& %ll fitting? for u?e Cith refrigeration ?E?tem? ?hall be ?uitable GualitE copper Cith all Ioint? being ma>e either bE flange?B braKingB Cel>ing or ?ol>ere> capillarE fitting?& The Contractor ?hall en?ure that the correct GualitE of braKing or ?ol>ering filler ro>B together Cith the correct fluF i? u?e> for the tEpe of Ioint Cith >ue con?i>eration for the temperature an> pre??ure of the me>ia floCing in the pipe Cor@& 0. . . 0. . .1. D&CT-ORE INSTA""ATIONS Application3

Sub?eGuent ?ection? of the Specification >etailing particular engineering ?ervice? refer to thi? ?ection for the tEpe an> ?tan>ar> of material? to be emploEe> for >uctCor@ in?tallation? for the ?ection concerne>& 0. . . . !al;ani3e1 Steel D?ct<o2=

Galvani?e> ?teel >uctCor@ ?hall be con?tructe> from ?trip mill col> re>uce> ?heet ?teel continuou?lE hot >ip galvani?e> to 2S (4-4L 14-( MHot Dip Qinc coate> an> iron;Kinc alloE coate> ?teelL Ci>e ?tripB ?heetAplate an> ?lit Ci>e ?tripM an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment? ; Gra>e Q( Coating TEpe G(5'B an> ?hall be fabricate> in accor>ance Cith the recommen>ation? in the H1C% Specification? i??ue> bE the Heating an> 1entilating Contractor? %??ociationB ESC% Hou?eB .(A.0 Palace CourtB 2aE?CaterB Lon>on +( 07G The Contractor ?hall ?upplE >eliver an> erect the Chole of the >uctCor@ ?E?tem complete Cith >amper?B ?upport?B in?ulation an> fiFing? an> ?hall a>here to the >uct run? ?hoCn on the >raCing? eFcept Chere local con>ition? prevent or Chere variation? are nece??arE to ?uit anE revi?ion? to plant laEout& %ll lea>ing >imen?ion? an> po?ition? of plant ?hall be chec@e> on ?ite bE the Contractor Cho Cill be re?pon?ible for en?uring that the >uctCor@ ?hall conform to the eGuipment to be in?talle>B al?o Cith the buil>ing >etail? an> ?tructure& It i? the re?pon?ibilitE of the Contractor to ?ubmit to the Engineer for hi? approvalB fullE >imen?ione> >etaile> >raCing? of >uctCor@ before manufacture& %ll metal >ucting ?hall be con?tructe> of galvani?e> col> rolle> clo?e anneale>B patent flattene> ?teel ?heet?& LoC velocitE loC pre??ure air ?E?tem rectangular >uct? ?hall be manufacture> an> in?talle> in accor>ance Cith Specification D+10( a? i??ue> bE the Heating an> 1entilating Contractor? %??ociationB Lon>on& Cro?? Ioint? ?hall be con?tructe> from profile rolle> galvani?e> ?teel ?trip forming complete angle ?ection? Cith a pre??e> form reinforcing brac@et ?pot;Cel>e> to each comer& %n eFtru>e> ga?@et ?hall be applie> to the face of the flange? an> the Ioint ma>e Cith galvani?e> rolle> ?ection cleat?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



High velocitE high pre??ure air ?E?tem circular >uct? ?hall be manufacture> in accor>ance Cith Specification D+10( a? i??ue> bE the Heating an> 1entilating Contractor? %??ociationB Lon>on& 2olt? ?hall be -mm for angle? up to an> inclu>ing .(nun an> ?hall be 1"mm for angle? above .(mm& %ll Ioint? both longitu>inal an> lateral ?hall be ma>e Cith an approve> ?ealer an> ?hall be air;tightB to the maFimum ?E?tem pre??ure& %ll >uctCor@ eFpo?e> to eFternal atmo?phere or corro?ive fume? ?hall be ?uitablE painte> or otherCi?e protecte>B internallE an> eFternallE a? reGuire>& +here >uct? are line> internallE for acou?tic attenuation the internal area ?hall be maintaine> an> the ?heet metal ?iKe increa?e> accor>inglE& 3leFible >ucting ?hall be u?e> onlE Chere ?peciallE approve> an> full >etail? an> ?ample? ?hall he ?ubmitte> Chen ?ee@ing approval& %ll P1C >ucting ?hall complE Cith Specification D+1'1 a? i??ue> bE the Heating an> 1entilating Contractor? %??ociationB Lon>on& +here hea>room clearance? are given on the >raCing? or el?eChere the?e ?hall be to the loCe?t point of the ?upporting ?tructure& CanopE an> valance frameCor@ ?hall be forme> from eFtru>e> ?ection? of aluminium alloEB Iointe> bE Ce1>ing into a??emblie? of convenient ?iKe for >eliverE to ?iteB an>Aor otherCi?e connecte> bE non;ferrou? fa?tening?& %ll internal ?urface? of the canopE an> ?upport? ?hall be arrange> at an angle greater than )"R to the horiKontal to prevent con>en?ation >rip?& %t 7unction? betCeen canopie? an> Call? or ceiling? the Contractor ?hall ?eal all gap? Cith an approve> ?ealant to eFclu>e vermin& Hoo>? for @itchen eGuipment an> for the eFtraction of con>en?able vapour? ?hall have Cater tight eFtru>e> ?ection channel gutter not le?? than '"mm Ci>e or more than ('mm >eep <0"mm F ("mm for P?ingle applianceM canopie?= at the bottom e>ge& Draining point? ?hall be forme> bE a tappe> hole into Chich a cleaning eEe an> Ca?her <of the tEpe fitte> to ?in@ Ca?te trap?= i? ?creCe> finger tight& Such >raining point? ?hall be provi>e> in the gutter at interval? of not more than )m& Canopie? ?hall be fiFe> ?o that the bottom e>ge i? not more than (&"m from floor level& TheE ?hall be ?upporte> from above bE ?u?pen?ion ro>? each having a tum; buc@1e for levelling an> loa> a>Iu?tment& Canopie? an> connecte> >uct;Cor@ ?hall be ?o ?upporte> that no part of the Ceight of one i? impo?e> on the other& The ContractorH? attention i? >raCn to anE ?upplE >ucting Chich i? to be in?talle> Cithin a canopE& %ll Ioint? betCeen the canopE an> >uctCor@ ?hall be ?eale> again?t vermin a? previou?lE >e?cribe>& 0. . .#. D?ct<o2= Fitting3

2en>?B branche?B tee?B tran?formation? an> other fitting? ?hall be con?tructe> from the ?ame material an> to the ?ame thic@ne?? a? the a??ociate> ?traight >uctCor@ Hoehler & Partner LLC



an> ?hall conform to the ?tan>ar> of fitting? pre?cribe> in the appropriate H1C% Specification for the >uctCor@ material concerne>& In all ca?e? the larger >imen?ion of rectangular >uct? ?hall >etermine the ?heet thic@ne?? an> ?tan>ar> of ?tiffening to be u?e> for the fitting& Turning vane? ?hall be incorporate> a? nece??arE Cithin the ?tan>ar> ben>? but Chere the >uctCor@ i? internallE in?ulate>D the recommen>e> ?pacing of the vane? ?hall be relative to the internal ?urface of the lining& 0. . .7. E2ection of D?ct<o2= D !ene2al

The fabrication of all >uctCor@ an> fitting? ?hall be eFecute> in a neat an> competent manner bE a manufacturer eFperience> in thi? cla?? of Cor@& It ?hall be true to ?iKe an> free from ?harp e>ge? an> proIection? both internallE an> eFternallE& %ll item? ?hall be ?uitable in everE CaE for the >e?ign velocitE an> pre??ure con>ition? an> ?hall complE Cith all ?pecifie> te?t?& DuctCor@ >imen?ion? ?hoCn on the >raCing? repre?ent the net free internal ?iKe?B eFclu?ive of all eFcre?cence? or lining? an> ?hall be ma>e to maintain the free area Chere in?ulation i? to be provi>e> internallE DuctCor@ ?hall be in?talle> to give maFimum hea>room an> Cith >ue con?i>eration for the location of other ?ervice? Cith Chich it? arrangement ?hall be co;or>inate>& %lloCance ?hall be ma>e >uring it? erection for the thic@ne?? of anE in?ulation thereon an> for;the application of ?ame& %ll >uctCor@ an> connection? ?hall be a>eGuatelE brace> an> ?tiffene> Chere nece??arE to prevent ?aggingB >rumming an> vibration& The air lea@age limit? ?et >oCn in D+10( ?hall not be eFcee>e> an> the aggregate total lea@age from anE Chole ?E?tem ?hall not eFcee> 'O of the total >e?ign airfloC volume& To meet thi? reGuirement Chere abnormal circum?tance ari?e ?uch a? Cith long length? of ?mall >uct?B the Contractor ?hall alloC for provi>ing a ?E?tem air tightne?? commen?urate Cith a lighter rate> pre??ure cla?? ?E?tem than Coul> be nece??arE to meet a >efine> ?tatic pre??ure limit& +here >uctCor@ i? vi?ibleB the location of ?eam? on the ?i>e or ?i>e? eFpo?e> to vieC ?hall be avoi>e>& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for all nece??arE arrangement? an> >imen?ion? of >uctCor@ on ?ite an> all hole? reGuire> in Call? an> floor? for the >uct? an> fiFing? inclu>ing >etail? of timber frame? Chich maE be nece??arE& %ll buil>er? Cor@ in connection CithB a??ociate> Cith or affecte> bE the ventilation ?ervice?B ?hall be ?ati?factorilE complete> before the permanent erection of >uctCor@ i? carrie> out& %ll opening? in the >uctCor@ ?hall be protecte> >uring it? erection bE mean? of polEthene or other ?uitable ?heetingB to prevent the ingre?? of >u?t an> >irt re?ulting from the buil>ing operation?B an> all ?heeting ?hall be remove> prior to the commi??ioning of the plant& In a>>itionB the eFterior an> the interior of all >uctCor@ ?hall be cleane> prior to commi??ioning&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. . .*.

E2ection of Metal D?ct<o2=

%ll ?tiffener? an> angle frame? for ?teel >uctCor@ ?hall be manufacture> from galvani?e> ?ection?B an> Chere cut ?hall be col> galvani?e> after manufacture& 3or eFternal >uctCor@B inclu>ing >uct? ?ituate> on a roofB ?teel >uct? ?hall be not le?? than 1&) mm thic@& It ?hall be protecte> bE one coat of mor>ant ?olution of calcium plum bate primer folloCe> bE tCo coat? of bituminou? paint %ll horiKontal ?ection? of eFternal >uctCor@B Chich i? not to be in?ulate> ?hall be in?talle> to give a fall of 1L(" on the upper horiKontal ?urface& %ll longitu>inal ?eam? for metal >uctCor@ ?hall be of an approve> tEpe an> ?hall be groove> an> ?eale> Cith a ?uitable ?ealantD all factorE ma>e con?tructional Ioint? ?hall be clo?e rivete> Cith ?pacing at not more than )" mm centre?& 7oint? in rectangular metal >uct? Cith the longe?t ?i>e eGual to or greater than )"" mm ?hall be angle flange> Cith bolt? at 1'" mm centre?B an> Cith the >uct en>? ?Cage> into the angle Ioint? Chich ?hall be ?eale> Cith a ?uitable ga?@et or ?ealant& The >uct ?hall be rivete> toB the flange Cith rivet ?pacing not more than )" mmB centre?& %>>itional flange> Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE to facilitate erection of the >uctCor@ an> >i?connection for maintenance purpo?e?& %ll ?ite Ioint? for metal >uctCor@B other than flange> Ioint?B ?hall be properlE ?Cage> plain ?lip tEpe Cith the in?i>e lap in the >irection air floC an> ?hall be rivete> or Iointe> Cith ?elf;tapping ?creC? at not more than )"mm centre?& %ll ?uch Ioint? ?hall be ?eale> an> ren>ere> air ;tight Cith a ?uitable ?ealant& /etal >uct connection? to ma?onrE ?haft? an> other buil>er? Cor@ opening? ?hall be ma>e Cith angle flange? ?creCe> to a har>Coo> frame fiFe> to groun>? ?et in the ma?onrEB an> Cith the >uct eFten>e> to form a taile> entrE& In the ca?e of fire >amper connection to fire barrier Call? or floor?B the flange> connection ?hall be ma>e to a metal companion flange provi>e> Cith a ?uitable ?ealing ga?@et& +here a metal >uct pa??e? through a CallB roof or other buil>ing ?tructureB it ?hall be i?olate> from the ?tructure bE a laEer of bituminou? felt over Chich ?hall be ?uperimpo?e> a (' mm thic@ laEer of mineral Cool fleFible ?lab to Chich the opening ?hall be ma>e goo>& Thi? >oe? not applE to fire >amper? Chich;?hall be built in& %ll cut e>ge? an> other eFpo?e> metal ?hall be painte> tCo coat? of re> oFi>e or Kinc chromate paint before erectionD an> after erectionB unle?? ?pecial protection i? ?pecifie> for the ?ervice concerne>B all rivet?B bolt? an> nut? an> other eFpo?e> metal ?hall receive a further tCo coat? of the ?ame protective paint& 0. . .6. S?ppo2t3 fo2 D?ct<o2=

%ll nece??arE >uctCor@ ?upport? ?hall be provi>e> an> fiFe> to the buil>ing ?tructure an> all nece??arE bolt?B nut?B Ca?her?B ?creC?B plug? ?hall al?o be provi>e>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Support? ?hall complE Cith the recommen>ation? given in the appropriate H1C% Specification an> ?hall generallE compri?e galvani?e> mil> ?teel ?ection? an> >rop ro>? a??emble> in a ?uitable manner to permit a>Iu?tment for height an> alignment of the >uct?& 1ertical >uctCor@ ?hall be ?upporte> bE the ?tiffening angle? or angle flange? Cherever po??ibleB a>>itional ?upporting angle? being provi>e> on the >uct? if foun> nece??arE& The ?pacing of >uctCor@ ?upport? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith H1C% Specification D+10( <late?t e>ition=& %ll >uctCor@ ?hall be ?upporte> at branch connection?D an> Chere heavE item? of eGuipment occur Cithin >uctCor@ >i?tribution?B a>>itional ?upport ?hall be provi>e> a? nece??arE& DuctCor@ Cill not be permitte> to re?t >irectlE on portion? of the buil>ing eFcept on concrete ?lab or ?ub?tantial bric@ Call? <an> then onlE Cith the approval of the Engineer=& The Cel>ing or bolting of ?upport? to ?tructural ?teelCor@ Cill not be permitte> Cithout Critten authori?ation from the Engineer& 0. . .+. Ai2 6ol?4e Cont2ol Da4pe23

1olume >amper? ?hall be in?talle> in acce??ible location? at all branch connection? an> Cherever nece??arE to a>Iu?t the floC of air to ?ecure correct >i?tribution& TheE ?hall be ma>e of (" gauge <1mm= galvani?e> ?heet metalB an> ?hall eGuippe> Cith an> approve> >evice for fa?tening in anE >e?ire> po?ition& Thi? >evice ?hall be ?uch that the >amper cannot move or rattle an> pointer ?hall in>icate the po?ition of the >amper from the out?i>e of the >uct& Damper? ?hall be multi leaf oppo?e> bla>e of airfoil ?ection Cith bla>e height not more than 1-"mm& P1C or ?imilar bla>e ?eal? ?hall be incorporate> to the en> of all bla>e tip an> ?i>e?& Damper? ?hall be non;lea@age tEpe Cith a reference lea@age at '"" Pa?cal pre??ure >ifference of not more than .' m.AHr per mS& %ll bla>e? ?hall be operate> bE a ?ingle operating Gua>rant Cith nElon gear? an> lin@? a? nece??arE& Spin>le? ?hall be non;corro>ibleB pa??ing through non;ferrou? bu?hing? or ball bearing ?upport? Cith ?eal?& The Chole >amper a??emblE ?hall be mounte> in a galvani?e> frame Cith flange?& Seal material ?hall be rate> up to (""!3 <4.!C= Cith loC Cater ab?orption an> eFcellent chemical re?i?tance to aci>?B al@ali? an> oil?& Each primarE control >amper ?hall be fitte> Cith a non corro>ible label ?tating the actual air floC in m.A? an> the cro?? ?ectional area& 3inal regulation po?ition of the >amper ?hall be in>eliblE mar@e> on the >amper Gua>rant& 0. . .). Fi2e Da4pe23

+here reGuire> bE or>inance? or co>e?B fire >amper? ma>e to 2S 05) or &3&P&%& 4"% ?hall be provi>e> an> complete Cith angle iron frameB 1)"!3 <5"!C= fu?ible lin@ Hoehler & Partner LLC



pivot re>?B an> ?pring catche?& 3ire >amper hou?ing ?hall be of nonferrou? metal& Duct ?ection? aroun> fire >amper? ?hall be enlarge> to alloC 4"O unre?tricte> >uct area Chile in open po?ition& %pprove> tEpe acce?? >oor?B Cith air;tight ga?@et? ?hall be provi>e>B for in?pection an> ?ervicing of fire >amper?& 3ire >amper? ?hall be ( hour rate> an> ?hall be labelle> bE manufacturer& Damper? ?hall be operate> bE tCo ?tainle?? ?teel ?pring? Cith the bla>e? being hel> in the open po?ition bE a fu?ible lin@ an> ?tran>e> ?tainle?? ?teel ?trapB bla>e? ?hall be ma>e from ?tainle?? ?teel& 2la>e? ?hall overlap each other bE 1(mm an> ?hall clo?e again?t a (' F (' F . mm angle iron ?top fiFe> at all four ?i>e?& Damper? ?hall incorporate at lea?t one ?et of normallE open normallE clo?e> ?et of auFiliarE contact?B actuate> bE micro ?Citch for interloc@ing fan operation Cith the fire >amper& In the event of fireB the fire >amper ?hall clo?e a? Cell a? ?hut off the %ir Con>itioning unit automaticallE& %cce?? >oor? ?hall be provi>e> up?tream of each >amper for the te?ting an> replacing of fu?ible lin@? an> re?etting of >amper?& 3ire >amper? ?hall be of the fol>ing ?tainle?? ?teel bla>e tEpe /ounte> in a galvani?e> ?teel frame an> flame proof to 2SL0)-.L1451 Part? 1 an> ( an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment? Cith ?teel bla>e? po?itione> out?i>e the air ?tream in it? fol>e> <normal= po?ition& EFternal in>ication ?hall be provi>e> to in>icate fire >amper PopenN or Pclo?e>N& 3ire >amper? ?hall be tCo hour? fire re?i?tance in accor>ance Cith 2S05) HTire Te?t? on 2uil>ing /aterial? an> StructureM Part -& 145(B MTe?t /etho>? an> criteria for the fire re?i?tance of element? of buil>ing con?truction an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment? Each fire >amper? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a micro ?CitchB Chich ?hall ma@e Chen the >amper clo?e?& The micro ?Citche? ?hall rai?e alarm? on the CC/S& %ll fire >amper? ?hall be to the approval of relevant local 3ire %uthoritE& 0. . .'. FleBiCle >oint3 an1 Ai2 Inta=e3 an1 O?tlet3

3leFible Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> on the inlet an> outlet connection to each fan on >uct? cro??ing buil>ing eFpan?ion Ioint? an> el?eChere in the >uctCor@ if ?o in>icate> on the >raCing? or Chere nece??arE to meet the reGuirement? of the noi?e an> vibration control& 3leFible Ioint? ?hall con?i?t ofB or be protecte> bEB a material having a fire protection perio> of at lea?t 1' minute? Chen te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S& 05) M3ire Te?t? on 2uil>ing /aterial? an> Structure?H Part -L 145( MTe?t /etho>? an> Criteria for the 3ire $e?i?tance of Element? of 2uil>ing Con?tructionM an> ?ub?eGuent amen>ment?& The material ?hall be of gla?? fibre cloth tEpeD canva? Cill not be accepte>B an> the length of the Ioint? from metal to metal e>ge ?hall not be greater than ('"mm or le?? than 1""mm& In ca?e? Chere eFce??ive noi?e brea@out through fleFible connection? maE cau?e the noi?e >e?ign criteria to be eFcee>e>B a heavE >utE acou?tic material ?hall be u?e>& The >uctCor@ ?hall not impo?e anE loa> of the fleFible Ioint&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



3re?h air inta@e an> eFhau?t air louver? ?hall have fiFe> bla>e? angle> to give a>eGuate Ceather protection& *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> louver? ?hall be con?tructe> of aluminium Cith bla>e? not le?? than .mm thic@ brace> a? nece??arE to en?ure complete rigi>itE& +here louver? are reGuire> to be ?upplie> un>er thi? Contract theE ?hall be han>e> to the main Contractor for fiFing& % galvani?e> ?teel Cire ?creen of )mm me?h complete Cith a frame of galvani?e> ?teel ro> Cith ?ecuring lug? or of flat iron ?hall be provi>e> an> fiFe> bE the Contractor on the inner ?i>e of the louver?& 0. . .10. Non Metallic FleBiCle D?ct3

+here fleFible connection? are in>icate> or reGuire> betCeen rigi> >uctCor@ an> particular component? or item? of eGuipment the Internal >iameter of the fleFible connection ?hall be eGual to the eFternal >iameter of the >uctCor@ an> of the ?pigot to the item ?erve>L an> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie> or in>icate> on >raCing? ?hall not eFcee> ?iF >iameter? in lengthB Cith a maFimum of .'"" mm& The connection ?hall be non;metallic in accor>ance Cith H1C% Specification D+10( an> ?hall be con?tructe> of material rate> at not le?? than Cla?? 1B Cithout treatmentB Chen te?te> for flame ?prea> in accor>ance Cith 2S& 05)L Part .& 3leFible connection? ?hall be ?uitable for an operating temperature range of ; 1-!C to 1("!C& on;metallic fleFible connection? ?hall compri?e a liner an> cover or toughB tear re?i?tantB gla?? fibreB pla?tic proofe> fabric reinforce> Cith a bon>e> galvani?e> ?pring ?teel Cire heliF betCeen the liner an> cover an> an outer heliF of gla?? fibre cor> or eGual bon>e> to the cover& 0. . .11. Metallic FleBiCle Connection3

+here fleFible connection? are in>icate> or reGuire> betCeen rigi> >uctCor@ an> particular component? or item? of eGuipment the Internal >iameter of the fleFible connection ?hall be eGual o the eFternal >iameter of the >uctCor@ an> of the ?pigot to the item ?erve>L an> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie> or in>icate> on the >raCing? ?hall not eFcee> ?iF >iameter? in lengthB Cith a maFimum of .'"" mm& The connection ?hall be metallic in accor>ance Cith H1C% Specification D+ 10( an> ?hall be con?tructe> of material rate> at not le?? than Cla?? 1B Cithout treatmentB Chen te?te> for fume ?prea> in accor>ance Cith 2S 05)L Part .& 3leFible connection? ?hall be ?uitable for an operating temperature range of ; 1-! C to 1("! C& /etallic fleFible connection? ?hall compri?e a ?piral Coun> rigi> metal ?ectionB interloc@e> to give a ben>able >uct an> manufacture> from ?tainle?? ?teelB aluminiumB or aluminium coate> ?teel an> line> internallE an>Aor eFternallE Cith pla?tic materialB all a? ?pecifie> for the ?ection concerne>& Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. . .1 .

Acce33 Opening3

%cce?? opening? ?hall be provi>e> in the >uctCor@ at ?uitable po?ition? for the purpo?e of in?pection an> ?ervicing of the plant an> eGuipment& TheE ?hall be rigi>1E frame>D Cith airtight cover? >e?igne> for ea?E removal an> replacement& %n acce?? panel ?hall be provi>e> at each change of >irection for cleaning purpo?e?D an> a>Iacent to all volume control >amper?B i?olating >amper?B fire >amper? an> all temperature an> air floC >etection >evice? for maintenance an> replacement purpo?e?& %cce?? panel? ?hall al?o be provi>e> for in?pectionB maintenance an> lubrication of all fan?& SubIect to the re?triction? impo?e> bE >uct >imen?ion?B acce?? panel opening? ?houl> not be ?maller than .5' mm F ."" mm nor larger than 0'" mm F 0)" mm an> ?hall be provi>e>B Cith a (' mm F ) mm mil> ?teel flat Cel>e> frame <galvani?e> after manufacture= rivete> to the >uct Cith the in?i>e e>ge of the frame flu?h Cith the >uct opening& %cce?? panel? ?hall be of 1&( min thic@ galvani?e> ?heet ?teel Cith a (' mm F ) mm thic@ approve> ?ealing ga?@et fiFe> aroun> the e>ge Cith a ?uitable a>he?ive to form an air;tight ?eating again?t the >uct frame& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith a central han>le an> ?hall be ?ecure> Cith ) mm bra?? Cing nut? at not more than 1'" min centre?& %cce?? >oor? ?hall be provi>e> Cherever the acce?? opening i? reGuire> to permit full bo>ilE entrE of per?onnel or Chere reneCable eGuipment containe> Cithin the >uctCor@ ?E?tem cannot ea?ilE be Cith>raCn or replace> through the preferre> opening ?iKe? given for an acce?? panel& %cce?? >oor? ?hall be provi>e> for at lea?t the folloCing purpo?e?D maintenance an> cleaning of cooling coil?B heater batterie? & humi>ifier?B maintenance an> cleaning of enclo?e> fan?B maintenance an> reneCal of filter element? an> relate> item?& %cce?? >oor? for ?praE?B humi>ifier? an> cooling coil? ?hall incorporate a ) mm clear gla?? panel ("" mm Ci>e bE 0"" mm high mounte> in a frame Cith a Caterproof rubber ?eal& %cce?? >oor? ?hall be '"" mm Ci>e Cith a preferable maFimum height of 1.'" mm an> ?hall be con?tructe> from galvani?e> ?heet ?teel 1&) mm thic@ reinforce> bE turne> e>ge? to form a >oor an> to ?ecure a (' mm ?lab of aluminium face> gla?? fibre Cithin the >uct& The opening? in the >uct ?hall be reinforce> Cith a mil> ?teel channel frame <galvani?e> after manufacture= eGual to the thic@ne?? of the >oor an> rivete> to the >uct& The acce?? >oor ?hall be provi>e> Cith a ?uitable ?ealing ga?@etB bra?? hinge?B an> a clamping latch operate> bE han>le? from both ?i>e? of the >oor& +here >uct? are to be thermallE in?ulate>B the frame of acce?? >oor? or panel? ?hall be eFten>e> beEon> the face of the >uct u?ing a har>Coo> timber frame or other approve> mean? bE a mea?urement eGual to the fini?he> thic@ne?? of in?ulation an> arrange> ?o that the in?ulation can be >re??e> into the frame& The in?ulation fini?h an> anE vapour ?eal ?hall be carrie> over the timber frame an> ?eale>& %cce??

Hoehler & Partner LLC



cover? in ?uch application? ?hall be >i?he> to contain the reGuire> in?ulation thic@ne?? an> vapour ?eale> overall& %cce?? >oor? on in?ulate> >uctCor@ ?hall be of the >ouble ?@in in?ulate> tEpe& Han> hole? to permit Iointing to >uct ?ection? in aC@Car> ?ituation? maE be provi>e> but ?hall be @ept to a minimum an> ma>e a? ?mall a? po??ible& TheE ?hall be ren>ere> airtight Cith ?ealant an> ?ecurelE covere>& 0. . .1#. Te3t $ole3

Te?t hole? ?hall be provi>e> in agree Cith H1C% D+10( an> the CI2SE commi??ioning CODE P%N Chere nece??arE in main >uct? an> in all branch >uct? having the >iameter or larger >imen?ion greater than ."" mm& Te?t hole? ?hall be (' mm >iameter an> ?hall be provi>e> a? near a? po??ible to the Iunction of the branch& The te?t hole ?hall be locate> to give the maFimum length of ?traight unob?tructe> >uct on each ?i>e of the te?t hole? an> Chere ?ite con>ition? permit thi? maFimum length ?hall be no le?? than 1" time? the larger >imen?ion up?tream an> ' time? the larger >imen?ion >oCn?tream of the te?t hole?& Hinge> plug cap? ?hall be provi>e> an> all hole? ?hall be ?eale> at the completion of the Commi??ioning an> Te?ting& !2ille3 Grille? ?hall be of ?teel or aluminium a? in>icate>& Steel grille? ?hall be protecte> again?t ru?ting an> ?upplie> in fullE fini?he> con>ition& Grille? ?hall be not le?? than the ?iKe in>icate>D Chere no ?iKe i? given theE ?hall be capable of >ealing Cith the air floC an> >i?tribution a? in>icate>& %ll grille? eFcept tho?e on eFpo?e> >ucting ?hall incorporate an e>ge ?eal& The >raCing? ?hoC provi?ional location? but in each in?tance outlet? ?hall be in?talle> in accor>ance Cith architectural final >etail >raCing? an> reflecte> ceiling plan?& 1elocitie?B net airCaE? an> >i?tribution pattern? ?hall give ?ati?factorE air >i?tributionB an> be free of >raught?B ?tratification or noi?e nui?ance& The Contractor ?hall ma@e final a>Iu?tment? to air pattern? Chen balancing& Damper a??emblie? an> internal ?urface? of outlet? an> ta@e;off >uctCor@ Chere vi?ible through outlet face?B ?hall be painte> matt blac@& %ll outlet? ?hall be fitte> trulE ?Guare an> in alignment& Perimeter trim? ?hall ?eat har> again?t Call or ceiling fini?he? a? applicable an> ?hall properlE ma?@ the trimme> opening?& *nle?? otherCi?e approve>B all fiFing? ?hall be conceale>& Each ?upplE air grille ?hall be complete Cith an oppo?e> bla>e multi;leaf >amper& %lternativelEB in lieu of the oppo?e> bla>e multi;leaf >amper a rhomboi>al air controller maE be provi>e>D thi? air controller ?hall control both the volume of air pa??ing an> the >i?tribution of air acro?? the grille face& Each ?upplE air grille ?hall have tCo ?et? of ?eparatelE a>Iu?table louver? one ?et horiKontal an> one ?et verticalB all a>Iu?table from the front or the grille& 3or up to ten grille?B one ?et of anE Hoehler & Partner LLC



tool? reGuire> for a>Iu?ting the louver? an> >amper? or air controller? ?hall be provi>e>B from eleven to tCentE;four grille?B tCo ?et?D above tCentE;five grille?B three ?et?& $eturn air grille? maE have either a ?ingle ?et of louver? or bar? <either vertical or horiKontal= or a lattice or egg crate frontB a? in>icate> in the Sche>ule?& Each return air grille ?hall be complete Cith an oppo?e> bla>e multi;leaf >amper or a rhomboi>al air controller operable from the front& 3or ,itchen? an> Dining $oom? both ?upplE an> return air grille ?hall have Guic@; relea?e ?ub frame?& Diff?3e23 Diffu?er? ?hall be of ?teel or aluminium an> ?upplie> in a fullE fini?he> con>ition& Diffu?er?B eFcept on eFpo?e> >uctCor@B ?hall incorporate an e>ge ?ealD >iffu?er? mounte> on ceiling? ?hall have anti;?mu>ge ring?& Pan tEpe >iffu?er? maE be provi>e> eFcept Chere cone tEpe >iffu?er? are in>icate>B Circular >iffu?er? ?hall be provi>e> Cith volume control >amper? of the iri?B flap or ?leeve tEpe& $ectangular >iffu?er? ?hall be provi>e> Cith oppo?e> bla>e >amper?& Damper? ?hall be a>Iu?table from the front of the >iffu?er& +here the length of a vertical >uct to a >iffu?er i? le?? than tCice the >iameter of the >iffu?er an eGualiKing >eflector ?hall be fitte>& 3or ,itchen? an> Dining $oom? >iffu?er? ?hall have a Guic@;relea?e centre to facilitate ea?E cleaning& San1 T2ap "o?;e23 San> trap louver? ?hall be con?tructe> from aluminium ?heetB 1&'mm thic@ for bla>e? an> (&"mm thic@ for ca?ingB Cith mill fini?h& The ba?e member of the boF ?hall incorporate ?an> >rain hole?& The louver? ?hall be of the labErinth tEpe >e?igne> to achieve velocitE change? of the air pa??ing through it in>ucing the ?an> to >rop out& The louver ?hall incorporate a galvani?e> Cire me?h in?ect ?creen at the rear& Ai2 6al;e3 EFtract air valve? ?hall be of the ?iKe? in>icate> on the Sche>ule? an> be manufacture> from pre??e> ?teel ?heet Cith ?tove enamel fini?h& The valve ?hall be ?upplie> complete Cith a mounting ring of the baEonet fitting tEpeB an> ?creC a>Iu?tment Cith loc@nut for volume control& 0. . .17. Te3ting D?cting

%ll me>ium an> high pre??ure >uctCor@ ?E?tem? a? >efine> bE D+10( ?hall be te?te> for air lea@age&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



The Engineer re?erve? the right to reGuire up to ('O of the loC pre??ure >uctCor@ ?E?tem? of hi? ?election to be te?te> for air lea@age& Shoul> anE one of the loC pre??ure ?E?tem te?t? in>icate an air lea@age above the pre?cribe> limit the Engineer Cill call for all loC pre??ure ?E?tem? to be ?o te?te> an> no claim in re?pect of ?uch further te?t? Cill be alloCe>& The te?t proce>ure an> eGuipment ?hall be a? >efine> in H1C% ?pecification D+ 10( an> Gui>e D+10. an> ?hall be agree> in >etail before han> Cith the Engineer& If a fir?t te?t pro>uce? lea@age in eFce?? of the permitte> maFimumB the ?ection ?hall be re?eale> an> rete?te> until a ?ati?factorE re?ult i? achieve>& IfB at the time of Citne??ing the te?tB it i? apparentL thatL eFce??ive a>>itional ?ealing of ?eam? or Ioint? ha? been >one in or>er o meet the reGuire> lea@age levelB the ?ection of >uctCor@& 0. .#. 0. .#.1. T$ERMA" INS&"ATION Application

Sub?eGuent ?ection of the ?pecification >etailing particular engineering ?ervice? for the buil>ing? to thi? ?ection for the ?tan>ar>? for thermal in?ulation of pipe?B >uct? an> plant& 0. .#. . P2eli4ina2ie3

Thermal in?ulation Cor@ ?hall complE Cith all relevant ?tan>ar>?B an> ?hall be carrie> out bE ?@ille> ?peciali?t tra>e?men& Thermal in?ulation an> fini?he? ?hall be proof again?t rottingB moul> an> fungu? groCth an> attac@ bE vermin& 2efore in?ulation i? applie> pipe Cor@ an> >uctCor@ ?hall be cleanB free from ru?t an> erecte> in accor>ance Cith goo> practice Cith proper clearance to permit the application of in?ulation& %ll pipe? an> >uct? ?hall be in?ulate> in>epen>entlE an> no tCo ?hall be lagge> together& +herever po??ible the ?pace betCeen fini?he> ?urface? ?hall not be le?? than ('mm& %ll the reGuire> heat te?t?B pre??ure te?t?B an> air lea@age te?t? ?hall have been ?ati?factorilE carrie> out an> approve>B an> eFi?ting pipe Cor@ an> plant ?hall be ?uitablE protecte>B before in?ulation Cor@ maE commence& In or>er not to >elaE buil>ing operation? Chere pipe Cor@ or >uctCor@ Cill eventuallE be enca?e> or ma>e inacce??ible Cithin the buil>ing ?tructureB if nece??arEB ?ection? of the in?tallation ?hall be in?ulate> in>epen>entlE a? the Cor@ procee>?& S@ille> labour onlE ?hall be u?e> an> the material? an> Cor@man?hip ?hall be of the highe?t GualitE& 0. .#.#. Scope an1 Sche1?le of The24al In3?lation

%ll pipe Cor@ an> >uctCor@ conveEing flui>? at a temperature above or beloC the ?urroun>ing ambient >rE bulb temperature at either eFtremeB other than tho?e Chere the variation i? marginal ?hall be in?ulate>& Hoehler & Partner LLC



%ll pipe Cor@ an> >uctCor@ conveEing flui>? at a temperature Chich coul> be eGual to or le?? than the ?urroun>ing ambient Cet bulb temperature in it? eFtreme Cor?t ca?e ?hall be thermallE in?ulate> an> fini?he> Cith a vapour barrier& Thermal in?ulation ?hall be applie> to the ?E?tem? an> be of the tEpe ?et >oCn in the Sche>ule of Thermal In?ulation at the en> of thi? Section& Thermal in?ulation ?hall be applie> toB but not limite> toB the folloCing ?E?tem?L Con>en?ate >rain line? $efrigerant ?uction line? Dome?tic hot Cater circulation?& SupplE air >uctCor@ inclu>ing >uctCor@ conveEing air at eFternal con>ition? through air;con>itione> ?pace? ambient

$eturn an> eFtract air >uctCor@ other than >uctCor@ Chich >ue to the nature of the ?E?tem? can onlE un>er all circum?tance? conveE air at the ?ame temperature a? the ?urroun>ing ambient& %ir Han>ling *nit?B Heater 2atterie?B Cooling Coil?B 3ilter? etc& SC$ED&"E OF T$ERMA" INS&"ATION T$ICENESS T(PE OF OF INS&"ATION INS&"ATION .440





Con>en?ate %ll conceale> >rain? area?

%ll ?iKe? 1.

2lac@ fleFible clo?e> cell Canva? & ela?tomeric vapour ?eal material maF& Therm& Con>& "B".) %cce??orie? +Am!Ch /aF perm& inclu>e> "&10' ngmAnS 2lac@ fleFible clo?e> cell Canva? & ela?tomeric vapour ?eal material maF& Therm& Con>& "B".) %cce??orie? +Am!Ch /aF perm& inclu>e> "&10' ngmAnS one one

In plant room? Con>en?ate an> el?eChere %ll ?iKe? 1. >rain eFpo?e> to vieC

Col> +ater Conceale> in ?E?tem? con>itione> buil>ing? Col> Cater SE?tem?

%ll ?iKe?


In plant room? an> el?eChere %ll ?iKe? eFpo?e> to vieC




Hoehler & Partner LLC







C"ADDIN!: FINIS$ Painte> an> colour ban>e>

3ire ?E?tem?

EverEChere above groun>

%ir Conceale> in con>itioning con>itione> %ir >uct buil>ing?



on ab?orbent non Canva? & hEgro?copic vapour ?eal foil face> Phinolic foam ?lab? /in& Den&L.' ,gAm. /aF& Thermal con>uctivitE "&". +Am!Ch Ditto Canva?B vapour ?eal an> %luminium Iac@eting

%ir con>itioning EFpo?e> %ir >uct



Dome?tic Hot Cater Piping



1. to 14 mm

2lac@ fleFible clo?e> cell ela?tomeric Canva? an> material maF& aluminium Thermal ban>& Con>uctivitE "B".) +Am!Ch /aF perm& "&10' ngmAnS Canva?B vapour ?eal an> aluminium Iac@eting "&- "&) mm thic@

$efrigerant %ll ?uction line?

*p to 5) 14 mm mm %bove 5) mm (' mm


0. .#.7.

Application of In3?lation to Pipe <o2=

The in?ulating material for >ome?tic hot Cater floC an> return pipe Cor@B refrigerant ?uction line?B an> con>en?ate >rain? ?hall be a blac@ fleFible clo?e> cell ela?tomeric material Cith a maFimum thermal con>uctivitE of "&".) +Am! CB a maFimum Cater vapour permeabilitE of "& 10' ng mmA ?B an> having a 2S05) cla?? I Surface Sprea> of 3lame rating& The material ?hall be ?upplie> a? pre;forme> pipe ?ection?B in tubular or pre;?lit formB an> ?hall be applie> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? recommen>ation? u?ing a non;flammable a>he?ive& %ll eFpo?e> in?ulation ?hall be given tCo coat? of chloro;?ulphonate> polEethElene paint& %ll thermal in?ulation ?hall be applie> Chere ?pecifie> an> in accor>ance Cith the Sche>ule of In?ulation on a careful an> efficient manner to give a ?moothB homogenou? an> lineable ?urface an> to pre?ent a neat an> ?Emmetrical appearance& $igi> ?ection? ?hall be concentric an> accuratelE matche> for

Hoehler & Partner LLC



thic@ne??e?& Damage> en>? Cill not be accepte> an> anE irregular or ba>lE fini?he> ?urface? ?hall be ?trippe> an> re;lagge> to the ?ati?faction of the Engineer& %t ben>?B tee? etc& the ?ectional in?ulation ?hall be forme> into neat ?egment?& The ?ection? of in?ulation ?hall be carefullE butte> together to en?ure the ab?ence of gap? in the in?ulation an> to prevent voi>? forming betCeen the in?ulation an> the pipe Cor@& %ll in?ulation ?hall be fiFe> Cith a ?uitable a>he?ive applie> over the Chole of the ?urface to Chich the in?ulation i? to be applie>& %ll Ioint? ?hall be a>eGuatelE ?eale>& 3lange? an> valve? up to an> inclu>ing )' mm nominal bore on pipe Cor@ Chere vapour ?eal? are not ?pecifie> an> eFclu>ing heating pipe Cor@ ?hall not be in?ulate>& The in?ulation an> fini?h or cla>>ing ?hall be neatlE terminate> at the flange or valve& On heating pipe Cor@ an> all other pipe Cor@ ?pecifie> a? reGuiring in?ulation but not vapour ?ealing of -" mm nominal >iameter an> above aluminium or ?tainle?? ?teel removable valve an> flange boFe? ?hall be fitte> complete Cith in?ulating mattre?? an> foil lining& The in?ulation an> valve boF ?hall terminate at the top of the bonnet an> the hag? Cheel or valve ?pin>le ?hall protru>e through& On all ?iKe? of pipe Cor@ Chere a vapour ?eal an> in?ulation are ?pecifie>B the pipe applie> in?ulation ?hall terminate at a loa> bearing in?ulant of the ?ame tEpe a? ?pecifie> for pipe ?upport point? an> the vapour ?eal an> in?ulation fini?h ?hall be >re??e> >oCn to the bare pipe '" mm& either ?i>e of valve? or flange?& %n aluminium or ?tainle?? ?teel boF ?hall be fitte> over valve? an> flange?& The boF ?hall inclu>e a? an integral partB ?leeve? of the ?ame material a? the boF Chich ?hall overlap the vapour ?eale> loa> bearing in?ulant on the a>Ioining pipe Cor@ on each ?i>e an> fit clo?elE about it& The ?pace betCeen the ?leeve an> the overlappe> in?ulation an> it? fini?h ?hall be fille> Cith an approve> ?ealant& The ?leeve> valveAflange boF ?hall be line> Cith aluminium foil& The Chole ?pace betCeen the un in?ulate> pipeB valveAflange ?hall then be fille> Cith a clo?e> cell polEmer inIecte> foam in?ulant ?uitable for a temperature range of ;("HC to T 1 1"!C B The foame> in?ulation ?hall terminate at the top of the valve bonnet an> anE ?urplu? foam ?hall be Cipe> clean& Care ?hall be ta@en to en?ure that the inIecte> foam >oe? not impe>e the valve operation& 1alve ?pin>le?B han> Cheel? an> the li@e ?hall be containe> in a removable ?ection of the valve boF permitting acce?? to han> Cheel?& The han> Cheel? an> ?pin>le? ?hall be Crappe> Cith an a>he?ive clo?e> cell in?ulating tape a? a primarE precaution& % loo?e mattre?? of in?ulation ?hall then be in?erte> in the cavitE betCeen the removable valve boF ?ection an> han> CheelA?pin>le an> a vapour barrier of aluminium foil ?hall be applie> over the loo?e in?ulation mattre??& Over?iKe> pipe ?upport? ?hall be u?e> on pipe? Chere a vapour ?eal i? ?pecifie>& %t ?upport point? the ?pecifie> pipe in?ulant ?hall be replace> bE a loa> bearing in?ulant of incompre??ible har>Coo> or other approve> material& The in?ulation ?hall be containe> Cith a loa> bearing ?leeve of gla?? reinforce> pla?tic or other approve> material Chich ?hall al?o act a? the vapour barrier& The ?leeve ?hall eFten> beEon> either en> of the loa> bearing in?ulation an> be arrange> to go over the a>Ioining pipe in?ulant an> it? vapour ?eal& The ?pace betCeen the vapour ?eal an> the Hoehler & Partner LLC



?leeve ?hall be completelE fille> Cith a ?uitable ma?tic compoun> to maintain the integritE of the vapour barrier& The loa> bearing in?ulant ?hall be of the ?ame overall out?i>e >iameter a? the a>Ioining pipe in?ulation an> vapour ?eaU an> of a length ?uitable to ?upport the pipe at anE po?ition that it maE ta@e up relative to it? ?upport un>er thermal or other movement an> in anE ca?e not le?? than tCice the Ci>th of the ?upport& +here loC frictional ?upport point? are reGuire>B PT3E pa>? ?hall be u?e>& The metho> of in?ulating an> vapour ?ealing pipe Cor@ at anchor point? ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& Particular attention ?hall be pai> to ?ealing all ?uch point? again?t Cater vapour ingre??& +here pla?tic pipe in?ulation foame> i? ?pecifie> it ?hall generallE be of the ?lit tEpe& %ll Ioint? ?hall be clo?e> an> ?eale> Cith a>he?ive a? recommen>e> bE the manufacturer of the in?ulation after it? application an> the butt Ioint ?hall receive a final ?eal of pre??ure ?en?itive ?elf a>he?ive tape& In?ulation of fitting? ?hall be forme> bE mitre cut ?traight ?ection?& 1alve? on foame> pla?tic in?ulate> pipe Cor@ ?hall be in?ulate> Cith ?elf a>he?ive in?ulation tape Cith ?imilar characteri?tic? to the foame> pla?tic in?ulation& The tape ?hall be '" mm Ci>e bE . mm thic@ an> ?hall be built up to a thic@ne?? eGual to that for the a>Ioining pipe Cor@& %t pipe ?upport? loa>ing bearing non;compre??ible in?ulation ?ection? of the ?ame appearance a? the a>Ioining in?ulation ?hall be provi>e>& 0. .#.*. ApplicationDof In3?lation to D?ct<o2=

The in?ulation material ?hall be non ab?orbentB non hEgro?copic foil face> Phinolic foam ?lab? having a minimum >en?itE of .' ,gAm. an> a maFimum thermal con>uctivitE of "B". +Am! C& DuctCor@ ?hall be in?ulate> in accor>ance Cith the ?che>ule of Thermal In?ulation& The in?ulation ?hall be of rigi> ?lab tEpe cut to fit ?uch that top an> bottom piece? overlap the ?i>e?& The in?ulation ?hall be bon>e> to the >uctCor@ Cith an approve> a>he?ive applie> in 1'" mm Ci>e bon>? at no greater than ."" mm interval?& The fiFing of ?i>e an> un>er?i>e in?ulation ?ection? ?hall be reinforce> bE mean? of ?pot Cel>e> nail? ?ecure> Cith ?pring loa>e> Ca?her? at appropriate interval?& %ll >uctCor@ in?ulation eFpo?e> to vieC in plant room?B ?ervice tunnel?B ri?er?B an> li@e area? ?hall have it? comer? reinforce> bE ?tiff car>boar> angle? fiFe> firmlE to the in?ulation bE a>he?ive& The in?ulation ?hall then be covere> bE gla?? ?il@ ?crim cloth treate> again?t fungal attac@ an> ?ecurelE fiFe> bE mean? of a ?uitable a>he?ive& 3leFible connection? ?hall not normallE be in?ulate>& +here te?t hole? are provi>e> the in?ulation ?hall be bevelle> to form a neat acce?? hole 5' mm in >iameter aroun> the te?t hole& %cce?? >oor? in in?ulate> >uct? ?hall be of the >ouble ?@in in?ulate tEpe& +here a vapour ?eal ha? been ?pecifie> for the in?ulation the vapour ?eal ?hall be continue> aroun> the termination of the in?ulation in or>er to pre?erve the integritE Hoehler & Partner LLC



of the vapour ?eal& 3urthermoreB the >uctCor@ ?upport? ?hall not be connecte> to the >uctCor@ ?tiffening or flange? but ?hall incorporate an in?ulator to Chich the in?ulation an> vapour barrier ?hall maintain the continuitE of the vapour barrier& The ?upporting in?ulator ?hall be incompre??ible an> con?i?t of har>Coo>B rot proof ?oftCoo> or other approve> material& 2eloC groun> buil>er? Cor@ >uct? ?hall be in?ulate> eFternallE bE mean? of an approve> clo?e> cell impermeable polEmer in?ulant applie> in the form of ?lab?& %ll Ioint? are ?eale> Cith '" mm Ci>e ?elf a>he?ive aluminium foil tape& +here fleFible >uct Cor@ i? u?e> for final connection? to grille?B etcB pre in?ulate> fleFible >uctCor@ ?hall be u?e>& 0. .#.6. Te3t3 fo2 The24al In3?lation

Thermal in?ulation Chen >elivere> to ?ite an> Chere appropriate in?talle> maE be ?ubIecte> to the folloCing te?t?L; <a= Thic@ne?? ; <%? >elivere> an> a? in?talle>= <b= *niformitE of thic@ne?? <c= 2ul@ >en?itE <>= Thermal con>uctivitE %? lai> >oCn in 2S 1'--B 2S -50L 145.B an> 2S (45(L 14)4& /aterial? Chich >o not conform to the relevant 2riti?h Stan>ar>? Cill be reIecte>& o in?ulation ?hall varE from the ?pecifie> thic@ne?? bE more than 1"O& To verifE that the correct thic@ne?? ha? been in?talle> the Contractor ?hall cut out up to ' ?ection? of each tEpe an> thic@ne?? of in?ulation ?pecifie> on each ?ervice a? >irecte> bE the Engineer& The Contractor ?hall alloC for the co?t of cutting out an> ma@ing goo> in hi? ten>er& Shoul> ?uch cutting out ?hoCn that the in?ulation i? in anECaE ina>eGuate further te?t ?ection? ?hall be cut out a? >irecte> bE the Engineer& In the event of thi? in?ulation being ina>eGuate or unacceptable to the Engineer the Chole of the in?ulation or ?uch part? a? the Engineer ?hall i>entifE ?hall be cut out an> all ?uch ?ection? re;in?ulate> to hi? approval& 0. .#.+. 6apo?2 ,a22ie23

+here ?pecifie>B vapour barrier? ?hall be applie> to thermal in?ulation to prevent con>en?ation occurrence on col> ?urface?& 1apour barrier? ?hall be continuou? in all re?pect? an> ?hall have a permanence not eFcee>ing '- ngAm ? at anE point along it? length& The Chole of the in?ulation on pipe Cor@ an> >uctCor@ reGuiring vapour barrier? ?hall be covere> Cith tCo continuou? uniform bru?h applie> coating of a P1% vapour barrier ?olution& % )oK gla?? ?il@ ?crim cloth ?hall be embe>>e> an> a>here> in the fir?t coating an> then the coating? an> ?hall be ?moothe> to give an unCrin@le> fini?h& Hoehler & Partner LLC


2efore applicationB the cloth ?hall be treate> Cith an approve> fungici>eB to prevent moul> groCth& The cloth ?hall have a '" mm overlap& %fter a (0 hour perio> tCo further coat? of a vinEl vapour barrier Cith a Cater vapour tran?mi??ion of "&"0 perm? at >rE film thic@ne?? ?hall be applie> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturerH? recommen>ation?& The vapour barrier ?hall be continue> aroun> en> termination of in?ulation inclu>ing Chere the normal in?ulant terminate? at valve an> flange boFe?B pipe an> >uct ?upport? an> the li@e to pre?erve the integritE of the barrier an> to provi>e ?ectional barrier? to prevent anE con>en?ation that maE for anE rea?on form in a ?ection of in?ulation from ?prea>ing un>ulE& *n>er circum?tance? Chere a bru?h applie> vapour barrier maE but rea>ilE be applie> in ?itu the Contractor ?hall alloC for fabricatingB in?ulating an> ?ealing the ?ection of pipe or >uctCor@ involve> before fiFing in po?ition& The vapour ?eal ?hall be continue> over flange?L bin> at anE point Chere the vapour ?eal Cill be interrupte> bE ?uch a? thermo?tat? an approve> ?ealant material ?hall be applie> to provi>e a fla?hing aroun> the proIection through the in?ulation& Thi? al?o applie? to valve? an> the fla?hing ?hall be provi>e> at the top of the valve bonnet& %ll ?ealant? an> vapour barrier? ?hall have a 2S 05) cla?? I ?urface ?prea> of flame rating& %ll >etail? of the propo?e> in?ulationB a>he?iveB coating?B ?ealant?B etc ?hall be forCar>e> to the Engineer for approval& 0. .#.). Painting of In3?lation

In?ulation in plant room?B ?ervice tunnel?B ?ervice ri?er? an> el?eChere eFpo?e> to vieC ?hall be painte> eFcept Chere a cla>>ing fini?h ha? been ?pecifie>& Painting ?hall compri?e an un>ercoat an> not le?? than tCo fini?hing coat?& %b?orbent ?urface? ?hall al?o receive an initial coat of priming paint& %ll paint? ?hall be compatible Cith the ?urface? to Chich theE are applie>& The Contractor ?hall alloC for provi>ing >ifferent coloure> paint fini?he? for each ?E?tem a? maE be >irecte> bE the Engineer ?electe> from the range containe> in 2S 0-""& 0. .#.'. I1entification of Pipe <o2= an1 D?ct<o2=

%ll pipe? Chether in?ulate> or not ?hall be i>entifie> bE co>e in>ication colour ban>? in accor>ance Cith 2S 151"L 14-"B I>entification of pipeline? an> ?ervice?& Colour ban>? ?hall not be provi>e> on pipe?B Chich are to be painte> to match internal >ecoration?& DuctCor@ ?hall be i>entifie> bE co>e in>ication colour ban>? in accor>ance Cith H1C% Specification D+ 10(&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



In a>>ition to the i>entification ban> co>ing all ?ervice? ?hall be legiblE an> neatlE mar@e> Cith blac@ letter? Chere a light bac@groun> i? u?e> an> Chite letter? Chere a >ar@ bac@groun> i? u?e> an> appropriatelE coloure> triangle? to in>icate the >irection of floC a? folloC?L 3re?h %ir&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&3% $eturn %ir&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$% EFhau?t %ir&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&E% SupplE %ir&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&S% Potable +ater Service&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&P+S Col> +ater Service&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C+S Hot +ater Service&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&H+S 3ire +ater Service&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&3+S Irrigation +ater Service&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&I+S Con>en?ate >rainage&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&CD 0. .#.10. Al?4ini?4 Cla11ing

%luminium protective cla>>ing ?hall be >one on all eFpo?e> pipe in plant room an> eFpo?e> pipe to atmo?phere forme> from "&- mm thic@ aluminium ?heet Cith overlap 7oint ?ecure> Cith pop rivet?& Care ?hall be ta@en to en?ure that no >amage to the in?ulation ?urface or it? outer fini?he? occur in thi? proce??& +here pipe Cor@ i? locate> in a particularitE vulnerable po?ition or ?o a? to ob?truct normal man acce?? ?uch that it maE be climbe> 1&" mm ?tainle?? ?teel cla>>ing ?hall be provi>e> in lieu of the ?pecifie> aluminium for that entire ?ection& +here flange?B valve?B union?B etc& have to be in?ulate> the cla>>ing ?hall ta@e the form of >emountable ca?ing? fabricate> from "&- mm aluminium ?heeting& 0. .#.11. -eathe2p2oof Cla11ing

+eatherproof cla>>ing for in?ulation ?ituate> eFternallE ?ubIect to Ceather or >amp con>ition? ?hall be applie> a? ?et >oCn in the Sche>ule of Thermal In?ulation& +here Ceatherproof cla>>ing i? calle> up for >uctCor@ ?E?tem?B the >uctCor@ ?hall be in?ulate> a? >e?cribe> for an eFpo?e> to vieC ?ituation& The >uctCor@ in?ulation together Cith anE ?uper coating ?pecifie> ?uch a? a vapour barrier ?hall then be enclo?e> in a covering of polEi?obutElene ?heet 3iFe> firmlE Cith a>he?ive an> ?olvent Cel>e> to form complete ?eal? an> to en?ure a uniformlE imperviou? ?eal aroun> the in?ulation& The polEi?obutElene covering ?hall be containe> Cithin an aluminium cla>>ing Iac@et a? ?pecifie> above Cith fol>e> comer? an> hel> in place bE mean? of rivet? an> ?eale> at all Ioint? Cith a non ?etting ?ealing compoun>& The upper face of EFternal SGuare an> rectangular ?ection >uctCor@ ?hall have it? in?ulation built up above the ?pecifie> thic@ne?? to give a fall of not le?? than 1L(" on all horiKontal ?urface?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .7. 0. .7.1.


Sub?eGuent ?ection? of the ?pecification >etailing particular engineering ?ervice? buil>ing? refer to thi? ?ection for the ?tan>ar> of noi?e an> vibration control& 0. .7. . De3ign

The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for all >e?ign an> ?election of plant an> eGuipment to meet the noi?e >e?ign criteria ?pecifie> an> to limit vibration level? to the MImperceptibleM Kone on the $eiher;/ei?ter Scale in occupie> area? other than plant room? an> everEChere beloC a level that coul> conceivablE cau?e >amage to ?tructure? or ?ervice?& The Engineer can ?top anE paEment if te?ting prove? that the ?pecifie> value? Cere ?urpa??e>& The Contractor ?hall ta@e >ue note of the form of con?truction ?pecifie> for each tEpe of buil>ing an> room enclo?ureB >oor?B Cin>oC? etc& an> verifE that theE are ?ati?factorE to achieve the ?oun> re>uction value? nece??arE to meet the noi?e >e?ign criteria& +here ina>eGuacie? occur the Contractor ?hall be >eeme> to have inclu>e> for all mea?ure? nece??arE to overcome ?uch ina>eGuacie? inclu>ing the provi?ion of ?oun> proofe> enclo?ure? aroun> the primarE noi?e ?ource<?=B application of further acou?tic in?ulation to the ca?ing? of noi?e generating eGuipmentB enhance> vibration i?olation an> the li@e& The Contractor ?hall ta@e >ue note of each room characteri?tic in re?pect of ?oun> ab?orptionB volumeB >irectivitE of ?ource etc& in calculatingB an> ?electing ?oun> re>uction eGuipment& The Contractor ?hall ta@e ?imilar note of all circum?tance? that affect noi?e ra>iate> to the eFterior& %ll ?oun> an> vibration control calculation? an> ?election? ?hall be ba?e> on the a??ociate> ?E?tem operating in it? normal Cor?t ca?e >utE mo>e& In the ca?e of variable ?pee> eGuipment ?uch a? fan coil?B the ?pee> at Chich the item? perform it? ?pecifie> >utE ?hall be u?e>& 0. .7.#. Ai2 $an1ling an1 D?ct<o2= S53te43 D Ai2Co2ne Regene2ate1 an1 ,2ea=o?t Noi3e

The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for ?electing ?oun> attenuator? ?uitablE matche> their a??ociate> fan or other noi?e ?ource to provi>e ?ufficient >Enamic in?ertion lo?? to meet the noi?e >e?ign criteria& Soun> attenuator? ?hall be provi>e> Chere ?hoCn on the >raCing? or otherCi?e nece??arE to prevent tran?mi??ion of fan or plant noi?e an> brea@;in noi?e&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Cro??;tal@ attenuator? ?hall be provi>e> a? in>icate> or reGuire> on >uctCor@ pa??ing through full height permanent partition? to prevent the pa??age of ?peech betCeen private area? an> a>Iacent room? The Contractor ?hall in the ?election of grille?B >iffu?er?B >amper?B >uctCor@ fitting? an> the li@eB ta@e particular care to en?ure that regenerate> turbulent noi?e >oe? not eFcee> the ?pecifie> level?& +here a >uct or ?ection of >uctCor@ i? liable to eFce??ive noi?e brea@;in on it? attenuate> ?i>e or eFce??ive noi?e brea@out prior to it? attenuation an> ?o forth the Contractor ?hall increa?e the ?oun> re>uction in>eF of the >uct Call to a ?uitable value either bE increa?ing the >uct Call thic@ne?? or bE the application of ?oun> fin@ing in?ulation& The Contractor ?hall alloC for lining all >uct? inclu>ing buil>er? Cor@ >uct? Chere nece??arE to provi>e a>>itional attenuation or to prevent the formation of ?tan>ingB Cave? an> the li@e& 0. .7.7. Atten?ato23

%ttenuator? ?hall be enca?e> in galvani?e> mil> ?teel of at lea?t the ?ame gauge a? the a>Ioining >uctCor@ an> otherCi?e a? nece??arE to ?uit their purpo?e& TheE ?hall be provi>e> Cith mating flange?B Chich ?hall be rivete> to the >uctCor@ at interval? not eFcee>ing )" mm centre?& The >uct en>? ?hall be ?Cage> into the IointB Chich ?hall be ?eale> Cith a ?uitable ga?@et or ?ealant& 3lange? ?hall be bolte> together at not more than 1'" mm interval?& %ttenuator ?plitter? ?hall be of ?uitable vermin;proofB rot;proof an> non;combu?tible <Chen te?te> to 2S 05) Part 0L 145"= material containe> behin> a ?crim or liner to prevent airborne fibre entrainment& %ttenuator? ?hall be ?uitablE provi>e> on in?truction of engineer even after completion at Iob to get the >e?ire> >2 level& 0. .7.*. Aco?3tic D?ct "ining

%cou?tic lining of >uctCor@ inclu>ing buil>er? Cor@ >uct? an> plenum? ?hall be applie> Chere nece??arE to achieve the reGuire> acou?tic performance& %cou?tic lining ?hall be vermin proofB rot proof an> non;combu?tible Chen te?te> to 2S 05) Part 0L 145" an> ?hall be fiFe> to >uctCor@ in an approve> manner& It ?hall be containe> behin> a ?uitable ?crim or liner to prevent airborne fibre entrainment& 0. .7.6. Acce33 Doo23 an1 Opening into D?ct<o2=

+here noi?e brea@out fromB or brea@ in toB >uctCor@B plenum? an> buil>er? Cor@ >uct? through normal <or a? generallE ?pecifie>= acce?? >oor?B acce?? panel? etc& Coul> cau?e noi?e >e?ign criteria to be eFcee>e> the Contractor ?hall provi>e >oor? an> panel? of ?uitable tEpe an> eGuippe> Cith ?uitable ?eal? a? nece??arE to provi>e a>eGuate in?ulation& Hoehler & Partner LLC



The Contractor ?hall be >eeme> to have inclu>e> for provi?ion of more ?ub?tantial acou?tic acce?? >oor? panel? etc& than tho?e ?pecifie> in all in?tance? Chere the normal ?pecifie> item? Coul> permit noi?e brea@out or brea@;in that Coul> cau?e noi?e >e?ign criteria to be eFcee>e>& 0. .7.+. Integ2it5 of So?n1 ,a22ie23

The Contractor ?hall ta@e all mea?ure? nece??arE to maintain the acou?tic in?ulation integritE of partition?B floor?B Call?B ceiling? etc& to prevent noi?e tran?mi??ion? that Coul> eFcee> the noi?e >e?ign criteria& He ?hall Cherever nece??arE improve the acou?tic ?pecification of >oor?B Cin>oC? partition?B fini?he?B ?eal? etc& to provi>e the nece??arE overall ?oun> re>uction in>ice?& Special care ?hall be ta@en Cith 3an Coil *nit? an> plenum?& %cou?tic ?eal? ?hall be provi>e> Chere pipe? an> cut? pa?? through Call?B floor?B partition?B ceiling? etc& inclu>ing Chere acou?tic louver? are fitte>& %cou?tic ?eal? ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer an> ?hall be ma>e or applie> ?uch a? to cau?e no >amage to pipe?B >uct?B anE in?ulation containe> thereon an> the li@e& In in?tance? Chere acou?tic ?eal? con?train vibrating >uctCor@ or pipe Cor@ ?uch a? to cau?e ?uch vibration to be tran?mitte> to the ?tructure the Contractor ?hall ma@e ?uitable provi?ion to i?olate ?uch vibration?& 0. .7.). 6iC2ation Cont2ol an1 Anti 6iC2ation Mo?nting3

The Contractor ?hall provi>e all mean? nece??arE to i?olate all vibrating plantB eGuipmentB a??ociate> ?E?tem component? an> the li@e to the minimum ?tan>ar>? ?et >oCn in the Sche>ule of i?olation Efficiencie? or a? otherCi?e nece??arE& The Contractor ?hall alloC for the >e?ignB ?election an> provi?ion ofB nece??arE <an> regar>le?? of Chether in>icate> on the >raCing? or not=L %nti 1ibration mounting?B floating floor?B plinth?B inertia bloc@?B etc& 3leFible pipe an> >uctCor@ connection? an> coupling? ?pring mounte> pipe an> >uct hanger? an> ?upport?& DuctCor@ ?tiffener? an> bracingB +ater hammer ?hoc@ arre?ter? an> all ?uch item? a? maE be nece??arE& The Contractor ?hall ta@e >ue regar> in hi? ?election of all relate> factor? li@elE to affect the performance of hi? propo?e> anti vibration item? inclu>ing the behaviour of the ?upporting ?tructure un>er the appropriate forcing freGuencEB the compoun> effect of ?erie? couple> anti vibration mount?B near ?Enchronou? beat freGuencie?B harmonic affect? an> the li@eB ANTID6I,RATION MO&NTIN!S Cage1 Sp2ing Mo?nt3 Each mounting ?hall con?i?t of ca?t tele?copic top an> bottom hou?ing? containing one or more helical ?teel ?pring?B of '"mm minimum >iameterB a? the principal Hoehler & Partner LLC



i?olation element?& The mounting? ?hall incorporate a built;in levelling >eviceB an> re?ilient in?ert? a? gui>e? for the upper an> loCer hou?ing?& The bottom plate ?hall be fitte> Cith a )mm thic@ neoprene pa> bon>e> to it to re>uce high freGuencE flan@ing& +hen in u?e Cith eGuipment having a flui> Ceight in eFce?? of ('O of the total emptE eGuipment Ceight ?uitable hol>;>oCn or re?training >evice ?hall be incorporate>& %ll ?pring mount? ?hall be >e?igne> ?uch that the lateral ?pring ?tiffne?? i? eGual to the vertical ?tiffne??& The ?tatic >eflection ?hall be cho?en to ?uit the vibration freGuencE& The mounting? ?hall al?o be ?electe> for all item? of plant Cith ?tiffne?? to cater for anE eccentric Ceight >i?tribution over the unit ba?e& %n eGual ?tatic >eflection ?hall be provi>e> on all mount?B to avoi> the po??ibilitE of flan@ing cau?e> bE the plant titling an> ren>ering one or more of the mount? M?oli>M& R?CCe2 Matt2e33 +here rubber mattre??e? are in>icate> theE ?hall be of the ?tu>>e> rubber carpet tEpe loa>e> to (0 @gAm( u?ing an in;?itu or pre;ca?t concrete cover the ?lab& Re3ilient $ange23 %ll re?ilient hanger? ?hall be of the tCo element >e?ignB Cith helical ?pring an> neoprene;?hear element? mounte> in a ?teel cage pre;>rille> an> tappe> at top an> bottom to receive threa>e> hanger ro>?& R?CCe2 o2 Neop2ene Mo?nt3 The mounting? ?hall con?i?t of a ?teel top plate an> ba?e plate completelE embe>>e> in colour co>e> neoprene for ea?E i>entification of rate> loa> capacitE& The mounting? ?hall be moul>e> Cith non;?@i> ribbe> con?truction on the top plate an> ba?e plate to eliminate the nee> for bolting& %ll mounting?B hoCeverB ?hall be eGuippe> Cith bolt hole? in the ba?e plate an> tappe> hole? in the top plate ?o that theE maE be bolte> to the floor an> eGuipment Chere reGuire>& Plant ,a3e3 AntiD6iC2ation Rail3 ; %n %&1& rail ?hall compri?e a ?teel beam Cith height ?aving brac@et? at each en>& The ?teel ?ection? mu?t be ?ufficientlE rigi> to prevent un>ue ?train in the eGuipment& Steel Plant ,a3e3 ; Steel plant ba?e? ?hall compri?e an all;Cel>e> ?teel frameCor@ of ?ufficient rigi>itE lo provi>e a>eGuate ?upport for the eGuipment& The frame >epth ?hall be approFimatelE 1A1" of the longe?t >imen?ion of the eGuipment Cith a minimum of 1'"mm thi? form of ba?e maE be u?e> a? a compo?ite %&1& rail ?E?tem& Conc2ete Ine2tia ,a3e ; The?e ?hall con?i?t of an all;Cel>e> ?teel frameCor@ Cith height ?aving brac@et?B an> a frame >epth of approFimatelE 1A 1( of the longe?t >imen?ion of the eGuipmentB Cith a minimum >epth of 1'"mm& The bottom of the frame ?hall be blan@e> offB an> concrete <(."" @gAm.= poure> in over ?teel Hoehler & Partner LLC



reinforcing ro>? po?itione> .'mm above the bottom& The total Ceight of the ba?e ?hall be at lea?t 1&' time? the eGuipment total Ceight& Pouring form? for ?plit ca?e pump? ?hall be eFten>e> in Ci>th to alloC for provi?ion of ?upport? for ?uction an> >i?charge elboC?& Floating Floo2 The 3loating 3loor ?E?tem ?hall compri?e of CElin>rical eoprene mounting? Cith verE loC atural 3reGuencie?B approFimatelE 1"HK& The mount? ma>e of anE other material are not acceptable& The?e mount? are arrange> in a gri> fa?hion on a ?mooth ?ub floor Cith centre to centre >i?tance betCeen the mount? being approFimatelE )1"mm or a? recommen>e> bE the manufacturer& 1-mm thic@ Perimeter I?olation boar>? commonlE calle> a? fleFell ?heet? of the >e?ire> height are in?talle> <glue>= along the perimeter area an> all the up ?tan>?& GalvaniKe> hat channel? of approFimate >imen?ion 4"mm F ."mm <."mm ?hall be the >imen?ion of the leg= eFclu>ing the tolerance i? lai> on top of the eoprene mount? in ?uch a fa?hion that the hat cavitE ?it? flu?h on top of the mount?& The hat channel? are lai> in a linear fa?hion from one en> of the plant room to the other en>& Steel >ec@ing of Profile 0'A1'" an> thic@ne?? "&5mm cut to ?uitable length? i? lai> on top of the hat channel? ma@ing ?ure that the flute? run perpen>icular to the line of hat channel?& % minimum overlap of 1'"mm ?houl> be provi>e> Chere the ?heet? run over the other& Thi? i? in or>er to prevent Cater an> concrete lea@age to a>Iacent or beloC area?& The metal >ec@ i? ?creCe> on the channel at freGuent >i?tance? Cith )&.mm >iameter SS ?creC?& %? a further precaution the ?creCe> portion? are covere> Cith ma?@ing tape to en?ure a lea@ tight Ioint& Thi? proce>ure i? continue> ?tarting from one en> an> fini?hing at the other en>& %t thi? point . ?i>e? of the area Cill have the >ec@ing ?heet in place at the perimeter& %t the 0th an> the final ?i>eB metal >ec@ ha? to be lai> in ?uch a manner a? to create an incline at the perimeter& % ?nug fit at the perimeter can achieve thi?& Steel reinforcement i? then lai> out in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? ?pecification an> the floor i? poure> monolithicallE& %fter the concrete ha? har>ene> all perimeter e>ge? are caul@e>& ACO&STIC "O&6RES %ll acou?tic louver? ?hall be >e?igne> to re>uce the airborne plant noi?e >oCn to minimum ambient level? Cith an air velocitE not eFcee>ing . mA?& Tic louver acrofoi1? ?hall be con?tructe> of (( S+G minimum galvaniKe> mil> ?teel <perforate>= an> pac@e> Cith a fibre acou?tic me>ium a? ?pecifie> for ?ilencer?& The complete unit ?hall be ?upplie> complete Cith a galvaniKe> me?h bir> ?creen an> nece??arE fiFing hole? an> lug? for location Cithin a buil>er? Cor@ frame& F"EXI,"E CONNECTIONS %ll item? of plant containing rotating component?B ?uch a? pump?B %H*B fan? an> refrigeration eGuipment ?hall be connecte> bE mean? of armoure> tEpe fleFible

Hoehler & Partner LLC



connection?B Chich ?hall be ?uitable for at lea?t tCice the Cor@ing pre??ure of the ?E?tem to Chich theE are in?talle>& Pipe Cor@ ?hall be firmlE anchore> on the ?E?tem? ?i>e of fleFible connection?& 0. .*. 0. .*.1. CONTRO"S Panel3G Sta2te23G Cont2ol3 an1 -i2ing

%ll electrical eGuipment an> a??ociate> control? ?hall be containe> Cithin purpo?e ma>e Call or floor mounting cubicle panel? Cith hinge> loc@able >oor?& Mechanical Con3t2?ction The panel? ?hall be complete Cith cable entrie? an> inter;loc@e> i?olator?& Separate ?ection? Cithin the main panel ?hall be provi>e> to ?egregate ?tarter eGuipment from control eGuipment& Each ?ection ?hall be complete Cith it? oCn acce?? >oorB Chich ?hall be @ept in a loc@e> po?itionB an> ?hall be ?eparate> bE a vertical ?heet barrier& In>icating lamp? ?hall be provi>e> to >enote normal an> alarm con>ition? for all item? of plant an> eGuipment& %ll in>icating lamp?B in?trument? an> control? ?hall be of the ?ame manufacture an> ?tEle to provi>e uniformitE of appearance an> to facilitate maintenance& EFternallE vi?ible eGuipment ?hall be flu?h mounte>B Cith minimum protectionB an> fiFe> ?ecurelE to the front panel or other member?& Internal eGuipment ?hall be ?ecure> to purpo?e ma>e rai1? or mounting bar?& %ll fiFing? ?hall incorporate ?ha@e proof Ca?her? or other vibration re?i?tant fa?tening?& In>icator lamp? ?hall be un>er;run an> ?hall be ?upplie> from a loC voltage output tran?former complEing Cith 2S .'.' or eGual ?tan>ar> or ?hall incorporate in>ivi>ual ?tep >oCn tran?former? having a loC voltage output& Gla??e? of not le?? than ('mm& >iameter ?hall be fitte>& +here gla??e? are not imme>iatelE a>Iacent to their a??ociate> ?Citche? theE ?hall be clearlE labelle>& %ll panel? ?hall be in the form of cubicle? Chich ?hall be >rip;proofB Cith uniform >imen?ion? an> matching appearance& EGuipment rac@? an> panel? ?hall be fabricate> ?teel con?tructionB 1&(nun minimum thic@ne??B an> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>B both front an> rear acce?? ?hall be provi>e> to all rac@? an> eGuipment in panel?& The loCe?t mounte> rac@ ?hall be "&. m above floor level& The highe?t mounte> rac@ ?hall not be above 1&- m from the floor& The panel height ?hall not eFcee> ( m& Detail? of all manufacture> panel? ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for approval& It ?hall be po??ible to laE removable unit?B inclu>ing portable eGuipmentB on anE of their face? Cithout cau?ing >amage to anE component? Chere nece??arE mechanical guar>? ?hall be fitte>& Hinge> >oor? ?hall be provi>e> an> arrange> to laE flat bac@ an> not re?trict acce?? to the apparatu? containe> Cithin the panel& Hinge> >oor? ?hall be of the lift;off tEpeB Hoehler & Partner LLC



?ecure> Cith integral han>le? an> ?hall be flu?h;flirting an> ?eale> Cith a ga?@et of rubber or other approve> material to prevent the ingre?? of >u?t& If complete ?ealing of the panel? i? not practicableB anE ventilator? an> opening mu?t be >e?igne> to prevent the entrE of 9 CaterB >u?tB vermin an> in?ect?& Lamp? ?hall be 3itte> in?i>e each panel an> ?o arrange> that all Ciring i? illuminate> a? evenlE a? po??ible Cithout >aKKle& The lamp? ?hall be controlle> from a >oor Catch& 2efore paintingB metal part? ?hall be thoroughlE cleane> free from ru?tB ?caleB burr?B grea?e an> moi?ture& The folloCing minimum painting reGuirement? ?hall applE to all ?urface? an> ferrou? part? unle?? the Contractor can ?hoCB to the ?ati?faction of the EngineerB that anE alternative he propo?e? i? in all re?pect? eGual or ?uperior to the ?pecifie> reGuirement?& EFternal colour? ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& 1= (= .= 0= One priming coat of corro?ion inhibiting paint applie> imme>iatelE after cleaning& TCo coat? of non;glo??EB Ceather re?i?ting paint& One fini?hing coat of glo??E an> Ceather re?i?ting non;fa>ing paint to eFternal ?urface?& One fini?hing coat of matt ChiteB Ceather re?i?tingB non;fa>ing paint to all internal ?urface?&

%ll eFpo?e> ?creC?B bolt?B or other fiFing? ?hall have roun>e> hea>? Cith protective an> >ecorative plating& % metal plinth ?hall be provi>e> Cith provi?ion for bolting >oCn the panel& $emovable lifting eEe? ?hall be provi>e> for convenience of han>ling& %fter erection at Site i? complete>B all eFternal ?urface? ?hall be cleane> >oCn an> all >efect? in the previou? painting ?hall be ma>e goo> to the approval of the Engineer& %n approve> loc@ing >evice for all panel? ?hall be provi>e> un>er thi? Contract& %ll loc@? ?hall be provi>e> Cith tCo i>entical @eE?& It ?hall not be po??ible to open anE loc@ Cith the @eE of anE other loc@ provi>e> un>er thi? contract& Loc@? ?hall be in ?uite? provi>e> Cith ma?ter;@eE facilitie?& ,eE? an> loc@? ?hall be impre??e> Cith the manufacturerH? ?erial number& TCo @eE cabinet? ?hall be provi>e>& +here force> cooling i? u?e>B the eGuipment ?hall be ?o protecte> that no >amage occur? >ue to failure of the force> cooling& The full reGuirement? of the performance ?pecification ?hall be maintaine> until the protective >evice operate?& Panel cable entrE ?hall be top or bottom entrE a? reGuire> bE the Engineer& 3ront an> rear acce?? to panel? ?hall be provi>e> unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Internal Ciring ?hall be colour;co>e> an>B in generalB ?hall be bunche> an> run on traE? or in purpo?e;ma>e ?lotte> pla?tic cable trun@ing& Po?itive 3iFing of cable en>? ?hall be en?ure> bE crimpe> cable tag? or other approve> termination?& Each cable en> ?hall be permanentlE i>entifie>& Groupe> terminal bloc@? of a>eGuate capacitE an> fullE numbere>B Cith permanent label?B ?hall be provi>e> for all Cire? lea>ing to eGuipment out?i>e a panel& Terminal number? or mar@ing? ?hall corre?pon> Cith tho?e u?e> on relate> apparatu? an> Ciring >iagram?& $emovable plate? or other facilitE ?hall be provi>e> for the entrE of incoming cable?B con>uit?B trun@ing etc&B Cith mean? of effective earthing to the cubicle cha??i?& Provi?ion ?hall be ma>e for the earthing of all noncurrent;carrEing metal;Cor@& Sol>ere> ?oc@et tEpe terminal? ?hall be provi>e> for main poCer terminal? incorporate> Cithin a panel& 3u?e? ?hall be groupe> an> mounte> ?o a? to be rea>ilE acce??ible Cithout >anger& 3u?e?B terminal bloc@? an> all item? of eGuipment ?hall be rea>ilE i>entifie> bE mean? of clearlE vi?ible label? ?ecure> to them bE ?creC?& 3or each electric motor of .&5' @+ an> aboveB an ammeter ?hall be provi>e>& %mmeter? ?hall be not le?? than 5'mm >iameter& %ll item? on the out?i>e face of the panel ?hall be i>entifie> bE mean? of Chite laminate> pla?tic label? engrave> Cith blac@ cEp1iner? an> attache> bE ?creC?& %ttachment bE a>he?ive of anE >e?cription Cill not be permitte>& Sta2te23 Starter? ?hall normallE be rate> for Mintermittent; >utEB but ChereB >ue to the form of thermo?tatic or automatic controlB the number of ?tart? i? li@elE to eFcee> 1' per hourB ?tarter? for PfreGuentN ;>utE ?hall be provi>e>& The tEpe of ?tarter Chich Cill be accepte> >epen>? on the capacitE of the electrical ?upplE an> the mainD in certain ca?e? ?pecial reGuirement? maE be in>icate>& GenerallE the folloCing tEpe? Cill be accepte>& <a= /otor? up to "&' @+ output ; MO AO33M ?Citch or >irect;on;line& <b= Over "&' @+ an> up to ' @+ ; >irect;on;line& <c= Over ' @+ an> up to (. @+ ; Star;>eltaB auto;tran?formerB or rotor re?i?tance& Starter? ?hall be provi>e> on each pha?e Cith combine> thermal overloa> >evice? an> ?ingle pha?ing protectionB Cith a>Iu?table time;lagB an> an un>er;voltage relea?e& TheE ?hall be arrange>B unle?? otherCi?e in>icate>B to provi>e automatic re;?tart on re?toration of main? voltage& The automatic ?tart ?hallB hoCeverB be implemente> through a ?eGuence ?tart timeB to prevent all eGuipment re;?tarting at the ?ame time& Operating coil? ?hall be Coun> for not more than ('" volt?& +here a contractor i? arrange> for remote operationB the coil circuit ?hall be protecte> bE a fu?e& Terminal? ?hall be acce??ible an> have a>eGuate clearance betCeen pha?e? an> to earth& +here a ?tarter i? not enclo?e> in a compo?ite panelB a >oor inter;loc@e> i?olating ?Citch ?hall be provi>e>& Each electric motor an> electric air heater batterE Chich i? Hoehler & Partner LLC



controlle> from the main control panelB an> i? not le?? than (&" m from the panel or i? ?o ?ituate> that the panel cannot be ?een from the motor of air heaterB ?hall be provi>e> Cith a local ?top;loc@ control circuit ?CitchB *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate>B Chere a fan i? provi>e> Cith >uplicate motor?B tCo ?tarter? ?hall be ?upplie>D a ?ingle ?tarter Cith a local changeover ?Citch Cill not be accepte>& Contacto2 Sta2te2 &nit3 LoC voltage motor circuit? ?hall be controlle> bE a contactor ?tarter an> an in>ivi>ual ?et of H$C fu?e?& The contactor ?hall be the normal mean? of ?topping an> ?tarting the motor& Each contactor ?tarter ?hall be fitte> Cith an I?olating ?Citch to provi>e i?olation for maintenance an> >i?connection in the event of Cel>e> contact? un>er ?talle> motor con>ition?& The contactor? ?hall be capable of >ealing Cith normal an> fault con>ition?& The contactor ?tarter unit? ?hall be of air;in?ulate>B metal cla> tEpe an> be >e?igne> to en?ure ?afetE of operating per?onnel& Interloc@? ?hall be provi>e> to en?ure that the unit acce?? >oor can onlE be opene> Chen the a??ociate> contactor i? opene> an> the contactor cannot be clo?e> in the ?ervice po?ition until the acce?? >oor i? clo?e>& %uFiliarE contact? for remote interloc@ing an> in>ication ?hall be fitte> in each in>ivi>ual contactor ?tarter& "ight C?22ent Elect2ical Con3t2?ction Component part? ?hall be locate>B ?ecure> an> >i?po?e> Cith re?pect to each other an> ?tructural member? that theE can be in?pecte>B remove> an> replace> Cithout >amage toB or un>ue >i?turbance ofB other part? or Ciring& Component? generating ?ignificant heat ?hall be a>eGuatelE ?pace> from their mounting boar>? an> from other component?& %ll component? ?hall be a>eGuatelE ?upporte> an> ?ecure> Chere nece??arE bE clamp?B clip? or other mean? acceptable to the Engineer& $ivet? or eEelet? ?hall not be u?e> for fiFing item? Chich maE have to be repaire> or replace>& Component? ?hall not be mounte> >irectlE on Ciring terminal bloc@? unle?? a>eGuatelE protecte> from >amage& *nle?? otherCi?e agree>B all plug;in >evice?B unit? an> ?ub;unit? ?hall be hel> in po?ition bE approve> retainer?& Pre;?et control? reGuiring routine a>Iu?tment ?hall be acce??ible Cith the complete eGuipment an> a>Iacent eGuipment? in operation& %n approve> metho> of en?uring that pre;?et control? retain their a>Iu?tment? ?hall be incorporate>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Sol>ere> connection? ?hall be ma>e onlE to component? ?pecificallE >e?igne> for that purpo?e& 3leFible con>uctor? an> metallic brai>ing ?ubIect to fleFing at their termination? ?hall not be ?ol>ere>B but ?hall be fitte> Cith approve> crimpe> tag?& +el>e> connection? ?hall be u?e> ?ubIect to the approval of the Engineer& Taper pin connector?B pu?h;on connector? etc&B ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& The preferre> material for pu?h;on connector? i? pho?phor bronKe& +ire? ?hall not be Ioine> together eFcept at a properlE ?upporte> terminal po?t or tag& Grommet? or bu?he? ?hall be fitte> Chere Ciring pa??e? through metalCor@& Internal Ciring ?hall be loome>B harne??e> an> a>eGuatelE ?upporte> bE clamping toughingB or ?imilar mean?& Direct point;to;point Ciring ?hall not be u?e> eFcept Chere approve> bE the Engineer& +here it i? nece??arE to bunch cable?B the Ciring ?hall be limite> to not more than 1( Cire?& +iring ?hall be clampe> into plug? an> ?oc@et? in ?uch a CaE that connection? in?i>e each connector cannot be ?ubIect to inIuriou? ten?ile ?tre??& Sufficient ?lac@ Cire ?hall be provi>e> to enable a reconnection to be ma>e at each en> of each Cire& Internal Ciring ?hall be a minimum of "&"(mm( cro??;?ectional area& EverE effort ?hall be ma>e to avoi> in?talling control an> ?ignal Ciring in clo?e proFimitE to poCer Ciring& Control an> ?ignal Ciring ?hall be protecte> bE properlE groun>e> ?hiel>ing Chere it i? rea?onable to >o ?o& EFternal Ciring to an> from panel? ?hall be terminate> on properlE numbere> multi; CaE tag bloc@?& Long length? of eFternal tEpe cable in?i>e panel? or cubicle? Cill not be permitte>& Co4ponent3 Tran?former an> in>uctor Cin>ing? ?hall be vacuum impregnate> or encap?ulate> an> terminate on a terminal boar> mounte> on the unit& Each Cin>ing an> termination ?hall be clearlE an> unambiguou?lE i>entifie>& Complete >etail? ?hall be provi>e> of the ?uitabilitE of relaE contact material? for the application& $elaE actuating coi1? ?hall preferablE be either vacuum impregnate> or encap?ulate>& *n?eale> relaE? or group? of relaE? ?hall be provi>e> Cith a protective cover to prevent >u?t ingre??& The cover? ?hall be >etachable Cithout the nee> to remove the relaE?& %ll in>icating in?trument? ?hall be in>ivi>uallE approve> bE the Engineer& In?trument ?cale? ?hall be of the anti;parallaF platform tEpeB clearlE >ivi>e> an> in>eliblE mar@e>& %ll in>icating in?trument? ?hall be of a mo>ular tEpe an> be accurate Cithin 1O of full ?cale ?pan& Hoehler & Partner LLC



Pu?h;button in>icator? Cith labelling an> mounte> on control panel? ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& The rating? of all in>icating lamp? ?hall be ?uch that an average u?eful lamp life of ("B""" hour? minimum i? obtaine>& The >e?ign of lamp hol>er? ?hall be ?uch that replacement of the lamp i? both Guic@ an> ea?ED acce?? ?hall be from the front panel of the eGuipment& To re>uce heatingB an> fouling of the panel?B lamp? Chich are continuou?lE alight ?hall have the minimum con?umption con?i?tent Cith goo> vi?ibilitE of in>ication? in a brightlE;lit room& /ulti;pole connector? ?hall be >e?igne> ?uch that incorrect mating cannot occur& %n approve> >evice ?hall be provi>e> for loc@ing each free plug or ?oc@et in the mate> po?ition& The material of all component? ?hall be re?i?tant of flame propagation& %ll in?trument? ?hall be bac@ connecte> on ?tu> tEpe terminal? an> i>entifie> bE engraving or paintingB CaCling an1 Te24ination3 %ll cabling ?hall be anti;termite fire retar>ant tEpe an> all cabling ?hall be arrange> to minimi?e the ri?@ of fire an> anE >amage Chich might be cau?e> in the event of fire& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for protecting cable? in an approve> manner again?t mechanical >amage or >amage bE fire Chere eFpo?e> in?i>e the buil>ing& +here cable trough? are not provi>e> the Contractor ?hall provi>e la>>er rac@ing Cith appropriate ?upport? to the approval of the Engineer& +here run on rac@ingB cable? ?hall be ?ecure> bE heavE gauge copper or pla?tic coate> clip? at interval? of not more than 1'""mm& +here run on flat ?urface?B cable? ?hall be ?ecure> bE ?pacer bar ?a>>le? at interval? of not more than 1"""mm& EverE cable ?hall be ?ecurelE ?upporte> at a point not more than 1"""mm from it? termination an> oil vertical run? pa??ing through floor?B imme>iatelE above the floor& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for connecting hi? eGuipment to eFi?ting eGuipment or eGuipment ?upplie> un>er a ?eparate Contract& %ll multi core cable? ?hall be phE?icallE ?eparate> from poCer ?upplE Ciring 7oint? in P1C or 6LPE cable? ?hall not be carrie> out Cithout Critten approval of the Engineer& LoC ten?ion cable Ioint? ?hall incorporate compre??ion tEpe ferrule? Cith polEethElene tape in?ulation hou?e> in a pla?tic Ioint boF an> ?cale> Cith col> pouring re?in filling& The en>? of each P1CAS+%AP1C cable ?hall be terminate> in bra?? compre??ion tEpe cable glan>? of the correct ?iKe Chich ?hall ?ecure the cable inner ?heath an> Hoehler & Partner LLC



en?ure effective electrical continuitE betCeen the cable armouring Cire? an> the metal enclo?ure on Chich the cable i? terminate>& % copper earth lin@ ?hall be ta@en from the cable termination point to an a??ociate> ?ub;?Citchboar> or main ?Citchboar> earth bar& 6PLE cable? ?hall be terminate> ?imilarlE to P1C armoure> cable?& +here cable? are reGuire> to be terminate> in terminal boFe? or other eGuipment ?upplie> un>er another ContractB the Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for carrEing out the termination? in accor>ance Cith the reGuirement? ?pecifie> above inclu>ing the ?upplE an> Ioining of tai1? Chere nece??arE an> the te?ting to verifE correct pha?ing of all core?& +here ?ingle core cable? are u?e>B all nece??arE precaution? ?hall be ta@en to prevent hE?tere?i?& 3errou? plate? through Chich the cable? pa?? ?hall be ?lotte> an> bra?? glan>? an> ?oc@et? ?hall be u?e>& Single core cable? ?hall be verE rigi>lE clampe> to prevent >i?tortion un>er ?hort circuit con>ition?& M?lti pai2 The24opla3tic In3?late1 CaCle3 The con>uctor? of all thermopla?tic in?ulate> cable? ?hall be copper an> ?hall complE Cith an approve> ational Specification an> to all applicable reGuirement? of thi? Specification >ealing Cith the con?truction of PoCer cable?& +here tinne> con>uctor? are ?pecifie> their ?ol>er;abilitE performance ?hall be >emon?trate> in accor>ance Cith an approve> Specification& The ?iKe of con>uctor? ?hall be 1A"B4mm >ia& minimum& In?ulation ?hall be P1C an> the thic@ne?? approve> bE the Engineer& Cable core? ?hall be i>entifie> bE colour? Cith >i?tinctive ?cheme? to >i?criminate betCeen P1C an> polEethElene in?ulation& The colour ?cheme? ?hall be approve> bE the Engineer an> ?hall be generallE accepte> ?cheme? an> rotation for the appropriate >e?ign of cable& In?ulate> core? ?hall be tCi?te> together to form pair& In the ca?e of P1C in?ulate> con>uctor? the reGuire> number of pair? ?hall be lai>;up to form a compact ?Emmetrical cable Cith the tCo pair con?truction lai>;up in Gua> formation& 2in>ing tape? con?tructe> from ?uitable material? ?hall be applie> Cith open ?piral or overlap a? reGuire> betCeen laEer?B nece??arEB an> over the lai>;up ?tructure to provi>e a compact uniform formation& % rip;cor> to facilitate removal of the inner ?heath of P1C in?ulate> cable? maE be inclu>e> >uring the application of the overall bin>ing tape& Cable? ?hall be armoure> Cith one laEer of galvani?e> ?teel roun> Cire?& The number an> >iameter of the Cire? ?hall be a? ?tate> in the ?pecification Sche>ule? an> on the >raCing?& The >e?ign of Ioint;boF an> anE outer protection boF ?hall complE Cith the reGuirement? for auFiliarE cable? an> acce??orie? unle?? otherCi?e approve>& %lternative >e?ign? Cill onlE be con?i>ere> if >ocumentarE proof can be provi>e> of their ?uitabilitE for Cith?tan>ing mechanical an> electrical tEpe approval te?t? Citne??e> an> accepte> bE a reputable %uthoritE& /ulti pair cable? ?hall be ?creene> Chen being u?e> for >ata tran?mi??ion& Earthing of the ?creen ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& Hoehler & Partner LLC



/ulti pair cable tail? ?hall be ?o boun> that each Cire maE be trace> Cithout >ifficultE to the a??ociate> cable& %pprove> tEpe terminal? of the in?ertion tEpe incorporating pre??ure plate? ?hall be provi>e> for all incoming cable?& %ll terminal? bloc@? an> termination? ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& *nle?? otherCi?e agree> each terminal ?hall have a removable lin@ of facilitate ?ignal i?olation an> te?ting& 3acilitie? ?hall be provi>e> to maintain the continuitE of i?olate> cable ?creen? Chenever reGuire>& Provi?ion ?hall be ma>e at the top of terminal boar>? for the termination of all ?pare core? in the incoming cable?& The en>? of everE tEpe Cire an> everE cable tail ?hall be fitte> Cith numbere> ferrule? of ChiteB Cith the number? clearlE engrave> in blac@& /oi?ture an> oil re?i?ting in?ulating material having a glo??E 3ini?h ?hall be u?e>& The ferrule? ?hall be of the interloc@ing tEpe an> ?hall grip the in?ulation& Detail? of the propo?e> ferrule numbering ?E?tem ?hall be ?ubmitte> at the earlie?t po??ible >ate bE the Contractor for approval& %ll cable? carrEing analogue >irect current ?ignal? ?hall complE Cith 2S .'-)& Special Cont2ol an1 In3t2?4entation CaCle3 %nE ?pecial controlB in?trumentation an> mea?urement cable? ?hall be to an approve> ational Stan>ar> an> the >e?ign of cable an> characteri?tic? of the in?ulation an> ?creening ?hall be a>eGuate to meet the operating reGuirement? of the re?pective circuit?& Cable? ?hall be ?creene> an>Aor armoure> a? reGuire> an> ?heathe> overall Cith eFtru>e> P1C& Cable? ?hall be run in one length betCeen terminal point?& +here it i? nece??arE to ?plit or Ioin circuit?B a mar?halling boF or cubicle ?hall be provi>e>& %>eGuate ?pacing ?hall be provi>e> betCeen poCer an> in?trumentation cable? ?o that mutual interference i? minimi?e>& If anE ?pecial cable? are reGuire>B it ?hall be ?tate> in the ?pecification Sche>ule? an> complete >etail? of the cable? provi>e>& Cont2ol S<itche3 an1 Inte2loc=3 3or the control of electrical eGuipment Chich operate? in>epen>entlE on MO AO33; rotarE ?nap ?Citch ?hall be fitte> oil the front of the panel for each item oil plant& +here plant operate? >epen>entlEB e&g& an eFtract fail Chich ?houl> not run unle?? the ?upplE fan i? runningB an ?Citch ?hall be fitte> for the ma?ter item an> a PH% DAO33A%*TON ?Citch ?hall be fitte> for each item of >epen>ent plant& The ?Citch po?ition? ?hall be clearlE labelle> to ?hoC Chich item of plant it control?& Hoehler & Partner LLC



+ith a PH% DAO3A%*TOM ?Citch in the P%*TON po?ition the >epen>ent item of plant ?hall ?tart automaticallE Chen the ma?ter item i? ?Citche> MO M an> ?hall operate automaticallE un>er the >ictate? of anE controlling >evice& The operation of the ?Citch to the PH% DN po?ition ?hall over;ri>e anE controlling >evice? eFcept tho?e Chich are nece??arE for the ?afe operation of the plant& SimilarlE the operation of a ma?ter ?Citch toNO33;Cith >epen>ent plant at M%*TOM ?hall cau?e all plant to ?topB in ?eGuence Chere nece??arE <e&g& alloCing a fan to run on to remove heat from electric heater? or a chille> Cater pump to run on until refrigeration pump;>oCn i? complete>B to avoi> free;up= an> Cith the >ue regar> for all ?afetE control?& 3or cooling an1 ai2 con1itioning plant3 the ma?ter item? ?hall be the main air ?upplE fan an>Aor the chille> Cater pump<?= a? appropriate& 3or ?E?tem? Cith >irect eFpan?ion air cooler? the ?tarting of the main air ?upplE fan ?hallB un>er automatic Cor@ing con>ition?B cau?e all other plant to ?tart in ?eGuence an> a? reGuire> bE the thermo?tatic control?& SimilarlEB for chille> Cater ?E?tem? the ma?ter;item ?hall be the chille> Cater pump? an> their operation ?hallB un>er automatic Cor@ingB becau?e the refrigeration plant etc&B to ?tart& +here there are both air an> Cater ?E?tem? the main air ?upplE fan ?hall be the ma?ter item for control?D the chille> Cater pump ?hall be the ma?ter item for the Cater han>ling plantB the refrigeration plant an> the Cater temperature control? an> Cater floC ?Citch& A?to4atic Cont2ol3 10 !ene2al ReH?i2e4ent3 %utomatic control? ?hall be provi>e> to perform the function? in>icte> on the >raCing? an> maE be of electricB electronic or pneumatic tEpe a? >efine> in the Particular Specification& +here pneumatic control? are provi>e> the ?E?tem ?hall inclu>e an air compre??or unitB filter >rEerB pre??ure re>ucing valve?B pre??ure gauge?B oil pre??ure ?Citche?B loC pre??ure Carning lamp an> all the nece??arE interconnecting pipe Cor@ unle?? otherCi?e in>icate> the compre??e> air ?E?tem? ?hall inclu>e tCo air compre??or? Cith each compre??or being capable of provi>ing air of the GuantitE an> GualitE nece??arE for the ?ati?factorE operation of the pneumatic control?B an> each provi>e> Cith a refrigeration tEpe air >rier& %ll item? of control eGuipment a??ociate> Cith the plant ?hall be ?ite> in acce??ible po?ition? Cith controller? po?itione> ?uch that the po?ition in>icator? are ea?ilE rea>& Selecte> control? ?E?tem? ?hall be capable of controlling the ?E?tem? to limit? an> be a>eGuate to meet the control con>ition? ?pecifie>& 0 Ref2ige2ation Plant Cont2ol3 In a>>ition to the control? ?pecifie> el?eChere in thi? Section the folloCing control? ?hall be provi>e>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



+here compre??or? Cill be ?ite> in tropical latitu>e? an> ?ubIect to time controlle> operation <an> maE in con?eGuence have to ?tart again?t verE heavE loa>?= theE ?hall be fitte> Cith ?uction pre??ure regulating >evice? >e?igne> to limit the maFimum ?uction pre??ure& #0 Moto2i3e1 1a4pe23 /otori?e> >amper? ?hall be of the multi;leaf tEpe& TheE ?hall be con?tructe> Cith each bla>e ?ecurelE fiFe> on it? ?pin>leD in>icator? ?hall be 3itte> ?o that the po?ition of the bla>e? are ?hoCn out?i>e the >uct& The ?pin>le? ?hall be carrie> in lubricate> nElon or ?imilar bearing? to en?ure that the motor >rive i? not over;?traine>& +here >amper? are provi>e> for the control of fre?h airB recirculation air an> eFhau?t air the action of the >amper? ?hall be lin@e> mechanicallE an>Aor electricallE& +here the operation of >amper? i? u?e> for the thermo?tatic control Cith a heater batterEB operation ?hall be ?eGuence> Cith the mo>ulating valve or ?tep controllerB alloCing a >ea> ?pot betCeen ?eGuence?D both the >amper? an> the valve ?hall be controlle> from the ?ame ?en?ing >evice& +here the operation of >amper? i? u?e> for thermo?tatic control Cith a heater batterE an> a cooler batterEB operation ?hall be ?eGuence> Cith the control of the heater an> cooler batterie?B alloCing >ea> ?pot? betCeen ?eGuence? an> Cith overri>ing action to clo?e the >amper? to the minimum fre?h air po?ition Chen the cooler batterE i? operativeD both the >amper? an> the batterie? ?hall be controlle> from the ?ame ?en?ing >evice?& Ti4e S<itch Cont2ol The cloc@ control to be provi>e> Chere in>icte> ?hall be >riven bE a ?Enchronou? motor Cith a ?elf Cin>ing ?piral re?erve of not le?? than ." hour? an> ?hall inclu>e provi?ion for one ?Citching MO M an> one ?Citching MO33N per >aED mean? of omitting ?Citching for at lea?t tCo >aE? per Cee@ an> of a>vancing an> retar>ing either MO M or PO33M ?Citching or both for at lea?t tCo >aE? per Cee@ ?hall be provi>e>& 0. .*. . Sen3ing Ele4ent3

Element? ?en?ing liGui> temperature in pipe Cor@ ?hall be provi>e> Cith mean? for Cith>raCal for calibrationB ?ervicingB etc&B Cithout the nee> for >raining the ?E?tem& TheE ?hall be po?itione> ?o that the active part of the element i? ChollE Cithin the liGui> an> ?o that the element i? not le?? than 1( pipe >iameter? >oCn?tream from a point of miFing& Element? ?en?ing the temperature of air in a >uct ?hall be po?itione> ?o that the element i? not ?ubIect to ra>iation;B an> that account i? ta@en of temperature ?tratification& If of the capillarE averaging tEpeB the element? ?hall be in?talle> on a ?uitable frameCor@ an> ?uitablE arrange> for ?ervicing&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Element? u?e> for >etermining the >eC point or Chere the air a>Iacent to the element i? @noCn to be ?aturate> ?hall be of a con?truction an> material compatible for u?e in moi?t air& Element? ?en?ing the temperature of a ?oli> ?urface ?hall be po?itione> an> fiFe> ?o a? to give goo> thermal contact& Element? ?en?ing the temperature of a room or other ?uch ?pace ?hall be in a repre?entative po?ition to be agree> Cith the Engineer& Element? ?en?ing the temperature of air eFternal to a buil>ing ?hall be po?itione> aCaE from the influence of >irect ?olar ra>iation an> local heat gain?& +here ?pecial reGuirement? are in>icate>B <e&g& the >etermination of ?olar gainB Cin> influence=B the control ?en?or manufacturerH? recommen>ation? for po?itioning element? ?hall be folloCe>& Humi>itE ?en?ing element po?ition? ?hall be repre?entative of the ?pace in Chich the humi>itE i? being mea?ure> an> arrange> ?uch that the air velocitE i? Cithin the range reGuire> bE the ?en?ing element& Humi>itE ?en?or? ?hall be arrange> to en?ure that the air reaching the element i? free from airborne contaminant? a? Cell a? to give convenient acce?? for ?ervicing the element& Sen?ing element? ?hall in all ca?e? be in?talle> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? late?t in?truction?& 0. .*.#. Cont2ol 6al;e3

ElectricallE operate> mo>ulating tEpe valve? ?hall be provi>e> a? ?hoCn on the >raCing?& The valve bo>ie? an> ?eat? ?hall be ?uitable for u?e on the folloCing ?ervice?L +or@ing Pre??ure Service Chille> +ater ."" mm Te?t Pre??ure @ AmS /aFimum OP Temp !C

@ AmS

Connection 1( mm # '" mm ?creCe>




)' mm # flange>

1alve? ?hall be ?electe> accor>ing to the folloCing pre??ure >rop? for optimum controlL TCo port valve? ; maF 1'@ AmS TCo port valve? ?hall have eGual percentage floC characteri?tic?& 1alve ?iKe? 1(mm to '"mm ?hall have ?creCe> 2SP bo>ie?& 1alve ?iKe? )'mm to 1'"mm <(VN to )M= ?hall have ca?t iron bo>ie? an> ?tainle?? ?teel trim& %ll automatic control valve? ?hall be fitte> Cith electric actuator?& +here tCo valve? are controlle> in ?eGuenceB ?eGuencing ?hall be accompli?he> Cith a po?itioner to

Hoehler & Partner LLC



en?ure po?itive ?eGuencing Cith no overlap an> a manual overri>e facilitE ?hall be provi>e>& 0. .*.7. P?4p SeH?encing Panel

ElectronicallE operate> ?eGuencing panel ?houl> be provi>e> for auto change over of pump? for >utE an> ?tan>bE pump?& 0. .*.*. Cont2acto2I3 De3ign

The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for >e?igning automatic control ?E?tem? to meet the materialB ?tan>ar>?B an> performance reGuirement? of thi? ?pecification& The ten>er >raCing? are in outline onlE& In certain in?tance? an> >epen>ing on the eGuipment ?electe> an> their ver?atilitE or limitation? it maE prove nece??arE to emploE ?everal item? to fulfil the purpo?e of one item >e?cribe> on the ten>er >raCing? an> in the ?pecification& The contractor ?hall be >eeme> to have inclu>e> for all ?uch item? in hi? ten>er& The number an> con>uctor ?iKe of all control eGuipment i? not ?hoCn on the ten>er >raCing? to alloC for variation? betCeen control manufacturer? pro>uct? ?electe> for Cor@?& The Ciring to all item? of plant ?hoCn on the ten>er >raCing? i? ba?e> on the eGuipment that Ca? u?e> in the formation of the ten>er ?cheme& In all in?tance? Chere >ue to the nature of the eGuipment an> it? a??ociate> ?E?tem element? ?electe>B the electrical rating i? affecte>B the Contractor ?hall be >eeme> to have inclu>e> for all nece??arE variation? in con>uctor ?iKe?B number? of core? etc& to meet the reGuirement? of thi? ?pecification& %ll control ?E?tem? ?hall be of a tEpe >e?igne> to maintain the ?pecifie> con>ition? Cithin the ?pecifie> permi??ible tolerance?& The re?pon?e time of control ?E?tem? ?hall be arrange> to ?uit the re?pon?e time? of the ?E?tem? theE ?erve to avoi> un>ue >Enamic over?hoot an> HhuntingH& %ll mo>ulating valve?B >amper? an> the li@e ?hall be ?electe> to provi>e appropriate Hauthoritie?H& 0. .6. 0. .6.1. TESTIN! AND COMMISSIONIN! !ene2al

The 2uil>ing Service? SE?tem? >e?cribe> in thi? Specification an> ?hoCn on Ten>er DraCing? ?hall be commi??ione>& % programme for the commi??ioning an> anE ?pecifie> te?t? ?hall be prepare> an> thi? ?hall be incorporate> in the programme for the contract folloCing approval bE the Con?ultant& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for provi>ing all nece??arE te?t point?B poc@et?B orifice?B venturi?B etc& in the in?tallation? to facilitate the ?ati?factorE te?ting of the in?tallation? Chether or not theE are ?hoCn on the >raCing?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for provi>ing all nece??arE in?trument? to enable the in?tallation? to be te?te> in accor>ance Cith the Specification& 0. .6. . Definition3

Commi??ioning ?hall mean the a>vancement of all the 2uil>ing Service? SE?tem? from the ?tate of ?tatic completion to full Cor@ing or>er a>Iu?te> to the >e?ign reGuirement? Chich are given in each ?ervice ?ection of thi? Specification& 0. .6.#. In3t2?4ent3

The co?t of provi>ing all in?trument? an> a??ociate> eGuipmentB atten>ance of the ?peciali?t? an> for the provi?ion of te?t point reGuire> for the commi??ioning an> te?ting ?hall be inclu>e> in the Ten>er& % recent calibration certificate for each in?trument ?hall be available for in?pection& % ?che>ule of the in?trument? to be u?e> ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for approval prior to the commencement of commi??ioning an> te?ting& 0. .6.7. S?CDletting

The commi??ioning te?ting ?hall not be ?ub;let to a firm ?peciali?ing in thi? an> Cor@ Cithout the prior authoritE of the Engineer in Criting& 0. .6.*. Co44i33ioning an1 Te3ting Repo2t

% comprehen?ive report ?hall be prepare> for each 2uil>ing Service? SE?tem Chich ?hall recor> all the parameter? Chich affect the performance of the ?E?tem at the time of commi??ioning& % ?imilar report ?hall be prepare> for anE ?pecifie> te?t?& The report? ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for approval an> ?uch approval mu?t be gaine> before the ?ervice? are han>e> over to the Client& Three copie? of each of the report? ?hall be han>e> to the Engineer& 0. .6.6. Maintenance of Plant 1?2ing Co44i33ioning / Te3ting

The plant ?hall be maintaine> in accor>ance Cith manufacturer:? in?truction? throughout the commi??ioning an> te?ting perio> an> until the plant i? han>e> over to the Client& $ecor>? of the maintenance proce>ure? ?hall be @ept for each 2uil>ing Service? SE?tem an> the?e recor>? ?hall be han>e> to the Client& ProperlE traine> ?taff ?hall be ma>e available to maintain the plant an> anE repair? or replacement? that maE be nece??arE ?hall be carrie> out before the plant i? han>e> over to the Client& Three copie? of the maintenance Proce>ure? ?hall be han>e> to the Client& 0. .6.+. Notice of Te3t3

The Engineer ?hall be given ?even >aE? clear Critten notice of all te?t?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .6.).

Ai2 Di3t2iC?tion an1 EBt2act S53te43

%ll %ir Di?tribution an> EFtract SE?tem? ?hall be commi??ione> in accor>ance Cith the CI2SE Commi??ioning Co>e Serie? % ;%ir Di?tribution SE?tem?B High an> LoC 1elocitE The commi??ioning report for each ?E?tem ?hall inclu>eL 3an ?pee> 3an ?tatic pre??ure ; ?uction an> >i?charge /otor Current PulleE ?iKe? /ain branch air volume? Terminal air volume? ; grille? an> >iffu?er? %ir volume an> ?tatic pre??ure at te?t hole? in >uct? ?hoCn on the Ten>er >raCing?& 0. .6.'. A?to4atic Cont2ol S53te43

%utomatic control ?E?tem? ?hall be commi??ione> in accor>ance Cith the CI2SE Serie? JC: ; The Commi??ioning of %utomatic Control SE?tem?& The commi??ioning report for each ?E?tem ?hall inclu>eL 3or each control ?E?tem 1= (= .= 0= Set point Proportional ban> 1alue of the controlle> variable mea?ure> at the ?en?or 1alue of the controlling variable mea?ure> at the ?en?or for compen?ate> ?E?tem?

% recor> of the ?etting? of each controller in the form of >iagram?B Chich ?hall in>icate the po?ition of each >ial or a>Iu?tmentB ?creC& /ea?urement of all the controlle> variable? at the ?en?or for each of the folloCing ?etting? of the control valveL 1= (= .= 3ull capacitE Half capacitE Qero capacitE

The mea?urement? ?hall be ma>e Cith the plant operating Cith the ?pecifie> floC rate? an> forB each ?et of mea?urement? the temperature? an> pre??ure? of the primarE flui>? entering an> leaving the heat eFchanger? ?hall be recor>e>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .6.10.

Ref2ige2ating S53te43

$efrigerating SE?tem? ?hall be commi??ione> in accor>ance Cith the CI2SE Commi??ioning Co>e Serie? J$: $efrigerating SE?tem& The Commi??ioning $eport ?hall inclu>eL Setting? of all control >evice? that affect the performance of the ?E?tem % li?t of SE?tem Chec@? a? prepare> for the CI2SE Co>e Serie? J$: Cith a report on the ?tate or ?etting of each component li?te>& 0. .6.11. -ate2 Di3t2iC?tion S53te43

+ater >i?tribution ?E?tem? ?hall be commi??ione> in accor>ance Cith the CI2SE Commi??ioning Co>e Serie? J+: ; +ater Di?tribution SE?tem& 0. .6.1 . The24o4ete23

Thermometer? ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE in all Cater an> air piping or >uct? in>icate> or not in >raCing?& TheE ?hall be of a ?uitable tEpe an> pattern to permit them to be ea?ilE rea>able in the po?ition in Chich theE are to be fitte>& Thermometer? locate> at more than (m from the floor level ?hall be of the angle pattern >ial tEpe& Each thermometer ?hall be gra>uate> for the temperature ?cale ?pecifie>& Thermometer poc@et? ?hall be fille> Cith graphite grea?e& Stem;tEpe mercurE in gla?? thermometer? ?hall have an opal ?cale enclo?e> Cithin a cElin>rical bra?? ca?e ('"mm long Cith 1'mm ?creCe> connection& The thermometer ?hall be ?traight or angle pattern Cith >etachable bra?? poc@et?B Chichever maE be ?pecifie>& Dial;tEpe mercurE in gla?? thermometer? ?hall be 1 ""mm >iameter on pipe Cor@ up to -"mm an> for larger pipe? 1'"mm >iameter Cith bra?? beKe1 an> ?hall be vertical or horiKontal pattern Cith poc@et& Thermometer? for >uctCor@ ?hall be of the remote capillarE tEpe Cith the ?en?or locate> in the centre of the >uct& The metal ?upport for the ?en?or ?hall be fiFe> to the >uct an> ?hall incorporate a thermal in?ulator at the ?en?or mounting& The capillarE ?hall pa?? through a ?uitable grommet in the Call of the >uct an> ?hall be clippe> at .""mm interval?& The thermometer ?hall be 1""mm >iameter an> ?hall be mounte> on a har>Coo> boar> Chich ?hall be fiFe> to the neare?t >uctCor@ ?upport& 0. .6.1#. P2e33?2e !a?ge3

Pre??ure gauge? ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE an> Chere in>icate> upon the >raCing?B TheE ?hall be of the H2our>onH tEpe Cith 1""mm >iameter >ial on pipe Cor@ up to -"mm an> for larger pipe Cor@ 1'"mm >iameter >ial enclo?e> Cithin a bra?? ca?e&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Each gauge ?hall be calibrate> an> gra>uate> in bar for a pre??ure range of Kero to tCice the Cor@ing pre??ure& The gauge >ial ?hall be mar@e> Cith a re> in>eF line in>icating the ?tatic pre??ure Cith the ?E?tem full an> the ? pump? an> other ?uch eGuipment at re?t& 3or pre??uri?e> ?E?tem? an a>>itional green in>eF line on the gauge >ial ?hall in>icate the normal Cor@ing pre??ure of the in?tallation concerne>& %ll gauge? ?hall be provi>e> Cith 1"mm union connection to the a??ociate> pipe Cor@B a J*: pattern ?iphon an> a lever han>le> gauge coc@ for i?olation& +here the po?ition of a pre??ure tapping i? ?uch that the gauge Coul> not be ea?ilE vieCe>B then the gauge ?hall be Call mounte> in a ?uitable po?itionB an> Chere ?uch remote rea>ing in?trument? are nece??arEB theE ?hall be groupe> an> mounte> on a neat har>Coo> boar> ('mm thic@B locate> a>Iacent to the relevant plant component an> at a height of 1B5""mm from the floor& The nece??arE interconnecting 1"mm >iameter copper pipe Cor@ ?hall be provi>e>B Chich ?hall be run in me>ium cable traE& +hether pre??ure gauge? are in>icate> on the >raCing? or notB provi?ion ?hall be ma>e in the form of a 1"mm plugge> glan> coc@ for a pre??ure gauge connection on all cElin>er? an> pre??ure ve??el? the ?uction an> >eliverE of all pump an> on the inlet an> outlet of Cater an> oil filter?& 0. .6.17. P2e33?2e an1 Te4pe2at?2e Te3t Point3

)mm univer?al te?t point? ?hall be provi>e> a? in>icate> in the pipe Cor@ ?ection of thi? Specification& 0. .6.1*. 6entilation S53te43 Pe2fo24ance Te3t3

1entilation SE?tem? performance te?t? ?hall be carrie> out Chich maE be Citne??e> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative& The te?t? ?hall compri?eL Demon?tration that the ?E?tem? are capable of achieving the ?pecifie> internal con>ition?B un>er ?pecifie> ambient maFima an> minima& /ea?urement of pre??ure >rop throughL 1= (= .= 0= 3ilter? Cooling coil? 3an %ttenuator?

/ea?urement of the maFimum air temperature change of all heaterAcooler batterie? at the ?pecifie> air volume floC rate an> the floC an> return Cater temperature&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



/ea?urement of the out?i>e air temperature at the beginning an> en> of the beginning an> en> of each te?ting perio>& /ea?urement of the folloCing temperature? an> a recor> of the time Chen the mea?urement? Cere ma>eL 1= (= .= Cooler batterie? Each room %ir entering an> leaving plant

/ea?urement of running current of all a??ociate> electric motor?& /ea?urement of the pre??ure >ifference acro?? all pump? Cith all control valve? in the Mfull loa>M po?ition& Calibration of the ?E?tem an> relate> in?trument?& /ea?urement of pre??ure >rop acro?? anE orifice plate meter? or calibrate> valve?& Demon?tration that all the automatic control? an> time cloc@? are operational& Thermograph rea>ing? for three full >aE? for one room on each Kone& The election of the room? ?hall be approve> bE the Engineer& 0. .6.16. Ref2ige2ation S53te4 pe2fo24ance Te3t3

$efrigeration performance te?t? ?hall be carrie> out Chich maE or not be Citne??e> bE the Engineer an> hi? repre?entative& The te?t? ?hall compri?eL Demon?tration that the ?E?tem i? capable of achieving the ?pecifie> performance un>er ?pecifie> ambient maFima an> minima& /ea?urement of the out?i>e air temperature <Cet an> >rE bulb= everE tCo hour? an> at the beginning an> en> of each te?ting perio>& /ea?urement of the folloCing an> a recor> of the time Chen the mea?urement? Cere ma>eL Te4pe2at?2e 1= Out?i>e ambient >rE bulb temperature

P2e33?2e3 /ea?urement of the running current of all a??ociate> electric motor? an>B for the refrigeration compre??orB the running current at maFimum an> minimum capacitE& Calibration of all in?talle> in?trument?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



/ea?urement of the pre??ure >rop acro?? anE orifice plate meter? or calibrate> valve?& Demon?tration that all the automatic control? an> time cloc@? are operational& /ea?urement of the pH of the chille> Cater& 0. .6.1+. Ai2 Con1itioning S53te43 Pe2fo24ance Te3t3

%ir Con>itioning SE?tem? performance te?t? ?hall be carrie> out Chich maE be Citne??e> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative& The te?t? ?hall compri?eL Demon?tration that the ?E?tem? are capable of achieving the ?pecifie> performance& Demon?tration of the accuracE of calibration of the ?E?tem& Simulate> >emon?tration of the accuracE of ?oftCare programme?B terminologE an> the li@e& 0. .6.1). Noi3e "e;el Te3t3

oi?e Level te?t? ?hall be carrie> out Chich ?hall be Citne??e> bE the Engineer or hi? repre?entative& oi?e level? ?hall be mea?ure> for each octave ban> Cith all the 2uil>ing? Service? SE?tem? in operation& The te?t? ?hall compri?eL Demon?tration that the ?pecifie> noi?e rating? have been achieve>& /ea?urement of the eFternal bac@groun> noi?e level for each Kone at the ?ame time that the internal noi?e level? are mea?ure>& $ecor> of the ?tate of the Internal fini?he? in the room?& $ecor> of the microphone po?ition for each mea?urement& 0. .6.1'. P2e33?2e Diffe2ential !a?ge3

TCo Pre??ure Differential Gauge? ?hall be provi>e> for u?e Cith the balancing valve?& 3olloCing completion of the commi??ioningB the gauge? ?hall be han>e> to the Client& 0. .6. 0. P2eDCo44i33ioning cleaning

%ll Cater ?ervice? ?hall be treate> internallE bE an approve> chemical proce?? to remove >irtB ?caleB corro?ion etc&B an> ?hall then be thorough1E flu?he> out& Strainer ?creen? ?hall be remove> prior to thi? proce??B an> replace> afterCar>?& The chille> Cater ?E?tem? ?hall be refille> after flu?hing Cith Cater treate> Cith an approve> chemical to prevent further corro?ion&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



0. .6. 1.

Ste2ili3ation of 1o4e3tic <ate2 3e2;ice3

%ll pipe Cor@ an> ?torage ci?tern? ?hall be ?terili?e> before the ?E?tem i? brought into u?e for >ome?tic purpo?e?& 2efore ?terili?ationB pipe Cor@ an> ?torage ci?tern?Atan@? ?hall be flu?he> out to remove >irtE CaterB >ebri? etc& o Cater ?hall be u?e> for >ome?tic purpo?e? >uring thi? flu?hing operation& /ain? eFten?ion? ?hall be ?terili?e> fir?t folloCe> bE communication an> ?upplE pipe?B ?torage ci?tern?Atan@? an> >i?tributing pipe? in that or>erB Storage ci?tern?Atan@? an> >i?tributing pipe? ?hall fir?t be fille> Cith Cater an> thoroughlE flu?he> out& +ith all >raC;off tap? clo?e>B the ci?ternAtan@ ?hall be refille> Cith Cater an> ?ufficient ?terili?ing chemical ?hall be a>>e> >uring filling to en?ure that Chen full the ci?ternAtan@ contain? Cater having a concentration of '" mgAlitre of chlorine in the ?olution& The ?terili?ing chemical ?hall be prepare> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturerH? in?truction?B the ?upplE to the ci?ternAtan@ ?hall then be ?toppe> an> all the >raC;off tap? of the >i?tributing pipe? ?hall be opene> progre??ivelEB Cor@ing aCaE from the ci?ternAtan@& Each tap ?hall be clo?e> Chen the Cater begin? to ?mell of chlorine& The ci?ternAtan@ ?hall then be toppe> up Cith Cater an> ?ufficient ?terili?ing chemical to give a concentration of '" mgAlitre chlorine& The ci?ternAtan@ an> pipe? ?hall then remain charge> for three hour?B Chereupon a te?t ?hall be ma>e for re?i>ual chlorine& If none i? foun> the te?t ?hall be repeate>& 3inallEB the ci?ternAtan@ an> pipe? ?hall be thorough1E flu?he> out before anE Cater i? u?e> for >ome?tic purpo?e?& % ?igne> certificate ?hall be provi>e> to certifE that the ?terili?ation ha? been carrie> out&



EFcept Chere mo>ifie> bE thi? SpecificationB eGuipment an> material? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith lEC <International Electro;technical Commi??ion=B ISO <international Organi?ation for Stan>ar>i?ation= an> 2SS <2riti?h Stan>ar>? Specification= recommen>ation?B If relevant lECB ISO an> 2SS recommen>ation? are not available then relevant national ?tan>ar>? ?hall applEB an> ?uch national ?tan>ar>? ?hall be propo?e> bE the Contractor for approval bE the Engineer& +hen lEC or ISO or 2SS recommen>ation?B or national ?tan>ar>? are referre> to the E>ition ?hall be that current at the >ate of Ten>erB together Cith anE amen>ment? i??ue> to that >ate& If reGue?te> bE the EngineerB the Contractor ?hall ?upplE at hi? oCn eFpen?e three copie? in Engli?h an> one in the original language of anE national ?tan>ar>? Chich are applicable to the Contract& The Chole of the electrical in?tallation ?hall complE Cith the reGuirement? of the current e>ition of the $egulation? for Electrical In?tallation? i??ue> bE the I&E&E& <In?titution of Electrical Engineer?=B Lon>onB *, inclu>ing the late?t amen>ment? thereto& 0.#. . DESI!N AND STANDARDISATION

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The Contract +or@? ?hall be in?talle> to facilitate in?pectionB cleaning an> repair?B an> for operation in Chich continuitE of ?ervice i? the fir?t con?i>eration& %ll material an> apparatu? ?hall be of the be?t GualitEB >e?igne> to en?ure ?ati?factorE operation un>er the atmo?pheric con>ition? prevailing at the Site an> un>er ?uch ?u>>en variation? of loa> an> voltage a? maE be met Cith un>er Cor@ing con>ition?& The in?tallation ?hall incorporate everE rea?onable precaution an> provi?ion for the ?afetE of all tho?e concerne> in the operation an> maintenance of the Contract +or@? an> of a??ociate> Cor@? ?upplie> un>er other Contract?& %ll apparatu? ?hall operate Cithout un>ue vibration an> Cith the lea?t practicable amount of noi?e& Operating boFe?B @io?@?B cubicle? an> ?imilar enclo?e> compartment? forming part of auFiliarE eGuipment ?hall be a>eGuatelE ventilate> to re?trict con>en?ation an>B Chere environmental con>ition? reGuireB ?uitable integral loC;temperature heater? ?hall be provi>e>& %ll contractor or relaE coil? an> other part? ?hall be ?uitablE protecte> again?t corro?ion& %ll out>oor apparatu? ?hall be ?o >e?igne> a? to avoi> poc@et? in Chich Cater can collect& %cce??ible mean? ?hall be provi>e> for the ea?E lubrication of all bearing?B mechani?m? an> moving part?& Grea?e lubricator? ?hall be fitte> Cith heFagon nipple?& %ll mechani?m? ?hallB Chen nece??arEB be con?tructe> of ?tainle?? ?teelB bra?? or gunmetal to prevent ?tic@ing >ue to ru?t or corro?ion& %ll connection? an> contact? ?hall be of ample ?ection an> ?urface for carrEing continuou?lE the ?pecifie> current? Cithout un>ue heatingB an> ?hall be ?ecure> bE bolt? or ?et ?creC? of ample ?iKeB fitte> Cith loc@ing >evice? of approve> tEpe an> material& %ll apparatu? ?hall be >e?igne> to obviate the ri?@ of acci>ental ?hort circuit >ue to animal?B bir>? an> vermin& Opening? in ventilate> enclo?ure? ?hall be ?o con?tructe> to prevent the entrE of vermin an> in?ect?& %ll apparatu? incorporating >oor? ?hall be erecte> ?o that the >oor? can be opene> to at lea?t 4"! after a>Iacent eGuipment ha? been in?talle>& 0.#.#. MAN&FACT&RERS STANDARDS

EFcept Chere ?pecifie> otherCi?eB all material? an> eGuipment a??ociate> Cith the in?tallation ?hall be han>le> an> in?talle> ?trictlE in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer?H recommen>ation? bE Cor@men Cho have ha> previou? eFperience of the eGuipment an> material? an> Cho haveB Chere nece??arEB atten>e> a manufacturer:? cour?e on u?e an> in?tallation& The Contractor ?hall en?ure that anE ?pecial tool? recommen>e> bE manufacturer? for the in?tallation of their material? an> eGuipment are u?e> bE the Cor@men&

Hoehler & Partner LLC





Galvani?ing ?hall be applie> bE the hot >ippe> proce??& The preparation for galvani?ing an> the galvani?ing proce?? ?hall not a>ver?elE affect the mechanical propertie? of the material being coate>& Pre;?ite >rillingB punchingB cuttingB ben>ing an> removal of burr? ?hall be complete> before galvani?ing& Surface? in contact Cith oil ?hall neither be galvani?e> nor ca>mium plate>B unle?? fini?he> Cith an oil re?i?ting varni?h& The average thic@ne?? of the Kinc coating ?hall be eGuivalent to not le?? than "&) @gAm( of Kinc for all ?urface?B eFcept ?teel Cire?& The thic@ne?? of the Kinc coating for ?teel Cire? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith a national ?tan>ar> an> ?hall be approve> bE the Engineer& $epair >amage to galvaniKe> component? >ue to in?tallation proce??B i&e& folloCing cuttingB >rilling or Cel>ingB bE applEing tCo no?& ?ub?tantial coat? of col> galvaniKing paint& 0.#.*. "A,E"S AND N&M,ER P"ATES

%ll eGuipment ?hall be clearlE an> permanentlE labelle>B to the approval of the EngineerB in Engli?h& +here label? are provi>e> for ma@ing clear the metho> of operation of apparatu?B theE ?hall be conci?e an> preferablE >iagrammatic in form& Duplicate label? in the national language ?hall be provi>e> Chenever applicable& Label? ?hall be of the engrave> Traffolite tEpe& Label? for ?imilar eGuipment ?hall be of uniform appearance an> ?iKeB an> all label? ?hall be fiFe> bE ?creC?& Each item of eGuipment ?hall be mar@e> Cith it? functionB manufacturerH? name or tra>e mar@ an> the co>e or tEpe numberB together Cith the batch or ?erial number& Danger notice? ?hall have re> lettering on a Chite bac@groun>& %ll other label? an> number plate? ?hall have blac@ lettering on a Chite bac@groun>& GenerallE lettering for >anger notice? ?hall be 1" mm high an> all other lettering ) mm high& %ll out>oor ?Citchgear ?hall be clearlE an> permanentlE i>entifie> bE number plate? an> pha?e >i?c? of appropriate colour?& The rating an> circuit i>entification of each fu?e ?hall be mar@e> a>Iacent to the fu?e ba?e& The Contractor ?hall ?ubmit a ?che>ule of label? for approval bE the Engineer before engraving i? carrie> out& 0.#.6. FIXIN!S

Hoehler & Partner LLC



3iFing? to bric@Cor@ an> bloc@ Cor@ ?hall be ma>e in the bric@? an> bloc@? an> not in the bon>& +oo> ?creC? ?hall be Kinc coate> an> machine threa> ?creC? ?hall be ?oli> bra?? an> grea?e> before in?tallation& %cce??orie? mounte> in fiFe> eGuipment ?hall incorporate a>Iu?table ?lotte> fiFing hole?& HeavE eGuipment ?hall be fiFe> Cith approve> purpo?e;ma>e clamp brac@et?B rag bolt? or patent fiFing bolt?& Shot plug? or bolt? ?hall not be u?e> Cithout the Critten approval of the Engineer& o ?tructural ?teelCor@ ?hall be >rille> for anE purpo?e Cithout the Critten approval of the Engineer& In general all fiFing? to ?teelCor@ ?hall be bE mean? of ?tu>? Cel>e> to the ?tee1Cor@ or bE clamp;brac@et? or hoo@ bolt?& EFterior ?teelCor@ fiFing? ?hall be galvani?e>& The ?upplE an> fiFing of all ?upport?B brac@et?B clamp? an> ?pacer? an> anE other ?teelCor@ Chether or not ?hoCn in >etail on the >raCing? reGuire> for the proper an> effective fiFing of anE eGuipmentB ?hall be con?i>ere> to be inclu>e> in the material an> labour covere> bE the ?upplE an> fiFing of that eGuipment& 2olt? an> ?tu>? for electrical connection? ?hall preferablE be of bra?? /) ?iKe min& alternativelEB ?iKe /' maE be u?e>B but the?e mu?t be of pho?phor bronKe or high ten?ile bra??& ut? ?hall be loc@e> in po?ition Cith loc@ nut? or loc@ Ca?her?B or ca?tle;nut an> ?plit pinB or other >evice? if approve>& Loc@ Ca?her? ?hall not be u?e> above /(0 ?iKe eFcept Chen a ?pring tEpe i? ?peciallE approve>& 2olt?B nut? an> Ca?her? on out>oor eGuipment ?hall be of non;corro>ing material Chere theE are in contact Cith non;ferrou? part? in con>uctor clamp? an> fitting? an> el?eChere if ?peciallE reGuire>& Suitable ?pecial ?panner? ?hall be provi>e> for bolt? an> nut? Chich are not properlE acce??ible bE mean? of an or>inarE ?panner& 0.#.+. ,&I"DERS -ORE

*nle?? in>icate> el?eChere in thi? SpecificationB all buil>er? Cor@B cutting aCaE an> ma@ing goo> ?hall be carrie> out bE the /ain Contractor& The Contractor ?hall in>icate Chere cutting aCaE i? reGuire> an> Cill be hel> re?pon?ible for anE eFtra co?t? incurre> >ue to incorrect or ina>eGuate mar@ing out& Plugging of Call?B floor? an> ceiling? for the fiFing of con>uit?B fitting an> acce??orie? ?hall be carrie> out bE the Contractor& Detail? of all foun>ation? for apparatu?B con?truction of >uct?B ?ump?B cha?e?B etcBB ?tructural ?teelCor@B cutting aCaE an> ma@ing goo> in Call?B floor?B ceiling?B etc&B not >etaile> bE the Engineer on the ten>er >raCing? ?hall be the re?pon?ibilitE of the Contractor Cho ?hall provi>e ?uch >raCing? for approval bE the Engineer& The information ?hall be provi>e> in ?ufficient time to alloC the Cor@ generallE to progre?? in accor>ance Cith the Contract programmeB but the Contractor ?hall be entirelE re?pon?ible for the accuracE of the information given&

Hoehler & Partner LLC





%ll ungalvani?e> ferrou? ?urface?B ?uch a? blac@ ?teel pipe Cor@B brac@et? etc& ?hall be painte> one coat of anti;corro?ive primer imme>iatelE after erectionB an> a further tCo coat? of glo?? fini?h on completion& The paint ?pecification for all eGuipment ?upplie> Cith a Cor@? fini?h ?hall be to ?uit the particular applicationB an> ?hall be to the approval of the Engineer& 0.#.'. OI" AND !AS

*nle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie> ?ufficient oil or ga? ?hall be ?upplie> to fill oil or ga? fille> eGuipment provi>e> un>er thi? Contract& The oil or ga? ?hall be of appropriate tEpe an> ?uitable in all re?pect? for u?e in the eGuipment Chen it i? operate> un>er the con>ition lai> >oCn in thi? Specification& The >e?ign an> all material? an> proce??e? u?e> in the con?truction of the eGuipment ?hall be ?uch a? to re>uce to a minimum the ri?@ of >evelopment of aci>itE in the oil or ga?& Special mea?ure? ?uch a? nitrogen ?ealing or the u?e of inhibite> oil? are not reGuire> unle?? ?pecifie> bE the Engineer& 0.#.10. FIRE PRECA&TIONS %ll apparatu?B connection? an> cabling ?hall be >e?igne> an> arrange> to minimi?e the ri?@ of fire an> anE >amage Chich might be cau?e> in the event of fire& 0.#.11. RADIO INTERFERENCE %ll eGuipment ?hall be >e?igne> ?o a? to minimi?e ra>io interference in the freGuencE range "&1' /HK to ." /HK bE mean? of ?uppre??ion at ?ource& 0.#.1 . PAD"OCES Pa>loc@? or other approve> loc@ing >evice? for circuit;brea@er? i?olating >evice?B control ?Citche?B valve?B mar?halling @io?@?B cubicle?B ?creene> enclo?ure? an> other eGuipment ?hall be ?upplie> un>er thi? Contract& %ll pa>loc@? an> other loc@? ?hall be provi>e> Cith tCo i>entical operating @eE?& Each @eE ?hall have an engrave> >urable i>entification label& It ?hall be impo??ible to open anE loc@ or pa>loc@ Cith the @eE of anE other loc@ or pa>loc@ provi>e> un>er thi? Contract& Loc@? or pa>loc@? ?hall be in ?uite? or area? provi>e> Cith group ma?ter @eE facilitie? to the reGuirement? of the Engineer& ,eE? an> loc@? ?hall be impre??e> Cith the manufacturer:? ?pecial ?erial number& +all mounting cabinet? Cith glaKe> >oor? ?uitable for the accommo>ation of @eE?B ?hall be provi>e> an> mounte> in approve> po?ition? an> ?hall be labelle> in a ?imilar manner to the @eE?B Cith a labelle> hoo@ arrangement for each @eE& The engraving on all label? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith an approve> ?cheme& 0.#.1#. TOO"S

Hoehler & Partner LLC



+here the Contractor ?pecifie> ?hall ?upplE in ?teel boFe?B complete Cith @eE?B anE ?pecial tool? that maE be reGuire> for ma@ing a>Iu?tment? to eGuipment >uring normal operation or maintenance perio>?& %ll tool? ?hall be of alloE ?teel an> ?tampe> Cith an approve> i>entification& 0.#.17. EXPANSION >OINTS 2uil>ing eFpan?ion Ioint? maE occur throughout the buil>ing Cor@?& +herever the >raCing? in>icate that ?uch Ioint? are in?talle> the Contractor ?hall en?ure that all pipe?B >uct?B con>uit? an> cable? cro??ing the Ioint? are ?uitablE ?leeve>B ?et an> fleFiblE couple> acro?? the eFpan?ion IointB a>eGuatelE fiFe> each ?i>e of the Ioint an> properlE bon>e>& 0.#.1*. E%&IPMENT DOC&MENTATION %ll >ocumentation ?hall be in Engli?h an> ?hall be provi>e> bE the Contractor& The number of copie? an> the >ate? of ?ubmi??ion of the >ocumentation ?hall be provi>e> in accor>ance Cith the reGuirement? of the Specification& %ll >raCing?B manual?B ?pecification?B component li?t?B etc&B ?hall have an i??ue or revi?ion number an> a recor> of mo>ification& EGuipment in?truction manual? ?hall inclu>e circuit >iagram? for each unitB plug in boar> an> integrate> circuit u?e> in the complete eGuipment& 0.#.16. CONTRACT DRA-IN!S The Contract DraCing? are ?chematic an> are inten>e> to enable the Contractor to prepare hi? e?timate? an> ?ubmit a ten>er& +here run? of pipingB >uct?B cable CaE? etc&B are ?hoCnB theE >o not nece??arilE in>icate eFact location? Cithin the confine? of the buil>ing area concerne>& The final location? of all ?uch ?ervice?B one Cith another an> each Cith the buil>ingB ?hall be >etermine> bE the Contractor in the preparation of hi? In?tallation DraCing?& %lloCance ?hall be ma>e in the preparation of Ten>er? to cover ?uch >eviation? betCeen Contract an> In?tallation DraCing?& 0.#.1+. DRA-IN!S PREPARED ,( T$E CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTR&CTION PThi? ?ection i? to be rea> in conIunction Cith the %rchitectH?AEngineerH? to be applie> contract an> reGuirement?& The more onerou? ?pecificationAreGuirement i? $efer to the %rchitectH?AEngineerH? reGuirement? for timing of ?ubmi??ion? an> for penaltE clau?e? for non;compliance&N 3urther to the Sche>ule of DraCing? ?ubmitte> Cith the Ten>erB the Contractor ?hallB Cithin tCo Cee@? of the or>er to commence Cor@B confirm the >etaile> ?che>ule of all In?tallation an> 2uil>er?;Cor@ DraCing? to be prepare> bE the Contractor for the purpo?e of con?tructing the +or@?& The Sche>ule ?hall in>icate the >ate? on Chich the in>ivi>ual >raCing? ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Engineer for chec@ingB >ate for final i??ue an> >i?tribution an> the >ate on Chich the Cor@ covere> i? >ue to commence on ?ite in accor>ance Cith the overall Con?truction Programme& $elevant >ate? for commencement of manufacture of plant item? ?hall be inclu>e>&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Chec@ing of the Contractor:? In?tallation an> 2uil>er? Cor@ DraCing? bE the EngineerB ?hall not relieve the Contractor of hi? re?pon?ibilitie? for compliance Cith the >e?ign? intentB co;or>ination or Cith anE other obligation? an> reGuirement? un>er the Contract& The Contractor ?hall alloC in hi? Ten>er for provi>ing three copie? of each >raCing an> ?che>ule to the Engineer for chec@ing an> four copie? inclu>ing repro>ucible for final >i?tribution& %ll >raCing? prepare> bE ?upplier?B manufacturer? an>Aor Contractor? ?hall be en>or?e> Cith the Contractor:? oCn name title bloc@ an> >raCing number an> the Contractor ?hall ta@e full re?pon?ibilitE for ?uch >raCing? in accor>ance Cith hi? obligation? un>er the Contract& PThe ?cale an> format of all >raCing? ?hall be to the approval of the %rchitectAEngineer& %ll >raCing? ?hall be prepare> on %utoC%D ("") formatB bE the ContractorH? O ;SITE C%D O33ICEN& 0.#.1). RECORD DOC&MENTS AND DRA-IN!S PThi? ?ection i? to be rea> in conIunction Cith the %rchitectH?AEngineerH? con>ition? of contract an> reGuirement?& The more onerou? ?pecificationAreGuirement i? to be applie>& $efer to the %rchitectH?AEngineerH? reGuirement? for timing of ?ubmi??ion? an> for penaltE clau?e? for non;complianceN& The Contractor ?hall ?upplE to the EngineerB a? a pre;reGui?ite to Practical Completion of the +or@?B comprehen?ive recor> >ocument? finali?e> in >etail an> approve> bE the Engineer& The Contractor i? a>vi?e> that great importance Cill be place> upon the GualitEB accuracEB claritE an> completene?? of the recor> >ocument? an> upon their being ma>e promptlE available& +ithin tCo calen>ar month? of completion of the Cor@B the Contractor ?hall prepare an> han> over to the Engineer tCo ?et? of P%? 2uiltN >raCing? an> operating an> maintenance in?truction? for approval& On receipt of ?uch approvalB the Contractor ?hall i??ue to the Engineer three final ?et? of >raCing?B compri?ing one complete ?et of tran?lucent negative? an> tCo ?et? of Chite >Eeline print?B an> three ?et? of operating an> maintenance in?truction? ?tronglE boun> in fleFible cover? an> ?uitable for heavE u?age over a long perio>& The final ?et of >ocument? ?hall al?o be pre?ente> on CD $O/ format& % practical completion certificate for the Cor@? Cill not i??ue> to the Contractor until ?uch operating an> maintenance in?truction? an> >raCing? are receive> an> approve> bE the Engineer& %= The Contractor ?hall @eep a full ?et of Chite print? on ?ite ?hoCing the progre?? of all Cor@ in connection Cith thi? Contract& Such print? ?hall be @ept up to >ate an> all pipe Cor@B >uctCor@B con>uit an> cable run?B outlet? po?ition?B eGuipment etc& ?hall be mar@e> on the print? a? theE are in?talle>& In a>>ition to the?eB a>>itional copie? of >etaile> laEout? of main plant chamber?B circuit >iagram?B valve chart?B an> relevant plant information ?hall al?o be provi>e> ?uitablE frame> an> fiFe> in the re?pective plant chamber?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



2= Operating an> maintenance in?truction? ?hall be provi>e> bE the Contractor an> ?hall compri?e the folloCing a? applicable Critten to be rea> in conIunction Cith the $ecor> DraCing?L 21= 2(= 2.= 20= 2'= 2)= 25= % general >e?cription of the ?copeB purpo?e an> mo>e of Cor@ing to each ?E?tem or apparatu? forming part of the +or@? % >etaile> >e?cription of the ?copeB purpo?e an> manner of Cor@ing of each ?E?tem of automatic control? an>Aor monitoring in?trument?& Data on general >e?ign parameter? an> a??ociate> normal operating temperature?B pre??ure? etc&B ba?e> on the commi??ioning te?t?& Clear an> comprehen?ive in?truction? for the ?tarting upB running an> ?hut >oCn of each ?E?tem or apparatu? In?truction? in re?pect of anE precautionarE mea?ure? from time to time nece??arE <e&g& again?t freeKing or corro?ion= In?truction? in re?pect of the care of apparatu? normallE ?ubIect to ?ea?onal >i?u?e In?truction? a? to the natureB eFtent an> freGuencE of ?ervicing nece??arE properlE to maintain the +or@? in goo> con>ition an> a? to the material? to be u?e> for thi? purpo?e& Thi? information maE be ?upporte> in >etailB but not replace> bE maintenance in?truction? provi>e> bE the ?upplier? of particular component apparatu?& % li?t of recommen>e> factorE ?pecifie> ?pare part? plu? the name? an> a>>re??e? of ?upplier? of all maIor component? of the +or@? a? maE potentiallE be reGuire> to obtain ?pare part? or replacement?&


C= Copie? of manufacturerH? >ata Cith re?pect to the natureB tEpe an> metho> of operation of in>ivi>ual piece? of eGuipment together Cith their >etaile> maintenance in?truction? ?hall al?o be ?upplie>& Such >ataB in the form of in>ivi>ual boo@let? an> the li@eB ?hall be in>eFe> an> cro??;reference> to the operating an> maintenance in?truction? an> pre?ente>B ?uitablE protecte> in boF file? or fol>er?& The Contractor ?hall >emon?trate from time to time a? reGuire> bE the Engineer throughout the eFecution of the +or@?B that a>eGuate an> accurate recor>? are being @ept ?uch a? Cill en?ure the ultimate completene?? an> accuracE of the recor> >ocument? an> that the recor> >ocument? are them?elve? being progre??ivelE complie> a? the Cor@ on ?ite procee>?& The recor> >ocument? ?hall be a>eGuate for the folloCing purpo?e? C1= to recor> clearlE the arrangement? of the variou? ?ection? of the +or@? a? actuallE in?talle> an> to i>entifE an> locate all component? part? thereof C(= to ma@e it po??ible to comprehen> the eFtent an> purpo?e of the +or@? an> the metho> of operation thereof

Hoehler & Partner LLC



C.= to ?et out clearlE the eFtent to Chich maintenance an> ?ervicing i? reGuire> an> hoCB in >etailB it ?houl> be eFecute> C0= to provi>e ?ufficient an> rea>ilE acce??ible information properlE to facilitate the or>ering of ?pare? an> replacement? 0.#.1'. FAMI"IARISATION The Contractor Cill be >eeme> to haveB prior to ten>erB ?tu>ie> the full contract >raCing? of the buil>ing?B vi?ite> the ?ite an> to have acGuainte> bE him Cith all relevant >etail? affecting hi? Cor@& Claim? ari?ing from neglect of thi? clau?e Cill not be entertaine>& 0.#. 0. PROTECTION OF &NFINIS$ED -ORE %ll unfini?he> Cor@ ?hall be left in a ?afe con>ition an> anE temporarE ?upport? nece??arE to give a>eGuate protection from unauthori?e> interference ?hall be provi>e>& +hen it i? nece??arE to ?tore anE heavE eGuipment on the ?ite the mo?t ?uitable po?ition ?hall be a?certaine> from the /ain Contractor an> the eGuipment ?hall be ?tore> in ?uch a manner a? to prevent it falling or ?lipping& %ll trench or >uct cover? etc&B ?hall be replace> on leaving the ?ite or the imme>iate vicinitEB an> the >uct? or trenche? ?hall be a>eGuatelE guar>e> to prevent acci>ent& o re?pon?ibilitE for protection of the Cor@? can be un>er;ta@en bE the EmploEer& 0.#. 1. APPRO6A" OF E%&IPMENT AND MATERIA" %ll plant an> material i? ?ubIect to the approval of the EngineerB an> the Contractor mu?t ?ubmit full >etail?B inclu>ing ?ample? Chere reGuire>B before placing anE or>er? or ma@ing anE >eliverie? to ?ite& %ll literature ?ubmitte> for approval ?hall contain onlE relevant >ata& %ll fire protection an> prevention eGuipment ?hall be to the approval of the $OP Civil Defence Department of Oman& %ll eGuipment ?hall be in?talle> in ?trict accor>ance Cith the ma@er:? recommen>ation?B an> Chere appropriate ?hall be factorE a??emble> an> te?te>& 0.#. . PRO!RAMME OF -ORE

Imme>iatelE after receiving in?truction? to procee>B the Contractor ?hall pro>uce in agreement Cith the /ain Contactor a time an> progre?? ?che>ule& PThe Contractor ?hall prepare hi? programme on PP$I/%1E$% ProIect PlannerN an> fullE integrate hi? programme Cith that of the main Contractor&H Copie? ?hall be provi>e> for the Engineer an> the EmploEerB an> a copE ?hall be @ept on ?ite an> up>ate hi? programme a? nece??arE to maintain a completion >ate

Hoehler & Partner LLC



target programmeD al?o a? an> Chen reGuire> bE the main Contractor an>Aor Chen reGuire> bE the %rchitectAEngineer&H 0.#. #. "IAISIN! -IT$ OT$ER PARTIES a0 ROP Ci;il Defence A?tho2it5 It i? the re?pon?ibilitE of the Contractor to liai?e Cith the reGuirement? an> regulation? of the local Civil Defence %uthoritE& %ll relevant >raCing? an> eGuipment ?hall be approve> bE the Civil Defence prior to commencement of Cor@ an> all time an> eFpen?e? incurre> in gaining approval? ?hall be inclu>e> in the ten>er& C0 -ate2 It i? the re?pon?ibilitE of the Contractor to liai?e fullE Cith the reGuirement? an> regulation? of the local +ater %uthoritE for ?ati?factorE provi?ion of a permanent Cater ?upplE& %ll relevant >raCing? an> eGuipment ?hall be approve> bE the +ater %uthoritE prior to commencement of Cor@ an> all time an> eFpen?e? incurre> in gaining approval? ?hall be inclu>e> in the ten>er& c0 Se<e2age It i? the re?pon?ibilitE of the Contractor to liai?e fullE Cith the reGuirement? an> regulation? of the local Drainage %uthoritE for ?ati?factorE provi?ion of a permanent >rainage connectionB ?eptic tan@ an> ?oa@ aCaE or ce??pit& %ll relevant >raCing? an> eGuipment ?hall be approve> bE the Drainage %uthoritE prior to commencement of Cor@ an> all time an> eFpen?e? incurre> in gaining approval?

Hoehler & Partner LLC




3ire Ho?e $eel 3ire HE>rant 3ire Sprin@ler +et $i?er Portable Han> Help 3ire EFtingui?her?

Hoehler & Partner LLC



1.1. !ENERA""(
1.1.1. PREAM,"ES

The purpo?e of the?e ?pecification? i? to >efine the fire ?afetE in?tallation? compri?ing 3ire Ho?e reel?B 3ire hE>rant?B 3ire ?prin@ler?B +et ri?er? an> Portable 3ire EFtingui?her? etc& of Commercial an> re?i>ential >evelopment at Ghubra& 1.1. . SCOPE OF -ORES

The ?cope of Cor@ for thi? ?ection inclu>e? the complete 3ire Protection ?E?tem >etaile> >e?ign in accor>ance Cith 2SB 3P% an> $OP civil >efen?e regulation?B ?upplEB in?tallB te?tB commi??ion an> han>over the proIect in full ?ati?faction of the Client A Engineer& The Contractor ?hall ?ubmit >etaile> >e?ign >raCing? Cith nece??arE ?upporting calculation? ba?e> on the concept >raCing? an> ?pecification? i??ue> along Cith thi? ten>er& The Contractor ?hall con?i>er in hi? >etaile> >e?ignB all the nece??arE eGuipmentB >evice?B acce??orie?B fitting? etc& to en?ure the ?E?tem Cill perform up to the eFpecte> ?tan>ar> an> to the ?ati?faction of the Engineer& The Contractor ?hall al?o prepare >etaile> JShop DraCing?: an> ?ubmit to the Engineer for further approvalB prior to procuring the material? or commencing the relate> Cor@? at ?ite& 1.1.#. CONTENTS OF T$E -ORES

The Cor@? ?pecifie> in thi? ?ection compri?e the >e?ignB ?upplE an> fiFing of the folloCing item?L SupplE from the main ?upplE point to the buil>ing? The Ho?e $eel? 3ire Sprin@ler? +et $i?er? 3ire HE>rant? Portable Han> Hel> 3ire EFtingui?her? 3ire 2lan@et The proIect compri?e?L /ain 2uil>ing Guar> Hou?e 1.1.7. REFERENCE DOC&MENTS

%ll the Cor@? ?hall be carrie> out in accor>ance Cith be?t practice an> the laC?B or>er?B >ecree?B ?tan>ar>? an> ?tatutorE te?t?B being principallEL On 2riti?h ?tan>ar>B 3P% ?tan>ar>? an> to $OP Civil >efence regulation?&

The Contractor i? reGuire> to >o the hE>raulic calculation? of all the >i?tribution ?E?tem? an> >eci>e the pipe ?iKe?B in agree Cith >i?tribution an> ?iKing in >raCing?

Hoehler & Partner LLC



an> proIect& %ll change? in the?e >ocument? mu?t be Iu?tifie> to con?ultant? an> client a? nece??arE&


Each fire ho?e reel cabinet mar@e> in >raCing ?houl> ofL 1= %utomatic fire ho?e reel of (' mm >iameter Cith 0' meter ho?e for plant area?& a= 3ire ho?e of ('mm >iameter Cith 0' meter ho?e& b= oKKle to ?uit ('mm >iameter ho?e& CO(B ' ,g D %333B 4 L c= 3ire eFtingui?her? # (=

%utomatic fire ho?e reel of (' mm >iameter Cith ." meter ho?e for all other area?& a= b= c= 3ire ho?e of ('mm >iameter Cith ." meter ho?e& oKKle to ?uit ('mm >iameter ho?e& 3ire eFtingui?her? # CO(B ' ,g D %333B 4 L

Contractor to chec@ the final location of fire ho?e cabinet? a? per local regulation? an> ?houl> cover all part of buil>ing for protection& Pipe ?iKe? for ho?e reel? an> lan>ing valve? to be ?electe> a? per LPC regulation? to cover a??ume> maFimum number of ho?e reel?Alan>ing valve in ?imultaneou? operation& % pre??ure gauge ?hall be in?talle> clo?e to the fire ho?e in the lea?t favourable location ?o that it i? po??ible to chec@ at all time? that the pipe? are at the correct pre??ure& The connection of a ?ingle point to the main ri?er pipe ?upplEing it ?hall be of a >iameter complEing Cith the 0&' ,gAcm( rule an> ?hall have a >iameter at lea?t eGual to the nominal >iameter of the point connecte>& %ll the fire ho?e ?E?tem? ?hall be ma>e of galvani?e> ?teel tube SCH 0" %ST/ % '.& %ll the pipe? ?hall be attache> Cith metal ?upport? embe>>e> in the concrete frameCor@B an> the?e ?upport? ?hall be protecte> bE the application of tCo coat? of corro?ion;proofing paint& One i?olation valve an> a P$1 Chere nece??arE ?hall be fitte> per fire ho?e ?o that the Chole in?tallation >oe? not nee> to be ta@en out of ?ervice& %t the top of each ri?er pipe an> main branch pipeB a hE>ro pneumatic hammering; prevention >evice ?hall be fitte>B Cith an i?olating valveB pre??ure control gaugeB an> three;CaE tap to all the fire ho?e? in the lea?t favourable location?& /ar@ing along the Chole route bE labelling

Hoehler & Partner LLC



% >iagram of the netCor@ Cith in?truction? ?hall be >i?plaEe> in the control ?tan> room& 1. .1. 1. .1.1. TEC$NICA" SPECIFICATIONS OF E%&IPMENT Fi2e P?4p Set

% fullE automatic pac@age> fire pump ?et meant for fire ho?e reel? con?i?ting of one >utE electric pump an> one ?tan>bE >ie?el engine >riven pump an> complete Cith control panel ?hall be in?talle> Chere in>icate> on the Contract DraCing& The >utE pump an> ?tan>bE pump ?hall each be capable of maintaining a ?E?tem pre??ure a? in>icate> in the ?che>ule an> >raCing?& Elect2ic Moto2 D2i;en P?4p The electric pump ?hall be a horiKontal en> ?uction centrifugal volute pumpB ?ingle ?tage Cith TE3C electric motor mounte> on a common be> plate& Pump an> motor ?hall be connecte> to each other via fleFible coupling& Impeller ?hall be hE>raulicallE thru?t compen?ate> an> >EnamicallE balance>& Shaft ?hall have interchangeable ?haft ?leeve at the ?haft ?eal& Pump ?hall have ?tur>E maintenance;free anti;friction bearing?B Chich are grea?e> for life Cith high temperature grea?e& /otor ?hall be totallE enclo?e>B fan;coole> ?Guirrel cage motor& In?ulation ?hall be Cla?? 3& /otor ?hall be ?uitable for the rate> voltage of /ini?trE of Hou?ingB ElectricitE an> +ater </HE+=& In a>>ition to the normal facilitie?B the Star Delta Electric /otor 3ire Pump controller ?hall incorporate the folloCing minimum item?L i= 3acilitie? for the remote ?tarting of the pump? from a pre??ure ?Citch in?talle> on the ?E?tem trun@ main& ii= EmergencE manual ?tart button behin> frangible cover mounte> on the ?tarter panel& Die3el Engine D2i;en P?4p The ?tan>bE pump ?hall be a centrifugal pump >riven bE a >ie?el engine& % fuel tan@ Cith ?ufficient capacitE to hol> fuel for - hour? running of the pump at full loa> ?hall be provi>e>& The fuel tan@ ?hall have a fuel gaugeB in?pectionAcleaning holeB etc& The pump& Starter mechani?mB batterEB batterE chargerB control ?E?tem an> fuel tan@ ?hall be a? >e?cribe> in the LPC rule?& The >ie?el pump eFhau?t ?E?tem ?hall terminate at a ?afe po?ition at high level out?i>e the pump hou?e& The eFhau?t ?E?tem ?hall be complete Cith fleFible Ioint? an> ?ilencer& Each pump ?hall be fitte> Cith i?olating valve?B non return vale? an> pre??ure gauge?& The control panel for automatic operation of the pump? ?hall con?i?t of a metallic enclo?ure to IP''B >oor interloc@e> i?olatorB ?uitablE rate> contactor?B overloa> relaE?B /CC2? for each pumpB control /C2?B Han>;off;%uto Selector ?Citche? for each pumpB poCer on in each pha?e an> runAtrip lamp? for each pump?B ammeter an> voltmeter Cith ?elector ?Citch for the pump?B minimum run timer? for the pump?B anti;con>en?ation heater an> pha?e failure protection& %utomatic changeover of ?tarting ?eGuence ?hall be provi>e>& The ?tan>bE pump ?houl> ?tart in the event of failure of the >utE pump& % floC ?Citch in the >eliverE hea>er ?hall ?tart the main pump? if ?ufficient >raC off occur?& %t loC Cater level the pump? ?hall be ?hut off bE electronic level relaE an> probe? provi>e> in the Cater tan@& Hoehler & Partner LLC



%n au>io vi?ual alarm ?hall be provi>e> to in>icate pump failure an> loC Cater level in the tan@& The alarm ?hall be repeate> in a panel a>Iacent to fire alarm panel& The pump ?et ?hall be te?te> an> painte> fire re>& I?olating valve? ?hall be provi>e> at the ?uction an> >eliverE manifol>?& The pump ?et ?hall be mounte>B complete Cith fleFible Ioint?B vibration i?olator? an> foun>ation bolt? on a 1'"mm <minimum= high $CC plinth& Interconnecting pipe Cor@ an> pipe Cor@ Cithin the buil>ing ?hall be carbon ?teel an> pipe Cor@ beloC the groun> ?hall be high pre??ure uP1C to 2S .'"' Cla?? E& 1. .1. . Fi2e $o3e Reel3

The Contractor ?hall ?upplE an> fiFB in the po?ition in>icate> on the >raCing?B ho?e reel?& The?e ?hall be of the tEpe ?pecifie> in the Particular SpecificationB an> ?hall be ?upplie> complete Cith cabinet Chere in>icate>& 3ire ho?e reel? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S E 1405L(""( an> ?hall be approve> bE the local Civil Defence authoritE an> compri?e a reinforce> rubber ho?eB ." m long (' or 0"mm >ia& ?uitable for a Cor@ing pre??ure of 1""" @ Am(B coile> on a revolving >rum& The outer en> of the ho?e ?hall be fitte> Cith a P?hut;offN control noKKle an> the inner en> of the ho?e ?hall be connecte> through the reel to the Cater ?upplE& Pressure reducing devices shall be provided whenever necessary to limit the pressure to 4.0 bar. The reel ?hall incorporate a valve that automaticallE turn? on the Cater ?upplE Chen more than approFimatelE . m ho?e i? unreele>B an> ?hut off Chen the ho?e i? re; Coun> onto the reel& % manual ?hut off valve of the Cheel tEpe ?hall al?o be in?talle> on the ?ervice pipe to each ho?e reel <Cith open;clo?e in>icator=& The ho?e reel? ?hall >eliverE not le?? than the reGuire> bE 3P%& %n in?truction plate ?hall be ?upplie> Cith each reel in>icating the metho> of u?e in Engli?h an> %rabic& The Ho?e reel? ?hall be of a 2ran> approve> bE the $OP Civil Defence Department an> ?hall be ?upplie> through an> authori?e> %gent& The fire ho?e reel? an> the han> Hel> eFtingui?her? ?hall be hou?e> in a purpo?e ma>e flu?h mounte> Stainle?? Steel cabinet Cith fini?h to %rchitect:? an> Engineer:? approval& 1. .1.#. Sche1?le of Man?fact?2e23 MEP -o2=3

The Contractor maE inclu>e in hi? ten>er for alternative manufacturer? provi>e> that the eGuipment i? eGual to the reGuirement? of the SpecificationB but all manufacturer? mu?t have authori?e> repre?entation in the Sultanate of OmanB ?upporte> bE maintenance engineer? an> an a>eGuate ?toc@ of ?pare? an> have previou?lE un>erta@en ?ub?tantial proIect? in the Sultanate of Oman& %ll ?imilar eGuipment ?hall be of one manufacturer a? far a? po??ible an> ?tan>ar>i?ation of component? ?hall be utili?e> to re>uce the GuantitE of ?pare? reGuire>& Hoehler & Partner LLC



The Contractor ?hall en?ure that the eGuipment offere> i? ?uitable for the inten>e> purpo?eB can be in?talle> in the ?pace? provi>e>B Cith >ue regar> to ea?e of maintenance an> replacementB an> that >eliverE i? available to ?uit the buil>ing programme& %pproval of ?ubmittal? bE the Engineer >oe? not relieve the Contractor of hi? re?pon?ibilitE to provi>e eGuipment ?uitable in >imen?ionB con?tructionB function an> fini?h for the purpo?e inten>e>& The folloCing table give? acceptable manufacturer? for the ContractorH? benefit an> in general alternative 1 Ca? u?e> in the >e?ign >ocument?& In ?electing alternative manufacturer? the Contractor mu?t en?ure that a>eGuate ?pace i? available for hi? inten>e> eGuipment to the ?ati?faction of the manufacturerH? recommen>ation?& DESCRIPTION 3ire Pump 3ire Pipe? an> fitting? Pipe ?upport? 3ire an> Smo@e >amper? Ho?e reel & +et ri?er eGuipment 3ire ?leeve? an> Intume?cent /at Portable EFtingui?her? 3ire fighting eGuip& an> %ncillarie? 3ire cabinet? A"T.1 %$/ST$O G 7%QEE$% A"T. ,S2 %IaF C$% E A"T.# %33CO S*/ITO/O /*P$O SE IO$ COL/% 3I$E/%I %ST$O3L%/E 2%DGE$ * ITO$ % S*L

PIPE S*PPO$TS 3L%/CO T$O6 %33CO *LLI3I$E %33CO CH*2 %33CO $*S,I PO+H%TT% 3I$ETHE$/ ,IDDE %33CO CH*22

Note to the Cont2acto29 The Contractor ?hall ?ubmit minimum three propo?al? for each item mentione> above for approval prior to procurement of anE ?uch material?& The Contractor ?hall al?o be re?pon?ible for propo?ing alternative ma@e? but eGuivalent in the ab?ence of a local ?upplier A manufacturer for the item? li?te> above&

Hoehler & Partner LLC




Portable eFtingui?her? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S '.");.L(""" an> 2S E .; 5L(""0 an> ?hall be approve> bE the local Civil Defen?e authoritE& CO( %333 2 ; Portable han> hel> 3ire EFtingui?her? ; Portable han> hel> 3ire EFtingui?her? ; 3ire 2lan@et

Hoehler & Partner LLC





Hoehler & Partner LLC



Thi? ?ection cover? the Cor@? reGuire> for the %ir;con>itioning an> 1entilation in the con?truction of oor %l ; Deen gran> /o?Gue at %l ,huCairB Sultanate of Oman& The?e Cor@? concern principallEL /ain 2uil>ing .1.1. P&RPOSE OF SPECIFICATIONS

The purpo?e of the Technical ?pecification? i? to >efine the general Technical con>ition? of the %ir Con>itioning an> 1entilating Cor@?& The Cor@? ?hall compri?e mainlEL Cooling of the /ain 2uil>ing& ,itchen area? eFtraction& Toilet area? eFtraction& .1. . ACCEPTANCE OF INSTA""ATIONS

TEST PERIOD9 % perio> agree> Cith the client not le?? than tCo month? ?hall be provi>e> for a>Iu?tment? an> te?ting before acceptanceD thi? pha?e ?hall not inclu>e the perio>? of operation of the in?tallation? for ?ite nee>?& During thi? pha?eB all labour an> maintenance co?t? ?hall be a??ume> bE the Contractor& ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION9 Thi? ?hall ta@e place in the pre?ence of the ClientB hi? $epre?entative? an> the Contractor& During thi? in?pectionB in?tallation performance chec@? an> te?t? ?hall be carrie> out& REPORTS9 %t the en> of the in?pectionB the >eci?ion <acceptance Cith or Cithout re?erve?B or refu?al of acceptance=B ?hall be recor>e> in a reportB the acceptance >ate being that of the la?t >aE of the in?pection an> bE Critten form bE the Engineer& .1.#. CONTRACTORJS !&ARANTEE

The guarantee perio> ?hall be one Eear from the acceptance >ate& The Client re?erve? the right to effectB >uring the guarantee perio>B anE neC ?erie? of te?t?B Chich he >eem? nece??arE after having Carne> the Contractor in goo> time&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



During thi? perio>B the Contractor ?hall be oblige> to ma@e goo> anE neC >etect inclu>ing to the minor Cor@?D he ?hall procee> Cith the replacement of anE >efective element of the in?tallation at hi? eFpen?e <part? an> labour=& The Contractor ?hall have a perio> of ." >aE? unle?? otherCi?e agree> Cith the ClientB to ma@e goo> anE >efect? upon notification thereofB once thi? perio> ha? pa??e>B the Client maE have the?e Cor@? carrie> out at the eFpen?e an> ri?@ of the >efaulting Contractor& .1.7. CA"C&"ATION ,ASIS

SITE "OCATION LocationL /u?cat


Out?i>e De?ign Con>ition? In?i>e De?ign Con>ition? /o?GueL %ll area? Noise levels /o?GueL %ir Con>itione> area? Plant room? .1.*. .1.6. .1.6.1.

SummerL 0) !C D2B ." !C +2

(0 W 1 !C D2

C .";.' C 0";0'


Application Previou? ?ection? of thi? Specification contain information that Cill applE to the eGuipment li?te> un>er thi? hea>ing& !ene2al De3c2iption Thi? ?ection cover? all the prime air movement apparatu? in relation to the tEpe? of air;con>itioning an> ventilation ?E?tem?& The >raCing? >epict the location an> ?iKe of unit? an> their purpo?e&

Hoehler & Partner LLC




S53te4 De3c2iption9 %ir con>itioning unit? ?hall be inverter control or >igital ?croll tEpeB 1ariable $efrigerant 1olume or 1ariable $efrigerant 3loC ?E?tem?B air coole>B con?i?ting of one out>oor unit Cith multiple in>oor unit?B each having capabilitE to cool in>epen>entlE to ?uit the reGuirement? of the con>itione> ?pace?& 2oth in>oor an> out>oor unit? ?hall be a??emble>B te?te> an> charge> Cith refrigerant at the factorE& $efrigerant ?hall be $01";% or other approve>B Cith an OKone Depletion Potential ODP of "& *nit? ?hall be ?uitable for continuou?lE operating at '( >egree? C ambient temperature& The out>oor unit ?hall be mounte> Chere ?hoCn on the >raCing? an> ?hall be locate> Cith a>eGuate clearance? for ?ervice an> air inta@e? an> >i?charge? in accor>ance Cith the manufacturerH? in?truction?& Provi>e 1$1 or 1$3 ?E?tem Chich cau?e? loC electromagnetic >i?turbanceB applicable to telecommunication companie?B poCer ?tation?B an> all @in>? of preci?e ?cience lab?& Out>oor unit? ?hall be mounte> on anti;vibration pa>?& P2o1?ct3 O?t1oo2 &nit9 The out>oor unit ?hall be a factorE a??emble> unit hou?e> in a ?tur>E Ceatherproof ca?ing con?tructe> from mil> ?teel panel? coate> Cith a ba@e> enamel fini?h& The out>oor unit ?hall compri?e multiple con>en?er mo>ule?B lin@e> together to provi>e the total ?pecifie> capacitE& Each mo>ule ?hall have tCo compre??or? an> be able to operate even Chen one compre??or i? out of or>er& The connectable range of in>oor unit? ?hall be from "&- to 1" HP Cith all out>oor unit?& The Out>oor unit noi?e level ?hall not be more than '- >2 <%= at normal operation Chen mea?ure> at a horiKontal >i?tance of 1m aCaE an> 1&'m above groun>=& Out>oor unit? ?hall be mo>ular in >e?ign an> ?houl> be ?uitable for ?i>e bE ?i>e in?tallation& The refrigerant piping ?hall be eFten>e> up to 15' m Cith 5" m betCeen the out>oor an> in>oor unit <+hen the out>oor unit i? locate> in a higher po?ition=B Cith 0" m betCeen the out>oor an> in>oor unit <+hen the out>oor unit i? locate> in a loCer po?ition= an> the level >ifference betCeen the in>oor unit? i? 1' m& Co4p2e33o29 The compre??or? ?hall be inverter controlle> or hermetic >igital ?croll tEpe operate? on the principle of loa>ing an> unloa>ing of the re?pective >evice&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



$eat EBchange29 The heat eFchanger ?hall be con?tructe> Cith copper tube? mechanicallE bon>e> to aluminium fin? to form a cro?? fin coil& The aluminium fin? ?hall be coate> Cith an anticorro?ion re?in film& Ref2ige2ation Ci2c?it9 The refrigerant circuit ?hall inclu>e an accumulatorB liGui> an> ga? ?hut off valve? an> a ?olenoi> valve?& Safet5 De;ice39 The folloCing ?afetE >evice? ?hall be part of the out>oor unitD high pre??ure ?CitchB loC pre??ure ?CitchB temperature ?en?or <con>en?er outlet= & thermo?tat <>igital >i?charge= Oil 2eco;e25 S53te49 *nit ?hall be eGuippe> Cith an oil recoverE ?E?tem to en?ure ?table operation Cith long refrigerant piping& In1oo2 &nit9 Each fan coil unit ?hall have an electronic proportional eFpan?ion valve Chich control? the refrigerant floC in re?pon?e to the loa> variation? in the room& The electronic proportional eFpan?ion valve i? controlle> via computeriKe> PID control Chich con?tantlE mea?ure? an> act? upon the return air temperatureB refrigerant inlet an> outlet temperature& During the cooling operation the electronic eFpan?ion valve linearlE control? the refrigerant ?uperheat >egree at the evaporator& The fan? ?hall be >irect >riven of the >ual ?uction multi;bla>e tEpe an> ?taticallE an> >EnamicallE balance> to en?ure loC noi?e an> vibration free operation& Coil? ?hall be of the >irect eFpan?ion tEpe con?tructe> from copper tube? eFpan>e> into aluminium fin? to form a mechanical bon>& %uto ?Cing of the ?upplE air louver? for ca??ette & Call mounte> fan coil unit? ?hall be incorporate> a? ?tan>ar>& Thi? feature ?hall provi>e continuou? ?Cing operation or be fiFe> in anE >irection reGuire>& The fan coil unit printe> circuit boar> ?hall be complete Cith poCer input fu?ingB a>>re?? ?Citche? for a varietE of operation control?B emergencE operation ?Citch an> faultAoperation in>ication LED?& 3an motor? ?hall be thermallE protecte>& The fan coil unit ca?ing <ceiling mounte> unit?= ?hall be fullE in?ulate> an> ?eale> to prevent con>en?ation& Provi>e a gra>e aluminium con>en?ate traE fullE integrate> Cith the evaporator cabinet to >rain the evaporator coil?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Cont2ol9 ComputeriKe> PID control ?hall be u?e> to maintain ?pace ?et point temperature?& The ?E?tem ?hall incorporate a microproce??or control unit Chich ?hall control the operation of the Chole ?E?tem an> ?hall re?pon> to call;up bE in>ivi>ual controller? locate> Cithin the in>ivi>ual ?pace? ?erve> bE the in>oor unit?& Roo4 Cont2olle239 % ?eparate controller ?hall be provi>e> Cithin the ?pace ?erve> bE each in>oor unit to control that in>oor unit& That controller ?hall inclu>e but not be limite> to the folloCing functionL ; ; ; *nit On A Off Temperature ?et point for that unit Evaporator fan ?pee> FRES$ AIR $AND"IN! &NITS

Thi? ?hall be cu?tom built an> manufacture> in accor>ance Cith the %H$I ?tan>ar>? 0." for fan? an> 01" for coil?& *nit performance ?hall be E*$O1E T certifie>& %ir han>ling unit? ?hall be provi>e> Chere ?hoCn on the >raCing? an> ?hall be of a >ouble ?@inne> con?truction in a >raC;through format& TheE ?hall be of the horiKontal tEpe a? reGuire> each capable of the >utE ?che>ule>& EGuipment >e?ign ?hall be ?uch that the ?electe> filter me>iaB bearing?B in?ulationB motor?B etc& ?hall be ?uitable for the ambient temperature eFi?ting Cithin an> aroun> the unit& %ll air han>ling unit? an> maIor acce??orie? ?hall be ?upplie> bE the ?ame manufacturer eFperience> in the >e?ign an> con?truction of ?imilar unit?& %ll unit ?ection? ?hall be con?tructe> to prevent >rumming or >i?tortion of panel? up to a pre??ure >ifferential of ('"" Pa Cith minimal air lea@age& Plant item? containe> Cithin the unit ?ection? ?hall be ?iKe> an> ?electe> in or>er to maintain ?pecifie> face velocitE re?triction?& %ll lubrication point? ?hall be ea?ilE acce??ible Cith eFternal lubrication nipple? provi>e> to enable recharging of bearing? Chil?t the plant i? running& *nit? ?hall be factorE a??emble> an> ?ection? ?hall be of mo>ular con?truction for ca?e of replacement or intro>uction of a>>itional ?ection?& Section? ?hall be ?iKe> to ?uit the limite> ?ite acce?? con>ition?& Each ?ection ?hall have matching cro?? ?ectional >imen?ion?B be of the ?ame con?truction tEpe an> Cill pre?ent a clean internal appearance to en?ure even airfloC through the plant item?& $olle> ?teel channel ba?e? ?hall be provi>e> for unit? higher than 1.""mm&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%ir han>ling unit? ?hall con?i?t of the folloCing component? an> ?hall be a? ?et out in the ?che>ule? or in>icate> on the appropriate >raCing?&

$oughing 3ilter <cleanable panel tEpe= 2ag tEpe 3ilter& 4"O to 2S&)'0" Eurovent 0A' Cooling coil SupplE air fan ?ection Suction inta@e boF %ttenuator Section? Droplet eliminator? <for coil con>en?ing Cater= ,a3ic Con3t2?ction

.1.6.1. .1.

Con?truction ?hall con?i?t of a fiveL angle Penta;po?t heavE gauge galvani?e> ?teel frameCor@ to provi>e maFimum ?trength Cith minimum Ceight& /inimum galvaniKe> ?heet metal thic@ne?? ?hall not be le?? than 1B'mm for the inner ?@in an> "B-mm for outer& *nit frameCor@ ?hall be fullE Cel>e> at each mitre> comer an> ?hall incorporate Cel>e> attaching mount? to enable interme>iate ?tiffener? to be accommo>ate> Chere nece??arE& Plant con?truction ?hall be ?uitablE ?tiffene> to conform to the maFimum operating pre??ure an> to ?upport the component? an> fitting? forming the air han>ling unit& %ll enclo?ure panel? ?hall be of >ouble ?@inne> in?ulation con?truction Cith a pre; coate> ?teel outer ?@in to provi>e a toughB Eet attractive ?urface fini?h& The inner ?@in Cill be manufacture> from pre;galvani?e> ?teel an> painte> on out?i>e& +aterproof an> airtight recoverable tEpe ga?@et? ?hall be in?talle> at the Iointe> e>ge? betCeen panel? an> frame?& %ll panel? ?hall be flu?h mounte> into the unit frameCor@& 7oining of ?ection to ?ection ?hall be bE mean? of purpo?e ma>e comer an> interme>iate clamp?& +aterproof an> airtight recoverable tEpe ga?@et? ?hall be in?talle> on each mating ?urface& To provi>e acce?? into everE ?ectionB all ?i>e panel? ?hall be ea?ilE removable bE mean? of Guarter;turnB Guic@ relea?e fa?tener? an> ?hall be Mlift;offH for general maintenance acce?? or Mhinge>M for more freGuent acce?? to item? ?uch a? filter?& Top an> bottom panel? ?hall be fiFe> to the unit frameCor@ bE mean? of internallE locate> removable ?pring clip? pitche> at a >i?tance to en?ure ?ufficient ?trength an> rigi>itE& Clip? ?hall not be vi?ible on the eFterior of the unit& *nit frameCor@ ?hall be of Penta;po?t con?truction painte> Cith a high GualitE tCo coat paint ?E?tem in a contra?ting colour to the unit panel?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



.1.6.1. . .


In?ulation ?hall be provi>e> to all eFpo?e> ?urface? to prevent con>en?ation occurring on the outer ?urface? of the unit?& %ll ?ection? ?hall have >ouble ?@inne> panel? having a thic@ne?? of ('mm an> ?hall have a rigi> foam in?ulation infill provi>ing a thermal con>uctivitE no greater than "&"( +Am !C an> ?hall provi>e a high >egree of noi?e attenuationB minimi?ing noi?e brea@out& In?ertion lo?? through the panel? ?hall beL Octave 2an> HK 0, In?ertion Lo?? >2 ;0( ). -, ;() ;00 1(' ;.1 ('" ;.. '"" ;.) 1, ;.) (, ;0"

%ll Penta;po?t frameCor@ member? ?hall be fullE in?ulate> Cith forme> in?ert?B or Cith inIecte> polEurethane foam& The overall heat tran?mittance ?hall not eFcee> "&' +AmS !,& The %H* manufacturer ?hall guarantee that no con>en?ation ?hall ta@e place on the eFterior of the panel?& %nE ?tac@e> or >ouble height coil? ?hall have ?eparateB >rain pan? to re>uce carrEoverD ?uch pan? ?hall be pipe> to the main >rainB not into the loCer pan& .1.6.1. .#. Fan Section

Fan3D!ene2al ReH?i2e4ent3 3an? ?hall be capable of giving the ?pecifie> performance Chen te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S -0-& %lthough e?timate> value? of the re?i?tance to airfloC of item? of eGuipment maE be in>icate> thi? >oe? not relieve the Contractor of the re?pon?ibilitE for provi>ing fan? capable of >elivering the reGuire> air volume through the ?E?tem& The ma@e an> >e?ign of fan? ?hall be approve> bE the Engineer an> evi>ence ?upporting claime> noi?e level? an> fan efficiencie? ?hall be ?ubmitte> for approval prior to placing the or>er& +here fan? are ?upplie> Cith noi?e attenuator? full >etail? of the attenuator? ?hall be given& 3an hou?ing? ?hall be con?tructe> from mil> ?teel ?heet Cith angle ?tiffener? utili?e> to prevent vibration an> >rumming& TheE ?hall be Cel>e> on a??emblE irre?pective of pre??ure an> air volume to provi>e a rigi> air;tight hou?ing& Section !ene2al De3c2iption 3an? ?hall be bac@Car> or forCar> curve> %erofoil tEpeB >ouble Cith tEpeB belt >riven bE an internallE mounte>

Hoehler & Partner LLC



3an? for variable air volume unit? ?hall be eGuippe> Cith inlet gui>e vane controller? in protective ca?ing?B ?ecure> bE flange> connection? to the inlet of the fan& The vane a??emblE an> control mechani?m? ?hall be con?tructe> from galvani?e> ?teel& The ca?ing? ?hall be con?tructe> to a trulE volute form an> theE ?hall have rigi> cone inlet? trulE circular an> free from in>entation& Impeller? ?hall be robu?tlE fabricate> from ?teel ?heetB Cith a ca?t iron bo?? an> fabricate> ?teel bac@ plate& The bo?? ?hall be bore> an> @eE CaEe> to the ?haft& Impeller? ?hall be rigi>lE brace> to en?ure concentricitE an> eliminate vibration& TheE ?hall be ?taticallE an> >EnamicallE balance> on their ?haft? after a??emblE& Shaft? ?hall be col> fini?he>B turne> an> poli?he> ?oli> ?teel ?iKe> ?o the fir?t critical ?pee> i? at lea?t ('O greater than the operating fan ?pee>& 3lat? or @eECaE? ?hall be machine> on to the ?haft to provi>e a mean? of ?ecuring the impeller& ,eECaE? ?hall be provi>e> for all >riving pulleE?& 2earing ?hall be ?elf;aligne>B grea?e lubricate> ball tEpe Cith eFten>e> grea?ing point? carrie> to out?i>e the ca?ing& %verage life of bearing? ?hall be 1""B""" hour?& 2earing? ?hall be locate> on either ?i>e of the fan Cheel& 3an? ?hall be >riven bE mean? of matche> multi;J1: belt >rive? <minimum tCo J1: belt? per a??emblE= an> totallE enclo?e> fan ventilation motor? capable of operating at the appropriate electrical ?upplE voltage& The maFimum outlet fan velocitE ?hall be 1" mA?& %ll >rive component? ?hall be provi>e> Cith ?afetE guar>? conforming to 2riti?h Stan>ar>? an> be complete Cith tachometer rea>ing point?& The >rive motor ?hall be mounte> along the fan in?i>e the fan ?ection on a common heavE gauge galvani?e> ?teel ba?e frame& The ba?e frame ?hall be i?olate> from the main unit ?tructure bE mean? of enca?e> ?pring anti;vibration mount? un>er the ba?e frame a??emblE an> bE a neoprene C%&) fleFible connection fiFe> to the fan outlet an> unit ?tructure& /otor? ?hall conform to relevant 2riti?h Stan>ar> 2S&'""" an> 2S&0444 an> have a ?Enchronou? maFimum ?pee> of 1'"" revAmin an> be ?uitable for 01' volt?& . Pha?e '" HK electrical ?upplie?& .1.6.1. .7. !ene2al %ll air cooling coil ca?ing? ?hall be of ?heet ?teel not le?? than 1&(mm thic@ Cith angle framing at each en> >rille> rea>E to receive the counter flange? on the connecting >uctCor@ an> ?hall be galvani?e> after manufacture& Cooler batterie? ?hall be con?tructe> of copper tube? Cith aluminium fin?B unle?? otherCi?e ?tate> in the Particular Specification& The ?econ>arE eFten>e> cooling ?urface? ?hall be bon>e> to the primarE cooling tube?& Hea>er? for copper tube batterie? ?hall be of copper or bronKe& The bottom of a ca?ing ?hall be ma>e in the form of a Catertight >rip traE complete Cith >rain connection& The >rain ?hall be fitte> Cith a Cater ?eal Hoehler & Partner LLC Cooling coil3



to prevent the ingre?? an> >i?charge of air to an> from the ?E?temD the >rain pipe ?hall be run to the neare?t ?ump or gullE& % ?eparate >rain trough ?hall be provi>e> for at lea?t each 1&( m height of coil& +ater ?hall not be carrie> over from a cooler into the air ?treamD an eliminator ?ection ?hall be fitte> Chere nece??arE to prevent carrE;over& The re?i?tance to air floC ?hall not eFcee> 1(' Pa an> the face velocitE ?hall not eFcee> (&' mA? before leaving the ma@erH? Cor@? cooler? ?hall be te?te> to 1 1A( time? the Cor@ing pre??ure or to 5 bar Chichever i? the greater& Eliminator Plate? ?hall be fitte> if the face velocitE eFcee>? (&(' mA?& Cooling Coil? ?hall be ?upporte> ?o that their Ceight i? not tran?mitte> to >uctCor@ an> ?o that theE can be remove> Cithout >i?turbing a>Iacent >uctCor@& In?pection >oor? ?hall be provi>e> on both the up?tream an> >oCn?tream ?i>e? of the cooler& On anE ?E?tem Chere the air ?tatic pre??ure at the cooler eFcee>? 5'" Pa airtight cover boFe? ?hall be provi>e> over <tic hea>er? an> ben>?D provi?ion? ?hall be ma>e for >raining the cover boFe?& Coil? Cith fin? Chich have been ba>lE >amage> >uring tran?port or erection or Chich have become foule> or coate> Cith buil>er:? material? Cill not be accepte>& Chille> Cater coil? Cooling coil? ?hall be manufacture> from 1)mm O&D= ?oli> >raCn ?eamle?? copper tube?B ?taggere> in the >irection of air floC& Tube? ?hall be hE>raulicallE eFpan>e> un>er high pre??ure to permanentlE bon> the tube? to the fin?& 3in? ?hall be Mactivate> airM pattern manufacture> from aluminium& Support plate? ?hall be fitte> a? reGuire> to provi>e a>eGuate ?upport an> rigi>itE to the fin tube?& Hea>er? ?hall be a heavE gauge ?eamle?? copper tube Cith >ie forme> lippe> hole? to receive the tube en> ;Chich ?hall be braKe>& Tube ?heet? an> top an> bottom plate? ?hall be of heavE gauge mil> ?teel Cith mil> ?teel angle flange? galvani?e>& %ll tube ?heet? ?hall have >ie corne> lippe> hole? to receive them& Coil hea>er? ?hall be fitte> Cith plugge> vent taping? to facilitate >raining an> venting& Coil ?ection? ?hall be arrange> to provi>e removal of coi1? from the acce?? ?i>e of the ?ection& Coil? Cill be verticallE an> horiKontallE ?plit Chere nece??arE an> pipe> acro?? internallE to enable ?ame ?i>e connection to the ?upplE A return pipe Cor@& Connection? Cill be ?creCe> 2SPT& Coil? ?hall be air pre??ure te?te> to ("&) bar bE immer?ing the coil in a tan@ of Cater after completion& In?ulate> >rain pan? ?hall be incorporate> in?i>e all cooling coil ?ection? an> ?hall eFten> un>erneath the hea>er? an> beEon> the fin bloc@ to en?ure a>eGuate Hoehler & Partner LLC



collection of con>en?ate& On ?tac@e> coi1? interme>iate >rain pan? ?hall be fitte> to provi>e >rainage for the con>en?ate forme> on the elevate> coil ban@& Drain pan? ?hall be manufacture> from galvani?e> ?teel an> given ( tCo;coat pitch epoFE fini?h a? International Paint Lt>& (;pac@ epoFE 2lac@ P&T& o& 77%(0A(' or eGual& The >rain pan? ?hall be fitte> Cith a >rain connection to remove the collecte> con>en?ate from the unit ?ection& o part of the coil tube en>? or hea>er? ?hall be eFternal to the ?ection& %ir baffle? ?hall be arrange> ?o a? to prevent air bE;pa?? of the coil& %ll col> pipe connection? protru>ing;through the unit ca?ing ?hall be ?eale> Cith purpo?e ma>e high pre??ure grommet?& Coil? ?hall be arrange> in a contra;floC patternB Cith the floC of chille> Cater entering at the leaving air en> an> leaving at the entering air en>& The floC an> return connection? an> hea>er? ?hall be ?o arrange> to en?ure an eGual floC of Cater through all the tube?& Provi?ion ?hall be ma>e for eFpan?ion of the tube?B for effective venting of the cooler batterE an> connection? an> for >raining of the cooler batterE hea>er? an> tube?& Connection? up to an> inclu>ing )'mm bore ?hall be ?creCe> or flange>D connection? -"mm >iameter an> above ?hall be flange>& I?olating valve? ?hall be provi>e> on inlet an> outlet connection?B arrange> ?o a? to facilitate removal of the cooler& $efrigerant Direct EFpan?ion %ir Cooling Coil? Coil? ?hall be provi>e> Cith refrigerant >i?tributor?B an> connection? to the tube? ?hall be >e?igne> to en?ure an eGual floC of refrigerant to each tube& $eturn <or ?uction= connection? ?hall be arrange> ?o a? to en?ure complete >rainage of anE oil Xn the cooler& Cooler? ?hall be >ehE>rate> an> ?eale> after manufactureB The thermo?tatic eFpan?ion valve Chich ?hall incorporate an eFternal eGuali?er line ?hall maintain the >e?ign >egree of ?uperheat at the evaporator outletD the remote ?en?ing bulb ?hall be ?ecurelE fiFe> to the evaporator outlet piping Xn a po?ition Chere i&e& >egree of ?uperheat can be correctlE ?en?e>& %ll refrigerant ?pace? ?hall be te?te> at the ma@erH? Cor@? to 10"" @Pa for u?e Cith refrigerant 1( an> to ( 1"" @Pa for u?e Cith refrigerant ((& .1.6.1. .*. MiBing CoBe3

Damper? ?hall be fitte> in the reGuire> location? to provi>e the facilitE of bringing in a miFture of fre?h airB re;circulate> air an> eFhau?ting the reGuire> GuantitE of air to the atmo?phere& Damper? ?hall have parallel operating bla>e? Cith the fre?h an> re;circulate> air?tream? >irecte> toCar>? each other to effect complete miFing& Si>e ?eal? ?hall be;provi>e> to prevent air lea@age& Damper bla>e? ?hall be forme> ?hape >e?igne> to interloc@&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Control ro>? ?hall be eFten>e> beEon> the unit ca?ing to alloC the fitting of han> Gua>rant?& Han> Gua>rant? ?hall be provi>e> on each ?et of >amper?& .1.6.1. .6. Sh?tDoff 1a4pe23

Damper? ?hall be fitte> an> ?hall have oppo?e> bla>e action& Si>e ?eal? ?hall be provi>e> to prevent air lea@age& Damper? ?hall be forme> ?hape >e?igne> to interloc@& .1.6.1. .+. !ene2al 3ilter? ?hall operate to at lea?t the efficiencie? ?pecifie> in thi? Section& TheE ?hall be complete Cith hol>ing frame? ?ufficientlE robu?t to en?ure that no >i?tortion occur? in operation& %ll filter? ?hall be in?talle> Cith e>ge ?eal? Chich ?hall prevent air bEpa??ing the filter?& The ?eal? ?hallB remain effective even though the cell? are perio>icallE remove> an> refitte>& 3ilter? ?hall be arrange> ?o that there i? ea?E acce?? for cleaning an>Aor removal& % >ifferential pre??ure gauge of the >ial or incline> manometer tEpe ?hall be provi>e> for each filter ban@ an> ?hall be fiFe> in ?uch a po?ition out?i>e the >uct ?E?tem that it i? acce??ible an> ea?ilE rea>& The gauge ?hall be mar@e> to ?hoC maFimum pre??ure >ifferential in>icating a filter change reGuirement& %ir velocitE through 3ilter? ?hall be ?uch that the clean re?i?tance <or operating re?i?tance of automatic 3ilter?= a? in>icate> i? not eFcee>e> an> that filter fabric or oil i? not carrie> over into the ?E?tem& 3ilter a??emblie? ?hall be of a ?tan>ar> tEpe an> >imen?ion? an> ?hall be ?uch that replacement filter? me>ium i? rea>ilE available from a number of manufacturer?& Fi2e P2eca?tion3 +here a flameproof 3ilter me>ium i? ?pecifie> the material ?hall complE Cith the folloCing reGuirement? Chen te?te> in accor>ance Cith the relevant ?tan>ar>& .10 D?2ation of fla4ing o te?t ?pecimen ?hall continue to flame for more than - ?econ>? after the igniting flame ha? been remove>& . 0 EBtent of afte2Dglo< %fter;gloC ?hall not ?prea> beEon> the area of material >amage> bE flaming& .#0 "ength of 4ate2ial <hich cha23 o2 4elt3 The average length of material Chich char? or melt? on the ?iF ?pecimen? ?hall not eFcee> -'mm an> the maFimum length of the charre> or melte> material in anE one ?pecimen ?hall not eFcee> 11'mm& Hoehler & Partner LLC Ai2 filte23



+here Ca?hable tEpe flameproof 3ilter? are offere> or ?pecifie> the 3ilter me>ium ?hall complE Cith the reGuirement? of clau?e <(&(&1&1&0&5&(= above both before an> after the Ca?hing treatment pre?cribe> in 2S . 1(" %ppen>iF %& +here the filter me>ium i? reGuire> to be flameproof the ca?ing ?hall be not le?? than 1&)mm thic@ for at lea?t 1&- m up?tream an> 1&- m >oCn?tream of the filterB the imme>iate frame? or ca?e? of the 3ilter element? ?hall be of material complEing Cith 2S 50) Part 1B Clau?e 5B Cla?? 1& % three ?tage air filtration ?E?tem ?hall be emploEe> unle?? otherCi?e ?hoCn on the >raCing? an> ?che>ule?L .a0 San1 T2ap "o?;e23 .fo2 A$&3 Ai2 Inta=e0 The ?an> trap louver? ?hall be provi>e> to all fre?h air inta@e? ?ection an> ?hall con?i?t of an outer frameB ?eparator vane? an> a >i?charge bla>e en?uring ?an> >i?po?al out?i>e& Each unit ?hall have an in?ect ?creen attache> to the rear& The louver? ?hall be con?tructe> from eFtru>e> aluminium alloE ?ection? an> the frame? ?hall be 1""mm >eep& In neFt page? ?ee ?an> trap louver?& .C0 Ro?ghing o2 D25 Replace4ent 4e1ia t5pe filte2 Secon> ?tage loC velocitE roughing filter? ?hall compri?e ?i>e Cith>raCal Ca?hable '"mm& thic@ filter panel? mounte> either verticallE or in 9 ban@ formation Cithin a ?tout frame& The filter ?hall be of the flat panel tEpe containe> in a galvaniKe> ?teel front or ?i>e Cith>raCal frame& Each cell ?hall compri?e a pa> of gla?? fibre or ?Enthetic fibre filter me>iaB '"mm thic@B retaine> Cithin a rigi> frame of >urable car>boar>& The filter ?hall have an efficiencE of not le?? than 4(O ba?e> on the te?t? ?pecifie> in 2S (-.1 Cith te?t Du?t o& (B a maFimum face velocitE of (mA? an> an initial pre??ure >rop not eFcee>ing 5" Pa& Sufficient ?pare? cell? ?hall be provi>e> to replace the entire filter ban@& .c0 ,ag Filte2 3inal ?tage high efficiencE bag filter? ?hall be provi>e>& The filter ?hall compri?e one or more& )""F)"" filter bag mo>ule& Each mo>ule ?hall compri?e a minimum of four ?eparate ba? ban>e> or clippe> a galvani?e> ?teel hea>er& The bag? ?hall have a minimum length of )"" mm an> ?hall be of the fine me>ium to give an efficiencE of not le?? than 44&)O ba?e> on the te?t? ?pecifie> in 2S (-.1 Cith te?t >u?t o& (& The me>ium ?hall be of multilaEer tEpe Cith high mechanical ?trength& The maFimum ?hall initial re?i?tance ?hall be 1"" Pa& One complete ?et of ?pare bag? ?hall be ?upplie>& Each filter ?hall con?i?t of rigi> ru?tB re?i?tant metal hea>er to Chich in>ivi>ual filter me>ia poc@et? are attache> an> ?upporte> bE a ?crim bac@ing& /e>ia to Hoehler & Partner LLC



hea>er attachment? mu?t provi>e a ?eal tight con>ition betCeen a>Iacent poc@et? an> life ?ecure attachment& The filter hea>er ?hall not >eflect >uring operation up to the recommen>e> final re?i?tance more than 0mm a? mea?ure> at anE point on the hea>er compare> to anE other point on the hea>er& Each filter ?hall have multiple poc@et? con?i?ting of filter me>ia an> ?upporting ?crim& %ll eFpo?e> e>ge? an> ?eam? ?hall be ?eale>& In>ivi>ual poc@et? ?hall be forme> into tube? in ?uch a CaE that theE inflate freelE >uring operation& The u?e of ?taple? or pla?tic fa?tener? i? not acceptable for thi? purpo?e& Incline> /anometer? ?hall be fitte> on all filter ban@?& 3ilter efficiencE ?hall be 4"O Chen te?te> to 2S&)'0" Part (& Each filter cell ?hall be ?eale> again?t lea@age bE moul>e> polEvinEl chlori>e ga?@et?B in?talle> in filter mounting trac@? of eFtru>e> aluminium an> bE polEurethane ga?@et? betCeen a>Iacent 3ilter?& The trac@ ga?@et? ?hall be in?talle> ?o that the ?eal i? affecte> on the air entering face of the filter& The en>? of the filter mounting trac@? ?hall be ?eale> bE ga?@ette> metal in?ert? hel> in place bE ?pring clip?& The ceiling panel? Cill be furni?he> Cith han>le? for ca?e of removal&

So?n1 Atten?ato23

The maFimum ambient ?oun> level? in the variou? area? a? ?pecifie> in the 2a?i? of De?ign ?ection ?hall not be eFcee>e>& The Contractor ?hall en?ure that anE increa?e in noi?e pro>uction bE a change in plant ?pecification for v i? matche> bE an eGual change in attenuator performance ?erving that plantB thu? provi>ing no change in ambient noi?e level ?pecifie>B in?i>e or out?i>e the buil>ing& Each attenuator ?hall be in?talle> ?o that bac@groun> noi?e i? not bEpa??e> to untreate> >uctCor@& El?eChereB Chere reGuire> to achieve the >e?igne> ?oun> level the contractor ?hall u?e ('mm thic@B 0- ,gAmY >en?itE acou?tic >uct lining an> be fiFe> to the in?i>e of >uct? in agree Cith manufacture? techniGue& The >uct ?iKe? ?hoCn on the >e?ign >raCing area clear in?i>e >imen?ion& The acou?tic >uct lining ?hall not be con?i>ere> a? replacing the thermal in?ulation& The acou?tic material Cill be of an inorganicB incombu?tible non;hEgro?copic mineral fibre an> ?hall be retaine> bE mean? of galvani?e> eFpan>e> metal& %ttenuator? ?hall have ?i>e liner? an> fairing? a? ?tan>ar>& The attenuator? ?hall be te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S051- Te?t /etho> Silencing for %ir Di?tribution& The in?ertion lo?? an> generate> noi?e level for each octave ban> an> the pre??ure lo?? of the ?ilencer ?hall be ?upplie>& Hoehler & Partner LLC


%ll material? u?e> ?hall complE Cith the relevant part? of 2S&05)& %ttenuator ca?ing? ?hall have gauge? an> ?eam? in accor>ance Cith D+10( Cla?? % an> 2 >uctCor@& Ca?ing? ?hall be con?tructe> from high GualitE galvani?e> ?heet ?teel Cith en> flange? of 0"mm >ia& ?li>e;on tEpe&

Cent2if?gal fan3

*nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> centrifugal fan? larger than 5&' @+ output ?hall be of the bac@Car> curve> bla>e tEpe having fan total efficiencie? of not le?? than 5-O=& 2eloC 5&' @+ fan? maE be either forCar> curve> or bac@Car> curve> tEpe& 3an ca?ing? ?hall be con?tructe> of mil> ?teel plate? Cith angle ?tiffener? an> ba?e angle? to en?ure free>om from >rumming an> ?hall be ?uitable for operation at the maFimum ?tatic pre??ure of the ?E?tem& 3an ca?ing? ?hall be con?tructe> ?o that impeller? can be ea?ilE Cith>raCn after in?tallation& Outlet? ?hall be flange> an> inlet? ?hall be flange> or ?pigotte> a? in>icate> eFcept that for ?uction pre??ure? greater than 1""" Pa inlet? ?hall be flange>& % >rain an> plug ?hall be fitte> to the fan ca?ing at it? loCe?t point& 3or all @itchen eFtract ventilation fan? an acce?? >oorB for in?pection an> cleaning ?hall be fitte> to the ?croll ca?ing in an acce??ible po?itionD it ?hall be the full Ci>th of the impeller& Impeller? ?hall be of mil> ?teel <or aluminium Chere in>icate>= of rivete> or Cel>e> con?tructionB Cith ?pi>er? or hub? of robu?t >e?ignB an> ?hall be capable of running continuou?lE at ten per cent in eFce?? of normal ?pee>& Impeller? ?hall be @eEe> to a ?ub?tantial mil> ?teel ?haft an> the impeller Cith ?haft ?hall be ?taticallE an> >EnamicallE balance> an> te?te> for over ?pee> before leaving the ma@erH? Cor@?& Shaft bearing? of belt >riven ?ingle inlet fan? ?hall be trulE aligne> an> rigi>lE mounte> on a pe>e?tal common to both bearing?& Double inletB >ouble Ci>th fan? ?hall have a pe>e?tal mounte> bearing at each ?i>e of the fan& 3an bearing? ?hall be ring oile> ?leeve bearing?B or ball or roller tEpe& +here ?ilence i? important the bearing pe>e?tal ?hall not be attache> to the fan ca?ingB an> ring oile> ?leeve bearing? ?hall be applie>& *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> centrifugal fan? ?hall be >riven bE electric motor? through 1;belt >rive?& The maFimum fan outlet velocitE ?hall be 1" mA?&

ABial flo< fan3

%Fial floC fan? ?hall be either the ?ingle ?tage tEpe or the multi;?tage contra;rotating tEpe Cith each Jimpeller;mounte> oil an In>epen>ent motorHB an> having an efficiencE of not le?? than )"O& Ca?ing? ?hall be rigi>lE con?tructe> of mil> ?teel ?tiffene> an> brace> to obviate >rumming an> vibration& Ca?t iron or fabricate> ?teel feet ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE for bolting to the ba?e of ?upport?& Inlet an> outlet >uct? ?hall terminate Xn flange> ring? for ea?E removal& The length of the >uct ca?ing ?hall be greater than the length of the fan<?= an> motor<?= in or>er that the complete ?ection maE be remove> Cithout >i?turbing a>Iacent >uctCor@& Electrical

Hoehler & Partner LLC



connection? to the motor<?= ?hall be through an eFternal terminal boF ?ecure> to the ca?ing& Impeller? ?hall he of ?teel on aluminiumD the bla>e? ?hall be ?ecure> to the hub or the bla>e? an> the hub ?hall be forme> in one piece& The hub ?hall be @eEe> to a ?ub?tantial mil> ?teel ?haft an> the Chole ?taticallE balance>& 2la>e? ?hall be of aerofoil ?ection& Shaft? ?hall be carrie> in tCo bearing? Chich maE be ballB roller or ?leeve tEpe& Lubricator? ?hall be eFten>e> to the out?i>e of the ca?ing& +here aFial floC fan? are >riven bE a motor eFternal to the fan ca?ing the reGuirement? for pulleE? an> 1;belt >rive? an> guar>? a? ?pecifie> el?eChere ?hall be met& *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> a guar> i? not reGuire> for anE part of a >rive Chich i? in?i>e the fan ca?ing& %n acce?? >oor of a>eGuate ?iKe ?hall be provi>e>& +here aFial floC fan? of the bifurcate> tEpe are in>icate> the motor? ?hall be out of the air ?tream& /otor? maE be place> betCeen the tCo halve? of the ca?ing in the eFternal air or maE be place> Cithin the fan ca?ing provi>e> that effective ventilation i? given to the motor& +here hot ga?e? or vapour? are being han>le> the motor an> the bearing? ?hall be ?uitable for operation at the temperature theE maE eFperience& 3an? Chich >o not connect to a ?uction >uct ?hall be ?upplie> Cith a bell mouth inlet&

P2opelle2 Fan3

Impeller? ?hall be of ?teel or aluminiumD the bla>e? ?hall be fa?tene> to the hub or the bla>e? an> hub ?hall be forme> in one piece& The bearing? maE be ballB rollerB or ?leeve tEpe& Propeller fan? maE be ring mounte> or >iaphragm mounte> in a ca?ingB a? in>icate>& +here theE are mounte> in a ca?ing the ca?ing ?hall be longer than the length of the fan an> motor& The ca?ing ?hall be of ?teelB ?hall have flange> en>? an> ?hall incorporate an in?pection >oor& % terminal boF ?hall be mounte> eFternallE on the ca?ing& The tip ?pee> of fan? ?hall not eFcee> (" mA?& Propeller fan? ?hall not be in?talle> to Cor@ again?t a re?i?tance of more than '" Pa&

P2otecti;el5 Coate1 Fan3 an1 Special Enclo3?2e3

ProtectivelE coate> fan? ?hall meet the appropriate reGuirement? of the prece>ing clau?e? relating to fan? generallE an> to particular tEpe? of fan?D the form of protection ?hall be a? in>icate>& +here a protective coating i? reGuire> for u?e Cith corro?ive ga?e? the coating ?hall cover all part? of the complete fanB motor an> ca?ing a??emblE Chich Cill be in contact Cith the corro?ive ga?e?& o fan ?hall be in?talle> if the protective coating ha? been >amage> in anE CaE& 3lame;proof enclo?ure? ?hall complE Cith the reGuirement? of 2S ((4 for the appropriate ga? group&

Mechanical Roof EBt2act &nit3

The fan? u?e> in roof eFtract unit? ?hall meet the appropriate reGuirement? of the prece>ing clau?e? relating to fan? generallE an> to particular tEpe? of fan?& CoCl? an> ba?e? ?hall be of aluminium con?truction unle?? otherCi?e ?tate> in the Particular Specification& Ca?e? ?hall be forme> ?o a? to en?ure a Ceatherproof fitting to the buil>ing ?tructure&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%>eGuate acce?? to motor terminal? an> lubricating point? ?hall be provi>e> bE mean? of hinge> coCl? or otherCi?e a? appropriate& 2ac@>raught >amper? an>Aor fire relea?e >amper? ?hall be provi>e> Chere in>icate>&

InD"ine Cent2if?gal an1 MiBe1 Flo< Fan3

In;Line centrifugal an> miFe> floC fan? maE be incorporate> ?ubIect to the approval ofH the Engineer provi>e> that full >etail? of rating?B noi?e levelB >imen?ion? an> con?truction are given in the ten>er& 3an? of the?e tEpe? above 5&' @+ output Cill not normallE be accepte>&

T<in Fan &nit3 fo2 Toilet EBt2action

Duplicate fan a??emblie? ?hall complE Cith the appropriate ?ection? of thi? Specification for the fan? them?elve? an> ?hall incorporate an automatic or manual changeover facilitE a? in>icate>& The motor? ?hall be 01' 1 # .P # '" HK # Cith ?eale> for life bearing?& /aFim& Spee> 10'" rpm& The unit ?hall incorporate automatic changeoverB vi?ible Canting of failure of the >utE fan&

Fi2e Da4pe23

Spring;loa>e> fire >amper? ?hall compri?e a ca?ing of rolle> ?ection from 1&(mm thic@ galvani?e> ?teel prime GualitE to 2S (4-4 145' Q( an> of 11'mm Ci>e an> forme> to provi>e tCo continuou? internal flange? proIecting into the opening& The ca?ing ?hall hou?e a ?erie? of ?pring;loa>e> ?tainle?? ?teel bla>e? of (( ?Cg rolle> to form a continuou? interloc@ing hinge along the Chole length of it? a>Ioining bla>e& The bla>e? ?hall be hel> out of the air ?tream bE a fu?ible lin@ ?et to fu?e at 5(!C& The >amper? ?hall be hel> in po?ition bE mounting frame of the buil>ing;in tEpe or of the peripheral ?leeve tEpe to maintain the fire rating integritE& 2oth tEpe? of frame are to be purpo?e ma>e from galvani?e> ?teel an> of approve> >e?ign& The >amper? an> frame? are to have an approve> 3ire rating eGual to the fire integritE of the Call or >oorB Chich theE are maintaining&

!2ille3 / Diff?3e23

Grille? an> >iffu?er? ?hall be provi>e> Chere ?hoCn on the >raCing? an> ?hall be ?uitable for their purpo?e& TheE ?hall be manufacture> from eFtru>e> aluminium or other material to the %rchitectH? approval an> be ?uitable for their a??ociate> face velocitie? an> of rigi> con?truction to prevent HflutteringH of bla>e? an> turbulent noi?e& %ll ?upplE an> eFtract grille? on >i?tribution >uctCor@ ?E?tem? ?hall be complete Cith oppo?e> bla>e volume control >amper?& %ll tran?fer grille? through >oor? or Call? ?hall be of the vi?ion;proof tEpe an> Chere fitte> through a fire compartment barrier ?hall be of the tCo;face> tEpe Cith one hinge>B giving acce?? to an intume?cent honeEcomb? tEpe fire >amper& Hoehler & Partner LLC


%ll ceiling mounte> grille? an> >iffu?er? ?hall be of a ?iKe compatible Cith the ceiling gri> an> ?hall be arrange> an> coor>inate> Cith the gri> an> luminarie?& SimilarlEB ?i>eCall grille? an> >iffu?er? ?hall be curve> Chere nece??arE to folloC the ?tructural ?hape eFactlE& Plenum boFe? above linear ceiling mounte> >iffu?er? ?hall be complete Cith circular connection? containing volume control >amper? Chich ?hall be connecte> to the >i?tribution >uctCor@ u?ing circular fleFible >uctCor@& In certain ca?e? linear >iffu?er? are ?hoCn to perform both a ?upplE an> eFtractAreturn air function Cithin the ?ame length& The Contractor ?hall inclu>e for blan@ing plate? betCeen the ?upplE an> the return ?ection? a? nece??arE to avoi> interference betCeen air ?tream?& %ll grille? an> >iffu?er? ?hall be provi>e> Cith foam pla?tic ga?@et? to prevent ?trea@ingB of Call? an> ceiling?& %ll grille? an> >iffu?er? fitte> in fal?e ceiling? ?hall be a>eGuatelE ?upporte> off the ?tructural ?offit an> ?hall be arrange> to impo?e no on the fal?e ceiling ?E?tem& % total of tCo operating @eE? ?hall be provi>e> for each to tEpe of grille >iffu?er& Grille? an> >iffu?er? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith the appropriate ?che>ule?&

Aco?3tic "o?;e23

%cou?tic louver? ?hall be capable of the tran?mi??ion lo?? a? ?hoCn beloC for the ?iKe a? ?hoCn in the ?che>ule an> ?hall be po?itione> a? ?hoCn on the ten>er laEout >raCing?B or Chere nece??arE& The louver ?hall con?i?t of an aluminium alloE outer ca?ingB ?ection an> Iamb Cith mineral Cool ?oun> ab?orbent material& The mineral Cool ?hall be protecte> bE a gla?? fibre ti??ue facing an> both ?hall be inertB non;hEgro?copicB non;combu?tibleB vermin;proof an> pac@e> to a >en?itE of not le?? than 5" ,gA/. Octave ban> centre 3reGuencEB HK 1, (, Tran?mi??ion Lo??B HK 10 1(' 0, 5 10 11 1( 1. ('" '""

Each louver ?hall be complete Cith in?ect ?creen&

EBte2nal -eathe2 "o?;e23

EFternal Ceather louver? ?hall be capable of the air volume? an> pre??ure >rop? a? ?hoCn in the ?che>ule an> po?itione> a? in>icate> on the ten>er >raCing?& The louver? ?hall be manufacture> from eFtru>e> aluminium alloE ?ection? an> ?hall have goo> Ceatherproof characteri?tic?& The bla>e pitch ?hall be )" mm an> the frame 1"" mm >eep& 3ini?h ?hall be poC>er organic coating to 2S )04)& Colour to

Hoehler & Partner LLC



EngineerH? approve> from 2S 0-"" range& Each louver ?hall be complete Cith in?ect ?creen&

San1 T2ap "o?;e23

San> trap louver? ?hall be con?tructe> from ?teel ?heet not le?? than 1&(mm thic@ mounte> on angle iron ?upport? an> carrie> in a louver boF of ?heet ?teel of the ?ame thic@ne??& The louver? ?hall be of the labErinth tEpe >e?igne> to achieve velocitE change? of the air pa??ing through it in>ucing the ?an> to >rop out& The louver ?hall be fini?he> at Cor@? Cith tCo coat? of re> oFi>e paint for final painting after erection&

D?cting an1 S?ppo2t3

Ducting ?hall be provi>e> an> fiFe> in accor>ance Cith relevant Section of thi? ?pecification& 3inal connection? to >iffu?er? maE be in fleFible >ucting in or>er to centrali?e the fitting Cithin the ceiling tile& Such >ucting ?hall complE Cith Section 2S(& 1"&


The reGuirement? for in?ulation are a? ?pecifie> in relevant Section&

Noi3e / 6iC2ation

The reGuirement? for noi?e an> vibration control ?hall be a? ?pecifie> irrelevant Section&

Split ai2 con1itione23

Each unit ?hall compri?e the folloCing component?B each of Chich ?hall complE Cith the appropriate ?ection? of thi? SpecificationB eFcept a? otherCi?e in>icate>L .'.1. Ca3ing Thi? ?hall con?i?t of a heavE gauge ?teel cha??i? Cith ?heet metal ca?ingB minimum thic@ne?? 1&(mm an> the Chole ?hall be protecte> again?t corro?ion an> fini?he> in?i>e an> out?i>e Cith ?tove> primer& Ca?ing? ?hall inclu>e removable panel? to provi>e rea>E acce?? to all component part?& Ca?ing? ?hall be line> Cith material to act a? both thermal an> acou?tic in?ulation& 3an an> motor a??emble? ?hall be complete Cith anti;vibration mounting?& oi?e >ata ?hall be provi>e> an> ?hall be ba?e> on te?t? in accor>ance Cith the H1C% Te?t Co>eB or ?imilar te?t?B full >etail? of the te?ting techniGue an> proce>ure ?hall be given& The >ata ?hall inclu>e an octave ban> analE?i? of the ?oun> poCer level of the unit&

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.'. . Fan3 Evaporator fan? ?hall be of the belt >riven forCar> curve> centrifugal tEpe an> be of aluminium or galvani?e> ?teel con?truction& Split pulleE? ?hall be provi>e> to alloC the fan ?pee> to be a>Iu?te>& Con>en?er fan? ?hall be of the >irect >riven propeller tEpeB Cith Ceatherproof motor?& .'.#. Ai2 Filte23 %ir filter? ?hall be '"mm thic@ ?Enthetic fibre or gla?? fibre material an> ?hall have a minimum efficiencE of 4(O Chen te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S (-.1 u?ing te?t Du?t o& (& .'.7. Moto23 /otor? ?hall be Guiet running an> ?hall have ?leeve bearing? factorE lubricate> for life& /otor Cin>ing? an> electrical component? ?hall be impregnate> or protecte> to avoi> trouble from con>en?ation& .'.*. Co4p2e33o23 Compre??or? ?hall be hermetic or ?emi;hermetic tEpe complete Cith re?ilient mounting?& *nle?? otherCi?e in>icate> con>en?erAevaporator coil? ?hall be forme> of copper primarE ?urface tube? Cith aluminium ?econ>arE ?urface?& Drain traE? an> con>en?ate >i?po?al ?hall be a? >e?cribe> in the relevant ?ection? of thi? Specification& .1.6. . Con1en3ate D2ain S53te4 !ene2al

Con>en?ate >rain ?E?tem? ?hall be in?talle> to receive the con>en?ate >i?charge from the fan coil unit? an> air han>ling unit? an> to conveE con>en?ate ultimatelE into a Ca?te Cater or ?urface Cater ?E?tem&

Pipe <o2=

%ll pipe Cor@ an> fitting? an> the in?tallation ?hall conform to the relevant clau?e? in PIPE +O$,& Con>en?ate >rain? ?hall be in uP1C an> in?ulate> a? per ?tan>ar>& EFpo?e> con>en?ate >rain pipe?B in?ulate> an> fini?he> Cith %luminium >ucting&

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%ll nece??arE connection? reGuire> for connection? to >rain pan? an> the li@e ?hall be provi>e>& The minimum connector bore ?hall be (" mm an> otherCi?e never le?? than the connection left bE the manufacturer of the item of eGuipment concerne>&

Acce33 Point3

Con>en?ate >rain? ?hall be provi>e> Cith acce?? point? an> cleaning eEe? at the en> of each branch an> change or >irection to enable the pipe Cor@ to be ro>>e>&


$unning trap? ?hall be in?talle> in the con>en?ate >rainage& Trap? ?hall be in copper an> ?hall be of tubular tCo;piece con?truction Cith a minimum Cater ?eal of 5' mmB an> alCaE? of ?ufficient ?eal for the ?tatic pre??ure? generate> bE the eGuipment to Chich it i? connecte>& Trap? ?hall generallE be provi>e> at the point Chere con>en?ate >rain? Ioint Ca?te Cater pipe? an> ?hall be ?o arrange> that the floC of Ca?te Cater ?hall ten> to charge the con>en?ate trap to prevent lo?? of ?eal in loC humi>itE con>ition?&


Con>en?ate >rain? ?hall run at a minimum uniform gra>ient of (O an> in agree Cith general fall? e?tabli?he>&


Con>en?ate >rain? ?hall be in?ulate> in accor>ance Cith relevant clau?e? of the ?ection of thi? Specification entitle> I S*L%TIO & .1.6.#. Technical Data <See >raCing?= 1-&1&- Sche1?le of Man?fact?2e23 MEP -o2=3 The Contractor maE inclu>e in hi? ten>er for alternative manufacturer? provi>e> that the eGuipment i? eGual to the reGuirement? of the SpecificationB but all manufacturer? mu?t have authori?e> repre?entation in the Sultanate of OmanB ?upporte> bE maintenance engineer? an> an a>eGuate ?toc@ of ?pare? an> have previou?lE un>erta@en ?ub?tantial proIect? in the Sultanate of Oman& %ll ?imilar eGuipment ?hall be of one manufacturer a? far a? po??ible an> ?tan>ar>i?ation of component? ?hall be utili?e> to re>uce the GuantitE of ?pare? reGuire>& The Contractor ?hall en?ure that the eGuipment offere> i? ?uitable for the inten>e> purpo?eB can be in?talle> in the ?pace? provi>e>B Cith >ue regar> to ea?e of

Hoehler & Partner LLC



maintenance an> replacementB an> that >eliverE i? available to ?uit the buil>ing programme& %pproval of ?ubmittal? bE the Engineer >oe? not relieve the Contractor of hi? re?pon?ibilitE to provi>e eGuipment ?uitable in >imen?ionB con?tructionB function an> fini?h for the purpo?e inten>e>& The folloCing table give? acceptable manufacturer? for the ContractorH? benefit an> in general alternative 1 Ca? u?e> in the >e?ign >ocument?& In ?electing alternative manufacturer? the Contractor mu?t en?ure that a>eGuate ?pace i? available for hi? inten>e> eGuipment to the ?ati?faction of the manufacturerH? recommen>ation?&

DESCRIPTION Ai2 $an1ing ?nit D?cte1 Split &nit -all Split &nit $eat EBchange2 6R6 : 6RF EBt2act Fan3 Ai2 C?2tain

A"T 1 T$% E T$% E GE E$%L THE$/E6 D%I,I S9STE/%I$ %TIO %L

A"T C%$$IE$ C%$$IE$ P% %SO IC 2O+/% /ITS*2ISHI E6PEL%I$ S% GETS* %I$ /%STE$ G*L3 %CO*STICS $*S,I 3L%//CO 7HO SO C$% E I/I HEP+O$TH ,I ETICS C%PE EST /% SO %E$O3LE6 D*$OD9 E SCH%,O

A"T # 9O$, 9O$, THOSHI2% *, E6CH% GE$S C%$$IE$ G$EE CHEC, 7S SCH%,O T$O6 S%3ID PIPE S*PPO$TS 2$% % & SO S

Ai2 O?tlet3G !2ille3G T$O6 Diff?3e23 Silence23 Fi2e Da4pe23 D?ct an1 Pipe 3?ppo2t3 !a?ge3 Ai2 ;ent Coope2 pipe3 an1 fitting3 &P6C pipe3 an1 fitting3 6iC2ation i3olato23 In3?lation So?n1 line2 R?CCe2 In3?lation D?ct acce33o2ie3 6ol?4e cont2ol 1a4pe23 +OODS LTD T$O6 /*P$O T%9LO$ %/ST$O G 9O$,SHI$E O/% PL%ST /%SO O ,OOLTHE$/ ,I//CO %/ST$O G D*CT /%TE T$O6

S*/ITO/O +ED ES2E$$9 D*$%PIPE * ISO ,I//CO 7OG EQ9 $*S,I /% 1ILLE $*2%TE6

Hoehler & Partner LLC



DESCRIPTION Ci2c?la2 fleBiCle 1?ct<o2= !I D?cting Te3t Point3

A"T 1 THE$/%3LE6 IPPO 2I DE$



Note to the Cont2acto29 The Contractor ?hall ?ubmit minimum three propo?al? for each item mentione> above for approval prior to procurement of anE ?uch material?& The Contractor ?hall al?o be re?pon?ible for propo?ing alternative ma@e? but eGuivalent in the ab?ence of a local ?upplier A manufacturer for the item? li?te> above& .1.+. FIRED,ARRIER F"APS

TheE ?hall compri?eL

% ?eale> flap forme> bE an a?be?to? core <or core of another ?uitable in?ulating material= Cith metal Iac@et& % galvani?e> ?heet metal barrel& /anual trigger lever& 1i?ible po?ition in>icator& /anual re?et >eviceB po??iblE Cith a trap& %n en>;of;run an> ?tart;of run ; contact <?ignal relaE=& % trigger ?E?tem bE heat;?en?itive fu?e <rate> at -"!C=&

o noi?e or vibration? incompatible Cith the noi?e level? ?et ?hall be generate> <air ?pee> 1" mA? or le??=& Their in?tallation ?hall be ?uch that the >uct maintain? the continuou? fire;barrier or name;barrier forme> bE the CallD theE ?hall have their oCn ?upport?B giving them the nece??arE fire re?i?tance& The metho> bE Chich theE are connecte> Cith the >uct? ?hall be bE in?ertion or flange? Cith ?ealing ma?tic& TheE ?hall be ?uitable for the ventilation circuit pre??ure? on Chich theE are to be in?talle> <loC or high pre??ure=& .1.). .1.).1. DIFF&SION D AIR RECIRC&"ATION AND EXTRACTION !ene2all5

Hoehler & Partner LLC



The in?tallation engineer ?hall ?ubmit the >iffu?er? an> outlet? cho?en to the Con?ultant Engineer for approval& The ?election an> in?tallation of the mean? of >iffu?ion ?hall be carrie> out in collaboration Cith the ?upplier an> the >iffu?er?B grille? an> noKKle? etc to be high GualitE tEpe& .1.). . Diff?3e23 an1 Clo<e2 g2ating39

Ta@ing account of the inten>e> u?e of the premi?e?B the re?i>ual ?pee> in the occupie> area? ?hall be betCeen "&1( an> "&(" mA?& The metho> of >iffu?ion ?hall en?ure a uniform temperature in the occupie> area& The control? in the ca?e of >uct? Cith high ?tatic pre??ure ?hall be at a ?ufficient >i?tance ?uch that theE >o not >i?rupt the noi?e level of >iffu?er? or grating?& TheE ?hall be ?electe> on the ba?i? of the folloCing factor?L %ir movement rate? Temperature >ifference? betCeen the ambient air an> bloCn air In?tallation height /inimum;maFimum range oi?e level?

CeilingD4o?nte1 1iff?3e23 The minimum ra>iu? ?hall be an area in?i>e of Chich there ?hall not be anE ob?tacle <beamB proIecting light etc&=& +here an ob?tacle of thi? @in> cannot be avoi>e>B ?eal ?ector? ?hall be u?e>& Diffu?er? connecte> >irectlE to the air >i?tribution >uct ?hall compri?e eGuali?ing grating? ?o a? to control the floC& TheE ?hall be fitte> Cith ea?ilE acce??ible control?B not reGuiring anE >i?mantlingB an> Chich can be manoeuvre> Cith ?imple tool? <?creC>river etc&= TheE ?hall be attache> to the >uct Cith conceale> ?creC?& FaC2ication9 TheE ?hall be ma>e of aluminium or ?teel ?heet painte> in a colour ?electe> bE the >ecorator <unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>=& %ir movement rate? over 1' mAhB temperature >ifference? of 1" to 1)!CL theE ?hall have at lea?t ' concentric cone? or ?pecial airfoil bla>e? <high >iffu?ion SCH%,O tEpe=& %ir movement rate? beloC 1' mAhB temperature >ifference? of le?? than 1"! C ?ame con?i>eration

Hoehler & Partner LLC



,lo<e2 g2i13 o2 g2ating3 TheE ?hall be ma>e of eFtru>e> aluminium protecte> bE ano>ic oFi>ationB of the >ouble >eflection tEpe& TheE ?hall be fitte> on a vertical CallB Cith counter;frame an> attache> Cith ?creC? or clip?& % foam ?eal ?hall be provi>e> behin> the frame& Each grating ?hall compri?e <unle?? otherCi?e ?pecifie>= an a>Iu?tment >amper Cith ?lat? in oppo?ite arrangement& .1.).#. Inta=e !2ating3

TheE ?hall be ma>e of eFtru>e> aluminium Cith ano>ic oFi>ation protection& TheE ?hall have a roC of mobile fin?B vertical or horiKontal& EverE gratingB eFcept in ?pecial ca?e?B ?hall have an a>Iu?tment >amper& .1.).7. Sanita25 Facilit5 EBt2action Ape2t?2e3

TheE ?hall be of the tEpe Cith a big lo?? of charge for Mcontrolle> mechanical ventilationM& TheE ?hall have an a>Iu?tment >eviceL Triggere> automaticallE Chen the facilitE i? u?e> <bathroom?B ?hoCer?B +C?B refu?e room?= 2E cor> <@itchen?B >rEing room?B bathroom? u?e> a? >rEing room?=& The?e eFtraction choice? ?hall have a ?eat an> a cone mounte> eccentricallEB ma>e of furnace;enamelle> ?teel <colourL Chite=& TheE ?hall be attache> to a frame via a ?pring;actuate> >evice& In the ca?e of bathroom?B the frame ?hall be electricallEM i?olate>& T2an3fe2 g2ating39 TheE ?hall be ma>e of aluminiumB Cith ano>ic oFi>ation protection& TheE ?hall compri?e fiFe> horiKontal fin? forming a ?creenB Cith a counter;frame for a>Iu?tmentB (' to '" mm thic@ <for >oor?=D theE ?hall be fiFe> bE vi?ible ?creC?&

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Hoehler & Partner LLC



#.1. PREAM,"E

%nalE?i? of the Cater& SupplE of ?ample? an> mo>el? of eGuipment an> tap? an> fitting?& Shop >raCing? for Cater ?upplE an> ?leeve?& Shop >raCing? for >rainage& Erection >etail? for ?anitarE Care& #.1. . COMPOSITION OF -ORE .S&MMAR( "ISTIN!0

The contractor ?hall ?upplE an> in?tall the ?leeve? through Call? an> floor?B an> all >ucting an> plugging Cor@B Plumbing eGuipmentB inclu>ingL Col> Cater ?upplE for ,itchen an> ?anitarE facilitie? in all Kone? Hot Cater ?upplE for the ?ame area? +a?te CaterB Effluent from all eGuipment >e?cribe> in thi? Cor@? ?ection <?upplie> or not ?upplie>=& SupplE in?tallation an> connection? of ?upplie? an> >rainage from all the eGuipment ?upplie> in thi? Cor@? ?ection& In?tallation an> connection of ?upplie? an> >rainage of all eGuipment even if ?upplie> bE the ClientB ?uch a? ba?in?B ?in@?B etc& SupplE an> in?tallation of variou? acce??orie?& #.1.#. -ORE INC"&DED IN OT$ER -ORES SECTIONS

Elect2icit5 <o2=3 3ection Stan>bE poCer ?upplEB hot Cater tan@? an> Cater heater? for in?tant hot Cater

#. . -ATER S&PP"( .$OT / CO"D0


The ?upplE ?hall inclu>e all the Cater ?upplE Cor@? from the P%+ main inclu>ing the bul@ meterB Cith in particularB i?olation valve? an> >raCing valve?B pipe brac@et?B etc&B a? Cell a? a pre??ure re>ucer on the >ome?tic Cater ?upplE an> >i?connection valve? on the connection?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



3or u?ing the pre??ure re>ucerB the pre??ure ?upplie> to the ClientH? ?anitarE eGuipment ?hall be betCeen 1&' an> 1&- bar& #. . . CO"D -ATER S&PP"(

The Cater pipe? ?hall be of a >iameter able to provi>e the nece??arE floC calculate> Cith lo??e? of loa> compatible Cith the pre??ure ?upplie> bE the >i?tributor& Collector? Cill be in Copper pipingB in accor>ance Cith the ?tan>ar>? in forceB Connection? to the ?anitarE eGuipment ?hall be in har>;>raCn copper pipe& <In?ulate> copper pipe? for hot Cater pipe?= The ?upport? ?hall be in galvani?e>B or ca>mium plate> ?teelB DraCing? are ?hoCing all the Cater point? an> the tEpe of flui> Cith Chich theE are ?upplie> i? attache>& T5pe of ;al;e39 1alve? ?hall be generallE ha? ?pecifie>& Dome?tic Cater valve? for final connection to fitting?B etc& ?hall be bronKe bo>E ?tainle?? ?teel ball valve? Cith a>eGuate union connection? a? ?upplie> bE the pipe manufacturer& T5pe of piping Connection from the main line Cith Cater meter locate> in the tCo ?upplE point? Cith a>eGuate pipe HP uP1CB Cla?? JE:& #. .#. INS&"ATION ON CO"D -ATER S(STEMS

GenerallE the netCor@? an> collection ?E?tem? for col> Cater treate> or notB ?hall not be in?ulate>B unle??L +hen fee>ing through the cleaning room $unning on the roof terrace A ?ervice >uct? A eFpo?e> to out?i>e area? To be carrie> out Cith mechanical protection for all the in?ulation material?& #. .7. P&MPS

1. !ene2al9 Provi>e pump? manufacture> an> te?te> in accor>ance Cith appropriate 2riti?h Stan>ar>B in particular 2S E -"4B 2S E )"..';(;01 an> 2S E )"..';(;'1 Chere applicable&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Specifie> re?i?tance? # 1alue? of re?i?tance to flui> floC of item?B eGuipmentB pipe Cor@ an>Aor the total >i?tribution ?E?tem are in>icate> for ten>er purpo?e? onlE& The total ?E?tem re?i?tance ?hall be verifie> bE the ContractorB to en?ure that pump? provi>e> are capable of >elivering the reGuire> flui> volume Chen operating again?t the actual total ?E?tem re?i?tance cau?e> bE change? to fitting?B pipe Cor@ laEout? or pipe Cor@ ?iKe?& +here appropriateB con>en?er cooling Cater pump? ?hall inclu>e for ?tatic lift at cooling toCer? an> net po?itive ?uction hea> available& Select pump at or near mo?t efficient part of performance curve for >utE reGuire>& 3it ?afetE guar>? aroun> revolving part? on clo?e couple> an> belt >rive pump?&

. Cent2if?gal P?4p 8 Clo3e co?ple19 Configuration Pump ca?ing an> motor mounte> on a be>plate in line <clo?e couple>=&

Ca?ing Provi>e ca?ing Cith >rain connection fitte> Cith plug& Provi>e threa>e> connection? in accor>ance Cith 2S (1 for >rain?B vent?B Cater Iac@et?B cooling line?B etc& Provi>e pump Cith ?plit ca?ing to alloC acce?? to the impeller for ?ervice an> maintenance&

Impeller En?ure impeller? are accuratelE machine> an> fini?he> ?moothB free from bloChole? an> other >efect? an> >e?igne> to be in >Enamic balance at all ?pee>?& Provi>e open or ?emi;open tEpe impeller? for removal of ?lu>ge or other foreign material to prevent clogging& 3iF impeller? to ?haft? to en?ure that theE remain firm if >irection of rotation i? rever?e>& In>icate >irection of rotation on pump ca?ing&


En?ure ?haft i? of a>eGuate >iameter to Cith?tan> all impo?e> loa>ing an> ha? a critical ?pee> Chen a??emble> Cith it? impeller at lea?t 1"O above normal operating ?pee>&

/aterial Ca?ing ; Ca?t iron to 2S E 1')1&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Impeller ; /anufacturerH? ?tan>ar>& Shaft ; /anufacturerH? ?tan>ar>& Seal Hou?ing ; Ca?t iron to 2S E 1')1&

2earing? ; Sleeve& Glan>? an> ?eal? ; /echanical #. Cent2if?gal P?4p 8 Di2ect 12i;e inDline9 Configuration Direct >riven unit Cith pump bo>E incorporating inlet an> outlet connection? in lineB to alloC pump to be mounte> in pipe Cor@&

Ca?ing Provi>e ca?ing Cith >rain connection fitte> Cith plug& Provi>e threa>e> connection? in accor>ance Cith 2S (1 for >rain?B vent?B Cater Iac@et?B cooling line?B etc& Provi>e pump Cith ?plit ca?ing to alloC acce?? to the impeller for ?ervice an> maintenance&

Impeller En?ure impeller? are accuratelE machine> an> fini?he> ?moothB free from bloChole? an> other >efect? an> >e?igne> to be in >Enamic balance at all ?pee>?& Provi>e open or ?emi;open tEpe impeller? for removal of ?lu>ge or other foreign material to prevent clogging& 3iF impeller? to ?haft? to en?ure that theE remain firm if >irection of rotation i? rever?e>& In>icate >irection of rotation on pump ca?ing&

Shaft En?ure ?haft i? of a>eGuate >iameter to Cith?tan> all impo?e> loa>ing an> ha? a critical ?pee> Chen a??emble> Cith it? impeller at lea?t 1"O above normal operating ?pee>&

/aterial Ca?ing ; Ca?t iron to 2S E 1')1& Impeller ; /anufacturerH? ?tan>ar>& Shaft ; Stainle?? ?teel to 2S 45" Part 1 an> 2S E Seal Hou?ing ; Ca?t iron to 2S E 1')1&



Hoehler & Partner LLC



Seale>;for;life or pre;pac@e> tEpe reGuiring no maintenance <in;line pump?=& Glan>? an> ?eal? ; /echanical&

Steel 4atching flange39 Provi>e flange> pump? Cith matching flange? to 2S 0'"0 P

Ca3t I2on 4atching flange39 Provi>e flange> pump? Cith matching flange? to 2S E 1"4(;( P

P?4p 1?t5 inc2ea3e capaCilit59 Pump? an> motor? ?hall be ?electe> ?o that it i? po??ible to increa?e the floC rate bE 1"O an> pre??ure bE (1OB if reGuire>

P?4p Spee19 Other than multi?tage pump? an> pump? that have a volumetric >utE of le?? than 0&( @gA?B pump impellor ?pee>? ?hall be le?? than 1'""rpm& +here ?pee>? >o eFcee> 1'"" rpm the pump ?hall utiliKe ?pecial Guiet running 21' bearing?&

T<in hea1e1 P?4p39 +here tCin hea>e> pump? are ?pecifie> a ?pare blan@ing plate an> tCo ?pare ga?@et ?et? ?hall be provi>e> per pump ?et&

P?4p Seal fail?2e9 Clo?e couple> pump? ?hall be arrange> ?uch that the failure of a pump ?eal ?hall not re?ult in >amage to the >rive motor&

P?4p connection39 Pump connection? ?hall be ?creCe> to 2S (1 for ?iKe? up to '"mm an> flange> to 2S 0'"0 to ?uit the ?E?tem maFimum pre??ure on ?iKe? )'mm an> above&

In3tallation9 2efore beginning in?tallation in anE areaB eFamine all part? of the a>Ioining Cor@ into Chich applicable Cor@ i? to be place>& Shoul> anE con>ition? be foun> Chich Cill prevent the proper eFecution of the Cor@B in?tallation ?hall not procee> in that area until ?uch con>ition? are correcte> bE the contractor& ComplE Cith manufacturerH? recommen>ation? for in?tallation of pump?& 3or in;line Pump? en?ure that motor i? po?itione> in accor>ance Cith manufacturerH? reGuirement?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Support pump? in>epen>entlE from connecting pipe Cor@ to en?ure no loa> i? tran?mitte> from pipe Cor@ to pump ca?ing on pump ?uction an> >i?charge& %lign pump to prevent un>ue re?traint an> thru?t on interconnecting pipe Cor@& %lign >rive? to prevent un>ue Cear an> re?traint on pump ?haft& 3or belt >rive?B align pulleE? an> ten?ion belt? to prevent un>ue Cear an> out of balance force?& Locate pump Cithin the ?E?tem Cith a>eGuate ?pace aroun> it for ?ervice an> maintenance& CISTERN AND TANES

#. .*.

Stan1a213 The ci?tern? an> tan@? ?hall conform to the folloCing 2riti?h Stan>ar> Specification?L 2S 015;(L 14-5 Galvani?e> loC carbon ?teel ci?tern?B ci?tern li>?B tan@? an> cElin>er? 2S E ISO 10)1L 1444 Hot >ip galvani?e> coating? on iron an> ?teel article?& 2S 1')0L 145' Pre??e> ?teel ?ectional rectangular tan@? 2S 0(11L (""' La>>er? for permanent acce?? to chimneE?B other high ?tructure?B ?ilo? an> bin? 2S 0(1.L (""0 Col> Cater ?torage an> fee> an> eFpan?ion ci?tern? <polEolefin or olefin copolEmer= an> ci?tern li>? 2S #1;'L 144" PolEe?ter moul>ing compoun>? for electrical an> other purpo?e?& Sectional Col1 -ate2 !.R.P. Sto2age Tan=3 In?ulate> Tan@? ?hall be hot pre?? moul>e> gla?? reinforce> pla?tic moul>e> an> ?hall inclu>e minimum ('O gla?? content incorporating i?ophthalic polEe?ter re?in an> *&1& ?tabili?er& The tan@ >e?ign ?hall incorporate truncate> pErami> ?hape> panel?B metre ?Guare or ( metre bE metre or metre bE half metre panel? an> corner angle?& 2oth ?i>e? ?hall have a ?mooth fini?h giving hEgienic an> crevice free ?urface&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



The tan@ ?hall be internallE tie> Chere nece??arE u?ing ?tainle?? ?teel ro>? not le?? than 1"mm in >iameter& The >e?ign an> attachment of the?e ?hall be arrange> to eliminate point loa>? on tan@ panel? Cith attachment to vertical $HS galvani?e> member? Cith provi?ion to pre;ten?ion tie ro>? Cithout >i?tortion of ?i>e?& %??emblE of tan@ panel? ?hall be bE mean? of 1(mm >ia& G/S bolt? fini?h Cith internallE bolte> heavE >utE cover& Si>e? ?hall be eFternallE bolte>& Or ; internallE bolte> Cith ST&ST bolt?B ."0 Gualitie? Sealant u?e> in a??emblE of tan@? ?hall be butEl rubber compoun> minimum .mm thic@ 5'mm Ci>e Cith minimum ('O recoverE from compre??ion& The tan@? ?hall be in?talle> on flat ?cree>e> ba?e? or on ?teel beam? fabricate> on top of concrete pier? conforming to manufacturer:? ?pecification on flatne?? or >eflection& %ll bolte> Ioint? of the tan@ ?hall be acce??ible from un>erneath <minimum '""mm clearance= an> ?hall be ?upporte> continuou?lE bE ?teel beam? in both >irection?& HeavE >utE cover? ?hall be ?elf;>raining tEpeB inclu?ive of -'"mm >ia& bolte> acce?? >oor Cith ?uitablE ?iKe> in?ect proof air vent& %ll tan@? of ( metre? an> over in >epth ?hall be fitte> Cith internal G$P la>>er?B eFternal aluminium or galvani?e> ?teel acce?? la>>er?& +here a tan@ i? >ivi>e> into tCo compartment?B full height partition ?hall be provi>e> an> be capable of Cor@ing normallE Cith one ?i>e emptE& Each compartment ?hall have provi?ion for air vent )""mm >ia& opening Cith bolte> coverB ball valve connectionB >oCn ?ervice?B >rain an> overfloC& OverfloC an> vent ?hall be ?upplie> Cith me?h of .5O free area& High an> loC level pa> for an alarm ?Citch to be fitte> accor>ing to reGuirement?& In?tallation of tan@? ?hall be a? per manufacturerH? in?truction?& Te?ting of tan@? an> of each compartment ?hall be un>erta@en on completion of the in?tallation& There ?hall be no vi?ible ?ign of Cater lea@age for minimum perio> of (0 hour?& P2e33e1 Steel:Ca3t I2on Tan=3 The tan@? ?hall be manufacture> from unit plate? an> ?hall be TEpe % having eFternal flange? A TEpe 2 having internal flange? A TEpe C having internal bottom flange?B eFternal ?i>e an> en> flange?& Option %ll plate?B ?taE?B flange plate?B cleat?B etc&B ?hall be >elivere> to ?ite Cith one coat of blac@ non;toFic paint fini?h& Option %ll plate?B ?taE?B flange plate?B cleat?B etc&B ?hall be >elivere> to ?ite Cith a hot >ippe> galvani?e> fini?h& 7ointing material? ?hall be ?uitable for the liGui> to be ?tore>& In the ca?e of >rin@ing CaterB Iointing material? ?hall be of a non;toFic nature&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Purpo?e ma>e cover? ?hall be manufacture> from .&(mm minimum thic@ne?? flat ?teel ?heet?& 3lat cover? ?hall be u?e> on internal tan@? up to (00"mm Ci>eD all other tan@? ?hall have cambere> cover?& On eFternal tan@? cover ?heet? ?hall have Caterproof lappe> Ioint?& %ll cover? ?hall be ?uitablE ?upporte> to provi>e ?afe acce?? for maintenance purpo?e? an> in the ca?e of eFternal tan@?B to carrE ?noC loa>ing& % purpo?e ma>e ?teel manhole ?hall be provi>e> of minimum >iameter 0'-mm in all tan@ cover? an> have hinge> or bolte> li>?& +here internal la>>er? are provi>e>B manhole? ?hall be provi>e> to the la>>er an> to the ball float valve or float ?Citch& +here no internal la>>er i? provi>e> one manhole ?hall be po?itione> to give acce?? to both the tan@ interior an> the ball float valve& Tan@? ("""mm >eep an> over ?hall have internal an> eFternal mil> ?teel acce?? la>>er? ?uitablE protecte> again?t corro?ion an> bolte> to the tan@ Call?& SafetE loop? ?hall be fitte> to the la>>er Chere fitte> to elevate> Cor@?& Tan@? in elevate> po?ition? ?hall have a float an> pulleE tEpe level in>icator Cith an eFternal level pointer& Tan@ cover<?= ?hall al?o have coCl? to a>eGuatelE ventilate the interior& TCo coat? of non;toFic bituminou? paint ?hall be applie> to the in?i>e an> la>>er? of all >rin@ing or >ome?tic Cater ?torage tan@?& Tan@?B after completionB are to be completelE liGui>;tightD no ?eepage Ceeping at Ioint? an> connection?B etc&B Cill be accepte>& #. .6. -ATER $EATERS or

Stan1a213 The Cater heater? ?hall conform to the folloCing 2riti?h Stan>ar> an> Omani Stan>ar> Specification?L 2S (1L 14-'B 2S E 1"(()L (""0 Pipe threa>? for tube? an> fitting? Chere pre??ure;tight Ioint? are ma>e on the threa>? <metric >imen?ion?= 2S -'.L 144" #1 & (L 144) Calorifier? an> ?torage ve??el? for central heating an> hot Cater ?upplE& 2S E 1'1' #1L (""" 3lange? an> their Ioint?B bolting 2S E 1"4(;(L 1445 3lange? an> their Ioint?

Hoehler & Partner LLC



PD ''""L ("". *nfire> fu?ion Cel>e> pre??ure ve??el?& OS -. ; Storage tEpe electric Cater heater? for hou?ehol> u?e& OS -0 ; /etho>? of te?t for ?torage tEpe electric Cater heater? for hou?ehol> u?e& Co44on Safet5 6ent The ?afetE vent from each Calorifier? ?hall have a common vent pipe through a three;CaE coc@ to en?ure that no Calorifier? can be i?olate> ?imultaneou?lE from the open vent pipe an> the free outlet& Elect2ic -ate2 $eate23 Electric Cater heater? ?hall be either rectangular or circular ?uitable for Call or floor ?tan>ing in?tallation complete Cith fee> tan@ or >irect connection& The Cater heater tan@? ?hall be fullE in?ulate> at the Cor@? Cith vermin proof gla?? fibre or eGuivalent& Outer Iac@et? ?hall be fini?he> Cith ba@e> enamel applie> on a bon>e> un>ercoat& *;Tube? ?hall form the ?econ>arE heating ?urface& ?heathe>& %ll element? ?hall be titanium

Electric Cater heater? ?hall be in?talle> Cith item? reGuiring in?pection an> maintenance rea>ilE acce??ible& Provi?ion ?hall be ma>e for ea?E removal of the heating ?urface from the ?hell& Self; ?et bolt? ?hall be provi>e> to enable the *;Tube? or element to be Cith>raCn from the ?hell Cithout brea@ing the Ioint betCeen the tube plate an> che?t cover plate& Heating element? ?hall be in>ivi>uallE controlle> bE automatic thermo?tat? Cith cut; off ?Citche? to prevent overheating& The Cater heater? ?hall be provi>e> Cith the manufacturerH? ?tan>ar> ?creCe> tapping ?iKe?& 1ertical Cater heater? ?hall be mounte> on >ie ca?t aluminium feet& Heater? ?hall be of the gla??;line> tEpe& The Cater heater? ?hall be of the vente> tEpe or >irect connection Cith temperature an> pre??ure relief ?afetE valve to the reGuirement? of the local +ater %uthoritE& If >irect connection Cater heater? are to be in?talle>B the >i?charge from the temperature an> pre??ure relief ?afetE valve ?hall be ?ecurelE pipe> to the neare?t ?afe >i?charge point&


Hoehler & Partner LLC





Thi? contract inclu>e? for the Chole of the internal above groun> or burie> ?anitarE plumbing in?tallation?B eFclu>ing the ?upplE an> 3iFing of all ?anitarE fitting?& The in?tallation? ?hall be generallE a? in>icate> on the >raCing?B but it ?hall be the Contractor? re?pon?ibilitE to en?ure that the complete> in?tallation? are in accor>ance Cith Sultanate of Oman /unicipalitE reGuirement?& The material?B in?tallation an> te?ting for the foul >rainage ?E?tem ?hall be in accor>ance Cith 2S ''5(A145- an> 2S -."1A14-'& %ll civil Cor@? ?uch a? eFcavationB bac@ fillingB con?truction of manhole? etc&B Cill be carrie> out bE the 2uil>ing /ain Contractor& #.#. . ?P6C PIPE -ORE A,O6E !RO&ND

The pipe? an> fitting? ?hall complE in all re?pect? Cith the reGuirement? of 2riti?h Stan>ar> 0'10L14)4& Pipe? ?hall be ?upplie> in plain en>e> length?& The metho> of Iointing to be emploEe> ?hall be ?olvent CeI>ing u?ing the manufacturerH? approve> cement or ?eal ring fitting?& The rain Cater ?E?tem ?hall onlE u?e ?olvent Cel>ing Ioint?& Pipe an> fitting? ?hall be colouring greEB to 2riti?h Stan>ar> '('(L145) 1"&%&"5& $ubber ?eal? for ?eal ring Ioint? ?hall be of a ?ection that give? more than one point of contact Cith the pipe an> ?hall be to the material reGuirement? of 2riti?h Stan>ar> (040L145)& +ater clo?et connection? ?hall be to the ?ame 2riti?h Stan>ar>& +a?te bo?? connection? Chen 3itte> to pipe? ?hall con?i?t of tCo part? Cith inner an> outer flange?B ?olvent Cel>e> a? a complete unit Cith inbuilt gra>ient? for the Ca?te pipe? of 1 1A0& +here it i? not po??ible to gain acce?? to the bore of the ?oil pipeB ?elf loc@ing bo??e? Cith integral clamping action maE be u?e> provi>e> that the mating ?urface? are ?uitable for an> u?e> Cith ?olvent Cel> cement& %lternative Ca?te bo?? connection? maE be ma>e u?ing uneGual Iunction? conforming to 2riti?h Stan>ar> 0'10L14)4 Cith ?olvent Cel> Ioint? conforming to 2riti?h Stan>ar> 0'10L14)4& +hen u?e> internallE hol>er bat? ?hall be ma>e of mil> ?teel protecte> from corro?ion bE galvani?ing or pla?tic coating& TheE ?hall have a tCo;po?ition fiFing ?uitable for either acting a? a pipe ?upport but alloCing thermal movement or a? a clamp fit on a fitting creating a fiFe> point& 3or optimum fit to pipe ?upport? P1C pac@ing piece? maE be u?e>& Galvani?e> ?teel hol>er bat? ?hall be u?e> for eFternal pipe?& %cce?? ?hall be provi>e> Chere nece??arE either bE mean? of an integrallE moul>e> >oor in an acce?? fitting Cith an eFternallE fitte> rubber ?eal an> ?ecure> Cith tCo galvani?e> bolt? an> nut?B or alternativelE bE a tCo;piece clamp tEpe >oor fitte> into the pipe run& %ll 4"o ben>? ?hall be of the acce?? tEpe& Hoehler & Partner LLC





The pipe fitting? ?hall complE in all re?pect? Cith the reGuirement? of 2riti?h Stan>ar> '(''L145)& Pipe? ?hall be ?upplie> in plain en>e> length?& The metho> of Iointing to be emploEe> ?hall be ?olvent CeI>ing u?ing the manufacturer:? approve> cement or ?eal ring Ioint?& Pipe an> fitting? ?hall be colour greE Chere conceale>B or Chite Chere mounte> in eFpo?e> location?& $ubber ?eal ring? ?hall be of a ?ection that give? more than one point of contact Cith the pipe an> ?hall be to the material reGuirement of 2riti?h Stan>ar> (040L145)& Trap? ?hall be moul>e> from Chite polEpropElene an> ?hall have a univer?al compre??ion outlet& The fitting? ?hall complE in alU re?pect? to 2riti?h Stan>ar> .40.L1454& Trap? of configuration not covere> bE the 2riti?h Stan>ar> ?hall complE Cith the performance ?pecification of the Stan>ar>& Trap? ?hall have a minimum Cater ?eal of 5'nun& The metho> of Iointing to be emploEe> ?hall be ?olvent CeI>ing u?ing the manufacturerH? approve> cement or ?eal ring Ioint?& Pipe an> fitting? ?hall be colour greE Chere conceale>B or Chite Chere mounte> in eFpo?e> location?& $ubber ?eal ring? ?hall be of a ?ection that give? more than one point of contact Cith the pipe an> ?hall be to the material reGuirement of 2riti?h Stan>ar> (040L145)& Trap? ?hall be moul>e> from Chite polEpropElene an> ?hall have a univer?al compre??ion outlet& The fitting? ?hall complE in all re?pect? to 2riti?h Stan>ar> .40.L1454D Trap? of configuration not covere> bE the 2riti?h Stan>ar> ?hall complE Cith the performance ?pecification of the Stan>ar>& Trap? ?hall have a minimum Cater ?eal of 5'mm& #.#.7. -OREMANS$IP 8 A,O6E !RO&NDG SOI" AND -ASTE PIPE -ORE

The in?tallationB metho> of Iointing an> fiFing ?hall complE in all re?pect? to the manufacturerH? ?ite Cor@ in?truction?& /aFimum interval? betCeen pipe ?upport? ?hall beL No4inal 3i@e .(mm $o2i@ontal "&'1m 6e2tical 1&(m

Hoehler & Partner LLC



.-mm '"mm -(mm 11"mm 1)"mm

"&'m "&4m "&4m "&4m 1&"m

1&(m 1&(m 1&-m 1&-m 1&-m

Pipe? ?hall be fiFe> in ?traight run? an> all horiKontal run? ?hall be lai> to gra>ient? in accor>ance Cith 2riti?h Stan>ar> ''5(L145- Co>e of Practice for SanitarE Pipe Cor@B an> in anE event not le?? than 1-mmAm unle?? otherCi?e in?tructe>& $ainCater pipe? ?hall be a>>itionallE ?upporte> at change? of >irection e?peciallE at loCer level? to alloC for the force of Cater >uring >e?ign con>ition? of .)mmAhour minuteB EFpan?ion Ioint? ?hall be provi>e> betCeen fiFe> point? over 1 metre centre?& The Cor@ ?hall be in?pecte> an> te?te> >uring in?tallation at agree> ?tage?& %ll Cor@B Chich Cill be conceale>B ?hall be te?te> before it i? finallE enclo?e>& % final te?t ?hall be ma>e upon completion for ?oun>ne?? an> performance in accor>ance Cith 2riti?h Stan>ar> ''5(L145- Co>e of Practice for SanitarE Pipe Cor@& #.#.*. ?P6C ,&RIED DRAIN PIPE -ORE

The pipe? an> fitting? ?hall complE in all re?pect? Cith the reGuirement? of 2riti?h Stan>ar> 0))"L145.& Pipe? ?hall be ?upplie> in plain en>e> length?& The metho> of Iointing to be emploEe> ?hall be bE lip;?eal ?oc@et fitting?& 7ointing to other material? ?hall be ma>e in the manner ?pecifie> bE the manufacturer& The pipe fitting? ?hall be colour gol>en broCn approFimating to 2riti?h Stan>ar> .- 1 CL 1451 no& 010& The ?eal retaining cap? ?hall be blac@ polEpropElene& The rubber for lip ?eal Ioint? ?hall be to the material reGuirement of 2riti?h Stan>ar> (040L145)& The ba?e of ?oil an> vent ?tac@ connection to the burie> >rain ?hall be ma>e Cith a ben> of minimum centre line ra>iu? of ('"mm& #.#.6. -OREMANS$IP D ,&RIED DRAIN PIPE -ORE

Pipe? an> fitting? ?hall be lai> true to gra>ient in ?traight line? an> Iointe> in accor>ance Cith manufacturerH? in?truction?& %ll peg? u?e> for alignment an> other purpo?e? mu?t be remove> after u?e an> before ?i>e filling& %ll Ioint? ?hall be Catertight&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Pipe barrel? hall be in continuou?B contact Cith the trench be> Chen lai>B



Connection? to +C outlet? ?hall be ma>e bE mean? of a fleFible Ioint incorporating a ?elf;?ealing connector& #.#.). RODDIN! ACCESS

%cce?? >oor? or cap? ?hall be provi>e> at all change? in >irectionB on the en> of all horiKontal float? an> all vertical pipe? eFten>ing from floor to ceiling& 3loor mounte> ro>>ing point? ?hall be provi>e> Cith airtight chromium plate> ?creC on ?oli> ca?t bra?? cover?& #.#.'. F"OOR !&""IES

Trappe> ro>>able floor gullie? ?hall be provi>e> a? in>icate> on the >raCing? Cith bac@ an> ?i>e inlet? to ta@e the reGuire> Ca?te connection?& GullE cover? ?hall be in ic@el 2ronKe Cith rece??e> ?creC fiFing& #.#.10. MAN$O"ES The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for provi>ing >etaile> invert level? to the /ain Contractor for buil>ing the eFternal manhole?& %ll manhole cover? ?hall be to the ?pecification to ?uit the inten>e> location Cith regar> to loa>ing an> tEpe& %ll manhole? ?hall be G$P line> an> all manhole channel? ?hall be forme> u?ing pre; ma>e P1C ?ection? an> ?lipper ben>? etc& Internal manhole? ?hall have pre;ma>e bolte> pipe ?ection? to pro>uce a >rE interior& #.#.11. INT&MESCENT S"EE6ES All ?P6C 12ainage pipe <o2=3 aCo;e 7044 inte2nal 1ia4ete2 3hall Ce fitte1 <ith int?4e3cent 3lee;e3 <he2e pa33ing th2o?gh fi2e co4pa2t4ent floo2 3laC3 o2 <all3. #.#.1 . -ASTE AND SE-ER -ATER DISC$AR!E Thi? Cor@? ?ection ?hall be re?pon?ible for carrEing out Ca?te Cater an> ?eCer Cater >i?charge for all the eGuipment Chich it ?upplie? an> in?tall? it?elfB for all the eGuipment ?upplie> bE the Client Cith col> Cater ?upplE <treate> or not= or hot Cater ?upplE <miFe> or not=B a? Cell a? >i?charge an> ?tan>bE ?E?tem? li?te> beloCB an> connection to the ?tan>bE ?E?tem& 1= (= .= +a?te an> ?eCer Cater >i?chargeB for all the toilet?B @itchen?B pantrie?& Drainage from all eGuipment ?upplie> in?talle> bE thi? Cor@? ?ection& Drainage from all the eGuipment ?upplie> in?talle> bE the Client an> from ?ervice room?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC




/ain >rainage line? a? ?hoCn on >raCing? from the gullE trap? to the manhole? an> finallE to the hol>ing tan@&

Sta2ting point fo2 in3tallation the variou? eGuipment to be connecte> <?upplie> or not= or floor >rain?B un>er thi? Cor@? ?ection an> >e?cribe> beloC or ?tan>bE?B at T "& 1 " from the floorB fini?he> heightB for removal of con>en?ationB evaporator?B ?tan>bE? for removal of ?lu>ge an> con>en?ation from fermentation oven?B etc& #.#.1#. F"OOR DRAINS .S&PP"( AND INSTA""ATION0 %ll ?anitarE >raCing? piping beloC the groun> ?hall be uP1C of ?iKe? an> ?lope? in>icate> on the >raCing? 1entilation pipe ?hall be uP1C Cith ring ?eal Ioint? at the en> of each main line pipe? a? ?hoCn on >raCing? %ll the pipe? above 0N ?houl> be Cith rubber ring Ioint %ll the pipe? ?houl> be in accor>ance Cith the 2riti?h Stan>ar> 2riti?h Stan>ar> uP1C pre??ure pipe


It ?hall be ?upplie> an> in?talle>B inclu>ing tap? an> fitting?B ?upplE an> >rainage pipe?B blee>?B an> gullie? etc& Cith ?upplE an> i?olation valve? on each item of eGuipment& The ?upplE pipe? ?hall be in copper an> open to vieC or rece??e>& Drainage pipe? ?hall be in P1C open to vieC to the ?tan>bE blee> valve?B inclu>ing connector? an> all fini?hing& 3or col> or miFe> Cater ?upplie?B there i? onlE one >rain valve& 3or hot an> col> CaterB miFer tap?; for eGuipment connecte> in ?erie?B it mu?t alCaE? be po??ible to i?olate the eGuipmentB Cithout cutting poCer to the other >evice?& Othe2 acce33o2ie3 SanitarE acce??orie?B ?uch a?L electric han>;>rEer?B ?oap >i?pen?er?B paper toCel >i?pen?er?B etc& are ?upplie> an> fiFe> bE the Contractor? in agree Cith engineer in about GuantitE an> location& Sche1?le of Man?fact?2e23 Mechanical <o2=3

Hoehler & Partner LLC



The Contractor maE inclu>e in hi? ten>er for alternative manufacturer? provi>e> that the eGuipment i? eGual to the reGuirement? of the SpecificationB but all manufacturer? mu?t have authori?e> repre?entation in the Sultanate of OmanB ?upporte> bE maintenance engineer? an> an a>eGuate ?toc@ of ?pare? an> have previou?lE un>erta@en ?ub?tantial proIect? in the Sultanate of Oman& %ll ?imilar eGuipment ?hall be of one manufacturer a? far a? po??ible an> ?tan>ar>i?ation of component? ?hall be utili?e> to re>uce the GuantitE of ?pare? reGuire>& The Contractor ?hall en?ure that the eGuipment offere> i? ?uitable for the inten>e> purpo?eB can be in?talle> in the ?pace? provi>e>B Cith >ue regar> to ea?e of maintenance an> replacementB an> that >eliverE i? available to ?uit the buil>ing programme& %pproval of ?ubmittal? bE the Engineer >oe? not relieve the Contractor of hi? re?pon?ibilitE to provi>e eGuipment ?uitable in >imen?ionB con?tructionB function an> fini?h for the purpo?e inten>e>& The folloCing table give? acceptable manufacturer? for the ContractorH? benefit an> in general alternative it Ca? u?e> in the >e?ign >ocument?& In ?electing alternative manufacturer? apart from the li?t beloCB the Contractor mu?t en?ure that a>eGuate ?pace i? available for hi? inten>e> eGuipment to the ?ati?faction of the manufacturerH? recommen>ation?&

DESCRIPTION Tran?fer Pump? 2oo?ter Pump? G$P +ater Tan@?


A"T D%2 D%2 /ITS*2ISHI


uP1C Pre??ure Pipe O/% PL%ST D*$%PIPE & fitting? PolEpropElene Pipe GEO$G 3ISCHE$ COP$%6 & 3itting? Dome?tic pipe %$/%3LE6 ,%I/% 3LE6 in?ulation Calve? & ?trainer? +ater heater? A Calorifier? Pipe ?upport? %ir vent? Pre??ure re>ucing valve? /anhole cover? H%TTE$SLE9 %&O& S/ITH PIPE S*PPO$TS %$/STO G G*EST & CH$I/ES GL9 +ED C$% E 2$%D3O$D +HITE 3L%/CO C$% E DES2O$DES S% TO & ST%1ELE9

Hoehler & Partner LLC



DESCRIPTION Car par@ gullE A buc@et trap? 3loor >rain? & %cce?? cover? 3loor gullE grating < ic@el 2ronKe= P1C >rainage pipe & fitting? Grea?e interceptor 3loor trenche? 3loor >rain? in laboratorie?

A"T 1 G*LG ETE$ IT +%DE H%$/E$ TE$$%I +%DE 3$% CE%*6 7%9 $& S/ITH


A"T # 3I,$EE PIPE TE$$%I +%DE /%$LE9 3$% CE%*6 ,O/P%SS 3$% CE%*6

Note to the Cont2acto29 The Contractor ?hall ?ubmit minimum three propo?al? for each item mentione> above for approval prior to procurement of anE ?uch material?& The Contractor ?hall al?o be re?pon?ible for propo?ing alternative ma@e? but eGuivalent in the ab?ence of a local ?upplier A manufacturer for the item? li?te> above&

Hoehler & Partner LLC





Hoehler & Partner LLC



7.1. DRA-IN!S
Sl. No. A
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D2a<ing Title

D2a<ing N?4Ce2

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Hoehler & Partner LLC









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3O*$TH 3LOO$ PL% L%9O*T 3I3TH 3LOO$ L%9O*T PL%


%P%$T/E TS




Hoehler & Partner LLC



7. . !ENERA"
The >raCing? li?te> above are for ten>er purpo?e? onlE an> are to be rea> in conIunction Cith thi? Specification& %nE >i?crepancE betCeen the >raCing? an> the Specification an> anE matter that reGuire? clarification ?hall be referre> to the Engineer before ten>er ?ubmi??ion& The Contractor ?hall be re?pon?ible for the preparation of >etaile> in?tallation >raCing? at lea?t 1L'" for laEout? an> plant room? an> 1L(' for ?ection? for the complete Cor@? inclu>ing a??ociate> buil>er? Cor@B an> ?hall ?ubmit all >raCing? to the Con?ultant for approval prior to the commencement of anE Cor@& %pproval of ?uch >raCing? bE the Con?ultant >oe? not relieve the Contractor of hi? re?pon?ibilitE to provi>e an in?tallation ?uitable in >imen?ionB con?tructionB function an> fini?h for the purpo?e inten>e>& Thi? Specification an> the Contract DraCing? are inten>e> to in>icate he general arrangement of apparatu? reGuire>B bE the Contractor Cill be >eeme> to have inclu>e> in hi? Ten>er everEthing nece??arE to leave the in?tallation complete an> in proper Cor@ing or>er to the ?ati?faction of the Engineer Chether or not ?uch item? are mentione> in the Specification or ?hoCn on the >raCing?& %ll >raCing? are preferablE to be %1 ?iKe Cith maFimum ?iKe of %"&


The Contractor mu?t generate a ma?ter ?et of Pa? builtN >raCing? ba?e> on the original approve> ?hop >raCing? an> ?ubmit to the Con?ultant? for revieC an> approval& The >raCing? ?hall be in both ?oft & har> copE format?& %ll >raCing? mu?t be ?tampe> a? P%? 2uiltN& The Contractor ?hall al?o en?ure that their P%? 2uiltN >raCing? are fullE laEere> ?o that it i? ea?E to >elete in?tallation >etail? Cithout era?ing the ba?ic information ?imilar to the >e?ign >raCing format&

Hoehler & Partner LLC





Hoehler & Partner LLC




PROD&CT RE%&IREMENTS 1. NOISE Plant an> eGuipment ?hall be ?electe> an> in?talle> to en?ure that the noi?e level in the ?pace? ?erve>B in anE a>Iacent room? or buil>ing? an> Cithin plant room? >oe? not eFcee> the in>icate> maFimum acceptable noi?e rating < $=

. NOISE INS&"ATION .AIR,ORNE NOISE0 %ttenuator? an> other noi?e control eGuipment ?hall be ?electe> an> in?talle> to achieve the ?tate> noi?e rating? Cith minimum re?i?tance to airfloC& 3ire propertie? of ?oun> ab?orbent material? ?hall be in accor>ance Cith Section 1'"-" # Thermal In?ulation # of thi? ?pecification& Soun> ab?orbent material that contain an>Aor reGuire the u?e of C3C? in their manufacture ?hall not be u?e>& 3actorE;fabricate> attenuator? ?hall be te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S 051-&

#. DIRECTION OF F"O-9 ClearlE mar@ >irection of airfloC on ?ilencer?&

7. FIRE PROPERTIESG ,&I"DIN! RE!&"ATIONSG C"ASS KOJ9 *. *?e non;flammable a>he?ive?& En?ure that all in?ulating material? an> covering? are to Cla?? O ?urface rating of 2uil>ing $egulation?&

CIRC&"AR SI"ENCERS D CASIN! TO D-177 -IT$ INTERNA" F"AN!ES9 Provi>e circular ?ilencer? compatible Cith >uctCor@ in?tallation& Provi>e infill that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non;hEgro?copic&



Hoehler & Partner LLC



Provi>e rectangular ?ilencer? compatible Cith >uctCor@ in?tallation& Provi>e infill that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non;hEgro?copic& Con?truct ?plitter? Cith loC lo?? fairing?& Con?truct ca?ing to D+100 Cith eFternal flange? >rille> for bolting to counter flange? on a>Iacent plant or >uctCor@&


RECTAN!&"AR SI"ENCERS D CASIN! TO D-177 -IT$ "O- "OSS FAIRIN!S AND -IT$IN A$&39 Provi>e rectangular ?ilencer? compatible Cith %H* con?truction& Provi>e infill that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non;hEgro?copic& Con?truct ?plitter? Cith loC lo?? fairing?& In?tall ?plitter Cithin the >ouble ?@inne> %H* ?tructure&


ACO&STIC SP"ITTERS -IT$ "O- "OSS FAIRIN!S9 /ount ?plitter? verticallE or horiKontallE an> fiF ?plitter? a? ?hoCn on >raCing?& Con?truct ?plitter? to en?ure that infill i? retaine> an> in>ivi>ual acou?tic integritE i? maintaine>& Con?truct ?plitter? Cith loC lo?? fairing?& Provi>e a>>itional ?tiffening on horiKontallE mounte> ?plitter?& Provi>e infill that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non; hEgro?copic& /aterialL on;combu?tible mineral Cool or gla?? fibre Cith minimum >en?itE 0- @gAm.&


AIR TRANSFER:CROSS TA"ES ATTEN&ATORS -IT$ SPI!OT ENDS9 Provi>e attenuator? for air tran?fer an> cro?? tal@ application?& Provi>e lining that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non;hEgro?copic& Con?truct ca?ing Cith loc@;forme> longitu>inal Ioint?B ma?tic ?eale>& Provi>e plain ?pigot en>? for connection to a>Iacent >uctCor@& 3iFingL Interface Cith buil>ing component? a? in>icate>&


CIRC&"AR AND RECTAN!&"AR ATTEN&ATORS D !ENERA" Ca?ing? ?hall be of not le?? than "&-mm thic@ne?? galvaniKe> mil> ?teel ?heet& 7oint? an> ?eam? ?hall be >e?igne> an> con?tructe> to minimiKe air; lea@age bE u?e of ma?tic or other ?uitable ?ealing metho>& En> flange? ?hall be Cel>e> to the ca?ing? Cith fiFing >etail? an> con?truction metho>? in accor>ance Cith H1C% Specification D+100& +el>ing area? ?hall be cleane> an> coate> Cith Kinc;rich paint& %cou?tic material mu?t not brea@ up ero>e or migrate at up to an> inclu>ing 1"" percent relative humi>itE& %n imperviou? envelope ?hall be fitte> over the folloCing acou?tic fillL

Hoehler & Partner LLC



; /ineral fibre in?ulation& ; Open;cell acou?ticAthermal foam in?ulation that i? not ?upplie> complete Cith an inherent P1C ?praEe> vapour barrier or fleFible polEurethane foam& In?pection cover?B in accor>ance Cith ?ection ; DuctCor@ T DuctCor@ %cce??orie? # of thi? ?pecificationB ?hall be provi>e> at both en>? of attenuator?& The >Enamic in?ertion lo?? of attenuator? ?hall inclu>e the effect of anE facing material?& 1apour barrier? Chich are not an inherent part of the acou?tic materialB ?hall be of minimum thic@ne?? not eFcee>ing "&"5mm an> ?hall be in?talle> un?tre??e>& The material ?hall be inherentlE non;combu?tible an> limit the ?urface ?prea> of flame to Cla?? " Chen te?te> in accor>ance Cith 2S 05)L Part 5 an> ?hall not emit toFic or haKar>ou? fume? if ignite>& /embrane? u?e> ?hall be ?uitablE ?upporte> an> fiFe>& %nE lo?? of acou?tic performance >ue to thi? treatment Cill be >eeme> to be accommo>ate> in thi? overall performance of the noi?e control eGuipment ?electe> bE the Contractor& Splitter element? in ?traight rectangular attenuator? ?hall ?tan> verticallEB an> ?hall be tight;fit Cithin the ca?ing& L;?ection an> T;?ection ?plitter attenuator? ?hall be fitte> perpen>icular to the plane of the ben>& +here ?plitter element? are horiKontalB e&g& in ceiling ?pace?B a>eGuate ?upport an> retention of acou?tic infill mu?t be provi>e>&


EITC$EN EXTRACT SI"ENCERS Silencer? on @itchen eFtract ?E?tem? ?hall have ca?ing? manufacture> ?o that theE are fire proof to a ?tan>ar> to match the >uctCor@ ?E?tem in Chich theE are in?talle>& %cou?tic me>ia ?hall be hermeticallE bagge> Cith /elaniF or eGuivalent&

1 .

ACO&STIC "ININ!SG PERFORMANCE TO ,S EN 0#*79 Line internal ?urface? of >uct? a? >e?cribe> in D+100 Part 5B Section (4& Provi>e lining that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non; hEgro?copic& /aterial ; polEurethane foam& PerformanceL /inimum ran>om inci>ence ab?orption coefficient? in accor>ance Cith 2S E (".'0B a? in>icate>& Protect lining again?t pro>uct migration an> ero?ion& Lining? ?hall not re>uce reGuire> airCaE >imen?ion?& o lining ?hall be in?talle> Cithin 1m of anE fire >amper&



Hoehler & Partner LLC



Mate2ial LightCeight re?ilient gla?? fibre or mineral Cool hel> in place Cith Cire me?h&

Ca3ing En?ure ca?ing i? continuou? over >uct length& I?olate ca?ing from >uctCor@& Enca?e Cith material Cith ma?? of not le?? than 1" @gAm(&


ACO&STIC INS&"ATION F"EXI,"E S(STEM9 Continuou? Guilte> gla?? fibre mat Cith ?an>Cich laEer of lea>B minimum 1mm thic@B Cith ma?? of 5 @gAm(& En?ure ?urface fini?h complie? Cith 2S 05) Part 5B Cla?? 1& Overlap an> ?eal all Ioint? Cith a>he?ive an> eFternal reinforcing tape&


P"EN&MS9 Provi>e plenum con?tructe> u?ing acou?tic panel? in po?ition? in>icate>& 7oint panel? Cith ?eal? to match performance of panel?& Provi>e infill that i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proofB non;hEgro?copic& /aterial ; polEurethane foam& Performance /inimum ran>om inci>ence ab?orption coefficient? in accor>ance Cith 2S E (".'0B a? in>icate>&


ACO&STIC F"EXI,"E D&CT CONNECTORS9 Provi>e acou?tic fleFible >uct connector? in accor>ance Cith D+100 Part 5B Section ('&


ACO&STIC "O&6RES -IT$ INFI""9 Pe2fo24ance Provi>e certifie> acou?tic performance >ata mea?ure> in accor>ance Cith ISO 0";.& En?ure louver Cith?tan>? ?pecifie> Cin> loa>? an> prevent ingre?? of rain& Con3t2?ction Con?truct louver frame an> aero>EnamicallE profile> louver bla>e? from galvaniKe> mil> ?teel or aluminium a? appropriate& Provi>e integral >rainage channel?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



Provi>e acou?tic infill Chich i? inertB fire proofB inorganicB vermin proof an> no hE>ro?copic& $etain infill on louver bla>e? bE perforate> ?heet of galvaniKe> mil> ?teel or %luminium a? appropriate& Sc2een 3it a bir>;?creen u?ing me?h no coar?er than 1(mmB acro?? in?i>e face of louver?& %?alit5 a33?2ance En?ure manufacturer? are a firm of %??e??e> CapabilitE to 2S E 4""1 an> pro>uce louver to relevant 8ualitE %??e??ment ?che>ule& ISO


ACO&STIC ENC"OS&RES +here in>icate>B an acou?tic enclo?ure ?hall be provi>e> to i?olate the noi?e pro>ucing eGuipment from the room in Chich it i? in?talle>& The reGuire> noi?e re>uction or the maFimum permitte> ambient noi?e rating < $= ?hall be a? in>icate>& $emovable panel? ?hall be give acce?? to item? reGuiring cleaningB a>Iu?tmentB replacement an> other maintenance& +here enclo?ure? are >e?igne> for per?onnel acce??B internal lighting an> vieCing panel? ?hall be provi>e>& %cce?? >oor? ?hall be openable from both ?i>e?& The enclo?ure ?hall be i?olate> from the noi?e pro>ucing eGuipment& The enclo?ure ?hall al?o be i?olate> from the buil>ing ?tructure& Provi?ion? ?hall be ma>e to >i??ipate heat emitte> from the noi?e; pro>ucing eGuipment Chere nece??arE&

Hoehler & Partner LLC




1. !ENERA" %ll fire ?topping material? ?hall be manufacture> un>er the 8ualitE %??urance of 2S E ISO 4""( an> in accor>ance Cith 2S '5'" Part (& . DESI!N DETAI" The >etail >e?ign of each ?ituation ?hall be ba?e> upon the Ci>th >epth an> >e?ign movement of the Ioint A gapB a? >etaile> on the >raCing? an> be ?upporte> bE the 3ire $e?i?tant /aterial /anufacturer:? Technical Data an> In>epen>ent 3ire Te?t %??e??ment?B Chich ?hall be ?ubmitte> to the Con?ultant for %pproval& #. T$ERMA" MO6EMENT >OINTS IN ,"OCE-ORE AND CONCRETE ullifier /5"1 3ire $e?i?tant Gap /a?tic an> foam bac@ing ro> to control ?eal >epth ?hall be in?talle> in Ioint? an> gap? up to ."mm Ci>eB Cith a movement of up to W'OB Chich ?hall be con?tructe> to the gap ?iKe a? >etaile> on the >raCing?& The face of the ma?tic ?hall be ?moothe> to a fini?h approve> bE the Con?ultant& ullifier /5". 3ire $e?i?tant Gap /a?tic /5". an> foam bac@ing ro> to control ?ealant >epth ?hall be in?talle> in Ioint? an> gap? up to ."mm Ci>eB Cith a movement of up to W0"OB Chich ?hall be con?tructe> to the gap ?iKe a? >etaile> on the >raCing?& The face of the ma?tic ?hall be ?moothe> to a fini?h approve> bE the Con?ultant& 7. INT&MESCENT PIPE -RAPS AND CO""ARS FOR SO"ID -A"" AND S"A,S Intume?cent pipe Crap? ?hall be provi>e> to all pla?tic pipe? an> through in?ulate> pipe? that pa?? through fire compartment? an> barrier?& %n acceptable alternative to intume?cent pipe Crap? are intume?cent fire collar?& Intume?cent Crap? ?hall be manufacture> to 2S 05)B part ("B %S 1'." part 0 an> %S 0"5( part 1B be hel> in po?ition Cith a ?plit metallic ?leeve Chich ?hall be Cire> Hoehler & Partner LLC


in place to prevent the Crap from ?lipping out of po?ition& Concrete or an approve> cementation? or fireproof infill ?hall be ca?t aroun> the metallic ?leeve an> fire proof ma?tic ?hall be applie> to ?eal the annular gap at both the ?offit an> floor of the ?lab& The Crap ?hall be in?talle> in a location ?uch that on floor ?lab the loCer e>ge of the Crap coinci>e? Cith the ?offit of the ?lab& 3ire rate> collar? ?hall be manufacture> in accor>ance Cith 2S 05) part ("B be corro?ion re?i?tant tEpe an> in?talle> aroun> the pipe? an> fiFe> to the ?lab Cith ?creC? an> fiFing? that Cill Cith?tan> eFpo?ure to the fire for at lea?t ( hour?& EverE fiFing point on the collar ?hall be utiliKe>& Collar? an> Crap? ?hall be in?talle> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? recommen>ation?& *. FIRE TRANSITS FOR PIPE-ORE IN $O""O- -A""S Provi>e fire tran?it? for holloC Call? <e&g& ?tu> partition? or holloC bloc@ Call?= ?uch that pipe? can pa?? through the Call Cithout interfering Cith the Call:? fire integritE& 3ire tran?it? ?hall compri?e corro?ion re?i?tant ?plit ?hell Cith hinge an> clo?ure >evice an> Cith an internal lining of intume?cent material plu? facilitE to ?ecurelE fiF the ?hell to the Call ?tructure& *tili?e on both through in?ulate> an> un;in?ulate> pipe?B but on un;in?ulate> pipe? inclu>e a compre??ible foam ga?@et that Cill alloC the pipe to move Cithout brea@ing the ?eal or ma@ing anE noi?e& 3ire tran?it? ?hall be ( hour rate> an> applie> to all pipe?& To be manufacture> to 2S 05) part ("B %S 1'."&0B %S 0"5(&1 an> prE 1.))&. an> in?talle> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? recommen>ation?& 6. FIRE STOPS ARO&ND &NINS&"ATED METTA"IC PIPE-ORE IN SO"ID -A"" AND F"OORS Provi>e a metallic ?leeve aroun> all pipe? an> caul@ Cith a fireproof material <e&g& mineral Cool=& 3ill annular gap at both en>? Cith a fireproofB Caterproof ma?tic Cith an> high movement capabilitE& In?tall in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer? recommen>ation?& /a?tic ?hall complE Cith 2S 05) part ("B pr E 1.))&.B an> %S1'."&0B %S 0"5(&1 an> S%2S "155 part ( an> provi>e a ( hour fire re?i?tance& +. FIRE STOPS ARO&ND P"ASTIC PRESS&RE PIPE"INES Provi>e engineere> intume?cent multiple Crap or collar that Cill be able to eFert ?ufficient force to cru?h the pre??ure pipe in the event of a fire& Provi>e certification to >emon?trate ?olution i? a>eGuate& ). DENSE MINERA" INFI"" ,ATS The provi?ion of >en?e fire rate> boar>? i? permitte> a? a metho> of infilling aroun> ?ervice? that pa?? through fire Call?& 2oar>?A batt? ?hall be pre;coate> Cith a fire re?i?tant coating an> ?hall be cut to ?iKe on ?ite&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



%ll Ioint? ?hall be clo?e> Cith fire rate> ma?tic an> finallE a fire re?i?tant coating ?hall be applie>& Service? ?hall be ?upporte> in a manner ?o that in the event of a fire the collap?e of the ?ervice? in the fire Kone Cill not pull the boar>? out of the Call aperture& Infill ?hall be >e?igne> to provi>e a tCo hour fire ratingB ?hall complE Cith 2S 05)B part (" an> ?hall be in?talle> in accor>ance Cith the manufacturer:? recommen>ation?& '. FIRE RATED PI""O-S 3ire rate> pilloC? maE be u?e> to provi>e fire barrier? aroun> >ifficult ?ervice? breache? Chere other mean? are not viable& PilloC? ?hall be unaffecte> bE moi?ture an> humi>itE an> provi>e a ( hour rating in accor>ance Cith 2S 05)B part ("


1. ANTI6I,RATION PROCED&RES9 %ll >Enamic machinerE ?hall be i?olate> from the buil>ing ?tructure bE vibration i?olator? an>Aor vibration i?olation material? Chich ?hall be purpo?e >e?igne> an> ?electe> to ?uit the machinerE& +here mat tEpe i?olation material? are u?e>B the Contractor ?hall ?upplE the material? u?e> an> ?hall be re?pon?ible for their correct po?ition? an> in?tallation& %ll other vibration i?olator? ?hall be both ?upplie> an> in?talle> bE the Contractor& I?olation efficiencE of anti vibration >evice? an> material? ?hall be a? in>icate>& 3or fan? an> air >i?tribution ?E?tem?B fleFible Ioint? in accor>ance Cith other part? of thi? ?pecification ?hall be provi>e>& 3or pump? an> Cater >i?tribution ?E?tem?B purpo?e >e?igne> fleFible connection? ?hall be provi>e> in accor>ance Cith thi? ?pecification& The connection? ?hall be compatible Cith the tube material?B the metho>? of Iointing an> the flui><?= han>le> in the ?E?tem& Electrical connection? to motor? an> other >Enamic machinerE ?hall be ma>e in accor>ance Cith the electrical part of thi? ?pecification&

. SPRIN! ANTI 6I,RATION MO&NTIN!S9 Select ?pring mount? Cith an overloa> capacitE of '"OB for metal ?pring? the out?i>e >iameter ?houl> be at lea?t 5'O of operating height& PermanentlE i>entifE in>ivi>ual mount? Cith their loa> capacitE&

#. SPRIN! $AN!ERS9 Provi>e ?pring hanger? that alloC the loCer hanger ro> to move laterallE at lea?t 1' Degree&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



7. "OCEIN! FACI"IT(9 +here in>icate>B provi>e loc@able levelling >evice&

*. S(NT$ETIC MATERIA" CONFI!&RED MAT MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e configure> mat mounting? manufacture> from neoprene or compo?ite fibre A ?Enthetic rubber& +here mat? are ?tac@e>B bon> 1mm ?teel ?heet thic@ne?? betCeen each pa> Cithout filling voi>?&

6. $I!$ TEMPERAT&RE CONFI!&RED MAT MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e configure> mat mounting? manufacture> from high temperature ?Enthetic rubber& +here mat? are ?tac@e>B bon> 1mm ?teel ?heet thic@ne?? betCeen each pa> Cithout filling voi>?&

+. RESI"IENT MAT MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e a minimum of ("mm re?ilient mat an> ?heet of 1&) mm ?teel for incorporation in ca?t in ?itu ba?e&

). PAD MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e pa> mounting? manufacture> from compo?ite ?Enthetic rubber&

'. S(NT$ETIC R&,,ER T&RRET COMPRESSION MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e turret compre??ion mounting? fabricate> from ?Enthetic rubber betCeen tCo ?teel plate?& Protect the metal from corro?ion bE painting an> fiF friction pa>? to top an> bottom& Provi>e bolt hole? to alloC fiFing&


NEOPRENE T&RRET COMPRESSION MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e turret compre??ion mounting? fabricate> from neoprene betCeen tCo ?teel plate?& Protect the metal from corro?ion bE painting an> fiF friction pa>? to top an> bottom& Provi>e bolt hole? to alloC fiFing&


SPRIN! COMPRESSION MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e ?pring compre??ion mounting? compri?ing high ?trength loC ?tre?? helical ?pring cappe> Cith ?teel pre??ure plateB on re?ilient ba?e pa>B mounte> on pre; >rille> ba?e for bolting >oCnB an> enclo?e> Cith cap& Protect metal from corro?ion&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



1 .

CAPTI6E SPRIN! MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e captive ?pring mounting? compri?ing high ?trength loC ?tre?? helical ?pring >e?igne> to achieve horiKontal an> vertical ?nubbing& /ount ?pring on pre>rille> ba?e plate for bolting >oCn an> protect again?t corro?ion& SupplE complete Cith levelling ?creC&


S(NT$ETIC R&,,ER $AN!ERSG T&RRET COMPRESSION9 Provi>e turret compre??ion hanger? fabricate> from ?Enthetic rubber incorporate> Cith hanger boF& Con?truct hanger boF from ?teel <minimum thic@ne?? 1&)mm= complete Cith hole for Su?pen?ion ro> an> enlarge> loCer hole for >rop ro> to eGuipment&


$AN!ERSG SPRIN! COMPRESSION9 Provi>e ?pring compre??ion hanger? compri?ing high ?trength loC ?tre?? helical ?pring cappe> Cith ?teel pre??ure plateB on re?ilient ba?e pa>B mounte> Cithin hanger boF& Con?truct hanger boF from ?teel <minimum thic@ne?? 1&)mm= complete Cith hole for ?u?pen?ion ro> an> enlarge> loCer hole for >rop ro> to eGuipment&


$ORIFONTA""( RESTRAINED SPRIN! MO&NTIN!S9 Provi>e horiKontallE re?traine> ?pring mounting? compri?ing high ?trength loC ?tre?? helical ?pring cappe> Cith ?teel pre??ure plateB on re?ilient ba?e pa>B mounte> Cithin hanger boF& Con?truct hanger boF from ?teel <minimum thic@ne?? 1&)mm= complete Cith hole? for in?talling acro?? connection& In a>>ition ?upplE ?Enthetic rubber or neoprene ?nubber a? a horiKontal buffer&


CONCRETE:STEE" FORM-ORE INERTIA ,ASES9 Provi>e purpo?e built inertia ba?e? con?tructe> u?ing Cel>e> ?teel frame formCor@ containing concrete reinforce> Cith 1(mm minimum >iameter bar? at 1""mm maFimum centre?B .'mm above the bottom of the ba?eD an> mounte> on ?pring compre??ion mounting?&


-E"DED STEE" FRAME INERTIA ,ASES9 Provi>e purpo?e built inertia ba?e? con?tructe> u?ing Cel>e> ?teel frame mounte> on ?pring compre??ion mounting?&



Hoehler & Partner LLC



Provi>e fleFible ho?e coupling? for connecting pipe Cor@ compri?ing nElon fabric or ?teel me?h carca?? Cith Caterproof cover an> internal lining of material to ?uit flui> conveEe>B temperature? an> pre??ure? in>icate>&


R&,,ER MATTIN! PIPE-ORE NOISE 6I,RATION ISO"ATION9 Incorporate Cithin pipe Cor@ ?upport ring purpo?e ma>e i?olator? manufacture> from rubber matting&


F"OATIN! F"OORS9 Provi>e floating floor? beneath all item? of >Enamic plant an> eGuipment that are ?ite> on ?u?pen>e> floor ?lab?& The floating floor ?E?tem ?hall compri?e of a concrete curb Chich i? at lea?t 1&(m from the e>ge of the plant Cith a 1""m >en?e concrete floating floor ?lab Cithin the curb& The floating floor ?lab ?hall be re?ilientlE mounte> on a compo?ite acou?tic mat ?uch a? the /o>el $I/ ma>e bE ,inetic?& Perimeter i?olation ?hall be ("mm thic@ re?ilient material a? recommen>e> bE the manufacturer& %nE ?ervice? breache? in the floor ?hall be via up ?tan> curb? Cith re?ilient e>ge >etail or bE placing re?ilient material aroun> the ?ervice to the manufacturer:? >etail& %nE >rain? ?hall be ma>e u?ing a ?pecial vibration i?olate> floor >rain?&

Hoehler & Partner LLC




1. !ENERA" PROD&CT RE%&IREMENTS %CCESS Pump? ?hall be provi>e> Cith gui>e rail?B lifting chain an> in?tantaneou? coupling? ?o that theE can be lifte> out of the ?eCage pumping tan@ O ; 3O*LI G Pump? ?hall be non;fouling >e?ign ?uitable for pumping Ca?h A ?urface Cater& CO T$OLS Level control ?hall be bE in>u?trial GualitE float ?Citche? or electro>e? % ?eparate control panel ?hall be provi>e> for each pump an> a control ?E?tem ?hall automaticallE ?eGuenceB change over an> >utE ?hare pump?& It ?hall be po??ible to Cor@ on the ?tarter or a??ociate> electric? of one pump Cithout eFpo?ing the electrician to live <Z'"1= electric? to the other pump?& Control panel annunciation lamp? ?hall be provi>e> forL ; ; ; Pump running Pump on line Pump trippe> alarm

Hoehler & Partner LLC



LoC level alarm High level alarm

E6%/I %TIO 1erifE ?ite con>ition? un>er provi?ion? of Section "10""& 2efore or>ering anE material? A commencing Cor@ verifE that buil>ing ?tructure a??ociate> Cith the ?E?tem i? Cithin tolerance an> ta@e full account of ?hape configuration an> material propertie? of the ?tructure& P$EP%$%TIO Provi>e ba?e Apoc@et etc in tan@ for pump in accor>ance Cith manufacturer:? reGuirement?& Provi>e >uct for electrical poCer an> control cable?& I ST%LL%TIO 2efore beginning in?tallation in anE areaB eFamine all part? of the a>Ioining Cor@ into Chich applicable Cor@ i? to be place>& Shoul> anE con>ition? be foun> Chich Cill prevent the proper eFecution of the Cor@B in?tallation ?hall not procee> in that area until ?uch con>ition? are correcte> bE the contractor& % >ampene> refluF <non return= valve ?hall b in?talle> in the outlet pipe from each pump to prevent ?eCage floCing bac@ in to the tan@&

Hoehler & Partner LLC



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