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Accu Metrics

DNA testing is currently the most advanced and accurate technology to determine parentage. In a DNA parentage test, the result (called the 'probability of parentage) is 0 !hen the alleged parent is not biologically related to the child and the probability of parentage is typically ""."" !hen the alleged parent is biologically related to the child. #o!ever, !hile almost all individuals have a single and distinct set of genes, rare individuals, $no!n as %chimeras%, have at least t!o different sets of genes, !hich can result in a false negative result if their reproductive tissue has a different genetic ma$eup from the tissue sampled for the test. Accu&'(he DNA of an individual is the same in somatic (nonreproductive) cell. )e*ual reproduction brings the DNA of both parents together randomly to create a uni+ue combination of genetic material in a ne! cell, so the genetic material of an individual is derived from the genetic material of both their parents in e+ual amounts. (his genetic material is $no!n as the nuclear genome of the individual, because it is found in the nucleus.

Accu Metrics
As of ,0--, and in most states, un!ed parents confronted !ith a voluntary ac$no!ledgement of parentage form are informed of the possibility and right to re+uest a DNA paternity test. If testing is refused by the mother, the father may not be re+uired to sign the birth certificate or the voluntary ac$no!ledgement of parentage form for the child. .or !edded putative parents, the husband of the mother is presumed to be the father of the child. #o!ever, in most states, this presumption can be overturned by the application of a forensic paternity test, but in many states the time for overturn this presumption may be limited to the first fe! years of the child's life, depending on the la! of the state in +uestion. Accu /etrics' 0arental testing can be performed easily through established companies in the 1nited )tates !ith AA22 accreditation and in 3anada through a )33 accredited laboratory. (he testing is performed by collecting 2uccal cells found on the inside of a person's chee$ using a 2uccal s!ab or chee$ s!ab. (hese s!abs have !ooden or plastic stic$ handles !ith a cotton on synthetic tip. (he collector rubs the inside of a person's chee$ in order to collect as many 2uccal cells as possible. (he 2uccal cells are then sent to a laboratory for testing. .or paternity testing, samples from the alleged father and child !ould be needed. .or maternity testing, samples from the alleged mother and child !ould be needed. Accu& 3omparing the DNA se+uence of an individual to that of another individual can sho! !hether one of them !as derived from the other. #o!ever, DNA paternity tests are not currently -00 accurate. )pecific se+uences are usually loo$ed at to see !hether they

!ere copied verbatim from one of the individual's genome to the other. If that !as the case, then the genetic material of one individual could have been derived from that of the other (i.e., one is the parent of the other). 2esides the nuclear DNA in the nucleus, the mitochondria in the cells also have their o!n genetic material termed the mitochondrial DNA. /itochondrial DNA comes only from the mother, !ithout any shuffling. /ore results' Accu& Accu /etrics Accu /etrics

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