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Rules of writing Passage Narration

Rule 1: When you write down different type of sentences of one speaker frequently, then the following system should be followed: Sentence type Writing style Assertive And said Interrogative And asked if ----Imperative And ordered/requested/adviced/suggested to ptative And prayed for !"clamatory And e"claimed wit# $oy/ sorrow/wonder t#at

Rule 2: If the speaker frequently uses same type of sentence then the Rule is: %or assertive sentence Said t#at And added t#at And furt#er added t#at And moreover added t#at And again added t#at %or interrogative sentence Asked if And %urt#er asked if And more asked if And again asked if Rule 3: &es/No Su' ( Replied in t#e affirmative/ Replied in t#e negative &es/No ( )omment Su' ( Replied in t#e affirmative/Replied in t#e negative and said t#at

Rule :

!o "peaker in the sentence #$he speaker said to the person spoken to% Rule &: Please* +indly* Rule ': )alling in t#e name of person !", -e said. /Raven. don0t mis'e#ave wit# anyone*1 It will 'e added as o'$ect of reporting ver' Ind, -e advised Raven not to mis'e#ave wit# anyone* Rule (: )alling in t#e name of relations !", 2#e student said /Sir. please forgive me*1 Addressing as 'rot#er/sister/friend/sir Ind, Addressing as sir t#e student requested to kindly forgive #im*

Rule): 3y Alla#/'y 4od/'y 5ove/'y my love/'y my life !", /3y Alla#.1 #e replied. /I will not forget you*1 Swearing 'y Alla#/4od/5ove/6ife/6ove Ind, Swearing 'y Alla#. #e replied t#at #e would not forget me* Rule *: If there is a +resent participle phrase with the reporting ,erb, it will come in front of the reporting ,erb in doing the indirect speech- .ut if it is not present participle phrase then the position of it will remain unchanged!", /Are you 'rot#ers71 asked t#e mistress of t#e #ouse turning to t#e 8ervis#es* Ind, 2urning to t#e 8ervis#es t#e 9istress of t#e #ouse asked if t#ey were 'rot#ers* Rule 1/: Assertive sentence wit# question mark* !", -e said to me /&ou are angry wit# me71 :se ;3eing surprised0 wit# t#e reporting ver' and follow t#e rules of doing interrogative sentence* Ind, 3eing surprised #e asked me if I was angry wit# #im* Rule 11:

Would/could/will in asking questions !", -e said to me. /would you #elp me to do t#e sum71 :se t#e rules of imperative sentence Ind, -e requested me to #elp #im to do t#e sum* Rule 12: Imperative sentence wit# tag question !", -e told me. /s#ut t#e door. will you71 2ag question will 'e omitted and rules of imperative sentence will 'e followed* Ind, -e asked/requested me to s#ut t#e door* Rule 13: Well. you see <if used wit# in inverted comma= !", t#e teac#er said. /well Raven. I s#all reward you*1 mit t#em and do in general way* Ind, 2#e teac#er said to Raven t#at #e would reward #im* Rule 1 : Sir <in t#e inverted comma= Respectfully/ wit# respect Rule 1&: If the reporting ,erb or reported speech is split in different parts in the 0irect speech, they will be added together in the indirect speechRule 1': -e said to me. /2#ank you*1 -e t#anked me* Rule 1(: 4ood 'ye !", -e said. /4ood 'ye my friends*1 :se ;'ade0 Ind, -e 'ade #is friends0 good 'ye*

Rule 1): Replied/9uttered/)ried <in t#e reporting ver'= !", /-old your tongue>1 -e muttered on fiercely* Remains unc#anged in t#e indirect speec#* Ind, -e muttered on fiercely to #old #is tongue*

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