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(NOTE: The electronic text obtained from The Electronic Bible Society was not completely corrected.

EWTN has corrected all discovered errors. Transliteration of !ree" words: #ll phonetical except: w $ ome%a& h serves three p'poses: (. $ Eta& ). $ ro'%h breathin%* when appearin% intially before a vowel& +. $ in the aspirated letters theta $ th* phi $ ph* chi $ ch. #ccents are %iven immediately after their correspondin% vowels: ac'te $ , * %rave $ -* circ'mflex $ .. The character , do'bles as an apostrophe* when necessary. /0ST1N 2#3T43 51#6O!0E O7 /0ST1N* 8916OS89E3 #N5 2#3T43* with T3489O* # /EW. :9#8. 1.;;1NT3O50:T1ON. W916E 1 was %oin% abo't one mornin% in the wal"s of the <yst's*(( a certain man* with others in his company* havin% met me* and said* = 9ail O philosopher>= #nd immediately after sayin% this* he t'rned ro'nd and wal"ed alon% with me& his friends li"ewise followed him. #nd 1 in t'rn havin% addressed him* said* = What is there important ?= #nd he replied* =1 was instr'cted*= says he =by :orinth's the Socratic in #r%os* that 1 o'%ht not to despise or treat with indifference those who array themselves in this dress*() b't to show them all "indness* and to associate with them* as perhaps some advanta%e wo'ld sprin% from the interco'rse either to some s'ch man or to myself. 1t is %ood* moreover* for both* if either the one or the other be benefited. On this acco'nt* therefore* whenever 1 see any one in s'ch cost'me* 1 %ladly approach him* and now* for the same reason* have 1 willin%ly accosted yo'& and these accompany me* in the expectation of hearin% for themselves somethin% profit able from yo'.= =B't who are yo'* most excellent man?= So 1 replied to him in @est.(+ Then he told me fran"ly both his name and his family. =Trypho*= says he* = 1 am called and 1 am a 9ebrew of the circ'mcision*(A and havin% escaped from the war(B lately carried on there* 1 am spendin% my days in !reece* and chiefly at :orinth.=

=#nd in what*= said 1* =wo'ld yo' be profited by philosophy so m'ch as by yo'r own law%iver and the prophets?= =Why not?= he replied. =5o not the philosophers t'rn every disco'rse on !od? and do not C'estions contin'ally arise to them abo't 9is 'nity and providence? 1s not this tr'ly the d'ty of philosophy* to investi%ate the 5eity?= =#ss'redly*= said 1* =so we too have believed. B't the most(D have not ta"en tho'%ht of this* whether there be one or more %ods* and whether they have a re%ard for each one of 's or no* as if this "nowled%e contrib'ted nothin% to o'r happiness& nay* they moreover attempt to pers'ade 's that !od ta"es care of the 'niverse with its %enera and species* b't not of me and yo'* and each individ'ally* since otherwise we wo'ld s'rely not need to pray to 9im ni%ht and day. B't it is not diffic'lt to 'nderstand the 'pshot of this& for fearlessness and license in spea"in% res'lt to s'ch as maintain these opinions* doin% and sayin% whatever they choose* neither dreadin% p'nishment nor hopin% for any benefit from !od. 7or how co'ld they? They affirm that the same thin%s shall always happen& and* f'rther* that 1 and yo' shall a%ain live in li"e manner* havin% become neither better men nor worse. B't there are some others*(E who* havin% s'pposed the so'l to be immortal and immaterial* believe that tho'%h they have committed evil they will not s'ffer p'nishment (for that which is immaterial is insensible * and that the solll* in conseC'ence of its immortality* needs nothin% from !od.= #nd he* smilin% %ently* said* =Tell 's yo'r opinion of these matters* and what idea yo' entertain respectin% !od* and what yo'r philosophy is.= :9#8. 11.;;/0ST1N 5ES:31BES 91S ST051ES 1N 8916OSO894. =1 will tell yo'*= said 1* =what seems to me& for philosophy is* in fact* the %reatest possession* and most hono'rable before !od*(( to whom it leads 's and alone commends 's& and these are tr'ly holy men who have bestowed attention on philosophy. What philosophy is* however* and the reason why it has been sent down to men* have escaped the observation of most& for there wo'ld be neither 8latonists* nor Stoics* nor 8eripatetics* nor Theoretics*() nor 8ytha%oreans* this "nowled%e bein% one.(+ 1 wish to tell yo' why it has become many;headed. 1t has happened that those who first handled it Fi.e.* philosophyG* and who were therefore esteemed

ill'strio's men* were s'cceeded by those who made no investi%ations concernin% tr'th* b't only admired the perseverance and self;discipline of the former* as well as the novelty of the doctrines& and each tho'%ht that to be tr'e which he learned from his teacher: then* moreover* those latter persons handed down to their s'ccessors s'ch thin%s* and others similar to them& and this system was called by the name of him who was styled the father of the doctrine. Bein% at first desiro's of personally conversin% with one of these men* 1 s'rrendered myself to a certain Stoic& and havin% spent a considerable time with him* when 1 had not acC'ired any f'rther "nowled%e of !od (for he did not "now himself* and said s'ch instr'ction was 'nnecessary * 1 left him and betoo" myself to another* who was called a 8eripatetic* and as he fancied* shrewd. #nd this man* after havin% entertained me for the first few days* reC'ested me to settle the fee* in order that o'r interco'rse mi%ht not be 'nprofitable. 9im* too* for this reason 1 abandoned* believin% him to be no philosopher at all. B't when my so'l was ea%erly desiro's to hear the pec'liar and choice philosophy* 1 came to a 8ytha%orean* very celebrated;;a man who tho'%ht m'ch of his own wisdom. #nd then* when 1 had an interview with him* willin% to become his hearer and disciple* he said* ,What then? #re yo' acC'ainted with m'sic* astronomy* and %eometry? 5o yo' expect to perceive any of those thin%s which cond'ce to a happy life* if yo' have not been first informed on those points which wean the so'l from sensible ob@ects* and render it fitted for ob@ects which appertain to the mind* so that it can contemplate that which is hono'rable in its essence and that which is %ood in its essence?, 9avin% commended many of these branches of learnin%* and tellin% me that they were necessary* he dismissed me when 1 confessed to him my i%norance. #ccordin%ly 1 too" it rather impatiently* as was to be expected when 1 failed in my hope* the more so beca'se 1 deemed the man had some "nowled%e& b't reflectin% a%ain on the space of time d'rin% which 1 wo'ld have to lin%er over those branches of learnin%* 1 was not able to end're lon%er procrastination. 1n my helpless condition it occ'rred to me to have a meetin% with the 8latonists* for their fame was %reat. 1 there'pon spent as m'ch of my time as possible with one who had lately settled in o'r city*(A ;;a sa%acio's man* holdin% a hi%h position amon% the 8latonists*;; and 1 pro%ressed* and made the %reatest improvements daily. #nd the perception of immaterial thin%s C'ite overpowered me* and the contemplation of ideas f'rnished my mind with win%s*(B so that in a little while 1 s'pposed that 1 had become wise& and s'ch was my st'pidity* 1 expected forthwith to loo" 'pon !od* for this is the end of 8lato,s philosophy.

:9#8. 111.;;/0ST1N N#33#TES T9E 2#NNE3 O7 91S :ONHE3S1ON. =#nd while 1 was th's disposed* when 1 wished at one period to be filled with %reat C'ietness* and to sh'n the path of men* 1 'sed to %o into a certain field not far from the sea. #nd when 1 was near that spot one day* which havin% reached 1 p'rposed to be by myself* a certain old man* by no means contemptible in appearance* exhibitin% mee" and venerable manners* followed me at a little distance. #nd when 1 t'rned ro'nd to him* havin% halted* 1 fixed my eyes rather "eenly on him. =#nd he said* ,5o yo' "now me?, =1 replied in the ne%ative. =,Why* then*, said he to me* ,do yo' so loo" at me?, =,1 am astonished*, 1 said* ,beca'se yo' have chanced to be in my company in the same place& for 1 had not expected to see any man here., =#nd he says to me* ,1 am concerned abo't some of my ho'sehold. These are %one away from me& and therefore have 1 come to ma"e personal search for them* if* perhaps* they shall ma"e their appearance somewhere. B't why are yo' here?, said he to me. =,1 deli%ht*, said 1* ,in s'ch wal"s* where my attention is not distracted* for converse with myself is 'ninterr'pted& and s'ch places are most fit for philolo%y.,(D =,#re yo'* then* a philolo%ian*,(E said he*(A b't no lover of deeds or of tr'th? and do yo' not aim at bein% a practical man so m'ch as bein% a sophist?, =,What %reater wor"*, said 1* ,co'ld one accomplish than this* to show the reason which %overns all* and havin% laid hold of it* and bein% mo'nted 'pon it* to loo" down on the errors of others* and their p'rs'its? B't witho't philosophy and ri%ht reason* pr'dence wo'ld not be present to any man. Wherefore it is necessary for every man to philosophiIe* and to esteem this the %reatest and most hono'rable wor"& b't other thin%s only of second;rate or third;rate importance* tho'%h* indeed* if they be made to depend on philosophy* they are of moderate val'e* and worthy of acceptance&

b't deprived of it* and not accompanyin% it* they are v'l%ar and coarse to those who p'rs'e them., =,5oes philosophy* then* ma"e happiness?, said he* interr'ptin%. =,#ss'redly*, 1 said* ,and it alone., =,What* then* is philosophy?, he says& ,and what is happiness? 8ray tell me* 'nless somethin% hinders yo' from sayin%., =,8hilosophy* then*, said 1* ,is the "nowled%e of that which really exists* and a clear perception of the tr'th& and happiness is the reward of s'ch "nowled%e and wisdom., =,B't what do yo' call !od?, said he. =,That which always maintains the same nat're* and in the same manner* and is the ca'se of all other thin%s;;that* indeed* is !od., So 1 answered him& and he listened to me with pleas're* and th's a%ain interro%ated me:;; =,1s not "nowled%e a term common to different matters? 7or in arts of all "inds* he who "nows any one of them is called a s"ilf'l man in the art of %eneralship* or of r'lin%* or of healin% eC'ally. B't in divine and h'man affairs it is not so. 1s there a "nowled%e which affords 'nderstandin% of h'man and divine thin%s* and then a thoro'%h acC'aintance with the divinity and the ri%hteo'sness of them?, =,#ss'redly*, 1 replied. =,What* then? 1s it in the same way we "now man and, !od* as we "now m'sic* and arithmetic* and astronomy* or any other similar branch?, =,By no means*, 1 replied. =,4o' have not answered me correctly* then*, he said& ,for some Fbranches of "nowled%eG come to 's by learnin%* or by some employment* while of others we have "nowled%e by si%ht. Now* if one were to tell yo' that there exists in 1ndia an animal with a nat're 'nli"e all others* b't of s'ch and s'ch a "ind* m'ltiform and vario's* yo' wo'ld not "now it before yo' saw it& b't neither wo'ld yo' be competent to %ive any acco'nt

of it* 'nless yo' sho'ld hear from one who had seen it., =,:ertainly not*, 1 said. =,9ow then*, he said* ,sho'ld the philosophers @'d%e correctly abo't !od* or spea" any tr'th* when they have no "nowled%e of 9im* havin% neither seen 9im at any time* nor heard 9im?, =,B't* father*, said 1* ,the 5eity cannot be seen merely by the eyes* as other livin% bein%s can* b't is discernible to the mind alone* as 8lato says& and 1 believe him., :9#8. 1H.;;T9E SO06 O7 1TSE67 :#NNOT SEE !O5. =,1s there then*, says he* ,s'ch and so %reat power in o'r mind? Or can a man not perceive by sense sooner? Will the mind of man see !od at any time* if it is 'ninstr'cted by the 9oly Spirit?, =,8lato indeed says*, replied 1* ,that the mind,s eye is of s'ch a nat're* and has been %iven for this end* that we may see that very Bein% when the mind is p're itself* who is the ca'se of all discerned by the mind* havin% no colo'r* no form* no %reatness;;nothin%* indeed* which the bodily eye loo"s 'pon& b't 1t is somethin% of this sort* he %oes on to say* that is beyond all essence* 'n'tterable and inexplicable* b't alone hono'rable and %ood* comin% s'ddenly into so'ls well;dispositioned* on acco'nt of their affinity to and desire of seein% 9im., =,What affinity* then*, replied he* ,is there between 's and !od? 1s the so'l also divine and immortal* and a part of that very re%al mind? #nd even as that sees !od* so also is it attainable by 's to conceive of the 5eity in o'r mind* and thence to become happy?, =,#ss'redly*, 1 said. =,#nd do all the so'ls of all livin% bein%s comprehend 9im?, he as"ed& ,or are the so'ls of men of one "ind and the so'ls of horses and of asses of another "ind?, =,No& b't the so'ls which are in all are similar*, 1 answered.

=,Then*, says he* ,shall both horses and asses see* or have they seen at some time or other* !od?, =,No*, 1 said& ,for the ma@ority of men will not* savin% s'ch as shall live @'stly* p'rified by ri%hteo'sness* and by every other virt'e., =,1t is not* therefore*, said he* ,on acco'nt of his affinity* that a man sees !od* nor beca'se he has a mind* b't beca'se he is temperate and ri%hteo's?, =,4es*, said 1& ,and beca'se he has that whereby he perceives !od., =,What then? 5o %oats or sheep in@'re any one?, =,No one in any respect*, 1 said. =,Therefore these animals will see F!odG accordin% to yo'r acco'nt*, says he. =,No& for their body bein% of s'ch a nat're* is an obstacle to them., =9e re@oined*, 1f these animals co'ld ass'me speech* be well ass'red that they wo'ld with %reater reason ridic'le o'r body& b't let 's now dismiss this s'b@ect* and let it be conceded to yo' as yo' say. Tell me* however* this: 5oes the so'l see F!odG so lon% as it is in the body* or after it has been removed from it?, =,So lon% as it is in the form of a man* it is possible for it*, 1 contin'e* ,to attain to this by means of the mind& b't especially when it has been set free from the body* and bein% apart by itself* it %ets possession of that which it was wont contin'ally and wholly to love., =,5oes it remember this* then Fthe si%ht of !odG* when it is a%ain in the man?, =,1t does not appear to me so*, 1 said. =,What* then* is the advanta%e to those who have seen F!odG? or what has he who has seen more than he who has not seen* 'nless he remember this fact* that he has seen?,

=,1 cannot tell*, 1 answered. =,#nd what do those s'ffer who are @'d%ed to be 'nworthy of this spectacle?, said he. =,They are imprisoned in the bodies of certain wild beasts* and this is their p'nishment., =,5o they "now* then* that it is for this reason they are in s'ch forms* and that they have committed some sin?, =,1 do not thin" so., =,Then these reap no advanta%e from their p'nishment* as it seems: moreover* 1 wo'ld say that they are not p'nished 'nless they are conscio's of the p'nishment., =,No indeed., =,Therefore so'ls neither see !od nor trans;mi%rate into other bodies& for they wo'ld "now that so they are p'nished* and they wo'ld be afraid to commit even the most trivial sin afterwards. B't that they can perceive that !od exists* and that ri%hteo'sness and piety are hono'rable* 1 also C'ite a%ree with yo'*, said he. =,4o' are ri%ht*, 1 replied. :9#8. H.;;T9E SO06 1S NOT 1N 1TS OWN N#T03E 122O3T#6. =,These philosophers "now nothin%* then* abo't these thin%s& for they cannot tell what a so'l is., =,1t does not appear so., =,Nor o'%ht it to be called immortal& for if it is immortal* it is plainly 'nbe%otten., =,1t is both 'nbe%otten and immortal* accordin% to some who are styled 8latonists.,

=,5o yo' say that the world is also 'nbe%otten?, =,Some say so. 1 do not* however* a%ree with them., =,4o' are ri%ht& for what reason has one for s'pposin% that a body so solid* possessin% resistance* composite* chan%eable* decayin%* and renewed every day* has not arisen from some ca'se? B't if the world is be%otten* so'ls also are necessarily be%otten& and perhaps at one time they were not in existence* for they were made on acco'nt of men and other livin% creat'res* if yo' will say that they have been be%otten wholly apart* and not alon% with their respective bodies., =,This seems to be correct., =,They are not* then* immortal?, =,No& since the world has appeared to 's to be be%otten., =,B't 1 do not say* indeed* that all so'ls die& for that were tr'ly a piece of %ood fort'ne to the evil. What then? The so'ls of the pio's remain in a better place* while those of the 'n@'st and wic"ed are in a worse* waitin% for the time of @'d%ment. Th's some which have appeared worthy of !od never die& b't others are p'nished so lon% as !od wills them to exist and to be p'nished., =,1s what yo' say* then* of a li"e nat're with that which 8lato in Timoe's hints abo't the world* when he says that it is indeed s'b@ect to decay* inasm'ch as it has been created* b't that it will neither be dissolved nor meet with the fate of death on acco'nt of the will of !od? 5oes it seem to yo' the very same can be said of the so'l* and %enerally of all thin%s? 7or those thin%s which exist after(( !od* or shall at any time exist*() these have the nat're of decay* and are s'ch as may be blotted o't and cease to exist& for !od alone is 'nbe%otten and incorr'ptible* and therefore 9e is !od* b't all other thin%s after 9im are created and corr'ptible. 7or this reason so'ls both die and are p'nished: since* if they were 'nbe%otten* they wo'ld neither sin* nor be filled with folly* nor be cowardly* and a%ain ferocio's& nor wo'ld they willin%ly transform into swine* and serpents* and do%s and it wo'ld not indeed be @'st to compel them* if they be 'nbe%otten. 7or that which is 'nbe%otten is similar to* eC'al to* and the same with that which is 'nbe%otten& and neither in power nor in hono'r sho'ld the one be preferred to the other* and hence there are

not many thin%s which are 'nbe%otten: for if there were some difference between them* yo' wo'ld not discover the ca'se of the difference* tho'%h yo' searched for it& b't after lettin% the mind ever wander to infinity* yo' wo'ld at len%th* wearied o't* ta"e yo'r stand on one 0nbe%otten* and say that this is the :a'se of all. 5id s'ch escape the observation of 8lato and 8ytha%oras* those wise men*, 1 said* ,who have been as a wall and fortress of philosophy to 's?, :9#8. H1.;;T9ESE T91N!S WE3E 0NJNOWN TO 86#TO #N5 OT9E3 8916OSO89E3S. =,1t ma"es no matter to me*, said he* ,whether 8lato or 8ytha%oras* or* in short* any other man held s'ch opinions. 7or the tr'th is so& and yo' wo'ld perceive it from this. The so'l ass'redly is or has life. 1f* then* it is life* it wo'ld ca'se somethin% else* and not itself* to live* even as motion wo'ld move somethin% else than itself. Now* that the so'l lives* no one wo'ld deny. B't if it lives* it lives not as bein% life* b't as the parta"er of life& b't that which parta"es of anythin%* is different from that of which it does parta"e. Now the so'l parta"es of life* since !od wills it to live. Th's* then* it will not even parta"e Fof lifeG when !od does not will it to live. 7or to live is not its attrib'te* as it is !od,s& b't as a man does not live always* and the so'l is not for ever con@oined with the body* since* whenever this harmony m'st be bro"en 'p* the so'l leaves the body* and the man exists no lon%er& even so* whenever the so'l m'st cease to exist* the spirit of life is removed from it* and there is no more so'l* b't it %oes bac" to the place from whence it was ta"en., :9#8. H11.;;T9E JNOW6E5!E O7 T30T9 TO BE SO0!9T 73O2 T9E 83O89ETS #6ONE. =,Sho'ld any one* then* employ a teacher?, 1 say* ,or whence may any one be helped* if not even in them there is tr'th?, =,There existed* lon% before this time* certain men more ancient than all those who are esteemed philosophers* both ri%hteo's and beloved by !od* who spo"e by the 5ivine Spirit* and foretold events which wo'ld ta"e place* and which are now ta"in% place. They are called prophets. These alone both saw and anno'nced the tr'th to men* neither reverencin% nor fearin% any man* not infl'enced by a desire for %lory* b't spea"in% those thin%s alone which they saw and which they heard* bein% filled with the 9oly Spirit.

Their writin%s are still extant* and he who has read them is very m'ch helped in his "nowled%e of the be%innin% and end of thin%s* and of those matters which the philosopher o'%ht to "now* provided he has believed them. 7or they did not 'se demonstration in their treatises* seein% that they were witnesses to the tr'th above all demonstration* and worthy of belief& and those events which have happened* and those which are happenin%* compel yo' to assent to the 'tterances made by them* altho'%h* indeed* they were entitled to credit on acco'nt of the miracles which they performed* since they both %lorified the :reator* the !od and 7ather of all thin%s* and proclaimed 9is Son* the :hrist FsentG by 9im: which* indeed* the false prophets* who are filled with the lyin% 'nclean spirit* neither have done nor do* b't vent're to wor" certain wonderf'l deeds for the p'rpose of astonishin% men* and %lorify the spirits and demons of error. B't pray that* above all thin%s* the %ates of li%ht may be opened to yo'& for these thin%s cannot be perceived or 'nderstood by all* b't only by the man to whom !od and 9is :hrist have imparted wisdom., :9#8. H111.;;/0ST1N B4 91S :O66OK04 1S J1N56E5 W1T9 6OHE TO :931ST. =When he had spo"en these and many other thin%s* which there is no time for mentionin% at present* he went away* biddin% me attend to them& and 1 have not seen him since. B't strai%htway a flame was "indled in my so'l& and a love of the prophets* and of those men who are friends of :hrist* possessed me& and whilst revolvin% his words in my mind* 1 fo'nd this philosophy alone to be safe and profitable. Th's* and for this reason* 1 am a philosopher. 2oreover* 1 wo'ld wish that all* ma"in% a resol'tion similar to my own* do not "eep themselves away from the words of the Savio'r. 7or they possess a terrible power in themselves* and are s'fficient to inspire those who t'rn aside from the path of rectit'de with awe& while the sweetest rest is afforded those who ma"e a dili%ent practice of them. 1f* then* yo' have any concern for yo'rself* and if yo' are ea%erly loo"in% for salvation* and if yo' believe in !od* yo' may;;since yo' are not indifferent to the matter.(( ;;become acC'ainted with the :hrist of !od* and* after bein% initiated*() live a happy life.= When 1 had said this* my beloved friends*(+ those who were with Trypho la'%hed& b't he* smilin%* says* =1 approve of yo'r other remar"s* and admire the ea%erness with which yo' st'dy divine thin%s& b't it were better for yo' still to abide in the philosophy of 8lato* or of some other man*

c'ltivatin% end'rance* self;control* and moderation* rather than be deceived by false words* and follow the opinions of men of no rep'tation. 7or if yo' remain in that mode of philosophy* and live blamelessly* a hope of a better destiny were left to yo'& b't when yo' have forsa"en !od* and reposed confidence in man* what safety still awaits yo'? 1f* then* yo' are willin% to listen to me (for 1 have already considered yo' a friend * first be circ'mcised* then observe what ordinances have been enacted with respect to the Sabbath* and the feasts* and the new moons of !od& and* in a word* do all thin%s which have been written in the law: and then perhaps yo' shall obtain mercy from !od. B't :hrist;;if 9e has indeed been born* and exists anywhere;;is 'n"nown* and does not even "now 9imself* and has no power 'ntil Elias come to anoint 9im* and ma"e 9im manifest to all. #nd yo'* havin% accepted a %ro'ndless report* invent a :hrist for yo'rselves* and for his sa"e are inconsiderately perishin%.= :9#8. 1<.;;T9E :931ST1#NS 9#HE NOT BE61EHE5 !3O0N56ESS STO31ES. =1 exc'se and for%ive yo'* my friend*= 1 said. =7or yo' "now not what yo' say* b't have been pers'aded by teachers who do not 'nderstand the Script'res& and yo' spea"* li"e a diviner whatever comes into yo'r mind. B't if yo' are willin% to listen to an acco'nt of 9im* how we have not been deceived* and shall not cease to confess 9im*;;altho'%h men,s reproaches be heaped 'pon 's* altho'%h the most terrible tyrant compel 's to deny 9im*;;1 shall prove to yo' as yo' stand here that we have not believed empty fables* or words witho't any fo'ndation b't words filled with the Spirit of !od* and bi% with power* and flo'rishin% with %race.= Then a%ain those who were in his company la'%hed* and sho'ted in an 'nseemly manner. Then 1 rose 'p and was abo't to leave& b't he* ta"in% hold of my %arment* said 1 sho'ld not accomplish that(( 'ntil 1 had performed what 1 promised. =6et not* then* yo'r companions be so t'm'lt'o's* or behave so dis%racef'lly*= 1 said. =B't if they wish* let them listen in silence& or* if some better occ'pation prevent them* let them %o away& while we* havin% retired to some spot* and restin% there* may finish the disco'rse.= 1t seemed %ood to Trypho that we sho'ld do so& and accordin%ly* havin% a%reed 'pon it* we retired to the middle space of the <yst's. Two of his friends* when they had ridic'led and made %ame of o'r Ieal* went off. #nd when we were come to that place* where there are stone seats on both sides* those with Trypho* havin% seated themselves on the one side*

conversed with each other* some one of them havin% thrown in a remar" abo't the war wa%ed in /'daea. :9#8. <.;;T3489O B6#2ES T9E :931ST1#NS 7O3 T91S #6ONE;;T9E NON;OBSE3H#N:E O7 T9E 6#W. #nd when they ceased* 1 a%ain addressed them th's:;; =1s there any other matter* my friends* in which we are blamed* than this* that we live not after the law* and are not circ'mcised in the flesh as yo'r forefathers were* and do not observe sabbaths as yo' do? #re o'r lives and c'stoms also slandered amon% yo'? #nd 1 as" this: have yo' also believed concernin% 's* that we eat men& and that after the feast* havin% extin%'ished the li%hts* we en%a%e in promisc'o's conc'bina%e? Or do yo' condemn 's in this alone* that we adhere to s'ch tenets* and believe in an opinion* 'ntr'e* as yo' thin"?= =This is what we are amaIed at*= said Trypho* =b't those thin%s abo't which the m'ltit'de spea" are not worthy of belief& for they are most rep'%nant to h'man nat're. 2oreover* 1 am aware that yo'r precepts in the so;called !ospel are so wonderf'l and so %reat* that 1 s'spect no one can "eep them& for 1 have caref'lly read them. B't this is what we are most at a loss abo't: that yo'* professin% to be pio's* and s'pposin% yo'rselves better than others* are not in any partic'lar separated from them* and do not alter yo'r mode of livin% from the nations* in that yo' observe no festivals or sabbaths* and do not have the rite of circ'mcision& and f'rther* restin% yo'r hopes on a man that was cr'cified* yo' yet expect to obtain some %ood thin% from !od* while yo' do not obey 9is commandments. 9ave yo' not read* that so'l shall be c't off from his people who shall not have been circ'mcised on the ei%hth day? #nd this has been ordained for stran%ers and for slaves eC'ally. B't yo'* despisin% this covenant rashly* re@ect the conseC'ent d'ties* and attempt to pers'ade yo'rselves that yo' "now !od* when* however* yo' perform none of those thin%s which they do who fear !od. 1f* therefore* yo' can defend yo'rself on these points* and ma"e it manifest in what way yo' hope for anythin% whatsoever* even tho'%h yo' do not observe the law* this we wo'ld very %ladly hear from yo'* and we shall ma"e other similar investi%ations.=

:9#8. <1.;;T9E 6#W #B3O!#TE5& T9E NEW TEST#2ENT 83O21SE5 #N5 !1HEN B4 !O5. =There will be no other !od* O Trypho* nor was there from eternity any other existin%= (1 th's addressed him * =b't 9e who made and disposed all this 'niverse. Nor do we thin" that there is one !od for 's* another for yo'* b't that 9e alone is !od who led yo'r fathers o't from E%ypt with a stron% hand and a hi%h arm. Nor have we tr'sted in any other (for there is no other * b't in 9im in whom yo' also have tr'sted* the !od of #braham* and of 1saac* and of /acob. B't we do not tr'st thro'%h 2oses or thro'%h the law& for then we wo'ld do the same as yo'rselves. B't now() ;;(for 1 have read that there shall be a final law* and a covenant* the chiefest of all* which it is now inc'mbent on all men to observe* as many as are see"in% after the inheritance of !od. 7or the law prom'l%ated on 9oreb is now old* and belon%s to yo'rselves alone& b't this is for all 'niversally. Now* law placed a%ainst law has abro%ated that which is before it* and a covenant which comes after in li"e manner has p't an end to the previo's one& and an eternal and final law;;namely* :hrist;;has been %iven to 's* and the covenant is tr'stworthy* after which there shall be no law* no commandment* no ordinance. 9ave yo' not read this which 1saiah says: ,9ear"en 'nto 2e* hear"en 'nto 2e* my people& and* ye "in%s* %ive ear 'nto 2e: for a law shall %o forth from 2e* and 2y @'d%ment shah be for a li%ht to the nations. 2y ri%hteo'sness approaches swiftly* and 2y salvation shall %o forth* and nations shall tr'st in 2ine arm?,(( #nd by /eremiah* concernin% this same new covenant* 9e th's spea"s: ,Behold* the days come* saith the 6ord* that 1 will ma"e a new covenant with the ho'se of 1srael and with the ho'se of /'dah& not accordin% to the covenant which 1 made with their fathers* in the day that 1 too" them by the hand* to brin% them o't of the land of E%ypt,() . 1f* therefore* !od proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instit'ted* and this for a li%ht of the nations* we see and are pers'aded that men approach !od* leavin% their idols and other 'nri%hteo'sness* thro'%h the name of 9im who was cr'cified* /es's :hrist* and abide by their confession even 'nto death* and maintain piety. 2oreover* by the wor"s and by the attendant miracles* it is possible for all to 'nderstand that 9e is the new law* and the new covenant* and the expectation of those who o't of every people wait for the %ood thin%s of !od. 7or the tr'e spirit'al 1srael* and descendants of /'dah* /acob* 1saac* and #braham (who in 'ncirc'mcision was approved of and blessed by !od on acco'nt of his faith* and called the father of many nations * are we who have been led to !od thro'%h this cr'cified :hrist* as shall be

demonstrated while we proceed. :9#8. <11.;;T9E /EWS H1O6#TE T9E ETE3N#6 6#W* #N5 1NTE383ET 166 T9#T O7 2OSES. 1 also add'ced another passa%e in which 1saiah exclaims: =,9ear 2y words* and yo'r so'l shall live& and 1 will ma"e an everlastin% covenant with yo'* even the s're mercies of 5avid. Behold* 1 have %iven 9im for a witness to the people: nations which "now not Thee shall call on Thee& peoples who "now not Thee shall escape to Thee* beca'se of thy !od* the 9oly One of 1srael& for 9e has %lorified Thee.,(+ This same law yo' have despised* and 9is new holy covenant yo' have sli%hted& and now yo' neither receive it* nor repent of yo'r evil deeds. ,7or yo'r ears are closed* yo'r eyes are blinded* and the heart is hardened*, /eremiah(A has cried& yet not even then do yo' listen. The 6aw%iver is present* yet yo' do not see 9im& to the poor the !ospel is preached* the blind see* yet yo' do not 'nderstand. 4o' have now need of a second circ'mcision* tho'%h yo' %lory %reatly in the flesh. The new law reC'ires yo' to "eep perpet'al sabbath* and yo'* beca'se yo' are idle for one day* s'ppose yo' are pio's* not discernin% why this has been commanded yo': and if yo' eat 'nleavened bread* yo' say the will of !od has been f'lfilled. The 6ord o'r !od does not ta"e pleas're in s'ch observances: if there is any per@'red person or a thief amon% yo'* let him cease to be so& if any ad'lterer* let him repent& then he has "ept the sweet and tr'e sabbaths of !od. 1f any one has imp're hands* let him wash and be p're. :9#8. <111.;;1S#1#9 TE#:9ES T9#T S1NS #3E 7O3!1HEN T93O0!9 :931ST,S B6OO5. =7or 1saiah did not send yo' to a bath* there to wash away m'rder and other sins* which not even all the water of the sea were s'fficient to p'r%e& b't* as mi%ht have been expected* this was that savin% bath of the olden time which followed s those who repented* and who no lon%er were p'rified by the blood of %oats and of sheep* or by the ashes of an heifer* or by the offerin%s of fine flo'r* b't by faith thro'%h the blood of :hrist* and thro'%h 9is death* who died for this very reason* as 1saiah himself said* when he spa"e th's: ,The 6ord shall ma"e bare 9is holy arm in the eyes of all the nations* and all the nations and the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of !od. 5epart ye* depart ye* depart ye*(D %o ye

o't from thence* and to'ch no 'nclean thin%& %o ye o't of the midst of her* be ye clean that bear the vessels of the 6ord* for(E ye %o not with haste. 7or the 6ord shall %o before yo'& and the 6ord* the !od of 1srael* shall %ather yo' to%ether. Behold* my servant shall deal pr'dently& and 9e shall be exalted* and be %reatly %lorified. #s many were astonished at Thee* so Thy form and Thy %lory shall be marred more than men. So shall many nations be astonished at 9im* and the "in%s shall sh't their mo'ths& for that which had not been told them concernin% 9im shall they see* and that which they had not heard shall they consider. 6ord* who hath believed o'r report? and to whom is the arm of the 6ord revealed? We have anno'nced 9im as a child before 9im* as a root in a dry %ro'nd. 9e hath no form or comeliness* and when we saw 9im 9e had no form or bea'ty& b't 9is form is dishono'red* and fails more than the sons of men. 9e is a man in affliction* and acC'ainted with bearin% sic"ness* beca'se 9is face has been t'rned away& 9e was despised* and we esteemed 9im not. 9e bears o'r sins* and is distressed for 's& and we esteemed 9im to be in toil and in affliction* and in evil treatment B't 9e was wo'nded for o'r trans%ressions* 9e was br'ised for o'r iniC'ities& the chastisement of o'r peace was 'pon 9im. With 9is stripes we are healed. #ll we* li"e sheep* have %one astray. Every man has t'rned to his own way& and the 6ord laid on 9im o'r iniC'ities* and by reason of 9is oppression 9e opens not 9is mo'th. 9e was bro'%ht as a sheep to the sla'%hter& and as a lamb before her shearer is d'mb* so 9e openeth not 9is mo'th. 1n 9is h'miliation 9is @'d%ment was ta"en away. #nd who shall declare 9is %eneration? 7or 9is life is ta"en from the earth. Beca'se of the trans%ressions of my people 9e came 'nto death. #nd 1 will %ive the wic"ed for 9is %rave* and the rich for 9is death* beca'se 9e committed no iniC'ity* and deceit was not fo'nd in 9is mo'th. #nd the 6ord wills to p'rify 9im from affliction. 1f he has been %iven for sin* yo'r so'l shall see a lon%;lived seed. #nd the 6ord wills to ta"e 9is so'l away from tro'ble* to show 9im li%ht* and to form 9im in 'nderstandin%* to @'stify the ri%hteo's One who serves many well. #nd 9e shall bear o'r sins& therefore 9e shall inherit many* and shall divide the spoil of the stron%* beca'se 9is so'l was delivered to death& and 9e was n'mbered with the trans%ressors* and 9e bare the sins of many* and was delivered for their trans%ression. Sin%* O barren* who bearest not& brea" forth and cry alo'd* tho' who dost not travail in pain: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife. 7or the 6ord said* Enlar%e the place of thy tent and of thy c'rtains& fix them* spare not* len%then thy cords* and stren%then thy sta"es& stretch forth to thy ri%ht and thy left& and thy seed shall inherit the !entiles* and tho' shalt ma"e the

desolate cities to be inherited. 7ear not beca'se tho' art ashamed* neither be tho' confo'nded beca'se tho' hast been reproached& for tho' shalt for%et everlastin% shame* and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood* beca'se the 6ord has made a name for 9imself* and 9e who has redeemed thee shall be called thro'%h the whole earth the !od of 1srael. The 6ord has called thee as(( a woman forsa"en and %rieved in spirit* as(( a woman hated from her yo'th.,() :9#8. <1H.;;31!9TEO0SNESS 1S NOT 86#:E5 1N /EW1S9 31TES* B0T 1N T9E :ONHE3S1ON O7 T9E 9E#3T !1HEN 1N B#8T1S2 B4 :931ST. =By reason* therefore* of this laver of repentance and "nowled%e of !od* which has been ordained on acco'nt of the trans%ression of !od,s people* as 1saiah cries* we have believed* and testify that that very baptism which he anno'nced is alone able to p'rify those who have repented& and this is the water of life. B't the cisterns which yo' have d'% for yo'rselves are bro"en and profitless to yo'. 7or what is the 'se of that baptism which cleanses the flesh and body alone? BaptiIe the so'l from wrath and from coveto'sness* from envy* and from hatred& and* lo> the body is p're. 7or this is the symbolic si%nificance of 'nleavened bread* that yo' do not commit the old deeds of wic"ed leaven. B't yo' have 'nderstood all thin%s in a carnal sense* and yo' s'ppose it to be piety if yo' do s'ch thin%s* while yo'r so'ls are filled with deceit* and* in short* with every wic"edness. #ccordin%ly* also* after the seven days of eatin% 'nleavened bread* !od commanded them to min%le new leaven* that is* the performance of other wor"s* and not the imitation of the old and evil wor"s. #nd beca'se this is what this new 6aw%iver demands of yo'* 1 shall a%ain refer to the words which have been C'oted by me* and to others also which have been passed over. They are related by 1saiah to the followin% effect: ,9ear"en to me* and yo'r so'l shall live& and 1 will ma"e with yo' an everlastin% covenant* even the s're mercies of 5avid. Behold* 1 have %iven 9im for a witness to the people* a leader and commander to the nations. Nations which "now not Thee shall call on Thee& and peoples who "now not Thee shall escape 'nto Thee* beca'se of Thy !od* the 9oly One of 1srael* for 9e has %lorified Thee. See" ye !od& and when yo' find 9im* call on 9im* so lon% as 9e may be ni%h yo'. 6et the wic"ed forsa"e his ways* and the 'nri%hteo's man his tho'%hts& and let him ret'rn 'nto the 6ord* and he will obtain mercy* beca'se 9e will ab'ndantly pardon yo'r sins. 7or my tho'%hts are not as yo'r tho'%hts* neither are my ways as yo'r ways& b't as far removed as

the heavens are from the earth* so far is my way removed from yo'r way* and yo'r tho'%hts from my tho'%hts. 7or as the snow or the rain descends from heaven* and shall not ret'rn till it waters the earth* and ma"es it brin% forth and b'd* and %ives seed to the sower and bread for food* so shall 2y word be that %oeth forth o't of 2y mo'th: it shall not ret'rn 'ntil it shall have accomplished all that 1 desired* and 1 shall ma"e 2y commandments prospero's. 7or ye shall %o o't with @oy* and be ta'%ht with %ladness. 7or the mo'ntains and the hills shall leap while they expect yo'* and all the trees of the fields shall appla'd with their branches: and instead of the thorn shall come 'p the cypress* and instead of the brier shall come 'p the myrtle. #nd the 6ord shall be for a name* and for an everlastin% si%n* and 9e shall not fail>,(( Of these and s'ch li"e words written by the prophets* O Trypho*= said 1* =some have reference to the first advent of :hrist* in which 9e is preached as in%lorio's* obsc're* and of mortal appearance: b't others had reference to 9is second advent* when 9e shall appear in %lory and above the clo'ds& and yo'r nation shall see and "now 9im whom they have pierced* as 9osea* one of the twelve prophets* and 5aniel* foretold. :9#8. <H.;;1N W9#T T9E T30E 7#ST1N! :ONS1STS. =6earn* therefore* to "eep the tr'e fast of !od* as 1saiah says* that yo' may please !od. 1saiah has cried th's: ,Sho't vehemently* and do not spare: lift 'p thy voice as with a tr'mpet* and show 2y people their trans%ressions* and the ho'se of /acob their sins. They see" 2e from day to day* and desire to "now 2y ways* as a nation that did ri%hteo'sness* and forsoo" not the @'d%ment of !od. They as" of 2e now ri%hteo's @'d%ment* and desire to draw near to !od* sayin%* Wherefore have we fasted* and Tho' seest not? and afflicted o'r so'ls* and Tho' hast not "nown? Beca'se in the days of yo'r fastin% yo' find yo'r own pleas're* and oppress all those who are s'b@ect to yo'. Behold* ye fast for strifes and debates* and smite the h'mble with yo'r fists. Why do ye fast for 2e* as to;day* so that yo'r voice is heard alo'd? This is not the fast which 1 have chosen* the day in which a man shall afflict his so'l. #nd not even if yo' bend yo'r nec" li"e a rin%* or clothe yo'rself in sac"cloth and ashes* shall yo' call this a fast* and a day acceptable to the 6ord. This is not the fast which 1 have chosen* saith the 6ord& b't loose every 'nri%hteo's bond* dissolve the terms of wron%o's covenants* let the oppressed %o free* and avoid every iniC'ito's contract. 5eal thy bread to the h'n%ry* and lead the homeless poor 'nder thy dwellin%& if tho' seest the na"ed* clothe him& and do not

hide thyself from thine own flesh. Then shall thy li%ht brea" forth as the mornin%* and thy %arments() shall rise 'p C'ic"ly: and thy ri%hteo'sness shall %o before thee* and the %lory of !od shall envelope thee. Then shalt tho' cry* and the 6ord shall hear thee: while tho' art spea"in%* 9e will say* Behold* 1 am here. #nd if tho' ta"e away from thee the yo"e* and the stretchin% o't of the hand* and the word of m'rm'rin%& and shalt %ive heartily thy bread to the h'n%ry* and shalt satisfy the afflicted so'l& then shall thy li%ht arise in the dar"ness* and thy dar"ness shall be as the noon;day: and thy !od shall be with thee contin'ally* and tho' shalt be satisfied accordin% as thy so'l desireth* and thy bones shall become fat* and shall be as a watered %arden* and as a fo'ntain of water* or as a land where water fails not.,(+ ,:irc'mcise* therefore* the fores"in of yo'r heart*, as the words of !od in all these passa%es demand.= :9#8. <H1.;;:13:02:1S1ON !1HEN #S # S1!N* T9#T T9E /EWS 21!9T BE 531HEN #W#4 7O3 T9E13 EH16 5EE5S 5ONE TO :931ST #N5 T9E :931ST1#NS. =#nd !od himself proclaimed by 2oses* spea"in% th's: ,#nd circ'mcise the hardness of yo'r hearts* and no lon%er stiffen the nec". 7or the 6ord yo'r !od is both 6ord of lords* and a %reat* mi%hty* and terrible !od* who re%ardeth not persons* and ta"eth not rewards.,(A #nd in 6evitic's: ,Beca'se they have trans%ressed a%ainst 2e* and despised 2e* and beca'se they have wal"ed contrary to 2e* 1 also wal"ed contrary to them* and 1 shall c't them off in the land of their enemies. Then shall their 'ncirc'mcised heart be t'rned.,(B 7or the circ'mcision accordin% to the flesh* which is from #braham* was %iven for a si%n& that yo' may be separated from other nations* and from 's& and that yo' alone may s'ffer that which yo' now @'stly s'ffer& and that yo'r land may be desolate* and yo'r cities b'rned with fire& and that stran%ers may eat yo'r fr'it in yo'r presence* and not one of yo' may %o 'p to /er'salem.,(D 7or yo' are not reco%nised amon% the rest of men by any other mar" than yo'r fleshly circ'mcision. 7or none of yo'* 1 s'ppose* will vent're to say that !od neither did nor does foresee the events* which are f't're* nor fore; ordained his deserts for each one. #ccordin%ly* these thin%s have happened to yo' in fairness and @'stice* for yo' have slain the /'st One* and 9is prophets before 9im& and now yo' re@ect those who hope in 9im* and in 9im who sent 9im;;!od the #lmi%hty and 2a"er of all thin%s;;c'rsin% in yo'r syna%o%'es those that believe on :hrist. 7or yo' have not the power to lay hands 'pon 's* on acco'nt of those who now have the mastery. B't as often

as yo' co'ld* yo' did so. Wherefore !od* by 1saiah* calls to yo'* sayin%* ,Behold how the ri%hteo's man perished* and no one re%ards it. 7or the ri%hteo's man is ta"en away from before iniC'ity. 9is %rave shall be in peace* he is ta"en away from the midst. 5raw near hither* ye lawless children* seed of the ad'lterers* and children of the whore. #%ainst whom have yo' sported yo'rselves* and a%ainst whom have yo' opened the mo'th* and a%ainst whom have yo' loosened the ton%'e?,(( :9#8. <H11.;;T9E /EWS SENT 8E3SONS T93O0!9 T9E W9O6E E#3T9 TO S83E#5 :#602N1ES ON :931ST1#NS. =7or other nations have not inflicted on 's and on :hrist this wron% to s'ch an extent as yo' have* who in very deed are the a'thors of the wic"ed pre@'dice a%ainst the /'st One* and 's who hold by 9im. 7or after that yo' had cr'cified 9im* the only blameless and ri%hteo's 2an*;; thro'%h whose swipes those who approach the 7ather by 9im are healed*;;when yo' "new that 9e had risen from the dead and ascended to heaven* as the prophets foretold 9e wo'ld* yo' not only did not repent of the wic"edness which yo' had committed* b't at that time yo' selected and sent o't from /er'salem chosen men thro'%h all the land to tell that the %odless heresy of the :hristians had spr'n% 'p* and to p'blish those thin%s which all they who "new 's not spea" a%ainst 's. So that yo' are the ca'se not only of yo'r own 'nri%hteo'sness* b't in fact of that of all other men. #nd 1saiah cries @'stly: ,By reason of yo'* 2y name is blasphemed amon% the !entiles.,() #nd: ,Woe 'nto their so'l> beca'se they have devised an evil device a%ainst themselves* sayin%* 6et 's bind the ri%hteo's* for he is distastef'l to 's. Therefore they shall eat the fr'it of their doin%s. Woe 'nto the wic"ed evil shall be rendered to him accordin% to the wor"s of his hands., #nd a%ain* in other words:(+ ,Woe 'nto them that draw their iniC'ity as with a lon% cord* and their trans%ressions as with the harness of a heifer,s yo"e: who say* 6et his speed come near& and let the co'nsel of the 9oly One of 1srael come* that we may "now it. Woe 'nto them that call evil %ood* and %ood evil& that p't li%ht for dar"ness* and dar"ness for li%ht& that p't bitter for sweet* and sweet for bitter>,(A #ccordin%ly* yo' displayed %reat Ieal in p'blishin% thro'%ho't all the land bitter and dar" and 'n@'st thin%s a%ainst the only blameless and ri%hteo's 6i%ht sent by !od. 7or 9e appeared distastef'l to yo' when 9e cried amon% yo'* ,1t is written* 2y ho'se is the ho'se of prayer& b't ye have made it a den of

thieves>,(B 9e overthrew also the tables of the money;chan%ers in the temple* and exclaimed* ,Woe 'nto yo'* Scribes and 8harisees* hypocrites> beca'se ye pay tithe of mint and r'e* b't do not observe the love of !od and @'stice. 4e whited sep'lchres> appearin% bea'tif'l o'tward* b't are within f'll of dead men,s bones.,(D #nd to the Scribes* ,Woe 'nto yo'* Scribes> for ye have the "eys* and ye do not enter in yo'rselves* and them that are enterin% in ye hinder& ye blind %'ides>, :9#8. <H111.;;:931ST1#NS WO065 OBSE3HE T9E 6#W* 17 T9E4 515 NOT JNOW W94 1T W#S 1NST1T0TE5. =7or since yo' have read* O Trypho* as yo' yo'rself admitted* the doctrines ta'%ht by o'r Savio'r* 1 do not thin" that 1 have done foolishly in addin% some short 'tterances of 9is to the prophetic statements. Wash therefore* and be now clean* and p't away iniC'ity from yo'r so'ls* as !od bids yo' be washed in this layer* and be circ'mcised with the tr'e circ'mcision. 7or we too wo'ld observe the fleshly circ'mcision* and the Sabbaths* and in short all the feasts* if we did not "now for what reason they were en@oined yo'*;;namely* on acco'nt of yo'r trans%ressions and the hardness of yo'r hearts. 7or if we patiently end're all thin%s contrived a%ainst 's by wic"ed men and demons* so that even amid cr'elties 'n'tterable* death and torments* we pray for mercy to those who inflict s'ch thin%s 'pon 's* and do not wish to %ive the least retort to any one* even as the new 6aw%iver commanded 's: how is it* Trypho* that we wo'ld not observe those rites which do not harm 's*;;1 spea" of fleshly circ'mcision* and Sabbaths* and feasts? :9#8. <1<.;;:13:02:1S1ON 0NJNOWN BE7O3E #B3#9#2. T9E 6#W W#S !1HEN B4 2OSES ON #::O0NT O7 T9E 9#35NESS O7 T9E13 9E#3TS. =1t is this abo't which we are at a loss* and with reason* beca'se* while yo' end're s'ch thin%s* yo' do not observe all the other c'stoms which we are now disc'ssin%.= =This circ'mcision is not* however* necessary for all men* b't for yo' alone* in order that* as 1 have already said* yo' may s'ffer these thin%s which yo' now @'stly s'ffer. Nor do we receive that 'seless baptism of cisterns* for it has nothin% to do with this baptism of life. Wherefore

also !od has anno'nced that yo' have forsa"en 9im* the livin% fo'ntain* and di%%ed for yo'r selves bro"en cisterns which can hold no water. Even yo'* who are the circ'mcised accordin% to the flesh* have need of o'r circ'mcision& b't we* havin% the latter* do not reC'ire the former. 7or if it were necessary* as yo' s'ppose* !od wo'ld not have made #dam 'ncirc'mcised wo'ld not have had respect to the %ifts of #bel when* bein% 'ncirc'mcised* he offered sacrifice and wo'ld not have been pleased with the 'ncirc'mcision of Enoch* who was not fo'nd* beca'se !od had translated him. 6ot* bein% 'ncirc'mcised* was saved from Sodom* the an%els themselves and the 6ord sendin% him o't. Noah was the be%innin% of o'r race& yet* 'ncirc'mcised* alon% with his children he went into the ar". 2elchiIede"* the priest of the 2ost 9i%h* was 'ncirc'mcised& to whom also #braham the first who received circ'mcision after the flesh* %ave tithes* and he blessed him: after whose order !od declared* by the mo'th of 5avid* that 9e wo'ld establish the everlastin% priest. Therefore to yo' alone this circ'mcision was necessary* in order that the people may be no people* and the nation no nation& as also 9osea*(( one of the twelve prophets* declares. 2oreover* all those ri%hteo's men already mentioned* tho'%h they "ept no Sabbaths*() were pleasin% to !od& and after them #braham with all his descendants 'ntil 2oses* 'nder whom yo'r nation appeared 'nri%hteo's and 'n%ratef'l to !od* ma"in% a calf in the wilderness: wherefore !od* accommodatin% 9imself to that nation* en@oined them also to offer sacrifices* as if to 9is name* in order that yo' mi%ht not serve idols. Which precept* however* yo' have not observed& nay* yo' sacrificed yo'r children to demons. #nd yo' were commanded to "eep Sabbaths* that yo' mi%ht retain the memorial of !od. 7or 9is word ma"es this anno'ncement* sayin%* ,That ye may "now that 1 am !od who redeemed yo'.,(+ :9#8. <<.;;W94 :9O1:E O7 2E#TS W#S 83ES:31BE5. =2oreover* yo' were commanded to abstain from certain "inds of food* in order that yo' mi%ht "eep !od before yo'r eyes while yo' ate and dran"* seein% that yo' were prone and very ready to depart from 9is "nowled%e* as 2oses also affirms: ,The people ate and dran"* and rose 'p to play.,(A #nd a%ain: ,/acob ate* and was satisfied* and waxed fat& and he who was beloved "ic"ed: he waxed fat* he %rew thic"* he was enlar%ed* and he forsoo" !od who had made him.,(B 7or it was told yo' by 2oses in the boo" of !enesis* that !od %ranted to Noah* bein% a @'st man* to eat of every animal* b't not of flesh with the blood* which is dead.=(D #nd as he was ready to say* =as the %reen herbs*= 1 anticipated him: =Why do yo' not receive this

statement* ,as the %reen herbs*, in the sense in which it was %iven by !od* to wit* that @'st as !od has %ranted the herbs for s'stenance to man* even so has 9e %iven the animals for the diet of flesh? B't* yo' say* a distinction was laid down thereafter to Noah* beca'se we do not eat certain herbs. #s yo' interpret it* the thin% is incredible. #nd first 1 shall not occ'py myself with this* tho'%h able to say and to hold that every ve%etable is food* and fit to be eaten. B't altho'%h we discriminate between %reen herbs* not eatin% all* we refrain from eatin% some* not beca'se they are common or 'nclean* b't beca'se they are bitter* or deadly* or thorny. B't we lay hands on and ta"e of all herbs which are sweet* very no'rishin% and %ood* whether they are marine or land plants. Th's also !od by the mo'th of 2oses commanded yo' to abstain from 'nclean and improper(E and violent animals: when* moreover* tho'%h yo' were eatin% manna in the desert* and were seein% all those wondro's acts wro'%ht for yo' by !od* yo' made and worshipped the %olden calf.(L 9ence he cries contin'ally* and @'stly* ,They are foolish children* in whom is no faith.,(M :9#8. <<1.;;S#BB#T9S WE3E 1NST1T0TE5 ON #::O0NT O7 T9E 8EO86E,S S1NS* #N5 NOT 7O3 # WO3J O7 31!9TEO0SNESS. =2oreover* that !od en@oined yo' to "eep the Sabbath* and impose on yo' other precepts for a si%n* as 1 have already said* on acco'nt of yo'r 'nri%hteo'sness* and that of yo'r fathers*;;as 9e declares that for the sa"e of the nations* lest 9is name be profaned amon% them* therefore 9e permitted some of yo' to remain alive*;;these words of 9is can prove to yo': they are narrated by EIe"iel th's: 1 am the 6ord yo'r !od& wal" in 2y stat'tes* and "eep 2y @'d%ments* and ta"e no part in the c'stoms of E%ypt& and hallow 2y Sabbaths& and they shall be a si%n between 2e and yo'* that ye may "now that 1 am the 6ord yo'r !od. Notwithstandin% ye rebelled a%ainst 2e* and yo'r children wal"ed not in 2y stat'tes* neither "ept 2y @'d%ments to do them: which if a man do* he shall live in them. B't they poll'ted 2y Sabbaths. #nd 1 said that 1 wo'ld po'r o't 2y f'ry 'pon them in the wilderness* to accomplish 2y an%er 'pon them& yet 1 did it not& that 2y name mi%ht not be alto%ether profaned in the si%ht of the heathen. 1 led them o't before their eyes* and 1 lifted 'p 2ine hand 'nto them in the wilderness* that 1 wo'ld scatter them amon% the heathen* and disperse them thro'%h the co'ntries& beca'se they had not exec'ted 2y @'d%ments* b't had despised 2y stat'tes* and poll'ted 2y Sabbaths* and their eyes were after the devices of their fathers. Wherefore 1 %ave them also stat'tes which

were not %ood* and @'d%ments whereby they shall not live. #nd 1 shall poll'te them in their own %ifts* that 1 may destroy all that openeth the womb* when 1 pass thro'%h them.,(( :9#8. <<11.;;SO #6SO WE3E S#:3171:ES #N5 OB6#T1ONS. =#nd that yo' may learn that it was for the sins of yo'r own nation* and for their idolatries and not beca'se there was any necessity for s'ch sacrifices* that they were li"ewise en@oined* listen to the manner in which 9e spea"s of these by #mos* one of the twelve* sayin%: ,Woe 'nto yo' that desire the day of the 6ord> to what end is this day of the 6ord for yo'? 1t is dar"ness and not li%ht* as when a man flees from the face of a lion* and a bear meets him& and he %oes into his ho'se* and leans his hands a%ainst the wall* and the serpent bites him. Shall not the day of the 6ord be dar"ness and not li%ht* even very dar"* and no bri%htness in it? 1 have hated* 1 have despised yo'r feast;days* and 1 will not smell in yo'r solemn assemblies: wherefore* tho'%h ye offer 2e yo'r b'rnt;offerin%s and sacrifices* 1 will not accept them& neither will 1 re%ard the peace; offerin%s of yo'r presence. Ta"e tho' away from 2e the m'ltit'de of thy son%s and psalms& 1 will not hear thine instr'ments. B't let @'d%ment be rolled down as water* and ri%hteo'sness as an impassable torrent. 9ave ye offered 'nto 2e victims and sacrifices in the wilderness* O ho'se of 1srael? saith the 6ord. #nd have ye ta"en 'p the tabernacle of 2oloch* and the star of yo'r %od 3aphan* the fi%'res which ye made for yo'rselves? #nd 1 will carry yo' away beyond 5amasc's* saith the 6ord* whose name is the #lmi%hty !od. Woe to them that are at ease in Nion* and tr'st in the mo'ntain of Samaria: those who are named amon% the chiefs have pl'c"ed away the first;fr'its of the nations: the ho'se of 1srael have entered for themselves. 8ass all of yo' 'nto :alneh* and see& and from thence %o ye 'nto 9amath the %reat* and %o down thence to !ath of the stran%ers* the noblest of all these "in%doms* if their bo'ndaries are %reater than yo'r bo'ndaries. 4e who come to the evil day* who are approachin%* and who hold to false Sabbaths& who lie on beds of ivory* and are at ease 'pon their co'ches& who eat the lambs o't of the floc"* and the s'c"in% calves o't of the midst of the herd& who appla'd at the so'nd of the m'sical instr'ments& they rec"on them as stable* and not as fleetin%* who drin" wine in bowls* and anoint themselves with the chief ointments* b't they are not %rieved for the affliction of /oseph. Wherefore now they shall be captives* amon% the first of the nobles who are carried away& and the ho'se of evil;doers shall be removed* and the nei%hin% of horses shall be ta"en away from

Ephraim.() #nd a%ain by /eremiah: ,:ollect yo'r flesh* and sacrifices* and eat: for concernin% neither sacrifices nor libations did 1 command yo'r fathers in the day in which 1 too" them by the hand to lead them o't of E%ypt.(+ #nd a%ain by 5avid* in the forty;ninth 8salm* 9e th's said: ,The !od of %ods* the 6ord hath spo"en* and called the earth* from the risin% of the s'n 'nto the %oin% down thereof. O't of Nion is the perfection of 9is bea'ty. !od* even o'r !od* shall come openly* and shall not "eep silence. 7ire shall b'rn before 9im* and it shall be very temptest'o's ro'nd abo't 9im. 9e shall call to the heavens above* and to the earth* that 9e may @'d%e 9is people. #ssemble to 9im 9is saints& those that have made a covenant with 9im by sacrifices. #nd the heavens shall declare 9is ri%hteo'sness* for !od is @'d%e. 9ear* O 2y people* and 1 will spea" to thee& O 1srael* and 1 will testify to thee* 1 am !od* even thy !od. 1 will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices& thy b'rnt;offerin%s are contin'ally before me. 1 will ta"e no b'lloc"s o't of thy ho'se* nor he;%oats o't of thy folds: for all the beasts of the field are 2ine* the herds and the oxen on the mo'ntains. 1 "now all the fowls of the heavens* and the bea'ty of the field is 2ine. 1f 1 were h'n%ry* 1 wo'ld not tell thee& for the world is 2ine* and the f'lness thereof. Will 1 eat the flesh of b'lls* or drin" the blood of %oats? Offer 'nto !od the sacrifice of praise* and pay thy vows 'nto the 2ost 9i%h* and call 'pon 2e in the day of tro'ble* and 1 will deliver thee* and tho' shalt %lorify 2e. B't 'nto the wic"ed !od saith* What hast tho' to do to declare 2y stat'tes* and to ta"e 2y covenant into thy mo'th? B't tho' hast hated instr'ction* and cast 2y words behind thee. When tho' sawest a thief* tho' consentedst with him& and hast been parta"er with the ad'lterer. Thy mo'th has framed evil* and thy ton%'e has enfolded deceit. Tho' sittest and spea"est a%ainst thy brother& tho' slanderest thine own mother,s son. These thin%s hast tho' done* and 1 "ept silence& tho' tho'%htest that 1 wo'ld be li"e thyself in wic"edness. 1 will reprove thee* and set thy sins in order before thine eyes. Now consider this* ye that for%et !od* lest 9e tear yo' in pieces* and there be none to deliver. The sacrifice of praise shall %lorify 2e& and there is the way in which 1 shall show him 2y salvation.(( #ccordin%ly 9e neither ta"es sacrifices from yo' nor commanded them at first to be offered beca'se they are needf'l to 9im* b't beca'se of yo'r sins. 7or indeed the temple* which is called the temple in /er'salem* 9e admitted to be 9is ho'se or co'rt* not as tho'%h 9e needed it* b't in order that yo'* in this view of it* %ivin% yo'rselves to 9im* mi%ht not worship idols. #nd that this is so* 1saiah says: ,What ho'se have ye b'ilt 2e? saith the 6ord. 9eaven is 2y throne* and earth is 2y footstool.,()

:9#8. <<<111.;;T9E O81N1ON O7 T9E /EWS 3E!#351N! T9E 6#W 5OES #N 1N/034 TO !O5. =B't if we do not admit this* we shall be liable to fall into foolish opinions* as if it were not the same !od who existed in the times of Enoch and all the rest* who neither were circ'mcised after the flesh* nor observed Sabbaths* nor any other rites* seein% that 2oses en@oined s'ch observances& or that !od has not wished each race of man"ind contin'ally to perform the same ri%hteo's actions: to admit which* seems to be ridic'lo's and abs'rd. Therefore we m'st confess that 9e* who is ever the same* has commanded these and s'ch li"e instit'tions on acco'nt of sinf'l men* and we m'st declare 9im to be benevolent* fore"nowin%* needin% nothin%* ri%hteo's and %ood. B't if this be not so* tell me* sir* what yo' thin" of those matters which we are investi%atin%.= #nd when no one responded: =Wherefore* Trypho* 1 will proclaim to yo'* and to those who wish to become proselytes* the divine messa%e which 1 heard from that man.(+ 5o yo' see that the elements are not idle* and "eep no Sabbaths? 3emain as yo' were born. 7or if there was no need of circ'mcision before #braham* or Of the observance of Sabbaths* of feasts and sacrifices* before 2oses& no more need is there of them now* after that* accordin% to the will of !od* /es's :hrist the Son of !od has been born witho't sin* of a vir%in spr'n% from the stoc" of #braham. 7or when #braham himself was in 'n;circ'mcision* he was @'stified and blessed by reason of the faith which he reposed in !od* as the Script're tells. 2oreover* the Script'res and the facts themselves compel 's to admit that 9e received circ'mcision for a si%n* and not for ri%hteo'sness. So that it was @'stly recorded concernin% the people* that the so'l which shall not be circ'mcised on the ei%hth day shall be c't off from his family. #nd* f'rthermore* the inability of the female sex to receive fleshly circ'mcision* proves that this circ'mcision has been %iven for a si%n* and not for a wor" of ri%hteo'sness. 7or !od has %iven li"ewise to women the ability to observe all thin%s which are ri%hteo's and virt'o's& b't we see that the bodily form of the male has been made different from the bodily form of the female& yet we "now that neither of them is ri%hteo's or 'nri%hteo's merely for this ca'se* b't Fis considered ri%hteo'sG by reason of piety and ri%hteo'sness. :9#8. <<1H.;;T9E :931ST1#NS, :13:02:1S1ON 7#3 2O3E E<:E66ENT.

=Now* sirs*= 1 said* =it is possible for 's to show how the ei%hth day possessed a certain mysterio's import* which the seventh day did not possess* and which was prom'l%ated by !od thro'%h these rites. B't lest 1 appear now to diver%e to other s'b@ects* 'nderstand what 1 say: the blood of that circ'mcision is obsolete* and we tr'st in the bloOd of salvation& there is now another covenant* and another law has %one forth from Nion. /es's :hrist circ'mcises all who will;;as was declared above;;with "nives of stone&(A that they may be a ri%hteo's nation* a people "eepin% faith* holdin% to the tr'th* and maintainin% peace. :ome then with me* all who fear !od* who wish to see the %ood of /er'salem. :ome* let 's %o to the li%ht of the 6ord& for 9e has liberated 9is people* the ho'se of /acob. :ome* all nations& let 's %ather o'rselves to%ether at /er'salem* no lon%er pla%'ed by war for the sins of her people. ,7or 1 was manifest to them that so'%ht 2e not& 1 was fo'nd of them that as"ed not for 2e&,(B 9e exclaims by 1saiah: ,1 said* Behold 2e* 'nto nations which were not called by 2y name. 1 have spread o't 2y hands all the day 'nto a disobedient and %ainsayin% people* which wal"ed in a way that was not %ood* b't after their own sins. 1t is a people that rovo"eth 2e to my face.,(B :9#8. <<H.;;T9E /EWS BO#ST 1N H#1N T9#T T9E4 #3E SONS O7 #B3#9#2. =Those who @'stify themselves* and say they are sons of #braham* shall be desiro's even in a small de%ree to receive the inheritance alon% with yo'&(D as the 9oly Spirit* by the mo'th of 1saiah* cries* spea"in% th's while he personates them: ,3et'rn from heaven* and behold from the habitation of Thy holiness and %lory. Where is Thy Ieal and stren%th? Where is the m'ltit'de of Thy mercy? for Tho' hast s'stained 's* O 6ord. 7or Tho' art o'r 7ather* beca'se #braham is i%norant of 's* and 1srael has not reco%nised 's. B't Tho'* O 6ord* o'r 7ather* deliver 's: from the be%innin% Thy name is 'pon 's. O 6ord* why hast Tho' made 's to err from Thy way? and hardened o'r hearts* so that we do not fear Thee? 3et'rn for Thy servants, sa"e* the tribes of Thine inheritance* that we may inherit for a little Thy holy mo'ntain. We were as from the be%innin%* when Tho' didst not bear r'le over 's* and when Thy name was not called 'pon 's. 1f Tho' wilt open the heavens* tremblin% shall seiIe the mo'ntains before Thee: and they shall be melted* as wax melts before the fire& and fire shah cons'me the adversaries* and Thy name shall be manifest amon% the adversaries& the nations shall be p't into disorder before Thy face. When Tho' shall do %lorio's thin%s* tremblin% shall seiIe the mo'ntains before Thee. 7rom the

be%innin% we have not heard* nor have o'r eyes seen a !od besides Thee: and Thy wor"s*(( the mercy which Tho' shall show to those who repent. 9e shall meet those who do ri%hteo'sness* and they shall remember Thy ways. Behold* Tho' art wroth* and we were sinnin%. Therefore we have erred and become all 'nclean* and all o'r ri%hteo'sness is as the ra%s of a woman set apart: and we have faded away li"e leaves by reason of o'r iniC'ities& th's the wind will ta"e 's away. #nd there is none that calleth 'pon Thy name* or remembers to ta"e hold of Thee& for Tho' hast t'rned away Thy face from 's* and hast %iven 's 'p on acco'nt of o'r sins. #nd now ret'rn* O 6ord* for we are all Thy people. The city of Thy holiness has become desolate. Nion has become as a wilderness* /er'salem a c'rse& the ho'se* o'r holiness* and the %lory which o'r fathers blessed* has been b'rned with fire& and all the %lorio's nations() have fallen alon% with it. #nd in addition to these Fmisfort'nesG* O 6ord* Tho' hast refrained Thyself* and art silent* and hast h'mbled 's very m'ch.,=(+ #nd Trypho remar"ed* =What is this yo' say? that none of 's shall inherit anythin% on the holy mo'ntain of !od?= :9#8. <<H1.;;NO S#6H#T1ON TO T9E /EWS E<:E8T T93O0!9 :931ST. #nd 1 replied* =1 do not say so& b't those who have persec'ted and do persec'te :hrist* if they do not repent* shall not inherit anythin% on the holy mo'ntain. B't the !entiles* who have believed on 9im* and have repented of the sins which they have committed* they shall receive the inheritance alon% with the patriarchs and the prophets* and the @'st men who are descended from /acob* even altho'%h they neither "eep the Sabbath* nor are circ'mcised* nor observe the feasts. #ss'redly they shall receive the holy inheritance of !od. 7or !od spea"s by 1saiah th's: ,1* the 6ord !od* have called Thee in ri%hteo'sness* and will hold Thine hand* and will stren%then Thee& and 1 have %iven Thee for a covenant of the people* for a li%ht of the !entiles* to open the eyes of the blind* to brin% o't them that are bo'nd from the chains* and those who sit in dar"ness from the prison;ho'se.,(A #nd a%ain: ,6ift 'p a standard s for the people& for* lo* the 6ord has made it heard 'nto the end of the earth. Say ye to the da'%hters of Nion* Behold* thy Savio'r has come& havin% 9is reward* and 9is wor" before 9is face: and 9e shall call it a holy nation* redeemed by the 6ord. #nd tho' shalt be called a city so'%ht o't* and not forsa"en. Who is this that cometh from Edom? in red %arments from Bosor? This that is bea'tif'l in apparel* %oin% 'p with %reat stren%th? 1 spea" ri%hteo'sness*

and the @'d%ment of salvation. Why are Thy %arments red* and Thine apparel as from the trodden wine;press? Tho' art f'll of the trodden %rape. 1 have trodden the wine;press all alone* and of the people there is no man with 2e& and 1 have trampled them in f'ry* and cr'shed them to the %ro'nd* and spilled their blood on the earth. 7or the day of retrib'tion has come 'pon them* and the year of redemption is present. #nd 1 loo"ed* and there was none to help& and 1 considered* and none assisted: and 2y arm delivered& and 2y f'ry came on them* and 1 trampled them in 2y f'ry* and spilled their blood on the earth.,=(D :9#8. <<H11.;;W94 !O5 T#0!9T T9E S#2E T91N!S B4 T9E 83O89ETS #S B4 2OSES. #nd Trypho said* =Why do yo' select and C'ote whatever yo' wish from the prophetic writin%s* b't do not refer to those which expressly command the Sabbath to be observed? 7or 1saiah th's spea"s: ,1f tho' shalt t'rn away thy foot from the Sabbaths* so as not to do thy pleas're on the holy day* and shalt call the Sabbaths the holy deli%hts of thy !od& if tho' shalt not lift thy foot to wor"* and shalt not spea" a word from thine own mo'th& then tho' shalt tr'st in the 6ord* and 9e shall ca'se thee to %o 'p to the %ood thin%s of the land& and 9e shall feed thee with the inheritance of /acob thy father: for the mo'th of the 6ord hath spo"en it.,=(E #nd 1 replied* =1 have passed them by* my friends* not beca'se s'ch prophecies were contrary to me* b't beca'se yo' have 'nderstood* and do 'nderstand* that altho'%h !od commands yo' by all the prophets to do the same thin%s which 9e also commanded by 2oses* it was on acco'nt of the hardness of yo'r hearts* and yo'r in%ratit'de towards 9im* that 9e contin'ally proclaims them* in order that* even in this way* if yo' repented* yo' mi%ht please 9im* and neither sacrifice yo'r children to demons* nor be parta"ers with thieves* nor lovers of %ifts* nor h'nters after reven%e* nor fail in doin% @'d%ment for orphans* nor be inattentive to the @'stice d'e to the widow nor have yo'r hands f'll of blood. ,7or the da'%hters of Nion have wal"ed with a hi%h nec"* both sportin% by win"in% with their eyes* and sweepin% alon% their dresses.(( 7or they are all %one aside*, 9e exclaims* ,they are all become 'seless. There is none that 'nderstands* there is not so m'ch as one. With their ton%'es they have practised deceit* their throat is an open sep'lchre* the poison of asps is 'nder their lips* destr'ction and misery are in their paths* and the way of peace they have not "nown.,() So that* as in the be%innin%* these thin%s

were en@oined yo' beca'se of yo'r wic"edness* in li"e manner beca'se of yo'r stedfastness in it* or rather yo'r increased proneness to it* by means of the same precepts 9e calls yo' to a remembrance or "nowled%e of it. B't yo' are a people hard;hearted and witho't 'nderstandin%* both blind and lame* children in whom is no faith* as 9e 9imself says* hono'rin% 9im only with yo'r lips* far from 9im in yo'r hearts* teachin% doctrines that are yo'r own and not 9is. 7or* tell me* did !od wish the priests to sin when they offer the sacrifices on the Sabbaths? or those to sin* who are circ'mcised and do circ'mcise on the Sabbaths& since 9e commands that on the ei%hth day;;even tho'%h it happen to be a Sabbath;;those who are born shall be always circ'mcised? or co'ld not the infants be operated 'pon one day previo's or one day s'bseC'ent to the Sabbath* if 9e "new that it is a sinf'l act 'pon the Sabbaths? Or why did 9e not teach those;;who are called ri%hteo's and pleasin% to 9im* who lived before 2oses and #braham* who were not circ'mcised in their fores"in* and observed no Sabbaths;;to "eep these instit'tions?= :9#8. <<H111.;;T30E 31!9TEO0SNESS 1S OBT#1NE5 B4 :931ST. #nd Trypho replied* =We heard yo' add'cin% this consideration a little a%o* and we have %iven it attention: for* to tell the tr'th* it is worthy of attention& and that answer which pleases most;;namely* that so it seemed %ood to 9im;;does not satisfy me. 7or this is ever the shift to which those have reco'rse who are 'nable to answer the C'estion.= Then 1 said* =Since 1 brin% from the Script'res and the facts themselves both the proofs and the inc'lcation of them* do not delay or hesitate to p't faith in me* altho'%h 1 am an 'ncirc'mcised man& so short a time is left yo' in which to become proselytes. 1f :hrist,s comin% shall have anticipated yo'* in vain yo' will repent* in vain yo' will weep& for 9e will not hear yon. ,Brea" 'p yo'r fallow %ro'nd*, /eremiah has cried to the people* ,and sow not amon% thorns. :irc'mcise yo'rselves to the 6ord* and circ'mcise the fores"in of yo'r heart.,(+ 5o not sow* therefore* amon% thorns* and in 'ntilled %ro'nd* whence yo' can have no fr'it. Jnow :hrist& and behold the fallow %ro'nd* %ood* %ood and fat* is in yo'r hearts. ,7or* behold* the days come* saith the 6ord* that 1 will visit all them that are circ'mcised in their fores"ins& E%ypt* and /'dah*(A and Edom* and the sons of 2oab. 7or all the nations are 'ncirc'mcised* and all the ho'se of 1srael are 'ncirc'mcised in their hearts.,(B 5o yo' see how that !od does not mean this circ'mcision which is %iven for a si%n? 7or it is of no 'se to

the E%yptians* or the sons of 2oab* or the sons of Edom. B't tho'%h a man be a Scythian or a 8ersian* if he has the "nowled%e of !od and of 9is :hrist* and "eeps the everlastin% ri%hteo's decrees* he is circ'mcised with the %ood and 'sef'l circ'mcision* and is a friend of !od* and !od re@oices in his %ifts and offerin%s. B't 1 will lay before yo'* my friends* the very words of !od* when 9e said to the people by 2alachi* one of the twelve prophets* ,1 have no pleas're in yo'* saith the 6ord& and 1 shall not accept yo'r sacrifices at yo'r hands: for from the risin% of the s'n 'nto its settin% 2y name shall be %lorified amon% the !entiles& and in every place a sacrifice is offered 'nto 2y name* even a p're sacrifice: for 2y name is hono'red amon% the !entiles* saith the 6ord& b't ye profane it.,(D #nd by 5avid 9e said* ,# people whom 1 have not "nown* served 2e& at the hearin% of the ear they obeyed 2e.,(E :9#8. <<1<.;;:931ST 1S 0SE6ESS TO T9OSE W9O OBSE3HE T9E 6#W. =6et 's %lorify !od* all nations %athered to%ether& for 9e has also visited 's. 6et 's %lorify 9im by the Jin% of %lory* by the 6ord of hosts. 7or 9e has been %racio's towards the !entiles also& and o'r sacrifices 9e esteems more %ratef'l than yo'rs. What need* then* have 1 of circ'mcision* who have been witnessed to by !od? What need have 1 of that other baptism* who have been baptiIed with the 9oly !host? 1 thin" that while 1 mention this* 1 wo'ld pers'ade even those who are possessed of scanty intelli%ence. 7or these words have neither been prepared by me* nor embellished by the art of man& b't 5avid s'n% them* 1saiah preached them* Nechariah proclaimed them* and 2oses wrote them. #re yo' acC'ainted with them* Trypho? They are contained in yo'r Script'res* or rather not yo'rs* b't o'rs.(( 7or we believe them& b't yo'* tho'%h yo' read them* do not catch the spirit that is in them. Be not offended at* or reproach 's with* the bodily 'ncirc'mcision with which !od has created 's& and thin" it not stran%e that we drin" hot water on the Sabbaths* since !od directs the %overnment of the 'niverse on this day eC'ally as on all others& and the priests* as on other days* so on this* are ordered to offer sacrifices& and there are so many ri%hteo's men who have performed none of these le%al ceremonies* and yet are witnessed to by !od 9imself. :9#8. <<<.;;:931ST1#NS 8OSSESS T9E T30E 31!9TEO0SNESS. =B't imp'te it to yo'r own wic"edness* that !od even can be acc'sed by those who have no 'nderstandin%* of not havin% always instr'cted all in the

same ri%hteo's stat'tes. 7or s'ch instit'tions seemed to be 'nreasonable and 'nworthy of !od to many men* who had not received %race to "now that yo'r nation were called to conversion and repentance of spirit*() while they were in a sinf'l condition and labo'rin% 'nder spirit'al disease& and that the prophecy which was anno'nced s'bseC'ent to the death of 2oses is everlastin%. #nd this is mentioned in the 8salm* my friends.(+ #nd that we* who have been made wise by them* confess that the stat'tes of the 6ord are sweeter than honey and the honey;comb* is manifest from the fact that* tho'%h threatened with death* we do not deny 9is name. 2oreover* it is also manifest to all* that we who believe in 9im pray to be "ept by 9im from stran%e* i.e.* from wic"ed and deceitf'l* spirits& as the word of prophecy* personatin% one of those who believe in 9im* fi%'ratively declares. 7or we do contin'ally beseech !od by /es's :hrist to preserve 's from the demons which are hostile to the worship of !od* and whom we of old time served* in order that* after o'r conversion by 9im to !od* we may be blameless. 7or we call 9im 9elper and 3edeemer* the power of whose name even the demons do fear& and at this day* when they are exorcised in the name of /es's :hrist* cr'cified 'nder 8onti's 8ilate* %overnor of /'daea* they are overcome. #nd th's it is manifest to all* that 9is 7ather has %iven 9im so %reat power* by virt'e of which demons are s'bd'ed to 9is name* and to the dispensation of 9is s'fferin%. :9#8. <<<1.;;17 :931ST,S 8OWE3 BE NOW SO !3E#T* 9OW 20:9 !3E#TE3 #T T9E SE:ON5 #5HENT> =B't if so %reat a power is shown to have followed and to be still followin% the dispensation of 9is s'fferin%* how %reat shall that be which shall follow 9is %lorio's advent> 7or 9e shall come on the clo'ds as the Son of man* so 5aniel foretold* and 9is an%els shall come with 9im. These are the words: ,1 beheld till the thrones were set& and the #ncient of days did sit* whose %arment was white as snow* and the hair of 9is head li"e the p're wool. 9is throne was li"e a fiery flame* 9is wheels as b'rnin% fire. # fiery stream iss'ed and came forth from before 9im. Tho'sand tho'sands ministered 'nto 9im* and ten tho'sand times ten tho'sand stood before 9im. The boo"s were opened* and the @'d%ment was set. 1 beheld then the voice of the %reat words which the horn spea"s: and the beast was beat down* and his body destroyed* and %iven to the b'rnin% flame. #nd the rest of the beasts were ta"en away from their dominion* and a period of life was %iven to the beasts 'ntil a season and time. 1 saw in the vision of the ni%ht* and*

behold* one li"e the Son of man comin% with the clo'ds of heaven& and 9e came to the #ncient of days* and stood before 9im. #nd they who stood by bro'%ht 9im near& and there were %iven 9im power and "in%ly hono'r* and all nations of the earth by their families* and all %lory* serve 9im. #nd 9is dominion is an everlastin% dominion* which shall not be ta"en away& and 9is "in%dom shall not be destroyed. #nd my spirit was chilled within my frame* and the visions of my head tro'bled me. 1 came near 'nto one of them that stood by* and inC'ired the precise meanin% of all these thin%s. 1n answer he spea"s to me* and showed me the @'d%ment of the matters: These %reat beasts are fo'r "in%doms* which shall perish from the earth* and shall not receive dominion for ever* even for ever and ever. Then 1 wished to "now exactly abo't the fo'rth beast* which destroyed all Fthe othersG and was very terrible* its teeth of iron* and its nails of brass& which devo'red* made waste* and stamped the resid'e with its feet: also abo't the ten horns 'pon its head* and of the one which came 'p* by means of which three of the former fell. #nd that horn had eyes* and a mo'th spea"in% %reat thin%s& and its co'ntenance excelled the rest. #nd 1 beheld that horn wa%in% war a%ainst the saints* and prevailin% a%ainst them* 'ntil the #ncient of days came& and 9e %ave @'d%ment for the saints of the 2ost 9i%h. #nd the time came* and the saints of the 2ost 9i%h possessed the "in%dom. #nd it was told me concernin% the fo'rth beast: There shall be a fo'rth "in%dom 'pon earth* which shall prevail over all these "in%doms* and shall devo'r the whole earth* and shall destroy and ma"e it thoro'%hly waste. #nd the ten horns are ten "in%s that shall arise& and one shall arise after them&(( and he shall s'rpass the first in evil deeds* and he shall s'bd'e three "in%s* and he shall spea" words a%ainst the 2ost 9i%h* and shall overthrow the rest of the saints of the 2ost 9i%h* and shall expect to chan%e the seasons and the times. #nd it shall be delivered into his hands for a time* and times* and half a time. #nd the @'d%ment sat* and they shall ta"e away his dominion* to cons'me and to destroy it 'nto the end. #nd the "in%dom* and the power* and the %reat places of the "in%doms 'nder the heavens* were %iven to the holy people of the 2ost 9i%h* to rei%n in an everlastin% "in%dom: and all powers shall be s'b@ect to 9im* and shall obey 9im. 9itherto is the end of the matter. 1* 5aniel* was possessed with a very %reat astonishment* and my speech was chan%ed in me& yet 1 "ept the matter in my heart.,=() :9#8. <<<11.;;T3489O OB/E:T1N! T9#T :931ST 1S 5ES:31BE5 #S !6O31O0S B4 5#N1E6* /0ST1N 51ST1N!01S9ES TWO #5HENTS.

#nd when 1 had ceased* Trypho said* =These and s'ch li"e Script'res* sir* compel 's to wait for 9im who* as Son of man* receives from the #ncient of days the everlastin% "in%dom. B't this so;called :hrist of yo'rs was dishono'rable and in%lorio's* so m'ch so that the last c'rse contained in the law of !od fell on him* for he was cr'cified.= Then 1 replied to him* =1f* sirs* it were not said by the Script'res which 1 have already C'oted* that 9is form was in%lorio's* and 9is %eneration not declared* and that for 9is death the rich wo'ld s'ffer death* and with 9is stripes we sho'ld be healed* and that 9e wo'ld be led away li"e a sheep& and if 1 had not explained that there wo'ld be two advents of 9is*;;one in which 9e was pierced by yo'& a second* when yo' shall "now 9im whom yo' have pierced* and yo'r tribes shall mo'rn* each tribe by itself* the women apart* and the men apart* ;;then 1 m'st have been spea"in% d'bio's and obsc're thin%s. B't now* by means of the contents of those Script'res esteemed holy and prophetic amon%st yo'* 1 attempt to prove all Fthat 1 have add'cedG* in the hope that some one of yo' may be fo'nd to be of that remnant which has been left by the %race of the 6ord of Sabaoth for the eternal salvation. 1n order* therefore* that the matter inC'ired into may be plainer to yo'* 1 will mention to yo' other words also spo"en by the blessed 5avid* from which yo' will perceive that the 6ord is called the :hrist by the 9oly Spirit of prophecy& and that the 6ord* the 7ather of all* has bro'%ht 9im a%ain from the earth* settin% 9im at 9is own ri%ht hand* 'ntil 9e ma"es 9is enemies 9is footstool& which indeed happens from the time that o'r 6ord /es's :hrist ascended to heaven* after 9e rose a%ain from the dead* the times now r'nnin% on to their cons'mmation& and he whom 5aniel foretells wo'ld have dominion for a time* and times* and an half* is even already at the door* abo't to spea" blasphemo's and darin% thin%s a%ainst the 2ost 9i%h. B't yo'* bein% i%norant of how lon% he will have dominion* hold another opinion. 7or yo' interpret the ,time, as bein% a h'ndred years. B't if this is so* the man of sin m'st* at the shortest* rei%n three h'ndred and fifty years* in order that we may comp'te that which is said by the holy 5aniel;;,and times,;;to be two times only. #ll this 1 have said to yo' in di%ression* in order that yo' at len%th may be pers'aded of what has been declared a%ainst yo' by !od* that yo' are foolish sons& and of this* ,Therefore* behold* 1 will proceed to ta"e away this people* and shall ta"e them away& and 1 will strip the wise of their wisdom* and will hide the 'nderstandin% of their pr'dent men&,(+ and may cease to deceive yo'rselves and those who hear yo'* and may learn of 's*

who have been ta'%ht wisdom by the %race of :hrist. The words* then* which were spo"en by 5avid* are these:(A ,The 6ord said 'nto 2y 6ord* Sit Tho' at 2y ri%ht hand* 'ntil 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool. The 6ord shall send the rod of Thy stren%th o't of Sion: r'le Tho' also in the midst of Thine enemies. With Thee shall be* in the day* the chief of Thy power* in the bea'ties of Thy saints. 7rom the womb* before the mornin% star* have 1 be%otten Thee. The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent: Tho' art a priest for ever after the order of 2elchiIede". The 6ord is at Thy ri%ht hand: 9e has cr'shed "in%s in the day of 9is wrath: 9e shall @'d%e amon% the heathen* 9e shall fill FwithG the dead bodies.(B 9e shall drin" of the broo" in the way& therefore shall 9e lift 'p the head., :9#8. <<<111.;;8S* :<. 1S NOT S8OJEN O7 9ENEJ1#9. 9E 83OHES T9#T :931ST W#S 713ST 902B6E* T9EN S9#66 BE !6O31O0S. =#nd*= 1 contin'ed* =1 am not i%norant that yo' vent're to expo'nd this psalm as if it referred to "in% 9eIe"iah& b't that yo' arc mista"en* 1 shall prove to yo' from these very words forthwith. ,The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent*, it is said& and* ,Tho' art a priest for ever* after the order of 2elchiIede"*, with what follows and precedes. Not even yo' will vent're to ob@ect that 9eIe"iah was either a priest* or is the everlastin% priest of !od& b't that this is spo"en of o'r /es's* these expressions show. B't yo'r ears are sh't 'p* and yo'r hearts are made d'll.(( 7or by this statement* ,The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent: Tho' art a priest for ever* after the order of 2elchiIede"*, with an oath !od has shown 9im (on acco'nt of yo'r 'nbelief to be the 9i%h 8riest after the order of 2elchiIede"& i.e.* as 2elchiIede" was described by 2oses as the priest of the 2ost 9i%h* and he was a priest of those who were in 'ncirc'mcision* and blessed the circ'mcised #braham who bro'%ht him tithes* so !od has shown that 9is everlastin% 8riest* called also by the 9old Spirit 6ord* wo'ld be 8riest of those in 'ncirc'mcision. Those too in circ'mcision who approach 9im* that is* believin% 9im and see"in% blessin%s from 9im* 9e will both receive and bless. #nd that 9e shall be first h'mble as a man* and then exalted* these words at the end of the 8salm show: ,9e shall drin" of the broo" in the way*, and then* ,Therefore shall 9e lift 'p the head., :9#8. <<<1H.;;NO3 5OES 8S. 6<<11. #8864 TO SO6O2ON* W9OSE 7#06TS :931ST1#NS

S9055E3 #T. =7'rther* to pers'ade yo' that yo' have not 'nderstood anythin% of the Script'res* 1 will remind yo' of another psalm* dictated to 5avid by the 9oly Spirit* which yo' say refers to Solomon* who was also yo'r "in%. B't it refers also to o'r :hrist. B't yo' deceive yo'rselves by the ambi%'o's forms of speech. 7or where it is said* ,The law of the 6ord is perfect*, yo' do not 'nderstand it of the law which was to be after 2oses* b't of the law which was %iven by 2oses* altho'%h !od declared that 9e wo'ld establish a new law and a new covenant. #nd where it has been said* ,O !od* %ive Thy @'d%ment to the "in%*, since Solomon was "in%* yo' say that the 8salm refers to him* altho'%h the words of the 8salm expressly proclaim that reference is made to the everlastin% Jin%* i.e.* to :hrist. 7or :hrist is Jin%* and 8riest* and !od* and 6ord* and an%el* and man* and captain* and stone* and a Son born* and first made s'b@ect to s'fferin%* then ret'rnin% to heaven* and a%ain comin% with %lory* and 9e is preached as havin% the everlastin% "in%dom: so 1 prove from all the Script'res. B't that yo' may perceive what 1 have said* 1 C'ote the words of the 8salm& they are these: ,O !od* %ive Thy @'d%ment to the "in%* and Thy ri%hteo'sness 'nto the "in%,s son* to @'d%e Thy people with ri%hteo'sness* and Thy poor with @'d%ment. The mo'ntains shall ta"e 'p peace to the people* and the little hills ri%hteo'sness. 9e shall @'d%e the poor of the people* and shah save the children of the needy* and shall abase the slanderer. 9e shall co; end're with the s'n* and before the moon 'nto all %enerations. 9e shall come down li"e rain 'pon the fleece* as drops fallin% on the earth. 1n 9is days shall ri%hteo'sness flo'rish* and ab'ndance of peace 'ntil the moon be ta"en away. #nd 9e shall have dominion from sea to sea* and from the rivers 'nto the ends of the earth. Ethiopians shall fall down before 9im* and 9is enemies shall lic" the d'st. The "in%s of Tarshish and the isles shall offer %ifts& the "in%s of #rabia and Seba shall offer %ifts& and all the "in%s of the earth shall worship 9im* and all the nations shall serve 9im: for 9e has delivered the poor from the man of power* and the needy that hath no helper. 9e shall spare the poor and needy* and shall save the so'ls of the needy: 9e shall redeem their so'ls from 's'ry and in@'stice* and 9is name shall be hono'rable before them. #nd 9e shall live* and to 9im shall be %iven of the %old of #rabia* and they shall pray contin'ally for 9im: they shall bless 9im all the day. #nd there shall be a fo'ndation on the earth* it shall be exalted on the tops of the mo'ntains: 9is fr'it shall be on 6ebanon* and they of the city shall flo'rish li"e %rass of the earth. 9is name shah be blessed for ever. 9is name shall end're before the s'n&

and all tribes of the earth shall be blessed in 9im* all nations shall call 9im blessed. Blessed be the 6ord* the !od of 1srael* who only doeth wondro's thin%s& and blessed be 9is %lorio's name for ever* and for ever and ever& and the whole earth shall be filled with 9is %lory. #men* amen.,() #nd at the close of this 8salm which 1 have C'oted* it is written* ,The hymns of 5avid the son of /esse are ended.,(+ 2oreover* that Solomon was a renowned and %reat "in%* by whom the temple called that at /er'salem was b'ilt* 1 "now& b't that none of those thin%s mentioned in the 8salm happened to him* is evident. 7or neither did all "in%s worship him& nor did he rei%n to the ends of the earth& nor did his enemies* failin% before him* lic" the d'st. Nay* also* 1 vent're to repeat what is written in the boo" of Jin%s as committed by him* how thro'%h a woman,s infl'ence he worshipped the idols of Sidon* which those of the !entiles who "now !od* the 2a"er of all thin%s thro'%h /es's the cr'cified* do not vent're to do* b't abide every tort're and ven%eance even to the extremity of death* rather than worship idols* or eat meat offered to idols.= :9#8. <<<H.;;9E3ET1:S :ON7132 T9E :#T9O61:S 1N T9E 7#1T9. #nd Trypho said* =1 believe* however* that many of those who say that they confess /es's* and are called :hristians* eat meats offered to idols* and declare that they are by no means in@'red in conseC'ence.= #nd 1 replied* =The fact that there are s'ch men confessin% themselves to be :hristians* and admittin% the cr'cified /es's to be both 6ord and :hrist* yet not teachin% 9is doctrines* b't those of the spirits of error* ca'ses 's who are disciples of the tr'e and p're doctrine of /es's :hrist* to be more faithf'l and stedfast in the hope anno'nced by 9im. 7or what thin%s 9e predicted wo'ld ta"e place in 9is name* these we do see bein% act'ally accomplished in o'r si%ht. 7or he said* ,2any shall come in 2y name* clothed o'twardly in sheep,s clothin%* b't inwardly they are ravenin% wolves.=(( #nd* ,There shall be schisms and heresies.,() #nd* ,Beware of false prophets* who shall come to yo' clothed o'twardly in sheep,s clothin%* b't inwardly they are ravenin% wolves.,(( #nd* ,2any false :hrists and false apostles shall arise* and shall deceive many of the faithf'l.,(+ There are* therefore* and there were many* my friends* who* comin% forward in the name of /es's* ta'%ht both to spea" and act impio's and blasphemo's thin%s& and these are called by 's after the name of the men from whom each doctrine and opinion had its ori%in. (7or some in one way* others in another* teach to blaspheme the 2a"er of all thin%s* and :hrist* who was foretold by 9im as comin%* and the !od of #braham* and of

1saac* and of /acob* with whom we have nothin% in common* since we "now them to be atheists* impio's* 'nri%hteo's* and sinf'l* and confessors of /es's in name only* instead of worshippers of 9im. 4et they style themselves :hristians* @'st as certain amon% the !entiles inscribe the name of !od 'pon the wor"s of their own hands* and parta"e in nefario's and impio's rites. Some are called 2arcians* and some Halentinians* and some Basilidians* and some Sat'rnilians* and others by other names& each called after the ori%inator of the individ'al opinion* @'st as each one of those who consider themselves philosophers* as 1 said before* thin"s he m'st bear the name of the philosophy which he follows* from the name of the father of the partic'lar doctrine. So that* in conseC'ence of these events* we "now that /es's fore"new what wo'ld happen after 9im* as well as in conseC'ence of many other events which 9e foretold wo'ld befall those who believed on and confessed 9im* the :hrist. 7or all that we s'ffer* even when "illed by friends* 9e foretold wo'ld ta"e place& so that it is manifest no word or act of 9is can be fo'nd fa'lt with. Wherefore we pray for yo' and for all other men who hate 's& in order that yo'* havin% repented alon% with 's* may not blaspheme 9im who* by 9is wor"s* by the mi%hty deeds even now wro'%ht thro'%h 9is name* by the words 9e ta'%ht* by the prophecies anno'nced concernin% 9im* is the blameless* and in all thin%s irreproachable* :hrist /es's& b't* believin% on 9im* may be saved in 9is second %lorio's advent* and may not be condemned to fire by 9im.= :9#8. <<<H1.;;9E 83OHES T9#T :931ST 1S :#66E5 6O35 O7 9OSTS. Then he replied* =6et these thin%s be so as yo' say;;namely* that it was foretold :hrist wo'ld s'ffer* and be called a stone& and after 9is first appearance* in which it had been anno'nced 9e wo'ld s'ffer* wo'ld come in %lory* and be /'d%e finally of all* and eternal Jin% and 8riest. Now show if this man be 9e of whom these prophecies were made.= #nd 1 said* =#s yo' wish* Trypho* 1 shall come to these proofs which yo' see" in the fittin% place& b't now yo' will permit me first to reco'nt the prophecies* which 1 wish to do in order to prove that :hrist is called both !od and 6ord of hosts* and /acob* in parable by the 9oly Spirit& and yo'r interpreters* as !od says* are foolish* since they say that reference is made to Solomon and not to :hrist* when he bore the ar" of testimony into the temple which he b'ilt. The 8salm of 5avid is this: ,The earth is the 6ord,s* and the f'lness thereof& the world* and all that dwell therein. 9e hath ro'nded it 'pon the seas* and prepared it 'pon the floods. Who

shall ascend into the hill of the 6ord? or who shall stand in 9is holy place? 9e that is clean of hands and p're of heart: who has not received his so'l in vain* and has not sworn %'ilef'lly to his nei%hbo'r: he shall receive blessin% from the 6ord* and mercy from !od his Savio'r. This is the %eneration of them that see" the 6ord* that see" the face of the !od of /acob.(A 6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye lift 'p* ye everlastin% doors& and the Jin% of %lory shall come in. Who is this Jin% of %lory? The 6ord stron% and mi%hty in battle. 6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye lift 'p* ye everlastin% doors& and the Jin% of %lory shall come in. Who is this Jin% of %lory? The 6ord of hosts* 9e is the Jin% of %lory.,(( #ccordin%ly* it is shown that Solomon is not the 6ord of hosts& b't when o'r :hrist rose from the dead and ascended to heaven* the r'lers in heaven* 'nder appointment of !od* are commanded to open the %ates of heaven* that 9e who is Jin% of %lory may enter in* and havin% ascended* may sit on the ri%ht hand of the 7ather 'ntil 9e ma"e the enemies 9is footstool* as has been made manifest by another 8salm. 7or when the r'lers of heaven saw 9im of 'ncomely and dishono'red appearance* and in%lorio's* not reco%nisin% 9im* they inC'ired* ,Who is this Jin% of %lory?, #nd the 9oly Spirit* either from the person of 9is 7ather* or from 9is own person* answers them* ,The 6ord of hosts* 9e is this Jin% of %lory., 7or every one will confess that not one of those who presided over the %ates of the temple at /er'salem wo'ld vent're to say concernin% Solomon* tho'%h he was so %lorio's a "in%* or concernin% the ar" of testimony* ,Who is this Jin% of %lory?, :9#8. <<<H11.;;T9E S#2E 1S 83OHE5 73O2 OT9E3 8S#62S. =2oreover* in the diapsalm of the forty;sixth 8salm* reference is th's made to :hrist: ,!od went 'p with a sho't* the 6ord with the so'nd of a tr'mpet. Sin% ye to o'r !od* sin% ye: sin% to o'r Jin%* sin% ye& for !od is Jin% of all the earth: sin% with 'nderstandin%. !od has r'led over the nations. !od sits 'pon 9is holy throne. The r'lers of the nations were assembled alon% with the !od of #braham* for the stron% ones of !od are %reatly exalted on the earth.,() #nd in the ninety;ei%hth 8salm* the 9oly Spirit reproaches yo'* and predicts 9im whom yo' do not wish to be "in% to be Jin% and 6ord* both of Sam'el* and of #aron* and of 2oses* and* in short* of all the others. #nd the words of the 8salm are these: ,The 6ord has rei%ned* let the nations be an%ry: Fit isG 9e who sits 'pon the cher'bim* let the earth be sha"en. The 6ord is %reat in Nion* and 9e is hi%h above all the nations. 6et them confess Thy %reat name* for it is

fearf'l and holy* and the hono'r of the Jin% loves @'d%ment. Tho' hast prepared eC'ity& @'d%ment and ri%hteo'sness hast Tho' performed in /acob. Exalt the 6ord o'r !od* and worship the footstool of 9is feet& for 9e is holy. 2oses and #aron amon% 9is priests* and Sam'el amon% those who call 'pon 9is name. They called (says the Script're on the 6ord* and 9e heard them. 1n the pillar of the clo'd 9e spa"e to them& for(+ they "ept 9is testimonies* and the commandment which he %ave them. O 6ord o'r !od* Tho' heardest them: O !od* Tho' wert propitio's to them* and FyetG ta"in% ven%eance on all their inventions. Exalt the 6ord o'r !od* and worship at 9is holy hill& for the 6ord o'r !od is holy.,=(A :9#8. <<<H111.;;1T 1S #N #NNO4#N:E TO T9E /EW T9#T :931ST 1S S#15 TO BE #5O3E5. /0ST1N :ON7132S 1T* 9OWEHE3* 73O2 8S. <6H. #nd Trypho said* =Sir* it were %ood for 's if we obeyed o'r teachers* who laid down a law that we sho'ld have no interco'rse with any of yo'* and that we sho'ld not have even any comm'nication with yo' on these C'estions. 7or yo' 'tter many blasphemies* in that yo' see" to pers'ade 's that this cr'cified man was with 2oses and #aron* and spo"e to them in the pillar of the clo'd& then that he became man* was cr'cified* and ascended 'p to heaven* and comes a%ain to earth* and o'%ht to be worshipped.= Then 1 answered* =1 "now that* as the word of !od says* this %reat wisdom of !od* the 2a"er of all thin%s* and the #lmi%hty* is hid from yo'. Wherefore* in sympathy with yo'* 1 am strivin% to the 'tmost that yo' may 'nderstand these matters which to yo' are paradoxical& b't if not* that 1 myself may be innocent in the day of @'d%ment. 7or yo' shall hear other words which appear still more paradoxical& b't be not confo'nded* nay* rather remain still more Iealo's hearers and investi%ators* despisin% the tradition of yo'r teachers* since they are convicted by the 9oly Spirit of inability to perceive the tr'ths ta'%ht by !od* and of preferrin% to teach their own doctrines. #ccordin%ly* in the forty;fo'rth Fforty;fifthG 8salm* these words are in li"e manner referred to :hrist: ,2y heart has bro'%ht forth a %ood matter&(B 1 tell my wor"s to the Jin%. 2y ton%'e is the pen of a ready writer. 7airer in bea'ty than the sons of men: %race is po'red forth into Thy lips: therefore bath !od blessed Thee for ever. !ird Thy sword 'pon Thy thi%h* O mi%hty One. 8ress on in Thy fairness and in Thy bea'ty* and prosper and rei%n* beca'se of tr'th* and of mee"ness* and of ri%hteo'sness: and Thy ri%ht hand shall instr'ct Thee marvello'sly. Thine

arrows are sharpened* O mi%hty One& the people shall fall 'nder Thee& in the heart of the enemies of the Jin% Fthe arrows are fixedG. Thy throne* O !od* is for ever and ever: a sceptre of eC'ity is the sceptre of Thy "in%dom. Tho' hast loved ri%hteo'sness* and hast hated iniC'ity& therefore thy !od(( hath anointed Thee with the oil of %ladness above Thy fellows. F9e hath anointed TheeG with myrrh*() and oil* and cassia* from Thy %arments& from the ivory palaces* whereby they made Thee %lad. Jin%s, da'%hters are in Thy hono'r. The C'een stood at Thy ri%ht hand* clad in %arments(+ embroidered with %old. 9ear"en* O da'%hter* and behold* and incline thine ear* and for%et thy people and the ho'se of thy father: and the Jin% shall desire thy bea'ty& beca'se 9e is thy 6ord* they shall worship 9im also. #nd the da'%hter of Tyre Fshall be thereG with %ifts. The rich of the people shall entreat Thy face. #ll the %lory of the Jin%,s da'%hter FisG within* clad in embroidered %arments of needlewor". The vir%ins that follow her shall be bro'%ht to the Jin%& her nei%hbo'rs shall be bro'%ht 'nto Thee: they shall be bro'%ht with @oy and %ladness: they shall be led into the Jin%,s shrine. 1nstead of thy fathers* thy sons have been born: Tho' shalt appoint them r'lers over all the earth. 1 shall remember Thy name in every %eneration: therefore the people shall confess Thee for ever* and for ever and ever., :9#8. <<<1<.;;T9E /EWS 9#TE T9E :931ST1#NS W9O BE61EHE T91S. 9OW !3E#T T9E 51ST1N:T1ON 1S BETWEEN BOT9> =Now it is not s'rprisin%*= 1 contin'ed* =that yo' hate 's who hold these opinions* and convict yo' of a contin'al hardness of heart.(A 7or indeed Eli@ah* conversin% with !od concernin% yo'* spea"s th's: ,6ord* they have slain Thy prophets* and di%%ed down Thine altars: and 1 am left alone* and they see" my life., #nd 9e answers him: ,1 have still seven tho'sand men who have not bowed the "nee to Baal.,(B Therefore* @'st as !od did not inflict 9is an%er on acco'nt of those seven tho'sand men* even so 9e has now neither yet inflicted @'d%ment* nor does inflict it* "nowin% that daily some Fof yo'G are becomin% disciples in the name of :hrist* and C'ittin% the path of error& who are also receivin% %ifts* each as he is worthy* ill'mined thro'%h the name of this :hrist. 7or one receives the spirit of 'nderstandin%* another of co'nsel* another of stren%th* another of healin%* another of fore"nowled%e* another of teachin%* and another of the fear of !od.=

To this Trypho said to me* =1 wish yo' "new that yo' are beside yo'rself* tal"in% these sentiments.= #nd 1 said to him* =6isten* O friend*(D for 1 am not mad or beside myself& b't it was prophesied that* after the ascent of :hrist to heaven* 9e wo'ld deliver(E 's from error and %ive 's %ifts. The words are these: ,9e ascended 'p on hi%h& 9e led captivity captive& 9e %ave %ifts to men.,(L #ccordin%ly* we who have received %ifts from :hrist* who has ascended 'p on hi%h* prove from the words of prophecy that yo'* ,the wise in yo'rselves* and the men of 'nderstandin% in yo'r own eyes*,(M are foolish* and hono'r !od and 9is :hrist by lip only. B't we* who are instr'cted in the whole tr'th*((O hono'r Them both in acts* and in "nowled%e* and in heart* even 'nto death. B't yo' hesitate to confess that 9e is :hrist* as the Script'res and the events witnessed and done in 9is name prove* perhaps for this reason* lest yo' be persec'ted by the r'lers* who* 'nder the infl'ence of the wic"ed and deceitf'l spirit* the serpent* will not cease p'ttin% to death and persec'tin% those who confess the name of :hrist 'ntil 9e come a%ain* and destroy them all* and render to each his deserts.= #nd Trypho replied* =Now* then* render 's the proof that this man who yo' say was cr'cified and ascended into heaven is the :hrist of !od. 7or yo' have s'fficiently proved by means of the Script'res previo'sly C'oted by yo'* that it is declared in the Script'res that :hrist m'st s'ffer* and come a%ain with %lory* and receive the eternal "in%dom over all the nations* every "in%dom bein% made s'b@ect to 9im: now show 's that this man is 9e.= #nd 1 replied* =1t has been already proved* sirs* to those who have ears* even from the facts which have been conceded by yo'& b't that yo' may not thin" me at a loss* and 'nable to %ive proof of what yo' as"* as 1 promised* 1 shall do so at a fittin% place. #t present* 1 res'me the consideration of the s'b@ect which 1 was disc'ssin%. :9#8. <6.;;9E 3ET03NS TO T9E 2OS#1: 6#WS* #N5 83OHES T9#T T9E4 WE3E 71!03ES O7 T9E T91N!S W91:9 8E3T#1N TO :931ST. =The mystery* then* of the lamb which !od en@oined to be sacrificed as the passover* was a type of :hrist& with whose blood* in proportion to

their faith in 9im* they anoint their ho'ses* i.e.* themselves* who believe on 9im. 7or that the creation which !od created;;to wit* #dam;;was a ho'se for the spirit which proceeded from !od* yo' all can 'nderstand. #nd that this in@'nction was temporary* 1 prove th's. !od does not permit the lamb of the passover to be sacrificed in any other place than where 9is name was named& "nowin% that the days will come* after the s'fferin% of :hrist* when even the place in /er'salem shall be %iven over to yo'r enemies* and all the offerin%s* in short* shall cease& and that lamb which was commanded to be wholly roasted was a symbol of the s'fferin% of the cross which :hrist wo'ld 'nder%o. 7or the lamb*(( which is roasted* is roasted and dressed 'p in the form of the cross. 7or one spit is transfixed ri%ht thro'%h from the lower parts 'p to the head* and one across the bac"* to which are attached the le%s of the lamb. #nd the two %oats which were ordered to be offered d'rin% the fast* of which one was sent away as the scape F%oatG* and the other sacrificed* were similarly declarative of the two appearances of :hrist: the first* in which the elders of yo'r people* and the priests* havin% laid hands on 9im and p't 9im to death* sent 9im away as the scope F%oatG& and 9is second appearance* beca'se in the same place in /er'salem yo' shall reco%nise 9im whom yo' have dishono'red* and who was an offerin% for all sinners willin% to repent* and "eepin% the fast which 1saiah spea"s of* loosenin% the terms() of the violent contracts* and "eepin% the other precepts* li"ewise en'merated by him* and which 1 have C'oted*(+ which those believin% in /es's do. #nd f'rther* yo' are aware that the offerin% of the two %oats* which were en@oined to be sacrificed at the fast* was not permitted to ta"e place similarly anywhere else* b't only in /er'salem. :9#8. <61.;;T9E OB6#T1ON O7 71NE 76O03 W#S # 71!03E O7 T9E E0:9#31ST. =#nd the offerin% of fine flo'r* sirs*= 1 said* =which was prescribed to be presented on behalf of those p'rified from leprosy* was a type of the bread of the E'charist* the celebration of which o'r 6ord /es's :hrist prescribed* in remembrance of the s'fferin% which 9e end'red on behalf of those who are p'rified in so'l from all iniC'ity* in order that we may at the same time than" !od for havin% created the world* with all thin%s therein* for the sa"e of man* and for deliverin% 's from the evil in which we were* and for 'tterly overthrowin%(A principalities and powers by 9im who s'ffered accordin% to 9is will. 9ence !od spea"s by the mo'th of 2alachi* one of the twelve FprophetsG* as 1 said before*(B abo't the sacrifices at that time presented by yo': ,1 have no pleas're in yo'* saith

the 6ord& and 1 will not accept yo'r sacrifices at yo'r hands: for* from the risin% of the s'n 'nto the %oin% down of the same* 2y name has been %lorified amon% the !entiles* and in every place incense is offered to 2y name* and a p're offerin%: for 2y name is %reat amon% the !entiles* saith the 6ord: b't ye profane it.,(D FSoG 9e then spea"s of those !entiles* namely 's* who in every place offer sacrifices to 9im* i.e.* the bread of the E'charist* and also the c'p of the E'charist* affirmin% both that we %lorify 9is name* and that yo' profane FitG. The command of circ'mcision* a%ain* biddin% FthemG always circ'mcise the children on the ei%hth day* was a type of the tr'e circ'mcision* by which we are circ'mcised from deceit and iniC'ity thro'%h 9im who rose from the dead on the first day after the Sabbath* Fnamely thro'%hG o'r 6ord /es's :hrist. 7or the first day after the Sabbath* remainin% the first(E of all the days* is called* however* the ei%hth* accordin% to the n'mber of all the days of the cycle* and FyetG remains the first. :9#8. <611.;;T9E BE66S ON T9E 831EST,S 3OBE WE3E # 71!03E O7 T9E #8OST6ES. =2oreover* the prescription that twelve bells(L be attached to the FrobeG of the hi%h priest* which h'n% down to the feet* was a symbol of the twelve apostles* who depend on the power of :hrist* the eternal 8riest& and thro'%h their voice it is that all the earth has been filled with the %lory and %race of !od and of 9is :hrist. Wherefore 5avid also says: ,Their so'nd has %one forth into all the earth* and their words to the ends of the world.,(M #nd 1saiah spea"s as if he were personatin% the apostles* when they say to :hrist that they believe not in their own report* b't in the power of 9im who sent them. #nd so he says: ,6ord* who hath believed o'r report? and to whom is the arm of the 6ord revealed? We have preached before 9im as if F9e wereG a child* as if a root in a dry %ro'nd.,((O (#nd what follows in order of the prophecy already C'oted.((( B't when the passa%e spea"s as from the lips of many* ,We have preached before 9im*, and adds* ,as if a child*, it si%nifies that the wic"ed shall become s'b@ect to 9im* and shall obey 9is command* and that all shall become as one child. S'ch a thin% as yo' may witness in the body: altho'%h the members are en'merated as many* all are called one* and are a body. 7or* indeed* a commonwealth and a ch'rch*(() tho'%h many individ'als in n'mber* are in fact as one* called and addressed by one appellation. #nd in short* sirs*= said 1* =by en'meratin% all the other appointments of 2oses 1 can demonstrate that they were types* and symbols* and declarations of those

thin%s which wo'ld happen to :hrist* of those who it was fore"nown were to believe in 9im* and of those thin%s which wo'ld also be done by :hrist 9imself. B't since what 1 have now en'merated appears to me to be s'fficient* 1 revert a%ain to the order of the disco'rse.(( :9#8. <6111.;;9E :ON:605ES T9#T T9E 6#W 9#5 #N EN5 1N :931ST* W9O W#S BO3N O7 T9E H13!1N. =#s* then* circ'mcision be%an with #braham* and the Sabbath and sacrifices and offerin%s and feasts with 2oses* and it has been proved they were en@oined on acco'nt of the hardness of yo'r people,s heart* so it was necessary* in accordance with the 7ather,s will* that they sho'ld have an end in 9im who was born of a vir%in* of the family of #braham and tribe of /'dah* and of 5avid& in :hrist the Son of !od* who was proclaimed as abo't to come to all the world* to be the everlastin% law and the everlastin% covenant* even as the forementioned prophecies show. #nd we* who have approached !od thro'%h 9im* have received not carnal* b't spirit'al circ'mcision* which Enoch and those li"e him observed. #nd we have received it thro'%h baptism* since we were sinners* by !od,s mercy& and all men may eC'ally obtain it. B't since the mystery of 9is birth now demands o'r attention 1 shall spea" of it. 1saiah then asserted in re%ard to the %eneration of :hrist* that it co'ld not be declared by man* in words already C'oted:() ,Who shall declare 9is %eneration? for 9is life is ta"en from the earth: for the trans%ressions of my people was 9e led(+ to death.,(A The Spirit of prophecy th's affirmed that the %eneration of 9im who was to die* that we sinf'l men mi%ht be healed by 9is stripes* was s'ch as co'ld not be declared. 7'rthermore* that the men who believe in 9im may possess the "nowled%e of the manner in which 9e came into the world*(B the Spirit of prophecy by the same 1saiah foretold how it wo'ld happen th's: ,#nd the 6ord spo"e a%ain to #haI* sayin%* #s" for thyself a si%n from the 6ord thy !od* in the depth* or in the hei%ht. #nd #haI said* 1 will not as"* neither will 1 tempt the 6ord. #nd 1saiah said* 9ear then* O ho'se of 5avid& 1s it a small thin% for yo' to contend with men* and how do yo' contend with the 6ord? Therefore the 6ord 9imself will %ive yo' a si%n. Behold* the vir%in shall conceive* and shall bear a son* and his name shall be called 1mman'el. B'tter and honey shall he eat* before he "nows or prefers the evil* and chooses o't the %ood&(D for before the child "nows %ood or ill* he re@ects evil(E by choosin% o't the %ood. 7or before the child "nows how to call father or mother* he shall receive the power of

5amasc's and the spoil of Samaria in presence of the "in% of #ssyria. #nd the land shall be forsa"en*(L which tho' shalt with diffic'lty end're in conseC'ence of the presence of its two "in%s.(M B't !od shall brin% on thee* and on thy people* and on the ho'se of thy father* days which have not yet come 'pon thee since the day in which Ephraim too" away from /'dah the "in% of #ssyria.,((O Now it is evident to all* that in the race of #braham accordin% to the flesh no one has been born of a vir%in* or is said to have been born Fof a vir%inG* save this o'r :hrist. B't since yo' and yo'r teachers vent're to affirm that in the prophecy of 1saiah it is not said* ,Behold* the vir%in shall conceive*, b't* ,Behold* the yo'n% woman shall conceive* and bear a son&, and FsinceG yo' explain the prophecy as if Fit referredG to 9eIe"iah* who was yo'r "in%* 1 shall endeavor to Fdisc'ss shortly this point in opposition to yo'* and to show that reference is made to 9im who is ac"nowled%ed by 's as :hrist. :9#8. <61H.;;T9E /EWS 1N H#1N 83O21SE T9E2SE6HES S#6H#T1ON* W91:9 :#NNOT BE OBT#1NE5 E<:E8T T93O0!9 :931ST. =7or th's* so far as yo' are concerned* 1 shall be fo'nd in all respects innocent* if 1 strive earnestly to pers'ade yo' by brin%in% forward demonstrations. B't if yo' remain hard;hearted* or wea" in Fformin%G a resol'tion* on acco'nt of death* which is the lot of the :hristians* and are 'nwillin% to assent to the tr'th* yo' shall appear as the a'thors of yo'r own FevilsG. #nd yo' deceive yo'rselves while yo' fancy that* beca'se yo' are the seed of #braham after the flesh* therefore yo' shall f'lly inherit the %ood thin%s anno'nced to be bestowed by !od thro'%h :hrist. 7or no one* not even of them*((( has anythin% to loo" for* b't only those who in mind are assimilated to the faith of #braham* and who have reco%nised all the mysteries: for 1 say*(( that some in@'nctions were laid on yo' in reference to the worship of !od and practice of ri%hteo'sness& b't some in@'nctions and acts were li"ewise mentioned in reference to the mystery of :hrist* on acco'nt of() the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts. #nd that this is so* !od ma"es "nown in EIe"iel* FwhenG 9e said concernin% it: ,1f Noah and /acob(+ and 5aniel sho'ld be% either sons or da'%hters* the reC'est wo'ld not be %ranted them.,(A #nd in 1saiah* of the very same matter 9e spa"e th's: ,The 6ord !od said* they shall both %o forth and loo" on the members Fof the bodiesG of the men that have trans%ressed. 7or their worm shall not die* and their fire shall not be C'enched* and they shall be a %aIin%;stoc" to all flesh.,(B So that it

becomes yo' to eradicate this hope from yo'r so'ls* and hasten to "now in what way for%iveness of sins* and a hope of inheritin% the promised %ood thin%s* shall be yo'rs. B't there is no other FwayG than this*;;to become acC'ainted with this :hrist* to be washed in the fo'ntain(D spo"en of by 1saiah for the remission of sins& and for the rest* to live sinless lives.= :9#8. <6H.;;T9OSE W9O WE3E 31!9TEO0S BE7O3E #N5 0N5E3 T9E 6#W S9#66 BE S#HE5 B4 :931ST. #nd Trypho said* =1f 1 seem to interr'pt these matters* which yo' say m'st be investi%ated* yet the C'estion which 1 mean to p't is 'r%ent. S'ffer me first.= #nd 1 replied* =#s" whatever yo' please* as it occ'rs to yo'& and 1 shall endeavo'r* after C'estions and answers* to res'me and complete the disco'rse.= Then he said* =Tell me* then* shall those who lived accordin% to the law %iven by 2oses* live in the same manner with /acob* Enoch* and Noah* in the res'rrection of the dead* or not?= 1 replied to him* =When 1 C'oted* sir* the words spo"en by EIe"iel* that ,even if Noah and 5aniel and /acob were to be% sons and da'%hters* the reC'est wo'ld not be %ranted them*, b't that each one* that is to say* shall be saved by his own ri%hteo'sness* 1 said also* that those who re%'lated their lives by the law of 2oses wo'ld in li"e manner be saved. 7or what in the law of 2oses is nat'rally %ood* and pio's* and ri%hteo's* and has been prescribed to be done by those who obey it&(E and what was appointed to be performed by reason of the hardness of the people,s hearts& was similarly recorded* and done also by those who were 'nder the law. Since those who did that which is 'niversally* nat'rally* and eternally %ood are pleasin% to !od* they shall be saved thro'%h this :hrist in the res'rrection eC'ally with those ri%hteo's men who were before them* namely Noah* and Enoch* and /acob* and whoever else there be* alon% with those who have "nown(L this :hrist* Son of !od* who was before the mornin% star and the moon* and s'bmitted to become incarnate* and be born of this vir%in of the family of 5avid* in order that* by this dispensation* the serpent that sinned from the be%innin%* and the an%els li"e him* may be destroyed* and that death may be contemned* and for ever C'it* at the second comin% of the

:hrist 9imself* those who believe in 9im and live acceptably*;;and be no more: when some are sent to be p'nished 'nceasin%ly into @'d%ment and condemnation of fire& b't others shall exist in freedom from s'fferin%* from corr'ption* and from %rief* and in immortality.= :9#8. <6H1.;;T3489O #SJS W9ET9E3 # 2#N W9O JEE8S T9E 6#W EHEN NOW W166 BE S#HE5. /0ST1N 83OHES T9#T 1T :ONT31B0TES NOT91N! TO 31!9TEO0SNESS. =B't if some* even now* wish to live in the observance of the instit'tions %iven by 2oses* and yet believe in this /es's who was cr'cified* reco%nisin% 9im to be the :hrist of !od* and that it is %iven to 9im to be absol'te /'d%e of all* and that 9is is the everlastin% "in%dom* can they also be saved?= he inC'ired of me. #nd 1 replied* =6et 's consider that also to%ether* whether one may now observe all the 2osaic instit'tions.= #nd he answered* =No. 7or we "now that* as yo' said* it is not possible either anywhere to sacrifice the lamb of the passover* or to offer the %oats ordered for the fast& or* in short* Fto presentG all the other offerin%s.= #nd 1 said* =Tell FmeG then yo'rself* 1 pray* some thin%s which can be observed& for yo' will be pers'aded that* tho'%h a man does not "eep or has not performed the eternal(D decrees* he may ass'redly be saved.= Then he replied* =To "eep the Sabbath* to be circ'mcised* to observe months* and to be washed if yo' to'ch anythin% prohibited by 2oses* or after sex'al interco'rse.= #nd 1 said* =5o yo' thin" that #braham* 1saac* /acob* Noah* and /ob* and all the rest before or after them eC'ally ri%hteo's* also Sarah the wife of #braham* 3ebe"ah the wife of 1saac* 3achel the wife of /acob* and 6eah* and all the rest of them* 'ntil the mother of 2oses the faithf'l servant* who observed none of these Fstat'tesG* will be saved?= #nd Trypho answered* =Were not #braham and his descendants circ'mcised?=

#nd 1 said* =1 "now that #braham and his descendants were circ'mcised. The reason why circ'mcision was %iven to them 1 stated at len%th in what has %one before& and if what has been said does not convince yo'*(( let 's a%ain search into the matter. B't yo' are aware that* 'p to 2oses* no one in fact who was ri%hteo's observed any of these rites at all of which we are tal"in%* or received one commandment to observe* except that of circ'mcision* which be%an from #braham.= #nd he replied* =We "now it* and admit that they are saved.= Then 1 ret'rned answer* =4o' perceive that !od by 2oses laid all s'ch ordinances 'pon yo' on acco'nt of the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts* in order that* by the lar%e n'mber of them* yo' mi%ht "eep !od contin'ally* and in every action* before yo'r eyes* and never be%in to act 'n@'stly or impio'sly. 7or 9e en@oined yo' to place aro'nd yo' Fa frin%eG of p'rple dye*() in order that yo' mi%ht not for%et !od& and 9e commanded yo' to wear a phylactery*(+ certain characters* which indeed we consider holy* bein% en%raved on very thin parchment& and by these means stirrin% yo' 'p(A to retain a constant remembrance of !od: at the same time* however* convincin% yo'* that in yo'r hearts yo' have not even a faint remembrance of !od,s worship. 4et not even so were yo' diss'aded from idolatry: for in the times of Eli@ah* when F!odG reco'nted the n'mber of those who had not bowed the "nee to Baal* 9e said the n'mber was seven tho'sand& and in 1saiah 9e reb'"es yo' for havin% sacrificed yo'r children to idols. B't we* beca'se we ref'se to sacrifice to those to whom we were of old acc'stomed to sacrifice* 'nder%o extreme penalties* and re@oice in death*;;believin% that !od will raise 's 'p by 9is :hrist* and will ma"e 's incorr'ptible* and 'ndist'rbed* and immortal& and we "now that the ordinances imposed by reason of the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts* contrib'te nothin% to the performance of ri%hteo'sness and of piety.= :9#8. <6H11.;;/0ST1N :O220N1:#TES W1T9 :931ST1#NS W9O OBSE3HE T9E 6#W. NOT # 7EW :#T9O61:S 5O OT9E3W1SE. #nd Trypho a%ain inC'ired* =B't if some one* "nowin% that this is so* after he reco%nises that this man is :hrist* and has believed in and obeys 9im* wishes* however* to observe these Finstit'tionsG* will he be saved?=

1 said* =1n my opinion* Trypho* s'ch an one will be saved* if he does not strive in every way to pers'ade other men*;;1 mean those !entiles who have been circ'mcised from error by :hrist* to observe the same thin%s as himself* tellin% them that they will not be saved 'nless they do so. This yo' did yo'rself at the commencement of the disco'rse* when yo' declared that 1 wo'ld not be saved 'nless 1 observe these instit'tions.= Then he replied* =Why then have yo' said* ,1n my opinion* s'ch an one will be saved*, 'nless there are some(B who affirm that s'ch will not be saved?= =There are s'ch people* Trypho*= 1 answered& =and these do not vent're to have any interco'rse with or to extend hospitality to s'ch persons& b't 1 do not a%ree with them. B't if some* thro'%h wea";mindedness* wish to observe s'ch instit'tions as were %iven by 2oses* from which they expect some virt'e* b't which we believe were appointed by reason of the hardness of the people,s hearts* alon% with their hope in this :hrist* and Fwish to performG the eternal and nat'ral acts of ri%hteo'sness and piety* yet choose to live with the :hristians and the faithf'l* as 1 said before* not ind'cin% them either to be circ'mcised li"e themselves* or to "eep the Sabbath* or to observe any other s'ch ceremonies* then 1 hold that we o'%ht to @oin o'rselves to s'ch* and associate with them in all thin%s as "insmen and brethren. B't if* Trypho*= 1 contin'ed* =some of yo'r race* who say they believe in this :hrist* compel those !entiles who believe in this :hrist to live in all respects accordin% to the law %iven by 2oses* or choose not to associate so intimately with them* 1 in li"e manner do not approve of them. B't 1 believe that even those* who have been pers'aded by them to observe the le%al dispensation alon% with their confession of !od in :hrist* shall probably be saved. #nd 1 hold* f'rther* that s'ch as have confessed and "nown this man to be :hrist* yet who have %one bac" from some ca'se to the le%al dispensation* and have denied that this man is :hrist* and have repented not before death* shall by no means be saved. 7'rther* 1 hold that those of the seed of #braham who live accordin% to the law* and do not believe in this :hrist before death* shall li"ewise not be saved* and especially those who have anathematiIed and do anathematiIe this very :hrist in the syna%o%'es* and everythin% by which they mi%ht obtain salvation and escape the ven%eance of fire.(D 7or the %oodness and the lovin%;"indness of !od* and 9is bo'ndless riches* hold ri%hteo's and sinless the man who* as EIe"iel(( tells* repents of sins& and rec"ons sinf'l* 'nri%hteo's* and impio's the man who fails away from piety and

ri%hteo'sness to 'nri%hteo'sness and 'n%odliness. Wherefore also o'r 6ord /es's :hrist said* ,1n whatsoever thin%s 1 shall ta"e yo'* in these 1 shall @'d%e yo'., =() :9#8. <6H111.;;BE7O3E T9E 51H1N1T4 O7 :931ST 1S 83OHE5* 9E FT3489OG 5E2#N5S T9#T 1T BE SETT6E5 T9#T 9E 1S :931ST. #nd Trypho said* =We have heard what yo' thin" of these matters. 3es'me the disco'rse where yo' left off* and brin% it to an end. 7or some of it appears to me to be paradoxical* and wholly incapable of proof. 7or when yo' say that this :hrist existed as !od before the a%es* then that 9e s'bmitted to be born and become man* yet that 9e is not man of man* thisFassertionG appears to me to be not merely paradoxical* b't also foolish.= #nd 1 replied to this* =1 "now that the statement does appear to be paradoxical* especially to those of yo'r race* who are ever 'nwillin% to 'nderstand or to perform theFreC'irementsG of !od* b'tFready to performG those of yo'r teachers* as !od 9imself declares.(+ Now ass'redly* Trypho*= 1 contin'ed*=Fthe proofG that this man(A is the :hrist of !od does not fail* tho'%h 1 be 'nable to prove that 9e existed formerly as Son of the 2a"er of all thin%s* bein% !od* and was born a man by the Hir%in. B't since 1 have certainly proved that this man is the :hrist of !od* whoever 9e be* even if 1 do not prove that 9e pre;existed* and s'bmitted to be born a man of li"e passions with 's* havin% a body* accordin% to the 7ather,s will& in this last matter alone is it @'st to say that 1 have erred* and not to deny that 9e is the :hrist* tho'%h it sho'ld appear that 9e was born man of men* andFnothin% moreG is provedFthan thisG* that 9e has become :hrist by election. 7or there are some* my friends*= 1 said* =of o'r race*(B who admit that 9e is :hrist* while holdin% 9im to be man of men& with whom 1 do not a%ree* nor wo'ld 1*(D even tho'%h most of those who haveFnowG the same opinions as myself sho'ld say so& since we were en@oined by :hrist 9imself to p't no faith in h'man doctrines*(E b't in those proclaimed by the blessed prophets and ta'%ht by 9imself.= :9#8. <61<.;;TO T9OSE W9O OB/E:T T9#T E61/#9 9#S NOT 4ET :O2E* 9E 3E861ES T9#T 9E 1S T9E 83E:03SO3 O7 T9E 713ST #5HENT.

#nd Trypho said* =Those who affirm him to have been a man* and to have been anointed by election* and then to have become :hrist* appear to me to spea" more pla'sibly than yo' who hold those opinions which yo' express. 7or we all expect that :hrist will be a manFbornG of men* and that Eli@ah when he comes will anoint him. B't if this man appear to be :hrist* he m'st certainly be "nown as manFbornG of men& b't from the circ'mstance that Eli@ah has not yet come* 1 infer that this man is not 9eFthe :hristG.= Then 1 inC'ired of him* =5oes not Script're* in the boo" of Nechariah*(L say that Eli@ah shall come before the %reat and terrible day of the 6ord?= #nd he answered* =:ertainly.= =1f therefore Script're compels yo' to admit that two advents of :hrist were predicted to ta"e place*;;one in which 9e wo'ld appear s'fferin%* and dishono'red* and witho't comeliness& b't the other in which 9e wo'ld come %lorio's. and /'d%e of all* as has been made manifest in many of the forecited passa%es*;;shall we not s'ppose that the word of !od has proclaimed that Eli@ah shall be the prec'rsor of the %reat and terrible day* that is* of 9is second advent?= =:ertainly*= he answered. =#nd* accordin%ly* o'r 6ord in 9is teachin%*= 1 contin'ed* =proclaimed that this very thin% wo'ld ta"e place* sayin% that Eli@ah wo'ld also come. #nd we "now that this shall ta"e place when o'r 6ord /es's :hrist shall come in %lory from heaven& whose first manifestation the Spirit of !od who was in Eli@ah preceded as herald inFthe person ofG /ohn* a prophet amon% yo'r nation& after whom no other prophet appeared amon% yo'. 9e cried* as he sat by the river /ordan: ,1 baptiIe yo' with water to repentance& b't 9e that is stron%er than 1 shall come* whose shoes 1 am not worthy to bear: 9e shall baptiIe yo' with the 9oly !host and with fire: whose fan is in 9is hand* and 9e will thoro'%hly p'r%e 9is floor* and will %ather the wheat into the barn& b't the chaff 9e will b'rn 'p with 'nC'enchable fire.,(M #nd this very prophet yo'r "in% 9erod had sh't 'p in prison& and when his birthday was celebrated* and the niece((O of the same 9erod by her dancin% had pleased him* he told her to as" whatever she pleased. Then the mother of the maiden insti%ated her to as" the head of /ohn* who

was in prison& and havin% as"ed it*F9erodG sent and ordered the head of /ohn to be bro'%ht in on a char%er. Wherefore also o'r :hrist said*Fwhen 9e wasG on earth* to those who were affirmin% that Eli@ah m'st come before :hrist: ,Eli@ah shall come* and restore all thin%s& b't 1 say 'nto yo'* that Eli@ah has already come* and they "new him not* b't have done to him whatsoever they chose.,(( #nd it is written* ,Then the disciples 'nderstood that 9e spa"e to them abo't /ohn the Baptist., = #nd Trypho said* =This statement also seems to me paradoxical& namely* that the prophetic Spirit of !od* who was in Eli@ah* was also in /ohn.= To this 1 replied* =5o yo' not thin" that the same thin% happened in the case of /osh'a the son of Nave(N'n * who s'cceeded to the command of the people after 2oses* when 2oses was commanded to lay his hands on /osh'a* and !od said to him*(A 1 will ta"e of the spirit which is in thee* and p't it on him?, =() #nd he said* =:ertainly.= =#s therefore*= 1 say* =while 2oses was still amon% men* !od too" of the spirit which was in 2oses and p't it on /osh'a* even so !od was able to ca'seFthe spiritG of Eli@ah to come 'pon /ohn& in order that* as :hrist at 9is first comin% appeared in%lorio's* even so the first comin% of the spirit* which remained always p're in Eli@ah s li"e that of :hrist* mi%ht be perceived to be in%lorio's. 7or the 6ord said 9e wo'ld wa%e war a%ainst #male" with concealed hand& and yo' will not deny that #male" fell. B't if it is said that only in the %lorio's advent of :hrist war will be wa%ed with #male"* how %reat will the f'lfilment(A of Script're be which says* ,!od will wa%e war a%ainst #male" with concealed hand>, 4o' can perceive that the concealed power of !od was in :hrist the cr'cified* before whom demons* and all the principalities and powers of the earth* tremble.= :9#8. 6.;;1T 1S 83OHE5 73O2 1S#1#9 T9#T /O9N 1S T9E 83E:03SO3 O7 :931ST. #nd Trypho said* =4o' seem to me to have come o't of a %reat conflict with many persons abo't all the points we have been searchin% into* and therefore C'ite ready to ret'rn answers to all C'estions p't to yo'. #nswer me then* first* how yo' can show that there is another !od besides the 2a"er of all thin%s& and then yo' will show*Ff'rtherG* that 9e s'bmitted to

be born of the Hir%in.= 1 replied* =!ive me permission first of all to C'ote certain passa%es from the prophecy of 1saiah* which refer to the office of forer'nner dischar%ed by /ohn the Baptist and prophet before this o'r 6ord /es's :hrist.= =1 %rant it*= said he. Then 1 said* =1saiah th's foretold /ohn,s forer'nnin%: ,#nd 9eIe"iah said to 1saiah* !ood is the word of the 6ord which 9e spa"e: 6et there be peace and ri%hteo'sness in my days.,(B #nd* ,Enco'ra%e the people& ye priests* spea" to the heart of /er'salem* and enco'ra%e her* beca'se her h'miliation is accomplished. 9er sin is ann'lled& for she has received of the 6ord,s hand do'ble for her sins. # voice of one cryin% in the wilderness* 8repare the ways of the 6ord& ma"e strai%ht the paths of o'r !od. Every valley shall be filled 'p* and every mo'ntain and hill shall be bro'%ht low: and the croo"ed shall be made strai%ht* and the ro'%h way shall be plain ways& and the %lory of the 6ord thall be seen* and all flesh shall see the salvation of !od: for the 6ord hath spo"en it. # voice of one sayin%* :ry& and 1 said* What shall 1 cry? #ll flesh is %rass* and all the %lory of man as the flower of %rass. The %rass has withered* and the flower of it has fallen away& b't the word of the 6ord end'reth for ever. Tho' that brin%est %ood tidin%s to Nion* %o 'p to the hi%h mo'ntain& tho' that brin%est %ood tidin%s to /er'salem* lift 'p thy voice with stren%th. 6ift ye 'p* be not afraid& tell the cities of /'dah* Behold yo'r !od> Behold* the 6ord comes with stren%th* andF9isG arm comes with a'thority. Behold* 9is reward is with 9im* and 9is wor" before 9im. #s a shepherd 9e will tend 9is floc"* and will %ather the lambs withF9isG arm* and cheer on her that is with yo'n%. Who has meas'red the water withFhisG hand* and the heaven with a span* and all the earth withFhisG fist? Who has wei%hed the mo'ntains* andFp'tG the valleys into a balance? Who has "nown the mind of the 6ord? #nd who has been 9is co'nsellor* and who shall advise 9im? Or with whom did 9e ta"e co'nsel* and he instr'cted 9im? Or who showed 9im @'d%ment? Or who made 9im to "now the way of 'nderstandin%? #ll the nations are rec"oned as a drop of a b'c"et* and as a t'rnin% of a balance* and shall be rec"oned as spittle. B't 6ebanon is not s'fficient to b'rn* nor the beasts s'fficient for a b'rnt;offerin%& and all the nations are considered nothin%* and for nothin%., =(D :9#8. 61.;;1T 1S 83OHE5 T9#T T91S 83O89E:4 9#S BEEN 7067166E5.

#nd when 1 ceased* Trypho said* =#ll the words of the prophecy yo' repeat* sir* are ambi%'o's* and have no force in provin% what yo' wish to prove.= Then 1 answered* =1f the prophets had not ceased* so that there were no more in yo'r nation* Trypho* after this /ohn* it is evident that what 1 say in reference to /es's :hrist mi%ht be re%arded perhaps as ambi%'o's. B't if /ohn came first callin% on men to repent* and :hrist* whileF/ohnG still sat by the river /ordan* havin% come* p't an end to his prophesyin% and baptiIin%* and preached also 9imself* sayin% that the "in%dom of heaven is at hand* and that 9e m'st s'ffer many thin%s from the Scribes and 8harisees* and be cr'cified* and on the third day rise a%ain* and wo'ld appear a%ain in /er'salem* and wo'ld a%ain eat and drin" with 9is disciples& and foretold that in the interval between 9isFfirst and secondG advent* as 1 previo'sly said*(( priests and false prophets wo'ld arise in 9is name* which thin%s do act'ally appear& then how can they be ambi%'o's* when yo' may be pers'aded by the facts? 2oreover* 9e referred to the fact that there wo'ld be no lon%er in yo'r nation any prophet* and to the fact that men reco%nised how that the New Testament* which !od formerly anno'ncedF9is intention ofG prom'l%atin%* was then present* i.e.* :hrist 9imself& and in the followin% terms: ,The law and the prophets were 'ntil /ohn the Baptist& from that time the "in%dom of heaven s'ffereth violence* and the violent ta"e it by force. #nd if yo' can() receive it* he is Eli@ah* who was to come. 9e that hath ears to hear* let him hear.,(+ :9#8. 611.;;/#:OB 83E51:TE5 TWO #5HENTS O7 :931ST. =#nd it was prophesied by /acob the patriarch(A that there wo'ld be two advents of :hrist* and that in the first 9e wo'ld s'ffer* and that after 9e came there wo'ld be neither prophet nor "in% in yo'r nation(1 proceeded * and that the nations who believed in the s'fferin% :hrist wo'ld loo" for 9is f't're appearance. #nd for this reason the 9oly Spirit had 'ttered these tr'ths in a parable* and obsc'rely: for*= 1 added* =it is said* ,/'dah* thy brethren have praised thee: thy handsFshall beG on the nec" of thine enemies& the sons of thy father shall worship thee. /'dah is a lion,s whelp& from the %erm* my son* tho' art spr'n% 'p. 3eclinin%* he lay down li"e a lion* and li"eFa lion,sG whelp: who shall raise him 'p? # r'ler shall not depart from /'dah* or a leader from his thi%hs* 'ntil that which is laid 'p in store for him shah come& and he shall be the desire of nations* bindin% his foal to the vine* and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. 9e shall wash his %arments in wine* and his vest're in the blood of the %rape. 9is eyes shall be bri%ht with s wine* and his teeth

white li"e mil".,(D 2oreover* that in yo'r nation there never failed either prophet or r'ler* from the time when they be%an 'ntil the time when this /es's :hrist appeared and s'ffered* yo' will not vent're shamelessly to assert* nor can yo' prove it. 7or tho'%h yo' affirm that 9erod* after(E whoseFrei%nG 9e s'ffered* was an #sh"elonite* nevertheless yo' admit that there was a hi%h priest in yo'r nation& so that yo' then had one who presented offerin%s accordin% to the law of 2oses* and observed the other le%al ceremonies& alsoFyo' hadG prophets in s'ccession 'ntil /ohn*(even then* too* when yo'r nation was carried captive to Babylon* when yo'r land was rava%ed by war* and the sacred vessels carried off & there never failed to be a prophet amon% yo'* who was lord* and leader* and r'ler of yo'r nation. 7or the Spirit which was in the prophets anointed yo'r "in%s* and established them. B't after the manifestation and death of o'r /es's :hrist in yo'r nation* there was and is nowhere any prophet: nay* f'rther* yo' ceased to exist 'nder yo'r own "in%* yo'r land was laid waste* and forsa"en li"e a lod%e m a vineyard& and the statement of Script're* in the mo'th of /acob* ,#nd 9e shall be the desire of nations*, meant symbolically 9is two advents* and that the nations wo'ld believe in 9im& which facts yo' may now at len%th discern. 7or those o't of all the nations who are pio's and ri%hteo's thro'%h the faith of :hrist* loo" for 9is f't're appearance. :9#8. 6111.;;/#:OB 83E51:TE5 T9#T :931ST WO065 315E ON #N #SS* #N5 NE:9#31#9 :ON7132S 1T. =#nd that expression* ,bindin% his foal to the vine* and the ass,s foal to the vine tendril*, was a declarin% beforehand both of the wor"s wro'%ht by 9im at 9is first advent* and also of that belief in 9im which the nations wo'ld repose. 7or they were li"e an 'nharnessed foal* which was not bearin% a yo"e on its nec"* 'ntil this :hrist came* and sent 9is disciples to instr'ct them& and they bore the yo"e of 9is word* and yielded the nec" to end're allFhardshipsG* for the sa"e of the %ood thin%s promised by 9imself* and expected by them. #nd tr'ly o'r 6ord /es's :hrist* when 9e intended to %o into /er'salem* reC'ested 9is disciples to brin% 9im a certain ass* alon% with its foal* which was bo'nd in an entrance of a villa%e called Bethpha%e& and havin% seated 9imself on it* 9e entered into /er'salem. #nd as this was done by 9im in the manner in which it was prophesied in precise terms that it wo'ld be done by the :hrist* and as the f'lfilment was reco%nised* it became a clear proof that 9e was the :hrist. #nd tho'%h all this happened and is proved from Script're* yo' are still

hard;hearted. Nay* it was prophesied by Nechariah* one of the twelveFprophetsG* that s'ch wo'ld ta"e place* in the followin% words: ,3e@oice %reatly* da'%hter of Nion& sho't* and declare* da'%hter of /er'salem& behold* thy Jin% shall come to thee* ri%hteo's* brin%in% salvation* mee"* and lowly* ridin% on an ass* and the foal of an ass.,(( Now* that the Spirit of prophecy* as well as the patriarch /acob* mentioned both an ass and its foal* which wo'ld be 'sed by 9im& and* f'rther* that 9e* as 1 previo'sly said* reC'ested 9is disciples to brin% both beasts&Fthis factG was a prediction that yo' of the syna%o%'e* alon% with the !entiles* wo'ld believe in 9im. 7or as the 'nharnessed colt was a symbol of the !entiles even so the harnessed ass was a symbol of yo'r nation. 7or yo' possess the law which was imposedF'pon yo'G by the prophets. 2oreover* the prophet Nechariah foretold that this same :hrist wo'ld be smitten* and 9is disciples scattered: which also too" place. 7or after 9is cr'cifixion* the disciples that accompanied 9im were dispersed* 'ntil 9e rose from the dead* and pers'aded them that so it had been prophesied concernin% 9im* that 9e wo'ld s'ffer& and bein% th's pers'aded* they went into all the world* and ta'%ht these tr'ths. 9ence also we are stron% in 9is faith and doctrine* since we haveFthis o'rG pers'asion both from the prophets* and from those who thro'%ho't the world are seen to be worshippers of !od in the name of that cr'cified One. The followin% is said* too* by Nechariah: ,O sword* rise 'p a%ainst 2y Shepherd* and a%ainst the man of 2y people* saith the 6ord of hosts. Smite the Shepherd* and 9is floc" shall be scattered.,() :9#8. 61H.;;W9#T T9E B6OO5 O7 T9E !3#8E S1!N171ES. =#nd that expression which was committed to writin%(+ by 2oses* and prophesied by the patriarch /acob* namely* ,9e shall wash 9is %arments with wine* and 9is vest're with the blood of the %rape*, si%nified that 9e wo'ld wash those that believe in 9im with 9is own blood. 7or the 9oly Spirit called those who receive remission of sins thro'%h 9im* 9is %arments& amon%st whom 9e is always present in power* b't will be manifestly present at 9is second comin%. That the Script're mentions the blood of the %rape has been evidently desi%ned* beca'se :hrist derives blood not from the seed of man* b't from the power of !od. 7or as !od* and not man* has prod'ced the blood of the vine* so alsoFthe Script'reG has predicted that the blood of :hrist wo'ld be not of the seed of man* b't of the power of !od. B't this prophecy* sirs* which 1 repeated* proves that :hrist is not man of men* be%otten in the ordinary co'rse of h'manity.=

:9#8. 6H.;;T3489O #SJS T9#T :931ST BE 83OHE5 !O5* B0T W1T9O0T 2ET#89O3. /0ST1N 83O21SES TO 5O SO. #nd Trypho answered* =We shall remember this yo'r exposition* if yo' stren%thenFyo'r sol'tion ofG this diffic'lty by other ar%'ments: b't now res'me the disco'rse* and show 's that the Spirit of prophecy admits another !od besides the 2a"er of all thin%s* ta"in% care not to spea" of the s'n and moon* which* it is written*(A !od has %iven to the nations to worship as %ods& and oftentimes the prophets* employin%(B this manner of speech* say that ,thy !od is a !od of %ods* and a 6ord of lords*, addin% freC'ently* ,the %reat and stron% and terribleF!odG., 7or s'ch expressions are 'sed* not as if they really were %ods* b't beca'se the Script're is teachin% 's that the tr'e !od* who made all thin%s* is 6ord alone of those who are rep'ted %ods and lords. #nd in order that the 9oly Spirit may convinceF'sG of this* 9e said by the holy 5avid* ,The %ods of the nations* rep'ted %ods* are idols of demons* and not %ods&,(D and 9e deno'nces a c'rse on those who worship them.= #nd 1 replied* =1 wo'ld not brin% forward these proofs* Trypho* by which 1 am aware those who worship theseFidolsG and s'ch li"e are condemned* b't s'chFproofsG as no one co'ld find any ob@ection to. They will appear stran%e to yo'* altho'%h yo' read them every day& so that even from this fact we(E 'nderstand that* beca'se of yo'r wic"edness* !od has withheld from yo' the ability to discern the wisdom of 9is Script'res& yetFthere areG some exceptions* to whom* accordin% to the %race of 9is lon%;s'fferin%* as 1saiah said* 9e has left a seed of(L salvation* lest yo'r race be 'tterly destroyed* li"e Sodom and !omorrah. 8ay attention* therefore* to what 1 shall record o't of the holy Script'res* which(M do not need to be expo'nded* b't only listened to. :9#8. 6H1.;;!O5 W9O #88E#3E5 TO 2OSES 1S 51ST1N!01S9E5 73O2 !O5 T9E 7#T9E3. =2oses* then* the blessed and faithf'l servant of !od* declares that 9e who appeared to #braham 'nder the oa" in 2amre is !od* sent with the two an%els in 9is company to @'d%e Sodom by #nother who remains ever in the s'percelestial places* invisible to all men* holdin% personal interco'rse with none* whom we believe to be 2a"er and 7ather of all thin%s& for he

spea"s th's: ,!od appeared to him 'nder the oa" in 2at're* as he sat at his tent;door at noontide. #nd liftin% 'p his eyes* he saw* and behold* three men stood before him& and when he saw them* he ran to meet them from the door of his tent& and he bowed himself toward the %ro'nd* and said&, =(( (and so on& () = ,#braham %at 'p early in the mornin% to the place where he stood before the 6ord: and he loo"ed toward Sodom and !omorrah* and toward the ad@acent co'ntry* and beheld* and* lo* a flame went 'p from the earth* li"e the smo"e of a f'rnace.,= #nd when 1 had made an end of C'otin% these words* 1 as"ed them if they had 'nderstood them. #nd they said they had 'nderstood them* b't that the passa%es add'ced bro'%ht forward no proof that there is any other !od or 6ord* or that the 9oly Spirit says so* besides the 2a"er of all thin%s. Then 1 replied* =1 shall attempt to pers'ade yo'* since yo' have 'nderstood the Script'res*Fof the tr'thG of what 1 say* that there is* and that there is said to be* another !od and 6ord s'b@ect to(+ the 2a"er of all thin%s& who is also called an #n%el* beca'se 9e anno'nces to men whatsoever the 2a"er of all thin%s;;above whom there is no other !od;; wishes to anno'nce to them.= #nd C'otin% once more the previo's passa%e* 1 as"ed Trypho* =5o yo' thin" that !od appeared to #braham 'nder the oa" in 2at're* as the Script're asserts?= 9e said* =#ss'redly.= =Was 9e one of those three*= 1 said* =whom #braham saw* and whom the 9oly Spirit of prophecy describes as men?= 9e said* =No& b't !od appeared to him* before the vision of the three. Then those three whom the Script're calls men* were an%els& two of them sent to destroy Sodom* and one to anno'nce the @oyf'l tidin%s to Sarah* that she wo'ld bear a son& for which ca'se he was sent* and havin% accomplished his errand* went away.=(A =9ow then*= said 1* =does the one of the three* who was in the tent* and who said* ,1 shall ret'rn to thee hereafter* and Sarah shall have a son*,(B appear to have ret'rned when Sarah had be%otten a son* and to be there declared* by the prophetic word* !od? B't that yo' may clearly discern what 1 say* listen to the words expressly employed by 2oses& they are these: ,#nd Sarah saw the son of 9a%ar the E%yptian bond;woman* whom she bore to #braham* sportin% with 1saac her son* and said to #braham* :ast

o't this bond;woman and her son& for the son of this bond;woman shall not share the inheritance of my son 1saac. #nd the matter seemed very %rievo's in #braham,s si%ht* beca'se of his son. B't !od said to #braham* 6et it not be %rievo's in thy si%ht beca'se of the son* and beca'se of the bond;woman. 1n all that Sarah hath said 'nto thee* hear"en to her voice& for in 1saac shall thy seed be called.,(D 9ave yo' perceived* then* that 9e who said 'nder the oa" that 9e wo'ld ret'rn* since 9e "new it wo'ld be necessary to advise #braham to do what Sarah wished him* came bac" as it is written& and is !od* as the words declare* when they so spea": ,!od said to #braham* 6et it not be %rievo's in thy si%ht beca'se of the son* and beca'se of the bond;woman?, = 1 inC'ired. #nd Trypho said* =:ertainly& b't yo' have not proved from this that there is another !od besides 9im who appeared to #braham* and who also appeared to the other patriarchs and prophets. 4o' have proved* however* that we were wron% in believin% that the three who were in the tent with #braham were all an%els.= 1 replied a%ain* =1f 1 co'ld not have proved to yo' from the Script'res that one of those three is !od* and is called #n%el*(E beca'se* as 1 already said* 9e brin%s messa%es to those to whom !od the 2a"er of all thin%s wishesFmessa%es to be bro'%htG* then in re%ard to 9im who appeared to #braham on earth in h'man form in li"e manner as the two an%els who came with 9im* and who was !od even before the creation of the world* it were reasonable for yo' to entertain the same belief as is entertained by the whole of yo'r nation.= =#ss'redly*= he said* =for 'p to this moment this has been o'r belief.= Then 1 replied* =3evertin% to the Script'res* 1 shall endeavo'r to pers'ade yo'* that 9e who is said to have appeared to #braham* and to /acob* and to 2oses* and who is called !od* is distinct from 9im who made all thin%s*;;n'merically* 1 mean* notFdistinctG in will. 7or 1 affirm that 9e has never at any time done(L anythin% which 9e who made the world;; above whom there is no other !od;;has not wished 9im both to do and to en%a%e 9imself with.= #nd Trypho said* =8rove now that this is the case* that we also may a%ree with yo'. 7or we do not 'nderstand yo' to affirm that 9e has done or said anythin% contrary to the will of the 2a"er of all thin%s.= Then 1 said* =The Script're @'st C'oted by me will ma"e this plain to

yo'. 1t is th's: ,The s'n was risen on the earth* and 6ot entered into Se%or(Noar & and the 6ord rained on Sodom s'lph'r and fire from the 6ord o't of heaven* and overthrew these cities and all the nei%hbo'rhood., =(( Then the fo'rth of those who had remained with Trypho said* =1t() m'st therefore necessarily be said that one of the two an%els who went to Sodom* and is named by 2oses in the Script're 6ord* is different from 9im who also is !od and appeared to #braham.=(+ =1t is not on this %ro'nd solely*= 1 said* =that it m'st be admitted absol'tely that some other one is called 6ord by the 9oly Spirit besides 9im who is considered 2a"er of all thin%s& not solelyFfor what is saidG by 2oses* b't alsoFfor what is saidG by 5avid. 7or there is written by him: ,The 6ord says to my 6ord* Sit on 2y ri%ht hand* 'ntil 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool*,(A as 1 have already C'oted. #nd a%ain* in other words: ,Thy throne* O !od* is for ever and ever. # sceptre of eC'ity is the sceptre of Thy "in%dom: Tho' hast loved ri%hteo'sness and hated iniC'ity: therefore !od* even Thy !od* hath anointed Thee with the oil of %ladness above Thy fellows.,(B 1f* therefore* yo' assert that the 9oly Spirit calls some other one !od and 6ord* besides the 7ather of all thin%s and 9is :hrist* answer me& for 1 'nderta"e to prove to yo' from Script'res themselves* that 9e whom the Script're calls 6ord is not one of the two an%els that went to Sodom* b't 9e who was with them* and is called !od* that appeared to #braham.= #nd Trypho said* =8rove this& for* as yo' see* the day advances* and we are not prepared for s'ch perilo's replies& since never yet have we heard any man investi%atin%* or searchin% into* or provin% these matters& nor wo'ld we have tolerated yo'r conversation* had yo' not referred everythin% to the Script'res:(D for yo' are very Iealo's in add'cin% proofs from them& and yo' are of opinion that there is no !od above the 2a"er of all thin%s.= Then 1 replied* =4o' are aware* then* that the Script're says* ,#nd the 6ord said to #braham* Why did Sarah h'%h* sayin%* Shall 1 tr'ly conceive? for 1 am old. 1s anythin% impossible with !od? #t the time appointed shall 1 ret'rn to thee accordin% to the time of life* and Sarah shall have a son.,(E #nd after a little interval: ,#nd the men rose 'p from thence* and loo"ed towards Sodom and !omorrah& and #braham went with them* to brin% them on the way. #nd the 6ord said* 1 will not conceal from #braham* my

servant* what 1 do.,(L #nd a%ain* after a little* it th's says: ,The 6ord said* The cry of Sodom and !omorrah is %reat*(M and their sins are very %rievo's. 1 will %o down now* and see whether they have done alto%ether accordin% to their cry which has come 'nto me& and if not* that 1 may "now. #nd the men t'rned away thence* and went to Sodom. B't #braham was standin% before the 6ord& and #braham drew near* and said* Wilt Tho' destroy the ri%hteo's with the wic"ed?, =((O (and so on*((( for 1 do not thin" fit to write over a%ain the same words* havin% written them all before* b't shall of necessity %ive those by which 1 established the proof to Trypho and his companions. Then 1 proceeded to what follows* in which these words are recorded: = ,#nd the 6ord went 9is way as soon as 9e had left comm'nin% with #braham& andF#brahamG went to his place. #nd there came two an%els to Sodom at even. #nd 6ot sat in the %ate of Sodom&,(() and what follows 'ntil* ,B't the men p't forth their hands* and p'lled 6ot into the ho'se to them* and sh't to the door of the ho'se&,((+ and what follows till* ,#nd the an%els laid hold on his hand* and on the hand of his wife* and on the hands of his da'%hters* the 6ord bein% mercif'l to him. #nd it came to pass* when they had bro'%ht them forth abroad* that they said* Save* save thy life. 6oo" not behind thee* nor stay in all the nei%hbo'rhood& escape to the mo'ntain* lest tho' be ta"en alon% withFthemG. #nd 6ot said to them* 1 beseechFTheeG* O 6ord* since Thy servant bath fo'nd %race in Thy si%ht* and Tho' hast ma%nified Thy ri%hteo'sness* which Tho' showest towards me in savin% my life& b't 1 cannot escape to the mo'ntain* lest evil overta"e me* and 1 die. Behold* this city is near to flee 'nto* and it is small: there 1 shall be safe* since it is small& and any so'l shall live. #nd 9e said to him* Behold* 1 have accepted thee((A also in this matter* so as not to destroy the city for which tho' hast spo"en. 2a"e haste to save thyself there& for 1 shall not do anythin% till tho' be come thither. Therefore he called the name of the city Se%or(Noar . The s'n was risen 'pon the earth& and 6ot entered into Se%or(Noar . #nd the 6ord rained on Sodom and !omorrah s'lph'r and fire from the 6ord o't of heaven& and 9e overthrew these cities* and all the nei%hbo'rhood.,=(( #nd after another pa'se 1 added: =#nd now have yo' not perceived* my friends* that one of the three* who is both !od and 6ord* and ministers to 9im who is in the heavens* is 6ord of the two an%els? 7or whenFthe an%elsG proceeded to Sodom* 9e remained behind* and comm'ned with #braham in the words recorded by 2oses& and when 9e departed after the conversation* #braham went bac" to his place. #nd when he cameFto SodomG* the two an%els no lon%er conversed with 6ot* b't 9imself* as the Script're ma"es evident& and 9e is the 6ord who received commission from the 6ord whoFremainsG in the heavens* i.e.*the 2a"er of all

thin%s* to inflict 'pon Sodom and !omorrah theF@'d%mentsG which the Script're describes in these terms:,The 6ord rained down 'pon Sodom and !omorrah s'lph'r and fire from the 6ord o't of heaven., = :9#8. 6H11.;;T9E /EW OB/E:TS* W94 1S 9E S#15 TO 9#HE E#TEN* 17 9E BE !O5? #NSWE3 O7 /0ST1N. Then Trypho said when 1 was silent* =That Script're compels 's to admit this* is manifest& b't there is a matter abo't which we are deservedly at a loss;;namely* abo't what was said to the effect thatFthe 6ordG ate what was prepared and placed before him by #braham& and yo' wo'ld admit this.= 1 answered* =1t is written that they ate& and if we believe() that it is said the three ate* and not the two alone;;who were really an%els* and are no'rished in the heavens* as is evident to 's* even tho'%h they are not no'rished by food similar to that which mortals 'se;;(for* concernin% the s'stenance of manna which s'pported yo'r fathers in the desert* Script're spea"s th's* that they ate an%els,food :Fif we believe that three ateG* then 1 wo'ld say that the Script're which affirms they ate bears the same meanin% as when we wo'ld say abo't fire that it has devo'red all thin%s& yet it is not certainly 'nderstood that they ate* masticatin% with teeth and @aws. So that not even here sho'ld we be at a loss abo't anythin%* if we are acC'ainted even sli%htly with fi%'rative modes of expression* and able to rise above them.= #nd Trypho said* =1t is possible thatFthe C'estionG abo't the mode of eatin% may be th's explained:Fthe mode* that is to say*G in which it is written* they too" and ate what had been prepared by #braham: so that yo' may now proceed to explain to 's how this !od who appeared to #braham* and is minister to !od the 2a"er of all thin%s* bein% born of the Hir%in* became man* of li"e passions with all* as yo' said previo'sly.= Then 1 replied* =8ermit me first* Trypho* to collect some other proofs on this head* so that yo'* by the lar%e n'mber of them* may be pers'aded ofFthe tr'th ofG it* and thereafter 1 shall explain what yo' as".= #nd he said* =5o as seems %ood to yo'& for 1 shall be thoro'%hly pleased.=

:9#8. 6H111.;;T9E S#2E 1S 83OHE5 73O2 T9E H1S1ONS W91:9 #88E#3E5 TO /#:OB. Then 1 contin'ed* =1 p'rpose to C'ote to yo' Script'res* not that 1 am anxio's to ma"e merely an artf'l display of words& for 1 possess no s'ch fac'lty* b't !od,s %race alone has been %ranted to me to the 'nderstandin% of 9is Script'res* of which %race 1 exhort all to become parta"ers freely and bo'nteo'sly* in order that they may not* thro'%h want of it*(+ inc'r condemnation in the @'d%ment which !od the 2a"er of all thin%s shall hold thro'%h my 6ord /es's :hrist.= #nd Trypho said* =What yo' do is worthy of the worship of !od& b't yo' appear to me to fei%n i%norance when yo' say that yo' do not possess a store of artf'l words.= 1 a%ain replied* =Be it so* since yo' thin" so& yet 1 am pers'aded that 1 spea" the tr'th.(A B't %ive me yo'r attention* that 1 may now rather add'ce the remainin% proofs.= =8roceed*= said he. #nd 1 contin'ed: =1t is a%ain written by 2oses* my brethren* that 9e who is called !od and appeared to the patriarchs is called both #n%el and 6ord* in order that from this yo' may 'nderstand 9im to be minister to the 7ather of all thin%s* as yo' have already admitted* and may remain firm* pers'aded by additional ar%'ments. The word of !od* therefore*FrecordedG by 2oses* when referrin% to /acob the %randson of #braham* spea"s th's: ,#nd it came to pass* when the sheep conceived* that 1 saw them with my eyes in the dream: #nd* behold* the he;%oats and the rams which leaped 'pon the sheep and she;%oats were spotted with white* and spec"led and sprin"led with a d'n colo'r. #nd the #n%el of !od said to me in the dream* /acob* /acob. #nd 1 said* What is it* 6ord? #nd 9e said* 6ift 'p thine eyes* and see that the he;%oats and rams leapin% on the sheep and she;%oats are spotted with white* spec"led* and sprin"led with a d'n colo'r. 7or 1 have seen what 6aban doeth 'nto thee. 1 am the !od who appeared to thee in Bethel*(( where tho' anointedst a pillar and vowedst a vow 'nto 2e. Now therefore arise* and %et thee o't of this land* and depart to the land of thy birth* and 1 shall be with thee.() #nd a%ain* in other words* spea"in% of the same /acob* it th's says: ,#nd havin% risen 'p that ni%ht* he too" the two wives* and the two women;servants* and his eleven children* and

passed over the ford /abbo"& and he too" them and went over the broo"* and sent over all his belon%in%s. B't /acob was left behind alone* and an #n%el(+ wrestled with him 'ntil mornin%. #nd 9e saw that 9e is not prevailin% a%ainst him* and 9e to'ched the broad part of his thi%h& and the broad part of /acob,s thi%h %rew stiff while he wrestled with 9im. #nd 9e said* 6et 2e %o* for the day brea"eth. B't he said* 1 will not let Thee %o* except Tho' bless me. #nd 9e said to him* What is thy name? #nd he said* /acob. #nd 9e said* Thy name shall be called no more /acob* b't 1srael shall be thy name& for tho' hast prevailed with !od* and with men shalt be powerf'l. #nd /acob as"ed 9im* and said* Tell me Thy name. B't he said* Why dost tho' as" after 2y name? #nd 9e blessed him there. #nd /acob called the name of that place 8eniel*(A for 1 saw !od face to face* and my so'l re@oiced.,(B #nd a%ain* in other terms* referrin% to the same /acob* it says the followin%: ,#nd /acob came to 6'I* in the land of :anaan* which is Bethel* he and all the people that were with him. #nd there he b'ilt an altar* and called the name of that place Bethel& for there !od appeared to him when he fled from the face of his brother Esa'. #nd 5eborah* 3ebe"ah,s n'rse* died* and was b'ried beneath Bethel 'nder an oa": and /acob called the name of it The Oa" of Sorrow. #nd !od appeared a%ain to /acob in 6'I* when he came o't from 2esopotamia in Syria* and 9e blessed him. #nd !od said to him* Thy name shall be no more called /acob* b't 1srael shall he thy name.,(D 9e is called !od* and 9e is and shall be !od.= #nd when all had a%reed on these %ro'nds* 1 contin'ed: =2oreover* 1 consider it necessary to repeat to yo' the words which narrate how 9e who is both #n%el and !od and 6ord* and who appeared as a man to #braham* and who wrestled in h'man form with /acob* was seen by him when he fled from his brother Esa'. They are as follows: ,#nd /acob went o't from the well of the oath*(E and went toward :harran.(L #nd he li%hted on a spot* and slept there* for the s'n was set& and he %athered of the stones of the place* and p't them 'nder his head. #nd he slept in that place& and he dreamed* and* behold* a ladder was set 'p on the earth* whose top reached to heaven& and the an%els of !od ascended and descended 'pon it. #nd the 6ord stood(M above it* and 9e said* 1 am the 6ord* the !od of #braham thy father* and of 1saac& be not afraid: the land whereon tho' liest* to thee will 1 %ive it* and to thy seed& and thy seed shall be as the d'st of the earth* and shall be extended to the west* and so'th* and north* and east: and in thee* and in thy seed* shall all families of the earth be blessed. #nd* behold* 1 am with thee* "eepin% thee in every way wherein tho' %oest* and will brin% thee a%ain into this land&

for 1 will not leave thee* 'ntil 1 have done all that 1 have spo"en to thee of. #nd /acob awa"ed o't of his sleep* and said* S'rely the 6ord is in this place* and 1 "new it not. #nd he was afraid* and said* 9ow dreadf'l is this place> this is none other than the ho'se of !od* and this is the %ate of heaven. #nd /acob rose 'p in the mornin%* and too" the stone which he had placed 'nder his head* and he set it 'p for a pillar* and po'red oil 'pon the top of it& and /acob called the name of the place The 9o'se of !od* and the name of the city formerly was 0lamma's.,=((O :9#8. 61<.;;!O5 51ST1N:T 73O2 T9E 7#T9E3 :ONHE3SE5 W1T9 2OSES. When 1 had spo"en these words* 1 contin'ed: =8ermit me* f'rther* to show yo' from the boo" of Exod's how this same One* who is both #n%el* and !od* and 6ord* and man* and who appeared in h'man form to #braham and 1saac*((( appeared in a flame of fire from the b'sh* and conversed with 2oses.= #nd after they said they wo'ld listen cheerf'lly* patiently* and ea%erly* 1 went on: =These words are in the boo" which bears the title of Exod's: ,#nd after many days the "in% of E%ypt died* and the children of 1srael %roaned by reason of the wor"s&,(() and so on 'ntil*,!o and %ather the elders of 1srael* and tho' shalt say 'nto them* The 6ord !od of yo'r fathers* the !od of #braham* the !od of 1saac* and the !od of /acob* hath appeared to me* sayin%* 1 am s'rely beholdin% yo'* and the thin%s which have befallen yo' in E%ypt.,=((+ 1n addition to these words* 1 went on: =9ave yo' perceived* sirs* that this very !od whom 2oses spea"s of as an #n%el that tal"ed to him in the flame of fire* declares to 2oses that 9e is the !od of #braham* of 1saac* and of /acob?= :9#8. 6<.;;O81N1ONS O7 T9E /EWS W1T9 3E!#35 TO 912 W9O #88E#3E5 1N T9E B0S9. Then Trypho said* =We do not perceive this from the passa%e C'oted by yo'* b'tFonly thisG* that it was an an%el who appeared in the flame of fire* b't !od who conversed with 2oses& so that there were really two persons in company with each other* an an%el and !od* that appeared in that vision.= 1 a%ain replied* =Even if this were so* my friends* that an an%el and !od were to%ether in the vision seen by 2oses* yet* as has already been

proved to yo' by the passa%es previo'sly C'oted* it will not be the :reator of all thin%s that is the !od that said to 2oses that 9e was the !od of #braham* and the !od of 1saac* and the !od of /acob* b't it will be 9e who has been proved to yo' to have appeared to #braham* ministerin% to the will of the 2a"er of all thin%s* and li"ewise carryin% into exec'tion 9is co'nsel in the @'d%ment of Sodom& so that* even tho'%h it be as yo' say* that there were two;;an an%el and !od;;he who has b't the smallest intelli%ence will not vent're to assert that the 2a"er and 7ather of all thin%s* havin% left all s'percelestial matters* was visible on a little portion of the earth.= #nd Trypho said* =Since it has been previo'sly proved that 9e who is called !od and 6ord* and appeared to #braham* received from the 6ord* who is in the heavens* that which 9e inflicted on the land of Sodom* even altho'%h an an%el had accompanied the !od who appeared to 2oses* we shall perceive that the !od who comm'ned with 2oses from the b'sh was not the 2a"er of all thin%s* b't 9e who has been shown to have manifested 9imself to #braham and to 1saac and to /acob& who also is called and is perceived to be the #n%el of !od the 2a"er of all thin%s* beca'se 9e p'blishes to men the commands of the 7ather and 2a"er of all thin%s.= #nd 1 replied* =Now ass'redly* Trypho* 1 shall show that* in the vision of 2oses* this same One alone who is called an #n%el* and who is !od* appeared to and comm'ned with 2oses. 7or the Script're says th's:,The #n%el of the 6ord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the b'sh& and he sees that the b'sh b'ms with fire* b't the b'sh was not cons'med. #nd 2oses said* 1 will t'rn aside and see this %reat si%ht* for the b'sh is not b'rnt. #nd when the 6ord saw that he is t'rnin% aside to behold* the 6ord called to him o't of the b'sh.,(( 1n the same manner* therefore* in which the Script're calls 9im who appeared to /acob in the dream an #n%el* thenFsaysG that the same #n%el who appeared in the dream spo"e to him*() sayin%*,1 am the !od that appeared to thee when tho' didst flee from the face of Esa' thy brother&,andFa%ainG says that* in the @'d%ment which befell Sodom in the days of #braham* the 6ord had inflicted the p'nishment(+ of the 6ord whoFdwellsG in the heavens&;;even so here* the Script're* in anno'ncin% that the #n%el of the 6ord appeared to 2oses* and in afterwards declarin% him to be 6ord and !od* spea"s of the same One* whom it declares by the many testimonies already C'oted to be minister to !od* who is above the world* above whom there is no other F!odG.

:9#8. 6<1;;W1S5O2 1S BE!OTTEN O7 T9E 7#T9E3* #S 713E 73O2 713E. =1 shall %ive yo' another testimony* my friends*= said 1* =from the Script'res* that !od be%at before all creat'res a Be%innin%*(A Fwho wasG a certain rational powerFproceedin%G from 9imself* who is called by the 9oly Spirit* now the !lory of the 6ord* now the Son* a%ain Wisdom* a%ain an #n%el* then !od* and then 6ord and 6o%os& and on another occasion 9e calls 9imself :aptain* when 9e appeared in h'man form to /osh'a the son of Nave(N'n . 7or 9e can be called by all those names* since 9e ministers to the 7ather,s will* and since 9e was be%otten of the 7ather by an act of will&(B @'st as we see(D happenin% amon% o'rselves: for when we %ive o't some word* we be%et the word& yet not by abscission* so as to lessen the word(E Fwhich remainsG in 's* when we %ive it o't: and @'st as we see also happenin% in the case of a fire* which is not lessened when it has "indledFanotherG* b't remains the same& and that which has been "indled by it li"ewise appears to exist by itself* not diminishin% that from which it was "indled. The Word of Wisdom* who is 9imself this !od be%otten of the 7ather of all thin%s* and Word* and Wisdom* and 8ower* and the !lory of the Be%etter* will bear evidence to me* when 9e spea"s by Solomon the followin%:,1f 1 shall declare to yo' what happens daily* 1 shall call to mind events from everlastin%* and review them. The 6ord made me the be%innin% of 9is ways for 9is wor"s. 7rom everlastin% 9e established me in the be%innin%* before 9e had made the earth* and before 9e had made the deeps* before the sprin%s of the waters had iss'ed forth* before the mo'ntains had been established. Before all the hills 9e be%ets me. !od made the co'ntry* and the desert* and the hi%hest inhabited places 'nder the s"y. When 9e made ready the heavens* 1 was alon% with 9im* and when 9e set 'p 9is throne on the winds: when 9e made the hi%h clo'ds stron%* and the sprin%s of the deep safe* when 9e made the fo'ndations of the earth* 1 was with 9im arran%in%. 1 was that in which 9e re@oiced& daily and at all times 1 deli%hted in 9is co'ntenance* beca'se 9e deli%hted in the finishin% of the habitable world* and deli%hted in the sons of men. Now* therefore* O son* hear me. Blessed is the man who shall listen to me* and the mortal who shall "eep my ways* watchin%(( daily at my doors* observin% the posts of my in%oin%s. 7or my o't%oin%s are the o't%oin%s of life* andFmyG will has been prepared by the 6ord. B't they who sin a%ainst me* trespass a%ainst their own so'ls& and they who hate me love death.,()

:9#8. 6<11.;;T9E WO35S =6ET 0S 2#JE 2#N= #!3EE W1T9 T9E TEST12ON4 O7 83OHE3BS. =#nd the same sentiment was expressed* my friends* by the word of !odFwrittenG by 2oses* when it indicated to 's* with re%ard to 9im whom it has pointed o't*(+ that !od spea"s in the creation of man with the very same desi%n* in the followin% words:,6et 0s ma"e man after o'r ima%e and li"eness. #nd let them have dominion over the fish of the sea* and over the fowl of the heaven* and over the cattle* and over all the earth* and over all the creepin% thin%s that creep on the earth. #nd !od created man: after the ima%e of !od did 9e create him& male and female created 9e them. #nd !od blessed them* and said* 1ncrease and m'ltiply* and fill the earth* and have power over it.(A #nd that yo' may not chan%e theFforce of theG words @'st C'oted* and repeat what yo'r teachers assert*;;either that !od said to 9imself*,6et 0s ma"e*,@'st as we* when abo't to do somethin%* oftentimes say to o'rselves*,6et 's ma"e&,or that !od spo"e to the elements* to wit* the earth and other similar s'bstances of which we believe man was formed*,6et 0s ma"e*,;;1 shall C'ote a%ain the words narrated by 2oses himself* from which we can indisp'tably learn thatF!odG conversed with some one who was n'merically distinct from 9imself* and also a rational Bein%. These are the words:,#nd !od said* Behold* #dam has become as one of 's* to "now %ood and evil.,(B 1n sayin%* therefore*,as one of 's*,F2osesG has declared thatFthere is a certainG n'mber of persons associated with one another* and that they are at least two. 7or 1 wo'ld not say that the do%ma of that heresy(D which is said to be amon% yo'(E is tr'e* or that the teachers of it can prove thatF!odG spo"e to an%els* or that the h'man frame was the wor"manship of an%els. B't this Offsprin%* which was tr'ly bro'%ht forth from the 7ather* was with the 7ather before all the creat'res* and the 7ather comm'ned with 9im& even as the Script're by Solomon has made clear* that 9e whom Solomon calls Wisdom* was be%otten as a Be%innin% before all 9is creat'res and as Offsprin% by !od* who has also declared this same thin% in the revelation made by /osh'a the son of Nave(N'n . 6isten* therefore* to the followin% from the boo" of /osh'a* that what 1 say may become manifest to yo'& it is this: ,#nd it came to pass* when /osh'a was near /ericho* he lifted 'p his eyes* and sees a man standin% over a%ainst him. #nd /osh'a approached to 9im* and said* #rt tho' for 's* or for o'r adversaries? #nd 9e said to him* 1 am :aptain of the 6ord,s host: now have 1 come. #nd /osh'a fell on his face on the %ro'nd* and said to 9im* 6ord* what commandest Tho' Thy servant? #nd the 6ord,s :aptain says

to /osh'a* 6oose the shoes off thy feet& for the place whereon tho' standest is holy %ro'nd. #nd /ericho was sh't 'p and fortified* and no one went o't of it. #nd the 6ord said to /osh'a* Behold* 1 %ive into thine hand /ericho* and its "in%*FandG its mi%hty men.,=(L :9#8. 6<111.;;1T 1S 83OHE5 T9#T T91S !O5 W#S 1N:#3N#TE. #nd Trypho said* =This point has been proved to me forcibly* and by many ar%'ments* my friend. 1t remains* then* to prove that 9e s'bmitted to become man by the Hir%in* accordin% to the will of 9is 7ather& and to be cr'cified* and to die. 8rove also clearly* that after this 9e rose a%ain and ascended to heaven.= 1 answered* =This* too* has been already demonstrated by me in the previo'sly C'oted words of the prophecies* my friends& which* by recallin% and expo'ndin% for yo'r sa"es* 1 shall endover to lead yo' to a%ree with me also abo't this matter. The passa%e* then* which 1saiah records*,Who shall declare 9is %eneration? for 9is life is ta"en away from the earth*(( ;;does it not appear to yo' to refer to One who* not havin% descent from men* was said to be delivered over to death by !od for the trans%ressions of the people?;;of whose blood* 2oses(as 1 mentioned before * when spea"in% in parable* said* that 9e wo'ld wash 9is %arments in the blood of the %rape& since 9is blood did not sprin% from the seed of man* b't from the will of !od. #nd then* what is said by 5avid*,1n the splendo'rs of Thy holiness have 1 be%otten Thee from the womb* before the mornin% star.() The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent* Tho' art a priest for ever* after the order of 2elchiIede"*,(+ ;;does this not declare to yo'(A thatF9e wasG from of old*(B and that the !od and 7ather of all thin%s intended 9im to be be%otten by a h'man womb? #nd spea"in% in other words* which also have been already C'oted*Fhe saysG:,Thy throne* O !od* is for ever and ever: a sceptre of rectit'de is the sceptre of Thy "in%dom. Tho' hast loved ri%hteo'sness* and hast hated iniC'ity: therefore !od* even thy !od* hath anointed Thee with the oil of %ladness above Thy fellows.F9e hath anointed TheeG with myrrh* and oil* and cassia from Thy %arments* from the ivory palaces* whereby they made Thee %lad. Jin%s, da'%hters are in Thy hono'r. The C'een stood at Thy ri%ht hand* clad in %arments embroidered with %old.(D 9ear"en* O da'%hter* and behold* and incline thine ear* and for%et thy people and the ho'se of thy father& and the Jin% shall desire thy bea'ty: beca'se he is thy 6ord* and tho' shalt worship 9im.,(E Therefore these words testify explicitly that 9e is witnessed to by 9im who

established these thin%s*(L as deservin% to be worshipped* as !od and as :hrist. 2oreover* that the word of !od spea"s to those who believe in 9im as bein% one so'l* and one syna%o%'e* and one ch'rch* as to a da'%hter& that it th's addresses the ch'rch which has spr'n% from 9is name and parta"es of 9is name(for we are all called :hristians * is distinctly proclaimed in li"e manner in the followin% words* which teach 's also to for%etFo'rG old ancestral c'stoms* when they spea" th's:(M ,9ear"en* O da'%hter* and behold* and incline thine ear& for%et thy people and the ho'se of thy father* and the Jin% shall desire thy bea'ty: beca'se 9e is thy 6ord* and tho' shalt worship 9im.,= :9#8. 6<1H.;;/0ST1N #550:ES OT9E3 83OO7S TO T9E /EW* W9O 5EN1ES T9#T 9E NEE5S T91S :931ST. 9ere Trypho said* =6et 9im be reco%nised as 6ord and :hrist and !od* as the Script'res declare* by yo' of the !entiles* who have from 9is name been all called :hristians& b't we who are servants of !od that made this sameF:hristG* do not reC'ire to confess or worship 9im.= To this 1 replied* =1f 1 were to be C'arrelsome and li%ht;minded li"e yo'* Trypho* 1 wo'ld no lon%er contin'e to converse with yo'* since yo' are prepared not to 'nderstand what has been said* b't only to ret'rn some captio's answer&((O b't now* since 1 fear the @'d%ment of !od* 1 do not state an 'ntimely opinion concernin% any one of yo'r nation* as to whether or not some of them may be saved by the %race of the 6ord of Sabaoth. Therefore* altho'%h yo' act wron%f'lly* 1 shall contin'e to reply to any proposition yo' shall brin% forward* and to any contradiction which yo' ma"e& and* in fact* 1 do the very same to all men of every nation* who wish to examine alon% with me* or ma"e inC'iry at me* re%ardin% this s'b@ect. #ccordin%ly* if yo' had bestowed attention on the Script'res previo'sly C'oted by me* yo' wo'ld already have 'nderstood* that those who are saved of yo'r own nation are saved thro'%h this((( FmanG* and parta"e of 9is lot& and yo' wo'ld not certainly have as"ed me abo't this matter. 1 shall a%ain repeat the words of 5avid previo'sly C'oted by me* and be% of yo' to comprehend them* and not to act wron%f'lly* and stir each other 'p to %ive merely some contradiction. The words which 5avid spea"s* then* are these:,The 6ord has rei%ned& let the nations be an%ry:Fit isG 9e who sits 'pon the cher'bim& let the earth be sha"en. The 6ord is %reat in Nion& and 9e is hi%h above all the nations. 6et them confess Thy %reat name* for it

is fearf'l and holy& and the hono'r of the "in% loves @'d%ment. Tho' hast prepared eC'ity& @'d%ment and ri%hteo'sness hast Tho' performed in /acob. Exalt the 6ord o'r !od* and worship the footstool of 9is feet& for 9e is holy. 2oses and #aron amon% 9is priests* and Sam'el amon% them that call 'pon 9is name& they called on the 6ord* and 9e heard them. 1n the pillar of the clo'd 9e spa"e to them& for they "ept 9is testimonies and 9is commandments which 9e %ave them.,(() #nd from the other words of 5avid* also previo'sly C'oted* which yo' foolishly affirm refer to Solomon*Fbeca'seG inscribed for Solomon* it can be proved that they do not refer to Solomon* and that thisF:hristG existed before the s'n* and that those of yo'r nation who are saved shall be saved thro'%h 9im.FThe wordsG are these:,O !od* %ive Thy @'d%ment to the "in%* and Thy ri%hteo'sness 'nto the "in%,s son. 9e shall @'d%e(( Thy people with ri%hteo'sness* and Thy poor with @'d%ment. The mo'ntains shall ta"e 'p peace to the people* and the little hills ri%hteo'sness. 9e shall @'d%e the poor of the people* and shall save the children of the needy* and shall abase the slanderer: and 9e shall co;end're with the s'n* and before the moon 'nto all %enerations&,and so on 'ntil* ,9is name end'reth before the s'n* and all tribes of the earth shall be blessed in 9im. #ll nations shall call 9im blessed. Blessed be the 6ord* the !od of 1srael* who only doeth wondro's thin%s: and blessed be 9is %lorio's name for ever and ever: and the whole earth shall be filled with 9is %lory. #men* #men.,() #nd yo' remember from other words also spo"en by 5avid* and which 1 have mentioned before* how it is declared that 9e wo'ld come forth from the hi%hest heavens* and a%ain ret'rn to the same places* in order that yo' may reco%nise 9im as !od comin% forth from above* and man livin% amon% men& andFhow it is declaredG that 9e will a%ain appear* and they who pierced 9im shall see 9im* and shall bewail 9im.FThe wordsG are these: ,The heavens declare the %lory of !od* and the firmament showeth 9is handiwor". 5ay 'nto day 'ttereth speech* and ni%ht 'nto ni%ht showeth "nowled%e: They are not speeches or words whose voices are heard. Their so'nd has %one o't thro'%h all the earth* and their words to the ends of the world. 1n the s'n has he set his habitation& and he* li"e a bride%room %oin% forth from his chamber* will re@oice as a %iant to r'n his race: from the hi%hest heaven is his %oin% forth* and he ret'rns to the hi%hest heaven* and there is not one who shall be hidden from his heat.,=(+ :9#8. 6<H.;;T9E /EW OB/E:TS T9#T !O5 5OES NOT !1HE 91S !6O34 TO #NOT9E3. /0ST1N E<86#1NS T9E 8#SS#!E.

#nd Trypho said* =Bein% sha"en(A by so many Script'res* 1 "now not what to say abo't the Script're which 1saiah writes* in which !od says that 9e %ives not 9is %lory to another* spea"in% th's ,1 am the 6ord !od& this is my name& my %lory will 1 not %ive to another* nor my virt'es.,=(B #nd 1 answered* =1f yo' spo"e these words* Trypho* and then "ept silence in simplicity and with no ill intent* neither repeatin% what %oes before nor addin% what comes after* yo' m'st be for%iven& b't if Fyo' have done soG beca'se yo' ima%ined that yo' co'ld throw do'bt on the passa%e* in order that 1 mi%ht say the Script'res contradicted each other* yo' have erred. B't 1 shall not vent're to s'ppose or to say s'ch a thin%& and if a Script're which appears to be of s'ch a "ind be bro'%ht forward* and if there be a pretextFfor sayin%G that it is contraryFto some otherG* since 1 am entirely convinced that no Script're contradicts another* 1 shall admit rather that 1 do not 'nderstand what is recorded* and shall strive to pers'ade those who ima%ine that the Script'res are contradictory* to be rather of the same opinion as myself. With what intent* then* yo' have bro'%ht forward the diffic'lty* !od "nows. B't 1 shall remind yo' of what the passa%e says* in order that yo' may reco%nise even from this veryFplaceG that !od %ives %lory to 9is :hrist alone. #nd 1 shall ta"e 'p some short passa%es* sirs* those which are in connection with what has been said by Trypho* and those which are also @oined on in consec'tive order. 7or 1 will not repeat those of another section* b't those which are @oined to%ether in one. 5o yo' also %ive me yo'r attention.FThe wordsG are these:,Th's saith the 6ord* the !od that created the heavens* and made(D them fast* that established the earth* and that which is in it& and %ave breath to the people 'pon it* and spirit to them who wal" therein: 1 the 6ord !od have called Thee in ri%hteo'sness* and will hold Thine hand* and will stren%then Thee& and 1 have %iven Thee for a covenant of the people* for a li%ht of the !entiles* to open the eyes of the blind* to brin% o't them that are bo'nd from the chains* and those who sit in dar"ness from the prison;ho'se. 1 am the 6ord !od& this is my name: my %lory will 1 not %ive to another* nor my virt'es to %raven ima%es. Behold* the former thin%s are come to pass& new thin%s which 1 anno'nce* and before they are anno'nced they are made manifest to yo'. Sin% 'nto the 6ord a new son%: 9is soverei%ntyFisG from the end of the earth.FSin%G* ye who descend into the sea* and contin'ally sail(E Fon itG& ye islands* and inhabitants thereof. 3e@oice* O wilderness* and the villa%es thereof* and the ho'ses& and the inhabitants of :edar shall re@oice* and the inhabitants of the roc" shall cry alo'd from the top of the mo'ntains: they shall %ive %lory to !od& they

shall p'blish 9is virt'es amon% the islands. The 6ord !od of hosts shall %o forth* 9e shall destroy war 'tterly* 9e shall stir 'p Ieal* and 9e shall cry alo'd to the enemies with stren%th., = (( #nd when 1 repeated this* 1 said to them* =9ave yo' perceived* my friends* that !od says 9e will %ive 9im whom 9e has established as a li%ht of the !entiles* %lory* and to no other& and not* as Trypho said* that !od was retainin% the %lory to 9imself?= Then Trypho answered* =We have perceived this also& pass on therefore to the remainder of the disco'rse.= :9#8. 6<H1.;;9E 83OHES 73O2 1S#1#9 T9#T !O5 W#S BO3N 73O2 # H13!1N. #nd 1* res'min% the disco'rse where 1 had left off() at a previo's sta%e* when provin% that 9e was born of a vir%in* and that 9is birth of a vir%in had been predicted by 1saiah* C'oted a%ain the same prophecy. 1t is as follows ,#nd the 6ord spo"e a%ain to #haI* sayin%* #s" for thyself a si%n from the 6ord thy !od* in the depth or in the hei%ht. #nd #haI said 1 will not as"* neither will 1 tempt the 6ord. #nd 1saiah said* 9ear then* O ho'se of 5avid& 1s it no small thin% for yo' to contend with men? #nd how do yo' contend with the 6ord? Therefore the 6ord 9imself will %ive yo' a si%n& Behold* the vir%in shall conceive* and shall bear a sod* and they shall call his name 1mman'el. B'tter and honey shall he eat& before he "nows or prefers the evil he will choose o't the %ood. 7or before the child "nows ill or %ood* he re@ects evil by choosin% o't the %ood. 7or before the child "nows how to call father or mother* he shall receive the power of 5amasc's* and the spoil of Samaria* in presence of the "in% of #ssyria. #nd the land shall be forsa"en* which(+ tho' shalt with diffic'lty end're in conseC'ence of the presence of its two "in%s. B't !od shall brin% on thee* and on thy people* and on the ho'se of thy father* days which have not yet come 'pon thee since the day in which Ephraim too" away from /'dah the "in% of #ssyria., =(A #nd 1 contin'ed: =Now it is evident to all* that in the race of #braham accordin% to the flesh no one has been born of a vir%in* or is said to have been bornFof a vir%inG* save this o'r :hrist.= :9#8. 6<H11.;;T3489O :O28#3ES /ES0S W1T9 8E3SE0S& #N5 WO065 83E7E3 FTO S#4G T9#T 9E W#S E6E:TE5FTO BE :931STG ON #::O0NT O7 OBSE3H#N:E O7 T9E 6#W.

/0ST1N S8E#JS O7 T9E 6#W #S 7O32E364. #nd Trypho answered* =The Script're has not* ,Behold* the vir%in shall conceive* and bear a son*, b't* , Behold* the yo'n% woman shall conceive* and bear a son*, and so on* as yo' C'oted. B't the whole prophecy refers to 9eIe"iah* and it is proved that it was f'lfilled in him* accordin% to the terms of this prophecy. 2oreover* in the fables of those who are called !ree"s* it is written that 8erse's was be%otten of 5anae* who was a vir%in& he who was called amon% them Ne's havin% descended on her in the form of a %olden shower. #nd yo' o'%ht to feel ashamed when yo' ma"e assertions similar to theirs* and ratherFsho'ldG say that this /es's was born man of men. #nd if yo' prove from the Script'res that 9e is the :hrist* and that on acco'nt of havin% led a life conformed to the law* and perfect* 9e deserved the hono'r of bein% elected to be :hrist*Fit is wellG& b't do not vent're to tell monstro's phenomena* lest yo' be convicted of tal"in% foolishly li"e the !ree"s.= Then 1 said to this* =Trypho* 1 wish to pers'ade yo'* and all men in short* of this* that even tho'%h yo' tal" worse thin%s in ridic'le and in @est* yo' will not move me from my fixed desi%n& b't 1 shall always add'ce from the words which yo' thin" can be bro'%ht forwardFby yo'G as proofFof yo'r own viewsG* the demonstration of what 1 have stated alon% with the testimony of the Script'res. 4o' are not* however* actin% fairly or tr'thf'lly in attemptin% to 'ndo those thin%s in which there has been constantly a%reement between 's& namely* that certain commands were instit'ted by 2oses on acco'nt of the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts. 7or yo' said that* by reason of 9is livin% conformably to law* 9e was elected and became :hrist* if indeed 9e were proved to be so.= #nd Trypho said* =4o' admitted(B to 's that 9e was both circ'mcised* and observed the other le%al ceremonies ordained by 2oses.= #nd 1 replied* =1 have admitted it* and do admit it: yet 1 have admitted that 9e end'red all these not as if 9e were @'stified by them* b't completin% the dispensation which 9is 7ather* the 2a"er of all thin%s* and 6ord and !od* wished 9imFto completeG. 7or 1 admit that 9e end'red cr'cifixion and death* and the incarnation* and the s'fferin% of as many afflictions as yo'r nation p't 'pon 9im. B't since a%ain yo' dissent from that to which yo' b't lately assented* Trypho* answer me: #re those ri%hteo's patriarchs who lived before 2oses* who observed none of

thoseFordinancesG which* the Script're shows* received the commencement ofFtheirG instit'tion from 2oses* saved*Fand have they attained toG the inheritance of the blessed?= #nd Trypho said* =The Script'res compel me to admit it.= =6i"ewise 1 a%ain as" yo'*= said 1* =did !od en@oin yo'r fathers to present the offerin%s and sacrifices beca'se 9e had need of them* or beca'se of the hardness of their hearts and tendency to idolatry?= =The latter*= said he* =the Script'res in li"e manner compel 's to admit.= =6i"ewise*= said 1* =did not the Script'res predict that !od promised to dispense a new covenant besides that whichFwas dispensedG in the mo'ntain 9oreb?= This* too* he replied* had been predicted. Then 1 said a%ain* =Was not the old covenant laid on yo'r fathers with fear and tremblin%* so that they co'ld not %ive ear to !od?= 9e admitted it. =What then?= said 1: =!od promised that there wo'ld be another covenant* not li"e that old one* and said that it wo'ld be laid on them witho't fear* and tremblin%* and li%htnin%s* and that it wo'ld be s'ch as to show what "ind of commands and deeds !od "nows to be eternal and s'ited to every nation* and what commandments 9e has %iven* s'itin% them to the hardness of yo'r people,s hearts* as 9e exclaims also by the prophets.= =To this also*= said he* =those who are lovers of tr'th and not lovers of strife m'st ass'redly assent.= Then 1 replied* =1 "now not how yo' spea" of persons very fond of strife*FsinceG yo' yo'rself oftentimes were plainly actin% in this very manner* freC'ently contradictin% what yo' had a%reed to.= :9#8. 6<H111.;;9E :O286#1NS O7 T9E OBST1N#:4 O7 T3489O& 9E #NSWE3S 91S OB/E:T1ON& 9E :ONH1:TS T9E /EWS O7 B#5 7#1T9.

#nd Trypho said* =4o' endeavo'r to prove an incredible and well;ni%h impossible thin%&FnamelyG* that !od end'red to be born and become man.= =1f 1 'ndertoo"*= said 1* =to prove this by doctrines or ar%'ments of man* yo' sho'ld not bear with me. B't if 1 C'ote freC'ently Script'res* and so many of them* referrin% to this point* and as" yo' to comprehend them* yo' are hard;hearted in the reco%nition of the mind and will of !od. B't if yo' wish to remain for ever so* 1 wo'ld not be in@'red at all& and for ever retainin% the sameFopinionsG which 1 had before 1 met with yo'* 1 shall leave yo'.= #nd Trypho said*= 6oo"* my friend* yo' made yo'rself master of theseFtr'thsG with m'ch labo'r and toil.(( #nd we accordin%ly m'st dili%ently scr'tiniIe all that we meet with* in order to %ive o'r assent to those thin%s which the Script'res compel 'sFto believeG.= Then 1 said to this* =1 do not as" yo' not to strive earnestly by all means* in ma"in% an investi%ation of the matters inC'ired into& b'tF1 as" yo'G* when yo' have nothin% to say* not to contradict those thin%s which yo' said yo' had admitted.= #nd Trypho said* =So we shall endeavo'r to do.= 1 contin'ed a%ain: =1n addition to the C'estions 1 have @'st now p't to yo'* 1 wish to p't more: for by means of these C'estions 1 shall strive to brin% the disco'rse to a speedy termination.= #nd Trypho said* =#s" the C'estions.= Then 1 said* =5o yo' thin" that any other one is said to be worthy of worship and called 6ord and !od in the Script'res* except the 2a"er of all* and :hrist* who by so many Script'res was proved to yo' to have become man?= #nd Trypho replied* =9ow can we admit this* when we have instit'ted so %reat an inC'iry as to whether there is any other than the 7ather alone?= Then 1 a%ain said* =1 m'st as" yo' this also* that 1 may "now whether or not yo' are of a different opinion from that which yo' admitted some time a%o.=()

9e replied* =1t is not* sir.= Then a%ain 1* =Since yo' certainly admit these thin%s* and since Script're says* ,Who shall declare 9is %eneration?, o'%ht yo' not now to s'ppose that 9e is not the seed of a h'man race?= #nd Trypho said* =9ow then does the Word say to 5avid* that o't of his loins !od shall ta"e to 9imself a Son* and shall establish 9is "in%dom* and shall set 9im on the throne of 9is %lory?= #nd 1 said* =Trypho* if the prophecy which 1saiah 'ttered* =Behold* the vir%in shall conceive*, is said not to the ho'se of 5avid* b't to another ho'se of the twelve tribes* perhaps the matter wo'ld have some diffic'lty& b't since this prophecy refers to the ho'se of 5avid* 1saiah has explained how that which was spo"en by !od to 5avid in mystery wo'ld ta"e place. B't perhaps yo' are not aware of this* my friends* that there were many sayin%s written obsc'rely* or parabolically* or mysterio'sly* and symbolical actions* which the prophets who lived after the persons who said or did them expo'nded.= =#ss'redly*= said Trypho. =1f therefore* 1 shall show that this prophecy of 1saiah refers to o'r :hrist* and not to 9eIe"iah* as yo' say* shall 1 not in this matter* too* compel yo' not to believe yo'r teachers* who vent're to assert that the explanation which yo'r seventy elders that were with 8tolemy the "in% of the E%yptians %ave* is 'ntr'e in certain respects? 7or some statements in the Script'res* which appear explicitly to convict them of a foolish and vain opinion* these they vent're to assert have not been so written. B't other statements* which they fancy they can distort and harmoniIe with h'man actions*(( these* they say* refer not to this /es's :hrist of o'rs* b't to him of whom they are pleased to explain them. Th's* for instance* they have ta'%ht yo' that this Script're which we are now disc'ssin% refers to 9eIe"iah* in which* as 1 promised* 1 shall show they are wron%. #nd since they are compelled* they a%ree that some Script'res which we mention to them* and which expressly prove that :hrist was to s'ffer* to be worshipped* andFto be calledG !od* and which 1 have already recited to yo'* do refer indeed to :hrist* b't they vent're to assert that this man is not :hrist. B't they admit that 9e will come to s'ffer* and to rei%n* and to be

worshipped* and to be !od&() and this opinion 1 shall in li"e manner show to be ridic'lo's and silly. B't since 1 am pressed to answer first to what was said by yo' in @est* 1 shall ma"e answer to it* and shall afterwards %ive replies to what follows. :9#8. 6<1<.;;T9E 5EH16* S1N:E 9E E206#TES T9E T30T9* 9#S 1NHENTE5 7#B6ES #BO0T B#::90S* 9E3:06ES* #N5 PS:06#810S. =Be well ass'red* then* Trypho*= 1 contin'ed* =that 1 am established in the "nowled%e of and faith in the Script'res by those co'nterfeits which he who is called the devil is said to have performed amon% the !ree"s& @'st as some were wro'%ht by the 2a%i in E%ypt* and others by the false prophets in Eli@ah,s days. 7or when they tell that Bacch's* son of /'piter* was be%otten byF/'piter,sG interco'rse with Semele* and that he was the discoverer of the vine& and when they relate* that bein% torn in pieces* and havin% died* he rose a%ain* and ascended to heaven& and when they introd'ce wine(+ into his mysteries* do 1 not perceive thatFthe devilG has imitated the prophecy anno'nced by the patriarch /acob* and recorded by 2oses? #nd when they tell that 9erc'les was stron%* and travelled over all the world* and was be%otten by /ove of #lcmene* and ascended to heaven when he died* do 1 not perceive that the Script're which spea"s of :hrist* ,stron% as a %iant to r'n his race*,(A has been in li"e manner imitated? #nd when heFthe devilG brin%s forward Psc'lapi's as the raiser of the dead and healer of all diseases* may 1 not say that in this matter li"ewise he has imitated the prophecies abo't :hrist? B't since 1 have not C'oted to yo' s'ch Script're as tells that :hrist will do these thin%s* 1 m'st necessarily remind yo' of one s'ch: from which yo' can 'nderstand* how that to those destit'te of a "nowled%e of !od* 1 mean the !entiles* who* ,havin% eyes* saw not* and havin% a heart* 'nderstood not*, worshippin% the ima%es of wood*Fhow even to themG Script're prophesied that they wo'ld reno'nce theseFvanitiesG* and hope in this :hrist. 1t is th's written: ,3e@oice* thirsty wilderness: let the wilderness be %lad* and blossom as the lily: the deserts of the /ordan shall both blossom and be %lad: and the %lory of 6ebanon was %iven to it* and the hono'r of :armel. #nd my people shall see the exaltation of the 6ord* and the %lory of !od. Be stron%* ye careless hands and enfeebled "nees. Be comforted* ye faint in so'l: be stron%* fear not. Behold* o'r !od %ives* and will %ive* retrib'tive @'d%ment. 9e shall come and save 's. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened* and the ears of the deaf shall hear. Then the lame shall leap as an hart* and the ton%'e

of the stammerers shall be distinct: for water has bro"en forth in the wilderness* and a valley in the thirsty land& and the parched %ro'nd shall become pools* and a sprin% of water shallFrise 'pG in the thirsty land.,(B The sprin% of livin% water which %'shed forth from !od in the land destit'te of the "nowled%e of !od* namely the land of the !entiles* was this :hrist* who also appeared in yo'r nation* and healed those who were maimed* and deaf* and lame in body from their birth* ca'sin% them to leap* to hear* and to see* by 9is word. #nd havin% raised the dead* and ca'sin% them to live* by 9is deeds 9e compelled the men who lived at that time to reco%nise 9im. B't tho'%h they saw s'ch wor"s* they asserted it was ma%ical art. 7or they dared to call 9im a ma%ician* and a deceiver of the people. 4et 9e wro'%ht s'ch wor"s* and pers'aded those who wereFdestined toG believe on 9im& for even if any one be labo'rin% 'nder a defect of body* yet be an observer of the doctrines delivered by 9im* 9e shall raise him 'p at 9is second advent perfectly so'nd* after 9e has made him immortal* and incorr'ptible* and free from %rief. :9#8. 6<<.;;SO #6SO T9E 24STE31ES O7 21T93#S #3E 51STO3TE5 73O2 T9E 83O89E:1ES O7 5#N1E6 #N5 1S#1#9. =#nd when those who record the mysteries of 2ithras say that he was be%otten of a roc"* and call the place where those who believe in him are initiated a cave* do 1 not perceive here that the 'tterance of 5aniel* that a stone witho't hands was c't o't of a %reat mo'ntain* has been imitated by them* and that they have attempted li"ewise to imitate the whole of 1saiah,s(( words?() 7or they(+ contrived that the words of ri%hteo'sness be C'oted also by them.(A B't 1 m'st repeat to yo' the words of 1saiah referred to* in order that from them yo' may "now that these thin%s are so. They are these: ,9ear* ye that are far off* what 1 have done& those that are near shall "now my mi%ht. The sinners in Nion are removed& tremblin% shall seiIe the impio's. Who shall anno'nce to yo' the everlastin% place? The man who wal"s in ri%hteo'sness* spea"s in the ri%ht way* hates sin and 'nri%hteo'sness* and "eeps his hands p're from bribes* stops the ears from hearin% the 'n@'st @'d%ment of blood closes the eyes from seein% 'nri%hteo'sness: he shall dwell in the lofty cave of the stron% roc". Bread shall be %iven to him* and his waterFshall beG s're. 4e shall see the Jin% with %lory* and yo'r eyes shall loo" far off. 4o'r so'l shall p'rs'e dili%ently the fear of the 6ord. Where is the scribe? where are the co'nsellors? where is he that n'mbers those who are no'rished*;;the small

and %reat people? with whom they did not ta"e co'nsel* nor "new the depth of the voices* so that they heard not. The people who are become depreciated* and there is no 'nderstandin% in him who hears.,(B Now it is evident* that in this prophecyFall'sion is madeG to the bread which o'r :hrist %ave 's to eat*(D in remembrance of 9is bein% made flesh for the sa"e of 9is believers* for whom also 9e s'ffered& and to the c'p which 9e %ave 's to drin"*(D in remembrance of 9is own blood* with %ivin% of than"s. #nd this prophecy proves that we shall behold this very Jin% with %lory& and the very terms of the prophecy declare lo'dly* that the people fore"nown to believe in 9im were fore;"nown to p'rs'e dili%ently the fear of the 6ord. 2oreover* these Script'res are eC'ally explicit in sayin%* that those who are rep'ted to "now the writin%s of the Script'res* and who hear the prophecies* have no 'nderstandin%. #nd when 1 hear* Trypho*= said 1* =that 8erse's was be%otten of a vir%in* 1 'nderstand that the deceivin% serpent co'nterfeited also this. :9#8. 6<<1.;;T9E /EWS 3E/E:T T9E 1NTE383ET#T1ON O7 T9E 6<<.* 73O2 W91:9* 2O3EOHE3* T9E4 9#HE T#JEN #W#4 SO2E 8#SS#!ES. =B't 1 am far from p'ttin% reliance in yo'r teachers* who ref'se to admit that the interpretation made by the seventy elders who were with 8tolemyF"in%G of the E%yptians is a correct one& and they attempt to frame another. #nd 1 wish yo' to observe* that they have alto%ether ta"en away many Script'res from the translations effected by those seventy elders who were with 8tolemy* and by which this very man who was cr'cified is proved to have been set forth expressly as !od* and man* and as bein% cr'cified* and as dyin%& b't since 1 am aware that this is denied by all of yo'r nation* 1 do not address myself to these points* b't 1 proceed(E to carry on my disc'ssions by means of those passa%es which are still admitted by yo'. 7or yo' assent to those which 1 have bro'%ht before yo'r attention* except that yo' contradict the statement* ,Behold* the vir%in shall conceive*, and say it o'%ht to be read* ,Behold* the yo'n% woman shall conceive., #nd 1 promised to prove that the prophecy referred* not* as yo' were ta'%ht* to 9eIe"iah* b't to this :hrist of mine: and now 1 shall %o to the proof.= 9ere Trypho remar"ed* =We as" yo' first of all to tell 's some of the Script'res which yo' alle%e have been completely cancelled.=

:9#8. 6<<11.;;8#SS#!ES 9#HE BEEN 3E2OHE5 B4 T9E /EWS 73O2 ES53#S #N5 /E3E21#9. #nd 1 said* =1 shall do as yo' please. 7rom the statements* then* which Esdras made in reference to the law of the passover* they have ta"en away the followin%: ,#nd Esdras said to the people* This passover is o'r Savio'r and o'r ref'%e. #nd if yo' have 'nderstood* and yo'r heart has ta"en it in* that we shall h'mble 9im on a standard* and(L thereafter hope in 9im* then this place shall not be forsa"en for ever* says the !od of hosts. B't if yo' will not believe 9im* and will not listen to 9is declaration* yo' shall be a la'%hin%;stoc" to the nations.,(M #nd from the sayin%s of /eremiah they have c't o't the followin%: ,1FwasG li"e a lamb that is bro'%ht to the sla'%hter: they devised a device a%ainst me* sayin%* :ome* let 's lay on wood on 9is bread* and let 's blot 9im o't from the land of the livin%& and 9is name shall no more be remembered.,((O #nd since this passa%e from the sayin%s of /eremiah is still written in some copies Fof the Script'resG in the syna%o%'es of the /ews(for it is only a short time since they were c't o't * and since from these words it is demonstrated that the /ews deliberated abo't the :hrist 9imself* to cr'cify and p't 9im to death* 9e 9imself is both declared to be led as a sheep to the sla'%hter* as was predicted by 1saiah* and is here represented as a harmless lamb& b't bein% in a diffic'lty abo't them* they %ive themselves over to blasphemy. #nd a%ain* from the sayin%s of the same /eremiah these have been c't o't: ,The 6ord !od remembered 9is dead people of 1srael who lay in the %raves& and 9e descended to preach to them 9is own salvation.,(( :9#8. 6<<111.;;FT9E WO35SG =73O2 T9E WOO5= 9#HE BEEN :0T O0T O7 8S. <:H1 =#nd from the ninety;fifth(ninety;sixth 8salm they have ta"en away this short sayin% of the words of 5avid: ,7rom the wood.,() 7or when the passa%e said* ,Tell ye amon% the nations* the 6ord hath rei%ned from the wood*, they have left* ,Tell ye amon% the nations* the 6ord hath rei%ned., Now no one of yo'r people has ever been said to have rei%ned as !od and 6ord amon% the nations* with the exception of 9im only who was cr'cified* of whom also the 9oly Spirit affirms in the same 8salm that 9e was raised a%ain* and freed fromFthe %raveG* declarin% that there is none li"e 9im amon% the %ods of the nations: for they are idols of demons. B't 1 shall repeat the whole 8salm to yo'* that yo' may perceive what has been said. 1t

is th's: ,Sin% 'nto the 6ord a new son%& sin% 'nto the 6ord* all the earth. Sin% 'nto the 6ord* and bless 9is name& show forth 9is salvation from day to day. 5eclare 9is %lory amon% the nations* 9is wonders amon% all people. 7or the 6ord is %reat* and %reatly to be praised: 9e is to be feared above all the %ods. 7or all the %ods of the nations are demons b't the 6ord made the heavens. :onfession and bea'ty are in 9is presence& holiness and ma%nificence are in 9is sanct'ary. Brin% to the 6ord* O ye co'ntries of the nations* brin% to the 6ord %lory and hono'r* brin% to the 6ord %lory in 9is name. Ta"e sacrifices* and %o into 9is co'rts& worship the 6ord in 9is holy temple. 6et the whole earth be moved before 9im tell ye amon% the nations* the 6ord hath rei%ned.(+ 7or 9e hath established the world* which shall not be moved& 9e shall @'d%e the nations with eC'ity. 6et the heavens re@oice* and the earth be %lad& let the sea and its f'lness sha"e. 6et the fields and all therein be @oyf'l. 6et all the trees of the wood be %lad before the 6ord: for 9e comes* for 9e comes to @'d%e the earth. 9e shall @'d%e the world with ri%hteo'sness* and the people with 9is tr'th., = 9ere Trypho remar"ed* =WhetherFor notG the r'lers of the people have erased any portion of the Script'res* as yo' affirm* !od "nows& b't it seems incredible.= =#ss'redly*= said 1* =it does seem incredible. 7or it is more horrible than the calf which they made* when satisfied with manna on the earth& or than the sacrifice of children to demons& or than the slayin% of the prophets. B't*= said 1* =yo' appear to me not to have heard the Script'res which 1 said they had stolen away. 7or s'ch as have been C'oted are more than eno'%h to prove the points in disp'te* besides those which are retained by 's*(A and shall yet be bro'%ht forward.= :9#8. 6<<1H.;;T9E BE!1NN1N! O7 8S. <:H1. 1S #TT31B0TE5 TO T9E 7#T9E3 FB4 T3489OG. B0TF1T 3E7E3SG TO :931ST B4 T9ESE WO35S: =TE66 4E #2ON! T9E N#T1ONS T9#T T9E 6O35*= ET:. Then Trypho said* =We "now that yo' C'oted these beca'se we as"ed yo'. B't it does not appear to me that this 8salm which yo' C'oted last from the words of 5avid refers to any other than the 7ather and 2a"er of the heavens and earth. 4o'* however* asserted that it referred to 9im who s'ffered* whom yo' also are ea%erly endeavo'rin% to prove to be :hrist.=

#nd 1 answered* =#ttend to me* 1 beseech yo'* while 1 spea" of the statement which the 9oly Spirit %ave 'tterance to in this 8salm& and yo' shall "now that 1 spea" not sinf'lly* and that we(B are not really bewitched& for so yo' shall be enabled of yo'rselves to 'nderstand many other statements made by the 9oly Spirit. ,Sin% 'nto the 6ord a new son%& sin% 'nto the 6ord* all the earth: sin% 'nto the 6ord* and bless 9is name& show forth 9is salvation from day to day* 9is wonderf'l wor"s amon% all people., 9e bids the inhabitants of all the earth* who have "nown the mystery of this salvation* i.e.* the s'fferin% of :hrist* by which 9e saved them* sin% and %ive praises to !od the 7ather of all thin%s* and reco%nise that 9e is to be praised and feared* and that 9e is the 2a"er of heaven and earth* who effected this salvation in behalf of the h'man race* who also was cr'cified and was dead* and who was deemed worthy by 9im(!od to rei%n over all the earth. #sFis clearly seen(D G also by the land into whichF9e saidG 9e wo'ld brin%Fyo'r fathersG&Ffor 9e th's spea"sG:(( ,This peopleFshall %o a whorin% after other %odsG* and shall forsa"e 2e* and shall brea" my covenant which 1 made with them in that day& and 1 will forsa"e them* and will t'rn away 2y face from them& and they shall be devo'red*() and many evils and afflictions shall find them o't& and they shall say in that day* Beca'se the 6ord my !od is not amon%st 's* these misfort'nes have fo'nd 's o't. #nd 1 shall certainly t'rn away 2y face from them in that day* on acco'nt of all the evils which they have committed* in that they have t'rned to other %ods.,(+ :9#8. 6<<H.;;1T 1S 83OHE5 T9#T /ES0S W#S T9E N#2E O7 !O5 1N T9E BOOJ O7 E<O50S. =2oreover* in the boo" of Exod's we have also perceived that the name of !od 9imself which* 9e says* was not revealed to #braham or to /acob* was /es's* and was declared mysterio'sly thro'%h 2oses. Th's it is written: ,#nd the 6ord spa"e to 2oses* Say to this people* Behold* 1 send 2y an%el before thy face* to "eep thee in the way* to brin% thee into the land which 1 have prepared for thee. !ive heed to 9im* and obey 9im& do not disobey 9im. 7or 9e will not draw bac" from yo'& for 2y name is in 9im.,(A Now 'nderstand that 9e who led yo'r fathers into the land is called by this name /es's* and first called #'ses(B (Oshea . 7or if yo' shall 'nderstand this* yo' shall li"ewise perceive that the name of 9im who said to 2oses* ,for 2y name is in 9im*, was /es's. 7or* indeed* 9e was also called 1srael*

and /acob,s name was chan%ed to this also. Now 1saiah shows that those prophets who are sent to p'blish tidin%s from !od are called 9is an%els and apostles. 7or 1saiah says in a certain place* ,Send me.,(D #nd that the prophet whose name was chan%ed* /es'sF/osh'aG* was stron% and %reat* is manifest to all. 1f* then* we "now that !od revealed 9imself in so many forms to #braham* and to /acob* and to 2oses* how are we at a loss* and do not believe that* accordin% to the will of the 7ather of all thin%s* it was possible for 9im to be born man of the Hir%in* especially after we have s'ch(E Script'res* from which it can be plainly perceived that 9e became so accordin% to the will of the 7ather? :9#8. 6<<H1.;;73O2 OT9E3 8#SS#!ES T9E S#2E 2#/EST4 #N5 !OHE3N2ENT O7 :931ST #3E 83OHE5. =7or when 5aniel spea"s of ,one li"e 'nto the Son of man, who received the everlastin% "in%dom* does he not hint at this very thin%? 7or he declares that* in sayin% ,li"e 'nto the Son of man*, 9e appeared* and was man* b't not of h'man seed. #nd the same thin% he proclaimed in mystery when he spea"s of this stone which was c't o't witho't hands. 7or the expression ,it was c't o't witho't hands, si%nified that it is not a wor" of man* b'tFa wor"G of the will of the 7ather and !od of all thin%s* who bro'%ht 9im forth. #nd when 1saiah says* ,Who shall declare 9is %eneration?, he meant that 9is descent co'ld not be declared. Now no one who is a man of men has a descent that cannot be declared. #nd when 2oses says that 9e will wash 9is %arments in the blood of the %rape* does not this si%nify what 1 have now often told yo' is an obsc're prediction* namely* that 9e had blood* b't not from men& @'st as not man* b't !od* has be%otten the blood of the vine? #nd when 1saiah calls 9im the #n%el of mi%hty l co'nsel*(L did he not foretell 9im to be the Teacher of those tr'ths which 9e did teach when 9e cameFto earthG? 7or 9e alone ta'%ht openly those mi%hty co'nsels which the 7ather desi%ned both for all those who have been and shall be well;pleasin% to 9im* and also for those who have rebelled a%ainst 9is will* whether men or an%els* when 9e said: ,They shall come from the eastFand from the west(M G* and shall sit down with #braham* and 1saac* and /acob* in the "in%dom of heaven: b't the children of the "in%dom shall be cast o't into o'ter dar"ness.,((O #nd* , 2any shall say to 2e in that day* 6ord* 6ord* have we not eaten* and dr'n"* and prophesied* and cast o't demons in Thy name? #nd 1 will say to them* 5epart from 2e.,((( #%ain* in other words* by which 9e shall condemn those who

are 'nworthy of salvation* 9e said* 5epart into o'ter dar"ness* which the 7ather has prepared for Satan and his* an%els.,(() #nd a%ain* in other words* 9e said* ,1 %ive 'nto yo' power to tread on serpents* and on scorpions* and on scolopendras* and on all the mi%ht of the enemy.,((+ #nd now we* who believe on o'r 6ord /es's* who was cr'cified 'nder 8onti's 8ilate* when we exorcise all demons and evil spirits* have them s'b@ected to 's. 7or if the prophets declared obsc'rely that :hrist wo'ld s'ffer* and thereafter be 6ord of all* yet thatFdeclarationG co'ld not be 'nderstood by any man 'ntil 9e 9imself pers'aded the apostles that s'ch statements were expressly related in the Script'res. 7or 9e exclaimed before 9is cr'cifixion: ,The Son of man m'st s'ffer many thin%s* and be re@ected by the Scribes and 8harisees* and be cr'cified* and on the third day rise a%ain.,(( #nd 5avid predicted that 9e wo'ld be born from the womb before s'n and moon*() accordin% to the 7ather,s will* and made 9im "nown* bein% :hrist* as !od stron% and to be worshipped.= :9#8. 6<<H11.;;9E 3ET03NS TO E<86#1N T9E 83O89E:4 O7 1S#1#9. Then Trypho said* =1 admit that s'ch and so %reat ar%'ments are s'fficient to pers'ade one& b't 1 wishFyo'G to "now that 1 as" yo' for the proof which yo' have freC'ently proposed to %ive me. 8roceed then to ma"e this plain to 's* that we may see how yo' prove that thatFpassa%eG refers to this :hrist of yo'rs. 7or we assert that the prophecy relates to 9eIe"iah.= #nd 1 replied* =1 shall do as yo' wish. B't show me yo'rselves first of all how it is said of 9eIe"iah* that before he "new how to call father or mother* he received the power of 5amasc's and the spoils of Samaria in the presence of the "in% of #ssyria. 7or it will not be conceded to yo'* as yo' wish to explain it* that 9eIe"iah wa%ed war with the inhabitants of 5amasc's and Samaria in presence of the "in% of #ssyria. ,7or before the child "nows how to call father or mother*, the prophetic word said* ,9e shall ta"e the power of 5amasc's and spoils of Samaria in presence of the "in% of #ssyria., 7or if the Spirit of prophecy had not made the statement with an addition* ,Before the child "nows how to call father or mother* he shall ta"e the power of 5amasc's and spoils of Samaria*, b't had only said* ,#nd shall bear a son* and he shall ta"e the power of 5amasc's and spoils of Samaria*, then yo' mi%ht say that !od foretold that he wo'ld ta"e these thin%s* since 9e fore;"new it. B't now the prophecy has stated it with this addition: ,Before the child "nows how to call father or mother* he shall ta"e the power of 5amasc's and spoils of Samaria., #nd yo' cannot prove that s'ch a thin% ever happened to any one

amon% the /ews. B't we are able to prove that it happened in the case of o'r :hrist. 7or at the time of 9is birth* 2a%i who came from #rabia worshipped 9im* comin% first to 9erod* who then was soverei%n in yo'r land* and whom the Script're calls "in% of #ssyria on acco'nt of his 'n%odly and sinf'l character. 7or yo' "now*= contin'ed 1* =that the 9oly Spirit oftentimes anno'nces s'ch events by parables and similit'des& @'st as 9e did towards all the people in /er'salem* freC'ently sayin% to them* ,Thy father is an #morite* and thy mother a 9ittite.(+ :9#8. 6<<H111.;;9E 83OHES T9#T T91S 83O89E:4 9#32ON1NES W1T9 :931ST #6ONE* 73O2 W9#T 1S #7TE3W#35S W31TTEN. =Now this "in% 9erod* at the time when the 2a%i came to him from #rabia* and said they "new from a star which appeared in the heavens that a Jin% had been born in yo'r co'ntry* and that they had come to worship 9im* learned from the elders of yo'r people that it was th's written re%ardin% Bethlehem in the prophet: ,#nd tho'* Bethlehem* in the land of /'dah* art by no means least amon% the princes of /'dah& for o't of thee shall %o forth the leader who shall feed my people.,(A #ccordin%ly the 2a%i from #rabia came to Bethlehem and worshipped the :hild* and presented 9im with %ifts* %old and fran"incense* and myrrh& b't ret'rned not to 9erod* bein% warned in a revelation after worshippin% the :hild in Bethlehem. #nd /oseph* the spo'se of 2ary* who wished at first to p't away his betrothed 2ary* s'pposin% her to be pre%nant by interco'rse with a man* i.e.* from fornication* was commanded in a vision not to p't away his wife& and the an%el who appeared to him told him that what is in her womb is of the 9oly !host. Then he was afraid* and did not p't her away& b't on the occasion of the first cens's which was ta"en in /'dQa* 'nder :yreni's* he went 'p from NaIareth* where he lived* to Bethlehem* to which he belon%ed* to be enrolled& for his family was of the tribe of /'dah* which then inhabited that re%ion. Then alon% with 2ary he is ordered to proceed into E%ypt* and remain there with the :hild 'ntil another revelation warn them to ret'rn into /'dQa. B't when the :hild was born in Bethlehem* since /oseph co'ld not find a lod%in% in that villa%e* he too" 'p his C'arters in a certain cave near the villa%e& and while they were there 2ary bro'%ht forth the :hrist and placed 9im in a man%er* and here the 2a%i who came from #rabia fo'nd 9im. 1 have repeated to yo'*= 1 contin'ed* =what 1saiah foretold abo't the si%n which foreshadowed the cave& b't for the sa"e of those who have come with 's to;day* 1 shall a%ain remind yo' of the passa%e.= Then 1

repeated the passa%e from 1saiah which 1 have already written* addin% that* by means of those words* those who presided over the mysteries of 2ithras were stirred 'p by the devil to say that in a place* called amon% them a cave* they were initiated by him.(B =So 9erod* when the 2a%i from #rabia did not ret'rn to him* as he had as"ed them to do* b't had departed by another way to their own co'ntry* accordin% to the commands laid on them& and when /oseph* with 2ary and the :hild* had now %one into E%ypt* as it was revealed to them to do& as he did not "now the :hild whom the 2a%i had %one to worship* ordered simply the whole of the children then in Bethlehem to be massacred. #nd /eremiah prophesied that this wo'ld happen* spea"in% by the 9oly !host th's: ,# voice was heard in 3amah* lamentation and m'ch wailin%* 3achel weepin% for her children& and she wo'ld not be comforted* beca'se they are not.,(( Therefore* on acco'nt of the voice which wo'ld be heard from 3amah* i.e.* from #rabia(for there is in #rabia at this very time a place called 3ama * wailin% wo'ld come on the place where 3achel the wife of /acob called lsrael* the holy patriarch* has been b'ried* i.e.* on Bethlehem& while the women weep for their own sla'%htered children* and have no consolation by reason of what has happened to them. 7or that expression of 1saiah ,9e shall ta"e the power of 5amasc's and spoils of Samaria*, foretold that the power of the evil demon that dwelt in 5amasc's sho'ld be overcome by :hrist as soon as 9e was born& and this is proved to have happened. 7or the 2a%i* who were held in bonda%e() for the commission of all evil deeds thro'%h the power of that demon* by comin% to worship :hrist* shows that they have revolted from that dominion which held them captive& and thisFdominionG the Script're has showed 's to reside in 5amasc's. 2oreover* that sinf'l and 'n@'st power is termed well in parable* Samaria.(+ #nd none of yo' can deny that 5amasc's was* and is* in the re%ion of #rabia* altho'%h now it belon%s to what is called Syrophoenicia. 9ence it wo'ld be becomin% for yo'* sirs* to learn what yo' have not perceived* from those who have received %race from !od* namely* from 's :hristians& and not to strive in every way to maintain yo'r own doctrines* dishono'rin% those of !od. Therefore also this %race has been transferred to 's* as 1saiah says* spea"in% to the followin% effect: ,This people draws near to 2e* they hono'r 2e with their lips* b't their heart is far from 2e& b't in vain they worship 2e* teachin% the commands and doctrines of men. Therefore* behold* 1 will proceed(A to remove this people* and 1 shall remove them& and 1 shall ta"e away the wisdom of their wise men* and brin% to nothin% the 'nderstandin% of the pr'dent men., =(B

:9#8. 6<<1<.;;9E 83OHES #!#1NST T3489O T9#T T9E W1:JE5 #N!E6S 9#HE 3EHO6TE5 73O2 !O5. On this* Trypho* who was somewhat an%ry* b't respected the Script'res* as was manifest from his co'ntenance* said to me* =The 'tterances of !od are holy* b't yo'r expositions are mere contrivances* as is plain from what has been explained by yo'& nay* even blasphemies* for yo' assert that an%els sinned and revolted from !od.= #nd 1* wishin% to %et him to listen to me* answered in milder tones* th's: =1 admire* sir* this piety of yo'rs& and 1 pray that yo' may entertain the same disposition towards 9im to whom an%els are recorded to minister* as 5aniel says& forFoneG li"e the Son of man is led to the #ncient of days* and every "in%dom is %iven to 9im for ever and ever. B't that yo' may "now* sir*= contin'ed 1* =that it is not o'r a'dacity which has ind'ced 's to adopt this exposition* which yo' reprehend* 1 shall %ive yo' evidence from 1saiah himself& for he affirms that evil an%els have dwelt and do dwell in Tanis* in E%ypt. These areFhisG words: ,Woe to the rebellio's children> Th's saith the 6ord* 4o' have ta"en co'nsel* b't not thro'%h 2e& andFmadeG a%reements* b't not thro'%h 2y Spirit* to add sins to sins& who have sinned(D in %oin% down to E%ypt(b't they have not inC'ired at 2e * that they may be assisted by 8haraoh* and be covered with the shadow of the E%yptians. 7or the shadow of 8haraoh shall be a dis%race to yo'* and a reproach to those who tr'st in the E%yptians& for the princes in Tanis(E are evil an%els. 1n vain will they labo'r for a people which will not profit them by assistance* b'tFwill beG for a dis%race and a reproachFto themG.,(L #nd* f'rther* Nechariah tells* as yo' yo'rself have related* that the devil stood on the ri%ht hand of /osh'a the priest* to resist him& andFthe 6ordG said* ,The 6ord* who has ta"en(M /er'salem* reb'"e thee.,((O #nd a%ain* it is written in /ob*((( as yo' said yo'rself* how that the an%els came to stand before the 6ord* and the devil came with them. #nd we have it recorded by 2oses in the be%innin% of !enesis* that the serpent be%'iled Eve* and was c'rsed. #nd we "now that in E%ypt there were ma%icians who em'lated(() the mi%hty power displayed by !od thro'%h the faithf'l servant 2oses. #nd yo' are aware that 5avid said* ,The %ods of the nations are demons., =((+ :9#8. 6<<<.;;T9E O81N1ON O7 /0ST1N W1T9 3E!#35 TO T9E 3E1!N O7 # T9O0S#N5

4E#3S. SEHE3#6 :#T9O61:S 3E/E:T 1T. #nd Trypho to this replied* =1 remar"ed to yo' sir* that yo' are very anxio's to be safe in all respects* since yo' clin% to the Script'res. B't tell me* do yo' really admit that this place* /er'salem* shall be reb'ilt& and do yo' expect yo'r people to be %athered to%ether* and made @oyf'l with :hrist and the patriarchs* and the prophets* both the men of o'r nation* and other proselytes who @oined them before yo'r :hrist came? or have yo' %iven way* and admitted this in order to have the appearance of worstin% 's in the controversies?= Then 1 answered* =1 am not so miserable a fellow* Trypho* as to say one thin% and thin" another. 1 admitted to yo' formerly*(( that 1 and many others are of this opinion* andFbelieveG that s'ch will ta"e place* as yo' ass'redly are aware&() b't* on the other hand* 1 si%nified to yo' that many who belon% to the p're and pio's faith* and are tr'e :hristians* thin" otherwise. 2oreover* 1 pointed o't to yo' that some who are called :hristians* b't are %odless* impio's heretics* teach doctrines that are in every way blasphemo's* atheistical* and foolish. B't that yo' may "now that 1 do not say this before yo' alone* 1 shall draw 'p a statement* so far as 1 can* of all the ar%'ments which have passed between 's& in which 1 shall record myself as admittin% the very same thin%s which 1 admit to yo'.(+ 7or 1 choose to follow not men or men,s doctrines* b't !od and the doctrinesFdeliveredG by 9im. 7or if yo' have fallen in with some who are called :hristians* b't who do not admit thisFtr'thG*(A and vent're to blaspheme the !od of #braham* and the !od of 1saac* and the !od of /acob& who say there is no res'rrection of the dead* and that their so'ls* when they die* are ta"en to heaven& do not ima%ine that they are :hristians* even as one* if he wo'ld ri%htly consider it* wo'ld not admit that the Sadd'cees* or similar sects of !enistQ* 2eristae*(B !elilaeans* 9ellenists*(D 8harisees* Baptists* are /ews(do not hear me impatiently when 1 tell yo' what 1 thin" * b't areFonlyG called /ews and children of #braham* worshippin% !od with the lips* as !od 9imself declared* b't the heart was far from 9im. B't 1 and others* who are fi%ht;minded :hristians on all points* are ass'red that there will be a res'rrection of the dead* and a tho'sand years(E in /er'salem* which will then be b'ilt* adorned* and enlar%ed*FasG the prophets EIe"iel and 1saiah and others declare. :9#8. 6<<<1.;;9E EN5E#HO03S TO 83OHE T91S O81N1ON 73O2 1S#1#9 #N5 T9E

#8O:#648SE. =7or 1saiah spa"e th's concernin% this space of a tho'sand years: ,7or there shall be the new heaven and the new earth* and the former shall not be remembered* or come into their heart& b't they shall find @oy and %ladness in it* which thin%s 1 create. 7or* Behold* 1 ma"e /er'salem a re@oicin%* and 2y people a @oy& and 1 shall re@oice over /er'salem* and be %lad over 2y 1 people. #nd the voice of weepin% shall be no more heard in her* or the voice of cryin%. #nd there shall be no more there a person of immat're years* or an old man who shall not f'lfil his days.(L 7or the yo'n% man shall be an h'ndred years old&(M b't the sinner who dies an h'ndred years old*(M he shall be acc'rsed. #nd they shall b'ild ho'ses* and shall themselves inhabit them& and they shall plant vines* and shall themselves eat the prod'ce of them* and drin" the wine. They shall not b'ild* and others inhabit& they shall not plant* and others eat. 7or accordin% to the days of the tree of life shall be the days of my people& the wor"s of their toil shall abo'nd.((O 2ine elect shall not toil fr'itlessly* or be%et children to be c'rsed& for they shall be a seed ri%hteo's and blessed by the 6ord* and their offsprin% with them. #nd it shall come to pass* that before they call 1 will hear& while they are still spea"in%* 1 shall say* What is it? Then shall the wolves and the lambs feed to%ether* and the lion shall eat straw li"e the ox& b't the serpentFshall eatG earth as bread. They shall not h'rt or maltreat each other on the holy mo'ntain* saith the 6ord.,((( Now we have 'nderstood that the expression 'sed amon% these words* ,#ccordin% to the days of the treeFof life(() G shall be the days of my people& the wor"s of their toil shall abo'nd, obsc'rely predicts a tho'sand years. 7or as #dam was told that in the nay fie ate of the tree he wo'ld die* we "now that he did not complete a tho'sand years. We have perceived* moreover* that the expression* ,The day of the 6ord is as a tho'sand years*,(( is connected with this s'b@ect. #nd f'rther* there was a certain man with 's* whose name was /ohn* one of the apostles of :hrist* who prophesied* by a revelation that was made to him* that those who believed in o'r :hrist wo'ld dwell() a tho'sand years in /er'salem& and that thereafter the %eneral* and* in short* the eternal res'rrection and @'d%ment of all men wo'ld li"ewise ta"e place. /'st as o'r 6ord also said* ,They shall neither marry nor be %iven in marria%e* b't shall be eC'al to the an%els* the children of the !od of the res'rrection.,(+

:9#8. 6<<<11.;;T9E 83O89ET1:#6 !17TS O7 T9E /EWS WE3E T3#NS7E33E5 TO T9E :931ST1#NS. =7or the prophetical %ifts remain with 's* even to the present time. #nd hence yo' o'%ht to 'nderstand thatFthe %iftsG formerly amon% yo'r nation have been transferred to 's. #nd @'st as there were false prophets contemporaneo's with yo'r holy prophets* so are there now many false teachers amon%st 's* of whom o'r 6ord forewarned 's to beware& so that in no respect are we deficient* since we "now that 9e fore"new all that wo'ld happen to 's after 9is res'rrection from the dead and ascension to heaven. 7or 9e said we wo'ld be p't to death* and hated for 9is name,s sa"e& and that many false prophets and false :hrists wo'ld appear in 9is name* and deceive many: and so has it come abo't. 7or many have ta'%ht %odless* blasphemo's* and 'nholy doctrines* for%in% them in 9is name& have ta'%ht* too* and even yet are teachin%* those thin%s which proceed from the 'nclean spirit of the devil* and which were p't into their hearts. Therefore we are most anxio's that yo' be pers'aded not to be misled by s'ch persons* since we "now that every one who can spea" the tr'th* and yet spea"s it not* shall be @'d%ed by !od* as !od testified by EIe"iel* when 9e said* ,1 have made thee a watchman to the ho'se of /'dah. 1f the sinner sin* and tho' warn him not* he himself shall die in his sin& b't his blood will 1 reC'ire at thine hand. B't if tho' warn him* tho' shalt be innocent.,(A #nd on this acco'nt we are* thro'%h fear* very earnest in desirin% to converseFwith menG accordin% to the Script'res* b't not from love of money* or of %lory* or of pleas're. 7or no man can convict 's of any of theseFvicesG. No more do we wish to live li"e the r'lers of yo'r people* whom !od reproaches when 9e says* ,4o'r r'lers are companions of thieves* lovers of bribes* followers of the rewards.,(B Now* if yo' "now certain amon%st 's to be of this sort* do not for their sa"es blaspheme the Script'res and :hrist* and do not assid'o'sly strive to %ive falsified interpretations. :9#8. 6<<<111.;;1T 1S 83OHE5 T9#T T9E 8S#62* =T9E 6O35 S#15 TO 24 6O35*= ET:.* 5OES NOT S01T 9ENEJ1#9. =7or yo'r teachers have vent'red to refer the passa%e* ,The 6ord says to my 6ord* Sit at my ri%ht hand* till 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool*, to 9eIe"iah& as if he were reC'ested to sit on the ri%ht side of the

temple* when the "in% of #ssyria sent to him and threatened him& and he was told by 1saiah not to be afraid. Now we "now and admit that what 1saiah said too" place& that the "in% of #ssyria desisted from wa%in% war a%ainst /er'salem in 9eIe"iah,s days* and the an%el of the 6ord slew abo't (LB*OOO of the host of the #ssyrians. B't it is manifest that the 8salm does not refer to him. 7or th's it is written* ,The 6ord says to my 6ord* Sit at 2y ri%ht hand* till 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool. 9e shall send forth a rod of power over(D /er'salem* and it shall r'le in the midst of Thine(E enemies. 1n the splendo'r of the saints before the mornin% star have 1 be%otten Thee. The 6ord hath sworn* and will not repent* Tho' art a priest for ever after the order of 2elchiIede"., Who does not admit* then* that 9eIe"iah is no priest for ever after the order of 2elchiIede"? #nd who does not "now that he is not the redeemer of /er'salem? #nd who does not "now that he neither sent a rod of power into /er'salem* nor r'led in the midst of his enemies& b't that it was !od who averted from him the enemies* after he mo'rned and was afflicted? B't o'r /es's* who has not yet come in %lory* has sent into /er'salem a rod of power* namely* the word of callin% and repentanceFmeantG for all nations over which demons held sway* as 5avid says* ,The %ods of the nations are demons., #nd 9is stron% word has prevailed on many to forsa"e the demons whom they 'sed to serve* and by means of it to believe in the #lmi%hty !od beca'se the %ods of the nations are demons.(L #nd we mentioned formerly that the statement* ,1n the splendo'r of the saints before the mornin% star have 1 be%otten Thee from the womb*, is made to :hrist. :9#8.6<<<1H.;;T9#T 83O89E:4* =BE9O65* # H13!1N*= ET:.* S01TS :931ST #6ONE. =2oreover* the prophecy* ,Behold* the vir%in shall conceive* and bear a son*, was 'ttered respectin% 9im. 7or if 9e to whom 1saiah referred was not to be be%otten of a vir%in* of whom(( did the 9oly Spirit declare* ,Behold* the 6ord 9imself shall %ive 's a si%n: behold* the vir%in shall conceive* and bear a son?, 7or if 9e also were to be be%otten of sex'al interco'rse* li"e all other first;born sons* why did !od say that 9e wo'ld %ive a si%n which is not common to all the first;born sons? B't that which is tr'ly a si%n* and which was to be made tr'stworthy to man"ind*;;namely* that the first;be%otten of all creation sho'ld become incarnate by the Hir%in,s womb* and be a child*;;this he anticipated by the Spirit of prophecy* and predicted it* as 1 have repeated to yo'* in vario's ways& in order that* when the event sho'ld ta"e place* it mi%ht be "nown as the

operation of the power and will of the 2a"er of all thin%s& @'st as Eve was made from one of #dam,s ribs* and as all livin% bein%s were created in the be%innin% by the word of !od. B't yo' in these matters vent're to pervert the expositions which yo'r elders that were with 8tolemy "in% of E%ypt %ave forth* since yo' assert that the Script're is not so as they have expo'nded it* b't says* ,Behold* the yo'n% woman shall conceive*, as if %reat events were to be inferred if a woman sho'ld be%et from sex'al interco'rse: which indeed all yo'n% women* with the exception of the barren* do& b't even these* !od* if 9e wills* is able to ca'seFto bearG. 7or Sam'el,s mother* who was barren* bro'%ht forth by l the will of !od& and so also the wife of the holy patriarch #braham& and Elisabeth* who bore /ohn the Baptist* and other s'ch. So that yo' m'st not s'ppose that it is impossible for !od to do anythin% 9e wills. #nd especially when it was predicted that this wo'ld ta"e place* do not vent're to pervert or misinterpret the prophecies* since yo' will in@'re yo'rselves alone* and will not harm !od. :9#8. 6<<<H.;;9E 83OHES T9#T :931ST 1S T9E 6O35 O7 9OSTS 73O2 8S. <<1H.* #N5 73O2 91S #0T9O31T4 OHE3 5E2ONS. =2oreover* some of yo' vent're to expo'nd the prophecy which r'ns* ,6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye lift 'p* ye everlastin% doors* that the Jin% of %lory may enter*,() as if it referred li"ewise to 9eIe"iah* and others of yo'Fexpo'nd itG of Solomon& b't neither to the latter nor to the former* nor* in short* to any of yo'r "in%s* can it be proved to have reference* b't to this o'r :hrist alone* who appeared witho't comeliness* and in%lorio's* as 1saiah and 5avid and all the Script'res said& who is the 6ord of hosts* by the will of the 7ather who conferred on 9imFthe di%nityG& who also rose from the dead* and ascended to heaven* as the 8salm and the other Script'res manifested when they anno'nced 9im to be 6ord of hosts& and of this yo' may* if yo' will* easily be pers'aded by the occ'rrences which ta"e place before yo'r eyes. 7or every demon* when exorcised in the name of this very Son of !od;;who is the 7irst;born of every creat're* who became man by the Hir%in* who s'ffered* and was cr'cified 'nder 8onti's 8ilate by yo'r nation* who died* who rose from the dead* and ascended into heaven;;is overcome and s'bd'ed. B't tho'%h yo' exorcise any demon in the name of any of those who were amon%st yo';;either "in%s* or ri%hteo's men* or prophets* or patriarchs;;it will not be s'b@ect to yo'. B't if any of yo' exorcise it inFthe name ofG the !od of #braham* and the !od of 1saac* and the !od of /acob* it will

perhaps be s'b@ect to yo'. Now ass'redly yo'r exorcists* 1 have said*(+ ma"e 'se of craft when they exorcise* even as the !entiles do* and employ f'mi%ations and incantations.(A B't that they are an%els and powers whom the word of prophecy by 5avidFcommandsG to lift 'p the %ates* that 9e who rose from the dead* /es's :hrist* the 6ord of hosts* accordin% to the will of the 7ather* mi%ht enter* the word of 5avid has li"ewise showed& which 1 shall a%ain recall to yo'r attention for the sa"e of those who were not with 's yesterday* for whose benefit* moreover* 1 s'm 'p many thin%s 1 said yesterday. #nd now* if 1 say this to yo'* altho'%h 1 have repeated it many times* 1 "now that it is not abs'rd so to do. 7or it is a ridic'lo's thin% to see the s'n* and the moon* and the other stars* contin'ally "eepin% the same co'rse* and brin%in% ro'nd the different seasons& and to see the comp'ter who may be as"ed how many are twice two* beca'se he has freC'ently said that they are fo'r* not ceasin% to say a%ain that they late fo'r& and eC'ally so other thin%s* which are confidently admitted* to be contin'ally mentioned and admitted in li"e manner& yet that he who fo'nds his disco'rse on the prophetic Script'res sho'ld leave them and abstain from constantly referrin% to the same Script'res* beca'se it is tho'%ht he can brin% forth somethin% better than Script're. The passa%e* then* by which 1 proved that !od reveals that there are both an%els and hosts in heaven is this: ,8raise the 6ord from the heavens: praise 9im in the hi%hest. 8raise 9im* all 9is an%els: praise 9im* all 9is hosts., =(( Then one of those who had come with them on the second day* whose name was 2naseas* said* =We are %reatly pleased that yo' 'nderta"e to repeat the same thin%s on o'r acco'nt.= #nd 1 said* =6isten* my friends* to the Script're which ind'ces me to act th's. /es's commandedF'sG to love evenFo'rG enemies* as was predicted by 1saiah in many passa%es* in which also is contained the mystery of o'r own re%eneration* as well* in fact* as the re%eneration of all who expect that :hrist will appear in /er'salem* and by their wor"s endeavo'r earnestly to please 9im. These are the words spo"en by 1saiah: ,9ear the word of the 6ord* ye that tremble at 9is word. Say* o'r brethren* to them that hate yo' and detest yo'* that the name of the 6ord has been %lorified. 9e has appeared to yo'r @oy* and they shall be ashamed. # voice of noise from the city* a voice from the temple*() a voice of the 6ord who rendereth recompense to the pro'd. Before she that travailed bro'%ht forth* and before the pains of labo'r came* she bro'%ht forth a male child. Who hath heard s'ch a thin%? and who hath seen s'ch a thin%? has the earth

bro'%ht forth in one day? and has she prod'ced a nation at once? for Nion has travailed and borne her children. B't 1 haye %iven s'ch an expectation even to her that does not brin% forth* said the 6ord. Behold* 1 have made her that be%etteth* and her that is barren* saith the 6ord. 3e@oice* O /er'salem* and hold a @oyo's assembly* all ye that love her. Be %lad* all ye that mo'rn for her* that ye may s'c" and be filled with the breast of her consolation* that havin% s'c" ye may be deli%hted with the entrance of 9is %lory., =(+ :9#8. 6<<<H1.;;T9E3E #3E H#31O0S 71!03ES 1N T9E O65 TEST#2ENT O7 T9E WOO5 O7 T9E :3OSS B4 W91:9 :931ST 3E1!NE5. #nd when 1 had C'oted this* 1 added* =9ear* then* how this 2an* of whom the Script'res declare that 9e will come a%ain in %lory after 9is cr'cifixion* was symboliIed both by the tree of life* which was said to have been planted in paradise* and by those events which sho'ld happen to all the @'st. 2oses was sent with a rod to effect the redemption of the people& and with this in his hands at the head of the people* he divided the sea. By this he saw the water %'shin% o't of the roc"& and when he cast a tree into the waters of 2arah* which were bitter* he made them sweet. /acob* by p'ttin% rods into the water;tro'%hs* ca'sed the sheep of his 'ncle to conceive* so that he sho'ld obtain their yo'n%. With his rod the same /acob boasts that he had crossed the river. 9e said he had seen a ladder* and the Script're has declared that !od stood above it. B't that this was not the 7ather* we have proved from the Script'res. #nd /acob* havin% po'red oil on a stone in the same place* is testified to by the very !od who appeared to him* that he had anointed a pillar to the !od who appeared to him. #nd that the stone symbolically proclaimed :hrist* we have also proved by many Script'res& and that the 'n%'ent* whether it was of oil* or of stacte*(A or of any other compo'nded sweet balsams* had reference to 9im* we have also proved*(B inasm'ch as the word says: ,Therefore !od* even Thy !od* hath anointed Thee with the oil of %ladness above Thy fellows.,(D 7or indeed all "in%s and anointed persons obtained from 9im their share in the names of "in%s and anointed: @'st as 9e 9imself received from the 7ather the titles of Jin%* and :hrist* and 8riest* and #n%el* and s'ch li"e other titles which 9e bears or did bear. #aron,s rod* which blossomed* declared him to be the hi%h priest. 1saiah prophesied that a rod wo'ld come forth from the root of /esse*Fand this wasG :hrist. #nd 5avid says that the ri%hteo's man is ,li"e the tree that is planted by the

channels of waters* which sho'ld yield its fr'it in its season* and whose leaf sho'ld not fade.,(E #%ain* the ri%hteo's is said to flo'rish li"e the palm;tree. !od appeared from a tree to #braham* as it is written* near the oa" in 2at're. The people fo'nd seventy willows and twelve sprin%s after crossin% the /ordan.(L 5avid affirms that !od comforted him with a rod and staff. Elisha* by castin% a stic"(M into the river /ordan* recovered the iron part of the axe with which the sons of the prophets had %one to c't down trees to b'ild the ho'se in which they wished to read and st'dy the law and commandments of !od& even as o'r :hrist* by bein% cr'cified on the tree* and by p'rifyin%F'sG with water* has redeemed 's* tho'%h pl'n%ed in the direst offences which we have committed* and has madeF'sG a ho'se of prayer and adoration. 2oreover* it was a rod that pointed o't /'dah to be the father of Tamar,s sons by a %reat mystery.= :9#8. 6<<<H11.;;T3489O 2#1NT#1NS 1N OB/E:T1ON T9ESE WO35S: =#N5 S9#66 3EST ON 912*= ET:. T9E4 #3E E<86#1NE5 B4 /0ST1N. 9ere'pon Trypho* after 1 had spo"en these words* said* =5o not now s'ppose that 1 am endeavo'rin%* by as"in% what 1 do as"* to overt'rn the statements yo' have made& b't 1 wish to receive information respectin% those very points abo't which 1 now inC'ire. Tell me* then* how* when the Script're asserts by 1saiah* ,There shall come forth a rod from the root of /esse& and a flower shall %row 'p from the root of /esse& and the Spirit of !od shall rest 'pon 9im* the spirit of wisdom and 'nderstandin%* the spirit of co'nsel and mi%ht* the spirit of "nowled%e and piety: and the spirit of the fear of the 6ord shall fill 9im:,(( (now yo' admitted to me*= contin'ed he* =that this referred to :hrist* and yo' maintain 9im to be pre;existent !od* and havin% become incarnate by !od,s will* to be born man by the Hir%in: how 9e can be demonstrated to have been pre;existent* who is filled with the powers of the 9oly !host* which the Script're by 1saiah en'merates* as if 9e were in lac" of them?= Then 1 replied* =4o' have inC'ired most discreetly and most pr'dently* for tr'ly there does seem to be a diffic'lty& b't listen to what 1 say* that yo' may perceive the reason of this also. The Script're says that these en'merated powers of the Spirit have come on 9im* not beca'se 9e stood in need of them* b't beca'se they wo'ld rest in 9im* i.e.* wo'ld find their accomplishment in 9im* so that there wo'ld be no more prophets in yo'r nation after the ancient c'stom: and this fact yo' plainly perceive.

7or after 9im no prophet has arisen amon% yo'. Now* that Fyo' may "now thatG yo'r prophets* each receivin% some one or two powers from !od* did and spo"e the thin%s which we have learned from the Script'res* attend to the followin% remar"s of mine. Solomon possessed the spirit of wisdom* 5aniel that of 'nderstandin% and co'nsel* 2oses that of mi%ht and piety* Eli@ah that of fear* and 1saiah that of "nowled%e& and so with the others: each possessed one power* or one @oined alternately with another& also /eremiah* and the twelve FprophetsG* and 5avid* and* in short* the rest who existed amon%st yo'. #ccordin%ly 9e() rested* i.e.* ceased* when 9e came* after whom* in the times of this dispensation wro'%ht o't by 9im amon%st men*(+ it was reC'isite that s'ch %ifts sho'ld cease from yo'& and havin% received their rest in 9im* sho'ld a%ain* as had been predicted* become %ifts which* from the %race of 9is Spirit,s power* 9e imparts to those who believe in 9im* accordin% as 9e deems each man worthy thereof. 1 have already said* and do a%ain say* that it had been prophesied that this wo'ld be done by 9im after 9is ascension to heaven. 1t is accordin%ly said*(A ,9e ascended on hi%h* 9e led captivity captive* 9e %ave %ifts 'nto the sons of men., #nd a%ain* in another prophecy it is said: ,#nd it shall come to pass after this* 1 will po'r o't 2y Spirit on all flesh* and on 2y servants* and on 2y handmaids* and they shall prophesy.,(B :9#8. 6<<<H111.;;:931ST 9#S NOT 3E:E1HE5 T9E 9O64 S8131T ON #::O0NT O7 8OHE3T4. =Now* it is possible to see amon%st 's women and men who possess %ifts of the Spirit of !od& so that it was prophesied that the powers en'merated by 1saiah wo'ld come 'pon 9im* not beca'se 9e needed power* b't beca'se these wo'ld not contin'e after 9im. #nd let this be a proof to yo'* namely* what 1 told yo' was done by the 2a%i from #rabia* who as soon as the :hild was born came to worship 9im* for even at 9is birth 9e was in possession of 9is power& and as 9e %rew 'p li"e all other men* by 'sin% the fittin% means* 9e assi%ned its own FreC'irementsG to each development* and was s'stained by all "inds of no'rishment* and waited for thirty years* more or less* 'ntil /ohn appeared before 9im as the herald of 9is approach* and preceded 9im in the way of baptism* as 1 have already shown. #nd then* when /es's had %one to the river /ordan* where /ohn was baptiIin%* and when 9e had stepped into the water* a fire(D was "indled in the /ordan& and when 9e came o't of the water* the 9oly !host li%hted on 9im li"e a dove* FasG the apostles of this very :hrist of o'rs wrote. Now* we "now that he did

not %o to the river beca'se 9e stood in need of baptism* or of the descent of the Spirit li"e a dove& even as 9e s'bmitted to be born and to be cr'cified* not beca'se 9e needed s'ch thin%s* b't beca'se of the h'man race* which from #dam had fallen 'nder the power of death and the %'ile of the serpent* and each one of which had committed personal trans%ression. 7or !od* wishin% both an%els and men* who were endowed with freewill* and at their own disposal* to do whatever 9e had stren%thened each to do* made them so* that if they chose the thin%s acceptable to 9imself* 9e wo'ld "eep them free from death and from p'nishment& b't that if they did evil* 9e wo'ld p'nish each as 9e sees fit. 7or it was not 9is entrance into /er'salem sittin% on an ass* which we have showed was prophesied* that empowered 9im to be :hrist* b't it f'rnished men with a proof that 9e is the :hrist& @'st as it was necessary in the time of /ohn that men have proof* that they mi%ht "now who is :hrist. 7or when /ohn remained(( by the /ordan* and preached the baptism of repentance* wearin% only a leathern %irdle and a vest're made of camels, hair* eatin% nothin% b't loc'sts and wild honey* men s'pposed him to be :hrist& b't he cried to them* ,1 am not the :hrist* b't the voice of one cryin%& for 9e that is stron%er than 1 shall come* whose shoes 1 am not worthy to bear.,() #nd when /es's came to the /ordan* 9e was considered to be the son of /oseph the carpenter& and 9e appeared witho't comeliness* as the Script'res declared& and 9e was deemed a carpenter (for 9e was in the habit of wor"in% as a carpenter when amon% men* ma"in% plo'%hs and yo"es& by which 9e ta'%ht the symbols of ri%hteo'sness and an active life & b't then the 9oly !host* and for man,s sa"e* as 1 formerly stated* li%hted on 9im in the form of a dove* and there came at the same instant from the heavens a voice* which was 'ttered also by 5avid when he spo"e* personatin% :hrist* what the 7ather wo'ld say to 9im: ,Tho' art 2y Son: this day have 1 be%otten Thee&,(+ Fthe 7atherG sayin% that 9is %eneration wo'ld ta"e place for men* at the time when they wo'ld become acC'ainted with 9im: ,Tho' art 2y Son& this day have 1 be%otten thee., =(A :9#8. 6<<<1<.;; T9E :3OSS #6ONE 1S O77ENS1HE TO T3489O ON #::O0NT O7 T9E :03SE* 4ET 1T 83OHES T9#T /ES0S 1S :931ST. Then Trypho remar"ed* =Be ass'red that all o'r nation waits for :hrist& and we admit that all the Script'res which yo' have C'oted refer to 9im. 2oreover* 1 do also admit that the name of /es's* by which the the son of Nave (N'n was called* has inclined me very stron%ly to adopt this view.

B't whether :hrist sho'ld be so shamef'lly cr'cified* this we are in do'bt abo't. 7or whosoever is cr'cified is said in the law to be acc'rsed* so that 1 am exceedin%ly incred'lo's on this point. 1t is C'ite clear* indeed* that the Script'res anno'nce that :hrist had to s'ffer& b't we wish to learn if yo' can prove it to 's whether it was by the s'fferin% c'rsed in the law.= 1 replied to him* =1f :hrist was not to s'ffer* and the prophets had not foretold that 9e wo'ld be led to death on acco'nt of the sins of the people* and be dishono'red and sco'r%ed* and rec"oned amon% the trans%ressors* and as a sheep be led to the sla'%hter* whose %eneration* the prophet says* no man can declare* then yo' wo'ld have %ood ca'se to wonder. B't if these are to be characteristic of 9im and mar" 9im o't to all* how is it possible for 's to do anythin% else than believe in 9im most confidently? #nd will not as many as have 'nderstood the writin%s of the prophets* whenever they hear merely that 9e was cr'cified* say that this is 9e and no other?= :9#8. <:.;;T9E ST3ET:9E5;O0T 9#N5S O7 2OSES S1!N171E5 BE7O3E9#N5 T9E :3OSS. =Brin% 's on* then*= said FTryphoG* =by the Script'res* that we may also be pers'aded by yo'& for we "now that 9e sho'ld s'ffer and be led as a sheep. B't prove to 's whether 9e m'st be cr'cified and die so dis%racef'lly and so dishono'rably by the death c'rsed in the law.(B 7or we cannot brin% o'rselves even to thin" of this.= =4o' "now*= said 1* =that what the prophets said and did they veiled by parables and types* as yo' admitted to 's& so that it was not easy for all to 'nderstand the most Fof what they saidG* since they concealed the tr'th by these means* that those who are ea%er to find o't and learn it mi%ht do so with m'ch labo'r.= They answered* =We admitted this.= =6isten* therefore*= say 1* =to what follows& for 2oses first exhibited this seemin% c'rse of :hrist,s by the si%ns which he made.= =Of what Fsi%nsG do yo' spea"?= said he.

=When the people*= replied 1* =wa%ed war with #male"* and the son of Nave (N'n by name /es's (/osh'a * led the fi%ht* 2oses himself prayed to !od* stretchin% o't both hands* and 9'r with #aron s'pported them d'rin% the whole day* so that they mi%ht not han% down when he %ot wearied. 7or if he %ave 'p any part of this si%n* which was an imitation of the cross* the people were beaten* as is recorded in the writin%s of 2oses& b't if he remained in this form* #male" was proportionally defeated* and he who prevailed prevailed by the cross. 7or it was not beca'se 2oses so prayed that the people were stron%er* b't beca'se* while one who bore the name of /es's (/osh'a was in the forefront of the battle* he himself made the si%n of the cross. 7or who of yo' "nows not that the prayer of one who accompanies it with lamentation and tears* with the body prostrate* or with bended "nees* propitiates !od most of all? B't in s'ch a manner neither he nor any other one* while sittin% on a stone* prayed. Nor even the stone symboliIed :hrist* as 1 have shown. :9#8. <:1.;;T9E :3OSS W#S 7O3ETO65 1N T9E B6ESS1N!S O7 /OSE89* #N5 1N T9E SE38ENT T9#T W#S 617TE5 08.. =#nd !od by 2oses shows in another way the force of the mystery of the cross* when 9e said in the blessin% wherewith /oseph was blessed* ,7rom the blessin% of the 6ord is his land& for the seasons of heaven* and for the dews* and for the deep sprin%s from beneath* and for the seasonable fr'its of the s'n*(( and for the comin% to%ether of the months* and for the hei%hts of the everlastin% mo'ntains* and for the hei%hts of the hills* and for the ever;flowin% rivers* and for the fr'its of the fatness of the earth& and let the thin%s accepted by 9im who appeared in the b'sh come on the head and crown of /oseph. 6et him be %lorified amon% his brethren&() his bea'ty is Fli"eG the firstlin% of a b'lloc"& his horns the horns of an 'nicorn: with these shall he p'sh the nations from one end of the earth to another.,(+ Now* no one co'ld say or prove that the horns of an 'nicorn represent any other fact or fi%'re than the type which portrays the cross. 7or the one beam is placed 'pri%ht* from which the hi%hest extremity is raised 'p into a horn* when the other beam is fitted on to it* and the ends appear on both sides as horns @oined on to the one horn. #nd the part which is fixed in the centre* on which are s'spended those who are cr'cified* also stands o't li"e a horn& and it also loo"s li"e a horn con@oined and fixed with the other horns. #nd the expression* ,With these shall he p'sh as with horns the nations from one end of the earth to

another*, is indicative of what is now the fact amon% all the nations. 7or some o't of all the nations* thro'%h the power of this mystery* havin% been so p'shed* that is* pric"ed in their hearts* have t'rned from vain idols and demons to serve !od. B't the same fi%'re is revealed for the destr'ction and condemnation of the 'nbelievers& even as #male" was defeated and 1srael victorio's when the people came o't of E%ypt* by means of the type of the stretchin% o't of 2oses, hands* and the name of /es's (/osh'a * by which the son of Nave (N'n was called. #nd it seems that the type and si%n* which was erected to co'nteract the serpents which bit 1srael* was intended for the salvation of those who believe that death was declared to come thereafter on the serpent thro'%h 9im that wo'ld be cr'cified* b't salvation to those who had been bitten by him and had beta"en themselves to 9im that sent 9is Son into the world to be cr'cified.(A 7or the Spirit of prophecy by 2oses did not teach 's to believe in the serpent* since it shows 's that he was c'rsed by !od from the be%innin%& and in 1saiah tells 's that he shall be p't to death as an enemy by the mi%hty sword* which is :hrist. :9#8. <:11.;;0N6ESS T9E S:318T03ES BE 0N5E3STOO5 T93O0!9 !O5,S !3E#T !3#:E* !O5 W166 NOT #88E#3 TO 9#HE T#0!9T #6W#4S T9E S#2E 31!9TEO0SNESS.. =0nless* therefore* a man by !od,s %reat %race receives the power to 'nderstand what has been said and done by the prophets* the appearance of bein% able to repeat the words or the deeds will not profit him* if he cannot explain the ar%'ment of them. #nd will they not ass'redly appear contemptible to many* since they are related by those who 'nderstood them not? 7or if one sho'ld wish to as" yo' why* since Enoch* Noah with his sons* and all others in similar circ'mstances* who neither were circ'mcised nor "ept the Sabbath* pleased !od* !od demanded by other leaders* and by the %ivin% of the law after the lapse of so many %enerations* that those who lived between the times of #braham and of 2oses be @'stified by circ'mcision* and that those who lived after 2oses be @'stified by circ'mcision and the other ordinances;;to wit* the Sabbath* and sacrifices* and libations*(B and offerin%s& F!od will be slanderedG 'nless yo' show* as 1 have already said* that !od who fore"new was aware that yo'r nation wo'ld deserve exp'lsion from /er'salem* and that none wo'ld be permitted to enter into it.(7or(D yo' are not distin%'ished in any other way than by the fleshly circ'mcision* as 1 remar"ed previo'sly. 7or #braham was

declared by !od to be ri%hteo's* not on acco'nt of circ'mcision* b't on acco'nt of faith. 7or before he was circ'mcised the followin% statement was made re%ardin% him: ,#braham believed !od* and it was acco'nted 'nto him for ri%hteo'sness.,(E #nd we* therefore* in the 'ncirc'mcision of o'r flesh* believin% !od thro'%h :hrist* and havin% that circ'mcision which is of advanta%e to 's who have acC'ired it;;namely* that of the heart;;we hope to appear ri%hteo's before and well;pleasin% to !od: since already we have received 9is testimony thro'%h the words of the prophets. F#nd* f'rther* !od will be slandered 'nless yo' showG that yo' were commanded to observe the Sabbath* and to present offerin%s* and that the 6ord s'bmitted to have a place called by the name of !od* in order that* as has been said* yo' mi%ht not become impio's and %odless by worshippin% idols and for%ettin% !od* as indeed yo' do always appear to have been. (Now* that !od en@oined the ordinances of Sabbaths and offerin%s for these reasons* 1 have proved in what 1 previo'sly remar"ed& b't for the sa"e of those who came to;day* 1 wish to repeat nearly the whole. 7or if this is not the case* !od will be slandered*(( as havin% no fore"nowled%e* and as not teachin% all men to "now and to do the same acts of ri%hteo'sness (for many. %enerations of men appear to have existed before 2oses & and the Script're is not tr'e which affirms that ,!od is tr'e and ri%hteo's* and all 9is ways are @'d%ments* and there is no 'nri%hteo'sness in him., B't since the Script're is tr'e* !od is always willin% that s'ch even as yo' be neither foolish nor lovers of yo'rselves* in order that yo' may obtain the salvation of :hrist*() who pleased !od* and received testimony from 9im* as 1 have already said* by alle%in% proof from the holy words of prophecy. :9#8. <:111.;;T9E S#2E J1N5 O7 31!9TEO0SNESS 1S BESTOWE5 ON #66. :931ST :O283E9EN5S 1T 1N TWO 83E:E8TS. =7or F!odG sets before every race of man"ind that which is always and 'niversally @'st* as well as all ri%hteo'sness& and every race "nows that ad'ltery* and fornication* and homicide*(+ and s'ch li"e* are sinf'l& and tho'%h they all commit s'ch practices* yet they do not escape from the "nowled%e that they act 'nri%hteo'sly whenever they so do* with the exception of those who are possessed with an 'nclean spirit* and who have been debased by ed'cation* by wic"ed c'stoms* and by sinf'l instit'tions* and who have lost* or rather C'enched and p't 'nder* their nat'ral ideas. 7or we may see that s'ch persons are 'nwillin% to s'bmit to the same thin%s which they inflict 'pon others* and reproach each other with hostile

consciences for the acts which they perpetrate. #nd hence 1 thin" that o'r 6ord and Savio'r /es's :hrist spo"e well when 9e s'mmed 'p all ri%hteo'sness and piety in two commandments. They are these: ,Tho' shalt love the 6ord thy !od with all thy heart* and with all thy stren%th* and thy nei%hbo'r as thyself.,(A 7or the man who loves !od with all the heart* and with all the stren%th* bein% filled with a !od;fearin% mind* will reverence no other %od& and since !od wishes it* he wo'ld reverence that an%el who is beloved by the same 6ord and !od. #nd the man who loves his nei%hbo'r as himself will wish for him the same %ood thin%s that he wishes for himself* and no man will wish evil thin%s for himself. #ccordin%ly* he who loves his nei%hbo'r wo'ld pray and labo'r that his nei%hbo'r may be possessed of the same benefits as himself. Now nothin% else is nei%hbo'r to man than that similarly;affectioned and reasonable bein%;;man. Therefore* since all ri%hteo'sness is divided into two branches* namely* in so far as it re%ards !od and men* whoever* says the Script're* loves the 6ord !od with all the heart* and all the stren%th* and his nei%hbo'r as himself* wo'ld be tr'ly a ri%hteo's man. B't yo' were never shown to be possessed of friendship or love either towards !od* or towards the prophets* or towards yo'rselves* b't* as is evident* yo' are ever fo'nd to be idolaters and m'rderers of ri%hteo's men* so that yo' laid hands even on :hrist 9imself& and to this very day yo' abide in yo'r wic"edness* execratin% those who prove that this man who was cr'cified by yo' is the :hrist. Nay* more than this* yo' s'ppose that 9e was cr'cified as hostile to and c'rsed by !od* which s'pposition is the prod'ct of yo'r most irrational mind. 7or tho'%h yo' have the means of 'nderstandin% that this man is :hrist from the si%ns %iven by 2oses* yet yo' will not& b't* in addition* fancyin% that we can have no ar%'ments* yo' p't whatever C'estion comes into yo'r minds* while yo' yo'rselves are at a loss for ar%'ments whenever yo' meet with some firmly established :hristian. :9#8. <:1H.;; 1N W9#T SENSE 9E W9O 9#N!S ON # T3EE 1S :03SE5. =7or tell me* was it not !od who commanded by 2oses that no ima%e or li"eness of anythin% which was in heaven above or which was on the earth sho'ld be made* and yet who ca'sed the braIen serpent to be made by 2oses in the wilderness* and set it 'p for a si%n by which those bitten by serpents were saved? 4et is 9e free from 'nri%hteo'sness. 7or by this* as 1 previo'sly remar"ed* 9e proclaimed the mystery* by which 9e declared that 9e wo'ld brea" the power of the serpent which occasioned the trans%ression of #dam* and Fwo'ld brin%G to them that believe on 9im Fwho was

foreshadowedG by this si%n* i.e.* 9im who was to be cr'cified* salvation from the fan%s of the serpent* which are wic"ed deeds* idolatries* and other 'nri%hteo's acts. 0nless the matter be so 'nderstood* %ive me a reason why 2oses set 'p the braIen serpent for a si%n* and bade those that were bitten %aIe at it* and the wo'nded were healed& and this* too* when he had himself commanded that no li"eness of anythin% whatsoever sho'ld be made.= On this* another of those who came on the second day said* =4o' have spo"en tr'ly: we cannot %ive a reason. 7or 1 have freC'ently interro%ated the teachers abo't this matter* and none of them %ave me a reason: therefore contin'e what yo' are spea"in%& for we are payin% attention while yo' 'nfold the mystery* on acco'nt of which the doctrines of the prophets are falsely slandered.= Then 1 replied* =/'st as !od commanded the si%n to be made by the braIen serpent* and yet 9e is blameless& even so* tho'%h a c'rse lies in the law a%ainst persons who are cr'cified* yet no c'rse lies on the :hrist of !od* by whom all that have committed thin%s worthy of a c'rse are saved.(( :9#8. <:H.;;:931ST TOOJ 08ON 912SE67 T9E :03SE 50E TO 0S. =7or the whole h'man race will be fo'nd to be 'nder a c'rse. 7or it is written in the law of 2oses* ,:'rsed is every one that contin'eth not in all thin%s that are written in the boo" of the law to do them.,() #nd no one has acc'rately done all* nor will yo' vent're to deny this& b't some more and some less than others have observed the ordinances en@oined. B't if those who are 'nder this law appear to be 'nder a c'rse for not havin% observed all the reC'irements* how m'ch more shall all the nations appear to be 'nder a c'rse who practise idolatry* who sed'ce yo'ths* and commit other crimes? 1f* then* the 7ather of all wished 9is :hrist for the whole h'man family to ta"e 'pon 9im the c'rses of all* "nowin% that* after 9e had been cr'cified and was dead* 9e wo'ld raise 9im 'p* why do yo' ar%'e abo't 9im* who s'bmitted to s'ffer these thin%s accordin% to the 7ather,s will* as if 9e were acc'rsed* and do not rather bewail yo'rselves? 7or altho'%h 9is 7ather ca'sed 9im to s'ffer these thin%s in behalf of the h'man family* yet yo' did not commit the deed as in obedience to the will of !od. 7or yo' did not practise piety when yo' slew the prophets. #nd let none of yo' say: 1f 9is 7ather wished 9im to s'ffer this* in order that by 9is stripes the

h'man race mi%ht be healed* we have done no wron%. 1f* indeed* yo' repent of yo'r sins* and reco%nise 9im to be :hrist* and observe 9is commandments* then yo' may assert this& for* as 1 have said before* remission of sins shall be yo'rs. B't if yo' c'rse 9im and them that believe on 9im* and* when yo' have the power* p't them to death* how is it possible that reC'isition shall not be made of yo'* as of 'nri%hteo's and sinf'l men* alto%ether hard;hearted and witho't 'nderstandin%* beca'se yo' laid yo'r hands on 9im? :9#8. <:H1.;;T9#T :03SE W#S # 83E51:T1ON O7 T9E T91N!S W91:9 T9E /EWS WO065 5O. =7or the statement in the law* ,:'rsed is every one that han%eth on a tree*,(+ confirms o'r hope which depends on the cr'cified :hrist* not beca'se 9e who has been cr'cified is c'rsed by !od* b't beca'se !od foretold that which wo'ld be done by yo' all* and by those li"e to yo'r* who do not "now(A that this is 9e who existed before all* who is the eternal 8riest of !od* and Jin%* and :hrist. #nd yo' clearly see that this has come to pass. 7or yo' c'rse in yo'r syna%o%'es all those who are called(B from 9im :hristians& and other nations effectively carry o't the c'rse* p'ttin% to death those who simply confess themselves to be :hristians& to all of whom we say* 4o' are o'r brethren& rather reco%nise the tr'th of !od. #nd while neither they nor yo' are pers'aded by 's* b't strive earnestly to ca'se 's to deny the name of :hrist* we choose rather and s'bmit to death* in the f'll ass'rance that all the %ood which !od has promised thro'%h :hrist 9e will reward 's with. #nd in addition to all this we pray for yo'* that :hrist may have mercy 'pon yo'. 7or 9e ta'%ht 's to pray for o'r enemies also* sayin%* ,6ove yo'r enemies& be "ind and mercif'l* as yo'r heavenly 7ather is.,(D 7or we see that the #lmi%hty !od is "ind and mercif'l* ca'sin% 9is s'n to rise on the 'n;than"f'l and on the ri%hteo's* and sendin% rain on the holy and on the wic"ed& all of whom 9e has ta'%ht 's 9e will @'d%e. :9#8. <:H11.;;OT9E3 83E51:T1ONS O7 T9E :3OSS O7 :931ST. =7or it was not witho't desi%n that the prophet 2oses* when 9'r and #aron 'pheld his hands* remained in this form 'ntil evenin%. 7or indeed the 6ord remained 'pon the tree almost 'ntil evenin%* and they b'ried 9im at eventide& then on the third day 9e rose a%ain. This was declared by 5avid

th's: ,With my voice 1 cried to the 6ord* and 9e heard me o't of 9is holy hill. 1 laid me down* and slept& 1 awa"ed* for the 6ord s'stained me.,(E #nd 1saiah li"ewise mentions concernin% 9im the manner in which 9e wo'ld die* th's: ,1 have spread o't 2y hands 'nto a people disobedient* and %ainsayin%* that wal" in a way which is not %ood.,(L #nd that 9e wo'ld rise a%ain* 1saiah himself said: ,9is b'rial has been ta"en away from the midst* and 1 will %ive the rich for 9is death.,(M #nd a%ain* in other words* 5avid in the twenty;first((O 8salm th's refers to the s'fferin% and to the cross in a parable of mystery: ,They pierced my hands and my feet& they co'nted all my bones. They considered and %aIed on me& they parted my %arments amon% themselves* and cast lots 'pon my vest're., 7or when they cr'cified 9im* drivin% in the nails* they pierced 9is hands and feet& and those who cr'cified 9im parted 9is %arments amon% themselves* each castin% lots for what he chose to have* and receivin% accordin% to the decision of the lot. #nd this very 8salm yo' maintain does not refer to :hrist& for yo' are in all respects blind* and do not 'nderstand that no one in yo'r nation who has been called Jin% or :hrist has ever had his hands or feet pierced while alive* or has died in this mysterio's fashion;;to wit* by the cross;;save this /es's alone. :9#8. <:H111.;; 83E51:T1ONS O7 :931ST 1N 8S. <<11. =1 shall repeat the whole 8salm* in order that yo' may hear 9is reverence to the 7ather* and how 9e refers all thin%s to 9im* and prays to be delivered by 9im from this death& at the same time declarin% in the 8salm who they are that rise 'p a%ainst 9im* and showin% that 9e has tr'ly become man capable of s'fferin%. 1t is as follows: ,O !od* my !od* attend to me why hast Tho' forsa"en me? The words of my trans%ressions are far from my salvation. O my !od* 1 will cry to Thee in the day;time* and Tho' wilt not hear& and in the ni%ht;season* and it is not for want of 'nderstandin% in me. B't Tho'* the 8raise of 1srael* inhabitest the holy place. O'r fathers tr'sted in Thee& they tr'sted* and Tho' didst deliver them. They cried 'nto Thee* and were delivered: they tr'sted in Thee* and were not confo'nded. B't 1 am a worm* and no man& a reproach of men* and despised of the people. #ll they that see me la'%hed me to scorn& they spa"e with the lips* they shoo" the head: 9e tr'sted on the 6ord: let 9im deliver him* let 9im save him* since he desires 9im. 7or Tho' art 9e that too" me o't of the womb& my hope from the breasts of my mother 1 was cast 'pon Thee from the womb. Tho' art my !od from my mother,s belly: be not far from me* for tro'ble is near& for there is none to help. 2any calves have

compassed me& fat b'lls have beset me ro'nd. They opened their mo'th 'pon me* as a ravenin% and roarin% lion. #ll my bones are po'red o't and dispersed li"e water. 2y heart has become li"e wax meltin% in the midst of my belly. 2y stren%th is dried 'p li"e a potsherd& and my ton%'e has cleaved to my throat& and Tho' hast bro'%ht me into the d'st of death. 7or many do%s have s'rro'nded me& the assembly of the wic"ed have beset me ro'nd. They pierced my hands and my feet* they did tell all my bones. They did loo" and stare 'pon me& they parted my %arments amon% them* and cast lots 'pon my vest're. B't do not Tho' remove Thine assist;ante from me* O 6ord: %ive heed to help me& deliver my so'l from the sword* and my(( only; be%otten from the hand of the do%. Save me from the lion,s mo'th* and my h'mility from the horns of the 'nicorns. 1 will declare Thy name to my brethren& in the midst of the :h'rch will 1 praise Thee. 4e that fear the 6ord* praise 9im: all ye the seed of /acob* %lorify 9im. 6et all the seed of 1srael fear 9im., = :9#8. <:1<.;;1N T9E :O22EN:E2ENT O7 T9E 8S#62 #3E :931ST,S 541N! WO35S. #nd when 1 had said these words* 1 contin'ed: =Now 1 will demonstrate to yo' that the whole 8salm refers th's to :hrist* by the words which 1 shall a%ain explain. What is said at first;;,O !od* my !od* attend to me: why hast Tho' forsa"en me?,;;anno'nced from the be%innin% that which was to be said in the time of :hrist. 7or when cr'cified* 9e spa"e: ,O !od* my !od* why hast Tho' forsa"en me?, #nd what follows: ,The words of my trans%ressions are far from my salvation. O my !od* 1 will cry to Thee in the day;time* and Tho' wilt not hear& and in the ni%ht;season* and it is not for want of 'nderstandin% in me., These* as well as the thin%s which 9e was to do* were spo"en. 7or on the day on which 9e was to be cr'cified*() havin% ta"en three of 9is disciples to the hill called Olivet* sit'ated opposite to the temple in /er'salem* 9e prayed in these words: ,7ather* if it be possible* let this c'p pass from me.,(+ #nd a%ain 9e prayed: =Not as 1 will* b't as Tho' wilt&,(A showin% by this that 9e had become tr'ly a s'fferin% man. B't lest any one sho'ld say* 9e did not "now then that 9e had to s'ffer* 9e adds immediately in the 8salm: ,#nd it is not for want of 'nder standin% in me., Even as there was no i%norance on !od,s part when 9e as"ed #dam where he was* or as"ed :ain where #bel was& b't Fit was doneG to convince each what "ind of man he was* and in order that thro'%h the record Fof Script'reG we mi%ht have a "nowled%e of all: so li"ewise :hrist declared that i%norance was not on 9is side* b't on theirs* who tho'%ht

that 9e was not the :hrist* b't fancied they wo'ld p't 9im to death* and that 9e* li"e some common mortal* wo'ld remain in 9ades. :9#8. :.;;1N W9#T SENSE :931ST 1S F:#66E5G /#:OB* #N5 1S3#E6* #N5 SON O7 2#N. =Then what follows;;,B't Tho'* the praise of 1srael* inhabitest the holy place,;;declared that 9e is to do somethin% worthy of praise and wonderment* bein% abo't to rise a%ain from the dead on the third day after the cr'cifixion& and this 9e has obtained from the 7ather. 7or 1 have showed already that :hrist is called both /acob and 1srael& and 1 have proved that it is not in the blessin% of /oseph and /'dah alone that what relates to 9im was proclaimed mysterio'sly* b't also in the !ospel it is written that 9e said: ,#ll thin%s are delivered 'nto me by 2y 7ather&, and* ,No man "noweth the 7ather b't the Son& nor the Son b't the 7ather* and they to whom the Son will reveal 9im.,(( #ccordin%ly 9e revealed to 's all that we have perceived by 9is %race o't of the Script'res* so that we "now 9im to be the first;be%otten of !od* and to be before all creat'res& li"ewise to be the Son of the patriarchs* since 9e ass'med flesh by the Hir%in of their family* and s'bmitted to become a man witho't comeliness* dishono'red* and s'b@ect to s'fferin%. 9ence* also* amon% 9is words 9e said* when 9e was disco'rsin% abo't 9is f't're s'fferin%s: =The Son of man m'st s'ffer many thin%s* and be re@ected by the 8harisees and Scribes* and be cr'cified* and on the third day rise a%ain.,() 9e said then that 9e was the Son of man* either beca'se of 9is birth by the Hir%in* who was* as 1 said* of the family of 5avid(+ and /acob* and 1saac* and #braham& or beca'se #dam(A was the father both of 9imself and of those who have been first en'merated from whom 2ary derives her descent. 7or we "now that the fathers of women are the fathers li"ewise of those children whom their da'%hters bear. 7or F:hristG called one of 9is disciples;;previo'sly "nown by the name of Simon;;8eter& since he reco%nised 9im to be :hrist the Son. of !od* by the revelation of 9is 7ather: and since we find it recorded in the memoirs of 9is apostles that 9e is the Son of !od* and since we call 9im the Son* we have 'nderstood that 9e proceeded before all creat'res from the 7ather by 9is power and will (for 9e is addressed in the writin%s of the prophets in one way or another as Wisdom* and the 5ay*(B and the East* and a Sword* and a Stone* and a 3od* and /acob* and 1srael & and that 9e became man by the Hir%in* in order that the disobedience which proceeded from the serpent mi%ht receive its destr'ction in the same manner in which

it derived its ori%in. 7or Eve* who was a vir%in and 'ndefiled* havin% conceived the word of the serpent* bro'%ht forth disobedience and death. B't the Hir%in 2ary received faith and @oy* when the an%el !abriel anno'nced the %ood tidin%s to her that the Spirit of the 6ord wo'ld come 'pon her* and the power of the 9i%hest wo'ld overshadow her: wherefore also the 9oly Thin% be%otten of her is the Son of !od&(D and she replied* ,Be it 'nto me accordin% to thy word., =(E #nd by her has 9e been born* to whom we have proved so many Script'res refer* and by whom !od destroys both the serpent and those an%els and men who are li"e him& b't wor"s deliverance from death to those who repent of their wic"edness and believe 'pon 9im. :9#8. :1.;;:931ST 3E7E3S #66 T91N!S TO T9E 7#T9E3 =Then what follows of the 8salm is this* in which 9e says: ,O'r fathers tr'sted in Thee& they tr'sted* and Tho' didst deliver them. They cried 'nto Thee* and were not confo'nded. B't 1 am a worm* and no man& a reproach of men* and despised of the people&, which show that 9e admits them to be 9is fathers* who tr'sted in !od and were saved by 9im* who also were the fathers of the Hir%in* by whom 9e was born and became man& and 9e foretells that 9e shall be saved by the same !od* b't boasts not in accomplishin% anythin% thro'%h 9is own will or mi%ht. 7or when on earth 9e acted in the very same manner* and answered to one who addressed 9im as, !ood 2aster:, Why callest tho' me %ood? One is %ood* my 7ather who is in heaven.,(L B't when 9e says* 1 am a worm* and no man& a reproach of men* and despised of the people*, 9e prophesied the thin%s which do exist* and which happen to 9im. 7or we who believe on 9im are everywhere a reproach* ,despised of the people&, for* re@ected and dishono'red by yo'r nation* 9e s'ffered those indi%nities which yo' planned a%ainst 9im. #nd the followin%: ,#ll they that see me la'%hed me to scorn& they spa"e with the lips* they shoo" the head: 9e tr'sted in the 6ord& let 9im deliver him* since he desires 9im&, this li"ewise 9e foretold sho'ld happen to 9im. 7or they that saw 9im cr'cified shoo" their heads each one of them* and distorted their lips* and twistin% their noses to each other*(M they spa"e in moc"ery the words which are recorded in the memoirs of 9is apostles: ,9e said he was the Son of !od: let him come down& let !od save him., :9#8. :11.;;T9E 83E51:T1ON O7 T9E EHENTS W91:9 9#88ENE5 TO :931ST W9EN 9E W#S BO3N. W94 !O5 8E321TTE5 1T.

=#nd what follows;;,2y hope from the breasts of my mother. On Thee have 1 been cast from the womb& from my mother,s belly Tho' art my !od: for there is no helper. 2any calves have compassed me& fat b'lls have beset me ro'nd. They opened their mo'th 'pon me* as a ravenin% and a roarin% lion. #ll my bones are po'red o't and dispersed li"e water. 2y heart has become li"es wax meltin% in the midst of my belly. 2y stren%th is become dry li"e a potsherd& and my ton%'e has cleaved to my throat,;;foretold what wo'ld come to pass& for the statement* ,2y hope from the breasts of my mother*, Fis th's explainedG. #s soon as 9e was born in Bethlehem* as 1 previo'sly remar"ed* "in% 9erod* havin% learned from the #rabian 2a%i abo't 9im* made a plot to p't 9im to death and by !od,s command /oseph too" 9im with 2ary and departed into E%ypt. 7or the 7ather had decreed that 9e whom 9e had be%otten sho'ld be p't to death* b't not before 9e had %rown to manhood* and proclaimed the word which proceeded from 9im. B't if any of yo' say to 's* :o'ld not !od rather have p't 9erod to death? 1 ret'rn answer by anticipation: :o'ld not !od have c't off in the be%innin% the serpent* so that he exist not* rather than have said* ,#nd 1 will p't enmity between him and the woman* and between his seed and her seed?,(( :o'ld 9e not have at once created a m'ltit'de of men? B't yet* since 9e "new that it wo'ld be %ood* 9e created both an%els and men free to do that which is ri%hteo's* and 9e appointed periods of time d'rin% which 9e "new it wo'ld be %ood for them to have the exercise of free;will& and beca'se 9e li"ewise "new it wo'ld be %ood* 9e made %eneral and partic'lar @'d%ments& each one,s freedom of will* however* bein% %'arded. 9ence Script're says the followin%* at the destr'ction of the tower* and division and alteration of ton%'es: ,#nd the 6ord said* Behold* the people is one* and they have all one lan%'a%e& and this they have be%'n to do: and now nothin% will be restrained from them of all which they have attempted to do.,() #nd the statement* ,2y stren%th is become dry li"e a potsherd* and my ton%'e has cleaved to my throat*, was also a prophecy of what wo'ld be done by 9im accordin% to the 7ather,s will. 7or the power of 9is stron% word* by which 9e always conf'ted the 8harisees and Scribes* and* in short* all yo'r nation,s teachers that C'estioned 9im* had a cessation li"e a plentif'l and stron% sprin%* the waters of which have been t'rned off* when 9e "ept silence* and chose to ret'rn no answer to any one in the presence of 8ilate& as has been declared in the memoirs of 9is apostles* in order that what is recorded by 1saiah mi%ht have efficacio's fr'it* where it is written* ,The 6ord %ives me a ton%'e* that 1 may "now when 1 o'%ht to spea".,(+ #%ain* when 9e said* ,Tho' art my !od& be not far from me*, 9e ta'%ht that all men o'%ht to hope

in !od who created all thin%s* and see" salvation and help from 9im alone& and not s'ppose* as the rest of men do* that salvation can be obtained by birth* or wealth* or stren%th* or wisdom. #nd s'ch have ever been yo'r practices: at one time yo' made a calf* and always yo' have shown yo'rselves 'n%ratef'l* m'rderers of the ri%hteo's* and pro'd of yo'r descent. 7or if the Son of !od evidently states that 9e can be saved* FneitherG(A beca'se 9e is a son* nor beca'se 9e is stron% or wise* b't that witho't !od 9e cannot be saved* even tho'%h 9e be sinless* as 1saiah declares in words to the effect that even in re%ard to 9is very lan%'a%e 9e committed no sin (for 9e committed no iniC'ity or %'ile with 9is mo'th * how do yo' or others who expect to be saved witho't this hope* s'ppose that yo' are not deceivin% yo'rselves? :9#8. :111.;;T9E 89#31SEES #3E T9E B066S: T9E 3O#31N! 61ON 1S 9E3O5 O3 T9E 5EH16. =Then what is next said in the 8salm;;,7or tro'ble is near* for there is none to help me. 2any calves have compassed me& fat b'lls have beset me ro'nd. They opened their mo'th 'pon me as a ravenin% and roarin% lion. #ll my bones are po'red o't and dispersed li"e water*,;;was li"ewise a prediction of the events which happened to 9im. 7or on that ni%ht when some of yo'r nation* who had been sent by the 8harisees and Scribes* and teachers*(B came 'pon 9im from the 2o'nt(D of Olives* those whom Script're called b'ttin% and premat'rely destr'ctive calves s'rro'nded 9im. #nd the expression* ,7at b'lls have beset me ro'nd*, 9e spo"e beforehand of those who acted similarly to the calves* when 9e was led before yo'r teachers. #nd the Script're described them as b'lls* since we "now that b'lls are a'thors of calves, existence. #s therefore the b'lls are the be%etters of the calves* so yo'r teachers were the ca'se why their children went o't to the 2o'nt of Olives to ta"e 9im and brin% 9im to them. #nd the expression* ,7or there is none to help*, is also indicative of what too" place. 7or there was not even a sin%le man to assist 9im as an innocent person. #nd the expression* ,They opened their mo'th 'pon me li"e a roarin% lion*, desi%nates him who was then "in% of the /ews* and was called 9erod* a s'ccessor of the 9erod who* when :hrist was born* slew all the infants in Bethlehem born abo't the same time* beca'se he ima%ined that amon%st them 9e wo'ld ass'redly be of whom the 2a%i from #rabia had spo"en& for he was i%norant of the will of 9im that is stron%er than all* how 9e had commanded /oseph and 2ary to ta"e the :hild and depart into E%ypt* and there to

remain 'ntil a revelation sho'ld a%ain be made to them to ret'rn into their own co'ntry. #nd there they did remain 'ntil 9erod* who slew the infants in Bethlehem* was dead* and #rchela's had s'cceeded him. #nd he died before :hrist came to the dispensation on the cross which was %iven 9im by 9is 7ather. #nd when 9erod s'cceeded #rchela's* havin% received the a'thority which had been allotted to him* 8ilate sent to him by way of compliment /es's bo'nd& and !od fore"nowin% that this wo'ld happen* had th's spo"en: ,#nd they bro'%ht 9im to the #ssyrian* a present to the "in%.,(( Or 9e meant the devil by the lion roarin% a%ainst 9im: whom 2oses calls the serpent* b't in /ob and Nechariah he is called the devil* and by /es's is addressed as Satan* showin% that a compo'nded name was acC'ired by him from the deeds which he performed. 7or ,Sata, in the /ewish and Syrian ton%'e means apostate& and ,Nas, is the word from which he is called by interpretation the serpent* i.e.* accordin% to the interpretation of the 9ebrew term* from both of which there arises the sin%le word Satanas. 7or this devil* when F/es'sG went 'p from the river /ordan* at the time when the voice spa"e to 9im* ,Tho' art my Son: this day have 1 be%otten Thee*,() is recorded in the memoirs of the apostles to have come to 9im and tempted 9im* even so far as to say to 9im* ,Worship me&, and :hrist answered him* ,!et thee behind me* Satan: tho' shalt worship the 6ord thy !od* and 9im only shalt tho' serve.,(+ 7or as he had deceived #dam* so he hoped(A that he mi%ht contrive some mischief a%ainst :hrist also. 2oreover* the statement* ,#ll my bones are po'red o't(B and dispersed li"e water& my heart has become li"e wax* meltin% in the midst of my belly*, was a prediction of that which happened to 9im on that ni%ht when men came o't a%ainst 9im to the 2o'nt of Olives to seiIe 9im. 7or in the memoirs which 1 say were drawn 'p by 9is apostles and those who followed them* Fit is recordedG that 9is sweat fell down li"e drops of blood while 9e was prayin%* and sayin%* ,1f it be possible* let this c'p pass:,(D 9is heart and also 9is bones tremblin%& 9is heart bein% li"e wax meltin% in 9is belly:(E in order that we may perceive that the 7ather wished 9is Son really(L to 'nder%o s'ch s'fferin%s for o'r sa"es* and may not say that 9e* bein% the Son of !od* did not feel what was happenin% to 9im and inflicted on 9im. 7'rther* the expression* ,2y stren%th is dried 'p li"e a potsherd* and my ton%'e has cleaved to my throat*, was a prediction* as 1 previo'sly remar"ed* of that silence* when 9e who convicted all yo'r teachers of bein% 'nwise ret'rned no answer at all. :9#8. :1H.;;:13:02ST#N:ES O7 :931ST,S 5E#T9 #3E 83E51:TE5 1N T91S B#62.

=#nd the statement* ,Tho' hast bro'%ht me into the d'st of death& for many do%s have s'rro'nded me: the assembly of the wic"ed have beset me ro'nd. They pierced my hands and my feet. They did tell all my bones. They did loo" and stare 'pon me. They parted my %arments amon% them* and cast lots 'pon my vest're*,;;was a prediction* as 1 said before* of the death to which the syna%o%'e of the wic"ed wo'ld condemn 9im* whom 9e calls both do%s and h'nters* declarin% that those who h'nted 9im were both %athered to%ether and assid'o'sly strivin% to condemn 9im. #nd this is recorded to have happened in the memoirs of 9is apostles. #nd 1 have shown that* after 9is cr'cifixion* they who cr'cified 9im parted 9is %arments amon% them. :9#8. :H.;;T9E 8S#62 #6SO 83E51:TS T9E :30:171<1ON #N5 T9E S0B/E:T O7 T9E 6#ST 83#4E3S O7 :931ST ON E#3T9. =#nd what follows of the 8salm*;;,B't Tho'* 6ord* do not remove Thine assistance from me& %ive heed to help me. 5eliver my so'l from the sword* and my(M only;be%otten from the hand of the do%& save me from the lion,s mo'th* and my h'mility from the horns of the 'nicorns*,;;was also information and prediction of the events which sho'ld befall 9im. 7or 1 have already proved that 9e was the only;be%otten of the 7ather of all thin%s* bein% be%otten in a pec'liar manner Word and 8ower by 9im* and havin% afterwards become man thro'%h the Hir%in* as we have learned from the memoirs. 2oreover* it is similarly foretold that 9e wo'ld die by cr'cifixion. 7or the passa%e* ,5eliver my so'l from the sword* and my((O only;be%otten from the hand of the do%& save me from the lion,s mo'th* and my h'mility from the horns of the 'nicorns*, is indicative of the s'fferin% by which 9e sho'ld die* i.e.* by cr'cifixion. 7or the ,horns of the* 'nicorns*, 1 have already explained to yo'* are the fi%'re of the cross only. #nd the prayer that 9is so'l sho'ld be saved from the sword* and lion,s mo'th* and hand of the do%* was a prayer that no one sho'ld ta"e possession of 9is so'l: so that* when we arrive at the end of life* we may as" the same petition from !od* who is able to t'rn away every shameless evil an%el from ta"in% o'r so'ls. #nd that the so'ls s'rvive* 1 have shown(( to yo' from the fact that the so'l of Sam'el was called 'p by the witch* as Sa'l demanded. #nd it appears also* that all the so'ls of similiar ri%hteo's men and prophets fell 'nder the dominion of s'ch powers* as is indeed to be inferred from the very facts in the case of that witch. 9ence also !od by 9is Son teaches() 's for whose sa"e these thin%s seem to

have been done* always to strive earnestly* and at death to pray that o'r so'ls may not fall into the hands of any s'ch power. 7or when :hrist was %ivin% 'p 9is spirit on the cross* 9e said* ,7ather* into Thy hands 1 commend my spirit*,(+ as 1 have learned also from the memoirs. 7or 9e exhorted 9is disciples to s'rpass the pharisaic way of livin%* with the warnin%* that if they did not* they mi%ht be s're they co'ld not be saved& and these words are recorded in the memoirs: ,0nless yo'r ri%hteo'sness exceed that of the Scribes and 8harisees* ye shall not enter into the "in%dom of heaven.,(A :9#8. :H1.;;:931ST,S 3ES033E:T1ON 1S 7O3ETO65 1N T9E :ON:60S1ON O7 T9E 8S#62. =The remainder of the 8salm ma"es it manifest that 9e "new 9is 7ather wo'ld %rant to 9im all thin%s which 9e as"ed* and wo'ld raise 9im from the dead& and that 9e 'r%ed all who fear !od to praise 9im beca'se 9e had compassion on all races of believin% men* thro'%h the mystery of 9im who was cr'cified& and that 9e stood in the midst of 9is brethren the apostles (who repented of their fli%ht from 9im when 9e was cr'cified* after 9e rose from the dead* and after they were pers'aded by 9imself that* before 9is passion 9e had mentioned to them that 9e m'st s'ffer these thin%s* and that they were anno'nced beforehand by the prophets * and when livin% with them san% praises to !od* as is made evident in the memoirs of the apostles. The words are the followin%: ,1 will declare Thy name to my brethren& in the midst of the :h'rch will 1 praise Thee. 4e that fear the 6ord* praise 9im& all ye* the seed of /acob* %lorify 9im. 6et all the seed of 1srael fear 9im., #nd when it is said that 9e chan%ed the name of one of the apostles to 8eter& and when it is written in the memoirs of 9im that this so happened* as well as that 9e chan%ed the names of other two brothers* the sons of Nebedee* to Boaner%es* which means sons of th'nder& this was an anno'ncement of the fact that it was 9e by whom /acob was called 1srael* and Oshea called /es's (/osh'a * 'nder whose name the people who s'rvived of those that came from E%ypt were cond'cted into the land promised to the patriarchs. #nd that 9e sho'ld arise li"e a star from the seed of #braham* 2oses showed before hand when he th's said* ,# star shall arise from /acob* and a leader from 1srael&,(B and another Script're says* ,Behold a man& the East is 9is name.,(D #ccordin%ly* when a star rose in heaven at the time of 9is birth* as is recorded in the

memoirs of 9is apostles* the 2a%i from #rabia* reco%nisin% the si%n by this* came and worshipped 9im. :9#8. :H11.;;T9E S#2E 1S T#0!9T 73O2 T9E 91STO34 O7 /ON#9. =#nd that 9e wo'ld rise a%ain on the third day after the cr'cifixion* it is written(E in the memoirs that some of yo'r nation* C'estionin% 9im* said* ,Show 's a si%n&, and 9e replied to them* ,#n evil and ad'ltero's %eneration see"eth after a si%n& and no si%n shall be %iven them* save the si%n of /onah., #nd since 9e spo"e this obsc'rely* it was to be 'nderstood by the a'dience that after 9is cr'cifixion 9e sho'ld rise a%ain on the third day. #nd 9e showed that yo'r %eneration was more wic"ed and more ad'ltero's than the city of Nineveh& for the latter* when /onah preached to them* after he had been cast 'p on the third day from the belly of the %reat fish* that after three (in other versions* forty (L days they sho'ld all perish* proclaimed a fast of all creat'res* men and beasts* with sac"cloth* and with earnest lamentation* with tr'e repentance from the heart* and t'rnin% away from 'nri%hteo'sness* in the belief that !od is mercif'l and "ind to all who t'rn from wic"edness& so that the "in% of that city himself* with his nobles also* p't on sac"cloth and remained fastin% and prayin%* and obtained their reC'est that the city sho'ld not be overthrown. B't when /onah was %rieved that on the (fortieth third day* as he proclaimed* the city was not overthrown* by the dispensation of a %o'rd (M sprin%in% 'p from the earth for him* 'nder which he sat and was shaded from the heat (now the %o'rd had spr'n% 'p s'ddenly* and /onah had neither planted nor watered it* b't it had come 'p all at once to afford him shade * and by the other dispensation of its witherin% away* for which /onah %rieved* F!odG convicted him of bein% 'n@'stly displeased beca'se the city of Nineveh had not been overthrown* and said* ,Tho' hast had pity on the %o'rd* for the which tho' hast not labo'red* neither madest it %row& which came 'p in a ni%ht* and perished in a ni%ht. #nd shall 1 not spare Nineveh* the %reat city* wherein dwell more than six score tho'sand persons that cannot discern between their ri%ht hand and their left hand& and also m'ch cattle?,(( :9#8. :H11.;;T9E 3ES033E:T1ON O7 :931ST 515 NOT :ONHE3T T9E /EWS. B0T T93O0!9 T9E W9O6E WO365 T9E4 9#HE SENT 2EN TO #::0SE :931ST.

=#nd tho'%h all the men of yo'r nation "new the incidents in the life of /onah* and tho'%h :hrist said amon%st yo' that 9e wo'ld %ive the si%n of /onah* exhortin% yo' to repent of yo'r wic"ed deeds at least after 9e rose a%ain from the dead* and to mo'rn before !od as did the Ninevites* in order that yo'r nation and city mi%ht not be ta"en and destroyed* as they have been destroyed& yet yo' not only have not repented* after yo' learned that 9e rose from the dead* b't* as 1 said before() yo' have sent chosen and ordained men thro'%ho't all the world to proclaim that a %odless and lawless heresy had spr'n% from one /es's* a !alilaean deceiver* whom we cr'cified* b't his disciples stole him by ni%ht from the tomb* where he was laid when 'nfastened from the cross* and now deceive men by assertin% that he has risen from the dead and ascended to heaven. 2oreover* yo' acc'se 9im of havin% ta'%ht those %odless* lawless* and 'nholy doctrines which yo' mention to the condemnation of those who confess 9im to be :hrist* and a Teacher from and Son of !od. Besides this* even when yo'r city is capt'red* and yo'r land rava%ed* yo' do not repent* b't dare to 'tter imprecations on 9im and all who believe in 9im. 4et we do not hate yo' or those who* by yo'r means* have conceived s'ch pre@'dices a%ainst 's& b't we pray that even now all of yo' may repent and obtain mercy from !od* the compassionate and lon%;s'fferin% 7ather of all. :9#8. :1<.;;T9E :ONHE3S1ON O7 T9E !ENT16ES 9#S BEEN 83E51:TE5 B4 21:#9. =B't that the !entiles wo'ld repent of the evil in which they led errin% lives* when they heard the doctrine preached by 9is apostles from /er'salem* and which they learned(+ thro'%h them* s'ffer me to show yo' by C'otin% a short statement from the prophecy of 2icah* one of the twelve Fminor prophetsG. This is as follows: ,#nd in the last days the mo'ntain of the 6ord shall be manifest* established on the top of the mo'ntains& it shall be exalted above the hills* arid people shall flow 'nto it.(A #nd many nations shall %o* and say* :ome* let 's %o 'p to the mo'ntain of the 6ord* and to the ho'se of the !od of /acob& and they shall enli%hten 's in 9is way* and we shall wal" in 9is paths: for o't of Nion shall %o forth the law* and the word of the 6ord from /er'salem. #nd 9e shall @'d%e amon% many peoples* and shall reb'"e stron% nations afar off& and they shall beat their swords into plo'%hshares* and their spears into sic"les: nation shall not lift 'p a sword a%ainst nation* neither shall they learn war any more. #nd each man shall sit 'nder his vine and 'nder his fi% tree& and there shall be none to terrify: for the mo'th of the 6ord of hosts hath spo"en

it. 7or all people will wal" in the name of their %ods& b't we will wal" in the name of the 6ord o'r !od for ever. #nd it shall come to pass in that day* that 1 will assemble her that is afflicted* and %ather her that is driven o't* and whom 1 had pla%'ed& and 1 shall ma"e her that is afflicted a remnant* and her that is oppressed a stron% nation. #nd the 6ord shall rei%n over them in 2o'nt Nion from henceforth* and even for ever., =(B :9#8. :<.;;# 8O3T1ON O7 T9E 83O89E:4 #63E#54 7067166E5 1N T9E :931ST1#NS: T9E 3EST S9#66 BE 7067166E5 #T T9E SE:ON5 #5HENT. #nd when 1 had finished these words* 1 contin'ed: =Now 1 am aware that yo'r teachers* sirs* admit the whole of the words of this passa%e to refer to :hrist& and 1 am li"ewise aware that they maintain 9e has not yet come& or if they say that 9e has come* they assert that it is not "nown who 9e is& b't when 9e shall become manifest and %lorio's* then it shall be "nown who 9e is. #nd then* they say* the events mentioned in this passa%e shall happen* @'st as if there was no fr'it as yet from the words of the prophecy. O 'nreasonin% men> 'nderstandin% not what has been proved by all these passa%es* that two advents of :hrist have been anno'nced: the one* in which 9e is set forth as s'fferin%* in%lorio's* dishono'red* and cr'cified& b't the other* in which 9e shall come from heaven with %lory* when the man of apostasy*(D who spea"s stran%e thin%s a%ainst the 2ost 9i%h* shall vent're to do 'nlawf'l deeds on the earth a%ainst 's the :hristians* who* havin% learned the tr'e worship of !od from the law* and the word which went forth from /er'salem by means of the apostles of /es's* have fled for safety to the !od of /acob and !od of 1srael& and we who were filled with war* and m't'al sla'%hter* and every wic"edness* have each thro'%h the whole earth chan%ed o'r warli"e weapons*;;o'r swords into plo'%hshares* and o'r spears into implements of tilla%e*;;and we c'ltivate piety* ri%hteo'sness* philanthropy* faith* and hope* which we have from the 7ather 9imself thro'%h 9im who was cr'cified& and sittin% each 'nder his vine* i.e.* each man possessin% his own married wife. 7or yo' are aware that the prophetic word says* ,#nd his wife shall be li"e a fr'itf'l vine.,(( Now it is evident that no one can terrify or s'bd'e 's who have believed in /es's over all the world. 7or it is plain that* tho'%h beheaded* and cr'cified* and thrown to wild beasts* and chains* and fire* and all other "inds of tort're* we do not %ive 'p o'r confession& b't the more s'ch thin%s happen* the more do others and in lar%er n'mbers become faithf'l* and worshippers of !od thro'%h the name of /es's. 7or /'st as if one sho'ld

c't away the fr'it;bearin% parts of a vine* it %rows 'p a%ain* and yields other branches flo'rishin% and fr'itf'l& even so the same thin% happens with 's. 7or the vine planted by !od and :hrist the Savio'r is 9is people. B't the rest of the prophecy shall be f'lfilled at 9is second comin%. 7or the expression* ,9e that is afflicted Fand driven o'tG*, i.e.* from the world* FimpliesG that* so far as yo' and all other men have it in yo'r power* each :hristian has been driven o't not only from his own property* b't even from the whole world& for yo' permit no :hristian to live. B't yo' say that the same fate has befallen yo'r own nation. Now* if yo' have been cast o't after defeat in battle* yo' have s'ffered s'ch treatment @'stly indeed* as all the Script'res bear witness& b't we* tho'%h we have done no s'ch Fevil actsG after we "new the tr'th of !od* are testified to by !od* that* to%ether with the most ri%hteo's* and only spotless and sinless :hrist* we are ta"en away o't of the earth. 7or 1saiah cries* ,Behold how the ri%hteo's perishes* and no man lays it to heart& and ri%hteo's men are ta"en away* and no man considers it.,() :9#8. :<1.;;T9E TWO #5HENTS WE3E S1!N171E5 B4 T9E TWO !O#TS. OT9E3 71!03ES O7 T9E 713ST #5HENT* 1N W91:9 T9E !ENT16ES #3E 73EE5 B4 T9E B6OO5 O7 :931ST. =#nd that it was declared by symbol* even in the time of 2oses* that there wo'ld be two advents of this :hrist* as 1 have mentioned previo'sly* Fis manifestG from the symbol of the %oats presented for sacrifice d'rin% the fast. #nd a%ain* by what 2oses and /osh'a did* the same thin% was symbolically anno'nced and told beforehand. 7or the one of them* stretchin% o't his hands* remained till evenin% on the hill* his hands bein% s'pported& and this reveals a type of no other thin% than of the cross: and the other* whose name was altered to /es's (/osh'a * led the fi%ht* and 1srael conC'ered. Now this too" place in the case of both those holy men and prophets of !od* that yo' may perceive how one of them co'ld not bear 'p both the mysteries: 1 mean* the type of the cross and the type of the name. 7or this is* was* and shall be the stren%th of 9im alone* whose name every power dreads* bein% very m'ch tormented beca'se they shall be destroyed by 9im. Therefore o'r s'fferin% and cr'cified :hrist was not c'rsed by the law* b't made it manifest that 9e alone wo'ld save those who do not depart from 9is faith. #nd the blood of the passover* sprin"led on each man,s door;posts and lintel* delivered those who were saved in E%ypt*

when the first;born of the E%yptians were destroyed. 7or the passover was :hrist* who was afterwards sacrificed* as also 1saiah said* ,9e was led as a sheep to the sla'%hter.,(+ #nd it is written* that on the day of the passover yo' seiIed 9im* and that also d'rin% the passover yo' cr'cified 9im. #nd as the blood of the passover saved those who were in E%ypt* so also the blood of :hrist will deliver from death those who have believed. Wo'ld !od* then* have been deceived if this si%n had not been above the doors? 1 do not say that& b't 1 affirm that 9e anno'nced beforehand the f't're salvation for the h'man race thro'%h the blood of :hrist. 7or the si%n of the scarlet thread* which the spies* sent to /ericho by /osh'a* son of Nave (N'n * %ave to 3ahab the harlot* tellin% her to bind it to the window thro'%h which she let them down to escape from their enemies* also manifested the symbol of the blood of :hrist* by which those who were at one time harlots and 'nri%hteo's persons o't of all nations are saved* receivin% remission of sins* and contin'in% no lon%er in sin. :9#8. :<11.;;T9E /EWS E<8O0N5 T9ESE S1!NS /E/0NE64 #N5 7EEB64* #N5 T#JE 08 T9E13 #TTENT1ON ON64 W1T9 1NS1!N171:#NT 2#TTE3S. =B't yo'* expo'ndin% these thin%s in a low Fand earthlyG manner* imp'te m'ch wea"ness to !od* if yo' th's listen to them merely* and do not investi%ate the force of the words spo"en. Since even 2oses wo'ld in this way be considered a trans%ressor: for he en@oined that no li"eness of anythin% in heaven* or on earth* or in the sea* be made& and then he himself made a braIen serpent and set it on a standard* and bade those who were bitten loo" at it: and they were saved when they loo"ed at it. Will the serpent* then* which (1 have already said !od had in the be%innin% c'rsed and c't off by the %reat sword* as 1saiah says*(( be 'nderstood as havin% preserved at that time the people? and shall we receive these thin%s in the foolish acceptation of yo'r teachers* and Fre%ardG them not as si%ns? #nd shall we not rather refer the standard to the resemblance of the cr'cified /es's* since also 2oses by his o'tstretched hands* to%ether with him who was named /es's (/osh'a * achieved a victory for yo'r people? 7or in this way we shall cease to be at a loss abo't the thin%s which the law%iver did* when he* witho't forsa"in% !od* pers'aded the people to hope in a beast thro'%h which trans%ression and disobedience had their ori%in. #nd this was done and said by the blessed prophet with m'ch intelli%ence and mystery& and there is nothin% said or done by any one of the prophets* witho't exception* which one can @'stly reprehend* if he possess the

"nowled%e which is in them. B't if yo'r teachers only expo'nd to yo' why female cancels are spo"en of in this passa%e* and are not in that& or why so many meas'res of fine flo'r and so many meas'res of oil Fare 'sedG in the offerin%s& and do so in a low and sordid manner* while they never vent're either to spea" of or to expo'nd the points which are %reat and worthy of investi%ation* or command yo' to %ive no a'dience to 's while we expo'nd them* and to come not into conversation with 's& will they not deserve to hear what o'r 6ord /es's :hrist said to them: ,Whited sep'lchres* which appear bea'tif'l o'tward* and within are f'll of dead men,s bones& which pay tithe of mint* and swallow a camel: ye blind %'ides>,() 1f* then* yo' will not despise the doctrines of those who exalt themselves and wish to be called 3abbi* 3abbi* and come with s'ch earnestness and intelli%ence to the words of prophecy as to s'ffer the same inflictions from yo'r own people which the prophets themselves did* yo' cannot receive any advanta%e whatsoever from the prophetic writin%s. :9#8. :<111. ;;/OS90# W#S # 71!03E O7 :931ST. =What 1 mean is this. /es's (/osh'a * as 1 have now freC'ently remar"ed* who was called Oshea* when he was sent to spy o't the land of :anaan* was named by 2oses /es's (/osh'a . Why he did this yo' neither as"* nor are at a loss abo't it* nor ma"e strict inC'iries. Therefore :hrist has escaped yo'r notice& and tho'%h yo' read* yo' 'nderstand not& and even now* tho'%h yo' hear that /es's is o'r :hrist* yo' consider not that the name was bestowed on 9im not p'rposelessly nor by chance. B't yo' ma"e a theolo%ical disc'ssion as to why one , a, was added to #braham,s first name& and as to why one ,p, was added to Sarah,s name* yo' 'se similar hi%h;so'ndin% disp'tations.(+ B't why do yo' not similarly investi%ate the reason why the name of Oshea the son of Nave (N'n * which his father %ave him* was chan%ed to /es's (/osh'a ? B't since not only was his name altered* b't he was also appointed s'ccessor to 2oses* bein% the only one of his contemporaries who came o't from E%ypt* he led the s'rvivin% people into the 9oly 6and& and as he* not 2oses* led the people into the 9oly 6and* and as he distrib'ted it by lot to those who entered alon% with him* so also /es's the :hrist will t'rn a%ain the dispersion of the people* and will distrib'te the %ood land to each one* tho'%h not in the same manner. 7or the former %ave them a temporary inheritance* seein% he was neither :hrist who is !od* nor the Son of !od& b't the latter* after the holy res'rrection*(A shall %ive 's the eternal possession. The former* after he had been named /es's (/osh'a * and after he had received stren%th from. 9is

Spirit* ca'sed the s'n to stand still. 7or 1 have proved that it was /es's who appeared to and conversed with 2oses* and #braham* and all the other patriarchs witho't exception* ministerin% to the will of the 7ather& who also* 1 say* came to be born man by the Hir%in 2ary* and 1 lives for ever. 7or the latter is 9e after(B whom and by whom the 7ather will renew both the heaven and the earth& this is 9e who shall shine an eternal li%ht in /er'salem& this is he who is the "in% of Salem after the order of 2elchiIede"* and the eternal 8riest of the 2ost 9i%h. The former is said to have circ'mcised the people a second time with "nives of stone (which was a si%n of this circ'mcision with which /es's :hrist 9imself has circ'mcised 's from the idols made of stone and of other materials * and to have collected to%ether those who were circ'mcised from the 'ncirc'mcision* i.e.* from the error of the world* in every place by the "nives of stone* to wit* the words of o'r 6ord /es's. 7or 1 have shown that :hrist was proclaimed by the prophets in parables a Stone and a 3oc". #ccordin%ly the "nives of stone we shall ta"e to mean 9is words* by means of which so many who were in error have been circ'mcised from 'ncirc'mcision with the circ'mcision of the heart* with which !od by /es's commanded those from that time to be circ'mcised who derived their circ'mcision from #braham* sayin% that /es's (/osh'a wo'ld circ'mcise a second time with "nives of stone those who entered into that holy land. :9#8. :<1H.;;SO2E 306ES 7O3 51S:E3N1N! W9#T 1S S#15 #BO0T :931ST. T9E :13:02:1S1ON O7 T9E /EWS 1S HE34 5177E3ENT 73O2 T9#T W91:9 :931ST1#NS 3E:E1HE. =7or the 9oly Spirit sometimes bro'%ht abo't that somethin%* which was the type of the f't're* sho'ld be done clearly& sometimes 9e 'ttered words abo't what was to ta"e place* as if it was then ta"in% place* or had ta"en place. #nd 'nless those who read perceive this art* they will not be able to follow the words of the prophets as they o'%ht. 7or example,s sa"e* 1 shall repeat some prophetic passa%es* that yo' may 'nderstand what 1 say. When 9e spea"s by 1saiah* ,9e was led as a sheep to the sla'%hter* and li"e a lamb before the shearer*,(( 9e spea"s as if the s'fferin% had already ta"en place. #nd when 9e says a%ain* ,1 have stretched o't my hands to a disobedient and %ainsayin% people&,() and when 9e says* ,6ord* who hath believed o'r report?,(+ ;;the words are spo"en as if anno'ncin% events which had already come to pass. 7or 1 have shown that :hrist is oftentimes

called a Stone in parable* and in fi%'rative speech /acob and 1srael. #nd a%ain* when 9e says* ,1 shall behold the heavens* the wor"s of Thy fin%ers*,(A 'nless 1 'nderstand 9is method of 'sin% words*(B 1 shall not 'nderstand intelli%ently* b't @'st as yo'r teachers s'ppose* fancyin% that the 7ather of all* the 'nbe%otten !od* has hands and feet* and fin%ers* and a so'l* li"e a composite bein%& and they for this reason teach that it was the 7ather 9imself who appeared to #braham and to /acob. Blessed therefore are we who have been circ'mcised the second time with "nives of stone. 7or yo'r first circ'mcision was and is performed by iron instr'ments* for yo' remain hard;hearted& b't o'r circ'mcision* which is the second* havin% been instit'ted after yo'rs* circ'mcises 's from idolatry and from absol'tely every "ind of wic"edness by sharp stones* i.e.* by the words FpreachedG by the apostles of the corner;stone c't o't witho't hands. #nd o'r hearts are th's circ'mcised from evil* so that we are happy to die for the name of the %ood 3oc"* which ca'ses livin% water to b'rst forth for the hearts of those who by 9im have loved the 7ather of all* and which %ives those who are willin% to drin" of the water of life. B't yo' do not comprehend me when 1 spea" these thin%s& for yo' have not 'nderstood what it has been prophesied that :hrist wo'ld do* and yo' do not believe 's who draw yo'r attention to what has been written. 7or /eremiah th's cries: ,Woe 'nto yo'> beca'se yo' have forsa"en the livin% fo'ntain* and have di%%ed for yo'rselves bro"en cisterns that can hold no water. Shall there be a wilderness where 2o'nt Nion is* beca'se 1 %ave /er'salem a bill of divorce in yo'r si%ht?,(D :9#8. :<H.;;83E51:T1ON #BO0T T9E :931ST1#NS 1N NE:9#31#9. T9E 2#61!N#NT W#4 W91:9 T9E /EWS 9#HE 1N 51S80T#T1ONS. =B't yo' o'%ht to believe Nechariah when he shows in parable the mystery of :hrist* and anno'nces it obsc'rely. The followin% are his words: ,3e@oice* and be %lad* O da'%hter of Nion: for* lo* 1 come* and 1 shall dwell in the midst of thee* saith the 6ord. #nd many nations shall be added to the 6ord in that day. #nd they shall be my people* and 1 will dwell in the midst of thee& and they shall "now that the 6ord of hosts hath sent me 'nto thee. #nd the 6ord shall inherit /'dah his portion in the holy land* and 9e shall choose /er'salem a%ain. 6et all flesh fear before the 6ord* for 9e is raised 'p o't of 9is holy clo'ds. #nd 9e showed me /es's (/osh'a the hi%h priest standin% before the an%el Fof the 6ord(E G& and the devil stood at his ri%ht hand to resist him. #nd the 6ord said to the devil* The 6ord who hath chosen /er'salem reb'"e thee. Behold* is not this a brand

pl'c"ed o't of the fire?, =(L #s Trypho was abo't to reply and contradict me* 1 said* =Wait and hear what 1 say first: for 1 am not to %ive the explanation which yo' s'ppose* as if there had been no priest of the name of /osh'a (/es's in the land of Babylon* where yo'r nation were prisoners. B't even if 1 did* 1 have shown that if there(M was a priest named /osh'a (/es's in yo'r nation* yet the prophet had not seen him in his revelation* @'st as he had not seen either the devil or the an%el of the 6ord by eyesi%ht* and in his wa"in% condition* b't in a trance* at the time when the revelation was made to him.((O B't 1 now say* that as FScript'reG said that the Son of Nave (N'n by the name /es's (/osh'a wro'%ht powerf'l wor"s and exploits which proclaimed beforehand what wo'ld be performed by o'r 6ord& so 1 proceed now to show that the revelation made amon% yo'r people in Babylon in the days of /es's (/osh'a the priest* was an anno'ncement of the thin%s to be accomplished by o'r 8riest* who is !od* and :hrist the Son of !od the 7ather of all. =1ndeed* 1 wondered*= contin'ed 1* =why a little a%o yo' "ept silence while 1 was spea"in%* and why yo' did not interr'pt me when 1 said that the son of Nave (N'n was the only one of contemporaries who came o't of E%ypt that entered the 9oly 6and alon% with the men described as yo'n%er than that %eneration. 7or yo' swarm and li%ht on sores li"e flies. 7or tho'%h one sho'ld spea" ten tho'sand words well* if there happen to be one little word displeasin% to yo'* beca'se not s'fficiently intelli%ible or acc'rate* yo' ma"e no acco'nt of the many %ood words* b't lay hold of the little word* and are very Iealo's in settin% it 'p as somethin% impio's and %'ilty& in order that* when yo' are @'d%ed with the very same @'d%ment by !od* yo' may have a m'ch heavier acco'nt to render for yo'r %reat a'dacities* whether evil actions* or bad interpretations which yo' obtain by falsifyin% the tr'th. 7or with what @'d%ment yo' @'d%e* it is ri%hteo's that yo' be @'d%ed withal. :9#8. :<H1.;;1T 1S S9OWN 9OW T91S 83O89E:4 S01TS T9E :931ST1#NS. =B't to %ive yo' the acco'nt of the revelation of the holy /es's :hrist* 1 ta"e 'p a%ain my disco'rse* and 1 assert that even that revelation was made for 's who believe on :hrist the 9i%h 8riest* namely this cr'cified One& and tho'%h we lived in fornication and all "inds of

filthy conversation* we have by the %race of o'r /es's* accordin% to 9is 7ather,s will* stripped o'rselves of all those filthy wic"ednesses with which we were imb'ed. #nd tho'%h the devil is ever at hand to resist 's* and anxio's to sed'ce all to himself* yet the #n%el of !od* i.e.* the 8ower of !od sent to 's thro'%h /es's :hrist* reb'"es him* and he departs from 's. #nd we are @'st as if drawn o't from the fire* when p'rified from o'r former sins* and Fresc'edG from the affliction and the fiery trial by which the devil and all his coad@'tors try 's& o't of which /es's the Son of !od has promised a%ain to deliver 's*(( and invest 's with prepared %arments* if we do 9is commandments& and has 'nderta"en to provide an eternal "in%dom Ffor 'sG. 7or @'st as that /es's (/osh'a * called by the prophet a priest* evidently had on filthy %arments beca'se he is said to have ta"en a harlot for a wife*() and is called a brand pl'c"ed o't of the fire* beca'se he had received remission of sins when the devil that resisted him was reb'"ed& even so we* who thro'%h the name of /es's have believed as one man in !od the 2a"er of all* have been stripped* thro'%h the name of 9is first; be%otten Son* of the filthy %arments* i.e.* of o'r sins& and bein% vehemently inflamed by the word of 9is callin%* we are the tr'e hi%h priestly race of !od* as even !od 9imself bears witness* sayin% that in every place amon% the !entiles sacrifices are presented to 9im well; pleasin% and p're. Now !od receives sacrifices from no one* except thro'%h 9is priests.(+ :9#8. :<H11.;;2#6#:91,S 83O89E:4 :ON:E3N1N! T9E S#:3171:ES O7 T9E :931ST1#NS. 1T :#NNOT BE T#JEN #S 3E7E331N! TO T9E 83#4E3S O7 /EWS O7 T9E 51S8E3S1ON. =#ccordin%ly* !od* anticipatin% all the sacrifices which we offer thro'%h this name* and which /es's the :hrist en@oined 's to offer* i.e.* in the E'charist of the bread and the c'p* and which are presented by :hristians in all places thro'%ho't the world* bears witness that they are well;pleasin% to 9im. B't 9e 'tterly re@ects those presented by yo' and by those priests of yo'rs* sayin%* ,#nd 1 will not accept yo'r sacrifices at yo'r hands& for from the risin% of the s'n to its settin% my name is %lorified amon% the !entiles (9e says & b't ye profane it.,(A 4et even now* in yo'r love of contention* yo' assert that !od does not accept the sacrifices of those who dwelt then in /er'salem* and were called 1sraelites& b't says that 9e is pleased with the prayers of the individ'als

of that nation then dispersed* and calls their prayers sacrifices. Now* that prayers and %ivin% of than"s* when offered by worthy men* are the only perfect and well;pleasin% sacrifices to !od* 1 also admit. 7or s'ch alone :hristians have 'nderta"en to offer* and in the remembrance effected by their solid and liC'id food* whereby the s'fferin% of the Son of !od(B which 9e end'red is bro'%ht to mind* whose name the hi%h priests of yo'r nation and yo'r teachers have ca'sed to be profaned and blasphemed over all the earth. B't these filthy %arments* which have been p't by yo' on all who have become :hristians by the name of /es's* !od shows shall be ta"en away from 's* when 9e shall raise all men from the dead* and appoint some to be incorr'ptible* immortal* and free from sorrow in the everlastin% and imperishable "in%dom& b't shall send others away to the everlastin% p'nishment of fire. B't as to yo' and yo'r teachers deceivin% yo'rselves when yo' interpret what the Script're says as referrin% to those of yo'r nation then in dispersion* and maintain that their prayers and sacrifices offered in every place are p're and well;pleasin%* learn that yo' are spea"in% falsely* and tryin% by all means to cheat yo'rselves: for* first of all* not even now does yo'r nation extend from the risin% to the settin% of the s'n* b't there are nations amon% which none of yo'r race ever dwelt. 7or there is not one sin%le race of men* whether barbarians* or !ree"s* or whatever they may be called* nomads* or va%rants* or herdsmen livin% in tents* amon% whom prayers and %ivin% of than"s are not offered thro'%h the name of the cr'cified /es's.(( #nd then*() as the Script'res show* at the time when 2alachi wrote this* yo'r dispersion over all the earth* which now exists* had not ta"en place. :9#8. :<H111.;;;9E E<9O3TS TO 3E8ENT#N:E BE7O3E :931ST :O2ES& 1N W9O2 :931ST1#NS* S1N:E T9E4 BE61EHE* #3E 7#3 2O3E 3E61!1O0S T9#N /EWS. =So that yo' o'%ht rather to desist from the love of strife* and repent before the %reat day of @'d%ment come* wherein all those of yo'r tribes who have pierced this :hrist shall mo'rn as 1 have shown has been declared by the Script'res. #nd 1 have explained that the 6ord swore* ,after the order of 2elchiIede"*,(+ and what this prediction means& and the prophecy of 1saiah which says* ,9is b'rial is ta"en away from the midst*,(A 1 have already said* referred to the f't're b'ryin% and risin% a%ain of :hrist& and 1 have freC'ently remar"ed that this very :hrist is the /'d%e of all the livin% and the dead. #nd Nathan li"ewise* spea"in% to 5avid abo't 9im*

th's contin'ed: ,1 will be 9is 7ather* and 9e shall be my Son& and my mercy shall 1 not ta"e away from 9im* as 1 did from them that went before 9im& and 1 will establish 9im in my ho'se* and in 9is "in%dom for ever.,(B #nd EIe"iel says* ,There shall be no other prince in the ho'se b't 9e.,(D 7or 9e is the chosen 8riest and eternal Jin%* the :hrist* inasm'ch as 9e is the Son of !od& and do not s'ppose that 1saiah or the other prophets spea" of sacrifices of blood or libations bein% presented at the altar on 9is second advent* b't of tr'e and spirit'al praises and %ivin% of than"s. #nd we have not in vain believed in 9im* and have not been led astray by those who ta'%ht 's s'ch doctrines& b't this has come to pass thro'%h the wonderf'l fore"nowled%e of !od* in order that we* thro'%h the callin% of the new and eternal covenant* that is* of :hrist* mi%ht be fo'nd more intelli%ent and !od;fearin% than yo'rselves* who are considered to be lovers of !od and men of 'nderstandin%* b't are not. 1saiah* filled with admiration of this* said: ,#nd "in%s shall sh't their mo'ths: for those to whom no anno'ncement has been made in re%ard to 9im(E shall see& and those who heard not shall 'nderstand. 6ord* who hath believed o'r report? and to whom is the arm of the 6ord revealed?,(L =#nd in repeatin% this*(M Trypho*= 1 contin'ed* =as far as is allowable* 1 endeavo'r to do so for the sa"e of those who came with yo' to; day* yet briefly and concisely.= Then he replied* =4o' do well& and tho'%h yo' repeat the same thin%s at considerable len%th* be ass'red that 1 and my companions listen with pleas're .= :9#8. :<1<.;;:931ST1#NS #3E T9E 9O64 8EO86E 83O21SE5 TO #B3#9#2. T9E4 9#HE BEEN :#66E5 61JE #B3#9#2. Then 1 said a%ain* =Wo'ld yo' s'ppose* sirs* that we co'ld ever have 'nderstood these matters in the Script'res* if we had not received %race to discern by the will of 9im whose pleas're it was? in order that the sayin% of 2oses((O mi%ht come to pass* ,They provo"ed me with stran%e F%odsG* they provo"ed me to an%er with their abominations. They sacrificed to demons whom they "new not& new %ods that came newly 'p* whom their fathers "new not. Tho' hast forsa"en !od that be%at thee* and for%otten !od that bro'%ht thee 'p. #nd the 6ord saw* and was @ealo's* and was provo"ed to an%er by reason of the ra%e of 9is sons and da'%hters: and 9e said* 1 will

t'rn 2y face away from them* and 1 will show what shall come on them at the last& for it is a very froward %eneration* children in whom is no faith. They have moved 2e to @ealo'sy with that which is not !od* they have provo"ed 2e to an%er with their idols& and 1 will move them to @ealo'sy with that which is not a nation* 1 will provo"e them to an%er with a foolish people. 7or a fire is "indled from 2ine an%er* and it shall b'rn to 9ades. 1t shall cons'me the earth and her increase* and set on fire the fo'ndations of the mo'ntains& 1 will heap mischief on them.,((( #nd after that 3i%hteo's One was p't to death* we flo'rished as another people* and shot forth as new and prospero's corn& as the prophets said* ,#nd many nations shall beta"e themselves to the 6ord in that day for a people: and they shall dwell in the midst of all the earth.,(() B't we are not only a people* b't also a holy people* as we have shown already.(( ,#nd they shall call them the holy people* redeemed by the 6ord.,() Therefore we are not a people to be despised* nor a barbaro's race* nor s'ch as the :arian and 8hry%ian nations& b't !od has even chosen 's and 9e has become manifest to those who as"ed not after 9im. ,Behold* 1 am !od*, 9e says* ,to the nation which called not on 2y name.,(+ 7or this is that nation which !od of old promised to #braham* when 9e declared that 9e wo'ld ma"e him a father of many nations& not meanin%* however* the #rabians* or E%yptians* or 1d'maeans* since 1shmael became the father of a mi%hty nation* and so did Esa'& and there is now a %reat m'ltit'de of #mmonites. Noah* moreover* was the father of #braham* and in fact of all men& and others were the pro%enitors of others. What lar%er meas're of %race* then* did :hrist bestow on #braham? This* namely* that 9e called him with 9is voice by the li"e callin%* tellin% him to C'it the land wherein he dwelt. #nd 9e has called all of 's by that voice* and we have left already the way of livin% in which we 'sed to spend o'r days* passin% o'r time in evil after the fashions of the other inhabitants of the earth& and alon% with #braham we shall inherit the holy land* when we shall receive the inheritance for an endless eternity* bein% children of #braham thro'%h the li"e faith. 7or as he believed the voice of !od* and it was imp'ted to him for ri%hteo'sness* in li"e manner we havin% believed !od,s voice spo"en by the apostles of :hrist* and prom'l%ated to 's by the prophets* have reno'nced even to death all the thin%s of the world. #ccordin%ly* 9e promises to him a nation of similar faith* !od;fearin%* ri%hteo's* and deli%htin% the 7ather& b't it is not yo'* ,in whom is no faith., :9#8. :<<. ;; :931ST1#NS WE3E 83O21SE5 TO 1S##:* /#:OB* #N5 /05#9.

=Observe* too* how the same promises are made to 1saac and to /acob. 7or th's 9e spea"s to 1saac: ,#nd in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.,(A #nd to /acob: ,#nd in thee and in thy seed shall all families of the earth be blessed.,(B 9e says that neither to Esa' nor to 3e'ben* nor to any other& only to those of whom the :hrist sho'ld arise* accordin% to the dispensation* thro'%h the Hir%in 2ary. B't if yo' wo'ld consider the blessin% of /'dah* yo' wo'ld perceive what 1 say. 7or the seed is divided from /acob* and comes down thro'%h /'dah* and 8hares* and /esse* and 5avid. #nd this was a symbol of the fact that some of yo'r nation wo'ld be fo'nd children of #braham* and fo'nd* too* in the lot of :hrist& b't that others* who are indeed children of #braham* wo'ld be li"e the sand on the sea;shore* barren and fr'itless* m'ch in C'antity* and witho't n'mber indeed* b't bearin% no fr'it whatever* and only drin"in% the water of the sea. #nd a vast m'ltit'de in yo'r nation are convicted of bein% of this "ind* imbibin% doctrines of bitterness and %odlessness* b't sp'rnin% the word of !od. 9e spea"s therefore in the passa%e relatin% to /'dah: ,# prince shall not fail from /'dah* nor a r'ler from his thi%hs* till that which is laid 'p for him come& and 9e shall be the expectation of the nations.,(D #nd it is plain that this was spo"en not of /'dah* b't of :hrist. 7or all we o't of all nations do expect not /'dah* b't /es's* who led yo'r fathers o't of E%ypt. 7or the prophecy referred even to the advent of :hrist: ,Till 9e come for whom this is laid 'p* and 9e shall be the expectation of nations., /es's came* therefore* as we have shown at len%th* and is expected a%ain to appear above the clo'ds& whose name yo' profane* and labo'r hard to %et it profaned over all the earth. 1t were possible for me* sirs*= 1 contin'ed* =to contend a%ainst yo' abo't the readin% which yo' so interpret* sayin% it is written* ,Till the thin%s laid 'p for 9im come&, tho'%h the Seventy have not so explained it* b't th's* ,Till 9e comes for whom this is laid 'p., B't since what follows indicates that the reference is to :hrist (for it is* ,and 9e shall be the expectation of nations, * 1 do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with yo'* as 1 have not attempted to establish proof abo't :hrist from the passa%es of Script're which are not admitted by yo'? which 1 C'oted from the words of /eremiah the prophet* and Esdras* and 5avid& b't from those which are even now admitted by yo'* which had yo'r teachers comprehended* be well ass'red they wo'ld have deleted them* as they did those abo't the death of 1saiah* whom yo' sawed as'nder with a wooden saw. #nd this was a mysterio's type of :hrist bein% abo't to c't yo'r nation in two* and to raise those worthy of the hono'r to the everlastin% "in%dom alon% with the holy patriarchs and

prophets& b't 9e has said that 9e will send others to the condemnation of the 'nC'enchable fire alon% with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ,7or they shall come*, 9e said* ,from the west and from the east* and shall sit down with #braham* and 1saac* and /acob in the "in%dom of heaven& b't the children of the "in%dom shall be cast o't into o'ter dar"ness.,(L #nd 1 have mentioned these thin%s* ta"in% nothin% whatever into consideration* except the spea"in% of the tr'th* and ref'sin% to be coerced by any one* even tho'%h 1 sho'ld be forthwith torn in pieces by yo'. 7or 1 %ave no tho'%ht to any of my people* that is* the Samaritans* when 1 had a comm'nication in writin% with :aesar*(( b't stated that they were wron% in tr'stin% to the ma%ician Simon of their own nation* who* they say* is !od above all power* and a'thority* and mi%ht.= :9#8. :<<1.;;73O2 T9E 7#:T T9#T T9E !ENT16ES BE61EHE 6N /ES0S* 1T 1S EH15ENT T9#T 9E 1S :931ST. #nd as they "ept silence* 1 went on: =FThe Script'reG* spea"in% by 5avid abo't this :hrist* my friends* said no lon%er that ,in 9is seed, the nations sho'ld be blessed* b't ,in 9im., So it is here: ,9is name shall rise 'p for ever above the s'n& and in 9im shall all nations be blessed.,() B't if all nations are blessed in :hrist* and we of all nations believe in 9im* then 9e is indeed the :hrist* and we are those blessed by 9im. !od formerly %ave the s'n as an ob@ect of worship*(+ as it is written* b't no one ever was seen to end're death on acco'nt of his faith in the s'n& b't for the name of /es's yo' may see men of every nation who have end'red and do end're all s'fferin%s* rather than deny 9im. 7or the word of 9is tr'th and wisdom is more ardent and more li%ht;%ivin% than the rays of the s'n* and sin"s down into the depths of heart and mind. 9ence also the Script're said* ,9is name shall rise 'p above the s'n., #nd a%ain* Nechariah says* ,9is name is the East.,(A #nd spea"in% of the same* he says that ,each tribe shall mo'rn.,(B B't if 9e so shone forth and was so mi%hty in 9is first advent (which was witho't hono'r and comeliness* and very contemptible * that in no nation 9e is 'n"nown* and everywhere men have repented of the old wic"edness in each nation,s way of livin%* so that even demons were s'b@ect to 9is name* and all powers and "in%doms feared 9is name more than they feared all the dead* shall 9e not on 9is %lorio's advent destroy by all means all those who hated 9im* and who 'nri%hteo'sly departed from 9im* b't %ive rest to 9is own* rewardin% them with all they have loo"ed for? To 's* therefore* it has been %ranted to hear* and to

'nderstand* and to be saved by this :hrist* and to reco%nise all the Ftr'ths revealedG by the 7ather. Wherefore 9e said to 9im: ,1t is a %reat thin% for Thee to be called my servant* to raise 'p the tribes of /acob* and t'rn a%ain the dispersed of 1srael. 1 have appointed Thee for a li%ht to the !entiles* that Tho' mayest be their salvation 'nto the end of the earth.,(D :9#8.:<<11.;;T9E /EWS 0N5E3ST#N5 T91S O7 T9E 83OSE64TES W1T9O0T 3E#SON. =4o' thin" that these words refer to the stran%er(E and the proselytes* b't in fact they refer to 's who have been ill'mined by /es's. 7or :hrist wo'ld have borne witness even to them& b't now yo' are become twofold more the children of hell* as 9e said 9imself.(L Therefore what was written by the prophets was spo"en not of those persons* b't of 's* concernin% whom the Script're spea"s: ,1 will lead the blind by a way which they "new not& and they shall wal" in paths which they have not "nown. #nd 1 am witness* saith the 6ord !od* and my servant whom 1 have chosen.,(M To whom* then* does :hrist bear witness? 2anifestly to those who have believed. B't the proselytes not only do not believe* b't twofold more than yo'rselves blaspheme 9is name* and wish to tort're and p't to death 's who believe in 9im& for in all points they strive to be li"e yo'. #nd a%ain in other words 9e cries: ,1 the 6ord have called Thee in ri%hteo'sness* and will hold Thine hand* and will stren%then Thee* and will %ive Thee for a covenant of the people* for a li%ht of the !entiles* to open the eyes of the blind* to brin% o't the prisoners from their bonds.,((O These words* indeed* sirs* refer also to :hrist* and concern the enli%htened nations& or will yo' say a%ain* 9e spea"s to them of the law and the proselytes?= Then some of those who had come on the second day cried o't as if they had been in a theatre* =B't what? does 9e not refer to the law* and to those ill'mined by it? Now these are proselytes.= =No*= 1 said* loo"in% towards Trypho* =since* if the law were able to enli%hten the nations and those who possess it* what need is there of a new covenant? B't since !od anno'nced beforehand that 9e wo'ld send a new covenant* and an everlastin% law and commandment* we will not 'nderstand this of the old law and its proselytes* b't of :hrist and 9is proselytes* namely 's !entiles* whom 9e has ill'mined* as 9e says somewhere: ,Th's saith the 6ord* 1n an acceptable time have 1 heard Thee* and in a day of

salvation have 1 helped Thee* and 1 have %iven Thee for a covenant of the people* to establish the earth* and to inherit the deserted.,((( What* then* is :hrist,s inheritance? 1s it not the nations? What is the covenant of !od? 1s it not :hrist? #s 9e says in another place: ,Tho' art my Son& this day have 1 be%otten Thee. #s" of 2e* and 1 shall %ive Thee the nations for Thine inheritance* and the 'ttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.,(( :9#8. :<<111.;;3151:06O0S 1NTE383ET#T1ONS O7 T9E /EWS. :931ST1#NS #3E T9E T30E 1S3#E6. =#s* therefore* all these latter prophecies refer to :hrist and the nations* yo' sho'ld believe that the former refer to 9im and them in li"e manner. 7or the proselytes have no need of a covenant* if* since there is one and the same law imposed on all that are circ'mcised* the Script're spea"s abo't them th's: ,#nd the stran%er shall also be @oined with them* and shall be @oined to the ho'se of /acob&,() and beca'se the proselyte* who is circ'mcised that he may have access to the people* becomes li"e one of themselves*(+ while we who have been deemed worthy to be called a people are yet !entiles* beca'se we have not been circ'mcised. Besides* it is ridic'lo's for yo' to ima%ine that the eyes of the proselytes are to be opened while yo'r own are not* and that yo' be 'nderstood as blind and deaf while they are enli%htened. #nd it will be still more ridic'lo's for yo'* if yo' say that the law has been %iven to the nations* b't yo' have not "nown it. 7or yo' wo'ld have stood in awe of !od,s wrath* and wo'ld not have been lawless* wanderin% sons& bein% m'ch afraid of hearin% !od always say* ,:hildren in whom is no faith. #nd who are blind* b't my servants? and deaf* b't they that r'le over them? #nd the servants of !od have been made blind. 4o' see often* b't have not observed& yo'r ears have been opened* and yo' have not heard.,(A 1s !od,s commendation of yo' hono'rable? and is !od,s testimony seemly for 9is servants? 4o' are not ashamed tho'%h yo' often hear these words. 4o' do not tremble at !od,s threats* for yo' are a people foolish and hard;hearted. ,Therefore* behold* 1 will proceed to remove this people*, saith the 6ord&, and 1 will remove them* and destroy the wisdom of the wise* and hide the 'nderstandin% of the pr'dent.,(B 5eservedly too: for yo' are neither wise nor pr'dent* b't crafty and 'nscr'p'lo's& wise only to do evil* b't 'tterly incompetent to "now the hidden co'nsel of !od* or the faithf'l covenant of the 6ord* or to find o't the everlastin% paths. ,Therefore* saith the 6ord* 1 will raise 'p to

1srael and to /'dah the seed of men and the seed of beasts.,(D #nd by 1saiah 9e spea"s th's concernin% another 1srael: ,1n that day shall there be a third 1srael amon% the #ssyrians and the E%yptians* blessed in the land which the 6ord of Sabaoth hath blessed* sayin%* blessed shall my people in E%ypt and in #ssyria be* and 1srael mine inheritance.,(E Since then !od blesses this people* and calls them 1srael* and declares them to be 9is inheritance* how is it that yo' repent not of the deception yo' practise on yo'rselves* as if yo' alone were the 1srael* and of execratin% the people whom !od has blessed? 7or when 9e spea"s to /er'salem and its environs* 9e th's added: ,#nd 1 will be%et men 'pon yo'* even my people 1srael& and they shall inherit yo'* and yo' shall be a possession for them& and yo' shall be no lon%er bereaved of them.,=(L =What* then?= says Trypho& =are yo' 1srael? and spea"s 9e s'ch thin%s of yo'?= =1f* indeed*= 1 replied to him* =we had not entered into a len%thy(M disc'ssion on these topics* 1 mi%ht have do'bted whether yo' as" this C'estion in i%norance& b't since we have bro'%ht the matter to a concl'sion by demonstration and with yo'r assent* 1 do not believe that yo' are i%norant of what 1 have @'st said* or desire a%ain mere contention* b't that yo' are 'r%in% me to exhibit the same proof to these men.= #nd in compliance with the assent expressed in his eyes* 1 contin'ed: =#%ain in 1saiah* if yo' have ears to hear it* !od* spea"in% of :hrist in parable* calls 9im /acob and 1srael. 9e spea"s th's: ,/acob is my servant* 1 will 'phold 9im& 1srael is mine elect* 1 will p't my Spirit 'pon 9im* and 9e shall brin% forth @'d%ment to the !entiles. 9e shall not strive* nor cry* neither shall any one hear 9is voice in the street: a br'ised reed 9e shall not brea"* and smo"in% flax 9e shall not C'ench& b't 9e shall brin% forth @'d%ment to tr'th: 9e shall shine*((O and shall not be bro"en till 9e have set @'d%ment on the earth. #nd in 9is name shall the !entiles tr'st.,((( #s therefore from the one man /acob* who was s'rnamed 1srael* all yo'r nation has been called /acob and 1srael& so we from :hrist* who be%at 's 'nto !od* li"e /acob* and 1srael* and /'dah* and /oseph* and 5avid* are called and are the tr'e sons of !od* and "eep the commandments of :hrist.= :9#8. :<<1H.;;:931ST1#NS #3E T9E SONS O7 !O5. #nd when 1 saw that they were pert'rbed beca'se 1 said that we are the sons of !od* 1 anticipated their C'estionin%* and said* =6isten* sirs* how

the 9oly !host spea"s of this people* sayin% that they are all sons of the 9i%hest& and how this very :hrist will be present in their assembly* renderin% @'d%ment to all men. The words are spo"en by 5avid* and are* accordin% to yo'r version of them* th's: ,!od standeth in the con%re%ation of %ods& 9e @'d%eth amon% the %ods. 9ow lon% do ye @'d%e 'n@'stly* and accept the persons of the wic"ed? /'d%e for the orphan and the poor* and do @'stice to the h'mble and needy. 5eliver the needy* and save the poor o't of the hand of the wic"ed. They "now not* neither have they 'nderstood& they wal" on in dar"ness: all the fo'ndations of the earth shall be sha"en. 1 said* 4e are %ods* and are all children of the 2ost 9i%h. B't ye die li"e men* and fall li"e one of the princes. #rise* O !od> @'d%e the earth* for Tho' shalt inherit all nations.,(( B't in the version of the Seventy it is written* ,Behold* ye die li"e men* and fall li"e one of the princes*() in order to manifest the disobedience of men*;;1 mean of #dam and Eve*;;and the fall of one of the princes* i.e.* of him who was called the serpent* who fell with a %reat overthrow* beca'se he deceived Eve. B't as my disco'rse is not intended to to'ch on this point* b't to prove to yo' that the 9oly !host reproaches men beca'se they were made li"e !od* free from s'fferin% and death* provided that they "ept 9is commandments* and were deemed deservin% of the name of 9is sons* and yet they* becomin% li"e #dam and Eve* wor" o't death for themselves& let the interpretation of the 8salm be held @'st as yo' wish* yet thereby it is demonstrated that all men are deemed worthy of becomin% =%ods*= and of havin% power to become sons of the 9i%hest& and shall be each by himself @'d%ed and condemned li"e #dam and Eve. Now 1 have proved at len%th that :hrist is called !od. :9#8. :<<H.;;9E E<86#1NS W9#T 7O3:E T9E WO35 1S3#E6 9#S* #N5 9OW 1T S01TS :931ST. =1 wish* sirs*= 1 said* =to learn from yo' what is the force of the name 1srael.= #nd as they were silent* 1 contin'ed: =1 shall tell yo' what 1 "now: for 1 do not thin" it fi%ht* when 1 "now* not to spea"& or* s'spectin% that yo' do "now* and yet from envy or from vol'ntary i%norance deceive yo'rselves*(+ to be contin'ally solicito's& b't 1 spea" all thin%s simply and candidly* as my 6ord said: ,# sower went forth to sow the seed& and some fell by the wayside& and some amon% thorns* and some on stony %ro'nd* and some on %ood %ro'nd.,(A 1 m'st spea"* then* in the hope of findin% %ood %ro'nd somewhere& since that 6ord of mine* as One stron% and powerf'l* comes to demand bac" 9is own from all* land will not condemn 9is

steward if 9e reco%nises that he* by the "nowled%e that the 6ord is powerf'l and has come to demand 9is own* has %iven it to every ban"* and has not di%%ed for any ca'se whatsoever. #ccordin%ly the name 1srael si%nifies this* # man who overcomes power& for 1sra is a man overcomin%* and El is power.(B #nd that :hrist wo'ld act so when 9e became man was foretold by the mystery of /acob,s wrestlin% with 9im who appeared to him* in that 9e ministered to the will of the 7ather* yet nevertheless is !od* in that 9e is the first;be%otten of all creat'res. 7or when 9e became man* as 1 previo'sly remar"ed* the devil came to 9im;;i.e.* that power which is called the serpent and Sa;tan;;temptin% 9im* and strivin% to effect 9is downfall by as"in% 9im to worship him. B't 9e destroyed and overthrew the devil* havin% proved him to be wic"ed* in that he as"ed to be worshipper as !od* contrary to the Script're& who is an apostate from the will of !od. 7or 9e answers him* ,1t is written* Tho' shalt worship the 6ord thy !od* and 9im only shall tho' serve.,(D Then* overcome and convicted* the devil departed at that time. B't since o'r :hrist was to be n'mbed* i.e.* by pain and experience of s'fferin%* 9e made a previo's intimation of this by to'chin% /acob,s thi%h* and ca'sin% it to shrin". B't 1srael was 9is name from the be%innin%* to which 9e altered the name of the blessed /acob when 9e blessed him with 9is own name* proclaimin% thereby that all who thro'%h 9im have fled for ref'%e to the 7ather* constit'te the blessed 1srael. B't yo'* havin% 'nderstood none of this* and not bein% prepared to 'nderstand* since yo' are the children of /acob after the fleshly seed* expect that yo' shall be ass'redly saved. B't that yo' deceive yo'rselves in s'ch matters* 1 have proved by many words. :9#8. :<<H1.;;T9E H#31O0S N#2ES O7 :931ST #::O351N! TO BOT9 N#T03ES. 1T 1S S9OWN T9#T 9E 1S !O5* #N5 #88E#3E5 TO T9E 8#T31#3:9S. =B't if yo' "new* Trypho*= contin'ed 1* =who 9e is that is called at one time the #n%el of %reat co'nsel*(E and a 2an by EIe"iel* and li"e the Son of man by 5aniel* and a :hild by 1saiah* and :hrist and !od to be worshipped by 5avid* and :hrist and a Stone by many* and Wisdom by Solomon* and /oseph and /'dah and a Star by 2oses* and the East by Nechariah* and the S'fferin% One and /acob and 1srael by 1saiah a%ain* and a 3od* and 7lower* and :orner;Stone* and Son of !od* yo' wo'ld not have blasphemer 9im who has now come* and been born* and s'ffered* and ascended to heaven& who shall also come a%ain* and then yo'r twelve tribes shall mo'rn. 7or if yo' had 'nderstood what has been written by the prophets* yo' wo'ld not have

denied that 9e was !od* Son of the only* 'nbe%otten* 'n'tterable !od. 7or 2oses says somewhere in Exod's the followin%: ,The 6ord spo"e to 2oses* and said to him* 1 am the 6ord* and 1 appeared to #braham* to 1saac* and to /acob* bein% their !od& and my name 1 revealed not to them* and 1 established my covenant with them.,(( #nd th's a%ain he says* ,# man wrestled with /acob*,() and asserts it was !od& narratin% that /acob said* ,1 have seen !od face to face* and my life is preserved., #nd it is recorded that he called the place where 9e wrestled with him* appeared to and blessed him* the 7ace of !od (8eniel . #nd 2oses says that !od appeared also to #braham near the oa" in 2at're* when he was sittin% at the door of his tent at mid;day. Then he %oes on to say: ,#nd he lifted 'p his eyes and loo"ed* and* behold* three men stood before him& and when he saw them* he ran to meet them.,(+ a #fter a little* one of them promises a son to #braham: ,Wherefore did Sarah la'%h* sayin%* Shall. 1 of a s'rety bear a child* and 1 am old? 1s anythin% impossible with !od? #t the time appointed 1 will ret'rn* accordin% to the time of life* and Sarah shall have a son. #nd they went away from #braham.,(A #%ain he spea"s of them th's: ,#nd the men rose 'p from thence* and loo"ed toward Sodom.,(B Then to #braham 9e who was and is a%ain spea"s: ,1 will not hide from #braham* my servant* what 1 intend to do.,=(D #nd what follows in the writin%s of 2oses 1 C'oted and explained& =from which 1 have demonstrated*= 1 said* =that 9e who is described as !od appeared to #braham* to 1saac* and to /acob* and the other patriarchs* was appointed 'nder the a'thority of the 7ather and 6ord* and ministers to 9is will.= Then 1 went on to say what 1 had not said before: =#nd so* when the people desired to eat flesh* and 2oses had lost faith in 9im* who also there is called the #n%el* and who promised that !od wo'ld %ive them to satiety* 9e who is both !od and the #n%el* sent by the 7ather* is described as sayin% and doin% these thin%s. 7or th's the Script're says: ,#nd the 6ord said to 2oses Will the 6ord,s hand not be s'fficient? tho' shall "now now whether my word shall conceal thee or not.,(E #nd a%ain* in other words* it th's says: ,B't the 6ord spo"e 'nto me* Tho' shalt not %o over this /ordan: the 6ord thy !od* who %oeth before thy face* 9e shall c't off the nations.,(L :9#8. :<<H11.;;T9ESE 8#SS#!ES O7 S:318T03E 5O NOT #8864 TO T9E 7#T9E3* B0T TO T9E WO35. =These and other s'ch sayin%s are recorded by the law%iver and by the prophets& and 1 s'ppose that 1 have stated s'fficiently* that wherever(M

!od says* ,!od went 'p from #braham*,((O or* ,The 6ord spa"e to 2oses*,((( and ,The 6ord came down to behold the tower which the sons of men had b'ilt*,(() or when ,!od sh't Noah into the ar"*,((+ yo' m'st not ima%ine that the 'nbe%otten !od 9imself came down or went 'p from any place. 7or the ineffable 7ather and 6ord of all neither has come to any place* nor wal"s* nor sleeps* nor rises 'p* b't remains in 9is own place* wherever that is* C'ic" to behold and C'ic" to hear* havin% neither eyes nor ears* b't bein% of indescribable mi%ht& and 9e sees all thin%s* and "nows all thin%s* and none of 's escapes 9is observation& and 9e is not moved or confined to a spot in the whole world* for 9e existed before the world was made. 9ow* then* co'ld 9e tal" with any one* or be seen by any one* or appear on the smallest portion of the earth* when the people at Sinai were not able to loo" even on the %lory of 9im who was sent from 9im& and 2oses himself co'ld not enter into the tabernacle which he had erected* when it was filled with the %lory of !od& and the priest co'ld not end're to stand before the temple when Solomon conveyed the ar" into the ho'se in /er'salem which he had b'ilt for it? Therefore neither #braham* nor 1saac* nor /acob* nor any other man* saw the 7ather and ineffable 6ord of all* and also of :hrist* b't FsawG 9im who was accordin% to 9is will 9is Son* bein% !od* and the #n%el beca'se 9e ministered to 9is will& whom also it pleased 9im to be born man by the Hir%in& who also was fire when 9e conversed with 2oses from the b'sh. Since* 'nless we th's comprehend the Script'res* it m'st follow that the 7ather and 6ord of all had not been in heaven when what 2oses wrote too" place: ,#nd the 6ord rained 'pon Sodom fire and brimstone from the 6ord o't of heaven&,((A and a%ain* when it is th's said by 5avid: ,6ift 'p yo'r %ates* ye r'lers& and be ye lift 'p* ye everlastin% %ates& and the Jin% of %lory shall enter&,((B and a%ain* when 9e says: ,The 6ord says to my 6ord* Sit at 2y ri%ht hand* till 1 ma"e Thine enemies Thy footstool.,((D :9#8. :<<H111.;;T9E WO35 1S SENT NOT #S #N 1N#N12#TE 8OWE3* B0T #S # 8E3SON BE!OTTEN O7 T9E 7#T9E3,S S0BST#N:E. =#nd that :hrist bein% 6ord* and !od the Son of !od* and appearin% formerly in power as 2an* and #n%el* and in the %lory of fire as at the b'sh* so also was manifested at the @'d%ment exec'ted on Sodom* has been demonstrated f'lly by what has been said.= Then 1 repeated once more all that 1 had previo'sly C'oted from Exod's* abo't the vision in the b'sh* and the namin% of /osh'a (/es's * and contin'ed: =#nd do not s'ppose* sirs*

that 1 am spea"in% s'perfl'o'sly when 1 repeat these words freC'ently: b't it is beca'se 1 "now that some wish to anticipate these remar"s* and to say that the power sent from the 7ather of all which appeared to 2oses* or to #braham* or to /acob* is called an #n%el beca'se 9e came to men (for by 9im the commands of the 7ather have been proclaimed to men & is called !lory* beca'se 9e appears in a vision sometimes that cannot be borne& is called a 2an* and a h'man bein%* beca'se 9e appears strayed in s'ch forms as the 7ather pleases& and they call 9im the Word* beca'se 9e carries tidin%s from the 7ather to men: b't maintain that this power is indivisible and inseparable from the 7ather* @'st as they say that the li%ht of the s'n on earth is indivisible and inseparable from the s'n in the heavens& as when it sin"s* the li%ht sin"s alon% with it& so the 7ather* when 9e chooses* say they* ca'ses 9is power to sprin% forth* and when 9e chooses* 9e ma"es it ret'rn to 9imself. 1n this way* they teach* 9e made the an%els. B't it is proved that there are an%els who always exist* and are never red'ced to that form o't of which they spran%. #nd that this power which the prophetic word calls !od* as has been also amply demonstrated* and #n%el* is not n'mbered Fas differentG in name only li"e the li%ht of the s'n b't is indeed somethin% n'merically distinct* 1 have disc'ssed briefly in what has %one before& when 1 asserted that this power was be%otten from the 7ather* by 9is power and will* b't not by abscission* as if the essence of the 7ather were divided& as all other thin%s partitioned and divided are not the same after as before they were divided: and* for the sa"e of example* 1 too" the case of fires "indled from a fire* which we see to be distinct from it* and yet that from which many can be "indled is by no means made less* b't remains the same. :9#8. :<<1<.;;T9#T 1S :ON7132E5 73O2 OT9E3 8#SS#!ES O7 S:318T03E. =#nd now 1 shall a%ain recite the words which 1 have spo"en in proof of this point. When Script're says*, The 6ord rained fire from the 6ord o't of heaven*, the prophetic word indicates that there were two in n'mber: One 'pon the earth* who* it says* descended to behold the cry of Sodom& #nother in heaven* who also is 6ord of the 6ord on earth* as 9e is 7ather and !od& the ca'se of 9is power and of 9is bein% 6ord and !od. #%ain* when the Script're records that !od said in the be%innin%* ,Behold* #dam has become li"e one of 0s*,(( this phrase* ,li"e one of 0s*, is also indicative of n'mber& and the words do not admit of a fi%'rative meanin%* as the sophists endeavo'r to affix on them* who are able neither to tell nor to 'nderstand

the tr'th. #nd it is written in the boo" of Wisdom: ,1f 1 sho'ld tell yo' daily events* 1 wo'ld be mindf'l to en'merate them from the be%innin%. The 6ord created me the be%innin% of 9is ways for 9is wor"s. 7rom everlastin% 9e established me in the be%innin%* before 9e formed the earth* and before 9e made the depths* and before the sprin%s of waters came forth* before the mo'ntains were settled& 9e be%ets me before all the hills.,=() When 1 repeated these words* 1 added: =4o' perceive* my hearers* if yo' bestow attention* that the Script're has declared that this Offsprin% was be%otten by the 7ather before all thin%s created& and that which is be%otten is n'merically distinct from that which be%ets* any one will admit.= :9#8. :<<<.;;9E 3ET03NS TO T9E :ONHE3S1ON O7 T9E !ENT16ES* #N5 S9OWS T9#T 1T W#S 7O3ETO65. #nd when all had %iven assent* 1 said: =1 wo'ld now add'ce some passa%es which 1 had not reco'nted before. They are recorded by the faithf'l servant 2oses in parable* and are as follows: ,3e@oice* O ye heavens* with 9im* and let all the an%els of !od worship 9im&,=(+ and 1 added what follows of the passa%e: =,3e@oice* O ye nations* with 9is people* and let all the an%els of !od be stren%thened in 9im: for the blood of 9is sons 9e aven%es* and will aven%e* and will recompense 9is enemies with ven%eance* and will recompense those that hate 9im& and the 6ord will p'rify the land of 9is people., #nd by these words 9e declares that we* the nations* re@oice with 9is people*;;to wit* #braham* and 1saac* and /acob* and the prophets* and* in short* all of that people who are well;pleasin% to !od* accordin% to what has been already a%reed on between 's. B't we will not receive it of all yo'r nation& since we "now from 1saiah(A that the members of those who have trans%ressed shall be cons'med by the worm and 'nC'enchable fire* remainin% immortal& so that they become a spectacle to all flesh. B't in addition to these* 1 wish* sin*= said 1* =to add some other passa%es from the very words of 2oses* from which yo' may 'nderstand that !od has from of old dispersed all men accordin% to their "indreds and ton%'es& and o't of all "indreds has ta"en to 9imself yo'r "indred* a 'seless* disobedient* and faithless %eneration& and has shown that those who were selected o't of every nation have obeyed 9is will thro'%h :hrist*; ;whom 9e calls also /acob* and names 1srael*;;and these* then* as 1 mentioned f'lly previo'sly* m'st be /acob and 1srael. 7or when 9e says* ,3e@oice* O ye nations* with 9is people*, 9e allots the same inheritance to them* and does not call them by the same name&(( b't when 9e says that

they as !entiles re@oice with 9is people* 9e calls them !entiles to reproach yo'. 7or even as yo' provo"ed 9im to an%er by yo'r idolatry* so also 9e has deemed those who were idolaters worthy of "nowin% 9is will* and of inheritin% 9is inheritance. :9#8. :<<<1.;;9OW 20:9 2O3E 7#1T9706 TO !O5 T9E !ENT16ES #3E W9O #3E :ONHE3TE5 TO :931ST T9#N T9E /EWS. =B't 1 shall C'ote the passa%e by which it is made "nown that !od divided all the nations. 1t is as follows: ,#s" thy father* and he will show thee& thine eiders* and they will tell thee& when the 2ost 9i%h divided the nations* as 9e dispersed the sons of #dam. 9e set the bo'nds of the nations accordin% to the n'mbers of the children of 1srael& and the 6ord,s portion became 9is people /acob* and 1srael was the lot of 9is inheritance.,=() #nd havin% said this* 1 added: =The Seventy have translated it* ,9e set the bo'nds of the nations accordin% to the n'mber of the an%els of !od., B't beca'se my ar%'ment is a%ain in nowise wea"ened by this* 1 have adopted yo'r exposition. #nd yo' yo'rselves* if yo' will confess the tr'th* m'st ac"nowled%e that we* who have been called by !od thro'%h the despised and shamef'l mystery of the cross (for the confession of which* and obedience to which* and for o'r piety* p'nishments even to death have been inflicted on 's by demons* and by the host of the devil* thro'%h the aid ministered to them by yo' * and end're all torments rather than deny :hrist even by word* thro'%h whom we are called to the salvation prepared beforehand by the 7ather* are more faithf'l to !od than yo'* who were redeemed from E%ypt with a hi%h hand and a visitation of %reat %lory* when the sea was parted for yo'* and a passa%e left dry* in which F!odG slew those Rho p'rs'ed yo' with a very %reat eC'ipment* and splendid chariots* brin%in% bac" 'pon them the sea which had been made a way for yo'r sa"es& on whom also a pillar of li%ht shone* in order that yo'* more than any other nation in the world* mi%ht possess a pec'liar li%ht* never; failin% and never;settin%& for whom 9e rained manna as no'rishment* fit for the heavenly an%els* in order that yo' mi%ht have no need to prepare yo'r food& and the water at 2arah was made sweet& and a si%n of 9im that was to be cr'cified was made* both in the matter of the serpents which bit yo'* as 1 already mentioned (!od anticipatin% before the proper times these mysteries* in order to confer %race 'pon yo'* to whom yo' are always convicted of bein% than"less * as well as in the type of the extendin% of the hands of 2oses* and of Oshea bein% named /es's (/osh'a & when yo'

fo'%ht a%ainst #male": concernin% which !od en@oined that the incident be recorded* and the name of /es's laid 'p in yo'r 'nderstandin%s& sayin% that this is 9e who wo'ld blot o't the memorial of #male" from 'nder heaven. Now it is clear that the memorial of #male" remained after the son of Nave (N'n : b't 9e ma"es it manifest thro'%h /es's* who was cr'cified* of whom also those symbols were fore;anno'ncements of all that wo'ld happen to 9im* the demons wo'ld be destroyed* and wo'ld dread 9is name* and that all principalities and "in%doms wo'ld fear 9im& and that they who believe in 9im o't of all nations wo'ld be shown as !od;fearin% and peacef'l men& and the facts already C'oted by me* Trypho* indicate this. #%ain* when yo' desired flesh* so vast a C'antity of C'ails was %iven yo'* that they co'ld not be told& for whom also water %'shed from the roc"& and a clo'd followed yo' for a shade from heat* and coverin% from cold* declarin% the manner and si%nification of another and new heaven& the latchets of yo'r shoes did not brea"* and yo'r shoes waxed not old* and yo'r %arments wore not away* b't even those of the children %rew alon% with them. :9#8. :<<<11.;;9OW !3E#T T9E 8OWE3 W#S O7 T9E N#2E O7 /ES0S 1N T9E O65 TEST#2ENT. =4et after this yo' made a calf* and were very Iealo's in committin% fornication with the da'%hters of stran%ers* and in servin% idols. #nd a%ain* when the land was %iven 'p to yo' with so %reat a display of power* that yo' witnessed(+ the s'n stand still in the heavens by the order of that man whose name was /es's (/osh'a * and not %o down for thirty;six ho'rs* as well as all the other miracles which were wro'%ht for yo' as time served&(( and of these it seems %ood to me now to spea" of another* for it cond'ces to yo'r hereby "nowin% /es's* whom we also "now to have been :hrist the Son of !od* who was cr'cified* and rose a%ain* and ascended to heaven* and will come a%ain to @'d%e all men* even 'p to #dam himself. 4o' are aware* then*= 1 contin'ed* =that when the ar" of the testimony was seiIed by the enemies of #shdod*() and a terrible and inc'rable malady had bro"en o't amon% them* they resolved to place it on a cart to which they yo"ed cows that had recently calved* for the p'rpose of ascertainin% by trial whether or not they had been pla%'ed by !od,s power on acco'nt of the ar"* and if !od wished it to be ta"en bac" to the place from which it had been carried away. #nd when they had done this* the cows* led by no man* went not to the place whence the ar" had been ta"en* b't to the fields of a certain man whose name was Oshea* the same as his whose name was altered to

/es's (/osh'a * as has been previo'sly mentioned* who also led the people into the land and meted it o't to them: and when the cows had come into these fields they remained there* showin% to yo' thereby that they were %'ided by the name of power&(+ @'st as formerly the people who s'rvived of those that came o't of E%ypt* were %'ided into the land by him who had received the name /es's (/osh'a * who before was called Oshea. :9#8. :<<<111.;;T9E 9#35;9E#3TE5NESS O7 T9E /EWS* 7O3 W9O2 T9E :931ST1#NS 83#4. =Now* altho'%h these and all other s'ch 'nexpected and marvello's wor"s were wro'%ht amon%st and seen by yo' at different times* yet yo' are convicted by the prophets of havin% %one to s'ch a len%th as offerin% yo'r own children to demons& and besides all this* of havin% dared to do s'ch thin%s a%ainst :hrist& and yo' still dare to do them: for all which may it be %ranted to yo' to obtain mercy and salvation from !od and 9is :hrist. 7or !od* "nowin% before that yo' wo'ld do s'ch thin%s* prono'nced this c'rse 'pon yo' by the prophet 1saiah: ,Woe 'nto their so'l> they have devised evil co'nsel a%ainst themselves* sayin%* 6et 's bind the ri%hteo's man* for he is distastef'l to 's. Therefore they shall eat the fr'it of their own doin%s. Woe to the wic"ed> evil* accordin% to the wor"s of his hands* shall befall him. O my people* yo'r exactors %lean yo'* and those who extort from yo' shall r'le over yo'. O my people* they who call yo' blessed ca'se yo' to err* and disorder the way of yo'r paths. B't now the 6ord shall sist 9is people to @'d%ment* and 9e shall enter into @'d%ment with the elders of the people and the princes thereof. B't why have yo' b'rnt 'p my vineyard? and why is the spoil of the poor fo'nd in yo'r ho'ses? Why do yo' wron% my people* and p't to shame the co'ntenance of the h'mble?,(A #%ain* in other words* the same prophet spa"e to the same effect: ,Woe 'nto them that draw their iniC'ity as with a lon% cord* and their trans%ressions as with the harness of an heifer,s yo"e: who say* 6et 9is speed come near* and let the co'nsel of the 9oly One of 1srael come* that we may "now it. Woe 'nto them that call evil %ood* and %ood evil> that p't li%ht for dar"ness* and dar"ness for li%ht> that p't bitter for sweet* and sweet for bitter> Woe 'nto them that are wise in their own eyes* and pr'dent in their own si%ht> Woe 'nto those that are mi%hty amon% yo'* who drin" wine* who are men of stren%th* who min%le stron% drin"> who @'stify the wic"ed for a reward* and ta"e away @'stice from the ri%hteo's> Therefore* as the st'bble shall be b'rnt by the coal of fire* and 'tterly

cons'med by the b'rnin% flame* their root shall be as wool* and their flower shall %o 'p li"e d'st. 7or they wo'ld not have the law of the 6ord of Sabaoth* b't despised(B the word of the 6ord* the 9oly One of 1srael. #nd the 6ord of Sabaoth was very an%ry* and laid 9is hands 'pon them* and smote them& and 9e was provo"ed a%ainst the mo'ntains* and their carcases were in the midst li"e d'n% on the road. #nd for all this they have not repented*(D b't their hand is still hi%h.,(E 7or verily yo'r hand is hi%h to commit evil* beca'se ye slew the :hrist* and do not repent of it& b't so far from that* ye hate and m'rder 's who have believed thro'%h 9im in the !od and 7ather of all* as often as ye can& and ye c'rse 9im witho't ceasin%* as well as those who side with 9im& while all of 's pray for yo'* and for all men* as o'r :hrist and 6ord ta'%ht 's to do* when 9e en@oined 's to pray even for o'r enemies* and to love them that hate 's* and to bless them that c'rse 's. :9#8. :<<<1H.;;T9E 2#331#!ES O7 /#:OB #3E # 71!03E O7 T9E :903:9. =1f* then* the teachin% of the prophets and of 9imself moves yo'* it is better for yo' to follow !od than yo'r impr'dent and blind masters* who even till this time permit each man to have fo'r or five wives& and if any one see a bea'tif'l woman and desire to have her* they C'ote the doin%s of /acob FcalledG 1srael* and of the other patriarchs* and maintain that it is not wron% to do s'ch thin%s& for they are miserably i%norant in this matter. 7or* as 1 before said* certain dispensations of wei%hty mysteries were accomplished in each act of this sort. 7or in the marria%es of /acob 1 shall mention what dispensation and prophecy were accomplished* in order that yo' may thereby "now that yo'r teachers never loo"ed at the divine motive which prompted each act* b't only at the %rovellin% and corr'ptin% passions. #ttend therefore to what 1 say. The marria%es of /acob were types of that which :hrist was abo't to accomplish. 7or it was not lawf'l for /acob to marry two sisters at once. #nd he serves 6aban for Fone ofG the da'%hters& and bein% deceived in Fthe obtainin% ofG the yo'n%er* he a%ain served seven years. Now 6eah is yo'r people and syna%o%'e& b't 3achel is o'r :h'rch. #nd for these* and for the servants in both* :hrist even now serves. 7or while Noah %ave to the two sons the seed of the third as servants* now on the other hand :hrist has come to restore both the free sons and the servants amon%st them* conferrin% the same hono'r on all of them who "eep 9is commandments& even as the children of the free women and the children of the bond women born to /acob were all sons* and eC'al in

di%nity. #nd it was foretold what each sho'ld be accordin% to ran" and accordin% to fore;"nowled%e. /acob served 6aban for spec"led and many; spotted sheep& and :hrist served* even to the slavery of the cross* for the vario's and many;formed races of man"ind* acC'irin% them by the blood and mystery of the cross. 6eah was wea";eyed& for the eyes of yo'r so'ls are excessively wea". 3achel stole the %ods of 6aban* and has hid them to this day& and we have lost o'r paternal and material %ods. /acob was hated for all time by his brother& and we now* and o'r 6ord 9imself* are hated by yo' and by all men* tho'%h we are brothers by nat're. /acob was called 1srael& and 1srael has been demonstrated to be the :hrist* who is* and is called* /es's. :9#8. :<<<H.;;:931ST 1S J1N! O7 1S3#E6* #N5 :931ST1#NS #3E T9E 1S3#E61T1: 3#:E. =#nd when Script're says* ,1 am the 6ord !od* the 9oly One of 1srael* who have made "nown 1srael yo'r Jin%*,(( will yo' not 'nderstand that tr'ly :hrist is the everlastin% Jin%? 7or yo' are aware that /acob the son of 1saac was never a "in%. #nd therefore Script're a%ain* explainin% to 's* says what "in% is meant by /acob and 1srael: ,/acob is my Servant* 1 will 'phold 9im& and 1srael is mine Elect* my so'l shall receive 9im. 1 have %iven 9im my Spirit& and 9e shall brin% forth @'d%ment to the !entiles. 9e shall not cry* and 9is voice shall not be heard witho't. The br'ised reed 9e shall not brea"* and the smo"in% flax 9e shall not C'ench* 'ntil 9e shall brin% forth @'d%ment to victory. 9e shall shine* and shall not be bro"en* 'ntil 9e set @'d%ment on the earth. #nd in 9is name shall the !entiles tr'st.,() Then is it /acob the patriarch in whom the !entiles and yo'rselves shall tr'st? or is it not :hrist? #s* therefore* :hrist is the 1srael and the /acob* even so we* who have been C'arried o't from the bowels of :hrist* are the tr'e 1sraelitic race. B't let 's attend rather to the very word: ,#nd 1 will brin% forth*, 9e says* ,the seed o't of /acob* and o't of /'dah: and it shall inherit 2y holy mo'ntain& and 2ine Elect and 2y servants shall possess the inheritance* and shall dwell there& and there shall be folds of floc"s in the thic"et* and the valley of #chor shall be a restin%;place of cattle for the people who have so'%ht 2e. B't as for yo'* who forsa"e 2e* and for%et 2y holy mo'ntain* and prepare a table for demons* and fill o't drin" for the demon* 1 shall %ive yo' to the sword. 4o' shall all fall with a sla'%hter& for 1 called yo'* and yo' hear"ened not* and did evil before me* and did choose that wherein 1 deli%hted

not.,(+ S'ch are the words of Script're& 'nderstand* therefore* that the seed of /acob now referred to is somethin% else* and not* as may be s'pposed* spo"en of yo'r people. 7or it is not possible for the seed of /acob to leave an entrance for the descendants of /acob* or for F!odG to have accepted the very same persons whom 9e had reproached with 'nfitness for the inheritance* and promise it to them a%ain& b't as there the prophet says* ,#nd now* O ho'se of /acob* come and let 's wal" in the li%ht of the 6ord& for 9e has sent away 9is people* the ho'se of /acob* beca'se their land was f'll* as at the first* of soothsayers and divinations&,(A even so it is necessary for 's here to observe that there are two seeds of /'dah* and two races* as there are two ho'ses of /acob: the one be%otten by blood and flesh* the other by faith and the Spirit. :9#8. :<<<H1.;;T9E /EWS* 1N 3E/E:T1N! :931ST* 3E/E:TE5 !O5 W9O SENT 912. =7or yo' see how 9e now addresses the people* sayin% a little before: ,#s the %ape shah be fo'nd in the cl'ster* and they will say* 5estroy it not* for a blessin% is in it& so will 1 do for 2y servant,s sa"e: for 9is sa"e 1 will not destroy them all.,(B #nd thereafter 9e adds: ,#nd 1 shall brin% forth the seed o't of /acob* and o't of /'dah., 1t is plain then that if 9e th's be an%ry with them* and threaten to leave very few of them* 9e promises to brin% forth certain others* who shall dwell in 9is mo'ntain. B't these are the persons whom 9e said 9e wo'ld sow and be%et. 7or yo' neither s'ffer 9im when 9e calls yo'* nor hear 9im when 9e spea"s to yo'* b't have done evil in the presence of the 6ord. B't the hi%hest pitch of yo'r wic"edness lies in this* that yo' hate the 3i%hteo's One* and slew 9im& and so treat those who have received from 9im all that they are and have* and who are pio's* ri%hteo's* and h'mane. Therefore ,woe 'nto their so'l*, says, the 6ord*(( ,for they have devised an evil co'nsel a%ainst themselves* sayin%* 6et 's ta"e away the ri%hteo's* for he is distastef'l to 's., 7or indeed yo' are not in the habit of sacrificin% to Baal* as were yo'r fathers* or of placin% ca"es in %roves and on hi%h places for the host of heaven: b't yo' have not accepted !od,s :hrist. 7or he who "nows not 9im* "nows not the will of !od& and he who ins'lts and hates 9im* ins'lts and hates 9im that sent 9im. #nd whoever believes not in 9im* believes not the declarations of the prophets* who preached and proclaimed 9im to all. :9#8. :<<<H11.;;9E E<9O3TS T9E /EWS TO BE :ONHE3TE5.

=Say no evil thin%* my brothers* a%ainst 9im that was cr'cified* and treat not scornf'lly the stripes wherewith all may be healed* even as we are healed. 7or it will be well if* pers'aded by the Script'res* yo' are circ'mcised from hard;heartedness: not that circ'mcision which yo' have from the tenets that are p't into yo'& for that was %iven for a si%n* and not for a wor" of ri%hteo'sness* as the Script'res compel yo' Fto admitG. #ssent* therefore* and po'r no ridic'le on the Son of !od& obey not the 8harisaic teachers* and scoff not at the Jin% of 1srael* as the r'lers of yo'r syna%o%'es teach yo' to do after yo'r prayers: for if he that to'ches those who are not pleasin%() to !od* is as one that to'ches the apple of !od,s eye* how m'ch more so is he that to'ches 9is beloved> #nd that this is 9e* has been s'fficiently demonstrated.= #nd as they "ept silence* 1 contin'ed: =2y friends* 1 now refer to the Script'res as the Seventy have interpreted them& for when 1 C'oted them formerly as yo' possess them* 1 made proof of yo' Fto ascertainG how yo' were disposed.(+ 7or* mentionin% the Script're which says* ,Woe 'nto them> for they have devised evil co'nsel a%ainst themselves* sayin%(A (as the Seventy have translated* 1 contin'ed : ,6et 's ta"e away the ri%hteo's* for he is distastef'l to 's&, whereas at the commencement of the disc'ssion 1 added what yo'r version has: ,6et 's bind the ri%hteo's* for he is distaste fill to 's., B't yo' had been b'sy abo't some other matter* and seem to have listened to the words witho't attendin% to them. B't now* since the day is drawin% to a close* for the s'n is abo't to set* 1 shall add one remar" to what 1 have said* and concl'de. 1 have indeed made the very same remar" already* b't 1 thin" it wo'ld be ri%ht to bestow some consideration on it a%ain. :9#8. :<<<H111.;;NO#9 1S # 71!03E O7 :931ST* W9O 9#S 3E!ENE3#TE5 0S B4 W#TE3* #N5 7#1T9* #N5 WOO5: Fi.e.* the :ross.G =4o' "now* then* sirs*= 1 said* =that !od has said in 1saiah to /er'salem: ,1 saved thee in the del'%e of Noah.,(B By this which !od said was meant that the mystery of saved men appeared in the del'%e. 7or ri%hteo's Noah* alon% with the other mortals at the del'%e* i.e.* with his own wife* his three sons and their wives* bein% ei%ht in n'mber* were a symbol of the ei%hth day* wherein :hrist appeared when 9e rose from the dead* for ever the first in power. 7or :hrist* bein% the first;born of every creat're* became a%ain the chief of another race re%enerated by

9imself thro'%h water* and faith* and wood* containin% the mystery of the cross& even as Noah was saved by wood when he rode over the waters with his ho'sehold. #ccordin%ly* when the prophet says* ,1 saved thee in the times of Noah*, as 1 have already remar"ed* he addresses the people who are eC'ally faithf'l to !od* and possess the same si%ns. 7or when 2oses had the rod in his hands* he led yo'r nation thro'%h the sea. #nd yo' believe that this was spo"en to yo'r nation only* or to the land. B't the whole earth* as the Script're says* was in'ndated* and the water rose in hei%ht fifteen c'bits above all the mo'ntains: so that it is evident this was not spo"en to the land* b't to the people who obeyed 9im: for whom also 9e had before prepared a restin%;place in /er'salem* as was previo'sly demonstrated by all the symbols of the del'%e& 1 mean* that by water* faith* and wood* those who are afore;prepared* and who repent of the sins which they have committed* shall escape from the impendin% @'d%ment of !od. :9#8. :<<<1<.;;T9E B6ESS1N!S* #N5 #6SO T9E :03SE* 83ONO0N:E5 B4 NO#9 WE3E 83O89E:1ES O7 T9E 70T03E. =7or another mystery was accomplished and predicted in the days of Noah* of which yo' are not aware. 1t is this: in the blessin%s wherewith Noah blessed his two sons* and in the c'rse prono'nced on his son,s son. 7or the Spirit of prophecy wo'ld not c'rse the son that had been by !od blessed alon% with Fhis brothersG. B't since the p'nishment of the sin wo'ld cleave to the whole descent of the son that moc"ed at his father,s na"edness* he made the c'rse ori%inate with his son.(( Now* in what he said* he foretold that the descendants of Shem wo'ld "eep in retention the property and dwellin%s of :anaan: and a%ain that the descendants of /apheth wo'ld ta"e possession of the property of which Shem,s descendants had dispossessed :anaan,s descendants& and spoil the descendants of Shem* even as they pl'ndered the sons of :anaan. #nd listen to the way in which it has so come to pass. 7or yo'* who have derived yo'r linea%e from Shem* invaded the territory of the sons of :anaan by the will of !od& and yo' possessed it. #nd it is manifest that the sons of /apheth* havin% invaded yo' in t'rn by the @'d%ment of !od* have ta"en yo'r land from yo'* and have possessed it. Th's it is written: ,#nd Noah awo"e from the wine* and "new what his yo'n%er son had done 'nto him& and he said* :'rsed be :anaan* the servant& a servant shall he be 'nto his brethren. #nd he said* Blessed be the 6ord !od of Shem& and :anaan shall be his servant. 2ay the 6ord enlar%e /apheth* and let him dwell in the ho'ses of Shem& and let :anaan be his servant.,()

#ccordin%ly* as two peoples were blessed*;;those from Shem* and those from /apheth*;;and as the offsprin% of Shem were decreed first to possess the dwellin%s of :anaan* and the offsprin% of /apheth were predicted as in t'rn receivin% the same possessions* and to the two peoples there was the one people of :anaan handed over for servants& so :hrist has come accordin% to the power %iven 9im from the #lmi%hty 7ather* and s'mmonin% men to friendship* and blessin%* and repentance* and dwellin% to%ether* has promised* as has already been proved* that there shall be a f't're possession for all the saints in this same land. #nd hence all men everywhere* whether bond or free* who believe in :hrist* and reco%nise the tr'th in 9is own words and those of 9is prophets* "now that they shall be with 9im in that land* and inherit everlastin% and incorr'ptible %ood. :9#8. :<6.;;1N :931ST #66 #3E 73EE. T9E /EWS 9O8E 7O3 S#6H#T1ON 1N H#1N BE:#0SE T9E4 #3E SONS O7 #B3#9#2. =9ence also /acob* as 1 remar"ed before* bein% himself a type of :hrist* had married the two handmaids of his two free wives* and of them be%at sons* for the p'rpose of indicatin% beforehand that :hrist wo'ld receive even all those who amon%st /apheth,s race are descendants of :anaan* eC'ally with the free* and wo'ld have the children fellow;heirs. #nd we are s'ch& b't yo' cannot comprehend this* beca'se yo' cannot drin" of the livin% fo'ntain of !od* b't of bro"en cisterns which can hold no water* as the Script're says.(+ B't they are cisterns bro"en* and holdin% no water* which yo'r own teachers have di%%ed* as the Script're also expressly asserts* ,teachin% for doctrines the commandments of men.,(A #nd besides* they be%'ile themselves and yo'* s'pposin% that the everlastin% "in%dom will be ass'redly %iven to those of the dispersion who are of #braham after the flesh* altho'%h they be sinners* and faithless* and disobedient towards !od* which the Script'res have proved is not the case. 7or if so* 1saiah wo'ld never have said this: ,#nd 'nless the 6ord of Sabaoth had left 's a seed* we wo'ld have been li"e Sodom and !omorrah.,(B #nd EIe"iel: ,Even if Noah* and /acob* and 5aniel were to pray for sons or da'%hters* their reC'est sho'ld not be %ranted.,(D B't neither shall the father perish for the son* nor the son for the father& b't every one for his own sin* and each shall be saved for his own ri%hteo'sness.(E #nd a%ain 1saiah says: ,They shall loo" on the car& cases(L of them that have trans%ressed: their worm shall not cease* and their fire shall not be C'enched& and they shall be a spectacle to all flesh.,(M #nd o'r 6ord*

accordin% to the will of 9im that sent 9im* who is the 7ather and 6ord of all* wo'ld not have said* ,They shall come from the east* and from the west* and shall sit down with #braham* and 1saac* and /acob in the "in%dom of heaven. B't the children of the "in%dom shall be cast o't into o'ter dar"ness.,((O 7'rthermore* 1 have proved in what has preceded*= that those who were fore"nown to be 'nri%hteo's* whether men or an%els* are not made wic"ed by !od,s fa'lt* b't each man by his own fa'lt is what he will appear to be. :9#8. :<61.;;73EE;W166 1N 2EN #N5 #N!E6S. =B't that yo' may not have a pretext for sayin% that :hrist m'st have been cr'cified* and that those who trans%ressed m'st have been amon% yo'r nation* and that the matter co'ld not have been otherwise* 1 said briefly by anticipation* that !od* wishin% men and an%els to follow 9is will* resolved to create them free to do ri%hteo'sness& possessin% reason* that they may "now by whom they are created* and thro'%h whom they* not existin% formerly* do now exist& and with a law that they sho'ld be @'d%ed by 9im* if they do anythin% contrary to ri%ht reason: and of o'rselves we* men and an%els* shall be convicted of havin% acted sinf'lly* 'nless we repent beforehand. B't if the word of !od foretells that some an%els and men shall be certainly p'nished* it did so beca'se it fore"new that they wo'ld be 'nchan%eably Fwic"edG* b't not beca'se !od had created them so. So that if they repent* all who wish for it can obtain mercy from !od: and the Script're foretells that they shall be blessed* sayin%* ,Blessed is the man to whom the 6ord imp'teth not sin&,(( that is* havin% repented of his sins* that he may receive remission of them from !od& and not as yo' deceive yo'rselves* and some others who resemble yo' in this* who say* that even tho'%h they be sinners* b't "now !od* the 6ord will not imp'te sin to them. We have as proof of this the one fall of 5avid* which happened thro'%h his boastin%* which was for%iven then when he so mo'rned and wept* as it is written. B't if even to s'ch a man no remission was %ranted before repentance* and only when this %reat "in%* and anointed one* and prophet* mo'rned and cond'cted himself so* how can the imp're and 'tterly abandoned* if they weep not* and mo'rn not* and repent not* entertain the hope that the 6ord will not imp'te to them sin? #nd this one fall of 5avid* in the matter of 0riah,s wife* proves* sirs*= 1 said* =that the patriarchs had many wives* not to commit fornication* b't that a certain dispensation and all mysteries mi%ht be accomplished by them& since* if it were allowable to ta"e any wife* or as many wives as one chooses* and how he chooses* which

the men of yo'r nation do over all the earth* wherever they so@o'rn* or wherever they have been sent* ta"in% women 'nder the name of marria%e* m'ch more wo'ld 5avid have been permitted to do this.= When 1 had said this* dearest 2arc's 8ompei's* 1 came to an end. :9#8. :<611.;;T9E /EWS 3ET03N T9#NJS* #N5 6E#HE /0ST1N. Then Trypho* after a little delay* said* =4o' see that it was not intentionally that we came to disc'ss these points. #nd 1 confess that 1 have been partic'larly pleased with the conference& and 1 thin" that these are of C'ite the same opinion as myself. 7or we have fo'nd more than we expected* and more than it was possible to have expected. #nd if we co'ld do this more freC'ently* we sho'ld be m'ch helped in the searchin% of the Script'res themselves. B't since*= he said* =yo' are on the eve of depart're* and expect daily to set sail* do not hesitate to remember 's as friends when yo' are %one.= =7or my part*= 1 replied* =if 1 had remained* 1 wo'ld have wished to do the same thin% daily. B't now* since 1 expect* with !od,s will and aid* to set sail* 1 exhort yo' to %ive all dili%ence in this very %reat str'%%le for yo'r own salvation* and to be earnest in settin% a hi%her val'e on the :hrist of the #lmi%hty !od than on yo'r own teachers.= #fter this they left me* wishin% me safety in my voya%e* and from every misfort'ne. #nd 1* prayin% for them* said* =1 can wish no better thin% for yo'* sirs* than this* that* reco%nisin% in this way that intelli%ence is %iven to every man* yo' may be of the same opinion as o'rselves* and believe that /es's is the :hrist of !od.=() Ta"en from =The Early :h'rch 7athers and Other Wor"s= ori%inally p'blished by Wm. B. Eerdmans 8'b. :o. in En%lish in Edinb'r%h* Scotland be%innin% in (LDE. (#N7 (* 3oberts and 5onaldson. The di%ital version is by The Electronic Bible Society* 8.O. Box EO(+BD* 5allas* T< EB+EO* )(A;AOE;WO35. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The electronic form of this doc'ment is copyri%hted. :opyri%ht (c Eternal Word Television Networ" (MMD. 8rovided co'rtesy of:

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