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Assessment Plan Day 1: Power point review sheet 1.

______________ students are victims of moderate or serious bullying each year. 2. Verbal bullying is defined as3. Give 3 examples of verbal bullying. 1. 2. 3. 4. Social bullying is defined as5. Give 3 examples of social bullying. 1. 2. 3. 6. Physical bullying is defined as7. Give 3 examples of physical bullying. 1. 2. 3. 8. Give 6 examples of where bullying can occur. 1. 3. 5. 2. 4. 6.

9. What is one reason cyber bullying difficult to control and prevent.

10. What is a bully11. What is and assister12. What is a reinenforcer13. What is an outsider14. What is a defender-

Day 2: Reflection journal Why should you not be an outsider when you see someone being bullied? What is an affective why to help diffuse a situation when someone is being bullied?

Day 3: Role play reaction to bully rubric

Good (3) Contribution to group Provides many useful ideas in group discussion Students have put together an appropriate presentation for class Fair (2) Provides one or two ideas, goes off task from time to time Students made some changes after meeting with teacher, some parts are appropriate for class Students are somewhat easy to understand, use notes from time to time Students use techniques from class but in an incorrect way Needs Improvement (1) Does not provide any useful ideas, goes off task a lot Presentation is not appropriate for class, did not makes changes after meeting with teacher Students are very hard to understand and read entirely off notes


Voice/ Clarity

Students are loud and easy to understand and use notes very once Students use correct techniques provided from class in correct manor

Affective techniques used

Students do not use appropriate techniques from class

Day 4: Role play outsider reaction to bully

Good (3) Contribution to group Provides many useful ideas in group discussion Students have put together an appropriate presentation for class Fair (2) Provides one or two ideas, goes off task from time to time Students made some changes after meeting with teacher, some parts are appropriate for class Students are somewhat easy to understand, use notes from time to time Students use techniques from class but in an incorrect way Needs Improvement (1) Does not provide any useful ideas, goes off task a lot Presentation is not appropriate for class, did not makes changes after meeting with teacher Students are very hard to understand and read entirely off notes


Voice/ Clarity

Students are loud and easy to understand and use notes very once Students use correct techniques provided from class in correct manor

Affective techniques used

Students do not use appropriate techniques from class

Day 5: Exit ticket How has bully changed with internet? What is the online bullying so hard to prevent still?

Day 6: Exit ticket If you are being bullied why is it so important to talk to someone? Who can you talk to in school if you are being bullied?

Day 7: Web Quest 1. What is a bully? 2. What is and assister? 3. What is a reinenforcer?

4. What is an outsider? 5. What is a defender? 6. What is verbal bullying and give 3 examples. 7. What is social bullying and give 3 examples. 8. What is physical bullying and give 3 examples. 9. What is an effective way to help someone being bullied? 10. What is an effective way to react when you are being bullied? 11. What is one way you can help make this school a bully free zone?

Day 8: Test 1. What is a bully? a. someone that engages in bullying behavior towards their peers b. targets of bullying behavior c. serve as an "assistant" to children who are bullying d. cool guy 2. What is and assister? a. encourage the bullying behavior and occasionally join in b. pass to someone that scores c. actively comfort the child being bullied and may come to the child's defense when bullying occurs d. children remain separate from the bullying situation 3. What is a reinenforcer? a. not directly involved in the bullying behavior b. They will often laugh or provide support for the children who are engaging in bullying c. give the bullying an audience d. all of the above 4. What is an outsider? a. neither reinforce the bullying behavior nor defend the child being bullied b. bullying that takes place using electronic technology c. encourage the bullying behavior and occasionally join in d. Ponyboy Curtis

5. What is a defender? a. actively comfort the child being bullied and may come to the child's defense when bullying occurs b. encourage the bullying behavior and occasionally join in c. neither reinforce the bullying behavior nor defend the child being bullied d. someone trying to stop the team from scoring 6. What is verbal bullying and give 3 examples. Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things 1. Teasing 2. Name calling 3. Taunting 7. What is social bullying and give 3 examples. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someones reputation or relationships 1. Leaving someone out on purpose 2. Spreading rumors 3. Embarrassing someone in public 8. What is physical bullying and give 3 examples. Physical bullying involves hurting a persons body or possessions 1. Hitting 2. Spitting 3. Kicking 9. What is an effective way to help someone being bullied? 10. What is an effective way to react when you are being bullied? 11. What is one way you can help make this school a bully free zone? Point break down: Review sheetReflection journalRole play day 3Role play day 4Exit ticket day 5Exit ticket day 6Web questTest-

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