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A Project Report On

Project Name
School Management

Prepared By: Guided By:



We would like to express our appreciation to the many people who have contributed to the successful completion of this Website. I am even so greteful to all this people for helping me to improve my understanding of numerous concepts in PHP and MY !". We are thankful to respected for giving us opportunity to do this pro#ect. $heir inspiration and generous support gave us sufficient strength to prepare the pro#ect. We are also thankful to whom inspiration% guidance and generous support gave us sufficient strength to prepare the pro#ect. It is with profound feelings of gratitude we place on record our extreme indebiness to the and respected &irti Madam for providing us technical input in the form of manuscripts% books and study materials and influencing our thinking. "ast but not least we would like to thank all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in develop in a successful pro#ect.


'( A)*tract +( Application ,lo.( #ata ,lo- #iagram /( O)jecti0e 1 Scope O2 Project 3( #e2inition O2 $he Pro)lem 4( 5*er Re6uirement* 7( Sy*tem Analy*i* 8( #etail* O2 9ard-are 1 So2t-are :( A Complete Analy*i* 1 #e*ign #ocument ';( Screen Shot* ''( Bi)liography

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We are make this pro#ect to help user friendly. In this pro#ect the on the chool Management. In the this pro#ect user can see the details of all about the school details in the web site. 'dministrator can add the details of the students% staff details% ( online addmission details in the web sites. $his pro#ect is very useful to the any type of school manage ( store the all types details on the web site without any paper work. Help of this pro#ect any one can access the details of the school ( if any one stdent want to know about the couses of this school than they are see without visiting the school ( without wating the their time. If they are intrasted in the couse than they are registare or the get the fill addmission form on line. If any one use want to give sugession about the school or the pro#ect than user give their details using feedback form. If any one user want to contect to the administrator or manager of the school or get the details of the contect number ( addresses know in the contecct us page ( user can contect the administraot using this page.

Application 2lo-


'bout us )ontact




)ontact us



tud details

taff details

tandard *etails

)ontact *etails


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Home Page


OB<"C$%=" 1 SCOP" O, PRO<"C$

's students of M)' +ield% We try our best to cover all re1uirements which are used to complete where web application. We have tried to prepare the pro#ect on chool Management ob#ects of our pro#ect are2

#",%N%$%ON O, $9" PROB!"M

ystem is for the computeri3ed used for the Website . .ow a days in area of a computer we see each and every find is being coputeri3ed so% giving autometic and safe way of 'dmission in an economic and speedly way is a good move for anyWork. $his pro#ect is executive developed for any chool% can satisfied their customer re1uirement administrete they give manual 4invoice4 gives the date for previous record and the area in which they are given services% any Problem classifies their Principle according to different areas and as city develops day by day new areas added to the cities% this pro#ect also provides .

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5efore designing the system of this software% I search many chool information to know their re1uirements. 'fter that I came to know that what steps are preformed to issue. I have collected many information for record of various details re1uired to make +aculty system. $he analysis of the system specifies the two most basic re1uirement of staff management. We can able to update% delete any perticular details of staff with the help of update% delete button. It provides various option to update your record. In this system% general information regarding staff can be stored separately. $his can be used for future reference. In user entry form% details regarding user can be stored . ,n the base of the system analysis% the designed of the software is prepared. /very small topic is considered very seriously to fulfill the re1uirement of the user.


0e1uirements analysies involves the systems entities and attributes. $his stage was termimated with the preparation of the list of inputs% outputs and processes for the system commonly known as patient re1uirement specification. *uring this stage% I came to know the process involved in transforming the inputs into outputs. inputs2 6. 'dmission entry 7. taff entry 8. tandard entry ,utputs2 6. -enerate record 7. 0ecept


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Web erver 29 :ampp ;<.6.=> Web 5rowser 29 Internet /xplorer% Mor3ila $ools 29 *ream wear ?.@ $echnology 29 PHP =% PHP < *atabase erver 29 My !" ; <.@.76>

Software specification:'(


PHP is the large no of internet service providers AI PsB and web hosting companies that support it. $oday there are hundreds of thousands of developers using PHP% and itCs not surprising that there are so many% considering that several thet several million sites are reported to have php installed. PHP is a cross platform technology and that once youCve wrriten your web page% itCs easy to get it up and running on our web server but how does php compare with other technologies out thereD Well% comparing php with perl is a bit tricky becouse they were designed for different things. PHP was specifically designed to rapidly create dynamic web contentE perl was not. 's a result% perl can sometimes be a complicated language that can become prohibitive for users who want to create web pages. )omparing php with asp is a more balanced comparison% but then you have to pay for asp% and asp doesnCt work well on a variety of platforms it needs to be used on other proprietary for which you also must pay.

7. M?S>!:
MY !" is a freely available 0*5M . Which fully #oined the open source community only recentli% when it was released under the -.F public licenseA-P"B. /ven before it want free% you didnCt need a license unless you wanted to make money out of it% or run the server on the windows platform. Athe windows version of mys1l was sharewareB. 5ecause you now donCt have to pay a dime to use it% this alone makes mys1l a solidcandidate for developing application. If the -P" worries you for any reason% or you need to incorporate mys1l into a commercial application% you can still buy a commercially licensed version from the developers at

8. G'H' )0IP$29
$odayCs web site needs to go much beyound H$M". $here is a definite need to allow user% browsing through web site to actually interact with the web site. $he web must be intelligent enough to accept user input and dynamically structure web page content% tailor made% to a userCs re1uirements. Fsers% who browse throush a web site today% prefer to choose to view what interests them.

Hence even the content of a web page needs to be dynamic based on what a user wishes to see. $his re1uires a web site development that will allow the creation of interactive web pages. )apturing user re1uest is traditionally done via a form. $he web site development envirenment should also provide the facility for validafing. Gavascript is an ob#ect oriented language thwt allows creation of interactive web pages. $he advantages of #avascript29 6. 'n interpreted language. 7. /mbedded within H$M". 8. Minimal syntax easy to learn. =. Performancesign for simple% small programs.


+ields Id .ame tandard

*ata type I.$/-/0 H'0)H'0 H'0)H'0 8


*escription You can use to generate the id. You can specify the stud name. Your can specified the standard

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+ield Id .ame *esignation !ualification experience contact email

*ata type I.$/-/0 H'0)H'0 H'0)H'0 H'0)H'0 I.$/-/0 H'0)H'0 H'0)H'0 8


*escription You can use to only id use You can specified the teacher name. You can specified the teacher designation. Fse the teacher 1ualification experience of teacher $eacher of contact no. Fse of $eacher email.

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+ield Id tandard name Intake +ees

*ata type I.$/-/0 H'0)H'0 H'0)H'0 I.$/-/0 8


*escription You can use to only id use specified the standard name $hey are use to intake place Fse to the stud fees

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1. User must be filling up t e !ll fiel"s. #. User $!n n%t enter $ !r!$ter &!lue in numeri$ fiel"s. '. User $!n n%t enter numeri$ &!lue in $ !r!$ter fiel"s. (. )ust%mer i" is ! prim!r* +e* s% it $!n n%t repe!t. ,. -!*ment pr%$ess in %nline.

"imitation29 ,nly this Fser is pay of chool Management in under the city category. +uture application29 'll the user are chool Management.

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Student Acti0ity

Contact 5*

A)out u*


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