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ALlCA1lCn PAnu8CCk

AnALS1PLSlA & L8lCL8A1lvL MLulClnL

C CerL
C ulp
AnaesLhesla & erloperaLlve Medlclne

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ur Chrls Carey
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1racy kellock



lnLroducLlon ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Alms and Learnlng CuLcomes for Lhe Course ......................................................................................... 3
Alms .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Learnlng CuLcomes ............................................................................................................................. 4
LnLry 8equlremenLs ................................................................................................................................ 4
SLrucLure of Course ................................................................................................................................. 3
osLgraduaLe CerLlflcaLe ln AnaesLhesla and erloperaLlve Medlclne ............................................... 3
osLgraduaLe ulploma ln AnaesLhesla and erloperaLlve Medlclne .................................................. 6
Module uescrlpLlons ............................................................................................................................... 7
AssessmenL and CpLlmlsaLlon ............................................................................................................ 7
Plgh 8lsk AnaesLhesla ......................................................................................................................... 7
Lmergency Care .................................................................................................................................. 7
8esearch MeLhods and CrlLlcal Appralsal ........................................................................................... 7
CommunlcaLlon, Learnlng and 1eachlng ln PealLh and Soclal Care ................................................... 7
Leadlng and 1ransformlng Servlces .................................................................................................... 7
1lmeLable ................................................................................................................................................ 8
lees ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1eachlng SLaff.......................................................................................................................................... 8
1eachlng and Learnlng MeLhods ............................................................................................................. 8
AssessmenL ............................................................................................................................................. 8
1eachlng SlLes ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Pow Lo Apply ........................................................................................................................................... 9
And Finally.. .......................................................................................................................................... 9



1he AnaesLhesla and erloperaLlve Medlclne course alms Lo provlde advanced professlonal
educaLlon for anaesLheLlsLs whlch exLends beyond Lhe CC1 currlculum and l8CA exam. 1he goal ls Lo
Lraln sLudenLs Laklng Lhe course Lo develop Lhe skllls Lo become hlgh achlevlng consulLanLs and
cllnlcal leaders of Lhe fuLure by provldlng a blend of cllnlcal knowledge wlLh learnlng ln Lhe Lhree key
professlonal domalns of 8esearch, Leadershlp and CommunlcaLlon & Learnlng, along wlLh Lhe
developmenL of research and publlshlng skllls.

ln parLlcular, Lhls course emphaslses Lhe developlng naLure of Lhe professlon by encompasslng
perioperative medicine within the title. This is reflected in the course content which aims to
provlde Leachlng ln areas aL Lhe forefronL of developmenLs ln healLhcare pracLlce and provlslon. lL
moves beyond Lhe LradlLlonal hosplLal and LheaLre-based model of anaesLheLlc pracLlce and
lnLroduces key advances ln cllnlcal care and Lhe developlng role of Lhe AnaesLheLlsL.
1he osLgraduaLe CerLlflcaLe and Lhe osLgraduaLe ulploma are boLh LaughL aL osLgraduaLe (M)
level and wlll be awarded on galnlng 60 and 120 credlLs respecLlvely. 1he course ls under furLher
developmenL wlLh a vlew Lo offerlng an MSc opLlon aL a laLer sLage.
1hls course ls valldaLed by Lhe unlverslLy of 8rlghLon.
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1hls course has been seL up wlLh Lhe ulLlmaLe alm of lmprovlng Lhe quallLy of care for nPS
paLlenLs. 1hls wlll be achleved ln Lhree ways. llrsLly, deLalled LulLlon ln key areas of cllnlcal paLlenL
care aL a level beyond Lhe anaesLheLlc Lralnlng currlculum wlll be provlded. 1he sub[ecLs covered ln
Lhe Cllnlcal modules wlll dlrecLly faclllLaLe learnlng ln key areas of paLlenL managemenL, many of
whlch are aL Lhe cuLLlng edge of paLlenL care. 1hls wlll afford sLudenLs a greaLer undersLandlng ln
Lhese areas whlch wlll enhance Lhelr cllnlcal pracLlce and encourage Lhem Lo develop furLher
Secondly, Lhe course wlll allow sLudenLs Lo develop Lhelr experLlse ln crlLlcal appralsal and evldence
based pracLlce. 1hls wlll enable Lhem Lo develop skllls whlch wlll enhance Lhelr cllnlcal pracLlce ln all
areas. 1hls wlll be of conslderable beneflL Lo sLudenLs noL [usL durlng Lhelr Llme ln Lralnlng buL also
LhroughouL Lhelr fuLure consulLanL careers. 1he prlnclples of conLlnulng professlonal developmenL
and evldence based medlclne are enshrlned wlLhln Lhe core values of Lhe nPS and Lhe ablllLy Lo use
lnformaLlon from medlcal llLeraLure approprlaLely Lo enhance Lhe quallLy of personal cllnlcal pracLlce
ls of greaL beneflL Lo boLh docLors and paLlenLs.
llnally, Lhe course wlll also provlde sLudenLs wlLh a greaLer undersLandlng of Lhe sLrucLure and
processes of Lhe nPS and LulLlon ln many of Lhe professlonal domalns LhaL Lhey wlll need Lo develop
Lo acL as leaders, educaLors and developers wlLhln Lhe conLexL of nPS work aL Lhe hlghesL
levels. 1he course conLenL has been carefully consldered Lo reflecL Lhe needs of nPS LrusLs when
recrulLlng consulLanL sLaff and also Lhe wlder prlorlLles of Lhe nPS ln developlng cllnlcal leadershlp,

servlce developmenL and educaLlon. 1hls ls parLlcularly evldenL ln Lhe generlc professlonal modules
buL also applles Lo Lhe cllnlcal modules whlch feaLure Lhe areas of servlce deslgn and developmenL
wlLhln Lhelr conLenL.
1hls course wlll enhance Lhe knowledge and ablllLles of sLudenLs ln each of Lhese areas Lo enable
Lhem Lo develop successful careers and ensure LhaL Lhey have Lhe skllls Lo provlde hlgh quallLy care,
boLh dlrecLly and lndlrecLly Lhrough roles ln educaLlon, leadershlp and managemenL.
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CraduaLes from Lhls Masters level course wlll be able Lo demonsLraLe:

An undersLandlng of research meLhods and crlLlcal appralsal
An undersLandlng of Lhe prlnclples of assessmenL and opLlmlsaLlon, and Lhe ablllLy Lo
apply Lhese Lo cllnlcal pracLlce
An undersLandlng of Lhe evldence base for Lhe managemenL of a range of emergency
medlcal and surglcal condlLlons
An undersLandlng of Lhe organlsaLlonal and pollcy conLexL and Lhe drlvers for change Lo
enable cllnlclans Lo conLrlbuLe more effecLlvely Lo lmprovlng Lhe deslgn, dellvery,
ouLcomes and cosL effecLlveness of servlces
An advanced level of undersLandlng of communlcaLlon and Leachlng ln relaLlon Lo
paLlenLs and colleagues of all levels
1he ablllLy Lo analyse and synLheslse daLa from a wlde varleLy of sources Lo lnform
evldence-based pracLlce ln anaesLhesla

Cn successful compleLlon of Lhls course sLudenLs wlll be able Lo demonsLraLe Lhe followlng skllls:

An ablllLy Lo access and search dlfferenL daLabases and sources of llLeraLure and daLa
1he analysls and synLhesls of daLa
1he ablllLy Lo use evldence approprlaLely Lo lnform cllnlcal pracLlce
rofesslonal wrlLlng and presenLaLlon skllls
Advanced levels of communlcaLlons ln cllnlcal and non-cllnlcal seLLlngs
ueveloplng and submlLLlng research proposals
negoLlaLlng research eLhlcs and governance procedures
1he ablllLy Lo relaLe cllnlcal knowledge and [udgmenL Lo organlsaLlonal seLLlngs and
701$8 9&:#/$&-&01%

SLudenLs should have a Medlcal degree plus a mlnlmum of 2 years' experlence ln AnaesLhesla.
SLudenLs are normally expecLed Lo be ln cllnlcal pracLlce LhroughouL Lhe course.
AppllcaLlons wlll be made dlrecL Lo osLgraduaLe Medlclne, 8SMS. AppllcanLs wlll be shorL llsLed and
SLudenLs wlll be expecLed Lo be aware of Lhe laLesL Lrends and developmenLs ln anaesLhesla, e.g.
Lhrough readlng approprlaLe [ournals.
AppllcaLlons are welcomed from lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs wlLh approprlaLe quallflcaLlons and
experlence. (1hls course ls offered for parL-Llme sLudy only ln 2013-14. lull-Llme sLudy wlll be

avallable from SepLember 2014). SLudenLs for whom Lngllsh ls noL a flrsL language musL
demonsLraLe an accepLable sLandard of comprehenslon and communlcaLlon ln Lhe Lngllsh Language
(lLL1S: mlnlmum overall score of 7.0 and 7.0 for Lhe wrlLlng elemenL).
Clalms for Lhe AccredlLaLlon of rlor Learnlng (AL) wlll be consldered Lo a maxlmum of 30 of Lhe
LoLal credlLs permlLLed.
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1here are Lhree mandaLory modules for C CerL AnaesLhesla and erloperaLlve Medlclne. 1hese are:
AssessmenL and CpLlmlsaLlon (MuM123)
Plgh 8lsk AnaesLhesla (MuM124)
8esearch MeLhods and CrlLlcal Appralsal (MuM10)

1here are slx mandaLory modules for C ulp AnaesLhesla and erloperaLlve Medlclne. 1hese are:
AssessmenL and CpLlmlsaLlon (MuM123)
Plgh 8lsk AnaesLhesla (MuM124)
Lmergency Care (MuM123)
8esearch MeLhods and CrlLlcal Appralsal (MuM10)
CommunlcaLlon, Learnlng and 1eachlng ln PealLh and Soclal Care (MuM122)
Leadlng and 1ransformlng Servlces (MuM110)

1he course sLrucLure ls shown below.

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MuM123 AssessmenL and CpLlmlsaLlon
MuM124 Plgh 8lsk AnaesLhesla
MuM10 8esearch MeLhods & CrlLlcal Appralsal
MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)


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MuM123 AssessmenL and CpLlmlsaLlon
MuM124 Plgh 8lsk AnaesLhesla
MuM123 Lmergency Care
MuM10 8esearch MeLhods & CrlLlcal Appralsal
MuM122 CommunlcaLlon, Learnlng and
1eachlng ln PealLh and Soclal Care
MuM110 Leadlng and 1ransformlng Servlces

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

MandaLory (20 credlLs)

?ear 1
A hlgh level of crlLlcal analysls of orlglnal research ls requlred LhroughouL Lhe course of sLudy,
Lherefore MuM10, Lhe 8esearch MeLhods & CrlLlcal Appralsal module, wlll be Laken aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe academlc year. 1hls ls followed by Lwo cllnlcal modules Assessment and
Cptimisation, which is scheduled for January and High Risk Anaesthesia which runs in March.
?ear 2
Year 2 begins in September with the third clinical module Emergency Care and will be followed by
the professional modules Communication, Learning and Teaching in Health and Social Care and
Leading and Transforming Services.
Lach module runs over one week of flve consecuLlve days. 1here ls no dlsLance learnlng.


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This module aims to advance the students LheoreLlcal knowledge of perloperaLlve rlsk assessmenL
and paLlenL opLlmlsaLlon by promoLlng crlLlcal appralsal, undersLandlng and appllcaLlon of Lhe
currenL evldence ln relaLlon Lo rlsk sLraLlflcaLlon and rlsk reducLlon ln Lhe perloperaLlve paLhway.

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1hls module dlrecLs you Lowards a deeper undersLandlng of Lhe mulLldlsclpllnary managemenL of
paLlenLs aL hlgh rlsk of morbldlLy and morLallLy ln Lhe perloperaLlve perlod. Speclflcally, Lhls module
alms Lo sLlmulaLe you Lo seek ouL evldence-based pracLlce, and Lo encourage you Lo conLlnuously
audlL and lmprove your own and your lnsLlLuLlonal pracLlce wlLh regard Lo Lhese paLlenLs, ln order Lo
improve the quality of care administered and the patients experience of care.

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1hls module alms Lo advance your knowledge of cllnlcal anaesLheLlc care for Lhe LreaLmenL of
emergency medlcal and surglcal condlLlons ln a range of seLLlngs lnslde and ouLslde of Lhe hosplLal
envlronmenL and enable you Lo undersLand how ouLcomes and quallLy are measured.

1he module also promoLes undersLandlng of Lhe organlsaLlon of servlces such as Lrauma neLworks
and pre-hosplLal emergency servlces and provldes LulLlon ln areas such as Leam worklng and human
facLors whlch are relevanL Lo Lhls area.

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1he module alms Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh an undersLandlng of how Lo use evldence ln Lhelr
speclallsL area. lL alms Lo provlde sLudenLs wlLh an undersLandlng of research meLhods ln healLh and
soclal care and Lhe ablllLy Lo relaLe approprlaLe meLhods Lo research quesLlons. SLudenLs wlll be
equlpped Lo search and crlLlcally revlew Lhe llLeraLure, Lo develop and [usLlfy a research proposal,
and Lo anLlclpaLe poLenLlal eLhlcal lssues ln Lhelr research proposal.

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1hls module alms Lo faclllLaLe Lhe developmenL of pracLlLloners as communlcaLors and educaLors,
promoLlng Lhe developmenL of knowledge, skllls, aLLlLudes and pracLlces of a compeLenL cllnlcal

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1hls module alms Lo provlde an overarchlng undersLandlng of Lhe organlsaLlonal conLexL for change
ln healLh & care servlce seLLlngs Lo enable managers, pracLlLloners and professlonals Lo conLrlbuLe
more effecLlvely Lo leadlng and lmprovlng Lhe deslgn of servlce models and new organlsaLlonal
bodles, and Lo Lhe dellvery, cosL effecLlveness and ouLcomes of servlces.


A compleLe llsL of Lhe modules and Lhe daLes Lhey are scheduled Lo run wlll be avallable from !une aL
Lhe followlng llnk:
lease conLacL Lhe rogramme AdmlnlsLraLor for furLher lnformaLlon.

lor fee lnformaLlon please conLacL: enqulrles[ or vlslL Lhe followlng llnk:

;&)36/0, C1)55

Academlc sLaff from Lhe 8rlghLon and Sussex Medlcal School and 8rlghLon and Sussex unlverslLy
PosplLals are lnvolved ln Lhe provlslon of Leachlng ln a modular formaL aL MasLers (M) level.
SpeclallsL Leachlng ls provlded by consulLanLs, speclallsLs and oLher cllnlcal sLaff from 1rusLs and
organlsaLlons ln and around Lhe reglon. 1he exLenslve conLrlbuLlon of experL pracLlLloners Lo Lhe
Leachlng of Lhe modules ls a dlsLlncLlve feaLure of courses aL 8SMS.
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As wlLh all MasLers courses, Lhere ls a conslderable degree of lndependenL sLudy. 1eachlng
meLhods encompass lecLures, whole group dlscusslons, small group dlscusslons, crlLlcal appralsal
workshops and lndlvldual LuLorlals. MalnLalnlng employmenL LhroughouL Lhe course ensures Lhe
Lransfer of knowledge and skllls from Lhe course lnLo Lhe workplace.

Modules are usually assessed by 3,000 word wrlLLen asslgnmenLs whlch are cenLred on case sLudles
or a relevanL Loplc chosen by Lhe sLudenL and agreed wlLh Lhe module leader.


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1he Lhree professlonal modules are LaughL aL Lhe unlverslLy of 8rlghLon lalmer campus:
1he Lhree cllnlcal modules are prlmarlly LaughL aL Lhe Luan keaL CenLre, rlncess 8oyal PosplLal,
Paywards PeaLh:

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lease apply onllne vla Lhe followlng llnk:
And Finally..

lf you have any furLher quesLlons please conLacL Lhe rogramme AdmlnlsLraLor aL Lhe emall address
glven on Lhe cover page of Lhls handbook.

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