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A Study on Green Marketing a Case of Garment Retailers Shoppers Stop & Pantaloons

Pantaloons is the largest Indian retailer having an established presence in all the retail verticals and operating multiple retail formats,viz. Pantaloon, Central, Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar, Globally, organized retail contributes about 8 ! of the overall retail sector. "nli#e the developed nations, the organized retail penetration is lo$ in developing countries. $ith Indian penetration estimated at a modest %!&8! as of ' (. )ey factors such as strong economic gro$th, favorable demographics, increasing number of dual income families, changing lifestyle, rising aspirations of young consumers and increase in discretionary income e*pected to drive gro$th in the Indian organized retail mar#et. +e e*pect the organized retail sector to gro$ rapidly and reach a ,-! penetration level by ' ,.. Pantaloon has successfully tapped the opportunities $ithin the retail space, especially in the value formats. /he Company has been able to leverage on its multi&formats&multi&brand stores, secure prime locations at the best possible prices and command a strong bargaining po$er $ith suppliers, $hich provide it an edge over its competitors. Pantaloons0 ability to understand the Indian consumer psyche, its e*perience in managing gro$th, massive e*pansion plans, e*cellent e*ecution capabilities, sound financial performance and huge gro$th opportunities 1offered by the organized retail boom in India2 augur $ell for the Company0s overall future prospects. 3ot$ithstanding the inflationary trends in the economy, the management has indicated that it is confident that they $ill be able to control increases in average rentals. 4anagement confirmed in multiple discussions $ith 55G analysts that they are confident of their gro$th prospects, though the current real estate environment has resulted in minor delays in properties coming on&stream. /he stoc# trades at less than 8* ' , 6786BI/9:. +e maintain our positive outloo# on the stoc# and recommend a B"; $ith a target price of 5s -%,, an upside of %-! from current levels.

Globalization is not a ne$ trend for retailers< in fact, it $as the theme of last year0s Global Po$ers of 5etailing. In ' ,', retailers $ill continue to loo# to enter ne$ mar#ets li#e :sia Pacific, :frica and =outh :merica as higher gro$th in these regions continues, and they $ill loo# to improve their e*isting operational performance in these mar#ets to achieve sustained gro$th. :long the $ay, retailers have learned that to succeed in emerging mar#ets they must significantly customize both their mar#et models and product offerings to meet local needs and preferences. In addition, e*pect retailers to more fully empo$er store and regional managers $hen developing mar#eting and sales plans, given the managers0 better understanding of local consumer and community needs. Finally, real estate $ill continue to be of great importance $hen entering ne$ mar#ets, given the difficulties of gaining a foothold $hen local operators already o$n the best locations. 5etailers $ill not only be loo#ing for gro$th in emerging mar#ets> they $ill also loo# to innovate in multi&channel strategies, mobile and data analytics to maintain or gro$ their mar#et shares in developed mar#ets. /he global retail sector posted a C:G5 of -! for the last five years 1' .&' (2 to reach a value of "=9?.,tn in ' (. Food, apparel and technology retailing dominate the sector, accounting for about -?.?! of the overall mar#et size. /he organized retail sector is largely dominated by developed countries such as the "=, @apan and the 6uropean nations, $here it contributes over 8 ! of the total retail revenue. 9eveloping countries such as China, India and Brazil are coming up the ladder e*periencing a rapid gro$th in organized retail. Ao$ever, the level of penetration varies from -! to . !, against (-&8-! in developed countries. In China, the share of organized retail rose to ' ! in ' at a C:G5 of 'B.'! to "=9,?%.% bn. /raditionally dominated by Cmom and pop stores0 the Indian retail sector valued at "=9. ?.( bn, contributed about .B.'! of India0s G9P in ' (. % from less than -! in ,?? , gro$ing


In India, organized retail has very lo$ level of penetration, estimated at only %&8!. Ao$ever, the country is catching up, $ith the sector $itnessing a high gro$th similar to the one observed in the telecom sector over the last , years. #ashion retailers $ank on glo$al %onsumer Fashion Goods retailers are the most global of the product groups analyzed. In ' , , more than three&Duarters operated outside their home country, engaging consumers in an average of ,?.. countries. 3ot surprisingly, they derived a larger share of sales from foreign operations 1'(.( percent2 than the other product sectors. ;et, it might be e*pected that foreign operations $ould account for an even larger share of the sector0s combined sales given this group0s $ide geographic reach. :lthough retailers of fashion goods see the opportunity, they are being very deliberate in their approach to foreign mar#ets, testing the $ater $ith a small number of stores or a single flagship location. En average, retailers of Fast&4oving Consumer Goods remain the least global, operating in the fe$est countries 1B.(2. 4ore than half $ere single&country operators. In particular, F4CG retailers based in 3orth :merica have not ventured outside their home country. For many retailers that have ventured globally, ho$everFespecially the +estern 6uropean hypermar#et, supermar#et and discount store retailersFsales from foreign operations have become the lifeblood of their business, accounting for - percent or more of total company sales. 4ore retailers in the Aardlines G Heisure Goods sector e*panded beyond their domestic borders in ' , . :mong the -B companies in this product sector, only . percent did not operate internationally. Buc#ing this trend $ere the ,, @apanese retailers in this group> only t$o had retail operations outside @apan. 9iversified retailers $ere among the least geographically diverse, perhaps because their multiple formats allo$ them to continue to find gro$th at home.


In todayIs business $orld environmental issues plays an important role in mar#eting. :ll most all the governments around the $orld have concerned about green mar#eting activities that they have attempted to regulate them. For e*ample, in the "nited =tates 1"=2 the Federal /rade Commission and the 3ational :ssociation of :ttorneys&General have developed e*tensive documents e*amining green mar#eting. In my research there has been little attempt to academically e*amine environmental or green mar#eting. It introduces the terms and concepts of green mar#eting, briefly discuss $hy going green is important and also e*amine some of the reason that organizations are adopting a green mar#eting philosophy. It also focuses some of the problems $ith green mar#eting. Besides this, this report also stresses upon the effect of green mar#eting on the consumers. /he data has been collected from the respondents through surveys and a detailed Duestionnaire $as designed for that purpose. /he intervie$s have been conducted from the respondents at different locations in )ol#ata. /he sample size includes - respondents. /he data gathered has been analyzed on a Duestion&by&Duestion basis. /he details of the research findings are mentioned after the analysis, and recommendations are given based on the research findings. Finally I can say Green mar#eting isnIt Just a catchphrase> itIs a mar#eting strategy that can help a company to get more customers and ma#e more money. But only if you do it right.

)(*,+ -TR./UCT .- T. GREE- MAR0ET -G

Meanings & Con%epts1
:ccording to the :merican 4ar#eting :ssociation, green mar#eting is the mar#eting of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. /hus green mar#eting incorporates a broad range of activities, including Product modification, Changes to the production process, Pac#aging changes, as $ell as 4odifying advertising. ;et defining green mar#eting is not a simple tas# $here several meanings intersect and contradict each other> an e*ample of this $ill be the e*istence of varying social, environmental and retail definitions attached to this term. Ether similar terms used are 6nvironmental 4ar#eting and 6cological 4ar#eting. /he term green mar#eting came into prominence in the late ,?8 s and early ,?? s. /he :merican 4ar#eting :ssociation 1:4:2 held the first $or#shop on K6cological 4ar#etingK in ,?(-. /he proceedings of this $or#shop resulted in one of the first boo#s on green mar#eting entitled K6cological 4ar#etingK /hus green mar#eting incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, pac#aging changes, as $ell as modifying advertising. 4y definition $hich encompasses all maJor components of other definitions is< KGreen or 6nvironmental 4ar#eting consists of all activities designed to generate and facilitate any e*changes intended to satisfy human needs or $ants, such that the satisfaction of these needs and $ants occurs, $ith minimal detrimental impact on the natural environment.K /his definition incorporates much of the traditional components of the mar#eting definition that is K:ll activities designed to generate and facilitate any e*changes intended to satisfy human needs or $antsK.

=o, in simple terms Green mar#eting refers to the process of selling products and8or services based on their environmental benefits. =uch a product or service may be environmentally friendly in it or produced and8or pac#aged in an environmentally friendly $ay. /he obvious assumption of green mar#eting is that potential consumers $ill vie$ a product or serviceIs KgreennessK as a benefit and base their buying decision accordingly. /he not&so&obvious assumption of green mar#eting is that consumers $ill be $illing to pay more for green products than they $ould for a less&green comparable alternative product & an assumption that has not been proven conclusively, specially the mild effect $hich it had on consumers has $ashed a$ay by the present recession 1' 8& ?2 only. Green mar#eters though argue that it is a $ay to use the environmental benefits of a product or service to promote sales. 4any consumers $ill choose products that do not damage the environment over less environmentally friendly products, even if they cost more. +ith green mar#eting, advertisers focus on environmental benefits to sell products such as biodegradable diapers, energy&efficient light bulbs, and environmentally safe detergents. People buy billions of dollars $orth of goods and services every yearFmany of $hich harm the environment in the $ay they are harvested, made, or used. 6nvironmentalists support green mar#eting to encourage people to use environmentally preferable alternatives, and to offer incentives to manufacturers that develop more environmentally beneficial products.

mportan%e of green marketing

4an has limited resources on the earth, $ith $hich she8he must attempt to provide for the $orldsI unlimited $ants. /here is e*tensive debate as to $hether the earth is a resource at manIs disposal. In mar#et societies $here there is Kfreedom of choiceK, it has generally been accepted that individuals and organizations have the right to attempt to have their $ants satisfied. :s firms face limited natural resources, they must develop ne$ or alternative $ays of satisfying these unlimited $ants. "ltimately green mar#eting loo#s at ho$ mar#eting activities utilize these limited resources, $hile satisfying consumers $ants, both of individuals and industry, as $ell as achieving the selling organizationIs obJectives. +hen loo#ing through the literature there are several suggested reasons for firms increased use of Green 4ar#eting. Five possible reasons cited are<

L Erganizations perceive environmental mar#eting to be an opportunity that can be used to achieve its obJectives L Erganizations believe they have a moral obligation to be more socially responsible L Governmental bodies are forcing firms to become more responsible L CompetitorsI environmental activities pressure firms to change their environmental mar#eting activities L Cost factors associated $ith $aste disposal, or reductions in material usage forces firms to modify their behavior. Goals of Green Marketing L 6liminate the concept of $aste. L 5einvent the concept of product. L 4a#e prices reflect actual and environmental costs. L 4a#e environmentalism profitable. L Bringing out product modifications. L Changing in production processes. L Pac#aging changes. L 4odifying advertising.

2enefits of Green Marketing

/oday0s consumers are becoming more and more conscious about the environment and are also becoming socially responsible. /herefore, more companies are responsible to consumer0s aspirations for environmentally less damaging or neutral products. 4any companies $ant to have an early mover advantage as they have to eventually move to$ards becoming green. =ome of the advantages of green mar#eting are< L It ensures sustained long term gro$th along $ith profitability. L It saves money in the long run, though initially the cost is more. L It helps the companies mar#et their products and services #eeping the environment aspects in mind. It helps in accessing the ne$ mar#ets and enJoying the competitive advantage.

L 4ost of the employees also feel proud and responsible to be $or#ing for an environmentally responsible company.

Golden Rules of Green Marketing

,. 0no3 "our Customer< 4a#e sure that the consumer is a$are of and concerned about the issues that your product attempts to address, 1+hirlpool learned the hard $ay that consumers $ouldn0t pay a premium for a CFC&free refrigerator because consumers dint #no$ $hat CFCs $ere.2. '. Empo3er Consumers< 4a#e sure that consumer feel. By themselves or in concert $ith all the other users of your product, that they can ma#e a difference. /his is called Mempo$ermentN and due to this main reason consumers $ill buy greener products. .. 2e Transparent< Consumers must believe in the legitimacy of the product and the specific claims made in regard. B. Reassure the 2uyer< Consumers must be made to believe that the product performs the Job it0s supposed to do&they $on0t forego product Duality in the name of the environment. -. Consider "our Pri%ing< If you0re charging a premium for your product&and many environmentally preferable products cost more due to economies of scale and use of higher& Duality ingredients&ma#e sure those consumers can afford the premium and feel it0s $orth it. /hus leading brands should recognize that consumer e*pectations have changed. It is not enough for a company to green its products> consumers e*pect the products that they purchase poc#et friendly and also to help reduce the environmental impact in their o$n lives too.

CHAPTER-2 ),*(+Challenges in Green Marketing

NEED FOR STANDARDIZATION It is found that only -! of the mar#eting messages from MGreenN campaigns are entirely true and there is a lac# of standardization to authenticate these claims. /here is no standardization to authenticate these claims. /here is no standardization currently in place to certify a product as organic. "nless some regulatory bodies are involved in providing the certifications there $ill not be any verifiable means. : standard Duality control board needs to be in place for such labeling and licensing.

NEW CONCEPT Indian literate and urban consumer is getting more a$are about the merits of Green products. But it is still a ne$ concept for the masses. /he consumer needs to be educated and made a$are of the environmental threats. /he ne$ green movements need to reach the masses and that $ill ta#e a lot of time and effort. By India0s ayurvedic heritage, Indian consumers do appreciate the importance of using natural and herbal beauty products. Indian consumer is e*posed to healthy living lifestyles such as yoga and natural food consumption. In those aspects the consumer is already a$are and $ill be inclined to accept the green products.


/he investors and corporate need to vie$ the environment as a maJor long&term investment opportunity, the mar#eters need to loo# at the long&term benefits from this ne$ green movement. It $ill reDuire a lot of patience and no immediate results. =ince it is a ne$ concept and idea, it $ill have its o$n acceptance period.

AVOIDING GREEN MYOPIA /he first rule of green mar#eting is focusing on customer benefits i.e. the primary reason $hy consumers buy certain products in the first place. 9o this right, and motivate consumers to s$itch brands or even pay a premium for the greener alternative. It is not going to help if a product is developed $hich is absolutely green in various aspects but does not pass the customer satisfaction criteria. /his $ill lead to green myopia. :lso if the green products are priced very high then again it $ill lose its mar#et acceptability.

),*,+GREE- MAR0ET -G 4 REAS.-S #.R A/.PT .- 2" T&E # RMS

Green mar#eting has been $idely adopted by the firms $orld$ide and the follo$ing are the possible reasons cited for this $ide adoption< (+ .PP.RTU- T ES & :s demands change, many firms see these changes as an opportunity to be e*ploited and have a competitive advantage over firms mar#eting non&environmentally responsible alternatives. =ome e*amples of firms $ho have strived to become more environmentally responsible, in an attempt to better satisfy their consumer needs are< LM%/onaldIs replaced its clam shell pac#aging $ith $a*ed paper because of increased consumer concern relating to polystyrene production and Ezone depletion. LTuna manufa%turers modified their fishing techniDues because of the increased concern over driftnet fishing, and the resulting death of dolphins. LXero5 introduced a Khigh DualityK recycled photocopier paper in an attempt to satisfy the demands of firms for less environmentally harmful products.

,+ G.!ER-ME-TA6 PRESSURE & :s $ith all mar#eting related activities, governments $ant to KprotectK consumers and society> this protection has significant green mar#eting implications. Governmental regulations relating to environmental mar#eting are designed to protect consumers in several $ays, ,. 5educe production of harmful goods or by&products '. 4odify consumer and industryIs use and8or consumption of harmful goods .. 6nsure that all types of consumers have the ability to evaluate the environmental composition of goods Governments establish regulations designed to control the amount of hazardous $astes produced by firms. #or e5ample, 3e$ 9elhi, the IndiaIs capital $as getting polluted gradually at a very fast pace till =upreme Court of India forced a change of fuel on it. In ' ', a directive $as issued to completely adopt C3G in all public transport systems to curb pollution. 7+ C.MPET T !E PRESSURE & :nother maJor force in the environmental mar#eting area has been firmsI desire to maintain their competitive position. In many cases firms observe competitors promoting their environmental behaviors and attempt to emulate this behavior. In some instances this competitive pressure has caused an entire industry to modify and thus reduce its detrimental environmental behavior. For e*ample, it could be argued that Xero5Is K5evive , ! 5ecycled paperK $as introduced a fe$ years ago in an attempt to address the introduction of recycled photocopier paper by other manufacturers. In another e*ample $hen one tuna manufa%ture stopped using driftnets the others follo$ed suit. 8+ S.C A6 RESP.-S 2 6 T"& 4any firms are beginning to realize that they are members of the $ider community and therefore must behave in an environmentally responsible fashion. /his translates into firms that believe they must achieve environmental obJectives as $ell as profit related obJectives. /his results in environmental issues being integrated into the firmIs corporate culture. /here are e*amples of firms adopting both strategies. Erganizations li#e the Body =hop heavily promote the fact that they are environmentally responsible. +hile this behavior is a competitive advantage, the firm $as established specifically to offer consumers environmentally responsible alternatives to conventional cosmetic products. /his philosophy is directly tied to the overall corporate culture, rather than simply being a competitive tool.


Fund managers and corporate developers too, are ta#ing into account the environmental viability of the company they invest in 7enture Capitalists are investing in green business because they believe itIs a gro$th opportunity. Britain based &S2C became the $orldIs first ban# to go carbon neutral late last year and is no$ turning its ,, buildings in (% countries $orld$ide into models of energy efficiency.K our customers have told us that they decide $here they shop based on $hether the business is a good neighbor K. =ays 9avid 3orth, /esco0s community director. :n e*ample of a firm that does not promote its environmental initiatives is Co%a'Cola. /hey have invested large sums of money in various recycling activities, as $ell as having modified their pac#aging to minimize its environmental impact. +hile being concerned about the environment, Co#e has not used this concern as a mar#eting tool. /hus many consumers may not realize that Co#e is a very environmentally committed organization. :nother firm $ho is very environmentally responsible but does not promote this fact, at least outside the organization, is 9alt /isney 9orld )9/92. +9+ has an e*tensive $aste management program and infrastructure in place, yet these facilities are not highlighted in their general tourist promotional activities. :+ C.ST .R PR.# T SSUES & Firms may also use green mar#eting in an attempt to address cost or profit related issues. 9isposing of environmentally harmful by&products, such as polychlorinated biphenyl )PC2+ contaminated oil are becoming increasingly costly and in some cases difficult. /herefore firms that can reduce harmful $astes may incur substantial cost savings. +hen attempting to minimize $aste, firms are often forced to re&e*amine their production processes. In these cases they often develop more effective production processes that not only reduce $aste, but reduce the need for some ra$ materials. /his serves as a double cost savings, since both $aste and ra$ material are reduced. In other cases firms attempt to find end & of & pipe solutions, instead of minimizing $aste. In these situations firms try to find mar#ets or uses for their $aste materials, $here one firmIs $aste becomes another firmIs input of production. Ene :ustralian e*ample of this is a firm $ho produces acidic $aste $ater as a by&product of production and sells it to a firm involved in neutralizing base materials.


),*7+GREE- MAR0ET -G M X
PR./UCT 6ntrepreneurs $anting to e*ploit emerging green mar#ets either< Identify customers0 environmental needs and develop products to address these needs or $ill develop environmentally responsible products to have less impact than competitors. /he increasingly $ide variety of products on the mar#et that support sustainable developments are< L Products made from recycled goods, such as Ouic#0 3 /uff housing materials made from 5ecycled broccoli bo*es. L Products that can be recycled or reused. L 6fficient products, $hich save $ater, energy or gasoline, save money and reduce environmental impact. L Products $ith environmentally responsible pac#aging, 4c9onalds, for e*ample, changed their pac#aging from polystyrene clamshells to paper. L Products $ith green labels, as long as they offer substantiation. L Certified products, $hich meet or e*ceed environmentally responsible criteria. L Erganic products&many customers are prepared to pay a premium for organic products, $hich offer promise of Duality. Erganic butchers, for e*ample, promote the added Dualities such as taste and tenderness. L : service that rents or loans products&toy libraries. +hatever the product or service, it is vital to ensure that products meet or e*ceed the Duality e*pectation of customers and is thoroughly tested. PR CE


Pricing is the critical element of the mar#eting mi*. 4ost customers $ill only be prepared to pay a premium if there is a perception of additional product value. /his value may be improved performance, function, design, visual appeal or taste. 6nvironmental benefits $ill be often be the deciding factor bet$een products of eDual value or Duality. 6nvironmentally responsible products, ho$ever are often less e*pensive $hen product life cycle coast are ta#en into consideration, for e*ample fuel&efficient vehicles, $ater efficient printing and non&hazardous products. P6ACE /he choice of $here and $hen to ma#e products available $ill have significant impact on the customers you attract. 7ery fe$ customers go out of their $ay to buy green products merely for the sa#e of it. 4ar#eters loo#ing to successfully introduce ne$ green products should position them broadly in the mar#et place so they are not Just appealing to a small green niche mar#et. /he location must also be consistent $ith the image you $ant to proJect and allo$ you to proJect your o$n image rather than being dominated or compromised by the image of venue. /he location must differentiate you from the competitors. /his can be achieved by in&store promotions and visually appealing displays or using recycled materials to emphasize the environmental and other benefits. PR.M.T .Promoting products and services to target mar#ets include paid advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct mar#eting and on&site promotions. =mart green mar#eters $ill be able to reinforce environmental credibility by using sustainable mar#eting and communication tools and practices. For e*ample, many companies in the financial industry are providing electronic statements by email> e&mar#eting is rapidly replacing more traditional mar#eting methods and printed materials can be produced using recycled materials and efficient processes such as $aterless printing. 5etailers, for e*ample are recognizing the value of alliances $ith other companies, environmental groups and research organizations. +hen promoting their environmental commitment to reduce the use of plastic bags and promote their green commitment, some retailers sell shopping bags and promote their green commitments.


CHAPTER-3 )7*(+Mo;ing To3ards Green Marketing

/he era of green mar#eting has begun. It has already been granted $ide acceptance by all sta#eholders. Ao$ever, there is a need to lay do$n the standards and practices, in order to bring in obJectivity in the Judgment of various national and international agencies. /his $ill not only encourage the activities of green mar#eting but shall also provide the much needed level playing fields to all.
/E!E6.PME-T .# S. (8<<< SER ES .# STA-/AR/S*

I=E has been developed to help any company in any country to meet the goal of sustainable development and environmental friendliness. /he I=E ,B ,B ,, ,B family of standards 1 i.e. I=E B, ,B , , ,B ,, and ,B,'2 $ere published as an official document in ,??%.

/he I=E series aims to provide guidance for developing a comprehensive approach to environmental management and for standardizing some #ey environmental tools of analysis such as labeling and life cycle assessment.
EC.'6A2E6 -G - T AT !ES

6co label provide information regarding the environmental performance of products. /he obJective of eco&labeling is to provide authentication to genuine claims regarding the environmental impact of products and processes by manufacturers. In India the government has introduced the eco&mar# scheme since ,?8,. /he obJectives of the =cheme are<


L /o provide incentives to manufacturers and importers to reduce the adverse environmental impact of products. L /o re$ard genuine initiatives by companies to reduce adverse impact of environmental impact of products. L /o assist consumers to become environmentally responsible in their daily lives by providing them information to ta#e account of environmental factors in their daily lives. L /o encourage citizens to purchase products $hich have less environmental impact.
EC.'6A2E66 -G SC&EMES - -/ A

/he 4inistry of environment and forest of government of India has prescribed the follo$ing criteria for products< L /hat they cause substantially less pollution than comparable products in production, usage and disposal, L /hat they are recycled and8or recyclable $hereas comparable products are not. L /hat they contribute to a reduction on adverse environmental health conseDuences. L /hat they comply $ith la$s, standards and regulations pertaining to the environment. L /hat their price is not e*orbitantly higher than comparable products.

)7*,+S& #T -G T. A GREE- ERA

/he color G5663, until recently $as associated all over the $orld $ith emerald. In the modern age, ho$ever, G5663 is getting associated $ith sustainable development. Being green is no longer a matter of choice> its mar#eting is a must, or else enterprise may run the ris# of losing customers, employees and shareholders. It has become almost a necessity to maintain a green lifestyle. /he possibility of oceans rising and claiming coastal lives, climate change, and polluted air and $ater are beginning to gain momentum to$ards the green movement. /oday there is an increasing concern among the business houses to$ards the challenges posed by the environment. Green consumerism is playing a catalytic role to bring in environmentalism and ma#e business green oriented. :lso it has been noticed that there has been an increasing trend of ,%

consumers demanding for a MGreen ImageN of an enterprise. /he most feasible option available for the business houses is to put into practice the process of MGreen 4anufacturingN. It involves product recovery activities as $ell as reverses logistics. Product recovery concept is applied on the returned product so as to translate it to a usable one, for e*ample remanufacturing, refurbishing or even recycling. +hereas reverse logistics focuses on inbound supply and distribution of used goods and inventory. Companies li#e :BB, 4"H, 5anba*y and many more have ta#en up green proJects. /hey sponsor huge amount and in return earn a lot of good$ill, lo$ cost publicity, and an environment conscious image. =cores of such enterprises have responded to environmental concerns $ith several strategic versions of green business, $hich are enumerated belo$< L :dopting products8pac#ages to ma#e them environmentally sound. L 4a#ing realistic environmental claims about e*isting products through the advertisements. L Hin#ing brands $ith environmental causes to create good$ill. L Introducing entirely ne$ range of products e*plicitly designed to appeal environmentally conscious consumers.

)7*7+GREE- 9AS& -G
MGreen $ashingN is the process of ma#ing products and services MGreenN in all respects. /o ma#e products and services green the businesses need to focus on bringing the green in various aspects such as< =upply Chain Pac#aging 5a$ 4aterial Product Innovations It is not enough Just to develop a brand or a logo, or invest in an advertising campaign, and then position a product as Green before consumers. Hi#e any other ne$ concept, mar#eters must first educate the public about going green, ensure product credibility, and establish trust. 4oreover, since MGreenN aspect of the product is not a ,(

tangible attribute that the consumers receive the consumer has to be convinced about the benefits of the green benefits of the product. It is also important to understand ho$ companies across the globe are innovating and creating MGreenN products. =GREE-> RA9 MATER A6' /his refers to using recycled material or using material, $hich does not have a negative impact on natural resources li#e resulting in problems such as deforestation and pollution. 6*ample< Grid %ore Systems nternational P demonstrated the use of 5ecycled Building 4aterial. /he company $as loo#ing for an alternative building material in&order to reduce the impact on environment. +hile researching they discovered space board, a ne$ type of building panel developed by the Forest Products laboratory. =pace board can be manufactured from various recycled or agricultural fibers, and due to a honeycomb the interior design is Just as strong as and several times lighter than conventional fiberboard. =GREE-> - MA-U#ACTUR -G' /his focuses on using rene$able energy for production and minimizing air and $ater pollution during the manufacturing process. 6*ample< Energy Star is helping businesses and consumers save money and chec# pollution. 6nergy star has its o$n pre defined parameters and gadgets $hich conform to the energy efficiency standards. /he businesses that Join hands $ith energy star sign an 4E" and upgrade their facility as per the reDuirement outlined by 6nergy =tar. /here are about ',B corporations, hospitals, schools and other organizations, $hich are energy star compliant in the "= today. /he real estate developers, architects and environmentalists across the globe are $or#ing together to create the ne*t $ave of modern eco&friendly proJects< green buildings and manufacturing facilities. /hey are using energy conservation appliances and recycling building products and $ater harvesting techniDues in their proJects. MGREE-> - PR./UCT /E!E6.PME-T' /his refers to either environment friendly or environment efficient products as demonstrated by the follo$ing e*amples. 6*ample1 0odak?s 5ecyclable Camera +hen )oda# created its first disposable camera it also solved the $aste disposal problem by initiating a Ccamera ta#e bac#0 scheme during picture


processing. /his not only reduced the $aste disposable problem, it also saved )oda# the manufacturing costs for ne$ cameras. /his made it completely recycled camera. 6*ample< Philips 6arthlight Compact Fluorescent Hight Bulbs +ith relentless efforts on research and development the company $as successful in producing compact fluorescent light bulbs, $hich are the most energy efficient bulbs.

=GREE-> 2" US -G A6TER-AT !E -GRE/ E-TS T. RE/UCE &EA6T& R S0S ' 6*ample< A#M Safe%oat and Safe%hoi%e Paints to meet the mar#ets demand for non&to*ic paints, the California based company invested in 5esearch and 9evelopment and developed a full line of non&to*ic coatings, paints, stains and adhesives. =GREE-> - SUPP6" C&A -' 6*ample< M%/onald?s is often blamed for polluting the environment because much of their pac#aging finishes up as roadside $aste. It must be remembered that it is the uncaring consumer $ho chooses to dispose of their $aste in an inappropriate fashion. +ith the intent to cut costs and $or# on eco&friendly image and practices 4c9onald0s tried to reduce the amount of material disposed by its stores. 4c9onalds as#ed the supplier to do a$ay $ith the cartons for nap#ins. /he supplier suggested a better $ay and came up $ith dimpling pattern on nap#ins, $hich enabled the supplier to pac# '-! more nap#ins in one bo* and reduction in shipping cost accordingly. 4c9onalds also allied $ith 6nvironment 9efense Fund 169F2 and created a $aste reduction plan. It also made a Paper /as# Force to focus on paper $aste reduction and better solid $aste management. =ome food chain retailers are $or#ing on Green Procurement program to help purchasing officers to buy products and services that have a lo$er environmental impact than comparable products and services. =GREE-> - PAC0AG -G' Pac#aging is a #ey element of mar#eting mi* for promoting MGreen $ashingN. It can also be an effective tool to display the MGreenN component of the product. 3atural Pac#age for a 3atural Product ,?

+hen creating product materials, mar#ets need to remember that a MGreenN product is appealing to consumers for its benefits to the environment and for its roots in natural resources. /here should be a consistent loo# for the product pac#age, or materials that appear natural, not glossy or e*travagant. MGreenN consumers tend to appreciate consistence in pac#age and product. /hey $ill appreciate the usage of recycled paper and other environment friendly materials. /hat $ill help manufacturers8suppliers gain customer loyalty and product credibility. /hird Party Certification =eal on Pac#age In order to $in consumer trust and for product credibility many companies go in for a third party certification. /his helps build trust and acceptability by the consumer. : third party seal guarantees the consumer that the product fulfills its promise and is true to his claim. Ene such third party in the "=: is the Green&e Program of the Center for 5esource =olutions. Certification provides an independent third&party revie$ of the program similar to the I=E ? or C44I =i* =igma level of certifications, $hich mat help build consumer confidence. Ence a green product earns certification, they can publicize this achievement and promote their certification through the use of the Green&e logo on their mar#eting materials and $ebsite. =GREE-> - SER! CES' +ith increased demand for value&based mar#eting, there is also gro$ing demand of MGreenN services. Global customers are not only interested in cost cutting through outsourcing but are also loo#ing for energy efficient I/ operations. 6*ample< TC nfoTe%h is a good e*ample to understand ho$ to pac#age the services MGreenN I/C Info/ech is a Bangalore based independent =ubsidiary of I/C Htd. :t corporate level I/C is $or#ing to establish itself as a carbon free company. /he company is $or#ing on M/riple Bottom HineN i.e. social, economic and environmental capital. /he company is involved in many community driven initiatives. It is one of the , companies globally and first one from India to start publishing sustainability report in compliance $ith G. guidelines of Global 5eporting Initiative. /he company is investing in large&scale plantations to $ash a$ay its carbon positive image. It is also focusing on $ater harvesting and $or#ing to$ards zero solid $aste by recycling.


.% Cigarette $arehouses $ere converted to ma#e I/C Info/ech0s global development campus in the heart of Bangalore. /he company has used recycled material and virtualization tools for optimizing energy usage in its data centers. It is also $or#ing on digital infrastructure to connect the rural farmers to the Internet using solar panels for po$er, so that the Indian farmers can get information on crop research and monitor $eather trends. /he company is using these as a service differentiator and positioning itself as Green service Provide. /he corporate image of I/C Htd. is further enhancing the /rue Green Image.

)7*8+Green Strategy #ormulation

:s in formulation of green strategy, a firm may evolve it from a =+E/ analysis or 6nvironmental :udit. S9.T A-A6"S S STRENGTHS ,. 4ar#eters get access to ne$ mar#ets and gain an advantage over competitors that are not focusing on Mgreenness.N '. 4ar#eters can charge a premium on products that are seen as more eco&responsible. .. Erganizations that adopt green mar#eting are perceived to be more socially responsible. B. Green mar#eting builds brand eDuity and $ins brand loyalty among customers. 6.g. research and development capabilities for clean processes and green products and human resources committed to environmental protection. WEAKNESS ,. 4ost customers choose to satisfy their personal needs before caring for environment. '. Everemphasizing greenness rather than customer needs can prove devastating for a product. .. 4any customers #eep a$ay from products labeled MGreenN because they see such labeling as a mar#eting gimmic#, and they may lose trust in an organization that suddenly claims to be green. 6.g. products cannot be recycled, and hazardous $astes2 of a company. OPPORTUNITIES ,. 4ar#eting to segment $hich are becoming more environmentally a$are and concerned. /hese consumers are demanding products that conform to these ne$ attitudes.


'. Erganizations perceive green mar#eting to be a competitive advantage, relative to the competitors. Firms, therefore, strive to improve upon their societal a$areness. /his complements the increase in consumers0 socially conscious behavior and $ill therefore give them an advantage over competitors $ho do not address these issues. 6.g. offering an environmental friendly product and saving resources, and relating them to internal strengths. EXTERNAL THREATS ,. "ncertainty as to the environmental impact of present activities, including that is perceived to be less environmentally harmful. '. "ncertainty as to $hich green mar#eting activities are acceptable from a government perspective. .. /he possibility of a bac#lash from consumers or government based on e*isting green mar#eting claims, threat one and t$o above may cause bac#lash to arise. 6.g. competitors gain mar#et shares $ith green products and increased environmental regulations2.



It is important in today0s $orld because man#ind has limited resources on the earth and if $e $ant long term sustainability of human life on this earth0s surface, then companies has to learn to conserve these scarce natural resources and create products that have less environmental damage. Ether$ise the very e*istence of human#ind $ill be under Duestion mar#. Corporate are going green from the grassroots level to sustain and $in the customers0 e*pectations. /he environment is becoming increasingly important part of the corporate reputations and they are actively participating in greening the corporate strategy. Companies have converted almost all the products to ma#e them eco&friendly products. Follo$ing are the recent environment friendly initiatives ta#en by the companies.

Sony1 Green =./.> /igital Camera '

=ony has recently launched developed and launched a range of innovative products named as ME9EN line products also called as 6co&chic. /hese products do not reDuire :C adapter as they $ere po$ered by #inetic or solar energy. =ony has used simplified pac#aging and recycled plastic in the manufacturing of E9E products as a M=ustainable ProductN initiative. /he E9E line products comprise of five products< '.

,. Spin N Snap< /he spin and snap is a digital camera. It has t$o holes $hich are used as 7ie$ finder and chargers. En spinning the camera on ones fingers generates #inetic energy and charges the device. '. Push Power Play< Push po$er play is a display device $ith a roller on the base. /he rollers are used to charge the device by the friction of the device $ith hard surface.

.. Crank N Capture< Cran# and Capture is a digital video camera $ith a cran# used to operate and generate po$er. B. Pull and Play< /he pull and play is a stereo headphone $ith a cord to simply pull and use. -. @uice Bo*< /he Juice bo* is a credit card sized obJect used to recharge the other E9E products. =ony has also added a ne$ /$irl 3 /a#e hand po$ered digital camera to the E9E line series. /$irl 3 ta#e digital camera has a slee# stem circle design. It is recharged by rolling the round $heel on the hard surface. =ony0s E9E line product series are the most innovative eco&friendly products $hich are very safe and handy. 6ven children can also use these products.

Cipla1 C#C'free nhaler '

Cipla&India0s second largest drug company by mar#et share has planned and started replacing all its CFC contained drugs to meet the international standard and 4ontreal Protocol ban deadline. /he CFC depletes the ozone layer and also is a maJor cause of global $arming. Cipla has updated the necessary technology to avoid the CFC and has also done its clinical trial in India and overseas. /he 5ota haler and the :sthalin inhaler are environment P friendly inhalers, used by asthma and bronchitis patients. /hese inhalers are using AF: 1Aydro Fluro :l#aline2 'B

technology. /he 5otahaler is a po$der based inhaler, different from regular inhaler $hich contains propellants.

2harat Petroleum '

Bharat Petroleum launched a campaign to position itself as a responsible corporate Cgreen0 entity. Foraying into rene$able energy&solar and $ind po$er&it installed solar panels on its service stations. It also ran a program to cut production of greenhouse gases by , ! across its units $orld$ide and achieved it much ahead of schedule. Cleaner fuels such as Greener 9iesel 1ultra lo$ sulphur content2 and BP :uotgas $ere developed. :lmost all of its plants are I=E ,B years. , certified. Currently it is running a program to contain its net emissions at current levels for ten

&industan petroleum '

Aindustan petroleum o$ns a massive e&$aste recycling plants, $here enormous shredders and granulators reduce four million pounds of computer detritus each month to bite&sized chun#s&the first step in reclaiming not Just steel and plastic but also to*ic chemicals li#e mercury and even some precious metals. AP $ill ta#e bac# any brand of eDuipment> its o$n machines are , percent recyclable.

-okia1 The Take'2a%k Campaign

/he /a#e&Bac# campaign is running successfully in 8- countries. It $as recently launched in India, specifically in Bangalore, 9elhi, Gurgaon and Hudhiana, $ith over ,,. distributed Just in the first months. recycling bins


Ether companies<& HG has insisted mainly on po$er management, +hile 3o#ia has centered its attention on the use of recyclable materials. =amsung has produced mar#eting&friendly green devices li#e its 5estore and 5eclaim and has mainly focused on producing phones $ith reduced to*ins, by removing BF5s 1bromide flame retardants2 last year. It also plans to remove most other to*ins by the end of ' ,'. =ony 6ricsson, $ith its Green Aeart line, concentrates mainly on pac#aging.


/he company has changed its logo, appeal and also its corporate strategy in order to adJust to the recent global environment and stay in the race. 7ideocon changed it logo from the traditional giant solid silver C70 to a more fluid lava type C70.

+ith this ne$ logo, it is visible that the company is trying to portray itself as an eco friendly company $ith a fresh outloo# and to give a feel that the 7ideocon al$ays on the move.


"sing the color of nature, i.e. green, 7ideocon has give a feel that it product are environmentally a$are and $ith respect to $orld environmental standards.

/EA Ad Campaigning' SA!E PAPER* SA!E TREES* SA!E T&E 9.R6/

I96: Cellular, the .rd largest G=4 mobile service operator in India, has its o$n $ay to promote the brand. I96: has launched an ad< "se 4obile, =ave Paper. /his ad also features I96:0s brand ambassador :bhishe# Bachchan, but as a treeQ /his ne$ ad is si*th in the series. /he preceding campaigns $ere CChampioning a $orld $ithout caste0, CChampioning a $orld in $hich no one suffers from the disability to communicate0> C6ducation for :ll0, CParticipative Governance0, and the last C+al# +hen ;ou ,/al#0.

A RCE6 Ad %ampaigning' Sa;e our tigers'


Sa;e our Tigers campaign is collaborative effort from :ircel and ++F India to save the $ildlife especially tigers $orld$ide. :mitabh Bachaan has Joined the initiative as the campaign ambassador 9honi $ho roars for our /igers in :ircel =ave our /iger :d )iran Bedi, =uresh 5aina and Baichung Bhutia follo$ the same.

For the past three months, 9ell has been $or#ing to$ards bringing a path&brea#ing initiative for our consumers in India & the 9ell Go Green Challenge. It is designed to promote a green approach to$ards technology adoption for consumers in India, by as#ing them to share their ideas and stories about ho$ they aim to change the $ay technology is being used in our homes and offices. :s our economy is gro$ing and technology penetration is increasing, e&$aste is one of the biggest challenges $e as a nation are facing, and recycling is still not an option that most consumers are either a$are of, or interested in ta#ing up. :s one of the $orld0s leading providers of technology, they recognize our responsibility to ensure that technology is recycled at the end of its usable life. 9ell $as in fact the first computer company to offer consumer free recycling $orld$ide and both these initiatives are designed to create a$areness among consumers on recycling of PCs in India. 9ell has launched the C9ell Go Green Challenge0 in an effort to raise a$areness and community involvement in green initiatives in India. /he challenge invites consumers to share photographs, videos and other innovative depictions of #ey issues, concerns or thoughts on green technology at 333*dellgogreen*%om. '8

/he contest has provided a platform to build a 9ell Go Green community of green technology and lifestyle enthusiasts, to connect $ith each other online, and share ideas, thoughts and visions on the issue of e&$aste and sustainable technology. +e have got over over % for$ard to the $inners being announced shortly ideas over the last three months. /hese ideas have been voted on by the community and $e loo#


Carbon labels sho$ consumers the MCarbon ContentN of an individual product. :n item0s content is the total amount of carbon dio*ide emitted from very stage of its production and distribution, from source to store. /his is also #no$n as Membedded carbonN, or a carbon footprint. /oday0s consumer is more ethically and environmentally a$are than ever before, and increasingly so $ith regard to the consumption of food and drin#. In the media, on the shelves, the focus on reducing our carbon footprint is constantly present, and the push to understand $here our food is from increasing. Carbon labeling is a really recent development. /he focus on reducing carbon footprint is constantly present, and the push to understand $hat they are purchasing and consuming. But to ma#e it a success, the understanding regarding< a2 +hat they are purchasingR b2 Ao$ are they prioritizing& bet$een organic, fair trade, carbon friendly and so onR c2 +hether the consumers are getting $hat they $ant to purchaseR =tudy Findings on the Basis of Hiterature 5egarding Consumer Behavior<


Consumers sho3 different attitudes to issues like< a2 Food Duality is shoppers0 most important concern. Price is also very important for those on lo$er incomes. b2 +hether health, environmental and social issues are very important in relation to the food they buy. c2 Concerns for health, environmental and social issues vary $ith household income or not. d2 Concern for health, environmental and social issues increase $ith age or not. e2 +omen do most of the shopping, and they are more concerned about health, environmental and social issues than men. f2 :ttitudes vary regionally, and there is particularly strong concern in the =outh +est.

#amiliarity 3ith la$els for different %onsumers is different< Ao$ familiar are you $ith each of the follo$ing types of information on product pac#ets on the basis of< a2 4ost people are at least some$hat familiar $ith most forms of product information. b2 Familiarity $ith the product information is much higher among people $ho thin# the issues are very important.

Use of la$els had different per%eptions for different %onsumers1 "se of the follo$ing types of information $hen ma#ing decisions about $hat consumers buy is different for every consumer on the basis of< a2 Product information is used by many consumers. b2 /here is a clear lin# bet$een concern about health, environmental and social issues and use of relevant product information. c2 /he gap bet$een attitudes and behavior is $ider in relation to environmental and social issues that in it is $ith the mainstream health. d2 /here is little variation $ith income, e*cept organic labels are used more by people $ith higher incomes. e2 Product labeling is generally used more by older people. f2 +omen use nutrition information more, but broadly similar numbers of men and $omen use organic and Fair trade information. g2 9ifferent patterns of use in different regions.

2arriers to greater integration into shopping $eha;ior on the $asis of %hanging patterns of %onsumption mean that in%reasingly %onsumers are %onsidering the so%ialA en;ironmental and health issues asso%iated 3ith produ%tion and %onsumption1 a2 MProducts too e*pensiveN is the number one barrier. b2 M/a#es too much timeN is the second biggest barrier to choosing healthy food. c2 MI don0t #no$ enough about itN is the second biggest barrier to choosing environmentally friendly and socially responsible food. d2 Ether barriers are significant or not, li#e< "navailability of products 1either altogether, or of sufficient Duality2.

Hac# of understanding about the issues in general. 9ifficulty in understanding the product information. Concerns about the reliability of the product information.

):*,+GREE- C.-SUMER 2E&A! .R

En;ironmentally Cons%ious Consumer 2eha;ior 6nvironmentally Conscious Behavior 16CCB2 is consumer behavior based on some a$areness of the environmental impacts associated $ith a product or service, and a desire to reduce those impacts. 4any researchers in the field of consumer0s psychology and mar#et research have demonstrated a substantial gro$ thin 6CCB across a range of mar#ets. It has been demonstrated through case studies that ho$ product developers and mar#eters have capitalized on this positive attitude and effectively differentiated their product in terms of their environmentally friendly character. /he term environmental consciousness does not have a standardized definition in the body of academic literature> the reason can be due to arousal of the term out of political and everyday language. 6nvironmental consciousness is the desire to protect flora and fauna, $illingness scrutinize the conseDuences of economic activity and a $illingness to combine long term $ithshortterm planning. .,

Green 2uyers and Green Consumers 5esearch about the identity and nature of green consumer has been the central character in the development of green mar#eting, as business attempt to understand and respond to e*ternal pressures to improve their environmental performance. 4ar#eting practitioners and academics are attempting to identify and understand green consumers and their needs, and to develop mar#et offerings that meet these needs. =6G463/:/IE3 EF G5663 CE3="465=& L Tru -!"u Gr #$& /he most environmentally active segment of the society. L Gr #%&'( Gr #$& /hose most $illing to pay the highest premium for green products. L S)*u+$- Fence&sitters $ho have embraced environmentalism more slo$ly. L Gr*u$ r$& "ninvolved or disinterested in environmental issues, $ho feel the issues are too big for them to solve. L A)&+, +-'& /he least engaged group $ho believe that the environmental indifference is main stream. :part from this, 3atural 4ar#eting Institute 134I2 divides the mar#et into follo$ing categories< L L*,&$& 7ery progressive on environment and society, loo#ing for $ays to do more> not too concerned about price. L N&+ur&"-+ $& Primarily concerned about personal health and $ellness, and use many natural products> $ould li#e to do more to protect the environment. L C*#. #+-*#&"& Practical, li#e to see the results of $hat they do> interested in green products that ma#e sense in the long run. L Dr-/+ r$& 3ot too concerned about the environment, figuring $e0ve got time to fi* the environmental problems> don0t necessarily buy a lot of green products. L U#'*#' r# 0&Aave other priorities, not really sure $hat green products are available and probably $ouldn0t be interested any$ay> they buy products strictly on price, value, Duality and convenience. Consumer nformation and Edu%ation


If managers believe that consumers vie$ greenness as a motivating variable, they should invest in conveying information through advertising, direct mailing, brand labels, in&store displays and pamphlets. /he important points to be noted here are a. Firms $illing to provide clear, comprehensive and credible information must ensure that consumers have lo$ cost to access it. b. Governmental policies and sta#eholder initiatives can be important in reducing consumers search, information or transaction costs. c. 5egulators can publish and disseminate it to the media by press releases and post it on the internet. d. =ta#eholders can use the media as $ell as use their organization&specific vehicles such as ne$sletters. Green mar#eting can be successfully implemented by use of IC/ in cost effective $ay< By developing compelling, concise messages, plan innovative $ays to repeatedly deliver, identify appropriate lin#s $ithin net$or# of political, legislative, nonprofit organization and media, develop concept based programs and events. "tilize e*tensive relationship $ith local and national media to get a client0s message to the right media targets. Identify venues, plan tours, identify audiences, and organize meals, spea#ers and press. =trategies and plan Joint P5 initiatives as $ell as Joint advertising campaigns and events to cross& promote companies and organization campaigns. Aelp develop identify and branding for print, broadcast and digital mediums. Consulting and creation of a corporate design, brochures, leaflets, info materials. 9evelop $eb sites, e&mail campaigns, and banner advertising. 9evelop creative print, broadcast and digital advertising, identify advertising targets and purchase appropriate media slot



,. /o understand the concepts and importance of Green mar#eting. '. /o understand the level of a$areness regarding green mar#eting among consumers. .. /o understand the buying behavior of consumers related to green mar#eting. B. /o understand ho$ green mar#eting helps Company to built its image. -. /o understand the success of green mar#eting as a corporate social responsibility.

)B*,+RESEARC& MET&./.6.G" Primary /ata Colle%tion1

/he data has been collected from the respondents through personal intervie$s and a detailed Duestionnaire $as designed for that purpose. /he Duestionnaire $as designed according to the research obJectives> the Duestions fulfill the aim of determining the impact on consumers to$ards green mar#eting.

Se%ondary data %olle%tion1


=econdary data is very important to complete a proJect report. /he purpose of this data $as to supplement the primary data. /he secondary sources of collecting data $as& Internet. 4agazines. SiDe of sample< /his refers to the numbers of items to be selected from universe to constitute a sample. :n optimum sample is one, $hich fulfills the reDuirements of efficiency, representative ness, reliability and fle*ibility. =ample size & - consumers


:ccording to the analysis of Duestionnaire most of the respondents $ere not a$are about green mar#eting but after reading the Duestionnaire they realized $hat it is all about. ,. :re you a$are of the term green mar#etingR a. ;es b. 3o

/he above bar graph indicates that out of - , .% respondents are not familiar $ith the term Green 4ar#eting. 4any of them have a misconception $ith the term Green 4ar#eting


'. b.

Aave you heard of any campaign related to Green 4ar#etingR 3o

a. ;es

From this bar chart $e can say that most of the respondents are not a$are of any campaign related to green mar#eting. .. Aave you been part of any such campaignR b. 3o

a. ;es

+e can see here that out of - respondents only . has been part of such type of campaign. B. 9o you consider the environmental aspects of the products before buying themR a. ;es b. 3o c. =ometimes


/he above chart indicates that only B8! i .e. the maJority of respondents consider the 6nvironmental aspect some times. :nd, only 'B! consider the environmental aspect of the product $hile buying it

-. 9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting and advertising are good sources of information about green products and servicesR a. ;es b. 3o


From this pie chart, it indicates that ?B! respondents thin# that green mar#eting and advertising are good sources of information about green products and services.


9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting activities are good at addressing environmental issuesR b. 3o

a. ;es

+e can see most of the respondents feel that Green mar#eting activities are good at addressing environmental issues.

(. 9o you thin# Green 4ar#eting activities results in better productsR a. ;es .8 b. 3o

In this above bar chart it is clearly indicates that 8'! of respondents thin# this strategy results in better products $hile ,8! have different opinion. .8. 9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting strengthen company0s image in the mind of consumersR a. ;es b. 3o

/he above chart indicates, maJority of the respondents, i.e. .( respondents feel that it strengthen company0s image in the mind of consumers. ?. 9o you thin# that companies that focus on environmental concerns persuade consumers to buy productsR a. ;es b. 3o


4ost of the respondents feel that it helps to persuade consumers to buy products. , . 9o you thin# that by implementing green mar#eting strategy the companies are able to gain competitive advantage over othersR a. =trongly agree b. agree c. disagree d. strongly disagree

4ost of them agree that by implementing green mar#eting strategy the companies are able to gain competitive advantage over others. ,,. 9o you thin# sometimes companies are trying to cheat customers in the name of green productsR a. ;es b. 3o

Aere, $e can say that most of the respondents have negative opinion. /hey feel that sometimes companies are trying to cheat the customers in the name of green products.

)B*8+RESEARC& # -/ -GS
In my research $or# through the survey of Duestionnaire I find the follo$ing points&

,. 4a*imum numbers of respondents are not familiar $ith the term Green 4ar#eting '. 4ost of the respondents are not a$are of any campaign related to green mar#eting .. 4a*imum numbers of respondents sometimes consider the environmental aspects of the products $hile purchasing. B. =ignificant numbers of respondents feel that green mar#eting and advertising are good sources of information about green products and services. -. 4ost of the respondents feel that this mar#eting strategy helps to persuade consumers to buy products. %. :lso this type of strategy helps a company to get the competitive advantage over others. (. 4any respondents feel that sometimes companies are trying to cheat the customers in the name of green products.



,. /EM.GRAP& C C.-STRA -TS & $ill be a main issue of concern. /his is due to the reason that the data collection $ill be restricted to the Ayderabad. '. /ATA RE6 A2 6 T" & :s the data $ill be collected from various sources the accuracy of the data collected $ould be an area of concern. It $ould be an uphill tas# to validate the data consistency of the collection of that data.

.. U-A9ARE-ESS P People are una$are of Green mar#eting. =o it0s a very challenging tas# for me.


)E*,+REC.MME-/AT .Finite resources such as oil, metal, and even fresh $ater $ill become scarcer and more e*pensive. If businesses do not become more efficient in using these resources it $ill have a huge impact on the bottom line. Investing in Green Products thus changes from Cbeyond doing good0 to ultimately Cgood business sense0. /hus they should< Invest in research and create clean and environment friendly products. 5ecycle at every level. 6ducate masses of the environment issues because they are going to be the bul# consumers. =ocially responsible investing in environment driven proJects. Plant more trees. /he corporations must rethin#< /heir ra$ material and procurement strategies. /hey should develop ne$ products B.

/hey should redesign e*isting products and service. /hey should realize that pollution prevention can be a cost saving activity. /hey should steer their product and pac#aging designs to use less material.

)E*7+C.-C6US .Green mar#eting covers more than a firmIs mar#eting claims. +hile firms must bear much of the responsibility for environmental degradation, the responsibility should not be theirs alone. "ltimately green mar#eting reDuires that consumers $ant a cleaner environment and are $illing to KpayK for it, possibly through higher priced goods, modified individual lifestyles, or even governmental intervention. "ntil this occurs it $ill be difficult for firms alone to lead the green mar#eting revolution. Aaving said this, it must not be forgotten that the industrial buyer also has the ability to pressure suppliers to modify their activities. /hus an environmental committed organization may not only produce goods that have reduced their detrimental impact on the environment, they may also be able to pressure their suppliers to behave in a more environmentally KresponsibleK fashion. Final consumers and industrial buyers also have the ability to pressure organizations to integrate the environment into their corporate culture and thus ensure all organizations minimize the detrimental environmental impact of their activities. /hus green mar#eting should loo# at minimizing environmental harm, not necessarily eliminating it.


Green mar#eting covers more than a firmIs mar#eting claims. +hile firms must bear much of the responsibility for environmental degradation, ultimately it is consumers $ho demand goods, and thus create environmental problems. Ene e*ample of this is $here 4c9onaldIs is often blamed for polluting the environment because much of their pac#aging finishes up as roadside $aste. It must be remembered that it is the uncaring consumer $ho chooses to disposes of their $aste in an inappropriate fashion. +hile firms can have a great impact on the natural environment, the responsibility should not be theirs alone. It appears that consumers are not overly committed to improving their environment and may be loo#ing to lay too much responsibility on industry and government. "ltimately green mar#eting reDuires that consumers $ant a cleaner environment and are $illing to KpayK for it, possibly through higher priced goods, modified individual lifestyles, or even governmental intervention. "ntil this occurs it $ill be difficult for firms alone to lead the green mar#eting revolution.

It must not be forgotten that the industrial buyer also has the ability to pressure suppliers to modify their activities. /hus an environmental committed organization may not only produce goods that have reduced their detrimental impact on the environment, they may also be able to pressure their suppliers to behave in a more environmentally KresponsibleK fashion. Final consumers and industrial buyers also have the ability to pressure organizations to integrate the environment into their corporate culture and thus ensure all organizations minimize the detrimental environmental impact of their activities.


)F*(+GUEST .--A RE
GREE- MAR0ET -G & TS MPACT .- C.-SUMERS 3:46SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.. :9956==SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ,. :re you a$are of the term green mar#etingR a. ;es b. 3o

'. Aave you heard of any campaign related to Green 4ar#etingR a. ;es b. 3o


.. Aave you been part of any such campaignR a. ;es b. 3o

B. 9o you consider the environmental aspects of the products before buying themR a. ;es b. 3o c. =ometimes

-. 9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting activities are good at addressing environmental issuesR a. ;es b. 3o

%. 9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting activities are good at addressing environmental issuesR a. ;es b. 3o

(. 9o you thin# Green 4ar#eting activities results in better productsR a. ;es b. 3o

8. 9o you thin# that Green 4ar#eting strengthen company0s image in the mind of consumersR a. ;es b. 3o

?. 9o you thin# that companies that focus on environmental concerns persuade consumers to buy productsR a. ;es b. 3o

, . 9o you thin# that by implementing green mar#eting strategy the companies are able to gain competitive advantage over othersR a. =trongly agree b. agree c. disagree d. strongly disagree

,,. 9o you thin# sometimes companies are trying to cheat customers in the name of green productsR a. ;es b. 3o


)F*,+2 26 .GRAP&"
,. Philip )otler G G. :rmstrong. Principles of mar#eting. 3e$ 9elhi, Prentice Aall. 2

'. 5icha :gra$al, Green 4ar#eting< :n 6merging /rend 1P45, 7ol.-,:pril ' .. 333*e%omall*%om B. 333*greenmarketing%orner*%om -. 333*greenpea%e*org %. 333*greenmarketing*%om


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