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Appendix 2




A) The sentence structure As opposed to Romanian sentence construction, in English we must always follow a fixed structure, otherwise the sentence becomes ambiguous. We recommend the following general guideline for sentence structure:


The Subject always comes first.

ote that English does not ha!e implicit

sub"ects since the !erb does not agree with each person of the sub"ect. We recommend the sub"ect be the logical sub"ect of the sentence to a!oid confusing constructions.

The cust !e"s #"$%se the sh # & " %ts utst$'(%') se"*%ces.


Writing Skills

Appendix 2 The Ve"b always follows the sub"ect. #tic$ to this rule to a!oid sub"ect%!erb
agreement problems. &owe!er, sometimes ad!erbs of time may be inserted in between the sub"ect and the !erb for emphatic use.

The cust !e"s $+,$-s #"$%se the sh # & " %ts utst$'(%') se"*%ces.

The D%"ect Object always follows the !erb. 'o not get tempted to insert other ad!erbial constructions in between the direct ob"ect and the !erb as the insertion would confuse the sentence.
The cust !e"s $+,$-s #"$%se the sh # & " %ts utst$'(%') se"*%ces.

(ompare to:
The cust !e"s #"$%se $+,$-s the sh # & " %ts utst$'(%') se"*%ces.

The A(*e"b%$+ & M$''e" does not necessarily ha!e a fixed location, but ne!ertheless it may not be inserted between the sub"ect and the !erb and should not come after the ad!erbial of time.
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # ! "e e$s%+- %& the- "ece%*e %!!e(%$te "es# 'se t %'.u%"%es.

(ompare to:
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se ! "e e$s%+- the se"*%ces & the sh # %& the- "ece%*e %!!e(%$te "es# 'se t %'.u%"%es.


Writing Skills

The A(*e"b%$+ & T%!e usually stays at the end of the sentence. #hort ad!erbs, such as: 'e*e" / e*e"0 $+,$-s0 just go between the sub"ect and the !erb. )therwise, as a general rule, indicate the time frame at the end of the sentence.
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # ! "e e$s%+- e$"+- %' the sh ##%') t%!e.

(ompare to:
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se e$"+- %' the sh ##%') t%!e the se"*%ces & the sh # ! "e e$s%+-.

A11LICATION Correct the word order in the following paragraphs.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

The (E), who will soon lea!e the company, last *riday ga!e, in his office, a farewell party, at +:,, p.m.

)ne of the first steps towards pri!ati-ation was ta$en in .//0 when we decided to rent or lease to entrepreneurs unprofitable shops.

1ecause we did not ha!e exclusi!e ownership o!er the business we did not in!est in this pro"ect more money.

They don2t understand what means customer care.


Writing Skills

*irst of all 3 tried to moti!ate my team as well as 3 could. And the results are !isible %my colleagues are the best sales team in our holding. )n the other hand, the incomes are growing because the in!estments 3 ha!e suggested are re!olutionary.

32m !ery happy to ha!e the opportunity to discuss with you these ma"or problems.

1) The #ymmetry English language is !ery symmetrical in what sentence structure is concerned. &owe!er, difficulties of respecting such symmetry may come out if lots of ad!erbial constructions are inserted within the sentence. 214

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX

Appendix 2
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # b- c !#$"%') the! ,%th the" s%!%+$" se"*%ces " b- (esc"%b%') the %(e$+ se"*%ce the- , u+( +%2e t "ece%*e.

(ompare to:
The cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # b- c !#$"%') the! ,%th the" s%!%+$" se"*%ces " (esc"%be the %(e$+ se"*%ce the- , u+( +%2e t "ece%*e.

E3$!#+es & s-!!et"%c$+ c 'st"uct% 's4

C !#$"e th%s t th$t D 'e b- c !#$"%') $'( 5b-6 sh$"%') 7 "2%') t ( $'( t $ch%e*e O' the 'e h$'( 8 O' the the" h$'( F%"st 8. Sec '( 8.. Th%"(/ F%'$++O'ce 8. The'

A11LICATION Re-write the following according to the rules of symmetry.

The currency and gold reser!es ha!e increased and foreign debts been paid bac$.


Writing Skills

The company began its acti!ity through analysing and capitalisation of all the components of a !aluable mar$eting mix.

This often means that they tend to tell people what to do rather than in!ol!ing them in ma$ing decisions and sol!ing problems.

The main responsibilities include preparation of cash flow statements and drafting reports.

() (ommas 7he' t use c !!$s4 When you separate an ad!erbial construction introduced at the beginning of a sentence:
O' the 'e h$'(0 the cust !e"s ,%++ #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # bc !#$"%') the! ,%th the" s%!%+$" se"*%ces.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2
I' the 9:;s0 the cust !e"s use( t #"$%se the se"*%ces & the sh # b- c !#$"%') the! ,%th the" s%!%+$" se"*%ces

When you separate long independent clauses, if the second clause is introduced by a con"unction:
E+ect" '%c &%"!s h$*e h$( the%" t" ub+es ' 7$++ St"eet th%s ! 'th0 but the- st%++ + 2 & ",$"( t $ #" s#e" us -e$".

When you separate introductory subordinate clauses:

Just $s he #%c2e( u# the #h 'e0 the !$'$)e" c$!e %'.

When you separate nonrestricti!e clauses:

M". E,e++0 ,h h$s bse"*e( the 'e, s-ste!0 th%'2s %t ,%++ , "2.

When you separate appositi!es:

M". E,e++0 'e & the !$'$)e"s0 th%'2s %t ,%++ , "2.

When you separate transitional words and phrases:

It %s t"ue0 h ,e*e"0 th$t ,e !ust st"e')the' u" (e#$"t!e't.

When you separate words, phrases or clauses in a series:

H%s "e# "t ,$s 'e$t0 c 'c%se0 $'( #e"ce#t%*e. H%s 'e, $ss%st$'t ,%++ #" *%(e ste' )"$#h%c $%(0 !$the!$t%c$+ #" &%c%e'c-0 $'( the $b%+%t- t !$2e *%s%t "s c !& "t$b+e.


Writing Skills

7e ,e't t the &$ct "-0 s$, the #" (uct% ' +%'es0 $'( c$!e $,$- $!$<e( $t the%" e&&%c%e'c-.

') 4arenthesis 7he' t use #$"e'thes%s4 When you introduce additional information that may otherwise infringe the flow of the sentence:
7e ,e't t the &$ct "- 5the 'e !e't% 'e( %' the "e# "t60 s$, the #" (uct% ' +%'es0 $'( c$!e $,$- $!$<e( $t the%" e&&%c%e'c-.

When you enclose dates:

The #e"% ( & !$'u&$ctu"e 5A#"%+ 1999 = A#"%+ >:::6 %s %'c+u(e( %' the "e# "t.

A11LICATION Insert commas or parenthesis where necessary.

The new owners transformed most cinemas into bingo halls a game that has pro!ed incredibly successful bars and discos.

The festi!al the largest in the world is a truly international experience.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

)ur latest 4roduct 1rand 1ible re!iewed on page 5 brings to life what ma$es all our products and ser!ices different and rewarding.

6ore than half +. per cent of the respondents answered positi!ely.

E) (onnectors (onnectors are words we use to lin$ ideas together. (onnectors can "oin the clauses together within one sentence:
He c$++e( the !$'$)e" $'( t +( h%! he (%( ' t $)"ee ,%th h%!. She c$!e t , "2 $+th u)h she ,$s %++.

(onnectors can lin$ ideas across two separate sentences, one sentence following another, and they are inserted at the beginning of the second sentence:
S$+es h$*e (" ##e( b- 1:? th%s -e$". H ,e*e"0 ,e e3#ect $' %!#" *e!e't %' the -e$" $he$(.


Writing Skills

The !$'$)e" su!! 'e( $ b"%e&%') !eet%') $'( e3#+$%'e( h%s # s%t% '.

A+s can occur only within a sentence and cannot begin one:
The !$'$)e" su!! 'e( $ b"%e&%') !eet%'). He $+s e3#+$%'e( h%s # s%t% '.

N t '+-8 but $+s

He %s ' t '+- #+e$se( ,%th h%s # s%t% ' but $+s *e"- %!#"esse( b- h%s c ++e$)ues.

He %s #+e$se( ,%th h%s # s%t% '. Bes%(es0 he %s *e"- %!#"esse( b- h%s c ++e$)ues.

M "e *e" / I' $((%t% '

M- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !- 2' ,+e()e. M "e *e" / I' $((%t% '0 I h$*e e' u)h s#$"e t%!e t ( "ese$"ch.

M- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !- 2' ,+e()e0 but I ( ' t h$*e e' u)h t%!e t ( "ese$"ch. INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

A+th u)h
A+th u)h !- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !- 2' ,+e()e0 I ( ' t h$*e e' u)h t%!e t ( "ese$"ch.

H ,e*e"
M- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !- 2' ,+e()e. H ,e*e"0 I ( ' t h$*e e' u)h t%!e t ( "ese$"ch.

I' s#%te &/ Des#%te

I' s#%te & the &$ct th$t !- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !2' ,+e()e0 I ( ' t h$*e e' u)h t%!e t ( "ese$"ch.

OTHER USEFUL CONNECTORS As & ++ ,s is used to introduce examples and it is followed by a colon.
M- cu""e't j b &&e"s !e the ## "tu'%t- t use $++ !- 2' ,+e()e0 $s & ++ ,s4 I c$' c "(%'$te #" jects $'( est$b+%sh $)e'($s $s I +e$"'e( (u"%') !!$'$)e!e't c u"se0 I c$' %(e't%&- #"% "%t%es0 $s I +e$"'e( (u"%') the t%!e !$'$)e!e't c u"se0 etc.

7hethe" replaces 7%&; in:

reported speech
I %'.u%"e( the !$'$)e!e't ,hethe" the- h$*e the" j b ## "tu'%t%es & " the &utu"e.

certain constructions
I (%( ' t 2' , ,hethe" t $cce#t the%" &&e".


Writing Skills

CONNECTORS AMBIGUIT@ (onnectors may be misused and create logical flaws, as in the examples below:

The &u'ct% 's & the 'e, #h 'e ! (e+ $"e *e"- c !#+%c$te( $'( %t c$' be (esc"%be( %' $ &e, , "(s. Ou" te$! ,$s';t *e"- ! t%*$te(0 but ,e (%( ' t e3cee( e3#ect$t% 's.

A11LICATION Find a better place for the connectors in the sentences below.

Indirect taxes appear to be however the most baffling for companies.

It is not enough to have a better product - it is essential also to add to the experience of owning it.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2 We know besides that we have to demonstrate that we can provide better value more
stylish products and wider choice.



There are + basic grammar rules to be followed when writing in English: A) The !erb always agrees with the sub"ect (hec$ your final writing for agreement, especially when you use third person singular !erb forms that re8uire an 7s2, such as:

S !eb (-0 A'-b (-0 N b (-0 E*e"-b (S !eb (- h$s %'.u%"e( the !$'$)e!e't $b ut the %ssue.

M 'e-0 I'& "!$t% '0 A' ,+e()e and other similar uncountable nouns

7e c ++ecte( the ! 'e- ,h%ch %s ) %') t be )%*e' $,$-.

#ub"ects "oined by e%the"/ " and 'e%the"/' "

Writing Skills


Ne%the" he ' " she ,$s $b+e t ( %t.

A11LICATION !. Correct each of the following sub"ect#verb agreement errors.

The depletion of natural resources, in addition to the rapid increase in utili-ation of these resources, ha!e encouraged many nations to conser!e energy.

There is, without a doubt, many good reasons to exercise.

Among the many problems plaguing suburbanites is the ubi8uity of shopping malls, the increasing cost of gasoline, and the una!ailability of mortgages.

The neighbors told police in!estigators that neither Annette nor her brother are capable of telling the truth.
INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

1) The modifier should be as close as possible to the word or clause that it modifies 3f modifiers are misplaced, they will seem to modify words they actually don2t. *or example, a long modifier at the beginning of the main clause will seem to modify the sub"ect. A long modifier that comes in the middle or end of the sentence will seem to describe the word immediately before it.

U# ' +$'(%') $t the $%"# "t0 the h te+ se't $ +%! us%'e t #%c2 us u#.


2 se*e"$+ +ess 's t +e$"' h , t #+$- te''%s ,%th ut )ett%') the b$++ *e" the

'et e*e' 'ce.


Writing Skills

A11LICATION !. Correct each of the following errors.

1ased on the most current data a!ailable, the company made plans to di!ersify its holdings.

#mall and taciturn, 9oan2s presence often goes unnoticed by those she will later write about.

The house o!erloo$ed the la$e, which was set bac$ from the shore.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

() A pronoun must agree with its antecedent and refer to only one antecedent (orrect pronoun reference means that any gi!en pronoun must refer to, or stand for, one specific noun or pronoun in the sentence :its antecedent). *or pronouns, as for !erbs, agreement is a 8uestion of number.

1" ' u' A!b%)u%tWhen you use B%t; as the sub"ect of the sentence it may create ambiguity.

S$+es (ec"e$se( b- >? +$st -e$". I' B"$s *0 %t ,$s e*e' , "se.

7e ( ' t $(* c$te %'c"e$se( $(*e"t%s%') but ,e &ee+ %t %s the '+- ,$- t )et h%)he" s$+es.

1 ssess%*e 1" ' u' A!b%)u%tExcessi!e use of possessi!e pronouns with no clear reference may cause ambiguity. We recommend you repeat the possessor in similar cases.

The c+%e't h$s t +( u" s$+es!$' th$t the !%st$2e ,$s h%s.


Writing Skills

A11LICATION !. Correct each of the following errors.

1eatrix2s report depicts facts in a humorous manner, and she illustrated them with graphs.

There is no $nown method to increase sales o!er the potential of the mar$et; they hope, though, that sales will at least stay the same.

3f the partners cannot resol!e their differences, the courts may ha!e to do it.

3n order to boost their name recognition, the <reen 4arty sent can!assers to a busy shopping mall.

3t is now recogni-ed that the dangers of nuclear war are much gra!er than that of con!entional warfare.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

$) =erb tenses must reflect the se8uence of e!ents To determine whether the !erbs in a sentence are in the proper tenses, pic$ one e!ent as a standard and measure e!ery other e!ent against it. As$ yourself whether the other e!ents are supposed to ha!e happened before, after, or during the time when the standard e!ent too$ place. When the sentence starts with a past tense, no following !erb may use future or present tense.

A11LICATION !. Correct each of the following errors.


Writing Skills

The criminal escaped from custody and is belie!ed to flee the country.

3f the experiment wor$s, it will be representing a 8uantum leap forward for pharmaceutical chemistry.

&e had seen that presentation recently, so he does not want to see it today.

#he already closed the door behind her when it occurred to her that she wasn2t able to get bac$ in later.

E) The first ad"ecti!e in noun constructions ta$es the form of an ad!erb

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2 When a noun is preceded by two ad"ecti!es, the first one turns into an
ad!erbial modifier of the second ad"ecti!e.
These e't%"e+- (%&&e"e't #e #+e8 The usu$++- b" $(c$st e*e't8

When two ad"ecti!es are necessary to 8ualify a noun, use B$'(; to separate them.

The %'te"est%') $'( u'usu$+ , "2sh #8

A11LICATION !. Correct the errors if any.

3 am terrible sorry for what happened.


Writing Skills

They assumed that taxes were not high enough.

They ha!e incredible low prices.

&e was rather 8uiet during the meeting, but became unbelie!able tal$ati!e after.

We found the suggestion most interesting.

This is a !ast different approach than the one we saw in the early days after the re!olution when in!estors were more opportunistic, eager to ma$e money 8uic$ly.



We reser!ed a full section for this grammar issue since we deal with two different languages and two different structures.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2 The English language is highly acti!e and direct in that the sentence always
has a sub"ect. The Romanian language is highly passi!e and indirect in that sentences may or may not ha!e a sub"ect and lots of constructions, including imperati!es, o!eruse the impersonal > reflexi!e mode.

A) &ow to a!oid passi!e constructions A!oid the use of unnecessary pronouns, such as 7 'e;0 B%t;0 Bth%s;, whene!er possible:
M st & the !$'$)e"s; $ct%*%t%es c 's%st %' (e$+%') ,%th u'e3#ecte( $'( u")e't !$tte"s

(ompare to:
It %s t"ue th$t ! st & the !$'$)e"s; $ct%*%t%es c 's%st %' (e$+%') ,%th u'e3#ecte( $'( u")e't !$tte"s.

Th%s -e$" h$s bee' success&u+.

(ompare to:
Th%s -e$" h$s bee' $ success&u+ 'e.

7e !$- + se the c 't"$ct.

(ompare to:
It %s .u%te # ss%b+e th$t ,e ,%++ + se the c 't"$ct.

?oo$ for the logical sub"ect of the sentence and start the sentence with it.
U'& "tu'$te+-0 &e, #e #+e 8

(ompare to:
It %s u'& "tu'$te th$t the"e $"e s &e, #e #+e ,h 8


Writing Skills

Ce"t$%' c%"cu!st$'ces #" h%b%t the s$+es.

(ompare to:
The"e $"e ce"t$%' c%"cu!st$'ces #" h%b%t%') the s$+es.

1) @se of impersonal constructions The most fre8uently used impersonal constructions are: O'e
O'e !$- $")ue th$t the"e $"e ce"t$%' c%"cu!st$'ces8

TheThe- s$- th%s %s $ te!# "$"- bus%'ess.

The +$,-e" sh u+( 2ee# $++ %'& "!$t% ' c '&%(e't%$+ u'+ess he/she %s %'st"ucte( ' t t ( s b- h%s/he" c+%e't.

1e #+e / S !e #e #+e
S !e #e #+e s$- th$t th%s %s '+- $ te!# "$"- bus%'ess.

A11LICATION !. %urn the following sentences into active.

1oth ad!ertising and public relation campaigns are generally accepted to be effecti!e in the sense of stimulating the consumer.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

There are products that ha!e a negati!e demand, li$e funerary ser!ices or supplying organs for surgery.

1ecause of the huge !ariety of products, ser!ices, customers, and mar$ets, it is !ery difficult to establish a rule regarding the most effecti!e way to promote products; howe!er, it seems that 4R acti!ities gained more interest from corporation2s management.



Aour company has put together the company2s procedures to assist you in deciding on the ethical aspect of your messages. The rules below comply with the procedures.

&owe!er, all departments may ha!e their own agreed rules, therefore chec$ with your manager for any other issues that contradict the guidelines below:


Writing Skills

A) <ender constructions Whene!er you use impersonal constructions that do not specifically tal$ about a female or male person, use he/she as the personal pronoun.

@se a gender%free construction when constructing compound nouns that refer to a position, such as:
S$+es#e"s ' Ch$%"#e"s ' Bus%'ess#e"s '

@se Ms for all ladies, unless they specifically re8uire you use 6rs. or 6iss. The purpose of the abbre!iation is marital status free addressing.

1) #lang The rule of any written message is politeness. Therefore, a!oid the use of slang or ambiguous constructions that you ha!e learned from T= or informal discussions.

() (onfidentiality All information that you suspect may be confidential for your company should be chec$ed with your manager for compliance. 3n addition, you may also refer to company procedures for guideline.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2 ') eutral tone

'o not include your emotions in your written message. (reate a neutral message that transmits facts and not feelings.



.. (hec$ your writing for redundant constructions

A(*e"t%s%') %s be'e&%c%$+ b th & " c 'su!e"s $'( #" (uce"s $s ,e++.

B. A sentence may not include two B$'(; con"unctions for a series. Replace the first B$'(; by a comma.
A(*e"t%s%') %s be'e&%c%$+ & " c 'su!e"s $'( #" (uce"s $'( $(*e"t%se"s. A(*e"t%s%') %s be'e&%c%$+ & " c 'su!e"s0 #" (uce"s0 $'( $(*e"t%se"s.

0. A!oid the use of appositi!es.

C. @se B!$-; or ;!%)ht2 instead of Bc$'; when expressing possibility > probability.

+. @se ;%t %s +%2e+-; to express possibility.

D. Replace impersonal constructions such as B the- $"e #" b$b+-; with 7!$-/!%)ht;.

The- $"e #" b$b+- ' t $,$"e & 8 The- !%)ht ' t be $,$"e &8


Writing Skills

E. 1e aware of the location of ad!erbials li$e 7 '+-; that can change the meaning of the sentence completely.

O'+- the !$'$)e" t

2 h%s sec"et$"- t +u'ch.

(ompare to:
The !$'$)e" t 2 '+- h%s sec"et$"- t +u'ch.

(ompare to:
The !$'$)e" t 2 h%s sec"et$"- '+- t +u'ch.

1. Re,"%te the & ++ ,%') #$"$)"$#hs4
3 wouldn2t consider the option of hiring a (E) with a sound bac$ground in finance as 3 fear he might purse into depth the financial ob"ecti!es of the company and unconsciously transform them into the o!erall ob"ecti!es of the company. 3 would see as a healthy high management structure for a company a mar$eting%educated (E), followed by a financial%educated (*).

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2

A !ery good proof is that the large amount of money in!ol!ed in ad!ertising and 3 personal donFt belie!e that all the companies are ma$ing the same mista$e, wasting money on ad!ertising.

A higher oriented 4R strategy would be indicated for a large company rather than to a medium or small si-ed one.

After we $now that the product exists we are able to thin$ if the product is good or is what we are loo$ing for.

About the aggressi!e ad!ertising, thin$ing from my point of !iew, as a sales person, 3 really thin$ that stimulates consumer demand because they ha!e two reasons to buy it.


Writing Skills

(ustomers buy the product because they li$e the ad!ertising and they want to try it or because the ad!ertising is so aggressi!e that they want to see if the product is li$e the spot tries to con!ince them.

The customer will remember the product either the ad!ertising is good or bad because they get a reason to change impressions and ideas, they will be someway forced to thin$ of that.

The main idea is to ma$e somehow a promotion for your product because is hard to belie!e that some product will be a success only because is present in store somewhere on the shel!es.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2
3f we loo$ o!er this problem from a global point of !iew will reali-e that, we as a nation we ha!e a real problem.

3tFs better to thin$ that our money is wasted they will help others to get a good education and that will lead to a better public life and ser!ice and will ma$e our life easier and e!en beautiful because if our economy loo$s good we are happier.

This entire different people interact and communicate one with another in order to achie!e their personal goals and to fulfill their material and spiritual needs.


Writing Skills

3t is !ery unli$ely to be accepted the opinion that somebody would not be willing to pay for the police, for the reason that he>she has a gun and can defend himself>herself.

The only thing we can do is to be !ery careful when we go shopping not to fall into the Fad!ertising trapF.

Ad!ertising is expensi!e but you are able to focus on the targeted segment of prospecti!e customers and promote the product you are selling. 4ublic relations is more li$ely to consolidate the image of the company within the community and it is a little bit difficult to e!aluate the sales results compared to the costs of this acti!ity. A higher oriented public relations strategy would be indicated for a large company rather than to a medium or small si-ed one.

*rom what 3 $now there are many different reasons for ma$ing ad!ertising, meaning the effects are different. #o, we can ma$e ad!ertising only to get our customer attention not necessary to stimulate him to buy the product. The fact we ha!e the product $nown on the mar$et it2s what that we are paying for in the first place. After we $now that the product exists we are able to thin$ if the product is good or is what we are loo$ing for.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2
3t2s impossible to say how good is the product after you2!e seen the spot. Aou can only ma$e an impression about the company that is producing the product.

The customer will remember the product either the ad!ertising is good or bad because they get a reason to change impressions and ideas, they will be someway forced to thin$ of that.

The main ideas is to ma$e somehow a promotion for your product because is hard to belie!e that some product will be a success only because is present in store somewhere on the shel!es.

1eing in the room among the fans, young and old, it was easy to read the emotion of people2s faces.


Writing Skills

>. C ""ect the & ++ ,%') se'te'ces t !$2e the! c+e$"4

Tom arri!ed in time to tell 1axter he2d won the award.

They are fellowships awarded by colleges that are hea!ily endowed.

The 7Times2 printed his picture e!en.

The purpose of this letter is to secure your acceptance of the proposal by returning the enclosed card prior to 9uly ..

The office party was dull and we were exhausted, but we went home.

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


Appendix 2
These resources could ne!er ha!e been found, except at prohibiti!e cost.

American citi-ens are o!erburdened by taxes on incomes that grow larger e!ery year.

*ast mo!ing consumer goods chain of distribution usually is represented by the companies that products ha!e to pass through on their way from the producer to the consumer.

These sea salt crystals contain a uni8ue natural blend of bath to soothe, cleanse, refresh your s$in and relax calcium, bromide and sulfates.

This is particularly important if we begin a new course section for e!ery group of ., students is implemented.


Writing Skills

C. 1$%" u# the & ++ ,%') c 'st"uct% 's. The +e&t c +u!' %s the E')+%sh t"$'s+$t% ' & the R !$'%$' c 'st"uct% ' $'( the "%)ht c +u!' %s the #+$%' E')+%sh e.u%*$+e't4

to ma$e an impression to ma$e ad!ertising to ensure best conditions to materialise a dream in this way meaning as a result as a conclusion

to ma$e a dream come true conse8uently to ad!ertise in conclusion in other words therefore to form an idea to pro!ide best en!ironment

INTERACT business communications for CONNEX


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