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Classical Mechanics with MATLAB Applications Javier E.

Hasbun Available Java Applications See also the author's website: jhasbun! "hese java applications per#orm the same calculations as the te$t's %atlab scripts do. "hese are provided to enable users to do the te$t's computations in case %atlab is not available. &lic'ing an( o# the htm #iles will load the jar #ile and allow the application to run a#ter one more clic' at the appearing application botton. )e sure (our computer is java enabled to run the application. See other notes at the end o# this #ile. Chapter1 ch*+ho*App.htm ch*+ho-App.htm Harmonic ,scillator position velocit( acceleration .ree #all air resistance position velocit( acceleration Chapter2 ch-+#o#tApp.htm ch-+#o#vApp.htm .orce as a #unction o# time .orce as a #unction o# velocit( Chapter3 ch/+$o#tApp.htm ch/+v+and+#App.htm ch/+over+critApp.htm ch/+drive+ampApp.htm ch/+drive+phaseApp.htm ch/+drive+solnApp.htm ch/+drive+powerApp.htm 0osition as a #unction o# time plot 0otential and associated #orce plot ,verdamped and criticall( dample H, solutions Amplitude o# the #orced H, 0hase di##erence between driving #orce and H, solution Solution o# the #orced H, and driving #orce plot 0ower supplied b( the driving #orce to the H, versus #re2uenc( Chapter4

ch-+ch-+#o#$App.htm .orce as a #unction o# position

ch/+under+dampApp.htm 1nderdampe H, solution

ch3+inter+spr*App.htm ch3+eigenJacobiApp.htm ch3+inter+spr-App.htm ch3+pend6App.htm ch3+pend*App.htm ch3+pend-App.htm ch3+molecApp.htm

&oordinate solutions single mode coupled spring4 mass s(stem Eigenvalues eigenvectors o# a real s(mmetric /5/ matri$ &oordinate solutions #or single mode coupled spring4 mass s(stem A* versus initial angle non4linear appro$imation o# the pendulum &omparison o# pendulum periods 0endulum solutions #or various appro$imations and anal(tic Solution to the two atom melecular potential model Chapter5

ch7+gradientApp.htm ch7+curlApp.htm

8radient o# a #unction &url o# a vector Chapter6

ch7+divergenceApp.htm 9ivergence o# a vector

ch:+parabolaApp.htm ch:+projectileApp.htm ch:+c(cloid-dApp.htm

0lots parabolas with various curvatures 0lots #ree #all projectile trajectories &harged particle in electric and magnetic #ields in -9.

ch:+projectile-App.htm &ompares #ree #all with and without drag. ch:+c(cloid/dmApp.htm &harged particle in electric and magnetic #ields in /9. Chapter7 ch;+#oucaultApp.htm "he .oucault pendulum. Chapter8 ch<+centralApp.htm Solution #or a bod( under a central #orce.

ch<+orbit+periodApp.htm "ime to go #rom rmin to rma$ under a #orce .=r>?4

a@rAp. ch<+centraluApp.htm Solution #or a bod( under a central #orce o# the #orm 4a@rAp. 9raws an ellipse o# minimum radius rmin and eccentricit( e. Attractive potential energ( etc. #or bod( under a central #orce. Cepler's /rd law #or planets in the solar s(stem. 9raws Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun. Chapter9 chD+gaus+sphereApp.htm 0lots the gravitational #ield #or a sphere o# mass %. chD+binar(*App.htm chD+binar(-App.htm )inar( star s(stem given the eccentricit(. )inar( star s(stem solved numericall(. Chapter10 ch*6+conic*App.htm ch*6+conic-App.htm ch*6+conic/App.htm ch*6+rutherApp.htm ch*6+ruther+cross*App.htm 0lots possible conic section curves #or various eccentricities. ,btains the h(perbolic projectile orbit incident on a target. Simulates Euther#ord scattering with anal(tic #ormulas. Simulates Euther#ord scattering alpha particle path numericall(. 0lots scattering cross4section versus scattering angle #i$ed target. Euther#ord scattering compared with e$periment. Chapter11 ch**+particle-App.htm ch**+roc'etApp.htm Finear G angular momenta energies #orces and tor2ues. Solves the variable mass roc'et e2uation and does

ch<+simple+orbitApp.htm 0lots the Bero #orce case orbit u?&@sin=theta>?*/r. ch<+ellipseApp.htm ch<+potentialApp.htm ch<+'epler/rdApp.htm ch<+earthorbApp.htm

ch*6+ruther+cross-App.htm Scattering cross4section versus atomic number. ch*6+gm+rutherApp.htm

simulation. ch**+molec+muApp.htm ch**+theta+ma$App.htm ch**+ecoll+-dApp.htm ch**+ruthercm+crossApp.htm 0lots the coordinates o# the atoms o# a #ree #alling molecule. 0lots the ma$imum scattering angle theta+* versus the m-/m*. Helocities in two dimensional collisions. 0lots scattering cross4section versus scattering angle with recoiling target. Chapter12 ch*-+#i$ed+a$isApp.htm ch*-+moment+sdis'App.htm Animates the position o# a rod4mass s(stem and angular momentum. .inds the integral o# 3@#=$>/pi where #=$> is associated with the moment o# a dis'.

9raws a cube with the principal a$es based on the ch*-+cube+princ+a$App.htm entered s(mmetric inertia tensor. ch*-+det+soln-+-dApp.htm ch*-+r+energ(App.htm 1ses cartesian coordinates to #ind a rectangle's inertia tensor numericall(. .inds the angular momentum o# a rigid bod( about an a$is o# rotation given the angular speed. 0lots the #re2uenc( and angular momentum #or tor2ue #ree motion o# a top versus time in the bod( =S'> #rame.


0lots the #re2uenc( and angular momentum #or tor2ue ch*-+tor2ue+#ree+sApp.htm #ree motion o# a top versus time in the bod( =S'> #rame as well as in the space #rame =S>. ch*-+ellipsoApp.htm ch*-+tor2ue#-App.htm ch*-+euler+angApp.htm ch*-+topApp.htm &alculates an ellipsoid inertia tensor G mass numericall(. Solves Euler's e2uations #or an ellipsoid without tor2ues. Shows Euler angles: phi theta psiI the planes and the line o# nodes. Solves Euler's e2uations and produces plots and simulates.

Chapter13 Solve the double pendulum e2uations o# motion numericall( and plots their solutions G animates the motion. Simulates Hamilton's Feast Action principle #or a particle under the action o# gravit(.

ch*/+doublepApp.htm ch*/+least+actionApp.htm

"o use these applications on a local computer download this and the above htm #iles =shi#t4le#t4mouse4clic'> as well as the main jar #ile mechanics.jar to a local director(. &lic'ing an( o# the htm #ile will load the jar #ile and allow the application to run a#ter one more clic' at the appearing application botton. "he above java applications have been developed using the ,pen source ph(sics #ramewor'. 0lease re#er to the author's website: #or #urther in#ormation. "he source code is available under the ,S0 concept #rom this website and can be compiled with Eclipse an open source developing plat#orm =>. =Jote: ,pen Source 0h(sics code is being distributed under the 8J1 80F K license. Also to run
the applications the Java engine is needed #rom "o write the actual programs the ,S0 #ramewor' is needed: http://www.opensourceph(>

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