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A"#$%&"$1 Puslibang BMF, Depkes RI

ABSTRACT REASSESSMENT O' NUTRITIONAL STATUS (!EIGHT O' AGE) 'OR CHILDREN 0-59 MONTHS USING NATIONAL DATA SUSENAS 1989-2005 COMPARISON O' !HO STANDARDS AND NCHS RE'ERENCE In April 2006, the World ealth !rgani"ation has laun#hed ne$ standards %or assessing the gro$th and de&elop'ent o% #hildren 0 to ( )ears o% age* +his ne$ standards should be adapted in all #ountries* ,ationall), Indonesia has been #olle#ting anthropo'etri# data %or #hildren under %i&e sin#e 1-.- up to 200( through periodi# so#io/e#ono'i# national sur&e) 01213,A14* +he nutritional status based on $eight %or age using ,5 1 re%eren#e has been assessed to 'onitor the #hange o% under$eight pre&alen#e, espe#iall) at pro&in#ial and national le&el* +he ne$ standards need to be applied %or reassessing the under$eight pre&alen#e as part o% adoption pro#ess* +he pri'ar) sour#e o% data is the 1-.-/200( 1usenas 1ur&e)6s, both the household data, and the indi&idual data, along $ith the nutrition 'odule* Weight %or Age data ,utritional status is des#ribed in 7 s#ores %ro' both the ,5 1 international re%eren#e and ne$ W ! standards* Des#ripti&e anal)ses $ere #arried out re&ie$ing the trend o% under$eight pre&alen#e %ro' 1-.- to 200(, 'ean $eight o% #hildren under %i&e both %or bo)s and girls, the pre&alen#e o% under$eight a#ross the pro&in#es and b) age groups as $ell as bo)s and girls, 'ean "/s#ores b) age and 8uintiles, and distribution b) 8uintiles* +he results %ro' reassess'ent sho$ed that the pre&alen#e o% 'oderate under$eight generall) higher using ne$ W ! standard #o'pared $ith to ,5 19W ! re%eren#eduring the %irst hal% in%an#) 0/( 'onths and lo$er %or the age abo&e 6 'onths* o$e&er, the pre&alen#e o% se&ere under$eight generall) higher based on W ! standard#o'pared $ith ,5 19W ! re%eren#e* Di%%eren#es in pre&alen#e bet$een W ! standard and ,5 1 re%eren#e &ar) b) lo#ation 0urban, rural4, or e#ono'i# status depend on age group and se: or other population #hara#teristi#s*

PERANAN PROTEKTI' DAN NON-PROTECTI' NITRIC O(IDE (NO) PADA RESPON IMUN Basuki Budi'an1 1 P)*$" P+,+-&"&$, .$, P+,/+#0$,/$, G&1& .$, M$2$,$,3 D+42+* RI AB1+RA5+ ,itri# o:ide 0,!4, in#luded in this ter' are radi#al ,! *, 0ioni#4 ,!/, ,!, ,!2, ,!2/, ,!;/, ,2!;, ,2!<, 1/nitrosothiols, pero:)nitrite 0!,!!/4, nitris)l/'etal #o'ple:* ,! are radi#al substan#es $hi#h ha&e #hara#teristi# both prote#ti&e and non/prote#ti&e i''unit) due to unable to distinguish pathogen D,A or host D,A* ,! is b)=produ#t o% arginine 'etabolis'* ,itri# o:ide pla)s role in 'us#le rela:ation, to pre&ent platelets aggregation, as intra #ell neurotrans'itter, 'ediated 'a#rophage o% tu'or #ell and ba#teria* +he a#ti&it) is under #ontrolled b) ,!/s)nthetase 0,!14 $hi#h has three iso'ers, na'el) ,!11 or neural ,!1 0n,!14, ,!12 or indu#ible ,!1 0i,!14 and ,!1; or endothelial ,!1 0e,!14* +he role o% i,!19,! in i''une s)ste' #ould be as a prote#ti&e and non/prote#ti&e $hi#h $ork si'ultaneousl) and depend on the i''une s)ste' e8uilibriu'* +he %un#tion o% i,!19,! is as regulators and e%%e#tors* As regulators in#lude the #hange o% l)'pho#)te %ro' proli%eration and 'odulated #)tokine response* As e%%e#tors in#lude ne#rosis and i''nunoprote#ti&e a#ti&ities* +he 'ain target o% ,! 2 to:i#it) is lungs but depends on the #on#entration o% to:i#it) and duration o% e:posure to the target K+567%.*> ,itri# o:ide, prote#ti&e, i''onolog), ,!1, arginine

PENILAIAN STATUS 8ITAMIN A SECARA BIOKIMIA De$i Per'aesih1 1 Pusat Penelitian dan Penge'bangan ?i"i dan Makanan, Depkes RI ABSTRACT @ita'in A de%i#ien#) 0@AD4 is one o% the 'ost de&astating dietar) de%i#ien#ies* It #auses signi%i#ant in#reases in #hildhood an 'aternal 'orbidit) an 'ortalit)* 1e&eral 'ethods are a&ailable to assess @AD* +radisionall), #lini#al signs and s)'pto's o% :erophthal'ia $ere used to identi%) population $ith &ita'in A de%i#ien#)* Bio#he'i#al assess'ent 'ethods a&ailable in#lude seru' retinol, seru' retinol binding protein, seru' retin)l ester, seru' #arotenoids, dose response test, the deuterated retinol isotope dilution test and breast 'ilk retinol #on#entrations* +he deter'ination o% o% retinol in blood 0seru' retinol #on#entrations4 is one o% the 'ost %re8uentl) used 'ethods, ha&e been used e:tensi&el) to identi%) populations at risk o% &ita'in A de%i#ien#), but it has se&eral disad&antages* +he 'aAor dra$ba#k o% seru' retinol is that blood sa'ples are re8uired* Beside that, seru' retinol is de#reased onl) in se&er @AD, $hen li&er stores are nearl) e:hausted* Be#ause the 'aAorit) o% &ita'in A in the bod) is stores in the li&er, tests ha&e been de&eloped to 'easured &ita'in A stores that tend to pro&ide 'ore reliable in%or'ation about &ita'in A status* Breast 'ilk #olle#tion is less in&asi&e and usuall) easier than blood dra$ing, do not ha&e to be %urther pro#essed at the %ield station, thus shortening sa'ple preparation* For the %uture indi#ators o% &ita'in A, 'ethods that are in de&elop'ent in#lude using isotope dilution* K+567%.*> @ita'in A anal)sis, seru' retinol, breast 'ilk retinol 'AKTOR-'AKTOR 9ANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP STATUS GIZI OBESITAS ORANG DE!ASA DI KOTA DEPOK3 TAHUN 200: R$;#$6$"&1 .$, S).&2,72 1 Dinas Besehatan Bota Depok 2 Puslitbang ?i"i dan Makanan Depkes RI, Bogor ABSTRACT RI1B FA5+!R1 !F AD2C+ !B31I+D I, D3P!B, W31+ EA@A, I, 200F 3ating habit #hanges %ro' #onsu'ing health) %ood #ontaining #arboh)drate, and %iber to Aunk %ood #ontaining a lot o% protein, %at, sugar, and salt but little %iber and la#k o% ph)si#al a#ti&ities %or people li&ing in big #ities in#rease obesit)*+his resear#h is an ad&an#e anal)sis o% the risk %a#tors o% adult obesit) and their #hara#teristi#s in Depok* A #ross/se#tional stud) $as #ondu#ted to #olle#t data %ro' ;66 sa'ples, 1F6 'en and 1-0 $o'en aged 1./(( )ears old* 1a'pling 'ethod based on rapid assess'ent* Per#entage o% adult obesit) status 01./(( )ears old4 is 16*< per#ent, $hi#h is higher than the result o% resear#h #ondu#ted in 200< 012*( G4* Per#entage o% $o'en adult obesit) status is higher than the 'en* +he $o'en also ha&e the risks o% be#o'ing obese 2*2F< ti'es higher than the 'en* Per#entage o% adult obesit) is also signi%i#antl) di%%erent at age group 0pH0*0<<4*+he resear#h sho$ed that #onsu'ing deep %ried %ood a%%e#ted obesit) status 0pH 0*0104* Respondents $ho o%ten #onsu'ed deep %ried %ood had the risks o% being obese 2*;;F ti'es higher than those $ho rarel) did that* In addition, It $as %ound that respondents6 %a&orite %ood 0deep %ried %ood, %att) %ood, and %ood #ontaining a lot o% sugar4 a%%e#ted their obesit) status 0pI0*0(4* Based on the abo&e anal)sis the risks %a#tors o% adult obesit) are as %ollo$s> age, se:, habits o% #onsu'ing deep %ried %ood, and %a&orite %ood 0deep %ried %ood, %att) %ood, and %ood #ontaining a lot o% sugar4 K+567%.*> obesit), adult, risk %a#tors

AKTI'ITAS 'ISIK DAN PENGGUNAAN ENERGI PEKERJA LAKI-LAKI DENGAN JENIS PEKERJAAN BERBEDA 9),&$% R7*#$-&,$1 .$, D+6& P+%#$+*&;1 1 Puslitbang ?i"i dan Makanan Depkes RI Bogor ABSTRACT PHISICAL ACTI8IT9 AND ENERG9 E(PENDITURE O' MALE !ORKER !ITH DI''ERENT ACTI8IT9 LE8EL Dail) ph)si#al a#ti&ities #onsidered as 'ain #o'ponent in esti'ating energ) e:penditure %or group o% #o''unit)* Data on ph)si#al a#ti&ities o% 'ale $orker relating to their Aob9o##upation in Indonesian is still rarel) %ound* +he obAe#ti&e is to #o'pare dail) ph)si#al a#ti&ities and dail) energ) e:penditure o% 'ale $orker $ith di%%erent o% their a#ti&it) le&el* Respondent $ere (1 'ale $orkers #onsidered as Cight a#ti&it) le&el and (0 as hea&) a#ti&it) le&el* Data #olle#tion in#luding anthropo'etri# 'easure'ent, ph)si#al a#ti&ities $as 'easured at their Aob lo#ation using #o'bination o% obser&ation 'ethod and re#all 'ethod ; da) #onse#uti&el)* +otal energ) e:penditure $as esti'ated using %a#torial esti'ated o% total energ) e:penditure* +he results sho$ that 'ale $orker $ith light a#ti&it) le&el spent their ti'e in doing their Aob signi%i#antl) longer than high a#ti&it) le&el 0(.- 'inutes &s* (20 'inutes4* o$e&er in ter' o% the energ) #ost %or their doing the Aob the 'ale $orker $ith the high a#ti&it) le&el $as higher #o'pared to 'ale $orker $ith light a#ti&it) le&el 022F; B#al &s* 12<2 B#al4* Mean &alue dail) total energ) e:penditure $as 2<0. B#al9da) %or light a#ti&it) and ;(<. B#al9da) %or high a#ti&it)* K+567%.*: ph)si#al a#ti&ities, energ) e:penditure, 'ale $orker* HUBUNGAN ANTARA KEBIASAAN CARA MEMASAK SA9URAN DAN KADAR CHOLINESTERASE TERHADAP STATUS HORMON TH9ROID !ANITA USIA SUBUR DI DAERAH GONDOK ENDEMIK

S)2$"& S$&.&,13 N)%.&,23 H$%.&,*5$;<3 I2+) T$,1&;$< Pusat Penelitian dan Penge'bangan ?i"i dan Makanan, Bogor 2 Mahasis$a 1; Fakultas 3kologi Manusia, IPB ; Institut Pertanian Bogor

ABSTRACT THE ASSOCIATION BET!EEN 'REE TH9RO(INE AND 8EGETABLES COOKING AND SERUM CHOLINESTERASE O' CHILD BEARING AGE !OMEN IN ENDEMIC GOITRE AREA Ba#kground> Pesti#ides, a goitrogeni# pollutant, strongl) bind iodine to 'ake a #o'ple: substan#e $hi#h iodine #an not opti'all) be utili"ed and leads to i'pair th)ro:ine hor'one produ#tion* Far'ers in Pakis sub distri#t o% Magelang distri#t o%ten put pesti#ides o% organophosphate and #arba'ate groups to in#rease &egetables )ield* +he retained pesti#ides in the %oods #an be 'ini'i"ed b) #ooking* !bAe#ti&e> to e:plore the asso#iation bet$een %ree th)ro:ine sera and &egetable #ooking and #holinesterase sera* Method> A #ross/se#tional stud) design $as applied to 20( o% #hild bearing age $o'en 05BAW4 o% 1F J <( )ears o% age in Pakis sub distri#t o% Magelang Distri#t, 5entral Ea&a* @egetable in $hi#h pesti#ide 'a) persist $ere #ooked in t$o $a)s, na'el) $ere boiled and tu'is 0stir %ried4* Blood spi#e'ent $ere dra$n %or %+< and #holinesterase a:a'ination* Results> It $as indi#ated that seru' F+< o% 6.,; G o% 5BAW $ere nor'al, $hile ;1,F G o% the' $ere lo$ and (*1G o% 5BAW $ith lo$ seru' 5 3* +here $as signi%i#ant asso#iation bet$een the $a) o% #ooking , status o% seru' 5 3 and #ontra#epti&e usage o% %a'il) planning in related to status o% seru' F+<* 5on#lusions> +he #hild bearing age $o'en that #onsu'e &egetables #ooked b) Ktu'isL 0#ooking stir %ried4 ha&ing higher risk o% lo$ seru' %ree th)ro:in status, 2,( ti'es than that o% b) boiling* 5BAW $ith lo$ #holinesterase en")'e 05 34 ha&ing higher risk o% lo$ seru' %ree th)ro:in hor'one status 0F+<4, 10 ti'es than that o% $ith nor'al 5 3* 5BAW $ith hor'onal #ontra#eption ha&ing higher risk o% lo$ seru' F+< , 0,(0 ti'es than that usage non hor'onal #ontra#eption* Re#o''endation> In order to 'ini'i"e the rest o% pesti#ides retained in &egetables, it should be #ooked b) boiling K+5 67%.*> iodine status, pesticide, cholinesterase, #ooking stir %ried, #hild bearing age $o'en,


S$%$; R+1$ A= H$%$;$41 .$, M7+*&>$,"& S7+2$"%&1 Eurusan ?i"i / Politeknik Besehatan Depkes Eakarta II

ABSTRACT +he #urrent stud) 0Fika$ati, 200(4 sho$s that the intake o% #alsiu' a'ong teenages in Bandung $as ((*.G #o'pared to Indonesian RDA aged 1;/1- )ears 0200<4, in $hi#h %or girl onl) a##o'plished (2*(G %ro' Indonesian RDA* +his indi#ates that teenage girls are &ulnerable to the de%ii#en#) o% #al#iu'* 5al#iu' pla)s an i'portant role to %or' teeth and bone* Further'ore, #al#iu' is also in&ol&ing in #ell %un#tion regulation as a neurotrans'itter, 'us#le #ontra#tion and blood #oagulation, 'aintaining the #ell 'e'brane per'eabilit) and as an a#ti&ator %or en")'e rea#tions and hor'one se#retion* 5al#iu' is also 'a) redu#e the s)ndro'e that #o''onl) o##urs be%ore 'enstruation, usuall) #alled pre//'enstruation s)ndro'e 0PM14* +he #ross se#tional stud) $as #ondu#ted in Eul) 200. at 1tate Dunior igh 1#hool 2;2 Pisangan +i'ur, 3astern Eakarta* +he ai' o% the stud) is to anal)"e the relationship bet$een #al#iu' intake and PM1 a'ong )unior high s#hool girls students* +he subAe#ts $ere sele#ted purposi&el) and -( subAe#ts $ere #hosen %or the stud)* +he results sho$ed that -0,(G o% the subAe#ts had #al#iu' intake belo$ the Indonesian Re#o''ended Dietar) Allo$an#e 0IRDA4 and 'ost o% the' 0..*<G4 %re8uentl) e:perian#ed on PM1* Based on #ross table anal)sis indi#ated that those $ho had e:perien#ed in PM1 $as those $ho had #al#iu' intake lo$ than .0G %ro' IRDA* Anal)sis on the %ood sour#e o% #alsiu' using 5hi s8uare test sho$s that there is a signi%i#ant relationship bet$een te'peh and PM1* K+567%.*> PM1, #al#iu' intake, %ood pattern KAJIAN PERBEDAAN PRE8ALENSI BALITA KURUS DAN PENDEK MENURUT STANDAR !HO 2005 DIBANDING NCHS: A,$-&*&* D$"$ SKRT 200?

S$,.>$>$1 Pusat Penelitian dan Penge'bangan ?i"i dan Makanan, Depkes RI

ABSTRACT THE DI''ERENCE IN THE PRE8ALENCE O' !ASTING AND STUNTING IN CHLIDREN AGE 0-59 MONTHS B9 USING NCHS AND NE! !HO ANTHROPOMETRIC STANDARD: R+-$,$-5*&* 7@ I,.7,+*&$, H7)*+;7-. H+$-"; S)%A+5 200? B$B2/%7),.> W ! introdu#ed ne$ 5hild ?ro$th 1tandard %or #hildren 0 J 60 'onths o% age in the earl) 2006 based on Multi/5entre ?ro$th Re%eren#e 1tud) 0M?R14 in 6 #ountries> Bra"il, ?hana, India, ,or$a), !'an and the 2nited 1tates o% A'eri#a in&ol&ing health) #hildren li&ing in health) en&iron'ent that pro&ide possibilit) %or the' to gro$ a##ording to their geneti# potential* W ! re#o''ended that the standard be used as a ne$ anthropo'etri# re%eren#e repla#ing the e:isting ,5 1/W ! #hild gro$th re%eren#e* o$e&er, so'e e:perts de'and to e&aluate the standard, be%ore Indonesia adopts it in the nutrition progra'* +his paper tries to #o'pare the #onse8uen#e o% adopting ne$ W ! standard to the 'agnitude o% stunting and $asting* O0>+B"&A+> +he 'ain obAe#ti&e o% the paper is to re/anal)"e the e:isting anthropo'etri# data on #hildren aged 0/('onths b) using both ,5 1/W ! re%eren#e and ne$ W ! standard on the pre&alen#e o% $asting 0W9C or W9 4 and stunting 0 9A4* M+";7.*> +his re/anal)sis is based on anthropo'etri# data o% ;,;16 #hildren age belo$ ( )ears old %ro' ousehold ealth 1ur&e) 200<* 5hild $eight and length9height $ere #on&erted into "/s#ores o% W9 and 9A b) using both ,5 1 and ne$ W ! ?ro$th 1tandard, and #o'pared the pre&alen#e o% $asting and stunting* R+*)-"> +he results sho$ed that the pre&alen#e stunting is higher b) using ne$ W ! ?ro$th 1tandard 02.*6G4 #o'pared to that b) using ,5 1 gro$th re%eren#es 02<*1G4* +he di%%eren#e in the pre&alen#e &aried bet$een se: %ro' <*(/<*FG and a#ross age groups %ro' 1*;/-*2G* 1i'ilar results also %ound %or the pre&alen#e o% stunting* +he pre&alen#e o% $asting b) using W ! ?ro$th 1tandard and ,5 1 gro$th re%eren#es $as 1(*1G and 1;*.G respe#ti&el)* +he di%%eren#e in the pre&alen#e &aried bet$een se: %ro' 0*./2*1G and a#ross age group $hi#h &aried %our%old 021*0G and (*6G4 %or #hildren age belo$ 6 'onth old and onl) 1*FG %or #hildren age <./(- 'onth old*

K+567%.*: anthropo'etri# standard, stunted, $asted, height %or age, $eight %or height KEBIASAAN MAKAN SA9UR DAN BUAH PADA PETANI 9ANG BERKAITAN DENGAN KEJADIAN KATARAK DI KECAMATAN TELUK JAMBE JA!A BARAT

L$)%+,"&$ M&;$%.>$1C L)*&$,$6$"5 T$,$1C .$, L$,,56$"& G;$,&1 Pusat Penelitian dan Penge'bangan Bio'edis dan Far'asi, Depkes RI

ABSTRACT RISK O' CATARACTS ASSOCIATED !ITH 'RUIT AND 8EGETABLES INTAKE AMONG 'ARMERS O' !EST JA8A Ba#kground> Risk %or #atara#ts in#reases $ith age, but also has been asso#iated $ith e:posure to sunlight, and %a#tors su#h as s'oking, and diet* We e:plored the risk o% #atara#t in West Ea&a, and %ound a strong asso#iation $ith diet, and a higher risk a'ong 'alnourished adults* Methods and Materials> +he ai' o% the stud) $as to kno$ the relationship bet$een risk o% #atara#ts and #onsu'ption o% %ruit and &egetables intake a'ong %ar'ers o% West Ea&a* +his stud) using #ross se#tional design $hi#h $as #ondu#ted a'ong %ar'ers and their %a'ilies in West +eluk Ea'be subdistri#t, Bara$ang West Ea&a, Indonesia* Rando'l) sa'pled indi&idual ;0 )ears and older in the population and identi%ied 122; subAe#s to parti#ipated in the stud)* 3a#h subAe#t $as inter&ie$ed about &egetables and %ruit #onsu'ption per da) and per $eek pre&iousl) and histori#al 8uantit) o% intake b) use o% 8uestionnaire and %ood 'odels* Anthropo'etr) 'easure'ent 0$eight and height4 $ere also undertaken* !#ular e:a'inations $ere #arried out b) opthal'ologist* Results> +he results sho$ed that #atara# risks in#reases $ith b) age* +he subAe#ts %or M (( )ears &s ;0 J (< )ears old gi&e an odds ratio o% ;0*6*0 -(G 5I> 22*0</ <2*(, pH 0*00014* 5onsu'ption o% &egetables I ( ser&ing &s N ( ser&ing perda) had a signi%i#ant odds ratio %or #atara#t risks o% 1*F< 0 -(G 5I> 1*0</ 2*-1, pH 0*0;14* Intake o% #olour%ull %ruits had a si'ilar odds ratio %or I 1 ser&ing &s N 1 ser&ing per da) $ith an odds ratio %or #atara#ts risks o% 1*F< 0-(G 5I> 1*26 J 2*<, pH0*0014* 2nder$eight 0bod) 'ass inde: I 1.*(4 &s $ith M or H nor'al bod) $eight $as also &er) i'portant $ith an odds ratio o% <*; 0 -(G 5I> ;*2 J (*., pH 0*00014 * 2sing binar) logisti# regression onl) age, and nutritional status sho$ed a signi%i#ant relationship $ith #atara#t risk* 5on#lusion> +his stud) de'onstrates that #onsu'ption o% &egetables and %ruits M ( ser&ing per da), intake #olour%ull %ruits M 1 ser&ing per da) and ha&ing good nutrition $ith status BMI M nor'al #an redu#e the risk %or #atara#s* +o pre&ent #atara#ts it is i'portant to pro'ote the #onsu'ption o% &egetables and %ruits, #olour%ul %ruit and to pro'ote good nutritional status* K+567%.*> #atara#ts, %ruits, &egetables, under$eight HUBUNGAN KONSUMSI PANGAN DAN STATUS GIZI DENGAN BODY IMAGE PADA REMAJA DI BOGOR D7.&2 B%&$6$,1C H+%5).$%&,& H$%$;$42C .$, D%$>$" M$%"&$,"71 1 Departe'en ?i"i Mas)arakat, Fakultas 3kologi Manusia, IPB 2 Pusat Penelitian ?i"i dan Makanan, Depkes RI, Bogor ABSTRACT T;+ R+-$"&7,*;&4 0+"6++, '77. C7,*)#4"&7, $,. N)"%&"&7,$- S"$")* 6&"; B7.5 I#$/+ $#7,/ A.7-+*B+,"* &, B7/7% +he obAe#ti&es o% this stud) are to identi%) the bod) i'age #on#epts a'ong adoles#ents in Bogor and to anal)"e the relationship bet$een %ood #onsu'ption and bod) 'ass inde: $ith bod) satis%a#tion* +he stud) parti#ipants are high s#hool students $ho li&e in Bogor6s outskirts* A nu'ber o% F( students $ere in&ited and (; parti#ipated &oluntaril) 02. bo)s and 2( girls, aged 16/1. )ears4* Bod) i'age is 'easured using 1tunkard 01-.;4 %igures, #onsist o% - pi#tures representing bod) shape %ro' &er) thin to %at* +he so#io/e#ono'i# ba#kground o% the parti#ipants are relati&el) si'ilar bet$een bo)s and girls* +he a&erage bod) 'ass inde: o% bo)s 01.*F kg9' 24 and girls 020*. kg9'24 are signi%i#antl) di%%erent 0pH0*00.4* +he proportions o% bo)s and girls $ho are obese are F*1 per#ent and .*0 per#entO and $ho are

under$eight are (0*0 per#ent and 2.*0 per#ent respe#ti&el)* Both bo)s and girls #lai'ed their bodies are si'ilar $ith %igure <* o$e&er, di%%eren#es are obser&ed in ideal bod) shapes 0%igure < and ;4, peers6 bod) per#eptions 0%igure < and ;4, and health) bod) per#eptions 0%igure ( and <4* Figure < $as #hosen b) the subAe#ts as the desired shape %or their bo)%riends9girl%riends* Dis#repan#) bet$een ideal and a#tual bod) shape is de%ined as bod) dissatis%a#tion, and it is %ound in F.*6 per#ent bo)s and F2*0 per#ent girls* Most o% the bo)s 0F6*0G4 $ant to in#rease their bod) $eight, but on the #ontrar) the girls 0.0*0G4 $ant to de#rease it* Bod) satis%a#tion is asso#iated $ith per#ent RDA protein, ho$e&er it is not related $ith per#ent RDA energ), BMI, nutrition kno$ledge s#ore, and diet restri#tion* K+567%.*> bod) i'age, bod) 'ass inde:, adoles#ent, urban BERAT DAN PANJANG BA9I SERTA NILAI Z SKOR BA9I ASI PREDOMINAN DAN PARSIAL BERDASARKAN STANDAR !HO 200D DAN NCHSE!HO (A,$-&*&* .$"$ *+2),.+% P+,+-&"&$, K7;7% P%7*4+2"&@ : P+,/$%); P+#0+%&$, MP-ASI D&,& "+%;$.$4 G$,//)$, P+%")#0);$, B$5& .+,/$, B+%$" L$;&% N7%#$- *$#4$& U#)% ? 0)-$,) A,&+* I%$6$"&13 E,.$,/ L= AB;$.&2 .$, A0$* B J$;$%&1 A0*"%$B" Introdu#tion> ,e$ W ! standard introdu#e to i'ple'ented in e&er) #ountr) in#luding Indonesia* +he population o% #hildren to de&elop ne$ standard #o'es %ro' good e#ono'i# status and lo$ 'obilit)* +hree 8uarters in%ant $ere e:#lusi&e9predo'inantl) breast%ed %or at least %our 'onth* In Indonesia, predo'inantl) and partiall) breast%ed 'ost pra#ti#ed than e:#lusi&e breast%eeding* !bAe#ti&e> +o #o'pare in%ant gro$th a##ording W ! ne$ standard and ,5 1 Methods> Anal)"ed using se#ondar) data o% #ohort prospe#ti&e resear#h Kthe in%luen#e earl) supple'entation in%ant %eeding to %irst %our 'onth in%ant gro$thL* De&eloping #ur&e o% in%ant $eight and length attain'ent %or predo'inant and partiall) breast%edO also de&eloping #ur&e 7 s#ore 0$eight %or age, $eight %or length and length %or age4 %or predo'inant and partiall) breast%ed* Both #ur&e de&elop using ne$ W ! standard and ,5 1* Results> During the %irst %our 'onth, the $eight and length de&iation o% in%ant $ith predo'inantl) and partiall) breast%ed using ne$ $ho standard larger than ,5 1, and in%ant $ith predo'inantl) breast%ed better than partiall) breast%ed* +he 7 s#ore #ur&e %or $eight %or age, length %or age and $eight %or age si'ultaneousl) as a pattern o% ne$ W ! standard, but sin#e birth until < 'onth age the nu'ber o% 7 s#ore %or those indi#ators lo$er than W ! ne$ standard* 5on#lusion> ,e$ W ! standard anthropo'etr) 'ore representati&e to in%ant gro$th than W ! ,5 1 standard* K+567%.*> A1I predo'inan, A1I parsial, kur&a pertu'buhan, ,e$ W ! standard, ,5 1

1 2

Puslitbang Gizi dan Makanan, Badan Litbangkes, Dep.Kes RI Fakultas Kesehatan Masya akat ! "ni#e sitas Ind$nesia

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