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A. Elements: (1) A basis for personal jurisdiction, & (2) Service of process B. Basis f ! Pe!s nal J"!is#i$ti n (International Shoe Co. & progeny) 1. E a!ine t"e State#s $ong%Ar! Statute& a. 'oes action involved fall (it"in t"e Statute) b. *f Statute states& +to t"e e tent of due process . . .,, t"en analy-e under "eading 2. 2. E a!ine contacts 'efendant "as (it" t"e foru! state (.eading 2) 'efendant !ust "ave +!ini!u! contacts, and suit !ust co!port (it" traditional notions of fair%play and substantial justice a. T Asse!t S%e$ifi$ J"!is#i$ti n &e! t'e Defen#ant (jurisdiction regarding a particular clai!)& /ust establis" S0 for eac" separate action against t"e 'efendant unless 10 applies 1. 'id t"e cause of action +arise out of or relate to, 'efendant#s activities in t"e foru! state (Brennan in Helicopteros) 2ort& only final act or injury need ta3e place in t"e foru! state (Gray) /ailing of insurance pay!ent by insured (McGee) Breac" of contract (Burger King) 4ontract (it" substantial connection to foru! state 2. *f 5ES, t"en e a!ine follo(ing factors& a. 'id 'efendant +purposefully avail, "i!self of t"e privilege of conducting activities (6i t"e foru! state, t"us invo3ing t"e benefits and protections of its la(s) (7urposeful Avail!ent factor) Strea! of co!!erce t"eory& 7lacing goods (6i t"e strea! plus additional activity directed to(ard state !eets t"is factor (Asahi)8 (Brennan& !ere placing in strea!) 1enerally, unilateral activity by 7laintiff 9:2 +purposeful avail!ent, (WW Volkswagon) b. S"ould 'efendant "ave reasonably anticipated being "aled into 4ourt in t"e particular foru!) (;oreseeability factor) Establis"ed by WW Volks & Hustler $oo3 at c"oice of la( clauses in contracts (Burger King) <ere contacts (it" foru! state !erely rando!) 'efendant (as far re!oved fro! foru! & did not reasonably foresee (Asa"i) c. Are t"e circu!stances suc" t"at t"e suit does not offend traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice) (;airness factors) (WW Volkswagon) 1. Burden of t"e suit on t"e 'efendant 2. ;oru! state#s interest in adjudicating t"e dispute =. 7laintiff#s interest in obtaining convenient and effective relief >. 2"e interstate judicial syste!#s interest in obtaining t"e !ost efficient resolution of controversies (effect on evidence & (itnesses) ?. 2"e s"ared interests of t"e States in furt"ering funda!ental substantive social policy (public policies be"ind suit) 7laintiff !ay use ;airness factors to bolster suit if 'efendant "as little contact8 'efendant !ay use ;; to (ea3en clai!, but !ust be co!pelling (. T Asse!t Gene!al J"!is#i$ti n &e! t'e Defen#ant: /ust use 10 if 9o to @1 under S0

1. 2.

=. >.

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER 1. Are t"e 'efendant#s contacts (it" t"e foru! State +syste!atic and continuous, enoug" suc" t"at t"e State !ay assert jurisdiction over t"e 'efendant for an action unrelated to t"e foru! State) E a!ine all contact (it" foru! State +!ere purc"ases, by 'efendant fro! foru! State not enoug" (Helicopteros) 2. Argue t"e ;airness factors ). T!a#iti nal Basis f ! Pe!s nal J"!is#i$ti n 'o!icile of 'efendant, or place of citi-ens"ip (7ennoyer) *n re!& jurisdiction over property Still available after /ullane 9eed !ini!u! contacts for non%resident 'efendants 2ransient 0urisdiction 'efendant passing t"roug" State (Burn"a!) 4onsent by 'efendant a. *!plied 4onsent (Hess affir!ed, Sha er supports it) b. E press 4onsent (by appearance, via contract) Special Appearance& to appear in foru! State to contest personal jurisdiction $i!ited& 4onsent up to value of property c. 4onsent via estoppel& cannot c"allenge 70 if 'efendant defaulted on case after losing in special appearance "earing *. Se!&i$e f P! $ess Aule >(3)(A)& Service in a federal court effective if person subject to t"e jurisdiction of a state court in state ("ere federal court located 0oined under Aule 1> or 1B and served not !ore t"an 1CC !iles fro! cour



A. 2(o types& 'iversity & ;ederal ) Subj !atter jurisdiction !ay be attac3ed at any ti!e, +RCP -./'0/)0 4ourt s"ld deter!ine S/0 1st, Au"rgas A1 v. /arat"on :il +e#e!al Di&e!sit1 J"!is#i$ti n2 Art. *** sec 2 DS 4:9S2 .3 USC se$. -))./a0& t"e dist crts s"all "ave original jurisdiction of all civil actions ("r t"e !atter in controversy e ceeds t"e su! of EF?,CCC and is bet(een& 1. citi-ens of diff states 2. citi-ens of a state & citi-ens or subjects of a foreign state =. citi-ens of diff states and ("ic" cit or subj of a foreign state are additional parties, and >. a foreign state as a 7 and cit#s of a state or of diff states 'iversity is deter!ined at t"e co!!ence!ent of t"e action Burden on 7 to s"o( diversity 1. /ust "ave co!plete diversity a. 9o 7 !ust be fro! t"e sa!e state as a ' b. Aesidence deter!ination for 7ersons 'o!icile& true, fi ed, & per!anent "o!e8 ("r person intends to return, /as v. 7erry c. Aesidence for 4orporations, .3 USC -))./$0/-0 A corp is considered a cit of t(o places& 1. 7lace of incorporation, and 2. 7rincipal place of business a. 9erve%center 2est& ("r !ain decision !a3ing done, overall control

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER b. 4orporate Activities 2est& ("r operations ta3e place c. 2otal Activity 2est& balancing of all factors =. *nsurance co resident of state of insured 2. :t"er rules a. A clai!ant !ay not assign t"eir clai! to create diversity, -)45 b. 9o!inal parties (ill not affect diversity, t"ose (6 no interest in result c. 1enerally, no div juris over probate or do!estic relations !atters =. A!ount in controversy !ust e ceed EF?,CCC a. $egal 4ertainty 2est 1. 7 !ust only s"o( possibility t"at clai! (ill e ceed EF?,CCC 2. 2o get dis!issal, ' !ust s"o( to a $egal 4ertainty t"at t"e clai! is really for less t"an EF?,CCC =. Eventual recovery irrelevant, but crt !ay deny costs of 7 if belo( -))./(0 >. 1enerally, 7:G of 7 relevant for deter!ining a!t in controversy b. Aggregation of clai!s 1eneral rule is t"at aggregation not allo(ed 1. Single 76 Single '& aggregation allo(ed 2. /ultiple 7#s a. +separate & distinct clai!s,& 9: b. based on co!!on, undivided interest or single title, rig"t& 5ES =. /ultiple '#s a. jointly liable or co!!on, undivided interest& 5ES >. *ssue !ay be avoided if crt strictly follo(s Supp 0uris, -)67 c. After a re!oval, 7 a!ends clai! belo( EF?,CCC but crt !ay still assert juris, St. 7aul v. Aed 4ab A. +e#e!al 8 J"!is#i$ti n Art ***, clai!s under la(s of DS, DS 4onst., 2reaties given to ;ed 0udiciary .3 USC -))-& 2"e dist crts s"all "ave original jurisdiction of all civil actions arising under t"e 4onst, la(s, or treaties of t"e DS 1. <"at is +arising under, a. Ht" cir& a ;ed ) is raised in t"ose cases in ("ic" a (ell%pleaded co!plaint establis"es eit"er t"at fed la(& 1. creates t"e 4 of A, or 2. t"e 7#s rig"t to relief necessarily depends on resolution of a substantial Iuestion of federal la( b. .ol!es Aule& test is ("ic" la( creates t"e 4 of A c. <ell%7leaded 4o!plaint Aule 1. 7 !ust state t"e ;ed la( t"at t"e 4 of A arises under 2. An anticipated defense cannot be used to gain fed juris, $ouisville AA v. /otley d. /i ed 4lai!& t"e ;ed ) !ust be substantial *ncorporation of fed standard in state la( not sufficient, /errell 'o( 7"ar! v. 2"o!pson So!e crts "ave "eld t"at ("r a rig"t or i!!unity under fed la( is invloved in 7#s 4 of A, it arises under ;ed la( 2. Aig"t to sue under a statute a. E press, or b. *!plied, 4ort v. As" 1. is t"eir legislative intent to grant or deny a re!edy 2. is 7 a !e!ber of a class protected by statute

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER =. is it consistent (6 underlying purposes of leg sc"e!e to i!ply a re!edy >. is 4 of A traditionally one relegated to state la(



An atte!pt by 7 to join state clai!s (it" a federal clai! .3 USC -)67/a0& if an action ("r crt "as original juris, t'e $!t s'all 'a&e s"%% 9"!is &e! all t'e! $laims t'at a!e s !elate# t $laims in t'e a$ti n :it'in s"$' !i; 9"!is t'at t'e1 f !m %a!t f t'e same $ase ! $ nt! &e!s1 "n#e! A!t III C nst. Suc" supp juris s"all include clai!s t"at involve t"e joinder or intervention of additional parties. A. +a$t !s #ete!minin; <same $ase ! $ nt! &e!s1=, 1ibbs v. Dnited /ine <or3ers 1. <"et"er state and federal clai!s derive fro! a co!!on nucleus of operative fact 2. But if, considered (6o regard for t"eir federal or state c"aracter, a 7#s clai!s are suc" t"at "e (ould ordinarily be e pected to try t"e! all in one judicial proceeding, t"en, =. Assu!ing substantiality of t"e federal issues, t"ere is po(er in fed crts to "ear t"e ("ole B. -)67/$0:If t' se fa$t !s a!e met2 $!t ma1 #e$line t e>e!$ise s"%% 9"!is a!isin; "n#e! -)67/a0 if: 1. t"e clai! raises a novel or co!ple issue of state la(, 2. t"e clai! substantially predo!inates over t"e clai! or clai!s ("ic" t"e dist crt "as original juris, =. t"e dist crt "as dis!issed all clai!s over ("ic" it "as orig juris, or >. in e ceptional circu!stances t"ere are ot"er co!pelling reasons for declining juris 4rt !ust state e ceptional circu!stances Split on ("et"er 1ibbs ;actors apply, if apply, t"ese factors fall under co!pelling language& 0udicial econo!y & fairness to litigants, ("et"er fed clai! dis!issed, state la( predo!inates, fed issues predo!inate, ot"er reasons, E ecutive Soft(are v. DS 'ist 4rt So!e crts "ave "eld dist crt !ay continue juris under supp t"eory if a!t in controversy drops JEF?,CCC C. S"%% J"!is e>$e%ti ns f ! Di&e!sit1 Cases -)67/(0& 'ist crt !ay not assert supp juris over follo(ing clai!s if it (ld defeat -)). ('iv) reIts& 1. clai!s by 7 against persons !ade parties under Aule& 1>, 1B, 2C, 2>, 2. clai!s by persons proposed to be joined as 7#s under R-5, or =. t"ose see3ing to intervene as 7#s under R.* Dnclear if t"is applies to class actions under R.) ('o all 7#s need to !eet EF?,CCC a!t) So!e crts "ave "eld 9:, so long as na!ed 7 does


A. .3 USC -**-: A$ti ns Rem &a(le Gene!all1 /a0& A ' !ay re!ove any action in State crt to t"e dist crt for t"e division e!bracing t"e place of t"e action, if t"e ;ed 4rt "as original jurisdiction :nly a ' !ay re!ove, 7 !ay not even if ' counter%clai!s based on ;ed la(, S"a!roc3 :il v. S"eets 2"e ' "as t"e burden of establis"ing t"at ;ed 0uris e ists 4it of '#s sued under fictitious na!es disregarded /(0& Any civil action arising under 4onst, treaties, or la(s of DS (a -))- basis) s"all be re!ovable (6o regard to citi-ens"ip of parties Galidates re!oval for a clai! arising fro! -))/(0& A 'iversity case !ay not be re!oved if a ' is cit of state in ("ic" t"e action is broug"t

B. C.

D. E.

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER Ae!oval invalid if ' fro! state ("r 7 filed /$0& <"enever a separate & independent clai! or cause of action (it"in t"e juris conferred by -))is joined (6 one or !ore ot"er(ise non%re!ovable clai!s, t"e entire case !ay be re!oved & dist crt !ay deter!ine all issues or !ay re!and all !atters in ("ic" state la( predo!inates. A separate non%re!ovable clai! !ay be re!oved (6 a -))- clai!, subject to re!and Section gives basis for Ae!oval & Ae!and Section !ay give crt aut"ority to "ear unrelated, pure state la( clai! Ae!oval not valid under -**-/$0 if single clai! & !utiple '#s (9ot independent clai!s or 4 of A#s), A!erican ;ire&1as v. ;inn Ot'e! Bases f ! Rem &al 1. -**.& ;ed :fficers sued or prosecuted 2. -**)& 4ivil Aig"ts cases -**4: N n!em &ea(le a$ti ns /a0& actions against a AA, ;E$A clai!s /(0& (or3!en#s co!p clai!s /$0& actions based on Giolence against <o!en Act -**6: P! $e#"!e f ! Rem &al ' "as =C days fro! receipt of co!plaint to re!ove Bases f ! Reman# f! m +e# t State C "!t 1. .3 USC -**-/$0& a clai! re!oved under t"is sec !ay be re!anded if state la( predo!inates 2. At any ti!e before final jdg!t it appears t"e ;ed 4rt lac3s subj !atter juris, -**7 *f Subj /atter juris proble! solved prior to jg!t, crt (ill not void, 4aterpillar v. $e(is =. *f after re!oval t"e 7 see3s to join additional '#s ("ose joinder (ld destroy Subj /atter juris, t"e crt !ay deny joinder, or per!it it and re!and t"e action to state court, .3 USC -**7/e0 >. A clai! !eeting factors set out in -)67/$0 ?. 7 a!ends clai! to delete ;ed clai!s, 4rt "as discretion to 3eep or rea!nd, 4arnegie%/ellon v. 4o"ill K. A statute granting specific juris over an entity !ay not be re!anded by -**-/$0, Aoe v. Aed 4ross

2(o /ain 'ivisions& 4ircuit crts & 4"ancery crts *f a!t of relief not stated, li!ited to ;ed 0uris 'iversity li!it, EF?,CCC, AA47 H(a) A. T'e Ci!$"it C "!ts Est by Art F, sec1 1. Art F, sec 11& 4ircuit 4ourt 0urisdiction 4ir crts "ave e clusive jurisdiction over all civil and cri!inal cases not vested in anot"er crt by 4onst 1enerally& tort actions, contract actions, cri!inal !atters /ay transfer if filed in (rong court 2. 9e( clai!s fall under 4ircuit court jurisdiction =. 4ircuit crts !ay "ear no eIuity clai!s (e cept for election clai!s for enjoin!ent) B. T'e C'an$e!1 C "!ts 4ourts of EIuity, allo(ed by Art F, sec 1? 1. 0urisdiction <"atever (as an eIuity clai! in 1HF>, loo3 at& a. nature of relief, and


CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER b. nature of t"e clai! 2. Supple!ental 0urisdiction EIuity 4lean%up 'octrine& a 4"ancery crt "as juris if a eIuitable relief e ists & ot"er clai!s "ave a +tenable ne us, to t"e eIuity clai! Basic *dea& if +at la(, clai!s related to eIuity clai!, 4"ancery crt !ay "ear & a(ard d!gs 4"ancery court !ay not a(ard 7unitive d!gs


After S/0 and 70 are establis"ed, !ust decide proper Genue Genue& t"e place of trial P!in$i%les f Ven"e& 4onvenience of parties, conv of (itnesses, traditional notions of jurisdiction A. Ven"e in AR? State C "!t Establis"ed by statute, p. BC of Ar3 Supple!ent 1. 4o!!on 4lai!s a. Aeal prop& county ("r located, -6-6@--@b. ;ine, penalties, forfeiture i!posed by statute8 public officer& county ("ere 4ofA arose, -@. c. Actions involving t"e State& 7ulas3i cty, -@) d. Aesident 4orporations& if not covered under -@---@), t"en& 1. county ("r situated or prin place of business, or 2. county ("r c"ief officer resides, or =. Ban3 or ins co& any county ("r it "as branc", if arose out of branc", -@* e. ;oreign individual or corp& if not est by -@---@), t"en any county ("r ' "as prop or is o(ed debts, -@3 f. 4atc" all& every ot"er action in county in ("ic" a ' resides, --6 2. 7rop in anot"er State /ajority rule& action !ust be broug"t in state ("ere prop involved AAL S4rt ruled an Ar3 crt could entertain a clai! involving prop in anot"er state, Aeasor% .ill v. .arrison =. 4"ange of Genue -6-6@-.@-& ;or 0ury trial only8 7 !ust believe "e cannot obtain a fair & i!partial trial on account of t"e& 1. undue influence of "is adversary, or 2. of t"e undue prejudice against t"e petitioner in t"e county need 2 affidavits supporting clai! -6-6@-.@.& trial judge "as sole discretion to decide c"ange of venue petition -6-6@-.@)& action is transferred to ne t best county (convenience (ise) B. Ven"e in +e#e!al C "!ts .3 USC -)5-: Ven"e Gene!all1 /a0& an action based on 'iversity (-)).), !ay only be broug"t in a judicial dist& -. ("r any ' resides, if all '#s reside in sa!e state, .. in ("ic" a substantial part of t"e events or o!issions giving rise to t"e clai! occurred, or a substantial part of t"e property t"at is subject of t"e action is situated, or ). ("r any ' is subject to 70 at t"e ti!e t"e action co!!enced, if no proper dist ot"er(ise e ists /(0& an action ("r juris is not solely found on 'iversity (a -))- clai!), !ay be broug"t only in a jud dist& -. ("r any ' resides, if all '#s reside in sa!e state,

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER .. in ("ic" a substantial part of t"e events or o!issions giving rise to t"e clai! occurred, or a substantial part of t"e property t"at is subject of t"e action is situated, or ). in ("ic" any ' !ay be found, if t"ere is no dist in ("ic" t"e action ot"er(ise !ay be broug"t /$0& a 4orporate ' is dee!ed to reside in any jud dist in ("ic" it is subject to 70, if a State "as !ore t"an one dist, !ay only bring suit ("r corp subj to 70 or "as !ost significant contacts /#0& an alien !ay be sued in any district /e0& governs suits against e!ployees & officers of t"e DS govt 1. 7lace of 4ause of Action Si!ilar to 70, !ay be ("ere final act too3 place, Bates v. 4&S Adjustors 2. 4"ange of Genue .3 USC -*@*/a0& ;or t"e convenience of parties & (itnesses, in t"e interest of justice, a dist crt !ay transfer any civil action to any ot"er dist or division ("r it !ig"t "ave been broug"t ' !ay not !anipulate venue by (aiving 70 or proper venue, .off!an v. Blas3i -*@6: C"!e ! Aai&e! f Defe$ts /a0& if venue (rong, dist crt s"all dis!iss t"e case, or if it be in t"e interest of justice, transfer t"e case to any dist in ("ic" it could "ave been broug"t /(0& party !ust !a3e a ti!ely objection to t"e venue =. ;ederal Genue *ssues a. 2ransferee court !ust apply la( of 2ransferor court, ;erens v. 0o"n 'eere b. *f crt lac3s 70 & proper venue, still allo(ed to transfer case, 1oldla(r v. .ei!an C. + !"m N n C n&eniens A !otion by a ' ("o objects to t"e 7#s c"oice of venue A State court !ay dis!iss action, but cannot force anot"er State#s court to "ear case 1. ;actors for 4ourt to consider a. 7rivate *nterests Access to sources of proof Availability of co!pulsory process for attendance of (itnesses 4osts of obtaining (itnesses 7ractical proble!s b. 7ublic interests Ad!inistrative difficulties Aelevance to jury $a( t"at (ill govern case 2. 7rinciples, 7iper Aircraft v. Aeyno a. /ere difference or (orse re!edy not enoug" to prevent dis!issal on foru! non conveniens b. *; 7 (ill "ave 9: AE/E'5, crt (ill probably "ear !atter



2"ree !ain 7leadings& 4o!plaint, Ans(er, & Aeply A. T'e C m%laint R"le 3 /a0& 4lai!s for Aelief& a pleading for relief, ("et"er an original clai!, counterclai!, cross% clai!, or =rd part clai! s"all contain& 1. a s"ort and plain st!t of t"e grounds upon ("ic" t"e crt#s jurisdiction depends, 2. a s"ort & plain st!t of t"e clai! s"o(ing t"at t"e pleader is entitled to relief, & =. a de!and for jdg!t for t"e relief t"e pleader see3s. Aelief in t"e alternative or of diff types !ay be de!anded.






K. F.


CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER 7urposes& notice to ', *' baseless clai!s, give party#s vie( of facts, narro( t"e issues 1eneral 4onstruct of 4o!plaint 4aption a. na!es of parties b. na!es of court c. civil action @ 7arties a. na!e & capacity 0urisdictional state!ent a. gives basis for S/0 Genue State!ent a. e plains ("y venue is proper in t"e court Allegations a. generally, split into separate 4auses of Actions b. !ay "ave a general factual st!t 1st 7rayer for Aelief a. ("at t"e party (ants t"e court to do Signature of attorneys a. R"le -- i!plications ;ederal 7leading follo(s 9otice 7leading 4o!plaint is liberally vie(ed 9eed only enoug" facts to give ' notice of t"e clai! Ar3ansas follo(s ;act 7leading ARCP 3/a0 A 7 s"ould plead !aterial, essential, ulti!ate facts t"at create t"e 4 of A (("o, ("at ("en, ("r) 7 s"ould avoid including only $egal 4onclusions or Evidentiary ;acts, 1illispie v. 1oodyear AAL& $4#s & E; :L as long as ulti!ate, essential facts included Burden of 7leadings & 7roduction A 7 "as t"e burden of pleading & production ' "as t"e burden of affir!ative defenses 7leading Special /atters So!e 4 of A !ust be pled in a special !anner R"le 5/(0& ;raud clai!s reIuire !ore +particularity,, 7 "as a "ig"er burden of pleading Still in accord (6 9otice 7leading t"oug", 'enny v. 4arey 7 also "as a "ig"er burden for Security ;raud clai!s Alternative & *nconsistent 7leadings R"le 3/e0/.0& A party !ay set fort" 2 or !ore st!ts of a clai! or defense alternately 7leading 'a!ages R"le 5/;0& 4lai!s for +special da!ages, !ust be specifically stated '!gs t"at are not inevitable or a necessary result of an injury /ust "ave been foreseeable to not be +special, Ar3 follo(s t"is Aule 2"e 7rayer for Aelief R"le 3/a0/)0& 7 !ust !a3e a de!and for jdg!t for t"e relief reIuested, relief in t"e alternative allo(ed R"le 4*/$0& A default jdg!t s"all not e ceed t"e a!t prayed for in t"e de!and for jdg!t

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER .o(ever, a party is entitled to any jdg!t rendered by a jury, ("et"er e ceeding a!t de!anded or not B. R"le --& Signing of 7leadings /a0& attorneys !ust sign pleadings, !otions, & representations to t"e court /(0& Signing a docu!ent !a3es certain representations to t"e court -. proper purpose .. (arranted by e isting la( ). evidentiary support for facts, or li3ely to "ave after discovery /$0& Sanctions if /(0 violated& -. initiated by !otion or court .. li!ited to ("at is sufficient to deter repetition of conduct /#0& Aule 11 does not apply to 'iscovery proceedings 2est to !eet /(0& t"e attorney !ade a +reasonable inIuiry, under t"e circu!stances into ("et"er factual contentions "ave evidentiary support Attorney !ay rely on t"e +objectively reasonable, representations of t"e client, .adges v. 5on3ers B. Res% n#in; t t'e C m%laint: , ti ns R"le -./a0& a ' !ust respond (it" an Ans(er or /otion pursuant to R-. (it"in 2C days of receipt of co!plaint /a0/*0/A0& if crt denies !otion, ' !ust provide Ans(er (it"in 1C days after denial ( /a0/-0/B0& Service of su!!ons !ay be (aived by reIuest under R*/#0 $ -. R"le -./e0& /otion for !ore definite state!ent # a. !ade before party responds to a pleading if pleading too a!biguous or vague b. !otion !ust pt out defects co!plained of & details desired c. (ill be denied if co!plaint sets fort" a 4of A (6 suff definiteness to allo( ' to fra!e ans(er d. *f !otion granted, & 7leading not cured, crt !ay stri3e t"e pleading or !a3e ot"er orders e. Aule applies in Ar3 state crt .. R"le -./f0& /otion to Stri3e a. !ade before party responds b. applies to insufficient defense, or redundant, i!!aterial, i!pertinent, or scandalous !atter c. !oving party !ust allege specific facts as to ("y crt s"ould stri3e d. generally, t"e !otion vie(ed (it" disfavor ). R"le -./(0& Every defense to a clai! !ust be asserted in a responsive pleading (ans(er) e cept& (1)& lac3 of S/0 (2)& lac3 of 70 (=)& i!proper venue (>)& insufficiency of process (?)& insuff of service of process (K)& failure to state a clai! upon ("ic" relief !ay be granted, (F)& failure to join a party under R"le -5 !ay be !ade by !otion. *f on a !otion to dis!iss based on R-./(0/60 t"e !oving party introduces evidence, t"e ot"er party !ay also, and t"e !otion is treated as one for su!! jdg!t under R46 *f t"eses defenses not !ade by !otion or in ans(er, t"en (aived e cept /602/702 see /'0/.0 a. /otion to dis!iss for failure to state a clai! upon ("ic" relief !ay be granted Appropriate if 7 pleads facts & t"e facts s"o( "e is entitled to no relief, A9A v. *llinois

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER App if it appears beyond doubt 7 can prove no facts in support of t"e clai!, A9A v. *llinois *f !otion successful, furt"er action on t"e clai! is barred, Aes 0udicata, S"a( v. /errit *. R"le -./;0& 4onsolidation of 'efenses in /otion 7arty !a3ing a !otion under R-. !ay join t"e !otion (6 ot"er !otions *f a party !a3es a !otion under R-., and o!its a defense t"en available ("ic" R-. allo(s to be !ade on !otion, t"e party is barred fro! !a3ing a !otion based on t"at defense, e cept as /'0/.0 allo(s. E & 7arty !a3es !otion under -./(0/)0. 7arty !ay not !a3e anot"er -./(0 !otion (e cept under /'0/.00 4. R"le -./'0& <aiver & 7reservation of 4ertain 'efenses /-0& 'efenses of 70, *!proper venue, insuff of process, or insuff of service of process are (aived by& /A0& R-./;0 circu!stances, or /B0& if not !ade by !otion under R-., a responsive pleading (ans(er), or a!end!ent per!itted by R-4/a0 /.0& 'efenses of& failure to state a clai! upon ("ic" relief !ay be granted, failure to join a party indispensable under R-5, & an objection of failure to state a legal defense to a clai!, !ay be !ade& 1. in any pleading per!itted or ordered, 2. by !otion for jdg!t on t"e pleadings, or =. at trial /)0& A defense of S/0 !ay be raised at any ti!e 6. R"le -./$0& /otion for 0udg!ent on t"e 7leadings /ust be !ade after pleadings are closed /ay be !ade by eit"er party *f !atters outside t"e pleadings are allo(ed, !otion disposed of as one for Su!!ary 0dg!t, R46 C. Res% n#in; t t'e C m%laint: t'e Ans:e! R"le -./a0& a ' !ust respond (it" an Ans(er or /otion pursuant to R-. (it"in 2C days of receipt of co!plaint 1. R"le 3/(0: 'efenses8 ;or! of 'enials A party s"all state in s"ort & plain ter!s t"e party#s defenses to eac" clai! asserted and s"all ad!it or deny t"e aver!ents upon ("ic" t"e adverse party relies A ' !ust eit"er& ad!it, deny, or plead +(6o 3no(ledge or insufficient infor!ation to for! a belief as to t"e trut" of an aver!ent,(serves as a denial) a. 'enials 'enials s"ould !eet t"e substance of aver!ents ' !ay deny part of an aver!ent & ad!it rest ' !ay !a3e specific denials of designated paragrap"s or aver!ents ' !ay !a3e a general denial & t"en e cept certain paragrap"s 1. 1eneral 'enial <"r ' si!ply +denies eac" & every allegation,, !ay or !ay not include jurisdiction 1eneral 'enials are strictly scrutini-ed, /ust be !ade in good%fait" *f crt finds denial doesn#t !eet substance of an aver!ent, t"at aver!ent is dee!ed ad!itted

CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER ' !ay use a 1eneral 'enial to deny aver!ents not specifically denied, ;a(cett v. /iller 1eneral denial does not defeat a clai! of agency relations"ip, Mielins3i v. 7"il 7iers 2. +(6o 3no(ledge or insufficient infor!ation to for! a belief as to t"e trut" of an aver!ent, ("en t"e ' does not "ave personal 3no(ledge serves as a denial, s"ould trac3 language of AH(b) e actly 2"is denial is insufficient ("ere t"e facts are presu!ptively (it"in t"e 3no(ledge of t"e ', :liver v. S(iss 2ell =. R"le 3/#0: ;ailure to deny is an ad!ittance, e cept for aver!ents to t"e a!t of d!g R"le 3/$0& Affir!ative 'efenses <"ere t"e ' ad!its allegations, but a defense e ists t"at e cuses "i! 2"ese 'efenses !ust be affir!atively set fort" in t"e Ans(er 2"ey s"ould be pled as early as possible to avoid involuntary (aiver a. <"at is an Affir!ative 'efense 1. So!e are laid out in R3/$0 2. ;actors for 4ourt to consider& a. *s t"e defense e trinsic to 7#s clai!, (ill it ta3e 7 by surprise if not pled) b. 'oes t"e ' "ave better access to relevant evidence) c. 7olicy 4onsiderations& is t"e defense disfavored) 2"e "eart of t"e reIuire!ent is t"e prevention of unfair surprise D. T'e Re%l1 R"le 7/a0& a 7 !ust Aeply to a counterclai! by t"e ' 2"e 4ourt !ay also order a Aeply to an ans(er R"le -./a0/.0& Aeplies are to be !ade (it"in 2C days 1enerally, 0udges reluctant to order a Aeply& !ust "ave a +clear and convincing factual s"o(ing of necessity or ot"er e traordinary circu!stances of a co!pelling nature, AAL& !ust only reply to a counter%clai! E. Amen#ments t t'e Plea#in;s R"le -4& A!ended & Supple!ental 7leadings /a0 Amen#ments& 1. 7 !ay a!end 4o!plaint once, any ti!e before ' ans(ers 2. ' !ay a!end Ans(er (it"in 2C days after serving it, if no Aeply rec#d =. :t"er(ise by& $eave of t"e court, or <ritten consent of adverse party >. 7arty "as original ti!e, 1C days, or allo(ance of 4rt to respond to a!ende!nt /(0 Amen#ments t C nf !m t t'e E&i#en$e 1. 7arty !ay a!end during trial to !eet evidence of issues not raised in pleadings if parties give e press or co!plied consent 2. 4ourt !ay grant a continuance to allo( party to !eet suc" evidence /$0 Relati n (a$C f Amen#ments An a!end!ent of a pleading relates bac3 to t"e date of t"e original pleading ("en& (1) relation bac3 is per!itted by t"e la( t"at provides t"e statute of li!itations, or (2) t"e clai! or defense asserted in t"e a!ended pleading arose out of t"e acts set fort" in t"e original pleading /#0 S"%%lemental Plea#in;s Dpon !otion, crt !ay allo( a supple!ental pleading setting fort" acts since t"e original pleading


CIVIL PROCEDURE I - BEINER /ust "ave reasonable notice and upon Njust, ter!s +. , ti n f ! S"mma!1 J"#;ment R"le 46 /a0 7 !ay !ove for S0 after 2C days fro! co!!ence!ent of t"e action, (it" or (6o affidavits /(0 ' !ay !ove for S0 at any ti!e, (it" or (6o affidavits /$0 7rocedure for S0 1. /otion !ust be !ade at least 1C days before trial 2. EG*'E94E /DS2 S.:< 9: 1E9D*9E *SSDE AS 2: A95 /A2EA*A$ ;A42 =. /ay "ave S0 as to liability, but "ave genuine issue as to a!t /#0 /ay "ave partial S0 as to so!e clai!s /e0 ;or! of Affidavits8 'efenses reIuired 1. Evidence for S0 !ust be ad!issible 2. 2"e adverse party !ust give a response t"at sets fort" specific facts s"o(ing t"ere is a genuine issue for trial /f0 4ourt !ay grant responder a continuance to gat"er evidence /;0 Affidavits !ade in Bad ;ait" !ay subject party to costs of ot"er, and conte!pt 1. 7urposes of S0 a. avoid e pense of trial b. can get S0 for one ele!ent and destroy clai! 2. Burden of 7roof on S0 /oving party "as burden of s"o(ing t"at no genuine issue of any !aterial fact e ists for t"e !atter !oved upon Aesponder only "as to respond if t"is burden is !et, & t"is !ust s"o( a 1* of /; e ists Affidavits not reIuired, 4elote v. 4atrett =. 4redibility *ssues of S0 a. S"ould responder get denial based on credibility of person providing affidavit for !over) 9ot if person "as& 1. 9o personal interest, 2. 4o!petent testi!ony and position to observe facts, =. 7articipation (as in regular course of duties, & >. Affidavits are positive, internally consistent, uneIuivocal, & in full accord (6 evidence b. Aesponder !ust provide specific evidence of bias or dis"onesty by Affiant c. Aesponder !ust s"o( trial (ould produce different or additional evidence *n slander action, all parties present provided aff for !oving party, S0 o3, 'yer v. /ac'ougal 'eposition not enoug" if party "as a personal interest, 4ross v. DS >. 7roper standard of proof for S0 $ined up (6 'irected verdict, Anderson v. $iberty $obby a. 0udge !ay ta3e t"e trial standard into account, (!ore prob t"an not, clear & convincing) b. 0udge !ay not& 1. (eig" evidence 2. !a3e credibility deter!inations =. !a3e factual inferences c. 0udge !ust vie( t"e evidence in a lig"t !ost favorable to t"e non%!oving party and dra( justifiable inferences in "is favor d. 4ould a reasonable jury find, by t"e appropriate standard, for t"e non%!over as to t"e issue)




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