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Modal Verbs and Infinitive Constructions

I. Translate into English, using Infinitive Constructions: 1. Este improbabil ca ei s reueasc s se neleag cu irectoarea colii. !. "e bnuiete c #arr$ a %efuit aceast banc. &. "e bnuiete c #arr$ repar maini. '. "e tie c noi avem note bune. (. "e tie c noi am avut note bune anul trecut. ). Eu tiu c el e un om cinstit. *. Eu tiu c el era un om cinstit n tineree. +. "e spune c ,ree intele ascult mu-ic n fiecare iminea. .. "e spune c ,ree intele plnuiete inva-ia acestei ri. 1/. "e spune c portarul a e-vluit misterul acestui castel. 11. "e spune c ma%or omul se uita la televi-or n timp ce proprietarul atepta la u. II. 0n erline can/ could e1pressing permission 2ith one line an can/ could e1pressing possibilit$ 2ith t2o lines: 1. 3ou can s4i in the 5omanian mountains from 6ctober on. !. 6n "un a$s the stu ents coul sta$ in be till nine. &. 3ou coul bathe here in summer. '. Can $ou len me $our t$pe2riter for a 2ee47 (. I8m afrai $ou can8t sta$ an$ longer. ). 6ne coul n8t cross the street. The$ 2ere ta4ing pictures in front of the concert hall. *. That chil can be ver$ naught$ sometimes. +. It can rain 9uite often in "cotlan . III. 0se can, could, or be able to in the follo2ing sentences, as necessar$: 1. :avi ; spea4 Italian no2. #e ; spea4 it three $ears ago. !. <ar$ ; rea =erman. "he ; rea =erman 2hen she 2as 11 $ears ol . &. ; $ou spea4 English 2ell last $ear7 3ou ; spea4 English no2, ; $ou7 >tag 9uestion? '. I ; fin the tin@opener $ester a$, an I still ; fin it to a$. (. #e ; learn foreign languages easil$. ). ; $ou let me have a room for the night7 *. 3ou ; travel from Aucharest to Tg. Biu in four hours. +. Ce regret 2e ; agree to $our re9uestsD the$ 2ere not 2ithin our po2er. .. #e ; >not? finish rea ing the boo4 before he 2ent to be . 1/. Bane ; tell the name of all the capital@cities in Europe. 11. En orange ; be ver$ refreshing on a hot a$. 1!. Es I 2as not interrupte , I ; finish m$ 2or4 in ue time. 1&. Chen she 2as a $oung 2oman she ; sing prettil$. 1'. 5u1an ra ,. ; spea4 French before she 2ent to France for the first time. 1(. The boat overturne , but, fortunatel$, 2e ; s2im bac4 to the ban4. 1). Es #elen an Aobb$ ; spea4 goo English, the$ ; e1plain to the English tourists their itinerar$. 1*. #e ; catch the bus as he ; run fast. 1+. 6ana sai she ; solve all the e1ercises in Chemistr$ she >be? given before her summer holi a$.

IG. Fill in the blan4s 2ith could or be able to: 1. Chen the coach plunge into the river, onl$ the river ; get out. !. #e 2as as strong as a horseD he ; 2or4 all a$ an ance all night. &. I ; mumble a fe2 #ungarian 2or s 2hen I 2as a teenager. '. "he ; reach the shore before she fainte . (. I ; t$pe 2hen I 2as si1teen. ). ; $ou 2al4 after the acci ent or i the$ have to carr$ $ou7 *. Elthough a long 2a$ from the oor, the$ ; get out ver$ 9uic4l$. +. The man as4e me the 2a$, but as he ; onl$ spea4 Italian, I ; help him. G. Translate into English using mo al verbs 2herever possible: 1. CHn era elev, el putea scrie s scrie cHte trei pagini pe -i. !. In seara aceea, pri-onierul a pututJ reuit s eva e-e. &. Imi ai voie s sting lumina7 :a, i au voieJ Ku, nu i au voie. '. Bane tie s picte-e. (. Ieri am aflat c Bane tie s picte-e. ). CHn a v-ut fantoma, Bill s@a speriat foarte tare, ar, cu toate acestea, a reuit s se stpHneasc i s i continue treaba. *. Ku pot s nu@l a%ut s i repare maina. +. CHn am v-ut@o, am intrebat@o ac pot s particip la orele ei. .. Este imposibil ca ei s te tr e-e. 1/. Este imposibil ca ei s te fi tr at sptmHna trecut. 11. I@am spus c nu are cum s fie Bohn criminalul. 1!. Eceast main se poate strica oricHn . 1&. Tu vei putea participa la aceast competiie sptmHna viitoare. 1'. Era imposibil ca ei s i ea seama e a evr. 1(. :octorii au recunoscut c era imposibil ca ei s fi salvat pacientul. 1). ,ot s vin cu tine la acest concert7 1*. E putea s vin cu tine la acest concert7 1+. 6 asemenea trage ie se poate ntHmpla in nou. 1.. Eli turiti se pot neca in acest golf oricHn . !/. Eli turiti s@ar putea ineca n aceast piscin n viitorul apropiat.

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