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descemetocel si ulcer cornean

keratita disciforma herpetica

keratita disciforma cu keratouveita

herpes yoster corneal panus

herpes yoster keratita


Rosacea Blepharo-Kerato-Conjunctivitis

Rosacea Kerato-Conjunctivitis

Superficial Punctate Keratitis (Thy eson

!lorid conjunctival inflammation "ith follicle formation (Sta e #$

Trachoma (%&'($ Sta e &a

)n the (d. sta e cicatrisation occurs. The affected area of the cornea is superficially clouded' vessels from a*ove.

+ypopyon fills more than half of anterior cham*er. !ulminant *acterial infection in dia*etes mellitus' immuneinsufficiency and liver insufficiency.

Small ulcer "ith active area to"ards the center. The central cornea is ha,y and sho"s -escemet.s folds. There is a hypopyon

+erpes Simple/' Keratitis "ith 0lcer

!orei n Body of Cornea (%#'#$

1lkali Burn (%#$' 2ye' )schemic 2im*us Capillaries

1lkali Burn (%3$' 4asculari,ed Corneal Scar

C2 -ama e (%&$' "ith Corneal Scar

Corneal 0lcer in Radiation Keratopathy

+ematocornea (%#'#$

Perforatin Corneal )njury "ith )ris Prolaps

Perforatin Corneo-2ental )njury (%#'#$

5ound Rupture "ith Prolaps of )ntraocular Contents

6ultiple 7ndocrine 8eoplasia (678$ Syndrome' 6yelinated Corneal 8erves


1cute 1n le Closure 9laucoma (%#'#$

1cute 1n le Closure 9laucoma (%#'&$

1cute 1n le Closure 9laucoma (%&'&$ (Slitlamp$


1cute 1n le Closure 9laucoma (%&'#$

+yperopia (%#'#$' 8arro" Cham*er 1n le


9laucomatous :ptic 1trophy (%#$' (7arly$

9laucomatous :ptic 1trophy (%&'#$' (6oderate$

9laucomatous :ptic 1trophy (%('#$' (1dvanced$

9laucomatous :ptic 1trophy

Phacolytic 1cute :pen 1n le 9laucoma (%&'&$

Pseudo 7/foliation Syndrome (%#'&$' Classical Picture

Pseudo 7/foliation Syndrome (%;$

+yphema (%#$' Total' Secondary :pen 1n le 9laucoma

+eterochromic )ridocyclitis !uchs' Secondary :pen 1n le 9laucoma


1nterior 0veitis ' 1cute (%&$

1nterior 0veitis' chronic (%#'#$' 1rlt.s Trian le

Beh=et.s -isease (%#'3$

Beh=et.s -isease (%#'&$

1nterior 0veitis' chronic (%#'&$

Chronic )ridocyclitis' Sno"*alls

)ridocyclitis' recurrent ' 6. Bechtere"

+eterochromia )ridum

+eterochromic )ridocyclitis !uchs (%&'&$

+eterochromic )ridocyclitis !uchs (%&'3$' +ealthy Partner 7ye

Sarcoidosis of the )ris

1nterior 0veitis' Chronic "ith 1rlt.s trian le

7ndophthalmitis (%3$' 1fter Cataract 7/traction


)R)-:C)C2)T1 !)BR)8:P21ST)C1

78-:!T126)T1' +)P:P):8

)R)-:C)C2)T1 CR:8)C1

)R)-:C)C2)T1 9R1802:61T:1S1' S1RC:)-:>1

R0B7:>1 )R)181


67218:C)T:6 -7 C:RP C)2)1R

1P1R1T 21CR)612

-1CR):C)ST)T1 1C0T1

-1CR):C)ST)T1 CR:8)C1


S0B20?1T)7 C:8978)T121

C1T1R1CT1 C:8978)T121 P:21R1 18T7R):1R1

+ypermature Cataract (%&$ (6or a ni$

+ypermature Cataract (%($' (6or a ni$

6ature Cataract' )ntumescent' )mminent Pupillary Block

6ature Cataract (%&$

8uclear Cataract (%&'#$' Be innin 8ucleosclerosis

8uclear Cataract (%($' Christmas Tree

Secondary Cataract' after -iscision

Phimosis (Shrinka e$ of 2ens Capsule

Cataracta -ia*etica (%#'#$

Cataracta -ia*etica (%#'&$

+omocysteinuria' 1nterior 2u/ation of 2ens (%&'#$

Sunflo"er Cataract in 5ilson.s disease

7lectric Cataract


Patchy opacities of the anterior and posterior lens corte/ caused *y electrical shoch.

Steroid Cataract (%#'#$

Phenothia,ine Cataract Comment@ Pi mented ranules are deposited in a stellate pattern (suture lines$ underneath the anterior lens capsule. Patient had lon -term treatment "ith chlorproma,ine for schi,ophrenia

Chalcosis 2entis Comment@ Key"ords@

Copper deposits in lens after perforatin injury "ith copper containin metal. traumaA lens

4ossius. Rin

Traumatic Cataract (%&$' Perforation


Blepharophimosis (%#'#$

Blepharophimosis (%#'&$

Colo*oma of 2id' 2a ophthalmus

Con enital 2acrimal !istula



Trichiasis in 7pi*lepharon

7ctropion (%#$' Cicatricial

7ctropion (%&$' )nvolutional

!loppy 7yelid Syndrome Comment@ The floppy eyelid syndrome is an acBuired condition of unkno"n etiolo y that primarily affects o*ese males. The tarsal plates of the upper eyelids *ecome soft and floppy. Symptoms include nocturnal ectropion' ptosis' and papillary conjunctivitis.


Pediculosis (%#'#$

1cute Blepharoconjunctivitis

Blepharitis sBuamosa


+ordeolosis (Sties$' chronic


6olluscum Conta iosum (%#'#$

Small Po/ )nfection of the 2ids

SBuamous Papilloma of the 2id


Bro" Ptosis

-ermatochalasis of 2id


7ssential Blepharospasm

Ptosis' 8euro enic

1poneurotic Ptosis

Ptosis' 6yo enic

)chthyosis Comment@ -ry skin "ith accumulation of desBuamated cells. 7ctropium of the lid due to cicatrisation "ith irritation of the conjunctiva' loss of ciliae. )chthyosis is a roup of inherited disorders of the skin.

1ller ic Reaction of the 2ids

Contact -ermatitis of 2id

Scleroderma' locali,ed

Sarcoidosis (6. Boeck$

5e ener.s 9ranulomatosis (%#'#$' of 2id and Conjunctiva

5e ener.s 9ranulomatosis (%#'&$' of 2id and Conjunctiva

?eroderma Pi mentosum (%#'#$


6ycosis !un oides (%#'#$ of the 7yelid

Basal Cell Carcinoma (%($' of the 2id


!acial 8erve (;th $ Paralysis' 2a ophthalmus

!acial 8erve (;th$ Paralysis' peripheral

+orner.s Syndrome Comment@ 8ote the ptosis' enophthalmus'miosis and sli htly li hter color of the iris in the affected eye due to paralysis of the sympathetic nerve supply

+orner.s Syndrome

6e alopapilla

:ptic -isc

-ysplasia The disc is markedly anomalous. 1lthou h it has certain features in common "ith *oth colo*oma and mornin lory disc anomaly' the similarities are insufficient to permit classification "ith either of these entities. 8ote the ill-defined inferior e/cavation' the convoluted ori in of the superior retinal vessels' the e/cessive num*er of vessels' the infrapapillary pi mentary distur*ance' and the su*tle *and of retinal elevation immediately adjacent to the disc.


Peripapillary Staphyloma

Colo*oma of :ptic -isc' )solated (%#$

Colo*oma of optic disc' )solated (%&$

Colo*oma of :ptic -isc' )solated (%('#$

Colo*oma of :ptic -isc' )solated (%('&$' B-scan ultrasound


B-scan ultrasound sho"in communication *et"een the colo*oma and the vitreous cavity at the level of the optic disc.

Colo*oma of :ptic -isc and Choroid Comment@ The area of the optic disc is enlar ed' and the inferior aspect is deeply e/cavated and pearly-"hite. 1 retinochoroidal colo*oma is situated just *elo" the optic disc colo*oma

6ornin 9lory -isc 1nomaly (%#$ This con enitally anomalous disc has features of *oth the mornin lory disc anomaly and peripapillary staphyloma. The central lial tuft' the radially-disposed vessels' and the peripapillary pi mentary distur*ance are all consistent "ith the mornin lory disc anomaly. 1t the same time' the disc is relatively "ell-defined' and it appears to reside at the *ottom of a deep' cup-shaped ectasia' features that are su estive of a peripapillary staphyloma


6ornin 9lory -isc 1nomaly (%&'&$

6ornin 9lory -isc 1nomaly (%&'&$

:ptic -isc +ypoplasia 1ssociated "ith 6aternal -ia*etes (%#$

:ptic -isc +ypoplasia 1ssociated "ith 6aternal -ia*etes (%&'#$

:ptic -isc +ypoplasia 1ssociated "ith Septo-:ptic -ysplasia (#$

+ypoplasia of the :ptic 8erve (unilateral$

:ptic 8erve Pit (%#$

:ptic nerve pit (%($

:ptic 8erve Pit (%3'($' :CT

:ptic 8erve Pit (%3'&$' an io ram

Tilted -isc (#$ Comment@ The ri ht optic disc is ovoid and tilted such that its lo"er pole is closer to the fovea. The retinal vessels ori inate from the temporal aspect of the disc (situs inversus$ and course nasally *efore curvin *ack into the arcades. The inferonasal fundus is hypo pi mented and mildly staphylomatous. This anomaly can *e associated "ith pseudo-*itemporal visual field defects.

Tilted -isc (&$

Papilledema' +istolo y

:ptic -isc in +ypoparathyroidism (#$ The ri ht optic disc e/hi*its chronic disc s"ellin "ith hyperemia and venous dilation. 4isual parameters "ere normal.

:ptic disc in +ypoparathyroidism (&$ The left optic disc is no lon er edematous *ut does e/hi*it mild disc pallor' reater superiorly. 1n inferonasal step "as present on visual field testin . 1 lum*ar puncture revealed normal intracranial pressure ()CP$. )n patients "ith disc s"ellin in the settin of hypoparathyroidism' )CP may *e either normal or elevated.

6ali nant +ypertension' Papilledema (%#'#$

6ali nant +ypertension' Papilledema (%#'&$

6ali nant +ypertension' Papilledema (%&$

6ali nant +ypertension' Papilledema (%($

:cular +ypotony (%#$' Papilledema Both the optic disc and the adjacent retina are elevated in this patient' althou h the normal mar ins of the disc can still *e visuali,ed throu h the elevated neural tissue. 8ote the comple/ pattern of intersectin ' curvilinear choroidal and retinal folds in the macular re ion. This patient "ith osteo enesis imperfecta sustained trauma to his left eye "hich left him "ith chronic hypotony.


:cular +ypotony (%('&$' Papilledema' +istolo y

:cular +ypotony (%3'&$' !ilterin *le*

:cular +ypotony (%C$' Papilledema' Retinal !olds

:cular +ypotony (%;$' :ptic 1trophy

Papilledema Secondary to )ntracranial Tumor (%#'#$' (9lio*lastoma$

Papilledema Secondary to )ntracranial Tumor (%&'#$

Papilledema Secondary to )ntracranial Tumor (%3'&$' 6R) scan

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%#'#$

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%C'#$

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%#&'&$

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%D'#$

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%#('#$

Papilledema 1ssociated "ith Pseudotumor Cere*ri (%E'&$' :-

7pipapillary 6em*rane (%#$

6yelinated 8erve !i*ers (%#$' (look also under Retina$

6yelinated 8erve !i*ers (%&$' (2ook also under Retina$

Pre-Papillary 1rterial 2oop (%#'#$ (2ook also under Retina$

Pre-Papillary 1rterial 2oop (%#'&$

:ptic 8erve 9lioma

:ptic 8erve Sheath 6enin ioma

Compressive :ptic 8europathyA 6elanocytoma 1 lar e' spherical' charcoal-colored mass is situated in front of the left optic disc' o*scurin most of the disc su*stance. )nferiorly' a crescent of visi*le disc appears chronically s"ollen. Surroundin *oth the superior aspect of the primary lesion and the superior disc is a discrete su*retinal apron of ray pi ment. This is the characteristic appearance of an optic disc melanocytoma.


-rusen of :ptic 8erve +ead (%#$

-rusen of :ptic 8erve +ead (%3'#$

-rusen of :ptic 8erve +ead (%C'3$

-rusen of :ptic 8erve +ead (%C'($' 1n io ram

-ominant :ptic 1trophy (%#'#$

-ominant :ptic 1trophy (%#'&$

-ominant :ptic 1trophy (%&'#$

-ominant :ptic 1trophy (%($

2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%#'#$ The ri ht optic disc can *e vie"ed *y considerin the t"o halves of the disc separately. The temporal half is moderately pale and has a discrete mar in. Correspondin nerve fi*er layer refle/es are a*sent. By contrast' the nasal half of the disc has an Fan ryF appearance' "ith disc hyperemia and mild dilation of the lar e retinal vessels. The peripapillary nerve fi*er layer e/hi*its loss of translucency and a "hitish ha,e' partially o*scurin the nasal disc mar ins. 8ote the telan iectatic vessels just off the disc at (@GG and (@(G.


2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%#'&$

2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%#'($

2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%('#$

2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%&'#$ This is the classic appearance of the 2e*er.s disc in the early symptomatic sta e' "hen visual loss is just *e innin . The disc is intensely hyperemic. Both the retinal veins and the arteries are dilated' creatin the impression of a plethora of vascular trunks on the disc. )n the peripapillary ,one' moderate vascular tortuosity is present. 8ote the "hitish opacification of the nerve fi*er layer surroundin all *ut the temporal side of the disc.


2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%#'3$' 4isual !ields 9oldmann visual fields reveal a dense cecocentral defect in the ri ht eye and an early cecocentral defect approachin fi/ation in the left eye. :f note' the )-& isopter is preserved in the ri ht eye "hile the )-# isopter is preserved in the left eye' indicative of surprisin ly ood retention of sensitivity e/ternal to the central defects. This discrete' Hcookie-cutterH appearance of the scotomas is characteristic of 2e*er.s disease in the acute and su*acute sta es. +o"ever' in the late sta e' "hen optic atrophy is diffuse and all the microan iopathic chan es have involuted' even the peripheral fields sho" pronounced loss of sensitivity.


2e*er.s +ereditary :ptic 8europathy (%&'($' !luorescein 1n io raphy !luorescein an io ram of the ri ht eye' arterial phase. 8ote the dilation of the four main *ranch retinal arterioles. 6arked tortuosity of the smaller arterioles is evident throu hout' *ut particularly in the vicinity of the disc. )nterestin ly' laminar venous flo" is present' indicatin e/tremely rapid arteriovenous transit. !ull venous fillin is o*served at just #;.D seconds. The rapid transit time su ests the possi*ility of arteriovenous shuntin


2ymphocytic 2eukemia (%#'#$' :ptic 8europathy

2ymphocytic 2eukemia (%#'&$' :ptic 1trophy after )rradiation

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 1rteritic (%#'#$'Temporal 1rteritis

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 1rteritic (%&'#$

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 1rteritic (%&'&$

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 1rteritic (%3$

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 8on-arteritic (%#'#$

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 8on-arteritic (%3$

)schemic :ptic 8europathy' 8on-arteritic (%C$' :S

8euroretinitis (%#'#$

8euroretinitis (%&'#$

8euroretinitis (%3$

8euroretinitis (%($

:ptic 8euritis (%($' Papilledema

:ptic 8euritis (%&$

:ptic neuritis (%C'#$

:ptic neuritis (%E'&$

Sarcoid (%#'#$' :ptic 8europathy

Sarcoid :ptic 8europathy (%&$

:ptic 8euritis' To/oplasmosis (%#'#$

:ptic 8euritis' To/oplasmosis (%#'&$

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