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SUMAR Gramatic (Grammar) I Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea verbului, diateze, aspect, moduri, timpuri

i verbale; II Prezentul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerci ii III !recutul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerci ii I" Prezentul Perfect simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerci ii " #ai mult ca perfectul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerci ii "I "iitorul form i utilizare; Exerci ii "II #odul $ondi ional i If clause form i utilizare; Exerci ii "III $oncordan a timpurilor form i utilizare; Exerci ii I% #odul Sub&onctiv form i utilizare; Exerci ii % #odul Imperativ form i utilizare; Exerci ii %I 'iateza pasiv form i utilizare; Exerci ii %II "erbe modale I form i utilizare; Exerci ii %III "erbe modale II form i utilizare; Exerci ii %I" Infinitivul form i utilizare; Exerci ii %" (ormele in Ing utilizare; Exerci ii %"I "erbe care primesc infinitive sau forma in Ing; Exerci ii %"II "erbe complexe form i utilizare; Exerci ii %"III "orbirea indirect form i utilizare; Exerci ii %I% Prepozi ii, $on&unc ii form i utilizare; Exerci ii %% Substantivul form i utilizare; Exerci ii %%I )rticolul form i utilizare; Exerci ii %%II )d&ectivul form i utilizare; Exerci ii %%III Pronumele form i utilizare; Exerci ii *

%%I" )dverbul form i utilizare; Exerci ii Vocabular (Vocabulary) %%" !+e car and ,n t+e road %%"I !ravelling %%"II -olida.s/ in a +otel %%"III (ood/ )t t+e restaurant %%I% S+opping %%% -ealt+ service %%%I Postal and telep+one service Bibliografie: #oravec0,campo; )/, (arrugia, )/ 1imba Englez gramatica de baz, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444 Paidos, $onstantin 5ramatica limbii engleze "erbul, Institutul European, Iai, 3446 5l eanu0(arnoag, 5eorgiana; Sac+elarie01ecca, 'oina 0 1imba Englez in conversa ie, Editura tiin ific i enciclopedic, 2ucureti, 3476 5l eanu, 5eorgiana Exerci ii de gramatic englez, !impurile verbale, Editura )lbatros, 2ucureti, 3484 9ranu, #ariana 1imba englez, Exerci ii pentru nivelul superior, Editura $orint, 2ucureti, 344: #inisterul Educa iei i Inv mantului, ;niversitatea 2ucureti 1imba Englez, Exerci ii pentru admiterea in inv mantul superior, Editura 'idactic i Pedagogic, 2ucureti, 3487 #isztal, #ariusz !est .our vocabular., Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 344< #isztal, #ariusz !est .our Englis+ grammar, Editura !eora,

2ucureti, 3444 !+e =e> International ?ebster @s PocAet 2usiness 'ictionar. of t+e Englis+ 1anguage !rident Press International, 3448 < Pa>lo>sAa, 2arbara; BempinsAi, Cbignie> !este de limba englez, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444 !imar, Eszter 1imba englez in teste i exerci ii, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444 $+iriacescu, )driana; #urean, 1aura; 2arg+iel, "irginia; -ollinger, )lexander $oresponden de afaceri in limbile roman i englez, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 344D 5eog+egan, $/5/; 5eog+egan, E/F/ Engleza pentru negocieri, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 6GGG Holand, #arie0$laude; #ast05rand, #art+a $" in limba englez, un pas spre anga&are, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 6GGG ', )/; 1indsa., ?/-/; EanaAie>icz, )/; #arc+eteau, #/ Engleza pentru marAeting i publicitate, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 6GGG 2anta, )ndrei; Por eanu, Hodica 1imba englez pentru tiin i te+nic, Editura =iculescu, 2ucureti, 344D 1aun, (lavia E/ 2irotics and !elecommunication Explanator. 'ictionar., Editura 'acia, $lu&0=apoca, 344: #nil, '/; Popa, $/; Popa, '/; Popescu, I/#/; "lad, "/I/ #ic dic ionar poliglot de fizic, te+nic i matematic, Editura )cora Press, 2ucureti, 344D $otton, 'avid Be.s to management, 1ongman, 344: $otton, 'avid; Hobbins, Sue 2usiness $lass, =elson Englis+

1anguage !eac+ing, 1ondon, 344* 1e 'ivenac+, Eloi Engleza in pres, Editura !eora, 2ucureti, 3444 #arc+eteau, #ic+el 2erman, Eean0Pierre Savio, #ic+el, Engleza comercial in <G de lec ii, Editura =iculescu, 2ucureti, 6GG3 D I. Sunetele limbii engleze alfabetul limbii engleze cla!ificarea "erbului mo#uri #iateze a!$ect tim$uri "erbale %.Sunetele limbii engleze Vocale Simbolul fonetic Exemplu !ranscrierea fonetic 3/ iI sea JsiIK 6/ i it JitK */ e ten JtenK </ a man JmanK D/ aI part JpaItK :/ o dog JdogK 8/ oI s+ort JLoItK 7/ u booA JbuAK 4/ uI moon JmuInK 3G/ M sun JsMnK 33/ N: first JfNIstK 36/ N a JNK &iftongi 3*/ ei name JneimK 3</ ou +ome +oumK

3D/ ai nine JnainK 3:/ au no> JnauK 38/ oi bo. JboiK 37/ iN +ere J+iNK 34/ eN t+ere JdeNK 6G/ oN door JdoNK : 63/ uN poor JpuNK 'riftongi 66/ aiN fire JfaiNK 6*/ auN flo>er JflauNK Semi"ocale 6</ & .es J&esK 6D/ > >ell J>elK (on!oane Sonore 6:/ b big JbigK 68/ d da. JdeiK 67/ v ver. JveriK 64/ g garden JgaIdnK *G/ z zero JziNrouK *3/ O pleasure JpleONK *6/ dO &am JdOamK **/ d t+is JdisK *</ r red JredK *D/ l lost JlostK *:/ m man. JmeniK

*8/ n not JnotK *7/ P t+ing JQiPK Surde 8 *4/ p pen JpenK <G/ t too JtuIK <3/ f five JfaivK <6/ A caAe JAeiAK <*/ s sa. JseiK <</ L s+e JLiIK <D/ tL c+ild JtLaildK <:/ Q t+in JQinK <8/ + +orse J+oIsK Vocala Ji:K este o vocal lung/ Este aproape identic cu i romanesc din cuvintele in care accentum aceast vocal in mod deosebit, ca de pild in exclama iaI biine! Rin sens de concesieS/ Vocala JiK este o vocal scurt, un sunet intermediar intre i i e din limba romin/ Vocala JeK este o vocal scurt i foarte apropiat de e romanesc, fiind ins ceva mai desc+is/ Ea seamn indeosebi cu e din limba roman, cand acesta e urmat de r, ca de exemplu in cuvintele mere, pere etc/ Vocala JaK este o vocal scurt i ocup o pozi ie intermediar intre a i e; JaK nu se poate compara cu nici un sunet din limba roman/ Se ob ine desc+izand gura pentru a i pronun and e/ Vocala Ja:K e o vocal lung i se formeaz in partea din fund a gurii, ceea ce ii d o rezonan de sunet profund/ Pronun and un a

romanesc prelungit i din fundul gurii vom ob ine un JaIK englezesc corect/ Vocala JoK este o vocal scurt/ Ea nu poate fi comparat cu nici un sunet existent in limba roman/ Pentru cine cunoate ins limba mag+iar, sunetul englez este uor de pronun at, el fiind foarte apropiat de vocala o din aceast limb/ JoK este un sunet intermediar intre sunetele a i o i se pronun mult mai din fundul gurii decat o romanesc i cu gura mult mai desc+is/ 7 Vocala Jo:K este o vocal lung/ Ea se deosebete de vocala JoK care este mult mai desc+is spre a. Pronun and un o romanesc lung i din fundul gurii vom ob ine un sunet foarte apropiat de JoIK englezesc/ Vocala JuK este o vocal scurt, foarte apropiat de u romanesc/ Se pronun cu buzele mai pu in rotun&ite decat in cazul lui u din limba roman/ Vocala Ju:K este o vocal lung i seamn foarte mult cu un u romanesc prelungit/ Vocala JMK e o vocal scurt i seamn foarte mult cu un a romanesc scurt/ Pentru pronun area lui JMK este necesar s intindem pu in buzele lateral i s ponun m un a retrgand limba pu in inapoi/ Vocala JN:K este o vocal lung, asemntoare lui romanesc prelungit/ Pentru a o rosti corect trebuie s inem maxilarele apropiate i buzele intinse lateral/ Este absolut necesar ca in timpul pronun rii lui JNIK buzele s fie numai uor intredesc+ise/ Vocala JNK este o vocal scurt, niciodat accentuat i

corespunde vocalei din limba roman/ &iftongul JeiK se aseamn cu diftongul romanesc din cuvintele mei, tei, lei etc/ Elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul JiK scurt englezesc/ &iftongul JouK/ Primul element al acestui diftong este o vocal inc neintalnit, vocala JoK/ , ob inem rotun&ind buzele pentru o i pronun and / )l doilea element al diftongului este JuK, despre care reamintim c este un sunet scurt/ &iftongul JaiK se apropie foarte mult de diftongul romanesc din cuvintele mai, cai, dai etc/, cu deosebirea c elementul al doilea al difotngului este sunetul JiK scurt englezesc/ &iftongul JauK se apropie de asemenea foarte mult de diftongul romanesc din cuvintele dau, sau etc/ Elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul JuK scurt englezesc/ &iftongul JoiK se apropie de diftongul romanesc oi din cuvintele ca noi, doi, voi etc/ !otui primul element, JoK, e mai desc+is decat 4 in limba roman, iar cel de0al doilea element este JiK scurt englezesc/ &iftongii JiNK )i JuNK con in sunete cunoscute/ 1a pronun area lor trebuie s avem in vedere sunetele specific englezeti JiK i JuK/ &iftongul JeNK con ine o vocal nou, JeK/ )ceast vocal este mai desc+is decat JeK i mai inc+is decat JaK/ &iftongul JoNK/ Primul element al acestui diftong este vocala scurt JoK urmat fr efort de JNK Ramintim c avem de0a face cu un o desc+is spre aS/ )cest diftong tinde s fie inlocuit de vocala lung JoIK/

'riftongul JaiNK Pronun a i intr0o singur silab acest triftong, inand seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti JiKI fire JfaiNK, tired J taiNdK/ 'riftongul JauNK este format din sunete cunoscute/ 1a pronun area lui trebuie s inem seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti JuK/ =u0l pronun a i pe JuK din triftongul JauNK cu emitere puternic de aer, pentru a nu0l transforma in semivocala J>K/ ,b ine i o pronun ie corect a acestui triftong dac rosti i intr0o singur silab grupul de sunete romaneti a/ Semi"ocala J*K se pronun ca un u foarte scurt, cu puternic emitere de aer printre buze, semnand cu sunetul u pe care il adugm in pronun are la inceputul unor cuvinte ca oal, oaie etc/ Semi"ocala J+K, cea de0a doua semivocal din limba englez, se poate compara cu un i foarte scurt, cu rezonan consonantic/ Ea se intalnete i in limba roman in cuvinte caI este, ei, iarn, iertare etc/ (on!oana J#K prezint o particularitate fa de limba roman, in sensul c la articularea ei varful limbii se spri&in pe alveole Rpe rdcina din ilorS/ (on!oanele JbK, J"K, JgK, JzK, JmK, JnK pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman/ 3G (on!oana JOK este aceeai ca i consoana romaneasc din jar, ajun etc/ He ine i semnul JOK pentru sunetul j romanesc; reaminti iv c semnul J&K reprezint o semivocal asemntoare sunetului i din cuvintele romanetiI iarn, chiar, iat etc/

(on!oana J#OK este corespondenta sonor a consoanei surde JtLK/ , intalnim in romanete in cuvinte caI gimnastic, geam, legi etc/ ,bserva i c in limba roman aceast consoan poate fi urmat numai de vocale e sau i/ !recerea la oricare din celelalte vocale Ro, a, uS se face cu a&utorul unui i sau e de legtur/ 'e exempluI geam, George, giulgiu/ In limba englez, trecerea de la JdOK la oricare dintre vocale se face direct/ 'e exempluI John JdOonK, George JdOoIdOK/ =u pronun a i deci cuvantul John ca gion/ In limba englez, sunetul JdOK termin cuvantul/ 'e exempluI Geroge JdOoIdOK, judge JdOMdOK/ =u pronun a i giorgi i giagi/ (on!oana J#K este o consoan sonor Rca b, g, m, z etcS pe care o putem rosti corect pronun and un d Rsau zS romanesc cu varful limbii intre din i/ Exerci iul trebuie repetat de foarte multe ori in fa a oglinzii pentru a controla pozi ia limbii/ (on!oana JrK se deosebete fundamental de consoana romaneasc r, fiind de fapt cu totul alt consoan, dei e reprezentat de aceeai liter a alfabetului/ )stfel, in timp ce r romanesc este o consoan vibrant, JrK englezesc se rostete fr vibra ie Rca i consoanele s i j, de pildS/ Pentru a ob ine JrK englezesc, pronun a i j cu gura mult desc+is/ Pan cand v deprinde i cu pronun area fireasc a lui JrK, cuta i s rosti i un r romanesc cat mai ters i fr ca varful limbii s ating cerul gurii/ (on!oana JlK 0 in limba englez exist dou variante ale consoanei JlK/ Inainte de vocal, JlK este identic cu l romanesc; de exemplu in cuvintele live, lily/ In pozi ie final sau inainte de consoan, JlK este un sunet voalat/ 1a rostirea lui, partea posterioar a limbii se ridic spre cerul gurii/ Intr0un cuvant ca

apple, JlK este precedat de un foarte scurt/ Pronun a i deci JapilK i nu JapliK/ 33 (on!oana JPK este asemntoare cu consoana romaneasc n din cuvintele in care n este urmat de c sau de gI nc, nghel, singular, unde n devine in parte gutural/ (on!oanele J$K, JtK, J-K sunt consoane surde/ Spre deosebire de consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman, ele sunt urmate cand nu sunt precedate de alt consoan i sunt in silab accentuat de un uor sunet h/ $onsoana JtK se pronun cu varful limbii spri&init pe alveole Rpe rdcina din ilorS/ (on!oanele JfK )i J!K pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba roman/ (on!oana JLK este aceeai ca i consoana romaneasc !/ (on!oana JtLK este aproape identic cu consoana romaneasc din cuvinte caI cine, ceas, cel etc/, i se pronun cu o uoar aspira ie, ca i JAK, JpK, JtK/ $onsoana englezeasc rmane ins perfect surd i poate fi urmat direct de orice vocal, fr a necesita un e sau i de legtur, ca in limba romanI child JtLaildK/ 'e semenea, consoana JtLK final, spre deosebire de consoana corespunztoare din limba roman, nu este urmat de un i asilabic Rcare nu formeaz silabS ca in cinci, pleci etc/ 'e exempluI much JmMtLK/ Este necesar s dm o deosebit aten ie pronun rii acestei consoane cand este urmat de alte vocale decat i i e, sau cand este in pozi ie final/ 'eci pronun a i JtLaildK i nu ciaild, Jm MtLK i nu maci/

(on!oana J.K este perec+ea surd a consoanei JdK, care se deosebete prin aceea c la pronun area ei coardele vocale nu vibreaz/ Pentru a pronun a sunetul JQK, vom ine varful limbii intre din i i vom articula un t Rsau sS romanesc, fr efort/ $a i in cazul lui JdK, exerci iile trebuie fcute in fa a oglinzii/ $onsoanele JdK i JQK sunt reperezentate in scriere prin grupul th/ (on!oana J/K se pronun cu aspira ie Remitere de aerS mai puternic decat in limba roman/ 36 0. '/e Al$/abet a JeiK n JenK b Jbi:K o JouK c J!i:K $ J$i:K # J#i:K 1 J-+u:K e Ji:K r Ja:K f JefK ! Je!K g J#2i:K t Jti:K / JeitLK u J+u:K i JaiK " J"i:K + J#2eiK * J#Mbl+u:K - J-eiK 3 Je-!K l JelK y J*aiK m JemK z Jze#K 4. (la!ificarea Verbelor T $on&ugarea verbelor engleze se bazeaz pe trei forme principale/ )cestea sunt formele #e #ic5ionar ale verbelor englezeI I form a II6a form a III6a form

RtoS >orA >orAed >orAed RtoS give gave given 3* T "erbele engleze se clasific in verbe obi)nuite i !$eciale/ $ele obinuite pot fi regulate sau neregulate, iar cele speciale sunt impr ite in "erbe au3iliare i "erbe mo#ale/ Verbele obi)nuite au un sens propriu i pot avea func ia de predicat in propozi ie/ Verbele !$eciale nu au un sens propriu i a&ut la formarea timpurilor verbale compuse/ a. Verbe regulate "erbele regulate formeaz past tense i past participle prin adugarea termina iei "#$/ ExI %or&ed; cleaned; closed b. Verbe neregulate "erbele neregulate formeaz past tense i past participle neregulat i aceste forme trebuie inv ate/ "erbele neregulate se impart in * categoriiI 0 grupa verbelor care nu suport nici o modificare cut cut cut put put put 0 grupa verbelor care suport o modificare bring broug+t broug+t meet met met 0 grupa verbelor care suport dou modificri do did done ring rang rung c. Verbe au3iliare

Sunt formatori temporali, a&ut la formarea timpurilor verbale compuse/ 0 &7 se folosete la present tense simple i past tense simple 0 forma interogativ i negativ; Rdo, does, didS 0 B8 se folosete la formarea diatezei pasive i a timpurilor verbale continue; Ram, are, is, >as, >ereS 0 9AV8 se folosete la formarea timpurilor verbale perfecte; R+ave, +as, +adS 0 S9A::, ;I:: se folosesc la formarea timpurilor verbale de viitor; 3< 0 S97U:&, ;7U:& se folosesc la formarea lui (uture0in0t+e0 Past i a modului $ondi ional; 0 :8' se folosete la formarea Imperativului pentru persoana I0a sg i pl i persoana a III0a sg i pl/ #. Verbe mo#ale Sunt o clas special de verbe care exprim permisiunea, abilitatea, probabilitatea, obliga ia, necesitateaI #)F, #I5-!, $)=, $,;1', #;S!, =EE', S-,;1', ,;5-! !,, -)"E !,, =EE' !,/ < =ormele Verbale se impart in $re#icati"e pot forma predicatul in propozi ie i au un subiect 0 i ne$re#icati"e nu pot forma predicatul in propozi ie Rinfiniti"ul, $artici$iul, gerun#6ulS/ < Mo#ul inseamn maniera sau modul in care ac iunea este exprimat de verb/ #odurile limbii engleze suntI In#icati", Im$erati", Sub+oncti" i (on#i5ional/ < &iateza este forma verbului care indic dac o persoan sau un lucru face ac iunea sau o sufer/ In limba englez sunt 6 diatezeI

0 &iateza acti" ne indic faptul c o persoan sau un lucru care e i subiectul propozi iei face ac iunea/ )ceasta poate fi suferit de o alt persoan sau lucru sau de acceai persoan care o realizeaz Rac'iune refle(ivS/ ExI -er grandparents brought +er up/ I )ash myself ever. da./ 0 &iateza $a!i" ne indic faptul c persoana sau lucrul care este subiectul gramatical al propozi iei sufer ac iunea fcut de altcineva Rsubiectul logicS/ ExI Englis+ is spo&en all over t+e >orld/ -e )as educated in $ambridge/ < A!$ectul indic durata, realizarea complet sau incomplet a unei ac iuni/ A!$ectul !im$lu 0 ac iunea este vzut ca un fapt general, obinuit sau particular/ A!$ectul continuu exprim o ac iune in proces, in desfurare la un anumit moment in timp/ ExI ?e get up at six ever. morning/ It is beginning to rain/ 3D < 'im$urile "erbale ('en!e!) sunt construc ii verbale care exprim diverse rela ii temporale/ ) nu se confunda time cu tenseU =o iunea de timp RtimeS este universal i independent de orice limb/ !impurile verbale Rten!e!S difer in func ie de fiecare limb in parte/ !impurile in limba englez indic dac o ac iune este realizat in prezent, in trecut sau in viitorI 0 !impuri verbale legate de presentI >re!ent 'en!e Sim$leI !+e teac+er comes in/ >re!ent 'en!e (ontinuou!I ?+at are >e doingV

>re!ent >erfect Sim$leI I +ave been ill for t>o >eeAs/ >re!ent >erfect (ontinuou!I ?e +ave been >riting for +im for +alf an +our/ 0 !impuri verbale legate de trecutI >a!t 'en!e Sim$leI ?+en did .ou come +omeV >a!t 'en!e (ontinuou!I It >as raining all da. .esterda./ >a!t >erfect 'en!e Sim$leI -e said +e +ad spent t>o mont+s t+ere/ >a!t >erfect 'en!e (ontinuou!I 2. t+at time I +ad been learning Englis+ for five .ears/ 0 !impuri verbale legate de viitorI =uture 'en!e Sim$leI ?e s+all meet t+em at seven/ =uture 'en!e (ontinuou!I !+e. >ill be travelling all nig+t/ =uture >erfect 'en!e Sim$leI I s+all +ave done it b. four o@clocA/ =uture >erfect 'en!e (ontinuou!I 2. t+e first of Eanuar. t+e. >ill +ave been >orAing +ere for t+en .ears/ II. '98 >R8S8?' '8?S8 SIM>:8 @ '98 >R8S8?' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US '98 >R8S8?' '8?S8 SIM>:8 =orm (orma i prezentul simplu folosind indicativul/ )duga i ! sau e! pentru persoana a III0a singular la afirmativ/ 3: Afirmati" I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. >orA -e W s+e W it >orA! ?egati" I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. #o not >orA -e W s+e W it #oe! not >orA

Interogati" &o 6 I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. 0 >orAV &oe! +e W s+e W it >orAV ?egati"6Interogati" &o I not >orAV &o .ou not >orAV &oe! +e not >orAV Etc/ =orma contra!: 'o not X don@t 'oes not X doesn@t Utilizare Prezentul simplu se foloseteI %. $entru acti"it5i re$etate, obi)nuite, $ermanente. ?e go to sc+ool ever. morning/ RrepetatS (at+er smo&es too muc+/ RobinuitS Eane )or&s in a big factor./ RpermanentS 0. $entru ac5iuni care !unt a#e"ruri general "alabile. Ice melts in t+e sun/ !+e sun rises in t+e East and sets in t+e ?est/ 4. can# !e "orbe)te #e!$re orare )i $rograme fi3e, cu !en! #e "iitor. !+e film starts at 3G/*G/ R>ill startS !+e c+ampions+ip starts next Saturda./ !+e train leaves at 7/GG/ R>ill leaveS A. $entru a intro#uce un citat in comentariile !$orti"e in $ro"erbe, zictori in $ro!$ecte #e me#icamente, re5ete )i in!truc5iuni #e folo!ire a #i"er!elor a$arate. S+aAespeare saysI Y=ot marble, nor t+e gilded monumentsW of princes s+all outlive t+is po>erful RSonnet DDS RcitatS

38 !+e goal0Aeeper passes to #aradona, but -agi intercepts; -agi to 1ctu and +e shoots and it@s a goalU Rcomentarii sportiveS 'espair gives courage to a co>ard/ RproverbS (irst, I ta&e t+e potatoes and slice t+em/ !+en, I slice t+e tomatoes, fry t+e onion[/ Rre eteS ?ot )dverbele de frecven sunt deseori folosite pentru a sublinia repetarea/ $ele mai comune adverbe de frecven suntI u!ually, al*ay!, ne"er, e"er, often, !el#om, rarely, !ometime!, generally, occa!ionally/ Pentru a sublinia repetarea unei ac iuni se mai poate folosi adverbul e"ery in combina ie cu anumite cuvinte ce definesc momente in timpI e"ery #ayW*ee-Wmont/Wyear etc/ '98 >R8S8?' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US =orm (orma i prezentul continuu cu to be B Cing Afirmati" I am >orAing Fou are >orAing -e W s+e W it i! >orAing ?e W .ou W t+e. are >orAing ?egati" I am not >orAing Fou are not >orAing -e W s+e W it i! not >orAing ?e W .ou W t+e. are not >orAing

Interogati" Am I >orAingV Are .ou >orAingV I! +e W s+e W it >orAingV Are >e W .ou W t+e. >orAingV Interogati"6?egati" 37 Am I not RarenDt IS >orAingV Are .ou not Raren@t .ouS >orAingV I! +e not Risn@t +eS >orAingV =orma contra! este uzual in engleza vorbit/ I am X I@m Fou are X .ou@re It isW +e isW s+e is X it@sW +e@sW s+e@s It is not X it isn@t sau it@s not ?e are not X >e@re not sau >e aren@t !+e. are not X t+e.@re not sau t+e. aren@t Utilizare Prezentul continuu se foloseteI %. $entru ac5iuni care !e $etrec in momentul "orbirii. Bate is at sc+ool/ S+e is reading a booA/ Pete is at +ome >it+ mum/ -e is playing/ 6/ $entru ac5iuni care !e $etrec in $rea+ma momentului "orbirii, #ar nu nea$rat in momentul "orbirii cu today, these days, this term, at the moment etc. 2eatrice isn*t studying Englis+ t+is .ear/ S+e >ants to concentrate on anot+er foreign language/ 4. $entru a e3$rima un aran+ament anume intr6un "iitor

a$ro$iat. ?+at are .ou doing tomorro>V </ $entru a e3$rima "iitorul, in !$ecial cu "erbe #e mi)care: to come+ arrive+ go+ leave. ,ur friends are arriving tomorro>/ -e is going to 1ondon on (rida. D/ cu al)ays (in!emnan# E$rea multF) $entru a e3$rima iritarea. Four c+ildren are al*ay! running on m. la>n/ I can@t stand +im; +e@s al*ay! interupting me/ G. $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune tem$orar. ?e usuall. go to >orA b. bus, but toda. >e are going b. cab/ H. $entru ac5iuni in #e!f)urare intr6o $erioa# limitat in $rea+ma momentului "orbirii. Eo+n is loo&ing for a &ob/ 34 I. $entru ac5iuni care in#ic o !c/imbare !au trecerea #e la o !tare la alta. ,s .our Englis+ improvingV !+e traffic is getting >orse and >orse in !oA.o/ !+e c+ildren are gro)ing up ver. fast/ ?ot $u prezentul continuu se folosesc adverbele no* i +u!t, dar ele nu sunt men ionate cand sensul lor este subin eles/ 1ooA, t+e c+ildren are sleepingU Verbe care nu !e folo!e!c la tim$ul continuu: 3/ verbe de percep'ieI to feel, /ear, notice, !ee, !mell, ta!te/ $and verbele de percep ie ii sc+imb sensul, ele pot fi folosite la

timpul continuu/ 'o !ee ) avea o intalnire fixat, un interviu/ I am seeing m. dentist on (rida./ Eane is seeing t+e manager no>/ ) face o vizit/ #ar. is seeing t+e sig+ts so s+e >ill be a little late/ !o see about Ra face aran&amenteS/ ,ur form master is seeing about t+e trip to t+e mountains/ !o see to Ra aran&a ceva, a verificaS/ !+e mec+anic is &ust seeing to t+e engine of our car/ !o see somebod. offWupWdo>nWoutW Ra conduce pe cinevaS/ !om is seeing +is grandfat+er off at t+e rail>a. station no>/ ) avea +alucina ii / I@m seeing t+ings/ 'o /ear ) primi tiri despre ceva sau cineva/ I@m +earing interesting t+ings about our ne> neig+bour/ ) audia Rin cadrul &udectorieiS/ !+e &udge is +earing t+e >itness/ 'o feel ) avea o anumit senza ie/ !+e doctor is feeling t+e patient@s arm/ 'o !mell @ to ta!te 6G )c iune voluntar !+e girl is smelling t+e flo>ers in t+e garden no>/

#. mot+er is tasting t+e soup as s+e >ants to feed t+e bab./ 6/ verbe care e(prim activit'i mentaleI to agree, belie"e, #i!tru!t, #oubt, fin#, fore!ee, forget, gue!!, imagine, -no*, mean, min#, remember, recognize, recollect, regar#, !u$$o!e, t/in- t/at, tru!t, un#er!tan#/ 'o forget , pierdere gradual a memoriei/ I@m forgetting figures/ 'o t/in) se gandi la ceva R nu se exprim nici o opin ieS / ?+at are .ou t+inAing aboutV I@m t+inAing about our ne> teac+ers/ 'o min# ) avea gri& de cineva Rto looA afterS/ )t t+e moment )nn is minding +er sicA mot+er/ */ verbe care e(prim dorin'aI to #e!ire, inten#, *ant, *i!/. </ verbe care e(prim atitudini+ sentimente+ stri emo'ionaleI to ab/or, a#ore, #ete!t, #i!li-e, #i!$lea!e, li-e, lo"e, /ate, $lea!e, $refer/ D/ verbe care e(prim posesiuneaI to belong to, /a"e, /ol#, -ee$, o*e, o*n, $o!!e!!/ :/ verbe care e(prim o stare+ o condi'ieI to a$$ear, be, con!i!t of, contain, #iffer, #e!er"e, e1ual, re!emble, !eem, !uit 8/ verbe diverseI to com$are, e3$ect, matter, re!ult from, !uffice/ 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la $rezentul !im$lu !au continuu. 3/ I RgoS out to get t+e evening paper/ 6/ [// t+is booA RbelongS to

.ouV */ Fou Ral>a.s, beatS me at c+eesU </ ?+at time Rusuall., get upS .ou[V D/ Ever.bod. RliAeS summer/ :/ ?e RgoS to t+e circus t+is evening/ 8/ I R+aveS an appointment >it+ m. dentist at D o@clocA/ 7/ Eane RmaAeS all +er clot+es +erself/ 4/ )ll t+e students in t+is class 63 RreadS Englis+ >ell/ 3G/ I RAno>S >+at .ou RmeanS/ 33/ !+e parA RlooAS beautiful in spring/ 36/ -e.U Fou RdrinAS from m. glassU 3*/ I must go, mot+er R>aitS for me/ 3</ !+e train RarriveS at t+e =ort+ Station at :/*G/ 3D/ 'on@t disturb +er, s+e RfeedS t+e bab./ 3:/ I can@t go a>a.; I RseeS t+e #anager at t+e beginning of next >eeA/ 38/ 'uring t+e >eeA >e generall. Rget upS earl./ 37/ I R+opeS our sc+ool team >ill >in t+e football matc+/ 34/ ,ur aunt RcomeS to see us t+is afternoon/ 6G/ I Rnot approveS of .our be+aviour/ 63/ ?e RgetS a lot of sno> in t+e mountains in >inter/ 66/ -e Rfl.S from 2uc+arest to Sibiu tomorro>/ 6*/ Eo+n Rforever, boastS of >+at +e +as done/ 6</ !+e. R>antS to see .ou for a minute/ 6D/ -e R>alAS to +ospital ever. da./ 6:/ S+e RmoveS +er booAs into +er ne> booAcase/ 68/ -e usuall. RspeaAS +is mot+er tongue, but toda. +e RspeaAS Englis+/ 67/ Fou RdrinAS coffe or teaV 64/ Fou RunderstandS t+e Present !enses in Englis+V *G/ -e Rpla.S t+e piano liAe a professional musician/ *3/ Fou can@t speaA to #ar. no>; s+e RsleepS/ *6/ I Rnot +earS >+at .ou Rsa.S/ **/ It@s autumn/ !+e leaves RturnS .ello> and RfallS do>n/ *</ I R>earS a raincoat because it RrainS/ *D/ Somet+ing RburnS in t+e oven, I RseeS t+at smoAe RcomeS out of it/ *:/ ?e Rnot drinAS tea >it+ milA in our countr./ *8/ ?e RspendS next >eeA >it+ our parents; >e RgoS on a trip >it+ t+em/ *7/ Fou RgoS to to>n t+is afternoonV *4/ #. friend RcomeS to see us next mont+/ <G/ -ere RcomeS our long >aited for teac+erU

(/eia e3erci5iului: 3/ am going 6/ does t+is booA belong */ are al>a.s beating </ do .ou usuall. get up D/ liAes :/ are going 8/ am +aving 7/ maAes 4/ read 3G/ Ano> mean 33/ looAs 36/ are drinAing 3*/ is >aiting 3</ arrives 3D/ is feeding 3:/ am seeing 38/ get up 37/ +ope 34/ is coming 6G/ do not approve 63/ get 66/ is 6*/ is forever boasting 6</ >ant 6D/ >alAs 6:/ is moving 68/ speaAs; is speaAing 67/ are .ou drinAing 64/ do .ou understand *G/ pla.s *3/ is sleeping *6/ don@t +ear; are **/ are turning; are falling *</ am >earing; is raining *D/ is burning RcanS see; is coming *:/ do not drinA *8/ are spending; are going *7/ are .ou goingV *4/ is coming <G/ comes/ III. '98 >AS' '8?S8 SIM>:8 @ '98 >AS' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US 66 '98 >AS' '8?S8 SIM>:8 In func ie de modalitatea de formare a trecutului i a participiului trecut, verbele engleze se impart in regulate i neregulate Rvezi pagina 33S/ Reguli #e ortografieI 3/ cand infinitivul scurt se termin in e mut, se adaug numai d Rto dance " danced; to recite " recitedS/ 6/ cand verbele dintr0o silab se termin in con!oan Rcu excepia lui c, w sau xS $rece#at #e o "ocal, consoana final este dublat i se adaug ed Rto drop " dropped; to pat " pattedS/ */ verbele care se termin in c, primesc un k inainte de sufixul ed Rto panic " panic&ed; to picnic " picnic&edS/ </ cand un verb format din mai multe silabe se termin ntr-o

singur consoan precedat de o vocal, consoana final se dubleaz dac silaba final este accentuat Rto omit " omitted; to occur " occurredS/ Excep iiI to &idnap " &idnapped; to handicap " handicapped/ D/ cand infinitivul scurt se termin in y precedat de o vocal, -y nu se schimb/ $ac y este precedat de o consoan, se schimb n i i se adaug ed Rto play " played; to try " triedS/ =orm (orma i afirmativul trecutului simplu al verbelor regulate adugand termina ia @e# infiniti"ului fr to/ Infiniti": 'recutul !im$lu regulat: !o >orA >orAed R>orA \ edS =egativul se formeaz cu #i# not B infiniti" Interogativul se formeaz cu #i# B !ubiect B infiniti" Afirmati" 6* I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. )or&ed ?egati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. did not >orA Interogati" !id I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orA V Se folosete aceeai form pentru toate persoanele/ (orma contras a lui did not este didn"t/ Interogati" negati"I did t+e. not Rdidn"t t+e.S >orAV (ormarea afirmativului verbelor neregulate nu urmeaz nici o regul/ "erbele neregulate trebuie memorate/ Infiniti" 'recutul !im$lu neregulat

!o go >ent !o speaA spoAe !o bring broug+t Utilizare !recutul simplu se foloseteI %. $entru o ac5iune finalizat in trecut can# e!te men5ionat momentul ac5iunii: !om arrived .esterda./ $olombus discovered )merica in 3<46/ )dverbele sau expresiile de timp pot fi o marc a trecutului simpluI ye!ter#ay, la!t *ee-, t*o year! ago, la!t !ummer, a mont/ ago etc/ 0. $entru o ac5iune finalizat !igur in trecut c/iar #ac tim$ul nu e!te men5ionat: 2rutus assassinated Eulius $aesar/ $id .ou ever see ?inston $+urc+ill in personV 6< 4. $entru o obi)nuin5 #in trecut: S+e al>a.s )o&e up earl. on sc+ool da.s/ Sara+ never ate liver as a c+ild/ A. $entru o nara5iune in trecut: I stopped to bu. a ne>spaper and t+en sat do>n on a benc+ to read it/ !+e ne>s )as ]uite depressing/ So I got up and too& a >alA and tried to t+inA +app. t+oug+ts/ ?ot !recutul simplu folosit pentru ac iuni obinuite din trecut este adesea inso it de adverbe de frecven I !ometime!, al*ay!, often, u!ually, rarely, !el#om etc/

?ot !raducerea lui Past !ense Simple in limba romanI #$ perfectul simplu% perfectul compus& ?+en +e opened t+e door, +e sa> t+e dog/ $and a desc+is ua, vzu cainele/ '$ imperfect& !+e little bo. >as ver. tired/ 2ie elul era foarte obosit/ ($ con)unctiv pre*ent& -elen said s+e felt lonel. before s+e met +im/ Elena a spus c se sim ea singur inainte s0l fi intalnit/ +$ condiional pre*ent& I >ould read t+at booA if +e gave it to me/ ) citi cartea aceea dac el mi0ar da0o/ ,$ pre*ent& I didn@t Ano> s+e loved music/ =u tiam c0i place muzica/ -$ viitor& !+e girl said t+at s+e >ould come +ere >+en s+e >as free/ (ata a spus c va veni aici cand va fi liber/ 6D '98 >AS' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US =orm (orma i trecutul continuu cu forma de trecut a lui to be B 6ing Afirmati" I W +e W s+e W it was >orAing Fou W >e W .ou W t+e. were >orAing

?egati" I W +e W s+e W it was not >orAing Fou W >e W .ou W t+e. were not >orAing Interogati" .as I W +e W s+e W it >orAingV .ere Fou W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAingV Interogati"6negati": .as +e not Rwasn"t +eS >orAingV .ere t+e. not Rweren"t t+e.S >orAingV &e re5inut J ;nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue/ Rvezi pagina 370 34S Utilizare !recutul continuu se foloseteI %. $entru ac5iuni trecute cu o anumit #urat, #ar ale cror limite $reci!e in tim$ nu !unt cuno!cute: It )as raining and getting colder/ 0. $entru ac5iuni trecute care au ince$ut )i au continuat $robabil #u$ un anumit moment #at: )t noon t+e sun )as shining/ )t ten o@clocA at nig+t Eerr. )as studying/ Momentul #at $oate fi e3$rimat )i #e o e3$re!ie #e tim$ la trecutul !im$lu: 6: ?+en !om arrived, t+e sun )as shining/ 4. $entru #e!crieri in trecut: !+e flo>ers )ere blooming, t+e birds )ere singing and t+e breeze )as blo)ing softl./

A. $entru a in#ica o ac5iune care !e #e!f)oar ca fun#al (bac-gorun#) in momentul in care o alt ac5iune, !curt, mai im$ortant (foregroun#), are loc: ?+ile #ar. )as crossing RbacAgorundS t+e road .esterda., s+e sa) RforegroundS a saucer in t+e sA./ K. $entru a in#ica #ou !au mai multe ac5iuni care !e #e!f)oar !imultan, in trecut: ?+ile mot+er )as coo&ing, fat+er )as reading a ne>spaper and t+e c+ildren )ere playing in t+e garden/ :/ $entru a in#ica o ac5iune re$etat, care il irit $e "orbitor, !e folo!e)te im$reun cu a#"erbul al)ays: !+e t>o pupils )ere al)ays laughing during m. classes/ ?ot: ,bserva i diferen aI T ?+en t+e bell rang, Sam was having breaAfast/ RSam >as in t+e middle of breaAfast >+en t+e bell started to ringS/ T ?+en t+e door bell rang, Sam ran to open t+e door/ RSam ran to t+e door as soon as t+e door bell rangS/ 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu !au continuu: 3/ -e RgoS to sc+ool b. bic.cle last .ear/ 6/ #. friends R>atc+S television >+en I p+oned t+em/ */ !+e. RinviteS me to see t+e film >+en I p+oned t+em/ </ 2ob R>riteS t+e letter in ten minutes/ D/ (at+er RreadS t+e ne>spaper >+en I came +ome/ :/ ?+ile +e R>riteS t+e letter, +is sister laid t+e table/ 8/ S+e RasAS me about m. +olida.s >+en >e met/ 7/ I RreadS a travel broc+ure >+en >e met/ 4/ ?e RseeS a ver. good film .esterda./ 3G/ !+e sun Rs+ineS >+en >e arrived/ 33/ -e

RdriveS all t+e >a. to 1ondon/ 36/ I sa> #ar. &ust as s+e RgetS into t+e classroom/ 3*/ !+e. RspendS a beautiful +olida. at t+e seaside last .ear/ 3</ S+e RrunS to t+e door t+e moment s+e +eard t+e bell/ 3D/ 68 ?+en s+e reac+ed t+e door, t+e bell RringS still/ 3:/ !+e. Rfl.S to $onstantza last nig+t/ 38/ #ic+ael missed t+e flig+t/ !+e plane RtaAe offS >+en +e arrived at t+e airport/ 37/ !+e +ouse RburnS >+en >e came out/ 34/ #ar. RtalAS al>a.s about fas+ion and t+is anno.ed +er friends/ 6G/ !+e 5rants RliveS in 2raov >+en I met t+em/ 63/ (ire at 5rand -otel last nig+t/ ?illiam 2arnes RseeS it as +e R>alAS past/ 66/ -e R>aAeS t+e porter and t+en Rp+oneS t+e fire brigade/ 6*/ )fter t+at t+e. R>aAeS t+e +otel guests >+o RsleepS in t+eir rooms/ 6</ #argaret 'avidson >+o Rsta.S in a room on t+e first floor, RgetS frig+tened and R&umpS out of a >indo>/ 6D/ #ar. Stevens, from t+e same room, RgetS badl. burnt >+ile s+e RrunS do>n t+e stairs and RbeS taAen to +ospital/ 6:/ Soon t+e fire brigade RarriveS/ 68/ ,ne fireman RbreaAS +is leg >+en +e Rtr.S to get into t+e building/ =obod. else >as +urt/ 67/ (inall. t+e. RputS out t+e fire/ 64/ 5eorge and -arr. Rpla.S tennis .esterda. >+en it started to rain/ *G/ 5eorge >ent +ome, but -arr. RdecideS to go out in t+e car/ *3/ -e >as driving along t+e street >+en +e RseeS #argaret, a friend from >orA/ *6/ ?+ile #argaret RlooAS at a s+op >indo>, -arr. called +er name/ **/ #argaret RgetS into t+e car and t+e. talAed for a long time/ *</ !+e. Rstill, talAS >+en a policeman arrived and s+o>ed -arr. t+e Y=o ParAingZ sign/ *D/ Eust as t+e policeman R>riteS do>n t+e number of -arr.@s car +e R+earS a scream/ *:/ -e looAed up and RseeS an old lad. >+o RcrossS t+e road/ *8/ ) big dog RbarAS at +er fiercel./ *7/ )s t+e policeman RcrossS t+e

road to c+ase t+e dog a>a., -arr. and #argaret RdriveS a>a. in t+e carU *4/ ?+at [ .ou RdoS .esterda. afternoon >+en I Rp+oneS .ouV <G/ ?+at time [ .ou Rp+oneS meV (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ >ent 6/ >ere >atc+ing */ invited </ >rote D/ >as reading :/ >as >riting 8/ asAed 7/ >as reading 4/ sa> 3G/ >as s+ining 33/ drove 36/ >as getting 3*/ spent 3</ ran 3D/ >as still ringing 3:/ fle> 38/ ?as taAing off 37/ >as burning 34/ >as al>a.s talAing 6G/ >ere living 63/ sa>, >as >alAing 66/ >oAe, p+oned 6*/ >oAe, >ere sleeping 6</ >as, got, &umped 6D/ got, >as running, >as 6:/ arrived 68/ broAe, >as 67/ put 64/ >ere *G/ decided *3/ sa> *6/ >as 67 looAing **/ got *</ >ere still talAing *D/ >as >riting, +eard *:/ sa>, >as crossing *8/ >as barAing *7/ >as crossing, drove *4/ >ere .ou doing, p+oned <G/ did .ou p+one IV. '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8(' '8?S8 SIM>:8 @ '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8(' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8(' '8?S8 SIM>:8 =orm (orma i perfectul prezent cu prezentul lui /a"e B $artici$iu trecut Participiul trecut al verbelor regulate are aceeai form ca trecutul simpluI infiniti" B 6e#/ Participiul trecut al verbelor neregulate variaz i trebuie memorat/ Afirmati" I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have >orAed -e W s+e W it has >orAed ?egati"

I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have not >orAed -e W s+e W it has not >orAed Interogati" /ave I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAedV /as +e W s+e W it >orAedV Interogati" negati": /ave t+e. not Rhaven"t t+e.S >orAedV /as s+e not Rhasn"t t+e.S >orAedV =orme contra!e I +ave I@ve; .ou +ave .ou@ve; +e +as +e@s; s+e +as s+e@s; +ave not0 +aven@t; +as not +asn@t 64 Utilizare , ac iune anterioar momentului prezent poate fi exprimat atat prin Past !ense cat i prin Present Perfect !ense/ 'ar, in timp ce Past !ense prezint o ac iune fr nici o referin la momentul prezent, Present Perfect leag ac iunea din trectut cu prezentul/ Prezentul perfect simplu se foloseteI %. $entru o ac5iune in trecut, nu ne intere!eaz momentul in care a a"ut loc ci rezultatele ei in $rezent: I have visited an interesting museum/ RI still remember t+e t+ings seen t+ereS 0. $entru o ac5iune care continu in $rezent )i, $oate, "a continua )i in "iitor: #an. pupils have learnt in t+is sc+ool/ Rin t+e past, some c+ildren learnt +ere, in t+e present ot+ers are learning and, of course, in t+e future, ot+er pupils >ill learn +ere, tooS */ $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune com$let intr6un trecut foarte

a$ro$iat #e $rezent. Se folo!e)te cu: just, lately, recently+ of late, latterly, till no), up to no), so far, up to the present, during the last )ee&, the last fe) days, these t)enty minutes+ etc/ !+e train has just left/ ?e have not seen EacA lately/ </ $entru a #e!emna o ac5iune care !e #e!f)oar intr6o $erioa# #e tim$ incom$let. Se folo!e)te cu: today, this )ee&, this month, this year, all day, all night, this night, etc/ 1ast >eeA >e >rote t+ree letters, but t+is >eeA >e have )ritten onl. one/ 'ac this morning, all night, all evening exprim o perioad de timp complet, atunci folosim Past !enseI I have seen a good film t+is morning/ R>e are before 36 o@clocA at noonS I sa) a good film t+is morning/ R>e are in t+e afternoon or in t+e eveningS D/ cu ho) long $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune care !e e3tin#e $an in $rezent: -o) long have .ou been illV R.ou are still illS 'ar cand este vorba doar de o ac iune in trecut, avemI *G -o) long did .ou sta. in 1ondon last .earV -o) long +ad .ou Ano>n +im >+en +e diedV :/ cu a#e"erbe #e frec"en5: ever, never, often, seldom, al)ays, several times: ?e have never visited =e> FprA/ -ave .ou ever been to t+e =ort+ PoleV

8/ cu a#"erbele already i yet :a interogati" $ot a$rea aman#ou, lready e3$rim !ur$riza c ac5iunea !6a #e!f)urat #e+a: -ave .ou got up alreadyV (u yet "rem ! aflm #ac ac5iunea !6a terminat !au nu: -ave .ou got up yetV lready $oate ! a$ar in $ro$ozi5ii afirmati"e: !+e student has already translated t+e lesson/ In $ro$ozi5ii negati"e, yet are sensul de nu nc: )lbert has not learnt t+e poem yet/ 7/ cu since )i for. Since arat momentul, $unctul, can# ince$e ac5iunea care !e e3tin#e $an in $rezent. Se tra#uce in limba roman $rin din+ de la+ de cnd: !+e. have not seen )lice since 3474 W $+ristmas W s+e >ent to 1ondon/ .or e3$rim $erioa#a #e tim$ care continu $an in $rezent. In limba roman !e tra#uce $rin de atta/timp: !+ese bo.s have been +ere for +alf an +our/ L. $entru ac5iuni trecute, fr men5ionarea tim$ului: -as Peter had lunc+V %M. in ziare, )tiri #e tele"iziune, $entru a intro#uce o ac5iune care "a fi #e!cri! $rin >a!t 'en!e: ) terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group of c+ildren and &illed t+ree of t+em/ ?ot Go i be sunt diferite ca sensI

!on. /a! gone to ForA/ Ra plecat i e inc plecatS !on. /a! been to ForA/ Ra fost in vizit in ForA i acum s0a intorsS *3 '98 >R8S8?' >8R=8(' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US =orm (orma i timpul perfect prezent continuu cu $erfectul $rezent al lui to be B 6ing Afirmati" I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have been >orAing -e W s+e W it has been >orAing ?egati" I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. have not been >orAing -e W s+e W it has not been >orAing Interogati" /ave I W .ou W >e W .ou W t+e. been >orAing /as -e W s+e W it been >orAing Interogati" negati": /ave I not Rhaven"t IS been >orAingV /as s+e not Rhasn"t s+eS been >orAingV =orme contra!e: I +ave I@ve; +e +as +e@s; I +ave not +aven@t; +e +as not +asn@t &e re5inutJ ;nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue/ I have &no)n Eim for five .ears/ S+e has loved .ou since t+at da./ Utilizare Prezentul perfect continuu se foloseteI 3/ $entru ac5iuni care au ince$ut in trecut )i continu $an in

momentul $rezent: I have been )aiting for an +our and t+e museum +as still not openedU 0. $une accentul $e #urat, $e continuitatea ac5iunii in $rezent: *6 #ar. has been )atering t+e flo>ers for +alf an +our/ Rs+e is still doing t+e &obS ;rmtoarele verbe se folosesc frecvent la perfectul prezent continuuI e3$ect, learn, /o$e, li"e, !lee$, loo-, !it, rain, !tan#, !tay, teac/, !tu#y, *or-, *aitI I have been learning Englis+ since I >as a c+ild/ (om$ara5i urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii: I +ave been drinAing tea since D o@clocA/ Rac iune neintreruptS I +ave drunA t+ree cups of tea since D o@clocA/ Rcate ceti de ceai numrulS 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu !au $rezentul $erfect: 3/ I RliveS in t+is cit. all m. life/ #. parents come R+ere >+en t+e. >ere ver. .oung/ 6/ It RrainS ver. muc+ in t+is region in t+e spring, but it Rnot rainS muc+ ever since/ */ ?e RseeS t+e famous -eroes@ #onument several times so far/ !+e last time >e RseeS it >as t>o >eeAs ago/ </ #r/ #artin Rteac+S Englis+ from t+ree o@clocA to six o@clocA/ -e@s no longer in t+e sc+ool/ -e RleaveS +alf an +our ago/ D/ ?e R+aveS a test almost ever. da. t+is >eeA/ ?e R+aveS t+e first test on #onda. morning/ :/ !+e >eat+er RbeS terrible ever since last Sunda./ It RrainS ever. da. t+is >eeAU 8/ !+e plumber RbeS +ere for t+e

past t>o >eeAs/ -e RrepairS t+e radiators in all t+e rooms/ 7/ ?e RlearnS a great deal of Englis+ since >e RcomeS to t+is sc+ool/ 4/ ,ur grandmot+er RbeS >it+ us for t+e last t+ree mont+s/ S+e RgoS a>a. t+is morning/ #ot+er R+elpS +er >it+ +er pacAing before s+e left/ 3G/ I RreadS man. booAs on cooAing and no> I can cooA a lot of dis+es/ 33/ #r/ 5rant R+aveS a car for .ears but +e Rnever driveS at nig+t/ 36/ #ar. RmaAeS a lot of friends recentl./ 3*/ !om al>a.s Rpla.S in t+e parA in front of +is +ouse >+en +e >as .oung/ 3</ #r/ Plumb R+aveS a lot of trouble >it+ +is car latel./ -e RrepairS it t>ice so far/ 3D/ YFou RmeetS )nnVZ YFes, >e RmeetS at t+e sc+ool festival t>o >eeAs ago/Z 3:/ #r/ 2arton is not +ere/ -e RgoS out of to>n for t+e >eeAend/ 38/ !+is famous >riter R>riteS several novels and last .ear +e R>riteS a successful pla./ 37/ !+e guests R+aveS a good time ever since t+eir ** arrival/ !+e. RarriveS b. plane t+ree da.s ago/ 34/ !+e students RstartS t+e exercise at 7 o@clocA/ !+e. Rnot finis+S it .et/ 6G/ I RtaAeS a lot of p+otograp+s t+is +olida. but t+e. are not as good as t+ose I RtaAeS last +olida./ 63/ #argaret Rbu.S a prett. dress for +er birt+da. part./ S+e Rbu.S it at t+e ;nirea department store/ 66/ #. friend #ic+ael is in +ospital because +e RbreaAS +is legI +e RbreaAS it t>o >eeAs ago in a car accident/ 6*/ I@m sorr., I RforgetS +is telep+one number/ 6</ I RreadS nearl. all Ivasiuc@s novels/ 1ast >eeA I RstartS to read ^!+e ?ater@ and I nearl. Rfinis+S it no>/ 'uring t+e >inter +olida. I RreadS ^!+e 2irds@/ 6D/ ;p to no> I RunderstandS ever. lesson in t+e booA/ 6:/ =o one RfindS 2arbara@s glasses .et/ S+e RloseS t+em during t+e P+.sical Education lesson/ 68/ ?e RreceiveS +is telegram at six o@clocA .esterda./ ?e Ralread., sendS +im a special deliver. repl./ 67/ I Rpa.S

t+e telep+one bill at t+e beginning of t+e mont+/ 64/ 5randfat+er Rnever, fl.S in a plane before/ !+is mont+ +e Rfl.S t>ice/ *G/ #r/ #artin is m. Englis+ teac+er/ -e Rteac+S in our sc+ool for five .ears/ -e RgraduateS from t+e ;niversit. in 348G/ >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu, $rezentul $erfect !im$lu !au continuu: 3/ Since #ic+ael last RvisitS me, +e RbeS to man. places/ 6/ 'an R>aitS for -enr. since eig+t o@clocA/ It@s no> +alf past eig+t, but -enr. Rnot arriveS .et/ */ ?+ere R.ou, beS all t+is morningV It@s nearl. noon no>/ </ ?+ere RbeS Paul t+is morningV I rang +im up several times before noon/ D/ I Rnever, readS suc+ a good booA as t+is/ :/ #r/ 2ro>n RtellS ?illiam to go to t+e grocer@s since breaAfast, but +e Rnot goS .et/ 8/ R.ou, ever, seeS an. bearsV 7/ )s soon as I RdoS m. +ome>orA I@ll >atc+ television and t+en I^ll go to bed/ 4/ I RAno>S Peter for .ears; as a matter of fact I RAno>S +im since I RbeS a little c+ild/ 3G/ Please excuse t+e disorder in t+e +ouse/ I RmoveS furniture/ 33/ -o> long R.ou >atc+S televisionV ?e R>atc+S television since eig+t o@clocA, but >e RtalAS most of t+e time/ 36/ I still Rnot mendS t+e dress I RtearS last >eeA/ 3*/ I Rp+oneS .ou for at least t>o +ours/ ?+ere R.ou, beSV 3</ ?e R>atc+S t+e !" programme several times t+is >eeA/ 3D/ R.ou, meetS 'oris at five o@clocA on #onda.V Fes, I RdoS, but I Rnot meetS +er since/ 3:/ !+e bab. Rcr.S for at least t>ent. minutes/ -e Rcr.S a lot recentl./ 38/ ?e Rnot receiveS an. letter from +im .et but >e Ralread., getS a p+one call/ 37/ ?+at R.ou, doS >it+ m. +andbagV It RbeS +ere a *< moment ago/ 34/ Eim Roften, tr.S to &ump over t+e >all/ 6G/ #r/ 2ro>n R>orAS on +is report since +e RcomeS in/

(/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ +ave lived, came 6/ rained, +asn@t rained */ +ave seen, sa> </ taug+t, left D/ +ave +ad, +ad :/ -as been, +as rained 8/ +as been, +as repaired 7/ +ave learnt, came 4/ +as been, >ent, +elped 3G/ +ave read 33/ +as +ad, +as never driven 36/ +as made 3*/ pla.ed 3</ +as +ad, +as repaired 3D/ +ave .ou met, met 3:/ +as gone 38/ +as >ritten, >rote 37/ +ave +ad, arrived 34/ started, +aven@t finis+ed it .et 6G/ +ave taAen, tooA 63/ +as boug+t, boug+t 66/ +as broAen, broAe 6*/ +ave forgotten 6</ +ave read, started, +ave finis+ed, read 6D/ +ave understood 6:/ +as found, lost 68/ received, +ave alread. sent 67/ paid 64/ +as never flo>n, +as flo>n *G/ +as taug+t, graduated 3/ visited, +as been 6/ +as been >aiting, +as not arrived */ +ave .ou been </ >as D/ +ave never read :/ +as been telling, +asn@t gone 8/ +ave .ou ever seen 7/ +ave done 4/ +ave Ano>n, +ave Ano>n, >as 3G/ +ave been moving 33/ +ave .ou been >atc+ing, +ave been >atc+ing, +ave been talAing 36/ +aven@t mended, tore 3*/ +ave been p+oning, +ave .ou been 3</ +ave >atc+ed 3D/ did .ou meet, did, +aven@t met 3:/ +as been, +as cried 38/ +aven@t received, +ave alread. got 37/ +ave .ou done, >as 34/ +as often tried 6G/ +as been >orAing, came V. '98 >AS' >8R=8(' '8?S8 SIM>:8 @ '98 >AS' >8R=8(' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US '98 >AS' >8R=8(' '8?S8 SIM>:8 (orma i mai mult ca perfectul cu /a# B $artici$iul trecut =orm Afirmati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had >orAed/ ?egati" *D

I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had not >orAed/ Interogati" /ad I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAedV Interogati" negati": /ad I not Rhadn"t IS >orAedV =orme contra!e: I +ad, .ou +ad I@d, .ou@d; +adn not +adn@t Utilizare #ai mult ca perfectul simplu se foloseteI %. ca ec/i"alentul trecut al >rezentului $erfect @ e3$rim o ac5iune care are loc inaintea unei alte ac5iuni #in trecut: !+e bo. explained t+at +e had seen somebod. in t+e garden/ ?+en fat+er came +ome, 'icA had done +is +ome>orA/ ,bserva i folosirea adverbelor */en, before, no* t/at, a! !oon a! i after in unele propozi ii care con in mai mult ca perfectul/ 'icA had done +is +ome>orA before fat+er came +ome/ 0. $entru a e3$rima #urata $an la un anumit moment in trecut: 0y the time t+e rain started, >e had dug t+e >+ole garden/ */ cu just, already, hardly, barely, scarcely )i no sooner $entru a arta c o ac5iune !6a terminat c/iar inaintea unei alte ac5iuni #in trecut: #ar. told us t+at +er brot+er had just left/ I had hardly1scarcely entered t+e room >+en somebod. AnocAed at t+e door/ </ cu since )i for can# $unctul #e referin5 e!te in trecut: In 347G I had been a teacher for ten years/ I Ane> s+e had not seen +im since 2hristmas/ K. $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune "iitoare care are loc inaintea unei alte ac5iuni e3$rimate #e =uture6in6t/e $a!t:

I told m. friend t+at I >ould lend +im t+e booA after I had read it/ *: :/ cu "erbe ca to e(pect, to hope, to intend, to mean, to thin& $entru a e3$rima o !$eran5, inten5ie, #in trecut care nu !6a in#e$linit: I had hoped1 intended1 meant to find ticAets for t+at performance but I >asn@t able to/ '98 >AS' >8R=8(' '8?S8 (7?'I?U7US (orma i mai mult ca perfectul continuu cu /a# been B 6ing =orm Afirmati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had been >orAing/ ?egati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. had not been >orAing/ Interogati" /ad I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. been >orAingV Interogati" negati": /ad I not Rhadn"t IS been >orAingV =orme contra!e I +ad, .ou +ad I@d +ad, .ou@d +ad; +ad not +adn@t &e re5inutJ ;nele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpul continuu/ Rvezi pagina 37034S Utilizare #ai mult ca perfectul continuu se foloseteI *8 3/ $entru a !ublinia continuitatea unei ac5iuni #in trecut $an la un alt moment #in trecut !au #oar $an foarte a$roa$e #e el: !+e pupils had been reading t+e lesson for five minutes >+en t+e

sc+ool master entered t+e classroom/ 83$rimarea unor ac5iuni obi)nuite !au re$etate in trecut )c iunile obinuite sau repetate legate de o perioad de timp din trecut se pot exprima folosindI %. trecutul !im$lu: #. fat+er al>a.s got up at da.breaA/ 6/ u!e# to B infiniti": #. fat+er used to get up at da.breaA/ 4. *oul# B infiniti": #. fat+er )ould get up at da.breaA/ A. mai mult ca $erfectul $oate e3$rima o ac5iune #in trecut re$etat, care a #urat $an la un moment #at: #. fat+er had been getting up at da.breaA until +is accident/ Aten5ieJ @ ?u confun#a5i used to 0 infinitiv cu to be used to 0 -ingJ 'r/ =elson used to )or& late/ Robicei in trecutS 'r/ =elson is used to )or&ing late/ Robicei in prezentS 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la trecutul !im$lu, mai mult ca $erfectul !im$lu !au continuu: 3/ 2. t+e time -elen Rreac+S t+e store, s+e RforgetS >+at s+e >anted to bu./ 6/ !+e ground RbeS >et because it RrainS for five da.s/ */ (irst t+e >eat+er RbeS fine/ 1ater it RstartS to rain/ !+en >e RdecideS to go bacA +ome/ </ #ic+ael RfeelS rat+er un>ell for a fe> da.s so +e RgoS to see +is doctor/ D/ 2. t+e end of last .ear t+e. Rstud.S Englis+ for six .ears/ :/ Festerda. #ar. RtellS +er mot+er about a beautiful dress s+e RseeS a fe> +ours earlier/ 8/ ?+en Step+en t+e 5reat RdieS in 3DG<, +e RreignS *7

for <8 .ears/ 7/ !+e part. >as a great success/ !om RfeelS +appier t+an +e Rever, feelS before/ 4/ 2ill RgoS to t+e police station >it+ a purse +e RfindS on t+e pavement/ 3G/ ?e R>aitS for more t+an +alf an +our but t+ere >as still no sign of #ar./ 33/ ?+en I Rp+oneS 5erald, +e Rnot finis+S +is +ome>orA .et/ 36/ -e R>riteS to sa. t+at +e R&ust, bu.S a car/ 3*/ )fter t+e. Rpla.S records for an +our t+e. Rgo outS for a >alA/ 3</ Sall. >as still singing at noon .esterda./ S+e RsingS all morning/ 3D/ Patricia RdesignS +erself a summer dress .esterda./ S+e Rnever, designS clot+es for +erself before/ 3:/ I RseeS )lice .esterda. afternoon/ S+e RtellS me s+e R&ust, comeS bacA from +er +olida./ 38/ !+e telep+one RringS again a fe> minutes ago/ It RringS several times during t+e da./ 37/ !+e brass bands Rpla.S ever since t+e first people RgetS into t+e parA/ 34/ 2. t+e time >e RgetS to t+e cinema, t+e film Ralread., beginS/ 6G/ #r/ ?ood RdriveS a fe> Ailometers before +e RrealizeS t+at one of +is t.res >as flat/ 63/ )lice >as reading >+en +er parents RcomeS +ome from >orA/ S+e RreadS for t>o +ours/ S+e RreadS fift. pages/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ reac+ed, +ad forgotten 6/ >as, +ad been raining */ >as, started, decided </ -ad been feeling, >ent D/ +ad been :/ told, +ad seen 8/ died, +ad reigned 7/ felt, +ad ever felt 4/ >ent, +ad found 3G/ +ad been >aiting 33/ p+oned, +adn@t finis+ed 36/ >rote, +ad &ust boug+t 3*/ pla.ed, >ent out 3</ +ad been singing 3D/ designed, +ad never designed 3:/ sa>, told, +ad &ust come 38/ rang, +ad rung 37/ +ad been, got 34/ got, +ad alread. begun 6G/ +ad driven, realized 63/ came, +ad been reading, +ad read VI. '98 =U'URI'N

Exist mai multe modalit i de exprimare a ac iunilor viitoare/ )legerea unei anumite modalit i depinde de felul ac iunii viitoareI planificat, inten ionat, ateptat, iminent sau dac face parte dintrun program/ *4 %. '98 SIM>:8 =U'UR8 =orm (orma i viitorul cu !/all W*ill B infiniti" fr to Afirmati" I W >e shall >orA .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will >orA ?egati" I W >e shall not >orA .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not >orA Interogati" 1hall I W >e >orAV .ill .ou W +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. >orAV Interogati" negati": 1hall I not Rshan"t IS >orAV .ill .ou not Rwon"t .ouS >orAV .ill +e not Rwon"t +eS >orAV =orme contra!e I s+all I@ll; .ou >ill .ou@ll; +e >ill +e@ll; >e s+all >e@ll ?ot 'eoarece in limba vorbit will il inlocuiete pe shall, tendin a actual este de inlocuire a lui shall cu will c+iar i in scris/ Utilizare "iitorul simplu se foloseteI %. $entru a e3$rima o reac5ie !au #ecizie !$ontan !au

ne$lanificat, fcut la momentul "orbirii: #ar., t+e p+one is ringing/ ,+/ Is itV ,*ll ans)er it/ I@m too tired to go out tonig+t/ I t+inA ,*ll stay +ome/ ?ot <G Pentru deciziile neplanificate, fcute in momentul vorbirii, se folosete viitorul simplu/ Pentru referirile ulterioare la aceste decizii se folosete prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor sau forma cu going to in locul viitorului cu will/ 6/ $entru e"enimente $robabile in "iitor: $entru a tran!mite ceea ce "orbitorul tie, crede, sper, presupune, se teme, se ndoie te, se a teapt s, se ntreab dac tie c !e "a intam$la: )fter t+is rain. summer, I e(pect t+e +arvest )ill be good/ I +ope 1ucA. Eim )ill )in, I@ve bet 3GG _ on +im/ 4. $entru a $rezice e"enimente "iitoare: 2. t+e .ear 6GDG >e )ill all be driving electric cars/ A. $entru a te oferi ! faci ce"a: I can@t do m. +ome>orA/ 'on@t >orr./ ,*ll help you/ $entru a acce$ta !au refuza ! faci ce"a: $an .ou give me a lift to t+e station tomorro> morningV ,f course, ,*ll pic& you up at 7/*G/ $entru a $romite c faciO nu faci ce"a: ,*ll say hello to Bat+. for .ou/ , )on*t tell an.bod. about >+at +appened last nig+t/ $entru a cera cui"a ! fac ce"a: I@m to do some >orA/ %ill .ou be 3uiet, pleaseV ?ot

.ill not Rsau won"tS se folosete adesea pentru a exprima o inten ie negativ foarte clarI -e )on*t move +is car X -e refuses to move +is car/ ?ot .ill se folosete cu adverbe de probabilitate, cum suntI probably, perhaps, certainlyI !+e factor. >orAers )ill probably get a pa. increase t+is .ear/ ?ot 1hall se poate folosi pentru sugestii sau oferte la persoana I singular i plural shall I 23 1hall we 23 ?+ere shall , put t+ese boxesV RX >+ere do .ou suggest I put t+emVS Shall )e go no>V <3 R!$un!uri !curte )i interoga5ii #i!+uncti"e Pentru a forma rspunsuri scurte, lui yes sau no li se poate aduga structura subiect 0 will ?ill it breaA if I sit on itV Fes, it will/ 0. '98 =U'UR8 (7?'I?U7US ;neori se mai numete i viitorul progresiv/ =orm (orma i viitorul continuu cu !/all O*ill be B Cing Afirmati" I W >e shall be >orAing FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will be >orAing ?egati" I W >e shall not be >orAing

FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not be >orAing Interogati" 1hall I W >e be >orAingV .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. be >orAingV Interogati" negati": 1hall I not Rshan"t IS be >orAingV .ill .ou not Rwon"t .ouS be >orAingV .ill +e not Rwon"t +eS be >orAingV Utilizare "iitorul continuu se foloseteI %. $entru a e3$rima ac5iuni in #e!f)urare in "iitor, can# tim$ul e!te men5ionat !au #e#u!: #argaret )ill be )earing +er usual red dress at t+e part. on Saturda. nig+t/ <6 !+is time next >eeA ,*ll be lying on a +ot sunn. beac+/ ?+at )ill you be doingV 0. $entru a e3$rima ce"a care a fo!t #e+a $lnuit !au #eci!, fr inten5ia "orbitorului )i fr a !e men5iona un tim$ anume: ,*ll be going to t+e ne>sagent@s soon/ $an I get .ou a ne>spaperV 4. $entru a intreba $olitico! #e!$re $lanurile altora. Acea!t form !ugereaz c #orim ! ne $otri"im cu $lanurile celeilalte $er!oane, nu ! le !c/imbm: %ill you be using .our car t+is eveningV =o, >+.V $ould I borro> itV 4. '98 =U'UR8 >8R=8(' SIM>:8 =orm (orma i viitorul perfect cu !/all O *ill B /a"e B $artici$iul trecut Afirmati"

I W >e shall have >orAed FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will have >orAed ?egati" I W >e shall not have >orAed FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not have >orAed Interogati" 1hall I W >e have >orAedV .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. have >orAedV Interogati" negati": 1hall I not Rshan"t IS have >orAedV .ill .ou not Rwon"t .ouS have >orAedV .ill +e not Rwon"t +eS have >orAedV Utilizare "iitorul perfect se foloseteI <* %. $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune care !e "a fi $etrecut #e+a $an la un anumit moment #in "iitor. 8!te im$ortant men5ionarea momentului: I )ill have retired from >orA by the time I@m :D/ EacA is running for t+e 7/3G train/ -e looAs at +is >atc+; it@s no> 7/36/ -e t+inAs to +imself, it@s useless running, t+e train )ill have left by now/ A. '98 =U'UR8 >8R=8(' (7?'I?U7US =orm (orma i viitorul perfect continuu cu !/all O *ill B /a"e been B Cing Afirmati" I W >e shall have been >orAing FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will have been >orAing ?egati"

I W >e shall not have been >orAing FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. will not have been >orAing Interogati" 1hall I W >e have been >orAingV .ill .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. have >orAedV Interogati" negati": 1hall I not Rshan"t IS have been >orAingV .ill .ou not Rwon"t .ouS have been >orAingV .ill +e not Rwon"t +eS have been >orAingV Utilizare "iitorul perfect continuu se foloseteI %. $entru a e3$rima fa$tul c o ac5iune !e "a afla inc in #e!f)urare la un anumit moment in "iitor: !+e. )ill have been building t+at +ouse for 6 .ears next $+ristmas/ ?ot 'iferen a dintre timpurile perfect prezent i timpurile viitoare perfecteI << 4erfect pre*ent simplu& #r/ \ #rs/ (ox have &no)n eac+ ot+er for 8 .ears/ 5iitorul perfect simplu& #r/ \ #rs/ (ox )ill have &no)n eac+ ot+er for 7 .ears next )pril/ CCCCCCCCCCC.. H year! $a!t no* CCCCCCCCCCC.. H year! CC I year! $a!t no* ne3t A$ril 4re*ent perfect continuu&

#r/ \ #rs/ (ox have been living toget+er for 8 .ears/ 5iitorul perfect continuu& #r/ \ #rs/ (ox )ill have been living toget+er for 7 .ears next )pril/ K. '98 =U'UR86I?6'986>AS' SIM>:8 =orm (orma i viitorul in trecut simplu cu !/oul# O *oul# B infiniti"ul !curt Afirmati" I W >e should >orA FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would >orA ?egati" I W >e should not >orA FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would not >orA Interogati" 1hould I W >e >orAV .ould .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. >orAV Interogati" negati": 1hould I not Rshouldn"t IS >orAV .ould .ou not Rwouldn"t .ouS >orAV Utilizare "iitorul in trecut se foloseteI <D %. $entru a e3$rima o ac5iune "iitoare "zut #intr6un $unct #e "e#ere trecut. Se folo!e)te in $ro$ozi5ii !ubor#onate com$leti"e #irecte: S+e told me t+at s+e )ould go t+ere soon/ G. '98 =U'UR86I?6'986>AS' (7?'I?U7US =orm (orma i viitorul in trecut continuu cu !/oul# O *oul# B be B

$artici$iul $rezent Afirmati" I W >e should be >orAing FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would be >orAing ?egati" I W >e should not be >orAing FouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. would not be >orAing Interogati" 1hould I W >e be >orAingV .ould .ouW +e W s+e W it W .ou W t+e. be >orAingV Interogati" negati": 1hould I not Rshouldn"t IS be >orAingV .ould .ou not Rwouldn"t .ouS be >orAingV Utilizare "iitorul in trecut continuu se foloseteI %. $entru a e3$rima un "iitor continuu #intr6un $unct #e "e#ere trecut: !+e >oman assured us t+at, in less t+an +alf an +our, +er bab. )ould be sleeping/ H. '7 B8 '7 =U'UR8 <: Utilizare "iitorul cu to be to se foloseteI %. $entru ce"a care e!te #e!tinat ! !e intam$le: !+e famous tennis began t+e matc+ in >+ic+ he )as to brea& +is arm/ 0. $entru un $lan !au un aran+ament oficial: !+e President )as to arrive at 3G o@clocA/

4. $entru "oin5a unei $er!oane, alta #ecat "orbitorul: !+is bad ne>s is to be given to +im after +is exam/ A. $entru o #atorie: ?+at exercises are )e to doV K. $entru o $o!ibilitate, $robabilitate: Prices are to be muc+ +ig+er soon/ I. '7 B8 AB7U' '7 =U'UR8 Utilizare "iitorul cu to be about to se foloseteI 3/ $entru a e3$rima ce"a care e pe punctul #e a !e intam$la: ,ur guests are about to leave/ I am about to go to t+e seaside L. '7 B8 G7I?G '7 =U'UR8 ('/e ?ear =uture) =orm Se formeaz cu to be B going to B infiniti" Afirmati" I am W .ou areO +e, s+e, it isW >e, .ou, t+e. are going to >orA ?egati" I am W .ou areW +e, s+e, it isW >e, .ou, t+e. are not going to >orA Interogati" 6m I W are .ou W is +e, s+e, it W are >e, .ou, t+e. going to >orAV <8 Interogati" negati": 6m I not Raren"t IS going to >orAV 6re .ou not Raren"t .ouS going to >orAV Is +e not Risn"t +eS going to >orAV Utilizare (orma cu going to se foloseteI %. $entru a e3$rima inten5ia #e a face in "iitor ce"a ce nu a fo!t

aran+at #ar $robabil !e "a intam$la: Eim and Sue are going to move to 1iverpool >+en t+e. finis+ t+eir training/ Sara+ and Eo+n are going to get married next .ear/ 6/ $entru a $rezice o intam$lare in "iitor: )cest timp se folosete pentru a exprima ceea ce credem c se va intampla, in special atunci cand ceva din situa ia prezent indic un rezultat in viitorul imediat/ !impul nu este de obicei men ionat/ 1ooA +o> fast t+ose cars are moving/ !+ere is going to be an accident/ !+at little girl isn@t looAing >+ere s+e@s going/ S+e is going to )al& into t+at tree/ */ forma cu >asW>ere going to e folo!it $entru a e3$rima o inten5ie #in trecut care nu !6a realizat: I )as going to phone .ou last nig+t but I fell asleep in front of t+e !" #. parents )ere going to go to Scotland for t+eir +olida.s but t+e. c+anged t+eir minds and >ent to Ireland instead/ 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la forma corect folo!in# will !au going to: 3/ !+e fire +as gone out/ ,+, .esU I RgoS and get some >ood/ 6/ ?+at are .ou doing >it+ t+at panV I RgetS lunc+ read./ */ #r/ 'o.le +as &ust arrived/ ,+, good, I RmeetS +im at t+e lift/ </ I +aven@t boug+t an. cigarettes because I Rtr.S to give up smoAing/ D/ I@ve got a +ole in m. trousers/ 5ive t+em to me/ I RmendS t+em for .ou/ :/ 1ooA >+at I boug+t at t+e auction t+is morningU -o> nice, >+ere R.ouW putS itV 8/

<7 'id .ou post t+at letter for meV I completel. forgot/ I RdoS it no>/ 7/ ?+at >ould .ou liAe to drinAI red or >+ite >ineV I R+aveS red, please/ 4/ I see .ou are >earing .our overalls/ [R.ouWfixS .our carV 3G/ -ave .ou booAed t+e flig+tV =ot .et, I RdoS it tomorro>/ 33/ I RgoS s+opping later/ Heall., I RcomeS >it+ .ou/ 36/ ?+at R.ouWdoS >+en .ou leave universit.V I don@t Ano> .et; per+aps I RtravelS around Europe for a .ear/ 3*/ Fou looA ex+austed/ Sit do>n and I RmaAeS .ou a cup of tea/ 3</ ?+en R.ouWbu.S a ne> carV !+is one is falling to pieces/ I can@t afford it no>, I Rc+angeS it next .ear >+en I get a pa. rise/ 3D/ R.ouWpassS me t+e salt, pleaseV 3:/ R.ouWparAS m. car for meV 38/ I RmaAeS a cup of coffee, if .ou >is+/ 37/ R.ouWdecorateS t+e >+ole +ouse .ourselfV 34/ 'o .ou >ant me to +elp .ou >it+ t+at mat+s exercisesV =o, t+anAs I RsolveS it m.self/ 6G/ I Rnot bu.S an. more ne> clot+es until I@ve lost five Ailos/ >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la "iitorul !im$lu !au continuu: 3/ !+e >eat+er Rprobabl., beS fine tomorro> so >e RgoS on a trip to t+e seaside/ 6/ ?e RlieS on t+e beac+ and Rs>imS in t+e >ater bet>een 3G and 36 in t+e morning/ */ )t noon >e R+aveS lunc+ in a restaurant on t+e pier/ </ !+en >e R>alAS along t+e s+ore and RlooAS at t+e s+ips for a >+ile/ D/ ?e ReatS ice0creams and RlistenS to t+e brass band bet>een < and D in t+e afternoon/ :/ )bout D o@clocA in t+e afternoon >e RgoS to our car and RdriveS bacA +ome/ 8/ In t+e evening >e RsitS round t+e table in t+e living0room and RtellS &ocAes/ 7/ ?e RgoS to bed about 3G o@clocA/ I@m sure >e R+aveS a good time tomorro>/ >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la forma corect: $rezent, "iitor !au "iitor $erfect:

3/ 2. t+e time t+e >riter RmeetS +is readers, +e R>riteS 6GG pages of +is novel/ 6/ I RgiveS $at+. .our message before .ou RseeS +er/ */ #r/ 2ro>n Rteac+S our class until 3G o@clocA/ 2. 3G/GD +e RleaveS t+e classroom/ </ ?+en fat+er RreturnS from +is trip, >e Ralread., leaveS on +olida./ D/ !+e cooA RprepareS t+e dinner before t+e guests RarriveS/ :/ !+e next time .ou RmeetS 5eorge, +e RbeS an engineer for t>o mont+s/ 8/ ?+en .ou RgoS into t+e office, t+e post Ralread., arriveS/ 7/ !+e. RcloseS t+e s+op b. t+e time .ou RgetS t+ere/ 4/ !+e compan. <4 RdeliverS t+e materials until t+e beginning of t+e #a./ !+e. RdeliverS ever.t+ing b. t+e first of #a./ 3G/ ?+en .ou RseeS EacA next mont+, +e Ralmost, finis+S +is militar. service/ >une5i "erbele #in $arantez la $rezent, $rezentul $erfect, "iitor !au "iitorul $erfect (!im$lu !au continuu): 3/ ?+at R.ou, doS >+en .ou RgraduateSV 6/ 2. next 'ecember, -enr. R>orAS in t+is factor. for t>o .ears and +e RlearnS a lot of useful t+ings/ */ #r/ 2ro>n Rfl.S to )merica tomorro>/ -e ReatS +is lunc+ >+ile +e Rfl.S over t+e ocean/ </ #rs/ 2arton R>aitS in t+e car >+ile +er +usband RgetS t+e petrol/ D/ =ext >eeA m. friends RlieS on t+e beac+ >+ile I R>riteS examination papers/ I R>orAS +ard for a >eeA; >+en I Rfinis+S, I RbeS ex+austed/ :/ I Ralread., +aveS lunc+ b. t+e time .ou RarriveS/ 8/ I RgoS to bed as soon as I Rfinis+S m. >orA/ 7/ I R&ust, comeS bacA from sc+ool b. seven o@clocA tomorro>/ 4/ ?+en I RliveS in t+is district for a fe> mont+s, I RAno>S t+e names of all t+e streets/ 3G/ !+e doctor RoperateS from eig+t to ten in t+e morning; don@t let get into t+e operating t+eatre/ (/eia e3erci5iilor:

T3/ I@ll go 6/ I@m going to get */ I@ll meet </ I@m going to tr. D/ I@ll mend :/ are .ou going to put 8/ I@ll do 7/ I@ll +ave 4/ are .ou going to fix 3G/ I@ll do 33/ I am going to go, I@ll come 36/ are .ou going to do, I@ll travel 3*/ I@ll maAe 3</ are .ou going to bu. 3D/ >ill .ou pass 3:/ >ill .ou parA 38/ I@ll maAe 37/ are .ou going to decorate 34/ I@ll solve 6G/ I@m not going to bu. T 3/ >ill probabl. be fine, >e@ll go 6/ >ill be, >ill be s>imming */ >ill be +aving </ >ill be >alAing, >e@ll looA D/ ?e@ll be eating, >e@ll be listening to :/ ?e@ll go, >e@ll drive 8/ ?e@ll be sitting, >e@ll be telling 7/ ?e@ll go, >e@ll +ave T 3/ meets, >ill +ave >ritten 6/ I@ll give, see */ >ill teac+, >ill +as left </ returns, >ill alread. +ave left D/ >ill prepare, arrive :/ meet, >ill +ave been 8/ go, >ill alread. +ave arrived 7/ >ill +ave closed, get 4/ >ill deliver, >ill +ave delivered 3G/ See, >ill almost +as finis+ed T 3/ are .ou going to do, graduate 6/ >ill +ave been >orAing, >ill +ave learnt */ Is, >e@ll be eating, >ill be </ >ill be >aiting, gets D/ >ill be, I am >riting, I@ll >orA, I@ll finis+, I@ll be DG ex+austed :/ I@ll alread. +ave +ad lunc+, arrive 8/ I@ll go, finis+ 7/ I@ll &ust +ave come bacA 4/ I@ve lived, I@ll Ano> 3G/ >ill be operating "II/ '98 (7?&I'I7?A: M77& A?& '98 I7 896:1; '98 >R8S8?' (7?&I'I7?A: =orm (orma i condi ionalul prezent cu verbul *oul# O !/oul# B infiniti" Afirmati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# 0 >orA ?egati"

I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# not 0 >orA Interogati" ;oul# I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. >orAV ?egati"6Interogati" ;oul# I not W *oul#nDt I W >orAV ;oul# .ou not W *oul#nDt .ou W >orAV =orma contra! I >ould X I@d W .ou >ould X .ou@d -e >ould not X +e >ouldn@t W t+e. >ould not X t+e. >ouldn@t S/oul# poate fi folosit pentru toate persoanele pentru a exprima indatorirea sau sugestiaI I s+ould >orA toda. but I@m too tired/ RdatorieS )lan s+ould >orA +arder to earn more mone./ RsugestieS D3 '98 >8R=8(' (7?&I'I7?A: =orm (orma i condi ionalul perfect cu *oul# O !/oul# B /a"e B $artici$iu trecut Afirmati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# /a"e 0 >orAe# ?egati" I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. *oul# not /a"e 0 >orAe# Interogati" ;oul# I W .ou W +e W s+e W it W >e W .ou W t+e. /a"e 0 >orAe# ?egati"6Interogati" ;oul# I not /a"e R>ouldn@t I +aveS >orAedV Utilizare

!impurile condi ionale se folosescI %. la fel ca "iitorul !im$lu (future6in6t/e6$a!t) can# "erbul $rinci$al e!te la trecut: I thin& +e )ill come/ I thought +e )ould come/ 0. $entru a face referiri la ac5iuni obi)nuite #in trecut: ?+en >e lived in )frica >e )ould often spend our >eeAends in t+e bus+/ ?+en Elena >as a bab. s+e )ould cry all nig+t long/ */ in $ro$ozi5ii !ubor#onate #u$: advise, agree, arrange, ask, beg, command, decide, demand, determine, insist, order, propose, recommend, re<uest, suggest, be anxious, be determined !+e doctor decided Rt+atS t+e patient should +ave +is appendix out/ #r/ ?alAer is an(ious Rt+atS +er son should get t+e &ob/ </ cu it is = was 0 ad)ectiv 0 that2 should D6 ,t*s essential t+at t+e students should get to t+eir lesson on time/ ,t )as strange t+at +e should sa. t+at/ D/ #u$ can"t think, don"t know why !au see no reason why I see no reason )hy >e should >orr./ I don*t &no) )hy m. neig+bour should do t+at/ I can*t thin& )hy (ranA should apologise/ G. cu oferte )i cereri: %ould .ou prefer tea or coffeeV %ould .ou li&e to see m. stamp collectionV ?ot

;oul# rat/erC inseamn a prefera sa I )ould rather +ave coffee t+an tea/ ?e )ould rather taAe t+e bus t+an >alA/ H. in $ro$ozi5ii con#i5ionale Exist trei tipuri de propozi ii condi ionale RI( $luaseS I= (lau!e @ 'i$ul I: $entru a in#ica $robabilitatea =orm (orma i primul tip de propozi ie condi ional cu If 0 pre*ent simplu i will = pre*ent simplu = imperativ 0 infinitiv scurt (in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al) ,f I run, I )ill catc+ t+e train/ S+e smiles if .ou greets +er/ 4ead t+at booA, if .ou find it/ ?ot (orma contras este cea uzual in engleza vorbit/ ,f (ranA doesn*t come, )e*ll start >it+out +im/ ?ot D* Este posibil inversarea subordonatei cu propozi ia principalI ,f I get +ome earl., ,*ll phone .ou/ ,*ll phone .ou, if I get home earl./ Utilizare $ondi ionalul de tip I se folosete astfelI 3/ can# !itua5ia #in $ro$ozi5ia con#i5ional e!te $robabil !au !e $re!u$une c !e "a intam$la. 'ei sensul poate fi de prezent sau viitor, verbul din propozi ia condi ional este intotdeauna la timpul prezent/

!+e vase )ill brea&, if .ou drop it/ %ill .ou get me some milA, if .ou go to t+e supermarAetV 0. "erbele mo#ale $recum can, may, mu!t, !/oul# il inlocuie!c $e *ill in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al: Fou can enter t+e stadium, if .ou +ave a ticAet/ If +e isn@t in, .ou may leave a message/ Eo+n must >orA ver. +ard, if +e >ants to get elected/ If .ou >ant to >ear t+at dress t+is summer, .ou should lose some >eig+t/ 4. cu #ou tim$uri $rezente (unul in fiecare $ro$ozi5ie) $entru a in#ica rezultate automate !au obi)nuin5e: If .ou push t+at button, it comes on/ If .ou mi( red and blue, .ou get purple/ ?ot 1hould poate fi plasat #u$ sau in loc #e if cand vorbim despre o posibilitate mai pu in probabil/ =ota i c subiectul este aezat dup !/oul#/ If I should visit India, I@ll go and see t+e !a& #a+al/ Should I visit India, I@ll go and see t+e !a& #a+al/ ?ot Pentru a indica sfatul, comanda sau cererea, in propozi ia principal se pot folosiI coul#, *oul#, /a# better, oug/t toI 2ill had better get +is +air cut, if +e >ants to get t+at &ob/ I )ould pa. t+e fine, if .ou don@t >ant to get into trouble >it+ t+e police/ D< A. cu tim$uri $rezente alternati"e (continue !au $erfecte) in

$ro$ozi5ia con#i5ional: If .ou are ma&ing a cup of coffee, I@ll have one too/ If t+e c+ildren have finished dinner, I@ll )ash up/ ?ot Unle!! X If C not 5nless it@s a sunn. da. tomorro>, >e >on@t go on t+at picnic X ,f it is not a sunn. da. tomorro>, >e >on@t go on t+at picnic/ 7t/er*i!e X or el!e If .ou don@t stud., .ou@ll fail t+e exam X .ou must stud., other)ise .ou@ll fail t+e exam X .ou must stud., or else .ou@ll fail t+e exam/ I= (lau!e @ 'i$ul II : $entru a in#ica im$robabilitatea !au i$oteza =orm (orma i al doilea tip de propozi ie condi ional cu If 0 past simple i would 0 infinitivul scurt (in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al) If .ou invited +er s+e )ould come/ If .ou did not invite +er s+e )ould not come/ ?ot !ipul II de condi ional se refer la prezent sau la viitor/ !recutul din subordonata condi ional nu are sens de trecut/ Este un con&unctiv care indic improbabilitatea sau ipoteza/ Utilizare $ondi ionalul de tipul II se foloseteI %. can# !itua5ia #in !ubor#onata con#i5ional e!te $u5in $robabil ! !e $etreac !au re$rezint e3$rimarea unei $o!ibilit5i i$otetice: If I )on t+e lotter., I )ould stop >orAing/ Rbut I don@t belive I >inS

DD 0. cu referire la o !itua5ie $rezent !au "iitoare, foarte im$robabil !au ireal: If I )ere you, I@d buy a bigger car/ Rbut I@m not .ouS If t+e distance to t+e train station )ere shorter, I@d )al& t+ere/ Rt+e distance is unliAel. to c+angeS ?ot $on&unctivul verbului to be este were pentru toate persoanele/ !otui, in engleza vorbit auzim uneori was la persoana I i a III0a/ ,f , )as to visit[ ,f it )as a nice da.[ 4. $entru a face o !uge!tie $oliticoa! !au $entru a e3$rima o i$otez $erfect realizabil: If >e go in t>o cars, >e@ll be more comfortable/ If >e )ent in t>o cars, >e@d be more comfortable/ ?ot $ondi ionalul de tipul II este considerat mai politicos pentru a face o sugestie sau a da un sfatI ?ill I catc+ t+e s+ops open, if I runV Fou )ill catch t+em open, if .ou )al&/ Sau mai politicosI Fou )ould catch t+em open, if .ou )al&ed/ A. "erbele mo#ale la un tim$ trecut il $ot inlocui $e *oul#. Sen!urile !e mo#ific in mo# core!$unztor: If #r/ applied for t+e &ob, +e )ould get it/ Rsigur in mod virtualS If #r/ applied for t+e &ob, +e might get it/ RposibilS If #r/ got t+e &ob, +e could start next #onda./ RabilitateS

K. cu forme continue fie in !ubor#onata con#i5ional, fie in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al: If I )eren*t at >orA toda., I )ould be at +ome mo)ing t+e la>n/ If I )ere giving a presentation, I@d use slides/ D: I= (lau!e @ 'i$ul III : $entru a in#ica im$o!ibilitatea =orm (orma i al treilea tip de propozi ie condi ional cu If 0 mai mult ca perfect i would have 0 participiu trecut (in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al) If t+e. +ave invited 'avid +e >ould +ave gone/ (orma contrasI atat I had cat i I would X I"d If t+e.@d invited 'avid, +e@d have gone/ ?ot !ipul III de condi ional se refer la trecut i indic im$o!ibilitatea. Este imposibil indeplinirea ac iunii din $rinci$al pentru c ac iunea din !ubor#onata con#i5ional nu s0a petrecut/ Utilizare $ondi ionalul de tipul III se foloseteI %. can# !itua5ia #in !ubor#onata con#i5ional e!te in trecut, #eci im$o!ibil: If >e had ta&en an umbrella >it+ us last nig+t, >e )ould not have got >et/ R?e didn@t taAe an umbrella last nig+t so >e got >et/S 6/ cu could (cu referire la abilitate !au $ermi!iune) )i might (cu referire la $o!ibilitate) in locul lui would in $ro$ozi5ia $rinci$al: I could have made a caAe, if .ou had told me it >as .our +usband@s birt+da./ RabilitateS

I might have )on t+e s]uas+ game last nig+t, if I hadn*t eaten suc+ a big meal before 4. cu forme continue fie in !ubor#onata con#i5ional fie in $rinci$al: If t+e driver hadn*t been going slo>l., +e )ould have crashed into t+e car in front/ -e )ould have been driving faster, if +e hadn*t realised t+e danger/ ?ot D8 In engleza vorbit tipurile II i III de condi ional apar amestecateI 1ucAil. it didn@t rain/ If it had rained, I )ould be )et no>/ I didn@t pass m. driving test/ If I had passed it, I could be driving m. car no>/ I= 7?:N If only se poate folosi la toate cele trei tipuri de condi ional pentru a sublinia speran a sau regretul ,f only t+e >ind blo)s in t+e rig+t direction, >e@ll get bac& to t+e s+ore safe ans sound/ Rpre*ent > speranS ,f only >e had an engine on t+is boat, >e could get bac& in no time/ Rtrecut simplu > dorinS ,f only >e had ta&en a siren >it+ us, >e could have sent an S/,/S/ Rmai mult ca perfectul > regretS ?ot ;ill O *oul# O coul# O !/oul# i alte verbe modale nu se folosesc de obicei in $ro$ozi5ia con#i5ional/ Exist i excep iiI If .ou would ask +im for me, I would be grateful/ Rsolicitare

politicoasS If m. brot+er would tell me >+. +e@s so upset, per+aps I could help/ Rpentru a indica voin aS If .ou will eat so muc+ all t+e time, .ou are bound to get fat/ Rpentru a indica voin a, incp anareaS ?ot InversiuneI If he had t+e time, +e[ /ad he had t+e time, +e[ 83erci5ii Alege5i should !au would $entru a com$leta !$a5iile in acea!t $o"e!tire: It is onl. fair t+at .ou [/R3S Ano> about -arr.@s past before .ou marr. +im/ ?+en +e >as a c+ild +e [/R6S al>a.s get +imself into trouble and +is fat+er al>a.s insisted t+at +e [/ R*S tell us >+ere +e D7 >as going/ ,nce +e >ent do>n to t+e river to fis+, +e said/ 2ut I could see no reason >+. +e [/R<S taAe +is air0rifle >it+ +im/ I >as so >orried t+at I begged t+at +is fat+er [/RDS follo> +im; +e did &ust t+at and to +is surprise +e sa> t+at -arr. >as s+ooting at t+e fis+ instead of catc+ing t+em >it+ a rod/ -is fat+er >as so furious t+at +e ordered t+at -arr. [/R:S +and +is rifle over to t+e police/ -e said +e [//R8S but >e suspect +e Aept it +idden a>a. some>+ere because >e [//R7S +ear s+ooting in t+e fields ever. no> and t+en/ ?ell m. dear, it is better t+at .ou [//R4S +ear t+ese t+ings before maAing an important decision/ [//R3GS .ou per+aps prefer to meet -arr.@d older brot+erV =o> +e is a completel. different personU

>une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: con#i5ionalul I, II !au III: 3/ ?e RdriveS out of to>n after dinner unless .ou are too tired/ 6/ If I RbeS able to spell correctl., I@d be so +app.U */ If .ou +ad arrived in t+e da.time I RmeetS .ou at t+e station/ </ If .ou Aeep calm, .ou RrememberS >+at to do/ D/ If #r/ 2ro>n RdriveS more carefull. +e >ouldn@t +ave +ad t+e accident/ :/ S+e >ould get too +ot if .ou RcoverS +er up/ 8/ -e >ould +ave Ano>n >+at >as >rong if +e RlooAS at t+e engine/ 7/ If t+e engine +ad been repaired +e Rbe ableS to use t+e car/ 4/ !+e. >ill send .ou t+e spare parts .ou need on condition t+e. RgetS .our order/ 3G/ )n interpreter R+elpS .ou if .ou cannot understand t+e $ustoms officer/ >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: $rezent, "iitor, im$erati" 3/ ;nless 2ett. R+aveS enoug+ mone., s+e Rnot be ableS to bu. t+e s>eater/ 6/ !+e bo.s Rnot goS up t+e mountain tomorro> if it RbeS fogg./ */ If t+e television programme RbeS good on Sunda.s, m. parents al>a.s Rsta.S at +ome and R>atc+S !"/ </ S+e Rbu.S a large car provided s+e R>inS t+e lotter./ D/ If .ou RputS sugar in >arm >ater, it RdissolveS/ >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: 3/ If .ou >ould come >it+ me, I Rs+o>S .ou t+e to>n/ 6/ If I >ere .ou I RbeS more careful/ */ S+e RgetS a &ob as an interpreter on condition s+e Ane> t>o languages >ell/ </ -e >ouldn@t start >orA on t+e pro&ect D4 unless +is manager RagreeS to t+e plan/ D/ If I RAno>S t+is language >ell, I could translate t+e booA into Homanian/

>une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: 3/ "eraI !+anA goodnessU I t+oug+t .ou@d missed it/ 1auraI I ver. nearl. did/ ?+at R.ou, doS if I RmissS itV 6/ "eraI I t+inA I RgetS out of t+e train/ !+en I R>aitS for .ou on t+e platform/ */ 1auraI If I Rnot, findS a taxi I Rnot, getS +ere in time/ </ "eraI I t+oug+t .ou >ere coming b. bus/ 1auraI I >as, but it broAe do>n >+en >e >ere +alf>a. +ere/ If I R>aitS for anot+er one, I Rcertainl., missS t+is train/ D/ "eraI -o> lucA. t+at .ou found a taxi/ 1auraI ,+, .es/ It RbeS a nuisance if >e RmissS t+e train/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: T 3/ S+ould 6/ ?ould */ S+ould </ S+ould D/ S+ould :/ S+ould 8/ ?ould 7/ ?ould 4/ S+ould 3G/ ?ould T 3/ ?e@ll drive 6/ ?ere */ ?ould +ave met </ Fou@ll remember D/ -ad driven :/ $overed 8/ -ad looAed 7/ ?ould +ave been able 4/ 5et 3G/ ?ill +elp T 3/ -as, >ill not be able 6/ ?ill not go, is */ Is, sta., >atc+ </ ?ill bu., >ins D/ Put, dissolves T 3/ ?ould s+o> 6/ ?ould be */ ?ould get </ )greed D/ Ane> T 3/ >ould .ou +ave done, +ad missed 6/ ?ould +ave got, >ould +ave >aited */ -adn@t found, >ouldn@t +ave got </ -ad >aited, >ould certainl. +ave missed D/ ?ould +ave been, +ad missed VIII. '98 S8PU8?(8 7= '8?S8S ?ot :G $oncordan a timpurilor in limba englez se aplic la trei tipuri de propozi ii subordonateI subordonata completiv direct, subordonata condi ional i subordonata temporal/

In continuare ne vom referi doar la dou din cele trei tipuri de subordonate, cea condi ional fiind tratat in capitolul %II/ &IR8(' 7BQ8(' (:AUS8 RPropozi ia Subordonat $ompletiv 'irectS MainORegent (lau!e Subor#inate (lau!e RPropozi ia principalS RPropozi ia subordonatS 3/ >rezent 7rice tim$ "erbal cerut #e >rezentul >erfect !en!ul !ubor#onatei Viitor #ar. e(plainsWhas e(plainedW)ill e(plain t+at s+e goesW)ill goWhas goneW)entWhad gone to 1ondon/ 0. 'im$ul trecut 'recutul $erfect pentru o ac iune anterioar -e said t+at +e had seen t+e movie/ 'im$ul trecut pentru o ac iune simultan I thought t+at t+e. )ere at +ome/ =uture6in6t/e6$a!t pentru o ac iune posterioar !+e. promised t+e. )ould )rite t+at exercise again/ ?ot Exist i cateva excep iiI 3/ "erbele to ask, demand, insist, order, recommend, re<uire, urge, in propozi ia principal, sunt urmate de Sub&onctivul )nalitic R2ritis+ Englis+S i de Sub&onctivul Sintetic R)merican Englis+S :3

S+e demands t+at .ou should arrive in time/ S+e demands t+at .ou arrive in time/ 6/ Pentru adevruri general valabile i ireversibile It )as proved t+at >ater boils at 3GG $elsius degrees/ I &ne) t+at s+e is a )ido)/ 'IM8 (:AUS8 RPropozi ia Subordonat !emporalS Regul #e bazI in propozi ia temporal nu se poate folosi viitorul/ MainORegent (lau!e Subor#inate (lau!e RPropozi ia principalS RPropozi ia subordonatS %. Viitor 'im$ul >rezent pentru ac iuni simultane #ar. )ill tell us t+e trut+ >+en s+e &no)s it/ >rezentul >erfect pentru ac iuni anterioare !+e bo. )ill translate t+e lesson after +e has learnt t+e ne> >ords/ 0. 'im$ul 'recut 'im$ul 'recut =uture6in6t/e6>a!t pentru ac iuni simultane #ar. visited us >+enever s+e )as free/ I promised mot+er I )ould buy t+at booA >+en I sa) it/ 'recutul >erfect pentru ac iuni anterioare !+e c+ildren )ent to bed after t+e. had done t+eir lessons/ ?e understood t+at t+e. )ould come +ome after t+e. had finished t+eir >orA/ ?ot In alte tipuri de subordonate se folosesc acele timpuri verbale care

sunt cerute de sensul subordonatei respective, fr nici o constrangereI :6 Festerda. I bought a booA >+ic+ is very interestingW, )ill read this )ee&W, have been loo&ing for since pril/ Rpropo*iie atributivS EacA played tennis t+at da. as he )ill never be able to play again/ Rpropo*iie completiv de modS 1ast .ear #ar. spo&e Englis+ better than her sister does no)/ Rpropo*iie completiv de comparaieS #. brot+er finished +is >orA in t+e morning because he )ill go to a party this evening/ Rpropo*iie completiv cau*alS 83erci5ii >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect (>rezent, tim$ul trecut, $rezentul $erfect, trecutul $erfect, "iitor): )/ 3/ )rnold Rto beS born in a village and +e Rto spendS +is c+ild+ood t+ere/ -e Rto moveS to 1eeds >+en +e Rto beS fifteen .ears old and +e Rto liveS t+ere since +is sister Rto getS married/ 6/ )t present, +e Rto >orAS in an office but +e Rto useS to >orA at a banA before/ * /next .ear +e Rto goS to 1ondon to stud. at t+e ;niversit., but onl. after +e Rto finis+S >riting t+e novel +e Rto >orAS at no>/ </ I Rto >riteS to +im a long letter several da.s ago and Rto asAS +im +o> man. c+apters +e alread. Rto >riteS/ D/ )rnold@s daug+ter +opes t+at +er fat+er Rto finis+S +is booA b. t+e end of )ugust/ :/ I Rto seeS +er .esterda. >+ile s+e Rto crossS t+e street/ 8/ ?+en I Rto talAS to +er, s+e Rto tellS me t+at s+e Rto beS ver. tired because s+e Rto t.peS all t+e morning/ 2/ 3/ )s soon as s+e Rto seeS us, s+e Rto stopS singing/ 6/ !+e tailor Rto promiseS me t+en t+at m. suit Rto beS read. in a >eeA@s time/ */ ?+. didn@t .ou explain to t+em >+en .ou Rto beS able to give t+em t+e

mone. bacAV </ I >ondered >+ere +e Rto stud.S and +o> man. .ears before +e Rto taAeS +is degree/ D/ 2efore paper Rto beS invented, people Rto >riteS t+eir t+oug+ts upon various ot+er materials/ :/ -istor. Rto beS engraved on stone monuments and our Ano>ledge of >+at ancient people Rto doS, Rto beS c+iefl. taAen from t+e stone tables and buildings >+ic+ t+e. Rto erectS/ :* (/eia e3erci5iilor: )/ 3/ ?as, spent, moved, >as, +as been living, got 6/ Is >orAing, used to >orA */ ?ill go, +as finis+ed, is >orAing </ ?rote, asAed, +ad alread. >ritten D/ ?ill finis+ :/ Sa>, >as crossing 8/ !alAed, told, >as +ad t.ped 2/ 3/ See, stops 6/ Promised, >ould be read. */ ?ere able </ -ad studied, tooA D/ ?as, +ad >ritten :/ Is, +ave done, is, erected IR. '98 SUBQU?('IV8 M77& $on&unctivul a disprut aproape complet in englez/ Se mai pstreaz anumite forme mai ales la trecut pentru a exprima indoiala, regretul sau situa iile ireale/ =orm A. Sub+oncti"ul !intetic $rezent Sub&onctivul prezent are aceeai form ca Infinitivul fr ?@/ )re aceeai form pentru toate persoanele/ 5od save t+e AingU !+e. be damnedU 1e folose teI #$ pentru a exprima dorine, urri sau exclamaii devenite expresii -eaven help us allU

0e t+at as it ma.U 5od forgiveWbless .ouU $amn .ouU 5od bless .ouU '$ n propo*iiile condiionale :< If t+is be true, >e must inform t+e aut+orities/ ($ n propo*iiile subordonate introduse de ?/6? cAnd n propo*iia principal se exprim o dorin, o cerere, o obligaie, o necesitate 0 in propozi ii completive directe dup urmtoarele verbeI to suggest, order, demand, urge, recommend, insist, command, propose, arrange, decide, agree, arrange, determine I insist t+at +e go/ R,nsist s se ducS S+e urged t+at +e sit do>n and listen crefull./ 0 in propozi iile subiective dup urmtoarele construc ii impersonaleI it is natural, important, advisable, necessary, possible, impossible It is important t+at +e go/ It is necessar. t+at .our friend arrive t+ere first/ B. Sub+oncti"ul !intetic trecut Sub&onctivul trecut are aceeai form ca i trecutul simplu/ "erbul be are forma >ere pentru toate persoanele/ It@s time >e )ent +ome/ I >is+ +e )ere nicer/ (. Sub+oncti"ul !intetic mai mult ca $erfect Sub&onctivul mai mult ca perfect are aceeai form ca mai mult ca

perfectul/ ?e >is+ed >e had had better >eat+er/ 1e folose te& #$ n propo*iiile condiionale pentru a exprima un 8ondiional pre*ent sau un 8ondiional trecut If I )ere .ou, I >ould tr. to talA to +er/ !+e c+ildren >ill liAe t+is film if t+e. sa) it/ I >ould +ave boug+t t+at booA if I had found it/ 6/ pentru a exprima irealitatea dup wish, as if=though, even if=though, would rather=sooner, it"s high time, suppose BthatC :D ;IS9 .ish 0 .ould 0Infinitiv Bnu este un sub)onctivDC exprim o dorin n viitor I >is+ +e >ould >rite to me/ .ish 0 4ast ?ense 1imple 0 pentru a indica o situaie nereal n pre*ent Bregret pentru o aciune sau situaie care se produce sau nuC I )ish t+e. agreed to m. proposal/ 0 wish 0 could ?+at a pit.U I )ish .ou could sing/ 0 cu referire la obiceiuri, stri pre*ente i aciuni regulate I )ish I got up earl. in t+e morning/ 0 wish 0 past tense continuous cu referire la aciuni care se desf oar la momentul pre*ent sau aciuni care continu pe o perioad care include i momentul pre*ent I )ish +e )ere playing in t+e parA/

0 wish 0 was going to pentru referine n viitor I )ish I )as going to do t+e +ouse>orA tomorro>/ wish 0 4ast 4erfect cu referire la situaii dorite dar care nu se pot reali*a sau pentru aciuni n trecut -e )ishes +e had bought +is ne>spaper/ wished 0 4ast ?ense - cele dou aciuni sunt simultane S+e )ished s+e )eren*t ill/ wished 0 4ast 4erfect cAnd aciunea dorit se produce sau nu nainte de momentul trecut exprimat de wished #ar. )ished s+e hadn*t been ill during +er +olida./ Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e =orm I *i!/ X a vrea 3/ Fou came X s vii I *i!/e# X a fi vrut would come no> X ce n0a da s vii had come .esterda. X s fi venit AS I=O'97UG9 :: 6s if=thorugh 0 4ast ?ense 1imple - pentru a indica nesigurana sau dubiul n pre*ent Baciuni contrare faptului pre*entC -e be+aves as if +e )ere a teac+er/ 6s if 0 4ast ?ense of Eoing to pentru situaii ipotetice n viitor -e talAs as if it )ere going to rain/ 6s if 0 4ast 4erfect pentru a indica ndoiala, incertitudinea n legtur cu o aciune trecut Baciune contrar faptului trecutC S+e talAsW talAed as if1 as though s+e had bought it/ Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e =orm -e isW>as >alAing a! if +e did not Ano> 0 simultan a! t/oug/ +e +ad alread. Ano>n 0anterior

;7U:& RA'98R O S77?8R .ould rather 0 Infinitiv Bpersoana care exprim preferina este aceea i cu subiectul aciunii care urmea*C 2ill )ould rather play tennis t+an football/ .ould rather 0 Infinitiv perfect Bacela i subiectC S+e )ould rather have travelled b. plane/ .ould rather 0 4ast ?ense 1imple Bsubiectul lui would rather este diferit de subiectul aciunii care urmea*C I )ould rather .ou got up earl./ .ould rather 0 4ast 4erfect Bsubiecte diferiteC I )ould rather t+e. had left on time/ .ould rather 0 would 0 infinitiv Bcu referire la un eveniment dorit n viitorC I )ould rather .ou )ould come tomorro>/ I= 7?:N If only 0 4ast ?ense pentru dorine care se refer fie la pre*ent fie la viitor, n special cu verbe care exprim aciuni obi nuite, obiceiuri sau stri ,f only s+e didn*t eat so muc+U :8 If only 0 4ast ?ense 8ontinuous pentru a indica o dorin care se refer la viitor sau pre*ent If onl. I >ere leaving, too/ If only 0 4ast 4erfect pentru a exprima un regret pentru o aciune care nu s-a produs ,f only t+e. had come, t+is >ouldn@t +ave +appened/ If only 0 .ould 0 Infinitiv pentru a exprima o dorin n

legtur cu viitorul dar fr speran ,f only +e )ould buy me a >atc+U If only 0 4resent = 7uture ?ense ca unechivalent pentrupropo*iiile care ncep cu /@4; I hope s+e )ill come in time/ ,f only s+e comes in timeU I'DS 'IM8 It"s ?ime 0 4ast ?ense 1imple ,t*s time .ou finished reading t+e ne>spaper/ It"s time 0 4ast ?ense 8ontinuous pentru a accentua natura progresiv a aciunii ,t*s time .ou )ere decorating .our +ouse/ It"s time 0 7or 0 Infinitiv a sosit timpul s faci ceva ,t*s time for .ou to have lunc+/ It"s time 0 4ast ?ense este de)a cam tAr*iu s mai faci ceva ,t*s time .ou had .our lunc+/ Main (lau!e Sub+uncti"e =orm I *oul# rat/erO!ooner X a prefera +e left no> X s plece If only X mcar dac Su$$o!e X dac cumvaU -e +ad arrived X s fi sosit It i! /ig/ time X e vremea s &. Sub+oncti"ul analitic Sub&onctivul analitic este mai des folosit decat cel sintetic i poate aprea atat in subordonat cat i in propozi ia principal/ Este format dintr0un verb modal shall, should, will, would, may, might, can, could i Infinitivul 4re*ent sau 4erfect/ :7

1e folose te& 1hall 0 Infinitiv Shall I help .ou >it+ .our +ome>orAV !+e. +ave decided t+at .ou shall go t+ere/ R.ou must goS 1hould 0 Infinitiv in main clauses ?+. s+ould t+e. come so earl.V 1hould 0 Infinitiv dup urmtoarele construc'ii6 it is=was important, necessary, natural, surprising, advisable ,t*s necessary t+at .ou should be present/ 1hould 0 Infinitiv " dup urmtoarele verbe6 to demand, insist, command, propose, re<uest, suggest !+e. suggested t+at .ou should tell t+em t+e trut+/ 1hould 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop introduse de lest, for fear BthatC, in case ?e left in a +urr. lest s+e should see us t+ere/ RX ca s nu ne vadS ?+ere >ould .ou sleep in case .ou should miss t+e trainV 1hould 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate atributive -is desire t+at no one should enter t+at room surprised us/ 1hould 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii concesive introduse de though, although, whatever ?+atever s+e should say, don@t contradict +er/ Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv " in main clauses 7ay all .our dreams come trueU Eust imagine, next .ear >e might have a carU Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate dup urmtoarele construc'iiit is=was possible, probable, likely ,t is probable t+at our friend might have &no)n .ou/

,t is possible t+at s+e may come toda./ Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop introduse de that, in order that, so that -e tooA a seat in t+e first ro> so that +e might hear t+e actors >ell/ Fay= Fight 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate concesive introduse de though, although, however, whatever, no matter -o)ever painful it may be to .ou, .ou must Ano> t+e trut+/ :4 8o matter +o> expensive t+at car might be s+e still >ants to bu. it/ .ould 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii completive directe dup wish !+e. )ish >e )ould pay t+em a visit/ .ould 0 Infinitiv " n propozi'ii subordonate de scop S+e learnt all t+e ne> >ords so that s+e )ould be able to translate t+e text/ 8ould 0 Infinitiv " pentru a e(prima scopul+ ca o alternativ la may1might+ avnd un grad mai mare de certitudine S+e studied a lot so that s+e could pass t+e difficult exam/ 83erci5ii >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: $a!t ten!e !im$le, $a!t $erfect !au *oul# B infiniti": 3/ ?e +ad lots of fun at t+e part./ I >is+ .ou RbeS t+ere, too/ 6/ !+e plants need a lot of >ater at t+is time of t+e .ear and it +asn@t rained for a long time/ I >is+ it RrainS no>/ */ I >is+ m. mot+er RbeS +ere no> to +elp me/ </ !om forgot to bu. t+e sports ne>spaper t+is morning/ -e >is+es +e Rbu.S it, as +e doesn@t Ano> t+e football

results/ D/ ?e >is+ t+e teac+er RexplainS t+e grammar rules again next >eeA/ :/ I@d liAe to go to t+e concert, but I +aven@t got a ticAet/ I >is+ I Rbu.S one t+is morning/ 8/ !+e lecturer is alread. +alf an +our late/ ?e >is+ +e RcomeS/ 7/ I didn@t liAe t+e film .esterda./ I >is+ I Rnot sta.S up to t+e end/ 4/ I >is+ .ou Rpa.S more attention to .our spelling in t+e future/ 3G/ I >is+ I Rfollo>S t+e doctor@s advice/ I >ouldn@t be so ill no>/ 33/ !+e teac+er >is+es someone RofferS to bring some coloured c+alA to sc+ool tomorro>/ 36/ I >is+ .ou RinformS me about t+is matter several mont+s ago/ 'ra#uce5i urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii in limba roman: 3/ I >is+ .ou >ould listen more carefull. to .our teac+er/ 6/ 'o .ou >is+ t+e. +ad sent .ou a cardV */ I >is+ed s+e +ad posted t+is letter for me/ </ 'on@t .our friends >is+ .ou >ould go on t+e trip >it+ t+emV D/ #ot+er >is+es I got better marAs at sc+ool/ :/ !+e little bo.s 8G >is+ed t+e. >ere allo>ed to s>im in t+e laAe/ 8/ 'on@t .ou >is+ it >ere summer no>V 7/ 'oesn@t .our teac+er >is+ .ou >ould improve .our pronunciationV >une5i "erbele #in $aranteze la forma corect: 3/ -e is speaAing as if +e Rans>erS an examination/ 6/ I al>a.s get seasicA >+en I travel b. sea/ If onl. I Rnot taAeS t+e boat and RcomeS b. planeU */ If onl. .ou RgiveS me a c+ance to tr. again, $ecil. begged/ </ I >is+ .ou Rsta.S >it+ me for a >+ile/ I feel ver. lonel./ D/ S+e >ent on talAing as if s+e Rnot +earS >+at I +ad said/ :/ It@s time .ou RstopS maAing a nuisance of .ourself/ 8/ It@s a pit. .ou left so earl./ I@d rat+er .ou Rsta.S a little longer/ 7/ (or t+e first time in +is life +e felt as if +e RbeS in a +urr. to get >+ere +e >as going/ 4/ S+e acted

as t+oug+ s+e RbeS born an actress/ 'ra#uce5i urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii in limba englez: 3/ )na ar dori s nu fie atat de ocupat sptmana asta/ 6/ "a trebui s ateptm 6G de minute pan la sosirea trenului/ $e pcat c am plecat de acas atat de devremeU */ 2ie elul ar dori ca prin ii s0l trimit in tabra de var de la Sinaia, dar sunt sigur c ei il vor duce la ar la bunici/ </ =umai de0a putea gsi cuvintele cele mai potriviteU D/ Se luda c a rezolvat singur toate problemele de matematic/ =umai de l0ai fi auzitU :/ ) dori ca ea s treac acest examen dificil/ 8/ #ai degrab m0a duce s vd un film decat s0mi pierd timpul ateptandute/ 7/ 1una viitoare e primul examen; e timpul s te apuci serios de inv at/ 4/ ) trecut o sptman de cand ai primit scrisoarea de la )ngela/ E timpul s0i rspunzi la scrisoare/ 3G/ =umai de nu s0ar opri motorul c+iar la mi&locul panteiU 33/ 'iana vorbete de parc n0ar ti nimic despre conferin / 36/ ) fi preferat ca el s spun adevrul/ 3*/ Se comport de parc el ar fi fcut toate pregtirile pentru serbare/ 3</ !o i prietenii mei &oac +andbal pe terenul de sport/ $e pcat c nu tiu s &oc +andbalU 'ra#uce5i urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii in limba roman: 83 3/ E ciudat c c+eltuiete aa de pu ini bani cand tie c scumpul mai mult pgubete/ 6/ E de necrezut c citea cand trebuia s lucreze la teza de doctorat/ */ E remarcabil c ei lucrau de dou ore i terminaser treaba cand ai sosit/ </ =u i se pare de necrezut s se strice untul aa de repedeV D/ Insist s treci deoparte, fiindc stai in drum/ :/ $opilul acesta e bun la toate &ocurile, aa c va &uca orice ii ceri/ 8/ Cise c e competent in meseria lui, ca s avem incredere in el/

7/ E incantat de ideea de a merge la mare de parc n0ar ti c0i prea frig acum acolo/ 4/ S trieti mult i s fii fericitU 3G/ ,rice ar fi gtit cand ai sosit tu, trebuia s0 i dea o por ie/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: T 3/ +ad been 6/ >ere raining */ >ere </ +ad boug+t D/ >ould explain :/ +ad boug+t 8/ >ere coming 7/ +adn@t sta.ed 4/ >ould pa. 34/ +ad follo>ed 33/ >ould offer 36/ +ad informed T 3/ ce n0a da s o ascul i mai atent pe profesoar/ 6/ )i dori s0 i fi trimis o ilustratV */ ) fi dorit s imi fi pus scrisoarea la pot pentru mine/ </ =u ii doresc prietenii ti s mergi cu ei in excursieV D/ $e nar da mama s iau note mai bune la coal/ :/ 2ie eii i0ar fi dorit s aib voie s inoate in lac/ 8/ =u i0ai dori s fie var acumV 7/ =u ii dorete profesoara ta s i i imbunt eti pronun iaV T3/ >ere ans>ering 6/ +adn@t taAen, +ad come */ >ould give </ >ould sta. D/ +adn@t +eard :/ stopped 8/ +ad sta.ed 7/ >as 4/ +ad been T 3/ )nn >is+es s+e >eren@t W>asn@t so bus. t+is >eeA/ 6/ ?e@ll +ave to >ait for te>nt. minutes until t+e train comes in/ I >is+ I +adn@t left +ome so earl.U */ !+e little bo. >is+es +is parents >ould send +im to t+e Sinaia summer camp, but I@m sure t+e.@ll taAe +im to +is grandparents in t+e countr./ </ If onl. I could find t+e most suitable >ordsU D/ -e boasted +e +ad solved all t+e mat+s problems b. +imself/ If onl. .ou +ad +eard +imU :/ I >is+ s+e >ill pass W passes t+is difficult examinationU 8/ I@d rat+er go and see a film t+an >aste m. time >aiting for .ou/ 7/ Four first exam is next #onda., it@s time .ou got 86 do>n to >orA/ 4/ It@s a >eeA since .ou received )ngla@s letter/ It@s time .ou ans>ered +er letter/ 3G/ If onl. t+e engine >ouldn@t stop rig+t

in t+e middle of t+e bendU 33/ 'iana is talAing as ifW as t+oug+ s+e didn@t Ano> an.t+ing about t+e conference/ 36/ I@d rat+er +e +ad told t+e trut+/ 3*/ -e be+aved as if W t+oug+ +e +imself +ad made all t+e preparations for t+e festival/ 3</ )ll m. friends are +andball in t+e sportsground/ I >is+ W if onl. I could pla. +andball/ T 3/ It is strange t+at +e s+ould spend so little >+en +e Ano>s t+at c+eapest is t+e dearest/ 6/ It is unbelivable t+at +e s+ould +ave been reading >+en +e s+ould +ave been >orAing on +is dissertation/ */ It is remarAable t+at t+e. s+ould +ave been >orAing for t>o +ours and +ad finis+ed t+e &ob >+en .ou arrived/ </ 'on@t .ou t+inA it unbelivable t+at t+e butter s+ould go bad so soonV D/ I insist t+at .ou s+ould go aside because .ou are in t+e >a./ :/ !+e bo. is clever at all games, so +e >ill pla. an.t+ing .ou asA +im to/ 8/ -e said +e >as competent at +is &ob so t+at >e mig+t trust +im/ 7/ -e is delig+ted >it+ t+e idea of going to t+e seaside as t+oug+ +e did not Ano> it >as too cold t+ere no>/ 4/ #a. .ou live long and be +app.U 3G/ ?+atever +e ma. be cooAing >+en .ou arrived, +e oug+t to +ave given .ou a +elping/ R. M7&U: IM>8RA'IV =orm Im$erati"ul $er!oanei a II6a se formeaz cu Infinitivul fr ?@, fr subiect, pentru a face invita ii, cereri sau pentru a da sfaturi, instruc iuni i aten ionri/ =egativul se formeaz cu !@ G@? 0 Infinitiv fr ?@/ $omeU 'o not goU 8* Im$erati"ul $er!oanei I se formeaz cu 9;? 0 F;=:1 0 Infinitiv

fr ?@ pentru a da sugestii i a face oferte/ =egativul se formeaz cu !@ G@? 0 Infinitiv fr ?@/ 1et me +elpU 1et us danceU 1et@s goU Utilizare Imperativul persoanei a II-a se folose te& 3/ pentru a cere ceva Give Eo+n t+is letter >+en .ou see +im/ $on*t tell #ar. >+at I said last nig+t/ '$ pentru a face invitaii 2ome to m. part. on Saturda. nig+t/ $on*t as& +im to sta. over t+e nig+t/ ($ pentru a da sfaturi sau a ateniona 9a&e an umbrella >it+ .ou, it@s raining/ #at .our vegetables/ !+e.@re good for .ou/ +$ pentru a da indicaii 9urn t+e engine off, open t+e bonnet and unscre) t+e cap slo>l./ D/ cu interogaii dis)unctive& )ill1)on*t1)ould you: !i can1can*t1could you: -ave somet+ing to drinA, )ill youV ?ot Se poate folosi !@ pentru a sublinia sensul imperativ $o help .ourself to an.t+ing .ou >ant/ ?ot Imperativele nu au subiect, dei uneori se adaug un substantiv sau pronume pentru a identifica persoana creia i se vorbete/

-ave anot+er drinA, Bill/ (/il#ren, be 3uiet, pleaseU Imperativul cu 9et se folose te& #$ cu Fe, pentru a face oferte 8< ;et me explain in more detail/ ;et me get .ou a drinA, -arr./ '$ cu :s, pentru a oferi sugestii I t+inA >e are lost/ ;et*s as& a policeman/ ;et*s not )atch !" tonig+t/ ;et*s go out for a stroll/ */ cu interogaii dis)unctive& )ill you: dup let me= let him etc$ !i shall )e: dup let us ;et meWlet himWlet them etc/ go first for once, )ill youV ;et*s not argue about it, shall )eV +$ cu rspunsuri scurte la sugestii I@m too tired to >alA/ S+all >e taAe a taxiV <es+ let*s. ?ot Exist i o form de $er!oana a III6a im$erati"I 9;? 0 1ubstantiv sau complement pronominal 0 Infinitiv fr ?@ Rcu sensul de a permiteS ;et come in no> in single file/ ;et +im continue/ $on*t let t+em stop .ou, it@s .our decision/ RI. &IA'8SA >ASIVT =umai verbele tranzitive au diatez pasiv/ John cried/ 2ry este un verb intranzitiv/ =u are pasiv/ John sold the house/ Sell este un verb tranzitiv/ )re pasiv/

Regul general Pentru a transforma o propozi ie la diateza activ intr0una la diateza pasivI 3/ complementul direct devine subiect 6/ be are acelai timp ca verbul principal */ verbul principal devine participiu trecut </ subiectul devine agentul, precedat de by 8D ?ot )gentul se exprim de obicei cu by/ 'ar cand agentul este o substan sau materie prim folosi i with/ !+e novel >as >ritten by $efoe/ !+e floor >as covered )ith mud/ )desea nu este necesar specificarea agentului/ !+e burglar >as sentenced one .ear in prison/ 8c/i"alen5ele acti" @ $a!i": -e -ee$! t+e door open/ !+e door i! -e$t open/ -e i! !elling t+e car/ !+e car i! being !ol#/ -e clo!e# t+e >indo>/ !+e >indo> *a! clo!e#/ -e *a! o$ening t+e gate/ !+e gate *a! being o$ene#/ -a /a! !/ut t+e booA/ !+e booA /a! been !/ut/ -e /a# *ritten t+e letter/ !+e letter /a# been *ritten/ -e *ill carry t+e bag/ !+e bag *ill be carrie#/ -e *oul# buy t+e pen/ !+e pen *oul# be boug/t/ -e *oul# /a"e re$aire# t+e box/ !+e box *oul# /a"e been re$aire#/ -e is t+oug+t to /a"e arre!te# +er/ S+e is t+oug+t to /a"e been arre!te#/

:oc-ing t+e safe[ !+e safe being loc-e#[ 9a"ing re!cue# t+e bo.[ !+e bo. /a"ing been re!cue#C ?ot In engleza vorbit, get Rin locul lui beS se folosete adesea pentru diateza pasiv/ !+e +ouse got sold/ X t+e +ouse )as sold/ Fou@ll get hurt/ X .ou@ll be hurt/ Reguli !$eciale 8: Pentru a transforma o propozi ie la diateza activ intr0una la diateza pasiv 3/ Infiniti"ul acti" devine Infiniti" $a!i" a/ #u$ verbele modale Acti" >a!i" !om may )rite t+e booA/ !+e booA may be )ritten/ Fou must tell +im/ -e must be told/ b/ #u$ like=love=wish=want 0 complement direct Acti" >a!i" S+e li&ed us to )ater t+e S+e li&ed the flo)ers to be flo>ers at da>n/ )atered at da>n/ ?ot )lte combina ii verb 0 complement 0 infinitiv formeaz in mod normal pasivulI Acti" >a!i" !+e. told us to go/ ?e >ere told to go/ -e is as&ing Sue to dance/ Sue is being as&ed to dance/ Infinitivele pasive sunt de obieci infinitive cu toU

!+e. sa) Emm. jump/ Emm. )as seen to jump/ -e ma&es Ed rest/ Ed is made to rest/ 0. folo!i5i t/atC !/oul# B infiniti" $a!i" a/ #u$ agree, decide, arrange, demand 0 infinitiv 0 complement Acti" >a!i" ?e agreed to ta&e 9im/ ?e agreed that 9im should be ta&en/ !+e. decided to reduce the price/ !+e. decided that the price should be reduced/ 88 b/ #u$ advise, insist, propose, recommedn, suggest 0 forma n ing 0 complement Acti" >a!i" S+e advised finishing the job/ S+e advised that the job should be finished/ ?ot 'up need folosi i un gerunziu sau infinitiv pasiv/ Sensul este identic/ )mbele propozi ii sunt pasive/ !+e p+one needs repairing/ !+e p+one needs to be repaired/ */ #ou forme alternati"e #e $a!i" !e $ot folo!i in mo# im$er!onal cu: assume, belive, claim, estimate, find, know, presume, report, say, suppose, understand Acti" >a!i" 9hey say that he is a genius/ It is said that he is a genius/ /e is said to be a genius/ A. $re$ozi5iile !unt $la!ate #u$ "erbul $a!i":

a/ "erbe com$le3e (verb 0 prepo*iie) Acti" >a!i" !+e. loo&ed for $/ ever.>+ere/ $/ )as loo&ed for ever.>+ere/ b. "erb B $re$ozi5ie B com$lement Acti" >a!i" -e +ad to )rite to +is parents dail./ -is parents +ad to be )ritten to dail./ D/ $ro$ozi5iile cu #ou com$lemente (com$lement #irect )i in#irect) au #ou forme $o!ibile #e $a!i": Acti" >a!i" -e told her a lie/ She >as told a lie/ lie >as told to +er/ !+e. sent him a letter/ -e >as sent a letter/ 87 letter >as sent to +im/ Utilizare Pasivul se foloseteI 3/ pentru a sublinia aciunea i nu agentul !+e criminal )as arrested/ '$ cAnd agentul este necunoscut, neimportant sau evident $linton )as elected president/ -e is said to be a bad0tempered man/ 83erci5ii: 'ra#uce5i in limba englez urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii 3/ In astfel de cazuri se trimite dup doctor/ 6/ 9i se ofer o ing+e at, de ce n0o ieiV */ ) fost ateptat dou ore asear/ </ #i se arta casa, cand s0a stins lumina/ D/ =u imi pot inc+ipui de cand ii cunoti pe

aceti scriitori/ :/ =u0mi puteam aduce aminte in ce a fost presc+imbat veveri a/ 8/ "a fi consultat doctorul in aceast c+estiune i sper c va ti ce este/ 7/ "a fi fost aprat de to i dumanii inainte s cear a&utor/ 4/ "antorul prezise c se va trage in vulpe i nu va fi nimerit/ 3G/ 'ac ai fi impiedicat s0 i faci temele, copiii care o fac ar fi pedepsi i/ 33/ )r fi fost el operat dac nu0l cunotea c+irurgulV (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ In suc+ cases a doctor is sent for/ 6/ Fou are offered an ice0cream, >+. don@t .ou taAe itV */ -e >as >aited for for t>o +ours last nig+t/ </ I >as being s+o>n around t+e +ouse >+en t+e lig+t >ent out/ D/ I can@t imagine +o> long .ou +ave been ac]uainted >it+ t+ese >riters/ :/ I could not remember >+at t+e s]uirrel +ad been c+anged into/ 8/ !+e doctor >ill be consulted on t+is matter and I +ope +e >ill Ano> >+at it is/ 7/ -e >ill +ave been defended from all +is enemies before +e asAs for +elp/ 4/ !+e +unter predicted t+e fox >ould be fired at and missed/ 3G/ If .ou >ere +indered from doing .our +ome>orA, t+e c+ildren >+o did t+at >ould be punis+ed/ 33/ ?ould +e +ave been operated on if t+e surgeon +ad not Ano>n +imV 84 RII. V8RB8 M7&A:8 I MAN )i (A? (>ermi!iune, $robabilitate, abilitate) #a. i can sunt verbe modale sau a&uttoareI ele sunt verbe defective, deoareceI 0 au numai * timpuriI indicativ prezent, indicativ trecut i condi ional prezent 0 nu primesc ! la persoana a III0a singular

0 nu primesc #o, #oe!, #i# la interogativ sau negativ 0 sunt urmate de infiniti"ul fr '7 !impurile care lipsesc sunt inlocuite cuI 0 to be able to RabilitateaS 0 to be allo)ed to 0 to be permitted to RpermisiuneaS 0 to be li&ely to RprobabilitateaS May O Mig/t 7ay se foloseste la prezent/ 7ight la condi ional prezent/ )mbele sunt invariabile i sunt urmate de un infinitiv fr !o/ =orme contra!e: ma.n@t W mig+tn@t Utilizare: 3/ Fay !e folo!e)te cu referire la e"enimente !au ac5iuni $o!ibile !au $robabile in $rezent, a#e!ea cu !en! #e "iitor. Fight $oate fi folo!it $entru a !ublinia o foarte re#u! $o!ibilitate. !+ere@s a blacA cloud above us/ It may rain/ )lice may get angr. if .ou tell +er/ If .ou tr. +ard enoug+, .ou might convince +im to come/ 7G ?ot (ormele alternative suntI Maybe it >ill rain/ It i! li-ely to rain/ 0. $entru a cere, a oferi !au a refuza $ermi!iunea $olitico! 7ay I open t+e >indo>V It@s ver. +ot in t+is office/ Fou may not smoAe in m. car/ 7ight indic adesea teama vorbitorului de a nu primi un

rspuns negativ, sau faptul c el cere prea multI 7ight I borro> .our Holls Ho.ce for t+e >eeAendV ?ot (orme alternativeI Am I allo*e# to open t+e >indo>V Nou are not $ermitte# to smoAe in m. car/ */ cu well $entru a in#ica o foarte mare $robabilitate I t+inA it may )ell rain toda., looA at t+ose blacA clouds/ Put some mone. in t+e box, it might )ell be for a good cause/ ?ot (orme alternativeI I t+inA it i! "ery li-ely to rain toda./ ?ot Fay = might as well are alt sensI !+ere is not+ing interesting on !" t+is evening, I may 1 might as )ell +ave an earl. nig+t/ A. cu o con!truc5ie $erfect $entru a face referire la o $re!u$unere in trecut 73 2ill isn@t in +is office, +e may have gone +ome earl./ RIt@s possible t+at +e >ent +ome/S D/ cu o con!truc5ie $erfect $entru a face referire la ce"a care !ar fi $utut $etrece in trecut #ar nu !6a $etrecut, !e $oate folo!i numai might Fou might have burnt .our +and >+ile taAing t+at +ot tra. out of t+e oven Rbut .ou didn@tS/ (an O (oul#

2an se folosete la prezent, adesea cu sens de viitor/ 2ould se folosete la trecut i condi ional prezent/ )mbele sunt invariabile i sunt urmate de infinitiv fr !o/ =orme contra!e: can@t W couldn@t Utilizare: 3/ 8an !e folo!e)te $entru a cere, a acor#a !au a refuza $ermi!iunea, !imilar cu may, #ar mai $u5in formal Fou can drive at seventeen in t+e ;B/ 2an I borro> .our pen, pleaseV I@ve left mine at +ome/ Fou cannot go +unting out of season/ ?ot (orme alternativeI Fou are $ermitte# to drive at seventeen in ;B/ Fou are allo*e# to drive at seventeen in ;B/ Fou may drive at seventeen in ;B/ ?ot 1a negativ, coul# i mig/t au sensuri diferite/ 76 Ben could not be building t+e +ouse b. +imself/ RIt@s impossible/ It is too muc+ >orA/S Ben might not be building t+e +ouse b. +imself/ R-e isn@t building t+e +ouse +imself/ -e probabl. +as +elp/S 0. $entru a face referire la $robabilitate, $o!ibilitate !au im$o!ibilitate in $rezent, in trecut !au la con#i5ional 1ooA, t+ere@s plent. of sno>, >e can go sAiing toda./ 1et@s tr. +is office; +e could be t+ere/ 4. $entru a face referire la abilitate !au in#emanare in $rezent,

in trecut !au la con#i5ional 2an .ou la. bricAsV #. old car cannot go over 7G Am an +our/ !+e girl can sing but s+e can*t dance for t+e life of +er/ 2ould .ou drinA as muc+V ?ot Pentru alte timpuri se folosete to be able to S+e )ill be able to 3GG >ords a minute soon/ </ folo!i5i could 0 infinitiv perfect $entru a " referi la o ac5iune care nu a a"ut loc I could have driven .ou to t+e airport, but I didn@t +ave m. car/ Sau can# nu )tim #ac ac5iunea !6a $etrecut !au nu -ave .ou seen m. umbrellaV 'an could have ta&en it; it >as raining >+en +e left/ ?ot (orme alternativeI Fou mig/t +ave +urt .our bacA lifting t+at +eav. table/ 7* Fou *oul# probabl. +ave +urt .our bacA lifting t+at +eav. table/ ?ot May W mig/t i can W coul# se repet in intrebri dis&unctive i rspunsuri scurte/ -e can*t go, can +eV 7ay Sall. come inV Fes, s+e may/ ?ot 'o be able to exprim abilitatea/ Este o alternativ formal pentru can W coul# in prezent, in trecut sau la condi ional/ Pentru toate celelalte

timpuri putem folosi numai to be able to/ 83erci5ii: 'ra#uce5i in limba englez urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii 3/ )ceasta este o mas vec+e, pe care n0o poate ridica nimeni/ 6/ =u tia s inoate, aa c atunci cand s0a scufundat vasul, s0a inecat/ */ =u ai dreptul s inaintezi, acest teren e proprietate privat/ </ =u ai dreptul s vinzi ce nu0ti apar ine/ D/ =u se poate s te fi +otrat s0i refuzi orice a&utor tocmai cand are mai mare nevoie de el/ :/ Idila lui cu ea nu poate s fi durat mai mult de o lun/ 8/ E cu putin s se &oace cand i0am spus s0i fac mai intai temeleV 7/ )i s0i po i face pe plac, tiind c e aa de sensibilV 4/ =iciodat n0am fost in stare s in minte propozi ii intregi/ 3G/ Savantul a spus c tie de mult s numere/ 33/ Cise c0mi poate da sifon dac mi0e sete/ 36/ Speram s pot merge pe &os pan la gar, dar m0am oprit la o sta ie de autobuz/ 3*/ 10ai putea atepta in birou dac ai vrea/ 3</ )r fi putut s se aeze pe un scaun gol, dar a preferat s stea in picioare/ 3D/ Puteai s te ui i pe gaura c+eii, dac erai aa de curios/ 3/ Pot s te a&ut cu cevaV 6/ Imi permi i s te a&utV */ Poate c se plimb prin grdin, +abar n0am unde e/ </ Poate c spune adevrul, mai bine ai asculta ce are de spus/ D/ Poate c0mi voi fi terminat lucrarea pan vii tu s m a&u i/ :/ Poate c btrana sufla greu dup ce a urcat scrile acelea, fiindc liftul era defect/ 8/ Poate c voi fi a&uns la gar pan va pleca trenul/ 7/ #0am gandit c s0ar putea s plou, aa 7< c mi0am luat umbrela/ 4/ I0am spus c n0are nimeni voie s intre0n camera mea cand dorm/ 3G/ S0ar putea s tueasc dac a rcit/ 33/ 1ai putea a&uta s0i duc geanta, dac0l vezi gafaind/ 36/ Puteai s0i

imprumu i nite bani, dac tiai c are greut i/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ !+is is an old table >+ic+ no one can lift/ 6/ -e could not s>im, so >+en t+e s+ip sanA +e dro>ned/ */ Fou can@t proceed, t+is land is private propert./ </ Fou can@t sell >+at does not belong to .ou/ D/ Fou can@t +ave resolved to den. +im all +elp >+en +e most needs it/ :/ -is romance >it+ +er can@t +ave lasted more t+an a mont+/ 8/ $an +e be >+en I told +im to do +is +ome>orA firstV 7/ ?ill .ou be able to please +im, Ano>ing +e is so sensitiveV 4/ I +ave never been able to remember long sentences/ 3G/ !+e sc+olar said +e +ad been able to count for a ver. long time/ 33/ -e said +e could give me soda if I >as t+irst./ 36/ I +oped I could >alA to t+e station but I stopped at a bus stop/ 3*/ Fou could >ait for +im in t+e stud. if .ou >ould/ 3</ -e could +ave taAen a vacant seat, but +e preferred standing/ 3D/ Fou could +ave peeped t+roug+ t+e Ae.+ole if .ou >ere so curious/ 3/$an I +elp .ouV 6/ #a. I +elp .ouV */ S+e ma. be >alAing in t+e garden, I +ave no idea >+ere s+e is/ </ S+e ma. be telling t+e trut+, .ou +ad better listen to >+at s+e +as to sa./ D/ I ma. +ave finis+ed m. paper b. t+e time .ou come to +elp me/ :/ !+e old lad. ma. +ave been breat+ing +ard after s+e +ad climed all t+ose stairs, because t+e elevator >as out of order/ 8/ I ma. reac+ed t+e station before t+e train leaves/ 7/ I t+oug+t it mig+t rain, so I +ave taAen m. umbrella/ 4/ I told +im no one mig+t enter m. room >+en I >as asleep/ 3G/ -e mig+t coug+ if +e +as caug+t cold/ 33/ Fou mig+t +elp +im carr. +is bag if .ou see +im gasping for breat+/ 36/ Fou mig+t +ave lent +im some mone. if .ou Ane> +e >as in need/ 7D

RIII. V8RB8:8 M7&A:8 II MUS', ?88&, 9AV8 '7, S97U:&, 7UG9' '7 (7bliga5ie )i nece!itate) Mu!t, nee#, !/oul# i oug/t to sunt verbe modale; ele sunt defective, avandI 0 timpuri lips 0 persoana a III0a singular fr ! 0 interogativul i negativul prezentului fr #o sau #oe! 0 sunt urmate de infinitiv fr !o ?ot !oate timpurile care lipsesc sunt inlocuite cu verbe normaleI 'o /a"e to sau to nee# to ?ot 'o /a"e to exprim atat obliga ia cat i necesitatea la timpurile la care el reprezint !ingura posibilitate Rinfinitiv, trecut simplu, perfect prezent, viitor, forma in ing etc/S/ 'ar la prezent, formele alternative nu sunt intotdeauna inlocuibile reciproc/ , form poate exprima obliga ia, iar cealalt necesitatea/ Eo+n mu!t not s+out/ RX Eo+n are obliga ia de a nu striga/S Eo+n #oe!nDt /a"e to s+out/ RX =u e necesar ca Eo+n s strige/S 'o nee# to exprim intotdeauna necesitatea/ -arr. #i#nDt nee# to go on a diet/ RX =u era necesar ca -arr. s in regim/S Mu!t O 9a"e to O ?ee# to 7: Mu!t este invariabil pentru toate persoanele, in timp ce /a"e to i nee# to urmeaz regulile verbelor normale/

=orme contra!e: mustn@t Utilizare: 3/ /ave to !e folo!e)te intot#eauna $entru a face referire la obligaie !au necesitate la $rezent afirmati" )i interogati", a#e!ea cu !en! #e "iitor. Fust !e refer la obligaie. I must p+one m. +usband before +e leaves t+e office/ !+e builders have to finis+ t+e >orA before >inter sets in/ ?ot Mu!t se folosete de obicei cand obliga ia vine din partea vorbitorului care0i exprim propriile sentimente/ 9a"e to se folosete cand obliga ia vine din partea unei a treia persoane/ Fou must tid. up .our room before .ou go out/ RX I i ordonS Fou have to drive on t+e left in 5reat 2ritain/ RX )a spune legeaS 6/ :a forma negati" must )i have to au !en!uri com$let #iferite: Fust not inseamn c eti obligat s nu faci ceva/ !on"t have to sau haven"t got to inseamn c nu este necesarI Fou mustn*t exceed t+e speed limit on t+e motor>a./ RX Eti obligat de lege/S Fou haven*t got to go to t+at meeting if .ou are too bus./ RX =u e necesar s te duci/S ?ot In general /a"e to i /a"e got to se folosesc la fel numai la prezent/ 9a"e got to este considerat mai formal/ 9a"e to se folosete pentru ac iuni repetate, de obicei intrit cu un adverb de frecven / $+ris has to visit +er ill mot+er ever. da./

$+irs has got to do some s+opping for +er ill mot+er toda./ 78 */ /ave to $oate fi folo!it la toate celelalte tim$uri. I have never had to >orA so muc+ before/ !+e police )ould have had to open fire if t+e criminals +adn@t surrendered/ ?ot 'educ ia negativ se poate exprima cu canDt sau canDt /a"eI It@s onl. eleven o@clocA, !im can*t be +ungr.U !+e Smit+s are in $+ina/ !+e. can*t have sent t+at post0card from Peru/ </ Fust !e folo!e)te $entru #e#uc5ii $oziti"e in $rezent. Fust 0 construcie perfect !e refer la #e#uc5ii $oziti"e in trecut. !+e bab. is S+e must be +ungr./ !+ere >as no repl.; +e must have been >orAing in t+e garden/ Utilizare: ?ee# este considerat atat verb propriu0zis cat i auxiliar/ 3/ Geed to, ca "erb $ro$riu6zi!, urmeaz formele "erbelor regulate normale )i e!te folo!it $entru a !e face referire la nece!itate. Fou )ill need flour and >ater to maAe bread/ I don*t need to see t+e doctor/ I feel fine/ ?ot 9a"e to exprim necesitatea, poate fi folosit i la negativ i interogativ/ ?e didn*t have to booA t+e restaurant/ !+ere >as plent. of room/ $o >e have to rus+V

6/ Geed ca au3iliar e!te un "erb mo#al )i are aceea)i form $entru toate $er!oanele. >oate fi folo!it numai la pre*ent (a#e!ea cu !en! #e "iitor) mai ale! in con!truc5ii negati"e !au interogati"e. $onstruc ie negativI ?ee# not este similar cu #onDt /a"e to/ )mbele exprim absen a unei obliga ii sau necesit i/ 77 ?e need not rus+/ !+ere@s plent. of time/ $onstruc ie interogativI 8eed >e rus+V !+ere@s plent. of time/ */ Geed not 0 infinitiv perfect !e refer la o ac5iune trecut care !a $etrecut fr a fi fo!t nece!ar. Fou needn*t have told +er about t+e accident/ S+e >ill onl. >orr./ ?ot ?ee# not B infiniti" $erfect difer de #i# not nee# to/ EacA need not have gone to t+e dentist/ RX EacA s0a dus, dar nu era necesar/S EacA did not need to go to t+e dentist/ RX =u era necesar ca EacA s se duc, dar nu tim dac s0a dus sau nu/S 7ug/t to O S/oul# 7ug/t to i S/oul# au sens identic i pot fi folosite la fel/ Ele sunt invariabile pentu toate persoanele i pot fi urmate de infinitiv fr 9o/ =orme contra!e: oug+tn@t W s+ouldn@t Utilizare: %. (u referire la o obliga5ie !au in#atorire. I ought to mo> t+e la>n t+is >eeAend; it@s overgro>n/ 1ittle girls shouldn*t tell lies/

Poate urma i forma in "ing/ !im oughtn*t to be )atching !"/ -e ought to be doing +is +ome>orA/ ?e should be standing in t+at ]ueue, not t+is one/ 0. >entru a cere )i a #a !faturi. 'o .ou t+inA I should +ave m. +air cut s+ortV #iAe ought to see a doctor if it +urts so muc+/ 74 4. (u referire la ceea ce con!i#er c e!te corect !au incorect #in $unct #e "e#ere moral. ?e should all +elp t+e poor/ People oughtn*t to treat animals badl./ !+e. belong +ere, too/ A. (u referire la o intam$lare $robabil. I@ll prepare dinner tonig+t/ I should be +ome ]uite earl./ I told +im several times, so +e ought to remember/ D/ (u o con!truc5ie $erfect $entru a face referire la ce"a ce urma ! !e $etreac in trecut, #ar nu !6a $etrecut. Sau cu referire la ce"a ce a con!tituit o gre)eal. !+e plane should have arrived at seven o@clocA, but it >as dela.ed because of fog/ #ic+ael EacAson ought to have started +is tour last nig+t, but +e >as taAen ill/ 83erci5ii: 3/ ) replicat c trebuie s aib gri& de silueta ei/ 6/ =u tiam c trebuie s pltesc amend dac0mi parc+ez maina aici/ */ =u se poate s nu stai la masU </ =eaprat s0mi ar i roc+ia ta cea nouU D/ E precis la birou, completand formulare, cum face zilnic/ :/ =u0l vd pe

aici, trebuie c &oac basc+et pe undeva/ 8/ =u e acas, precis colind strzile i targuiete cu +rnicie/ 7/ Se vede c cicatricea a fost o ran grav mai de mult/ 4/ Se vede c studia la bibliotec atunci cand il cutai/ 3G/ $opiii nu trebuie s vorbeasc cu primarul cand e ocupat/ 33/ ) trebuit s ascult de dou ore vorbele lui suprtoare, dar n0am de gand s mai tolerez acest lucru/ 36/ (unc ionarul declar c a trebuit s vorbeasc cu nevasta lui despre sc+imbarea slu&bei, fiindc intarziase de prea multe ori/ 3*/ E nevoie s vin azi la bibliotec, ori poate atepta pan maineV 3</ =u era nevoie s vin aa de curand, puteam atepta/ 3D/ =u era nevoie s cumpere ea plria, avea el de gand s io cumpere/ 4G 3/ 1ectorul medit unde s0i in urmtoarea prelegere/ 6/ Pianistului i0ar fi plcut s i se spun ce s cante/ */ $antrea a de oper nu tia a cui ofert s0o accepte/ </ (otograful vru s tie dac s fac una sau dou fotografii/ D/ 'e ce l0ai a&uta, dac nu te roagV :/ 'ac s0ar intampla s se intalneasc intr0o cafenea, i0ar vedea to i impreun i oamenii ar incepe s barfeasc/ 8/ )r trebui s ii spun c era exact ce merita/ 7/ )r fi trebuit s se logodeasc de mult, dar prin ii ei s0au opus cstoriei/ 4/ )r fi trebuit s0i mrturiseti in cele din urm c i0ai furat ceasul, fiindc nu vroiai s plece atat de iute/ 3G/ Studen ii ar fi trebuit s asculte expunerea asear/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ S+e retorted s+e must taAe care of +er figure/ 6/ I did not Ano> I must pa. a fine if I parAed m. car +er/ */ 2ut .ou must sta. for dinnerU </ Fou must s+o> me .our ne> dressU D/ -e must be at +is office, fiiling in forms, as +e does dail./ :/ I do not see +im around, +e must

be basAetball some>+ere/ 8/ -e is not at +ome, +e must be roaming t+e streets and s+opping >it+ industr./ 7/ !+at scar must +ave been a bad in&ur. a >+ile ago/ 4/ -e must +ave been at t+e librar. >+en .ou >ere looAing for +im/ 3G/ $+ildren must not talA to t+e ma.or >+en +e is bus./ 33/ I +ave +ad to listen to +is offensive >ords for t>o +ours, but I am not going to put up >it+ it an. longer/ 36/ !+e officer stated t+at +e +ad +ad to talA to +is >ife about c+anging +is &ob because +e +ad been late too man. times/ 3*/ =eed +e come to t+e librar. toda. or can +e >ait untill tomorro>V 3</ !+e. needn@t +ave come so soon, I could +ave >ited/ 3D/ S+e needn@t +ave boug+t t+at +at, +e >as going to bu. it for +er/ 3/ !+e lecturer meditated >+ere +e s+ould deliver +is next lecture/ 6/ !+e pianist >ould +ave liAed to be told >+at +e s+ould pla./ */ !+e opera singer did not Ano> >+ose offer s+e s+ould accept/ </ !+e cameraman >anted to Ano> if +e s+ould taAe one or t>o p+otograp+s/ D/ ?+. s+ould .ou assist +im if +e does not asA .ouV :/ If t+e. s+ould meet in a cafe, >ould see t+em toget+er and people >ould start gossiping/ 8/ I oug+t to tell +im it >as exactl. >+at +e deserved/ 7/ !+e. oug+t to +ave been engaged long ago, but +er parents ob&ected 43 to t+eir marriage/ 4/ Fou oug+t to +ave confessed to +im eventuall. t+at .ou +ad stollen +is >atc+ because .ou did not >ant +im to leave so soon/ 3G/ !+e students oug+t to +ave been listening to t+e exposition last nig+t/ RIV. I?=I?I'IVU: =orm (ormele principale de infinitiv suntI

Infiniti" $rezent to >orA Infiniti" $rezent continuu to be >orAing Infiniti" $erfect to +ave >orAed Infiniti" $erfect continuu to +ave been >orAing Infiniti" $a!i" to be >orAed Utilizare: Infiniti"ul cu '7 Infiniti"ul cu to se poate folosi caI 3/ Subiect 9o leave t+e front door unlocAed is risA./ 'ar este mai folosit propozi ia care incepe cu itI It is risA. to leave t+e front door unlocAed/ 6/ com$lement principalele verbe urmate de infiniti" cu toI agree+ appear+ arrange+ as&+ attempt+ be about+ care choose+ consent+ decide+ do one*s best+ decline+ demand+ e(pect+ fail+ forget+ happen+ hate+ hope+ hurry+ learn+ li&e+ love+ manage+ mean1intend+ neglect+ offer+ plan+ prefer+ prepare+ pretend+ promise+ prove+ refuse+ remember+ seem+ tend+ try+ turn out+ volunteer+ )ant+ be able to afford+ ma&e up one*s mind !+e couple appears to be +app./ I can*t afford to study abroad/ S+e refused to go >it+ +im/ ?ot 46 ;nele verbe li-e, lo"e, /ate, $refer, care, mean, inten# pot fi urmate de infiniti"ul cu to i de forma in @ing/ S+e liAes to s&ate/

S+e liAes s&ating/ ,ri condi ionalul ,*d love to see Eve/ %ould you prefer to do it no>V '/atC !/oul# (be) este o construc ie care poate urma i dup agree, arrange, a!-, #eci#e, #eman#/ !+e girls agreed to organize a part./ !+e girls agreed that they should organize a part./ !+e girls agreed that a part. should be organized/ Infiniti"ul continuu urmeaz adesea dup a$$ear, /a$$en, $reten#, !eem/ It seems to be raining/ !+e c+ildren pretended to be hiding/ */ $entru a e3$rima !co$ul: !+e dog buried t+e bone to +ide it/ In order )i so as $ot fi folo!ite $entru a !ublinia !co$ul: #att is memorizing t+e rules in order to pass t+e test/ ?e cut t+e +edge so as to improve t+e vie>/ >entru a e3$rima !co$ul !au func5ia unui obiect, folo!i5i infinitivul cu ?@ !au for 0 -ing -e used t+e scissors to cut t+e rope/ -e used t+e scissors for cutting t+e rope/ ?ot $and dou subiecte diferite fac necesar folosirea unei subordonate, folosi i !o t/at pentru a introduce subordonata i a exprima scopul/ I deposited t+e mone. in t+e banA so that m. son can use it in later .ears/

?ot Pentru a exprima nega5ia pune i not inaintea infiniti"ului cu '7/ -e ran in order not to be late/ 4* ?ot (olosi i an# Rin loc de '7S pentru a exprima scopul dup go sau come/ ?e s+ould go and bu. some milA/ $ome and visit usU </ #u$ un "erb urmat #e how, what, when, where, why. Principalele verbe suntI as&+ decide+ discover+ find out+ forget+ &no)+ see+ learn+ remember+ understand+ thin&+ )onder ?e >ondered ho) to do it/ I couldn@t decide )hat to )ear/ ?ot ;/et/er B infiniti" cu to poate fi folositI 'up )onder i &no)/ )lex >ondered )hether to &noc& or >ait outside/ 'up formele interogative i negative ale verbelor decide, &no), remember/ 'id .ou finall. decide )hether to go camping or notV D/ #u$ un "erb urmat #e com$lement verbele principale suntI advise+ allo)+ command+ enable+ encourage+ forbid+ e(pect+ force+ invite+ oblige+ order+ permit+ persuade+ remind+ re3uest+ teach+ tell+ li&e+ help+ )ant !on. advised me to finish t+e &ob ]uicAl./ ?e invited our friends to s&i >it+ us/

?ot Infiniti"ul cu to poate inlocui o propozi ie relativI 'up the only, the last, the first, the second etc/ Eoe >as the first to board t+e submarine/ RX Eoe a fost primul care s0a imbarcat pe submarin/S 'up substantive W pronume, pentru a arta care le este utilizarea/ I need a pot to ma&e a tea/ RX )m nevoie de un ibric in care s pot face ceai/S 4< ?ot 4emind, teach i tell pot fi i ele urmate de t/atI -e reminded Sue to come on time/ -e reminded Sue that s+e +ad to Ws+ould come on time/ 'ar tell ii sc+imb sensul in func ie de construc ieI !od told her to stop/ X !od ordered +er to stop/ !od told her that t+e >ater >as boiling/ X !od informed +er t+at t+e >ater >as boiling/ :/ #u$ $a!i"ul "erbelor assume, believe, consider, feel, know, understand, suppose !+e. are assumed to be fair pla.ers/ )ceste verbe pot fi urmate de com$lement B infiniti" cu '7 i de t/atI -e assumes them to be fair pla.ers/ -e assumes that they are fair pla.ers/ ?ot Su$$o!e ii poate sc+imba sensul la pasivI Fou are supposed to2 inseamn #ste datoria ta s/

8/ #u$ anumite !ub!tanti"e principalele verbe suntI ability1inability+ ambition+ decision+ demand+ desire+ determination+ effort+ failure+ offer+ plan+ promise+ refusal+ )ish ?e made our )ish to help t+em ]uite obvious/ -illar.@s failure to pass t+e exam disappointed t+em/ 7/ #u$ anumite a#+ecti"e principalele ad&ective suntI cruel+ good+ rude+ an(ious+ glad+ &ind+ nice+ pleased+ surprised+ easy+ difficult+ li&ely+ prepared+ ready+ late+ early S+e >as pleased to hear from us/ Fou are li&ely to meet t+em/ 4D ?ot In construc iile cu it, of B $ronumeO!ub!tanti", urmeaz adesea dup ad&ectiv/ It >as nice of you to come/ It >as rude of the man to slam t+e door/ 4/ #u$ too 0 ad)ectiv=adverb )i #u$ ad)ectiv=adverb 0 enough )i #u$ have 0 enough 0 substantiv !+e soup >as too hot to eat/ !+e >ater >asn@t )arm enough to s)im in/ ?e didn@t +ave enough time to finish t+e test/ ?ot =or B !ub!tanti"O$ronume pot fi introduse in fa a infinitivuluiI -e ran too fast for us to follo>/ Infiniti"ul fr '7

Infiniti"ul fr '7 poate fi folosit dupI %. "erbe mo#ale may+ can+ must+ shall+ should+ )ill+ )ould ?e may come tomorro>/ 6/ feel, see, hear, watch, let la forma acti" $laire heard +im cough/ ?ot (orma in " ing se folosete adesea dup feel, see, hear, )atch Ratat forme active cat i pasiveS $laire heard +im coughing/ W -e >as heard coughing/ */ had better )i would rather 'an had better study +arder/ +$ make !+e teac+er made Ellen correct +er errors/ ?ot 4: 1a forma pasiv ma&e este urmat de infinitiv cu !,I Ellen )as made to correct +er errors Rb. t+e teac+erS/ D/ but !au except EacA and Baren do not+ing but argue/ I@ve done it all e(cept do t+e calculations/ :/ why !au why not %hy )aste .our energ. on suc+ a +opeless causeV %hy not go and asA +im no>V H. folo!i5i infiniti"ul $erfect fr to: $u mu!t pentru a exprima deduc ii pozitive in trecutI !+ere@s )l@s cap/ -e must have come +ome/

$u canDtOcoul#nDt pentru a exprima deduc ii negative in trecutI I can +ear noise/ !+e. can*t have gone to bed .et/ 83erci5ii: 3/ ) fost vzut cum fur batista unei btrane/ 6/ Se tie c a imblanzit o cprioar/ */ Se pare c i s0a terminat za+rul/ </ S0a dovedit c +o ul a spus adevrul/ D/ =0a vrea s fi plecat singur de acas/ :/ Ii ordon s pleci c+iar acum/ 8/ $red c s0a mritat de mult/ 7/ )tept s pleci/ 4/ Se zice c s0a intors din strintate/ 3G/ I s0a ordonat s uite tot ce a vzut/ 33/ 'in intamplare inc n0a sosit/ 36/ $u cine se zice c seamnV 3*/ 'e ce se zice c e +o V (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ -e >as seen to steal an old lad.@s +andAerc+ief/ 6/ S+e is Ano>n to +ave tamed a deer/ */ -e seems to +ave run out of sugar/ </ !+e t+ief turned out to +ave told t+e trut+/ D/ I s+ould not liAe +im to +ave left alone/ :/ I order .ou to leave rig+t no>/ 8/ I t+inA +er to +ave got married long ago/ 7/ I am >aiting for .ou to leave/ 4/ -e is said to +ave returned from abroad/ 3G/ -e >as ordered to forget ever.t+ing +e 48 +ad seen/ 33/ -e +appens not to +ave arrived .et/ 36/ ?+om is s+e said to looA liAeV 3*/ ?+. is +e said to be a t+iefV RV. =7RM8:8 I? @ I?G (>artici$iul )i Gerun#6ul) 'in punct de vedere gramatical, forma in @ing poate fi sau un gerund sau un participiu/ In ambele cazuri, forma este aceeai/ =orm: forma in @ing regulat se ob ine adugand @ing infiniti"ului fr '7/ Rgo goingS


5erund0ul poate fi folosit caI %. !ubiect Smo&ing is dangerous for .our +ealt+/ 0. com$lement Emil. loves teaching/ 4. inter#ic5ii !curte =o fishing/ A. #u$ $re$ozi5ii Verbele care urmeaz #u$ $re$ozi5ii trebuie ! fie la forma n ing (rancis is interested in learning Polis+/ I am sorr. for hurting .our feelings/ Verbele care urmeaz #u$ "erbele com$le3e cu $re$ozi5ie !unt #e obicei la forma n -ing #. fat+er +as &ust given up smoAing/ I am loo&ing for)ard to seeing .ou soon/ &ar unele "erbe com$le3e cu $re$ozi5ie $ot fi urmate #e infiniti" !+e researc+er set out to prove +is t+eor./ ?ot 47 $uvantul '7 este o surs de confuzii/ ;neori to este o prepozi ie urmat de ing/ )lteori to intoduce un infinitiv complet/ Bevin looAed for>ard to seeing +er/ Bevin >anted to see +er/ I am used to until late/ X I am accustomed to late/ I used to stud. until late/ X I al>a.s studied until late/

K. #u$ anumite "erbe )i e3$re!ii Principalele verbe i expresii suntI admit+ avoid+ delay+ detest+ enjoy+ finish+ imagine+ mind+ miss+ postpone+ practise+ remember+ resist+ stop+ can*t stand+ can*t help+ be )orth+ be busy+ be no good+ be no use+ deny+ &eep+ ris& 'id .ou mind selling .our +ouseV I missed listening to +er pla. t+e piano/ ?e stopped studying in t+e summer/ ?ot =ota i diferen a dintreI -e remembered writing to us/ X Ii amintea c ne0a scris/ !+e. remembered to write to us/ X =u au uitat s ne scrie/ -e stopped eating/ X El a terminat de mancat/ -e stopped to eat/ X S0a oprit din alte treburi ca s mnance/ ?ot 6dmit, deny, remember primesc i pe t/atI !+e. remembered that t+e. +ad sent us t+e bill/ ?ot /ate, like, love, prefer pot primi infiniti" B to/ I love dancing/ X I love to dance/ 'ar la condi ional ele primesc de obicei infiniti" cu toI I@d love to dance/ G. #u$ anumite "erbe B a#+ecti" $o!e!i"O com$lement $ronominal Principalele verbe suntI disli&e+ dread+ mind+ remember+ resent+ stop+ understand+ object to+ appreciate+ e(cuse+ forgive+ prevent+ =dis>approve of

I don@t mind his1him staying >it+ us/ 44 I trul. appreciate their1them being so +ospitable/ ;tilizarea ad&ectivului posesiv este mai formalI !+e committee resented his being so franA/ ;tilizarea complementului pronominal este mai rspandit in engleza vorbitI I certainl. understand him getting upset/ ?ot Iat cateva modificri ortograficeI %. &i!$are @e final. 1ive living 5ive giving &ar nu $entru: 2e being )ge ageing '.e d.eing 5lue glueing 0. =inala in @ie !e !c/imb in @y. 'ie 1ie 4. Se #ubleaz con!oana final. Stop stopping !ravel travelling 2egin beginning &ar nu )i $entru: Head reading

Peel peeling Suffer suffering >AR'I(I>IU: Participiul poate fi folositI %. la tim$urile continue. -e is )or&ing/ Fou )ere singing/ 0. ca a#+ecti"e. 3G G annoying+ frightening+ depressing+ embarrassing+ rela(ing+ e(citing+ shoc&ing+ charming+ interesting+ boring 4. in !ub!tanti"e com$u!e. a )ashing machine+ a diving board+ a se)ing &it+ a )al&ing stic&+ a fishing rod+ a gardening tool </ #u$ spend )i waste (tim$, bani, effort, energie). !+e. spent a fortune building t+at +ouse/ -e )asted all +is energ. getting t+at contract/ D/ #u$ go )i come (acti"itate fizic). I@m coming shopping >it+ .ou/ Eileen and Paul are going s)imming/ :/ #u$ see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch B com$lement. !+e entire famil. )atched 9im s&ating/ ?ot )celeai verbe pot fi urmate i de complement 0 infinitiv fr ?@/ -e heard the baby cry/ 8/ #u$ catch, find, leave B com$lement. !+e baAer caught the boy stealing rolls/

I. in locul !ubor#onatelor: )/ in locul unei !ubor#onate relati"e ?e >atc+ed t+e bo. )or&ing/ RX ?e >atc+ed t+e bo. )ho )as )or&ing/S B. in locul !ubor#onatelor. can# #ou ac5iuni !e $etrec la acela)i moment in tim$. Smiling >arml., s+e s+ooA -ector@s +and/ RX S+e smiled >arml. as s+e s+ooA -ector@s +and/S ;earning to sAi, Sam broAe +is leg/ RX ?+ile Sam >as learning to sAi, +e broAe +is leg/S $entru a inlocui o $ro$ozi5ie care ince$e cu since !au because. 9hin&ing Eoan >as +onest, +e lent +er t+e mone./ RX 2ecause +e t+oug+t Eoan >as +onest, +e lent +er t+e mone./S 3G 3 0eing curious, +e looAed t+roug+ t+e Ae.+ole/ RX Since +e >as curious, +e looAed t+roug+ t+e Ae.+ole/S can# ac5iunea unei !ubor#onate !e $etrece in mo# clar inainte #e ac5iunea celeilalte !ubor#onate !e folo!e)te $artici$iul $erfect. -aving got divorced once, )l decided not to marr. again/ RX )fter +e +ad got divorced once, )l decided not to marr. again/S RVI. V8RB8 (AR8 >RIM8S( I?=I?I'IV8 SAU =7RMA I? @I?G =orm: "erbele care urmeaz altor verbe au una din formeleI infiniti" B to sau forma in @ing/ "erbele se impart in patru categorii principaleI %. Verbe care $ot fi urmate numai #e infiniti" B '7. ?e agreed to meet at noon/

0. Verbe care $ot fi urmate numai #e forma in @ing. Fou ris& being late/ */ Verbe care $ot fi urmate fie #e un infinitiv 0 ?@ fie #e forma n ing fr a inregi!tra o mo#ificare #e !en!. I see -arr. +as started to play golf again/ RX in generalS I see -arr. +as started playing golf again/ RX in general sau numai in momentul de fa S </ "erbe care $ot fi urmate #e infinitiv 0 to fie #e forma n ing #ar cu o !c/imbare ma+or #e !en!. I forgot to go to t+e banA .esterda./ RX =u m0am dusS I +ave forgotten going to t+e banA .esterda./ RX =u0mi amintesc s fi fostS Utilizare: %. Infiniti"ul B to se folosete de obicei dupI afford+ agree+ appear+ arrange+ as&+ attempt+ decide+ e(pect+ fail+ help+ hope+ learn+ 3G 6 manage+ mean+ offer+ plan+ prepare+ pretend+ promise+ refuse+ seem+ tend+ threaten+ )ant+ )ish I can@t afford to buy a ne> car no>/ I fail to see t+e point .ou are maAing/ ?ot (orma negativ este not to B infiniti"/ $live ?aston decided not to accept t+e ne> &ob offer/ ?ot 'up /el$, '7 este op ional/ Emma@s mot+er al>a.s +elps +er RtoS do +er +ome>orA/ 'ar canDt /el$ inseamn Ya nu putea evitaZ i aici se folosete forma

in @ing/ I can*t help thin&ing about >+at s+e said last nig+t/ Seem, a$$ear i $reten# pot primi i un infinitiv continuu Rto be doingS sau un infinitiv perfect Rto +ave doneS/ 2ill seems to be sleeping a lot latel./ !+e criminal pretended to have lost +is memor./ 'up as&+ decide+ e(plain+ &no)+ remember+ forget+ understand urmate de cuvinte interogativeI /o*, */at, */en, */ic/, */ere, */et/er etc/ I don@t Ano> ho) to get to t+e cat+edral from +ere/ !+e teac+er >ill explain )hat to do tomorro>/ 'up as&+ enable+ force+ get+ invite+ order+ persuade+ remind+ teach+ tell+ )arn B com$lement/ $an .ou as& them to leave, pleaseV I persuaded Jane to come +iAing >it+ me tomorro>/ 'up make in propozi ii pasive/ ?+en I >as at sc+ool, I >as made to >ear a uniform/ 3G * 0. =orma in @ing este de obicei folosit dupI admit+ avoid+ consider+ delay+ deny+ disli&e+ enjoy+ fancy+ feel li&e+ finish+ give up+ imagine+ involve+ &eep on+ mind+ miss+ postpone+ practise+ ris&+ stand =?bear>+ suggest+ mention+ recall+ regret -e admitted stealing t+e &e>els/ -ave .ou considered moving abroadV ?ot (orma negativ esteI not B 6ing I en&o. not having to >orA/

?ot (orma pasiv este posibil i cu being B $artici$iu trecut/ -elen en&o.s being involved in t+e local comunit./ "erbe caI admit+ deny+ mention+ recall+ regret pot primiI /a"ing B $artici$iu trecut cu referire la ac iuni finalizate in trecut/ !om no> regrets having moved to Paris/ ?ot 'upI admit+ deny+ regret+ suggest se poate folosi i t/at/ Sam denied that he had shot +is >ife/ Sau Sam denied shooting +is >ife/ 'up verbe complexeI carry on+ end up+ give up+ go round+ &eep on+ put off+ set about Fou carry on thin&ing >+ile I eat m. lunc+/ (ranA is al>a.s +ard to give up smo&ing/ 4. Se pot folosi atat infiniti"ul B '7 cat i forma in @ing fr diferen e de sens dup verbeleI begin+ continue+ hate+ li&e+ love+ prefer+ start I began to play s]uas+ t+ree .ears ago/ I began playing s]uas+ t+ree .ears ago/ #orris loves to drive fast cars/ #orris loves driving fast cars/ 3G < A. Infiniti"ul B to sau forma in @ing au sensuri foarte diferite dupI remember+ forget+ try+ stop+ go on+ regret -ave .ou forgotten posting t+at letterV RX )i trimis0o dar nu0 i amintetiS

-ave .ou forgotten to post t+at letterV RX =u ai trimis0oVS I stopped smo&ing cigarettes because t+e. >ere bad for me/ RX =u mai fumezS I stopped to smo&e a cigarette/ RX #0am oprit i am fumat o igarS 83erci5ii: >une5i "erbele #in $arantez fie la infiniti" fie la gerun#: 3/ -e used RdanceS a lot but +e +asn@t +ad an. opportunit. of RdoS is since +e began RprepareS for t+e entrance examination/ 6/ !+e. >ere used to RliveS alone, so t+e. didn@t reall. mind t+e lonel. life t+e. led on t+e moon/ */ I liAe RsAateS and RsAiS, but it is ver. difficult for me Rsa.S >+ic+ I liAe better/ </ ?e got tired of R>aitS for +im RcomeS and eventuall. decided RgoS out >it+out RleaveS an. notice to +im/ D/ I remember R+earS +er Rsa.S t+e flo>ers needed R>aterS/ :/ ?e +ig+l. appreciate R.ou, >antS R+elpS our son, but it@s time +e began RdoS +is +om>orA b. +imself/ 8/ ?e don@t remember R.ou, sa.S before t+at Eo+n >anted Rbu.S our car/ 7/ I >onder >+. +e +ated RI, smoAeS at t+e office since +e often en&o.s RsmoAeS a cigarette +imself/ 4/ It is no use R.ou, asAS me RinsistS on R#iAe, comeS in time as +e can@t get rid of +is bad +abit; +e often tried RbeS punctual but +e al>a.s failed/ 3G/ ?+erever I set to >orA, I recollect Rm. fat+er, sa.S t+at if a &ob is >ort+ RdoS at all it is >ort+ RdoS >ell/ 'ra#uce5i in limba englez urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii folo!in# Gerun#6ul: 3/ "ara florile au nevoie de ap Rde a fi udateS in fiecare zi/ 6/ Imi face mult plcere s0i accept invita ia deoarece ea intotdeauna reuete s gteasc mancruri foarte gustoase/ */ Ierta i0m c v deran&ez, ave i 3G D

cumva un c+ibritV </ Imi place s mnanc ing+e at c+iar cand e frig/ D/ " deran&eaz dac desc+id fereastra pentru cateva minuteV E un aer foarte inc+is aici/ :/ =0are nici un rost s pleci miercuri, se ateapt ca tu s fii acolo sambt/ 8/ )u insistat s le scriu in fiecare zi, dar asta m exaspereaz deoarece mie nu0mi place s scriu scrisori/ 7/ Ei au refuzat s ne permit s intrm fr a cumpra bilete, dei fusesem invita i la premier/ 4/ ) trebuit s ne amanm plecarea pentru c Eane era bolnav/ 3G/ =u0mi place ca cineva s se uite la mine cand incerc s inv a merge pe biciclet/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ !o dance, doing, to prepare 6/ 1iving */ SAating, sAiing, to sa. </ ?aiting, to come, to go, leaving D/ -earing, sa. Rsa.ingS, >atering :/ Four W .ou >anting, to +elp, doing 8/ Four W .ou +aving said, to bu. 7/ #. W me smoAing, smoAing 4/ Four W .ou asAing, to insist, #iAe@s W #iAe coming, to be 3G/ #. fat+er, doing, doing 3/ In summer flo>ers need >atering ever. da./ 6/ I am ver. pleased to accept +er invitation as +e al>a.s succeeds in cooAing ver. tast. dis+es/ */ (orgive m. bot+ering .ou, do .ou +appen to +ave a matc+V </ I en&o. eating ice0cream even >+en it is cold/ D/ 'o .ou mind m. opening t+e >indo> for a fe> minutesV It@s ver. stuff. in +ere/ :/ !+ere is no need for .our leaving on ?ednesda., .ou are expected t+ere RonS Saturda./ 8/ !+e. insisted on m. >riting to t+em ever. da., but it puts me beside m.self because I +ate >riting letters/ 7/ !+e. refused to let us in >it+out ticAets alt+oug+ >e +ad been invited to t+e first nig+t/ 4/ ?e +ad to dela. our departure because of Eane@s being ill/ 3G/ I disliAe being looAed at >+ile attempting to learn +o> to ride a bic.cle/

RVII. V8RB8 (7M>:8R8 ;n verb complex este o combina ie intre un verb \ prepozi ie W particul adverbial/ 3G : Sensul unui verb complex fie nu are legtur cu elementele componente luate separat, fie este rezultatul elementelor componente Rverb \ prepozi ieWadverbS luate ca intreg/ "erbele complexe pot fi imp ite inI %. Verb B $re$ozi5ie Verb B $re$ozi5ie B com$lement $re$ozi5ional ?e apologise for an. inconvenience caused b. t+e dela./ Verb B $re$ozi5ie B V C ing !+e. succeeded in boosting pre0tax profits/ ?ot $and verbele complexe sunt urmate de un verb, acest verb este de obicei la forma n "ing/ ?ot =u folosim prepozi ii dup urmtoarele verbeI ans)er+ as&+ call+ phone+ ring+ discuss+ enter+ meet+ reach+ suit+ tell ?ot 83em$le #e "erbe B $re$ozi5ie: agree to something@ agree with somebody1something@ allow for something@ amount for something@ apologise for something@ apply for something@ approve of somebody1something@ attend to somebody1something@ complain =to somebody> about somebody1something% conform to something@ consent to something@ consist of something@ depend on something@ hear about something@

hear from somebody@ hope for something% insist on something@ look at somebody1something@ look for somebody1something@ look forward to something@ pay =somebody> for something@ refer to something@ rely on somebody1something@ succeed in something@ think about something =? concentrate on>@ think of something =? consider>@ wait for somebody1something 0. Verb B com$lement B $re$ozi5ie 5erb 0 complement 0 prepo*iie 0 complement prepo*iional Protect us from unfair competition 5erb 0 complement 0 prepo*iie 0 52 ing 3G 8 Prevent us from entering t+e Eapanese marAet/ ?ot Prepozi ia from se folosete dup verbe care exprim refuzulI prohibit+ restrain+ forbid+ prevent+ ban+ veto+ stop !+e. prevented us from exporting t+e goods/ ?ot 'up verbe care exprim acceptul se folosete com$lement B infiniti"I allo)+ authorise+ help+ permit+ enable+ encourage !+e. helped us to e(port t+e goods/ ?ot 83em$le #e "erbe B com$lement B $re$ozi5ie: accuse somebody of something@ advise somebody of=about something% compare somebody=something with somebody1something@ congratulate somebody on something@ convince somebody of something@ describe something to somebody@ divide=cut=split something into something@ do something about somebody1something@

explain something to somebody@ interest somebody in something@ prefer somebody=something to somebody1something@ prevent somebody=something from somebody1something@ protect somebody=something from somebody1something@ provide somebody with something@ remind somebody of something@ spend money on something@ tell somebody about something 4. Verb B a#"erb ($/ra!al "erb) 5erb 0 adverb 0 complement 0 restul propo*iiei (ill in t+is form in duplicate !urn up earl. at t+e stand ?ot $ele mai frecvente adverbe folosite suntI about+ along+ a)ay+ bac&+ do)n+ for)ard+ in+ off+ on+ out+ over+ round+ through+ up 3G 7 ?ot ;nele dintre phrasal verbs ii pstreaz sensul individual al verbului \ cel al adverbuluiI I@ve brought bac& t+e plans/ ?ould .ou liAe to see t+emV )lte phrasal verbs au un sens diferit de cel al elementelor componenteI -e made up a >onderful stor. about +is adventures in Hotaronga/ RmaAe up X inventS ?ot 83em$le #e >/ra!al "erb!: Hreak down =stop )or&ing>@ bring about =cause>@ call off =cancel>@ call round =visit>@ close down =stop the operations of>@ come along =come>@ fill in =complete by )riting in relevant information>@ find out

=discover>@ look over =e(amine 3uic&ly>@ make up =invent>@ move in =ta&e possesssion of ne) premises>@ put on =turn on>@ send back =return>@ speak up =spea& louder>@ speed up =ma&e faster>@ throw away@ turn down =reject>@ turn up =arrive>@ walk through@ write down 83erci5ii: 'ra#uce5i in limba englez folo!in# get ca $/ra!al "erb: 3/ !om promise c se va apuca serios de treab dar numai incepand de lunea viitoare/ 6/ `terge0o/ 'egeaba incerci s m cucere!ti/ */ 'e cand i s0a publicat lucrarea nu ii mai incape in piele de mandrie/ </ `i0a dat seama c nu po'i rmne nedescoperit cand faci o crim/ D/ i scpat ieftinU :/ `tie cum sAo ia pe mtua ei i s0o fac s0i cumpere tot ce0i dorete/ 'ra#uce5i in limba englez folo!in# give )i carry ca $/ra!al "erb: 3/ !alentatul scriitor a luat premiul pentru literatur/ 6/ `tie s vorbeasc fr s se trdeze cu nimic/ */ 3G 4 obrznicia cu care ii replica putiul/ </ (usese prea sigur c norocul nuAl va prsi/ D/ )ceast fereastr d spre malul mrii/ 'ra#uce5i in limba englez folo!in# look ca $/ra!al "erb: 3/ "a trebui s te descurci fr s te ngrijeasc 7ary/ 6/ !tept cu nerbdare s0mi spui c ai e(aminat c+estiunea cu gri&/ */ )cum treburile lui promit s mearg mai bine/ </ 9reci s m vezi maine dup ora cinci/ 'ra#uce5i in limba englez folo!in# make )i be ca $/ra!al "erb: 3/ $ei doi veri nu se mpac deloc bine/ 6/ `tiu c nu e perfect, dar calit ile lui ii compenseaz lipsurile/ */ =u i i pot descrifa scrisul, e

fost scos din fire de

prea necite / </ ;ucrm numai cu materialul clientului/ D/ (ilmul acesta ruleaz de o lun, trebuie s fie bun/ :/ -ai s ne mpcamU (/eia e3erci5iilor: T 3/ !om promised to get do>n to >orA but onl. beginning >it+ next #onda./ 6/ 5et along >it+ .ouU Fou are in vain to get round me/ */ Since +e +ad +is >orA publis+ed +e +as simpl. got above +imself/ </ -e realized one can@t get a>a. >it+ crime/ D/ Fou got off c+eapl.U :/ S+e Ano>s +o> to get round +er aunt and maAe +er bu. +er >+atever s+e >is+es/ T 3/ !+e gifted >riter carried off t+e Prize for 1iterature/ 6/ -e Ano>s +o> to talA >it+out giving +imself a>a. at all/ */ -e >as carried a>a. b. t+e impudence of t+e urc+in@s retorts/ </ -e +ad been too sure +is lucA >ould not give out/ D/ !+is >indo> gives on RtoS t+e seas+ore/ T 3/ Fou@ll +ave to manage >it+out #ar. looAing after .ou/ 6/ I@m looAing for>ard to .our telling me .ou@ve looAed into t+e matter carefull./ */ -is affairs seem to be looAing up/ </ 1ooA me up tomorro> after five o@clocA/ T 3/ !+e t>o cousins don@t get on >ell at all/ 6/ I Ano> +e is not perfect but +is ]ualities maAe up for +is defects/ */ I cannot maAe out .our +and >riting, it is reall. illegible/ </ ,nl. customers@ materials made up +ere/ D/ !+is film +as been on for a mont+; it must be a good one/ :/ 1et@s maAe it upU 33 G RVIII.V7RBIR8A I?&IR8('T "orbirea indirect se folosete pentru a relata cuvintele unei alte persoane/ Principalele categorii ale vorbirii indirecte suntI afirma ii, interoga ii, comenzi/

"orbirea indirect poate avea dou formeI %. 7 $ro$ozi5ie $rinci$al cu un "erb al relatrii B o $ro$ozi5ie !ubor#onat !+e. say that )e )ill receive the confirmation ne(t )ee&. 0. o $ro$ozi5ie $rinci$al cu un "erb al relatrii B un infiniti" cu 'o !+e. as&ed us to send confirmation as soon as possible/ Hegula de baz pentru a determina timpul verbal din subordonat este dup cum urmeazI &ac verbul relatrii e!te la: In "orbirea in#irect: Prezent "iitor nici o sc+imbare Prezent perfect &ac verbul relatrii e!te la: In Vorbirea in#irect: !recut present [[/ past !recut perfect past [[/// past W past perfect present perfect[/past perfect >ill [[[// >ould ?ot 33 3 $ondi ionalele de tipul II i III nu se modific in vorbirea indirect/ $ondi ionala de tipul I se modific intr0una de tipul II/ Eo saidI YIf I listen, I )ill learn/Z Eo said t+at if +e listened, +e )ould learn/ Verbele mo#ale se modific astfelI $an could; ma. mig+t; >ill >ould; s+all s+ould; must mustW+ad to; could could; mig+t mig+t; s+ould s+ould; oug+t to

oug+t to; >ould >ould; used to used to >ronumele )i a#+ecti"ele se modific astfelI Vorbirea #irect Vorbirea in#irect I W .ou +e W s+e ?e W .ou t+e. #e W .ou +im W +er ;s W .ou t+em #. W mine +is +er W +is +ers Four m. +is +er our t+eir Fours mine +is +ers ours t+eirs ,ur W ours t+eir W t+eirs !+is W t+ese t+at W t+ose ?ot $and vorbitorul ii relateaz propriul discurs, pronumele i ad&ectivele rman nesc+imbate/ I saidI YI am angr./Z I said t+at I >as angr./ A#"erbele i expresiile adverbiale se modific astfelI Vorbirea #irect Vorbirea in#irect -ere t+ere, in t+at place =o> t+en, at t+at time !oda. t+at da. Festerda. t+e da. before !+e da. before .esterda. t>o da.s before !omorro> t+e da. after 33 6 !+e da. after tomorro> in t>o da.s )n +ourW>eeAWmont+ ago an +ourW>eeAWmont+ before

=ext >eeAW.ear t+e follo>ing >eeAW.ear 1ast >eeAWmont+ a >eeAWmont+ before ?ot Principalele verbe ale vorbirii indirecte sunt !ay i tell/ 9ell cere persoana cu care se vorbete Say poate func iona singur sau poate primi to \ persoana cu care se vorbeteI !om told us t+at +e >as leaving/ !om said t+at +e >as leaving/ !om said to us t+at +e >as leaving/ )lte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fiI accept+ add+ admit+ affirm+ agree+ allege+ announce+ ans)er+ apologieze+ argue+ assert+ claim+ comment+ communicate+ convey+ declare+ demonstrate+ disclose+ divulge+ emphasise+ e(plain+ highlight+ imply+ indicate+ inform+ maintain+ notify+ object+ offer+ promise+ protest+ prove+ recount+ refuse+ remar&+ reply+ report+ restate+ reveal+ sho)+ state+ stress+ suggest+ transmit Interoga5ii !opica verbelor interogative in interoga ia direct se modific in interoga ia indirect devenind topica verbelor afirmative I asAedI Z?+o did she go >it+VZ I asAed >+o she had gone >it+/ Exist dou tipuri de intrebri directeI .h-<uestions i yes=no <uestions/ In vorbirea indirect se men in cuvintele interogative cu %hA %hen exactl. >ill .ou be in PolandV -e asAed )hen exactl. I >ould be in Poland/

Pentru ntrebrile cu yes1no, folosim if i */et/erI 'oes .our compan. provide investment adviceV S+e asAed if1)hether our compan. provided investment advice/ 33 * ?ot "erbe ale relatrii utilizate pentru intrebriI as&+ demand+ e(amine+ in3uire+ investigate+ 3uery+ 3uestion (omenzi, cerin5e, !faturi In vorbirea indirect verbul de la imperativ se tranform in verb urmat de complement 0 infinitivul cu ?@ -e saidI Y$laire, stand upUZ -e told 2laire to stand up/ Pentru o comand negativ, forma indirect primete pe =,! inaintea infinitivului 2arbara saidI Y'on@t touc+UZ 2arbara asAed meWus not to touc+/ $+iar dac in comanda direct nu este men ionat complementul, la forma indirect este necesar un complement pronominalU -e saidI YStand upUZ -e told her1him1us to stand up/ ?ot "erbele relatrii folosite pentru comenzi, cerin e, sfaturi suntI as&+ beg+ brief+ call for+ command+ direct+ implore+ instruct+ invite+ press+ re3uest+ re3uire+ tell+ urge ?ot )lte verbe folosite in vorbirea indirect/ ;nele dintre aceste verbe cer o propozi ie subordonat R3S, altele un infinitiv cu !o R6S, iar altele cer ambele varianteR3,6SI

convince =B+C>+ encourage =B+C>+ entreat =C>+ indoctrinate =C>+ invite =C>+ motivate =C>+ persuade =B+C>+ threaten =C>+ urge =B+C>+ )arn =B+C> 83erci5ii: Urmtoarele $ro$ozi5ii !unt in "orbirea #irect: 'on@t >ait for me if I@m late/ ?ill .ou marr. meV 33 < -urr. upU $an .ou open .our bag, pleaseV Please slo> do>nU 'on@t >orr., Sue/ #ind .our o>n business/ $ould .ou repeat >+at .ou said, pleaseV 'o .ou t+inA .ou could give me a +and, !omV Alege5i una #intre ace!te $ro$ozi5ii $entu a com$leta $ro$ozi5iile #e mai +o!. =olo!i5i "orbirea in#irect: 3/ 2ill >as talAing a long time to get read., so [/ 6/ Sara+ >as driving too fast, so I asAed [/ */ Sue >as ver. pessimistic about t+e situation/ I told [ </ I couldn@t move t+e piano alone, so I [ D/ !+e customs officer looAed at me suspiciousl. and [ :/ I +ad difficult. understanding +im, so I [ 8/ I didn@t >ant to dela. )nn, so I [ 7/ Eo+n >as ver. muc+ in love >it+ #ar., so +e [ 4/ -e started asAing me personal ]uestions, so [ (/eia e3erci5iilor: So I told +im to +urr. up/

So I asAed +er to slo> do>n/ I told +er not to >orr./ So I asAed !om to give me a +and/ )nd asAed me to open m. bag/ So I asAed +im to repeat >+at +e +ad said/ So I told +er not to >ait for me if I >as late/ So +e asAed +er to marr. +im/ So I told +im to mind +is o>n business/ RIR. >R8>7SIUII VI (7?QU?(UII >re$ozi5iile sunt in mod normal aezate in fa a substantivelor sau pronumelor i dup verbe/ Ele pot de asemenea preceda verbele in ing/ 33 D Exist pu ine reguli referitoare la prepozi iile limbii engleze/ (oarte adesea utilizarea lor trebuie inv at pe dinafar/ Prepozi iile creeaz probleme considerabile celor care inva engleza deoarece o anume propozi ie care in propria sa limb va cere o anumit prepozi ie va avea in englez o alt prepozi ie/ >re$ozi5ii #e mi)care #$ Fi care n sus=n )os &o*n (to) u$ (to) on (to) off &o*n: o micare in &os sau scdere a respectului statutului/ Sam broAe +is arm >+en +e fell do)n t+e slope/ !+e $onservative 5overnment >ent do)n at t+e last elections &o*n to: o micare ctre sud/ I >as in Paris but I >ent do)n to =ice to visit an old friend of mine/

U$: o micare in sus sau a dobandi respect social/ =ext door@s cat al>a.s climbs up a tree to +ide >+enever it +ears our dog barA/ 'r/ 2arnard >ent up in people@s estimation >+en +e performed t+e first +eart operation/ U$ to: o micare ctre nord sau o micare in sus a statutului social/ Eo+n >orAs in Home no> but +e is being moved up to #ilan next >eeA/ Eoe +as done >ell in +is career; +e@s been promoted up to managing director in &ust four .ears/ 7n(to): o micare spre o suprafa mai inalt/ I +ad to move t+e booAs on=to> t+e top s+elf so m. c+ild couldn@t reac+ t+em/ 7ff: o micare spre o suprafa mai &oas/ ?+en t+e cat sa> a mouse running across t+e floor it &umped off t+e sofa to c+ase it/ 33 : ?ot ;tilizare special/ Este destul de comun folosirea structurilor0tip, precumI U$O#o*n t+e street U$ toO#o*n to t+e supermarAet 7nOoff a bus, bic.cle, plane, s+ip, sau orice alt mi&loc de transport/ RdarI intoOout of a carS '$ !eplasare printr-un spaiu Acro!! along by $a!t t/roug/ o"er Acro!!: o micare dintr0o parte spre cealalt, pe sau aproape de

suprafa / It taAes a long time to sail across t+e )tlantic/ Along: a parcurge lungimea a ceva If .ou >alA along t+e $+amps El.sees .ou >ill eventuall. reac+ t+e Eiffel !o>er/ By: a se mica de0a lungul sau in apropierea a ceva/ If .ou pass by t+e s+ops toda., >ill .ou get me a litre of milAV >a!t: a se mica de pe o parte a ceva pe cealalt/ I am sure I sa> a t+ief move past t+e >indo>/ '/roug/: a se mica printre lucruri/ !+e gate>a. >as so narro> t+at t+e trucA driver +ad problems getting through it/ 7"er: a se mica pe deasupra unei suprafe e dintr0o parte in alta a ceva/ It@s ]uicAer to fl. over t+e )tlantic t+an to sail across it/ ($ !irecii Aroun# at a*ay from for into onto out of to to*ar#! 33 8 Aroun#: micri pe o traiectorie circular/ I >ent all around t+e +ouse to find an open >indo>, but I couldn@t/ At: ctre ceva sau cineva/ -e looAed at me as if I >ere a criminal/ A*ay from: a prsi, a pleca de la cineva sau ceva/ ?+en I >as a bo. I ran a)ay from sc+ool because I didn@t liAe it/ A*ay from poate fi folosit i in sens abstractI X free from ever.t+ing/

I can@t >ait to get a)ay from it all/ =or: a se mica cu o destina ie precis/ S+erlocA -olmes left for 5lasgo> as soon as +e received t+e ne>s of t+e murder/ Into: a se deplasa ctre interiorul a ceva/ !+e last t+e. sa> of t+e explorer >as >+en +e >ent into t+e &ungle to +unt for tigers/ 7nto: a aeza ceva peste altceva/ !+e professor put +is papers onto t+e lectern and began +is lesson/ 7ut of: a iei din ceva/ !+e prisoner >as let out of prison after a ten .ear sentence/ 'o: a se delpasa in direc ia unei anumite persoane sau a unui lucru/ $an .ou give me a lift to >orA tomorro> morning, pleaseV 'o*ar#!: a se delpasa ctre ceva sau cineva I t+inA >e s+ould +ead to)ards t+e mountain; it@s muc+ coller t+ere at t+is time of t+e .ear/ 33 7 ?ot Fou s+out at somebod. Rcand eti nervosS 2ut .ou s+out to somebod. Rcand vrei s atragi aten iaS Fou t+ro> somet+ing to somebod. Rcand vrei s prind ce arunciS 2ut .ou t+ro> somet+ing at somebod. or somet+ing Rcand vrei s loveti pe cineva sau cevaS +$ Fi cri comparative After a/ea# of O in front of be/in# After: a urma sau urmri

!+e s+op0Aeeper ran after t+e bo. >+o smas+ed +is >indo>/ A/ea# of O in front of: a preceda pe cineva sau ceva I@ll go on ahead of 1 in front of .ou and find a place to camp for t+e nig+t/ Be/in#: a urmri pe cineva sau ceva, a urma cuiva[ !+e old lad. drove so close behind me t+at, >+en I braAed, s+e cras+ed into me/ >re$ozi5ii #e $ozi5ie #$ 4o*iii pe vertical Abo"e after belo* #o*n in on o"er to un#er(neat/) u$ Abo"e: mult mai sus decat altceva, c+iar i figurativ I am above +is insults/ After: ceva pu in inferior unui alt lucru $arl 1e>is came in second in t+e 3GG meters after 1inford $+ristie/ Belo*: ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru, sau mai pu in important In a compan. structure a sales representative comes belo) a sales manager/ 33 4 &o*n: a fi partea inferioar a ceva, i a avea mai pu in respect pentru cineva S+e >ent do)n in m. estimation >+en s+e said t+ose t+ings/ 7n: similar cu abo"e, dar in contact cu ceva !+ere@s a telep+one on t+e >all over t+ere/ 7"er: similar cu abo"e, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva !+e +orse &umped over t+e obstacles beautifull./ 'o: estimri relative

!+e #arAeting #anager of I/2/;/ reports to t+e 5eneral #anager/ Un#er: similar cu belo*, dar obiectul este mai aproape de ceva !+at bridge is too lo> for t+at trucA to go under/ Un#erneat/: la fel ca un#er dar mai formal !+e tunnel underneath t+e Englis+ $+annel >as opened in t+e summer of 344</ U$: contrarul lui #o*n YIs t+is t+e s+opVZ Y=o, it@s furt+er up t+e street/Z In: un spa iu inc+is #. little bo. closed +imself in t+e bat+room and couldn@t get out/ '$ 4o*iii relative Again!t along along!i#e aroun# at be!i#e by on t/e rig/t O on t/e left of near ne3t to to*ar#! Again!t: in contact cu altceva sau altcineva 'on@t lean against t+at post/ It@s &ust been painted/ Along: de0a lungul a ceva 36 G )n )venue usuall. +as trees along it/ Along!i#e: aezat alturi de ceva sau cineva !+e ne>l. >eds >alAed alongside eac+ ot+er do>n t+e aisle/ Aroun#: vecintate -e must be around +ere some>+ere; I can see +is footprints/ At: o pozi ie precis If .ou don@t >ait at t+e bus stop, t+e bus >on@t stop/ Be!i#e: similar cu along!i#e

!+e anxious mot+er sat beside +er ill bab. all nig+t/ By: in vecintatea 2ill@s ver. lucA.; +e +as a summer +ouse by t+e sea/ 7n t/e rig/t of O on t/e left of: aezat la dreapta W stanga a ceva sau a cuiva !+ere@s a suspicious looAing man standing on the left of t+e president/ ?ear: aproape de ceva sau cineva I live near m. office, so I can >alA to >orA/ ?e3t to: in direc ia a ceva sau a cuiva =ig+ts get darAer as >e get to)ards $+ristmas/ ($ 4o*iii opuse Acro!! after before be/in# facing in front of o$$o!ite o"er Acro!!: trecut de o anumit limit If .ou looA across t+e field .ou@ll see t+e c+urc+/ After: o pozi ie consecutiv #. best friend +ad five c+ildren, one after t+e ot+er/ Before: a se desfura inainte de altceva 36 3 Fou must learn to >alA before .ou run/ ) se desfura in prezen a cuiva Stand before t+e Eudge and s>ear to tell t+e trut+/ Be/in#: aezat in spatele a ceva sau al cuiva 'on@t turn round, EacA/ !+ere@s a snaAe behind .ou/ =acing: privind in direc ia a ceva sau a cuiva !urn .our seat facing me so I can see .ou properl./ In front of: aezat inaintea a ceva sau cuiva

!+ere@s a long ]ueue in front of me/ I can@t possibl. >ait/ 7$$o!ite: similar cu facing !+e. built a >are+ouse opposite m. +ouse and blocAed out m. vie> of #onte "ecc+ia/ 7"er: ceva aflat de cealalt parte a altceva 'over is over t+e $+annel from $alais/ >re$ozi5ii #e tim$ #$ ?impul pe ceas About aroun# at in on About: un timp aproximativ #. appointment at t+e dentist@s is at 3G/GG o@clocA, but +e@s al>a.s about +alf an +our late/ Aroun#: la fel ca about #. dentis is never punctual; +e@s al>a.s around +alf an +our late/ At: timpul exact !+e film starts at 7 o@clocA/ ?ot 36 6 At se folosete i pentru a face referiri la perioada din prea&ma srbtorilorI I al>a.s go sAiing for a >eeA at $+ristmas/ In: o parte a zilei, luni, anotimpuri i ani I liAe to +ave a big breaAfast in t+e morning/ It doesn@t rain muc+ in 5reece in summer/ 7n: cu zile ale sptmanii W date W zile anumte !+e road >orAs >ill start on #onda. and finis+ on

?ednesda./ I last sa> +im on Eul. <t+/ ?ot Se spuneI In t+e morningW afternoon W evening 'ar At nig+t '$ timpul de dinainte i de dup2 after before by $a!t to After: mai tarziu decat un timp sau eveniment dat )s m. first appointment is after nine, I can catc+ a later train/ Before: inaintea unui timp sau eveniment dat 0efore >e start, I@d &ust liAe to introduce m.self/ By: ceva care se petrece inainte sau nu mai tarziu de un moment dat )pplications must be sumitted by Eune Dt+/ >a!t: similar cu after dar mai colocvial, folosit i pentru a exprima ora I@m tired/ It@s past m. bed time/ 36 * 'o: folosit de asemenea pentru a exprima ora It@s a ]uarter to midnig+tI onl. 3D minutes to go before t+e =e> Fear/ ($ !urata n timp About bet*een #uring for in !ince until About: durata estimat !+e pla. >ill probabl. last about t>o and a +alf +ours/ Bet*een: de la un punct dat in timp la un altul

!+e period bet)een leaving sc+ool and going to universit. >as a stressful one/ &uring: o perioad stabilit in timp I managed not to do an. >orA during m. +olida., t+oug+ I s+ould +ave/ =or: durata unei perioada date de timp ?orld ?ar II >ent on for six .ears/ In: o anumit durat I@m going to t+e s+ops/ I@ll be bacA in an +our/ Since: de la punctul de inceput din trecut pan in prezent Ital. +as been a republic since 34<D/ Until: durata pan la un punct dat in timp -ong Bong >ill belong to England until 3448, >+en it goes bacA to $+ina/ &i"er!e Becau!e of: cauza !+e ;B is suffering because of t+e economic crisis/ =or: similar cu becau!e of dar legat in general de credin e =adir !.lon lived and died for +is countr./ 36 < Scop ) Anife is used for cutting t+ings/ In: parte a unui proces =o>ada.s a lot of aluminium is used in t+e car industr./ 7f: cauza unei ac iuni 1ots of people in India are of +unger/ ;it/: un sentiment care determin o ac iune

Susana cried )ith &o. >+en s+e read +er exam results/ folosirea unui instrument 'on@t put t+at scre> in )ith a +ammer/ 'o it )ith a scre>driver/ By: prin ac iunea sau crea ia cuiva W a ceva Eo+n 1ennon >as Ailled by an assassin@s bullet/ :i-e: un anumit comportament #. +usband acts li&e a c+ild >+en +e can@t get +is o>n >a./ pentru a compara fiin eWlucruri similare Even t+oug+ t+e. are t>ins t+e. don@t looA li&e eac+ ot+er/ A!: profesia cuiva S+e >orAs as a nurse in 5u.s -ospital 1ondon/ But: cu excep ia a ceva sau cineva -e tooA ever.t+ing but t+e Aitc+en sinA/ RExpresieS At: abilit i intr0o anume activitate #. daug+ter, Emma, +as al>a.s been good at dra>ing/ In: similar cu at, dar nu se poate folosi cu good sau bad #. daug+ter, Emma, +as al>a.s been interested in dra>ing/ =rom: originea #. famil. come from ?arrington in $+es+ire/ ;it/: legtur, ataament 36 D !+e little girl al>a.s goes to sleep )ith +er cuddl. tedd./ ;it/out: opusul lui *it/ I al>a.s drinA coffee )ithout sugar/ =or: ceva sau cineva potrivit sau destinat !+is grammar booA is for foreign students of Englis+/

(on+unc5iile sau cuvintele de legtur se folosesc pentru a lega propozi ii/ )cest capitol se ocup cu perec+i de cuvinte de legtur care ar putea provoca anumite confuzii pentru cei ce studiaz engleza/ Utilizare: (on+unc5ii #e tim$ %. a!, */en, */ile se folosesc cu referire la o ac iune care se petrece in acelai timp cu alta/ %hen m. alarm clocA rings at 8 o@clocA I get up/ s I >as looAing out of t+e >indo>, I sa> +im arriving/ %hile .ou >ere out s+opping, Eo+n rang/ 0. after, a! !oon a!, before, */en se folosesc cu referire la o ac iune care se petrece imediat dup o alta/ fter I left universit., I >ent to >orA abroad/ s soon as I +eard +im speaA on !", I c+anged t+e c+annel/ %hen I finis+ed t+ose letters, I posted t+em/ !+e client put t+e p+one do>n before I could give an explanation/ 4. until O till se refer la durata in timp a unei situa ii/ I can@t go out until m. mot+er comes bacA/ I can@t c+ange m. car till I +ave finis+ed for it/ ?ot 36 : Qu!t poate fi folosit in fa a acestor con&unc ii pentru a sublinia apropierea in timp a acelor dou ac iuni Just as +e noticed +e >as being >atc+ed, +e ran off/ (on+unc5ii contra!ti"e %. alt/oug/, e"en t/oug/, t/oug/ se folosesc cu referire la afirma ii

opuse sau contraste, inaintea subiectului sau verbului/ lthough +e is a good >riter, +e +as never publis+ed a booA/ #ven though t+ere@s a speed limit +e al>a.s exceds it/ ?ot '/oug/ este o alternativ mai pu in formal pentru although i even though/ In engleza vorbit apare de obicei la sfaritul propozi iei/ 5eorge studied +ard/ -e didn@t manage to pass +is exam though/ 0. in !$ite of sau #e!$ite se folosesc cu referire la afirma ii opuse sau contrastante, in fa a unui substantiv, pronume sau gerunziu/ ,n spite of the traffic, +e still managed to get +ere in time/ $espite the )eather, >e decided to go an.>a./ ?ot In !$ite of i #e!$ite pot fi folosite i cu t/e fact t/at/ ,n spite of the fact that +e >as ver. bus., +e tooA time off >orA/ 4. */ile, */erea! se folosesc cu referire la contrastul dintre dou afirma ii/ 2rian eats a lot, )hile -enr. +ardl. eats at all/ #. old car >as ver. slo>, )hereas m. ne> one is muc+ faster/ A. /o*e"er se folosete cu referire la contradic ia dintre dou propozi ii/ !+e secret agent >as told to be at t+e meeting point at : o@clocA s+arp/ -o)ever, >+en +e arrived, +is contact >asn@t t+ere/ (on+unc5ii #e cauz )i efect 36 8 %. becau!e, becau!e of, a!, !ince se folosesc cu referire la motivele de a face o ac iune/ !+e bab. cried because it >as +ungr./

'ad is not going to >orA toda. because of t+e striAe/ s it@s raining, .ou +ad better taAe an umbrella/ Since t+e president is abroad, t+e vice0president >ill taAe +is place toda. at t+e presentation/ ?ot Becau!e, becau!e of, a! i !ince au acelai sens dar folosesc construc ii diferite/ Becau!e se folosete inainte de subiect i verb/ Becau!e of se folosete inainte de substantiv/ A! i !ince se folosesc amandou la inceputul propozi iei/ 0. !o, t/erefore se refer la rezultatul unei ac iuni/ Eoe +as exams all next >eeA, so +e can@t go out in t+e evenings/ !+e #a.or +as attend an urgent meeting/ 9herefore +e@ll +ave to cancel t+e lunc+ engagement/ ?ot So i t/erefore au acelai sens/ So este mai frecvent in engleza vorbit/ RR. SUBS'A?'IVU: Substantivele au diferite func ii intr0o propozi ie/ Ele pot fiI Subiectul sau com$lementul #irect !au in#irect al unui verb ?umele $re#icati" al verbelor be, become i seem (om$lement $re$ozi5ional In cazul geniti" R5enitivul saxon sau sinteticS 36 7 In englez substantivele au in toate aceste cazuri aceeai form cu excep ia genitivului sintetic/ ?ot

In englez toate propozi iile trebuie s aib subiect/ Subiectul poate fi un substantiv sau un pronume/ Substantivele in limba englez se pot impr i in patru tipuriI Sub!tanti"e $ro$rii: )nn, $+ina, Paris, 'r #ood. Sub!tanti"e comune: doll, apple, plate, tree Sub!tanti"e ab!tracte: +appiness, love, +onest., fear Sub!tanti"e colecti"e: famil., group, +erd, staff ?ot Substantivele proprii se scriu intotdeauna cu ini ial ma&uscul/ Substantivele limbii engleze pot varia dup gen i numr/ G8?U: 3/ $ele mai multe substantive au aceeai form pentru toate genurile/ friend child doctor cousin baby teenager artist coo& dancer driver teacher genul poate fi indicat de un pronume inso itor/ #. friend sent /er son a present/ !+e doctor opened /i! bag/ 2hild i baby pot fi considerate neutre/ !+e bab. closed it! and fell asleep/ =umele de ri sunt i ele considerate neutre/ 1atel., Ben.a +as greatl. improved it! econom./ 36 4 6/ #ulte substantive care denumesc oameni i animale au o form feminin i una masculin Son+ daughter nephe)+ niece uncle+ aunt ctor+ actress )aiter+ )aitress gentleman+ lady .ather+ mother husband+ )ife man+ )oman

0achelor+ spinster heir+ heir)ss hero+ heroine 7ale+ female bull+ co) rooster+ hen 5enul poate fi indicat combinand substantive fr gen cuI boy+ girl+ male+ female+ man+ )oman 0oyfriend+ girlfriend male pilot+ female pilot 7an dentist+ )oman dentist policeman+ police)oman ?ot Hecent, in incercarea de a elimina Ydiscriminarea de genZ, exist o tendin de a inlocui Ytermina iileZ man i )oman cu person sau de a le elimina complet/ In alte cazuri au fost create alte expresii sau alte cuvinte lipsite de gen/ Vec/ea folo!ire ?oua folo!ire Salesman, sales>oman salesperson $+airman, c+air>oman c+airperson, c+air Ste>ard, ste>ardess flig+t attendant ?UMTRU: In enlgez substantivele se impart in dou categoriiI numrabile i nenumrabile/ 3* G Sub!tanti"ele numrabile se pot numra, adic au numr/ Pot avea atat forme de singular cat i de plural/ 1a singular pot fi precedate de a(n) sau one/ >lural =orme regulate: 3/ 1a ma&oritatea substantivelor se adaug @! formei de singular/ 2ooA, booAs da., da.s +ouse, +ouses 'onAe., donAe.s safe, safes girl, girls

6/ Substantivele terminate in o, c/, !/, ! sau 3 primesc @e!/ Potato, potatoes c+urc+, c+urc+es brus+, brus+es 2us, buses box, boxes Aiss, Aisses */ Substantivele terminate in con!oan B y pierd pe y i primesc @ ie!/ 2ab., babies factor., factories fl., flies ?ot Exist excep iiI &ilo+ &ilos photo+ photos piano+ pianos radio+ radios soprano+ sopranos =orme neregulate 3/ ;nele substantive elimin @f O fe de la final i primesc @"e!/ 2alf+ calves )ife+ )ives )olf+ )olves ;oaf+ loaves leaf+ leaves life+ lives Shelf+ shelves thief+ thieves &nife+ &nives self+ selves 6/ ;nele substantive ii modific vocalele/ .oot+ feet tooth+ teeth goose+ geese man+ men %oman+ )omen mouse+ mice louse+ lice ?ot )ten ieU 2hild+ children person+ people 3* 3 */ ;nele substantive au aceeai form la singular i la pluralI Sheep+deer+ aircraft+ trout+ series+ species+ salmon+ means+ fish+ head3uarters </ ;nele substantive exist numai la forma de plural/ 2lothes+ pants+ pyjamas+ scissors+ glasses+ scales+ stairs+ savings+ outs&irts+ grounds+ goods+ earnings+ valuables+ surroundings+ arms =)eapons>+ archives+ belongings+ proceeds+ )ages+ premises+

the 7iddle ges+ braces+ customs+ trousers ?ot Dolice este considerat a fi la plural/ !+e police are inspecting t+eir +ouse/ ?ot )ceste substantive nu sunt ?icio#at precedate de numere Rone, t>o, t+ree etc/S/ pentru a indica numrul, folosi i !ome, a little, etc/ sau $airO!et, grou$ etc/ B of/ 9en pairs of pants+ three sets of archives+ a roomful of belongings etc. D/ ;nele substantive imprumutate pstreaz pluralul greces, italian sau latin/ 2risis+ crises cactus+ cacti phenomenon+ phenomena $atum+ data libretto+ libretti fungus+ fungi 8ucleus+ nuclei stimulus+ stimuli criterion+ criteria 0asis+ bases thesis+ theses oasis+ oases (is+ a(es medium+ media bacterium+ bacteria ?ot Engleza modern folosete adesea data, media i bacteria cu sens plural dar cu un verb la singular !+e latest data i! +ig+l. encouraging/ 3* 6 :/ =umele de familie se pot folosi la plural pentru a indica intreaga familie/ =umelui i se adaug un @!/ =u au loc sc+imbri de ortografie/ 9he Eennedys are >orld0famous/ 8/ Substantivele colective se refer la un grup de oameni sau lucruri/

Sunt in mod normal folosite la singular/ In engleza britanic se pot folosi atat verbe la singular cat i la plural/ In engleza american au intotdeauna un verb la singular/ .amily aristocracy enemy company council 8obilitygouvernment group proletariat press Fpposition gang jury community army public udience cre) navy staff team committee !+e jury are about to give t+eir verdict/ Rengleza britanicS !+e public is opposed to t+e ne> tax/ ?ot Spre deosebire de substantivele numrabile normale, substantivele colective nu pot fi direct precedate de numere sau YsomeZ/ (ive ,( !-E group sta.ed past midnig+t/ Some ,( !-E opposition s>itc+ed sides/ ?ot ,cazional substantivele colective sunt folosite la plural i sunt numrabile/ Homeo and Euliet came from t>o feuding families/ ,nl. t>o teams can get to t+e finals/ Sub!tanti"ele nenumrabile nu pot fi numrate, adic nu au numr/ 'e obicei au numai form de singular/ ?u pot fi precedate de a(n) sau de numere/ Substantivele nenumrabile se impart in urmtoarele grupuriI 3/ !ub!tanti"e concrete )ater )ood metal paper grass glass oil silver gold sand sno) rain bread mil& 3* *

coffee butter )ine fire food salt 6/ !ub!tanti"e ab!tracte love beauty hope relief e(perience advice purity joy freedominformation courage design duty capacity education evil time patience reality intelligence ?ot ;or- este nenumrabil dar +ob este numrabilI -arriet is looAing for )or&/ Eo+n +as found t>o jobs/ ;or-! inseamnI fabric, parte mecanic, produc ie literar, fapte sau acte/ #ot+er !+eresa of $alcutta is Ano>n for +er good )or&s/ ?ot Iat cateva substantive nenumrabile care in alte limbi se pot deseori numraI dvice baggage luggage furniture $amage hair shopping home)or& information Eno)ledge money )eather research progress 0usiness spaghetti ne)s e3uipment */ Substantive verbale Rgerunzii sau verbe in ingS/ 2amping dancing shopping jogging singing Smo&ing is bad for .our +ealt+/ </ =ume de limbi German #nglish 2hinese ,talian Spanish D/ ;nele nume de boli, tiin e i &ocuri au form de plural dar in mod normal primesc un verb la singular/ Sunt considerate nenumrabile/

7easles mumps billiards dominoes Dhysics politics ethics acoustics Statistics mathematics ne)s electronics 3* < 7athematics is an important subiect/ ?ot ;nele substantive sunt atat numrabile cat i nenumrabile/ 'ar sensul lor e diferit in fiecare caz/ numrabile nenumrabile a paper paper a light light a )ood )ood a glass glass an iron iron a hair hair -e bu.s a paper ever.da./ !+e student +ad >ritten an interesting paper on Beats/ Daper is made of >ood pulp/ ?ot Substantivele nenumrabile nu sunt niciodat precedate de numere Ra, an, one, t>o, t+ree etcS/ Iat cateva expresii folosite pentru a indica numrulWcantitateaI A $iece of informationWfurnitureWadviceWe]uipmentWglassWpaperWne>s A ty$e of atmosp+ereWbe+aviourWviolence An item of luggageWne>sWbaggage A ca!e of mumpsWmeaslesWflu A ray of +opeWsuns+ine A lot of streng+tWsecurit.

A#+ecti"e folo!ite ca !ub!tanti"e (olosi i t/e B a#+ecti" pentruI 3/ grupuri de persoane cu aceleai caracteristici/ ;rmeaz un verb la plural/ 9he rich are not al>a.s as +app. as >e imagine/ 6/ calitate impersonal/ ;rmeaz un verb la singular/ 9he impossible has strong attraction for some people/ 3* D */ na ionalitate Rdac exist un cuvant separatS/ 9he .rench the 2hinese the #nglish the Japanese $ar 9he Doles the Germans the Scots the .inns Sub!tanti"e com$u!e Substantivele compuse sunt formate din dou sau mai multe cuvinte care, impreun, creeaz un nou substantiv cu un nou sens 0abysitter checA&up s)imming pool motherAinAla) Substantivele compuse pot fiI 3/ scrise ca un singur cuvant, cuvinte separate sau cu cratim/ 'ac ave i indoieli cel mai bine e s consulta i intotdeauna dic ionarul/ rmchair can opener coverAup oneA)ay street 6/ numrabile sau nenumrabile alarm cloc& fast food compact disc human race toothbrush drin&ing )ater )aiting room )elfare state

yello) pages poc&et money */ compuse din dou substantive/ >rimul !ub!tanti" este folosit ca ad&ectiv i este la !ingular/ 2hain factory Ra factor. for c+ainsS 2otton s&irt Ra sAirt made of cotonS tenAyearAold girl Ra girl >+o is ten .ears oldS 2ar accident Raccident involving carsS t)oA)ee& cruise Ra cruise lasting t>o >eeAsS </ substantivele compuse numrabile formeaz pluralul aplicand regulile normale de plural ultimului substantiv/ #ail boxes dis+ >as+ers sleeping bags !0s+irts ?ot ;neori Rdar rarS substantivele la plural pot fi folosite ca ad&ectiveI 3* : Sports car customs department clothes store Sales divison savings ban& ne)s item D/ substantivele compuse formate din verbe complexe sau substantive legate cu of i in au plurale neregulate/ Passers0b. runners0up sisters0in0la> 1ilies of t+e valle. >o!e!ia: of )i geniti"ul !intetic Posesia se poate exprima folosindI 3/ 7= In multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprima posesia/ Substantivele, folosite ca ad&ective, pot i ele uneori indica posesia/ $oor of the car car door

.rame of the picture picture frame -ead3uarters of the company company head3uarters 9he color of the )all the )all color 8eedles of the pine tree pine tree needles #ngine of the car car engine ?ot )d&ectivele nu au numr/ Substantivele care devin ad&ective sunt la singular/ !+e tops of t+e boxes/ !+e bo( tops 6/ Geniti"ul !intetic In cazul persoanelor i animalelor folosim genitivul sintetic pentru a exprima posesia/ =orm: forma i genitivul saxon adugand W! sau W substantivelor W! W toate substantivele singulare substantivele plurale terminate substantivele plurale care in s =; se termin in s 3* 8 8ancy*s the teachers* James*s the Gallaghers* -is mother*s the %aleses* 7y children*s his sistersG Utilizare: folosi i genitivul sinteticI 3/ pentru a exprima posesia cu referire la $er!oane i animale -elen*s mot+er is ill/ !+e old horse*s mane is still ver. beautiful/ 6/ in expresii temporale

one )ee&*s pay today*s ne)s a year*s leave t)o hour*s )ait a month*s holiday yesterday*s partyt+e !+e plane +ad an hour*s dela./ In t>o )ee&s* time I@ll be on t+e beac+ in 2ali/ */ cu pronume ne+otrate caI everybody+ someone+ anybody+ anyone+ nobody+ no one mai ales dac sunt inso ite de el!e/ It@s nobody*s fault/ !+at must be somebody else*s bag/ </ cu anumite institu ii, grupuri, expresii geografice !+e government*s decision >ill be made public tomorro>/ !+e )orld*s laAes and rivers are in a disastruous condition/ D/ singur, cand al doilea substantiv inseamnI store+ shop+ studio+ office+ restaurant+ church sau cathedral/ 5o and bu. a loaf of bread at t+e ba&er*s Rs+opS/ !+eir >eeding >as at St.Datric&*s Rcat+edralS/ :/ cu ,( Rposesiv dubluS/ #and. is a friend of nn*s/ X #and. is one of )nn@s friends/ ?ot 3* 7 ,biectul posedat pierde articolele i pronumele care il preced cand este folosit cu un genitiv sintetic/ -is c+ild o>ns !-)! bic.cle/ It is broAen/ -is c+ild@s bic.cle is broAen/ ?ot =; folosim genitivul sinteticI $u ad&ective folosite ca substantiveI -e intends to improve the condition of the poor.

$and posesorul este determinat de propozi ii subordonate sau expresii lungi/ ,*d li&e you to meet the mother of the boy )ho )on first prize. 83erci5ii: Alege5i forma $otri"it a "erbelor. 7b!er"a5i #iferen5a #e !en! a !ub!tanti"elor care $rime!c atat "erbe la !ingular cat )i la $lural/ 3/ -is p+onetics isWare muc+ better t+an +ers/ 6/ #. trousers isWare flared/ */ !+e scissors isWare lost for ever, I guess/ </ Statistics isWare +is favourite stud./ D/ $od eatsWeat a variet. of food/ :/ )coustics isWare a branc+ of p+.sics/ 8/ !+e ne> statistics s+o>sWs+o> a great increase in manufactured goods/ 7/ Fout+ toda. isWare turning a>a. from t+e c+urc+/ 4/ ?+at isWare t+e most efficient means of dealing >it+ t+is problemV 3G/ !+e pliers isWare on t+e table/ 33/ !+e acoustics of t+e =ational !+eatre -all isWare excellent/ 36/ Politics isWare t+e art of t+e possible/ 3*/ Poultr. >asW>ere expensive t+at >inter/ 3</ ?+at isWare .our politicsV 3D/ !+e people of t+e countr. livesWlive be.ond t+eir means/ 3:/ -e +ad no time for visitors >+ile t+e poultr. >asW>ere being fed/ 38/ Ever.bod.@s means isWare being tested/ 37/ #at+ematics isWare given top priorit. no>ada.s/ 34/ ?+at isWare cattle good forV 6G/ !+e police +asW+ave made no arrest .et/ 63/ (res+0>ater fis+ includesWinclude salmon, trout, carp and eels/ 66/ 5.mnastics isWare not given enoug+ attention in our sc+ool/ 6*/ !+e Italian clerg. >asW>ere opposed to divorce/ 6</ )dvice isWare readil. given on all t+e tec+nical aspects/ 3* 4 (ombina5i e3$re!iile $artiti"e #in coloana A cu !ub!tanti"ele nenumrabile #in coloana B. 'ra#uce5i6le in limba roman.

AB )n article of sugar ) bar of meat ) caAe of bread ) grain of paper ) +eap of soap )n item of c+ocolate ) loaf of land ) lump of rice ) pice of rubbis+ ) pile of evidence ) s+eet of information ) slice of advice ) strip of luggage ) >ord of furniture =e>s (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ )re 6/ )re */ )re </ Is D/ Eat :/ Is 8/ S+o> 7/ )re 4/ Is 3G/ )re 33/ )re 36/ Is 3*/ ?as 3</ )re 3D/ 1ive 3:/ ?ere 38/ )re 37/ Is 34/ )re 6G/ -ave 63/ Include 66/ )re 6*/ ?ere 6</ Is a lump W a piece of sugar Ro bucat de za+rS a piece of meat Ro bucat de carneS a slice W loaf of bread Ro felie de paine W o franzel, o paineS a s+eet W piece of paper Ro foaie W bucat de +artieS a caAe W bar of soap Run spunS a bar W piece of c+ocolate Run baton de ciocolatS a piece W strip of land Ro bucat, o fiie de pmantS

a grain of rice Run bob de orezS 3< G a pile W +eap of rubbis+ Ro grmad de gunoiS a piece of evidence Ro probS a piece W an item of information Ro informa ieS a piece W >ord of advice Run sfatS a piece of luggage Run baga&S a piece W an article of furniture Ro pies de mobilierS a piece W an item of ne>s Ro tireS RRI. AR'I(7:U: =orm: In englez articolele au dou formeI ne+otrat A sau A? i +otrat '98/ )rticolele sunt invariabile i nu au gen/ 3/ A se folosete in fa a cuvintelor care incep cu un sunet consonantic c+iar dac prima liter e o vocal/ An se folosete in fa a cuvintelor care incep cu vocal sau / mut/ )mbele se pot folosi numai cu !ub!tanti"e numrabile la !ingular. ) dog a computer ) desA a universit. Rsunet consonanticS ) man a +ouse )n orange a son )n umbrella an +our R+ mutS )n idea an +onour R+ mutS ) building an example ?ot ?he se pronun RdNS cand st in fa a unui substantiv care incepe cu un sunet consonantic i RdiIS inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu un sunet vocalic/

6/ '/e se folosete in fa a oricrui substantiv numrabil sau nenumrabil, atat la singular cat i la plural/ !+e dog t+e dogs !+e atmosp+ere t+e >ine 3< 3 !+e +ouse t+e time !+e eggs t+e information !+e rice t+e apple ?ot $and ne referim la acelai lucru sau aceeai persoan pentru a doua oar, folosim de obicei pe t/e/ !+ere is an apple and an orange for t+e dessert/ I@ll eat the apple/ Utilizare: A sau A? se folosescI 3/ inaintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referi la ceva sau cineva pentru prima dat/ I@ve received a postcard from a friend of mine in t+e ;S/ 6/ pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva, inclusiv slu&be sau profesii/ #. next0door neig+bour is a dentist and +is >ife an architect/ Eenn. doesn@t eat meat; s+e@s a vegetarian/ !+at >as a &ind thing to sa./ */ dup verbul be sau verbe copulative urmate de un ad&ectiv sau substantiv sau cand este urmat de locu iuni prepozi ionale sau propozi ii relative care ofer mai mult informa ie despre cineva sau cevaI EacA@s son is a talented artist/ I boug+t a painting that reminded me of my childhood home/

</ cu unele expresii numerice insemnand unu sau cu expresii ale pre ului, vitezei, raportului i cantit ii/ +undred guests >ere invited/ Petrol costs 3/DG a litre in England/ -e@s craz. driving at 34G Ailometres an +our/ ?ot A O An i one sunt uneori intersc+imbabile dar nu in toate cazurile/ SpunemI +undred pounds sau one +undred pounds 3< 6 'ar a lot of W a great deal of D/ cu substantive numrabile la singular pentru a da defini ii, a face afirma ii generale, exclama ii sau cand exprimm dorin e/ dog is more compan. t+an a cat/ I@d liAe a nice cool glass of beer/ n apple a da. Aeeps t+e doctor a>a./ Utilizare: '98 se foloseteI 3/ inaintea unui substantiv singular numrabil sau nenumrabil sau a unui substantiv plural numrabil pentru a face o nou referire la ceva ce a fost de&a men ionat sau la care s0a fcut de&a aluzie/ -e >anted to go to a ban& to c+ange some mone., but all the ban&s >ere on striAe/ 'o .ou remember the fun >e +ad >+en >e >ere at sc+ool toget+erV 6/ pentru a face referire la cineva sau ceva anume/ I liAe the painting above the fire place/

9he merican economy is suffering at t+e moment/ */ in fa a unui substantiv reprezentand o anume persoan sau un lucru sau un grup de persoane sau lucruri/ S+all I drive the carV Raceast mainS ?ill .ou maAe the tea, pleaseV Rceaiul pe care ne pregtim s0l bemS </ cu referire la ceva unic in mod absolut/ 9he sun rises in t+e east and sets in the )est/ 9he Dresident of the 5nited States visited the Dope last #a./ D/ in fa a a#+ecti"elor pentru a face referire la un anumit grup sau clas de oameni/ In acest caz nu este nevoie de substantiv/ ,nl. the strong survive/ Hobin -ood stole from the rich to give to the poor/ 3< * :/ in fa a unui !ub!tanti" la !ingular pentru a se referi la un anume grup de oameni, animale sau obiecte/ 9he ,ndian elephant is smaller t+an the frican elephant/ 9he customer is al>a.s rig+t/ ?ot Exist excep ii/ ,ma+a is in 8orth merica/ !+e branc+ manager >as sent to SouthA#ast sia on a reconnaissance trip/ 8/ inaintea unor substantive proprii pentru a denumi zone geografice, nume de mri i rauri, lan uri muntoase, grupuri de insule, nume la plural de ri i deerturi/ 9he )tlantic, the 2a. of 2isca., the #iddle East, the nort+ of

England, the ?est of Ireland, the Ivor. $oast, the 2lacA $ountr. 9he #editerranean Sea, the Englis+ $+annel, the Hiver t+ames, the H+ein, the Straits of 5ibraltar 9he, the Pennines 9he $+annel Islands, the -a>aiian Islands, the (alAlands 9he ;nited States of )merica, the =et+erlands 9he )rizona 'esert, the 5ibbon 'esert ?ot '/e nu se folosete cu nume de mun i izola iI 0en 8evis is t+e +ig+est mountain in Scotland/ ?ot ?u se folosete t/e cu nume de lacuri/ ;a&e %indermere+ ;a&e Superior+ ;a&e Hictoria 7/ in fa a numelor de instrumente muzicale/ 9he guitar +as al>a.s been m. favourite instrument/ 'o .ou t+inA .our fat+er >ill let us pla. the drums in +is garageV 4/ in fa a unor ad&ective na ionalit i cu referire la oameni dintr0o anumit ar0 aici se folosete un verb la plural/ 9he (renc+ and the 2ritis+ +ave >orAed toget+er to build t+e Y$+annelZ/ 3< < 9he 'utc+ are said to be +ard >orAers/ ?ot In anumite cazuri se pot folosi numai substantive la plural/ 9he 5ermans >ere upset about losing t+e semi0finals/ 9he )mericans +osted t+e 344< ?orld (ootball $+ampions+ip/ 3G/ inaintea ad&ectivelor superlative i a numeralelor ordinale/

=eil )rmstrong >as the first man to >alA on t+e moon/ !+at is the silliest t+ing I +ave ever +eard/ ?ot ;neori numeralele ordinale pot fi folosite fr t/e atunci cand se face referire la ordinea in care se petrec evenimentele/ 2rendan came first and $ollin second in t+e 3GG meters/ ?e >ent to #an+attan first, t+en on to 2rooAl.n/ Utilizare: ?u se folosete articolulI 3/ in fa a substantivelor nenumrabile sau numrabile la plural cand se face o afirma ie general/ Dollution in big cities is ver. > $ogs maAe good companions/ )ceste cuvinte sunt adesea precedate de determinan i caI some+ any+ a piece of+ a lot of Is t+ere any bread in t+e Aitc+enV )re t+ere any apples in t+e bo>lV ?ot Iat o list de substantive care sunt de obicei la singular i nenumrabile in englez, dar uneori nu i in alte limbiI ;uggage+ baggage+ furniture+ ne)s+ information+ advice+ behaviour+ damage+ permission+ traffic+ )eather+ )or&+ accommodation+ bread+ luc&+ progresss+ hair 3< D 6/ in fa a substantivelor abstracte cand sunt folosite in mod genericI beauty+ happiness+ fear+ hope+ &no)ledge+ intelligence; cu excep ia cazurilor cand sunt folosite cu sens mai bine specificat/ Eno)ledge comes to us t+roug+ our senses/

S+e got t+e &ob because s+e +as a &no)ledge of Englis+/ 0eauty is in t+e e.e of t+e be+older/ ?+at a beautyU */ in fa a substantivelor proprii, nume de persoane i numele unei companii, cu excep ia situa iilor cand se vorbete de familie ca de un tot/ -e >orAs for 5nimotor ;td/ -elene and Geoff Dar&er are coming to dinner tonig+t/ 'ar 9he Dar&ers are coming to dinner tonig+t/ </ pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, in fa a numelor de ec+ipe -e loves football but s+e isn@t Aeen of golf/ S+e supports 7anchester 5nited/ D/ inaintea numelor meselor zileiI brea&fast+ lunch+ dinner+ supper. ?+ere did .ou +ave brea&fastV :/ inaintea cuvintelor home+ church+ university+ prison+ hospital+ mar&et, atunci cand ele reprezint o institu ie sau o idee general/ 9he se folosete totui atunci cand se face o referire special la locul respectiv/ Eo+n 2ragg >as arrested and put into prison for corruption/ -is >ife can go to the prison once a >eeA to visit +im/ Emma and Sam are at school/ !+eir mot+er often goes to the school to talA to t+eir teac+er/ 83erci5ii: Alege5i articolele: a, an, t/e, 7 3< : 3/ =earl. all [ furniture +ad been taAen out of [ dining0room/ 6/ [ big piano >as put in [ corner and t+en t+ere came [ ro> of flo>er

pots and t+en t+ere came [ gold. c+airs/ */ !+at >as for [ concert/ </ ?+en Sun looAed in [ >+ite0faced man sat at [ piano not, but banging at it/ D/ -e +ad [ bag of [ tools on [ piano and +e +ad stucA +is +at on [ statue against [ >all/ :/ So t+e. >ent into t+e dining0room; [ red ribbons and [ bunc+es of [ roses tied up [ table at [ corners/ 8/ In [ middle >as [ laAe >it+ [ rosepetals floating on it/ 7/ ^!+at@s >+ere [ ice0pudding is to be@ said [ $ooA/ 4/ !>o silver lions >it+ [ >ings +ad [ fruit on t+eir bacAs/ 3G/ )nd all [ >inAing glasses and s+ining plates, and all [ foodU 33/ ^)re [ people going to eat [ foodV@ asAed Sun/ 36/ ?+ile t+e. >ere being unbuttoned [ #ot+er looAed in >it+ [ >+ite t+ing over +er s+oulders; s+e >as rubbing [ stuff on +er face/ 3*/ ^I@ll ring for t+em >+en I >ant t+em, [ =urse/@ Alege5i articolele: a, an, t/e, 7 3/ ,ut of [ ignorance +e made [ mistaAe after [ mistaAe/ 6/ !+e. sailed t+roug+ [ Straits of #agellan/ */ [ sc+ool and [ +ome >ere far a>a./ </ I@ll start as [ decA bo. at [ pound [ mont+/ D/ [ c+ildren of [ lane used to pla. toget+er in [ fieldI [ 2ro>ns, [ Pages, little !om [ cripple/ :/ !+e. >alAed along [ =ort+ Strand Hoad till t+e. came to [ (inlandia -ouse and t+en turned to [ rig+t along [ ?+arf Hoad/ 8/ I >ent from [ room to [ room singing/ 7/ )t [ "ictoria Station [ cro>d of [ people pressed to [ carriage doors/ 4/ !+at@s an order, said [ #a&or 'unn/ 3G/ [ police officer 'an !a.lor stood guard over +er outside [ St/ (rancis -otel/ 33/ [ &udge Eames !a.lor >as not lenient/ 36/ [ $+inese language is totall. unliAe [ Eapanese/ 3*/ [ Eapanese +ave transcribed t+eir language into [ Homan alp+abet as >ell/ 3</ I t+oug+t about it [ da. and [

nig+t/ 3D/ !+e. transmitted television pictures bacA to [ eart+/ 3:/ [ eart+ s+one [ brilliant blue green, curved at [ +orizon, against [ blacAness of [ space, belo> t+e t>o s+ips as [ trailed [ )pollo/ 38/ S+e settled do>n to sip [ tea from [ paper cup/ 37/ [ crocodiles can be bred commerciall. &ust liAe [ co>s or [ pigs/ 34/ [ lava and [ as+ from [ #erapi "olcano, [ $entral Ea>a +ave forced 38G families to flee t+eir +omes/ 6G/ [ female crocodile la.s 3< 8 about <G eggs [ .ear/ 63/ [ farm life doesn@t agree >it+ t+em/ 66/ S+e >as training for [ S>an 1aAe/ 6*/ [ lacA of [ parAing space forces [ motorists to double0parA reducing [ >ide streets to [ narro> lanes/ 6</ !+e. discovered [ fossils of [ bon. fis+es on [ field trip to [ Ellesmore Island in [ )rtic/ 6D/ !+e fire broAe out near [ 1aAe -emet, sout+ of [ mountain resort of [ Id.ll>ild, and burned to [ sout+east/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ !+e, t+e 6/ !+e, a, a, t+e */ !+e </ a, t+e D/ ), ,, t+e, a, t+e :/ ,, ,, ,, t+e, t+e 8/ !+e, a, , 7/ !+e, , 4/ ,, , 3G/ !+e, t+e 33/ ,, t+e 36/ ,, a, , 3*/ , 3/ ,, ,, , 6/ !+e */ ,, , </a, a, a D/ !+e, t+e, t+e, t+e, t+e, t+e :/ !+e, ,, t+e, t+e 8/ ,, , 7/ ,, a, ,, t+e 4/ , 3G/ !+e, , 33/ , 36/ !+e, , 3*/ !+e, t+e 3</ ,, , 3D/ , 3:/ !+e, a, t+e, t+e, ,, t+e, t+e 38/ ,, a 37/ ,, ,, , 34/ ,, ,, ,, , 6G/ ), a 63/ , 66/ , 6*/ !+e, ,, ,, ,, , 6</ ,, ,, a, ,, t+e 6D/ ,, t+e, ,, t+e RRII.A&Q8('IVU: =orm: ad&ectivele limbii engleze sunt in"ariabile/ Ele nu au gen sau numr/

?ot )d&ectivele demonstrative sunt SI=5;H) excep ie/ )ceste ad&ective sunt "ariabile/ 9his+ that se folosesc su substantive la singular/ 9hese+ those se folosesc cu substantive la plural/ 9his s+irt +as been ironed/ 9hat blouse looAs dirt./ 9hese flo>ers are beautiful/ 9hose bus+es need cutting/ >ozi5ie: ad&ectivele sunt aezateI 3/ in fa a substantivelor/ 3< 7 I@m reading an interesting booA/ 6/ dup verbeleI be+ become+ seem+ appear+ feel+ sound+ taste+ ma&e+ &eep+ loo& =? appear>+ get1turn1gro) =? become> I feel sad/ !+e >eat+er gre> cool/ -e maAes Eanice happy/ */ dup un complement direct Eane found t+e programme boring/ S+e painted +er nails bright red/ ?ot ;nele dintre aceste verbe pot avea alte sensuri atunci cand sunt determinate de adverbeI 5lad.s loo&ed RX appearedS attractive/ 5lad.s loo&ed RX examinedS carefull. t+e price tag/ 'i$uri: ad&ectivele se impart in ase tipuriI calificati"e, $o!e!i"e, interogati"e, cantitati"e, #emon!trati"e i #i!tributi"e/ %. A#+ecti"ele calificati"e =orm: exemple de astfel de ad&ective suntI young+ empty+ small+

spacious+ blac&+ elegant+ ugly+ strong+ lonely+ intelligent+ round+ happy !+e old man >as sitting in t+e sun/ ?ot )d&ectivele pot fi folosite ca substantive/ Ele cer un verb la plural/ 9he young are often impacient. ?ot (ace i diferen a intre little RX micS, little RX nu multS i a little RX o cantitate micS/ S+e bab.sits for a little girl/ (is+ eat little food/ -e lent me a little mone./ 3< 4 Participiile prezente Rformele in ingS i participiile trecute Rformele de tipul edS sunt folosite ca ad&ective calificative/ Participiile prezente au sens activ, iar participiile trecute au sens pasiv/ >artici$iu $rezent >artici$iu trecut 2oring bored )musing amused Interesting interested !iring tired (rig+tening frig+tened !+e student gre> bored during t+e lecture/ Spielberg@s ne> film is frightening/ ?ot Dretty este atat ade&ectiv cat i adverb/ Ellie is a pretty girl/ RX attractiveS )rnold is pretty ric+/ RX rat+erS

?ot )d&ectivele sunt determinate de adverbe/ !+ose boots are very tight/ I feel totally e(hausted/ Utilizare: a#+ecti"ele )i $re$ozi5iile )d&ectivele sunt adesea urmate de prepozi ii/ At to about of 2ad married sad rude Expert cruel sincere stupid 5ood Aind sorr. Aind Slo> sure nice auicA polite t+rilled polite Excited fait+ful >orried sure 3D G S+ocAed sensitive curious generous Surprised rude ent+usiastic )mused anxious ;it/ on in 'elig+ted dependent interested 'isgusted expert Pleased successful Satisfied 5enerous ?ot ;nele ad&ective ii sc+imb sensul cand primesc o alt prepozi ie/ !odd is good at algebra/ W!odd is good to +is sister/ !+e. are al>a.s &ind to us/ W It@s &ind of -elen to +elp/

'o$ica $and dou sau mai multe ad&ective sunt folosite impreunI 3/ ad&ectivele subiective sau de opinie Rboring+ lovely+ lazyS sunt aezate in fa a ad&ectivelor obiective sau concrete Rold+ red+ s3uareS/ )nn is an active young lad./ 6/ ad&ectivele obiective sau concrete stau in umrtoarea ordineI #imen!iune @ "ar!t @ form @ culoare @ origine @ material @ !co$ a small oval plate W an anti3ue .rench table W a blac& metal )al&ing sticA W an enormous blac& steel lifting device */ dup un "erb ultimele dou ad&ective sunt legate cu )='/ Sam gre> bitter and aggressive/ !+e bread smelled fresh+ fragrant+ and appetizing/ (om$ara5ia a#+ecti"elor A. $omparativul i superlativul ad&ectivelor se formeazI 3/ adugand @er i @e!t la sfaritulI 3D 3 ad&ectivelor monosilabice ad&ectivelor terminate in @y, 6er, 6ly ?ot )d&ectivele de o silab terminate intr0o consoan, dubleaz consoanaI fat+ fatter+ fattest )d&ectivele terminate in con!oan B yI transfomr pe y in iI pretty+ prettier+ prettiest 6/ adugand more i mo!t inaintea ad&ectivelor de dou sau mai multe silabe (om$ara5ia regulat

A#+ecti" com$arati" !u$erlati" %arm )armer the )armest -appy happier the happiest 2lever cleverer the cleverest 0oring more boring the most boring #(cited more e(cited the most e(cited (om$ara5ia neregulat A#+ecti" com$arati" !u$erlati" Good+ )ell better the best 0ad )orse the )orst ;ittle less the least 7uch+ many more the most .ar farther the farthest further the furthest old older the oldest elder the eldest late later the latest the last near nearer the nearest the ne(t ?ot Goo# i *ell au sensuri diferiteI 2et+ is good/ RX be+aves >ellS 2et+ is )ell/ RX s+e is in good +ealt+S 3D 6 =art/er i furt/er se refer ambele la distan , dar furt/er mai poate insemna i n plus 1 e(tra

2oston is farther 1 further t+an Pl.mout+/ .urther testing >ill be necessar./ 7l#er i el#er se refer ambele la varst, dar elder se folosete pentru rela ii de familie !+e cat+edral is the oldest building in to>n/ Eason is the eldest brot+er/ '/e late!t inseamn cel mai recent, t/e la!t inseamn cel final, ultimul 9he latest ne>s >as broadcast five minutes ago/ 9he last ne>s report is at midnig+t/ '/e neare!t se refer la distan , t/e ne3t la timp W cronologie 9he nearest +otel is ten miles a>a./ 9he ne(t train is leaving in +alf an +our/ B. pentru a face compara ii, folosi iI 3/ a! B a#+ecti" B a! in propozi ii afirmative pentru a exprima egalitatea a!O!o B a#+ecti" B a! in propozi ii negative Four e.esig+t is as good as mine/ Peter isn@t as1so short as +is brot+er/ 6/ a#+ecti"ul la com$arati" B t/an pentru a exprima diferen a !+at >atc+ is more e(pensive than t+is !imex/ ?ot Pentru a forma compara ii cu substantive, pronume i verbe in ing, folosi i prepozi ia li-e -e >orAs li&e a dog/ !r. to be+ave li&e him/ It@s li&e tal&ing to a bricA >all/

(om$ara5i $ompara iile pot fi fcute cu more cat i cu le!! Paris is more interesting t+an -ouston/ 3D * -ouston is less interesting t+an Paris/ ?ot Exist o diferen intre engleza formal i cea familiar/ (ormalI t/anOa! B iO/eO!/eO*eOt/ey B "erb (amiliarI t/anOa! B meO/imO/erOu!Ot/em =ormal =amiliar Fou are as tall as , am/ Fou are as tall as me/ 2ill is older t+an she is/ 2ill is older t+an her/ ?ot $and acelai verb se repet in aceeai propozi ie, folosi i un auxiliar pentru al doilea verb/ !+is $' sounds better t+an t+at $' sounds/ X !+is $' sounds better t+an t+at $' does. 4. com$arati" B an# B com$arati" pentru a exprima creterea sau descreterea gradat a calit ii !+e bab. is gro>ing bigger and bigger/ I@m feeling more and more irritated >it+ Eric/ A. t/e B a#+ecti" la !u$erlati"C B ofOin pentru a exprima superioritatea sau inferioritatea 7= se folosete pentru a indica un grup de oameni sau obiecte/ I? se folosete pentru a indica un loc/ !+is is the oldest booA in t+e librar./ !+is booA is the best of1in t+e series/

4. A#+ecti"ele $o!e!i"e =orm: ad&ectivele posesive suntI 7y your his1her1its our your their ?ot It! este ad&ectiv posesiv/ ItD! este forma contras a lui it \ is/ 3D < Utilizare: ad&ectivele se folosescI 3/ pentru a face referire la posesor/ I tooA off my coat/ ?e drove our car/ 6/ cu pr i ale corpului i +aine/ !+e c+ildren >as+ed their +ands before dinner/ Eim puts on his ne> +iAing boots/ */ cu o)n, pentru a intri ideea de posesie/ S+e cleaned her o)n room/ ?ot )d&ectivele posesive sunt invariabile/ Ele au aceeai form pentru substantive la singular i la plural/ 7y boo&+ my boo&s his pen+ his pens 4. A#+ecti"ele interogati"e =orm: Exist trei ad&ective interogativeI )hat+ )hich i )hose Utilizare: )d&ectivele interogative se folosesc astfelI 3/ */at se folosete pentru lucuriI %hat booA are .ou readingV */ic/ se folosete pentru persoane sau lucuri in cazul unei alegeri limitateI

%hich booA do .ou preferV */o!e se folosete pentru persoane i exprim posesiaI %hose car +ave t+e. borro>edV ?ot )d&ectivele interogative sunt invariabile/ Ele au aceeali form pentru substantive la singular i la plural/ 3D D %hat photo+)hat photos 1 )hich pen+)hich pens 1 )hose coat+)hose coats 6/ */o!e preced substantivul pe care il determin/ %hose cat is t+isV %hose bags are over t+ereV */ cand */atO*/ic/O*/o!e B !ub!tanti" &oac rolul de !ubiect al unei propozi ii, verbul este la forma afirmativ/ cand */atO*/ic/O*/o!e B !ub!tanti" &oac rolul de com$lement al unei propozi ii, verbul este la forma interogativ/ Subiect (om$lement %hat team >onV %hat team did you applaud: %hich trainarrived lateV %hich train did #ar. taAeV %hose coat lost a buttonV %hose coat did 2en borro>V A. A#+ecti"e cantitati"e =orm: ad&ectivele cantitative suntI much+ many+ little+ fe)+ some+ any+ no i toate numerele/ Utilizare: A. muc/, many, little, fe* 3/ many i fe* se folosesc cu substantive numrabile/

muc/ i little se folosec cu substantive nenumrabile/ 7any magazines, fe) in+abitants 7uch mone., little +appines 6/ muc/ i many se folosesc de obicei in propozi ii negative i interogative/ In propozi ii afirmative folosi i a lot of, $lenty of, a great #eal of, a large number of/ ?eagati" )i interogati" !+ere isn@t much ice in t+e freezer/ 'o .ou +ave many friendsV Afirmati" 3D : !+e plum tree +as pleanty of plums t+is .ear/ */ muc/ i many se pot combina cu /o*/ -o) much mone. do .ou needV -o) many birds live in t+at nestV ?ot Muc/ i many se folosesc uneori in propozi ii afirmative/ 7any guests complained/ 7uch time +as been >asted/ ?ot 9o* muc/ O many B !ub!tanti" poate fi subiect sau complement/ "erbul din propozi ie se modific in mod corespunztor/ -o) much mone. did +e taAeV -o) much is missingV B. !ome, any, no sunt adesea denumite $artiti"e/ 3/ !ome i any indic o anumit cantitate no inseamn nici unele+ nici unii+ deloc

Se folosesc cuI substantive la plural/ substantive nenumrabile la singular/ !+ere is some bread but no milA in t+e Aitc+en/ -ave .ou boug+t any biscuitsV 6/ !ome se folosete inI propozi ii afirmative ?e earned some mone. picAing stra>berries/ Intrebri, cand se ateapt un rspuns afirmativ -aven@t .ou lost some buttons on t+at &acAetV ,ferte i cereri ?ould .ou liAe some coffeeV */ any se folosete inI propozi ii negative I can@t lend .ou any flour/ Propozi ii interogative 3D 8 'oes Sara+ +ave any talentV Propozi ii subordonate cu ifO*/et/er ?e don@t Ano> if t+ere are any survivors/ 'up >it+out -e left for 1ondon >it+out any baggage/ Propozi ii afirmative cu un substantiv la singular, cu sensul de tot+ oricare+ indiferent care ny advice is >elcome/ 2u. any brand of toot+paste/ </ no se folosete inI propozi ii afirmative pentru a exprima nega ia

#. +usband speaAs no Spanis+/ 8o drinAs >ere offered during t+e flig+t/ 'up )ith -e left for 1ondon >it+ no baggage/ ?ot Some, any, no se combin cu @one, 6bo#y, 6 t/ing formand cuvintele compuseI someone+ somebody+ something+ anyone+ anybody+ anything+ no one+ nobody+ nothing )ceste pronume urmeaz aceleai reguli/ 'oes anyone >ant to accompan. meV !+e. sa> something strange t+at nig+t/ 8o one ans>ered t+e p+one/ !+e test flig+t tooA place >it+out anybody on board/ D/ A#+ecti"ele #emon!trati"e: this, that, these, those 3/ 'emonstrativele sunt !ingurele ad&ective variabile din limba englez/ Se acord in numr cu substantivul determinat/ Singular $lural 9his rug these rugs 9hat tree those trees 3D 7 6/ '/i!, t/e!e se refer la persoane i lucruri din apropierea vorbitorului/ '/at, t/o!e se refer la persoane i lucruri aflate mai departe de vorbitor/ 9hese pastries are delicious/ 9his c+air is rat+er uncomfortable/ 9hat airplane is too lo>/

9hose clouds looA fluff./ :/ A#+ecti"e #i!tributi"e: each, every, all, both, either, neither Utilizare: A: eac/, all, e"ery 3/ eac/ inseamn Yconsiderat separat sau individualZ/ E urmat de substantiv la singular/ #ach c+ild received a prize/ 6/ all inseamn Yconsidera i impreunZ, ca grup/ Substantivele numrabile care urmeaz sunt la plural/ ll men are created e]ual/ */ e"ery poate insemna Yconsidera i impreunZ sau Yconsidera i separatZ/ ;rmeaz un substantiv la singular/ #very girl +ad a red +air ribbon/ (. bot/ bot/ inseamn Yamandoi, amandouZ I@ve read both booAs/ &. eit/er, neit/er eit/er inseamn Yoricare din ceiWcele doiWdouZ/ ;rmeaz un substantiv la singular/ #ither dress is suitable for t+e part./ neit/er inseamn Ynici unulWuna din ceiWcele doiWdouZ/ ;rmeaz un substantiv la singular/ "erbul trebuie s fie afirmativ/ 8either dress is suitable for t+e part./ 3D 4 ?ot 8it/er C or implic o alegereI Fou can +ave either eggs or bacon for breaAfast/ ?eit/er C nor subliniaz cele dou nega iiI

8either >omen nor c+ildren >ere admitted/ In acest timp de expresie substantivele numrabile sunt la plural/ ?ot )d&ectivele sunt adesea urmate de construc ii infinitivale/ !+at@s nice to &no)U It >as foolis+ to do t+atU ?e found it eas. to memorize/ It is dangerous to s&i t+ere/ 83erci5ii: Alege5i forma corect a a#+ecti"ului #in $arantez: 3/ !+is is t+e [ booA I +ave read for a long time RgoodS/ 6/ -e +as one of t+e [ cars on t+e road RfastS/ */ !+e >orA .ou are doing toda. is [ t+an t+e >orA .ou did .esterda. Reas.S/ </ )nn often >ears [ dresses t+en +er mot+er RexpensiveS/ D/ ?+ic+ is t+e [ pla. .ou +ave latel. readV RinterestingS/ :/ !+e actress on t+e stage >as t+e [ girl I +ave ever seen RstriAingS/ 8/ !om is [ t+an +is friend RtallS/ 7/ !+e. +ave a [ garden t+an ours Rlovel.S/ 4/ -e said t+is >as t+e [ da. in +is life RimportantS/ 3G/ -e >as [ t+an +is >ife >+en t+e c+ild broAe t+e >indo> Rangr.S/ 33/ -e >as t+e [ man in t+e >orld to do t+at RlateS/ 36/ )I ^?+ic+ >as .our [ sub&ect at sc+ool and >+ic+ >as .our [ Rgood, badSV@ 2I ^P+.sics >as m. [ and +istor. m. [ Rgood, badS/@ 3*/ Is 2uc+arest or Prague t+e [ from 1ondon RfarSV 3</ !om is 38 .ears old, +is brot+er EacA is 34 and +is sister Eane is 3D/ !+erefore Eane is t+e [ and EacA is t+e [ R.oung, oldS/ Alege5i forma corect a a#+ecti"elor #in $arantez: 3/ ?+at is t+e RlateS information .ou@ve gotV 6/ -er RoldS brot+er is called Eim/ */ ?e >ere in a +urr. to catc+ t+e RlateS bus/ </ ?+ic+ is

3: G RoldS of t+e t>oV D/ ?+o is t+e RoldS member of t+e students@ clubV :/ !+e. got do>n to business >it+out RfarS dela./ 8/ I@ve got a still RoldS edition of t+e dictionar./ 7/ !+e RoldS sister >as t>ent. .ears RoldS t+en t+e .oungest/ 4/ !+e RlateS +alf of #a. >as ]uite rain./ 3G/ I >as told to >ait until RfarS notice/ 33/ I >is+ I +ad boug+t it at t+e RnearS s+op/ 36/ -e provided t+em >it+ RfarS information as agreed/ 3*/ !+e RnearS station is $alea "ictoriei/ 3</ Eo+n@s RlateS novel >as a RgoodS seller and for sure it >on@t be +is RlateS one/ 3D/ -e is t+e RlittleS >riter of t+e t>o/ 3:/ I sa> +im meet +er at t+e RfarS end of t+e street/ 38/ I s+all need RfarS +elp >it+ t+is/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ 2est 6/ (astest */ Easier </ #ore expensive D/ #ost interesting :/ #ost striAing 8/ !aller 7/ #ore lovel. 4/ #ost important 3G/ )ngrier 33/ 1ast 36/ 2est, >orst, best, >orst 3*/ (art+er 3</ Foungest, oldest 3/ 1atest 6/ Elder */ 1ast </ ,lder D/ ,ldest :/ (urt+er 8/ ,lder 7/ Eldest, older 4/ 1atter 3G/ (urt+er 33/ =earest 36/ (urt+er 3*/ =ext 3</ 1atest, best, last 3D/ 1esser 3:/ (art+est 38/ (urt+er RRIII.>R7?UM8:8 Pronumele inlocuiesc substantive/ $ele ase tipuri de ad&ective Rcalitativ, posesiv, interogativ, cantitativ, demonstrativ, distributivS au forme pronominale/ Ele urmeaz in general reguli identice/ Exist de asemenea i pronume personale i refle(ive/ 3/ A#+ecti"e (alificati"e B oneOone! X >ronume %. a#+ecti" calificati" B oneOone! inlocuiete un substantiv care a fost men ionat mai devreme/ I >on@t lend .ou m. ne> pen/ Fou can borro> m. old one/

0. superlativele i culorile pot fi folosite singure/ Sandra is the best RdancerS/ 'on@t >ear .our blue s+oes/ 9he blac& RonesS looA better/ 3: 3 0. >ronume >o!e!i"e =orm: pronumele posesive suntI 7ine ours <ours yours -is1hers theirs Utilizare: pronumele posesive inlocuiesc ad&ectivele posesive/ Substantivul care lipsete a fost men ionat inainte/ !+is is m. booA/ !+is booA is mine/ $ome to m. +ouse, not his/ ?ot 7f your! inseamn one of your B !ub!tanti" 7f mine inseamn one of my B !ub!tanti" Eo+n is a friend of ours/ X Eo+n is one of our friends/ 4. >ronume Interogati"e Pronumele interogative suntI */o, */om, */o!e, */at, */ic/ Utilizare: pronumele interogative se folosesc astfelI >er!oane :ucruri Subiect >+o >+at ?+ic+ >+ic+ (om$lement >+om, >+o >+at ?+ic+ >+ic+ >o!e!i" >+ose ?ot

Pronumele interogative sunt invariabile/ Ele au o singur form/ %ho is t+at girlV %ho are t+ose menV ?ot ;/ic/ se folosete intr0un context cu alegere limitat/ In rest se folosete */at/ 3: 6 %hat do .ou seeV Rpo i vedea oriceS %hich RoneS is singingV Rcare persoan, din grupul respectiv, este cea care cantVS %. $ronumele interogati"e ca SUBI8(' cand )ho+ )hat+ )hose i )hich sunt !ubiectul unei propozi ii, verbul este afirmati"/ %ho is calling meV %hat +appenedV 0. $ronumele interogati"e ca )i (7M>:8M8?' cand )ho+ )hom+ )hat+ )hose+ )hich sunt com$lementul unei propozi ii, verbul este la interogati"/ %hom did .ou callV %hat +as +e doneV ?ot In engleza formal */om este folosit ca i complement obiect direct/ Engleza vorbit il folosete pe */o/ (ormalI %hom did .ou seeV "orbitI %ho did .ou seeV 4. $ronume interogati"e ca )i (7M>:8M8?' >R8>7SIUI7?A:

%hom+ )hat+ )hich ca i com$lemente $re$ozi5ionale/ %ith )hom did #eg speaAV ,n )hat are .ou interestedV 9o )hich of t+e t>o addresses did t+e. send itV ?ot Engleza modern prefer s transfere prepozi iile la S()H`I!;1 propozi iei/ In acest caz */om devine */o/ %ho did #eg speaA )ith: %hat are .ou interested in: %hich of t+e t>o addresses did t+e. send it to: 3: * ?ot ;/at B beY i */at B be C li-eY Sunt intrebri diferite/ %hat is #r/ ParAerV -e is a la>.er/ %hat is #r/ ParAer li&eV -e is s+ort and arrogant/ A. >ronume (antitati"e Pronumele cantitative suntI muc/, many, little, fe*, !ome, any, none. Utilizare: muc/, many, little, fe* %. many i fe* inlocuiesc substantive numrabile muc/ i little inlocuiesc substantive nenumrabile 7any are called but fe) are c+osen/ -e didn@t spend much mone./ In fact +e spent ver. little/ 0. muc/ i many se folosesc in mod normal in propozi ii negative i interogative/ In propozi ii afirmative folosi i a lotOlot! sau a great #eal. !+e bab. isn@t eating much/ It usuall. eats a great deal/ 'id .ou bu. many booAsV Fes, I boug+t lots/

?ot Muc/ i many se pot combina cu /o*/ -o) much did it costV -o) many cameV Some, any, none 3/ !ome, any i none inlocuiesc substantive la plural sau nenumrabile la singular/ 6/ !ome se folosete inI a/ propozi ii afirmative b/ intrebri cand se ateapt ca rspunsul s fie afirmativ c/ oferte i cereri !+ere are deer in t+e parA/ ?e sa> some toda./ Fou need some medicine/ 'id t+e doctor prescribe .ou someV I@ve &ust lost all m. mone./ $ould .ou lend me someV */ any se folosete inI 3: < a/ propozi ii negative b/ propozi ii interogative c/ subordonate cu if1)hether d/ dup )ithout I meant to bu. a dozen eggs but t+e. +adn@t got any/ )ren@t t+ere any in t+e fridgeV If .ou see any, let me Ano>/ ?+at about mone.V -e left >it+out any/ </ none se folosete inI a/ propozi ii afirmative pentru a exprima nega ia b/ dup )ith

If all friends >ere liAe -arr., I@d rat+er +ave none/ Sam +ates suitcases/ -e travels >it+ none/ ?ot Pronumele somebody+ someone+ something+ anybody+ anyone+ anything+ no one+ nobody+ nothing urmeaz aceleai reguli/ K. >ronumele &emon!trati"e Pronumele demonstrative suntI t/i!, t/at, t/e!e i t/o!e Utilizare: 3/ Pronumele demonstrative se acord in numr cu substantivul pe care il inlocuiesc/ 9his RumbrellaS is mine/ 9hat is +is/ 6/ t/i!, t/e!e se refer la obiecte din prea&ma vorbitorului/ t/at, t/o!e se refer la obiecte aflate mai departe de vorbitor/ 9his RoneS is +ere, that RoneS is t+ere/ */ t/i! se folosete pentru a face prezentrile sau la telefon/ #rs Eones, this is m. friend, )lison -ug+es/ 3: D G. >ronumele &i!tributi"e: 8ac/, all, e"eryoneOe"erybo#y, e"eryt/ing, bot/, eit/er, neit/er Utilizare: eac/, all 3/ eac/ inseamn Yconsidera i individualZ/ ;rmeaz un verb la singular/ #ach c+ose t+e colour +e preferred/ 6/ all inseamn Yconsidera i impreunZ/ ;rmeaz un verb la plural/ ll are >elcome/ */ eac/ i all pot fi urmate de ,( \ substantiv W pronume/ #ach of the boys felt as+amed/

ll of the trees are 8"eryone, e"erybo#y, e"eryt/ing 3/ e"eryone i e"erybo#y inseamn Ytoat lumeaZ #verybody in t+e room applauded/ 6/ e"eryt/ing inseamn Ytoate lucrurileZ #verything ended >ell/ Bot/ 3/ bot/ inseamn Ycei doiWcele douZ 0oth refused t+e invitation/ 6/ bot/ poate fi urmat de ,( \ substantiv W pronume 0oth of +is grandparents are still living/ ?ot ll i both se pot folosi pentru a intri subiectul pronominal/ In acest caz ele sunt plasate in fa a verbului principal/ Fou +ave all been ver. Aind to me/ 3: : ?e both came/ 8it/er, neit/er 3/ eit/er inseamn Yunul dintre cei doiZ/ neit/er inseamn Ynici unul dintre cei doiZ/ 6/ eit/er, neit/er pot fi urmate de ,( \ substantiv W pronume #ither of .ou can go/ 8either of t+e men >anted to do it/ H. >ronume >er!onale =orm: !ubiect com$lement , me <ou you

-e him She her ,t it %e us 9hey them Utilizare: 3/ toate verbele limbii engleze Rcu excep ia imperativelorS trebuie s aib un subiect pronominal/ 9hey disliAe inefficienc./ dar $ome +ereU 6/ complementele pronominale Rdirecte sau indirecteS urmeaz o prepozi ie sau verbul Rcu func ie de complemente directe sau indirecte/S I spoAe to her .esterda./ ?e sa) them on t+e beac+/ ?ot 3: 8 'e obicei complementul indirect preced complementul direct/ S+e sent me a long letter/ &ar 'up verbe caI e(plain+ introduce+ translate+ describe+ say+ suggest+ recommend &ar 'ac ambele complemente sunt pronumeI $omplementul direct este primul iar complementul indirect e introdus printr0o prepozi ie/

S+e sent it to me/ I explained it to them/ */ you i one sunt folosite impersonal cu sensul de everyone, no one sau anyone/ Fne are aspect formal/ <ou este frecvent folosit in engleza vorbit/ <ou1one s+ould al>a.s tell t+e trut+/ </ t/ey este folosit impersonal cu sensul de Ylumea spuneZ, Yse ziceZ 9hey sa. +e@s dis+onest/ RX People sa. +e@s dis+onest/S D/ it B be se foloseteI pentru lucruri sau fiin e cu genul necunoscut/ ?+ere@s m. booAV ,t is on t+e s+elf/ $u un substantiv W complement pronominal pentru a se referi la persoane/ ?+o@s at t+e doorV ,t*s ,livia/ In expresii despre vreme, temperatur, timp, date, distan e ,t*s cold outside/ ?+at time is itV ,t*s nine o@clocA/ ,t*s t+e fourt+ of Eul./ -o> far is it to $+icagoV ,t*s ten miles. $u un ad&ectiv pentru a introduce o subordonat infinitival ,t is difficult to understand +er/ 3: 7 I. >ronume Refle3i"e =orm: !ingular $lural 7yself ourselves <ourself yourselves -imself themselves

-erself ,tself ?ot Exist o diferen intre your!elf i your!el"e!/ 'id .ou en&o. yourself at t+e part.V 'id Eo+n and .ou en&o. yourselves at t+e part.V Utilizare: Pronumele reflexive se folosescI 3/ cu verbe reflexive/ $ele mai frecvente verbe reflexive suntI 9o enjoy oneself+ to amuse oneself+ to help oneself+ to hurt oneself+ to trouble oneself+ to cut oneself+ to )ash oneself !+e little bo. hurt himself during t+e game/ #ulte verbe care sunt in mod normal reflexive in alte limbi =; sunt reflexive in englez/ )stfel de verbe suntI to )ash+ dress+ comb+ shave+ meet, etc/ Sue and 2rian met last .ear/ 6/ cu func ie de complemente prepozi ionale S+e looAed at herself in t+e mirror/ ?+. are .ou so angr. )ith yourselfV */ pentru intrire !+e president himself attended t+e meeting/ 3: 4 ?ot By B $ronume refle3i" inseamn !ingur ;n pronume reflexiv folosit cu un verb nereflexiv inseamn Yfr a&utorul nimnuiZ/ I live by myself/ X I live alone/

I fixed it myself/ X I fixed it >it+out an. +elp/ ?ot 8ac/ ot/er inseamn reciprocitate intre dou persoane/ 83erci5ii: =olo!i5i it !au there, acolo un#e e nece!ar: 3/ [ is time to go to bed/ 6/ [ is t+ree miles to t+e Coo/ */ [ is a long time since I gave up smoAing/ </ [ is so muc+ >orA to do t+at I +aven@t time to t+inA about m. o>n problems/ D/ [ is time to finis+ t+e cleaning before >e go/ :/ [ is ver. strange t+at t+e. s+ould +ave arrived at t+e same time/ 8/ [ is no place liAe +ome/ 7/ [ is t>o .ears since t+e. married/ 4/ [ is onl. a s+ort >a. no>/ 3G/ 'on@t eat t+at [ is a poisonous mus+room/ [ are man. of t+em in t+ese parts/ 33/ [ is a s+ame t+at even toda. [ are so man. unAempt gardens around/ 36/ [ is no time to stop and talA/ [ is a bus to catc+, [ is a fair distance to t+e stop/ (om$leta5i !$a5iile cu much, many, BaC little, BaC few: 3/ !+e people involved are onl. as [ as +alf a dozen/ 6/ )sA [ to +ave [ / */ [ +ave no record at all/ </ !+e >orAers >ere ]uite upset; [ t+reatened to do>n tools; [ c+ose to go on >orAing/ D/ !+e. don@t give .ou [ for t+is Aind of >orA, do t+e.V :/ [ is being done to la. t+eir suspicions/ 8/ ?+at about busesV [ are broAen do>n, [ are in good repair/ 7/ Some go for crisps but ]uite [ go for popcorn in a big >a./ 4/ )I ^)n.t+ing to drinAV !+e pineapple s]uas+ is ver. nice 38 G indeed/@ 2I ^Fes, please, I@ll +ave [@/ 3G/ It >as ]uite a s+ocA for all of t+em, but [ >ere seriousl. in&ured/ =olo!i5i either, neither !au none:

3/ a/ I liAe [ of t+e t>o/ b/ I don@t liAe [ of t+e t>o, t+e. are bot+ too fanciful for m. taste/ 6/ [ >as >ort+ mentioning/ */ )I ^?+ic+ of t+e t>o paintings did .ou bu.V@ 2I@[@/ </ It doesn@t matter >+ic+ .ou c+oose/ a/ I don@t liAe [ b/ I liAe [ D/ )I ^?+ic+ of +er friends do .ou liAe bestV@ 2I ^I liAe [ of t+em/@ :/ )I ^-ave .ou seen m. +usband or m. sonV@ 2I ^I@ve seen [ of t+em/@ 7/ )I ^-ave .ou read t+e Englis+ of t+e Homanian versionV@ 2I ^I +aven@t read [ of t+em/@ (om$leta5i !$a5iile goale cu who, whose, whom, which, that: 3/ !+e girl [ umbrella .ou tooA is raging against .ou/ 6/ !+e apples [ +e sa> on t+e table >ere not big at all/ */ !+e pla. [ >e sa> last >eeA >as rat+er dull/ </ !+e girl >it+ [ .ou sa> me .esterda. studies Spanis+/ D/ !+e student to [ .ou >ere talAing looAed ver. clever/ :/ !+e bo.s [ are football under .our >indo>s are brot+ers/ 8/ !+e raft on [ +e >as standing >as caug+t in a >+irl/ 7/ !+e. +ave cut do>n t+e tree [ used to stand +ere/ 4/ !+e onl. opponenet [ can defeat +im is Eoe 2ugner/ 3G/ !+e onl. opponent [ +e is afraid of is Eoe 2ugner/ 33/ !+e most unusual booA [ +as appeared t+is >inter is a booA on caterpillars/ 36/ (ranA is no t+e man [ +e >as/ 3*/ -ere@s t+e man [ car >as stolen/ 3</ Is t+is t+e box [ .ou tooA it out ofV 3D/ It@s librar. [ ob&ect is to serve t+e neig+bouring villages/ 3:/ Ever.bod. [ one asAs sa.s +e is innocent/ 38/ !+is is t+e funniest stor. [ +e +as >ritten/ 37/ S+e is t+e sort of girl [ >ill do +er best to persuade +im/ 34/ )ll [ t+e. can do is pacif. +im/ 6G/ Fou@re t+e onl. man [ I@ve ever met [ can reall. pla. bridge/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ It 6/ It */ It </ !+ere D/ !+ere :/ It 8/ !+ere 7/ It 4/ It 3G/ It, t+ere 33/

It, t+ere 36/ !+ere, t+ere, it 3/ (e> 6/ #uc+, a little */ #an. </ #an., fe> D/ #uc+ :/ 1ittle 8/ (e>, man. 7/ (e> 4/ ) little 3G/ (e> 38 3 3/ =eit+er, eit+er 6/ =one */ =eit+er </ Eit+er, neit+er D/ =one :/ =eit+er 8/ =one 7/ Eit+er 3/ ?+ose 6/ !+atW>+ic+ */ ?+ic+Wt+at </ ?+om D/ ?+om :/ ?+o 8/ ?+ic+ 7/ !+at 4/ ?+o 3G/ ?+omWt+at 33/ !+at 36/ !+at 3*/ ?+ose 3</ ?+ic+Wt+at 3D/ ?+ose 3:/ R!+atS 38/ R!+atS 37/ !+at 34/ R!+atS 6G/ R!+atS, >+o RRIV.A&V8RBU: =orm: )dverbele se formeaz in diferite feluriI 3/ unele adverbe sunt cuvinte independenteI often+ )hen:+ no)+ very+ soon+ al)ays 6/ unele adverbe au aceeai form ca ad&ectiveleI daily+ early+ fast+ lo)+ straight+ )ell+ bac&+ enough+ far+ ill+ little+ long+ pretty+ near+ )rong+ still+ short+ late+ high+ left+ right+ hard ?ot 'intre aceste adverbe, unele au i o form in 1F dar sensul este altulI -ard1F X ver. little !+e. >ere +ig+l. impacient/ 1ate1F X recentl. It +asn@t rained latel./ =ear1F X almost 'inner is nearl. read./ S+ort1F X soon, briefl. #r/ Smit+ >ill be +ere s+ortl./ Pretti1F X attractivel. !+e bab. >as prettil. dressed/ =ot 'up be, become, feel, get, loo-, !eem, folosi i un ad&ectiv Rnu un adverbS/

S+e felt +app./ #rs/ Poole looAs tired/ */ unel adverbe Rin special cele de mod i gradS se formeaz adugand ad&ectivelor termina ia @:NI Aind, Aindly automatic, automatically slo>, slo>ly 38 6 simple, simply +app., +appily careful, carefully ?ot )dverbul corespunztor lui Goo# este ;ell/ ?ot ;nel cuvinte terminate in 1F sunt ad&ective Rnu adverbeSU ;onely+ lovely+ li&ely+ friendly+ ugly+ silly 7rtografie: y final se sc+imb in @iI merry+ merrily Rdar shy+ shylyS 6e final se pstreazI )ise+ )isely Rdar true+ trulyS dac se termin in consoan I Ale, "e dispare i se adaug AyI gentle+ gently cuvintelor terminate in ic scientific+ scientifically li se adaug all.I Rdar public+ publiclyS 'o$ica: !opica adverbelor variaz/ Ea depinde in primul rand de tipul de adverbe folosit/ Intrirea poate i ea afecta topica/ Exist trei pozi ii de baz pentru adverbeI 3/ la ince$ut: )dverbul e plasat inainte de subiect/ 5nfortunately, I couldn@t identif. t+e t+ief/

6/ la !far)it: )dverbul este plasat dup complement sau, dac nu exist complement, imediat dup verb/ !+at .oung man liAes #elanie very much/ 38 * ?ot =u plasa i nicio#at un adverb intre verb i complementU I drinA coffee slo>l./ R?u I drinA slo>l. coffee/S */ la mi+loc: )dverbul este plasatI inainte de verbul principal/ -e usually comes for tea/ dup verbul be. S+e is al)ays smiling/ dup primul verb auxiliar sau modal/ !+e. +ave rarely come to visit/ inainte de u!e# to, /a"e to, oug/t to/ ?e certainly oug+t to be more careful/ 'i$uri #e a#"erbe )dverbele se impart in apte tipuri diferiteI de mo#, loc, tim$, frec"en5, o$inie, gra# i interogati"e/ %. A#"erbe #e mo# Zin#ly, ea!ily, *ell, /a$$ily, fa!t, carefully, !ecretly, beautifully, reluctanty, fooli!/ly, ba#ly etc. )dverbele de mod arat $;# se petrece o ac iune/ Pozi ia lor esteI de obicei la !far)it, adic dup verb i complement/

Pavarotti sang beautifully/ ?ot In propozi ii cu pasivul, ?E11 i 2)'1F sunt plasate inainte de participiul trecutI 38 < !+e booA >as )ell >ritten/ inainte de verb, ')$b exist un complement lung/ !+e teac+er carefully picAed up all the e(am papers scattered over the floor/ )dverbele referitoare la caracter sau inteligen Rfoolish+ generously+ s)eetly+ &indly+ stupidly etc.S ii sc+imb sensul in func ie de pozi ie/ I stupidly replied/ RX It >as stupid of me to repl./S I replied stupidl./ RX I gave a stupid repl./S 0. A#"erbe #e loc 9ere, u$, abroa#, out, out!i#e, in, a*ay, e"ery*/ere, !ome*/ere, no*/ere, t/ere etc. )dverbele de loc arat ;='E se petrece ac iunea/ Pozi ia lor esteI de obicei la sfarit, adic dup verb i complement/ !+e. >ent every)here/ ?ot )dverbele de loc func ioneaz adesea i ca prepozi ii/ Eoe ran do)n t+e stairs/ ?ot -EHE W !-EHE \ be W come W go \ !ubiect !ub!tanti"I !+ere@s 9enryU -ere comes t/e trainU

'ar -EHE W !-EHE \ !ubiect $ronume \ be W come W goI !+ere /e isU -ere it comesU 4. A#"erbe #e tim$ 38 D Ne!ter#ay, no*, after*ar#!, !till, !oon, e"entually, t/en, to#ay, at once, till, tomorro*, !ince t/en etc. )dverbele de timp arat $)=' se petrece ac iunea/ Pozi ia lor esteI de obicei la ince$ut Rinaintea subiectuluiS sau la !far)it Rdup verb i complementS/ 9omorro) >ill begin t+e next lesson/ cu imperativeI la !far)it 'o it no)U $u FE!I la !far)it FE! se folosete mai ales la negativ i interogativ/ Inseamn Ypan acumZ/ #r Eones +asn@t finis+ed yet/ -ave .ou asAed +im yetV $u S!I11I dup 2E i inaintea tuturor celorlalte verbe/ S!I11 se folosete la afirmativ, negativ, i interogativ/ El subliniaz continuarea unei situa ii W stri de fapt/ Step+anie is still un>ell/ $u )1HE)'FI dup 2E sau primul auxiliar i inainte de verbul principal/ )1HE)'F se folosete mai ales la afirmativ/ Inseamn Yde&aZ/ -e is already fifteen .ears old/

?ot Since t/en se folosete cu timpurile perfecte/ ?e +aven@t seen t+e =elsons since then/ ?ot 'e obicei adverbele au urmtoarea ordineI M7& @ :7( @ 'IM> 38 : !+e bab. slept )ell yesterday/ #arA >orAed hard at school last year/ A. A#"erbe #e frec"en5 Al*ay!, u!ually, ne"er, e"er, /ar#ly e"er, often, t*ice, once, continually, !el#om, rarely, $erio#ically etc. )dverbele de frecven arat $)! 'E 'ES se petrece o ac iune/ Pozi ia lor esteI de obicei la mi+loc, adicI inainte de verbul principal i have to+ used to+ ought to #u$ verbul 2E i primul auxiliar/ Fou can sometimes parA over t+ere/ !+e little girls are al)ays dolls/ 2ontinually+ fre3uently+ occasionally+ once+ t)ice+ often+ sometimes+ normally i repeatedly pot fi plasate i la !far)it Rdup verb i complementS sau la ince$ut Rinainte de subiectSI -e comes to see us often/ 4epeatedly, t+e pupils made t+e same mistaAe/ Expresiile adverbiale de frecven Revery day+ once a monthS sunt plasate la sfarit sau inceputI ,ur c+ildren >alA to sc+ool every morning/

?ot =E"EH se folosete cu verbe afirmative/ Inseamn YniciodatZ/ I +ave never been to Eapan/ E"EH se folosete in special in propozi ii interogative sau superlative/ Inseamn Yoricand W vreodatZ/ -as !ed ever studied statisticsV EacA 5allag+er is t+e best >e +ave ever +ad/ 38 8 =,! \ E"EH X =E"EH I +aven*t ever read Pinter/ X I +ave never read Pinter/ K. A#"erbele #e o$inie >er!onally, ob"iou!ly, fran-ly, certainly, luc-ily, actually, $robably, #efinitely, !urely etc. )dverbele de opinie exprim opinia vorbitorului/ )ceste adverbe se pot impr i in dou grupuriI a/ actually+ certainly+ apparently+ clearly+ obviously+ probably+ definitely+ undoubtedly/ Pozi ia adverbelor din grupul ) este la mi+loc: !+e c+ild is actually ver. brig+t/ b/ perhaps+ maybe+ possibly+ fran&ly+ naturally+ luc&ily+ unluc&ily+ honestly+ fortunately+ unfortunately/ Pozi ia adverbelor din grupul 2 este #e obicei la ince$utI Derhaps >e can go out tonig+t/ G. A#"erbe #e gra# =airly, 1uite, /ar#ly, too, almo!t, $retty, rat/er, barely, com$letely, enoug/, nearly, really, +u!t, !o , e"en, "ery etc. )dverbele de grad determin in general ad&ective sau adverbe care

indic extinderea sau intensitatea RgradulS/ Pozi ia lor esteI in mod normal c+iar inaintea ad&ectivului sau adverbului/ -e is entirely rig+t/ !+e s+oes are too >ide/ E=,;5- urmeaz dup ad&ectiv sau adverb/ 38 7 #. steaA isn@t big enough/ ?ot E=,;5- st inaintea unui substantivI ?e don@t +ave enough mone./ )dverbele de grad determin uneori verbe/ , list par ial includeI almost+ barely+ enough+ hardly+ just+ only+ much+ a lot+ nearly+ 3uite+ rather+ really+ scarcely/ Pozi ia lor este inainte de verbul principal/ #;$- i E=,;5- sunt excep ii i urmeaz dup verb/ E;S! i ,=1F se afl exact inaintea verbului determinat/ !+e. could barel. +ear t+e speaAer/ 'ar !+e pianist +asn@t practiced enough/ I liAed +im a lot/ I +ave just deposited t+e mone./ RX I deposited it a little >+ile ago/S I deposited just t+e mone./ RX I deposited t+e mone. and not+ing else/S ?ot "EHF se folosete cu ad&ective i adverbe/

"EHF #;$- se folosete cu verbe/ ?e are very +app. to be +ere/ 'ar !+anA .ou very much/ ?ot a;I!E poate insemna i YcompletZ/ Fou@re 3uite rig+tU RX Fou@re completel. rig+t/S (om$ara5i !en!urile a cinci a#"erbe #e gra# folo!ite cu a#+ecti"e )i a#"erbe. Slab Puternic fairly rat/erO$retty 1uite "ery 38 4 !+e boxer is fairly strong/ RX +e is moderatel. strong/S Four caAe is pretty good/ RX it is certainl. not bad/S !+at music is 3uite loud/ RX it is considerabl. loud/S Four result is very good/ RX it is close to excellent/S H. A#"erbe interogati"e ;/enY, */ereY, */yY, /o*Y )dverbele interogative se folosesc in intrebri/ Pozi ia lor este la ince$ut, inaintea auxiliarului, subiectului i verbului principal/ %hy is $ind. cr.ingV %here does s+e teac+V %hen did t+e. send t+e letterV -o) do .ou spell .our nameV ?ot -,? poate fi folosit cuI

6d)ectiveI -o) tall is +eV Fuch = many& -o) much milA does s+e drinAV 6dverbeI -o) often does $+ris go dancingV (om$ara5ia a#"erbelor =orm: com$arati"ul i !u$erlati"ul adverbelor se formeazI 3/ adugand @er i @e!t adverbelor de o silab 6/ punand, more i mo!t in fa a adverbelor de dou sau mai multe silabe $oziti" com$arati" !u$erlati" fast faster t+e fastest slo>l. more slo>l. t+e most slo>l. 37 G ?ot Earl. earlier t+e earliest (om$arati"e neregulate ?ell better t+e best 2adl. >orse t+e >orst 1ittle less t+e least #uc+ more t+e most (ar fart+erWfurt+er t+e fart+estWfurt+est ?ot =art/er O fart/e!t se refer numai la distan -e ran farther t+an planned/

=urt/er O furt/e!t se folosete mai mult in general/ -e in]uired further into t+e matter/ Utilizare: pentru a construi compara ii adverbiale, folosi iI 3/ )S \ adverb \ )S in propozi ii afirmative pentru a exprima egalitatea, )SWS, \ adverb \ )S in propozi ii negative/ Pam -ard. ran as fast as s+e could/ !+e pupp. doesn@t eat as1so )ell as I +opped/ 6/ adverbul $,#P)H)!I" \ !-)= pentru a exprima diferen a/ Eric >rites better than 2rian/ */ !-E \ adverb S;PEH1)!I" pentru a exprima superioritatea Rsau inferioritateaS/ !-E este adesea omis/ Superlativul poate fi urmat de ,( \ substantiv W pronume/ -e pla.s tennis Rt+eS best of all/ 'an sAied Rt+eS fastest Rof all t+e racersS/ ?ot 37 3 $and acelai verb apare in ambele pr i ale propozi iei, folosi i un auxiliar pentru cel de0al doilea verb/ )stfel evita i repeti ia/ I don@t t+inA as muc+ as .ou do/ In"er!iunea )numite adverbe sau expresii adverbiale pot fi plasate la inceput pentru intrire/ Subiectul i verbul care umeaz se inverseaz/ Iat o list par ial a adverbelor i expresiilor adverbiale care se pot folosi astfelI in1under no circumstances+ neither1nor+ never+ no sooner / then+ not only+ only by+ only in this )ay+ only lately+ only then+ little+ so+ seldom+ on no account/

,nl. in t+is >a. can you master t+e language/ ,n no account is Jody to turn on t+e gas/ Seldom +ave , met suc+ a fascinating >oman/ 83erci5ii: Alege5i cu"antul $otri"it: 3/ Fou are an excellent cooA/ !+e food tastes Rgood, >ellS/ 6/ It >as a lovel. da. >it+ birds singing and t+e sun s+ining Rbrig+t, brig+tl.S and girls >earing Rbrig+t, brig+tl.S0 coloured dresses/ */ I +ate taAing medicine/ It tastes Rbitter, bitterl.S/ </ I don@t t+inA +e is ill/ -is voice sounds Rmerr., merril.S/ D/ It rains R+eav., +eavil.S/ :/ It is Rnear, nearl.S five o@clocA/ 8/ Fou must >orA R+ard, +ardl.S for .our exams/ 7/ -e spoAe so R]uicA, ]uicAl.S t+at >e could R+ard, +ardl.S follo> +im/ 4/ ?+en did .ou Rlast, lastl.S see +imV 3G/ I am Rdirect, directl.S interested in >+at .ou t+inA/ 33/ -e couldn@t move as +e >as Rdead, deadl.S tired/ 36/ -is +urt +im Rbad, badl.S/ 3*/ #r Eones +eld it Rtig+t, tig+tl.S/ 3</ It >as six o@clocA as Rnear, nearl.S as +e could guess/ 3D/ Rlast, lastl.S I must account for m. sister@s be+aviour/ 37 6 >une5i a#"erbele in or#inea corect: 3/ !im and 2ecA. +ad been >andering Rfor man. +ours, about t+e caveS/ 6/ Eim >as to recite +is poem Rt+at ver. morning, in t+e centre of t+e examination +allS/ */ !+oug+ I >as ver. bus. I snatc+ed a minute to ans>er +is letter R.esterda., at t+e officeS/ </ !om, -ucA and Eoe decided to run a>a. Rat da.breaA, from +omeS/ D/ I >is+ I >ere Rno>, over t+ereS/ :/ !+e. returned Rin t+e evening, to t+e camp, lateS/ 8/ I +ad t+e pleasure of meeting a fine >oman of about fift. Rt+e ot+er da., in =e> ForA, +ereS/ 7/ #. brot+ers and m. +usband >ill be

Rsoon, +omeS from t+e s+ooting/ 4/ 2at+ing is ver. good, >+en t+e sea is mostl. calm R+ere, in summerS/ 3G/ !+e great fire broAe out, and aided b. t+e east >ind, burnt do>n t+e >ooden +ouses of >+ic+ a large proportion of t+e to>n >as built Rin 3:::, in 1ondon, in a baAer@s s+op, in SeptemberS/ (/eia e3erci5iilor: 3/ 5ood/ 6/ 2rig+t, brig+tl.0coloured */ 2itter </ #err. D/ -eavil. :/ =earl. 8/ -ard 7/ auicAl., +ardl. 4/ 1ast 3G/ 'irectl. 33/ 'ead 36/ 2adl. 3*/ !ig+t W tig+tl. 3</ =ear 3D/ 1astl. 3/ !im and 2ecA. +ad been >andering about t+e cave for man. +ours 6/ Eim >as to recite a poem in t+e centre of t+e examination +all t+at ver. morning */ !+oug+ I >as ver. bus. at t+e office .esterda., I snatc+ed a minute to ans>er +is letter </ !om, -ucA and Eoe decided to run a>a. from +ome at da.breaA D/ I >is+ I >ere over t+ere no> :/ !+e. returned to t+e camp late in t+e evening 8/ !+e ot+er da., +ere in =e> ForA, I +ad t+e pleasure of meeting a fine >oman of about fift./ 7/ #. brot+ers and m. +usband >ill be +ome soon from t+e s+ooting/ 4/ 2at+ing is ver. good +ere, in summer, >+en t+e sea is mostl. calm/ 3G/ !+e great fire broAe out in a baAer@s s+op in 1ondon in September 3::: and aided b. t+e east >ind, burnt do>n t+e >ooden +ouses of >+ic+ a large proportion of t+e to>n >as built/ RRV. '98 (AR @ 7? '98 R7A& @ &RIVI?G A (AR 37 * Ba!ic Vocabulary 'raffic circula ie, trafic 'raffic lig/t! semafor, stop 'raffic +am blocare a circula iei Rdin pricina traficului intensS

'raffic $oliceman agent de circula ie 'raffic acci#ent accident de circula ie 'raffic $olice*oman agent de circula ie 'raffic6*ar#en Rin )ngliaS persoan care controleaz parcarea mainilor i traficul rutier >e#e!trian pieton Sebra O cro!!ing trecere de pietoni >a"ement trotuar I!lan# refugiu pentru pietoni Roa# mar-ing indicator rutier Rpe oseaS Zerb bordur, margine a trotuarului :am$6$o!t stalp de felinar Roa# !ign semn de circula ie Roa# con#ition! condi ii de drum, starea drumului Built6u$ area zon locuit Mile!tone piatr indicatoare de mile Rde0a lungul drumuluiS &ri"ing licence permis de conducere Zilometer6!tone piatr de Ailometra&, born de Ailometra& Ru!/6/our or de varf &ri"ing te!t examen pentru ob inerea permisului de conducere Roa# 0 drum, cale, osea Motor*ay autostrad Main !treet strad principal 9ig/*ay osea Si#e !treet O by6!treet strad lateral Ban# band de circula ie Boule"ar# bulevard

A!$/alt asfalt '/oroug/fare JQMrNfeNK arter important (obble6!tone piatr de pava& A"enue drum, cale, alee Rplantat cu pomiS 37 < :ane 3/ drum ingust, crare/ 6/ band de circula ie (ul6#e6!ac O blin# alley fundtur, strad infundat (foot) $at/ potec, crare (arriage *ay band de circula ie; parte carosabil, osea (ar main, autoturism 'a3i O cab taxi (ar6$ar- parcare 'ram tramvai >etrol !tation sta ie de benzin 'ube O un#ergroun# metrou Bu! autobuz Sto$ sta ie (oac/ autocar :orry camion Re1ue!t !to$ sta ie facultativ =are bilet, costul unei cltorii Van furgonet (on#uctor conductor, taxator, vatman Mobile !/o$ auto magazin 'o$ #ec- Rin )ngliaS partea de sus a unui autobuz cu eta& R#ouble #ec-er) Rail*ay Station gar

=ire Station post de pompieri Bu! Station autogar General >o!t67ffice pota central Mar-et 9all +al, pia a central 'o*n 9all primrie 'ele$/one 83c/ange central telefonic Ra unei localit iS ;/eel roat S$are */eel roat de rezerv 83/au!t $i$e eav de eapament Bonnet capot Mu#guar# aprtoare Rde noroiS Bum$er bar de protec ie ?umber $late plac cu numrul mainii ;in#!creen parbriz ;in#!creen *i$er! tergtoare 37 D 9ea#lig/t far, faza mare 'raffic in#icator lig/t O trafficator semnalizator de direc ie >ar-ing lig/t lumin de pozi ie &i$$e# lig/t faza scurt :uggage boot portbaga& 'yre anvelop, cauciuc 8ngine motor Ra#iator radiator Ra#iator grill masca radiatorului Battery baterie, acumulator 9orn claxon

(lutc/ ambreia& Steering */eel volan 9an#bra-e fran de man =ootbra-e fran de picior Accelerator accelerator Gear le"er sc+imbtor de vitez S$ee#ometer vitezometru &a!/6boar# tablou de bord >etrol tan- rezervor de benzin >etrol gauge indicator de combustibil Ignition -ey c+eie de contact >lug bu&ie 9eater sistem de inclzire (arburettor carburator Ventilation ventila ie Su!$en!ion suspensie 'ran!mi!!ion transmisie =lat tyre cauciuc dezumflat (onge!te# $ar-ing parca& aglomerat >uncture pan de cauciuc Brea-#o*n pan de motor =aulty traffic lig/t! semafoare defecte Broa# O *i#e lat, larg Rdespre drumS ;et ud ?arro* ingust Icy ing+e at 37 :

Straig/t drept (ro*#e# aglomerat ;in#ing erpuit Amber lumina galben a semaforului >a"e# pavat Re# rou Rla semaforS Un$a"e# nepavat Green verde Rla semaforS 'o #ri"e 0 a conduce Run autove+iculS 'o cro!! a traversa 'o *atc/ out (for) O to loo- out a fi atent RlaS 'o !lo* #o*n a incetini 'o gi"e *ay a ceda trecerea 'o o"erta-e a depi 'o *arn a avertiza 'o bra-e a frana, a pune fran 'o o"erturn a se rsturna 'o run into a intra in 'o /a"e a cra!/ a avea W a suferi un accident 'o come into a colli!ion *it/ a se ciocni de 'o $ar- a parca 'o in+ure a rni 'o en#anger a pune in pericol 'o catc/ (a bu!) a prinde autobuzul 'o get on (a bu!) a se urca in autobuz 'o get off (a bu!) a se cobori din autobuz 'o turn t/e ignition -ey a porni maina, a face contact

'o $um$ u$ t/e tyre! a umfla cauciucurile 'o ea!e out t/e c/o-e a trage ocul 'o relea!e t/e /an#bra-e a da drumul la frana de man 'o #e$re!! t/e clutc/ a apsa pe ambreia& 'o $re!! t/e accelerator a apsa pe accelerator 'o !elect fir!t gear a bga in viteza intai 'o !oun# t/e /orn a claxona 'o re" t/e engine a ambala motorul 'o run out of $etrol a i se termina benzina 'o fill u$ t/e car a umple, a alimenta maina 37 8 'o c/ec- t/e tyre $re!!ure a verifica presiunea cauciucurilor 'o #ri"e un#er t/e influence of alco/ol a conduce sub influen a alcoolului 'o e3cee# t/e !$ee# limit a depi viteza legal 'o $ay a fine a plti amend 'o be c/arge# *it/ motoring offence a fi acuzat de o contraven ie de la legea circula iei 'o /a"e oneD! #ri"ing licence en#or!e# a i se inregistra in permis contraven ia comis 9ig/*ay (o#e Hegulamentul de circula ie Ben# to rig/t curb la dreapta Sli$$ery roa# drum alunecos Si#e roa# intersec ie cu un drum fr prioritate (ro!!roa#! intersec ie, incruciare de drumuri Roa# *or-! a/ea# lucrri ' +unction interesec ie in form de !

Roun#about sens giratoriu '*o6*ay traffic zon de circula ie in ambele sensuri 7ne6*ay traffic sens unic >e#e!trian cro!!ing a/ea# aten ie, trecere pentru pietoni Une"en roa# drum cu denivelri :e"el cro!!ing *it/ gate or barrier trecere la nivel cu bariere :e"el cro!!ing *it/out gate or barrier trecere la nivel fr bariere Zee$ !traig/t on merge i drept inainte ItD! ne3t #oor toC 0 e alturi de[ 'urn rig/t O left face i la dreapta W la stanga ItD! o$$o!iteC 0 e vizavi de[ 7n t/e corner 0 pe W la col ?ot far from nu departe de[ At t/e en# of tocmai la captul[ 9o* can I get toCY cum pot s a&ung la[V (oul# you tell me t/e *ay toCY pute i s0mi spune i care e drumul spre[W cum s a&ung la[V 83cu!e me, #oe! t/i! bu! go toCY scuza i0m, autobuzul acesta merge la[V 83cu!e me, can you tell me */ere to get offY scuza i0m, pute i smi spune i unde s coborV 37 7 (AR 'A:Z Fou don@t need to c/ange gear! Rs schimbi vitezeleS/ !+is is an automaticU It@s reall. +ot/ ,pen t+e !unroof, please/ If .ou don@t mind, I@ll turn on t+e air con#itioning Raer

condi'ionatS/ !+is car is ver. manoevrable and reall. ea!y to $ar-/ It@s got $o*er !teering RservoAdirec'ieS/ I@m afraid .ou@ll +ave to climb in t+e bacA/ !+is is a t/ree6#oor/ !+is is an )merican car/ It@s got crui!e control Rdispozitiv de control automat al vitezeiS/ !+at@s >+. I +aven@t got m. foot on t+e acceleratorOga! $e#al/ &i$ .our /ea#lig/t! Ra mic!ora lumina farurilorS/ Fou@re blinding t+e cars on t+e ot+er side of t+e roadU !+e >indo>s are all fro!te# o"er Rnghe'ate>/ I@ll turn on t+e /eate# rear *in#!creen/ 'on@t bot+er locAing your !i#e/ It@s got central loc-ing Rsistem central de nchidere al u!ilorS/ 'on@t >orr., it@ll fit in t+e boot/ !+ere@s loads of luggage !$ace/ ?e can parA +ere and +ave a game of cards/ !+e front !eat! !*i"el roun# Rscaunele frontale sunt rotativeS, .ou Ano>/ !+e. do on $eo$le carrier!/ !+ere@s so muc+ /ea#room and legroom/ It@s reall. comfortable/ ?o>U I &ust love t+e leat/er u$/ol!tery Rtapi'erie din pieleS and t+e *alnut #a!/ Rbord din lemn de nucS !+e interior trim Rcptu!eala interioar a ma!iniiS is so st.lis+U It /an#le! Ra se manevraS liAe a dreamU ?+at a !moot/ ri#e and reall. lo* roa# noi!e Rzgomot de drum sczutSU Fes, it@s got fully in#e$en#ent !u!$en!ion/ I >anted a reall. smart car, so I opted for alloy */eel! Rro'i legate ntre eleS as an o$tional/

37 4 ?+at size engine +as t+is car gotV It@s a 3,< Rone $oint fourS/ It@s got great acceleration/ It does G Rnoug+tS to :G in 8 seconds from a !tan#ing !tart Rde la punctul de pornireS/ !+is is a reall. po>erful engine/ ?+at in!urance grou$ is it inV =obod. can steal m. car/ It@s got t+e most sop+isticated car alarm on t+e marAet/ )nd if tries to drive it a>a. >it+out putting t+e Ae. in t+e ignition, it@s got an immobili!er RimobilizatorS t+at cut! t+e engine off Ra se opri motorulS/ Even if m. car gets stolen I@ll al>a.s be able to find it/ I@ve +ad a !atellite6trac-ing #e"ice Run sistem de urmrire prin satelitS installed/ I didn@t >ant to bu. a foreign car because !$are!O!$are $art! Relemente de rezervS are al>a.s more expensive/ !+is car s+ould -ee$ it! "alue/ It doesn@t #e$reciate ]uicAl. so I s+ould be able to tra#e it in Ra comercializaS for a good price in a couple of .ears if I -ee$ it in goo# con#ition/ !+e on6t/e6roa# $rice Rpre'ul de cumprare+ finalS including #eli"ery and ")! >as about fifteen t+ousand dollars/ !+is cost a bit more t+an t+e standard version because it@s got metallic $aint/ It@s reall. fuel6efficient Rcompetitiv din punct de vedere al combustibiluluiS/ It does about <G mile! $er gallon RmpgS/ !+is must be t+e most en"ironment6frien#ly Rcare protejeaz mediulS car on t+e marAet/ It uses unlea#e# fuel Rbenzin fr plumbS and +as got a catalytic con"erter Rconvertor cataliticS/

2ut are all t+e bod. parts recyclableV =o, but it@s got a com$uteri!e# engine management !y!tem and I can !*itc/ Ra schimba+ a trece peS from petrol to natural gas even >+ile I@m on t+e road/ 34 G In 38:4 =ic+olas $ugnot built t+e first self0propelled ve+icle, a steam0po>ered tractor, but in 377< 5ottlieb 'aimler built t+e >orld@s first real passenger car/ !+is ne> ve+icle >as at first Ano>n b. a number of names, suc+ as locomotive, road locomotive, +orse0less carriage or motorised bugg.; t+e t>o names >+ic+ >on out are t+ose >e use toda. automobile and car/ =7UR6;88:8& ;7?&8RS ;ntil 34G<, >+en t+e ;S) tooA t+e lead in car $ro#uction, (rance +ad been t+e largest automobile manufacturer RproductorS, giving us >ords suc+ as c/a!!i! R!asiuS, garage and cou$e/ !+e first cars >ere built b. craft!men Rme!te!ugariS, using t+e same met/o#! and material! as +ad been used to build /or!e6#ra*n carriage! Rtrsuri trase de caiS/ !+is +as given us >ords suc+ as coac/*or- Rstructura e(terioar a ma!iniiS, still sometimes used to describe t+e bo#y*orRcorpul ma!iniiS of a car, and #a!/boar# Rtablou de bordS Rt+e $anel in front of t+e driver >it+ t+e gauge! Relementele de msur) and in#icator!S RindicatoareleS, >+ic+ >as originall. t+e board placed at t+e front of a carriage to prevent dirt and mud up onto t+e driver and $a!!enger! of t+e coac// Earl. cars >ere !teere# RconduseS liAe a boat, >it+ a tiller RcrmS rat+er t+an a !teering */eel/ Roa#! an# =uel

5raduall. t+e >orld began to c+ange to accommodate t+e car; alt+oug+ roa# buil#ing >as at first ver. slo> in t+e ;S, in 2ritain t+e 'ar6Maca#am $ompan. >as establis+ed in 34G3, producing t+e smoot+ roa# !urface >e no> Ano> as 'armac or a!$/alt R;SS/ !+e first roa#!i#e fuel $um$! Rpompe de benzin pe marginea drumuluiS >ere introduced in t+e ;S in 34G: and so t+e filling !tation or ga! !tation RbenzinrieS >as born/ Motor fuel >as Ano>n as ga!oline or ga! in t+e ;S, but in 2ritain t+e ne> >ord $etrol +ad been coine# Ra inventaS in 374*/ !+is difference in terms still survives, as do man. ot+ers/ 'erm! of 8n#urance #an. terms >e still use toda. >ere coined surprisingl. earl. on/ ) blo*out Re(plozieS, for example, >as first used in 343D to describe a bur!t tyre and a .ear later drivers >ere alread. being told to !te$ on t/e ga! Ra acceleraS Rdrive fasterS b. speed0t+irst. passengers/ In 34GD, 2ritis+ motorists formed t+e Automobile A!!ociation R))S 34 3 expressl. to >arn eac+ ot+er about $olice6o$erate# !$ee# tra$! Rcapcane ale poli'iei pentru vitezS/ !+e Roa# =un# :icence Rroa# ta3S >as first le"ie# Ra fi perceputS in 2ritain in 343G/ #an. famous names also appeared earl. on in t+e +istor. of t+e carI for example, (/e"rolet >as named after a S>iss engineer, >+o >as t+en sacAed, and Ro"er cars >ere given t+eir name because t+e. >ould allo> t+e driver to ro"e t/e country Ra cutreiera prin 'arS; in 3438 t+is name >as also given to a ve+icle designed to explore t+e moon t+e :unar Ro"er/ US &omination

In 34G* t+e =or# motor com$any >as founded, and t+e ;S soon became t+e >orld@s biggest car manufacturer/ !+e famous mo#el ' appeared in 34G7 famousl. available in Yany colour !o long a! itD! blac-Z/ (ord@s ma!! $ro#uction tec/ni1ue! Rtehnici de producere n masS led to t+e #emocrati!ation of car o*ner!/i$ and car engineering under>ent rapid development; t+e feature! Relementele, trsturileS >e taAe for granted toda. began to appear electric *in#!creen *i$er! >ere introduced in 346*, and electric #i$$ing /ea#lig/t! in 346</ (ar ra#io! >ere >idel. available as earl. as 3468/ !+e +uge gro>t+ in t+e number of cars during t+e inter0>ar .ears led to developments in t+e roa# !afety Rsiguran'a drumuluiS and traffic control Rcontrolul traficuluiS/ In 2ritain, for example, Beli!/a Beacon! t+e orange flas+ing lig+ts at $e#e!trian cro!!ing Rtrecere pentru pietoniS >ere introduced in 34*D, and t+e same .ear sa> t+e founding of t+e compan. >+ic+ produced t+e reflective studs called cat!6eye! Rochi de pisicS Rdesigned for nig/t #ri"ingS .ou can see do>n t+e middle of 2ritis+ roads/ ,n t+e do>nside, !$ee#ing tic-et! Ramend pentru dep!irea vitezeiS also appeared around t+is time in t+e ;S, as did $ar-ing meter!, first used in ,Ala+oma $it. in 34*D/ )merica, +o>ever, >as eagerl. adapting to t+e car/ !+e first #ri"e6in cinema Rcinema cu vizionare din ma!inS appeared in 34**; :u3uriou! Gran# 'ourer! drove t+e ric+ to t+eir countr. estates, and t+e -oll.>ood stars >ere c/auffeure# around in fabulous >ac-ar#! or (a#illac!/ 2ut during t+e Second ?orld ?ar production s+ifted to military "e/icle!; one ve+icle >it+ lasting popularit. appeared in 34<G, t+e ;S arm.@s General6>ur$o!e "e/icle or G> pronounced 34 6

Qee$U )fter t+e >ar, t+e post0>ar boom in t+e ;S meant t+at car production tooA off again/ $+eap petrol, a national mood of confidence and a fascination >it+ t+e po>er of modern science led to t+e arc+et.pal fifties cars designed b. -arle. Earl/ !+e most t.pical of t+ese designs >as t+e @D4 $adillac after t+is beaut., #e!ign became less exaggerated and t+e sixties sa> t+e mu!cle car, >it+ t+e emp+asis no> on t+e brute $o*er and $erformance/ &o*n!izing European design, +o>ever, +ad never copied t+e big )merican cars; in 34D4 t+e Au!tin Mini revolutionised !mall car #e!ign, and in 348* t+e big ga!6guzzler! Rmari consumatori de benzinS ran into trouble as t+e ,PE$ countries rai!e# oil $rice! and precipitated t+e oil cri!i!/ =uel economy became a !elling $oint Relement al vnzriiS, and ne> con!umer a*arene!! Rvigilen'a consumatorilorS meant t+at com$act car!, economical on fuel, >ere no> in demand/ In t+e ;S, a KM mile! $er /our !$ee# limit >as imposed to cut fuel con!um$tion/ Eapanese cars made +uge inroa#! Ratac, nvalS into t+e auto mar-et, offering economy and reliability/ Green an# Safe !oda.@s customers >ant t+eir cars to be !afe, en"ironment6frien#ly and efficient/ 'esigners reflect t+e desire to Aeep fuel consumption lo> b. minimi!ing aero#ynamic re!i!tance Rreducere a rezisten'ei aerodinamiceS/ )s for t+e future, car design is becoming ever more sop+isticated, but t+e internal combu!tion engine Rmotor cu combustie internS looAs safe for t+e time being alt+oug+ cars must become greener RecologiceS/ !+e common or garden !aloon >ill lose ground to SUV! RS$ort6

Utility Ve/icle!S, M>V! RMulti6>ur$o!e Ve/icleS $eo$le carrier! and tin. Micro car!, >+ic+ can co$e *it/ Ra face fa'S cit. traffic and parAing/ 2ut amid all t+is frenzie# RfreneticS development, old and re"ere# Rvenerat, adoratS maAes survive and flouris+ t+e t+rill and fascination of t+e car >ill never disappear/ 34 * G8''I?G '98R8 A!-ing for #irection!: Excuse me, could .ou tell me t+e >a. to t+e to>n +all, pleaseV $ould .ou tell me +o> to get to t+e #ulberr. ParA>a., pleaseV ?+ic+ >a. to t+e universit. campus, pleaseV Excuse me, >+ere@s t+e nearest garageV Gi"ing #irection!: 5o straig+t on[ 5o do>n t+is street[ !aAe t+e first rig+tWt+e first turning on t+e rig+t[ (ollo> t+e main road, t+en bear rig+t at t+e forA/ !urn left at t+e lig+ts/ 5o straig+t acrossWover t+e lig+ts[ 5o bacA t+e >a. .ou@ve &ust come/ ?+en .ou get to t+e !0&unction, turn left/ Beep in t+e rig+t0+and lane and .ou can@t go >rongU 5o straig+t acrossWover t+e roundabout/ !aAe t+e t+ird exit off t+e roundabout/ In t/e US, many to*n! are lai# out on a gri# $attern: 5o nort+ t>o blocAs, t+en +ang a left/ 5o east along -uron St/ t+en turn sout+ on 'earborn St/

At a ga! !tation (US) or $etrol !tation (UZ): 3G gallons, please/ (ill +er upU ;nleaded, please/ (ive gallons of four star, please/ -ig+ octane, please/ I@d liAe a full tanA of diesel, please/ In t/e US, you may nee# a -ey if you *ant to u!e t/e toilet: $an I +ave t+e Ae.s to t+e bat+room, pleaseV If you nee# !omet/ing from t/e $um$ atten#ant in t/e US: 34 < I need an oil c+ange/ $ould .ou c+ecA t+e t.res please, I t+inA t+e.@re a bit lo>/ ?ould .ou c+ecA t+e s+ocAsV $ould .ou c+ecA t+e batter., pleaseV $an .ou give it a ]uicA rec+argeV ?ould .ou clean t+e >indscreen, pleaseV If t/e $olice !to$ you for !$ee#ing, /ere are a fe* t/ing! you mig/t /ear: 'o .ou Ano> +o> fast .ou >ere travellingV 'o .ou Ano> t+e speed limit +ereV 'o .ou Ano> t+at .ou >ere going DG miles an +our in a *G mile an +our zoneV ?+ere@s t+e fireV $ould I see .our licence, pleaseV If youDre luc-y, t/e officer *ill !ay: I@ll let .ou off >it+ a >arning t+is time but don@t let it +appen

again/ R7A& SNS'8M US Roa# Sy!tem! If .ou@re planning a serious coa!t6to6coa!t road tour, .ou@ll probabl. spend a fair amount of time on t+e Inter!tate 9ig/*ay !y!tem/ Some of t+ese roads are t/ou!an#! of mile! long Interstate 3G, for example, goe! from EacAsonville, (lorida, to Santa #onica, $alifornia, t+e entire *i#t/ of t+e continentU ,n t+e roa# !ign! and ma$!, t+e Interstate -ig+>a.s are indicated >it+ a ca$ital WID Rfor InterstateS $lu! a numberI for example I6%M/ )s t+ese numbers are extensivel. used, it@s muc+ easier to $lan your route b. >riting do>n t+e numbers t+an t+e $lace name!I t+e name of .our destination ma. not even appear on t+e Interstate road signU ;nliAe 2ritain@s motor>a.s, t/e e3it! from t+e Interstates are often ver. far apart, so taAe great care not to mi!! .ours/ Exits often lea# off t+e fa!t lane Rbanda de lng a(ul drumuluiS, so get into t/e rig/t lane long before .ou need to turn off/ If .ou do o"er!/oot t/e e3it Ra rata 34 D ie!ireaS, on no account t+inA of bac-ing u$ Ra da napoiS/ ,n turn$i-e! Rbarier a ora!uluiS .ou are given a #i!tance car# before entering and .ou pa. >+en .ou reac+ .our exit/ Some e3$re!!*ay!, bri#ge! and tunnel! also le"y Ra percepeS a small toll Rta(S, so itc@ a good idea to Aeep some loo!e c/ange RmonedeS +and./ In to>ns and cities, .ou >ill find t+at streets are lai# out according to t+e four com$a!! bearing! Rpunctele cardinaleSI 8a!t6;e!t and ?ort/6 Sout// ?+en asAing for directions, .ou are liAel. to be told to ^go ?ort/ on 1a 2rea until .ou get to Sunset 2oulevard, t+en go ;e!t@,

for example/ !+ese instructions are ea!y to follo* as ever. !treet corner +as a sign indicating t+e bloc- number Rnumrul cvartaluluiS Rt+e +ouse numbers at t+at cornerS and t/e #irection it run! in/ '/e Briti!/ Roa# Sy!tem ?+en deciding +o> to get from cit. to cit. in 2ritain, c+oose t+e motor*ay RautostradS, if one exists/ !+ese are all numbered and preceded >it+ a ca$ital WMD Rfor motor>a.I for example, t+e MKS and marAed in blue on roa# ma$! and roa# !ign!/ 83it!, >+ic+ are al>a.s from t+e !lo* lane, include t+e #e!tination, and are fairly fre1uent/ If t+ere is no motor>a., taAe an A roa#, or main roa#/ )gain, t+ese are numbered Rfor example, t+e A4GS and are marAed in re# on t+e map Rbut not on road signsS/ A roa#! often +ave #ual carriage6*ay! Rdou pr'i carosabileS at various points, to allo> .ou to o"erta-e !lo*er "e/icle! Ra dep!i vehiculele cu vitez redusS/ (ailing t+at, .ou >ill +ave to taAe a minor roa#, or B roa#, again numbered Rt+e B4%I, for exampleS and marAed in bro*n or yello* on t+e map/ (inding .our >a. about in to>ns and cities is not al>a.s ]uite as simple/ In 1ondon, for example, not onl. is t+ere a 2elsize S1uare Rpia'S, 2elsize Roa# R!oseaS, 2elsize A"enue RbulevardS, 2elsize Me*! RgarajeS, 2elsize >ar- RparcS, 2elsize Gro"e RpduriceS, 2elsize Street and 2elsize 'errace RterasS; t+ere are also four 2elsize Hoads and t+ree 2elsize )venues in different areas/ 5et a cop. of '/e A to S of :on#on, taAe a deep breat+ and give .ourself an +our more t+an .ou normall. >ouldU If .ou get lost, asA a cab #ri"er; t+e.@re usuall. ]uite +elpful/ Roa# Mar-ing! 34 :

In t+e States, lines marAing t+e !e$aration of t*o6*ay traffic are yello*, >+ereas lines separating traffic travelling in t/e !ame #irection are */ite/ 1ines along t/e e#ge of t/e roa# RdeAa lungul marginii drumuluiS to guide traffic in $oor "i!ibility are */ite or, in certain cases, yello*/ In 2ritain, lines marAing t+e separation of traffic are al>a.s >+iteI if t+e line is continuou!, .ou must not o"erta-e under an. circumstances; if t+e line closest to .ou is bro-en, .ou ma. overtaAe if it i! !afe to #o !o/ In some parts of t+e countr. .ou >ill find >+ite roa# !tu#! R'inte pentru drumS in t+e middle of t+e road t+at reflect t+e lig+t from .our /ea#lam$! at nig+t/ !+ese are commonl. called cat!D eye!/ 'o not parA on t+e side of t+e road if .ou see #ouble yello*! line!/ Fou >ill almost certainl. get a fine or find .our car clam$e# RblocatS >+en .ou return/ ) !ingle yello* line means re!tricte# $ar-ingI looA for t+e yello* !ign t+at tells .ou >+en .ou cannot $ar-, for example 7 am : pm/ '98 :A; @ S$ee#ing, $ar-ing an# cra!/ing >uni!/ment If .ou@re given a !$ot fine Ramend pentru e(cesul de vitezS in t+e ;S .ou ma. find .ourself about _DG plus anot+er _D for e"ery mile an /our .ou >ere travelling o"er t/e limit/ If .ou get a $ar-ing tic-et Ramend pentru parcare nepermisS in t+e ;B, pa. it ]uicAl. leave it for too long and .ou@ll +ave to pa. a lot more/ If .ou@ve parAed .our car in a no6$ar-ing zone, .ou ma. onl. find a parAing ticAet, or .ou ma. return to find .our car@s been to*e# a*ay RremorcatS/ If t+is +appens, .ou go to t+e car $oun# RdepozitS and pa. often after a long >ait to be able to drive .our car a>a./ )lternativel., .our car ma. +ave been clam$e#/ In t+e ;S t+is clam$

is called t+e &en"er Boot as it >as first tried out in 'enver/ Fou@ll find a note on t+e *in#!creen, >+ic+ tells .ou >+ere to go and pa. t+e fine/ ,nce again, .ou@@ probabl. +ave to >ait for some time before t+e police arrive to unloc- t+e clamp/ In 2ritain and t+e ;S t+e police often sub0contract clamping and to>ing to private companies >+o get paid on a $er car basis so t+e.@re ver., ver. AeenU 34 8 '/e >olice If .ou get stopped b. t+e police, do be $olite and if >+en, travelling in t+e ;S .ou see fla!/ing lig/t! be+ind .ou, $ull o"er and >ait for t+e police officer to come to .ou/ Sta. cool, -ee$ your /an#! on t/e */eel and don@t maAe an. movements t+at mig+t maAe t+e officer nervous/ 'on@t, for example, open t+e glo"e com$artment RtorpedouS to get .our licence and car #ocument!I t+e officer mig+t t+inA .ou@re reac+ing for a gunU Brea-#o*n If .ou +ave engine $roblem! on t+e road in t+e ;S, contact t+e 9ig/*ay >atrol or call t+e Police >+o >ill +elp .ou contact t+e -ig+>a. Patrol/ In 2ritain, contact t+e Police; if .ou are on t+e motor*ay, >ait on t+e /ar# !/oul#er Rbanda de avarie+ refugiuS until a $atrol "e/icle Rma!in de patrulareS sees .ou or use one of t+e emergency $/one! along t+e motor>a./ Acci#ent! If .ou +ave an acci#entI Inform t+e police Exc+ange name, address and telep+one number >it+ t+e ot+er driver

Exc+ange in!urance #etail! #aAe a note of t+e ma-e and regi!tration number of t+e ot+er car #aAe a note of t+e *eat/er con#ition! and roa# con#ition! 'ra> a ma$ of t+e situation before and after t+e accident, s+o>ing #i!tance! bet*een "e/icle! and t+e distances from +unction! =ote street names =ote t+e direction and speed of t+e cars involved =ote an. !-i#6mar-! Rsemne de derapajS 5et t+e name and address of an. *itne!!e!/ 34 7 R7A& SA=8'N @ A"oi#ing acci#ent! '/e &oD! an# &onDt! 2e a>are of >+at@s going on around .ou !can t/e roa# a/ea# constantl./ Beep an ade]uate !e$aration #i!tance from t+e ve+icle in front follo>ing too close is called tailgating/ ;se .our mirror! constantl., especiall. >+en .ou@re $ulling out, o"erta-ing or c/anging lane!/ Hemember t+at t+e #oor $illar! and *in#o* frame! Rtocurile geamurilorS of t+e car >ill bloc- your "i!ion of some areas, creating blin# !$ot! Rlocuri fr vizibilitateS/ 'on@t get in ot+er drivers@ blind spots/ 'on@t tr. to beat t/e traffic lig/t! Ra ajunge la semafor+ dac e!ti departeS b. accelerating across t+em >+en .ou t+inA t+e. are about to c+ange/

'on@t start .our manoeu"re immediatel. after !ignalling/ Gi"e *ay to buses pulling out/ Beep an e.e out for $e#e!trian! appearing from be+ind a !tationary Rcare sta'ioneazS bus/ (ollo> t+e mirrorW!ignalWmanoeu"re routine if .ou need to turn or pull outI c/ec- for traffic be+ind .ou in t+e rear"ie* mirror Roglinda retrovizoareS, !ignal and t+en */en itD! !afe, carr. out .our manoeuvre/ !aAe care >+en approac+ing a +unction or a ben# remember t+at anot+er ve+icle ma. emerge suddenl./ S+o> $atience and con!i#eration to>ards ot+er drivers/ 'on@t &ust looA at >+at@s +appening act on */at you !ee/ ;atc/ your !$ee# al>a.s maAe sure .ou@re able to stop >it+in t+e distance t+at .ou can see to be clear a+ead/ Antici$ate ot/er #ri"er!D action!/ 'on@t use .our /orn aggressivel./ 5ive .ourself enoug+ time to react to an. $otential #anger/ 34 4 !ravel at a !$ee#, >+ic+ is suitable for t+e roa# an# traffic con#ition!/ Safety c/ecRoa#6craft Rmiestria de a conduceS isn@t &ust about being able to /an#le a car *ell it also involves t+e abilit. to t+inA about >+at@s going to +appen, to drive accor#ing to circum!tance! and to drive !afely and con!i#erately/ !+e first step is to c/ec- your "e/icle before driving off/ ;se t+e acron.m >676;686R to +elp .ou rememberI

>etrol maAe sure .our tan- is full enoug+ to get .ou >+ere .ou@re going; running out can leave .ou !tran#e# Rn pan+ aflat n nevoieS in a dangerous situation/ 7il allo>ing .our oil le"el to drop too lo> can lead to brea-#o*n and can ruin .our engine/ ;se .our #i$!tic- and c+ecA t+e oil level/ ;ater +ave .ou ever been standing at t+e roadside >it+ t+e bonnet (;BS or /oo# R;SS up, >it+ !team billo>ing ever.>+ereV $+ecA t+e >ater before .ou !et offU 8lectric! c+ecA t+e lig/t!, *i$er! and *a!/er! and don@t forget t+e /ornU Rubber all t+ose rubber parts >+ic+ ma. *ear out Ra se uza+ a se roadeS more ]uicAl. t+an .ou expect *i$er bla#e! and tyre!; c+ecA t+ese for ade]uate trea# #e$t/ Radncimea !an'urilorS and $re!!ure/ (ra!/J It +appens to t+e best of us someone $ulle# out too ]uicAl. in front of .ou, .ou@ve cras+ed into t+em and +ad a colli!ion Raccident n care dou sau mai multe ma!ini sAau lovitS, a fen#er6ben#er R;SS Raccident de ma!in cu avarii minoreS or a !ma!/ Raccident grav de circula'ieS/ If it@s a little one it@s onl. a bum$ Run accident n care ma!ina este lovit+ dar !oferul nu a p'it nimicS, and all t+at it@s done is leave a #ent Rgaur prin lovireS or a !cratc/ RzgrieturS/ It ma. be 6G G >orse t+an .ou t+inA t+oug+, as t+e */eel ma. be buc-le# Rvolanul curbat+ ndoitS or t+e a3le bent Rosia ndoitS and >+o Ano>s >+at@s come loo!eU Rce se mai poate ntmplaS If it@s so bad t+at t+e car

cannot be repaired, t+en .our car@s a *rite6off Rrabl, hrbS/ Be >re$are#J )part from selling fuel Runlea#e#, four !tar or #ie!elS, man. garage! R;BS or ga! !tation! R;SS +ave a s+op >+ic+ ma. sell an.t+ing from food to fan belt! Rcurea pentru ventilatorS/ -ere are a fe> items t+e *ell6e1ui$$e# #ri"er ma. needI a *arning triangle Rtriunghi de avertismentS to place be+ind .our car if .ou brea- #o*n on t+e road; !$are bulb! Rbecuri de rezervS in case somet+ing goes >rong >it+ .our lig/t!/ If t+ere@s an electrical fault, a ne> fu!e Rsiguran'S ma. do t+e tricA/ If .ou find .ourself >it+ a flat battery Rpan de baterieS and passing motori!t +as stopped to +elp, .ou@ll need some +um$ lea#! Rcabluri groase folosite pe)ntru a lua curent de la alt baterieS/ If .ou still can@t start t+e car, a to* ro$e Rcablu de tractareS >ill be necessar./ If .ou don@t >ear tig+ts, it@s >ise to carr. a !$are fan belt Rcurea de rezerv pentru ventilatorS, too/ If .ou@re travelling in >inter and t+e *in#!creen is ice# u$, .ou@ll need a #e6icer !$ray/ &am$ RumiditateS in t+e engine or tig/t nut! an# !cre*! R!uruburi !i piuli'e blocateS can often be sorted out >it+ one of t+ose magic anti6#am$ !$ray!; asA for ?'0<G in 2ritain/ ) can or +errycan RcanistrS is useful for petrol and don@t forget t+e bra-e flui# Rlichid de frnS/ If .ou@ve got an. mone. left, >+. not bu. one of t+ose ga#get! RdispozitiveS for .our das+board t+at +olds .our coffee cu$ stead.V )nd .ou t+oug+t .ou >ere &ust going to get some gasU RRVI.'RAV8::I?G Ba!ic Vocabulary 'ra"el cltorie Qourney cltorie, voia& Rmai ales pe uscatS

Voyage cltorie, voia& Rpe apS Motoring automobilism 6G 3 (ycling mers cu bicicleta, ciclism 9itc/6/i-ing J+itL+aiAiPK autostop 'ri$ cltorie, excursie, voia& de agrement 7ne6*ay tri$ cltorie intr0un singur sens Roun# tri$ cltorie dus i intors (ircle tri$ cltorie in circuit 7fficial, bu!ine!!O $lea!ure tri$ cltorie in interes de serviciu, de afaceriW de plcere &e$arture O t/e e"e of t/e #e$arture plecare W a&unul plecrii Arri"al sosire Sto$o"er escal &elay intarziere (onnection legtur &e!tination destina ie 'ranzit transit Mean! of tran!$ort mi&loace de transport 'a3i ran- sta ie de taxi0uri :uggage W baggage baga& :uggage6rac- plas pentru baga&e Rin trenS 9an# baggage baga& de man 'rolley crucior de baga&e BagO !ac-O net6!/o$$ing bag geant, poet, valiz, sacW saco Suitca!e geamantan 'run- cufr de voia&

Ruc-!ac- rucsac Briefca!e serviet String bag plas, saco 'ic-et bilet 'ra"el tic-et bilet de cltorie Single tic-et bilet pentru o singur cltorie Return tic-et bilet dus0intors =ull tic-etO /alf fare bilet intreg, / bilet ;ee-en#O !u$$lementary tic-et bilet pentru >eeAend, supliment =ir!t6cla!! bilet clasa I Secon#6cla!! bilet clasa a II0a Sea!on tic-et abonament Seat re!er"ation rezervare de locuri 6G 6 Re#uce# fare bilet cu pre redus 'imetable mersul trenurilor, avioanelor, etc/ Route rut 'rain tren 83$re!! trainO non6!to$ train expres =a!t train rapid, accelerat Slo* train personal, curs >a!!enger train tren de pasageri Goo#! train marfar 9o"ercraft ve+icol pe pern de aer :ocal train tren local, curs :ong6#i!tance train tren de curs lung '/roug/ train tren direct

&o*n train tren care circul din capital sau oraele principale spre localit i de provincie U$ train tren care circul din localit ile de provincie spre capital sau oraele principale Rail*ay !tationO main !tation gar, sta ieW sta ie principal 'ra"el agency agen ie de voia& Boo-ing6office cas de bilete Rla garS Information #e!- W in1uiry office birou de informa ii :eft6luggage office depozit de baga&e :eft6luggage tic-et recipis pentru baga&ele lsate la depozit >arcel! office coletrie Refre!/ment office W buffet bufet Rmai ales la garS Station re!taurant restaurantul grii >latformO $latform tic-et peronW bilet de peron Boo-6!tall stand de cr i, c+ioc de ziare Slot6mac/ine 0 automat ;aiting6room sal de ateptare 8ngine W locomoti"eO engine #ri"er locomotivW mecanic (arriage W car vagon de pasageri &ining6car W re!taurant car vagon restaurant Slee$ing6car W !lee$er vagon de dormit Buffet car vagon cu bufet Smo-er vagon pentru fumtori ?on6!mo-er vagon pentru nefumtori 6G * :uggage "an vagon de baga&e Mail "an vagon potal

Bert/ cuet (om$artment compartiment (orri#or coridor :abel etic+et 'ag etic+et, carte de vizit atarnat de baga&e Rail! ine Qunction pod feroviar (ommunication cor# semnal de alarm Starting !ignal semnal de plecare =erry6boatO larboar#O cargo !/i$, freig/ter bacO babordW cargobot Sailing6boar#O life [O ro*ing [O motor [O fi!/ing [ barc cu panzeW d de salvareW d cu vasleW d cu motorW d de pescuit 'rain ferry feribot Nac/t ia+t 7cean liner transatlantic 'an-er petrolier Submarine submarin Raft plut Barge lep Man6of6*ar vas de rzboi 'ug remorc+er Sea route rut maritim Ma!t catarg Ru##er carm >ort/ole 0 +ublou &ec-O main [ O belo* [ punteW d principalW d secundar Bell clopot

:ife6belt colac de salvare =unnel co de vapor (/art +art maritim (raneO #erric- crane macaraW macara turl (olour! pavilion, steag Sail panz :og6boo- &urnal de bord (a$tainD! bri#ge punte de comand 6G < 'an- rezervor 8ngine room sala motoarelor Starboar# tribord =leetO na"y flotW flot de rzboi Merc/ant marine marina comercial ?a"alO na"al officer navalW ofi er naval MateO fir!t mate ofi erW ofi er secund Brea-*ater0 dig :an#ing !tageO */arf debarcader &oc-O #oc-erO floating [ 0 docW doc+erW doc plutitor >ort aut/oritie! autorit i portuare S/i$*rec-O *rec-O !/i$*rec-e# naufragiuW epavW naufragiat S.7.S. (!a"e our !oul!) S/,/S/ Rsalva i sufletele noastreS Beacon!O flag !ignal! semnaleW semnale cu drapele AntennaO antenna of ra#io beacon! antenW d pentru semnale radio >ilot pilot Ve!!el vas, vapor Steamer vapor

S/i$ nav &e$t/ of t/e !ea adancimea mrii (oa!t coast Gulf, bay golf I!lan#O $enin!ula insulW peninsul Sea!ca$e peisa& marin :an# pmant Strait! stramtoare (/annelO canal canalW canal artificial >ierO 1uay c+ei Buoy! geamanduri :ig/t/ou!e far SeaO oceanO la-eO ri"erO broo-, ri"ulet, !treamO !$ring mareW oceanW lacW rauW parauW izvor 9arbourO !ea$ort portW port maritim 9y#ro6electric $o*er !tation 0 +idrocentral S/i$yar# antier naval 'o !teer a carmi 'o go on a crui!e a pleca intr0o croazier 'o lan# a debarca 6G D 'o *eat/er a !torm a infrunta o furtun 'o loa#O to unloa# a incrcaW a descrca 'o !ail forO to*ar#! a naviga spre, inspre 'o rai!e t/e gang*ay a ridica pasarelaW scara 'o !in- a se scufunda Air$ortO a"iationO air force aeroportW avia ieW avia ie militar

Airfiel# teren de aterizare, aerodrom Groun# pmant, teren, sol, pmant solid Rsub picioareS 'erminal terminus, cap de linie >laneO !couting [ O ambulance [ avionW d de recunoatereW d sanitar AircraftO air liner aparat de zbor, nav RaerianS, avionW avion mare QetO !u$er!onic $a!!enger $lane avion cu reac ieW avion supersonic Balloon balon Air!/e#, /angar +angar 9elico$terO /eli$ort elicopterW aeroport pentru elicoptere Sea$lane +idroavion A"iation engineer inginer de avia ie Aircraft mec/anic mecanic de bord S$ace boatO !$ace !/i$ nav spa ial >arac/ute paraut Groun# !taff personal terestru &i"e, no!e6#i"e pica& Automatic $ilot pilot automat Gli#erO gli#ing planorW planorism Roc-etO !$ace roc-et rac+etW rac+et cosmic Ra#ar e1ui$ment ec+ipament radar ;irele!! o$erator radio0telegrafist A#+u!tableO recicling c/air scaun rabatabilW inclinat Un#ercarriage tren de aterizare Goo#O $oor "i!ibility vizibilitate bunW redus =ig/ter $laneO bomber avion de vantoareWavion de bombardament Seat6belt curea de siguran (oc-$it carling

=u!elage fusela& >ro$eller, air!cre* elice ;ing arip Aerial anten 6G : (ontrol to*er turnul de control (abinO com$artment cabinW compartiment pentru pasageri Soun#$roof cabin cabin izolat fonic :aggageO baggage /ol# cabinW cal pentru baga&e Blin# lan#ing aterizare fr vizibilitate 'o ma-e a force# lan#ing a face o aterizare for at 'o /i+ac- a deturna, a rpi un avion 'o fly o"er a zbura peste, deasupra 'o refuel a se alimenta (omman#er comandant de aeronav (re* ec+ipa& Intercom sistem de comunicare intern a avionului =lig/tO motorle!! [O blin# [ zborW d fr motorW d fr vizibilitate =lig/t numberO d cou$on numrul zboruluiW talon de zbor Return re!er"ation rezervare dus intors =ree baggage allo*ance cantitatea de baga&e permis Rpentru care nu se plteteS 83ce!! baggage c/arge! tax pentru greutate suplimentar (/ec-6in time timpul de sosire Rla aeroportS Sc/e#ule orar (afeteria bufet cu autoservire (urrency e3c/ange sc+imb valutar

(ar6/ire inc+iriere de maini >ublic a##re!! !y!tem sistem de anun areWinformare a pasagerilor Rin aeroportS Baggage reclaim unit locul de colectare a baga&elor care vin de la avion (u!tom! formalitie! formalit i vamale (u!tom! clearence area zona de control vamal Ran#om c/ec-! verificri prin sonda& (itizen cet ean >er!onal belonging! lucruri personale Pue!tionnaire c+estionar 'o fill in a 1ue!tionnaire a completa un c+estionar Rea# t/i! li!t t/roug/. It mention! t/e article! liable of #uty, #utyfree an# $ro/ibite# citi i lista aceasta/ )ici sunt trecute articolele impozabile, scutite de vam i cele interzise 6G 8 '/e e3ten!ion of your !tay $ermit *a! grante# on con#ition t/at C 0 v0a fost aprobat prelungirea permisului de edere cu condi ia ca// >articular! detalii &ocument!, $a$er! documente, +artii =ragile fragil 83$ortO im$ort licence permis, licen de exportW import (u!tom! regulation! regulament vamal StrangerO foreigner strin de locW de ar (u!tom! #utie! taxe vamale 'o be t/roug/ *it/ t/e cu!tom! a termina cu formalit ile vamale Re!triction! restric ii

'ouri!t "i!a viz turistic 'o $ro#uce t/e $a!!$ort a prezenta paaportul >a!!enger pasager (ommuter navetist Station6ma!ter ef de gar Guar# ef de tren 'ic-et6collector controlor de bilete 'ic-et6in!$ector inspector de tren >orter +amal ?e*!$a$er boy vanztor de ziare (ler- func ionar >ilot pilot Air /o!te!!O !te*ar#e!! stevardes (ram$e# W cro*#e# aglomerat (omfortable confortabil, comod (/ea$ ieftin 83$en!i"e scump &angerou! periculos =a!t iute, rapid, repede 'o tra"el by lan# pe uscat by car cu maina by train W by rail a cltori cu trenul by air W by $lane cu avionul by !ea cu vaporul W pe mare 'o go on a tri$, +ourney a pleca intr0o excursie, cltorie 6G 7 'o ta-eO ma-e a tri$ a face o excursie

'o !et out on foot a pleca pe &os 'o go abroa# a pleca in strintate 'o boo- (tic-et!) W to re!er"e a rezerva bilete 'o 1ueue u$ a sta la coad 'o arri"e a sosi 'o #e$art a pleca 'o !ee (!omebo#y) off a conduce pe cineva la gar, aeroport, etc/ 'o brea- oneD! +ourney a0i intrerupe cltoria 'o #e$o!it luggage a depune Rbaga&eleS 'o in!ure t/e luggageO baggage a asigura baga&ele 'o get onO off t/e train a se urca in trenW a cobori din tren 'o get into t/e com$artment a intra in compartiment 'o !/o* oneD! tic-et a prezenta biletul la control 'o !en# !omeone to fetc/ t/e baggage a trimite pe cineva s ridice baga&ele 'o c/ec- a controla, a verifica 'o *eig/ a cantri 'o #eclare a declara 'o in!$ect a controla, a inspecta 'o confirm a confirma 'o reconfirm a reconfirma 'o cancel a anula 'o $o!t$oneO $ut off a amana 'o announce a anun a 'o get information a se informa, a ob ine informa ii 'o ta-e off a decola 'o lan# a ateriza

'o fa!ten a fixa, a lega 'o o$erate on !c/e#ule a merge conform orarului 'o *an#er aroun# a +oinri, a merge fr un scop precis 'o come into o$eration a intra in vigoare 'o *al- about to*n a merge, a se plimba prin ora 'o $ac- a impac+eta 'o tra"el lig/t a cltori cu baga& pu in 'o be air6!ic- a avea ru de avion 'o be car6!ic- a avea ru de main 6G 4 'o be !ea6!ic- a avea ru de mare '/e train i! in trenul a sosit '/e train i! off trenul a plecat NouDll /a"e to /urry u$ va trebui s v grbi i '/e train i! #ue out in ten minute! trenul trebuie s plece peste zece minute/ ;ill you c/ange !eat! *it/ meY vre i s sc+imba i locul cu mineV I am !orry, #i# I trea# on your footY scuza i0m, v0am clcat pe piciorV '/e train $ull! out !lo*ly trenul se pune in micare incet &onDt lean out of t/e *in#o*, itD! #angerou! nu te apleca peste fereastr, este periculos &o you min# if I o$en t/e *in#o*Y v supr dac desc+id fereastraV ItD! rat/er !tuffy /otO col# /ere aerul este cam imbacsit Reste caldW frig aiciS ItD! a bit #raug/ty trage pu in/ Este curent/

S/all I $ull u$O #o*n t/e *in#o*Y s ridicW cobor fereastraV S/all I turn onO off t/e /eatingY s desc+idW s inc+id inclzireaV ;/at time #o *e arri"e inO at Y la ce or sosim inW laV 9urry u$ an# get /ol# of t*o !eat! one facing t/e engineO one bac- to t/e engine grbete0te i ocup dou locuri, unul cu fa a spre locomotiv, unul cu spatele la locomotiv 7ur com$any run! /ome an# international route!. societatea noastr deservete linii interne i interna ionale ;oul# you li-e to /a"e any of your luggage regi!tere#Y dori i s preda i vreunul din baga&ele 'vs/ la vagonul de baga&eY ;ill you len# me a /an# to $ut t/i! bo3 on t/e rac-Y m a&uta i s pun cutia aceasta in plasV ;ill you -ee$ an eye on my luggag */ile I try toCY vre i s supraveg+ea i baga&ele mele in timp ce [/V &i# you /it any air6$oc-et!Y a i intalnit vreun gol de aerV '/e $a!!enger! begin to alig/t pasagerii incep s coboare '/e $lane *a! #elaye# on account of a /ea"y !torm avionul a fost intarziat din cauza unei furtuni puternice '/e */ole "ie* i! blotte# out intreaga privelite este estompat 63 G ;ill you !/o* me to t/e !eatY vre i s0mi arta i care este locul meuV '/e $ilot !teer! ea!t*ar# to*ar#!C 0 pilotul vireaz spre est ctre[ '/e $lane begin! to ta3i along t/e run *ayO to $ic- u$ !$ee#O to climb 1uic-lyO to gain /eig/t avionul incepe s ruleze pe pista de decolareW s prind vitezW s urce repedeW s ia inl ime

;ill you tell me, $lea!e, t/e name of CY vre i s0mi spune i numele[, v rogV (an I boo- t*o tic-et! on t/e $lane boun# for Berlin "ia >ragueY pot re ine dou bilete la avionul pentru 2erlin via PragaV I! t/e !/i$ boun# to Mar!eille!Y vaporul are ca destina ie #arsiliaV I! t/e !/i$ !ure to call at ?a$le! on /erO t/e *ay to :on#onY vaporul face sigur escal la =eapole in drum spre 1ondraV ;/en #oe! t/e Man/attan *eig/ anc/orY cand ridic ancora vaporul #an+attanV 9o* long #oe! t/e $a!!age ta-eY cat dureaz cltoriaV ;/en can I embar- forCY cand pot s m imbarc pentru[V Are *e allo*e# to go a!/oreY putem s coboram pe uscatV ;/at 1uay #oe! t/e boat lieY la ce c+ei este acostat vasulV I /a"e !ecure# a fir!t6cla!! cabin on boar# t/e EStarF am re inut o cabin de clasa I la bordul vasului YStarZ ;/ere /a! t/e !/i$ been #oc-e#Y unde se afl vaporulV &onDt lean again!t t/e railing nu te rezema de balustrad '/e !/i$ i! $itc/ing /ea"ily vaporul tang+eaz puternic ?o* t/e !tern #i$!, no* t/e bo* #i$! ba se afund pupa, ba se afund prora '/i! !/i$ !ail! into t/e /rabourO #ro$! anc/orO $ic-! u$ an# #ro$! $a!!enger!, cargoe! an# mail vaporul intr in portW arunc ancoraW ia i las pasageri, incrcturiW mrfuri i pota 83cu!e me, i! t/i! t/e *ay toCY scuza i0m, acesta este drumul spre[V ;ill you -in#ly !/o* me t/e *ay to Victoria StationY sunte i

amabil s0mi arta i drumul spre gara "ictoriaV (an you tell meCY pute i s0mi spune i[V =ollo* t/i! !treet to t/e en# merge i pe strada asta pan la capt 63 3 Go !traig/t on merge i drept inainte Nou are going on t/e rig/tO *rong *ay merge i in direc ia bunW greit 9o* long *ill it ta-e me to get toCY cat timp imi ia s a&ung la[V I! it a long *ay toO farY este departe pan[V &oe! t/i! bu! go toCY autobuzul merge spre[V In!ert a $enny into t/e $ay6bo3 introduce i un penn. in caseta de autotaxare 'ear off a tic-et detaa i un bilet '/ere i! a "acant !eat at t/e front este un loc liber in fa Bag t*o !eat!, *ill youY ocup dou locuri, te rog Mo"e u$ to t/e front, $lea!e avansa i, v rog &ri"e me to t/e A!toria /otel du0m la +otelul )storia &ro$ me at t/e corner of t/e !treet las0m la col ul strzii ;/atD! t/e fare care este taxaV :etD! call a ta3i s c+emm un taxi :7?&7? AIR>7R' Y 2ritis+ )ir>a.s brings .ou to -eat+ro>, 1ondon@s main airport/ -eat+ro> handles more international flights t+an an. ot+er airport in t+e >orld, so t+at its passenger arrangements +ave to be good/ ?erminal (, >+ere intercontinental travellers arrive and depart, +as been muc+ enlarged to meet t+e big-)et era, inaugurated b. t+e 2oeing 8<8/

'o>n a flig+t of stairs marAed b. .our flight number is .our baggage reclaim unit/ !+e customs clearance area is close at +and, and .ou must decide on t+e red or green c+annel/ Hed means .ou +ave somet+ing to declare, and .our baggage >ill be inspected/ 5reen means not+ing to declare, and t+e customs men maAe onl. random checks/ Fou >ill probabl. be able to manage .our luggage .ourself, >it+ t+e +elp of a trolley/ Porters are recognizable b. t+eir blue uniforms >it+ red lapels/ ,nce troug+ customs .ou are in t+e arrival hall >it+ bar, cafeteria, toilets, and currency exchange facilities and t+e desAs of t>o car-hire firms/ !+e ans>er to ever. problem is to be found at t+e Information !esks of 2ritis+ )ir>a.s and t+e )irport )ut+orit./ 63 6 If .ou >ant to announce .our arrival to friends >+o +ave missed .ou for some reason, t+e public address system is at .our disposal/ V7(ABU:ARN >RA('I(8 =ill in t/e blan- !$ace! *it/ t/e *or#! gi"en belo*: 3/ ?+en arriving at t+e airport, passengers usuall. taAe a trolle. to carr. t+eir luggage to t+e [[// to +ave t+eir bags >eig+ed and taAen to t+e plane/ 6/ )t t+e c+ecA0in desA passengers receive a [[ >+ic+ allo>s t+em to get on t+e plane/ */ Ever. passenger s+o>s +is passport for [[// before going t+roug+ Securit. $+ecA/ </ )ll passengers +ave to go t+roug+ [[/ >+ere t+e +and luggage is also c+ecAed/ D/ Passengers >ait in t+e [[/ for t+eir flig+t to be announced/ :/ ?+ile >aiting in t+e departure lounge passengers can visit t+e [[/ >+ere t+e. can bu. goods at c+eaper price/ 8/ ?+en t+e. +ear t+e announcement for t+eir flig+t, passengers proceed to t+e [// to board

t+e plane/ 7/ Fou +ave to follo> t+e [// sign if .ou are ending .our &ourne. to 1ondon or transferring to anot+er flig+t >it+in ;B/ 4/ Fou must +ave .our passport and an. necessar. visa read. for control >+en .ou [[/ 3G/ 5o do>n0stairs to t+e [[ to collect .our baggage; free trolle.s are available for .our bags/ 33/ $lear $ustoms b. taAing t+e Hed $+annel if .ou +ave [[ and t+e 5reen $+annel if .ou +ave [[/ 36/ Fou >ill t+en be in t+e [[/ for transport into 1ondon or transfer to ot+er flig+ts/ 3*/ ?+en >aiting for a flig+t .ou can parA .our car in t+e [[ 3</ ,utside t+e airport, t+ere are cabs and .ou can taAe one if .ou >ant to go to a +otel/ Sa. to t+e driverI[// 3D/ )t t+e +otel, first .ou >ant to[[ 3:/ Fou ma. asA for a [// if .ou are alone or a [// if .ou are accompanied/ 38/ If .ou >ant to be sure t+at .ou >ill +ave a room on a certain da. in a +otel .ou +ave to [// before or maAe [[ 37/ ?+en .ou got into .our room t+ere are some t+ings out of order and .ou >ant to [// 34/ 2ecause .ou +ave a ver. important appointment in t+e morning, .ou >ant [// 6G/ Fou dial for t+e [// if .ou >ant to [[ car park% things to declare% check-in% an early morning call% dutyfree shop% arrival hall% security check% double room% passport 63 * control% gate% arrival% operator% a reservation% could you take me to the 6storia hotel3% book it% baggage reclaim% departure lounge% boarding pass% single room% nothing to declare% make a complain% make a call% 8heck-in desk% go through 8ustoms$ I?=7 B7R -eat+ro>, 1ondon@s main airport, +andles more international flig+ts t+an an. ot+er airport in t+e >orld/ Ever. <D seconds a plane taAes off

or lands +ere and all t+e four terminals are extremel. bus./ )not+er airport, Stansted >as built in t+e 347G@s to relieve t+e congestion of -eat+ro>/ !+e airport at 5at>icA also +andles man. international flig+ts/ I?=7 B7R !+e first underground rail>a. in t+e >orld >as 1ondon@s #etropolitan line, built in 37:*/ 1ondoners call t+eir underground the tube/ !+ere are 68* different stations no> and t+e deepest station is -empstead, D7 metres belo> t+e ground/ A' '98 RAI:;AN S'A'I7? -ere >e are at t+e rail>a. station/ ,ur friends are going a>a. for t+eir +olida.s/ !+e. +ave booked their tickets in advance, so t+ere is no need for t+em to <ueue up at the booking office no>/ )s it is rat+er earl., and t+eir train +as not arrived .et, t+e. +ave to >ait in t+e waiting room/ =ext door to t+e >aiting room is t+e refreshment room; and t+ere are ot+er notices over t+e entrances to offices and roomI station master"s office, in<uiry office, left-luggage and parcels office/ !+e porters are bus. t+e luggage to t+e train or pus+ing it on t+eir trolleys/ )ll Aind of trains are passing t+roug+ t+e stationI passenger trains express, fast or slo> goods trains, local and long distance trains/ )fter a >+ile, t+e public address system announces t+at our friends@ train is in/ !+e. pass t+roug+ onto t+e platforms and t+e ticket63 < collector examines t+eir ticAets/ RIn 2ritis+ rail>a. stations, t+ere is a gate at t+e end of eac+ platforms/ !+e ticAet0collector stands at t+e

gate and c+ecAs t+e travellers@ ticAets/S Immediatel. be+ind t+e engine are t+e front luggage van and t+e guard"s van, follo>ed b. passengers* carriages of t+e first and second class, >it+ smoking and non-smoking compartments/ !+e train also +as dining car and a sleeper >it+ upper and lo>er berths/ )s t+e. >alA along t+e platform, t+e. pass t+e bookstall >+ere people are ne>spapers and magazines to read during t+e )ourney/ (inall., t+e. find t+eir compartment a second0class non0smoAer/ !+e. put t+eir bags on t+e luggage rack and open t+e >indo>/ !+e large +and of t+e station clocA points to *G minutes/ !+e guard >aves +is flag and blo>s +is >+istle/ ?he train is off/ !+e travellers >ave good0b.e to t+e people >+o +ave come to see them off/ !+e train moves slo>l. out of t+e station/ I?=7 B7R '/e Union Qac- is t+e name of t+e 2ritis+ flag/ It consists of t+ree crossesI of England, Scotland and Ireland/ !+e +ac- used to be t+e name of t+e flag, >+ic+ +ung from t+e bacA of a s+ip/ Uncle Sam is t+e nicAname for federal government or t+e t.pical citizen of t+e ;S)/ It arose in t+e neig+bour+ood of =e> ForA about 3736, as a collo]uial >a. of reading t+e initials ;S, fre]uentl. used on government supplies to t+e arm./ BRI'IS9 AIR;ANS I?'8R(7?'I?8?'A: 'IM8'AB:8 >a!!enger Information Re!er"ation! )irlines maAe ever. effort to provide seats for >+ic+ reservations +ave been made/ =evert+eless, no absolute guarantee of seat

availabilit. is denoted b. t+e expression ^reservations@ and ^booAings@ and t+e timing attac+ed to t+em/ Nour fare inclu#e! 63 D ,n 2ritis+ )ir>a.s services .our fare includes all meals and gratuities in flig+t and on t+e ground from t+e departure of t+e aircraft until arrival at t+e airport of destination s+o>n on t+e flig+t coupon of .our ticAet/ Sto$o"er! In most cases, .ou ma. breaA .our &ourne. at one or more places on route, and retain t+e benefit of t+e t+roug+ fare, provided notice is given at t+e time of reservation/ -otel expenses at eac+ stopover >ill be .our responsibilit./ Vali#ity !icAets issued at normal one >a., round or circle trip fares are valid for one .ear/ Re#uce# fare! 5roup travel offers big reductions for members of an organization travelling toget+er/ (ull details on re]uest/ 9ealt/ regulation! "alid certificates of inoculation andWor vaccination, issued on a special international form, are definitel. re]uired b. most countries/ >ortable electronic e1ui$ment Please do not s>itc+ on portable radio receivers, transmitters or television sets >+ilst on board as t+e. can cause serious interference >it+ t+e aircraft radio navigation e]uipment/ Portable recorders, +earing aids and +eart pacemaAers ma. be used on board/

>unctuality ?+ile ever. effort is made to ensure t+e punctualit. of our services, 2ritis+ )ir>a.s cannot accept responsibilit. for t+e dela. or suspension of a service, nor guarantee t+at connections >ill be made >it+ ot+er services/ Baggage free allo*ance ,n (irst $lass services t+e free baggage allo>ance is *G Ailos/ ,n Econom. $lass services it is 6G Ailos/ 83ce!! c/arge! 2aggage in excess of t+e free allo>ance is normall. c+arged at 3e of t+e (irst $lass single fare per Ailo/ Nour #e$arture !+e departure time s+o>n in t+is timetable and on .our ticAet0coupon is t+e sc+eduled taAe0off time/ !+e c+ecA0in time at t+e airport or to>n 63 : terminal s+o>n on .our ticAet0cover allo>s minimum time to complete all t+e formalities/ In .our o>n interest .ou s+ould plan to arrive at t+e to>n terminal or airport in good time as t+is >ill +elp to ensure t+at .our aircraft operates on sc+edule/ Reconfirmation @ cancellation! If .ou +old a return reservation, it is necessar. to reconfirm .our intention to travel >it+ t+e local Heservations ,ffice of t+e $arrier at least 86 +ours before departure/ 'ra"el a#"ice PacA all .ou need during t+e flig+t in a small cabin bag/ )ll ot+er articles s+ould be pacAed in registered baggage/ $arr. .our passport and +ealt+ certificates >it+ .ou/ 'o not pacA t+em/ $arr. an.

valuables, suc+ as &e>eller., personall./ (or furt+er details please see our booAlet ^2efore .ou taAe offZ/ RRVII.97:I&ANS. S'ANI?G I? A 97'8: Ba!ic Vocabulary 9oli#ay concediu, vacan , zi de odi+n >ac-age /oli#ay W all in $rice /oli#ay excursie in grup organizat, cu traseu fix, pltit dinainte S$orting /oli#ay excursie cu profil sportiv Stu#y tour excursie de studii 83cur!ion excursie 7ff !ea!on sezon mort >ea- mont/ lun de varf =ortnig/t dou sptmani =i!/ing pescuit Bat/ing baie, scldat Sunbat/ing pla& (limbing mers pe munte, alpinism (am$ing out 3/ drume ie, excursie; 6/ $amping San# nisip San#! W beac/ pla& 63 8 San#ca!tle castel de nisip 'i#e flux i reflux Sea*ee# alg de mare S/ell scoic Roc-6$ool oc+i linitit de ap Rprintre stanciS 9oli#ay cam$ tabr de vacan

'raining cam$ cantonament Re!t /ome cas de odi+n 9oli#ay "illage sat de vacan 9oli#ay to*n ora de vacan Re!ort sta iune Sea!i#e re!ortO *inter re!ort sta iune pe litoralW sta iune de iarn 9ealt/ re!ort sta iune de odi+n W balneoclimateric S$a sta iune balneo0climateric Rcu ape mineraleS 9otel +otel Motel motel 9o!tel 3/ $min de studen i; 6/ $aban, +otel turistic Boar#ing /ou!e pensiune Gue!t6/ou!e cas de oaspe i InnO inn-ee$er +anW +angiu (/aletO /ut caban (ara"an W trailer rulot 'railer cam$ camping de rulote Summer cam$ tabr de var (am$ing !ite loc de tabr, camping 'ent cort 'ent6trailer rulot pentru cort Slee$ing bag sac de dormit =ol#ing be# pat pliant =ol#6u$ table mas pliant =ol#6u$ c/air scaun pliant =ir!t6ai# -it trus de prim a&utor Sun6tan lotion lo iune pentru bronzarea pielii

S/ort! ort ;in#6+ac-et vintiac, &ac+et contra vantului Accomo#ation cazare Single room camer cu un pat 63 7 &ouble room camer cu dou paturi Suite apartament (on"enience! confort =acilitie! condi ii; dotri; posibilit i :aun#ry !er"ice spltorie Air6con#itioning instala ie de aer condi ionat 'V lounge +ol pentru televizor Bar bar ?ig/t club bar de noapte &i!co discotec :obby +ol de +otel =ire e3it ieire in caz de incendiu Bac- !tair! scar de serviciu Garage gara& Smo-ing room fumoar Rece$tion #e!- recep ie 9otel office direc ia +otelului Ser"ice bureau biroul servicii (ol# an# /ot running *ater ap rece i cald Be# clot/e!, be##ing aternut de pat Ra#iator calorifer Be# !/eet cearaf

S*itc/, !*itc/er comutator Be# !$rea#, co"erlet cuvertur de pat >illo* ca!e, !li$ fa de pern ;a!/ing li!t list de rufe pentru splat Blan-et ptur (urtain perdea, draperie >illo*, cu!/ion pern, pern de dormit Puilt, counter$ane plapum >lai# pled 'a$ robinet Mattre!!O !$ring mattre!! salteaW somier (oat /anger umera pentru +aine (an#le!tic- 0 sfenic Arri"al car# fi, formular de sosire Surname nume de familie 63 4 =ir!t name prenume ?ationality na ionalitate &ate an# $lace of birt/ data i locul naterii >ermanent a##re!! domiciliu stabil >ur$o!e of "i!it scopul vizitei, cltoriei >a!!$ort paaport I#entity car# legitima ie, buletin de identitate Signature semntur Rece$tion cler- W rece$tioni!t recep ioner &oorman portar, uier Bell6boy biat de serviciu

Ste*ar# osptar, stevard 9all $orter portar de +otel :ift6boy liftier S/oeblac- W bootboy lustragiu (/amber6mai# camerist Rent c+irie 'rem! condi ii :an#lor#O lan#la#y gazd 9o!tO /o!te!! gazd, amfitrion :o#ger, tenantO co6tenant locatarW colocatar Boar# an# lo#ging mas i cas Boar#er persoana care st in pensiune '/e o*ner of a /ou!e proprietarul unei case 'o !/are t/e room *it/ a impr i casa cu S/rine racl, mormant Rmai ales sfantS 'omb mormant Memorial monument comemorativ (roft ferm mic Scenery peisa& 9eig/t inl ime (leanline!! cur enie =rien#line!! amabilitate, bunvoin 8ntertainment amuzament, distrac ie Sig/t loc, monument, privelite demn de vzut Sig/t!eeing tur al oraului, excursie :an#mar- punct de reper, loc important 66 G

>lace of intere! obiectiv turistic >ri"ate Rd/ baie, etcS separat Puiet linitit A"ailable disponibil, liber; la dispozi ie Rela3e# relaxat Boring plicitisitor ?agging ciclitor 8nergetic plin de energie, activ Noung tanr Mi##le6age# de varst mi&locie 7l# in varst, btran 9el$ful indatoritor 'o !ign in a se inregistra Rla venireS 'o !ign out a se inregistra Rla plecareS 'o regi!ter a se inregistra, a inscrie un nume in registru 'o fill in a completa 'o in1uire a se informa, a se interesa 'o "acate a se elibera, a goli 'o c/arge a taxa, a pune la socoteal 'o #i!turb a deran&a 'o o"erloo- W to loo- out on a da spre, a avea vedere la 'o crui!e a face o croazier 'o !$la!/ a improca, a stropi 'o !troll a se plimba 'o $lan oneD! /oli#ay a face planuri de vacan , concediu 'o /a"e a !ucce!!ful /oli#ay a avea un concediu, o vacan reuit 'o get a*ay a pleca din ora

'o go on /oli#ay a pleca, merge in vacan , concediu 'o lay out a cam$ a aeza o tabr 'o $ut at a /otelO an inn a se stabili la un +otelW la un +an 'o go to t/e mountain! a merge la munte 'o go to t/e !ea!i#e a merge la mare 'o air t/e room a aerisi camera 'o ti#y u$ t/e room a face ordine in camer 'o loc-O unloc- t/e #oor a incuiaW a descuia ua 'o $ut u$ for t/e nig/t a innopta undeva 'o rai!eO lo*er t/e blin#! a ridicaW a cobori &aluzelele 66 3 'o lig/tO $ut out t/e fire a aprindeW a stinge focul '/e mo#ern lo"e of mo"ing aroun# pasiunea pentru micare a epocii moderne '/e ea!e of tra"el uurin a de a cltori '/e nee# for 1uiet an# fre!/ air nevoia de linite i aer curat '/e lo"e of !olitu#e dorin a de singurtate Be# an# brea-fa!t cazare i mic de&un inclus =ull boar# pensiune complet (an I /el$ youY cu ce pot s v fiu de folosV ;ill you !ign t/e regi!ter $lea!eY semna i in registru, v rog ID# li-e a room a dori o camer Min# t/e !te$ ave i gri& la scar :ea# t/e *ay, $lea!e lua i0o inainte, v rog ;e are 1uite full at t/e $re!ent nu mai avem nici o camer liber ID# li-e to be calle# in t/e morning at H oDcloc- a dori s m scula i la ora 8 diminea a

'a-e your $ic- alege i ce v place ;/at *ill be t/e c/arge $er #ayY la cat revine pe ziV 9o* long *ill you be !tayingY cat timp inten iona i s rmane iV ;oul# you care to !ee t/e roomY dori i s vede i cameraV Are t/ere any e3tra!Y exist vreo tax suplimentarV Ste$ in, $lea!e. ;eDll *al- u$!tair!. Nour room i! on t/e fir!t floor. intra i, v rog/ "om urca pe scri/ $amera 'vs/ este la eta&ul I/ IDll !/o* you u$ to your room. v conduc la camera 'vs. ;ill come t/i! *ay, $lea!eY pe aici, v rog ;/ere #oe! t/i! room loo- toY unde d camera astaV S/o* me a room facing t/e !treetO o"erloo-ing t/e $ar- o$$o!ite arta i0mi o camer la stradW cu vedere spre parA ;/at *ill it come to all in allY la cat se ridic cu totulV ;oul# you fill in t/i! formO car#O your $articular!Y vre i s completa i acest formularW datele personaleV (an I /a"e my #re!!O !uit bru!/e# an# $re!!e#Y imi pute i peria i clca roc+ia i costumulV (an I /a"e my !/oe! cleane# an# $oli!/e#Y imi pute i cur a i lustrui pantofiiV (an I /a"e my linen *a!/e# an# irone#Y imi pute i spla i cur a len&eriaV 66 6 ;ill you bringO fetc/ me a ca-e of !oa$Y imi aduce i, v rog, o bucat de spunV 'ell me, $lea!e, */ere i! t/e menD!O la#ie!D roomY pute i s0mi spune i unde este toaleta pentru brba iW femeiV I *oul# li-e to -no* if I can ma-e a long #i!tance call from /ereY

a vrea s tiu dac pot ob ine de aici o convorbire interna ional/ I *oul# li-e to -no* if I can /a"e my brea-fa!t broug/t u$ to my room a vrea s tiu dac mi se poate aduce micul de&un in camer '/i! #oor o$en! out on t/e balcony ua asta d pe balcon Are lig/t, /eating an# !er"ice inclu#e#Y lumina, inclzitul i serviciul sunt incluse in pre V ;e /a"e !$ecial mont/ly rate! avem tarife lunare avanta&oase 9ere i! t/e recei$t ave i aici recipisa Nour luggage *ill be !ent for vom trimite dup baga&ele 'vs/ Ma-e your!elf at /omeO comfortable face i0v comod (an I mo"e in to#ayY pot sa m mut astziV ;ill you get a ta3i for meY vre i s c+ema i un taxiV IDm e3$ecting a "i!itorC atept un vizitator[ IDm *aiting for a tele$/one call atept un telefon If anyone call! */ile I am outO a*ay you may !ay IDll be bac- in an /our dac vine cineva cat sunt plecat pute i spune c m intorc intro or &i# anybo#y in1uire after meY a intrebat cineva de mineV S/all I $a!! /im on t/e $/one or !/o* /im u$ to your roomY s vi0l dau la telefon sau s0l conduc la camera 'vs/V I e3$ect to lea"e t/e #ay after tomorro* cred c plec poimaine ;ill you, $lea!e, for*ar# all my mail to t/i! a##re!!Y vre i s expedia i toat coresponden a mea la adresa aceastaV Ma-e out t/e bill, $lea!e v rog s0mi face i nota ID# li-e to !ettle it no* a dori s pltesc acum NouD"e c/arge# too muc/ a i incrcat nota ID# li-e to !ee t/e manager a vrea s vorbesc cu directorul

:et !omeone carry #o*n my luggage cineva s0mi coboare baga&ele (an anyone *a-e me u$ at !i3 oDcloc- in t/e morningY poate cineva s m trezeasc la ase diminea aV 97; '7 (977S8 A 97:I&AN 66 * ?+en applied to +olida.s t+e expressions $ac-age and all6in6$rice mean t+at t+e individual costs of accommo#ation, tran!$ort and per+aps e3cur!ion! or ot+er activities +ave been carefull. planned and &oined toget+er so t+at t+e. ma. be convenientl. boug+t as a complete YpacAageZ/ =ot onl. does t+is save t+e trouble of in]uiring about eac+ item and booAing separatel., but t+e cost is often appreciabl. less t+an t+e same services bit b. bit/ )n extra advantage >it+ pacAage arrangements is t+at t+e cost is often reduced for +olida.s outside t+e peaA summer mont+s/ !+ere are man. interesting pacAage +olida.s available in England/ !+e. range from special interest stud. tours or sporting +olida.s to a t+oroug+l. laz. fortnig+t canal cruising t+roug+ our restful countr.side/ !+e popularit. of camping and caravanning +as also gro>n over recent .ears due to t+e appeal of flexible +olida., combined >it+ t+e provision of more and better sites, and a >ide c+oice of e]uipment/ #an. organized camping sites offer suc+ facilities as s+ops, s+o>ers and laundr. rooms, as >ell as t+e essential services/ E]uipment available ranges from sleeping bags, folding beds, cooAing e]uipment, fold0up tables and c+airs to tents and tent0trailers/

) caravanning +olida. offers t+e same relaxed atmosp+ere of camping but t+e comfort of a >arm caravan ma. induce .ou to tr. t+e offseason spring and autumn mont+s >+en t+e roads are not so cro>ded/ A? I&8A: 97:I&AN ?+en I >as a bo. ever. +olida. t+at I +ad seemed ideal/ #. parents tooA me b. car or b. train to a +otel b. t+e sea/ )ll da. I pla.ed on t+e sands >it+ ot+er c+ildren/ ?e made sandcastles >it+ +uge .ello> >alls, and >atc+ed t+e incoming tide destro. t+em; >e pla.ed football >it+ a large rubber ball and >e splas+ed eac+ ot+er in t+e >ater/ ?+en t+e tide >ent out, >e climbed over t+e rocAs and stared do>n at t+e fis+ and t+e sea>eed in t+e rocA0pools/ In t+ose far0off da.s t+e sun seemed to s+ine all da. and t+e >ater >as al>a.s >arm/ Sometimes >e left t+e beac+ and >alAed in t+e to>n, exploring ruins and visiting museums/ !+ere >ere al>a.s s>eets in 66 < mot+er@s pocAets or places >+ere >e could bu. ice cream/ Eac+ da. seemed a lifetime/ )lt+oug+ I am no> an adult, m. idea of a +olida. is muc+ t+e same as it >as/ I still liAe t+e sun and t+e >arm sand and I en&o. splas+ing in t+e >ater/ I no longer >is+ to build sandcastles and I disliAe s>eets intensel., but I love sunbat+ing and I looA for>ard to sitting do>n to a good meal and a bottle of >ine in t+e evening/ I still need m. companions not, of course, to pla. on t+e sands and eat ices >it+, but to drinA >it+ and talA to on >arm moonlit nig+ts/ Sometimes I >onder >+at m. ideal +olida. >ill be >+en I am old/ )ll I s+all >ant to do t+en, I expect, >ill be to lie in bed, reading booAs

about c+ildren >+o maAe sandcastles >it+ +uge >alls, >+o >atc+ t+e incoming tide, >+o maAe t+emselves sicA on too man. ices[ GR8A' &ANS I? :7?&7? Imagine .ourself in 1ondon/ !+ere are so man. t+ings to do and see on an. da. in 1ondon and it@s possible t+at .our +otel ma. be rig+t on t+e doorstep of an +istoric sig+t/ !aAe t+e ne> !o>er -otel, for instance/ ?+en .ou >aAe in t+e morning .our first glimpse t+roug+ t+e >indo> ma. be across t+e road to t+e !o>er of 1ondon, built b. Bing ?illiam I in t+e 33t+ centur./ ,r .ou ma. looA do>n on !o>er 2ridge, or on t+e no>peaceful basins of t+e once cro>ded and bus. docAs/ 'a-e your $ic)lmost an.>+ere .ou sta. is a good centre for .our sig+tseeing/ If .our +otel is rig+t in t+e +eart of t+e ?est End, .ou >on@t be far from Piccadill. $ircus and t+e familiar island statue of Eros, t+eatreland and some of t+e most famous s+opping streets in t+e >orld/ Fou can stroll up Hegent Street to ,xford Street; or go do>n -a.marAet to !rafalgar S]uare >+ere =elson@s $olumn is one of 1ondon@s prominent landmarAs ?+ite+all and Parliament S]uare to ?estminster )bbe./ )nd t+en .ou can go furt+er east from !rafalgar S]uare, along !+e Strand and (leet Street to 1t$ 4aul"s 8athedral/ (at/e#ral an# Abbey 66 D )t St/ Paul@s .ou can sit under Sir $+ristop+er ?ren@s massive 37t+ centur. dome Rbuilt in baro]ue st.le, after t+e 5reat (ireS; >alA up to t+e famous ?+ispering 5aller. or go do>n to t+e >+ere some of 2ritain@s +eroes lie buried, including )dmiral 1ord =elson and t+e

'uAe of ?ellington, victors at t+e 2attles of !rafalgar R37GDS and ?aterloo R373DS/ .estminster 6bbey >as founded b. Bing Ed>ard t+e $onfessor, >+o died in 3G:D, and facing +is s+rine .ou can see t+e oaAen $oronation $+air Rmade in 3*GGS >+ic+ +as been used at ever. $oronation since t+at of Ed>ard II in 3*G8/ !+ere are also t+e tombs of numerous Yro.alsZ, including aueen Elisabet+ I and #ar. aueen of Scots graves of Aings and ]ueens, politicians and c+urc+men and in YPoets $ornerZ .ou can see t+e memorials of man. of 2ritain@s literar. figures/ !+e )bbe.@s $+apter -ouse >as t+e meeting place of t+e -ouse of $ommons for 6GG .ears until 3D<8, >+en t+e members moved round t+e corner to t+e site of t+e present -ouses of Parliament >+ere Y2ig 2enZ booms out t+e +ours from t+e clocA to>er/ ?he Hritish Fuseum s+o>s t+e >orAs of man from pre+istoric times to t+e present da./ !+ere are permanent displa.s of anti]uities from, ?estern )sia, 5reece and Home/ It also includes one of t+e most famous libraries in t+e >orlds/ ?he Gational Eallery, situated on t+e nort+ side of !rafalgar S]uare, +ouses one of t+e ric+est collection of paintings/ #ost famous are Henaissance and Impressionist >orAs Fadame ?ussaud"s ex+ibits >ax models of famous +istorical c+aracters, Ho.alt. international statesmen, film and sports stars, artists and entertainers/ Harbican 6rts 8entre is a good example of modern arc+itecture in 2ritain/ !+e complex of glass, concrete RbetonS and steel Ro'elS buildings includes a concert +all, a t+eatre and art galleries/

4iccadilly 8ircus is one of t+e busiest &unctions in t+e cit. and t+e +eart of 1ondon@s t+eatreland/ !+e fountain >it+ t+e statue of Eros on top is a favourite meeting place for .oung people/ )t nig+t t+e $ircus becomes a mass of coloured c+anging lig+ts/ ?ower Hridge, opened in 374<, is one of 1ondon@s best landmarAs >it+ its t>o neo05ot+ic to>ers/ !+e t>o 3GGG ton dra>bridges used to 66 : be raised to let big s+ips pass/ !+e glass0covered >alA>a., 3<6ft above t+e !+ames, gives a splendid vie> of t+e river/ !+e statue of t+e victorious )dmiral, 1ord =elson, dominates ?rafalgar 1<uare, named in commemoration of a great Englis+ naval victor./ People and pigeons gat+er +ere to see and en&o. t+e fountains, t+e lions and t+e ot+er statues/ Huckingham 4alace >as made t+e official residence of t+e Sovereign b. aueen "ictoria >+ose memorial is in front of t+e palace/ !+e 5uards c+ange at 33/*G ever. da. muc+ to t+e delig+t of t+e tourists/ ?he /ouses of 4arliament, also called t+e Palace of ?estminster, range along t+e !+ames >it+ "ictoria !o>er at one end and 2ig 2en, t+e famous bell in t+e $locA !o>er, at t+e ot+er/ #I !owning 1treet +as been t+e +ome of t+e 2ritis+ Prime #inister since 38*6/ It is t+e s.mbol of 2ritis+ political po>er/ I?=7 B7R Inside >arliament t+ere are t>o large c+ambers/ ,ne is Ano>n as t+e 9ou!e of (ommon!, and t+is is for #Ps Rmembers of ParliamentS >+o represent t+e people/ !+e ot+er c+amber is called t+e 9ou!e of :or#!/ >+o sits in t+is c+amber +as to be a 1ord or 1ad., or

a 2is+op/ =o>ada.s t+e -ouse of $ommons is more important t+an t+e -ouse of 1ords, but bot+ +ouses must pass an. ne> la>/ !+e -ouse of $ommons >as bombed during t+e ?orld ?ar II but it >as rebuilt in its original form/ !+e seating arrangement is ideal for debate, t+e ro>s of Ybenc+esZ Rcovered >it+ green leat+erS enabling t+e supporters of t+e Prime #inister to face t+e ,pposition #Ps directl./ 2et>een t+e t>o sides t+ere is a table and a great t+rone0liAe c+air, made of darA >ood, in >+ic+ an #P called t+e SpeaAer sits/ !+e -ouse of 1ords is sumptuousl. decorated, >it+ red leat+er benc+es/ -ere t+e >+ole Parliament Sovereign, 1ords and $ommons assembles for t+e State ,pening/ !+e -ouse of 1ords is presided over b. t+e 1ord $+ancellor >+o sits on t+e .oolsack Rpern de ln pe care !ade lordul cancelarS in front of t+e t+rone/ -is unusual seat, placed +ere during t+e reign RdomnieS of Ed>ard II, 66 8 s.mbolizes t+e importance >ool used to +ave for t+e >ealt+ RbunstareS of t+e nation/ :7?&7? BN &AN A?& ?IG9' ?o get around 9ondon most visitors c+oose t+e ,fficial 1ondon !ransport Sig+tseeing !our, a 4G0minutes ride on an open bus t+at provides a good orientation to t+e cit./ .est ;nd theatres are &ust a fe> minutes@ >alA from Piccadill. $ircus and so is t+e >orld famous $ovent 5arden, +ome of t+e ,pera/ If .ou@d rat+er explore 1ondon on .our o>n, t+ere@s a wide network of public transportI double0decAers Rdon@t forget to ]ueue, ot+er>ise 1ondoners >ill be irritatedS, river buses or t+e

underground Rif .ou +ave speed in mindS; t+e blacA0cab taxi service is also available, but it is rat+er expensive/ ,ne can also c+oose from t+e man. attractions offered b. t+e modern arts centre built on t+e Sout+ 2anA of t+e !+ames, >+ic+ +ouses t+e =ational !+eatre, t+e (estival -all, t+e =ational film t+eatre, >it+ its t>o cinemas, t+e #useum of t+e #oving Image and t+e ex]uisite art galler./ (or t+ose >+o are fond of shopping, Hegent Street and ,xford Street are t+e ans>er/ Fou ma. also >ant to +ave a looA at #a.fair@s elegant "ictorian arcades Rzone comerciale acoperiteS; for a c+ange, visit Petticoat 1ane, 1ondon@s most famous outdoor marAet/ !+e +ot spots of music and dance are located near 1eicester S]uare/ !+ere are fas+ionable discos and nig+tclubs all round and large variet. of performances given b. street entertainers till late at nig+t/ !+e numerous parks offer s+elter from t+e noise of t+e big cit./ =ot+ing more relaxing t+an a ]uiet stroll and refres+ments in St/ Eames@s ParA, near 2ucAing+am Palace/ $+ildren >ill al>a.s c+oose Hegent@s ParA, >+ic+ +ouses 1ondon Coo or Bensington 5ardens, >+ere t+e. can pla. near Peter Pan@s statue/ 66 7 Elegant but expensive restaurants and cafes mix >it+ t+e more familiar sig+t and accessible prices of t+e t.pical Englis+ pub >+ere people en&o. a c+at >it+ friends or game of billiards over a pint Rmsur de J.KL l+ halbS of beer/ I?=7 B7R

'/e Neoman ;ar#er! (Beefeater!) Earl. in t+e +istor. of t+e !o>er t+e custod. of t+e gates and t+e safeAeeping of t+e prisoners >ere entrusted to a bod. of >arders RtemniceriS +eaded b. a porter appointed directl. b. t+e Aing/ (rom t+e reign of -enr. "III a bod. of t+e Aing@s .eomen Rrze!iS >+o >ere members of t+e guard and >ere entitled to >ear t+e liver. Rlivrea+ uniformS carried out t+ese duties/ =o>ada.s, t+ere are about <G Feoman ?arders, >+o live >it+in t+e >alls of t+e to>er/ !+ese former officers >it+ an +onourable service record of at least 66 .ears are better Ano>n as 2eefeaters/ ,f all t+e traditions at t+e !o>er, one above all evoAes its essential c+aracter as a palace and fortress, namel. t+e nig+tl. $eremon. of t+e Be.s, >+en, after locAing t+e gates, t+e c+ief Feoman ?arder presents t+em to t+e monarc+@s representative in t+e to>er, t+e Hesident 5overnor/ 2. tradition t+ere +ave been ravens at t+e !o>er from its ver. beginnings, and t+e legend t+at >it+out its ravens t+e !o>er >ill fall and t+e Aingdom >it+ it +ave protected t+eir presence/ !+ere are usuall. six ravens in residence cared for b. one of t+e Feoman ?arders, >it+ t+e title of Havenmaster/ '98 '7;8R 7= :7?&7? ,n $+ristmas 'a. #I-- .illiam, !uke of Gormandy, >as cro>ned Bing of England/ -e ordered at once t+e building of an eart+0and0timber RlemnS castle >it+in t+e ancient Homan $it. >alls/ ?en years later t+is simple fort >as turned into a massive palace-fortress/ ) great stone to>er >as builtI the .hite tower/ In ##JK, >+ile Lichard the 9ionheart >as a>a. on crusade RcruciadS, +is c+ancellor RcancelarS began t+e first expansion

Re(tindereS of t+e to>er@s defences Rsistem de aprareS/ Hic+ard@s 66 4 brot+er, Mohn, >+o succeeded +im to t+e t+rone in ##KK, completed it/ Eo+n@s son, /enry III, gave +is attention to improving t+e to>er as a residence/ ?it+in t+e space bet>een t+e >+ite !o>er and t+e river a splendid new palace tooA s+ape to replace t+e ?+ite to>er, former accommodation Rre!edin'S/ -enr. III@s son, ;dward I, spent in ten .ears t>ice as muc+ on t+e to>er as +is fat+er +ad done during +is entire reign/ -e made t+e !o>er into one of the great castle of #(th century ;ngland/ ?+enever monarc+s >anted to get rid of possible rivals to t+e t+rone t+e. sent t+ese to t+e !o>er and eventuall. Rn cele din urmS put t+em to deat+/ Suc+ >as t+e tragic fate of the infant nephews of Lichard III R3<7*03<7DS/ It >as during t+e reign of t+e rut+less RnemilosS /enry 5II R3DG40 3D<8S t+at t+e !o>er became Ano>n above all as the chief prison of the state/ #an. prisoners of +ig+ ranA entered t+e to>er, never to leave it alive/ !>o of t+e >ives of -enr. "III R6nn Holeyn and 8atherine /owardS >ere executed on to>er -ill and so >as ?homas Fore >+o refused to acAno>ledge Ra recunoa!teS -enr. "III as -ead of t+e $+urc+ of England/ (ollo>ing the Lestoration of the monarchy in #--I, t+e !o>er under>ent ma&or c+anges/ 8harles II +ad a large permanent garrison +oused in t+e !o>er, >+ile t+e arsenal >as expanded/ Soon t+e 8rown Mewels and t+e +istoric arms and armours >ere

put on public s+o>/ In t+e time of Nueen 5ictoria t+e !o>er began to taAe on t+e c+aracter of a national monument/ 2. 34G3 +alf a million people visited it eac+ .ear/ =o>ada.s t+e to>er +as become one of the world"s great tourist attractions/ It is guarded b. t+e famous 2eefeaters >+o also taAe part in t+e man. colourful ceremonies organized t+ere on various occasions/ RRVIII.=77&. A' '98 R8S'AURA?' 6* G Ba!ic Vocabulary Brea-fa!t mic de&un, masa de diminea :unc/ 3/ Pranz, de&un Ratunci cand masa principal se servete la pranzS 6/ 5ustare Ratunci cand masa principal se servete searaS 'ea ceai &inner 3/ $in 6/ #as principal a zilei Rpranz sau cinS Su$$er cin, masa de sear Rdup cinS Meal mancare, mas (our!e fel de mancare Main cour!e fel principal de mancare &i!/ 3/ (el de mancare 6/ (arfurie mare Snac- gustare Re!taurant restaurant (anteen cantin, bufet Snac- bar bufet expres >ub Rfrom public +ouseS restaurant, carcium 'able #D/ote O !et lunc/ meniu fix A la carte a la carte

=i!/ an# c/i$ !/o$ local unde se servete pete cu cartofi pr&i i Menu car# O bill of fare list de bucate, meniu 9or! #Doeu"re JoI dNIvrK gustare inaintea mesei, aperitiv Bacon an# egg! oc+iuri cu slnin 9am an# egg! oc+iuri cu unc Ra* egg ou crud Soft ou moi 9ar# boile# egg! 0 ou tari, rscoapte Scramble# egg! ou &umri >oac/e# egg! oc+iuri romaneti =rie# egg! oc+iuri 7melette omlet Sau!age salam 7li"e mslin Butter unt (/ee!e branz >re!!e# c/ee!e cacaval S*i!! c/ee!e vai er 6* 3 Nog/ourt iaurt Qellie# meat piftie Qellie# fi!/ pete in aspic >ic-le# fi!/ zacusc de pete Mince#6meat ball! c+iftelu e Meat cro1uette! 0 par&oale Vegetable !ala# salat de legume Mayonnai!e #re!!ing maionez

(a"iare icre negre, caviar Manc/uria /ar# roe icre de #anciuria >ate #e foie gra! pateu din ficat de gasc (ana$e paine pr&it in unt 'oa!t paine pr&it Sou$ sup (/ic-en !ou$ sup de pui (lear c/ic-en !ou$ sup limpede 'omato (B alte legume) !ou$ sup de roii ?oo#le !ou$ sup de ti ei SourO +ulienne !ou$ ciorb Giblet !ou$ ciorb de mruntaie Sou$ *it/ meat ball! ciorb de perioare (on!omme consomme (ream !ou$ crem de legume Brot/O gra"y !ou$ sup concentrat de carne Vermicelli !ou$ sup de fidea &um$ling !ou$ sup cu glute Vegetable !ou$ sup de legume Meat carne Mince# meat carne tocat Beef carne de vit Veal carne de vi el Mutton carne de oaie :amb carne de miel >or- carne de porc >oultry 3/ psri de curte 6/ carne de pasre

(/ic-en carne de pui &uc- carne de ra 6* 6 Goo!e carne de gasc 'ur-ey carne de curcan Vegetable! legume, zarzavaturi Rabrev/ "egS Mi3e# "egetable! g+iveci de legume asortate (ol# meat !ala# salat boeuf Boile# cartofi fier i Roa!t cartofi pr&i i Ma!/e# $otatoe! cartofi piure (/i$$e# cartofi pai 8gg6$lant O aubergine vant 8n#i"e 0 andive (abbage varz Re# cabbage varz roie Bru!!el! cabbage varz de 2ruxelles Sauer-raut varz acr >ic-le! 0 murturi (arrot morcov 'o!!e# carrot! sote de morcovi (auliflo*er conopid 'omato !auce bulion 'omato +uice suc de roii Beetroot sfecl roie >ea! mazre Bean! fasole

=renc/ bean! fasole verde (ucumber castravete Green6$e$$er ardei gras Re# $e$$er gogoar 9ot $e$$er ardei iute Mu!/room! ciuperc Mu!/room! coo-e# in !auce ciulama de ciuperci :ettuce salat verde S$inac/ 0 spanac 7nion ceap :ee- 0 praz S$ring onion ceap verde Garlic usturoi 6* * Grill grtar, friptur la grtar Beef!tea- biftec, muc+i in sange Rum$6!tea- ramstec, friptur de muc+i de vit Roa!t c/ic-en friptur de pasre Roa!t beef friptur de vit Roa!t li"er ficat pr&it Zi#ney rinic+i (/o$ cotlet (utlet cotlet, ni el Stea-, rib antricot >or- !au!age! carna i de porc Roa!t #uc-ling friptur de r uc Ste* tocan

Ste*e# meat carne fiart, inbuit Boile# meat carne rasol (/ic-en in */ite !auce ciulama de pui &i!/ of brea#e# brain creier pr&it Goula!c/, !te* gula S*eetbrea# momi e :eg of a fo*l picior de pasre Bri!-et pieptW garf de porc Saute sote Scallo$ ni el Veni!on 0 vanat Mint !auce sos de ment =i!/ pete =re!/6*ater fi!/ pete de ap dulce Salt6*ater fi!/ pete de mare 9a##oc- batog, egrefin 9erring +ering, scrumbie Zi$$er scrumbie afumat Sole calcan 9alibut pete de mare din genul -ipoglossus (o# cod >erc/ biban 'rout pstrv Sturgeon sturion 6* < >laice pltic (ar$ crap

Salmon somon 'unnyO tunna fi!/ ton (ra*fi!/ raci (rab! 0 crabi >i-e tiuc San#er alu :ob!ter +omar 7y!ter stridie &e!!ert desert S*eet desert dulce (a-e pr&itur >a!try plcinte, patiserie A$$le6tart tartW plcint cu mere (/ee!e $ie plcint cu branz >u##ing budinc Bi!cuit! biscui i Muffin brio >anca-e! cltite &oug/nut! gogoi S$onge ca-e pandipan S*eet bi!cuit picot 'rifle arlot, pr&itur fcut din fric, migdale i biscui i inmuia i in vin Gingerbrea# turt dulce =ruit !ala# salat de fructe Ste*e# fruit compot de fructe Gra$e strugure

(urrant stafid mare >ine6a$$le ananas Ice6cream ing+e at (u!tar# crem de ou Batter aluat Qam gem, dulcea Marmala#e dulcea sau marmelad de portocale (ream caimac, smantan 6* D ;/i$$e# cream fric (ereal! mancare pregtit din cereale Rfulgi de ovz, porumbS (ornfla-e! fulgi de porumb >orri#ge fiertur din fulgi de ovz sau porumb, cu lapte, caimac, cu sau fr za+r 7atmeal fin de ovz, ovz pisat >a!ta! paste finoase Rice orez >ilaff (rice) pilaf S$ag/etti spag+ete Macaroni au gratin macaroane gratinate &rin- butur Soft #rin- butur nealcoolic, rcoritoare :emona#e limonad, citronad Quice suc =ruit +uice suc de fructe 7range +uice suc de portocale Mineral *ater ap mineral

(i#er cidru Mil- lapte (offee cafea Blac- coffee cafea neagr ;/ite coffee cafea cu lapte StrongO /ar#O alco/olic #rin- butur alcoolic Beer bere Mug, a $int of beer o +alb de bere Bitter bere amar Stout bere neagr Ginger ale bere nealcoolic &raug/t beer bere de la butoi Ale bere englezeasc Bran#y rac+iu, coniac ;ine vin ;/ite *ine vin alb Re# *ine vin rou &ry *ine vin sec S*eet *ine vin dulce 6* : S/erry vin de %eres >ort vin de Porto :i1ueur lic+ior (/am$agne ampanie ;/i!-y >+isA. sco ian ;/i!-ey >+isA. irlandez S$ice! condimente

Salt sare >e$$er piper Vinegar o et Mu!tar# mutar &re!!ing sosuri i condimente '/e #i!/e! vesel, vase (roc-ery vase Rde faian , ceramicS (u$ ceac Gla!! pa+ar Qug can, ulcior Saucer farfurioar >late farfurie &inner $late farfurie intins Sou$ $late farfurie adanc Brea# $late farfurie pentru paine, platou (utlery tacamuri S$oon lingur 'ea !$oon linguri de ceai sau de cafea Sou$ !$oon lingur de sup &e!!ert !$oon linguri Znife cu it =or- furculi Salt cellar solni Mu!tar#6$ot borcan de mutar >e$$er6$ot piperni (or-!cre* tirbuon Sauce6boat sosier

Sou$6tureen castron de sup Sugar ba!in za+arni ?a$-in erve el 6* 8 'oot/$ic- 0 scobitoare 'able6clot/ fa de mas &rin-ing !tra* pai de sorbit A!/tray scrumier ;ine6#ecanter caraf de vin 'ea$ot ceainic (offee6$ot ibric de cafea =la"our arom Vanilla vanilie Stra*berry frag, cpun Ra!$berry zmeur =at Rd/ mancare, carneS 0 gras :ean Rd/ mancare, carneS slab '/in Rd/ lic+ideS slab, diluat Un#er#one in sange, nefcut ;ell6#one Rd/ fripturS bine fcut 7"er#one uscat, ars ;arm O *armli-e cald W cldu =re!/ proaspt Stale Rd/ mancareS vec+i Sa* crud Strong tare ;ea- slab

=izzy gazos, spumos Bro*n Rd/ paineS 0 neagr >lain simplu S$icy condimentat Sa"oury Rd/ mancareS picant, srat, piperat Vacant Rd/ loc, masS liber 'a-en Rd/ loc, masS ocupat Semi6$re$are# semipreparate Rea#y6$ac-e# preambalate Rea#y6coo-e# foo#! gata preparate Rea#y6bottle# imbuteliate =rozen congelate 'inne# conservate A !lice of brea#O /am o felie de paineW unc 6* 7 A lum$ of !ugar o bucat de za+r A $iece of ca-e o bucat de pr&itur A $lateful of o farfurie de 'o !team a fierbe 'o roa!t a pr&i, a coace 'o grill a frige la grtar 'o fry a pr&i 'o ba-e a coace 'o boil a fierbe 'o !tir a mesteca 'o $oac/ a fierbe Rd/ ex/ ou fr coa&S 'o /eat a inclzi

'o !mo-e a afuma 'o fla"our a condimenta, a aromatiza 'o !ea!on Rd/ mancareS a asezona, a potrivi 'o eat at /ome a manca acas 'o eat out a manca in ora Rla restaurantS 'o #rin- t/e *ine neat a bea vinul fr sifon 'o lay t/e table a pune masa 'o clear t/e table a strange masa 'o *a!/ u$, to *a!/ t/e #i!/e! a spla vasele 'o re!er"e a table in a#"ance a rezerva o mas in avans 'o be on a #iet a ine diet, regim 'o !limO to lo!e *eig/t a slbi IDll ta-e C for t/e fir!t cour!e primul fel o s iau IDll /a"eO or#er C 0 am s comand ;/at *oul# you !ay to C 0 ce0ai zice de [ ;ill you $a!! me t/e !alt, $lea!eY vre i s0mi da i sarea, v rogV May I /a"e anot/er /el$ing ofCY pot s mai iau o por ie de[V ;oul# you li-e !ome moreCY mai dori i nite[V 9a"e you ma#e your c/oiceY v0a i +otratV ) i alesV ?o, t/an- you, I #onDt care forCO not for me, t/an- you nu, mul umesc, nu iau, nu0mi place[ IDm afrai# itD! off regret, dar nu mai avem ;/at #o you recommen#Y ce0mi recomanda iV I coul# #o *it/ a !nac- a doriW mi0ar prinde bine o gustare 6* 4 >or- #i!agree! *it/ me nu0mi face bine carnea de porc ID"e /a# enoug/. '/an- you nu, mul umesc/ #0am sturat/

?o more (for me). '/an- you mul umesc/ =u mai vreau Say */en spune cand s m opresc Rdin servitS IDm not -een on nu m dau in vant dup 9el$ your!elf toC 0 servete0te cu[ May I offer youCY pot s v ofer[V &o you fancyCY v0ar plcea[V I canDt !tan# it nu suport aceast mancare I #onDt li-e it eit/er nici acest fel nu0mi place ;ill you /a"eCY a i dori s servi i[V 8?G:IS9 =77& (our meals a da. are served traditionall. in 2ritainI breaAfast, lunc+, tea and dinner/ In man. countries breakfast is a snacA rat+er t+an a meal, but t+e traditional Englis+ breaAfast, served at about eig+t o@clocA in t+e morning, is a full meal/ Some people begin >it+ a plateful of porridge, >it+ milA or cream, and salt or sugar; ot+ers ma. +ave fruit0&uice, or per+aps cornflaAes or some ot+er cereal/ !+en comes at least one substantial course, suc+ as +addocA or fried +errings, or bacon and eggs boiled, fried or poac+ed , or sausages and bacon, or +am and eggs/ )fter>ards comes toast, >it+ butter and marmalade or &am and per+aps some fruit/ !+e meal is ^>as+ed do>n@ >it+ tea or coffee/ #an. Englis+ people no> taAe suc+ a full breaAfast onl. on Sunda. mornings/ Englis+ lunch, >+ic+ is usuall. served at one o@clocA, is based on plain, simpl. cooAed food/ It starts >it+ soup or fruit0&uice/ !+en follo>s some meat or poultr. beef, veal, mutton, lamb, porA, c+icAen, ducA >it+ potatoes, boiled or roast, and a second vegetable

Rprobabl. cabbage or carrotsS, and ForAs+ire pudding/ )pple pie is a favourite s>eet, and Englis+ puddings, of >+ic+ t+ere are various t.pes, are an excellent ending to a meal, especiall. in >inter/ Instead of t+e pudding some people ma. +ave ste>ed fruit or c+eese and biscuits/ 1ast of all coffee blacA or >+ite/ 2ut >+at s+all >e drinA >it+ our mealV ,f course Englis+ beer, preferabl. bitter or pale ale, or cider/ ?ea, t+e t+ird meal of t+e da., is served bet>een four and five o@clocA/ ) pot of tea >it+ a &ug of +ot >ater, a &ug of milA and a basin of sugar 6< G are broug+t in/ !+in slices of bread and butter are +anded round, and caAes, &am and cream/ !ea is not al>a.s served at table, for it is t+e most sociable meal of t+e da., and friends and visitors are often present/ !+e members of t+e tea0part. sit round on c+airs/ !inner is t+e most substantial meal of t+e da./ !+e usual time is about seven o@clocA, and all t+e members of t+e famil. sit do>n toget+er/ Soup is t+e first course/ !+en comes t+e second course, fis+ sole, +alibut, salmon/ ) &oint of meat, per+aps t+e roast beef of old England, forms t+e t+ird course, served >it+ vegetables/ !+en comes t+e dessertI some Aind of s>eet and blacA or >+ite coffee/ !+is is t+e traditional order of meals/ 2ut some people in t+e to>ns, and nearl. all countr. people, +ave dinner in t+e middle of t+e da. instead of lunc+/ !+e. +ave tea a little later, bet>een five and six o@clocA, and t+en in t+e evening, before going to bed, t+e. +ave a lig+t supper/ !+us t+e four meals of t+e da. are breaAfast, dinner, tea supper or breaAfast, lunc+, tea, dinner/

A :IS' 7= BRI'IS9 'RA&I'I7?A: &IS98S A?& &RI?ZS Banger! an# Ma!/. Sausages and mas+ed potatoes/ !raditional pub dis+/ (orni!/ O &e"on!/ire (ream. !+icA, ric+ cream usuall. served over fruits and desserts/ (orni!/ >a!try. Small pastries filled >it+ meat, onion and potato/ &o"er !ole. !+ere are man. recipes for t+is delicious fis+, but per+aps it is best >+en plain grilled/ =i!/ an# c/i$!. (ried fis+ and potatoes seasoned >it+ salt and vinegar/ ) fine 2ritis+ institutionU Gingerbrea#. Spic. caAe often made in t+e s+ape of a man and decorated >it+ currants/ Goo!e. ) $+ristmas favourite/ 9am. )s popular for breaAfast as it is for dinner/ ,ften smoAed/ 9erring. 'elicious baAed, fried, grilled or smoAed RAippersS/ Iri!/ Ste*. #utton, potatoes, carrots and onions/ :amb. Prepared in man. >a.s, but per+aps best >+en roasted and served >it+ mint sauce/ :ob!ter. 5rilled, boiled or bacAed and served in ric+ sauce/ 6< 3 Mince >ie!. Small pies filled >it+ currants and spices/ ) $+ristmas favourite/ 7y!ter!. Some sa. t+e real reason Eulius $aesar invaded 2ritain 6,GGG .ears ago >as +is attraction to t+e delectable 2ritis+ o.ster/ Some of t+e most prized come from $olc+ester/ >orri#ge. 2oiled oatmeal >it+ milA or cream and flavoured >it+ salt or sugar/ ) Scottis+ breaAfast favourite/

Roa!t Beef. !+e most famous of 2ritain@s national dis+es/ ) favourite c+oice for Sunda. lunc+/ Served >it+ roast potatoes, green vegetables and, of course, ForAs+ire pudding/ Salmon. Served +ot, cold or smoAed/ Scotc+ salmon is t+e best in t+e >orld/ Scotc/ Brot/. !+icA, cream. vegetable soup/ Stea- an# Zi#ney >ieO >u##ing. ) mixture of steaA, Aidne. and mus+rooms/ ) pub favourite/ Syllabub. ) refres+ing dessert made from brand., fres+ fruit, >+ite >ine or s+err., cream and sugar/ 'ea. ) 2ritis+ >a. of life/ )lt+oug+ traditionall. ^tea time@ is approximatel. < p/m/ a ^nice cup of tea@ is liable to be produced at an. time of t+e da., usuall. accompanied b. biscuits and W or caAes/ W9ig/ 'eaD is a meal .ou >ould expect to get in a Scottis+ or =ort+ $ountr. guest+ouse instead of dinner/ It combines afternoon tea Rbread and butter, caAes, biscuits, etc/S >it+ cold meat and W or a +ot dis+/ 'rifle. ) dessert of caAe, fruit, and s+err. set in &ell. and topped >it+ custard, served >it+ >+ipped cream/ 'rout. 5rilled, poac+ed or fried, one of t+e most delicatel. flavoured river fis+/ Nor-!/ire >u##ing. Savour. baAed batter/ !raditional accompaniment to roast beef/ Bitter. $lear and golden, it is t+e most popular of 2ritis+ draug+t beers/ Served b. t+e pint or +alf0pint/ Bro*n Ale. ) darA, s>eet bottled beer/ Mil# Ale. 'arA, full0flavoured draug+t beer/ 1o> in alco+olic content/

Sometimes combined >it+ bitter/ >ale Ale. ) slig+tl. fizz. bottled beer/ (i#er. (ermented apple &uice/ ,ften ]uite strong so be>areU 6< 6 Iri!/ (offee. ) mixture of coffee, >+isAe. and sugar drunA t+roug+ a top of cream/ ;/i!-y. #ello>, golden Scotc+ >+isA. is t+e best in t+e >orld/ =A' 9ea"y greu, gras Ma!!i"e 0 masiv 7"er*eig/t 0 supraponderal (or$ulent 0 corpolent 7be!e 0 obez Stout solid, gros Soli# 0 solid Bul-y mare, voluminos, voinic, greoi &um$y bondoc >lum$ 0 durduliu, grsu , rotofei '9I? S-inny 0 slbnog Un#er*eig/t 0 subponderal Slen#er 0 zvelt Slim slab (oo-ing in!trument! an# t/e *ay! of coo-ing !o steam ca!!erole RcaserolS !o fr. frying $an RtigaieS !o poac+ coo-ing $ot Roal de gtitS

!o grill grill RgrtarS !o boil !auce$an Rcrati S !o +eat micro*a"e o"en Rcuptor cu microundeS In a !u$ermar-et ) box of cereals a carton of milA ) bag of onions a pacA of cigarettes ) can of soup a six0pacA of soda ) bottle of oil a bunc+ of flo>ers ) &ar of peanuts a bar of soap ) tube of toot+paste a slice of bread 6< * In a re!taurant ) box of (renc+0fries a glass of >ater ) piece of toast a bo>l of cereal ) cup of coffee a cup of ice0cream ) mug of beer '/e (/anging 8ating 9abit! of American! #ost people t+inA t+at t+e t.pical =ort+ )merican diet consists of fast foods +amburgers and (renc+ fries/ It also includes convenience foods, usuall. frozen or canned, Y&unA foodZ >it+out muc+ food value cand., potato c+ips, cereal and so on/ !+is diet is ver. +ig+ in sugar, salt, fat but not in vitamins/ -o>ever, eating +abits are c+anging/ =ort+ )mericans are becoming more interested in good +ealt+ and nutrition is an important part of +ealt+/ People are eating less red meat and fe>er eggs, and t+e. are eating more c+icAen and fis+/ (or +ealt+ reason, man. people are also more ra> vegetables/ !+e. ma. eat t+em >it+out cooAing

t+em first or t+e. mig+t cooA t+em ]uicAl. in ver. little >ater because t+e. >ant to Aeep t+e vitamins/ !+e Yt.picalZ =ort+ )merican diet no> includes food from man. different countries/ )t lunc+time, man. people go to et+nic fast0food places for 7e(ican taco, 7iddle #astern falafel or Dhilippine lumpia/ In t+e future t+e )mericans >ill still bu. convenience foods but frozen foods >ill be better for t+eir +ealt+ and canned foods >ill +ave less salt and sugar/ YEunA foodZ is not going to be Y&unAZ at all because instead of cand. bars t+ere >ill be Ynutrition barsZ >it+ a lot of vitamins and protein/ V7(ABU:ARN >RA('I(8 3/ )fter .ou +ave +ad a meal in a restaurant .ou asA t+e >aiter for t+e [[ a/ bill b/ recipe c/ note d/ prescription 6/ 'o .ou liAe .our steaA >ell0done, medium or [// a/ blue b/ blood. c/ ra> d/ rare */ Spag+etti is good if .ou [/ c+eese over it/ a/ mince b/ slice c/ c+op d/ grate </ S+e liAed t+e dessert so muc+ t+at s+e asAed for a second [/ a/ dis+ b/ go c/ +elping d/ serving 6< < D/ I forgot to put t+e milA in t+e fridge and it +as [[ a/ gone bacA b/ gone do>n c/ gone in d/ gone sour :/ [/ t+e bread in a +ot oven/ a/ grill b/ boil c/ baAe d/ roast 8/ $urr. is ver. [// a/ +ot b/ pepper. c/ salt. d/ >arm

7/ [// t+e mixture into an oven proof dis+/ a/ beat b/ mix c/ salt. d/ >arm 4/ Hoast beef is one of m. favourite [/ a/ bo>l b/ plates c/ dis+es d/ courses 3G/ Four apple tart >as absolutel. delicious/ $an .ou give me t+e [/ a/ instructions b/ receipt c/ recipe d/ formula 33/ 5arlic +as a remarAable [/ a/ flavor b/ garnis+ c/ +erb d/ spice 36/ 'on@t t+ro> t+e potato [/ a/ s+ell b/ sAin c/ core d/ peel 3*/ 1et@s +ave a salad to start >it+ and fis+ for t+e main [/ a/ +elping b/ course c/ dis+ d/ serving 3</ ?+en t+e >ater comes to t+e [/ put t+e vegetables in/ a/ boil b/ cooA c/ +eat d/ steam S/a$e 2onical SemiAcircular 0ellAshaped1 #ggA M 1 DearA M 1 %edgeA M Smell! Scent1 smell Smells fruity1 aromatic1 smo&y1 burnt1 bad Size ;ength1 %idth1 -eight A cms 1 inches 'a!te! Sour1 S)eet1 0itter A Salty 1 salted Deppery 1 peppered A Spicy 1 spiced 6< D

'e3ture (ruit and vegetables t+at are crisp are fres+ and +ave a firm texture so t+at >+en .ou bite t+em t+e. are +ard and crunc+./ E/g/ he bought nice crisp apples at the mar&et. $ooAed food t+at is crisp +as been fried or toasted until it is +ard, dr. and crunc+./ $runc+. food maAes a noise >+en .ou eat it/ E/g/ he helped himself to some hot crisp rolls. , can feel the crisp frosty sno) crunching under my feet. ,t*s the nuts that ma&e this ca&e so crunchy. =le!/y @ peac+, apple, Ai>i fruit Quicy @ tomato, orange, peac+, +amburger (runc/y @ nuts (ri!$ @ biscuits, fried c+icAen, potato c+ips Smoot/ @ tomato, apple Roug/ @ nuts Blan# @ spag+etti, +ot dog 'en#er @ steaA ;atery @ lemonade Stale c+eese sand>ic+ ;ilte# @ salad =re!/ @ milA &ry @ baAed potato (reamy @ macaroni and c+eese >R7V8RBS @ concerning foo# an# eating. )ppetite comes >it+ eating/ )n apple a da. Aeeps t+e doctor a>a./ Eating an apple going to bed maAes t+e doctor beg +is bread/ 5ood brot+ ma. be made in an old pot/

!+e proof of t+e pudding is in t+e eating/ 'on@t put al .our eggs in one basAet/ Fou can@t +ave .our caAe and eat it/ !oo man. cooAs spoil t+e brot+/ ,melettes are not made >it+out breaAing of eggs/ -alf a loaf is better t+an none/ It@s no use over spilt milA/ 6< : ,ne man@s meat is anot+er@s man poison/ U!e t/e!e e3clamation! to !/o* !ur$ri!e about foo#: 7/J said in surprise or >onder 7/, boyJ said in excitement or ent+usiasm 9mmJ said >+en t+e speaAer is t+inAing somet+ing over ;ellJ said in surprise or as a preface to a remarA ;ell, *ellJ said in mild surprise or >+en t+e speaAer +as discovered somet+ing '!-6t!-J a clucAing sound uttered in disapproval ;o*J said in surprise or admiration Go!/J said in surprise GeeJ said in surprise BR8AZ=AS', :U?(9 A?& &I??8R @ ;/atD! on t/e MenuY 8nglan# It +as been said t+at to eat >ell in England, .ou s+ould +ave breaAfast t+ree times a da. but t+ings are c+angingU =o> t+e standart of restaurants +as improved tremendousl., and fe>er people +ave t+e time to prepare t+e +uge breaAfasts of t+e past/ !+ese mig+t. meals can include kidneys or kippers/ ) +otel ma. offer a continental

breakfast, >+ic+ is simpl. a bread roll or croissant, butter, )am and tea or coffee/ #an. people still manage to get t+roug+ a cooked breakfast, +o>ever, even if it@s not ever. da. of t+e >eeA/ !+is ma. start >it+ porridge Ra traditional Scottis+ dis+ of boiled oatmealS or cereal follo>ed b. fried eggs, bacon, sausages, fried tomatoes and black pudding Ra sausage made from pig" blood >it+ pieces of fatS follo>ed b. toast and marmalade and accompanied b. a bottomless pot of strong tea/ America !+e earl. )mericans settlers ate hasty puddings, a cornmeal porridge >it+ molasses/ 1ater, breaAfast became a ver. generous meal indeed/ =o>ada.s greater concern about diet and health means t+at man. people +ave a fruit drink or eat a cereal >it+ lots of fibre but a 6< 8 t.pical )merican breaAfast >ould still be eggs, bacon and coffee, accompanied b. pancakes and maple syrup/ In t+e sout+, grits are a breaAfast dis+, >it+ blackeyed bean gravy/ 2iscuits, a Aind of small breadcake, are often made for breaAfast, as are french toast Rbread dipped in eggs t+en friedS, waffles Rfried batterS, Englis+ muffins and bagels/ !+ese breaAfast are so delicious t+at in England and )merica .ou >ill often see restaurants >it+ sign outside Y2reaAfast served all da.Z/ :unc/ an# &inner If .ou are liAel. to go to a cafO or PcafQ B;BS for breaAfast, for lunc+ and dinner or supper R;BS t+e c+oice is vastI brasseries, bistros, bars, pubs, steak houses and salad centres are legion in t+e cities, alongside t+e curry houses, 8hinese and Mapanese restaurants and a

c+oice of international food from 9ebanon to 6laska/ Italian cuisine is ver. muc+ in favour at t+e moment and +as overtaAen 7rench cuisine in terms of popularit./ Fenus abound >it+ terms from bot+ (renc+ and Italian cooAing, >it+ (renc+ being used more for minimalist, nouvelle cuisine dis+es and Italian for t+e t.picall. )merican massive-portion pasta dishes and meat=fish and salad combos/ "er. often t+e same restaurant >ill offer an international menu, >it+ appetisers from #exico Ra <uesadilla, for exampleS, Spain Rceviche shrimps in a cucumber, tomato, chili, garlic and onion saladS and 5reece Rhumus a chickpea paste kalamata olives, feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumber and pita breadS/ If .ou &ust >ant a snack, t+is >ill do or .ou could go for an exotic soup liAe Fulligatawny or a slice of t+e ever0popular <uiche/ Slig+tl. more substantial snacAs mig+t include Italian sausage >it+ roast peppers/ 1outhern style barbecue pork in t+e ;S, or a burger made from naturally gra*ed beef, marinated chicken or a veggieburger Ra vegetable burgerS for t+e non0meat0eaters/ ?+en .ou get onto t+e serious meals, expect dis+es to be accompanied b. ample sauces and toppings p+rases liAe Ywith a roasted garlic !i)on mustard butter sauceZ or Yserved with whipped herb potatoes and topped with orange demi glaceZ are common no>ada.s/ !esserts are not usuall. designed for t+e diet-consciousI alongside t+e standard creme caramel, cheesecake and apple and blackberry pie, 6< 7 t+ere is a return to traditional fare liAe bread pudding >it+ a modern touc+ served, for example, >it+ whisky custard sauce and whipped

cream/ )ll of t+is and muc+, muc+ more is t+ere for .ou to en&o., but a >orld of >arningI Aeep a >ar. e.e on .our >allet[ and .our >aistlineU :U?(987? :A?GUAG8 )n )merican lunch counter is small, informal restaurant >+ere .ou can get simple, ]uicAl.0cooAed meals/ It mig+t also be called a lunch stand or luncheonette; if it@s an old rail>a. carriage, t+en it@s a diner/ !+e language used b. t+e staff at t+ese lunc+ counters to describe t+e orders is vivid and idios.ncratic/ Some terms, suc+ as H9? Rbacon, lettuce and tomato sandwichS +ave passed into ever.da. speec+/ -ere are some examplesI 68 a sand>ic+ >it+ )merican c+eese 6dam and ;ve on a raft t>o poac+ed eggs on toast 6xle grease butter Helch water seltzer or soda >ater Hottom ice cream added to a drinA How bow a +ot dog Hreath an onion Hurn one put a +amburger on t+e grill 8H c+eeseburger 8ity )uice >ater 8rowd t+ree of an.t+ing RY!>o@s compan., t+ree@s a cro>dZS .ith cow to cover buttered toast /old the hail no ice Moe coffee Goah"s boy +am R-am >as =oa+@s second sonUS @M orange &uice

@ver easy fried eggs turned over >+en cooAing Go cow >it+out milA 1inkers and studs doug+nuts and coffee 1<uee*e one orange &uice 1tack a pile of pancaAes .arts olives 6< 4 RRIR.S97>>I?G Ba!ic Vocabulary S/o$ magazin S/o$6*in#o* vitrin S/o$6a!!i!tant vanztor S/o$$ing cumprrturi S/o$$ing6area zon comercial S/o$$er cumprtor (u!tomer cumprtor, client &e$artment raion &e$artment6!tore magazin universal (/ain !tore filial a unei firme de magazine 8lectrical e1ui$ment aparate electrice (amera(!) aparatReS de fotografiat Recor# #e$artment raionul de discuri (/inaO $orcelain por elan Gla!!*are sticlrie >ottery ceramic =abric! esturi (ounter te&g+ea, raion

(a!/6#e!- cas Rintr0un magazinS (/ec-6out $oint cas Rintr0un magazin universalS 8!calator scar rulant 83it ieire Self6!er"ice autoservire Bargain cumprtur avanta&oas, c+ilipir Sale(!) vanzare Rcu reducere de pre uriS, solduri =a!/ion mod 'ren# curent, direc ie, tendin Gift cadou Acce!!orie! accesorii &ra$erD! galanterie, textile 'obacconi!tD! tutungerie 6D G GrocerD! bcnie, alimentar GreengrocerD! aprozar, legume i fructe Bac-erD! brutrie, paine Butc/erD! mcelrie =i!/mongerD! pescrie 7ff6licence local unde se vand buturi i pentru acas &ry6cleanerD! cur torie c+imic 'oy6!/o$ magazin de &ucrii Boo-6!/o$ librrie (onfectionery O !*eet6!/o$ magazin de dulciuri, cofetrie &airy magazin de produse lactate S/o$-ee$er negustor, comerciant Rcu magazinS 'ailor croitor Rpentru brba iS

&re!!ma-er croitor de dame, croitoreas 9atter plrier Milliner modist S/oema-er cizmar, pantofar (obbler cizmar Rcare face repara iiS S$ort! outfitter furnizor de ec+ipament sportiv Barber frizer 9air#re!!er coafor, coafez Boo-!eller librar ?e*!agent vanztor de ziare Rla c+iocS Ironmonger negustor de articole de fierrie =urniture #ealer negustor de mobil ;atc/ma-er ceasornicar ;atc/ re$airer repara ii de ceasuri =lori!t florrie Mar-et pia Su$ermar-et magazin universal Rde obicei cu autoservireS =oo#!tuff! alimente Grocerie! coloniale &airy $ro#uce produse lactate 'in cutie de tabl, conserv 'ube tub Bottle sticl Bag pung 6D 3 &ozen duzin Qar borcan

Bo3 curtie Bar baton 9ou!e/ol# goo#!O article! O effect! articole de uz casnic 9ar#*are #e$artment O !/o$ raion W magazin de articole de uz casnicW fierrie Sauce$an crati =rying6$an tigaie Zettle ceainic, ibric (a!!erole tigaie Rcu toartS, crati Rde argil ars i sml uitS Scre* urub &oor /an#le clan Gar#ening tool! unelte de grdinrit S$are $art! piese de sc+imb Qe*ellery Rraionul deS bi&uterii Ring inel 8ar6ring cercel ;e##ing6ring verig+et Bracelet br ar ?ec-lace colier Brooc/ bro (o!metic! Rraionul deS cosmetice 9an# cream crem de maini :i$!tic- ru& Scent parfum, mireasm >erfume parfum Varni!/ o&, lac de ung+ii >o*#er pudr

8ye6!/a#e fard de oc+i Ma!cara rimel Ma-e6u$ fard, mac+ia& 9aber#a!/ery mercerie, mrun iuri >in ac de gmlie Safety6$in ac de siguran ?e##le ac de cusut Znitting6ne##le andrea 6D 6 '/rea# fir, a 'a$e panglic Rde panz, bumbacS Ribbon panglic, band Stationery papetrie (/emi!tD! farmacie Me#icine(!) medicamentReS ;ra$$ing $a$er +artie de ambala& 'oilet !u$$lie! articole de toalet Znitte# goo#! tricota&e Qum$er tricou >ull6o"er pulover, flanel (ar#igan &ac+et tricotat (lot/e! +aine, imbrcminte Rea#y6ma#e O rea#y6to6*ear O off6t/e6$eg clot/e! +aine de gata, confec ii (lot/e! ma#e6to6mea!ure O ma#e6to6or#er +aine de comand =itting room cabin de prob Garment! imbrcminte, veminte

&re!! 3/ Hoc+ie 6/ Imbrcminte 8"ening6#re!! imbrcminte de sear =ancy6#re!! costum de bal Go*n roc+ie Rde ocazieS, rob &re!!ing6go*n +alt de cas Blou!e bluz S-irt fust S/irt cma 'rou!er! pantaloni Qac-et sacou &inner6+ac-et smoc+ing Suit costum :ounge6!uit +aine W costum de strad Bat/ing6!uit costum de baie Beac/*ra$ +alat de pla& Uniform uniform Anora- +anorac 7"erall! +ain de protec ie Mourning doliu 6D * &i!gui!e costum, masc Bri#al "eil vl de mireas (oat +ain ;inter6coat palton =ur6coat +ain de blan Rain6coat impermeabil, balonzaid, +ain de ploaie Mac-into!/ impermeabil, manta de cauciuc

Scarf earf, basma S/a*l al, broboad Muffler fular Glo"e! mnui Mitten! mnui cu un singur deget (ollar guler Slee"e manec (uff manet Brace! bretele Belt curea Soc-! osete Stoc-ing! ciorapi RlungiS 'ig/t! ciorap pantalon, dres S/oe! pantofi 7"er!/oe! galoi Boot! cizme Rubber6boot! cizme de cauciuc Sli$$er! papuci de cas Gla!!e! oc+elari Sungla!!e! oc+elari de soare Bra sutien >antie! c+ilo i de dam Ve!t maiou, flanel de corp >ant! indispensabili 'o #o oneD! !/o$$ing a face cumprturi 'o go !/o$$ing a merge dup cumprturi 'o !ell a vinde

'o buy a cumpra 'o !u$$ly a furniza 'o #eli"er a livra 6D < 'o #i!$lay a etala 'o be out of !toc- a nu mai avea Rin magazin, depozitS 'o try on a incerca Ro +ainS 'o fit a se potrivi 'o matc/ a se asorta 'o nail (#o*n) a bate in cuie, a fixa 'o follo* ne* fa!/ion! a ine pasul cu moda 'o bro*!e a scotoci, a cuta Rprin magazinS 'o lea"e a #e$o!it a lsa un acont 'o be on t/e loo-out forC 0 a fi in cutarea[ 'o be on #i!$lay a fi expus 'o *al- u$!tair!O#o*n!tair! a urcaWa cobori pe scri 'o bargain a se tocmi 'o go u$ by lift a urca cu ascensorul 'o !ell by t/e $riceOby t/e *eig/t a vinde la bucatWla cantar Bu#get &re!!e! roc+ii ieftine Mot/er6to6be O mot/ercare O la#y6in6*aiting magazinW raion #aterna :ayette O baby *ear articole pentru nou nscu i Uni!e3 articole potrivite pentru ambele sexe Mantle! O coat! +aine, paltoane Go*n! roc+ii 8arne!t money O #e$o!it acont

;ell6!toc-e# bine aprovizionat (on!umer goo#! O commo#itie! bunuri de larg consum (a!/ier casier, casieri 'rolley O ba!-et coW crucior pentru trasportat cumprturile S/ort6*eig/t lips la cantar >rice tag etic+et cu pre ul Gro!! *eig/t O net *eig/t greutate bruto W greutate neto S/o$$ing li!t list de cumprturi &ri"e6in #e$artment !tore magazin in care se intr cu maina >ac-etO $arcel pac+et 9ire6$urc/a!e plat in rate Size msur, mrime Un*ra$$e#O*ra$$e# neambalatWambalat =i3e# O firm $rice! pre uri fixe 6D D :oo!eC 0 vrsat Rpentru lic+ideS ;/at can I #o for youY ce dori iV I! anyone atten#ing to youY v servete cinevaV Are you being !er"e#Y sunte i servitV IDll atten# to you in a moment v servesc imediat '/e goo#! are $ut u$ for !ale mrfurile sunt expuse pentru vanzare 8"eryt/ing /ere i! !ol# rea#y6*eig/e# an# rea#y6$ac-e# aici totul se vinde gata cantrit i gata impac+etat Nou can $lace your or#er! by $/one or calling in $er!on pute i face comenzi prin telefon sau venind personal IDll !ee t/at t/e goo#! are broug/t by our fir!t #eli"ery voi avea

gri& ca mrfurile s fie livrate cu primul transport Nour bill come!Oamount! toC 0 nota 'vs/ de plat se ridic la[ NouDll fin# t/e or#ere# goo# *ra$$e# u$ an# *aiting for you ve i gsi mrfurile comandate, ambalate i in ateptarea 'vs/ At */at time #oe! t/e !/o$ o$enOclo!eY la ce or se desc+ideWse inc+ide magazinulV (an I get /ereCY pot gsi aici[V S/o* me $lea!eC 0 arta i0mi, v rog[ '/i!C i! only for !/o*O itD! not for !ale acest[ este numai pentru decorW nu este de vanzare ;/at i! t/e $rice of t/i!CY ce pre are[V I!nDt it rat/er #earY nu este cam scumpV 9a"e $rice! gone u$ againY s0au ma&orat iar pre urileV It i! not *ort/ nu merit, nu face S/o* me !omet/ing #ifferent arta i0mi altceva ;ill you gi"e meO *eig/ for meO *ra$$ it u$O ma-e out t/e billY vre i s0mi da i[W s0mi cantri i[W s ambala i asta[W s face i bonulV (an you !en# t/e!eC to my a##re!!Y pute i trimite aceste[ la adresa meaV ?ee# I $ay in ca!/Y trebuie s pltesc in numerarV I !/oul# li-e to $ay by c/e1ue a vrea s pltesc cu un cec 9a"e you c/ange forO can you c/ange t/i! ban-note pute i s0mi sc+imba i bacnota aceastaV I /a"e no (!mall) c/ange about me nu am mrun i la mine 6D : (an I e3c/ange t/i!CY pot s sc+imb aceast[V

&o you !ell al!o by in!talment!O /ire6$urc/a!eV vinde i i in rateV ;/at !ort! of +am /a"e you got inY ce gemuri a i primitV Anyt/ing el!e, Ma#amY altceva, doamnV ?o, t/an-!, t/atD! allOt/atDll #o nu, mul umesc, asta0i tot ;/at /a"e I $ay toY cat am de platV &o you -ee$ mineral *aterY ine i ap mineralV 9o* muc/ i! a bottle of *ineY cat cost o sticl de vinV 9a"e you got any Romanian *ineY ave i vin romanescV IDm afrai# itD! !ol# out imi pare ru, s0a vandut tot =or t/e moment *e /a"e onlyC 0 momentan mai avem doar[ '/at $iece i! too fat, ID# li-e !omet/ing lean bucata aceea este prea gras, a dori una mai slab '/at one *ill #o aceea e bun '/e c/oice i! not too *i#e to#ay azi sortimentul nu este prea bogat >ut on t/e !cale! /alf a goo!e cantri i &umtate de gasc ;/at !ort! of $ie! /a"e you got to#ayY ce sortimente de plcint ave i astziV =or to#ayD! #inner I nee#C 0 pentru masa de azi am nevoie de[ (all at t/e greengrocerD! an# !ee if t/ere are any gra$efruit! treci pe la aprozar i vezi dac au grepuri '/e !/o$ ne3t #oor -ee$! a *i#e a!!ortment of fre!/ "egetable! magazinul de alturi este bine aprovizionat cu legume ;/at about t/e!eCY ce spune i de aceste[V Are t/eC !ol# by t/e $oun# or by t/e $ieceY se vand la Ailogram sau la bucatV ;ill you cutO*eig/ for meC !ome ten ra!/er! of baconY vre i smi tia i [ vreo zece felii de costi V

Strea-yY ?o, a! lean a! $o!!ible 0 grasV nu, cat mai slab posibil :etD #ro$ in at t/e Victoria #e$artment !tore s intrm la magazinul "ictoria It !a"e! you many call! te scutete de multe drumuri I! t/ere /ereC 0 exist aici [ ;/at can I $re!ent a frien# *it/ on /i! *e##ing #ayY ce ii pot drui unui prieten de ziua cstoriei luiV ;e /a"e nice t/ing! to !uit all ta!te! an# $ur!e! avem lucruri care satisfac toate gusturile i pungile 6D 8 9ere i! a nice ring iat un inel drgu :et me !ee t/at gol# *atc/ arta i0mi ceasul acela de aur I! t/i! brilliant genuineY briliantul este veritabilV I #eci#e# on t/i!C 0 m0am +otrat la acest[/ By t/e *ay, #o you mount $reciou! !tone!Y apropo, monta i pietre pre ioaseV 8R'RA V7(ABU:ARN S/o$!. !+ere are some s+ops >+ere >e bu. t+ings to eat and ot+er >+ere >e bu. t+ings to >ear/ !+e tailor, for instance, maAes clot+es to measure for men, and t+e dressma&er does t+e same for >omen/ !+e hatter sells gentlemen@s +ats or cleans old ones; t+e milliner maAes and sells ladies@ +ats/ !+e draper sells tig+ts, stocAings, socAs and under>ear/ !+e shoema&er maAes and sells s+oes and boots, and, if +e is a cobbler too, +e repairs t+em/ !+e sports outfitter sells articles used in various sports/ ,t+er shop&eepers suppl. articles for use/ !+ere is, for example, t+e boo&seller, >+o sells booAs and magazines; t+e ne)sagent, >+o sells

ne>spapers; t+e tobacconist, >+o sells tobacco, cigarettes and cigars; t+e ironmonger, >+o sells iron goods or +ard>are saucepans, Aettles, fr.ing0pan, gardening0tools; t+e furniture dealer, >+o supplies articles of furniture/ ,t+er important s+ops areI t+e stationer*s, t+e haberdasher*s, t+e chinaAshop, t+e )atchma&er*s and t+e je)eller*s, t+e chemist*s and t+e photographer*s/ S97>>I?G I? :7?&7? 73for# Street is probabl. t+e most famous s+opping street in 1ondon and is divided into t>o parts, east and >est/ !+e busiest section of ,xford Street runs from ,xford $ircus to #arble )rc+/ It is +ere t+at most of t+e ma&or departments stores are grouped, t+e biggest being 1elfridges, t+e second largest department store in 1ondon/ !+e large food +all, restaurants, Aitc+en>are and cosmetics departments are ver. popular/ !+e largest branc+ of t+e Farks R 1pencer c+ain is also situated near #arble )rc+/ !+is open0plan store specializes in read.0to0>ear clot+es for all t+e famil., food and +ouse+old effects/ 6D 7 (at+er along ,xford Street is Mohn 9ewis, an excellent s+op for +ouse+old e]uipment and fabrics/ ,xford Street is also reno>ned for its vast selection of s+oe s+ops, as >ell as fas+ion/ Eust outside ,xford $ircus ;nderground station, .ou >ill find t+e .edgwood potter. s+op, >orld0famous for its fine potter., porcelain, glass and gifts/ ) lovel. s+op in >+ic+ to bro>se for gift ideas/ )not+er famous s+opping area is 'otten/am (ourt Roa#, reno>ned for its +ig+0class furniture s+ops and radio and electrical e]uipment/

!+e largest furniture s+op is /eal R 1on 9td/ ,t+ers specializing in t+is field are /abitat, a ver. popular s+op >it+ .ounger people as it sells ultramodern functional furniture and accessories at ever.da. prices; and Lyman >+o specialize in modern office furnis+ings and e]uipment/ !otten+am $ourt Hoad is also reno>ned for its +i0fi e]uipment/ -ere .ou >ill find an.t+ing from spare parts to t+e ver. latest in stereo and ]uadrap+onic s.stem/ 9yon /ouse and 9asky are t>o largest +i0fi and electrical e]uipment suppliers/ )not+er s+op specialize, but in a different field, is 4aperchaseI a delig+tful s+op dealing in beautiful >rapping paper, uni]ue greeting cards, posters and ot+er paper items and a lovel. s+op in >+ic+ to bro>se/ ;8:(7M8 '7 B:U8;A'8R It@s a s+rine, t+e biggest s+opping complex in t+e >+ole of Europe/ It@s got *6G different s+ops covering 3GG,GGG s]uare metres of retail space in t+ree different interconnected malls/ !+ere are 3*,GGG parAing spaces, 3,GGG trees, DG,GGG daffodils[ it@s a s+opping experience liAe .ou@ve never +ad before/ It is 2lue>ater, t+e model for future s+opping centres/ 2uilt in a former c+alA ]uarr. in nort+0>est Bent, 2lue>ater resembles a moonbase, >it+ glass and steel forming a structure t+at looAs oddl. liAe a vast 5ot+ic cat+edral/ It opened in #arc+ 3444 and is alread. establis+ing itself as a model of s+opping to come/ !+e centre >as built follo>ing an intense period of researc+ into >+at 6D 4 modern s+oppers >ant, and it attempts to satisf. all t+eir

demands/ People said t+e. liAed natural lig+t so 2lue>ater lig+t is filtered in from outside and c+anged electronicall. over t+e da., going from da.lig+t to sunset to a nig+t0time darAness in order to simulate realit./ People liAe fres+ air, so giant rotating ventilation units +ave been installed in t+e roofs to Aeep it circulating/ (eel insecure in public placesV 2ule>ater +as its o>n in0+ouse police station/ 'o .ou +ave c+ildrenV !+e 2lue>ater )cadem. is a crec+e for up to 6GG .oung c+ildren/ !+ere is no more ]ueuing for t+e toilets/ !+ere >ill al>a.s be a luxurious one >it+in DG metres of >+ere .ou are s+opping/ !+ere are also ample cafes and restaurants/ 2lue>ater boasts t+at .ou are never more t+an 8G paces from a cappuccino/ )nd if .ou >ant to avoid t+e s+ops altoget+er t+ere are breaAout areas, >+ere .ou can calm .ourself, +ave a meal or go for a >alA b. t+e laAe/ Fou can >atc+ performance artists in t+e Performance Hotunda >it+ its revolving stage, visit t+e 360screen -o.ts $inema or go c.cling/ ,r if t+e mood taAes .ou, .ou can even visit 2lue>ater@s ]uiet room and talA to t+e centre@s o>n c+aplain/ (rom t+e moment .ou arrive .ou Ano> t+e place is different/ !+e 6DG trained +osts +ave been taug+t to see .ou as guests rat+er t+an s+oppers and treat .ou accordingl./ !+ere@s valet parAing, if .ou >ant it, and a team of mec+anics to +elp fix a flat batter. or for free/ Fou enter t+roug+ one of five >elcome +alls t+at resemble +otel

lobbies/ !+en t+ere is an information point >it+ concierge desAs >+ere .ou can +ire a bugg., a >+eelc+air, a pram or a locAer, as >ell as some>+ere to relax >it+ a cup of coffee on a comfortable sofa/ )nd t+en .ou can start looAing at t+e s+ops/ )nd even t+ese are different/ 2lue>ater s+ops are not t+e Aind usuall. associated >it+ s+opping centres/ Instead, t+e. are t+ose a consumer mig+t expect to find in t+e up0marAet environs of 1ondon@s $ovent 5arden, 6: G 2ond Street or Bings HoadI 1B 2ennett, (iorelli, Eaeger, Space =B, H# ?illiams and Cugi/ )nd +ere .ou are not a s+opper an.more, .ou are a guest/ 2lue>ater needs to attract *G million guests a .ear if t+e. are to en&o. success and, &udging from t+e 36G,GGG >+o teamed into it on its opening da., t+e. are >ell on target to ac+ieve it/ ,f course, it@s all a clever tricA to maAe .ou spend more/ !+roug+out t+e centre t+ere are beautiful sculptures and plants t+at +elp .ou relax/ 1ines of poetr. from Bipling, Beats and ?ords>ort+ are carved into t+e >alls and maAe t+e experience seem cultural/ It all maAes t+e place looA lovel., but it also sends out an effective subliminal messageI YEn&o. .our s+opping experience, and bu., bu., bu.Z/ )nd it >orAs/ -o>ever inviting 2lue>ater is as a leisure destination, it is almost impossible to visit t+e place >it+out spending mone., and usuall. a great deal more mone. t+an .ou +ad intended, too/ )fter all, t+e researc+ on >+ic+ t+e building >as constructed >asn@t simpl. asAing people >+at t+e. liAed or disliAed about conventional

s+opping/ It >as finding out +o> t+e. could be tempted to spend more/ A (9A>'8R 7= A((I&8?'S ?+ere +ave .ou been, Eo+nV 5oodness me, +o> smart .ou looAU Four +air@s lovel., and >+at +ave .ou done to t+e rest of .our clot+esV ?ell, I >as doing t+e s+opping, as .ou asAed me/ I got t+e leg of lamb from t+e butc+er@s, t+e bacon and eggs from t+e grocer@s, t+e bread and caAes from t+e baAer@s and t+e beer from t+e off0licence, >+en I remembered I@d promised to bu. .ou a bottle of perfume[ So .ou >ent to t+e c+emist@s !+at@s rig+t/ I got a bottle of perfume, put it in m. pocAet, and, as t+e sun >as ver. brig+t, I t+oug+t I@d get a pair of sunglasses as >ell, onl. as I left t+e s+op 6: 3 Fou couldn@t see, )nd I >alAed into a man >+o >as delivering inA to t+e stationer@s/ So .ou >ere scared of >+at I >ould sa., and >ent to +ave .our trousers cleaned/ !+at@s rig+t/ ?ell, after I left t+e dr.0cleaner@s, I tripped over 2ecause .ou >ere too laz. to +ave t+e loose sole repaired on .our rig+t s+oe/ )nd I broAe one of t+e eggs, >+ic+ >ent on m. &acAet/ So .ou +ad to go bacA to t+e cleaner@s/ Fes, and t+en, after I@d left m. &acAet and t+e bag of groceries t+ere, I >ent to t+e ironmonger@s for t+at ne> door0+andle >e need and a bag of scre>s an.>a., as I >as going out of t+e door, I tripped again )nd broAe

#. >atc+/ 2ut first of all I >ent to t+e cobbler@s, and +ad m. sole nailed do>n, t+en I tooA t+e >atc+ to t+e >atc+ repairer@s and +ad a ne> glass fitted, t+en I >ent to t+e ironmonger@s and b. t+e time I came bacA, t+e.@d cleaned and pressed m. &acAet for me/ !+at >as all rig+t t+en Fes, but >+en I put t+e t+ings I@d boug+t from t+e ironmonger@s into t+e s+opping bag Fou put t+em on t+e top of t+e eggs I looAed in t+e bag and tooA out t+e t>o I@d broAen, but I >as so upset I put m. +ands to m. +ead )nd .ou got egg all over .our +air 6: 6 So I >ent to t+e barber@s and +ad a s+ampoo/ ?ell, all@s >ell t+at ends >ell, and .ou did need smartening up/ Fou boug+t me some perfume, too >+at sort of scent +as it gotV ?ell, smell m. rig+t0+and &acAet pocAet, but don@t put .our +and in, because it@s full of broAen glassU RRR. 98A:'9 S8RVI(8 Ba!ic Vocabulary 7rgan organ 9ea# cap 8ye oc+i 8ye!ig/t vedere, vz 8ar urec+e ?o!e nas 'oot/, pl/ teet/ dinte Mout/ gur

'ongue limb '/roat gat 'on!il! amigdale Bronc/ial tube! bron+ii :ung plman (/e!t piept Bac- spate 9eart inim Stomac/ stomac :i"er ficat 6: * Zi#ney rinic+i A$$en#i3 apendice 9an# man Arm bra :eg picior =oot, pl/ feet laba piciorului An-le glezn S-in piele Bloo# sange 9aemoglobin +emoglobin (ilia cili &i!ea!e! boli [ of t/e eye boli de oc+i [ of t/e ear, no!e an# t/roat boli de nas, gat i urec+i [ of t/e !-in boli de piele Illne!! boal, ru, maladie

'rouble O com$laint afec iune, suferin Ailment indispozi ie, suferin >ain durere, suferin Ac/e durere Rde cap, din i, stomac etc/S 9ea#ac/e durere de cap Bac-ac/e durere de spate Stomac/6ac/e durere de stomac 'oot/ac/e durere de din i (ram$ cramp, carcel, &ung+i ?euralgia nevralgie S$lee$le!!ne!! O in!omnia insomnie Attac- O fit criz, atac In#ige!tion indigestie (ut tietur Sym$tom simptom >re!cri$tion re et 'reatment tratament 8$i#emic epidemie (ure 3/ Hemediu, leac, 6/ !ratament, cur (are ingri&ire 83erci!e exerci ii RfiziceS, micare 6: < Recreation recreere, odi+n Re!t odi+n 8mergency caz urgent, urgen Ambulance ambulan , salvare Stretc/er targ

Stet/o!co$e stetoscop ?ee#le ac In+ection in&ec ie Sur"ey studiu, statistic 9azar# risc, pericol ;arning avertisment :onge"ity longevitate (/ill O !/i"er! rceal, frisoane, friguri (ol# rceal, guturai =lu grip 'on!iliti! amigdalit >/aryngiti! faringit Bronc/iti! bronit Scarlet fe"er scarlatin Mea!le! po&ar Mum$! oreion ;/oo$ing coug/ tuse convulsiv (/ic-en $o3 vrsat de vant, varicel Arterio!clero!i! ateroscleroz Ga!triti! gastrit Ulcer ulcer Anaemia anemie &iabete! diabet A!t/ma astm 'uberculo!i! tuberculoz 8m$/y!ema emfizem R/eumati!m reumatism

Sciatica sciatic ?er"ou! brea-#o*n nevroz, astenie (ancer cancer Malaria malarie 'y$/oi# fe"er febr tifoid 6: D (/olera +oler Small6$o3 variol, vrsat >lague cium Ab!ce!! abces Gi##ine!! ame eal A$o$le3y apoplexie Art/riti! artritism A!t/enia astenie (ataract cataract (ri!i! O /eart attac- O fit of ner"e! O /y!teria criz &iarr/oea diaree &i$/teria difterie &y!entery dizenterie :i"er com$laint O !ore eye! durere de ficat W de oc+i 8czema eczem 8$ile$!y epilepsie Gout gut 9e$atiti! +epatit 9ernia O ru$ture 0 +ernie Infection infec ie Sun6!tro-e insola ie

:umbago lumbago :u3ation luxa ie Migraine migren Boil furuncul >al!y O $araly!i! $olio paralizie; paralizie infantil >leuri!y pleurezie >neumonia pneumonie >ro!tatiti! prostatit >u! puroi Ric-et! ra+itism Itc/ raie, mancrime Sciatica sciatic Sy$/ili! sifilis 9iccu$ sug+i 'y$/u! tifos 'uberculo!i! O con!um$tion tuberculoz 6: : Varico!e "ein varice Veneral #i!ea!e boal veneric Surgery 3/ $abinet medical 6/ $+irurgie (/il#renD! !urgery cabinet medical pentru copii 9ealt/ centre dispensar 9ealt/ re!ort sta iune climateric 9o!$ital spital Maternity /o!$ital maternitate (linic clinic Sanatorium sanatoriu

;ar# salon Rde spitalS (a!ualty #e$artment sec ia de urgen 7$erating t/eatre sal de opera ii &i!$en!ary dispensar Vi!iting /our! ore de vizit RspitalS >atient 0 pacient In6$atient O out6$atient pacient intern W extern >la!tic !urgery c+irurgie plastic Analy!i! O bloo# te!t analiz W analiz de sange (:ocal) anae!t/etic anestezie RlocalS Bloo#!/ot coongestionat (ontagiou! O catc/ing contagios, molipsitor (on"ale!cence convalescen (urable O incurable curabil W incurabil Sen!ation of nau!ea senza ie de grea Blee#ing O /aemorr/age +emoragie Infirm O infirmity infirm W infirmitate In"ali# O in"ali#ity invalid W invaliditate =aint lein In+ury leziune, ran Ma!!age masa& Metaboli!m 0 metabolism Ma# O in!ane @ ma#ne!! O in!anity nebun 0 nebunie >oi!oning 0 otrvire >al$itation O t/robbing palpita ie (oncu!!ion of t/e brain como ie cerebral =ir!t ai# primul a&utor

6: 8 R6ray! raze % =ir!t6ai# man sanitar Sym$tom simptom Bloo# tran!fu!ion transfuzie de sange Vaccine O "accination vaccin W vaccinare Viru! virus 9ealt/ !er"ice asisten medical &rainage canalizare Sanitation igien, salubritate public ;ater6!u$$ly alimentare cu ap, sistem de distribuire a apei &octor medic, doctor >/y!ician doctor in medicin, persoan autorizat s practice medicina Rdar nu c+irurgiaS (/il#renD! #octor O $e#iatrician doctor de copii General $ractitioner O G.>. medic generalist Senior $ractitioner medic cu experien S$eciali!t (#octor) medic specialist ?er"e !$eciali!t O neurologi!t specialist in boli de nervi '/era$euti!t medic internist Stomatologi!t medic stomatolog &enti!t dentist 7culi!t O eye6!$eciali!t O o$/t/almologi!t oculist, specialist de oc+i 7$tician optician Gynaecologi!t ginecolog Urologi!t 0 urolog :ocum doctor care ine locul unui coleg

Surgeon c+irurg Mi#*ife moa ?ur!e asistent medical Si!ter asistent principal Matron asistent ef Me#ical officer doctor de salon Su$erinten#ent medic ef &i!$en!ing c/emi!t farmacist autorizat s execute re ete Me#icine 3/ #edicin 6/ #edicament &rug 3/ #edicament 6/ 'rog >ain6-iller sedativ, calmant 6: 7 &ro$! picturi >ill pilul 'ablet tablet >o*#er praf 'onic O $ic-6me6u$ tonic Mi3ture mixtur, po iune 7intment alifie, pomad (ream crem 9erb plant medicinal (otton vat >a# of cotton*ool tampon de vat &re!!ing pansament 73ygen !u$$ly cantitate de oxigen A$$liance aparat, instrument >la!ter g+ips

Soot/ing effect efect calmant :ac- of "itamine! lips de vitamine &ental $late, #enture protez dentar &ental bri#ge punte RprotezS dentar Goo# O ba#, $oor O feeble, uncertain /ealt/ sntate bun W ubred W precar 9ealt/y sntos Sic- bolnav Rfolosit atributivS Ill bolnav Rfolosit predicativS (ommon obinuit, frecvent Mil# uoar Seriou! grav (/ronic cronic (urabile #i!ea!e boal curabil Incurable incurabil (ontagiou! contagioas Infectiou! infec ioas >ulmonary pulmonar Re!$iratory respiratorie &ige!ti"e digestiv Surgical 0 c+irurgical ;/ole!ome Rd/ mancareS +rnitor, nutritiv 6: 4 Regular Rd/ via , meseS regulat, ordonat Strict Rd/ regimS sever, strict '/oroug/ minu ios, amnun it, serios Urgent urgent

:ong6!ig/te# prezbit S/ort6!ig/te# miop (ro!!6eye# saiu Blin# orb (olour6blin# suferind de daltonism, daltonist &eaf surd &umb mut &eaf an# #umb surdomut :ame c+iop 9unc/bac- cocoat Mentally #eficient deficient mintal 7ne6arme# ciung 7ne6eye# c+ior 'o !it in a #raug/t a sta in curent 'o catc/ a col# a rci 'o /a"e a !ore t/roat a avea dureri in gat; a0l durea gatul 'o /a"e a running no!e a0I curge nasul 'o /a"e a clogge# no!e a avea nasul infundat 'o /a"e O run a /ig/ tem$erature O to feel fe"eri!/ a avea temperatur W febr 'o feel gi##y a avea ame eli 'o coug/ a tui 'o !neeze a strnuta 'o !*eat a transpira 'o be !eize# by cram$ a fi apucat de, a avea crampe W carcei W un &ung+i 'o feel a se sim i

'o feel *ell a se sim i bine 'o feel un*ell a nu se sim i bine 'o feel !lig/tly un*ell a nu se sim i prea bine 'o !uffer from a suferi de 'o #ie of a muri de 'o afflict a face s sufere, a afecta 68 G 'o be liable to a fi predispus la 'o cut (oneD! arm) a0i tia W a se tia la Rbra S 'o !$rain a suci, a0i scranti Ro inc+eietur, gleznaS 'o brea- (oneD! leg, an-le) a0i fractura Rpiciorul, gleznaS 'o !li$ a aluneca 'o fall O to be ta-en ill a se imbolnvi 'o regi!ter *it/ a G> a se inscrie, a fi luat in eviden Rla o policlinic, doctor etc/S 'o ma-e an a$$ointment a fixa o or de consulta ie 'o go to t/e #octorD! !urgery a merge la cabinetul medical 'o !en# for t/e #octor a trimite dup doctor, a c+ema doctorul 'o get me#ical /el$ a primi a&utor medical 'o e3amine a examina, a consulta 'o ta-e O to feel !omebo#yD! $ul!e a lua pulsul cuiva 'o !oun# !omebo#yD! c/e!t a asculta plmanii cuiva 'o ta-e !omebo#yD! bloo# $re!!ure a lua cuiva tensiunea 'o be o$erate# on forC 0 a fi operat de[ 'o un#ergo an o$eration a fi supus unei opera ii 'o $erfom an o$eration O to o$erate (on !omebo#y) (for !omet/ing) a opera Rpe cinevaS Rde cevaS

'o clean u$ O to #re!! a *oun# a cur a W a pansa o ran 'o be in+ure# in an acci#ent a fi rnit intr0un accident 'o #ro$ O t/e tem$erature i! #ro$$ing a scdea temperatura 'o be treate# forC a fi tratat de[ 'o $er!$ire a transpira 'o "accinate, to inoculate a vaccina 'o cure O to be cure# a RseS vindeca 'o /a"e a toot/ fille# a0i plomba un dinte 'o /a"e a toot/ $ulle# out a0i scoate un dinte, a face o extrac ie 'o /a"e (!omet/ing) out a se opera de, a0i scoate 'o recommen# a recomanda 'o $re!cribe a prescrie 'o *rite a $re!cri$tion a scrie o re et 'o ma-e u$ a $re!cri$tion a prepara o re et 'o !tay in be# a sta in pat 'o go to t/e /o!$ital a merge la spital 'o ta-e me#icine a lua medicamente 68 3 'o gargle a face gargar 'o in/ale a face in+ala ii 'o -ee$ one!elf *arm a sta la cldur 'o get o"er*or-e# O o"ertire# a se surmena, a se extenua 'o get o"er6e3cite# a avea emo ii puternice 'o -ee$ a #iet a ine regim 'o -ee$ t/e *eig/t #o*n a0i men ine greutatea, a nu se ingra 'o lea# a regular life a duce o via regulat 'o reco"er a i reveni, a se insntoi

'o !u$er"i!e a supraveg+ea 'o loo- after a avea gri&, a ingri&i 'o go on oneD! roun#! a face vizita Rin spitalS 'o re$ort on a $atient a raporta despre starea unui pacient 'o gi"e an in+ection a face o in&ec ie 'o /a"e an R6ray ta-en a face o radiografie 'o !titc/ a coase 'o !mo-e a fuma 'o gi"e u$ !mo-ing a renun a la fumat 'o $ollute a polua 'o $araly!e a paraliza 'o lig/t (u$) (a cigarette) a aprinde o igar 'o $uff a pufi Routine e3amination O c/ec-6o"er examen RmedicalS obinuit Me#ical certificate certificat medical Sic- O maternity O re!t lea"e concediu de boal W de maternitate W de odi+n Um$teen cure! nenumrate leacuri 9o* are youY cum te sim iV $e mai faciV ;/atD! t/e troubleY ce s0a intamplatV $e te doareV $e aiV 9o* are you getting onY cum te sim iV 9e /a! $oor eye!ig/t are vederea slab 'o en+oy goo# /ealt/ 0 a se bucura de o sntate bun BRI'AI?DS ?A'I7?A: 98A:'9 S8RVI(8 (or t+irt. .ears no> t+ere +as been a national +ealt+ service in 2ritain/ 68 6

!+e aim of t+e =ational -ealt+ Service is to give free medical advice and treatment to an.bod. and ever.bod. >+o needs it/ !+e care and t+e advice provided is compre+ensive; it covers t+e services of a general practitioner, +ospital specialists, +ospitals for t+e c+ronicall. and t+e mentall. ill, opticians, mid>ives, dentists also t+e drugs and appliances prescribed/ 2ut t+e general practitioner t+e famil. doctor is t+e Aing pin/ It is on +im t+at t+e >+ole s.stem pivots/ Ever. person of sixteen .ears of age and over can register >it+ a general practitioner Rparents and guardians register for t+e undersixteensS/ =o> let@s looA at a t.pical patient/ #r Smit+ is feeling slig+tl. un>ell >it+ a +eadac+e, but is not ill enoug+ to sta. in bed/ -e decides to go to see t+e doctor/ #r Smit+ can eit+er p+one t+e doctor@s receptionist to maAe an appoinment to see t+e doctor at a particular time during t+e da. or, if t+e doctor doesn@t operate an appoinment s.stem, +e &ust turns up at t+e doctor@s surger./ If #r Smit+ >as so ill t+at +e +ad to sta. +ome in bed, +e >ould telep+one t+e doctor@s receptionist and arrange for t+e doctor to come and see +im at +is +ome Yafter surger.Z, >+en t+e doctor goes Yout on +is roundsZ/ If #r Smit+@s ailment is a minor one, t+e doctor >ill prescribe accordingl., sign a medical certificate for #r Smit+ if +e is too ill to go to >orA, and probabl. arrange to see +im again/ #r Smit+ taAes t+e prescription to t+e nearest c+emist/ )t t+e c+emist +e >ill for t+e first time bring out +is mone./ -e >ill pa. 8D

pence per item on t+e prescription, no matter +o> expensive t+e item/ -o>ever, people under t+e age of fifteen or over sixt.Wfive or pregnant >omen are exempt from pa.ment/ ,t+er people >+o are also exempt from pa.ment include some people >+o +ave ver. lo> incomes or >+o are suffering from a c+ronic illness/ If it is a ]uestion of a serious operation andWor +ospital treatment, #r Smit+ >ill be >ell provided for/ #ost 2ritis+ +ospitals are o>ned b. t+e State and maintaned b. contributions from t+e =ational -ealt+ Service/ 2esides 5eneral -ospitals for in&ured persons and t+ose suffering from different diseases, t+ere are maternit. +ospitals for 68 * expectant mot+ers; and special +ospitals, for diseases of t+e e.e, diseases of t+e ear, nose and t+roat; diseases of t+e sAin; as >ell as for pulmonar. tuberculosis R!2S and cancer/ 5eneral -ospitals provide accommodation and treatment for in0patients, >+o all t+e time t+e. are ill remain >it+in t+e +ospital and >+o are allo>ed to see t+eir relatives and friends onl. at fixed +ours/ )t t+e same time t+e. provide for out0patients, >+o attend for treatment at stated times and at regular intervals/ !+e rooms in a +ospital in >+ic+ t+e patients sta. are called >ards/ ) sister is in c+arge of t+e nurses and patients in a >ard, and looAs after ever.t+ing in it including its proper ventilation and +eating/ S+e goes >it+ t+e medical officer on +is rounds of t+e >ard, and reports on eac+ patient/ S+e notes t+e doctor@s instructions and taAes subse]uent action/ In all +er >orA s+e is +elped b. a staff of da.nurses and nig+t0nurses/ !+e >+ole of t+e +ospital nursing staff is in

t+e c+arge of t+e matron/ !+e superintendent +as c+arge of t+e >+ole +ospital/ -e is a senior practitioner of >ide experience/ -e taAes special care of t+e operating t+eatre, >+ere surgical operations are performed/ -e is +elped b. a staff of p+.sicians and surgeons/ &IA:7GU8S A' '98 &7('7RDS It looAs as if .ou >ere going to faint/ Fou oug+t to see W consult a doctor/ 'r/ 2 sees +is patients on !uesda. and (rida. bet>een < p/m/ and 8 p/m/ 1et@s call W +ave t+e doctor in/ ) doctor must be sent for/ Rtrebuie s chemm doctorulS Hing for t+e ambulance/ !aAe a seat in t+e >aiting0room, t+e doctor >ill see .ou directl./ Rlua'i loc n sala de a!teptare+ $l. $octor v prime!te imediatS -o> long do .ou t+inA I am liAel. to >aitV It all depends/ It ma. taAe an +our/ =o> it@s .our turn/ ?ill come into t+e surger.Wconsulting roomV ?+at do .ou complain ofV Rce v supr:S 68 < I +aven@t been feeling at all >ell t+e last da.s/ I often +ave gidd. turns/ Ram adesea ame'eliS I coug+ at times/ I +ave got a fit of sneeze/ #. nose is all clogged up/ Rnasul este nfundat de totS I +ave fre]uent +eadac+es/ ?+at can I do to get rid of m. +eadac+eV I +ave a sore t+roat; I am ]uite +oarse/ Rm doare gtul+ sunt tare

rgu!itS I got c+ilblains on m. +andsWfeet/ Ram degerturi la mini1picioareS I +ave spoiled m. stomac+/ RmiAam stricat stomaculS I +ave got a stomac+ ac+e/ I feel a pain in m. bell./ I feel a pain in t+e c+est >+en I breat+e/ I +ave s+arp pains in t+e bacA/ Ram dureri violente n spateS !+e loins +urt me/ Rm dor !aleleS I often suffer from +eart troubles/ #. ears tingle/ Rmi 'iuie urechileS I am badl. +urt/ !+e >ound is still bleeding/ I +ave sprained m. anAle; it is s>ollen/ RmiAam scrntit glezna; este umflatS I +ave cut m. finger >it+ a s+arp Anife/ I +ope it@s not a serious in&ur./ =o it@s onl. a scratc+/ I +ave got a burnW a scald/ $an .ou prescribe somet+ing for me to cure t+e >oundV RmAam oprit1 ars+ mi pute'i prescrie ceva pentru aAmi vindeca rana:S I am losing m. +air/ I am getting bald/ ?+at@s >rongV -o> long +ave .ou been illV ?+en >ere .ou taAen illV -o> long +as it been +urtingV S+o> meWsticA out .our tongue/ Eust as I t+oug+t/ It is ]uite furred/ ,pen .our mout+/ !+e uvula is s>ollen/ )nd >+at a state .our teet+ are inU R$eschide'i gura. Fmu!orul este inflamat. Ni n ce stare sunt din'ii dv.!S !aAe off .our coat/ ;ndo t+e buttons of .our s+irt/ RScoate'iAv

haina. $eschide'i nasturii de la cma!S 68 D Strip to t+e >aist/ Rdezbrca'iAv pn la mijlocS 2reat+ in and out deepl./ -old .our breat+/ I@ll taAe .our temperature/ Beep t+e t+ermometer under .our armpit/ R m s v iau temperatura. Oine'i termometrul la sub'ioarS 'oes it +urt .ou >+en I press +ereV RH doare cnd aps aici:S -ave .ou ever suffered from [V I +ad m. tonsils removed/ RmiAau fost scoase amigdaleleS Fou seem to be ver. sensible to[ (or t+e time being I am not prescribing .ou an. medicineWtreatment/ !aAing t+ose pills >ill do more +arm t+an good/ RDentru moment nu v prescriu nici un medicament1tratament. 7edicamentele acelea v fac mai mult ru dect bineS ) c+ange of air >ill do muc+ good/ RF schimbare de aer v va face mult bineS Beep indoors for a fe> da.s/ RSta'i n cas pentru cteva zileS !aAe t+is medicine t+ree times a da. after meals/ 'rinA t+is on an empt. stomac+/ Smear t+e bruiseW>ound >it+ t+is antiseptic ointment/ R5nge'i vntaia1rana cu acest unguent antisepticS $+ecA up .our blood pressure and +ave t+e +aemogram made/ R2ontrola'iAv tensiunea arterial !i face'iAv hemogramaS !+a pains mig+t be due to aRnS[ as >ell as to aRnS[ Rdurerile sar putea datora unui1unei/ ca !i unui1unei/S

I cannot deal >it+ .our case, I@ll recommend .ou to a specialist in[ R8u m pot ocupa de cazul dvs. H voi recomanda unui specialist n/S Fou@ll be completel. restored provided .ou sticA to t+e treatment I@ve prescirbed for .ou/ RH ve'i vindeca numai dac ve'i urma cu stricte'e tratamentul ce vi lAam prescrisS $ome and see me in a >eeA@s time if .ou don@t feel an. better/ I@m sorr., doctor, but t+e medicine +asn@t done me an. good/ I feel muc+ relieved/ $an .ou give me a certificate to sa. t+at I@m fit to >orA W I can get t+e situation I am for[ R7 simt 68 : mult mai u!urat. Dute'i sAmi da'i un certificat care s ateste c sunt apt pentru munc 1 pot ocupa serviciul pe care l solicit/S ?+at@s t+e matter >it+ .ouV Fou looA rat+er seed./ R2e sAa ntmplat: r'i cam indispusS See, m. c+eeA is s>ollen/ R5ite+ mi sAa umflat mseauaS Sit do>n on t+is c+air and lean .our +ead bacA/ R;ua'i loc pe scaun !i lsa'i capul pe spateS Sit still, please/ ?+at toot+ is it t+at +urts .ouV RSta'i lini!tit+ v rog. 2are dinte v doare:S Fou +ave also a +ollo> molar in t+e upper &a>/ R7ai ave'i o msea cariat n ma(ilarul superiorS !+e fillingWstopping +as come out/ R czut plombaS I s+all clean out t+e cavit. and fillWstop it/ RHoi cur'a !i plomba cavitateaS Hinse .our mout+ >it+ t+is antiseptic mout+ >as+/ R2lti'iAv gura cu antisepticS

S+ould .ou +ave an. troubles, put a little cotton dipped in et+er into t+e +ollo> of t+e toot+/ R$ac ve'i avea vreo suprare+ pune'i pu'in vat nmuiat n eter n cavitatea dinteluiS If t+e toot+ Aeeps ac+ing come again/ I@ll +ave to Aill t+e nerve/ R$ac dintele continu s v doar+ reveni'i. Ha trebui s omor nervulS )void sitting in a draug+t or .ou@ll be +aving an earac+e on t+e top of t+at/ R#vita'i s sta'i n curent ca s nu cpta'i pe deasupra !i o durere de urechiS RRRI.>7S'A: A?& '8:8>97?8 S8RVI(8S Ba!ic Vocabulary :etter scrisoare 7r#inary letter scrisoare simpl Regi!tere# letter scrisoare recomandat 8n"elo$e plic >o!tcar# carte potal 68 8 >icture car# ilustrat Stam$ timbru 'elegram O *ire telegram Inlan# telegram telegram intern Greeting! telegram telegram de felicitare Money6or#er O $o!tal or#er mandat potal >arcel pac+et, colet Scale! balan , cantar >rinte# matter imprimate Ra#io licence abonament radio

'ele"i!ion licence abonament !" 7l#6age $en!ion pensie de btrane e Allo*ance pensie RalimentarS, a&utor Rde boal etc/S >o!tmar- tampila potei =orm formular Recei$t c+itan , recipis (/e1ue cec >o!t6office oficu potal 9ea# $o!t6office pota central Branc/ $o!t6office oficiu potal secundar, filial &ea#6letter office servicul scrisorilor fr adres 'elegra$/ office oficiu telegrafic Inlan# $o!tal !er"ice servicii potale in interiorul rii Sa"ing! account cont de depuneri :etter6bo3 cutie de scrisori >illar bo3 cutie de scrisori Rin )ngliaS Mail pot, scrisori Mail collection ridicarea scrisorilor Mail #eli"ery distribuirea scrisorilor Mail "an furgonet potal >o!tman 0 pota >o!t6office cler- func ionar la pot >o!tma!ter diriginte de pot 7$erator telefonistRS Sen#er expeditor A##re!!ee destinatar A##re!!ee un-no*n adresantul necunoscut

68 7 Return a##re!! adresa expeditorului >.7. Bo3 O >.7.B. csu potal Un#er$ai# francat insuficient S$ecial i!!ue marc emisiune special Re$ly $re6$ai# rspuns pltit :o*er rateO re#uce# c/arge tax redus &eclare# "alue valoare declarat 83$re!! #eli"ery expedi ie express >ayee primitorul unui mandat potal Sub!criber abonat 'ele$/one telefon >ri"ate line tele$/one telefon necuplat >arty6line tele$/one telefon cuplat Re!i#ential O /ome tele$/one telefon la domiciliu W acas Bu!ine!! tele$/one telefon la serviciu 'ele$/one e3c/ange central telefonic 'ele$/one bo3 O call6bo3 O boot/ cabin telefonic 83ten!ion interior 'ele$/one #irectory carte telefonic (all convorbire telefonic :ocal call convorbire local 'run- call O long6#i!tance call convorbire interurban 'ran!ferre# c/arge call convorbire cu tax invers Alarm call apel la ora indicat de abonat 8mergency call convorbire in caz de urgen =i3e#6time call convorbire cu in elegere

=igure cifr (o#e number prefixul telefonic al unei localit i &ial disc de telefon Recei"er receptor >ay tone ton dup introducerea monedei >i$ semnal intermitent >urring semnal continuu 8n1uirie! Informa ii Maintenance &e$artment 'erana&amente (all6!er"ice! servicii telefonice =ee tax Rpentru un serviciuS 68 4 (/arge pre , cost, tax 83tra c/arge O a##itional c/arge tax suplimentar (/ange rest :o!! pierdere &amage stricciune (om$en!ation compensa ie Recor# eviden , dovad >articular! detalii 'o !en# by !urface mail a trimite simpl a letter by air mail o scrisoare par avion by regi!tere# $o!t recomandat by recor#e# #eli"ery cu confirmare de primire 'o $o!t a trimite, a expedia Rprin potS 'o carry a duce 'o reac/ O to arri"e at a a&unge la

'o return a trimite inapoi 'o *rite O to !en# /ome a scrie W a trimite acas 'o #eli"er a distribui 'o collect a strange, a ridica 'o !ort a sorta 'o !tam$ a timbra 'o !tic- a !tam$ a lipi un timbru 'o co!t a costa 'o !eal a sigila 'o *ire O to cable a telegrafia; a telegrafia peste ocean 'o ta-e a letter to t/e $o!t6office a duce o scrisoare la pot 'o *eig/ a cantri 'o claim $ayment a pretinde W cere despgubiri 'o !a"e a economisi 'o #e$o!it a depune Rbani etc/S 'o *it/#ra* a scoate, a retrage Rbani etc/S 'o (tele)$/oneO ring u$O call (u$)O to ma-e a (tele$/one) call a suna W a c+ema la telefon, a telefona 'o loo- u$ t/e number a cuta numrul 'o #ro$ O $re!! O $ut t/e coin in(to) t/e !lot a introduce moneda 'o #ial a forma numrul 'o connect O to $ut t/roug/ 0 a face W a da legtura 67 G 'o lift O to $ic- u$ t/e recei"er a ridica receptorul 'o /ang u$ t/e recei"er a pune receptorul in furc 'o gi"e O to con"ey a me!!age a transmite un mesa& 'o call O ring bac- a suna mai tarziu

'o get t/e *rong number a grei numrul '/e $er!on re1uire# persoana cutat '/e #irectory concerne# cartea de telefon respectiv '/e line i! bu!y O engage# firul este ocupat '/e line i! free O clear firul este liber 9ol# t/e line, $lea!eJ rmane i la aprat, v rog '/ereD! !omet/ing *rong *it/ our $/one O our $/one i! out of or#er telefonul nostru este deran&at ;rong number a i greit numrul ;/o i! t/at !$ea-ingY cine e la telefonV Mary !$ea-ing la telefon #ar. Nou are *ante# on t/e $/one v caut cineva la telefon =orgi"e my troubling you iart0m c te deran&ez May I ma-e u!e of t/i! tele$/oneY pot s folosesc telefonulV I #onDt -no* /o* to manage t/i! automatic tele$/one/ nu tiu cum s manuiesc acest telefon automat All you /a"e to #o i! to $ic- u$ t/e recei"er, #ro$ t/e coin into t/e !lot, lift it to your ear, *ait for t/e toneO!ignal, #ial your numberC 0 tot ceea ce trebuie fcut este s ridici receptorul, s introduci fisa in aparat, s0l duci la urec+e, s atep i tonul, s formezi numrul[ >ut t/e recei"er #o*n pune receptorul &os >re!! t/i! button to get your money bac- apas pe acest buton pentru a primi banii inapoi '/e coin *ill be returne# fisa va fi inapoiat 'ryO #ial again incearcW formeaz numrul din nou I /ear a $rolonge# buzzling aud un bazait prelungit '/atD! all rig/t. 9ol# t/e line, your number *ill an!*er in a

moment (if t/ere i! anybo#y in t/ere) foarte bine/ Hamai la telefon, persoana va raspunde imediat Rdac acolo este cinevaS '/e $/one i! out of or#erO#ea# telefonul este deran&atWZmortZ ;/at if t/ere i! a non6automatic $/oneY cum procedez dac nu este un telefon automatV 67 3 '/e $roce#ure i! almo!t t/e !ame but in!tea# of t/e buzzzing youDll /ear t/e o$erator calling: W?umber $lea!eD, in!tea# of #ialling t/e numeral! you /a"e to a!- for your number procedeul este aproape acelai dar in locul bazaitului vei auzi operatoarea spunandI ^=umrul v rog@, in loc de a forma tu numerele trebuie s ceri s i se dea numrul/ '/e moment you /ear t/e o$eratorD! "oice +u!t gi"e t/e number you *ant to call in momentul in care auzi vocea telefonistei indici numrul >lea!e connect me *it/ numberC 0 dati0mi, v rog, numrul[ (an you $ut me t/roug/ to Mr >D! officeY 83ten!ion one6!e"en $lea!e imi pute i da legtura cu biroul '0lui PV Interior 38, v rog/ ;ill you boo- t/e callY doreti s dai un aviz telefonicV ;/at i! t/e rate for a t/ree6minute call to >ari!Y care este taxa pentru o convorbire de trei minute cu ParisulV I !/oul# li-e to $ut t/roug/ a trun-6call toC 0 a dori s efectuez o convorbire interurban cu[ IDm $utting your call t/roug/ rig/t no* v fac legtura c+iar acum Berlin i! on t/e line. Go a/ea#J ave i legtura cu 2erlinul/ "orbi iU ;/en can I get you o"er t/e $/oneY cand te pot gsi la telefonV

;ill you ta-e #o*n my numberY vrei s0 i notezi numrul meuV By t/e *ay, */en you ring t/roug/ to my office, a!- t/e o$erator e3ten!ion four6!i3 apropo, dac imi telefonezi la birou, cere0i telefonistei interior <: 9ello, i! t/at Mr. Qo/n!onY Ne!, */o i! !$ea-ingY ?.?. !$ea-ing )lo, '0ul E/V 'a, cine e la telefonV =/=/ la aparat I canDt /ear youC I canDt un#er!tan# youC I canDt un#er!tan# a *or#C nu v aud bine[/ =u v in eleg[ nu in eleg nici un cuvant Someone i! interferingC !omeone el!e cut inC e cineva pe fir[ a intrat altcineva pe fir ;oul# you li-e lea"e a me!!ageY dori i s lsa i un mesa&V '98 >7S'67==I(8 !+e Post0,ffice +as man. duties and +as +undreads of t+ousands of officialsI postmasters >+o are in c+arge of post0offices, 67 6 postAoffice cler&s and man. postmen/ It is t+e postman >+o brings man. items of ne>s to ever.bod., going round from +ouse to +ouse, and droppping t+e letters into our letterAbo(es/ !+e Post0,ffice not onl. delivers and sends letters and ot+er mail, but also controls the telegraphs and telephones, issues television and radio licences and registers t+em, and pays out pensions and allo)ances/ 'o .ou >ant to send a telegramV Eust asA for a telegram form at t+e counter and fill it in/ ) telegram reac+es t+e addressee in t>o or t+ree +ours/ HememberI t+e charge depends on t+e number of >ords; so tr. to conve. .our message in as fe> >ords as possible/ Fou can also dictate a telegram over t+e telep+one/

If .ou >ant to post an ordinary letter, a postcard or a small parcel, .ou needn@t go to t+e post0office, .ou can drop it into t+e nearest letterAbo(/ In 2ritain t+ese boxes are eit+er fixed in t+e >all, or t+e. are iron c.linders painted red, called pillarAbo(es, standing b. t+e Aerbstone/ !+e time of t+e next collection is indicated on a little plate, >+ic+ is c+anged b. t+e postman ever. time +e comes to collect letters/ In cities pillar0boxes are emptied several times a da. , but in villages t+ere ma. be onl. one or t>o collections/ !+e letter >+ose receivers are unAno>n are eit+er returned to the sender or carried to the deadAletter office/ If .ou >ant .our letter to arrive more ]uicAl. t+an b. ordinary post, .ou can send it by ir 7ail/ ?+en .ou send a parcel, .ou +and it to t+e assistant, >+o )eights it on the scales/ Fou pa. according to t+e >eig+t of t+e parcel and t+e clerA gives .ou a receipt/ !+en, if t+e parcel is lost or stolen, .ou can claim pa.ment from t+e post0office/ 'o .ou >ant to +ave a conversation >it+ a friend of .ours >+o lives in anot+er to>nV !+en .ou maAe a longAdistance call/ Fou eit+er asA t+e operator to connect .ou, or, if .our friend lives in a bigger to>n .ou ma. dial t+e call .ourself/ Fou dial first t+e code number for t+e to>n t+at .ou are calling and t+en the number of the subscriber/ If .ou ma&e a local call, .ou go into t+e telephoneAbo( and lift the receiver/ ?+en .ou +ear t+e dialling tone indicating t+at 67 * not+ing is >rong on t+e line, dial the number .ou >ant/ ?+en .ou

+ear rapid pips, .ou press in t+e coin, and t+en .ou can speaA/ 83tra :etter!/ In 2ritain letters are broug+t from pillarAbo(es to a -ead or 0ranch DostAFffice >+ere t+e. are sorted/ !+en t+e. are carried to their destination and delivered/ In to>ns t+ere are several collections and deliveries a da./ !+e letters >+ose receivers are unAno>n are eit+er returned to the senders or carried to t+e deadAletter office/ !+ere are also registered letters and printed matter/ 1etters arrive more ]uicAl. b. registered post and compensation is offered in case of loss or damage/ 'ocuments and papers of little or no monetar. value ma. be sent b. recorded delivery/ Hecorded deliver. is particularl. suitable >+en a record of posting and deliver. is needed rat+er t+en compensation for loss/ 'ele$/one. ?+en .ou are not a telephone subscriber, .ou must go to a callAbo(/ If .ou cannot use t+e dial telephone, t+e e(change puts you through to your correspondent, but .ou must not forget to sa. .our number figure b. figure and remember t+at t+e figure o Rnoug+tS is read as t+e letter ^o@/ 67 <


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