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Tamils can cause more damage to UNHRC outcome and media can make or break government

by Pearl Thevanayagam from Bradford UK ( anka!e!Ne"s! #$%&arch%#'($) ((%*'P&+ ,ri anka has every reason to be -ittery this "eek% UK has said in no uncertain terms that it "ill settle for nothing less than international investigators de.loyed to .robe into "ar crimes% UK has a coalition government of Tory and iberal .arties and its international obligations do not .reclude the ground reality in that it needs to close its borders to immigrants "ho do not deserve refuge in UK% By e/ercising their influence in the UN "ith 0U countries and its ally U, it "ould be .rudent on the .art of UK to bring a settlement to the conundrum of fleeing ,ri ankan asylum seekers be they Tamils) ,inhalese or &uslims% 1itto for 2ustralia "hich has asylum seekers not -ust from , but other 2sian countries converging on its shores in vast numbers% 3hile the "ar is raging in the &iddle 0ast) 2frica) turmoil in 0ast 0uro.e and far!flung 2sia) it needs to curb its borders if it "ere to limit its foreign aid and concentrate on its o"n .o.ulace "ho are agitating for their rights economically and .olitically "hat "ith the recent recession "hich struggles to stretch its resources% There is one last saving grace for the government% This may seem bi4arre but a coalition leadershi. of TN2 and Tamil .arty "hich seems to favour &ano 5aneshan) &uslim Congress and ,inhala "inning .arty in ,aturday6s elections could th"art international intervention including the UN% This tri.artite leadershi. could satisfy the different ethnic grou.s "hich are .art and .arcel of the fabric in this island and "ork together to contain international interference% 3e have t"o eminent cons.iracy theorists% 7ne is Rohan 5unaratne) the 8terrorism

e/.ert6 "ho should be a"arded the .ri4e for best fiction and the other is 1%B%, 9eyara"ho is no" .ast his sell!by!date going by his .rotruding belly and s.ider naeve face "hich s.ells he is a goner "ith imbibing too much% His latest theory is that the TT0 are re! and he s.ares no .unches in castigating that eminent chief minister of the Northern Provincial Council "ho "on his .osition "ith an over"helming ma-ority: a former ,u.reme Court 9udge C%;%3ignes"aran% He even casts as.ersions on Balendran 9eyakumari and her daughter) the (* year old ;ibushika "ho have undergone untold miseries all because the government believes they succoured a "anted TT0 man% 9eyakumari and ;ibushika have relentlessly been fighting for the "ar victims in their demonstrations and UNHRC High Commissioner &s Navi Pillay "as enamoured by their .ersistence in bringing -ustice to "ar victims% 3hile &s 2nanthi ,asithran managed to tell "ith conviction and forthrightness the UNHRC "ith her first hand testimony "hat "ent on during the last stages of the "ar) 1B, .ooh .oohs her as someone "ho has many a skeleton in the cu.board% 3hile her husband 0lilan "as indeed an TT0 cadre) the fact remains he "ent missing as he surrendered to the army% The rule of any offensive and the rule of the <CRC is that those "ho surrender should not be .unished as a matter of .rinci.le under humanitarian la"% The TT0 found 1B, of dubious nature and sought to .unish him% He is a maverick "ho hunts "ith the hounds "hile .laying "ith the fo/es% <n short he is an o..ortunist and his trum. card is he can give you some first names of .eo.le "ho matter "ith a dash of background history% He "rites as though he is .rivy to the dee.est dark secrets of those "ho matter% =or "eeks on end his "ebsite talks about his -ourney to 9affna as though nobody else had suffered from being a"ay% 1B, has some .et syco.hants and his "ebsite is forever asking for donations "hich hardly gives ne"s e/ce.t some age!old cinema revie" and .ictures from his bete noir 1ushyanthi Kanagasaba.athi.illai% &s 1K seems to be "here the action is as and "hen 1B, re>uires "ith her camera% Her revelations are not earth!shattering breaking ne"s: rather they are of festivals and celebrations of Hindu Kovils% 3ebsites do not need ne"s.rint and contributors do not demand fees% ,o "hy the hell does he need donations? He reminds me of Paul ,athianesan "ho s.rings u. "henever the Tamil refugee sub-ect cro.s u. in Britain% He never lets go of the fact he came to UK "ith one suitcase not"ithstanding the fact that thousands of other refugees came "ith only the clothes on their back% P, is a freeloader from hard!"orking Tamils "ho run restaurants "ith

their hard!earned money all because he managed to get elected as councillor in Ne"ham% 3hy should "e say the ,inhalese are out to get us? 3e have Tamils like 1B, "ho "ould attem.t to .ortray those "ho demand -ustice as terrorists% 9ust "hen there is a dire need to su..ort the cause of Tamils at the UNHRC) 1B, is u. to his old tricks: castigating the TN2 and inflaming the fire of hatred to"ards his o"n race% R%,am.anthan) C%&% 3ignes"aran) &P ,umanthiran) &avai ,enathira-ah et al are "orking in close co!o.eration to"ards a solution to the ethnic .roblem and it is incumbent on res.onsible media to su..ort their efforts and bring an end to Tamil sufferings% TN2 no" consists of very enlightened individuals "ho are not ego!centric or selfish% @oung and as.iring firebrand ,umanthiran can be contained by seasoned ,am.anthan and he has young blood bursting to bring -ustice to Tamils and he s.ares no .unches% ,.litting hairs like 1B, and his invective cannot damage TN2 or "ar crimes .robe at international level but his fictional "ritings and irrational con-ecture must cease% ! (The "riter has been a -ournalist for #A years and "orked in national ne"s.a.ers as sub!editor) ne"s re.orter and ne"s editor% ,he "as Colombo Corres.ondent for Times of <ndia and has contributed to 3all ,treet 9ournal "here she "as on "ork e/.erience from The 5raduate ,chool of 9ournalism) UC Berkeley) California% Currently residing in UK she is also co!founder of 09N (0/iled 9ournalists Net"ork+ UK in #''A the membershi. of "hich is #'' from $' countries% ,he can be reached at .earlthevaBhotmail%com+

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