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Project Management Plan

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Project Management Plan (PMP)


(A#$ance# B%ll%ng Account%ng Collect%on an# Ut%l%t& Ser$%ce')

(er'%on )*

Pre+are# B&: Beena ,a&a+ra-a'./ S&'tem' Anal&'t Gu%#e# an# 0e$%e1e# B&: 2* Mo.ana D.a'/ 2ec.n%cal D%rector A++ro$e# B&: (*S* State In"ormat%c' 3""%cer


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NA2I3NAL IN430MA2ICS C5N205 K50ALA S2A25 C5N205 D5PA02M5N2 34 IN430MA2I3N 25C6N3L3G7 MINIS207 34 C3MMUNICA2I3NS an# IN430MA2I3N 25C6N3L3G7 G3(50NM5N2 34 INDIA

Amendment Log
Version No 1.0 2.0 Release Date 12.12.200 3 23.0$.200 % Change Number Brief Description Sections changed

!irst release as per "### Standard &'& as per &'& ,ll Sections as (emplate of N"C )N"C per -'S (&* 001+ &ractices of N"C


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All 0%g.t' 0e'er$e#* No Part o" t.%' #ocument '.all 8e re+ro#uce# 1%t.out t.e 1r%tten +erm%''%on "rom t.e Nat%onal In"ormat%c' Centre*


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Sl*No Sect%on !* Intro#uct%on )* Project 3$er$%e1 ;* Project Proce'' an# 2a%lor%ng <* Project 0e=u%rement' 9* 0e'ource 0e=u%rement' 6* 0%'- Management >* Project 2eam an# Project Grou+' ?* Project Mon%tor%ng :* Project Del%$era8le' ! * Project 5""ort' an# Co't' !!*Project M%le'tone' an# Sc.e#ule' !)*@ual%t& A''urance !;* Con"%gurat%on Management ;: < ;6 ;? Page 9 : !< )6 )> )? ; ;< ;9


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!* Intro#uct%on
!*! Bac-groun#

(he computeri.ation of Re/enue Billing and Collection S0stems dates bac1 to 1223 4hen computeri.ed monthl0 billing5 accounting and re/enue collection s0stems 4ere designed5 de/eloped and deplo0ed at the pilot site of &(& Nagar sub di/ision )SD+ under the (hiru/anananthapuram Di/ision of 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 b0 National "nformatics Centre )N"C+ in association 4ith 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 )67,+. (hese s0stems slo4l0 e/ol/ed into a comprehensi/e suite of 4or1flo4 based s0stems for these functions and lin1ing the section and sub di/ision functions of 67,. (he replication of these s0stems in other areas 4as steadil0 progressing. B0 12225 67, had introduced the s0stems introduced in 22 locations throughout 6erala. (he bi monthl0 billing s0stems 4ere introduced in 2002 and b0 8une5 2003 Bi monthl0 billing5 collection and accounting s0stems 4ere introduced 4ith the soft4are designed and de/eloped b0 N"C. "n bet4een5 67, felt the need to introduce 4eb based centrali.ed s0stems so that public can remit the 4ater charges at an0 location of their interest. (he 67,5 for identif0ing the technologies and soft4are5 constituted a technical committee. (he committee studied the proposals gi/en b0 N"C and N"C 4as entrusted 4ith the de/elopment of soft4are5 christened as ,B,C9S ),d/anced Billing ,ccounting Collection and 9tilit0 Ser/ices+. ,s the Bi monthl0 billing s0stems de/elopment and deplo0ment 4as in progress during the 0ear 2002 and 20035 the soft4are de/elopment in respect of ,B,C9S could not be started. :ence5 the starting date for this pro;ect 4as rescheduled as No/ember5 2003 4ith si< months de/elopment time for the completion of ,B,C9S de/elopment. (he '=9 4as signed in December5 2003 and as per the allotted si< months time5 the pro;ect should be completed b0 8une5 200%. !*) Pur+o'e

(he purpose of this document is to specif0 the pro;ect implementation mechanism5 including the frame4or1 on &lanning5 De/elopment5 "mplementation and 'onitoring of the pro;ect. Reference basis for this document is the Detailed Soft4are Re>uirements Specifications )SRS+ NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01
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document )/ersion 1.0+ prepared b0 the National "nformatics Centre )N"C+. (he scope and terms of references co/ered b0 this document include pro;ect organi.ation5 managerial acti/ities5 technical acti/ities and ma;or pro;ect processes. (he intended audience of this document is National "nformatics Centre )N"C+ and 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0. !*; Sco+e an# 2erm' o" 0e"erence'

(he scope and (erms of References includes? a+ Conduct a detailed SRS stud0 for the centrali.ed billing and collection s0stem called ,B,C9S. b+ Design of ,B,C9S c+ De/elopment of ,B,C9S as a &roduct d+ &orting the alread0 e<isting =R,C*# databases and integrate 4ith the ne4 s0stems e+ Suggest necessar0 re engineering of the processes so as to enable adoption of the products proposed. f+ Suggest to @o/ernment the redefined roles and functions of 67, Re/enue Sections based on the !unctional Re/ie4s and Re engineering g+ !ormulate the (ransition &lan from =ld 'odel to the Ne4 'odel of ,B,C9S h+ &repare Soft4are (est &lan and ,cceptance (est &lan documents and manage these acti/ities. i+ 'anagement of Change 'anagement ,cti/ities in a coordinated manner ;+ Defining the o/erall training re>uirements and preparation of the training plan5 conducting customi.ed pro;ect specific training for users in the customi.ed soft4are. 1+ &repare and suppl0 of operational manual5 maintenance manuals5 training manuals etc. l+ &ro/ide (echnical Support ser/ices and prepare a detailed (echnical Re>uirements Report for the deplo0ment of ,B,C9S in (ri/andrum ta1ing into account future e<pansions and support for additional functions such as '"S5 'aterials management5 etc.


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!*< ,DB, ,# ,A# ,'

De"%n%t%on' ,ssistant Data Base ,dministrator ,ssistant #ngineer ,ssistant #<ecuti/e #ngineer ,ccounts 'ember

,(& B ,cceptance (est &lan C# Chief #ngineer

C'& B Change 'anagement &lan DB, ## Data Base ,dministrator #<ecuti/e #ngineer

67, B 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 'D 'anaging Director

N"C B National "nformatics Centre N"CN#( N"C Net4or1

N"CS" B National "nformatics Centre Ser/ices "ncorporated &' B &ro;ect 'anager &* B &ro;ect *eader &*C &ro;ect *ife C0cle

&'& B &ro;ect 'anagement &lan RDB'S B Relational Data Base 'anagement S0stems SC' B Soft4are Configuration 'anagement NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01
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SDD B Soft4are Design Descriptions SD*C Soft4are De/elopment *ife C0cle

S-,& B Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan SRS B Soft4are Re>uirement Specifications SS& B Soft4are Solutions &ro/ider S(& B Soft4are (est &lan (#C B (echnical #/aluation Committee (* (' !*9 (eam *eader (echnical 'ember 0e"erence'

a+ ,ccounts 'anual5 1223 B 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 b+ 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 )7ater Suppl0+ Regulations ,ct.5 1221 c+ 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 )7ater Suppl0+ ,mendments Regulations ,ct.5 122$ d+ 67, Re/ision of 7ater (ariff5 1222 e+ SRS for the Bi 'onthl0 Billing and Collection S0stem for 67, )&re/ious Closed &ro;ect+ f+ Soft4are Re>uirements Specifications Document )Document No? N"CC6S9C@=6C67,C,B,C9SC01 release dated 22.12.2003+ prepared for the Centrali.ed Billing and Collection S0stem. g+ (echnical Re>uirements Document &repared )Document No? N"CC6S9C@=6C67,C,B,C9S 02+ h+ Discussions 4ith 67, in Respect of 7or1flo4 Re>uirements


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)* Project 3$er$%e1
)*! Summar& Project I#ent%"%cat%on:

&ro;ect "D &ro;ect Name

N"C 6*SC ,S@D ,B,C9S ,B,C9S ),d/anced Billing ,ccounting Collection and 9tilit0 Ser/ices+

U'er De+artment

6erala 7ater ,uthorit05 @o/ernment of 6erala (hiru/ananthapuram5 6erala.


Customer Name Representati/e C.a%rman K*,*Mat.e1



<>!);)>::< Manag%ng P*C* (%ja&a Kumar <>!D%rector );))>:> Account' (*K*G%r%ja$ <>!Mem8er );)6><? Data8a'e G*Sujat.a <>!A#m%n%'trator );)?6<?


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&ro;ect "nformation?
Project Com+onent': (he follo4ing components ha/e been identified? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ Detailed SRS Stud0 Design and De/elop ,B,C9S (esting and ,cceptance Deplo0ment Connecti/it0 to !R"#NDS Counters and ,6S:,E, Centres for &ublic 9tilit0 Ser/ices. f+ (rain 67, officials g+ "dentification of (echnical Re>uirements for the solutions proposed and prepare a Detailed (echnical Re>uirements Specifications Report Project 38ject%$e': &ro;ect aims to de/elop and deplo0 a Centrali.ed 7ater Charges Billing and Re/enue Collection for the 6erala 7ater ,uthorit0 to be introduced on a pilot basis in (ri/andrum Corporation areas co/ering eight Re/enue Sections under the (ri/andrum Di/ision of 67,. (he product is christened as ,B,C9S ),d/anced Billing ,ccounting Collection and 9tilit0 Ser/ices+.

Project Co't A Bu#get:

(he application soft4are5 design and de/elopment 4or1 has been entrusted to N"C at a cost of Rs.105005000. ,fter ,B,C9S product is prepared5 the customer intends to procure the hard4are5 soft4are and other items procurement. ,s per the estimates5 the total pro;ect cost 4ill be about Rs.1%0 la1hs for deplo0ment in (hiru/ananthapuram Corporation areas.


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Project Sc.e#ule:
Act%$%t& Start Date : 12 02 2002 0e$%'e# Start Date ? 01 11 2003 as per '=9 12 12 2003 as per N"C Project Sc.e#ule# Com+let%on Date: a+ Draft Beta Version of SRS 4ill be released 4ithin one month from the date of acceptance of the re/ised pro;ect. (he pro;ect started from December5 2003 although as per the re/ised '=9 the start date is 1.1.2003. (he soft4are design and de/elopment 4ould start onl0 after the SRS is appro/ed and signed off. ,n0 slippage on 67, side in respect of SRS finali.ation 4ould dela0 the pro;ect completion schedule. ,ll products5 modules and ser/ices 4ill be made a/ailable 4ithin the Si< Calendar 'onths. (he 4arrant0 for the product and ser/ices 4ill be for si< months after the product ),B,C9S+ is de/eloped5 deplo0ed and accepted.

b+ c+ d+ e+

:o4e/er5 the deplo0ment and commissioning of s0stems depend on the procurement of hard4are5 setting up the net4or15 installation of s0stems soft4are and testing and commissioning. N"C 4ill help 67, b0 pro/iding the Detailed (echnical Specifications for the setting up of the proposed "C( "nfrastructure for 67, along 4ith :ard4are and Net4or1 ,rchitecture documents. (he acti/ities can be scheduled in parallel if the pro;ect is to be completed 4ithin a short period time using more manpo4er from N"C and 4ithout an0 change in cost structure. 0e$%'e# Sc.e#ule# Com+let%on Date ? 30 0% 200% )as per '=9+ 31.03 200% )as per N"C+ )due to procedural dela0 from 67,+


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Barrant& Per%o# : Si< 'onths from the date of ,cceptance. Can be e<tended on mutuall0 acceptable terms and conditions. Major M%le'tone' ? ,s indicated in the De/elopment &rocess.

Project Contact:
Contact &ro;ect 'anager Name V.S. Raghunathan De'%gnat%o n (echnical Director F State "nformatics =fficer (echnical Director S0stems ,nal0st 0%$1 2$22G2% 5ma%l

&ro;ect *eader (eam 'ember

(.'ohana Dhas Beena 8a0apra1ash

0%$1 2$22G2% 0%$1 2$22G2% beena;

Con"%gurat%on Management : ,s described in the Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance )S-,+ and Configuration 'anagement &lan )C'&+. )*) A''um+t%on'/ 5Cternal De+en#enc%e'

A''um+t%on' a+ Constitution of &ro;ect (eam for Stud0 and Design5 De/elopment (eam5 and (eam for "mplementation b+ ,cceptance of SRS and timel0 of re>uirements c+ Stabilit0 of (eam 'embers d+ ,/ailabilit0 of De/elopment &latform and Soft4are (ools e+ ,/ailabilit0 of officials from 67, and N"C team for the Soft4are (esting and ,cceptance f+ ,/ailabilit0 of staff from the /arious re/enue sections5 sub di/isions5 di/isions and 67, :- for training and implementation


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De+en#enc%e' a+ b+ c+ d+ Constitution of Steering Committees and Nodal =fficers (imel0 of SRS submitted b0 N"C and signing off the SRS document so that the de/elopment could start. (imel0 placement of =rders for :ard4are5 S0stem Soft4are5 communication hard4are5 net4or1ing products5 securit0 infrastructure products5 and related items (imel0 co ordination b0 the 67, through the constituted &ro;ect "mplementation Committee and other Steering Committees for /arious inter related acti/ities 4hile SRS free.ing5 soft4are testing and acceptance5 training and implementation Deli/er05 installation5 configuration5 testing and commissioning of computing hard4are li1e ser/ers and nodes5 peripheral de/ices5 communication hard4are li1e s4itches5 routers5 modems etc.5 securit0 infrastructure products5 and s0stems soft4are li1e =perating S0stems5 RDB'S5 7eb Ser/er Soft4are5 ,pplication Ser/er Soft4are5 !ire4all and Virus 'anagement Soft4are5 Net4or1 'anagement Soft4are etc. Con/ersion of #<isting *egac0 data =R interfaces for e<isting databases and applications Site &reparation and Net4or1ing Net4or1 "nterfaces among the /arious offices C locations including connecti/it0 4ith !R"#NDS and ,6S:,E, centres (imel0 a/ailabilit0 of #mplo0ees for (raining and :andholding


f+ g+ h+ i+ )*;

Cu'tomer Comm%tment'

Lea#er'.%+ %' t.e -e& to t.e 'ucce'' o" an& e-go$ernance %n%t%at%$e o" t.%' magn%tu#e* (he in/ol/ement and dedicated leadership is essential throughout the lifec0cle of this pro;ect. 67, 4ill ha/e to constitute steering committees for the pro;ect management as 4ell as implementation. Senior officers of 67, should chair these committees. &ro;ect re/ie4s should be conducted b0 67, periodicall0 and the 67, management should address all issues and problems immediatel0 4ithout dela0ing the time schedule.


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N"C should also appraise the 67, management periodicall0 and participate in all re/ie4 meetings and air and address the issues. (ime management is a serious issue. (he soft4are de/elopment can start and progress onl0 if the SRS is accepted and signed off. (he SRS document 4ould be released b0 N"C for comments 4ithin one month from the date of signing the '=9. 67, 4ill go through the SRS 4ith the help of N"C team and the 67, 4ill send the comments5 suggestions5 addition5 deletions etc. to N"C 4ithin 13 da0s of recei/ing the Beta Version of the SRS. N"C 4ould submit the modified and final SRS for sign off 4ithin 13 da0s from the date of acceptance of the report from 67, on the beta /ersion. (he &ro;ect 'anager and &ro;ect *eaders are responsible for the SRS preparation along 4ith functional specifications and present the SRS to the &ro;ect "mplementation and 67, top management5 if necessar0. (he database design 4ill be completed 4ithin 13 da0s from the date of signing off SRS. Soft4are de/elopment 4ill be completed 4ithin four months from the date of signing SRS document. (esting and acceptance 4ill be ta1en up during last month of assignment. 67, has formed t4o committees for the success of the pro;ect? a+ &ro;ect "mplementation Committee b+ &ro;ect 'anagement Committee )*< Acce+tance Cr%ter%a

N"C5 in consultation 4ith 67,5 4ill prepare a detailed Soft4are (est &lan and ,cceptance (est &lan documents. Standard #ntr05 "nput5 and #<it criteria 4ill be applicable. 67, 4ould accept the /arious deli/erables in accordance 4ith the stipulated criteria in the ,cceptance (est &lan. 67, 4ould constitute a Committee for e<ecuting the test plans as per the documents in the presence of N"C (eam. "n order to manage the changes not co/ered b0 the SRS document5 67, and N"C discuss the issues and negotiate for a reasonable e<tension of pro;ect deadlines and cost escalations5 if an0. NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01
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67, and N"C re/ie4 the progress of the pro;ect once in 13 da0s and remedial actions 4ill be initiated and completed b0 both parties. 67, implementation committee 4ill test the modules5 module b0 module and then conduct integration tests at both N"C and 67, locations. Standard formats for testing and acceptance 4ill be maintained b0 N"C. (he pro;ect 4ill be treated as completed after the s0stems are tested and accepted. 67, and N"C 4ill sign the &ro;ect Completion Document accordingl0. (he 4arrant0 starts immediatel0 after the acceptance. N"C 4ould pro/ide a 4arrant0 of si< months from the date of acceptance of the soft4are. ,fter the 4arrant0 is o/er5 N"C 4ould re>uest 67, to close the pro;ect and ma1e all final pa0ments and release an0 documents 4ith 67,. =nce this process is completed5 the pro;ect 4ill be treated as closed. Rele/ant clauses of '=9 4ill be in force throughout the e<ecution of the pro;ect.

;* Project Proce'' an# 2a%lor%ng ;*! Project L%"e C&cle (PLC):

7e follo4 the spiral model of SD*C as the &ro;ect *ife C0cle )&*C+. :o4e/er5 the "S= standards5 best practices5 and the -ualit0 ,ssurance policies and practices are embed into this &*C to pro/ide >ualit0 and reliable "C( ser/ices and solutions. (he &*C process identifies the entr0 and e<it criteria5 4or1 items and pro;ect acti/ities including the /alidation and /erification acti/ities associated 4ith these processes.


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2.e +.a'e' %n t.%' +roject are: &ro;ect Start up &reparation and ,cceptance of &ro;ect 'anagement &lan5 Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan and Configuration 'anagement &lan S0stem Design :ard4are procurement5 deli/er0 5 testing and installation Net4or1ing S0stems De/elopment S0stems (esting S0stems "mplementation (raining ,cceptance of ,pplication Soft4are &ro;ect 7ind up

;*!*! Project Start-u+ 5ntr& Cr%ter%a: !irm =rder for Soft4are Design5 "mplementation ,/ailabilit0 of !unds SRS Document ,ppro/ed b0 the 67, De/elopment and

Act%$%t%e': "nitiate the pro;ect on the basis of firm order for soft4are de/elopment &repare detailed pro;ect report and SRS on 'odules related to ,B,C9S ,ppro/al of detailed report and SRS b0 67, Soft4are (eams &reparation &ro;ect ,ppraisal to (op 'anagement of N"C Release of Resources for Soft4are Design and De/elopment (eam

(al%#at%on an# (er%"%cat%on: NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01

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Re/ie4 of Detailed &ro;ect Report Re/ie4 of :ard4are and S0stem Soft4are Re>uirements for the de/elopment Re/ie4 of Soft4are De/elopment (eams

5C%t Cr%ter%a: Detailed &ro;ect Report on 'odules of ,B,C9S and accepted b0 67, '=9 signed bet4een 67, and N"C ,ppro/al from N"C for pro/iding hard4are and s0stems soft4are and manpo4er for soft4are design and de/elopment

Bor- Item': ;*!*) Detailed &ro;ect Report Detailed SRS Creation of Soft4are De/elopment (eam Schedule of ,cti/ities Pre+arat%on an# Acce+tance o" Project Management Plan/ So"t1are @ual%t& A''urance Plan an# Con"%gurat%on Management Plan 5ntr& Cr%ter%a: Detailed &ro;ect Report and Detailed SRS a/ailable Soft4are De/elopment (eam is Read0

Act%$%t%e': &repare &ro;ect 'anagement &lan )&'&+ &repare Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan )S-,&+ and Configuration 'anagement &lan )C'&+ Submit for Re/ie4 and ,ppro/al of &'&5 S-,& and C'& b0 &ro;ect 'anagement (eam &ro/ide Clarifications to 67, on &'&5 S-,& and C'& &repare Detailed technical specifications C re>uirement specifications

(al%#at%on an# (er%"%cat%on: NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01

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Re/ie4 &'&5 S-,& and C'& 4ithin N"C 5C%t Cr%ter%a: Re/ise C 9pdate &'&5 S-,&5 C'& ,cceptance of &'&5 S-,& and C'& Detailed Constitution of Soft4are De/elopment (eams5 &ro;ect 'anagers5 &ro;ect *eaders etc. Release of funds for :ard4are and S0stems Soft4are &rocurement

Bor- Item': ;*!*; &'& ) Created+ C'& ) Created+ S-,& )Created+ Detailed &ro;ect Report on 'odules of ,B,C9S Detailed SRS on ,ll 'odules of ,B,C9S !unds ,/ailable S&'tem De'%gn #ntr0 Criteria? Detailed &ro;ect Report is a/ailable Detailed SRS is a/ailable 'anpo4er to carr0 out S0stem Design

Act%$%t%e': Stud0 SRS defined in Detailed &ro;ect Report Design the Screens and Report formats =btain !eed bac1 on Screens and Report !ormats &repare #ntit0 Relationship Diagrams for /arious application s0stems defined abo/e. Design of database &repare S0stem Design Specification Document Conduct a &ro;ect 'anagement Re/ie4 for S-,& of the Design Specification Document 9pdate &'& and C'& if re>uired
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(al%#at%on an# (er%"%cat%on: Re/ie4 Screens and reports formats Re/ie4 the final /ersion of Design Specification Document

5C%t Cr%ter%a: (he Design Specification Document is ,ppro/ed b0 the 67, (he Design Specification Document is appro/ed for -ualit0 ,ssurance b0 the Re/ie4 Committee.

Bor- Item': ;*!*< &'& )updated+ C'& )updated+ Detailed &ro;ect Report on 'odules Design Specification Document 6ar#1are +rocurement #ntr0 Criteria? ,/ailabilit0 of funds for procurement of hard4are and other related items ,/ailabilit0 of Detailed &ro;ect Report on Re>uirement Specifications for? Configuration and *ocation Details and number of items

Act%$%t%e': &reparation of :ard4are Re>uirement Specifications ,ppro/al of the same b0 the &ro;ect 'anagement (eam Constitution of technical e/aluation team &reparing :ard4are Bench mar1s
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#/aluation of (enders b0 the (echnical #/aluation Committee )(#C+ constituted b0 the 67, Negotiation 4ith /endors !inali.ation of =rders &reparation and &lacement of &urchase =rder along 4ith Deli/er0 schedule etc. Dispatch of &rogress Reports to 67, for information.

Validation and Verification? Re/ie4 the tenders for the :ard4are Re>uirement Specifications Re/ie4 the &urchase =rder for correct Re>uirement Specifications and costs before placing the order 4ith the hard4are /endor.

5C%t Cr%ter%a: =rders placed for hard4are procurement along 4ith? Vendor 4ise deli/er0 schedules *ocation Details

7or1 "tems? ;*!*9 &'& )updated+ Detailed &ro;ect Report for :ard4are and S0stem Soft4are Re>uirement Specifications Details on :ard4are bench 'ar1 Results (echnical Details for (#C and Cost Details for Negotiation Deli/er0 Schedule &urchase order for :ard4are and S0stems Soft4are )Created+ Del%$er&/ In'tallat%on an# 2e't%ng #ntr0 Criteria? Deli/er0 Schedules Soft4are (esting &rocedure )Soft4are (est &lan+


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Deli/er0 of soft4are ),B,C9S+ at all locations *oad S0stem Soft4are C Configure Ser/ers and Clients Conduct Soft4are (esting *og (est Results &reparation of (est Reports Submission of (est Reports to N"C and 67,

Validation and Verification? Chec1 deli/ered Soft4are 'odules against the purchase order Re/ie4 the :ard4are (est Results 4ith e<pected results Re/ie4 the deli/er0 schedules

#<it Criteria? Certificate from &ro;ect management on successful deli/er0 and testing of hard4are and s0stem soft4are Deli/er0 of "tems at locations of pro;ect implementation

7or1 "tems? ;*!*6 &urchase order for hard4are specification details (est Result Details Deli/er0 Schedules (est Results and "nstallation Reports Net1or-%ng (not +art o" ABACUS) #ntr0 Criteria? ,/ailabilit0 of :ard4are5 S0stems Soft4are and Communication #>uipment

,cti/ities? #stablishment of (C&C"& Net4or1 at the 'a;or center and other locations Connecting the locations on a 7ide ,rea Net4or1 C "ntranet


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Validation and Verification? (esting the hard4are and communication components #<it Criteria? Successful installation and commissioning of Net4or1 Submission of "nstallation ,cceptance Report

7or1 "tems? ;*!*> Communication Components "nstallation "ntegration of hard4are and communication components &repared Site S&'tem' De$elo+ment #ntr0 Criteria? Detailed &ro;ect Report &'& S-,& C'& Soft4are Design Descriptions )SDD+ ,/ailabilit0 of Soft4are De/elopment (eam ,/ailabilit0 of De/elopment &latform ) :ard4are and S0stems Soft4are+

,cti/ities? &repare Soft4are De/elopment &lan for ,pplication S0stems De/elopment &repare the Soft4are De/elopment &latform ) :ard4are5 S0stem Soft4are5 De/ice Dri/ers5 Net4or1 &rotocols etc.+ &hasing out the Soft4are De/elopment Start Soft4are De/elopment &repare 9nit (est &lan and &erform 9nit (esting &repare "ntegration (est &lan and &erform "ntegration (est on (otal Components of the ,pplication Soft4are &erform "ntegration (est on Simulated Net4or1 #n/ironment
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&repare ,cceptance (est &lan and test Data 4ith assistance from 67, and perform testing of applications in a simulated net4or1ed en/ironment Documentation )9ser 'anuals5 #ngineering 'anuals etc+ &repare &lan for Soft4are "mplementation Release of Soft4are for "mplementation

Validation and Verification? Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 Re/ie4 the Detailed &lan for ,pplication De/elopment of the &rogress of Soft4are De/elopment )7ee1l0+ 9nit (est5 "ntegration (est and ,cceptance (est &lans &'& "mplementation &lan (raining &lan ,pplication Soft4are Code 'anuals

#<it Criteria? ,pplication soft4are a/ailable for release after successful acceptance testing 9pdated &ro;ect 'anagement &lan is a/ailable Documents ,/ailable 'anual Defining procedures for implementing the ,pplication Soft4are is a/ailable

7or1 "tems? ;*!*? Detailed &ro;ect Report &'&5 S-,&5 C'& )updated+ Soft4are Design Descriptions 9nit (est5 "ntegration (est and ,cceptance (est &lan )Created+ "mplementation &lan )Created+ (raining &lan )Created+ 'anuals )Created+ S&'tem' Im+lementat%on #ntr0 Criteria? NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01
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,/ailabilit0 of :ard4are for "mplementation De/eloped Soft4are 4ith "nstallation and =perational 'anuals Schedule for "mplementation (raining 'anual

,cti/ities? *oading of Soft4are at the Data Centre of 67, (esting of Soft4are in the Net4or1ed #n/ironment !inali.e the (raining &lan ,rrange !acilities for (raining

Validation and Verification? Re/ie4 the (raining &rogramme #<it Criteria? Soft4are *oaded and "mplemented Successfull0 (raining of 9sers !inali.ed Space for (raining ,rranged

7or1 "tems? ;*!*: ,pplication Soft4are on CD 'edia ,pplication Soft4are "nstalled 9ser 'anual and #ngineering 'anual "nstallation 'anual (raining 'anual (raining Schedule 2ra%n%ng an# Acce+tance #ntr0 Criteria? ,/ailabilit0 of hard4are and soft4are platforms along 4ith application soft4are a/ailable at 67, ,/ailabilit0 of 'anpo4er for (raining ,/ailabilit0 of (raining &lan ,/ailabilit0 of (raining !acilities
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!inali.e the (raining &rogramme )as per the accepted (raining &lan+ Conduct 9ser and 'anagement (raining !eed bac1 from 9sers and 67,

Validation and Verification? Re/ie4 (raining 'anual #<it Criteria? S0stem read0 for operational and hading o/er to 67, for acceptance !inal ,cceptance of the S0stem b0 67,

7or1 "tems? ;*!*! (raining Completed S0stems ,ccepted &'&5 C'&5 S-,& )9pdated+ Project B%n#-u+ #ntr0 Criteria? &ro;ect Deli/erables ha/e been accepted b0 67, Necessar0 ,cceptance Documents from 67,

,cti/ities? :anding o/er hard4are )if an0+5 s0stems soft4are )if an0+5 application soft4are (ABACUS) etc. &repare &ro;ect Completion Report Complete &ro;ect 7ind up ,cti/ities 9pdate &'&5 C'&

Validation and Verification? Re/ie4 updated &'& and C'& NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01

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#<it Criteria? Stoc1 (ransfer &ro;ect Completion Report

7or1 "tems? &'& and C'& updated.


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;*) Project L%"e C&cle (PLC) 2a%lor%ng

"n the pre/ious section5 4hat 4e ha/e listed are the details of &ro;ect *ife C0cle acti/ities as per "nternational Standards. (he &ro;ect *ife C0cle )&*C+ tailoring is also based on the abo/e standards. :o4e/er5 for completeness5 4e 4ill be including the &*C (ailoring matri< as per N"C standards and practices in the subse>uent sections. *ife C0cle Stage S0stems Stud0 and ,rchitecture Customer ,greement C '=9 Detailed Design ,dd C 'odif0 C Delete &rocess Re engineering Ne4 '=9 signed Reasons for De/iations (o bring best practices 7ant of Resources (o introduce 4or1flo4 dri/en "nformation !lo4 Ne4 7eb adopted technologies

,dded ne4 processes for Ne4 Connections5 &linth ,rea Calculation etc. ,rchitectural Design &ortals5 7eb ser/ices5 4eb based s0stems introduced Coding C Build 7eb based s0stems and portals to be introduced Soft4are (esting ,s per Soft4are (est &lan Document S0stems "ntegration and ,s per Soft4are (est &lan (esting and ,cceptance &lan Documents "mplementation Data Centre for 67, (raining C Documentation

Customer and &ublic Constraints ,s per -'S practices in N"C ,s per N"C -'S practices Ser/ices to &ublic

-,5 S(&5 ,(&5 &'&5 9ser -ualit0 Standards in N"C 'anuals5 etc.


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NIC-Kerala State Centre NIC PLC 2a%lor%ng Matr%C: Sl.No. &hase 1 &ro;ect "nitiation F &lanning 1.1 Customer Re>uest 1.2 S0stem Stud0 F ,rchitecture 1.3 &ro;ect &roposal 1.% Customer ,greement C '=9 1.3 &ro;ect 'anagement &lan 2. Soft4are De/elopment 2.1 Re>uirements Stud0 and ,nal0sis

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Categor0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0

"nclude Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees

Status Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed Completed "n progress Completed

Remar1s Details in &ro;ect !ile "n file






Beta Version submitted and based on the suggestions5 Version 1.0 also submitted Design completed for the e<isting Bi 'onthl0 Billing S0stem. Ne4 Re>uirements support onl0 after SRS sign off


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(esting 9nit (est

'andator0 'andator0

Ees Ees

"ntegration (est




"nfrastructure Creation




Re>uirements ,nal0sis



"n progress Coding completed for Bi 'onthl0 Billing S0stem to suit the ne4 platform and 4eb based architecture "n progress &artiall0 completed. "n progress Completed in respect of con/erted modules "n progress Completed in respect of e<isting s0stems con/erted from !orms 3.0 to =racle 2i,S "n progress =ne Ser/er5 t4o nodes alread0 procured and =racle 2i and 2i,S based de/elopment underta1en. N"CS" contract programmers are being used for programming support. (ools not a/ailable. #<pertise 4ithin N"C used.
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NIC-Kerala State Centre 3.2 ,rchitectural Design ,c>uisition

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Ser/ice &ro/ision




Re>uirement ,nal0sis




S0stem "ntegration (esting

'andator0 F


(ools not a/ailable. 'anuall0 Completed. "n &rogress =ne Ser/er and t4o nodes procured for soft4are de/elopment. (4o contract programmers hired through N"CS" for % 'onths. ,dditional manpo4er re>uired for further de/elopment and support 'anual (ests 4ill be performed as per the Soft4are (est &lan Document. No tools a/ailable (he present assignment is for Soft4are Design and De/elopment. "n progress 7ill be full0 ta1en after the de/elopment is completed "n progress


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NIC-Kerala State Centre 3.1 3.2 3.3 D. D.1 D.2 D.3 D.% "ntegration S0stem (esting ,cceptance (esting &ro;ect =perationali.ation 9ser Documentation 9ser (raining &ilot "mplementation &ro;ect Rollout &ac1aging5 Replication and Deplo0ment 7arrant0 C =perational Support &ro;ect Completion and Sign =ff &ro;ect Sign =ff &ost &ro;ect ,nal0sis 'aintenance

Project Management Plan 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 Ees Ees Ees

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"n progress "n &rogress ,lpha (esting at N"C Not Started

'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0 'andator0

Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees Ees

Not Started Not Started Discussions held Not Started Not Started Not Started

$. $.1 $.2 G.

'andator0 'andator0 =ptional

Ees Ees Ees

Not Started Not Started Not Started ,s per customer re>uest separate proposal 4ould be gi/en Not Started

G.1 G.2 2.

,pplication =ptional Soft4are "C( "nfrastructure =ptional &ro;ect Retirement

Ees No


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;*; Stan#ar#'/ Pract%ce' an# Con$ent%on' (he &*C standards5 practices and con/entions are as prescribed b0 the standards and practices follo4ed b0 the N"C in order to achie/e the -ualit0 &olic0 )-&+ ob;ecti/es of N"C. (o achie/e the -ualit0 &olic0 of N"C5 4e follo4 "S=5 and other "nternational standards5 best practices5 and adopt appropriate technologies and continuall0 impro/e the processes. 7e place e<perienced and >ualit0 manpo4er to underta1e the pro;ects to achie/e the goals.

<* Project 0e=u%rement'

<*! 0e=u%rement' Anal&'%' ,s part of the assignment5 detailed SRS stud0 4ill be conducted for identif0ing the re>uirements of Centrali.ed 4eb based billing and collection s0stems. &lease refer to the Soft4are Re>uirement Specifications Document )Document Number? N"C 6*SC ,S@D ,B,C9S 02 Version 1.0 dated 22 12 2003+

<*) C.ange Management 0e=u%rement': (he follo4ing process 4ill be follo4ed for e/er0 re>uirement change re>uest? a+ Re>uirements 4ill be as per the format prescribed b0 N"C for Change Re>uest. b+ Conduct "mpact anal0sis and 4or1 out cost implications and schedule o/errun.


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c+ Conduct re/ie4 and negotiate 4ith the customer to sort out the cost and schedule issues and problems.

d+ (he decision 4ould be either to add the re>uest in the current /ersion or in the ne<t /ersions. e+ 'inor changes that do not affect the schedule 4ill be underta1en after ta1ing the change re>uest officiall0. f+ :o4e/er5 the cumulati/e changes5 if affects the schedule and cost5 customer 4ill be informed and negotiated for a settlement.

9* 0e'ource 0e=u%rement'
(he resource re>uirements 4ill be met from the pro;ect funds. 67, 4ill sanction an ad/ance of Rs. 35005000 immediatel0 after the '=9 is signed. (his amount 4ill be utili.ed b0 N"C to meet the resource re>uirements. (4o programmers 4ill be ta1en on contract basis. =ne S0stems ,nal0st 4ill act as the &ro;ect *eader and a &S, C (echnical Director 4ill be the &ro;ect 'anager. "f necessar05 soft4are professionals from other groups 4ill also be in position to complete the pro;ect in time. =ne ser/er class s0stem 4ith 2 @B #CC R,' and other standard configuration 4ill be used as the =R,C*# 2i,S Ser/er for hosting the ,pplication Ser/er. =ne of the e<isting s0stems at N"C 4ill be used as a Database Ser/er for hosting the =R,C*# 2i RDB'S. (he minimum configuration for this is a 23D 'B #CC R,' s0stem 4ith standard configurations. (he programmers and the pro;ect leader 4ill use three client s0stems. (he ser/ers and client s0stems 4ill be in a net4or1.


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6* 0%'- Management

0%'- Management Plan (0MP)

Sl*No 0%'- 4actor 1. o" Se$er%t& L%-el%.oo# 0%'M%t%gat%on Site Ver0 'edium Release of &reparation :igh funds5 'onitoring b0 &ro;ect 'anagement (eam :ard4are Schedule Ver0 'edium Re/ie4 b0 &rocurement =/errun :igh &ro;ect 'anagement (eam S0stems Schedule Ver0 'edium Re/ie4 and Soft4are =/errun :igh !ollo4 up b0 &ro;ect 'anagement (eam Net4or1ing Schedule Ver0 'edium Re/ie4 C =/errun :igh !ollo4 up b0 'anagement Staff for "mplementation :igh 9nli1el0 (raining Dela0 'anpo4er for De/elopment Ver0 'edium !ollo4 up Soft4are :igh 4ith N"C and De/elopment Customer for releasing funds Soft4are De/elopment Ver0 9nli1el0 Re/ie4s (esting :igh -ualit0 ,ll Stages Ver0 9nli1el0 Controlled ,ssurance :igh b0 -ualit0 Re/ie4s Area Im+act Schedule =/errun



%. 3. D.

$. G.


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NIC-Kerala State Centre 2. Change 'anagement

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Configuration 'anagement

,ll Configurable *o4 Deli/erable &roducts and Ser/ices


11. 12.

,cceptance "mplementation :igh (esting 'anpo4er for "mplementation Ver0 "mplementation :igh

9nli1el0 9nli1el0

Controlled b0 Change 'anagement -'S standards. "mpact ,nal0sis and Customer Relationship B0 N"C -'S Document and Records control and asset management Re/ie4s 'anpo4er 4ill be identified in ad/ance for training and 4ill be in place b0 the time the product is read0 for rollout ,s per N"C -'S manuals should be prepared and released



"mplementation *o4



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:ard4are &ost :igh Ser/ice Support "mplementation



,pplication Soft4are Support

&ost Ver0 "mplementation :igh


Ser/ice *e/el ,greement 4ith standards ser/ice le/els and penalties. !ollo4 up and 'anagement "nter/ention 'anagement Re/ie45 &roduct Version Control5 Stringent (est &lan and ,cceptance (esting

(hreat and ris1 assessment is a process used to identif0 operations and data 4hose protection is essential and to determine an appropriate le/el and scope of controls re>uired. (he fre>uenc0 of threat and ris1 assessments 4ill depend on such factors as the /ulnerabilit0 to potential financial or data losses or the potential embarrassment to the minister or go/ernment. Changes to e<ternal factors that could ma1e current controls ineffecti/e should also be triggers for threat and ris1 assessments. ,n e<ample of such changes is ne4 soft4are programs designed to offset information technolog0 safeguards and 4hich ma0 be used to gain unauthori.ed access. (herefore5 threat and ris1 assessments should be conducted periodicall0 and controls should be identified to protect the integrit05 confidentialit0 and authentication of business transactions.


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0%'- 0e#uct%on Plan (00P) a+ , strong de/elopment team is readil0 a/ailable and this team has e<pertise in =racle and De/eloper products. b+ 7e ha/e e<clusi/e arrangements 4ith the hard4are /endors and s0stem soft4are suppliers and there 4ill not be an0 dela0 in suppl0 and installation of hard4are and s0stem soft4are. c+ , dedicated team of managerial team constantl0 monitors the Soft4are *ife C0cle processes so that timel0 completion of pro;ect is assured. d+ 7e follo4 an international >ualit0 standard that is 4ound around the SD*C so that all the deli/erables 4ill be -ualit0 &roducts. e+ Constant interaction bet4een the user and de/elopers and in/ol/ement of user department 4ould bring do4n the implementation ris1s. f+ 9nderstanding of SRS and SDD 4ill ma1e acceptance faster g+ &reparation of Soft4are (est &lans and Soft4are ,cceptance (est &lans and educating user department on these and ma1ing their in/ol/ement.


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>* Project 2eam an# Grou+'

$.1 Project 3rgan%Dat%on &ro;ect Director &ro;ect "mplementation (eam &ro;ect 'anager

&ro;ect *eaders

&ro;ect (eams and (eam 'embers


2eam Mem8er'

(here 4ill be /arious teams 4or1ing on the pro;ect5 as detailed belo4? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ &ro;ect 'anagement (eam S0stems Stud0 and Design (eam De/elopment (eam Soft4are (est (eam Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance and ,uditing (eam (raining (eam Documentation (eam "mplementation (eam

(he &ro;ect 'anagement (eam 4ould comprise of &ro;ect 'anagers and managers. =thers teams 4ill ha/e one or more pro;ect leaders. 9nder the pro;ect leaders5 there 4ill be soft4are engineers. (he De/elopment (eam si.e 4ould be G. (he (raining and "mplementation (eam si.e 4ould be %. NIC-KLSC-ASG6-ABACUS-PMP-01
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(he &ro;ect *eader of the De/elopment (eam shall be responsible for the soft4are de/elopment and related acti/ities. :e 4ill also be responsible for the SC' )Soft4are Configuration 'anagement + acti/ities. (he total team si.e 4ill be G. (here are module leaders 4ho are senior soft4are engineers. (he (raining and "mplementation (eam 4ill ha/e responsibilities for the training of identified user department personnel and installation and implementation of the product in all the sites )67, :-5 Di/isions5 and Various Re/enue Sections and Seats etc.+. $.3 S-%ll Set'

(he &ro;ect 'anagement (eam is headed b0 a &ro;ect Director 4ho 4ill ha/e about 13 Eears of "C( e<perience and atleast fi/e 0ears of e<perience in e go/ernance related "C( pro;ects for the go/ernment sector. (he &ro;ect 'anager 4ill ha/e a minimum of 10 0ears of "C( e<perience and at least 3 0ears in e @o/ernance related "C( areas and pro;ect manager e<perience of about 3 0ears. (he &ro;ect *eader 4ill ha/e a minimum of G 0ears e<perience out of 4hich at least 3 0ears e<perience 4ill be on pro;ect leadership and related to go/ernment sector "C( applications 4ith specific reference to e go/ernance applications de/elopment and deplo0ment. (eam members are either @raduate #ngineers in Computer Science C #lectronics and Communication or 'asters Degree holders in Computer Science CComputer ,pplications. (he0 ha/e one 0ear to ten 0ears of e<perience in related "C( technologies including e @o/ernance applications for the go/ernment sector.


0ole' an# 0e'+on'%8%l%t%e'

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NIC-Kerala State Centre 0ole' 67, )Customer+

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Project Manager

Project Lea#er

Mo#ule Lea#er S@A

2eam Mem8er (2M) Project Management 2eam

Project Im+lementat%on 2eam

State In"ormat%c' 3""%cer

0e'+on'%8%l%t%e' Pro$%#%ng 0e=u%rement' 0e$%e1 S0S an# S%gn o"" 0e$%e1 Coor#%nat%on Acce+tance 2e't Plan Acce+tance Project Management I''ue 2rac-%ng 2e't' an# 0e$%e1' Coor#%nat%on 1%t. Sen%or Management 0e+ort to State In"ormat%c' 3""%cer 0e$%e1' Un%t 2e't'/ Integrat%on 2e't' Coor#%nat%on 1%t. Project Manager 0e+ort to Project Manager "or I''ue 2rac-%ng De'%gn/ re$%e1'/ Co#e re$%e1'/ Co#%ng an# 2e't' Com+l%ance' a' +er @MS o" NIC 0e$%e1 o" Project Plan Data Anal&'%' Co#%ng an# 2e't%ng Project Management I''ue 2rac-%ng 0e$%e1' Coor#%nat%on 0e+ort to Management 0e$%e1' 2e't%ng Acce+tance I''ue 2rac-%ng S0S 0e$%e1' Project D%rector Project Management


Inter Grou+ Commun%cat%on'


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!or enabling N"C to impro/e on the abo/e plans5 feedbac1s on efficac0 of these plans5 suggestions for impro/ement and problems encountered during implementation ma0 be sent bac1 to N"C. During de/elopment each 4or1station 4ould be accessible b0 a pass4ord 1no4n onl0 to the team member. #ach team member is responsible for ta1ing bac1up of the soft4are de/eloped on that s0stem. =n completion of each bac1up5 a separate bac1up 4ill be ta1en. (he (eam *eader is also responsible for arranging to get a 4ee1l0 bac1up of all the modules. ,ll documents and resources 4ill be 1ept loc1ed 4hen not in use. (he pro;ect management team conducts pro;ect re/ie4s once in 13 da0s. ,ll the de/elopers and other team members 4ill attend the re/ie4 meeting. 'onthl0 &rogress reports 4ill be sent to the &ro;ect Director. (he &ro;ect Director in turn consolidates the progress reports and sent to N"C :-. (he communication related to re/ie4 meetings5 soft4are testing5 and other related pro;ect progress reporting issues 4ill be communicated to all members using emails5 internal notes and o/er phones. (he reports related to all meetings are communicated to pro;ect management team in the form of a report 4ith prescribed format. (he team members can meet the pro;ect leader for specific problems at an0 time during de/elopment or testing time. (he pro;ect leaders along 4ith team members can also meet the pro;ect manager at an0 time after informing him of the problems and issues either b0 4riting or communicating o/er telephone.


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?* Project Mon%tor%ng
?*! Mon%tor%ng'm (he &ro;ect "mplementation (eam shall be responsible for the monitoring of pro;ect acti/ities. (he0 4ill pro/ide 4ee1l0 feedbac1s on all aspects of the pro;ect acti/ities. ,n0 correcti/e action from N"C 4ill be communicated to the &ro;ect "mplementation Committee an0 committee or agenc0 setup b0 the 67,. ,ll follo4 up actions should be through the &ro;ect Director C &ro;ect 'anager5 e<cept routine communications5 4hich ma0 be routed through the pro;ect manager. 67, ma0 nominate one senior officer as Nodal =fficer to 4hom the N"C team 4ould be interacting for da0 toda0 re>uirements so as to reduce the ris1s of schedule o/erruns. (he &ro;ect "mplementation committee 4ill also be responsible for the testing and acceptance of s0stems and ser/ices b0 the ser/ices of officers from /arious re/enue sections. (he &ro;ect 'anagement Committee shall be the o/erall coordinating and super/ising committee for the ,B,C9S &ro;ect. ?*) Project Statu' 0e+ort (he &ro;ect *eader )&*+ 4ill submit monthl0 progress report )'&R+ in the format as gi/en in N"C R#C &SR.01 Version 2.0. (his report 4ill be sent to the &ro;ect 'anager )&'+ b0 the end of e/er0 month. (0picall05 the &ro;ect Status Report )&SR+ contains details on milestones achie/ed C missed during the month5 Verification and Validation )VFV+ acti/ities5 specific issues and problems5 Customer complaints )if an0+ etc. (he &' 4ill re/ie4 and sent bac1 the &SR to &* 4ith comments )if an0+. , uni>ue complaint reference number 4ill be generated for future references at the time of complaint registration. 7eb based s0stems 4ill be made a/ailable for logging customer complaints during maintenance period C 4arrant0 period.


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?*; 6an#l%ng Cu'tomer Com+la%nt' Customer complaints 4ill be registered using the format as gi/en in N"C R#C CS.03 Version 2.0. ,fter the complaint is registered in &art " of the form5 the &*C&' 4ill re/ie4 the complaint and suggest suitable remedial action C correcti/e C pre/enti/e actions along 4ith target date of action. (his 4ill be strictl0 follo4ed b0 the pro;ect team and the &*C&' 4ill re/ie4 and /erif0 4hether the action has been carried out or not and 4hether it is satisfactor0 or not. ?*< 5'calat%on Proce#ure "n case of the complaints from customer are addressed at the pro;ect le/el5 the ne<t le/el of authorit0 is gi/en belo4?'.ol# Per%o# At KBA 5n# $ da0s 13 da0s At NIC 5n# $ da0s 13 Da0s Name o" Per'on De'%gnat%on 'anaging Director Chairman State "nformatics =fficer Director @eneral )N"C+


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Project Management Plan

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:* Project Del%$era8le'
(he follo4ing deli/erables ha/e been en/isaged during the life c0cle of the pro;ect? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ i+ ;+ 1+ l+ Detailed SRS Document Detailed (echnical Re>uirements Specifications Document S0stems Design Document )SDD+ Soft4are (est &lan Document Soft4are ,cceptance &lan Document &ro;ect Re/ie4s and &rogress Reporting 'anuals )=perations5 9ser5 S0stem ,dministration+ (raining &lan (raining Soft4are on CD 4ith 'anuals 7arrant0 Support for Si< months Change 'anagement Documents


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! * Project 5""ort' an# Co't'

(he pro;ect effort estimation has direct lin1s 4ith costs as 4ell as schedules. (he estimation of effort is one of the fundamental aspect of an0 pro;ect planning and /arious schedules. (he basic goal of e<ecuting a pro;ect is to e<ecute it 4ithin the proposed estimated cost and schedule. =ne of the re>uirements is to ha/e a proper estimation methodolog0 for the effort estimation. Si.e of the pro;ect is important and the si.e estimation is basicall0 an effort estimation problem. "n our pro;ect5 the effort estimation has been done using a combination of top do4n and bottom up methodologies. "n addition5 the problem is decomposed into se/eral sub problems or functional modules. (he effort re>uired for modules similar to e<isting de/eloped modules can be deri/ed straighta4a0. !or other modules5 4e resort to bottom up approach and do estimation based of e<perience and function points. 7e build the si.e of pro;ects in top do4n approach using the effort matri< a/ailable from past pro;ects. :o4e/er5 these /alues cannot be ta1en straighta4a0 as the ne4 pro;ect ma0 re>uire ne4 soft4are de/elopment platform5 ne4 database platform and other related re>uirements. "n the top do4n approach5 after the si.e and efforts for the 4hole pro;ect is estimated5 the efforts are distributed to /arious functional modules as percentages of the 4hole pro;ect. (he bottom up approach is used 4hen fair amount of 1no4ledge about processes are a/ailable during pro;ect estimation. (he /arious functional re>uirements are organi.ed into processes. (his helps us in deciding the efforts as little data ma0 be a/ailable from past pro;ects for some of the components of the s0stem. (he efforts are estimated based on standard practices5 standard cost or effort of coding the sub components. (he integration of these along 4ith added percentages for additional efforts for using ne4 technologies5 training5 and slac1 times that ma0 crop up 4hile using ne4 standards5 solution architectures and technologies.


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7e ha/e follo4ed the bottom up approach and decompose the main problem into se/eral sub problems and components. (hese modules 4ill be classified into simple5 medium and comple< modules. Based on the past e<perience and other factors5 efforts 4ill be assigned to sub components and added up to form the o/erall effort for the de/elopment 4or1. (he &*C milestones 4ill be assigned percentages of the de/elopment efforts treating the de/elopment cost as %0 percent. (he proposed ,B,C9S pro;ect has the follo4ing t0pe of modules? Comple<it0 Small 'edium Comple< No. of units %0 30 12 'an da0s )effort+ 2 % 10 (otal 'an da0s G0 120 120

(he &*C efforts are estimated as follo4s? &*C SRS Design Build (esting ,cceptance &ro;ect 'anagement (raining =thers (otal No. of da0s per man month No. of months No. of persons to be used &eriod re>uired for the pro;ect I3 I D 'onths &ercentage #ffort 3 20 %0 10 3 10 3 3 #ffort %0 1D0 320 G0 %0 G0 %0 %0 I G00 man da0s I 23 da0s I 32


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!!*Project M%le'tone' an# Sc.e#ule'

(he follo4ing milestones are en/isaged? &reparation of &ro;ect 'anagement &lan )&'&+5 Configuration 'anagement &lan )C'&+ and Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan )S-,&+. &reparation of Detailed SRS ,cceptance of Detailed &ro;ect Report Site "dentification and &reparation &rocurement of :ard4are and S0stems Soft4are b0 67, as per the (echnical Re>uirements Specifications appro/ed b0 the Committee constituted for the purpose. Constitution of Design5 De/elopment and "mplementation (eams &reparation of De/elopment &latform &repare S0stem Design Specifications Re/ie4 and ,cceptance of S0stem Design Specifications &repare 9nit (est &lan &repare "ntegration (est &lan De/elop ,pplication Soft4are ,ppl0 9nit and "ntegration (est &lans &repare and &erform ,cceptance (est &lan &repare (raining &lan ,cceptance and #<ecute (raining &lan &repare Documentations &repare ,cceptance (est &lan and ,cceptance of the Same Conduct Detailed ,cceptance (ests as per the ,cceptance (est &lans :and =/er ,pplication Soft4are "nstallation5 Customi.ation5 and Commissioning of :ard4are and S0stems Soft4are b0 the Vendors 7ind 9p =perations


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!)*@ual%t& A''urance
(he process of obtaining "S= certification for N"C has been completed and 4ithin a couple of months N"C 4ill be "S= certified. (he >ualit0 procedures are being practiced b0 all N"C units from =ctober5 2003. (he >ualit0 standards set for N"C in pro;ects 4ill be e>uall0 applicable to this pro;ect as 4ell. (he >ualit0 policies of N"C are 4o/en around all ser/ices. (he -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan is tightl0 integrated 4ith the &ro;ect *ife C0cle. (he &ro;ect 'anagement &lan is then to manage the pro;ect throughout the pro;ect 4ith the assured le/els of >ualit0 as per the >ualit0 polic0 of N"C. (he procedure to achie/e >ualit0 4ill be framed in respecti/e phases of SD*C. (he practices 4ill be as per the -'S document of N"C. 67, 4ill re/ie4 all important documents 4ith reference to "### standards and conforming to the standards practiced in N"C as part of the "S= 2000?2000 standards based -ualit0 'anagement practices in N"C? &ro;ect 'anagement &lan )&'&+ Soft4are -ualit0 ,ssurance &lan )S-,&+ Soft4are Re>uirement Specifications )SRS+ Soft4are Design Descriptions Soft4are Documentation 9ser 'anual (raining 'anual

!)*! @ual%t& Goal' A 38ject%$e' Sl* No* 1. @ual%t& 4actor !unctionalit0 38ject%$e ,B,C9S 4ill meet and e<ceed all the re>uirements as described in the &ro;ect &roposal and as detailed in the SRS document.


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,ll user interfaces are concise and consistent. 7eb based interfaces allo4 users to access from an0 de/ice ha/ing standard bro4sers such as "nternet #<plorer Version 3.3 or later5 Netscape Na/igator5 'o.illa etc.

Sl* No* 1. 2. 3.

Metr%c Schedule Document Defects &rogram Code Defects

Un%t J Slippage Number per page Number per !unction &oint

2arget (alue 10 J 0.1 per page 0.001 per !unction &oint

!)*) (er%"%cat%on an# (al%#at%on Act%$%t%e' (he &hase 4ise Verification and Validation acti/ities are listed in the follo4ing table? P.a'e Project In%t%at%on an# Plann%ng Customer Re>uest S0stem Stud0 and ,rchitecture &ro;ect &roposal Customer ,greement &ro;ect 'anagement &lan So"t1are De$elo+ment Re>uirement Stud0 and ,nal0sis (er%"%cat%on E (al%#at%on Act%$%t& ,sses 4hether N"C can e<ecute the pro;ect Re/ie4 of S0stem Re>uirements Re/ie4 &ro;ect &roposal Re/ie4 Customer ,greement C '=9 Re/ie4 &'& "nitiate 4or1 on S0stem (est &lan &eer Re/ie4 of SRS #stablish ,cceptance Criteria


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&eer Re/ie4 of SDD "nitiate 7or1 on 9nit (est &lan "nitiate 7or1 on "ntegration (est &lan &eer Re/ie4 of Code Self (est of Code Refine 9nit (est &lan Refine "ntegration &lan Re/ie4 of (est cases during C after design stage5 prior to testing #<ecution of 9nit and "ntegration (ests &eer re/ie4 of detailed re>uirement specifications &eer Re/ie4 of ,rchitectural Design Re/ie4 acti/ities 4ill be as per the procedures follo4ed b0 N"C in ,sset 'anagement Re/ie4 of (est Cases prior to testing #<ecution of (ests &eer Re/ie4 of Detailed Re>uirement Specification Verif0 acti/ation of the ser/ice Refine S0stem (est &lan #<ecution of S0stem (esting #<ecution of ,cceptance (ests Re/ie4 9ser 'anual Re/ie4 (raining &rocedures Conduct &ilot (rainings and prepare feedbac1 anal0sis Re/ie4 &ilot "mplementation



IC2 In"ra'tructure Creat%on Re>uirements ,nal0sis ,rchitectural Design ,c>uisition (esting Ser$%ce Pro$%'%on Re>uirements ,nal0sis ,cti/ation S&'tem Integrat%on an# 2e't%ng "ntegration S0stem (esting ,cceptance (esting Project Comm%''%on%ng 9ser Documentation 9ser (raining &ilot "mplementation &ro;ect Rollout Project Com+let%on an# S%gn o"" &ro;ect Signoff


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NIC-Kerala State Centre &ost &ro;ect ,nal0sis Ma%ntenance ,pplication Soft4are "C( "nfrastructure Project 0et%rement

Project Management Plan

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&ost &ro;ect ,nal0sis records re/ie4ed b0 &ro;ect 'anager Re/ie4 'aintenance Contract Re/ie4 ,nnual 'aintenance Contract ),'C+

!)*; @ual%t& 0ecor#' (he follo4ing -ualit0 Records are generated and maintained 4hile e<ecuting the pro;ect? a+ Customer Re>uest b+ &*C (ailoring c+ Change Re>uests d+ Customer Complaints C Customer Satisfaction e+ Customers !eedbac1 !orm f+ 'eeting ,genda g+ 'inutes of the 'eetings h+ !ollo4 up ,ctions )'anagement Re/ie4+ i+ Customer Satisfaction "nde< of N"C ;+ C" "nformation )Configuration 'anagement+ 1+ Control of Non Confirming &roducts l+ Re/ie4 'eeting *og )&eer Re/ie4+ m+ Re/ie4 Summar0 Report n+ Soft4are (raceabilit0 'atri< )&ro;ect *ife C0cle+ o+ (est Cases p+ (est Report >+ (est Report Summar0 r+ &roduct Release !orm s+ Document Control t+ Record Control u+ &ost "mplementation ,nal0sis Report


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!;* Con"%gurat%on Management Pract%ce'

(he acti/ities that are planned in this stage are the follo4ing? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ i+ ;+ "dentification of configurable items Naming and numbering schemes for configurable items Define ,ccess Restrictions Change 'anagement &rocedures "dentif0 and define the roles and responsibilities of the &ro;ect *eader and the Configuration 'anager Define a bac1up &rocedure Defining Reconciliation &rocedures Define the Release &rocedures Define the ,rchi/al &rocedures "dentif0 the pro;ect baselines and configuration items mapping

(he abo/e procedure 4ill form a Configuration 'anagement &lan. &olicies and procedures related to change management are also established during this planning. !;*! Con"%gurat%on Item' ,ll the 4or1 products are identified and named. (he configurable items )C"+ under pro;ect ,B,C9S are the follo4ing? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ f+ g+ h+ &ro;ect 'anagement &lan SRS Document Soft4are Design Document Soft4are (est &lan Document 9ser 'anuals ,cceptance &lan Document Soft4are &roduct and other assets Configuration 'anagement &lan


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!;*) C.ange Management Proce#ure ,fter the Configurable "tem )C"+ is put in the baseline5 an0 further changes are incorporated after re/ie4 and appro/al of the &ro;ect *eader. ,t the planning stage5 if it is decided to ha/e a formal procedure for change management5 the procedure change control is issued. (he Change Re>uest 4ill be recei/ed in the re>uired format and anal0.ed for possible costs and schedule o/errun. 7here applicable5 the procedures for proper chec1 in and chec1 out 4ill be defined for each C". Before ma1ing a change5 the rele/ant C" is to be chec1ed out and to be chec1ed in after the appro/ed changes ha/e been made. ,t the time of chec1 in5 it is put under /ersion control. (he access controls for chec1 in C chec1 out are also defined. !;*; Statu' Account%ng ,t an0 point the C" ma0 be in one of man0 states? a+ b+ c+ d+ e+ De/elopment or Construction (esting or 9nder Change Baselined Released =thers

"t should be possible to identif0 the /ersions of each of the C" 4ithin a particular /ersion and /ariant of the released product. (he C" "nformation )configuration 'anagement+ records are generated as per the format gi/en in N"C R#C C'.01 and N"C R#C C'.02.


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