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Name of the student: Experiment No: Penskey-martens flash-point apparatus

Student USN: Date:

AIM:- To determine the flash and fire points of the lubricating oil by penskey-martens apparatus. APPARATUS:- Penskey-martens apparatus, thermometer and barometer DIAGRAM:Description of the apparatus: It is used for oils having flash point above 49C. It consists of an oil cup with a filling mar . It is provided with a lid to carr! thermometer holder and a stirrer. "here are three ports cut in the lid# one for admitting the test flame# and one on each side of it for admission of air and also observing the flash. $ver the lid there is a revolving shutter which has three holes of the same dimension as the ports in the lid the shutter is operated b! a spring holder to control the openings of the three ports. "he mechanism of the test flame is operated b! means of a sliding shutter which dips the test flame through the opening in to the space above the oil. "he oil cup is ept in air bath which is heated b! a gas burner or an electric heater.

Theory: Flash point "he flash point of a volatile material is the lowest temperature at which it can vapori%e to form an ignitable mi&ture in air. 'easuring a flash point re(uires an ignition source. )t the flash point# the vapor ma! cease to burn when the source of ignition is removed.

Fire point
"he fire point of a fuel is the temperature at which it will continue to burn for at least * seconds after ignition b! an open flame. )t the flash point# a lower temperature# a substance will ignite briefl!# but vapor might not be produced at a rate to sustain the fire.

)pplied "hermod!namics +ab ,'-+ 4./0

Name of the student: 1lash and fire point of light# medium and heav! oils are based on densit!

Student USN:

or example if !e compare ethanol, petrol, diesel. Density of diesel"petrol"ethanol #higher the density higher the flash and fire point$

Fuel -thanol ,2.30 6asoline ,petrol0 8iesel ,9:80 <et fuel =erosene ,paraffin0 @egetable oil ,canola0 Aiodiesel

Flash point 45.5 C ,54.9 10 74/ C ,74* 10 ;*9 C ,495 10 ;5. C ,44. 10 ;/>?29 C ,4..?459 10 /92 C ,594 10 ;4/. C ,955 10

Different methods to find flash and fire points

A els Flash Point Apparatus %bels lash Point %pparatus&'(')-'*+ this %pparatus is ,uitable for Determining the -lose -up lash Point of Petroleum and .ixtures %ccording to /p 00 and /p 12) and also is 1**3 4part /5 163( 4p:')5. /t is ,uitable for 7ils 8hose lashes 9elo! 2): -. /t is ,upplied !ith 7il -up, -o;er itted !ith ,tirrer, Thermometer ,ocket ,.s. 8ater 9ath, and ,tand. %n Electric <eater is itted %t 9ottom for 7peration 7n '') =olts %c -ircuits.

!lea"ed Flash Point # Fire Point Apparatus

)pplied "hermod!namics +ab ,'-+ 4./0

Name of the student:

Student USN: -lea;eland lash Point > ire Point %pparatus&'(0'-0(+ this %pparatus is ?sed for Determination of lash Point and ire Point of Petroleum Products Except uel 7il !ith 7pen -up lash 9elo! 3):c as per ,pecification /p 0@ and /s: 1.*.*3 4p: @65 16@6. the %pparatus -onsists of a -;p, <eating Plate to ,pecific Dimension Thermometer -lip and Test lame %ttachment !ith ,!i;el Aoint for Passing 7;er Test BiCuid ,urface in the Prescribed .anner, <eating is -ontrolled 9y .eans of Energy Degulator itted to the %pparatus. ,uitable for 7peration 7n '') =olts () -ycles %c -ircuits.

Penskey Martin Flash Point Apparatus

Pensky .artin lash Point %pparatus is !idely used for determination of closed cup lash Point of uel 7il, -ut 9ack asphalts, other =iscous .aterial and suspension of solids ha;ing a flash point about *6E . -onsists of:F9rass Test cup !ith handle FDemo;able cup co;er F,pring operated rotating shutter ha;ing Piolet Aet ,tirrer !ith flexible shaft

Si$nifi%an%e of Flash and fire point: ire haGard of petroleum products and e;aporation loses under high temperature loses

/t gi;es us the idea about the maximum temperature belo! !hich the oil can be used /t is used as the means of identification of specific lubricating oil or detection of contamination in the gi;en lubricating oil.

PD7-ED?DE: )pplied "hermod!namics +ab ,'-+ 4./0

Name of the student:

Student USN:

15 -lean the oil cup and pour a sample of oil up to the le;el indicated by filling mark. '5 Place the lid in position, insert the thermometer in the holder and set the cup in the air bath. 05 %dHust the test flame to a siGe of beam * mm diameter and heat the oil 1)E- belo! the flash point and stir it continuously at the rate of one or t!o re;olution per sec. *5 %pply the test flame at temperature inter;als of 1E- in such a manner that the flame is lo!ered in one-half second, left in its lo!ered position for one second and Cuickly raised. No stirring is done during the application of test flame. (5 8hen the flash point is nearly reached, a blue halo is obser;ed around the test flame, !hich is not the actual flash. The temperature at !hich a distinct flash 4combination of !eak sound and light5 is ;isible in the t!o obser;ation ports is recorded as a flash point. @5 <eating is continued to introduce the test flame as before. 8hen the oil ignites and continues to burn at least ( sec, the temperature is recorded as fire point temperature. 25 Decord the barometric pressure. Ta ulation of readin$s: Test oil sample & ''''''''' Temperature Flash( )o Flash Temperature Fire( )o Fire

-alculation: )pplied "hermod!namics +ab ,'-+ 4./0

Name of the student: lash Point T1 IJJJJJJJJ.Eire Point T' IJJJJJJJJ..E-

Student USN:


)pplied "hermod!namics +ab ,'-+ 4./0

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