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The Covert Buying Code

by Matt Bacak and Brother Mesmer

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This book is All Rights Reserved. You may not sell this book, give it away, display it publically, nor may you distribute it in any form whatsoever. While reasonable attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this publication, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of this information and any damages or costs incurred by that. The author does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are completely accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. While examples of past results may be used occasionally in this work, they are intended to be for purposes of example only. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the techniques. The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

What Is The Covert Buying Code?

The Covert Buying Code is the most powerful secret of mass persuasion employed by by the most influential people throughout history, like Aristotle, Buddha, Jesus, Gallileo, Churchill, JFK, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and many more Its a powerful hypnotic story. And a powerful hypnotic story that matches your customers values, needs, and wants is the equivalent of the "Open Sesame" of persuasion that bypasses all resistance... According to sales expert Donald Moine, these are the 10 most powerful types of sales stories 1. Introductory Stories: Stories about who I am, why I am here, and how I have helped other people and other businesses. Attention-Grabbing Stories: To get people to pay attention to you and your products. Dramatic stories. These stories tell them why they should listen to you. Product-Information Stories: Instead of simply listing all the features and benefits of your products, you can imbed this information in a fascinating story. Stories to Overcome Fears: Show how other people had the same fears the customer has and how they learned there was no reason to worry. Money-Stories: Showing people how they can afford your products or services. Show them how your product or service will help them make money or save money. Ego-Enhancement Stories: To show bow owning your product has increased your customer's self-confidence, pride and self-esteem. Show how other people respect and look up to people who own your product or who use your service. Improved Productivity Stories: To show how your products or services have helped companies increase their efficiency, reduce down-time, increase output and decrease errors and flaws. Family-Togetherness Stories: To show how your products or services have brought families closer together. Security Stories: To show how your products have given people peace of mind, emotional security and financial security. Show how your stories help people get a good night's sleep. 4|Page
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Closing Stories: To summarize all the benefits of your products, wrap up the sale and get the order!

Fact: Were all hardwired to tell and respond to stories. Instinctively, we expect to learn something from stories. Before the Internet, and even before marketing existed, people started telling themselves stories. Humans have told, used, and relied on stories for over 100,000 years. The evolutionarily created predisposition of human brains to story thinking is reinforced through the years of brain plasticity by a steady childhood diet of sto ries. People are eager for stories. They want a story to tell themselves, so that they can tell others, so its totally natural to want to buy stuff from someone whos telling us a story. Stories make it easy for us to understand the world so that we dont get overwhelmed by data. For our specific purpose, the way we define story is this: A detailed, character-based narration of a characters struggles to overcome obstacles and reach an important goal. A story is character-based and driven by the details that describe that characters goals, motives, obstacles, and struggles. Through the addition of character, goal, motive, and obstacles to the definition lies a world of difference that creates storys unique power and effectiveness. Events happen not for their own sake, but to explain the struggles of a character and subsequent success. Another way to think of a story is as guided imagery that helps people withdraw from their physical environment momentarily and explore their unconscious, where all decisions are ultimately made, in a format designed to help them sample the experiences within as richly and thoroughly as possible.

When you talk about a friend of yours named John, your reader or listener instinctively looks for elements of that character and story which touch on his or her own life.

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It slips right by their buying defenses and turns them into true believers of your product or service. A powerful hypnotic selling story makes people make their own conclusion. Its like a catalyst that sets off a far-reaching chain reaction... As marketers, we tell stories because our customers demand it. Whenever we are given the opportunity to go to another time and place by learning of someone elses experience -- well gladly and patiently wait, ticket in hand, for the story to begin

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Why Does The Covert Buying Code Work?

"As much as 95% of our decisions are made by the subconscious mind (our emotions)" Dr. A.K. Pradee, The Buying Brain The Problem With The Traditional Selling Model: Conscious Resistance

The Conventional Selling Model targets the conscious mind. (The rational part of our mind) The Conscious Mind interprets and analyzes the data. Only after the Conscious Mind has interpreted this data, the prospects instincts and emotions respond. The Convert Buying Code: Zero Resistance

The Covert Buying Code bypasses your prospects conscious mind and speaks directly to our unconscious instincts which makes it more powerful and compelling,

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How To Activate The Covert Buying Code

If you were to examine the most powerful hypnotic stories youve ever heard in your life at the DNA level and trace the foundation of persuasion back through the mists of time, to the roots of communication that there IS a source code of persuasion. It is the structure that binds every persuasion technique known to man into a never fail system. Its called The Heros Journey from the book The Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell.

The Heros Journey is a universal pattern, also known as a monomyth and chronicles some of the most popular story archetypes. Take a look at this pic which reveals the distinct similarities between Star Wars and Harry Potter.

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Sheer coincidence? As per Wikipedia, the core premise of The Heros Journey is this: A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons (great gifts) on his fellow man

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The stories of Osiris, Prometheus, Moses, Gautama Buddha, for instance, follow this structure closely

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Originally consisting of 17 stages, its proposed structure has been expanded and modified by notables like Phil Cousineau, David Adams and Christopher Vogler since its conception.

And a fun way to understand these 17 stages in action would be to examine how the 17 stages take shape in movies youre undoubtedly familiar with:

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Neo's 17-Stage Hero's Journey in "The Matrix"

DEPARTURE (1) The Call to Adventure Neo (Reeves) meets Trinity (Moss) in a posh nightclub. (2) Refusal of the Call Neo won't go out on the ledge. He drops the cell phone. (3) Supernatural Aid In a car with Trinity and others, the electronic bug is extracted from Neo. (4) The Crossing of the First Threshold Neo swallows the red pill and exits the computer-generated Matrix illusion. (5) The Belly of the Whale Neo drops into a wet underground cave covered with placenta-like goo. INITIATION (6) The Road of Trials Neo is trained by Morpheus (Fishburne). He is tested three times by him. (7) The Meeting with the Goddess Neo meets the woman called the Oracle. (8) Woman as the Temptress Cypher, the Judas-like Shapeshifter, succumbs to the temptations of the Matrix. Neo is distracted by the woman in the red dress. (9) Atonement with the Father 14 | P a g e
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Neo rescues Morpheus. He agrees with Morpheus that he is the One. (10) Apotheosis In order to save Trinity, Neo taps a deeper faith in himself. (11) The Ultimate Boon His fearless sacrifices and expanded consciousness reveal new powers. RETURN (12) Refusal of the Return At great risk to himself, Neo remains in the Matrix to combat an agent. (13) The Magic Flight He is pursued and cornered by the agents of the Matrix. (14) Rescue from Without Neo is killed by the agents. He is resurrected by Trinity's love. (15) The Crossing of the Return Threshold Neo decisively defeats his main adversary, Agent Smith. (16) Master of the Two Worlds Neo is both human and the invincible master of the Matrix. (17) The Freedom to Live Now a totally free being, Neo promises to work for the liberation of all.

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Applied to marketing, the Heros Journey serves as the ultimate persuasion framework. It can be applied in its entirety, or mixed and matched in stages customized to your specific needs. For instance, if you look at this classic ad by John Caples, the headline itself IS the Heros Journey.

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Likewise for the title of this all time bestselling book!

How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling!

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Also, take a look at this classic ad by Joe Sugarman for his famous Blu-Blocker Sunglasses.

Call to adventure: "I'm about to tell you a true story. If you believe me, you will be well rewarded. Refusal of the call: If you don't believe me, I will make it worth your while to change your mind. Let me explain. Supernatural Aid: Len is friend of mine who knows good products. One day he called excited about a pair of sunglasses he owned. "It's so incredible," he said, "when you first look through a pair, you won't believe it." "What will I see?" I asked. "What could be so incredible?" 20 | P a g e
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Len continued, "When you put on these glasses, your vision improves. Objects appear sharper, more defined. The Crossing of the First Threshold Everything takes on an enhanced 3-D effect. And it's not my imagination. I just want you to see for yourself."

Powerful stuff isnt it? Are you beginning to see how The Heros Journey can be applied to virtually ANYTHING you do in marketing to vastly increase its pulling power? And the best part is, Joe continues to use this same template in another one of his ads

Call to adventure: Mail Order Mansion- Its only 6 million dollars and comes complete with swimming pool, tennis court and breathtaking view. Refusal of the call: Have I got a deal. And even if you dont buy this home, youll love the story Supernatural Aid: It all started with an invitation. I was invited by one the top real estate developers in the country to attend a party at his home in Malibu, California. I didn't know why. All the developer would say is, "Just come." 21 | P a g e
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The jet was waiting for me at O'Hare in Chicago and his chauffeur-driven limousine met me at Los Angeles for the drive to Malibu. It was class all the way. The Crossing of the First Threshold: When I drove up to the home, there was a party going on. Rolls Royces were lined up everywhere and the noise and music from the house made it clear that something special was going on.

And according to famous Fitness marketer John Romanieello, heres how he used the Heros Journey to become a New York Times Bestselling Author:

Being a guy who was heavily into medieval fantasy and mythology, Campbell spoke to me as a storyteller. Reading Hero was immediately beneficial: it made all the books I was already reading even more accessible, and enjoyable. (And believe me, at 19, it was hard to imagine anything that could make re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the eighth time even more enjoyable Hero did.) Around this same time, I entered a gym, underwent a massive physical transformation, and changed my life in a number of ways. Not only did I build an impressive physique that opened a number of professional doors from fitness 22 | P a g e
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modeling and personal training to writing, but I also learned a variety of lessons that have carried over to every aspect of my life, and became successful in ways I couldnt have imagined. It might seem a little silly to think that getting fit helped me do better in school and have better relationships, and sillier still that it eventually allowed me to start my own business, live life on my terms, and even write a book. But its all true. Perhaps more importantly, my transformation, and the lead up to it, was a step-bystep retracing of the Heros Journey. As I said, all changes can fit into this model. Lets take a look at mine. The Ordinary World I was fat and depressed, but didnt know much else. Like Harry Potter under the stairs or Frodo in the Shire, my Ordinary World was my everyday life. The Call to Adventure In my case, it was an actual phone call. At this point in my life, I was working in a retail store (Gap, of all places), and a woman called asking me to have 30 white polo shirts ready for her when she walked in. Long story short, it turned out her husband was opening a gym about 5 minutes from my house. At the moment, I wanted to make a change. Now, I need 30 white polo shirts, isnt quite as dramatic as Help me Obi -Wan Kenobi; youre my only hope, but it got the job done. Refusal of the Call Change is hard. Sometimes the Hero is more afraid of change than they are of continuing to be unhappy in their situation, or body. The majority of the people who want to embark on a fitness journey (or any journey, for that matter) never get past this point; they think it will be too hard, or that they cant change. Or, they start and simply give up. In my case, although I was interested in changing, I was nervous, and it took a few days before I mustered up the resolve to go check out the gym. Meeting with the Mentor - Heroes cant do everything on their own; we all need mentors. When I finally walked into the gym, I met the owner, Alvin. He had an encouraging manner and an inspiring physique. I took to him immediately, and let him guide me. When it comes to changing your body, that mentor doesnt necessarily need to be a person with whom you have direct contact; the role of the mentor can also be filled by a book or even website. The author will help you without ever meeting you. Cross the First Threshold Threshold crossings happen throughout journeys, and the first is always the most impactful. Its what separates the Ordinary World from the Special World. When I first joined the gym and started reading about fitness, it was like Dorothy stepping into Oz; there was so much to take in it was intimidating. 23 | P a g e
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Tests, Allies, Enemies As I began on my transformative journey, I quickly realized that there were people who wanted to help, and people who didnt. Some people will support your fitness goals and avoid tempting you; others will call your goals silly and vain. Every time I went to a party or dinner, I had to deal with the invariable, Just have a bite, or, Just one drink. These things are tempting, but to make my transformation a reality, I had to pass these tests. Approach As I prepared for the final showdown the real meat of the transformation I had to arm myself to go through it. There were a lot of small events during this time cleaning out your fridge and throwing all the junk away, restocking with healthy food, mastering proper exercise form, and learning about nutrition. Central Ordeal The Ordeal is about the act of change, and the necessity for it. As it applied to changing my body, this was the actual transformation program that 16week period where I focused ardently and made it my goal to bend my body to my will. Metaphorically, the Ordeal is about the war between the light and dark halves of your psyche, and your attempt to balance them. Apotheosis/Resurrection Anyone who has gone through a major transformation understands that the results of the Ordeal are pretty intense. In almost all cases, you achieve a sense of heightened awareness not necessarily supreme enlightenment, but, at the very least, an unveiling of a world or experience previously hidden from your eyes. In my case, this was the realization that being fit was possible for me, and that all of the benefits of being in this club were mine. As a storytelling device, apotheosis is about becoming godlike, at least for a moment; in most cases, this only occurs when the character sets aside all resistance and fully gives in to the experience. In that moment, you will not be a god, but you will be like a phoenix your new, better self rising from the ashes of the old one youve left behind. Seizing the Sword/Reward This is what you get after the battle something for you. Its when the heroes gather together and say, Wow, look what weve done. It may be a celebration, or a love scene. For me, it was an increase in self-esteem and health that accompanied my new body. Much more than that was the belief in myself that I could manifest change; Id done this thing which I previously thought impossible, which instilled in me an unshakeable belief that I could do just about anything. The Road Back After the battle itself is over, the Hero must return home. This is sometimes more difficult than leaving in the first place. The Road Back is emotionally trying, because you fear that youll lose what you gained on the quest. In my case, I had some trepidation that once I was no longer in the throes of focusing on a transformation, Id revert back to my former self. 24 | P a g e
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Return with the Elixir In the best of cases, Rewards are not just for the Hero, but also for everyone around him. Frodo destroying the One Ring brought peace to Middle-Earth; Harry Potter destroying Voldemort did the same for the wizarding world. Well, my transformation sadly didnt end any wars or save the world, but it did help a lot of people. The act of changing helped me become a better version of myself; many of my better qualities were amplified. I was happier, and made other people happier; I was also more helpful, more dedicated, and (strangely) more punctual. My transformation also inspired others to take journeys of their own. More than anything, the knowledge that Id gained over the years starting with when I made my own transformation allowed me to become a coach and author, helping first hundreds, and eventually thousands of people change their lives. Master of Two Worlds The last stage of the journey is when the Hero becomes the Master of Two Worlds he is able to unite the light and dark within him. Metaphorically, this stage is about balance about reconciling who you were with who you have become, and allowing yourself to accept both. For me, it was about mastering life in my new body understanding all of the benefits it provided without going overboard in any direction. This was a continuation of the Road Back, and was about slowly moving away from the more extreme stuff and finding a way to live life and do things that normal people do, like go to dinners and have the occasional beer. I should mention that at the time I made my fitness transformation, I didnt realize that I had been on what could be called a Heros Journey my familiarity with Campbell was fresh, and I wasnt able to see the parallels quite as clearly. It wasnt until I began my business (Heros) Journey that I understood that Campbell could be applied to anything. From that point on, I began to incorporate some aspects of the monomythic structure into my clients programs and my lessons with them; I found that teaching Campbell helps teach fitness information, or at least drive the point home. And it was from this general understanding that I wrote my book, Man 2.0: Engineering the Alpha. And I used that platform a book that become a New York Times bestseller to show how to use the Heros Journey to get in the best shape of your life.

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Is that slick or what? But the truth is, the legendary Charles Atlas beat John to it long ago. Check out this ad, which is pure Hero s Journey.

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And its variation, which is really the same thing.

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Also, check out this Victor Schwab ad below for Dale Carnegie. (Youll see the Heros Journey being used in the Case Of Pat OHaire) (Next page)

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By now, the whole concept of a Hero With A Thousand Faces should totally sink in and youre probably considering the myriad of possibilities to apply The Heros Journey in the most profitable ways possible. Which is great because when you start plugging the Heros Journey into everything youre doing right now, I can guarantee youll start to see such amazing (and fast) results your competition will be scratching their heads in disbelief! As an exclusive bonus, Ive included the slides from one of my 6 figure speaking presentations for you to study, swipe, model and adapt for your own use as a real world application of The Heros journey. I have never shared these slides with anyone And youll be able to see very clearly how Ive infused the Heros journey into the entire presentation so that it works like gangbusters and I think youll agree that itll be a priceless education on exactly how to implement The Covert Buying Code To Your Massive Success! Matt Bacak & Brother Mesmer

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WORLD SPEAKERS SUMMIT Mass Money Makers STORY I havent wanted to talk about this before, but in December of 2008 I experienced what my wife Stephanie now refers to as THE APOCALYPSE

Basically, my world got turned upside down and I had to start my life again. I went from being super-successful to dead broke practically overnight, with nothing left to invest in any new business, and no enterprise to fall back on. I was wounded and shell-shocked, but somehow I had to start over from scratch.

So for the next two years, thats what I did. I needed to generate some income quickly, so I started using the web site ClickBank to market other peoples products on line.

Dont worry if youve never heard of ClickBank Ill be showing you how to make it one of your best revenue sources in just a few minutes. For now lets just say its like a big, wholesale warehouse that that provides you with countless products and information sources that you can market on line in return for half the revenue you generate.

So using my background in Internet marketing, I gradually crawled out of the hole Id been shoved into, until, after a few months, I was back earning a good living.

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The problem was, I wasnt happy, and I wasnt fulfilled. I still felt angry and victimized by what had happened.

And more than that, after two years of marketing other peoples products and information, I realized I desperately wanted something of my own to offer, the way I had done in the past.

I know youre all here because you want to learn how to increase your income, to provide a better life for yourselves and your families. But I also know that your greatest professional satisfaction comes when your knowledge and expertise can touch and benefit as many people as possible.

Thats exactly how I fel t. I wanted to create a product of my own that would exponentially increase the number of people whose lives I could transform.

In short, I NEEDED A WIN. I had to do something big and audacious, something that had such a high level of success that I knew I was back on top. I wanted to change the rules of Internet marketing.

I started by creating a brand new product a downloadable set of four, 2-hour videos I called the MASS MONEY MAKERS METHOD. This information, which grew out of my years of experience at the bleeding edge of Internet marketing, would enable anyone to generate Google 1 st page keywords, and then use those to create huge contact lists resulting in massive amounts of money.
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I knew this information was unique, powerful and effective, and could truly allow anyone to come online and make money with relative ease. The challenge was to generate awareness of the product to an unheard of number of affiliates - people who would promote the product to their own lists for a share of the revenue.

ClickBank has a designation they refer to as GRAVITY . Its a measure of how popular a product is with affiliates. Simply put, every single affiliate who sells a product counts as a gravity rating of 1 for that product. So if 10 different people are selling your product on any given day, its gravity for that day is 10.

The average product offered on ClickBank would have a gravity rating somewhere around 10 or 15. For a new product with a VERY successful launch, the gravity might reach as much as 500. But before I launched Mass Money Makers, only 4 people in the world had ever reached a gravity of 1000. So I declared that when I released my package, it was going to achieve a gravity of 2000 .

Remember, I said I had to achieve an unheard of level of success to really believe I was back on top.

I also had my own personal record I was determined to break. In my entire career the most successful launch I had ever achieved which is still considered a huge success was 15,000 sales. So I decided Mass Money Makers had to reach 20,000 SALES IN A SINGLE WEEK.

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And finally, even though everyone says that the holidays are the WORST possible time to launch a new product, I set mine for December 28TH of 2010. December 31st is my birthday and celebrating the success of this launch was going to be the start of my new life.

So with the product in place, my goals clear and the launch date set, I began my campaign to create an unheard of level of awareness and anticipation.

I knew achieving the impossible was going to be a huge battle, so I began reading The Art of War. And I decided I was going to amass my own army.

I contacted all the experts whose material I had been marketing for the last two years, told them about my new product, and asked them if they would be willing to pass my promotional material on to their own affiliates, just as a favor to me. They said, Youve been promoting my stuff for the last 2 years, and youve never asked for anything. So of course I'll be glad to help.

Then word started to spread, and by the time of the launch we had 7,551 affiliates marketing my material.


By December 30th, the day before the launch, the phrase MASS MONEY MAKERS had generated more than 125,000 web searches.

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By the end of the campaign, it had appeared on 9 MILLION web sites.

On the day of the launch, Alexa, a web site that calculates the most popular topics on the web, ranked Mass Money Makers #1 ahead of Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston. #4 on the list was the phrase New Years. We actually outscored New Years ON New Years.

And remember my goal of reaching a Gravity of 2,000 on ClickBank? On January 10th, 2011, we hit 2,086. It remains the highest gravity rating every recorded on ClickBank.

And that goal of selling 20,000 units in a single week? We did it IN THE FIRST DAY. By the end of the first week, we had sold more than 30,000.

But most important to me was the fact that tens of thousands of people continue to benefit from that program.

And as I had always hoped, when the launch was finished I was able to say, I won. And Im back on top.

I know you want to know exactly HOW I did all this. And how you can follow the same steps I did to reach a massive number of people with your products and ideas.

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Thats what Im about to tell you. But the story isnt quite over.

Shortly after our record-breaking launch, I got a call from Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer, two of the most highly respected names in the world of Internet marketing. They said, We want to lock you in a room for two days with our very best customers, so you can show them step by step how you accomplished the impossible.

They gathered 500 of their top affiliates and charged them $2000 a piece to attend.

Then they recorded my presentation, compiled all my ideas, all my information and all my insider secrets and assembled it into SUPER AFFILIATE SECRETS, a single package of DVDs, CDs, workbooks and bonus materials. Later on I will talk about some special exclusive discounts Im able to offer on this package so it wont cost you anywhere near $2000.

But first let me tell you the key principles you need to know right now in order to replicate the success I achieved and create an unbelievable launch for your own ideas and products.

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