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Saveetha School of Engineering Saveetha University Chennai 602 105 Department of Mechanical Engineering Aca emic !

!ear 2012" 201# $ Even Semester %UES&'() *A)+ S,-. Co e$)ame/ ME56#1"A vance 0efrigeration an Air Con itioning !ear$Sem/ '''$1' Unit 1 0E20'3E0A&'() C!C4E 5art A 6&7o mar8s 9,estion an ans7er: 1. Define refrigeration/ ANS: the process of cooling of bodies or fluids to temperatures lower than those available in the surroundings at a particular time and place. 2. ;hat is air con itioning< ANS: It is a process of controlling sim,ltaneo,sly temperature, humidity, purity and velocity of air. #. ;hat is Unit of 0efrigeration< ANS: li e length is measured in meters, the refrigeration is measured in tons of refrigeration !"#$. 1 &0 means removal of heat at the rate of 211 8=$min. "his value of %11 has been achieved as follows: "o convert %&&& pounds !1 short ton$ of water at '%o( !&o)$ into ice at '%o( !&o)$ in %* hours, heat is to be removed from water. 1** +"U of heat is to removed from water to convert 1 pound of water into 1 pound of ice. ,eat to be removed from %&&& pounds in %* hours will be%&&& . 1**. ,eat removed per minute will be - %&&& . 1** / !%* . 0&$ -%&& +"U/min-%11 1/min !+ecause '&%2 cal- 1%&&& +"U 3 I cal-*.14 51 i.e. 1 *&U>1.055 8=: ?. ;hat is effect of s,perheat on C(5< ANS: If the degree of superheat is 6 2o), )78 increases. If the degree of superheat is greater o than 2 ), )78 decreases. 9ue to superheat there is increase in N and :. 5. ;hat is effect of s,-"cooling on C(5< ANS: Increase of degree of sub;cooling increases the )78 as it increases cooling effect without increasing the wor input. 6. ;hat is the effect of s,- cooling an s,perheating on 0efrigeration 7or8< ANS: Sub;cooling does not change the wor input but increases the refrigerating effect and hence increases the )78 Superheating: if the degree of superheat is less 2&), increase in refrigerating effect is more than the increase in wor input and thus )78 increases. +ut if the degree of superheat is greater than2o), then the increase in wor input is more than the increase in refrigerating effect and the )78 decreases. @. EAplain the effect of s,-"cooling on the performance of 1apo,r compression refrigeration system. ANS: Increase of sub;cooling increases the cooling effect without changing the wor input.

,ence )78 increases with the increase of degree of sub;cooling. B. En,merate five istinctions -et7een the vapo,r compression an vapo,r a-sorption refrigeration system. ANS: 9istinctions: !i$ (or lower tonnage capacity vapour absorption system is more e.pansive. !ii$ (or 2& "# cost becomes the same for the two systems. (or "# < 2& tons the vapour system becomes more favorable as it becomes cheap. !iii$ In =AS, li>uid coming from the evaporator has no bad effect whereas in =)S the li>uid going to compressor will result in physical brea down of the compressor. !iv$ In the event of lower temperature re>uirement in =)S the cooling capacity decreases very significantly whereas in =AS the cooling capacity can still be same only by controlling the heating rate in the generator. !v$ )ompressor of compression system is replaced by an absorber, pump, heat e.changer, generator, analyser, rectifier and another e.pansion valve. C. 3ive t7o eAamples of i eal refrigerant"a-sor-ent com-inations. A)S/ Ammonia an 7ater :ater and lithium bromide. 10. 3ive any t7o merits of air refrigerationDs system a. air is easily available and there is no cost of the refrigerant b. "he air is non;to.ic c. "he lea age of air is small. 11. ;hat are the a vantages of vapo,r compression refrigerations systems<
!a$ It has smaller si?e for the given capacity of refrigerations !b$ It has less running cost !c$ "he cop is >uite high.

12. ;hat is mean -y a9,a ammonia< "he water has the ability to absorb very large >uantities of ammonia vapour and the solution is nown as a>ua ammonia

5art *
1. %& tons of ice is produced from water at %& o) to ice at ;0o) in a day of %* hours, when the temperaturer range in the compressor is from ;12o) to %2o). the condition of the vapour is dry at the end of compression. assuming actual cop as 4&@ , calculate the power re>uired to drive the compressor. ta e )p of ice %.15A/ g. Batent heat of ice - ''2 5A/ g.

"emp in oi)

Bi>uid enthalpy 1&&.&* ;2*.22 entropy &.'*C ;%.1''4

=apour enthalpy 1'1D.% 1'&*.DD entropy *.*42% 2.&242

%2 ;12

%. An ammonia refrigerator produces 12 tons of ice from and at & o) in a day. the temperature range of the the wor ing cycle is %2 o) and ;12o). the ammonia vapour is dry and saturated at the end of compression. assume Act. )78 is 22@ of the theoretical value. )alculate the power re>uired to drive the compressor and mass flow rate in g/min

"emp in oi) %2 ;12

Specific Enthalpy in 51/ g Bi>uid '4&.C* ;2*.22 =apour 1'1D.%1 1'&*.DD

Specific entropy in 51/ g5 Bi>uid &.'*C' ;&.%1'* =apour *.*42% 2.&242

'. A refrigeration plant using )7% as refrigerant wor s between %2 o) and ;2o). the dryness of )7% is &.0 at the entry of the compressor. find the ice formed per day if the ice is formed at & o) and from the water at 1&o).. >uantity of )7% circulated - 1& g/min. ta e relative efficiency - &.0. cp of water - *.% 1/ g,. latent heat of ice - ''2 1/ g.

"emperature o) %2 ;2

Bi>uid heat 1/ g 41.%2 ;C.2'

latent heat 1/ g 1%1.0 %*2.4

entropy of li>uid 1/ g5 &.%21' ;&.&*1D

*. A 2 ton refrigeration plant using #1% has saturated suction at ;2 &c. )ondensation ta es place at '%&c and there is no under cooling of refrigerant li>uid. Assuming isentropic compression, find

!1$ )78 of the plant !%$Fass flow rate of the refrigerant !'$power re>uired to run the compressor in 5w 8 !bar$ C.42 %.01 " !&c$ '% ;2 hf !5A/5g$ 1'&.2 ; hg! A/ g$ %0*.2 %*D.' sg ! A/ g5$ 1.2*% 1.22C

"a e cp !Super heated =apour$ -&.012 1/ g5

2. "he refrigerator wor ing on +elcolemen cycle operated between pressure limits of &.2 bar and 4.2 bar. Air is drawn from the cold chamber at 1& &c,compressed and then it is cooled to '& &c before entering the e.pansion . E.pansion and compression follows the law pv 1.'2-c. 9etermine the theoretical )78 of the system. (or air G-1.*, cp-1.&&2 A/ g .

0. 7ne 5H of air at a pressure of 1.&2 bar and a temperature of %& &c is compressed to 0 bar. It is then cooled to %C&c in the cooler before entering the e.pansion cylinder, Assuming )ompression and e.pansion as isentropic process, 9etermine !1$ refrigerating effect per g of air.!%$ "heoretical )78 ta e cp-1 and G-1.*. C. 2&& g atmospheric air is circulated per hour in an open type of refrigeration installation. "he air is drawn from the cold chamber at a temperature of 4 &c and 1 bar and then compressed isentrophically to 2 is cooled at this pressure to %4 &cand then e.pands isentropically down to atmospheric pressure and this discharge to cold chamber. 9etermine heat e.tracted from the cold chamber per hour, ,eat reAected to the cooling water per hour, )78 of the system. (or air ta e G-1.* and c p-1.&&' A/ g

4. An open air cycle operated by air refrigeration system is re>uired to produce 0 tones of refrigerating effect with a cooler pressure of 11 bar refrigerated space or region at a pressure of 1.&2 bar .the temperature of the air leaving the room is 10&c.calculate the

!1$ mass of the air circulated per min. !%$)ompressor displacement re>uired per min !'$ e.pander displacement re>uired per min !*$)78 !2$8ower re>uired per ton of refrigeration. Assume that theoretical cycle is operating with isentropic compression e.pansion with no compressor clearance and no losses.
D. A refrigerator wor ing in +ellcolemen cycle,the air is drawn into the cylinder of the compressor from the cold chamber at a pressure of 1.&' bar and temperature of 1% &c. After isentrophic compression to 2.2 bar the air is cooled at a constant pressure to a temperature of %% &c. "he 8olytrophic e.pansion pv1.%2-). "hen follows and the air is e.panded to1.&' bar is passed to cold chamber. 9etermine

1.:or done per g of air flow. %.#efrigeration effect per g of air . '.)78. *.#efrigerating capacity of the plant in tones for a mass flow rate of D& g air. "a e Hamma - 1.*, )p-1.&&' A/ g 1&. E.plain ammonia vapour absorption systems with neat s etch. 11. In a refrigeration plant wor ing on +ell )oleman cycle, air compressed to 2bar from 1bar. Its initial temperature is 1&o).After compression, the air is cooled up to %&o) in a cooler before e.panding bac to a pressure of 1bar. 9etermine the theoretical )78 of the plant and net refrigerating effect. "a e )p-1.&&2 1/ g5 and )v-&.C14 1/ g5.

1%. A refrigerator wor ing on +ell;)oleman cycle operates between pressure limits of 1.&2bar and 4.2 bar. Air is drawn from the cold chamber at 1& o), compressed and then it is cooled to '& o) before entering the e.pansion cylinder. "he e.pansion and compression follows the law pv 1.' constant. 9etermine the theoretical )78 of the system.

1'. "he atmospheric air at pressure 1bar and temperature ;2o) is drawn in the cylinder of the compressor of a +ell;)oleman refrigerating machine. It is compressed isentropically to a pressure of 2 bar. In the cooler, the compressed air is cooled to 12 o), pressure remaining the same. It is then e.panded to a pressure of 1 bar in an e.pansion cylinder, from where it is passed to the cold chamber. (ind:1. "he wor done per g of air and )78 of the plant. (or air assume law for e.pansion pv1.% - constantI law for compression pv 1.*J- constant and specific heat of air at constant pressure - 1 1/ g5.

1*. 9erive the )78 of +ell;coleman cycle.A refrigerant;1% vapour compression plant producing 1&tonnes of refrigeration operates with condensing and evaporating temperatures of '2o) and ;1&o) respectively. Suction line heat e.changer is used to subcool the saturated li>uid leaving the condenser. Saturated vapour leaving the evaporator is superheated in the suction line heat e.changer to the e.tent that a discharge temperature of 0& o) is obtained after isentropic compression. 9etermine !a$ the subcooling achieved in the heat e.changer, !b$ the refrigerant flow rate in g/s, !c$ the cylinder dimension of the two cylinder compressor, if the speed is D&&rpm, stro e;to;bore ratio is 1.1, and the volumetric efficiency is 4&@, !d$ the )78 of the plant and !e$ the power re>uired to drive the compressor in :. 12. E.plain Bi;+r absorption systems with neat s etch.

Unit % 0E20'3E0A)&SE S!S&EM C(M5()E)&S A)D *A4A)C')3 8art A !"wo mar s >uestion and answer$ 1. ;rite a fe7 applications of refrigeration. ANS. :ater cooler, #efrigerator, air conditioner, deep free?er, cold storage plant, ice plant, display cabinet, split air conditioner, 8ac aged unit, )entral A.).8lant. %. ;rite the a vantages of cooling to7ers ,se in 0efrigeration 'n ,stry. ANS: the advantages of cooling tower are significant reduction in the cost of water used in the condenser. "he cooling tower is normally placed at the roof of the building thus it does not need any e.tra space.


4ist the vario,s types of compressors ,se in refrigeration. ANS: !i$ #eciprocating compressor !ii$ #otary compressor !iii$)entrifugal compressor

?. 4ist the types of evaporators 7ith their practical applications. ANS: 9ry e.pansion type and flooded type evaporators Dry eApansion type/ Used in refrigerators, water coolers, window air conditioners, display cabinets, deep free?ers, incubators, air conditioning plants of libraries, hotels, hospitals, computer centers etc. 2loo e evaporators/ "he evaporators are filled with li>uid refrigerant to ma e full use of evaporators for evaporation only. "hese types of evaporators do need an accumulator to separate vapour from the li>uid refrigerant as only vapours can go to compressor. "hese are used in big refrigeration plants in industries only. 5. En,merate the esira-le properties of refrigerants commonly employe in refrigeration an air con itioning applications. ANS: 9esirable properties of a refrigerant: Bower boiling point, lower free?ing point, lesser specific volume, high latent heat, less wor input/ g of refrigerant, high )78, minimum running charges, non;to.ic, non; inflammable, inert, non;decomposable, less lea ing tendency, easily detectable lea age, cheap, easily available in abundance and everywhere, chemically inert with the material of construction, materials being cooled and the lubricant, less viscosity, high specific heat and high thermal conductivity. 6. EAplain C2C refrigerants. Ans/ )() )hloro;fluoro #efrigerants li e #;1%,1' Bow to.icity, noncorrosive, and compatible with other materials Not flammable or e.plosive ,eat can cause them to brea down into their elements !harmful to humans; respiratory system especially$ ,armful to environment !must follow strict E8A regulations$


EAplain FC2C refrigerants. Ans: ,)() #efrigerants li e #;%% )omposed of methane/ethane in combination with a halogen ,ave shorter life )ause less o?one depletion !reduced global warming potential$ Used as replacements until long term alternatives are available E8A re>uires phase out by %&'&

B. ;rite the 0efrigerant n,m-er for CFCl22. Ans: #%% C. ;hat are the factors that affect the heat transfer capacity of an evaporator<

Faterials "emperature difference =elocity of refrigerants "hic ness of the evaporator coil wall )antact surface area

10. ;hat are the ifferent types of con ensers< Air cooled condenser :ater cooled condenser. "ube in tube Shell and coil condensers Shell and tube condenser 11. )ame the ifferent refrigenants generally ,se . 7rganic refrigerants A?eotrope refrigerants In organic refrigerants ,ydrocarbon refrigerants. 12. ;rite any t7o esira-le properties of an i eal refrigerant 1. Bow boiling point and free?ing point %. ,igh critical pressure and temperature '. ,igh thermal conductivity *. Non to.ic 2. 7?one friendly. 1#. ;hat is mean -y hermetic seale compressors :hen the compressor and motor operate on the same shaft and are enclosed in a common casing they nown as hermetic sealed compressors.

1?. ;rite any t7o a vantage of hermetic seale compressors 1. "he lea age of refrigerant is completely prevented. %. It is less noisy '. It re>uires small space because of compactness
15. ;rite any fo,r metho s of efrosting an evaporator

1. %. '. *. 2. 0.

"emperature control deforsting method 8ressure control deforsting method :ater defrosting method #everse cycle defrosting method Simple hot gas method Automatic hot gas method

C. "hermoban defrosting method 8art + !10 mar s >uestions$ 1. %. '. *. 2. 9raw a neat s etch of a hand operated e.pansion valve and e.plain its wor ing. E.plain the wor ing of an automatic e.pansion valve with the neat diagram. E.plain the wor ing principle of thermostatic e.pansion valve with the help of a neat diagram. E.plain pressure control defrosting method and temperature control defrosting method. E.plain the wor ing of water defrosting method and reverse cycle defrosting method with neat s etch. 0. 9escribe with neat s etches, wor ing of !a$ shell and coil condenser and !b$ shell and tube condenser C. 9escribe with neat s etches, wor ing of !a$ double tube condenser and !b$ evaporative condenser 4. E.plain the various types of mechanical draft cooling towers. D. 9escribe, with a s etch, a centrifugal compressor. :here centrifugal compressors preferred over reciprocating compressors in refrigeration systems. 1&. E.plain the wor ing of a single stationary blade type rotary compressor. 11. E.plain with neat s etch !i$ (looded type evaporator !ii$ Shell and coil evaporator

Unit ' 5S!CF0(ME&0! 8art A !"wo mar s >uestion and answer$ 1. Differentiate -et7een specific h,mi ity an relative h,mi ity. ANS: Specific humidity is the amount of water vapors per g of dry air i.e. 1& g water vapours per g of dry air. #elative humidity: #atio of mass of water vapors /m# of dry air to mass of water vapous /m' of saturated air at the given dry bulb temperature. It is e.pressed as @#,. 2. ;hat is relative h,mi ity< It is defined as the ratio of partial pressure or water vapour in a mi.ture to the saturation pressure of pure water at the same temperature of the mi.ture. !or$ #elative humidity: #atio of mass of water vapors /m# of dry air to mass of water vapous /m' of saturated air at the given dry bulb temperature. It is e.pressed as @#,. #. ;hat is specific h,mi ity Specific humidity is the amount of water vapors per g of dry air i.e. 1& g of water vapours per g of dry air. !or$ It is defined as the mass of water vapour per unit mass of dry air in a mi.ture of air and water vapour. ?. Define Degree of sat,ration< ANS: It is a ratio of w/ws i.e. ratio of specific humidity to saturated humidity. It has no

units. It is always less than 1. 5. EAplain the physical significance of *y 5ass 2actor 7ith reference to heating an cooling coils. ANS: )ooling coils: air does to cool to re>uired coil temperature as some air do not come in physical contact with the coil and is said to be by passed. It t1 is air temperature entering the cooling coil. t' is the outgoing temperature of air. t% is the cooling coil temperature. "emperature drop which is achieved is t1 K t'. "emperature drop which was possible t1 K t%. ,ence by pass factor for cooling coil is ! t% K t'/!t1 K t%$ and it is always less than 1. ,eating coil: air does not heat to re>uired coil temperature as some air do not come in physical contact with the coil and is said to be by passed. It t1 is air temperature of air entering the heating coil. t' is the outgoing temperature of air. t% is the heating coil temperature. "emperature rise which is achieved is t' K t1. "emperature rise which was possible t% K t1. ,ence by pass factor for heating coil is ! t% K t'/!t% K t1$ and it is always less than 1. 6. ;hat are comforta-le con itions< ANS: "he different combinations of temperature and humidity which give the same degree of comfort are %% to %C o) with #, '2 @ to 02@.

@. ;hat is meant -y comfort Gone< & ANS: It is an area on the psychometric chart bounded by comfortable conditions of %%;%C ) with #, '2 @ to 02 @. B. Define ry -,l- temperat,reE ANS: Dry -,l- temperat,reE t -, It is temperature of a space measured by an ordinary thermometer. It is also called 9ry +ulb "emperature. C. Define ;et *,l- &emperat,re ;et *,l- &emperat,reE t7-, It is temperature read from the stem of a thermometer whose bulb is surrounded by a constantly 7ette 7ic8. Actually it is temperature of adiabatic saturation temperature of air i.e. air becomes saturated in the vicinity of the thermometer bulb by ta ing entire heat from the atmosphere under steady state conditions and the thermometer shows a constant rea ing. 10. Define De7point temperat,re De7 point temperat,re/ Cool the atmospheric air by removing heat. Its temperature will start decreasing. Ultimately a temperature will be reached when the first drop of water condenses. "his temperature is called 9ew 8oint "emperature. It is also a state of saturated air but its heat content has been decreased from the starting point. 11. ;hat is mean -y apparat,s e7 point temperat,re < "he effective surface temperature of the coil is nown as apparatus dew point !A98$ 12. ;hen the eh,mi ification is possi-le<

"he dehumidification of air is only possible when the effective surface temperature of the cooling coil is less than the dew point temperature of the air entering the coil. 1#. Define sensi-le heat factor< Sensible heat to the total heat is nown as sensible heat factor 1?. Define sensi-le heating. "he heating of air without any change in its specific humidity 15. Define h,mi ification. "he addition of moisture to the air, without change in its dry bulb temperature is nown as humidification. 16. Define the efficiency of heating an cooling coils "he term !1;+y pass factor$ is nown as efficiency of coil or contact factor. 1@. Define *y 5ass 2actor< "he 9+" of the air leaving the apparatus should be e>ual to that of the coil. +ut it is not so because of the inefficiency of the coil. "his phenomenon is nown as +ypass factor. 1B. ;hat are the factors affecting comfort air con itioning 1. "emperature of air %. ,umidity of air '. 8urity of air *. Fotion of air

8art + !10 mar s >uestions$ 1. #epresent the following process in a s eleton psychrometric chart. i. Sensible cooling ii. )ooling and humidification iii. Adiabatic of air streams

%. 9escribe the following psychrometric processes i. cooling with dehumidification ii. cooling with adiabatic humidification

'. "wo air streams are mi.ed steadily and adiabatically. "he first stream enters at '%o) and *&@ relative humidity at a rate of %&m'/min, while the second stream enters at 1%o) and D&@ relative humidity at the rate of %2m'/min. assuming that the process occurs at a pressure of 1atm, determine the specific humidity, the relative humidity, the dry bulb temperature, and the volume flow rate of the mi.ture. Answers: 0.00C6 8g F2($8g ry airE 6#.? percentE 20.6HCE?5.0 m#$min

*. A stream of warm air with a dry;bulb temperature of *&L) and a wet;bulb temperature of '%L) is mi.ed adiabatically with a stream of saturated cool air at 14L). "he dry air mass flow rates of the warm and cool airstreams are 4 g/s and 0 g/s, respectively. Assuming a total pressure of 1 atm, determine !a$ the temperature, !b$ the specific humidity, and !c$ the relative humidity of the mi.ture. Ans7er/ I#>0.0211 8g F($8g ry airE h# >B? 8=$8g ry air T#>H#0.@C J#>@5.1K 2. 2&&m'/min of fresh air at '&o) 9+" and 2&@ #, is adiabatically mi.ed with 1&&&m '/min of recirculated air at %%7) 9+" and 1&o) 98". )alculate the enthalpy, specific volume, humidity ratio and final 9+" of the mi.ture. 0. Air at %&o), *&@ #, is mi.ed adiabatically with air at *&o), *&@ #, in the ratio of 1 g of the former with % g of the latter !on dry basis$. (ind the final conditions of air. Answer W3 = 0.0144kg vapour/kg of dry air, h3 = 71.67K /kg dry air. C. "he dry; and the wet;bulb temperatures of atmospheric air at 1 atm !1&1.'%2 8a$ pressure are measured with a sling psychrometer and determined to be %2 and 12L), respectively. 9etermine !a$ the specific humidity, !b$ the relative humidity, and !c$ the enthalpy of the air. Answer! 0.006"3kg #$%/kg dry air, 33.$&, 41.'k /kg dry air 4. "he readings from a sling psychrometer are as follows: 9ry bulb temperature-'& o), wet bulb temperature - %&o) barometer reading - C*&mm of ,g. Using steam tables, determine :1. 9ew point temperature %. #elative humidity, '. Specific humidity, *. 9egree saturation 2. =apour density and 0. Enthalpy of mi.ture per g of dry air. D. 7n a particular day the atmospheric air was found to have a dry bulb temperature of '& o) and a wet bulb temperature of 14 o). "he barometric pressure was observed to be C20 mm of ,g. Using the tables of psychometric properties of air, determine the relative humidity, the specific humidity the dew point temperature , the enthalpy of air per g of dry air and the olume of mi.ture per g of dry air. 1&. "he amount of Air supplied to an air conditioned hall is '&& mM'M/min. "he atmospheric condition are '2 c 9+" and 22@ #,. "he re>uired condition are %& c 9+" and 0&@ #,. (ind out the sensible heat and latent heat removed from the air per minute.Also find sensible heat factor for the system 11. In a cooling application moist air enters a refrigeration coil at the rate of 1&& g of dry air per minute at '2& c and 2& @ #,. "he apparatus dew point of coil is 2&c and by;pass factor is &.12.determine the outlet state of moist air and cooling capacity of coil in "#

Unit * C((4')3 4(AD CA4CU4A&'()S

8art A !"wo mar s >uestion and answer$ 1. Define 0SF2 #S,( - #S,B / !#S,BM#B,B$ and is always less than 1. #S,B is room sensible heat load contributed due to temperature differences only #B,B is room latent heat load is contributed due to change of humidity content 2. Define *ypass factor. +ypass factor - +8( - !t% K t'$ / !t1 Kt'$, !t% K t'$ is the temperature drop which could )(& be achieved i.e. air is by passed. !t1 Kt'$ is the temperature drop which could have been achieved. #E(E# (IH. #. ;hat is Sensi-le Feat 4oa < 3ive eAamples. ANS: Sensible heat load is due to temperature difference only. It has no connection with the :ater =apour in the air. "herefore it is also called 9#N B7A9. E.amples: O Solar heat gains through walls, roof and floor O Solar heat gains through glass Sensible heat gains from occupants O Sensible heat gains from light O Sensible heat gain from power e>uipments O Sensible heat gain from 8roducts !8otatoes, +ananas, apples etc.$ O Sensible heat gain from infiltrated air O Sensible heat gains from additional infiltrated air O Sensible heat gains from ventilation air O Sensible heat gains through supply duct O Sensible heat gains through return duct O Sensible heat gains through miscellaneous sources ?. ;hat is latent heat loa < 3ive eAamples. Ans: Batent heat load only due to moisture difference. E.amples: Batent heal from occupants Batent heat load from infiltrated air Batent heat gains from additional infiltrated air Batent heat gains from ventilation air Batent heat gains from miscellaneous sources 5. Define 0SF2 It is define as the ratio of the room sensible heat to the room total heat #S,( - #S,/#", 6. Define 3SF2 It is defined as the ratio of the total sensible heat to the grand total heat HS,( - "S,/H", @. Define Effective room sensi-le heat factor It is defined as the ratio of the effective room sensible heat to the effective room total heat. E#S,( - E#S,/E#",

B. ;hat o mean -y heat gain from occ,pants< ANS: Inside the air;conditioned space persons wor . "hese persons are called occupants. 7ur

human body is such that it is always loosing heat, partly as sensible heat and partly as latent heat. Sensible heat is due to temperature difference. Batent heat is due to moisture difference. "otal heat lost is sum of S, and B,. "his heat lost depends on the se., activity and surrounding conditions. An adult female loses C2 @ of an adult male. A child loses 0& @ of that of an adult person. In absence of any specific conditions , one can ass,me that the heat lost -y an a ,lt male person 7ill -e 200 8=$hr as Sensi-le an #00 8=$hr as latent heat. If as in summer, the outside temperature is above the body temperature. "he body will not be losing heat by sensible means rather it will be gaining sensible heat from the surroundings. It will become highly uncomfortable unless the total heat is lost as latent heat i.e. by perspiration. In the absence ade>uate air supply, person will not be able to loose heat and it may lead to fatal health results. C. ;hat o yo, ,n erstan -y cooling loa "he total heat re>uired to be removed from the space in order to bring it at the desired temperature by the air conditioning and refrigeration e>uipment is nown as cooling load. 10. Classify the air con itioning systems accor ing to season of the year. 1. :inter air conditioning system %. Summer air conditioning system '. Near round air conditioning system 11. ;hat process carrie o,t in s,mmer air con itioning systems )ooling and dehumidification 12. ;hat are the metho s to estimating the infiltrate air. "here are two methods of estimating the infiltrated air 1. )rac length method and %. Air change method. 1#. ;hat are the factors to -e consi ere in the heat gain from solar ra iations< "he amount of heat that flows towards the interior of a building due to solar radiation depends upon the following factors 1. Altitude angle of the sun %. )learness of the s y '. 8osition of the surface with respect to the direction of the sunPs rays *. Absorptivity of the surface. 1?. ;hat are the t7o forms of solar ra iation receive -y -,il ing s,rfaces. "he heat from solar radiation is received by building surfaces in two forms 1. 9irect radiation %. S y or diffuse radiations 15. EAplain irect ra iations. "he direct radiation is the impingement of the sunPs rays upon the surface. 16. EAplain iff,se ra iations 9iffuse radiation is received from moisture and dust particles in atmosphere which absorbs part of the energy of the sunPs rays thereby becoming heated to a temperature above that of the air. 1@. Define gran total heat loa . H", - total sensible M "otal latent load 1B. ;rite the eApression for o,tsi e air total heat 7A", -&.%v1!h1 K h%$ :

:here v1 - volume of outside air or ventilation in m'/min h1 - enthalpy of outside air in 1/ g of dry air h% - enthalpy of room air in 1/ g of dry air 5art * 616 mar8s 9,estions: 1. A conference room for seating 1&& persons is to be maintained at %% o ) dry bulb temperature and 0&@ relative humidity. "he outdoor condition is *&o) dry bulb temperature and %Co) wet bulb temperature. "he various load in the auditorium are as follows: Sensible and latent heat loads per person, 4&: and 2& : respectivelyI lights and fans, 12&&&:I sensible heat gain through glass, wall ,celling etc., 12&&& w. "he air infiltration is %&m'/min. "wo Kthird of re circulated room air and one Kthird of fresh air are mi.ed before entering the cooling coil. "he by;pass factor of the coil is &.1. 9etermine apparatus dew point, the grand total heat load and effective room sensible heat factor %. An air conditioning system is designed for a restaurant when the following data is available: "otal heat flow through the walls, roof and floor - 0.% : Solar heat gain through glass - % : E>uipment sensible heat gain - %.D : E>uipment latent heat gain - &.C : "otal infiltration air - *&& m'/h 7utdoor conditions - '2o) 9+"I%0o) :+" Inside designed conditions : %Co) 9+", 22@ #, Finimum temperature of air supplied to room - 1Co) 9+" "otal amount of fresh air supplied - 10&& m'/h Seating chairs for dining - 2& Employees serving the meals - 2 Sensible heat gain per person - 24 : Batent heat gain per sitting person -** : Batent heat gain per employee -C0 : Sensible heat added from meals - &.1C : Batent heat added from meal - &.' : Fotor power connected to fan - C.0 : If the fan is situated before the conditioner, then find the following: i. Amount of air delivered to the room in m'/h I ii. 8ercentage of recirculated airI iii. #efrigeration load on the coil in tonnes of refrigerationI iv. 9ew point temperature of the cooling coil and by;pass factor. '. A hall is to be maintained at %*o ) dry bulb temperature and 0& @ relative humidity under the following conditions: 7utdoor conditions: 'C o) 9#" and %Co) :+" Sensible heat lad in the room - *0.* : Batent heat load in the room - 11.0 : "otal infiltration air - 1%&& m'/h Apparatus dew point temperature 1&o) Quality of recirculated air from the hall - 0& @ If the >uality of recirculated air mi.ed with the condition air after the cooling coil, find the following : i. "he condition of air leaving the conditioner coil and before with the recirculated air I ii. "he condition of air before entering the hall I

iii. iv. v. vi.

"he mass of air entering the coolerI "he mass of total air passing through the hallI "he by;pass factor of the cooling coil and "he refrigeration load on the cooling coil in tonnes of refrigeration

*. #oom conditions :%0o ) 9+", 1Do) :+" 7utside conditions : '2o) 9+",%Co ) :+" #oom heat gains: Sensible heat :11.1 w Batent heat :'.D5w "he conditioned air supplied to the room is 2&cmm and %2@ fresh air and C2@ recirculated room air. 9etermine the following. !i$ "he 9+" and :+" of supply air. !ii$ "he 9+" and :+" of mi.ed fresh and recirculated air before the cooling coil. !iii$ "he apparatus dew point and bypass factor of the coil. !iv$ "he refrigeration load on the cooling coil and the moisture removed by the coil. 2. A hall is to be maintained at %*o) 9+ and 0&@ #, under the following conditions 7utdoor conditions K '4o) 9+ and %4o) :+ #oom S, load -*0.* :, #oom B, load -11.0 : Quantity of infiltration -1%&& m'/h, A98 - 1&o) Quantity of recirculated air -0&@ If the >uantity of recirculated air is mi.ed with conditional air after the cooling coil, find the following !a$ )ondition of air leaving the coil. !b$ )ondition of air entering the coil. !c$ "he mass flow rate of air entering the cooler. !d$ "he mass flow rate of total air passing through the hall. !e$ +ypass factor !f$ "he refrigeration load on the cooling coil in "#.

0. An air conditioning system is to be designed for a restaurant with the following data. 7utside design condition -%2o) 9+", %4o) :+ Inside design condition -%2o) 9+", 2&@ #, Solar heat gain through walls, roof, floor - 2.4C : Solar heat gin through glass -2.2% :, 7ccupants -%2 S, gain per person -24:, B, gain per person-0&: Internal lighting load - 12 lamps of 1&&: and 1& fluorescent tubes of 4&: S, gain from other sourced -11.0& :, Infiltration air -12m'/min

If %2@ fresh air and C2@ recirculated air is mi.ed and passage through the conditioner coil, find the following . !a$ "he dew point temperature of coil. !b$ "he condition of supply air to the room. !c$ "he amount of total air re>uired in m'/h !d$ "he capacity of conditioning plant. !e$ Assume +(-&.%, draw the schematic diagram.

C. "he following data refers to summer air conditioning of a building . 7utside design condition - *'o) 9+, %C o) :+ Inside design condition - %2o) 9+, 2&@#h #S, - 4* F1/h, #B, - %1 F1/h, +ypass factor - &.% "he room air from the room is mi.ed with fresh air before entering the coil in the ratio of *:1 by mass, 9etermine: !a$ )oil A98 !b$ )ondition of air entering and leaving the coil. !c$ (resh air cmm !d$ )apacity of the coil in "#. 4. E.plain summer air conditions and winter air conditions with neat s etches

U)'& 5 A'0C()D'&'()')3 E%U'5ME)&S 8art A !"wo mar s >uestion and answer$ 1. 4ist a fe7 applications of air con itioning: ANS: :indow air conditioner, air conditioning of cinema halls, air conditioning of libraries, air conditioning of computer centers, air conditioning of hotels, hospitals, air

conditioning of cars, buses, trains and aircrafts and air;ports. 2. ;hat are the vario,s losses in the ,cts of air con itioning systems< ANS: 4osses in a ,ct !i$ 2rictional loss: "hese are proportional to velocity and length and inversely proportional to diameter. "hese losses can be minimi?ed by ta ing diameter of the duct same as diameter of the fan at the inlet. !ii$Shoc8 loss/ "hese occur wherever there is a sudden change in the direction of flow or sudden change of area of flow. Even gradual transition in area of flow causes this loss. (or e.ample a taper of '.2o produces %%@ loss of velocity head pressure. An angle of '&& or more causes a pressure drop e>uivalent of velocity head pressure. !iii$ System effect loss/ these are due to flow pattern changing at entrance or at the of the duct. "hese are often overloo ed. #. ;hat is an air 7asher< A)S/ It is an arrangement in which preheate air is passed through a spray of water where it is h,mi ifie an coole and then reheate to reach the re>uired state. ?. ;rite the a vantage of ,st removal in air con itioning. "he removal of all types of impurities from outside air is most essential and important part of all air conditioning system. "he removal of impurities provides the following advantages a. Improves the >uality of product b. 8rotects machines and e>uipmentPs from corrosion c. Eliminates the dust nuisance d. Insure better health to the occupants and increases the efficiency of the industrial wor ers. 5. ;hat are the metho s of air cleaning in air con itioning< "he air cleaning is done by the following methods as per the nature of the dust !a$ air (ilteration !b$ Air sterili?ation !c$ Air K ioni?ation !d$ 7dour suppression 6. Classify the air filter in air con itioning. "he filters are broadly classified in five groups as given below !a$ 9ry filter !b$ =iscous filter !c$ :et filter !d$ Electric filters !e$ )entrifugal dust collectors

@. ;hat are the a vantage of air 7asher "he advantage of air washer are listed below !a$ It assures low initial cost, lower wor ing cost and lowest maintenance cost. !b$ It provides ease of operations !c$ It re>uires smaller installation space !d$ "his filter is very effective for very small particles, li e smo e or mist. B. ;rite the a vantage an isa vantage of centrig,al ,st collector

!a$ "he main advantage of this air cleaner is its ruggedness which does not re>uire attention in service !b$ "he chief disadvantage of this cleaner is effective in removing only larger dust particles. It cannot remove any dust particles which remain in suspension with air. C. ;rite any fo,r metho s of o o,r removal. Fost odours are either eliminated by the following methods !a$ Fodification of the process !b$ 9ilution without door air !c$ Fas ing and neutrali?ation !d$ Adsorption 10. ;hat are metho s of h,mi ifiers "he humidifier is achieved by using one of the following four methods 1. InAecting the steam %. Atomi?ing the water '. Evaporating the water *. +y air washing 11. EAplain the necessity of air con itioning in teAtile in ,stry. Bow #, !2&;22@$ is re>uired in spinning department to avoid stic y action of cotton to leather aprons. ,igh #, !D&@$ in weaving department is maintained to reduce the static electricity effects and to increase the strength of the cotton threads. 12. EAplain the necessity of air con itioning in printing in ,stry. A specific temperature and humidity is also re>uired in paper printing plants as well as in cloth printing factories. 8aper becomes too dry in very low humidity conditions and curling occurs. "he paper will swell in high humidity conditions and in will dry slowly causing non;uniform printing. "he temperature and humidity re>uirements for these industries are %*o) to %Co) 9+" and 12 to 2&@ #,. 1#. ;hat are the three metho s 7hich one commonly ,se for ,ct esign< Bi>ual friction loss !pressuer drop$ method "he static regain method =elocity reduction methods 1?. ;rite any t7o a vantages of press,re rop metho < If the rans are of different length, then the shortest run will have the minimum drop and air will come out with higher pressure compared with long run ducts It ma es necessary to reduce this higher pressure of the air coming out with the help of dampers or high velocity can be reduced in a shorter run but high velocitymay create obAectionable noise

15. ;rite any t7o a vantages of velocity re ,ction metho this method is easiest among all methods in si?ing the duct diameters the velocities can be adAusted to avoid noise this is adopted only for simple systems

16. ;hat are the ifferent ,ct layo,t patterns<

"he perimeter system e.tended plenum system

1@. Classify the ,ct systems on the -asis of the n,m-er of ,ct< Single duct system dual duct systems dual duct and induction system combined return duct

1B. ;rite any t7o a vantages of ,al ,ct systems< they are self;balancing up to the<they are most efficient withered to refrigeration capacity because of the absence of reheat (le.ible.

1C. ;hy the ,cts are ,se in an air con itioning system< :hen the conditioned air cannot be supplied directly form A/) e>uipment to the space to be conditioned then the ducts are installed.

5art * 616 mar8s 9,estions: 1$ 9ifferentiate between central and unitary air conditioning systems %$ :ith a simple s etch e.plain the principle of centrifugal dust collector. '$ 9escribe the following types of air filters for cleaning air with simple s etches. i. =iscous filter ii. :et filter. *$ E.plain the 9ry;filters 3 =iscous filters with neat s etch. 2$ E.plain the Electric filters 3 :et filters with neat s etch. 0$ E.plain the )entrifugal dust collectors 3 Electric filter with neat s etch. C$ :hat are the different methods used to remove the 7dours from the air. 4$ +riefly e.plain about InAecting the stem ,umidifiers with neat s etch. D$ +riefly e.plain about Atomi?ing the water humidifiers with neat s etch. 1&$ +riefly e.plain about Evaporating the water humidifiers with neat s etch. 11$ +riefly e.plain about +y Air washing ,umidifiers with neat s etch. 1%$ E.plain the Spray type 9ehumidifier with neat s etch. 1'$ E.plain the air conditioning Is necessary for the following spaces

!a$ )omputer center. !b$ +road casting studio. building.

!c$ Automatic K "elephone e.change

1*$ E.plain the air conditioning Is necessary for the following 8urposes !a$ 8rinting press !b$ (oundry !c$ 8hotographic Industry !d$ Feasurement room in 8roduction Industry 3 Fuseum.

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