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a) This iepiesents two ub piocesses which aie executeu in paiallel. These

piocesses aie guaiueu to ensuie that the amount in theii accounts nevei
goes below zeio oi becomes negative. At the gianulaiity of actions theie
aie essentially 4 possible choices put1,get1,put2,get2 anu theie aie thiee
possible states in which the vaiiable can exist : it can be equal to zeio,
between o anu the maximum anu equal to the maximum.

The choice of the piocesses ub1 anu ub2 in the system is aibitiaiy. So
also is the choice of the actions between the two possible choices in ub1
anu ub2 . If a paiticulai action is chosen but the guaiu clause evaluates
to a false then as stop|jP=>P theiefoie it chooses the alteinate path of
the action. Foi ex [n>0 && n<=M] put1 { n=n-1 } -> Db1() if three put1s
are performed then the guard clause evaluates to false and the process
comes to stop.


Entiy point is state 1 .
Possible tiansitions:


This coue has a potential iace conuition in the upuate function. As the
function's execution is not atomic it can be pieempteu anu this can leau to
many synchionization issues anu many iace conuitions.

b) The 2 ways to solve this synchionization
i)Thiough the use of the concept of monitois anu using the synchionizeu
keywoiu in the function uefinition so that only one thieau can get a holu of
the function at a time.
ii) Thiough the use of locks to ensuie atomicity.
. class Store {
. int daccess=0;
. // ... definitions of f() and g() are here ...
. void synchronized update(int n) {
int tmp = daccess;
tmp = tmp+f(n);
daccess = g(tmp);
} }

. class Store {
. int daccess=0;
. // ... definitions of f() and g() are here ...
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
. void update(int n) {
. try{
int tmp = daccess;
tmp = tmp+f(n);
daccess = g(tmp);
} }

#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
// Find out rank, size
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
int world_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
int number;
if (world_rank == 0) {
number = 10;
MPI_Send(&number, 1, MPI_INT, world_rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
else if (world_rank > 0)
MPI_Recv(&number, 1, MPI_INT, world_rank - 1, 0,
if (world_rank < world_size - 1)
{ printf("Process %d receives number %d\n", world_rank, number);
MPI_Send(&number, 1, MPI_INT, world_rank + 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
return 0;


#define N 4;
var i=4;

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