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Study Questions for The Once and Future King P art I : The Sword in the Stone Chap ter

One 1 . What two typ es of education does Sir Ector insist up on for Kay and the Wart? 2 . Discuss the rel ationshipb etween Kay and the Wart. 3 . What asp ects of mediev al l ife are p resented in this chap ter? Chap ter Two 4 . What el ements of fantasy, sup erstition, and/ or the sup ernatural are introduced in this chap ter? Chap ter Three 5 . Discuss the Warts meeting with Merlyn, his reaction to what he sees, and the result of the encounter. Chap ter Four 6 . How is Kay describ ed? Chap ter Fiv e 7 . Whil e he is a p erch, what does the Wart l earn from M r. P ab out p ower? Chap ter Six 8 . Discuss the differences in Kays and the Warts reactions to the gore-crows action. Chap ter Sev en 9 . How does the joust between King Pellinore and Sir Grummore illustrate Merlyns contention that tilting and horsemanship are not important aspects of a gentlemans education? 1 0 . After the Wart has successful l y comp l eted his ordeal , what significant p rediction does Bal an mak e? Chap ter Nine 1 1 . What causes Kays jealously of the Wart? What explanation does Merlyn give the Wart ab out his situation? Chap ter Ten 1 2 . What has M organ l e Fay done that Robin Wood needs Kay and the Warts help to remedy? Chap ter El ev en 1 3 . Why does Robin need the boys help? 1 4 . What sits on the highest tower of Morgan le Fays Castle Chariot? Chap ter Twel v e 1 5 . What does each of the b oys askfor at the end of the adv enture with Rob in Wood?What do their choices indicate ab out their characters? Chap ter Thirteen 1 6 . What frustrates the Wart ab out the l anguage of the ants? 1 7 . What ev ent causes the ants to b egin to p rep are for b attl e? Chap ter Fourteen 1 8 . Show how the feudal system is defended through the p ortrayal of Sir Ector, the master of a manor. 1 9 . What point does Sir Ectors reaction to the letter from Uther Pendragon make about the hierarchy of feudal ism? Chap ter Fifteen

2 0 . What function does this chap ter serv e?What is the tone? Chap ter Six teen 2 1 . After the successful b oar hunt, what discov ery causes King P el l inore to b e greatl y distress? Chap ter Sev enteen 2 2 . What is ironic about Kays announcement that he was late for his geography lesson b ecause he had b een hunting and had k il l ed a thrush? Chap ter Eighteen 2 3 . What q uestion does the Wart as Lyo-Lyokthat causes her to turn her b ackon him in disgust?What is she so startl ed? 2 4 . What ob serv ation does Loy-Lyokmak e ab out fighting ants and humans?What can b e inferred from her ob serv ation? Chap ter Nineteen 2 5 . Summariz e what Lyo-Lyokreaches the Wart ab out the White-fronts. Chap ter Twenty 2 6 . As the years p ass and the b oys come cl oser to manhood, what change occurs in the rel ationshipb etween Kay and the Wart?Why? 2 7 . What p rayer does the Wart say he woul d mak e if he were to b e made a k night?Why? Chap ter Twenty-One 2 8 . What adv ice does M erl yn giv e the Wart ab out b eing sad?Why? 2 9 . What two things does the b adger tel l the Wart that he coul d teach him, and why are they imp ortant l essons? 3 0 . Why does the b adger tel l the Wart that the p arab l e he rel ated was a trifl e op timistic? 3 1 . How does the b adger mak e his p oint that warfare is not something to b e gl orified? Chap ter Twenty-Two 3 2 . What immediate problem does King Uther Pendragons death cause? 3 3 . Why is a tournament proclaimed for New Years Day? Chap ter Twenty-Three 3 4 . What has the Warts experiences with the animals he met enabled him to do? 3 5 . How does the Wart react when Sit Ector and Kay k neel b efore him, ack nowl edging him as the new King of Engl and? Chap ter Twenty-Four 3 6 . What change occurs in Engl and after Arthur b ecomes King? P art I I : The Queen of Air and Dark ness Chap ter One 1 . Describ e the weather-cock atop the round tower of Morgause and Lots castle. 2 . Rel ate the incidents which l ed to King Uthers marriage to I graine of Cornwall. 3 . What is the rel ationshipb etween Queen M orgause and her sons? Chap ter Two 4 . What is the motto of chiv al ry according to M erl yn?Why is this the motto? 5 . What is to hap p en to M erl yn that wil l p rev ent him from giv ing Arthur adv ice? 6 . Who is Arthur comp ared to at the end of the chap ter?Why? Chap ter Three 7 . Why does M erl yn say that the rev ol tp l anned b y the Gael ic Confederation is against Mans destiny? 8 . What two feuds in p articul ar cause the war according to M erl yn?

Chap ter Four 9 . What is Merlyns belief about war? How does he think wrongs should be redress? 1 0 . What warning does M erl yn giv e Arthur ab out his reign?Why? Chap ter Fiv e 1 1 . What susp icious do the Gael s hav e ab out King P el l inore and Sir P al omides? Chap ter Six 1 2 . What does Arthur finally deduce is Merlyns reason for helping him win the two battles against the Gael s? 1 3 . What does Arthur p rop ose to do if he wins the nex tb attl e? 1 4 . Has M erl yn l iv ed in v ain?Ex p l ain. Chap ter Sev en 1 5 . Why do Morgauses sons plan a unicorn hunt?What is the resul t of their scheme? Chap ter Eight 1 6 . How does Arthur intend to p rev ent j eal ousl y among the k nights of his new chiv al ric order? 1 7 . Which two reformers does Merlyn analyz e? What was the difference in the reformers ap p roaches? 1 8 . What significant remark does Kay make about Arthurs present war? Chap ter Nine 1 9 . What purpose does the account of Sit Grummore and Sir Palomides masq uerade as the Questing Beast serv e? Chap ter Ten 2 0 . Why does M erl yn rel ate to Arthur the p arab l e of the man who fl ed to Al ep p o? 2 1 . Explain the significance of the inscription that Merlyn says will be on Arthurs tombstone. What is Arthurs reaction? Chap ter Twel v e 2 2 . Why is the b attl e of Bedegraine a war within a war? 2 3 . What two atrocities does King Arthur commit that enab l e him to win the b attl e of Bedegraine, ev en though he is outnumb ered three to one? Chap ter Thirteen 2 4 . Why does Morgause plan to go to Arthurs court? 2 5 . What direction does the arrow of the carrion crow weather vane atop Morgauses castle p oint? Chap ter Fourteen 2 6 . Who ex cel s at the games p rov ided for the youngsters at the wedding cel eb ration? 2 7 . What imp ortant fact does M erl yn forget to tel l Arthur?Why is M erl yn unab l e to giv e the information to Arthur when he final l y rememb ers? 2 8 . How does the tragedy of King Arthur resemb l e cl assical Greektragedy? P art I I I : The I l l -M ade Knight Chap ter One 1 . How does Lancel ot account for the fact that he has an ugl y face?What name woul d he use when he b ecame a k night? Chap ter Two 2 . Why does Lancel ot dev ote three years of his l ife to rigid discip l ine and training? Chap ter Three 3 . What news p romp ts Lancel ot to decide he shoul d go to Engl and at once?

Chap ter Four 4 . What is wrong with the Ork ney Faction, according to Arthur?How does P el l inore incense them? 5 . Ex p l ain how the sp ort of fal conry mirrors the feudal hierarchical structure. 6 . What does Lancel ot final l y real iz e ab out Guenev er, whom he heartil y had disl ik ed? Why? Chap ter Fiv e 7 . What does Arthur decide to do when he sees that Lancel ot and Guenev er are fal l ing in l ov e? 8 . Why is the Roman war the l ogical conseq uence of the b attl e of Bedegraine?What was the outcome of the Roman war? 9 . What has Arthur decided ab out Lancel ot b y the time they return to Engl and? Chap ter Six 1 0 . Why does Lancel ot askArthur to l et him go on a q uest, ev en though they hav ej ust returned from the Roman wars? Chap ter Sev en 1 1 . Why does Lancel ot continue to p ursue q uests? Chap ter Eight 1 2 . At the end of Lancelots first year of q uestion, what error in judgement does he make? Chap ter Nine 1 3 . Even though the marriage of Arthur and Guenever was made,why is it successful? What one el ement is missing for Guenev er, howev er? 1 4 . Why is Arthur distressed ab out the p rogress of the Round Tab l e? Chap ter Ten 1 5 . How does Lancel ot feel ab out Arthur, ab out Guenev er, and ab out himsel f?Why does he hav e these feel ings ab out himsel f? Chap ter El ev en 1 6 . Why does Lancel ot v al ue his chastity so highl y?What does he b el iev e his v irtue enab l es him to do? Chap ter Twel v e 1 7 . How does Lancel ot react when he real iz es that El aine has trick ed him into her b ed?Why does he react in this way? 1 8 . What will Elaine name Lancelots child? Why? What is Lancelots reaction? Chap ter Thirteen 1 9 . What is the sev enth sense?What hap p ens when this sense is acq uired? 2 0 . When Lancel ot returns to Camel ot, how does he see himsel f?What action does he tak e as the resul t of his new sel f-image? Chap ter Fourteen 2 1 . During their year of j oy, what secret chil dhood dreams does Lancel ot rev eal to Guenev er? 2 2 . Who has to b e good at things, according to Lancel ot?Why? Chap ter Fifteen 2 3 . Even though Guenever and Lancelot reconcile after she finds out about Lancelots son Gal ahad, what hap p ens to their l ov e?Ex p l ain. Chap ter Six teen

2 4 . How does Arthur react to Lancelot and Guenevers affair? Why does he react in this way? 2 5 . What one effort does Arthur make to confront the problem of Lancelot and Guenevers affair?What is the resul t of his effort? Chap ter Sev enteen 2 6 . What ul timatum does Guenev er giv e Lancel ot ab out El aine?How does she intend to see whether Lancel ot comp l ies? Chap ter Eighteen 2 7 . Al though El aine admits that she trick ed Lancel ot a second time, what does Guenev er tel l Lancel ot?How does he react? Chap ter Nineteen 2 8 . I n the two years since El aine returned home from Camel ot, what has she b een doing? Chap ter Twenty 2 9 . What does King P el l es p l an to do with the Wil d M an who ap p ears at his castl e? Chap ter Twenty-One 3 0 . Why does El aine decide to b ecome a nun?Was she desp erate?Ex p l ain. Chap ter Twenty-Two 3 1 . What conditions does Lancel ot set b efore he agrees to stay with El aine? 3 2 . What is the meaning of Chev al ier M al Fet? Chap ter Twenty-Three 3 3 . What news do Ector and Degal is b ring to Lancel ot? Chap ter Twenty-Four 3 4 . Why does Lancelot say he cannot leave Elaine? What happens to change Lancelots mind? Chap ter Twenty-Fiv e 3 5 . I n the twenty-one years that Arthur has b een King of Engl and, what has he accomp l ished?How is Arthur v iewed?Lancel ot? 3 6 . What has Gawaine final l y managed to do?Which of his b rothers j oin him at court? Chap ter Twenty-Six 3 7 . Why does Arthur feel that his Tab l e may hav eb een a mistak e?What does Lancel ot say ab out Morgause that worries Arthur?Ex p l ain. 3 8 . Why does Agrav aine k il l M orgause?Who k il l s Lamorak ? Chap ter Twenty-Sev en 3 9 . What has the earl ier Games-M ania and the recent murders of M orgause and Lamorak made Arthur real iz e ab out the Tab l e?What does he p l an to do to sav e the Tab l e? Chap ter Twenty-Eight 4 0 . When Gawaine returns to Camel ot, what is his mood?Why does he feel this way? Chap ter Twenty-Nine 4 1 . What p rev ents Lionel from k il l ing his b rother Bors?What significance does Arthur attach to the story? Chap ter Thirty 4 2 . When Sir Agl ov al e returns from the Quest, what does Arthur askhim to do?Why?What is Aglovales initial response? His final response? Chap ter Thirty-One 4 3 . When Lancel ot final l y returns to Camel ot after two years from the Hol y Grail Quest, what news does Uncl e Dapgiv e Arthur?

Chap ter Thirty-Two 4 4 . What l esson does Lancel ot tel l Arthur and Guenev er he has l earned from the b irds? 4 5 . Al though Lancel ot wants to confess to Arthur ab out his l ov e for Guene ver, why doesnt he? 4 6 . What does Lancel ot final l y real iz e is his own worst sin? Chap ter Thirty-Three 4 7 . Ex p l ain what Lancel ot means when he says he has at l east b een granted p art of his desire regarding the Hol y Grail . Chap ter Thirty-Four 4 8 . What does White say is Guenev er central tragedy?How might it account for her doub l e l ov e for Arthur and Lancel ot? 4 9 . What does Lancel ot tel l Guenev er regarding their rel ationship ?How does she react? Why? Chap ter Thirty-Fiv e 5 0 . What, according to White, is the eighth deadl y sin?What effect does it hav e on Guenev er and Lancel ot?What is the resul t? Chap ter Thirty-Six 5 1 . What four p eriods has the court p assed through ov er the years? 5 2 . What effect does this fourth p eriod hav e on the court and, as a resul t, what tragedy occurs? Chap ter Thirty-Sev en 5 3 . What new idea has begun to form in Arthurs mind regarding Might? What will it ev entual l yl ead to? 5 4 . Explain Whites assertion that Lancelot is involved in an Eternal Quadrangle. Chap ter Thirty-Eight 5 5 . Why does the rel ationshipb etween Guenev er and Lancel ot continue to b e strained? Chap ter Thirty-Nine 5 6 . What ex cep tion does Lancel ot mak e for El aine during the tournament at Corb in? 5 7 . How does Guenev er react when Bors tel l s her that Lancel ot has b een wounded in the tournament? Chap ter Forty 5 8 . Why does El aine commit suicide? 5 9 . How does El aine unintentional l y strik e her onl y strong b l ow b y committing suicide? Chap ter Forty-One 6 0 . What attemp t does Arthur final l y mak e to assert his p osition in the Eternal Triangl e? What is the resul t? 6 1 . What errors in j udgment do b oth Lancel ot and Gareth mak e during the tournament? Chap ter Forty-Two 6 2 . What is the result of Lancelots coming to save Guenever from Sir Meliagrance? Why? Chap ter Forty-Three 6 3 . Why does Sir M el iagrance chal l enge Lancel ot to a fight? Chap ter Forty-Four 6 4 . After Guenev er giv es the thumbdown gesture to Lancel ot, what odds does Lancel ot giv e Sir M el iagrance?Why? Chap ter Forty-Fiv e

6 5 . What, after struggl ing for twenty-fiv e years, is the situation among Lancel ot, Guenev er, and Arthur? 6 6 . Why is Lancel ot so distressed ab out the arriv al of Sir Urre of Hungary?What is the resul t? P art I V: The Candl e in the Wind Chap ter One 1 . What, according to Agrav aine, is the onl y way for M ordred to gain rev enge on Arthur? 2 . Why is M ordred so determined to destroy Arthur? Chap ter Two 3 . What is Gawaines reaction to the announcement that Mordred and Agravaine plan to confront Arthur ab out Lancel ot?What is the resul t? Chap ter Three 4 . What, according to White, is ironic ab out hist orians impudent use of the terms Dark and M iddl e Ages? Chap ter Four 5 . After Arthur tel l s Guenev er and Lancel ot the truth ab out Mordred, what fav or does he askof them?What command does he giv e Lancel ot?Why? Chap ter Fiv e 6 . What p rediction does Gawaine mak e ab out the troub l e Agrav aine and M ordred want to stir up ? 7 . What does Arthur tel l M ordred and Agrav aine he hop es wil l hap p en in their attemp t to catch Lancel ot?What does he say he wil l p ersonal l y do to them if they fail ? Chap ter Six 8 . Ev en though Garenth b egs Lancel ot not to go to the Queen, why does Lancel ot feel that the warning is unnecessary? Chap ter Sev en 9 . How does Lancelot explain Agravaines hatred of him? What comment does Guenever mak e ab out the p eop l e Agrav aine hates? 1 0 . Why does Guenev er refuse to try to escap e with Lancel ot? Chap ter Eight 1 1 . After Lancel ot rescues Guenev er, what does Arthur tel l Gawaine he hop es he can arrange? What is Gawaines reaction? 1 2 . Who, according to M ordred, k il l ed Gareth and Gaheris?Why are Arthut and Gawaine unab l e to b el iev e what he tel l s them? Chap ter Nine 1 3 . Why does Lancel ot tel l Guenev er that ev en going b ackto Engl and and hav ing b oth their heads cut off wil l not stopthe war? 1 4 . What suggestion does Guenev er mak e to Lancel ot for ending the b attl e that has b een raging for sixmonths? Chap ter Ten 1 5 . Who are the Thrashers, what is their symb ol , and what are their aims?To whom is White comp aring them? 1 6 . What is the end result of the Popes intervention into the war between Arthur and Lancel ot? 1 7 . What does Gawaine swear he wil l do?Why? Chap ter El ev en

1 8 . Why does Guenev er say that war is l ik e fire?What, according to her, is war ab out? 1 9 . What explanation does Guenever give for Arthurs siding with Gawaine against Lancel ot? 2 0 . What, according to White, is at the heart of tragedy?How does he ap p l y this theory to M ordred? 2 1 . Aside from p rocl aiming himsel f King of Engl and, what other ev il is M ordred contemp l ating?Why? Chap ter Twel v e 2 2 . Why does Gawaine refuse to end the war ev en though he has b een inj ured and sp ared twice b y Lancel ot? 2 3 . What observation does Gawaine make about Mordres jealousy of Arthur? 2 4 . What news does Guenevers letter contain? What is Arthurs reaction? Gawaines? Chap ter Thirteen 2 5 . What does the l etter from Gawaine to Lancel ot askhim to do? Chap ter Fourteen 2 6 . What has Arthur l earned ab out man from M erl yn?What has Arthur b een forged to b e? 2 7 . What does Arthur concl ude ab out the reasons wars are fought?What does he see as the sol ution to the p rob l em of ending wars? 2 8 . To what does Arthur comp are his chiv al ric order of k nighthood idea?To whom does he giv e the j obof k eep ing the idea al iv e?How is this to b e accomp l ished? 2 9 . After Arthur awak ens from his dream ab out M erl yn, what does he rememb er?What final l yb ecomes v ery cl ear to him? 3 0 . According to Arthur, wherein l ies the hop e of mank ind?Why? 3 1 . What is to hap p en to Arthur?To Lancel ot?To Guenev er?To Mordred? Discussion Questions 1 . Trace the development of Arthurs concept of a new ideal of chivalry, beginning with the foundation of the Knights of the Round Tab l e. 2 .I n what three instances does the gore-crow ( or carrion crow) ap p ear in the story?How does White use it to foreshadow and to symboliz e Arthurs downfall? 3 . Comp are the descrip tion of the unicorn to Arthur. What p art does Agrav aine p l ay in the destruction of each? 4 . Nearing the completion of his novel, White considered various titles for it such as The Dreaming Kind, The Ancient Wrong,and Arthur Pendragon.How is the title White final l y chose consistent with b oth the Arthurian l egend and the tone on which White ends the b ook ? 5 . What ev idence can b e found in the nov el that White was himsel fap acifist during Worl d War I I ? 6 .I s Arthurs fate determined by destiny or free will? 7 . Summariz e Arthurs fears about the Holy Grail Quest. How can these same fears ex p l ain Arthurs own fate? 8 . What v iew of education is p resented in the nov el ? 9 . What p oint of v iew does White assume in tel l ing the story?Does his choice offer any adv antages to the reader?To the author himsel f? 1 0 . What concl usion might b e drawn from Whites abandonment of the high humor and fantasy that so p redominantl yp rev ail in P art I of the nov el ? 1 1 . Does this nov el offer anything rel ev ant to the l ife of a modern twentieth century reader?

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