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)urrently there are five staff mem#ers for the &har 'aden (ealth )linic% 7awa Tulku 8inpoche

*o#sang Tenpa *ungrig Ten9in :akpa *o#sang Thupten 1yima ;ll staff mem#ers are selected directly #y the monastery administration. The clinic #uilding has 1 office, . patient rooms, 2 consulting rooms, 1 dispensary, 2 staff rooms, 1 reception room, 1 treatment room, kitchen, dining room, supply room, and 2 rest rooms.

It is a huge task to keep the clinic operational to meet the growing needs of our many monks and friends of the community. The clinic treats over 20 patients a week, many needing medications and medical supplies. The total costs of this much needed clinic add up to 21,000 rupees a month ($ !0". It is only #y the continued support of our friends from around the world that we are a#le to provide this #eneficial service. $our generous support is much appreciated. To make a donation contact% &har 'aden (ealth )linic *ama )amp 1, +.,. Ti#etan )olony-.!1/11, 0undgod, 1.2., 2arnataka &tate, India )ell num#er% 31-3300241451

Shar Gaden Health Clinic

Since the monastery was established in South &ndia, the population of the monastery has been risin# rapidly day by day ' "ast amount of youn# students ha"e been enrolled who came from !ibet, the (imalayan re#ion, )epal, Mon#olia, etc !he climate we ha"e here is not "ery suitable for most of them and there ha"e been many cases of aller#ic On December 25th, 2011, Shar Gaden Monastery opened its new facilities for the clinic thanks to the support of many kind sponsors !his new clinic is able to pro"ide first rate aid to the monastery, "isitors, and the #eneral public for no char#e !he only cost is for patients is a "ery small fee for medications, and this only applies to those who are able !he clinic utili$es both %estern and traditional !ibetan medicine to treat its patients infections amon# the new*comers !his scenario has #i"en rise to many mysterious illnesses so far and many of them are beyond our ability to treat, hence, we fre+uently in"ite well*trained local doctors to check up on sick and feeble monks Sometimes patients ha"e to "isit well known hospitals outside of the monastery if the "isitin# doctor dia#noses the patients with serious infections %e stri"e to pro"ide these medical ser"ices only in order to benefit the monks and lay people who need medical help despite lack of a sufficient financial foundation !herefore, the Shar Gaden 'ltruistic ,linic 'ssociation fully depends on your #enerosity

)linic staff

0onks waiting to see the doctor

)linic :ispensary

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