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Drug Use Screening Inventory Revised (DUSI-R)

A. Background. a) The DUSI-R was deve o!ed to "u tidi"ensiona y #uanti$y severity o$ !ro% e"s. It is used to identi$y individua s $or !revention as we as "onitor changes $o owing intervention. The DUSI-R consists o$ !ara e versions $or ado escents and adu ts& there%y "aking it use$u $or re!eat ad"inistrations in ongitudina research. It "easures !ro% e" severity in '( do"ains) ') su%stance use& *) !sychiatric distur%ance& +) %ehavior !ro% e"s& ,) hea th& -) schoo ad.ust"ent& /) $a"i y ad.ust"ent& 0) work ad.ust"ent& 1) !eer re ations& 2) socia co"!etence& and& '() eisure3recreation. The DUSI-R has %een va idated using c assica and ite" res!onse theory !sycho"etric "ethods on youths and adu ts. %) The inventory is se $-ad"inistered. 4o"!uter interactive and !a!er and !enci versions are avai a% e. c) The DUSI-R has its ear y origins in "eetings he d a"ong e5!erts to de$ine the !ro% e" ai"s and ite" construct o$ an e$$icient screening instru"ent. Su%se#uent y& it has %een a!! ied in "u ti! e settings and trans ated into severa anguages. B. Scoring a) Scoring invo ves si"! y deter"ining the !ercent endorse"ents on each sca e as we as across a do"ains to yie d an overa !ro% e" density score. The ast ite" in each do"ain is scored se!arate y and the tota score ((-'() is the 6ie Sca e score. %) Severa !sycho"etric studies have %een conducted which docu"ents the DUSI-R7s construct& !redictive and discri"inative va idity. 8u% ications 1990 Tarter& R.9. ('22(). 9va uation and treat"ent o$ ado escent su%stance a%use) A decision tree "ethod. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse& 16('&*)& '-,/. Tarter& R.& 6aird& S.& :a%ene& ;.& Bukstein& <.& :a"iner& =. ('22(). Drug a%use severity in ado escents is associated with "agnitude o$ deviation in te"!era"ent traits. British Journal of Addictions& 85& '-('-'-(,.


1991 Tarter& R. > ?egedus& A.;. ('22'). The Drug Use Screening Inventory) Its a!! ication in the eva uation and treat"ent o$ a coho and drug a%use. Alcohol Health and Research World& 15& /-0-. Tarter& R.& 6aird& S.& > Bukstein& <. ('22'). ;u tivariate co"!arison o$ ado escent o$$s!ring o$ su%stance a%use !arents) 4o""unity and treat"ent sa"! es. Journal of ubstance Abuse& !& +('+(/ Tarter& R.9. ('22'). 8revention o$ Drug A%use) Theory and A!! ication. "he American Journal on Addictions& 1(')& *-*(. 199# Tarter& R.& ;oss& ?.& Arria& A.& > ;e@@ich& A.& Aanyukov& ;. ('22*). 8sychiatric diagnosis o$ a coho is") 4riti#ue and re$or"u ation. Alcoholism$ %linical and &'(erimental Research& 16& '(/-''/. ;e@@ich& A.& Tarter& R.& ?sieh-=-4& > Buhr"an& A. ('22*). Su%stance a%use in $e"a e ado escents) Association %etween age o$ "enarche and chrono ogica age. "he American Journal on Addictions& 1& *'0-**'. Tarter& R.& 6aird& S.& Bukstein& <.& > :a"iner& =. ('22*). Aa idation o$ the ado escent Drug Use Screening Inventory) 8re i"inary Bindings. )s*cholog* of Addicti+e Beha+iors& 6& *++-*+/. 199! ;e@@ich& A.& Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& 4 ark& D.& Bukstein& <.& > ;artin& 4. ('22+). Su%ty!es o$ ear y age onset a coho is". Alcoholism$ %linical and &'(erimental Research& 1,& 0/0-00(. 199Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& ?egedus& A.& ;e@@ich& A.& > Aanyukov& ;. ('22,). ?eterogeneity o$ ado escent a coho is". Annals of the .e/ 0or1 Academ* of ciences& ,08& '0*-'1(. Tarter& R. ('22,). Rediscovering o!!ortunities in the e"erging hea th services environ"ent. Journal of %linical )s*cholog*& 50& '''-''+. Tarter& R. ('22,). Integrative a!!roach $or the eva uation > treat"ent o$ a coho and drug a%use. In Directions of Rehabilitation %ounseling& Ao . '& 6esson '& 8ro$essiona Achieve"ent Services. ;e@@ich& A.& Tarter& R.& ?sieh& ?-4& > ;oss& ?. ('22,). 8 ate et ;onoa"ine <5idase and te"!era"ent and !ersona ity in ado escent $e"a e su%stance a%users. )ersonalit* and 2ndi+idual Differences& 16& ,'0-,*,. Tarter& R.& > Aanyukov& ;. ('22,). A coho is") A deve o!"enta disorder. %onsulting 3 %linical )s*cholog*& 6#4 10965110,6 Journal of

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1995 :irisci& 6.& Tarter& R.& Tse-4hi& ?. ('22,). Bitting a two-!ara"eter ogistic ite" res!onse "ode to c ari$y the !sycho"etric !ro!erties o$ the drug use screening inventory $or ado escent a coho and drug a%use. Alcoholism$ %linical and &'(erimental Research& 18& '++--'+,'. ;e@@ich& A.& ;oss& ?.& Tarter& R.& Do $enstein& ;.& ?sieh& =-4& > ;auss& R. ('22,). Eender di$$erences in the !attern and !rogression o$ su%stance a%use in conduct disordered ado escents. American Journal on Addictions& !& *12-*2-. :irisci& 6.& ;e@@ich& A.& Tarter& R. ('22-). Cor"s and sensitivity o$ the Ado escent Aersion o$ the Drug Use Screening Inventory. Addicti+e Beha+iors& #0& ',2-'-0. Tarter& R.& ;e@@ich& A.& ?sieh& =-4& > !arks& ;. ('22-). 4ognitive ca!acities in $e"a e ado escent su%stance a%users) Association with severity o$ drug a%use. Drug and Alcohol De(endence& +2& '--*'. ;e@@ich& A.& Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& ?sieh& =-4.& > Eri""& ;. ('22-). 4o!ing ca!acity in $e"a e ado escent su%stance a%users. Addicti+e Beha+iors& #0& '1'-'1-. Tarter& R. ('22-). Eenetics and !ri"ary !revention o$ drug and a coho a%use. "he 2nternational Journal of Addictions& !0& ',02-',1,. Tarter& R. ('22-). Rationa e and ;ethod o$ 4 ient-Treat"ent ;atching. "he %ounselor6 1996 Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& > ;e@@ich& A. ('22/). The Drug Use Screening Inventory) Schoo Ad.ust"ent 4orre ates o$ Su%stance A%use. 7easurement and &+aluation in %ounseling and De+elo(ment& #9& *--+,. Ces!or& :.& 4se"y& 6.& > 8ernicova& ?. ('22/). 4o"!rehensive schoo %ased !revention inc uding !eer !rogra""es. Al1oholi8mus a Drogo+e 9a+islosti :)rotial1oholic1* ;b8or& !1& '+-*'. 199, Tarter& R.& > :irisci& 6. ('220). The Drug Use Screening Inventory $or Adu ts) 8sycho"etric Structure and Discri"inative Sensitivity. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse & #!& *(0-*'2. Tarter& R.& > :irisci& 6. ('220). ;u tivariate ty!o ogy o$ ado escents with a coho use disorder. American Journal on Addictions& 6& '-(-'-1. Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& > 4 ark& D. ('220). Ado escent a coho is") I"!act o$ !aterna a coho is" on drinking %ehavior& drinking "otivation and conse#uences. Alcoholism$ %linical and &'(erimental Research& #1& '0'-'01.

1998 ;oss& ?.& Bonicatto& S.& :irisci& 6.& Eirarde i& A.& > ;urre e& 6. ('221). Su%stance a%use and associated !sychosocia !ro% e"s a"ong Argentina ado escents) se5 heterogeneity and $a"i ia trans"ission. Drug and Alcohol De(endence4 5#& **'-*+(. #000 De ;iche i& D. > Bor"igoni& ;. (*(((). Screening o$ drug use in a teenage Bra@i ian sa"! e using the Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI). Addicti+e Beha+iors& #5(-)& /1+-/2'. #001 Tarter& R.& > :irisci& 6. (*(('). Aa idity o$ the Drug Use Screening Inventory $or !redicting DS;-III-R su%stance use disorder. Journal of %hild and Adolescent ubstance Abuse& 10& ,--+. #00# Andrade& 6. (*((*). <actors of Acculturati+e tress as )redictors of ubstance =se in >atino 0outh. Un!u% ished Doctora Dissertation& A iant Internationa University& 4a i$ornia Schoo o$ 8ro$essiona 8sycho ogy (Bresno 4a"!us)& Bresno& 4a i$ornia. De ;iche i& D.& > Bor"igoni& ;. (*((*). Are reasons $or the $irst use o$ drugs and $a"i y circu"stances !redictors o$ $uture use !atternsF Addicti+e Beha+iors& #,& 10-'((. De ;iche i& D.& > Bor"igoni& ;. (*((*). 8sycho"etric !ro!erties o$ the Bra@i ian version o$ DUSI (Drug Use Screening Inventory). Alcoholism$ %linical and &'(erimental Research& #6& '-*+-'-*1. Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& Aanyukov& ;.& 4orne ius& G.& :.& Shoa & E.& > Eianco a& 8. (*((*). 8redicting Ado escent Aio ence) I"!act o$ Ba"i y ?istory& Su%stance Use& 8sychiatric ?istory& and Socia Ad.ust"ent. American Journal of )s*chiatr*& 159& '-,'-'-,0. Do an& E. (*((*). The Drug Use Screening Inventory Revised (DUSI-R). It7s va idity in a Cew Hea and 4onte5t. Dissertation $or ;asters o$ ?ea th Sciences& Auck and University& Auck and& Cew Hea and. #00! Aytac ar& S.& 9rkira"& ;.& :irisci& 6.& > Tarter& R. (*((+). Su%stance a%use and associated !sychosocia risk $actors a"ong Turkish "a e ado escents. Addicti+e Beha+iors& #8& ','2-',*2. Siewert& 9.& Sta ings& ;.& > ?ewitt& G. (*((+). Eenetic and environ"enta ana ysis o$ %ehaviora risk $actors $or ado escent drug use in a co""unity twin sa"! e. "/in Research& 6& ,2(-,2/. Tarter& R.& :irisci& 6.& ;e@@ich& A.& 4orne ius& G.& :.& Aanyukov& ;.& Eardner& D.& > 4 ark& D. (*((+). Ceuro%ehavior disinhi%ition in chi dhood !redicts ear y age onset o$ su%stance use disorder. American Journal of )s*chiatr*& 160& '(01-'(1-.

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