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All vehicles in Victoria must conform to construction standards to ensure vehicles provide drivers and passengers with a minimum

level of safety. The construction standards are contained in the Vehicle Standards Information Sheets. To find the standard you need select the corresponding number to the information sheet you request. These standards are complemented by the Australian Design Rules.

Current Vehicle Standards Information Sheets

Title Additional or replacement Seats [PDF, 168KB] Additional Seat Belts [PDF, #$%KB] Number No. 19 No. 1# Date Novem er !""9 &arc' 1998

A(stralian Desi)n *(les S(mmar+ [PDF 1,#1%KB, !"pp]

No. !!

,an(ar+ !"""

B(ll ars [PDF, 16$KB]

No. 1

Novem er !""9

-'ild restraint anc'ora)es [PDF, #8#KB]

No. 1$ No. # No. !%

,an(ar+ !""" Novem er !""9 ,an(ar+ !"""

-onversion o. /e'icles to &otor 0omes [PDF, 1$$KB] Dimension limits [PDF, 61#KB]

Drivers .ield o. vie1 [PDF, 668KB]

No. !9

,an(ar+ !"""

Flas'in) or *otatin) 2arnin) 3amps [PDF, 1$!KB]

No. 1!

Novem er !""9

0eav+ /e'icle &odi.ications [PDF, 16%KB]

No. %!

Novem er !""9

0i)' &o(nted Bra4e 3amps [PDF, #55KB]

No. 1%

,(ne 1998

6mported /e'icles -onditions .or *e)istration in /ictoria [PDF, 186KB]

No. % No. 18

Novem er !""9 Novem er !""9

3e.t 0and Drive /e'icles 7 ve'icles converted to *i)'t 0and Drive [PDF, 15#KB] No. %1 No. !$ No. 8 No. 5 No. 11 No. 6 No. !6 No. !1 No. !# Decem er !""# =cto er !"11 =cto er !"11 ,an(ar+ !""" &arc' 1998 &a+ !""6 Decem er !"1! ,an(ar+ !""" &a+ !""6

3icensed Passen)er /e'icle Standards 8 9a:is [PDF, 1818KB, 1%pp] 3P;<3N;<-N; -onversion [PDF, !5!KB, !pp]

&odi.ication ;(ide [PDF, !$9KB, 8pp] &otor -+cle<&oped *e>(irements [PDF, 88!KB] *ear &ar4in) Plates ?*e.lective@ [PDF, 6#6KB] *e>(irements .or A A Frame 9o1in) o. /e'icles [PDF, !"KB]

*oad1ort'iness *e>(irements [PDF, 51#KB, 1!pp] Seat Belts S(mmar+ [PDF, 656KB] Sectionalised *epairs [PDF, !!KB]

S(mmar+ o. t'e Spra+ S(ppression re>(irements .or BADo( les<9riples No. $ [PDF, 86!KB] No. !5 No. 9 No. 16

,an(ar+ !"""

9o1 Bars and -o(plin)s [PDF, 6"#KB] 9railer *e)istration *e>(irements pre ,(l+ 1991 [PDF, 88!KB, 6pp]B 9+re maintenance and repairs [PDF, #86KB]

,an(ar+ !""" &arc' !""1 ,an(ar+ !"""

2indo1 9intin) [PDF, 16!KB]

No. !

Novem er !""9

!or trailers built after "uly #$$#% refer to the VS&# 'ommonwealth Vehicle Standards &ulletins View the 'ommonwealth Vehicle Standards &ulletins (e)ternal website* View theAustralian Design Rules(e)ternal website*

Superseded Vehicle Standards Information Sheets

Title Number No. 8 Date &a+ !""%

;(ide to &odi.ication .or &otor /e'icles [PDF, $86KB]

6nternal *oll Bars and *oll -a)es [PDF, 6#"KB]

No. !8 No %" No !6

,an(ar+ !""" &a+ !"1" Novem er !""9

3icensed Passen)er /e'icle Standards [PDF, $!#KB, 1$pp] *oad1ort'iness *e>(irements [PDF, %8"KB, 1"pp]

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